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Published by Halston Media, 2019-04-24 16:00:56

Yorktown News 04.25.19

Vol. 8 No. 4 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, April 25, 2019

‘Mon Dieu’

Yorktown resident recalls witnessing Notre Dame re

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER “I was—I think we all were— Nellie O’Brien poses in front of PHOTOS COURTESY OF NELLIE O’BRIEN
EDITOR willing it to stand,” she continued. the Notre Dame cathedral.
“Expecting the worst but hoping for The Notre Dame cathedral caught fire around 6:30 p.m.
When vacationing Yorktown a miracle.”
resident Nellie O’Brien visited the
iconic Notre Dame cathedral in e re, however, continued to
Paris around 6 p.m. Monday, April spread across the roof, which col-
15, she never imagined her pictures lapsed.
would become some of the last tak-
en of the building fully intact. “My heart was breaking, and I
couldn’t stop the tears,” she said.
Traveling overseas to celebrate a
friend’s birthday, O’Brien had ar- e cathedral’s spire would col-
rived in Paris on Monday afternoon. lapse soon after.
She departed the airport and trav-
eled directly to her favorite sight— “By then, there were people on
the Notre Dame cathedral. the roofs of neighboring buildings,
throngs crowded on bridges and all
As the church bells tolled six around me,” she said.
times to mark the hour, O’Brien
walked around the 850-year-old “And yet,” she continued, “it was
cathedral, attempting to capture it almost completely silent.”
from every perspective.
O’Brien said it is “hard to fathom”
She then headed over to Île Saint- that she took the nal photos and
Louis for a glass of wine. heard the nal bells ring out from
the cathedral before the re.
“As we took in the view, smoke
began to billow—thick, dense, mas- e French president, however,
sive, multicolored smoke—from be- has promised to rebuild the cathe-
hind the spire,” O’Brien said. dral “more beautiful than before.”

She hurried to get a clearer view ough it may take years or de-
and saw the “unimaginable.” cades, the church bells “will toll
again,” O’Brien said, “and that is
“I stood praying and sobbing for heartening.”
three horrifying hours amid cho-
ruses of ‘incroyable’ and ‘mon Dieu’ Investigation into the cause of
as more and more people gathered,” the re continues at the cathedral,
O’Brien said. which was undergoing renovations
at the time. ere were no reported

BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE 39 Thinking of Selling?
HEALTH & WELLNESS 24 Dee’s Yorktown Listings
LEGAL NOTICES 35 Sell at 99% of List Price!
OBITUARIES Work with an award winning agent who
OPINION 18 BATTLE OF Designs Your Home to Sell
TOWN GREEN Call Dee Today at 914.844.1745
28 Volunteers take out the trash.
4 pg 20-21

Denise Giordano

Associate Real Estate Broker

914.844.1745 (m)

[email protected]

Awarded to the top 10% of 366 Underhill Ave
all Coldwell Banker agents Yorktown Heights, NY

Real Estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor agents and are not employees of the Company. ©2019 Coldwell Banker Residential

Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by a subsidiary of NRT
LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. *Per HGMLS data 4/22/18-4/22/19 Sold Yorktown Heights all
property types.

Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 25, 2019


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Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor agents and are not employees of the Company. The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may include approxi-
mations. Although the information is believed to be accurate, it is not warranted and you should not rely upon it without personal verification. All associates featured are licensed with NY Department of State as a Broker or Salesperson. ©2019 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Owned by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

Thursday, April 25, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 3

YHS salutatorian documents battle with cancer

Supporters of Marlee Pincus donate $20,000 to charity

PHOTO: FACEBOOK/MARLEEINDIRA BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER covery process, she said, “I just wanted to give up
EDITOR and quit.”
Marlee Pincus sports a mohawk after shaving her head.
Marlee Pincus, salutatorian of Yorktown High “My whole world was ipped upside down,” Pin-
FILE PHOTO/BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER School’s Class of 2018, was introduced at gradua- cus wrote. “Here I was, not even 18 yet, always had
tion as “a natural leader who was always willing to been healthy, and thriving at college. Now that was
Marlee Pincus, salutatorian of Yorktown High School’s Class of share her insight with the goal of making the world all taken away. It felt like the ground was crumbling
2018, speaks at graduation in June. a better place.” beneath me and I couldn’t do anything about it.”

Months later, faced with the greatest challenge After a “few days of being in shock,” she and her
of her short life, the 18-year-old lived up to those family started a Facebook page where friends, fam-
words, publicly documenting her battle with T-cell ily and supporters could follow her journey.
acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
“When faced with a life-threatening situation,
Pincus was diagnosed in early October, just a an inner-strength comes over you,” Pincus said. “I
month into her freshman year at Cornell University. describe it best as a re ignited in you. e fuel is al-
ways there, but there’s a spark to ignite it. I realized
“After a few weeks, my friends and I caught the that, at only 17 years old, I had so much more to live
cough going around the dorm building,” Pincus for and I wasn’t ready to give up my life just yet.”
wrote on the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s
website. “As my friends recovered, my symptoms Just weeks into her treatment at Memorial Sloan
worsened.” Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, she
celebrated her 18th birthday on Oct. 18, 2018. In-
Pincus began developing a fever, night sweats, ex- stead of asking for gifts, Pincus asked her social
treme fatigue and shortness of breath, but brushed media followers to help her raise $1,800 for the
her symptoms o as a result of the “college life- Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
style”—staying up late and eating unhealthy foods.
ey raised more than $20,000.
Needing a “reset,” Pincus left Cornell and head- “ is all just goes to show that, even from a hos-
ed home to Yorktown for Columbus Day weekend. pital bed, you can make a di erence,” Pincus said.
Pincus, who is undergoing chemotherapy, also
“Little did I know that I wouldn’t return” to celebrated her 18th birthday by shaving her head.
school, Pincus said on Saturday, April 13, speaking “Losing my hair didn’t scare me,” she wrote. “I
at Cornell’s Relay for Life event. knew I couldn’t watch it fall out and I wanted to
take the opportunity to try new hairstyles along the
When she arrived home, her mom noticed that way. Hair grows back. Hair does not de ne me.”
she looked “extremely pale” and had a swollen Since October, Pincus has posted regular up-
lymph node “the size of a golf ball” on her neck. dates to her near-800 followers.
She was taken to urgent care, where blood results She continues to receive regular chemotherapy
revealed “critical values.” treatments at Memorial Sloan Kettering.
“When I’m not getting treatment, I try to keep
“I was immediately rushed to the emergency room myself busy by exercising and taking online classes,”
(at Hackensack Hospital in New Jersey), where I Pincus told Yorktown News. “Although treatment
received my life-changing diagnosis,” Pincus said. will continue for another year and a half, and the
After more blood tests, the doctor con rmed she consequences of this process will follow me forever,
had T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. I maintain a positive attitude and look towards the
light at the end of the tunnel.”
Receiving the diagnosis was a moment that Pin- At Yorktown High School, Pincus was a three-
cus said she will never forget. season athlete, running cross-country, winter track
and spring track. She also served as public relations
“When you rst hear that you have cancer, it’s o cer for the Class of 2018, was a peer tutor at the
one of the scariest feelings that you could ever ex- high school’s Writing Center and a teaching assis-
perience,” she said. “Your rst thought is, ‘Am I go- tant for Spanish at the middle school.
ing to die?’” On top of her academic success, Pincus also
served as co-president of the high school’s Amnes-
ough her cancer is treatable and there is an ty International club and co-founded the Beat the
85-90 percent chance of survival, Pincus said, she’s Hunger club, the latter of which raised awareness
been told that the recovery process takes more than about hunger and organized food drives.
two years. Pincus said it was devastating to hear Follow her progress at
that her college career would be put on hold for
so long.

“It had been my goal for so many years to get
here and all I wanted to do was go back,” Pincus
said at Cornell’s Relay for Life.

After hearing about the lengthy and grueling re-

is proud to be the first sponsor of the trash pick-up contest!

Page 4 – Yorktown News TOWN GREEN Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Staff Tag/Rummage Sale p.m. Friday, April 26, at York- erans Road, Yorktown Heights. front over the past ve years, a
town Town Hall. Guest speak- e keynote speaker will be gift valued at over $80,000, to
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Satur- ers are Jaclyn Cameron, physical Peter Volgyes, a Holocaust sur- commemorate its 100 years in
EDITOR: 914-302-5628
[email protected] day, May 4, the Yorktown Unit- therapist and doctor of physical vivor. For more information, Peekskill. For more information

GABRIELLE BILIK ed Methodist Church is holding therapy, and Anthony J. Enea, contact Ed Lachterman at 914- on the Cherry Blossom Festival,
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285
its annual tag/rummage sale at Esq., an elder care attorney and 393-1447. or the Peekskill Rotary Club,
[email protected]
2300 Crompond Road, York- guest writer for Yorktown News. Cherry Blossom visit
ADVERTISING TEAM town Heights. Clothing, house- Lunch will be served by NewY- Festival
PAUL FORHAN hold items, books, toys, boutique, ork Presbyterian-Hudson Valley My Brother Vinny
914-202-2392 lunch and bake sale items will be Hospital.

[email protected] available. Call 914-962-5749 for Holocaust Celebrate spring at the sec- e annual My Brother Vinny
LISA KAIN more information.
ond annual Cherry Blossom Walk will return to FDR Park
[email protected] Senior Advisory Remembrance Festival and Plant Sale on Sat- in Yorktown Heights (2966
urday, April 27, at the Peekskill Crompond Road) on Sunday,
845-621-4049 Committee A Holocaust Remembrance Riverfront Green (steps from April 28. Registration begins at
Ceremony will be held at 7 p.m. the Peekskill train station). e 10 a.m.; the walk begins at 11
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY e Yorktown Senior Advi- ursday, May 2, at American Rotary Club of Peekskill planted a.m.; followed by a barbecue at
sory Committee will meet at 1 Legion Hall Post 1009, 235 Vet- 100 cherry trees at the River- noon. To register or for more in-
[email protected]
NANCY SORBELLA formation, visit mybrothervinny.
[email protected]
914-202-2941 Concert

[email protected] May 5, 2019 • 1pm - 3pm A CommUNITY Concert
celebrating diversity in York-
PRODUCTION TEAM @ South Putnam Animal Hospital town will be held at 2 p.m. Sun-
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL 230b Baldwin Place Rd, Mahopac, NY 10541 day, May 5, at Grace Lutheran
Church, 3830 Gomer St., York-
PRODUCTION MANAGER town Heights. For more infor-
DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER mation, call the church o ce at
[email protected] 914-245-5737.

CHRISTINA ROSE Pony Rides • Dog & Cat Trainers • Local Doggy Daycare • Service Dogs Film Screening
PRODUCTION/DESIGNER Boarding Kennel • Information About Cat Boarding
e Alliance for Safe Kids
EXECUTIVE TEAM Information About Puppy Parties Plus Meet Our New Doctors (ASK), the Rotary Club of Yor-
BRETT FREEMAN ktown, and the town of York-
(845) 628-1834 • town will host a screening of the
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151
[email protected] lm “No Letting Go,” followed
by a facilitated talk with screen-
SHELLEY KILCOYNE writer and youth mental health
VP OF SALES: advocate, Randi Silverman, from
6:30 to 9:30 p.m. April 29, at the
845-621-1116 Yorktown Stage, 268 Veterans
[email protected] Road, Yorktown Heights. e
event is free to attend. To regis-
Deadlines ter, visit
ymhproject. For more informa-
YORKTOWN NEWS DEADLINE tion, contact Liz Talbert at liz@
Wine and Cheese
Grace Lutheran Church, lo-
FOR MORE INFORMATION, cated at 3830 Gomer St., will
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT host a Wine and Cheese Auc-
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL tion from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday,
[email protected]. May 4. All proceeds from the
auction will be used to buy rec-
Subscribe reational equipment for the stu-
dents at KEMPS school in Tan-
OR EMAIL [email protected]. Temple Beth Am
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN. 914-552-0936 Temple Beth Am is located
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE at 203 Church Place, Yorktown
$150 PER YEAR FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL. [email protected] Heights. Yorktown. For infor- mation, contact the rabbi at 914-
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT 962-7500 or rabbiw@optonline.

ADDITIONAL OFFICES. • Family Shabbat, Friday, May
POSTMASTER: 3, 7 p.m.

SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO • Welcoming Shabbat, Friday,
YORKTOWN NEWS AT May 10, 5:30 p.m.
• Scout Shabbat, Friday May
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S 31, 8 p.m.
SOMERS, NY 10589

(ISSN 2329-8693)

334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S

SOMERS, NY 10589

Thursday, April 25, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 5





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Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 25, 2019

Yorktown resident David Rocco Rocco wins photography award
displays awards he received for
his photography. For years, he documented Tappan Zee
construction, demolition
Yorktown photographer David
Rocco captured many moments For his years-long work in docu- workplace injury forced him into ley, a former Westchester County
menting the construction of the early retirement from his job with commissioner who has served on
during the Tappan Zee bridge Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge and the New York City Housing Au- the boards of ArtsWestchester
demolition, including a crane the demolition of the Tappan Zee thority. and the African American Men of
Bridge, Yorktown resident David Westchester. Salley’s passion was
collapse in 2016. Rocco has been awarded the Lar- His photography has been ex- taking photographs, particularly of
ry Salley Photography Award by hibited at ArtsWestchester and jazz artists.
PHOTOS COURTESY OF DAVID ROCCO ArtsWestchester. the Robeson Gallery, among oth-
ers. Presentations of his work are Rocco, a retired civil service car-
e self-taught Rocco turned scheduled this year at the Warner penter, has a di erent passion: con-
to photography years ago after a Library in May and the Ossining struction projects.
Library in June.
He has documented projects
Among other Hudson River- such as the Walkway Over the
related bodies of works, Rocco is Hudson, the Mount Beacon Res-
perhaps best known for his six-year toration project and now the con-
project documenting the destruc- struction of the new Gov. Mario
tion of the Tappan Zee Bridge and M. Cuomo Bridge and the demoli-
the construction of the Gov. Mario tion of the old Tappan Zee Bridge.
M. Cuomo Bridge.
An exhibit of Rocco’s e orts to
He has traveled hundreds of capture the new bridge’s construc-
miles to document material man- tion was recently on display at the
ufacturing and assemblage, has White Plains Library.

own in helicopters to shoot aer- Rocco received his award on
ial perspectives, and has ridden on ursday, April 11, at the Rye Hil-
various boats along the river under ton Hotel. ere, he learned that
and beside the two bridges. In that ursday, April 18, 2019, would
time, Rocco has taken more than be declared “David Rocco Day” in
10,000 images as part of this proj- Westchester County. roughout
ect. the day, his name was displayed on
the Westchester County Center
is award Rocco received is message board.
named in memory of Larry Sal-

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Thursday, April 25, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 7

Kennedy Catholic
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continues to
rank among
the highest
in SAT scores

of all the
districts in


Data comes from
Kennedy Catholic’s
Class of 2018 compared to
the latest data from NYS
as of March 2019.

View scores at

Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 25, 2019

Alum overboard
Mohegan Lake treatment postponed after barge capsizes

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER a few hundred gallons of alumi- Tuesday, April 16. Equipment on
num sulfate (alum) capsized. the barge was damaged and the

“ e alum went into the lake,” remainder of the alum treatment

A planned treatment of Mo- said Ken Belfer, president of was postponed and rescheduled

hegan Lake intended to reduce the Mohegan Lake Improve- for Tuesday, April 23, Belfer said.

phosphorous in the algae- lled ment District. “Not in the way Mohegan Lake was one of two

waterbody didn’t go as planned planned.” lakes in the region, Peach Lake

last week, when a barge carrying e failed attempt occurred on in North Salem being the other,

chosen by New York State for a

Be Prepared BEFORE the Storm Hits! pilot program to test the e ec- PHOTO COURTESY OF MOHEGAN LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT
tiveness of this treatment.
A barge carrying alum capsized on Tuesday, April 16, in Mohegan Lake.
“ is treatment could be a
game changer for Lake Mohegan,

immensely improving the water

quality in the summer beach sea- press release. In the second go-round, Princ-

son, and eliminating the potential ere was only a two-week eton Hydro did the pre-testing

health risks from the blue-green window in the spring in which Monday and was on site Tues-

algae blooms,” Belfer said. this treatment could be applied day to oversee the application by

Not to be confused with a by Princeton Hydro. But with the SOLitude Lake Management.

For ALL your Electrical Needs – Big or Small pesticide, which targets and de- company’s equipment damaged, A combination of factors
stroys plants, the pilot program the Department of Environmen- caused the barge to ip, Belfer
CALL US NOW is intended to evaluate the use tal Conservation acted quickly to said. In addition to wind, one of
of “nutrient inactivants,” outside reschedule the treatment. If the the barge’s pontoons got stuck in
to Get Your Generator, Outside Lights & of the growing season, to bind spring window was missed, Mo- a shallow, mucky area of the lake.
All Your Electrical Needs Completed. phosphorus in sediments hegan Lake would had to have
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10% Off Service Calls “If this treatment is success- waited until the fall to try again. completely lled, so, Belfer said,
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When You Present This Ad. we’ll have a new, powerful tool have it, SOLitude Lake Manage- alum disproportionately shifted

914.455.2158 in our arsenal to clean up lakes ment, another company capable to one side of the boat.
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excessive harmful algae growth in the lake when the barge capsized Body for turning the barge right-

Licenses in Westchester, Putnam, NYC & CT! our district and the state,” state on Tuesday, April 16, and o ered side up and for retrieving it from • [email protected]
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Thursday, April 25, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 9

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Page 10 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 25, 2019

Harnessing the Hudson Gandhi

Real estate developers are reticent alone be the featured speaker in a public Ihope you’ve been
types. Publicity hounds they are enjoying our sur-
not. at role seems more suited forum of 100 persons—I jumped at the vey of answers to capitalism. But Gan-
to the reliable com- what is the meaning
munity antagonists who chance to take copious notes, with the aid MY dhi believed that capi-
re exively look askance PERSPECTIVE talism inevitably lead
at developers, as if the of my phone’s recording to industrialization
concrete notion of physi-
cal infrastructure assaults app.
their abstract notion of
civic purity. In tones soft-spoken of life. JAMES and, more importantly,
By now, it’s clear MARTORANO a severe concentration
e developer detrac- BRUCE and genteel, the elegant
tors write letters to the
editor. ey pounce at THE BLOG Mr. Ginsburg led o by that there are a mul- of wealth in the hands
the podium during town making it clear that he
board meetings to lecture elected o cials. titude of perspectives. of a few. During his

ey accentuate, if not fabricate, the nega- BRUCE and other developers With your indulgence, time, this “exploitation”
tive. Why? You’d have to ask them why, in APAR
their world, a profession that is a corner- he knows should not be I’d like to explore one more: Mohandas was exempli ed by Britain’s colonial rule
stone of civilization is pejoratively treated
more like the world’s oldest profession. lumped in with a certain Gandhi (1869-1948). of both India and South Africa.

Maybe it’s that loyal opposition that someone who might be I never thought of Gandhi as a On a cultural level, he adhered to a
Martin Ginsburg, founder and principal
of Ginsburg Development Companies thought of as the devel- philosopher, but in fact he was that and combination of the principles of ahimsa
(GDC), had in mind when he began
his remarks at a recent joint meeting of oper-in-chief. much more. He was born into a devout (nonviolence), Jainism (an Indian
the Peekskill Rotary and Hudson Valley
Gateway Chamber of Commerce, at Cor- Strictly in business terms, not political, Hindu family in India. He was married religion practicing nonviolence), and
tlandt Colonial Restaurant in Cortlandt
Manor. Mr. Ginsburg explained, “We operate in at the age of 13. At 18, he left India to satyagraha (the practice of holding onto

Since it’s rare, in my experience, for de- an entirely di erent way. We have com- study law in London. While there, he the truth).
velopers to talk freely with reporters—let
pleted every project we ever started, we developed a broad interest in world re- Jainism taught him that no single

have never gone through bankruptcies, we ligions as well as liberal political theory. individual had a complete grasp of the

pay our bills.” He eventually joined a law rm and truth and that we should always be open

Mr. Ginsburg further proudly pro- began practicing law in South Africa, to the idea that others may understand

claimed that he is rst and foremost an which was, at the time, under British some things better than we do. From

architect. He was perfectly content plying rule. He seemed destined to live a very Tolstoy, he imported an appreciation of

his trade in New York City after college, comfortable life in relative obscurity personal spiritual development as well

when he was recruited by brother Jerome were it not for an unfortunate incident as a devastating criticism of modernity.

to join him in starting the company. At which dramatically altered his life’s path. Going full circle, he derived from his

that point, not unlike that other developer Gandhi was riding in rst class on a time and studies in Britain, a true sense

of note, they, too, were the bene ciaries of late-night train in South Africa when a of justice and civil liberties. From his

a loan from their father—totaling $6,000. white patron objected, saying that it was reading of Henry David oreau, he

SEE APAR PAGE 17 “unlawful” for a person of his “unclean” came to appreciate the power and neces-

ethnic origin to ride in such luxury. e sity of civil disobedience. Finally, from

conductor agreed and, in the middle Indian leader, Sri Aurobindo, he learned

of the night, the young barrister was the importance and compelling nature

thrown o the train in an extremely of national identity.

desolate location. is incident pro- While western thought was empha-

foundly a ected him. sizing the separation of church and state

It didn’t take long for Gandhi to as we witnessed the emergence of the

mobilize massive nonviolent demonstra- secular modern government, Gandhi

tions in an e ort to protest the racist objected, fearing that it would lead to

laws of South Africa. After his fame the abandonment of a moral critique.

grew, he was invited back to his native He believed that an individual’s public

India to help lead the ght against Brit- service must combine the principles

ish colonial rule. of svadharma and ahimsa. Our life’s

Because of his life’s travels, Gandhi meaning, he instructed, is derived from

was able to weave together several the discharge of our moral duty to help

diverse philosophical positions to cre- others. Capitalism and the individualism

ate his own unique worldview. We of the west are harmful to individuals

remember him most for his deep sense and cause us to lead lives in con ict with

of justice and dedication to the cause of our brothers and sisters. Gandhi did

human rights as well as his insistence not, however, suggest that democracy be

that nations respect the rights of its abandoned. To the contrary, he believed

citizens. But Gandhi’s philosophy was it should be enriched and reinterpreted

signi cantly more complex. in order to prevent some to bene t

His narrative had its roots in Indian while most others su ered.

spirituality in both a philosophical and For him, a meaningful life is a

religious sense. While forward think- “supernormal life” and in that sense

ing, Gandhi also returned to principles Gandhi did indeed practice what he

found in the Gita. His criticism of the preached. He lived a life of extreme

modernity of Hume, Kant and Mill was asceticism and chastity while exercis-

PHOTO: BRUCE APAR both political and cultural. On the po- ing a willingness to sustain injury

Developer Martin Ginsburg answers a question from one of the 100 people who litical level, he felt that the western view and deprivation at the hands of his
attended his recent presentation for the Peekskill Rotary Club and Hudson Valley
Gateway Chamber of Commerce. of individualism as exempli ed by these SEE MARTORANO PAGE 11

philosophers laid the foundation for

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR SOMERS, NY 10589 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: 914-302-5628 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
Fax: 914-617-8508 number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
[email protected]
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.

Thursday, April 25, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 13

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Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, April 25, 2019

Really listen to what your child has to say

Dear Dr. Linda, husband and I took our 7-year- doing just ne, but my husband we decided to have him tested
and I were concerned that he outside of the school.
I feel I need to share this old son to a psychologist to be was not doing that ne. So, STRONG
e results were interesting. LEARNING
with your readers. Last week my tested. e school felt he was e psychologist agreed with
the school. He did not nd any DR. LINDA
The Schoolhouse Theater & Arts Center learning issues. SILBERT
“ en what is wrong?” I asked
The Color of Light the psychologist. bers of families are too busy
“I know what’s wrong,” said doing their own thing that they
April 4th-28th Tyler. We all looked over at him. never have time to just sit with
“Everybody keeps talking and a child and listen to what he or
An Extraordinary New Play they don’t let me say what I want she has to say.
by Jesse Kornbluth to say.”
Starring Tim Jerome ere are ways, however, that
e psychologist asked Tyler parents can ensure that they are
TIX: if his teacher listens to what he aware of what’s happening to
said, and our son said, “Yes, but their children, especially when
(914) 277-8477 | 3 Owens RD. Croton Falls, NY | [email protected] Mommy and Daddy don’t.” At they’re young. I remember a
that point my husband and I mom telling me that every day
looked at each other in shock since her children could talk,
and Tyler went back to playing she’d sit on their bed with them
with the toys. before they fell asleep, and
they’d talk about their day. She
To make a long story short, was a working mom and wasn’t
we never took Tyler back to the home when they got home from
psychologist, but we made an school. She would share her day
appointment to meet with him. with them, and they’d share their
days with her. She listened to
Tyler’s Mom and Dad them and they, in turn, learned
to listen to her—and by default,
Dear Tyler’s Mom and Dad, others.
ank you so much for shar-
Many children seem never to
ing this with us! It’s a wonderful be heard when their parents are
story, and I am thrilled that Tyler
was able to communicate what SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 15
was really happening to him.

Unfortunately, many more
children su er without anyone
noticing. In some cases, mem-

PUTNAM to benefit Receiver of Taxes 914-962-5722 x212
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Thursday, April 25, 2019 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 15

DR. LINDA wonderful until a friend of the cares about them. Children by Elizabeth Guilfoile, read it. Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad
grandmother’s walked by, and need to feel that their thoughts It’s been around since 1957. is Grades Happen to Good Kids,” and
FROM PAGE 14 the two women started talking. and experiences are important isn’t a new issue. director of Strong Learning Tutoring
to their moms and dads. If you and SAT/ACT Test Prep. Send your
both talkers or they have siblings Suddenly, another little boy ran haven’t read the children’s classic, Please, take out time each day questions to [email protected].
who are chatty. I once met with by and knocked over the castle, and “Nobody Listens to Andrew,” to listen to your children.
a little boy who had three older Isaac was stunned. But no amount
sisters. As with Tyler, this little of his trying to get his grandmoth- Dr. Linda
boy had no learning issues. Yet, er’s attention succeeded.
he was struggling in school. Law Firm of
Finally, when the two women
Even if his mom or dad asked nished their conversation, Tracy Christen Reimann
him if he had homework, by the Isaac’s grandmother said, “It’s JD, LLM, P.C.
time he responded, someone getting late and we have to have If you are in one of these situations…
else in the family started talking dinner.” Isaac, dejected, followed
so he never answered. He was her out of the park. I just lost a parent.
overlooked continuously. As they walked away, I was
quite frustrated with what had My spouse has been diagnosed
In addition, since he was the just happened. I can’t imagine with Alzheimer’s.
youngest, often before he could how Isaac felt.
say something, someone else My special needs child is turning 18.
answered for him. e point is that every child—
and adult, for that matter—
Recently, I watched a grand- needs the opportunity to share
mother with her 3-year-old the experiences they have—good
grandson Isaac make a sandcas- or bad—with someone who
tle together. Everything seemed

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Page 16 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 25, 2019

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

1377 E. Main Street, Shrub Oak, NY

5th Annual Blood Drive

Sunday May 5th, 8:00am to 2:00pm
In Memory of Nicholas Modico

In November of 2012, Nicholas Modico, our only child was
diagnosed at age 21 with a rare, pediatric bone cancer called
Ewing’s Sarcoma. Nick fought the valiant fight, but sadly
passed away on March 21st, 2014, three weeks after his 23rd

Nick was a graduate of Seton School, Kennedy Catholic High
School and Boston College, having completed his degree in
Finance while battling cancer. He was known among his
friends for his lust for life, capitalizing on every moment,
always with his beautiful smile and ever-present sense of

About a month before Nick died, he asked that we continue
to help people. He said, “That is what I always tried to do.”
To honor Nick’s wish, we ask that you help us by donating a pint of blood. Blood donations
afforded Nick the opportunity to spend some additional, precious weeks with his family
and friends. There is no greater gift.

With gratitude,
Mary Ellen & Kenneth Modico

Are you eligible to donate?

If you have medical/travel eligibility questions, please call 1-800-688-0900.
If you would like to sign up for an appointment, please call 800-833-3566. Walk-ins will also be accepted.

You must weigh at least 110 pounds.
Please eat and be well hydrated before donating.
Please bring identification with photo or signature. NYBC Donor Card Preferred
You must be between 16* and 75 years of age.
76 and Over, you may donate with a note from your physician, to be presented once and then kept on file
*16 Year Old Donors Require Parental Permission or Consent on New York Blood Center form

(available at the drive and at

Thursday, April 25, 2019 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 17

APAR was no longer a priority, and To advertise in Yorktown News, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email
it’s never been revitalized in the [email protected].
FROM PAGE 10 nearly two decades since.
719 Rte. 6 Mahopac, NY 10541 845
As edgling developers, the According to Mr. Ginsburg, 628-3924
brothers made their bones by that kind of tourism develop-
taking on what Mr. Ginsburg ment “should be a state spon- May For All Your
called “the most di cult, rotten, sorship. For those things to be Savings! Plumbing, Gas,
hilly sites.” In that way, “we done, there have to be advocates Heating & Water
were able to acquire properties pushing for it.” He envisions TAKE $25 OFF Treatment Needs
no other developer would build, nature trails dotting each of the
for a very reasonable price.” Hudson River ports where the YOUR NEXT SERVICE CALL
ships would stop, while the art
He is not deterred by the oc- lover in him favors installing Mention this ad to receive discount
casional project that is a money- sculptures within natural set-
loser, which he accepts as an tings, as he already has done on Expires May 24, 2019 55 Years of Excellence
occupational hazard. “My focus his properties, creating gateways Valid on calls of
is never on the money,” he says. for hikers and other visitors to 1 hour or more
“It’s always on the vision for our Hudson Valley shores.
what’s the best possible project Injured?
to create in that area.” As much as Martin Ginsburg
calls on the participation of YOU
He evangelizes the impor- government to join with the NEED
tance of river towns along the private sector in tapping into US.
Hudson, where he has built 11 the huge potential for Hudson
waterfront properties, including Valley tourism, he doesn’t mince LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH J. TOCK
Riverbend in Peekskill, Harbor words criticizing government
Square in Ossining, Hudson for its obstructionist ways in 963 ROUTE 6, MAHOPAC, NY 10541
Pointe in Poughkeepsie, and dealing with developers like
Harbors at Haverstraw. Also him, who are key in uencers in TOCKLAW.COM • 800-869-8080
in Peekskill, GDC operates a municipality’s quality of life
Chapel Hill and the new Fort and economic enrichment.
Hill Apartments overlooking
the Hudson, which includes a Mr. Ginsburg ended his
luxury inn with spa and restau- incisive, forward-looking re-
rant. marks with withering words for
garden-variety bureaucrats who
“ e Hudson River has to seem bent on impeding progress
become a major asset” for river when they should be expedit-
towns, he emphasizes, citing ing it. His parting shots are well
that waterway as the singular worth sharing here…
catalyst that “made New York
City the commercial capital “When I started in this
of the country” when the Erie business, the entire climate
Canal opened in the early 19th was so much more receptive
Century. “It made New York to development. Now, govern-
the Empire State. It made all ment is always trying to ‘pro-
the communities on the river tect’ us. ey’re protecting us
focused on industry, and the into oblivion. ere’s a whole
river was like their backdoor. business of people they call
For Hudson River town and planners, who are really proces-
cities trying to come back, they sers. Did you ever see what an
have to realize the river has to environmental impact state-
become a front door. Tourism is ment looks like? When you
a very clean, attractive industry.” go through it, you nd almost
nothing of substance. ey don’t
He’s not lacking for ideas go to the heart of what’s going
or enterprise on how to help to make [the development] a
the river towns capitalize on special place. It’s all about nd-
tourism. About a decade ago, ing obstructions about why you
Ginsburg Development started can’t do anything. ere are so
a ferry route across the Hudson many [obstructions], and once
connecting Westchester and they are in these documents, it
Rockland counties. “We’d like becomes ‘the bible.’ And you
to expand that circuit from Os- can’t question them, because
sining to Haverstraw to Peek- it’s in ‘the bible.’ I don ‘t know
skill, and have events on the why government doesn’t go
weekend,” he said. “I’m doing back and say, ‘We passed these
this as a developer, but it really laws. Now let’s see what works
is government that should have and what doesn’t?’ ey never
some creativity and promote it.” do that. And you end up stuck
with so many things that are so
He said the Hudson is the blatantly stupid.”
“only major river in the world
that does not have river cruise Bruce “ e Blog” Apar promotes
ships. e cities and towns local businesses, organizations,
haven’t focused on making that events and people through public
important.” relations agency APAR PR. He
also is an actor, a community
ere were plans not long volunteer, and a contributor to
ago, he revealed, for river cruise several periodicals. Follow him as
ships to run a course between Bruce e Blog on social media.
New York City and Albany, Reach him at [email protected] or
stopping at 10 ports on the 914-275-6887.
Hudson. It had $11 million be-
hind it through maritime loans.

en 9/11 came. e project

Page 18 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 25, 2019


Edward V. Rohle tie), Andrew E. Rohle and Joseph Revenue Service as chief of special and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees A visitation was held at the Yor-

A. Rohle; brother, Robert Rohle procedures, retiring 1991. from Rice University (Houston), ktown Funeral Home, in Shrub

(Elizabeth); sister, Barbara Rohle; Dominic is survived by his be- all in electrical engineering. Oak. A private family service was

mother-in-law, Diana Nigro; and loved wife, Mary Ann; daugh- For more than three decades, held at the Yorktown Funeral

mother-in-law, Rose Taranto. He ter, Karen Borhi (Laszlo); sons, he led pioneering research in scal- Home, followed by interment at

is also survived by a grandson, Re- Robert Abbruzzese (Patricia) and able commercial computing sys- Hillside Cemetery.

ese Rohle, and many nieces, neph- John Abbruzzese ( Joann); and tems, and he has been director of In lieu of owers,donations may

ews and loved ones. sisters, Lucille Hough and Norma research labs and teams on three be made in memory of Dr. Dias to

Dominic A. Rosa Maratea. He is also survived by continents, including the IBM a glioblastoma research organiza-
nine grandchildren” John, Julie, India Research Lab and IBM Re- tion such as

Brittney, Anni, Niko, Tommy, search – Brazil. Barbara Ellen Ettinger
Kassie, Gabbie and Katie. More recently, he was director

Daniel M. Dias of cloud innovation technologies
and VP of development for IBM Barbara Ellen Ettinger, of Yor-

Watson Health, both at the IBM ktown Heights, passed away on

Edward V. Rohle, lifetime resi- T. J. Watson Research Center in ursday, April 4. She was 69.

dent of Yorktown Heights, passed Yorktown Heights. Prevailing She was born in Yonkers on

away suddenly on April 14. He through cancer, he led special proj- Dec. 19, 1949, to the late Harvey

was 58. ects in IBM Watson Health Inno- and Pansy (Siegall) Ettinger.

Edward was born in Mount vations. Dr. Dias is co-inventor on Barbara, a life-long Yorktown

Kisco on July 27, 1961, to Bruno more than 50 issued US patents resident, who travelled widely in-

and Gladys Rohle. He was mar- and co-author of more than 90 ternationally, and was a devoted

ried to the late Julie Nigro Rohle, refereed publications, an emeritus friend, still enjoying relationships

who passed away on March 15, IBM Distinguished Engineer, and begun in childhood. She worked

1998. Edward then married Maria Dominic A. Rosa, of Shrub a Fellow of the IEEE. at several international nonpro t

Taranto on Oct. 28, 2000, after be- Oak, passed away on April 7. He Dr. Dias was a devoted hus- professional associations and most

ing introduced on a blind date by was 99. band and father whose loving recently at Guardian Insurance.

her sister. Dominic was born in New York and gentle nature and integrity, She sel essly cared for her parents

Edward, a beloved friend and City on June 27, 1919, to Anthony Dr. Daniel M. Dias passed away determination, and tenacity will in their declining years. She is a

well-known member of the Yor- and Mary Rosa. in his home in Mohegan Lake be dearly missed. He will be lov- most-beloved sister and a cher-

ktown community, was an active Dominic served honorably on April 3. His passing ended a ingly remembered by his wife of ished friend. She will be sorely

coach in the Yorktown Athletic in the United States Army dur- multi-year battle with glioblasto- 32 years, Asha Dias (nee acker); missed. We hope that she is al-

Club, loved to bowl and was an ing WWII. After the service, he ma (brain cancer). He was 64. their children, Andrew Dias and ready up in Heaven hugging and

avid New York Yankees fan. joined the New York City Police Dr.Dias was born to Dr.Manuel Sunaina Dias; his sisters, Vivian kissing our parents. She was great!

Edward,adored by all who knew Department, where he rose to the Dias and Dr.Lilian Dias and raised (Cyril) Simoes and Olivia (Rajan) Barbara is survived by her

him, is survived by his wife, Maria; rank of captain. He retired in 1960 in Bombay, India. He received the irumalai; and several nieces and SEE OBITUARIES PAGE 19

Chesronrs,yChBristolCpo2hheCrse0VrshC.r1ayoRne9hoBdmhrlleePCroa2(ryls0Knahs1Fraano-Bd9yetmneSarlnPsBdaFo2rd2altelesy0l0lansiaPtsot2e11vinrBdovl9s09waaatmosll1rlPnko2Se9dltsam0Fafsol1eSrenots9ahFtmetlieIeSnvtseaFartnllaielevsBat.Tlievchadelgree from IIT-Bombay, nephews.
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Thursday, April 25, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 19

OBITUARIES e two married in 1963, moved merly of Yorktown Heights and ing the best mozzarella in New Sophia Mondello, Madison, Jac-
to the Netherlands, where Caro- the Bronx, died on April 5, at Vas- York City. For many years, he also queline and Ty Sedlor, Joseph and

lyn worked at Elsevier, editing all sar Brothers Medical Center. ran the Vacation Day Camp at PS Pamela Mondello; and his brother,

beloved sister, Elaine Crowley, English publications. Born in New York City on Nov. 56 Community Center, o ering Benedict Mondello. He was pre-

of Massachusetts; brother, Ken- In 1967, Carolyn and Klaas re- 23,1934,he was the son of Charles the children of the South Bronx an deceased by his siblings, Pauline

neth Michael Ettinger, MD, of located to New York, where they and Angelina Mondello. Salvatore oasis of safety and happiness dur- Cirillo and Carmine Mondello.

Oregon; and loving nephews and settled in Yorktown Heights and proudly served our country in ing the summer. He was an active e Mass of Christian Buri-

nieces, Adam S. Rosenberg and raised their two sons, Gerrit J. and the U.S. Army. He was employed member of “ e Romeos,”and en- al was o ered at St. Columba

his son Max Rosenberg, and Eli Willem H. She was a gifted Mon- as a teacher for the Pleasantville joyed playing pool and blackjack. Church, in Hopewell Junction,

Ettinger, Jesse Ettinger and Olivia tessori and art teacher. In August School District at Bedford Road Salvatore is survived by his followed by entombment in Rose

Boothby. 1993, Carolyn and Klaas relocated School. During the summers and children, Michael (Elizabeth) Hills Memorial Park.

A Graveside Service was held to Raleigh, where their family is vacations, he worked at the fami- Mondello, Lisa ( Joseph) Sedlor, Memorial donations may be

at United Hebrew Cemetery in now located. ClyM-haoerwecshne2e,0do1n9b_AuGsrritinlhlseu_srsq,tAr_Svaetdon_cuHkeea,rlmstotoawnkn.-qxpah_niLsdaygorGaunta1drcy3h/i1l(d3Wr/1een9n,d1Ky1)y:1la9M, AJaMoknedPeaalnglode; 1 made to the Pancreatic Cancer
Staten Island. Carolyn was an artist in her Action Network.

Carolyn Koetse heart and soul, a maker of almost
all crafts. e family treasures her

special designs in stained glass

windows and in her award-win-

ning quilts. She loved her annual

trips to the beach with her special

girls, walking the beach, collecting

shells, and loving the movement

of the sun. She was an amazing

gardener, sharing not only her own

plants but her mothers, too.

Her family will privately cel-

ebrate her life in North Carolina.

ose who wish may kindly con- Spring Is Here and So Is
sider a memorial contribution to Outdoor Cooking!

e Food Bank of Central and

Eastern North Carolina (food- We Have All Styles and Sizes!
Carolyn May Hunt Koetse, for- or the Raleigh Res-

merly of Yorktown, died ursday, cue Mission ( in SPIRIT® SERIES CHARCOAL GRILLS

April 11. She was 77. loving memory of Carolyn May GENESIS® II SERIES PORTABLE GRILLS
ose left to cherish her mem- Hunt Koetse. When You Buy A New Weber Gas Grill! WEBER® Q® SERIES & MORE

ory are her children: Gerrit (Di- Salvatore J. * With purchase of Weber Grills, $599 and up.
ane) Koetse, of Mooresville, N.C., Not applicable on built-in style grills. See store for details.

and Willem (Elizabeth) Koetse Mondello
of Wake Forest, N.C.; her special

grandchildren, Brennan and Cate-

lyn; her siblings, Donald Hunt 3 LOVELL ST. SOMERS, NY 10589
of Nichols, N.C.; John (Shirley) (914) 248-5800 | (845) 628-5241
Hunt of Rome, Pa; and many
nieces, nephews, cousins and their Store Hours: Mon | Tues | Wed | Fri: 9AM-6PM, Thurs: 9AM-8PM, Sat: 9AM-5PM, Sun: Closed

Carolyn was predeceased by We Make Your Next Purchase... Instantly Affordable!™
her parents, Donald I. and Bernita

Hunt; brother, Charles Hunt; and

sister, Marilyn Chandler.

Carolyn was born on Feb. 1,

1942, in Sayre, Pa. Carolyn was a

graduate of Tioga Central High Salvatore J. Mondello, 84, for- Replacing scores of
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working at IBM in Glendale in
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Page 20 Yorktown News – Thu

The Whalen family Yorktown takes

Troop 164
Yorktown is clean and green
Members of BSA Troop 164, which PHOTOS: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER lled 912 bags with 18,232 pou
includes an all-girl den 31st annual Battle of Yorktown,
From sunup to sundown, hund
safety vests, grabbed their trash
with tons of trash from Yorktow
teers collect between nine and 1
“It’s certainly discouraging to
its way to our community, but t
to have volunteers willing to wo
green,” said Kim Angliss-Gage,
Among the volunteers every ye
cluding Scouts BSA Troop 164,
Railroad Park.
“ is is important because if
will get so dirty,” said Kate Rio
all-girl den.

e Whalen family, including
up the center of Yorktown Heig

“I don’t want the earth to lo
Ben said.

Common litter items include
bottles, co ee cups, cardboard
also found some unusual items,
rugs, and a kitchen sink.

“When the plastic goes on th
animals and the plants around,”
plastic, it will make the whole to

Emily said cleaning up Yorkto
“As we work, we can tell the
came and started working after,”

Trash Pick-up Contest

Yorktown News is happy to announce that our trash pick-up
contest will continue for at least four more weeks.

Thanks to a generous donation from Hudson River Financial
Federal Credit Union, we will be awarding four $25 Visa gift
cards over the next several months.

All you have to do to enter is send in a photo of you or your
family picking up trash somewhere in town to yorktownnews@

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Thursday, April 25, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 25


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Page 26 – Yorktown News HEALTH & WELLNESS Thursday, April 25, 2019

Donate towards improved vision

Vision is something that’s easy percent of them wear eyeglasses a ord them or do not have access people in many ways. Doing so available for distribution around

to take for granted until it changes. while roughly 11 percent wear to quali ed eyecare professionals. may help a child see better in North America or utilized by hu-

Whether it’s due to illness, inju- contact lenses, either exclusively or Even in America — one of the school and advance his or her edu- manitarian aid groups overseas.

ry or aging, many people nd their with glasses. richest countries in the world — cation. Having a pair of glasses can Various groups, such as New

vision becomes impaired enough Despite the need for corrective 61 million adults are at high risk help a senior maintain his or her Eyes for the Needy and OneSight,

to necessitate an intervention. lenses, the Center for Vision in the of serious vision loss due to diabe- independence. An adult who re- provide similar services. Certain

According to the Vision Coun- Developing World and leading tes, advanced age or diagnosed eye quires corrective lenses may now eye doctors also partner with non-

cil of America, approximately 75 optical lens producers say about problems. But one in 12 people in have the ability to get a better job. pro t groups to help facilitate the

percent of adults use some sort 2.5 billion people globally meet the United States cannot a ord Eyeglass donations are collected collection and recycling of eye-

of vision correction, and about 64 the criterion for glasses, but can’t eyeglasses, according to a study in by various clubs and nonpro t glasses.

the Archives of Ophthalmology. organizations. A notable group When it is time for a new pre-

Andrea Kropf, O.D. Failure to see correctly can re- involved with donated glasses is scription and frames, people can

Comprehensive Eye Care for Your Family sult in increased risk of injury, ac- Lions Club International. Vol- consider donating their older
Extensive Experience in Pediatric Eye Care
cidents, depression, social isolation unteers will sort the glasses by glasses so that others can have the
Thorough eye exams are essential for and more. But there is something type and prescription. e glasses bene t of better sight.
eye health.
- Catch problems before symptoms the public can do to assist with this are washed and processed, then
emerge or worsen.
- Glaucoma & Cataract Evaluations… situation: Donate eyeglasses. shipped out to people in need. is article is from Metro Creative
and lots more.
FOR KIDS Donating eyeglasses can help ese recycled glasses may be Connection.
Vision a ects learning. Make sure your
child’s eyes are examined and any ELDERLY religious services is important to many seniors, but
problems addressed. FROM PAGE 24
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- Vision Therapy.
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once per week is a great way to help them avoid social they would like. Whether you attend such services

isolation and give them something to look forward to. or not, o er to drive an elderly neighbor on Sunday

• Help with some weekly chores. Seniors living mornings (or whenever weekly services are held).

on xed incomes may nd it di cult to maintain Religious services can help seniors stay connected

their homes. Relatively simple tasks like mowing to their faith and their communities, and driving

the lawn, taking out the garbage and even vacuum- an elderly neighbor to and from houses of worship

ing can be di cult for seniors with physical limita- once per week won’t require a signi cant commit-

tions. Pitching in to help with such chores once or ment of your time.

Dr. Andrea Kropf twice a week won’t require much time on your part Helping your elderly neighbors is a great and
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• Drive seniors to religious services. Attending is article is from Metro Creative Connection.

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Thursday, April 25, 2019 HEALTH & WELLNESS Yorktown News – Page 27

Measles – 6 things you need to know

Recent measles outbreaks in ensure others don’t get sick. Please e MMR vaccine is a live (weak- have been exposed to the measles,

surrounding communities, includ- GUEST call ahead before entering one of ened) virus vaccine, so these indi- you may bene t from a temporary
ing eight con rmed cases in West-
chester County, are raising many COLUMNIST these facilities. viduals cannot receive it. However, vaccine called immunoglobulin.
4. If you were exposed, you have you have other options. Protect It’s best to speak to your healthcare

questions and concerns for our DR. DEBRA three days to get vaccinated. After yourself (and baby) by making sure provider to explore your options.

community. SPICEHANDLER this time period,a vaccine is not ef- everyone who enters your home is

What do these outbreaks mean fective. Typically, you should avoid vaccinated, get your titers checked, Dr. Debra Spicehandler is Co-Chief

for you and your family? Here are all contact with others for 21 days, practice good hand hygiene, and of Infectious Diseases at Northern

the top 6 things you need to know, as it’s still possible for symptoms to avoid high-risk areas. If you fall Westchester Hospital. For more

including ways you can protect when you begin to have symp- develop during this time. Speak to into one of these categories and information, visit

yourselves and those you love. toms, you may mistake them for your doctor or local health depart-

1. Measles is one of the most a common cold. A cough, runny ment to discuss when it is safe to

contagious of all infectious dis- nose, sore throat, or conjunctivitis go back to work, school or other

eases. In fact, according to the Na- is common during the rst stage. public places. My advice? If you’re

tional Center for Health Research, When the virus progresses, usually not vaccinated, get vaccinated im-

one person with measles can infect three days after symptoms begin, mediately. And, avoid high-risk

12 to 18 others, in an unvaccinated you may notice a di used itchy areas if possible, especially if you

population, before they even know rash that starts on the face and have an unvaccinated baby.

they’re sick. Why? It’s airborne. progresses downward toward the 5. Revaccination is “a thing,”but

Also, the virus can live for up to hands and feet. Fever is also com- you probably don’t need it. If you •BICYCLES
two hours in an airspace where mon during this stage. Accompa- received two doses of the MMR
an infected person has coughed or nying the rash and fever, people vaccine or if you were born before

sneezed. So, if you’re not vaccinat- often notice bluish-white spots 1957,you should be fully protected •SERVICE SHOP ONLINE
ed and breathe contaminated air in the mouth. You are contagious against the measles. However, it’s •RENTALS
or touch an infected door, you’re at four days before the rash starts and not harmful to receive additional 20%AND SAVE
risk. is is why it’s so important up to four days after the rash ap- doses if you’re unsure of your sta- 1899 Commerce St, Yorktown Heights
to get vaccinated – wearing a mask pears. tus. If you’re concerned, ask your (914) 245-5504 •
will not prevent you from getting doctor for a blood test to check
sick. 3. If you believe you or a loved your immunity levels.
one was exposed, or if you have
2.You may not even know you’re symptoms, call your doctor, but do 6. If you’re not vaccinated, you’re
sick. Here are symptoms to watch NOT go into a healthcare facility putting others at risk for serious

out for: e measles virus incu- unannounced. Your doctor’s of- complications. For those who are

bates for the rst two weeks after ce, or community hospital, likely pregnant, immunocompromised,

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Publication: Halston Media

Thursday, April 25, 2019 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 31

ROUNDUP SOMERS 4 they are playing that way they Walsh, who made 12 saves against possession for us we played as
are hard to stop,” said Lakeland/ the visitors from upstate. “It gave if it was 0-0. Our goalie, Dan
FROM PAGE 30 Reed ompson (2G, 3A), Panas’ JP Walsh, who made six us some momentum going into O’Meara, made some great saves
Mason Nocito (1G, 2A), Sean saves. “TJ dominated possession the half, gave us something to which gave us more con dence as
speci cally my pitching coach Laukaitis (2G), Tom Nolan (1G, which was a big help. Defensively build o of. We just didn’t take the game went on.”
Larissa Porcelli, have helped me 1A), Alex Davoli (1G, 1A), Matt we played very disciplined which advantage of it.”
to achieve this goal.” Makar (1G, 1A), TJ Bryan (1G, forced a lot of turnovers and bad O’Meara, who made saves 14
1A), Mikey Walsh (1G), Phil shots.” Makar also scored for Lakeland/ saves, helped Yorktown garner a
Porcelli, a 2008 Yorktown Dellamonica (1G) and Ryan Panas, giving the Rebels a 3-2 lead 4-1 lead at the end of 3 quarters.
graduate, pitched for the Huskers’ Brannigan (1G) all contributed SHENENDEHOWA 4 with 8:15 to go in the game before
Section 1 championship squads in to the Lakeland/Panas’ o ensive Shenendehowa scored twice “We played with intensity on
‘07 and ‘08. output in its 12-4 triumph at LAKELAND/PANAS 3 in the nal two minutes of the both ends of the eld,” Boyer said.
Somers on April 20. Host Lakeland/Panas lost a goal contest to win it. “Some things didn’t go our way
Boys Lacrosse but we were able to manage them
“Our o ense dodged very hard with just ve seconds remaining WAPPINGERS 5 and continue playing hard.”
LAKELAND/PANAS 12 and played very physical and when to Albany-power Shenendehowa LAKELAND/PANAS 4 OT
4-3 on April 18. Shane Dahlke (1G, 1A),
Makar (2G),Mikey Walsh (1G, Timmy O’Callaghan (1G, 1A),
“ is gets us ready for later in 1A), Davoli (1G) and JP Walsh (9 Alex DeBenedictis (1G, 1A) and
the year when we are going to be saves) led the Rebels (3-5) in their Brendan Regan (1G) produced
tested,” said JP Walsh of playing a 5-4 overtime loss at Wappingers o ensively for Yorktown.
tough team like the Plainsmen.“It on April 16.
shows us what we need to work ST. ANTHONY’S 15
on, what’s working well, what we YORKTOWN 4 YORKTOWN 7
need to improve on and hopefully BRIDGEWATER RARITAN 2
we see them later in the year.” Yorktown (6-3) lost at St.
Yorktown earned a 4-2 triumph Anthony’s 15-7 on April 18, with
Mikey Walsh (2G) put the at Bridgewater-Raritan in a April the Huskers led by DeBenedictis
Rebels out in front 2-1 with just 20 contest. (4G), Dahlke (1G, 1A), Regan
30 seconds remaining before (2A), Reese Andrews (1G),
halftime, o an assist from “We communicated and O’Callaghan (1G), Keegan
played as a unit the entire game,” Doller (1A), Spencer Norris (1A),
ompson. Yorktown’s Keith Boyer said of O’Meara (10 saves) and Dan
“ at was a big help,” said JP his team’s defensive e ort. “Every O’Brien (2 saves).


Sean Laukaitis of Lakeland/Panas celebrates a goal against Somers. May 5th 12-3pm RSVP Required

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Page 32 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, April 25, 2019

Fusco delivers game-winner for Yorktown

Huskers’ Benson stars on the mound

BY MIKE SABINI and Fox Lane the previous week. Tyler Pugliese James Halstead an inning later in “It was huge,” Benson said of
CONTRIBUTING WRITER “We battled back against one slides into third. center eld. Biberaj and Halstead. “Without
those guys making those plays,
Yorktown’s Anthony Fusco de- of our other big rivals, Mahopac,” PHOTO: DEENA BELL the game wouldn’t have been the
livered a clutch two-out double Fusco said. “It feels good to come way it was. ey came up big, they
to deep center eld that drove in back and get this win to go to 6-3.” diving catches by Luan Biberaj in picked me up, allowed me to do
Tyler Campobasso from second left eld in the second inning and my job.”
base in the bottom of the seventh, Along with the clutch hitting
to give the host Huskers a thrill- of Fusco, another big reason why Yorktown coach Sean Kennedy
ing, come-from-behind 4-3 win the Huskers came out on top was was very pleased with Benson’s ef-
against rival Mahopac on April 19 the relief pitching performance of fort.
baseball contest. Ryan Benson.
“It’s not that easy to come in
“I just know I needed to get on Benson was spectacular, throw- bases loaded and nobody out,”
base, just pass it on to the next ing 6.1 innings, allowing no runs, Kennedy said of Benson’s entrance
guy,” Fusco said. “I wasn’t trying just three hits while striking out into the game in the opening in-
to drive something but just got to seven and walking none. ning.“We kind of knew going into
pass it on to the next guy. It just the game that he had to be ready to
so happened that I got the walk- “Main thing was just going out go early and he was ready.He obvi-
o . I thought it was a home run, there and throwing strikes, mak- ously did a fantastic job, I am really
I’m not going to lie, but it wasn’t, it ing my defense help me, having proud of him.”
was a ground-rule double.” the best team in the world sup-
port me, having a great o ense,” e win was extra special for
e win was a huge one for Yor- Benson said. “All I just needed to Benson since it came against Ma-
ktown as it was the Huskers, third do was pound the zone, I did that hopac.
in a row after losing to Lakeland and we got the win.”
“It makes it so much better, they
Two of the big defensive plays are one of our biggest rivals,” Ben-
in support for Benson came on son said. “I just needed to go out
there, did what I had to do, which
mrchimney.comFireplace & Boiler Flue Experts was get the win, going on to 6-3
and giving us the best shot of mak-
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and reach over 8,000 USPS delivered addresses every week. Call 845-208-8151 today! e rst win was a 9-3 road vic-
tory on April 16 and the second
was a 7-4 home triumph the fol-
lowing day.

Thursday, April 25, 2019 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 33

Barer and McDonnell lead Huskers to lax win
Both score four goals against rival L/P

BY MIKE SABINI explosive Rebel squad that entered we had to bounce back and go on play each other, it’s always a good “It’s always intense playing
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the game averaging 13.6 goals a a run to make sure that we had a game,” Barer said. “We see each against a rival team and everyone
contest. secure win.” other a lot during the season. A lot plays their hardest to try to win,”
e Yorktown’s girls lacrosse of us know each other from other Kness said.
squad got o to a 6-2 halftime lead “We knew we were going to have e win was an extra special one sports so it’s just really nice to pull
against Lakeland/Panas and didn’t to come out strong because they for Yorktown (6-3) since so many of out a win against them.” Keirra Ettere (1G), Julia Araujo
look back in a 15-4 triumph over are a good team,” McPherson said. the players on both teams know one (1G) and Emily McGovern (2
the rival Rebels on April 17. “So we gave it all we got, we gave it another. Kness enjoyed the intensity of saves) joined Kness in the box score
our all.We came out aggressive.We the rivalry contest as well. for the Rebels (5-4).
“It was great,” Yorktown’s Jenna knew what we had to do, we just “ ese two teams, every time we
McPherson said of the victory.“Ev- did it. We were all together on the
eryone wanted it. It was deep down The Bocklet Family presents
in our hearts, we just kept ghting eld, we were one as a team and we
until the end and played the full 50 went through with it.” 2019 Summer Camps
e Husker lead could’ve even Adirondack Overnight
Kelsey McDonnell (4G, 1A), been more but Rebel goalie Mi- Warrensburg, NY
Jesse Barer (4G), Lindsay Boyle randa Lopes made ve of her nine August 12- 16
(3G, 1A), Alexa Borges (2G, 1A), saves in the opening half to keep
Ellie O’Donnell (2G, 1A), Izzy Ci- the host within striking distance. Westchester Day Camp
cinelli (1A) and Sophia Spallone Harvey School
(1A) made up a balanced Husker “Miranda was able to see the July 8-11
scoring attack. ball well and made some impor-
tant saves,” Lakeland/Panas’ Emily East Hampton Day Camp
“Our team is very versatile, espe- Kness said. August 5-8
cially on attack, we have a lot of dif-
ferent people who can score, which e Rebels eventually pulled to All camps are for boys
makes it hard to defend us and we within three when Kness scored and girls ages 10-15
use that to our advantage,” Barer the rst of her two goals early in
said. the second half to cut Yorktown’s contact: [email protected]
advantage to 6-3.
Host Lakeland/Panas looked
like they were going to score right “I was thinking we could get
before halftime but Sophia Altimari some goals back to gain some mo-
made one of her 10 saves to keep the mentum to narrow the gap,” Kness
Huskers up by four at the half. said. “We wanted to come out
strong and make it a competitive
“It was very important,”McPher- game.”
son said of Altimari’s save. “She
always comes out strong and she’s However, the Huskers then an-
right there when we need her. She swered back to score the next four
knows when we are going to need goals of the game to take a strangle-
help and comes up with the save.” hold on the contest.

Altimari was part of an incred- “Well, we came into this game
ible defensive e ort for Yorktown, with a lot of energy and we really
as they were able to hold down an wanted to win this as it is a big ri-
valry game for us,” Barer said. “We
realized we can’t come out at and

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Page 34 – Yorktown News LEISURE Thursday, April 25, 2019

Crossword Puzzle solutions on page 38 Fun By The Numbers

CLUES ACROSS 57. “__ your i’s, cross your CLUES DOWN beliefs Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This
1. Tenor t’s” 1. Mathematical 8. Typeface mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from
5. Panthers’ 58. Removed optimization search 9. Shrill cry the moment you square off, so sharpen your
signal caller 59. “Death in the Family” method 10. Sends via the pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!
8. Systems, author 2. Country along the Postal Service Here’s How It Works:
doctrines, theories 60. When you hope to Arabian peninsula 11. Holds grain Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
12. Rulers arrive 3. Pointed parts of pens 13. Occurring at a broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a
14. Indonesian 61. German district 4. Lake __, one of the fitting time sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each
coastal town 62. Turner and Kennedy Great 17. Vogue row, column and box. Each number can appear
15. Type of cuisine 63. Midway between 5. Peruvian region 24. Born of only once in each row, column and box. You
16. Kids south and southeast 6. State capital of 25. Get the job done can figure out the order in which the numbers
18. Single Lens 64. Emerald Isle Georgia 26. Teletype will appear by using the numeric clues already
Reflex 7. Those killed for their (Computers) provided in the boxes. The more numbers you
19. Extra seed- 27. Small southern name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
covering constellation
20. Force out 28. Decaliters
21. Feline 29. Area near the
22. __ & Stitch concert stage
23. Semantic 35. Social insect living
relations in organized colonies
26. A larval frog or 36. Winter activity
toad 37. Snakelike fish
30. Sport for 38. Not wet
speedsters 40. In addition to
31. One who is 41. In league
learning 42. Barrels per day
32. Request (abbr.)
33. Famed WWII 43. Monetary unit
conference 44. Marked
34. Relieved 45. Emerges
39. English broadcaster 47. Shape by heating
42. Car signal 48. Early Slavic society
44. Grass part 49. Italian automaker
46. Trivially 52. Racing legend
47. Serve as a warning Earnhardt
49. Centers of activity 53. A type of name
50. An electrically 54. __ Strauss, jeans
charged atom maker
51. Small swelling of cells 55. Famed garden
56. Irritates

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*These rates are e ective through April 30, 2019. $100,000 minimum deposit to earn the advertised 2.35% Annual Percentage Yield (APY). $50,000 minimum deposit to earn the advertised 2.11%
APY. **Treasury Bill Indexed Money Market rate is based on an index calculated by taking the rate of the closing “asked” discount basis of the 30-day Treasury Bill as quoted and published in The
Wall Street Journal on the last business day of the prior month as set forth below. If there are no exact Treasury Bills with a 30-day maturity, then the “asked” rate used shall be for Treasury Bills with
a maturity date closest to, but not to exceed 30 days. These new APYs will then take e ect on the rst calendar day of each subsequent month and will remain in e ect through each subsequent
month-end. Balances of $25,000 to $49,999 earn an APY of 1.52%, which is 65% of the indexed rate, balances of $50,000 to $99,999 earn an APY of 2.11%, which is 90% of the indexed rate, and bal-
ances of $100,000 or more earn an APY of 2.35%, which is 100% of the indexed rate. There is no interest paid on deposits under $25,000. $10,000 minimum deposit is required to open this account.
A monthly service fee of $10.00 will be charged each month at the end of the statement cycle if the account balance falls below $10,000 on any day of the month. Fees may reduce earnings and
principal if the account balance falls below $10,000 on any day during the statement cycle. Please see disclosure for other terms and conditions. This o er may be withdrawn without prior notice.

apple bk-YORKTOWN NEWS - TREASURY BILL - 4-30-2019.indd 1 3/29/2019 2:17:40 PM

Thursday, April 25, 2019 LEGAL NOTICES Yorktown News – Page 35

LLC FORMATION NOTICE Spring Lake Dr., W. Harrison, the Yorktown Central School that petitions nominating registered to with the Board
NY 10604. General Purpose. District will be held on Monday, candidates for the office of of Registration of the School
NY’S Best Gourmet Foods May 13, 2019 at 6:00 PM in the member of the Board of District and has voted at an
LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. LLC FORMATION NOTICE Mildred E.Strang Middle School Education must be filed with the Annual or Special school district
of State of NY (SSNY) 1/8/2019. Cafeteria, 2701 Crompond Road, District Clerk at 2725 Crompond meeting within the last four
Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. Notice of Formation of Pro Yorktown Heights, New York for Road, Yorktown Heights, New calendar years, shall be entitled to
as agent upon whom process Dynamics Home Inspections the purpose of presenting the York no later than 5:00 PM on vote without further registration.
against may be served & shall LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with budget document for the 2019- April 22, 2019. Vacancies on the
mail process to 21 Brassie Rd., SSNY on 04/11/2019. Office 2020 school year. Board are not considered separate NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN
Eastchester, NY 10709. General Location: Westchester. SSNY specific offices; candidates run at that the register prepared
Purpose. designated as agent of the LLC NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, large. Nominating petitions shall pursuant to Section 2014 of the
upon whom process against it that the following proposition not describe any specific vacancy Education Law will be filed in the
LLC FORMATION NOTICE may be served. SSNY shall mail shall be presented to the voters at upon the Board for which a Office of the Clerk,in the District
process to: 898 Barberry Rd., the Annual Meeting: candidate is nominated; must Office at 2725 Crompond Road,
Notice of Formation of Elite 1 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. be directed to the Clerk of the Yorktown Heights, New York,
Professional Home Improvement Purpose: any lawful purpose. CAPITAL PROJECT District; must be signed by at and that the same will be open
LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with PROPOSITION least Twenty-five (25) qualified for inspection by any of qualified
SSNY on 02/05/2019. Office NOTICE OF ANNUAL voters of the District; must voter of the District between the
Location: Westchester County. MEMBERS’ MEETING: Shall the Board of Education state the name and residence of hours of 9 AM and 3 PM on each
SSNY designated as agent of the of the Yorktown Central School each signer, and must state the of the five (5) business days prior
LLC upon whom process against The Quarter Century Wireless District, Westchester County, name and residence address of to and including the day set for
it may be served. SSNY shall Association, Inc. 2380 Mohansic New York, be authorized to the candidate. The following the election, OTHER THAN
mail process to: 2877 Lexington Ave., Yorktown Heights, NY construct improvements to the vacancies are to be filled on the SATURDAY, SUNDAY or
Ave Mohegan Lake, NY 10547. 10598 (QCWA) pursuant to District’s buildings and facilities, Board of Education. HOLIDAY.
Purpose: any lawful purpose. NY’s N-PCL §605(a) hereby including, but not limited to:
gives notice of the annual meeting District-wide air conditioning TERM/NAME OF LAST NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN
LLC FORMATION NOTICE to be held at the Greene County for large learning spaces and INCUMBENT that APPLICATIONS FOR
Fair Grounds and Expo Center, related electrical upgrades, ABSENTEE BALLOTS may
Notice of Formation of 210 Fairgrounds Rd., Xenia, OH District-wide ESTEAM facility Three (3) years, expiring June be obtained at the Office of the
LIVING ESSENTIALS LLC 45385 in conjunction with the upgrades, District-wide security 30, 2019/Reshmi Bose District Clerk at the Business
Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on QCWA Forum at the Dayton upgrades, Yorktown High School Office of the District, 2725
2/26/19. Offc. Loc: Westchester Hamvention® on Saturday, May Guidance Suite renovations Three (3) years, expiring June Crompond Road, Yorktown
Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of 18, 2019 at 1:40 PM (EDT) and Auditorium upgrades; and 30, 2019/Cheryl Reynolds Heights, New York on weekdays
the LLC upon whom process to present its annual report in related site and other work between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
against it may be served. SSNY accordance with the provisions required in connection therewith, One (1) year, expiring June 30, and 3:00 p.m. (prevailing time).
shall mail process to the LLC, of NY’s N-PCL §519 and to at a maximum estimated cost of 2019/Lisa Rolle Such application must be received
370 Westchester Ave. #6F, Port transact such other business as $4,000,000; and the amount of by the Clerk of the District at
Chester, NY 10573. Purpose: any may properly come before the $4,000,000 shall be transferred NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN least 7 days before the election
lawful purpose. meeting or any adjournments or from the Buildings and Facilities that all propositions by anyone if the ballot is to be mailed to
postponements thereof. Dated: Improvements Capital Reserve other than the Board of the voter, or the day before the
LLC FORMATION NOTICE April 25, 2019. By: James Perry, Fund to the capital fund for such Education must be submitted election if the ballot is to be given
Secretary. For information see: purpose; provided that the costs with an approving petition signed directly to the voter at the Office
JD Projects Group LLC, Arts of the components of the Project by at least 27 qualified voters of of the District Clerk. A list of
of Org. filed with Sec. of State event-details/forums/. may be reallocated if the Board of the district at least 60 days prior all persons to whom absentee
of NY (SSNY) 3/20/2019. Education shall determine that to the Annual Meeting. ballots shall have been issued
Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. YORKTOWN CENTRAL such reallocation is in the best will be available in the Office of
as agent upon whom process SCHOOL DISTRICT interest of the District. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN the District Clerk during regular
against may be served & shall that the Board of Registration of business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
mail process to Jaclyn Dooner, YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN this District will meet according p.m.until the day of the vote. Any
35 Malysana Ln., New Rochelle, NEW YORK NOTICE OF that a copy of the statement of to the following schedule to qualified voter may file a written
NY 10805. General Purpose. the amount of money which will prepare the register of the school challenge of the qualifications of
ANNUAL MEETING, be required for school district district: Monday, May 13th 2019 a voter whose name appears on
LLC FORMATION NOTICE BUDGET VOTE AND purposes during the 2019-2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. such list stating the reason for the
REGISTRATION OF VOTERS school year (Budget) may be (prevailing time) at the Mildred challenge.
Notice of Formation of obtained by any resident of the E. Strang Middle School, 2701
TIERCE CONSULTING, The Board of Education of district at each school house of Crompond Road, Yorktown BOARD OF EDUCATION
LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with the Yorktown Central School the district and the administrative Heights, New York 10598. YORKTOWN CENTRAL
SSNY on 3/25/19. Office District, HEREBY GIVES offices during the hours of 9:00 Any person shall be entitled to
Location: Westchester County. NOTICE, that the Annual AM to 3:00 PM (prevailing have his/her name placed upon SCHOOL DISTRICT
SSNY designated as agent of the Meeting, Annual School District time) during the fourteen such register provided that at
LLC upon whom process against Election and Budget Vote of the days (14) days immediately such meeting of the Board of YVETTE SEGAL,
it may be served. SSNY shall residents of the School District, preceding the Annual Meeting, Registration he or she is known
mail process to: 3536 Gomer St., qualified to vote at school OTHER THAN SATURDAY, or proven to the satisfaction of DISTRICT CLERK
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. meetings in the District, will be SUNDAY or HOLIDAY. Such such Board of Registration to be
Purpose: any lawful purpose. held in the gymnasium of the statements will also be available then or thereafter entitled to vote DATED: April 25
Mohansic Elementary School, on the District’s website, at any at the school meeting or election
LLC FORMATION NOTICE 704 Locksley Road, Yorktown free association or public library of the District. DISTRITO ESCOLAR
Heights, New York on Tuesday within the District, and at the CENTRAL DE YORKTOWN
212 West Boston Post Road May 21, 2019 for the purpose of Annual Meeting and the School NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN
LLC, Arts of Org. filed with voting by voting machine on the District Budget Vote to be held that voter registration is ongoing YORKTOWN HEIGHTS,
Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) statement of estimated expenses as aforesaid, Tuesday, May 21, in the office of the District Clerk NUEVA YORK AVISO
2/4/2019. Cty: Westchester. for the ensuing school year 2019. and that any person entitled to
SSNY desig. as agent upon (School District Budget), and have his/her name placed upon DE ASAMBLEA
whom process against may be for the purpose of electing three NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN the register may register on any ANUAL, VOTACIÓN
served & shall mail process to (3) members of the Board of that a Real Property Tax school day at the Business Office DEL PRESUPUESTO
437 Harrison Ave., Harrison, NY Education and for voting on any Exemption Report prepared in of the District, 2725 Crompond E INSCRIPCIÓN DE
10528.General Purpose. propositions legally proposed. accordance with Section 495 of Road, Yorktown Heights, New
Polls, for the purpose of voting the Real Property Tax Law will York between the hours of 9:00 VOTANTES
LLC FORMATION NOTICE will be open from 7:00 AM to be annexed to the final adopted a.m. and 3:00 p.m. up until 5 days
9:00 PM prevailing time. budget and will be posted on before the Annual Meeting. El Consejo de Educación
Westchester Food Truck II, the District bulletin board del Distrito Escolar Central
LLC, Arts of Org. filed with Sec. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, maintained for public notices, as NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN de Yorktown, POR EL
of State of NY (SSNY) 4/1/2019. that a public hearing on the well as on the District’s website. that any person otherwise PRESENTE NOTIFICA que
Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. proposed 2019-2020 budget of qualified to vote, who is currently la Asamblea Anual, la Elección
as agent upon whom process NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN registered to vote in any general Anual del Distrito Escolar y
against may be served & shall election, pursuant to Article 5 of la Votación del Presupuesto
mail process to Angelo Difeo, 12 the Election Law, or is currently

Page 36 – Yorktown News LEGAL NOTICES Thursday, April 25, 2019

LEGALS distrito escolar durante el año votantes calificados del distrito Heights, Nueva York, los días de 1086 East Main Street, Shrub
por lo menos 60 días antes de la semana en el horario de 9:00 Oak, NY, not later than April 22,
FROM PAGE 35 escolar 2019-2020 (Presupuesto) Asamblea Anual. a.m. a 3:00 p.m. (del horario en 2019 at 5:00 p.m. The following
vigencia). Dicha solicitud debe vacancies on the Board of
de los residentes del Distrito en cada escuela del distrito y en SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS ser recibida por el Secretario del Education are to be filled:
Escolar, calificados para votar en que el Consejo de Inscripción Distrito por lo menos 7 días antes
asambleas escolares en el Distrito, las oficinas administrativas, en de este Distrito se reunirá de de la elección si el voto se debe
tendrá lugar en el gimnasio de acuerdo con el siguiente horario enviar por correo al votante, o el
la Escuela Primaria Mohansic, el horario de 9:00 AM a 3:00 para preparar el registro del día antes de la elección si el voto
704 Locksley Road, Yorktown distrito escolar: lunes 13 de mayo se debe entregar directamente
Heights, Nueva York, el martes PM (del horario en vigencia) de 2019, de 4:00 p.m. a 8:00 al votante en la Oficina del
21 de mayo de 2019, con el objeto p.m. (del horario en vigencia) Secretario del Distrito. Se
de votar mediante máquina de durante los catorce (14) días en la Escuela Media Mildred encontrará disponible una lista de TERM/NAME OF LAST
votación sobre el estado de gastos E. Strang, 2701 Crompond todas las personas para quienes INCUMBENT
estimados para garantizar el año inmediatamente anteriores Road, Yorktown Heights, New se emitieron votos en ausencia
escolar (Presupuesto del Distrito York 10598. Toda persona en la Oficina del Secretario del • 3 years - expiring June 30,
Escolar), y con el objeto de elegir a la Asamblea Anual, A tendrá derecho a que su nombre Distrito durante el horario de 2022/Steve Korn
tres (3) miembros del Consejo sea agregado a dicho registro, atención normal, de 9:00 a.m.
de Educación y para votar sobre EXCEPCIÓN DE SÁBADOS, siempre que en dicha asamblea a 3:00 p.m., hasta el día de la • 3 years - expiring June 30,
toda propuesta que se proponga del Consejo de Inscripción dicha votación. Todo votante calificado 2022/Robert E. Mayes
legalmente. Para los fines de DOMINGOS y FERIADOS. persona sea conocida o demuestre puede presentar una objeción por
la votación, las urnas estarán a satisfacción de dicho Consejo escrito a las calificaciones de un • 3 years - expiring June 30,
abiertas de 7:00 AM a 9:00 PM Dichos estados también estarán de Inscripción que tiene derecho votante cuyo nombre aparece en 2022/Steve Rosen
del horario en vigencia. o que tendrá derecho a votar en dicha lista, indicando el motivo
disponibles en el sitio web del la asamblea o elección escolar del de la objeción. Each petition must be directed
SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS Distrito. to the Clerk of the District, must
que tendrá lugar una audiencia Distrito, en toda biblioteca de CONSEJO DE be signed by at least 25 qualified
pública sobre el presupuesto SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS EDUCACIÓN voters, and shall be in accordance
2019-2020 propuesto del Distrito asociación libre o pública en el que actualmente tiene lugar la with the provisions of Section
Escolar Central de Yorktown inscripción de votantes en la DISTRITO ESCOLAR 2018 of the Education law.
el lunes 13 de mayo de 2019 a Distrito, y en la Asamblea Anual oficina del Secretario del Distrito,
las 6:00 PM, en la cafetería de y que toda persona con derecho CENTRAL DE YORKTOWN NOTICE IS FURTHER
la Escuela Media Mildred E. y en la Votación del Presupuesto a que se incluya su nombre en GIVEN that the Budget
Strang, 2701 Crompond Road, el registro puede inscribirse en YVETTE SEGAL, Proposition, and Propositions in
Yorktown Heights, Nueva York, del Distrito Escolar que tendrá cualquier día escolar en la Oficina substantially the following form,
con el objeto de presentar el de Negocios del Distrito, 2725 SECRETARIA DEL DISTRITO shall be presented to the qualified
documento del presupuesto para lugar, tal como se menciona más Crompond Road, Yorktown voters of the District at such
el año escolar 2019-2020. Heights, Nueva York, en el FECHA: 4 de Abril, 11 de Abril, Annual District Meeting and
arriba, el martes 21 de mayo de horario de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., Election:
SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS hasta 5 días antes de la Asamblea 25 de Abril, y 16 de Mayo de 2019
que la siguiente propuesta será 2019. Anual.
presentada a los votantes durante
que toda persona que está
PROPUESTA DE PROYECTO que un Informe de Exención calificada para votar de otra
DE CAPITAL manera, que está actualmente
del Impuesto a la Propiedad inscrita para votar en toda
Se autorizará al Consejo elección general, de conformidad
de Educación del Distrito Inmobiliaria preparado de con el Artículo 5 de la Ley
Escolar Central de Yorktown, Electoral, o que está actualmente
Condado de Westchester, Nueva conformidad con la Sección 495 inscrita para votar en el Consejo
York, a realizar mejoras en los de Inscripción del Distrito
edificios e instalaciones del de la Ley sobre el Impuesto a Escolar y que haya votado en
Distrito incluyendo, de forma una asamblea Anual o Especial
enunciativa y no limitativa: aire la Propiedad Inmobiliaria será del distrito escolar en los últimos
acondicionado en todo el Distrito cuatro años calendario, tendrá
para los grandes espacios de anexado al presupuesto definitivo derecho a votar sin inscripción
aprendizaje y mejoras eléctricas adicional.
relacionadas, mejoras de la adoptado y será publicado en el PROPOSITION 1 - 2019-2020
instalación ESTEAM en todo SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS
el Distrito, mejoras de seguridad tablero de anuncios del Distrito que el registro preparado de BUDGET
en todo el Distrito, renovaciones conformidad con la Sección
de la Suite de Guía y mejoras que se mantiene para avisos 2014 de la Ley de Educación RESOLVED, that
del Auditorio de la Escuela será presentado ante la Oficina
Secundaria Yorktown; y trabajo públicos, además del sitio web del del Secretario, en la Oficina del $174,870,235 be appropriated to
relacionado en el lugar y de otro Distrito en 2725 Crompond
tipo necesario en relación con ello, Distrito. Road, Yorktown Heights, Nueva meet the estimated expenditures
con un costo máximo estimado York, y que el mismo estará
de $4,000,000; y la suma de SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS abierto para su inspección por LAKELAND CENTRAL for school purposes for the
$4,000,000 será transferida del parte de todo votante calificado SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE
Fondo de Reserva de Capital que las peticiones para nominar del Distrito, en el horario de 9 school year 2019-2020 and that
para Mejoras de Edificios e AM a 3 PM, en cada uno de los OF ANNUAL MEETING,
Instalaciones al fondo de capital candidatos para el cargo de cinco (5) días hábiles anteriores INCLUDING ELECTION OF the Board of Education of the
para dicho fin; con la salvedad de al día que se fijó para la elección, THE MEMBERS OF THE
que es posible reasignar los costos miembro del Consejo de e incluyendo el mismo, A BOARD OF EDUCATION Lakeland Central School District
de los componentes del Proyecto EXCEPCIÓN DE SÁBADOS,
si el Consejo de Educación Educación deben ser presentadas DOMINGOS y FERIADOS. AND VOTE ON THE be authorized to levy taxes to
determina que dicha reasignación SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET
es en beneficio del Distrito. ante el Secretario del Distrito SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS meet the same.
que es posible obtener AND PROPOSITIONS
que todo residente del distrito EN AUSENCIA en la Oficina
puede obtener una copia del Yorktown Heights, Nueva York, del Secretario del Distrito en la PROPOSITION 2 – BOND
estado de la suma de dinero que Oficina de Negocios del Distrito, PROPOSITION
será necesaria para los fines del a más tardar a las 5:00 PM del 2725 Crompond Road,Yorktown
22 de abril de 2019. Las vacantes (a)That the Board of Education
of the Lakeland Central School
del Consejo no se consideran District of Shrub Oak, in
the Counties of Westchester
cargos específicos por separado; and Putnam, New York (the
“District”), is hereby authorized
los candidatos no son elegidos THE BOARD OF to purchase various school buses
and vehicles for use by the
por distritos electorales. Las EDUCATION OF District, and to expend therefor,
including preliminary costs and
peticiones de nominación no LAKELAND CENTRAL costs incidental thereto and to
the financing thereof, an amount
deben describir ninguna vacante SCHOOL DISTRICT OF not to exceed the estimated total
cost of $1,568,970;
específica del Consejo para la SHRUB OAK, NEW YORK, (b) that a tax is hereby voted in
the aggregate amount of not to
cual un candidato es nominado; HEREBY GIVES NOTICE exceed
$1,568,970 to pay such cost,
deben dirigirse al Secretario del that the Annual Public Hearing said tax to be levied and collected
in installments in such years
Distrito; deben contar con la on the Budget shall be held on and in such amounts as shall
be determined by said Board of
firma de por lo menos veinticinco Tuesday, May 7, 2019, at 7:00 Education; and
(c) that in anticipation of said
(25) votantes calificados del p.m. at the Lakeland District tax, bonds of the District are
hereby authorized to be issued
Distrito; deben indicar el nombre Office, at which time the budget in the principal amount of not
to exceed $1,568,970 and a tax is
y la residencia de cada firmante, for the 2019-2020 school year hereby voted to pay the interest
on said bonds as the same shall
y deben indicar el nombre y shall be presented. become due and payable. ·
Such Bond Proposition
la dirección de la residencia NOTICE IS HEREBY shall appear on the ballots
used for voting at said Annual
del candidato. Se cubrirán las FURTHER GIVEN that
siguientes vacantes en el Consejo the Annual Meeting for the

de Educación: purpose of voting on the Budget

and Propositions and electing

PERÍODO/NOMBRE DEL three members to the Board of
CARGO Education will be held at the

Tres (3) años, que vencen el 30 VAN CORTLANDTVILLE
de junio de 2019 Reshmi Bose
Tres (3) años, que vencen el
30 de junio de 2019 GYMNASIUM, Mohegan
Cheryl Reynolds
Lake, NY, in said District,
Un (1) año, que vence el 30 de
junio de 2019 Lisa Rolle Tuesday, May 21, 2019, from

SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Daylight
que todas las propuestas que
no se originen en el Consejo de Savings Time.
Educación deben ser presentadas
con una petición de aprobación NOTICE IS HEREBY
con la firma de por lo menos 27

petitions nominating candidates

for the office of member of the

Board of Education must be

filed with the District Clerk at

her office in the District Office,

Thursday, April 25, 2019 LEGAL NOTICES Yorktown News – Page 37

LEGALS HEREBY GIVEN that the hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) junio de 2022/Steve Korn Westchester, Nueva York (el
Board of Registration will also until the day of the election. Any • 3 años - que expira el 30 de “distrito”), está autorizada para
FROM PAGE 36 meet during and at the place of qualified voter may file a written la compra de varios transportes
the foregoing election between challenge of the qualifications of junio de 2022/Robert E. Mayes y vehículos escolares para uso del
District Meeting and Election the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a voter, whose name appears on • 3 años - que expira el 30 de distrito y gastar por consiguiente,
in substantially the following p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 to such list, stating the reasons for incluyendo costos preliminares e
condensed form: prepare a register for meetings or the challenge. junio de 2022/Steve Rosen incidentales y el financiamiento
elections held subsequent to said Cada petición debe dirigirse a del mismo, una cantidad que no
BOND PROPOSITION Annual Meeting and Election. THIS LEGAL NOTICE exceda el costo total estimado
YES/NO CAN ALSO BE FOUND ON la Secretaria del Distrito, debe ser de $1,568,970; (b) que por la
RESOLVED: The register will be on file in THE DISTRICT WEBSITE firmada por al menos 25 votantes presente se vota un impuesto
(a)That the Board of Education the office of the District Clerk, IN BOTH ENGLISH cualificados y estará conforme de monto total que no excede
at the District Office, 1086 East AND SPANISH: www. a las disposiciones de la sección $1,568,970 para pagar dicho
of the Lakeland Central School Main Street, Shrub Oak, NY, 2018 de la Ley de Educación. costo, dicho impuesto a ser
District of Shrub Oak, in and will be open for inspection by percibido y recaudado en cuotas
the Counties of Westchester any qualified voter of the District BY ORDER OF THE Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA que en tales años y en tales cantidades
and Putnam, New York (the between the hours of 10:00 a.m. BOARD OF EDUCATION la proposición de presupuesto y como determine dicha Junta
“District”), is hereby authorized and 4:00 p.m. on each of the proposiciones considerablemente de Educación; y (c) que en
to purchase various school buses five days preceding and on the LAKELAND CENTRAL en el siguiente formulario, previsión de dicho impuesto,
and vehicles for use by the day set for the Annual Meeting se presentarán a los votantes por la presente se autorizan
District and to expend therefor, (other than a Saturday, Sunday or SCHOOL DISTRICT cualificados del distrito en dicha bonos del distrito emitidos en el
including preliminary costs and holiday). elección y reunión anual del monto principal que no supere
costs incidental thereto and to OF SHRUB OAK distrito: $1,568,970 y un impuesto es por
the financing thereof, an amount AND NOTICE IS ALSO la presente votado para pagar los
not to exceed the estimated GIVEN that a copy of the Lynn Cosenza PROPOSICIÓN 1 - intereses de dichos bonos, cuando
total cost of $1,568,970; (b) detailed statement in writing of PRESUPUESTO 2019-2020 sean debidos y pagaderos.
that a tax is hereby voted in the amount of money which will District Clerk
the aggregate amount of not be required for the school year SE RESUELVE, apropiar Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA
to exceed $1,568,970 to pay 2019-2020 for school purposes LAKELAND CENTRAL $174,870,235 para cubrir los POR LA PRESENTE que la
such cost, said tax to be levied specifying the several purposes SCHOOL DISTRICT gastos estimados para propósitos Junta de Registro se reunirá en
and collected in installments in and the amount for each, AVISO DE REUNIÓN escolares para el año lectivo 2019- el Edificio de Administración
such years and in such amounts including the property tax report 2020 y que la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Central
as shall be determined by said card and tax exemption reporting ANUAL, QUE INCLUYE LA del Distrito Escolar Central Lakeland, 1086 East Main
Board of Education; and (c) form, may be obtained by any ELECCIÓN DE LOS de Lakeland esté autorizada a Street, Shrub Oak, Nueva York,
that in anticipation of said tax, resident in the District on each recaudar impuestos para cumplir en la sala de conferencias entre
bonds of the District are hereby of the fourteen days preceding MIEMBROS DE LA JUNTA con los mismos. las 9:00 de la mañana y la 1:00 de
authorized to be issued in the the Annual Meeting (other than DE EDUCACIÓN Y LA la tarde. (Horario de verano) el
principal amount of not to a Saturday, Sunday or holiday) VOTACIÓN DE PROPOSICIÓN 2: jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019. Todas
exceed $1,568,970 and a tax is at each of the schoolhouses in PROPOSICIÓN DE BONO las personas tendrán derecho a
hereby voted to pay the interest which school is maintained and LAS PROPOSICIONES Y que su nombre sea colocado en
on said bonds as the same shall at the Administration Building, EL PRESUPUESTO DEL SE RESUELVE: tal registro siempre que en las
become due and payable. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. que la Junta de Educación mencionadas reuniones de la
and 3:00 p.m. and at such Annual DISTRITO ESCOLAR del Distrito Escolar Central Junta de Registro él/ella aparezca
NOTICE IS HEREBY Meeting. The Budget will also be Lakeland de Shrub Oak, en personalmente y sea conocido/a
FURTHER GIVEN that the available at any free association LA JUNTA DE los condados de Westchester y o comprobado/a a satisfacción
Board of Registration shall or public library located within Putnam, New York (el “distrito”), de la Junta de Registro que
meet at the Lakeland Central the District and on the District EDUCACIÓN DEL está autorizado por la presente luego y a partir de entonces
School District Administration website. A Real Property Tax a comprar varios transportes tendrán derecho a votar en la
Building, 1086 East Main Street, Exemption Report prepared in DISTRITO ESCOLAR y vehículos escolares para uso elección/reunión para la cual está
Shrub Oak, NY in the conference accordance with Section 495 del distrito y a gastar para lo preparado este registro.
room between the hours of 9 a.m. of the Real Property Tax Law CENTRAL LAKELAND DE mismo, incluyendo los costos
and 1 p.m. (Daylight Savings will be annexed to any budget preliminares e incidentales y a la Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA que,
Time) on Thursday, May 2, 2019. of which it will form a part; SHRUB OAK, NUEVA YORK, financiación de los mismos, una en virtud del artículo 5 de la
Any person shall be entitled to and shall be posted on District cantidad que no exceda el costo Ley Electoral, cualquier persona
have his/her name placed upon bulletin board(s) maintained for POR LA PRESENTE DA total estimado de $1,568,970; cualificada para votar que está
such register provided that at the public notices, as well as on the que por la presente se vota un registrada actualmente con la
above-mentioned meetings of District’s website. AVISO que la audiencia pública impuesto por una cantidad total Junta Electoral del condado
the Board of Registration he/she que no debe exceder de Westchester o Putnam para
personally appears and is known PLEASE TAKE FURTHER anual sobre el presupuesto se $1,568,970 para pagar tal costo, las elecciones general bajo las
or proved to the satisfaction of NOTICE that applications for dicho impuesto a ser percibido y disposiciones de la Ley Electoral
the Board of Registration to absentee ballots for the election convocará el martes, 7 de mayo recaudado en tales años y en tales tendrá derecho a votar sin tener
be then and thereafter entitled of members of the Board of cantidades como lo determine que volver a registrarse. Si un/a
to vote at the school meeting/ Education and for voting on the de 2019, a las 7:00 de la tarde dicha Junta de Educación; y votante ha sido registrado/a
election for which this register is School District budget and on que en previsión de dicho previamente con el distrito
prepared. propositions, in accordance with en la Oficina del Distrito de impuesto, los bonos del distrito escolar para votar y ha votado
the provisions of Education Law, por la presente son autorizados en una reunión anual o especial
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN Section 2018-a, may be obtained Lakeland, en la cual se presentará a emitirse por una cantidad de distrito escolar dentro de los
that, pursuant to Article 5 of at the office of the Clerk of principal que no debe superar últimos cuatro años, él/ella reúne
the Election Law, any person the District, Administration el presupuesto para el año 2019- $1,568,970 y por la presente un los requisitos para votar.
otherwise qualified to vote who Building, 1086 East Main Street, impuesto es votado para pagar los
is currently registered with Shrub Oak, NY. The application 2020. intereses sobre dichos bonos, los Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA
the Westchester or Putnam must be received by the District que vencerán y serán pagaderos. POR LA PRESENTE que la
County Board of Elections for Clerk at least seven days prior Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA POR · Junta de Registro también se
any General Election under the to the Annual Meeting if the Tal proposición de bono reunirá durante y en el lugar
provisions of the Election Law ballot is to be mailed to the voter LA PRESENTE que la reunión deberá figurar en las boletas de la elección entre las 7:00 de
shall be entitled to vote without or the day before the Annual usadas para votar en dicha la mañana y 9:00 de la noche
further registration. If a voter has Meeting if the ballot will be anual con el fin de votar sobre elección y reunión anual del el martes, 21 de mayo de 2019
previously registered to vote with picked up personally by the voter distrito substancialmente en la para preparar un registro para
the school district and has voted at the District Office. A list of all el presupuesto y proposiciones forma condensada siguiente: reuniones o elecciones a llevarse
at an annual or special school persons to whom absentee ballots a cabo con posterioridad a dicha
district meeting within the last have been issued will be available y elección de tres miembros a PROPOSICIÓN DE BONO reunión anual y elección.
four calendar years, he/she is for public inspection in said office SÍ/NO
eligible to vote. of the Clerk during regular office la Junta de Educación se llevará SE RESUELVE: SEE LEGALS PAGE 39
que la Junta de Educación
del Distrito Escolar Central
LA ESCUELA PRIMARIA Lakeland, en el Condado de


Mohegan Lake, NY, en dicho

distrito, el martes, 21 de mayo de

2019, desde las 7:00 de la mañana

a las 9:00 de la noche, horario de




las peticiones de nominación

de candidatos para el cargo

de miembro de la Junta de

educación deben presentarse ante

la Secretaria del Distrito en su

oficina en la Secretaría, 1086 East

Main Street, Shrub Oak, NY, a

más tardar el 22 de abril de 2019 a

las 5:00 de la tarde. Las siguientes

vacantes deben ser llenadas en la

Junta de Educación:


• 3 años - que expira el 30 de

Page 38 – Yorktown News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, April 25, 2019

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Thursday, April 25, 2019 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Yorktown News – Page 39

YSBA celebrates five years

e Yorktown Small Business Association cel- of the business organization.
ebrated its fth anniversary on ursday, April 4 at
the Winery at St. George, in Mohegan Lake. e proclamation from the County Executive

e event was attended by many members, resi- George Latimer’s o ce, in part, read, “It is with a
dents, town and county elected o cials, and o ce
seekers. proud sense of obligation that we recognize not only

New YSBA members, the Winery at St. George the exemplary dedication that the Yorktown Small
and eNetWorks, were announced. Cheryl San-
chez, from eNetWorks, said: “ e turnout was an Business Association has exhibited in their years of
indication of the importance of local small business
and entrepreneurship in the Yorktown economy.” service, but in their vision and leadership as well;

Proclamations from Town Supervisor Ilan Gil- and therefore, be it resolved, that as the Westchester
bert and the Westchester county executive’s o ce
were read and presented to Bob Giordano, founder county executive, I recognize that in the Yorktown Dave Paganelli, highway superintendent and YSBA vice president;
Small Business Association, we have an outstanding Cheryl Sanchez, founder of TheNetWorks and YSBA board member;
institution, one that is worthy of the esteem of both Bob Giordano, YSBA founder; Violeta Shala-Guerrerol, M&T Bank vice

the community and the county of Westchester.” president and YSBA board member; Ilan Gilbert, town supervisor and
YSBA member; and Ed Lachterman, town councilman and YSBA member


LEGALS impuestos, puede se obtenida por solicitudes de boletas de voto mañana a 4:30 de la tarde), hasta EN LA PÁGINA WEB
los residentes del distrito en cada en ausencia para la elección de el día de la elección. Todos los DEL DISTRITO EN
FROM PAGE 37 uno de los catorce días anteriores los miembros de la Junta de votantes cuali cados pueden INGLÉS Y ESPAÑOL: www.
a la reunión anual (que no sea Educación y para la votación presentar una impugnación
El registro será archivado en sábado, domingo o feriado) en sobre el presupuesto del distrito por escrito de la cuali cación
la Secretaría del Distrito, en la cada una de las escuelas y en el escolar y las proposiciones, de de uno de los votantes cuyo POR ORDEN DE LA
O cina del Distrito, 1086 East edi cio de la administración, conformidad con las disposiciones nombre aparezca en dicha lista, JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN
Main Street, Shrub Oak NY, y entre las 8:30 de la mañana y 3:00 de la Ley de Educación, sección exponiendo los motivos para la
estará abierto para la inspección de la tarde y en la reunión anual 2018-a, se pueden obtener en la impugnación. LAKELAND CENTRAL
de los votantes cuali cados del mencionada. El presupuesto Secretaría del Distrito, Edi cio
distrito entre las 10:00 de la también estará disponible en las de Administración, 1086 East ESTE AVISO TAMBIÉN SCHOOL DISTRICT
mañana y las 4:00 de la tarda bibliotecas pública o asociadas Main Street, Shrub Oak,NY. Si PUEDE ENCONTRARSE
en cada uno de los cinco días libremente ubicadas en el distrito la solicitud se debe enviar por OF SHRUB OAK
anteriores y el día jado para la y en la página web del distrito. Un correo a los votantes, la Secretaría
reunión anual (que no sea sábado, informe de exención al impuesto del Distrito la debe recibir a Lynn Cosenza
domingo o feriado). a la propiedad elaborado de más tardar siete días antes de la
conformidad con la sección reunión anual o el día antes de Secretaria del Distrito
Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA 495 de la Ley de Impuesto a la la reunión anual si la solicitud
que una copia de la declaración Propiedad será anexado a todo debe ser recogida personalmente
detallada por escrito de la presupuesto del cual formará por los votantes en la Secretaría
cantidad de dinero que se parte; y será publicado en la(s) del Distrito. Una lista de todas
requerirá para el año 2019- cartelera(s) de anuncios del las personas a quienes se les haya
2020 para propósitos escolares, distrito mantenidas para avisos emitido votos en ausencia estará
que especi ca varios propósitos públicos, así como en la página disponible para la inspección
y el monto para cada uno, web del distrito. pública en dicha Secretaría
incluyendo el boletín de informe del Distrito durante el horario
de impuestos a la propiedad y POR FAVOR TENGA EN laborable regular (8:00 de la
el formulario de exención de CUENTA ADEMÁS que



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Page 40 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 25, 2019

What’s the Talk Around Town?

See what people are saying about Douglas


Yorktown Douglas Dill was a pleasure to deal with and I
would highly recommend him. Mr. Dill is highly
THE BUSINESS professional and extremely considerate. It was
an emotional time leaving a place I loved, but he
Real Estate made the transition painless. We have previously
recommended him to our friends, and he was skillful
THE AGENT in selling their property.
- Joan
Douglas Dill
Douglas was a pleasure to work with. All of his
Every time Douglas sells a home, advice and suggestions were spot-on. He was very
a donation is made to one of the helpful and responsive through the entire process
following organizations: Relay for and I heartily recommend him to anyone looking to
Life-Yorktown, Support Connection, buy or sell a house.
Foundation for Excellence, Garden -L

Club of Yorktown. Douglas is the consummate professional with advice
and knowledge on all aspects of our home sale. He
offered coaching and insights on the unique market
and made the transaction much more pleasant. We
highly recommend him.
- Bob & Chris

Douglas was highly professional, offered tremendous
expertise and offered detailed knowledge of the
surrounding area real estate market. Priced correctly,
with staging provided by Douglas as well, our home
was sold very quickly. Our sale being a relocation
situation, his expertise streamlined the process for
all involved. He is a pleasure to work with.
- Jerry

BUYER REVIEWS My experience was superb. He is very knowledgeable
and always available. Responded quickly to my emails
DOUGLAS DILL and texts. He made me feel like I was his only client,
when I know he has many.
Associate Real Estate Broker - Missy

M 914.671.7730 Douglas recently helped us buy our first home, and
the experience was great! He was very knowledgeable
[email protected] about the local market and gave us pieces of advice throughout the process. The best part about Douglas,
which really differentiates him from other realtors is
his responsiveness. When you’re stressed out about
buying a home you want answers to your questions
quickly and your problems solved quickly, and Douglas
responded and solved problems within minutes of
contacting him. Highly recommend Douglas.
- Vinny


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