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Published by Halston Media, 2021-01-27 19:48:48

North Salem News 01.28.21

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 6 No. 46 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, January 28, 2021

Survey reveals high school students stressed out

Remote learning, lack of social contact, having impact

BY ABBY LUBY dress the feedback.” Freeston said the district was

CONTRIBUTING WRITER e follow-up calls to students considering a new approach to

probe a little more deeply and get asynchronous Wednesdays, which

As survey has revealed that a better sense of what speci cally is an open day without classes.

teens learning remotely from is adding to the students’ stress “We are looking at a new vari-

home for much of the week, cou- level. able in regard to asynchronous

pled with limitations in hanging Additionally, the survey re- Wednesdays and surveying par-

out with friends, has elevated their vealed that students were strug- ents to see what their ideas are,”

stress levels. gling with organization and ex- Freeston explained. “We will

At the Jan. 20 North Salem pressed a need for more assistance know in another week or two

Board of Education meeting, in organizational skills. ose stu- and we’ve got good student data

Adam VanDerStuyf, director of dents also received follow-up calls. already.”

pupil personnel services, said that “ ere’s a plan for the remain-

a Wellness Committee survey of der of the year to have small meet- NEW COVID GUIDELINES

North Salem High School stu- ings facilitated by school counsel- AND TESTING

dents in grades 10-12 showed ors and school counseling interns According to Freeston, a new FILE PHOTO

they were experiencing a high to help with the development of set of guidelines have been issued

level of stress. organizational skills,” VanDer- by the Westchester Department of

Responding to the survey were Stuyf said. Health (DOH) regarding school growth in daily admissions. To to move forward by next week.”

171 out of a total of 267 students. Concerns that students who are districts testing for COVID. date, the district is not in a yellow e Westchester DOH has

On a scale of 1 through 10, those learning remotely from home are “We have found over the past zone. asked school districts to no longer

who rated their stress level on a spending too much time in front four or ve days a robust spread of Freeston also spoke of other con rm COVID positive cases

scale from 7 to 10 received an of the screen was a topic Super- positive cases within families but school districts that use surveil- with the DOH.

individual follow-up call from intendent Ken Freeston discussed not so much in sta ,” he said. lance testing, which is voluntary “In the past, if we receive a no-

a school counselor or psycholo- with parents at PTO meetings e district follows the West- testing of students and sta to en- tice of a positive case of COVID,

gist. VanDerStuyf didn’t say how over the past three weeks. chester DOH updated guidelines able districts to keep schools open. our rst step was to contact the

many respondents were called. “We’ve had wonderful PTO that mandate schools in a yellow Currently, the district is negotiat- DOH,” VanDerStuyf said. “We

“ e numbers [of responses to meetings with parents,” said Ken zone test students. According to ing with a vendor to do the testing are no longer doing that.”

the survey] continue to increase Freeston, school superintendent. state guidelines, a yellow zone has and is very close to an agreement, New guidelines on quarantin-

and are getting closer to 267,” “Clearly there is a need to reduce a 3 percent positivity rate (seven- according to Barbara Briganti, ing were issued at the beginning

said VanDerStuyf. “A lot of good screen time. You’re watching your day average) over the past 10 days, assistant superintendent for busi- of the month which de ne a

data came back and that data is kids and they are on [the screen] or is in the top 10 percent in the ness administration. “close contact” that requires one

important to counselors as far as for ve to seven hours a day. at’s state for hospital admissions per “We are able to work on [cer- to quarantine as being less than

getting feedback from students. not good for mental health and capita over the past week and is tain] di erences and come to an SEE SURVEY PAGE 6

ere are concrete plans to ad- for learning.” experiencing week-over-week agreement,” she said. “We expect

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8 Miras family experiences
17 baby boom.

pg 3

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Thursday, January 28, 2021 Your Neighbor North Salem News – Page 3

All in the family

Four of nine siblings pregnant at the same time

BY CAROL REIF Deanna live in South Carolina

STAFF WRITER and have two children: Nathan,

10; and Derek, 7. Deanna always

Early in the pandemic, some gives her in-laws a calendar made

folks were joking about quaran- personal with family photos. is

tines spurring a “Generation C” year, she cleverly inserted a photo

baby explosion. of her sonogram so when the

Now U.S. experts predict that Mirases ipped to the month of

it’s likely there will actually be as June… surprise!

many as 300,000 fewer births in e other pregnancies gave

2021. the Steven Jr. and Deanna some

Whether social distancing, pause.

shaky nances, or childcare chal- “We had no idea that anyone

lenges are at fault, they claim else was trying to have a baby,”

that COVID-19 put a damper said Steve Jr., who said they’d

on pregnancies—planned or un- been thinking about expanding

planned. their family for years.

But statisticians can’t blame e ticking clock was just the

one happily fertile North Salem push they needed.

family for the falling numbers. “Time creeps up on you and

Steven and Maryanne Mi- we weren’t getting any younger,”

ras started their own mini-baby he said.

boom back in the 1970s when Daughter Eileen, who lives

they had the rst of nine children. in Somers with husband Rob

(Maryanne recently retired af- Smith, is due in July. ey have

ter nearly a quarter-century driv- a 2-year-old daughter, Reese. Ei-

ing a school bus in North Salem; leen wasn’t shocked that she and

Steve runs a limo service.) three of her siblings were expect-

Seven of their o spring grew ing at the same time. Steve Sr. and Maryanne with all nine of their kids
up to get married and have fami- “When you come from a fami-

lies of their own. ly of nine someone’s always preg- Gio, about to turn 2, knows and Karl stuck to plans to start a pains and strange cravings.

Now, four of those children nant,” she said. “Hopefully, we he’s going to be a big brother. family in 2021. Not awaiting the stork—at

are getting ready to provide the can coordinate things, like have How he’ll feel about having to Last year was supposed to be least right now—are Karen, the

proud grandparents with a new one baptism and call it a day.” share mommy and daddy after their last hurrah before parent- youngest married daughter, who

crop of kiddies to cuddle. Everyone’s excited that the baby arrives is another story. hood. ey traveled to Ireland, lives in Hawaii with her husband,

ey are not all due at the same soon-to-be-born cousins will Son Karl and wife, Arielle, live but COVID-19 put an end to Tyrone, and 1-year-old son, Jack-

time, but it’s pretty close. be so close in age that “they can in Stamford, Conn. ey are due their plans to visit Spain and Ha- son; Cathleen and her husband,

Daughter Libby and her grow together.” in August. waii. Chad, who have two girls, Abi-

husband, Mike Porrata, live in e Miras household was An only child, Arielle feels Having three sisters-in-law gail and Ava; and son William

Brooklyn. ey are due in May. “loud and messy but fun,” Libby “very lucky” to have married who are already mothers—and and his wife, Lucia, who live in

ey already have a toddler, Gio. recalled, adding, “ ere was al- into a large family. Naturally, her pregnant at the same time— Washington D.C. with their

Son Steven Jr. and his wife, ways someone to play with.” parents are over the moon at the means she has easy access to ad- twins, Malcolm and Hugo.

prospect of having a grandchild vice and support. ( e oldest two siblings are

to spoil. e moms-to-be even have a Maryanne and John. ey live

“It’s been a crazy year,” she texting thread—“Pregos 2021”— in Brooklyn and Manhattan, re-

said, but pandemic or not, she where they share stories of aches, spectively.)

ere are nine grandchildren…

so far. With four more on the

way, there’ll be more than enough

for another Miras baseball team.

What’s the reason behind this

bouncing bundle of blessings?

“I’m dumbfounded,” admit-

ted Steven Sr. “ e only reason

I can think of is the lockdown

when everyone had to remain at

home—and guess what?”

Big families are in their genes.

Maryanne’s maternal grand-

mother was one of seven kids; her

mother birthed ve, all girls.

“Even our dog was female,”she

recalled, laughing.

Is it easier to raise girls than


Nope. “ ey all drove me cra-

zy,” Maryanne said.

Libby and Mike Porrata with Gio Karl and Arielle Miras SEE FAMILY PAGE 16

Page 4 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, January 28, 2021

The Staff Recreation mediate Snowboarders - Intro Town Committee is continuing of Family Services of Westches-

EDITORIAL TEAM Programs to freestyle snowboarding and partnering with United for the ter has volunteers willing and
JODI WEINBERGER Park Smart Terrain Park Safety Troops ( able to shop for seniors at this

EDITOR: 914-302-5830 Programs (Due to COV- Program. Six-week program, until the new year to sponsor a gift time. Ride Connect has volun-
[email protected]
ID-19, space is extremely limit- 90-minute lessons. Available collection initiative for soldiers teers willing and able to drive
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-302-5628 ed in all programs. Registrations lessons: Wednesday, 5:30 p.m.; who are serving overseas. We have seniors to their medical appoint-
[email protected]
will be rst come, rst served.) Friday, 5 p.m. Lesson: $208 - set up collection boxes with local ments. Ride Connect serves all
PAUL FORHAN Learn-to-Skate at Brewster Lift ticket: $150 - Equipment businesses where residents can of Westchester and southern

(914) 806-3951 Ice Arena rental: $150. drop o donations through Friday Putnam Counties. e number
[email protected]
e Learn-to-Skate program North Salem January 8th. is will make it in to call to request a volunteer
BRUCE HELLER is for 4- to 12-year olds at vary-
(914) 486-7608 time for Valentine’s Day! shopper or a ride to a medical
[email protected]
ing levels of skating experience. Republican Town Families and children might appointment is (914) 242-7433.
LISA KAIN $185 per session, per skater. Fee Committee also consider writing letters, All services are free to seniors!
(201) 317-1139 includes public skate before les- sending Valentine’s cards, or Anyone wishing to volunteer for
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON son. Skate rental not included. drawing pictures of apprecia- RideConnect or nd out more
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] Fridays, 5:30-6 p.m. or Tuesdays, e North Salem Republican tion that can be distributed to can also contact us (914)242-

JAY GUSSAK 5:10-5:40 p.m. Session 3 is un- Town Committee is comprised the soldiers along with the gifts. 7433 or via email at kganis@fsw.
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] derway. Session 4 starts Tuesday, of registered Republicans who Collection boxes are at the fol- org
(917) 446-7757 March 2 or Fridayk March 3. are North Salem Residents that lowing locations: North Salem
[email protected] Learn to Ski or Snowboard become District Leaders. If you Kingsley’s Deli, 252 June
(914) 924-9122 at Thunder Ridge have strong conservative values Road, North Salem Recreation
[email protected] Dept.
GABRIELLE BILIK Open Enrollment Program and a desire to help shape the Gordon’s Deli, 10 Front St.,
[email protected] - Rec Dept special pricing. You future of our town, you may Croton Falls

PRODUCTION TEAM choose the date/time that works have a place on our committee. Hay eld’s Market, 1 Bloomer
best for you! Six-week program, Email northsalemrepublicans@ Road, North Salem Floor Hockey
PHOTOGRAPHER 90 minute lessons. 8 years old- if you are interested Please consider purchasing Program has begun but there

[email protected] plus. Adults welcome. Available in joining our committee. If you some of your donations at these is still room! Open oor for boys
ART DIRECTOR/ lessons: ursday, 5:30 p.m.; want to send a contribution, mail establishments! See next page and girls to practice, scrimmage,

DIGITAL PRODUCTION MANAGER Friday, 5 or 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, to: North Salem Republican for Troop wish list! Any ques- and learn a few new skills with
[email protected]
3:30 or 5:30 p.m.; Sunday, 3:30 Town Committee, P.O. Box 289 tions? Please email us at north- friends. No experience neces-
BRETT FREEMAN p.m.; Monday-Wednesday, 5:30 North Salem, NY 10560. [email protected] sary. All COVID-19 guidelines
845-208-8151 p.m. Lesson: $208 - Lift ticket: Valentines for RideConnect followed. $50 fee for 5 weeks.
$150 - Equipment Rental: $150. Tuesdays at JB Park, 15 Sunset
[email protected]
No transportation/chaperones the Troops Program Drive. 4-4:45 p.m. (2-4 grades),
Deadlines o ered this year. 5-5:45 p.m. (5 and 6 grades).

NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE Freestyle Program for Inter- e North Salem Republican e RideConnect a program [email protected]
To advertise in North Salem News, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].
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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, January 28, 2021

SURVEY Ronald McDonald House
launches COVID relief plan
Ronald McDonald House of the Great- sonal-care products for all the families, and
6 feet from another person for longer than 10
minutes over a 24-hour period. er Hudson Valley recently launched a CO- has continued to do so during this pan-

“In a classroom, where desks are 6 feet VID relief plan to enable the organization demic. In July, Ronald McDonald House
apart or more and a teacher is moving about
the classroom, he or she may very well not to continue providing critical services to re-opened to continue its mission of keep-
be within those parameters for 10 minutes or
more,” VanDerStuyf explained. “Especially families experiencing medical crises during ing families close, but with a number of
at the middle and high schools within the
42-minute period. At PQ, it’s di erent where this global pandemic. limitations to assure the safety of everyone.
the students are with teachers for the dura-
tion of the day.” rough this plan, the House, a regis- Ongoing COVID restrictions have

If the district determines someone needs to tered 501(c)(3) non-pro t organization, led to a restricted number of volunteers
quarantine, it provides the DOH with a list
for contact tracing. If the district has a posi- can provide immediate needs such as food permitted onsite, so all of the necessary families as we fully re-open our House in
tive COVID case but there is no close con-
tact, they don’t have to report it to the West- and shelter to families with children receiv- things volunteers do for families—donat- the upcoming months.”
chester DOH, but they do report positive
cases to the New York State Report Card, the ing medical treatment at the Maria Fareri ing, preparing, and serving meals—have Donations to the Ronald McDonald
daily updated statewide data showing infec-
tion rates and new cases at every school. Children’s Hospital in Valhalla and other stopped. e immediate needs that will be House COVID Relief Plan can be made

ENROLLMENT CORRECTION local pediatric medical facilities. supported by the COVID Relief Plan will at
At the board meeting on Jan. 6, Freeston
For almost a decade, Ronald McDon- include continued support through ongo- covid-relief-plan.
said the district had seen an uptick in en-
rollment since Oct. 15, 2020 with an addi- ald House, which is just steps away from ing programs, such as the: Meals that Heal The Ronald McDonald House of the
tional 59 students, which was reported in e
North Salem News. At the Jan. 20 meeting, the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at program—to give families one less thing to Greater Hudson Valley provides families
Freeston corrected that assessment.
Westchester Medical Center, has provided worry about during their stay at the Ronald with critically ill and traumatically injured
“I was partially in error,” he said. “We have
50 [new] students since Sept. 1, 2020, which a home away from home for more than McDonald House; and providing personal children an atmosphere of comfort, hope
is at the start of the school year. It’s still a big
number even after school opens [in the fall]. 2,000 families with hospitalized children protective equipment for sta and families. and courage, keeping them close to the

is is a big change for us.” in critical condition, saving them over $5 e plan will also focus on new initia- care and resources they need. The House
e nine additional students were enrolled
million dollars in lodging and meal costs. tives necessary to provide support during has 12 bedrooms that are filled almost
in October.
Even during a pandemic, children still get the changing times, including remote edu- every night. It also provides meals, laun-

very sick or injured—requiring medical cation resources (such as access to technol- dry, and respite services for our families

care—and families need support for that ogy and broadband) for young students during their stay. Located on the campus

care that may be far from home. and their parents staying at the house and of the Westchester Medical Center in Val-

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health support for sta and fami- halla, the House is just steps away from the

when the House was forced to close its lies. Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital. Since it

doors, the organization continued to help “ e stress and uncertainty that we all opened in 2011, more than 2,000 families

the families in need by providing accom- experienced this year reminds us of what have called the House their home.

modations o site at local hotels and Airb- families with critically ill children face ev-

nb homes to keep families close to their ery day,” said Anthony Trimarchi, board is press release was issued by e Ronald

child and his/her medical care. e House member. “ e COVID Relief Plan will McDonald House of the Greater Hudson

also provides daily meals, snacks, and per- enable us to continue to support these Valley.

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Thursday, January 28, 2021 North Salem News – Page 7

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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, January 28, 2021


In praise of houseplants Learning about
February’s special days
READING, Just looking up from your sunny condo in Cross River,
WRITING & computer to gaze at the I was ecstatic to have a bay STRONG didn’t see its shadow, which meant
CHOCOLATE natural greenery can reduce window in the kitchen with LEARNING it was a cloudy day, spring would
KIM stress and improve focus. southern exposure. I did my come early. Of course, there’s
KOVACH plant research and bought sev- DR. LINDA no relationship at all between a
Even more studies have eral owering African violets, SILBERT groundhog’s experience and the
shown that patients heal an aloe plant and a large jade arrival of spring. (What if the
plant. Dear Dr. Linda, groundhog lives in the southern
faster when plants are added I’m the fourth-grade teacher hemisphere where it’s hot on Feb.
I purchased a couple of 2? What if a groundhog in Penn-
to their rooms. e greenery pothos plants for the rooms who puts up a calendar every sylvania sees its shadow, but one in
with indirect sunlight to bring month showing all the special days Florida doesn’t?)
One of the silver linings is calming and makes the more nature into each room. in the month. Would you mind
of living this past year Over the next 20 years, my sending me last year’s column e question is why intelligent
in lockdown is the room feel less sterile and more aloe, jade and pothos plants regarding special days in Febru- adults who understand the dif-
like a sanctuary. Houseplants happily co-existed, moving ary. I think it’s important for kids ference between fact and ction
in patient rooms after surgery with me to South Salem. to learn about people from the still fall back on ctional family
past and why certain holidays are traditions. Because, as children,
renewed popularity in house- were credited with lowering Recently, I asked a few celebrated. Hopefully, parents can the traditions gave them a sense of
friends about their house- talk about them with their children security. Since no one knows what
plants. Sure, lots of people ran blood pressure and reducing plants. John has an amazing at home. will happen in the future, continu-
plant story. John said that he ing these traditions brings back
out and adopted dogs and cats anxiety. Patients often required bought his rst houseplant in Denise that warm feeling they felt at the
1968, a year after moving to Dear Denise, time it all began. ey feel safer,
to keep them company dur- less pain medication. Westchester to work at IBM. more con dent and more secure.
He still has that rst corn plant anks for your email. I agree
ing the early days of 2020. But In one of my rst jobs after to this very day in his home that it’s extremely important for Here’s a quiz about dates of note
in Lewisboro – more than 52 children to learn about holidays, in the month of February. An-
many of us discovered that graduating from college, I years! special days, and birthdays because swers appear at the bottom of the
it’s an opportunity to remember column.
adding a bit of greenery helped worked as an editorial assistant John said that in its prime, how di erent events and people
the corn plant grew to be ten have had impact on our country From the descriptions, name
to bring new life into the con- at a human rights organization. feet tall. “I used to decorate and culture. Ground Hog Day is a the holiday, special day or person
it with ornaments for the good example of that. It seems that associated with February.
nes of home. Browsing on my lunch break, holidays,” he said with a laugh. this tradition began in Germany
“Now it’s down to 16 leaves. in the 1800s with a Pennsylvania 1. Which president’s birthday is
ere are many bene ts of I saw a selection of cute little It’s on the way out and makes Dutch superstition. If a groundhog on February 22?
me sad.” saw its shadow after coming out of
bringing houseplants into your potted jade plants. I selected its den on Feb. 2 (which meant it 2. Which president’s birthday is
Popular houseplants to was a clear day), it would go back on February 12?
life. Just seeing green leaves and two jade plants for my desk bring home this winter include to its den, knowing there would
spider plants, snake plants, jade, be six more weeks of winter. If it 3. Which popular holiday is
colorful owers can brighten at work. e little jade plants pothos, and Swiss Cheese plant celebrated on February 14?
(Monstera deliciosa).
your mood and lower stress. As made me smile when I looked 4. On what date every year
Kim Kovach teaches ction does a groundhog come out of its
a decorative accent, plants can at them. I even named them. writing and writing personal cozy underground den to make a
stories via Zoom. www. weather prediction?
add life and color to any small Since my desk was not near
space. a window, I moved my jade

e experience of nurturing plants to the windowsill in my

a living entity that does not boss’s o ce on Friday eve-

talk back or need to be walked nings. e plants could soak

outside can bring feelings of up some natural light over the

joy. Companionship is another weekends. is plan worked

big plus for keeping house- very well until the radiators

plants in one or two rooms. kicked on over a long holiday

While watering and tending to weekend. When I arrived at

their leafy green friends, many work on Tuesday morning,

people actually talk or sing to my poor jade plants had been

their plants. mummi ed by the steam heat

According to the internet, hissing up from the radiator

studies have shown that o ce/ below the windowsill!

work space productivity actu- Years later, when I moved

ally increases when plants are out of my dark fourth- oor

added to a desk or windowsill. Manhattan apartment to a

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
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Thursday, January 28, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9


THE with honey from Hudson River a beer so strong. I took home a of this beer which also provided Beer Reviews
KATONAH Apiaries. Golden in color, a fruit crowler (canned growler). notes of caramel, plums, spice, and We have this review submitted
BEER MAN and spice nose, we found that the dried fruit. Additionally, the beer by new Western New York cor-
honey introduces the taste but then Cranberry-Lime Gose 4.9% name itself is both an homage to respondent and expert internet
JOHN BART the taste nishes nicely dry. My palette training journey Belgium and Trappist style beers image researcher: White Christmas
continues with this Gose (Go-za) often made by monks, as well as to Ale from NY Beer Project 7%:
Isuggest we use Jupiter and El Tropical IPA 6.4% o ering. ough the ingredient one of my favorite jazz artists and “Fresh from the tap. Belgian Blonde
Saturn as a guide for 2021 for e juice is loose! We found this list for this and other Goses appear the brewer’s as well, elonious with Cacao nibs and hints of mint.
getting back on track. similar to the list of seasonings Monk. Notes of allspice and clove, delight-
I am referring to a recent and rare Hazy IPA to be lighter tasting in a for a dinner entrée, when the salt ful. Hits your tongue like a candy
celestial event called the Christmas good way compared to some other component is mellow, I like these Growler & crowler ll-ups are cane without overwhelming you
Star. is is when the two BIG- hazies that aggressively confront refreshing qua s – especially when available for all their beers to go. with sweetness.
GEST planets in the universe, your palette. Refreshing, with fruited. Soul’s Gose is absolutely
Jupiter and Saturn, align and appear dominant tropical, citrus, and fruity mellow all around with the brewer’s ey plan to distro kegs as well as e mood is set. Go Bills.”
as one. at hasn’t happened for hop character in a rich creamy base description matching our experi- cans in the next few months so keep Wherever you are reading this
800 years. of malt, oats, and wheat. A prize ence: “lightly tart with a mild an eye out. article, please help local businesses
goes to anyone that writes me back saltiness, and notes of cranberry and
Given all the recent events in with the original reference to “ e lime popsicle or sherbet.” If that wasn’t enough of a terri c e Katonah Beer Man
Washington DC and elsewhere Juice is Loose” Monks Dream Dubbel 7% experience, not 1, not 2, but 3 folks
around our country, I see that as a Belgium Dubbel style is one came into Soul while we were there e: [email protected]
strong sign that if the largest planets Truth Serum XX DIPA 8.5% of my faves and a certain recom- wearing Bu alo Bills hats! Nirvana i: Instagram - thekatonahbeerman,
in the universe can align, the people Honesty remains the best policy mendation for those who would for this Western New York bred plenty of room for more followers w:
here in the United States can and I predict this Double IPA will like more awesome malty avor in writer as I unabashedly yelled out thekatonahbeerman.wordpress.coms:
certainly endeavor to unite together replace the Polygraph machine in their lives. Picture a stronger richer “Go Bills”to each and got the same Smithsonian archive of past articles
a whole lot better than we have the near future. A hazy Double Brown Ale with a Belgium back- back. Good vibes abounded. can be found here:
recently. IPA with a rm bitterness backing bone, which typically means it has katonah-slash-lewisboro/sections/food-
and predominant citrus and tropical a bit more carbonation that other As I mentioned above, these nice and-drink/articles
Now on to the uniting qualities fruit hop notes from multiple ad- styles. We really liked the richness folks opened in March 2020 and
of beer: ditions of Citra, Motueka, Mosaic are persevering through these virus-
and Simcoe hops. Not boozy for times just as we all are. I suggest
Field Trip: Soul Brewing Com- you give them a try.
pany, Pleasantville
2020 was a; Insta- CRAZY YEAR!
gram: @soulbrewingcompany; 43
Wheeler Ave Pleasantville; 914- We can help make your taxes less crazy.
845-628-5400 | [email protected]
On a recent afternoon, not sure
which one (does anyone really know
what day it is these days?), a few 824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
mostly upstanding beer-curious
citizens and I took a eld trip to Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
Soul Brewing Company in quaint This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
and welcoming Pleasantville and it
was an excellent experience… accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

Opened in March 2020 (cue
dramatic music), the space gives o
a small warehouse feel with tall ceil-
ings, lots of ventilation and limited
number of well-spaced tables. Great
background tunes and the faux re-
place added to the warm ambiance.

We were warmly greeted by
friendly and e cient bartender
Josh, who clearly spelled out the
beer, food and distancing process.

Before we get to the suds, let
me mention the nice food/snack
selections: local bakery LMNOP
Bavarian pretzel with mustard or
beer cheese, cheese and charcuterie
platter, empanadas, and avored
popcorn. Serendipitously, all these
go well with beer…

Here’s our collective view of
a sample of Soul Brews we tried
(spoiler: all good)

Empire Pale Ale 5.1%
Made with all New York ingre-
dients, an excellent representation
of the British ESB (Extra Special
Bitter) style which may be a bit of
a misnomer because that style is
known for the balanced interplay
between malt and hop bitterness
and Soul’s o ering played very well.
Hudson Honey Blond 6%
Belgian Blonde-Style Ale made

Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, January 28, 2021


Innovations in solar technology

BY ANUJ KAPOOR deliver greater e ciencies at a want, although most homeown- the newest solar power innova- around 25 percent of the elec-
dramatically lower cost. ers choose to do it seasonally, tions, projected to grow expo- tricity that traditional solar
When people think of
solar power, most of Fixed tilt solar panels: ese typically two to four times a year. nentially in popularity in the panels do in the day. While this
the time they think of
the traditional, common solar- are traditional panels that are When this adjustment is made next few years, is bifacial solar number may seem small by itself,
panel technologies. ese in-
clude the solar panels xed into most common for residential use. correctly, adjustable panels can panels. Bifacial panels have solar this technology could represent
a rooftop, or the large arrays of
solar panels in large open spaces. As you might guess from their capture over 75 percent of the cells on both sides. e front a turning point in sustainable
However, there are many newer
solar technologies that will revo- name, xed panels stay stationary available solar radiation, as- captures direct sunlight while power as it represents a sizable
lutionize the way we think about
not just solar, but energy pro- at all times. at makes nding suming tree shading and other the back absorbs re ected light. increase in energy overall, since
duction in general. Solar-panel
technology no longer needs to their optimal tilt angle absolutely obstructions are not an issue. ese panels are starting to current systems don’t operate at
take up so much space and can
even be personally designed to vital to their overall productivity. Rotating tilt solar panels: be competitively priced, de- all during the night.
look the way you want!
Fixed-tilt PV (photovoltaic) sys- Tracking systems move the liver greater e ciency, increased Building-integrated photo-
In this article, I will introduce
di erent technologies. Some are tems use two separate angles that panels throughout the day in power production and can take voltaics (BIPV): is technol-
already available for commercial
purchase, while others are still in determine their orientation rela- order to keep them facing the up less space. Residential uses are ogy can seamlessly blend into
early research and development
stages. Once these technologies tive to the sun: the azimuth and sun. e longer they are aligned most productive on light-colored building architecture in the form
are broadly available for use, the
world will be generating energy the tilt. e azimuth speci es the with the sun, the more energy surfaces. Bifacial solar panels of roofs, canopies, curtain walls,
like never before. Over the past
couple of years, the cost of solar compass direction that a tilted they can produce. e surface work well as awnings or pergolas. facades, and skylight systems.
technology has decreased dra-
matically. e future of solar is panel is facing. Most panels in can be rotated around each axis Anti-solar panels: Researchers is makes the technology aes-
amazingly “bright” since these
new technologies promise to the Northern Hemisphere are (tilted) to get the right angle for from the University of Califor- thetically appealing rather than

south facing. e tilt is the angle receiving the maximum sunlight. nia, Davis have announced a new a compromise to a building’s

from the horizontal ground. When movement or adjustment invention that could harness so- design. It also enables home-

Most utility-scale xed-tilt solar of the surface happens by rotat- lar power at night. As made clear owners to simultaneously save on

photovoltaic systems are tilted ing around one axis, it is called by their name, these anti-solar building materials and electric

20-30 degrees. Because they single-axis tracking. On the panels work in a way opposite to power costs, which makes it not

have no moving parts, xed-tilt other hand, when the rotation traditional ones. Current solar only aesthetically appealing, but

solar systems require little care of the surface happens around panels draw energy coming from helps increase energy e ciency,

other than an occasional inspec- two axes simultaneously, it is the sun, while anti-solar panels improves high thermal and

tion. called dual-axis tracking. ese use a phenomenon known as sound insulation and provides

Adjustable tilt solar panels: solar panels are used primarily radiative cooling that uses heat clean power output from the sun

If you want to maximize your in a commercial setting or with radiating o the Earth’s surface all while helping achieve a zero-

solar production, an adjustable solar panels on the ground rather and converts it into electricity. carbon footprint.

mounting system may be a bet- than rooftops due to the limited While this process doesn’t equal Solar skins: A MIT startup

ter choice for your home. ese nature of rotating tilt that can be the amount of energy generated has created a “solar skin” product

mounts allow you to shift the performed in a rooftop setting. during the day, it is estimated SEE KAPOOR PAGE11
that the devices could produce
angle of the panel as often as you Bifacial solar panels: One of


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Thursday, January 28, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11

Sing me a lullaby

“What? You mean snoring?” “Rock? Opera? Klezmer?” “I don’t know anyone named “OK?”
“No.” Earl.” “Yeah, but I have one ques-
“No. Singing. You woke me “Country? Heavy Metal? tion.”
Show tunes?” “Is there something you’re not “What?”
TRACY up.” “No, it wasn’t any of those.” telling me?”
BECKERMAN “I don’t sing in my sleep. “ en what was it?!?” “Do you take requests?”
“Well, you were singing “I think it was ‘Happy Birth- “NO!!”
day.’” “ en why are you singing to Tracy Beckerman is embarking
tonight.” “I was singing ‘Happy Birth- him?” on a new adventure as an empty
day?’” “I DON’T KNOW ANY- nester! Now, instead of being
“You mean talking?” “Yes. To someone named ONE NAMED EARL!” “Lost in Suburbia,” she is “Lost in
Earl.” “Unless you do.” Midlife.” Life is just as funny…
“No, singing?” “I was singing ‘Happy Birth- “Look, I’m really sorry I was but with a lot less laundry. For
day’ in my sleep to someone singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to more midlife humor, you can follow
“Honey wake up,”said “Seriously?” named Earl.” someone named Earl in my her on Facebook at
my husband ur- “Yes. Who’s Earl?” sleep, who I honestly don’t know, LostinsuburbiaFanPage.
gently. “Yes.” and I woke you up.”
“Well, what was I singing?” “OK.”
“I don’t know. I was asleep.”

“What?” I said, sitting up in “Well, what did it sound like

bed. “What’s wrong.” when you woke up? Was it gos-

“You were singing in your pel? Jazz? Pop?

sleep.” “No. None of those.”

KAPOOR similar to the ad wraps displayed Solar fabric: Imagine that warmer, power your phone, and Yorktown100 is a 100-percent
on bus windows. e sunlight besides producing solar power at provide energy for other needs volunteer group of neighbors
FROM PAGE 10 falling on solar skins is ltered a xed location, you could also while you’re on the go. working to reduce our carbon
to reach the solar cells beneath do it while on the move through footprint by 5 percent a year
that makes it possible for solar it. As a result, it simultaneously your own clothing. Research- Anuj Kapoor is a freshman at through various programs. Contact
panels to match the appearance displays the custom image and ers are developing solar fabrics Lakeland High School in Shrub us if you would like to learn
of a roof without interfering provides solar energy. ese with a vision of including solar Oak. He is passionate about the more or would like to join. We
with panel e ciency or produc- imprinted custom images, power in each ber. ese solar environment and enthusiastic about welcome new members! Visit us at
tion. Solar skins are a novel PV embedded into solar panels, can learning, contributing, and driving and help make a
technology to integrate custom exactly match your grassy lawns laments can be embedded into change in his community towards a di erence.
designs into solar panel systems. or rooftops of your homes. your t-shirts, winter coats, or any more sustainable living lifestyle.
other clothing to help you keep
e solar skin technology is

Contact Us
North Salem News is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email northsalemnews@

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Page 12 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, January 28, 2021

DR. LINDA same rights as men—including the right to 11. What American entertainer born Charles Lindbergh 7. Susan B. Anthony
vote—and was born on February 15, 1820? on February 14, 1894 started his career in 8. Leap Year 9. Henry “Hank”Aaron 10.
FROM PAGE 8 vaudeville and had a show in the early days
8. February is the shortest month on our of television? (Hint: His initials were J.B.) omas Alva Edison 11. Jack Benny 12.
5. What famous abolitionist writer and yearly calendar (28 days), but every four George Washington 13. Black History
orator, born on February 14, 1818, escaped years we add one day as a time correction. 12. Which well-known president is month 14. e Super Bowl 15. Bubble
from slavery, and taught himself to read and What do we call a year in which February reported to have said,“Father, I cannot tell Gum Day! It was established in 2006 by
write? 29 occurs? (Hint: 2016 was one.) a lie”? George Washington or Abraham Ruth Spiro as a day that children would
Lincoln? bring 50 cents to school in order to donate
6. Who was the rst American aviator, 9. Who is the famous American base- to a good cause. e schools decide in
born on February 4, 1902, to y across the ball player born on February 5, 1934, who 13. Since 1976, every U.S. president has advance what cause the donations will go to.
Atlantic Ocean alone? broke Babe Ruth’s home run record? o cially designated the month of Febru- In exchange for the donation, the children
ary as ____ in order to celebrate and learn can chew gum in school on that day.
7. Which famous American woman ap- 10. Who was the inventor of the electric about Black history.
pears on a coin, fought to give women the light bulb born on February 11, 1847? Happy February,
14. Which large American sporting event Dear Dr. Linda,
is usually held in February?
Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad Grades
15. What holiday was established to oc- Happen to Good Kids” and director of Strong
cur on the rst Friday in February, so that it Learning Tutoring and SAT/ACT Test Prep.
would always occur on a school day? Send your questions to Linda@stronglearning.
Answers: 1. George Washington 2.
Abraham Lincoln 3. Valentine’s Day 4.
February 2 5. Frederick Douglass 6.


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Page 14 – North Salem News HEALTH & WELLNESS Thursday, January 28, 2021

Ashikari Breast Center
joins Northwell Health

Physician Partners

Two of Westchester’s lead- join Alice Police, MD; Anthony are delighted they will be join-

ing breast surgeons, Andrew Cahan, MD; and Ranjana Chat- ing the multidisciplinary team at

Ashikari, MD, FACS, and Pond erji, DO, in providing breast sur- the NWH Breast Care Center

Kelemen, MD, FACS of e gery services including nipple to o er advanced treatments for

Ashikari Breast Center in Dobbs sparing procedures and will work breast cancer and other breast

Ferry and Cortlandt Manor, have with medical oncologists, radia- health issues,” said Marla Koroly,

joined Northwell Health Physi- tion oncologists, radiologists and MD, senior vice president for

cian Partners (NHPP). ey will genetic specialists to develop in- medical a airs and chief medi-

now be accepting patients at two dividualized treatment plans that cal o cer at NWH and associate

state-of-the-art locations: e may include intraoperative radia- ambulatory physician executive,

Breast Care Center at Northern tion for appropriate candidates. Northwell Health Westchester PHOTO COURTESY OF NWH
Westchester Hospital (NWH) in Patients can promptly receive region. “ is is the latest addi-
Dr. Andrew Ashikari, left, and Dr. Pond Kelemen
Mount Kisco, and NHPP Breast imaging, biopsy, surgical consul- tion to the comprehensive breast

Surgery at Phelps Hospital in tation, medical and radiation on- programs at Northern Westches- Surgeons. He completed a sur- post-operative radiotherapy for

Sleepy Hollow. cology consultations, and genetic ter Hospital and Phelps, which gical oncology fellowship at the women with early breast cancer.

Drs. Ashikari and Kelemen information without leaving their provide outstanding medical University of Chicago, and an He is a member of the Ameri-

join a team of breast specialists community. services, personalized care for the internship and general surgery can College of Surgeons, the

in Westchester as part of the “Drs. Ashikari and Kelemen community and an exceptional residence at Monte ore Medical American Medical Association,

Northwell Health Cancer Insti- are leading experts in compas- patient experience.” Center/Albert Einstein College the American Society of Breast

tute breast cancer program. ey sionate breast surgery and we Dr. Ashikari has been direc- of Medicine. He is a graduate Surgeons, the American Society

tor of the Ashikari Breast Center of the University of Pittsburgh of Clinical Oncologists, and the

Rooney Orthodontics since 1999. He is the former chair School of Medicine and holds a Society of Surgical Oncology.
Children & Adults of surgery at Hudson Valley Hos- Bachelor of Science degree from He completed his surgical
pital Center, and former director Wake Forest University.
of surgery at Dobbs Ferry Pavil- oncology fellowship at the John
ion/St. John’s Riverside Hospital. Dr. Kelemen joined the Wayne Cancer Institute; a gen-
He was the assistant director of Ashikari Breast Center in 2003 as eral surgical residency and re-
research director and has served search fellowship at University of

the surgical residency program as the director of the Melanoma Chicago Hospitals; and pathol-

at Our Lady of Mercy Medical Program at Hudson Valley Hos- ogy residency at University of

Center from 2001-2003. In addi- pital Center. Before that, he was Illinois at Chicago. He received

tion, he is an associate professor director of clinical breast cancer his medical degree from the State

of surgery at New York Medical research at Our Lady of Mercy University of New York at Sto-

College and adjunct clinical asso- Medical Center. Prior to that, he nybrook and holds a Bachelor

ciate professor at Lake Erie Col- was associate director of clini- of Science degree from the City

lege of Osteopathic Medicine. cal activities at the Saint Louis University of New York- City

Dr. Ashikari is widely pub- University Cancer Center and College of New York six-year

lished and has completed re- director of the Breast Center at medical program.

search on a wide variety of topics St. Louis University Hospital. In To arrange an appointment

and clinical protocols, includ- addition, he serves as an associate with Dr. Ashikari or Dr. Kele-

17 Miller Rd. ing breast cancer, prevention for professor of surgery at New York men, contact NHPP Breast Care
high-risk patients, breast recon- Medical College and as adjunct Center at Northern Westches-

Mahopac struction; implants; and nipple associate professor of surgery at ter Hospital, 400 East Main St.,
845-621-1222 sparing mastectomies. He is a fel- the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Kisco, at 914-362-6270 or
low of the American College of Mount Sinai. NHPP Breast Surgery at Phelps Surgeons, the Society of Surgical Hospital, 777 North Broadway,
Dr. Kelemen is widely pub-

Oncology; the New York Surgical lished and has served as primary Suite 301, Sleepy Hollow, 914-

Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES Society; the American Society of investigator on several clini- 693-5025.
Clinical Oncology; the New York cal trials, including a variety of

aloneI’m never Metropolitan Breast Group; and TARGIT trials that compared Article provided by Northern
Life Alert® is always the American Society of Breast intra-operative radiotherapy with Westchester Hospital
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Thursday, January 28, 2021 HEALTH & WELLNESS North Salem News – Page 15

Prostate cancer with a pinch of humor
Patient turns battle with cancer into a book of cartoons

Born in Warsaw, Poland, Andrzej Kra- “From the moment I met Dr. Naray- Andrzej invited them over to take a look. “I could have gone to New York City

kowski is an award-winning lm pro- ana, I knew he’d be my doctor,” Andrzej “An elderly woman whose face had for care, but I found my place 10 min-

ducer, director, screenwriter, cartoonist recalled. “He walked me and my wife, looked so sad took a peek and laughed,” utes from home,” he said. “I liked these

and professor of lm and digital media. Majka, through each treatment option he recalled. Another patient would al- people; they liked me. We laughed from

Despite his busy schedule, the 74-year- logically and clearly. He made drawings ways excitedly announce, “Rembrandt is the moment I walked in. On a scale of 1

old diligently keeps up with his health, for us, took his time, and was humane here today!” to 10, the care I received was a 12.”

including going for a prostate cancer and warm. He alleviated my fear.” Andrzej self-published a book of his Dr. Narayana urges other people to fol-

screening every year. Together, they decided on a treatment cartoons titled “Prostate Cancer with low Andrzej’s example and keep up with

And while his past tests were normal— plan consisting of hormonal therapy fol- a Pinch of Humor (Sketches from the their health, despite the pandemic.

meaning he had no indication of a high lowed by radiation treatment. Andrzej Treatment)” and gave out copies to his “Had Andrzej waited longer to get

PSA (prostate-speci c antigen) level would also receive SpaceOAR Hydrogel, fellow treatment goers. screened, there’s a good chance the can-

or enlarged prostate gland—Andrzej which protects the healthy rectal tissue di- “For the patients, even one ounce of cer would have gone into his bones. en,

still made a point to go to his most re- rectly behind the prostate from radiation. humor is priceless,” he said. our approach would have been limited to

cent screening, even though it was in the roughout his nine weeks of cancer On the last day of his radiation, his trying to slow down the process. In other

height of the COVID-19 pandemic. treatment, Andrzej never lost his sense of wife brought in cakes. words, a delay in screening and treatment

at decision to not skip his routine humor. Each time he sat in the waiting “We had a little party outside,” Andrzej would have made a huge di erence in the

care may have saved his life. room before getting radiation, he drew said. “Today I feel great. But the rst day outcome,” Dr. Narayana said.

During the screening (a standard digi- cartoons about his experience to lift his I didn’t have to go for radiation, I felt Andrzej knows that, too, which is why

tal rectal exam), internist Michael Wein, own spirits—and the spirits of others. kind of lost. I missed my pals.” he urges others not to wait to get the care

MD, noted that his prostate “feels dif- “Because of COVID-19, everyone in Andrzej’s special bond with his fellow they need.

ferent.” Dr. Wein advised a consultation the waiting room was in masks, sitting si- patients, Dr. Narayana, and his whole “Medicine has progressed so far—

with a urologist—who, after ordering an lently in di erent corners,” Andrzej said. care team helped him feel at home at where there’s science, there’s hope,” he

MRI, a CAT scan and biopsy, o cially But as he drew, people took interest and Northern Westchester Hospital. explained. “So, go to medical checkups.

diagnosed Andrzej with prostate cancer. Have your screenings. Don’t put anything

He was referred for treatment to Ash- o . ink of where you want to be one

watha Narayana, MD, chair of radia- ‘Medicine has progressed so far— year from now. e choice is yours to
tion medicine at the Cancer Institute at make sure you get there.”

Northern Westchester Hospital. where there’s science, there’s hope.’ To learn more about cancer care at
Dr. Narayana explained that because Northern Westchester Hospital, visit

the cancer was detected early, the treat- -Andrzej Krakowski
ment options were better and would re-

sult in fewer side e ects and complica- Article provided by Northern Westchester

tions. Hospital

The Most Common Sexually
Transmitted Disease: HPV

What you need to know about keeping yourself and your children safe

Ask the Doctor Q: What is the human papilloma virus (HPV)? drops in HPV-related cancers. Parents should discuss
A: HPV is a sexually transmitted virus. There are the optimal time for the vaccine with their pediatrician.
Dr. Adina Keller approximately 150 strains of the virus and nearly Some may decide to delay the vaccine until the middle
Associate Chief, 40 affect the genital area. Most HPV infections are teen years.
Obstetrics and Gynecology asymptomatic, which means that you may never know
Northern Westchester Hospital you were exposed. The majority of HPV strains do not Men and women, up to age 45, can get the HPV
cause any issues and will eventually go away on their vaccine. The CDC recommendation now includes men
Learn more about own. Some strains, however, can cause genital warts, and women up to age 45 – especially if they are dating,
Northern Westchester Hospital, cervical cancer, anal cancer and other cancers, widowed or have a new partner. If you’re interested in
visit including head and neck cancers. a vaccine, speak with your doctor.

The care and safety of our community during Q: Who is at risk? Q: Does my child really need this?
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is our A: Studies have shown that almost everyone gets A: The answer is yes. You’re providing your children
top priority. We have put maximum safety exposed to HPV at some point in their lives. Some with something that will prevent cancer down the road.
measures in place to prevent exposure to studies have shown that up to 90% of college-aged So, if anybody has any concerns that they’re not doing
the coronavirus by anyone who comes to men women have been exposed to HPV. If you’re right by their child, think again. We have to assume that
the Hospital for emergency or scheduled dating someone and they say they’ve been “tested,” our children will become sexually active as they get
care. Don’t delay care. Please continue to please know that men cannot be tested for HPV. The older, therefore they need to be vaccinated. The HPV
wash your hands, wear a mask, and virus hides from our immune systems, so it will not vaccine has already been shown to markedly reduce the
practice social distancing. show up on a blood test. Women can be tested for HPV incidence of HPV infections in young adults.
by getting a pap smear, but there’s no test for men.
Did you know?
Q: What’s the best defense against HPV?
A: Condoms are the best defense against HPV, but even The CDC recommendation for the HPV
with condom use, the virus can still be transmitted to vaccine now includes men and women up
others. There is no cure for HPV, only prevention. That’s to age 45 – especially if they are dating,
why it’s so important for both boys and girls to get widowed or have a new partner.
vaccinated. Vaccines against HPV have sharply reduced
infections in men and women and will likely cause major

Page 16 – North Salem News Thursday, January 28, 2021

Because of the spike in COVID Most of our programs are on chatting and knitting. Send us an slapstick antics of Chaplin, Keaton,
email and we will send you an in- and more when silent movie his-
cases, the library will be closed to ZOOM. Send us an email if you vitation. Led by Cathleen Sulli. On torian BEN MODEL presents a
Mondays from 11 a.m. to noon. program of comedy shorts — on-
the public. We will still be allow- want to participate: keelerlibrary@ line, live-streamed to you from his
Teen Book Group: Meets apartment in NYC.
ing curbside pickup. e sta will When you email us, weekly on Tuesdays,7-8 p.m..Next
Book: Reverie by Ryan La Sala. Winter Origami with Vihan
continue to work in the library do- we will send you a link to click on, on Wednesday,February 10, from
e library has copies to check out. 4-5 p.m.. Vihan is a Westches-
ing all the things we normally do, and a password to enter. We talk about the progression of ter teen who is a gifted and fun
the book, as well as play a game of teacher of origami. We will have
but the only di erence is that the Kahoot! paper for registrants to pick up or
use your own. You will need 8-10
public will not be allowed in the li- PROGRAMS: Water Colors: Meets weekly pieces of paper 6-y-6 inches. is
on Fridays, from 10:30 a.m. to is going to be a very small virtual
brary. Please check our website for Social Knitting: Bring your noon. is is meeting virtually class so that Vihan can help par-
with participants painting at home ticipants individually.
more information. projects and ideas for an hour of at the same time. e program will
be coordinated by local artist Nina Writers Workshop: Accom-
Prepare for Bertolino. plished and aspiring writers are in-
power outages vited to join Maryanne D’Amato,
with a Generac Jester Jim, The Juggler on local resident and published au-
home standby ursday, January 21, from 4:30- thor, for a supportive meeting. On
generator 5:30 p.m. e Jester Jim Show Wednesday, February 3, from 11
“ is is not your ordinary juggling a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
SCHEDULE YOUR FREE IN HOME show!” With a trunk full of props
ASSESSMENT TODAY! and a looping machine, Jester Jim Conversation With Local
takes the stage and starts his show. Gardeners on Saturday, Feb. 13
877 516 1160 Please register below as space is from 10-11 a.m. Meets monthly
limited. on the second Saturday of the
FREE Silent Movies with Ben Mod- month. Bring your questions and
el: Silent Film Acompinast and ideas to this informal group of lo-
7-Year Extended Warranty* Historian on ursday, January 2, cal expert garden enthusiasts.
A $695 Value! from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Laugh at the
O er valid March 16, 2020 June 30, 2020

Special Financing Available

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*Terms & Conditions Apply





I like to support local businesses Steven and Deanna Miras with sons Nathan and Derek Rob and Eileen Smith with Reese reside
and over the years they have been, by in Somers.
far, the best way to cover the tight
knit communities they serve. My ads FAMILY were born in July—two of them pink or blue bonnets.
are seen by thousands and are an on the same date.Two of the girls, “Just so long as they’re happy
integral part of my marketing efforts. FROM PAGE 3 Libby and Karen (KC), arrived on
The crew at Halston Media is the same date in November. and healthy. at’s all we ask
a pleasure to work with. One perk of having a bunch of for,” she said.
kids? Free babysitting. Libby said she doesn’t want
~Mike Trinchitella to know the gender of her baby Meanwhile, everyone’s look-
Re/Max Classic Realty “ e oldest girl was very good beforehand. Her siblings either ing forward to a time when all
with the younger ones; I didn’t already do, or are set to nd out generations can safely gather.
TO ADVERTISE WITH US, trust the boys too much,” Mary- shortly.
CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151 anne said. “We’re excited about maybe
Grandma Maryanne honestly having a family get-together
Coincidentally, all four sons doesn’t care if the newbies sport in August. It’ll be a real baby
screamfest,” Libby said.

Page 17 – North Salem News Sports Thursday, January 28, 2021


John Jay/ John Jay/North Salem
North Salem has high ready to carry the flag

hopes this winter again this year

BY RICH MONETTI “We’re kind of crammed everything BY RICH MONETTI playing eld in terms of preparation,

CONTRIBUTING WRITER together. We had a week of condition- CONTRIBUTING WRITER though, and a later end to the regular

ing, and we’ve only been on the snow a season won’t slow down the slopes ei-

John Jay/North Salem/Somers has couple of times,” Reinke said. “So, it’s In an undefeated 2019-2020 season, ther.

all four of its top skiers returning to been very di erent from previous years.” where the boys placed third in the sec- “For the states, we usually get good

the slope this year, and nine out of 10 Either way, seniors Ashley Binette, tionals, John Jay/North Salem has four snow well into March,” Collea said.

starters overall. So, the expectations are Samantha Spieler, and Kristen Wolfe of its top ve skiers returning. us, the However, the Southern Division is

pretty high for Coach Chris Reinke. Of leads the team attack, and they’re not goals this year must be pretty lofty for at a travel disadvantage because all the

course, the COVID-19 crisis has the giving any ground either, with Ashley’s coach Daniel Collea. But like everything competition will take place at under

demonstrated potential to wreak havoc. sister, Rosie, who is a sophomore. All else in this past 12 months, any aspira- Ridge.

But the coach knows he doesn’t have to four won the sectionals in 2020 for the tion must be su ciently grounded. So, “Rockland County and lower West-

make any excuses for his team. second straight year and placed third in Collea brings it back to the basics. chester will be spending more time on

“Our girls will be ready,” he assured. the states last season, Reinke said. “In the pandemic, my goals have the bus than on the mountain,” lament-

e rst challenge has compacted the SEE GIRLS SKIING PAGE 18 completely changed. We just want to ed Collea.
get the kids outside, exercising, having Still, John Jay/North Salem is also

fun, and hanging out with other kids,” at a loss in terms of travel. COVID re-

said the coach. strictions means a smaller roster and the

ey’ll all have to do without the two teams can’t ride on one bus, where

giant slalom, too. But either way, the a lot of the bonding occurs. e same

2020 standings can’t be set apart. Oskar goes for the chill time in the chalet af-

Lombardi nished sixth in the slalom terwards.

and 13th in the giant slalom, and Luke “Unfortunately, we’re not going to be

Spieler nished 13th in the slalom and able to do any of that,” Collea said.

ninth in the giant. e success had both e coach doesn’t have any reserva-

qualify for the states. tions that his top skiers will help pick

Not to be overlooked, the slalom/ up the cohesive slack, though.

giant slalom results in the Northern “ ey lead by example and help with

Division had Easton Sayra-McGill n- drills in practice,” Collea said.

ishing 20th and 30th, Lucas Eberhardt A togetherness plays into his coach-

holding down 22nd and 20th, and Zach ing philosophy.

Purdey 31st and 33rd. “ e secret to performing well as a

So, they will all be returning with team is to work with your midlevel rac-

their ribbons and are ready to carry the ers,” Collea said. “We really try to push

ag. e group doesn’t waste any time our intermediates to a higher level.”

away from the slopes, either. So, Jonathan Walereys, Alex Hooper,

“What makes our kids so good is Jonathan Frantz, Matthew Dong, and

most are top USSA skiers,” Collea said. William Gereghty are all worth of

e coach also must credit some very keeping an eye on and represent the

important outside in uence that makes next wave of great skiers.

his job a lot easier. e cross section with North Salem

“We just got lucky that we have fami- has never been a problem either.

lies that love to ski and get their kids “It’s great camaraderie,” Collea said.

PHOTO COURTESY OF DEBBIE SPIELER skiing at an early stage,” he said. “We ski more like a family than a team.

Samantha Spieler, Kristen Wolfe, Ashley Binette and Rosemarie Binette e late start has schools on a level We pride ourselves on that.”

Page 18 – North Salem News LEISURE Thursday, January 28, 2021

CLUES ACROSS 31. __ Paulo, city 61. Places to hang clothes 29. Where rockers perform For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Gather a harvest 32. Avoid with trickery 62. Midwife 34. Substitute
5. Federal Republic of 33. Easter egg 63. Of she 35. __ juris: of one’s own
Germany 38. Veterans battleground 64. S. Korean statesman right
8. Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 41. Lack of success 36. Earliest form of
11. “The Little Mermaid” 43. Thing that causes disgust CLUES DOWN modern human in Europe:
13. The common gibbon 45. Deep, continuing sound 1. Cool! __-magnon
14. Volcanic island in Fiji 47. Ancient kingdom near 2. Amounts of time 37. Adult female bird
15. Mother of Perseus Dead Sea 3. Aboriginal people of 39. Do away with
16. Egg cells 49. You might put it in a fire Japan 40. Lens
17. Teams’ best pitchers 50. Partner to “oohed” 4. Popular veggies 41. Flattened appendage
18. Credit associations 55. Actor Idris 5. Wedding accessory 42. Post or pillar in Greek
20. Advance 56. Slippery 6. Deep, narrow gorges temple
21. Hair styling products 57. Plant of the bean family 7. Dry cereal 44. A medieval citizen of
22. Benign tumors 59. One point north of 8. Competitions that require Hungary
25. Arriving early northeast speed 45. Spiritual leader of a
30. Called it a career 60. Patti Hearst’s captors 9. Cain and __ Jewish congregation
10. Snake sound 46. Abba __, Israeli
12. Type of amino acid politician
(abbr.) 47. Sew
14. Pattern of notes in 48. Evergreen trees and
Indian music shrubs having oily one-
19. Satisfy seeded fruits
23. Misfire 51. Swiss river
24. Nearsightedness 52. Grayish-white
25. Indicates before 53. A way to illustrate
26. Increase motor 54. College basketball
speed superpower
27. When you hope to 58. Midway between south
get there and southeast
28. Indicates position

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

HumPauntenSaomciety GIRLS SKIING
Check out our Facebook & Twitter pages!
Beautiful, sweet Misty is a
great dog. She’s loveable Obviously on the same page, a degree of rivalry actually de nes the quartet’s dynamic. “ e biggest
and a good size for any competition they have in all of Section One is each other,” Reinke said. “But they draw on each other
family. When you meet and support each other as they compete against each other.”

her, you will love her! Unfortunately, there will be less mentoring this year because of COVID. Bus transportation man-
Call for an appointment. dates less travelers and will knock the roster down from 23 to 15 or 16, Reinke said.

Misty e roster trimmed, the team will still sport the center of gravity that has brought them success over
the years.
Callie is still here waiting
for a family to call her own. “Every school has two great racers. I have four.” the coach boasted. “And every school has two mid-
She’s a sweet, loveable girl level racers. I‘ve got seven or eight. So, it’s always been that strength in the middle of my bench that
and would make a wonderful has given the team their wins.”
addition to any cat-loving
e coach cites Paige Martin, Emma Klares, Nikki Berisha, and Josie Scott in the middle and as-
household. Call for an sures that they would be the top performers on most other teams. He also feels pretty good about the
appointment to meet her. prospects looking beyond 2021.

Callie “We also have several new members of the girls team who we are looking to defend the champion-
ship title in the future years,” Reinke said. “So, we are anxious to get them in the race.”
Putnam Humane Society, 68 Old Rt. 6, Carmel
845-225-7777 In the moment, though, there will be less chance for team bonding opportunities like all the Buf-
falo Wild Wings nights. Instead, the squad will have to settle into two-dimensional space to build
Open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. camaraderie.

“We had Zoom calls in the summer and will keep that atmosphere going,” said Reinke.
e parents are also losing out, and that’s not just because no fans are allowed.

“In the past, parents would come and do a little tailgate before watching their kids race,” he said.
e three-school breakdown doesn’t deter, either.

“ e kids consider themselves to be one team,” Reinke said. “We never segregate who’s John Jay,
who’s North Salem, and who’s Somers. It’s a group that always races together.”

Of course, the nal run will unfortunately come early this year since no State Tournament is sched-
uled. us, Reinke feels a responsibility to come through despite all the hurdles the team may face.

“We’re trying to deliver as normal a season as possible—especially the kids who have been here,”
Reinke said. “ ey had high expectations coming in, and they were looking forward to the season. So,
my job is to deliver that season.”

Sports Deadline
The sports deadline for North Salem News is the Sunday before the next publication date. Varsity
coaches should submit results and information by e-mail to [email protected]. All youth
sports and recreational sports items should also be submitted to the same e-mail address by the
Thursday before the next publication date.

Thursday, January 28, 2021 CLASSIFIEDS North Salem News – Page 19

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2021 LLC, Arts of Org. led
with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) Purpose as agent upon whom process
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SSNY desig. as agent upon LLC FORMATION NOTICE against may be served & shall
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COACHING, LLC. Articles of Articles of Organization filed with
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LLC, Arts of Org. led with of State of NY (SSNY) on on 12/19/2020. Office location:
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Page 20 – North Salem News Thursday, January 28, 2021

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2020 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage July supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act.
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