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Published by Halston Media, 2021-04-14 16:51:15

Katonah-Lewisboro 04.15.21

VOL. 3 NO. 38 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 2021

Catherine Caley, Fox Lane
student, addresses the crowd
at the anti-AAPI violence rally.


Bedford rallies against AAPI violence
Student-organized event draws big crowd, community support

BY NICK TRUJILLO members of the Asian American three other high school- and and held signs reading “racism is this country, with Japanese in-
STAFF WRITER and Paci c Islander community college-aged members of the a virus” and “stop AAPI hate.” ternment camps during World
speak about how the surge in AAPI community. ey spoke to War II and the Chinese Exclu-
More than 250 people gath- racist attacks against the AAPI the crowd about their experiences Caley facilitated the rally, act- sion Act, and how the COV-
ered on the eld in front of the community has a ected them. with racial issues as Asian Amer- ing as the main emcee and giving ID-19 pandemic has exacerbated
C&M Pavilion at Bedford Vil- icans, along with a list of elected the opening and closing remarks. those issues.
lage Memorial Park on Satur- e rally was organized by o cials and local politicians. She opened by speaking about
day, April 10, to rally to listen to Catherine Caley, a student at Fox Members of the crowd listened the oppression and racism Asian SEE AAPI PAGE 12
Lane High School, along with Americans have always faced in


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LEISURE 20 John Jay improves
OPINION 10 pg 19


COVID Counter agenda information or to watch/ the National Endowment for done on April 17 and 18. Bright

The Staff participate. the Arts, as well as several Push- orange trash bags are available

EDITORIAL TEAM BEDFORD Katonah Poetry cart Prizes and numerous poetry behind the Town House at 11
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Active: 77 awards. She teaches at the Uni- Main St., South Salem. Take
EDITOR: 914-302-5628
[email protected] Last Week: 61 Series versity of Michigan, and lives in what you think you need, as
New Cases: 58
NICK TRUJILLO Chelsea, Michigan. supplies are limited.
Total: 1,576 On Sunday, April 25, the Ka- e reading will begin on Everyone wishing to par-
[email protected]
tonah Poetry Series will present Zoom at 4 p.m. on Sunday, ticipate may call or email Town
PAUL FORHAN LEWISBORO award-winning poet Laura Ka- April 25, followed by an audi- Clerk Janet Donohue, a Lions

(914) 806-3951 Active: 33 sischke, via Zoom. Kasischke is ence Q&A. To attend, register Club member, at 914-763-3511
[email protected]
Last Week: 39 a proli c author of both poetry at Sug- or townclerk@lewisborogov.
(914) 486-7608 New Cases: 25 and ction. Her work has been gested donation is $5 for adults, com, and leave a message as to
[email protected]
Total: 801 translated widely, and three of no cost for students. For further what roads will be covered.
(201) 317-1139 According to information pro- her novels (“Suspicious River,” information and to read exclu- Wear gloves and masks or
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON vided by Westchester County. “ e Life Before Her Eyes,” sive KPS poet interviews, con- other facial coverings while
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] Government at Work and “White Bird in a Blizzard”) ducted by poet Ann van Buren, picking up garbage and remem-
have been made into feature visit ber to practice social distancing.
(914) 299-4541 lms. Lions Roadside Sanctuary Series
[email protected] • Tuesday, April 20, Bedford Kasischke is the author of
(917) 446-7757 Town Board, 7 p.m. nine poetry collections, includ- Cleanup
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE • Tuesday, April 20, Lewisboro ing, “Where Now: New and Se- Celebrate springtime with
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] Planning Board, 7:30 p.m. lected Poems” (Copper Canyon e Lewisboro Lions Club is the Sanctuary Series at 4 p.m.

PRODUCTION TEAM • Tuesday, April 20, Katonah- Press, 2017), which was long- nalizing plans for the annual Sunday, April 18, with a per-
Lewisboro Board of Education, listed for the National Book Lewisboro roadside cleanup formance featuring violinist
PHOTOGRAPHER 7:30 p.m. Award; “ e In nitesimals” project organized every year by Ariel Horowitz accompanied

[email protected] • Wednesday, April 21, Bed- (Copper Canyon Press, 2014); the club. e cleanup is sched- by pianist Eri Kang entitled,
ART DIRECTOR/ ford Historic Building Preserva- and “Space, in Chains” (Cop- uled for the weekend of April “Dialogues and Dialectics.” e

DIGITAL PRODUCTION MANAGER tion Commission, 7 p.m. per Canyon Press, 2011). She 24 and 25. However, if the tim- concert will be performed in
[email protected]
Visit, lewis- has received fellowships from ing and weather is better for the sanctuary of the South Sa-
BRETT FREEMAN, or for the Guggenheim Foundation, volunteers, cleanup can also be lem Presbyterian Church and
845-208-8151 streamed live for free on Face-

[email protected] book. You do not have to regis-

Deadlines ter a Facebook account to watch

Hailed by e Washington
Post as “sweetly lyrical,” Ariel
Horowitz cannot remember
PUBLICATION DATE. life before loving music. A stu-

FOR MORE INFORMATION, dent of Ani Kava an at the Yale
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL School of Music, Horowitz

[email protected] previously studied with Itzhak

Location Perlman and Catherine Cho

118 N. BEDFORD ROAD at the Juilliard School. Prize-
winner at the Menuhin, Gru-
Chronic Care: miaux, Stulberg, and Klein In-
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY ternational Competitions, she
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC has received numerous other

©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Costs and Funding Options … in Plain English grants, awards and distinctions.
Her program follows the evo-
Presented by Lynn Lavender, Principal of GuideINS lution of the violin and piano,

two kindred spirits, as they have

Please join us as Lynn Lavender of GuideINS Join us for a FREE evolved together throughout
discusses the costs and funding options when Educational Webinar the history of Western Classical
it comes to dealing with chronic care for a loved one. Music with works by Dvorak.
Mozart, Schumann, Bach and

We will be discussing: Tuesday, April 20th Franck.

• The real costs vs. what appears in cost-of-care 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Presentation e virtual spring season
surveys 7:00 - 7:15 p.m. Q&A continues with “Songs for
Spring” featuring pianist Wyn-
• All funding options—self-pay, reverse mortgages, To Register ona Wang on Mother’s Day,
Veterans Aid and Attendance, Medicaid, insurance at 4 p.m. Sunday, May 9. She
914-236-0870 will perform a virtual concert
• Differences in insurance options—traditional, hybrid/ featuring works by Beethoven,
asset plans, life insurance with living benefits

• Comparative costs and benefits of the 3 types Please Register By Ravel and Rachmanino . Born
of coverage Monday, April 19th in Beijing, Wynona is an active
performer in China, Europe,
• Life settlements as an option for those who don’t and the United States and has
qualify to buy insurance won numerous rst place prizes

Sponsored by: including the 2018 Concert
Artists Guild International


ere will be a limited num-

ber of advanced tickets avail-

able for purchase before each

concert subject to protocols in

place at the time. Check the se-

ries’ website: thesanctuaryseries.

Virtually Hosted By Artis Senior Living of Briarcliff Manor: org for updates. Questions may

553 North State Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 also be addressed to info@the-
Check out our other nearby community in Chestnut Ridge.


Dungeons & Dragons at the Katonah Library

How the pandemic helped spur a virtual community of tabletop gamers

BY NICK TRUJILLO who wanted to play.I got questions groups of players.He added that he

STAFF WRITER all the time.” thinks there will be enough players

One of the main di culties to launch a second weekly adult

When the Katonah Village Li- Robin had in trying to schedule game soon.

brary was forced to shut its doors a weekly, in-person Dungeons & e virtual aspect of the game

in March 2020 due to the begin- Dragons game was choosing a allows players from all over to take

ning of the COVID-19 pandemic, time slot that worked for all inter- part. While most players are local,

it o ered Michael Robin, services ested players. Attempting to round Robin said, there is a pair of play-

manager, and the rest of the pro- up a consistent group of players on ers in the adult sessions who live in

gramming sta an opportunity to a weekly basis was nearly impos- Texas and play every week.

get creative with the library’s week- sible prior to COVID, Robin said. “ ey got the word through

ly schedule of events. “Kids around here are busy. eir their friends and joined in,”he said.

As Zoom became the most lives are intensely programmed,”he “Yes, the Katonah Library is host-

popular way to socialize digitally said.“When COVID hit,suddenly ing the game but sometimes I’m

and all of the library’s in-person it opened our eyes to the possibility not even sure where the players are

services were halted, Robin dug that maybe a tabletop role-playing from.”

into his folder of ideas for digital game didn’t require an actual table- Robin said that some play-

activities that he wanted to try at top.” FILE PHOTO/BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER ers connect outside the game and
some point. Two weeks later, the Upon reaching out to young Many events at the Katonah Village Library have gone virtual during some do not, but while they are
library had developed a seven-day- adults who had expressed interest the pandemic.
rolling in a campaign session, it is

a-week schedule of digital activities in playing the game through the li- hard to discern who knows each

for all ages. brary before, Robin found that the of a physical presence needed for of the faces have changed. Some of other outside the virtual boundar-

“Shockingly, almost all of it community was hungry for the op- the game helped him approach a the players have been there since ies of the game.

worked,” Robin said. “People were portunity to play, and that getting way to set up virtual sessions. Day One, others are recent arrivals, “Some of them are friends out-

so hungry for ways to connect and the players in the same physical “My approach with all Zoom but the campaign has endured.” side of the game, some of them are

reassurance and structure that al- location was no longer an obstacle. programs has been similar: Try to As the word spread about the not and I’m not always sure who

most everything attracted enough When Robin rst started to play apply as little technology as pos- weekly young-adult game, Robin is who. ey all get along so well

of an audience to keep going.” Dungeons & Dragons during his sible. Add as needed but start from started to hear comments from while they play,” he said. “It’s its

More than a year later, some of childhood,he said,“What blew me the smallest amount,”Robin said. parents and colleagues reminisc- own community.”

the programs established at the away about the game was how little His original idea was to have the ing about their time playing the As the library prepares to start its

beginning of the pandemic are it required in the real world.” kids download a dice simulator and game as kids and the fun they had phased re-opening of in-person ac-

still running. Among those is the e game is rooted in the play- use screen sharing to eliminate the sharing that experience with their tivities on April 19, one of the big-

young adult Dungeons & Dragons ers’ imaginations. Advertised as a possibilities of cheating but found friends. gest challenges the sta will face is

game, held over Zoom every Sun- tabletop game, the only tools need- that unnecessary due to the integ- “If there are so many adults in discerning how to continue to run

day at 11 a.m.since its inception on ed to play are dice, certain sheets of rity of the participants. the community all thinking the the virtual programs that have been

April 19, 2020. paper used to de ne characters and e early stages of the virtual same thing, what better time than, successful during COVID, while

“Dungeons & Dragons was just keep track of statistics, and a set of games were chaotic, according to with so many people at home, to also providing in-person services

something I’d been trying to make rules. e story is told and inter- Robin. It took some sessions for try to replicate this success,” Robin the community is accustomed to

work for three years,” Robin said. preted through the lens of each in- the campaign to take o , as most said. “It was like dominoes. Once receiving from their library.

“I knew there were teens out there dividual player. Robin said the lack players would “generate characters we found one player in the com- Robin thinks that some pro-

and talk about what they were munity who was interested, they gramming, such as the Dungeons

‘Kids around here are busy. eir lives are going to do next time,” he said. spread the word in their own so- & Dragons games, will continue to
“But everyone was thrilled to have cial circles, and pretty soon we had ourish virtually. He plans on lis-

intensely programmed. When COVID hit, something to do, to have some more adults than we knew what to tening to feedback from the players
suddenly it opened our eyes to the possibility
faces to connect with.” do with.” as to what they would prefer to do.

Once John Jay High School stu- e adult game’s rst session “If the players tell me that they

that maybe a tabletop role-playing game didn’t dent Zach Bertin decided to take was held on Jan. 15, 2021, and now would prefer to gather in person
require an actual tabletop.’ on the role of Dungeon Master,the meets over Zoom at 7:30 p.m. ev- or perhaps gather in person just
facilitator of the game and the per- ery Friday. Robin said his goal is to once a month, I’m all for it. But if

–Michael Robin son who drives the story ahead, a create an ecosystem of Dungeons online works better, then let’s keep
Services Manager, Katonah Village Library campaign started to fall into place. & Dragons players through the li- it going,”Robin said.“ e sky’s the

“We’ve been rolling on a weekly brary, where multiple games can be limit. As long as there’s interest in

basis ever since,”Robin said.“Some held simultaneously with di erent the community,we’ll keep it going.”


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McGraw promoted to lieutenant

Warren, Valdovinos round out history-making promotions


EDITOR race/ethnicity, but in ideas, life investigator for Bedford. He has

experience, and demeanor as an associate’s degree in criminal

e Bedford Police Depart- well. Our o cers deal with a justice from Westchester Com-

ment recently touted three his- multitude of situations on any munity College and has received

tory-making promotions, with given day, and the more diverse awards in recognition of his

high-ranking positions now be- our o cers are (in all catego- service, including O cer of the

ing lled by previously under- ries), the more likely we’ll be Year in 2018. Warren is also a

represented populations. relatable to those requesting our state-certi ed emergency medi-

On March 26, as Women’s assistance.” cal technician.

History Month was coming to McGraw has served as an of- Valdovinos started her career

a close, Patricia McGraw, for- cer for 21 years, starting rst with the Bedford Police De-

merly a sergeant, was sworn in as with the New York City Police partment in July 2013. She has

the rst female lieutenant in the Department in 2000 and trans- a bachelor’s degree in forensic
department’s 112-year history. ferring to Bedford in June 2005. psychology with a minor in Ahmad Warren and Nancy Valdovinos are sworn in as sergeants.

Two weeks later on April 7, She is bilingual (English/Span- criminal justice from John Jay

detectives Ahmad Warren and ish) and holds a master’s degree College of Criminal Justice and

Nancy Valdovinos were pro- in public administration from has received numerous awards

moted to sergeant. Warren is John Jay College of Criminal in recognition of her service,

Bedford’s rst-ever Black ser- Justice. She has served as a patrol including O cer of the Year

geant and Valdovinos the rst- sergeant, accident investigator, in 2014, and Excellent Police

ever Hispanic female sergeant, general topics instructor, com- Duty in 2018. She is bi-lingual

according to the department. munity relations/special events (English/Spanish), served as

“Having a diverse police de- coordinator, domestic violence detective/investigator, and is

partment is extremely impor- liaison, and tra c safety coordi- a certi ed D.A.R.E. o cer,

tant, especially in these times nator. school resource o cer, eld

when police are looking for Warren started his career with training o cer, and emergency

more ways to connect to the the Bedford in January 2015. medical technician.

communities we serve,” Melvin He has served as a D.A.R.E. of- “ ey all hold unblemished

Padilla, Bedford’s police chief, cer and school resource o cer records, are highly quali ed,

told e Katonah-Lewisboro for the Bedford Central School and their promotions are well

Times. “Diverse not only in District, as well as a detective/ deserved,” Padilla said. PHOTOS: BEDFORD POLICE DEPARTMENT

THE HUDSON VALLEY'SWESTCHESTER'S PREMIER Patricia McGraw is sworn in as lieutenant.

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e following items are from the at and tried to bite the o cer and a to a veterinarian. After consulting and that his wife told him to remain in He was the former pro-
prietor of Franks Tavern
Lewisboro Police Department. Please hospital employee. e sedative “did with her attorney, the woman allowed the car while she was working down in Fishkill, and a produc-
tion manager for Krysti-
be aware that these summarizations nothing” to calm the man down, the the man to retrieve the goat. the street.EMS were called for a med- nel Corp. in Paterson, N.J.

represent only one perspective. In o cer wrote in his report, so the of- • March 22, 8:17 p.m. – Police in- ical evaluation, the man’s wife refused He was a member of
the Beacon Elks Club.
most cases, attempts will not be made cer cu ed him. e struggle con- vestigated a burglary complaint at a medical attention.
Louis is the beloved
to contact the accused nor will pur- tinued until the man was back in his South Salem residence. e home- • March 25, 4:15 p.m. – Police in- husband of the late Olga,
who predeceased him
suits be made to publish additional unit. owners told police that, on multiple vestigated a report of a sick raccoon. in 2013. He is survived
by his loving daughter,
information or updates. For those rea- • March 18, 2:29 p.m. – Police in- occasions when they were not home, When police arrived at the South Sa- Michelle Campbell, and
her husband, Morgan, of
sons, names of the accused are usually vestigated a report of two men going somebody entered their home and lem home, the raccoon was dead. e South Salem; and son,
David DeAngelis, of
withheld. door to door in South Salem. e two stole money and medication. e homeowner told police that her dog South Salem; grandfa-
ther of Ryan Campbell, of
• March 17, 2:09 p.m. – Police in- men said they were sales associates homeowners told police they noticed killed it. South Salem. He is also
survived by several nieces
vestigated a report that an emotion- with a home remodeling company. a broken deadbolt on a basement door • March 30, 9:02 a.m. – A Du y’s and nephews.

ally disturbed man was swinging an ey did not have proper permits and and found a pair of unknown twee- Bridge Road homeowner told police Family received friends
at Clark Associates Fu-
extension cord in the parking lot at were not registered to solicit in the zers on the oor. An envelope lled that ve of his cars were broken into neral Home on Friday,
March 19.
Four Winds Hospital. When the of- town of Lewisboro. ey were told with $500 and some medication was overnight between midnight and 5:30
e Mass of Christian
cer arrived, the man was surrounded they could no longer solicit until the reported missing. e homeowners a.m. All of the cars were parked in the Burial was celebrated at
St. Mary of the Assump-
by about 10 sta members. Attempts proper paperwork was led. told police that they did not lock their driveway of the Goldens Bridge home tion Church in Katonah
on Saturday, March 20.
to talk the man down failed. As the • March 19, 9:09 p.m. – Police in- doors.Four days later,the same home- and none of the doors were locked. Interment followed at the
South Salem Cemetery.
o cer approached, the man threw a vestigated a harassment complaint in- owners reported another burglary, Just two of the cars had items stolen
Memorial contribu-
punch, which the o cer de ected. volving a goat named George. When with jewelry missing now missing from them—two pairs of Ray-Ban tions may be made to the
Make a Wish Foundation
e o cer then took the man to the the o cer arrived at the South Salem from the home. Surveillance cameras sunglasses ($400 total value) and a —

ground. Eventually, the man stopped home, a man with a non-pro t or- have since been installed in the home. pair of Apple Air Pod wireless head-

ghting back but held onto the ganization said there was a goat at • March 24, 9:54 a.m. – Police in- phones ($200 value) were taken from

cord. After ve minutes, the man at- the home that belonged to him. e vestigated a report that a man was a white Jeep, and loose change was

tempted to break free from the o - homeowner told police that the man dancing in the parking lot of the taken from a black Jeep.

cer’s hold. e man was let up, but the had given her the goat and she did North County Shopping Center in • March 31, 2:05 p.m. – A wallet

cord was wrestled away from him. As not plan to give it back. e man told Goldens Bridge.When police arrived, was found in the parking lot of the

they walked back toward the hospital’s police that he would attempt to get a several shopping center patrons told Goldens Bridge train station. O cers

isolation unit, the man stopped at a court order to get the goat back. e the responding o cer that the man tracked down the owner of the wallet,

parked car and attempted to remove man returned the following morning had been “stumbling and falling over” who picked it up from police head-

PANY ID aitpspwroinadchsheide,ldthweimpearn. WstahretnedthteoFAothCrEocMewrASKwsuiethd a temporary restraining order is- in the parking lot. e o cer found quarters.
ADGE by a Supreme Court justice out
the man in a running car, slumped • April 5, 3 p.m. –A Goldens

punches again. A state troopCerOMthPeAnNY of Westchester Counter. e order over the steering wheel. After several Bridge homeowner told police that

arrived and helped the LewisbUoNroIFoOfR-M permitted the man to enter the prop- minutes of shaking the man, he woke his mailbox was stolen overnight. It

cer subdue the man. As hospWitaITlHstaLOGOerty to retrieve George the goat, ad- up. e man told police that he had was missing when he went outside at

ASURING attempted to sedate the man,ChLIePsBpOaAt RDminister treatment, and bring George just come from a methadone clinic 9 a.m.


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Where is this in Celebrate April
After you READING, material for my
Congratulations to Sally Beckett, who was the rst to correctly guess that last week’s have WRITING & next column. e
picture was taken at Kellogg’s and Lawrence in Katonah. Doug Gallagher, Robert recovered CHOCOLATE book contains
Carpenter, Odelia Ritzcovan, Ellen Rohrer, Mark Schmid, and Michael DeVeau also got from your choco- KIM “eleven thousand
it right. late bunny, jelly KOVACH expressions to
beans, and Peeps knock your socks
If you know where this week’s photo it,email the editor at marschhauser@halstonmedia. sugar overload, o .”
you may think I love play-

that the April ing around

holidays are in the past. with words and using expressions

According to the internet, sev- and phrases from years ago. I

eral unusual themes are celebrated anticipated nding the meanings

in the month of April including and origins of some of the most

National Humor Month, Lawn well-known expressions in the

and Garden Month, Keep America English language. In the British

Beautiful Month, and of course, expression, “Bob’s your uncle!” I

National Welding Month. wanted to know where that phrase

No one celebrates Tax Day came from and who is Bob? In

(April 15). But there are lots of the commonplace expression that

other obscure April days to cel- parents and teachers used to use,

ebrate in this spring-time month. “What’s the matter, cat got your

April 17 is Bat Appreciation Day tongue?” I wanted to learn where

(baseball or vampire, not sure!). in the world that phrase originated

April 19 is National Garlic Day. and what ever happened to the kid

April 23 is National English Muf- and the cat?

n Day (really?). You get a choice To my chagrin, the new book

of two things to celebrate on April only lists the expressions in alpha-

26 – National Pretzel Day and betical order. But I want to know

PHOTO: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Hug an Australian Day (be careful, country of origin, meaning and

stay 6 feet apart!). time period. I guess I will just have

I was happy to learn that April to rely on Google for that informa-

18 is Newspaper Columnists Day. tion.

God Bless (Micro) America How should I celebrate? I could According to Wikipedia, the

stroll down the stationery aisles of phrase, “Bob’s your uncle!” was

a big box store or a local pharmacy rst used in the United Kingdom

Iwent to a baseball game and purchase new notepads. Per- and Ireland. e expression means,
this past weekend. It was
Opening Day. Not at a that informs our politics, haps I will treat myself to a pack of “there you have it!” to conclude
Major League stadium. It
was at a town ball eld, which our economic inequi- colorful Post-It Notes or maybe a a simple explanation. e phrase
in this case happens to be
named for our son (Harrison BRUCE ties, our system of social new package of pens. is attributed to a surprising and
Apar Field of Dreams in THE BLOG justice.
Yorktown), but a similar scene I like all kinds of writing sup- unpopular act of nepotism when
was playing out at many other Is the idea of two
recreational parks. BRUCE plies. Not paying attention a couple Conservative Prime Minister
It was time to celebrate the blossoming Americas illusion or real- of weeks ago, I grabbed a pack of Robert (Bob) Gascoyne-Cecil,
of the most anticipated spring “thaw” in ity?
memory, signaling liberation from prolonged gel pens. I didn’t realize that the gel the third Marquess of Salisbury,
I look at it this way. ink makes your handwriting look appointed his nephew, Arthur Bal-
If kids are playing the national pastime
once again on a gorgeous eld of green, all ere is Micro-Amer- all shaky like the note scribbled four, as chief secretary for Ireland
must be right with the world. Right?
ica, which lifted my and inside old Aunt Harriet’s birthday in 1887. I never knew that!
Well, you wouldn’t know it from the never-
ending war of words, cross-demonization, and many other spirits at that card. I’ll stick with the regular Another internet source cred-
cynical gamesmanship that spike the toxic
stew of our national politics. opening day of baseball last Saturday. ballpoint pens. its the expression, “cat got your

TWO AMERICAS Micro-America is where we live, who we Calligraphy pens are fun, though. tongue?” to ancient Egypt. Heavy-
Every so often we hear that there are “two
know, what we experience, how we chop our It takes a lot of practice to create handed authorities severely pun-
Americas.” It is shorthand for the polarization
wood and make our garden grow. Micro- those loopy Gothic-style letters ished liars and blasphemers by

America is why America, a heroic notion and fancy curlicues. Now we have cutting out their tongues to render

galvanized into action, was given to the world typeface fonts to print out without them speechless and tossing the

as a beacon of hope and opportunity. any practice sessions required. tongues to feral cats! Now that

Without even realizing it, I am expression paints quite a vivid

MACRO AMERICA always looking for new column picture!
Just as every sunlit hero needs a shady
ideas. Maybe something I hear on
nemesis, Micro-America has Macro-America,
which we know all too well from the not-so- the news strikes my interest, or an Kim Kovach enjoys learning about old
fun-house mirror of national politics that we
item I read in People magazine. expressions from around the world,
I ordered a book through the American slang from the 1920s and

library system which sounded like 1930s, and making up a few new

it might be a great source of new phrases.

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5628 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to

the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628



I’m optimistic by nature and very Interestingly, and in a very pro-business channeled well with local BBQ ribs and the scan of a QR code, are rentable for
much encouraged by the recent however long you would like to scoot. I
vaccination progress among our way, the local districts allowed a parking chicken from a restaurant called “ e would like to take time to commend the
populous, including the lowering of age “little engine that could” of my scooter
eligibility across many states. lane to be taken over and most all res- Pig” in the Shaw District. No. 9874762 that not only trekked me
uphill to the beer garden, but also back
Given that and since we each had taurants have fashioned Nanticoke Nectar with some brews and brats added to the
a shot under our belt, Mrs. KBM and payload. anks, Nikola Tesla.
I took a calculated risk on something makeshift outdoor cafés 7.4% IPA from RAR
called a v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n to visit Daugh- D.C. is de nitely worth a visit—when
ter-of-KBM (DoKBM) in our nation’s with roofs and heaters. THE Brewery in Cambridge, you’re comfortable.
capital. e odd square “QR” KATONAH Maryland, brought us
BEER MAN excellent citrus avors FROM THE READER MAILBAG:
I looked for some poignant travel code is prevalent and in mildly hazy form. Shmaltz Brewing Company She’brew
quotes to identify with and found this when scanned with JOHN BART Food-wise, we paired
one resonated very well: “We travel not your phone’s camera #RBG milkshake 6% IPA — Our afore-
to escape life, but for life not to escape mentioned D.C. tour guide reports in on
us.” –Anonymous (one of my favorite the menu pops up and, with fresh oysters from this homage to the Beacon of Empower-
quoters). ment: “Wery good, just my style, light
in some places, all your Pearl Dive Oyster and fruity, a bit sour, de nitely taste the
I also found this: “He who would raspberry and blueberry.” [Note: Also, a
travel happily must travel light.” –An- transactions are done company, and the haze portion of the pro ts from She’brew’s
toine de St. Exupery, which I absolutely #RBG IPA will go to the ACLU
do not identify with and all the folks I’ve interactively via the phone with waitsta nicely paved the way to the enjoyable bi- Women’s Rights Project and the Pink
traveled with will attest to. ose styl- Boots Society.]
ish Fedora hats take up room. As does delivering food and drinks. valves (which are a spectacular source of
Jameson, our French bulldog… Local lager a cionado and No. 1
ough we have a thirst (pun in- good protein as my nutritionist informs Schilling Brewery fan, now inexplicably
We’ve been to Washington, D.C. in going by “Astronobeer,” sends in this
the past, but coming during the Age of tended) for culture, museums in D.C. are me). concise yet impactful missive: “Jaroslav
COVID-19 was a bit di erent. D.C. Czech-style dark lager at 4.2% is aro-
folks are quite strict about masks and, as closed but we were very fortunate to see D.C. itself has many breweries, but I’d matic and quite toasty.”
an example, it is a sign of mutual respect
to wear your mask while outside at all the beautiful cherry blossoms blossom like to highlight Right Proper Brew- Send along any beer recommendations
times in addition to the inside rules. other readers may enjoy as well as beer-
during our time there, and it was very ing Company that did an excellent job related questions you may have.
It was great to experience the vibrancy
of a major city and, knowing us well, heartening to see the honor bestowed with their Raised by Wolves session 5.0 SEE BART PAGE 14
DoKBM did an amazing job showing
us the great local food and beer scene. on brewers and beer enthusiasts of yore % Pale Ale providing low bitterness in

with massive monuments. Nice touch. accompaniment with a satisfying tropical

All this monumental culture makes a taste.

KBM thirsty, and the D.C. beer scene Vienna-style ales seem to be a popular

has been thriving for many years. Geo- style in the area, and Caboose Brewing

graphically centered, D.C. opportunisti- Company’s 5.3% Vienna Lager from

cally pulls craft beer from Delaware, Vienna, Virginia (!) provided just the

Maryland, and Virginia. We enjoyed: right backdrop to the epic Midlands

Alewerks Brewery’s (out of Williams- Beer Garden Bratwurst consumed on a

burg, Virginia) Tavern Brown Ale was beauti c sunny afternoon.

5.7% with six malt varieties all work- Side note to the beer garden: D.C.

ing in accord (a model for Congress) to is super eco-friendly, and there are an

provide an excellent version of an oddly abundant number of publicly available

hard to nd style. Our food pairing electric scooters on the streets that, with

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“We organized this rally as a concerned about our traditions. Being a bystander and Robert Chao (second from
group of teenagers who are concerned of what letting these subtle things slide continues to left), co-vice president of
this means for us and our country,” Caley said. domino e ect of ignorance, insensitivity and the Organization of Chinese
“Asians have been silenced for years and we misinformation.” Americans, holds a sign with
knew that something like this was possible.” members of the AAPI community.
Assemblymen Chris Burdick (D-Bedford)
Many of the speakers mentioned the recent noted that signi cant steps were taken last Assemblyman
Atlanta spa shootings, where six out of the summer to condemn racism in local communi- Chris Burdick
eight people murdered were Asian women. ties during the Black Lives Matter rally held speaks to the
Caley read the names of the victims and held on the same eld at the Bedford Village Me-
a moment of silence in remembrance of their morial Park, but the community failed to rec- crowd.
lives. ognize that Asjian Americans have also con-
tinued to experience racism.
Caley spoke about microaggressions and
macroaggressions, and how she has had to deal “ e racism is pervasive,” Burdick said. “We
with both during life as an Asian American. “I in the state legislature and in Congress have
was as young as 6 years old when I experienced a moral obligation to do something about it.”
racial jokes. Jokes about things I can’t control,
such as my eyes,” she said. “It was never funny Bedford Town Supervisor MaryAnn Carr
to me.” mentioned that as the supervisor of the com-
munity, she has a responsibility to listen to the
She added, “Unfortunately, what I’ve experi- people of Bedford and make sure they are safe
enced is something that is far from abnormal. and heard. “I have no higher priority than to
My Asian friends have told me their experi- protect and promote the dignity of our diverse
ences of seeing others mock those of Asian de- populations,” she said.
scent by wearing a rice hat and using a broken
Chinese accent.” “Anti-Asian violence is real. But so too are
the public acts of interracial solidarity that
e March 9 attack on Nancy Toh, an receive far less attention,” Carr added. “Both
83-year-old Asian woman who was spit on re ect the moment in which we live today,
and punched in the face in White Plains, was but the latter is a reminder of what is possible
another source of anger for speakers at the rally. when we imagine empathy and justice that
goes beyond just us.”
“I truly can’t comprehend how someone has
so much hate in their heart,” Caley said. “Hate Westchester County Legislator Kitley Co-
is more dangerous than any virus.” vill spoke to the crowd about being a witness
to subtle racism against an Asian co-worker in
Maggie Kuo-Reed, a sophomore at Fox the courtroom. A judge asked her partner in
Lane, spoke about the challenges of growing the district attorney’s o ce, “Where are you
up as an Asian American in a predominantly really from?” after her partner said she was
white suburban area. from Queens.

“From a young age, I felt an underlying “I should have made an intervention, and I
prejudice towards my Asian heritage,” she said. didn’t,” Covill said. “I should have made either
“Words and labels that attack your identity not a joke or said, ‘Why didn’t you ask me where
only have an e ect on your self-worth, but also I’m from?’” She asked that members of the
take away a sense of belonging. To be Asjian crowd research bystander training, so if they
American is to be partly invisible.”
nd themselves in a situation where they are a
ere have been 3,800 cases of violence to- bystander to a racially charged micro or macro-
wards Asians in America over the last year, aggression, they will know what to do.
according to research done by the Stop AAPI
Hate reporting center. “And those are just the State Sen. Pete Harckham (D-South Salem)
ones that have been reported,” Kuo-Reed said. identi ed the need call out racism and hate in
any form, no matter at who it is directed. “We
“Let the number sink in, it’s hard to swal- need to speak out constantly. Whether it’s
low,” said Shiv Pai, a student at New York Uni- racism, whether it’s transphobia, whether
versity. “We know this isn’t new, we know this it’s Islamophobia, whatever the hate
story isn’t rare, and we know we have to change messages,” he said. “ e violence
that.” doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It
starts with rhetoric. It starts with
Much of the ignoring of hate attacks against social post. It starts in the hall-
Asjian Americans is due to the so-called “mod- way of a high school with snide
el minority myth,” in which Asians in America comments.”
are expected to be quiet, successful, and con-
tent members of society. Harckham added that his
Korean life partner has ex-
Kuo-Reed said that this myth has led to perienced racism at the busi-
Asians being thought of as invisible members ness she owns daily, and that
of the country, and “therefore, by some un- it shouldn’t take senseless acts
known logic, don’t need help when we are be- of violence against the AAPI
ing harassed, beaten, slashed or murdered.” She to bring validity to their trau-
added that “the tendency to overlook Asians ma.
and our voices has long been a part of the
Asian experience in America.” “You don’t have to be hit
over the head by somebody to
“It’s important to start at the root of these be deeply wounded by some-
issues. inking about how racism, violence thing they say,” he said. “It’s the
and attacks of hate towards Asians has evolved experiential racism and that’s
over hundreds of years,” said Seneca Schwartz, where we need to start. We’ve got to
a student speaker from John Jay High School. tell people it’s not OK.”
“Even just thinking about the subtle things.

e jokes, the name calling, the comments


Rally organizer
Cat Caley and Bedford
Town Supervisor MaryAnn Carr


Kitley Covill
speaks to the


The crowd
following the
conclusion of

the rally

Enclosed is a chart that tracks the
KLSD budget and enrollment g-
ures since the 1999-2000 school year FROM PAGE 11
through 2021-22. All data used has
forwad-thinkgSafetyTchCompanywithcomefromthebudgetbooksaspub- With the warmer weather
Learnigop rtunieslishedbythedistrict.
LETTERS upon us, the backlog of craft
Spending up, enrollment down in KLSD beer venues to visit needs to
be addressed! Here’s my list
of spots I’ve judiciously kept
a log of to visit (in no par-
ticular order other than general

e budget has increased 100 per- geography), in case any of you

cent over that period, while the student would like to get a head start

population has decreased 25.7 percent (it on exploration (with a promise

actually plummeted 29.3 percent from its of sharing a review afterwards)

peak in 2002-03). e cost per student Westchester-NY-ish

increased from $14,517 in 1999-2000 to • Bridge View Tavern – Tar-

$38,995 for the school year 2021-22—a BeingpartofapidlyexandigteamOverwhelmed rytown,
whopping 168.6 percent increase. Caring For • Broken Bow Brewery –
Your Loved One?
Since 2006-07—when the percent Tuckahoe, brokenbowbrewery.
change in the cost per student started Call us today! com
to be higher than the percent change
in the budget—the administration and • Industrial Arts – Beacon,
the school board have failed miserably
in taking corrective action to address
the continuing decline in enrollment by • District 96 – New City, NY.
proposing and passing ever increasing
Upstate-ish NY
John Wille • Bound by Fate Brewing
South Salem – Schuylervillle, boundbyfate-
NOTICE TO • Chatham Brewery – Cha-
NEW YORK tham,
• Kings Court – Poughkeep-
amisontkepchildrensafothejurnyRESIDENTS sie, kingscourtbrewingcompany.
Homeowner Funding is now offering homeowners a chance • Zeus Brewing Company –
to make necessary energy efficient home repairs and will be Poughkeepsie, zeusbrewingco.
offering its services to families who: com
Hiking and Beer
REPAIRS. Cold Beer at ese 7 Brewery-
Side Hikes” (
PAYMENTS. • Two Roads Brewing Co –
Stratford, tworoadsbrewing.
GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS. • Charter Oak Brewing Co
– Danbury, charteroakbrewing.
REPAIR TO INCLUDE: Owned and operated by two Registered Nurses com
tosch l.ROOFING•SIDING•WINDOWS•DOORS&MORE... with over 80 years of combined experience! • Lock City Brewing – Stam-
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BusPatrol is hiring — KBM should have a view on

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BusPatrol is hiring —Are you MOTIVATED, HARDWORKING, Join the BusPatrol team and enjoy:
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musical vocal group Are you MOTIVATED, HARDWORKING, aBJnuodisnPtwhaeterBo’urlsePisaltorhooilrktienianmgga—nfdoerntjaoydssple:paliiysnrftiytitnnhglSciakpttbireevsipeenyrrgj,oie!ne”u.nggI!,se“iaesirhsseqIhyucaoEoviuexbletduhmta,-t
and PASSIONATE about building a safer
fAurteuryeoufoMr tOheTInVeAxTtEgDe,nHeAraRtiDoWn?OWReKaINreGa, Competitive pay and benefits
faonrdwPaArdStShIiOnkNinAgTESafbeotyutTbeucihldCinogmapsaanfyer despite years of research, theAre
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tfohrewjaorudr-ntheiynktiongscShaofeotly. Tech Company with and
a mission to keep children safe on the journey yPoALueSMSaIOOrnTNIiAVnTAgETEaoDbpo, HuptAobRurDtiluWdinnOgiRtaiKesINsafGer, Join the BusPatrol team and enjoy:
Jtooisnchtohoel.BusPatrol team and enjoy: whole lot seems like the Hall-ffourtuwraerBdfo-etrhitinnhkeginngpexSatagrfetetnyoeTfreacathiorCnao?pmWipdeaanlyryeweaitxhpandingLCteoeamranpminegtitoivpeppoarytuannitdiebsenefits
mark cards of “session beers,”a mission to keep children safe on the journey
Competitive pay and benefits which are ne, but not a cat-to school.
Learning opportunities Being part of a rapidly expanding team

Being part of a rapidly expanding team egory… to me. Carry on.
We are looking for:
playing an eclec�c mix of favorites, old and new To find out more, go to: Note: If you’re reading this in
Field Service Technicians or email hard copy form, all the links are
[email protected] 914-248-5135 [email protected] “live” via the archive mentioned
We are looktoinmgodefronirze: school buses with advanced below. Cheers!
Field ServteicchneolTogeycahcronsiscthieaUnSsand Canada. We look forward to welcoming you on board!

to modernize school buses with

join Lauren, Colleen and Rick and bring a li�le advanced technology across the US and [email protected];

harmony to your next event! To find out more, go to: or email Instagram: @thekatonahbeerman;
[email protected] We look forward to welcoming you on board! thekatonahbeerman.wordpress.
We are looking for:
To find out more, go to:

Field Service Technicians or email

to modernize school buses with advanced [email protected]
technology across the US and Canada. We look forward to welcoming you on board!


APAR Bush, gentler and kinder. I’m on Facebook
Someone who reads these remarks
FROM PAGE 10 I’ve been putting o MAN got a pop-up from Rus-
could counter, “Speaking of gross putting myself out OVERBOARD sia: “THAT’S what you
probably mind too much—by its generalizations, in your cartoonish there on the net for bought for your wife’s
audience-chasing nature, the 24/7 depiction of Macro-America, that’s a long time, since social birthday? You should
media news cycle, that we let aggra- what you are doing. C’mon, it isn’t
vate us 24/7, favors noise over nuance. all that bad. Besides, we elected these media often seems so RICK be ashamed of yourself.”
It typically only has time and taste for people.” MELÉN
gross generalizations. But that’s not antisocial. I know I should be
who we are. And I would respond that that
would be totally fair criticism. Point ere is a lot of political ashamed of myself; I just
e Macro-America in the macro- taken.
news that passes itself o as America carping, and people saying can’t decide which thing
is a convenient construct shaped more AUTHENTICALLY HUMBLE
by entertainment value than nely I would respond that way because a lot of dumb stu just to to be ashamed for at the
textured delity to facts.
accepting criticism—and having a get a reaction. I know a couple of people moment. And the fact that nefarious geeks
It is only through Micro-America good-natured, red-blooded disagree-
that we can appreciate the granularity ment—is one of the cherished quali- who get themselves banned on a regular are sitting in their basement tracking my
and rich resources of salt-of-the-earth ties of life in authentically humble
humanity that generates warmth and Micro-America, where nobody claims basis by posting incendiary comments that every move just so they can make fun of me
empathy at ground level. to have all the answers.
get agged by the Facebook police. scares the crap out of me.
THE ‘LITTLE PEOPLE’ If, however, my lip quivered and
Macro-America is too busy think- my knee jerked as I lashed back at “Excuse me, O cer, what seems to be Hold on, I just got an alert on Facebook
well-intentioned criticism—and even
ing big to pay much mind to Micro- hurled a few personal insults at the the trouble?” Messenger from a North Korean hacker:
America. e machinery of Macro- critic to pridefully hide my not having
America is managed by power brokers a thoughtful response—then, by golly, “Well,” Facebook Cop says, “you said a “Dude, you’re going to SEARS?” “Excuse
with their hand in our pockets, and I might just win “Citizen of the Year”
their head in the clouds, a ording honors in Macro-America. whole bunch of stu about Trump that, me,” I reply, “I have a Kenmore dishwasher
them a safe distance from which to
look down on the “little people.” Such un-neighborly, arrogant even though it was true, no one would from 1993 that is still under warranty.”
behavior would be undeserving
In Micro-America, neighbors have of a parade down Main Street in BELIEVE it was true, so I’m going to have South Korea says, “Hey, I heard Roebuck
their hands in their own pockets, well-mannered and well-manicured
ready to pull out some support for Micro-America, where the townsfolk to cu you up.” is back in the picture and they’re think-
those in need. Micro-America is a lot instead would be enjoying the pastoral
more hospitable and life-a rming peace of kids playing baseball. “OK,” I say, “but if you use the pink furry ing of renewing their vows.” “Ha, ha, ha,
to inhabit than cold and calculating
Macro-America. Bruce Apar is a writer, actor, consultant, and ones again please don’t post a picture of it emoji, emoji, etc., etc.,” I reply. Now that I
community volunteer. He can be reached at
Micro-America is, in the words [email protected]; 914-275-6887. on my timeline.” know other countries are following me, I
of 41st U.S. President George H.W.
It isn’t me posting all the politics, that’s pass right by the erotic bakery, even though

not my thing. I don’t need a bunch of there is an exhibitionist doughnut in the

people gerrymandering me while I’m trying window that looks REALLY good, I don’t

to gure out how to post a video of my dog. care WHAT it’s shaped like. I would have

By the way, how DO you post a video of to eat certain parts of it so fast that it’s a

my dog? And how did you even get a video stomachache AND a misdemeanor waiting

of my dog? to happen.

Also, I’ve been afraid of being targeted Speaking of emojis, I will admit that

by advertising bots. ese things follow I don’t know which ones to use, and

every mouse click and know everything my reactions on Facebook are usually

you purchase, and tailor ads that appeal to SEE MELEN PAGE 16

everything you hate about yourself. I just

Do you understand
the difference between

an irrevocable and
a revocable trust?



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Whether you know it or MELEN know everybody loves Mr. Rogers,
not, you’re learning but even when I was a little kid
FROM PAGE 15 I thought there was something
Dear Dr. Linda, pieces, you’ve eaten a half weird about him, explaining
as inappropriate as they are in everything so damn slowly as
I have just read your STRONG of the sandwich. On paper, real life. e pictures appear so if I was a little kid. He seemed
column on dyscalculia. I LEARNING you’d write the number small that I can’t really make like exactly the kind of guy who
am an 84-year-old grand- two to represent how many out what they mean. Is this one would o er me candy to get into
DR. LINDA laughing at the wrong time or the car with him. My mom said
mother. I have never seen SILBERT pieces you cut the whole crying on somebody’s parade? absolutely NO getting into the car
that word or knew there sandwich into. en you’d with strangers. My dad seemed to
ey have so many di erent encourage it. My main focus was,
is such a math disorder. I draw a horizontal line above icons it’s hard to even decide exactly what kind of candy? I’m
which one to send. not getting into anybody’s car for
have struggled with math the two and write the num- “Good n’ Plenty” or “Starbursts” or
Somebody posted that their any crap like that, so actually just
since elementary school. I ber of pieces that you ate. mom was in the hospital and I toss a “Take 5” bar out the passen-
sent what I thought was a heart, ger window and be on your way.
still get nervous when I need to balance my at would be just one piece. So, you write but it turned out to be a half a
salami. If you asked the mom, So, I’ve been on for about a
checkbook. the number one. I bet she would say she would week now, and it’s going OK, but
rather have the half a salami I feel like I need that guy on the
I realized early on that I would never con- If you were in school, your teacher would than a bunch of hearts any day. television commercials who tells
you when you’re acting like some-
quer math. I never received help, but teachers ask you how much of the sandwich you ate. ere are a couple of emojis that body’s dad. I raise my hand for a
they still haven’t added yet, like question during the seminar: “If I
promoted me each year. I still cannot gure You’d answer by saying, I ate one of the two my boss’ boss, who makes a face tag somebody, they are technically
like he is thinking SO hard that ‘it,’ correct?” Major eye-roll from
out fractions. ankfully, all of my grandchil- pieces, or one half of my sandwich. You told the phone in his o ce might the instructor. “Also, if somebody
spontaneously burst into ames. likes what I just said I liked,
dren are brilliant in math, as their parents the teacher what fraction of the sandwich Or the face my cat used to make should I like that, too?” Don’t
when he would sni something worry, I’ll get the hang of this.
are. I was so bothered by this problem as a you ate. You were doing fractions. If you ate really bad, and his face would stay
like that for ve minutes until he Join Rick and Trillium at 7 p.m.
youngster, I am so grateful that in today’s both pieces of the sandwich, you would put smelled something a little better Saturday, April 17, at Black Rock
or a little worse. Kitchen in Croton-on-Hudson
world parents aim to correct the problems a two above the two which meant that you for some socially distanced outdoor
Will you be my friend? I feel dining and music! Look for Rickster
their children have. ate the whole sandwich. In other words, you like Mr. Rogers asking you that, Melen on Facebook! Say hello at
and it makes me want to take [email protected].
I enjoy your column and so many interest- didn’t eat a part of the whole sandwich, you o my suit jacket and put on my
sweater and lace up my sneakers.
ing facts of history. ate the whole sandwich which equals the I forgot to put on pants. I hope
this doesn’t a ect our friendship. I
Grandma number one. You only need to write fractions

when you cut the whole sandwich or what-

Dear Grandma, ever you’re dividing up into smaller but equal

ank you for your email. Believe it or not, parts.

you probably have gured out fractions to If you have followed me up to this

a degree—you just didn’t know it. I assume point, you can do fractions. I bet you know

you’ve made many sandwiches in your life. more than you think you do—and if you

Sometimes, you cut the sandwich in two don’t know it, you’d be able to learn it and

equal parts. Each piece is a fraction of the SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 17

whole sandwich. If you eat one of the two

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Happily Ever After

DR. LINDA ally you may simply give up. For example, many young around yourself and learning stops. Children will learn
children nd it di cult to learn addition facts which math, reading or what have you, whether they have
FROM PAGE 16 makes it more di cult to learn subtraction. ose learning challenges or not—if they’re comfortable and
children who never learn their multiplication facts will calm, it will just take longer.
understand it in no time, even at 84! e problem not be able to do division, fractions and so forth.
with math is that at the time you’re learning it, if you Dr. Linda
become confused, you probably also become nervous. If you’re an adult and feel you have dyscalculia, think
back and try to remember where you got stuck. What Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad Grades Happen to
erefore, the next time you see it, you become ner- grade were you in? Did your teacher or parents try to Good Kids” and director of Strong Learning Tutoring
vous again which means it becomes di cult to learn. help you or did they make you more nervous? Learn- and SAT/ACT Test Prep. Send your questions to Linda@
And if you don’t learn one or more concepts along the ing math is no di erent than learning anything else. If
way, it makes learning the next concept even more dif- it’s easy for you to learn it, you don’t get nervous and
you continue to learn. If it’s di cult, you create a wall
cult. If you actually have dyscalculia, everything asso-
ciated with math will take longer to learn and eventu-

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JohnFOOTBALL Jay stays unbeaten

Giardina’s 280 yards leads Wolves over Harrison, 49-20

BY RICH MONETTI yardage to the 45, and after Giardina scampered

CONTRIBUTING WRITER past mid eld on the keep, he got outside for 41

more yards.

On Friday, April 9, John Jay faced o with Har- Connelly got the next four and Giardina

rison at the high school, and the Section 1A-A cleaned up with a three-yard touchdown run at

team de nitely came to play. But after a 14-14 2:09. Nonetheless, the halftime tie had Coach

half, John Jay went back their dominating ways Clark imploring that whoever eliminates the

and sent 3-1 Harrison home to a 49-20 defeat. mental mistakes will come out the winner.

Coach Jimmy Clark cited the Wolves’ wear- Harrison didn’t make a very good case out of

down factor from both ends. intermission. On second and 11, Straus fumbled,

“Most teams in Section 1 have the same guys and Harrison was soon punting. John Jay wasn’t

Ryan Brennan forces the fumble. playing o ense and defense,” Clark said. “So, exactly pristine in their next possession, either.
Nick Giardina carries the ball.
Aidan Cullen in pursuit when we’re able to move the ball like that on of- Even so, the Wolves were able to overcome

fense, that’s not only wearing down the defense. two penalties. On a third and 10 from the Har-

We’re wearing down the same guys on o ense.” rison 45, Giardina’s rollout scampered 25 yards.

at’s certainly how the game started. After But a dead-ball foul moved the Wolves back 10

several Jon Connelly runs, Nick Giardina found and then a hold subtracted 10 more.

Ryan Brennan for 15 yards to mid eld. But Con- DiChiara erased both miscues, however. He

nelly turned the ball over, and John Jay wasn’t paused in the back eld, and seeing the hole, a

done with the miscues. ree penalties kept the 42-yard touch run had John Jay up 21-14 with

Harrison drive alive, and Casey Judelson ran in 7:15 left in the third. Of course, the halfback

from the one to give Harrison a 7-0 lead. praised his o ensive line for giving him the vi-

Unfortunately for Harrison, John Jay didn’t sion to yield 109 yards on seven carries. “ e

miss a beat, and Giardina was mostly the one linemen were making amazing blocks, and I just

banging the drum. e QB rst kept the ball for ran through them,” DiChiara said.

23 of his 280 yards rushing and then completed On the other hand, Fischer dug his team in

passes to Steven Pichardo and Chris DiChiara to deeper when he fell down elding the kicko .

gain the Harrison 35. e Huskers were soon punting from the ve,

Of course, Giardina had help from his running and the Wolves started gnashing their teeth.

mate, and 28 yards on six carries didn’t amount to irty-eight yards away and with the help of

any easy yards for Jon Connelly. is especially a face mask penalty, Giardina got touchdown

in light of the previous possession. “I was angry at number three from the 23 with 3:29 left in the

my myself and didn’t want to let the team down,” third.

said Connelly, who had 74 total yards on 22 car- e fourth quarter had both o enses go qui-

ries. etly on the next two possessions, so John Jay had

e running back then played decoy, and Giar- to feel pretty good. But Harrison wasn’t ready to

dina kept the fake for a seven-yard TD run with give in.

11:05 left in the half. Still, Harrison was up to the At mid eld, Straus bumped outside and found

task, and it began with Pete Fischer’s return to the end zone with 8:25 remaining. e extra point

the 35. A play later, Judelson sprinted 60 yards to was not to be, and Matt Ferrer’s hand did its part.

the ve, and quarterback Troy Straus did the rest. e Wolves would soon get some extra cush-

A 14-7 lead with 9:41 remaining in the second ion. Giardina paused with the snap, took o for a

had John Jay unable to answer back, and punter 54-yard run, and then Connelly went in from the

Lucas Orlovitz complicated matters when he two at 6:54. e game in hand at 35-20, Daniel

took o on 4th and 25 from mid eld. Orlovitz Gonzalez scored on a thirty-yard fumble recov-

reconsidered, but his ground ball punt only trav- ery, and DiChiara completed the evening with a

eled nine yards. 75-yard TD run.

e momentum shift appeared to go into high A non-league game with no implications in the

gear when Straus kept the ball for a 55-yard standings, Clark still welcomed the late season

touchdown run. But a holding negated the play, tune up. “ is was a nice crossover victory against

and John Jay got the ball back. a really good team, and we need to nish up next

PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI Harrison didn’t get o so easy this go-around, week versus Greeley to give us an opportunity to

though. Connelly again ground out some tough play in the championship game,” Clark said.

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VOLLEYBALL Kaitlyn Varriale
serves it up.
John Jay improves to 10-0
Wolves top Yorktown in battle of unbeatens RICH MONETTI

BY RICH MONETTI 19-13 on two kills by Preis and one reveling in the hard-fought lesson

CONTRIBUTING WRITER by McMann. plan. “ e girls learned today that

Byram did close to 19-17, but they can pull it together when they

John Jay racked up three more Varriale and another of Preis’ 12 need to,”Rizzotti said.

victories last week, including a win kills closed the game at 25-19. Up is week, the girls face Ma-

over previously unbeaten Yorktown. two, game three also got heavy in hopac, Ardsley, and Yorktown.

Now 10-0, Coach Tom Rizzotti the middle.

pointed to his team’s preparation Two kills by Nichols made it 12-

as a reason for their success. “ e 8, and a wide strike by Preis got By- Lily Preis on
amount of work they put in during ram one closer, but John Jay was on the bump

practice is really showing,” he said. their game from back to front. Preis

“It’s amazing.” wound up from the right after Lily

e week began at Byram Hills Hodor did her thing at libero with

on Tuesday, April 6, and scores of a diving save. Knowing the drill,

25-16, 25-12, and 25-22 completed Hodor keeps her head up and nose

the trifecta. Still, Jillian Nichols’ kill primed to grind. “You always have

showed life in a 9-8 Bobcats lead. to be on your feet and ready when-

But Kaitlyn Varriale and Kira Mc- ever the hit comes,”Hodor asserted.

Mann kills sparked a seven-point Nonetheless, the Bobcats got a

run, and John Jay cruised from glimpse at 16-14. But once again,

there. Hodor made friends with the oor,

ere was no messing around in and this time, McMann did the

game two, and Lily Preis went to honors.

the oor to send the message. At e 25-17 game was nally

3-3, Preis dug a spike, Driesen cor- ended on John Jay’s long bench.

ralled the up, and McMann did the Nicole Romano had a kill at 18-14,

rest. and aces by Jesse David and Rachel

e lead grew to 18-7 on a Preis Lewis sealed the deal.

kill, and the eventual two-game One game to go, Yorktown was

lead extended the rotation. Saturday’s victim. But four close

“It’s important that we have a sets ensued, and Yorktown’s defense

team rst attitude,” Rizzotti said. was the prolonging factor.

“ at means the front of the jersey e visitors jumped out to a 15-

is more important than the back 11 lead in game one and looked

and nobody is above anyone else.” ready to extend. Yorktown making

Nonetheless, two kills by Megan dig after dig, Preis’ big kill applied

Lee gave Byram an 11-9 lead, and the brakes.

the home crowd stirred. Unshaken, John Jay eventually pulled even

though, Julia D’Urso dropped a and a deep bump by Preis gave the

dink, and two points later, so did Wolves a 23-21 lead. However, a

Madigan Flynn. Yorktown kill appeared to tie at 23,

e 12-11 lead grew to 23-16, but a redo was signaled. So, Preis

but Byram wouldn’t relent. Nichols’ and McMann, who had 15 and 20 Fertilizing/ Seeding:
kill got one back and several John kills, respectively, took the hint and

Jay miscues set the score at 23-22. ended the 25-22 game with a block

So, Rizzotti called on Preis to and kill. •Lawn Seeding
& Aeration
settle things down. Her swing put Game two was more of the same,

the ball on Byram’s court, and this and again, Preis played big at the Organic Outside

time Nichols hit long. end. Still, the di erence maker at

Driesen then served the winner, 22-22 began with Allanah Mc- Insect Control:
while Preis downplayed her calm- Mann’s diving save, and Preis didn’t

ing presence. let her down. She knocked down •Topsoil Seeding
• Ticks“Everyone on this team is able the kill and another followed. Set-
to play at the level you see on their back, a long push on Yorktown’s
• Fleas
best days,” Preis said. “So, it’s just a part gave the Wolves a 25-22 vic- • Mosquitos •Fertilizer (organic
• Cinch Bug and non-organic)
matter of energy and bringing that tory. • Japanese
•Weed Control
back.” Of course, fate had to turn, and Beetle Spraying

ere was no shortage of energy Yorktown’s defense led the way.

when Byram arrived on ursday. Even so, the 25-21 loss seemed to

Varriale opened with two kills, and focus John Jay. ey reeled o six

an 8-1 lead gave way to a 25-10 win. straight, and at the 13-7, John Jay

Game two and three weren’t as was on their way. But Yorktown

easy. Emily Hollander’s block kept fought back to a 14-13 lead. • Grub Control •Lime Treatments
John Jay’s lead contained at 4-2, A timeout and the team took “a
but McMann reasserted John Jay’s collective deep breath,”according to

position. Nailing one of her 12 kills, Rizzotti. e exhale didn’t work out

the lead grew to 10-5. well for Yorktown, either. A Preis

Lee and Ella Fleischer answered kill sparked a seven-point run, and 845-820-7359

with kills and running away looked the afternoon ended at 25-19 on [email protected]

less likely. Unfortunately for the Varriale’s swing from the left.

Bobcats, the 11-9 de cit grew to e extra work had Rizzotti


CLUES ACROSS 21. Localities disappointment 18. Suffix For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Ocean surface indicator 25. Make a choice
(abbr.) 26. Indicates position 45. Abba __, Israeli politician 19. Creative endeavor
4. American time 27. One of Thor’s names
7. Satisfaction 29. Indian musical rhythmic 46. Hide away 20. Icelandic poem
8. Diving duck pattern
10. Very small amount 30. “The Raven” author 48. Salad restaurant 22. Spanish dances
12. Metrical units 31. Take in solid food
13. An ignorant or foolish 32. Legendary QB 49. Daughters of Boreas 23. Town in Central Italy
person 39. Sorrels
14. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.) 41. Organization of nations (mythology) 24. Cars need it
16. It may sting you 42. Texas pharmaceutical
17. Turn outward company 50. Men’s fashion accessory 27. Mimics
19. Perform on stage 43. Mathematical term
20. “CSI” actor George 44. Expression of 51. Political action 28. Rocky peak

committee 29. Cigarette (slang)

52. Unhappy 31. One point south of due


CLUES DOWN 32. Soap actress Braun

1. Make unhappy 33. Large domesticated

2. Heard the confession of wild ox

3. Capital of Taiwan 34. Island nation

4. Fiddler crab 35. Appear

5. Brazilian dances 36. Addictive practices

6. Fit with device to 37. Loss of control of one’s

assist breathing body

8. Brother or sister 38. Type of poster

9. Pastries 39. Greek mountain

11. “Lone Survivor” 40. Funny person

director Peter 44. One and only

14. Boat type (abbr.) 47. Pouch

15. Apertures (biology)

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!


Wolves improve
to 6-0

Marisol Tan
John Jay had another big week at Saw Mill Club East. With vic-
tories over Ursuline, Rye/Rye Neck/Blind Brook, and Mamaroneck, the PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
Wolves moved to 6-0 on the season.

On Wednesday, April 7, John Jay defeated Mamaroneck, 96-75, and
Rye/Rye Neck/Blind Brook, 98-79. Out of the gate, the relays had John
Jay come together well. Olivia Lind, Symantha Ehnes, Rachele Bach-
mann, and Marisol Tan took the 200 Medley Relay against both teams,
and Lind, Jessie Crane, Lexi Riolo, and Tan did the same in the 200 Free-
style Relay.

Individually, Tan won the 50 and 100 Freestyle versus both opponents,
Madison Edwards swept in the 200 Individual Medley, and so did Emma
Richman in the 500 Freestyle. Richman also took rst versus Mama-
roneck in the 200 Freestyle, and nally, Ines Nix took rst in the dive
against Rye.

On ursday, the girls again relied on their relays. Lind, Ehnes, Bach-
mann, and Tan took rst in the 200 Medley Relay and Edwards, Crane,
Riolo, and Richman got gold in the 200 Freestyle Relay.

By themselves, Crane won the 200 Freestyle and Maya Luongo took
the 50 Freestyle, and above board, Nix, Madison Geary, and Lauren De-
Lucia nished one-two-three without opponents. Even so, Coach Meg
Kaplan knows what she has in her divers.

“All three ladies are in the Top 15,” she said.
And overall, the coach obviously likes what she’s seen so far.
“ e team continues to do well and push one another. ey have been
lowering their times and moving up in the rankings,” she concluded.

is week,Westlake and Bronxville matched up with John Jay on Mon-
day (April 12) and Horace Greeley was on deck on Tuesday (April 13).


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double- and triple-digit gains luxury sales since last summer.” of homes to choose from, this point. Darien, New Canaan,
compared to Q1 2020. Robust echelon of buyers is motivated by and Rowayton posted gains up • Highest Sale Price
buyer demand during the typi- With so many buyers com- desire, not need, and tend to be to $5M price point. Dutchess: $7,000,000 Rhine-
cally slow holiday period of late peting for a limited number of highly selective about their pur- beck
fall/early winter yielded the luxury homes, well-priced list- chase, una ected by current mar- “ e question on everyone’s
strongest rst quarter of closed ings are being quickly absorbed, ket dynamics. Consequently, days mind is: How long will this GREENWICH LUXURY HOME
sales in a decade, according to many with multiple o ers, es- on market are often higher than last?” Cutugno said. “Pending SALES $3M AND HIGHER
the Houlihan Lawrence Luxury pecially in the lower end of the homes trading quickly in the sales are up, showing activity is
Market Report released today. market. “It is safe to assume that lower end of the luxury market. strong and days on market are Homes Sold: Up 159.3
listings sitting on the market are down, pointing to a solid mar- percent
“One year ago, when the coun- being overlooked because buyers Putnam and Dutchess Coun- ket through the summer. As we
try was in a COVID-19 lock- reject the price. Pricing matters, ties’ luxury properties ($1M and move toward long-awaited herd Median Sale Price: Up 8.9
down, it was hard to imagine even in a supply-constrained higher) are increasingly on the immunity, we are closely moni- percent
that residential real estate would environment. When the price radar of NYC buyers who are toring what changes are here to
experience a V-shaped recovery is adjusted to align with market gravitating to the Hudson Val- stay and those that will return to Highest Sale Price:
fueled by seismic shifts in con- values, buyers respond positive- ley for its rural charm, pastoral pre-pandemic norms.” $45,000,000
sumer behavior,” said Anthony ly,” Cutugno said. beauty, and relative value. is
P. Cutugno, senior vice presi- remains a second home purchase MARKETS AT A GLANCE DARIEN LUXURY HOME
dent, director of private broker- In Westchester County, lux- for many buyers, while other Westchester County Lux- SALES $2M AND HIGHER
age. “Luxury real estate north of ury sales ($2M and higher) sky- luxury buyers are putting down
NYC is the bene ciary of these rocketed this quarter. Interest- roots with their primary home ury Home Sales—$2M and Homes Sold: Up 62.5 percent
well-documented changes. A ingly, the ultra-luxury segment purchase. Higher Median Sale Price: Down 0.3
substantially larger buyer pool ($5M and higher) is the only percent
price bracket to have more in- In Greenwich ($3M and • Homes Sold: Up 82.2 Highest Sale Price:
percent $4,650,000
• Median Sale Price: Down NEW CANAAN LUXURY
Corresponding to Last Week’s April 8 Issue 4.4 percent HOME SALES $2M AND
• Highest Sale Price:
$7,150,000 Scarsdale Homes Sold: Up 233.3
Putnam and Dutchess
County Luxury Home Sales— Median Sale Price: Down
$1M and Higher 17.5 percent

• Homes Sold: Up 207.7 Highest Sale Price:
percent $4,590,000

• Median Sale Price: Up 33.6 is press release was prepared by
percent ompson & Bender.



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