VOL. 3 NO. 30 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2021
Remote learning rises in KLSD Police reform
BY TOM BARTLEY Superintendent Andrew Selesnick told the recommend
body cams
CONTRIBUTING WRITER KLSD School Board last week. He spoke on
Wednesday, Feb. 11, a day ahead of new safety
A growing number of students in Katonah- protocols expected from the Centers for Dis-
Lewisboro schools are choosing to abandon ease Control and Prevention.
the classroom and learn at home. e CDC’s new guidance was meant to
Scores of students have migrated from open more classroom doors that are still
their hybrid weekly schedule—one that com- shuttered nationally. But when the protocols Bedford publishes draft report
bines two days of in-class instruction with arrived at week’s end, the chief recommen-
three at home—to spend all ve days on the dations—masking, handwashing, distanc-
small-screen end of Zoom classes. While that ing—were already well-established doctrine at
realignment mirrors a trend seen in other lo- all district schools. BY TOM BARTLEY
cal districts, it runs counter to the education Nevertheless, even in a relatively good week CONTRIBUTING WRITER to: bedfordny.gov/police-reform-and-
community’s prevailing conclusion that re- in terms of coronavirus testing, the district was reinvention-collaborative-committee
mote learning is clearly inferior to in-person showing ve new positive cases, bringing the Cameras that provide a photo- e two towns’ committees,
classroom work. total on Feb. 11 to 116 since schools reopened. graphic record of police actions like similar panels in jurisdictions
“We do still have quite a large number of By then, 170 students had opted out of the should be worn by all o cers on statewide, followed national out-
students who are not coming to school at the hybrid school experience for at least February patrol, separate Bedford and Lew- rage over the killing of George
moment, even with the current guidance,” and March, according to district gures. No isboro committees examining po- Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman
speci c breakdown by grade was immediately licing practices in their towns will last May. In June, Gov. Andrew
available, but most of the newly full-remote recommend. Cuomo directed every local gov-
students were believed to come from the sec- Bedford’s Police Reform and ernment with a police department
ondary schools. Reinvention Collaborative Com- to empanel local residents to con-
ree new cases at the high school last mittee made public a series of duct “a comprehensive review of
week brought to 64 the number of positives proposed changes last week in po- current police force deployments,
since schools reopened in September. John Jay lice relations with the community. strategies, policies, procedures and
Middle School’s total remained at 20 while e committee scheduled a public practices, and develop a plan to
Increase Miller Elementary School was up meeting on the report for tonight improve [them].”
two, to 18 cases. Katonah ES, with 10 cases; (Feb. 18). While Lewisboro’s rec- Cuomo pointed to “a number
and Meadow Pond ES, four, were unchanged ommendations have not yet been of incidents involving the police
from the previous week. e district’s 116 publicly disclosed, it was learned that have resulted in the deaths of
cases since September compares with 211 in that they will also include a call for unarmed civilians, predominantly
SEE LEARNING PAGE 5 police body cameras. SEE BODY CAMS PAGE 5
To read Bedford’s draft report, go
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BRUCE HELLER scribed Llewellyn’s accomplishment this way:
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Tensions boil over at latest meeting
Members discuss racism, ‘ in Blue Line’ imagery
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER department or in the manner tee, said that is a non-starter. the police department, Biancone lege, she added, “My house will
EDITOR they carry out police protocol, “I can tell you, for a fact, that said, is not re ective of the rac- be on the market. I will not stay
policy, and procedure, or in the ism that exists in Lewisboro or in this town… I’ve seen kids
Highlighted by tales of dis- interactions with the public? So if I experience something in this the fears of police held by peo- grow up in my home, coming
crimination, contentious dia- far, the answer has been no.” town, I am not going to go to a ple of color. Biancone said she here, eating here, sleeping here,
logue among members, and an Town Board member and I am raised her son to “avoid police staying here, turn around and
obscene “Zoom bomb,” the lat- e policies and practices of not going to the police for any- by any means necessary,” which call us [n-words]. e problem is
est meeting of the Lewisboro the Lewisboro Police Depart- thing in reference to racial bias, includes not calling police if he’s bigger than policing in our com-
Police Reform and Reinvention ment can always be strength- because I have to continue to involved in a car accident. munity.”
Committee has made waves in ened, Rendo said, “However, we live here,” Biancone said. “I have
the community. should not try to manufacture a experienced harassment just “You’re not going to get mi- Steven Siciliano, John Jay
problem in our town that does from being on this board.” nority members of this commu- High School principal and
Published a week-and-a-half not exist. is committee was nity to come out and talk about member of the committee, con-
ago, the video has garnered formed for police oversight. It is She disagreed with Rendo’s how they’ve been treated,” Bian-
nearly as many views as all pre- not a town-wide committee on comments about limiting the cone said. “ ey’re not gonna do rmed the incident to e Kato-
vious meetings combined. racial injustice and inequity.” scope of the committee’s work it.” nah-Lewisboro Times.
to the policies and procedures
Held virtually on ursday, e committee was formed in of the Lewisboro Police Depart- RACISM IN THE SCHOOLS “It is accurate…that the dis-
Feb. 4, the meeting got o to an response to Gov. Cuomo’s Exec- ment. Spurred on by Biancone’s trict was made aware last sum-
auspicious start when about nine utive Order 203, which requires mer of a video circulating on so-
minutes in, according to Police a municipal-led “comprehensive “Nobody is calling our police comments, Ron Ross, a former cial media that showed a teacher
Chief David Alfano, at least two review” involving community department racist,” Biancone schools superintendent in an- speaking the n-word,” Siciliano
young men, possibly teens, hi- stakeholders of a police depart- said. “What we are trying to do other Westchester district and said, though he did not specify
jacked the Zoom call and made ment’s current policies, proce- is bring awareness to how some another Black member of the at which school the incident oc-
“anti-police comments,” such as dures, and practices. A plan to of us feel. What ideas we can committee, said his family has curred. “As soon as the district
“f--- the police” and “ACAB” “improve any de ciencies” must maybe bring to help us feel se- also been discriminated against was made aware of the matter,
(All Cops Are Bastards). ey be approved by the Town Board cure, to help us create a level of in Lewisboro, including by po- the district commenced an in-
then shared their screen, show- and submitted to the state by trust. Because it’s not there. It’s lice. Decades ago, Ross said, he vestigation. KLSD takes any
ing a pornographic video of April 2021. not. You can candy coat it and transferred his daughter from such matter with the utmost se-
three possibly adolescent fe- say, ‘that’s not my problem’ or John Jay High School to a pri- riousness.”
males performing oral sex on a e plan, being drafted by ‘racism is not a problem in the vate school.
man. e entire incident, which Alfano, will be available for the police department.’ Racism is a Superintendent Andrew Se-
has been edited out of the pub- public to review on Monday, problem in Lewisboro. Period. “If you think it had nothing lesnick said the video had been
lished video, lasted just 9 or 10 Feb. 22. A public hearing will It may not be happening to you, to do with race, you’re fooling
seconds, Alfano said. be held at the committee’s next but that doesn’t mean it’s not yourself,” Ross said. lmed at an earlier date, but
meeting on Wednesday, March happening.” would neither elaborate on the
Not long after, the committee 3, and it will be nalized by the Biancone supported Ross’ ex- context of the incident nor the
addressed a letter written by Rev. committee the following week. She then took issue with Town periences, saying a teacher in teacher’s current status. “We
Nikki Edleman, a committee It will then be put to a Town Supervisor Peter Parsons, who, the Katonah-Lewisboro School took it very seriously and com-
member and pastor of Stevens Board vote on Monday, March at a meeting of local Democratic District was recently suspended menced an investigation, but ev-
Memorial United Methodist 15. Party o cials, allegedly said that for saying the n-word in class. erything after that is a personnel
Church, who called the com- a uent people of color don’t ex- matter,” he said.
mittee’s work to date “at best a Included in the draft, Alfano perience racism in the same way “What’s going on at the high
rubber stamp of the status quo said, are recommendations for as less a uent people of color. school is unbelievable,” Bian- Siciliano, at the meeting, said
and at worst a agrant farce.” body cameras to be worn by all cone said. “My biggest regret is the district has formed two com-
She asked the committee to live “I’m gonna tell you what, that I let my son go to John Jay. mittees. e Equity and Racial
up to the requirements of its cre- eld o cers, implicit bias train- that’s bulls---,” Biancone said.
ation, one of which is “to address ing, and a duty for o cers to Once her son graduates col- SEE POLICE PAGE 4
any racial bias and dispropor- “intercede and report” should Parsons responded, “I’ve been
tionate policing of communities they witness unreasonable force told that by people of color.”
of color.” being used.
“ at’s a lie,” Biancone said.
Andrea Rendo, an attorney REPORTING INCIDENTS OF “ ey’re telling you what you
and candidate for Town Board, DISCRIMINATION want to hear, because it doesn’t
said she took exception to Edle- matter how a uent you are.
man’s comments. At the meeting, the commit- You’re just as likely to experience
tee also batted around ideas for the same treatment whether
“Does racism exist in our how complaints against police you’re in a Mercedes or a Volk-
town? Of course, it does. It exists can be reported, including to the swagen. A uence has nothing
everywhere,” Rendo said. “But town supervisor or police chief. to do with racism. Nobody sees
does it exist within our police Charlotte Biancone, one of two how much money you have.
Black members of the commit-
ey see the color of your skin.”
e lack of demerits against
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POLICE THIN BLUE LINE in 2020—a near 60-percent “ e morale of our police toward future actions.
e personal Facebook page jump from 2019. COVID-19 department in town has been a “What can we do going for-
FROM PAGE 3 was the predominant reason for concern,” Rendo said.
of Lewisboro’s police chief came the surge in deaths. ward to improve things and
Justice Committee, facilitated into focus late in the meeting. “How well do you even know have an atmosphere where peo-
by the NYU Center for Stra- Speci cally, some members of “I put that ag there because our police department?” she ple can comfortably bring up
tegic Solutions, brings together the committee took issue with I’m in charge of morale in my questioned Edleman, who took issues and concerns they have
community members, district an image of the “ in Blue police department,” Alfano said. her South Salem post in 2019. on a going forward basis?” asked
educators, students, and alumni. Line” ag that Alfano used as “I want all my o cers to know “You haven’t even been here Councilman Richard Sklarin, a
his page’s cover photo. e sym- that I support them, and I’m that long. at’s just, to me, un- committee member.
e All-in Action Group, with bol features a black and white worried about their safety.” believable.”
a similar make-up, “focuses on American ag, except for one Parsons suggested the unde-
bringing an equity lens into the blue line—re ecting the color Parsons defended Alfano, say- Last year, the Katonah- rused town Ethics Commit-
classroom.” of police uniforms—running ing the police chief is charged Lewisboro School District tee as a landing spot for com-
horizontally across the middle. with maintaining morale. “You underwent an identity change, plaints that are not resolved by
“We have been really trying Both the symbol and the phrase must have high morale to pro- shedding its long-time Indians either the police chief or town
to take this year to educate our- are decades old, but have come tect citizens,” the town supervi- mascot in favor of the Wolves. supervisor. e committee has
selves as to what are our blind into focus in recent years as sor said. Siciliano said this experience two members now, but Parsons
spots. What have we missed?” more people adopt the imagery taught him the importance would like to add a third.
Siciliano said. “We’re begin- to defend the police in response Edleman, who criticized Al- of symbols and how impact
ning to learn more deeply the to protests. fano’s use of the symbol in a trumps intention. Biancone said she did not
frustrations that students have letter to the committee, was not plan to be so outspoken at the
experienced at the high school. “I’m a police o cer. I’m not a buying that reasoning. e pas- “If we’re going to come to- meeting. “I told my family I
We’re not running away from it. politician,” Alfano said. “I’m not tor said the police chief should gether, we can’t be polarized,” was going to sit back and not
We are committed to working a sociologist. I’m not cognizant not be boosting morale at the Siciliano said. say anything, either,” Biancone
to change the culture. We have of what all the meanings are expense of people in the com- said. “But to say nothing is to
been working to change cur- of the di erent symbols. All I munity who nd that symbol e police chief has since be [complicit]…We are afraid.
riculum. We are becoming much know is what the ag represents o ensive. changed his cover photo and We’re outnumbered.”
more conscious of students of to me; that it’s for all of the po- deleted the in Blue Line im-
color seeing themselves re ected lice o cers who died in the line Rendo also jumped in to age from his page. “I’m going to Alfano thanked Biancone and
in the school, re ected in the of duty throughout the nation.” defend Alfano, saying the po- be the bigger and better person, Ross for sharing their stories.
administration, re ected in the lice chief has been the target and I’m going to remove it,”
sta . But it’s going to take time.” Exact statistics vary depend- of multiple criminal mischief Alfano said. “I apologize to the “We want you to come out
ing on the source, but the Na- events on and near his property, people I o ended.” and say all of this, because this
No matter what actions the tional Law Enforcement Of- which included someone spray- is how we’re going to make it
district takes, Rendo lamented, painting “ACAB” on the street. GOING FORWARD better,” he said. “I know you feel
racist behavior is often learned cers Memorial Fund said 210 Alfano con rmed this and oth- When the dust settled, the uncomfortable talking to police.
at home. o cers died in the line of duty er incidents to the Times. But hopefully I can be the one
committee turned its attention to change that.”
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The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is located at 118 N Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email klt@
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LEARNING other students. If children are going BODY CAMS scribed a “collaborative e ort” to foster “mu-
in and there’s only one or two other tual trust and respect between the police and
FROM PAGE 1 kids in their class, it loses some of FROM PAGE 1 the community.”
the appeal.”
Bedford CSD, 180 in Somers and Black and African-American men, that have Body cameras are widely seen as critical
59 in North Salem. On the other hand, Burke contin- undermined the public’s con dence and trust” to achieving transparency. Already standard
ued, “if you reach some sort of criti- in law enforcement. He set an April 1 dead- equipment for state and county police, they
Sawyer Reed, a John Jay senior, cal mass, and students felt like some line for communities to report their recom- are expected to require a $100,000 initial out-
has seen the empty desks. “I notice of their friends might also be in mendations for reform. lay with an ongoing annual cost of $35,000
that there are really very few people class with them, they may be more for storage and software.
in classes,” the school board’s stu- inclined, more motivated to go in.” In a draft of its report, the Bedford panel
dent representative said at the meet- said the town’s police department “is well Bedford Police Chief Melvin Padilla Jr.,
ing. “I don’t think it’s because of la- As students opt out of the hybrid regarded by the community and is already a co-chair, supported the e ort. “While this
ziness, I don’t think it’s because…it’s model, administrators are continu- working to address areas for improvement.” department receives very few complaints,” he
the easier way out.” ing to measure how much elbow said in a prepared statement, “there is room
room that’s freeing up in schools, es- Still, the committee made a number of for improvement in any organization. I be-
As the board considered reasons pecially the high school and middle what it called “constructive recommendations lieve the collaborative work of the committee
for the switch, Reed suggested a school. to further promote transparency, accountabil- resulted in recommendations that are good
simple one. “I just think it’s not the ity and trust.” for the police as well as for the public.”
most comfortable place to be: It’s a “Where we do have some space,
school building during the middle of and based on what’s available, we do Beyond body cameras, the Bedford com- County Legislator Kitley Covill of Kato-
a pretty serious health crisis. I don’t continue to invite students, based mittee also recommended: nah was a third co-chair.
know what the answer is to that.” on need, to come back and be with
us four days a week,” Selesnick has ESTABLISHING a police-community Calves said her panel’s members “look for-
Trustee Catharine Oestreicher made clear. “ ose invitations con- group to collaborate with the police depart- ward to sharing what the committee learned
said students were not seeing the tinue to go out.” ment to support implementation of these re- with the public and to advancing the recom-
advantage of in-person learning. forms; mendations to enhance community policing
“Even if you’re in school, even if District Clerk Kimberly A. in Bedford.”
you’re in class, the teacher really is Monzon could not immediately PROVIDING the police with anti-rac-
teaching to the Zoomers,” she said. say how many invitations to four- ism and implicit-bias training and increased The Feb.18 Zoom meeting to discuss
day learning had been extended for training for interactions with marginalized Bedford’s draft report is scheduled to
It means a trip to school just to “sit February-March or the number ac- communities and people with mental health begin at 5:30 p.m. To join, go to:
in a classroom in an uncomfortable cepted. issues or special needs;
chair when you could be sitting in zoom.us/j/97985943787?pwd=c2U4SE
your own home,” Oestreicher said, Whatever the students’ motiva- EXPANDING emphasis on community VYODRGL3FVVjBoQ3l2OGlmUT09
and “you still feel like you’re watch- tion for going full-remote, Sele- engagement;
ing your teacher through a Zoom snick’s stance has been consistent. Meeting ID: 979 8594 3787;
call…I have no other solutions; I’m “We all would love to see all of our INCREASING the transparency of data Passcode: 133327
not placing blame anywhere.” students back in school safely as and resources through better use of website,
soon as possible,” the superinten- social media, traditional public relations and To listen by phone, dial 646-558-8656
Declining attendance, Trustee dent repeated last week. “We know other platforms;
Rory Burke suggested, was self- how important it is, we know what
perpetuating. “Part of the motiva- an incredibly long year this has FOCUSING on diverse hiring within civil
tion for going to school is the social been.” service limitations; and,
aspect,” he said, “and being around
CREATING better ways for the public to
register complaints and for the police to re-
solve those grievances.
Committee co-chair Ellen Calves de-
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I beg to di er Signs of spring
I’m literally begging for us to MAN would have asked you politely Iam not a winter person. I READING,
disagree, because we’ve for- OVERBOARD to leave. e country. Why am tired of layering up and WRITING &
gotten how to do it and we did you visit there in the rst wearing my hat, gloves, CHOCOLATE
could use the practice. And after place? Because it was so much turtleneck, eece, heavy jacket,
corduroy pants, and boots. I am KIM
we’re done disagreeing, I’d like RICK like America, or because it looking for signs of spring. KOVACH
to go on with my life without wasn’t? An exciting sign of spring I took my tour guide position
is seeing the sun set after ve very seriously. At orientation, we
you a) calling me an idiot; b) We negotiate all the time, o’clock in the evening. ose were handed a large binder full
extra minutes of daylight lift my of information on the history of
taking whatever it is we disagree every day, without even know- spirits. Another sign of spring is Muscoot Farm, the barns and
that the birds seem to be more outbuildings on the farm, the
about by force; or, c) killing me. ing it. active. Cardinals, blue jays, little farmhouse, the di erent animals
brown birds, and the honking raised on the farm, the veg-
By the way, I understand if you think I’m an idiot, For instance, I ask my wife if she wants me to geese are all squawking away etables grown and harvested, the
outside all day long and I’m dairy industry, etc. We were also
because we can probably agree on that, but just clean the cat box since I’m going downstairs, and happy to hear it. handed a red and white checked
short-sleeved shirt and a straw
don’t call me one during our disagreement. Right she says no, I’ll do it later. And I ask her if that On Feb. 2, that furry prognos- hat to wear when leading our
ticating celebrity, Punxsutawney tour groups. Yee-ha!
now, di erences of opinion are out of style, like means she’ll do it but resent me for not cleaning Phil, was hauled out of his
socially distanced burrow to give At home, I studied my binder
huge shoulder pads in suit jackets. it as a surprise. And she says no, it’s ne, she’ll his prediction for 2021. Phil to commit all of the farm facts
is the most famous of animal to memory. I wanted to dazzle
I was listening to Kevin Hart on Howard do it when she does the laundry. And I ask does forecasters but not necessarily these young school children
the most accurate. According to with my knowledge of animal
Stern, and he said, “We’ve lost the true value that mean she wants me to do the laundry, too, the internet, Punxsutawney Phil husbandry, farm life in the early
has been correct 39 percent of 1900s and comparisons to life
and understanding of my opinion versus your because I can do it while I’m cleaning the cat box. the time. is year he predicted then and now (no electricity, no
another six weeks of winter. TV, milk the cows before going
opinion. For example, you like co ee, I like tea. I Also, can she please tell me exactly where the o to school each morning!).
I prefer to place my trust in
don’t hate you for liking co ee, and you shouldn’t washing machine is and also the cat box. And this Staten Island Chuck. is New My rst tour group was a class
York groundhog has a much bet- of pre-schoolers from down
hate me for liking tea.” Not only is a di erence of way we each get something out of the exchange; ter track record of accuracy than county. e children were very
his Pennsylvania cousin. Staten excited to visit all of the animals.
opinion OK, it’s necessary for the world to func- she feels good about herself for keeping the place Island Chuck predicts that As tour guides, we were encour-
spring will be arriving shortly aged to bring children into the
tion. What if we all liked to eat the same thing? nice, and I earn bonus points for asking if she in 2021. Over the years, he has chicken coop and then pick up
been correct 80 percent of the a live chicken to show them up
Soon, there wouldn’t be any more of it, and the would like me to do something that I am clearly time. Go Chuck! close. It was hard to get past the
smell of the chicken coop and
only thing left would be Brussels sprouts. Would not quali ed to do anyway. e cat gets some- Recently, I was surprised to keep smiling while o ering up
learn about a local Westchester facts about hens laying eggs. e
a world without Take Five candy bars be worth thing out of it, too. forecaster named Cluxatawney chickens were non-plussed and
Henrietta. Cluxatawney Hen- allowed me to scoop up one hen
living in? I read an article by a man who was the top rietta is a hen who resides at to introduce to the wide-eyed
Muscoot Farm on Route 100. children.
We always assume that our way is the best way, hostage negotiator for the FBI. He talks about Henrietta predicted an early
spring by laying an egg on Feb. As we strolled along the farm
but that’s often because we never tried the other the person you’re negotiating with as your partner, 2. For three years in a row, Hen- path, I proudly announced to the
rietta, an Ameraucana chicken, youngsters that sheep don’t mind
way. I wonder why we extol cultural di erences just like when you’re dancing. Not like when has made her predictions for an standing out in the rain because
early spring by laying a blue egg their wool has natural lanolin
sometimes and castigate them at others. Speaking you’re dancing with ME, because then you’re an on Groundhog’s Day. which repels water to keep the
sheep feeling dry. e children
Spanish seems like fun in Spain but is given the escapee. But whom most people would refer to as Years ago, when I rst moved enjoyed singing a rousing chorus
to Lewisboro in 1987, I visited of “Baa Baa Black Sheep.”
eye-roll on the American check-out line some- an adversary, he views as the person who will help Muscoot Farm. I love cows
and gardening and all of that Kim Kovach must have lived
times. Did you ever go to the famous museum you get some of what you want. Not all of it, be- good wholesome farm life. I on a farm in a previous life.
volunteered to be a tour guide kimkovachwrites.com
in another country? e tour guide taught you cause a successful negotiation means you BOTH for school groups on weekday
mornings to introduce young
all about the things people do in that country, get something. And you both give something. e children and their teachers to the
wonders of Muscoot Farm.
and you said, “Hmm, that’s interesting. So much person you have this exchange with is someone
di erent than the way we do it in America.” you need, not someone you scorn. If you learn
You didn’t say, “Hmm, that’s stupid, thank God SEE MELEN PAGE 7
we don’t do that in America,” or the tour guide
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5830 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628
It’s a gift—don’t worry MELEN
about punctuation
those educated adults that can’t are part of our lives. ey add
about the other side, you’re more likely to understand their motiva-
STRONG write a sentence correctly. I un- meaning and make us feel good tions. If you make it clear that you’re not out to deceive or exploit
LEARNING derstand that they know how to whether we’re giving or receiving. them, it’s easier to get what you want. If you make it seem like their
use a computer and text a lot bet- idea, so much the better. I remember how comedian Adam Carolla
DR. LINDA is brings up the second once described the negotiation ritual of an average couple’s love life:
SILBERT I do something I don’t like for 15 minutes, you do something you
ter than I ever will know, but they issue. How important is it that don’t like for 15 minutes, then we go watch “ e Bachelor.”
need to be able to write. Curious the punctuation on the card and
Remember when you were younger, and the girl next door said,
what your opinion is. the grammar and spelling be “I know you are, but what am I?” And you said, “I’m the ball and
you’re the glue. Whatever you say, goes right back to you.” And she
Mary perfect? It seems there’s a gen- said, “Takes one to know one,” and you said, “I see England, I see
France, I can see your underpants,” and she said, “Your mother wears
Dear Mary, erational di erence of opinion. army boots,” and you said, “She was in the army. By the way, can you
remember what we were arguing about?” If you’re like me, chances
Dear Dr. Linda, You brought up two interesting Grandparents spent years in are you outgrew these childish taunts soon after graduating college.
As a retired English teacher, issues. One being valuing writing school being taught how to write e fact is that sometimes the objective of the argument is obscured
by the perception of winning or losing.
I’m concerned when I receive rules over receiving cards from correctly according to the rules
I’d like to believe that a new day will come soon, and we can go
Happy Valentine’s Day cards your grandchildren, and the other of that era. You can be sure that back to having a dispute without calling each other names, although
I’m not sure what else we would call each other. Everything eventu-
from my grandchildren with one being the importance of punctua- when the children exchanged ally comes full circle and, someday, having a civil debate where we
learn something about each other will be back in style. And when
written mistake after another. tion, grammar, and spelling. valentine cards in school, there that day comes, please don’t make fun of the size of the shoulder
pads in my suit jacket.
And I’m upset that my children Let’s rst address your chil- was a comma after a salutation,
Say hello at: [email protected]; watch Rick’s video “We Went Dark (love
let them send these cards to me dren’s anger that you were more like “Dear Susan,” and a comma in the age of the coronavirus)” at: bit.ly/wewentdark
with commas missing and mis- concerned about how your grand- after closings like “Your friend,”!
spellings. When I mentioned to children wrote the cards than the Your children’s generation likely
my son and daughter that I was fact that they sent you the cards. also exchanged valentine cards
going to explain the mistakes If I hear you right, you value in school, but probably weren’t
to my grandchildren, they were both. Your children are teaching SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 9
actually angry at me and told me their children the art of giving.
that I absolutely could not do Look around, you’ll see a book
that. ey accused me of caring a student gave you as a holiday
more about the rules of writing gift, a bracelet your sister gave
than about receiving cards from you for your birthday, or a vase
my grandchildren. you received as a house gift from
Believe me, I’m happy that a friend. You’ll nd cards you
they are thinking of me and do received from hundreds of people
appreciate the cards, but I have and each one is telling you that
When it comes to your to-doto admit that I’m concerned that they’re thinking about you. Giv-
they’re going to become one oflistin,g apndurecteivyingogiuftsrandfcuardtsure first.
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A rising tide
In my last year of law school, as editor of ability, and equality. that outlasts us.” where she spent the remainder of her days.
the Fordham newspaper, e Advocate, Last month, Margo St. James succumbed
I dedicated an entire issue to challeng- During her career, MY Margo St. James to Alzheimer’s disease at the age of 83. is
ing the school’s failure to admit an equi- she began to focus on PERSPECTIVE did not go to law renowned feminist and civil rights pioneer
table number of women. In my law school what she experienced school, although she will be remembered as a fearless leader who
class of hundreds, the number of female took up the mantle of women who were
students was in the single digits.Today, I rst-hand: the dif- JAMES considered it. She was marginalized by society. Because of her,
am happy to report, the law school’s admis- cult path of women MARTORANO an artist, a waitress, their voices continue to be heard.
sion policy has radically changed, and over
half the student body is female. Lest we in a male-dominated and a resident of San Dr. Christina Crosby, the victim of a
become complacent, last month’s pass- terrible biking accident, which left her
ing of three champions of women’s rights profession. As she be- Francisco during the paralyzed, was an advocate for women’s
served as a stern reminder that the struggle rights. She was a professor at Wesleyan
to achieve equity for women is far from gan getting published, hippie days of the University and taught thousands of women
over. Let me introduce you to these heroic the importance of continuing the struggle
women: she established herself in the late 1980s 1960s. She was arrested on false prostitu- for women’s rights. While earning her doc-
torate, earlier in her life, she had founded
While I was writing my editorials for as a leading authority on gender inequity. tion charges in 1962, and that experience one of the rst of its kind women’s shelter,
e Advocate, Deborah Rhode was strug-
gling to survive as one of the few female But progress on these issues brought a new changed her life’s path. Infuriated at what e Sojourner House, to house and protect
students at Yale. But survive she did, and battered women. Dr. Crosby never let her
she went on to become an esteemed law predicament to the forefront—the problem she knew was wrong, she dedicated her life injuries stop her from advocating for the
professor at Stamford for four decades, causes she believed in. Although she was
revolutionizing the study of legal ethics. of complacency, or as she called it, the “no- to achieve justice not only for herself but hired by Wesleyan’s English Department,
e author of over 30 books and 200 law she succeeded in establishing a women’s
review articles, she became a star in a eld problem problem.” So, she kept ghting, for other women who she came to believe studies program and eventually, through
that all too often gets short shrift in the her insistence, it became a major. Last
education of our future attorneys. Her writing article after article on the barriers were victims of the male dominated system month, she passed away due to pancreatic
belief was that it wasn’t enough to memo- cancer at the age of 67.
rize codes of conduct; lawyers have a duty women still faced, including “unconscious of justice.
to focus on what truly matters, which is the ese are but three women who have
public’s access to justice, integrity, account- bias, unequal pay, lack of mentors, stereo- Ms. St. James eventually called herself a championed the cause of feminism over the
types and in exible workplace structures.” “sex-positive feminist.”While I was writ- SEE MARTORANO PAGE 9
Deborah Rhode, a true pioneer both for ing articles about admissions policies, she
women’s rights and the eld of legal ethics was busy founding an organization called
in general, passed away this past month at COYOTE. Her organization was ground-
the age of 68. Perhaps one of her lasting breaking. It pressed for health care, legal
contributions will be her advice on what rights, and nancial security for a forgotten,
constitutes happiness: “enduring satisfac- abused, and abandoned segment of our so-
tion is most often a byproduct of par- ciety: sex workers. During her life, this out-
ticipating in worthwhile activities that do spoken, charismatic, and articulate woman
not have happiness as their primary goal. became the most successful advocate for
Ultimate ful llment comes from a sense of women who had no voice and no power.
remaining true to core ideals and principles, Facing a conservative backlash in the
and of using life for something of value 1980s, Margo eventually moved to Europe
e Queen of Great Panini
TRACY at a new restaurant, and it was usually made with mozzarella or quest to nd the perfect panini, d) I still don’t like the name
BECKERMAN love at rst duck. For six months I fontina cheese on focaccia, with with just the right blend of melted Croque Monsieur.
ordered it every time I saw it on a other things stu ed into it, such cheesiness and crispy breadiness.
Every once in a while, I dis- menu. en one day a pair of mal- as chicken, pesto, roasted peppers, After traveling far and wide and Once I determined that there
cover some new dish that I lards arrived in our backyard and etc. “Panini” is the Italian name sampling many a panini, I have was no restaurant that served the
fall in love with, and then I the next thing we knew, the place for sandwich, which, I think, is a determined that: perfect panini, I felt it was my
order it whenever I go out to eat. was silly with cute little duck- much nicer name than “Grilled duty, as a panini lover, to make
ies. at pretty much ruined the Cheese,” or even the French term, a) ere are a lot of places that one myself. So, the rst thing
For example, there was a point whole duck dinner thing for me. “Croque Monsieur” (pronounced call a panini a panini, but in real- I did was run out and buy a
in time when I was really into “croak miss-yur”) which makes ity, they are just serving glori ed super-duper, magic panini maker.
duck. I had sampled a crispy duck Right now, my obsession me think of female frogs. Hot Pockets,
is paninis. In case you are not en I went out and I bought
familiar with it, a panini is basi- Kind of an appetite killer, if you b) No one actually does make a beautiful focaccia, some fresh
cally a grilled cheese sandwich know what I mean. the perfect panini, and since I grilled chicken, fresh mozzarella,
for grownups. Instead of Ameri- think so, tomato and pesto. I came home,
can cheese on white bread, it is Anyway, ever since I sampled lightly browned the inside slices
my rst panini, I have been on a c) I am a panini snob and of bread, added all the rest of the
furthermore, ingredients between the slices, and
then put my soon-to-be panini in
Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES my brand new, super-duper, magic
panini maker and closed the lid.
aloneI’m never
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One touch of a button ter queen, and then I suddenly
sends help fast, 24/7. smelled smoke.
GwPiSth! I hung up, whirled around, and
found my perfect panini was now
a blackened panini hockey puck.
Fortunately, I am over my pa-
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It needs no cooking.
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MARTORANO Brady’s brain
FROM PAGE 8 BRUCE gone unnoticed that No. 12 from the unprecedented success of his most important muscle, the brain,
THE BLOG New England and Tampa Bay exploits on the eld. e clutch because he understands that you
past several decades. All three made now has more championships third-down conversions, comple- can’t just out-play the opponent,
a huge di erence, and their passing BRUCE than No. 23 from Chicago. tion percentage, last-minute you need to out-think them, too.
should not go unnoticed, nor their APAR winning drives, and decimation of
accomplishments unheralded. Kornheiser’s broadcast partner, world-class defenses are not what He puts his grey matter
Tom Brady and I have Michael Wilbon, waxed positively make him great. ey are the re- through its paces with mind-
To be sure, women have come something in common. cosmic in his genu ection of sult of his hidden greatness, which game apps, as well as performing
a long way since my law school If you guessed,“Enough the gridiron god, declaring that resides in his exacting preparation, a slightly older form of self-
days (1974). But we still have a Super Bowl rings for all but three “Brady is out there with Saturn’s his unwavering, science-based awareness—transcendental medi-
long way to go. e struggle is not rings compared to anybody else.” health and wellness regimen, his tation—which his tness guru
over; obstacles to equality remain. ngers?”I’m sorry, but that’s the laser focus, his whole life that is says keeps Brady “emotionally
But, when everyone, regardless wrong answer. (Not to sell myself Even staid, conservative busi- never betrayed. stable and spiritually nourished.”
of gender identi cation, joins short, I have been to four Super ness bible, the Wall Street Journal,
together to demand the end to Bowls, and I have the souvenir got in on the accolades act, with Being TB12—like a space His religiously practicing the
discrimination, there is noth- seat pads to prove it!) sports analyst Jason Gay writ- android—he doesn’t have a ancient discipline of conscious-
ing that we cannot accomplish. ing,“ ere’s never been anyone trainer; he has a body engineer. ness-raising helps explain why
Indeed, Amanda Gorman said it What the Golden Boy and in sports quite like him; we don’t He doesn’t sleep in underwear; he the celebrated eld general,
best, in her beautiful poem, “ e yours truly have in common I’ll really have the language for what sleeps in $200 bioceramic-infused whose next campaign will be in
Hill We Climb”: get to presently. First, as if you he’s doing. Let’s stick to ‘absurd.’” jammies from Under Armour— search of victory medal number
haven’t heard enough about His don’t we all?—which are designed 8, commands a legacy that is not
We will not be turned around, Otherworldliness in the past few EXHAUSTIVE TALENT to energize the body and enhance so much of this earth as it is extra-
Or interrupted by intimidation, days, let’s take stock of this rara Now, you have to ask yourself, performance. Apparently, they terrestrial.
Because we know our inaction avis, sui generis, and any other work.
and inertia, Latin phrase you can conjure that what can the unathletic nerd Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
Will be the inheritance of the next roughly translates to “Where the who’s writing what you’re reading e least surprising part of consultant, and community
generation, heck did this freak of nature come possibly have in common with Saint Super Bowl’s holistic health volunteer. He can be reached at
Our blunders become their from?” somebody who exhausts superla- program is how he exes his [email protected]; 914-275-6887.
burdens, tives just as he exhausts defensive
But one thing is certain: After Super Bowl LV, the lines of overgrown gladiators musical vocal group
If we merge mercy with might, drily acerbic Tony Kornheiser trying to disarm him.
and might with right, of ESPN’s “Pardon the Inter- playing an eclec�c mix of favorites, old and new
ruption”—who’s not given to e answer is simple… we
en love becomes our legacy, overstatement—couldn’t contain both like hummus! Amazing, [email protected] 914-248-5135
And change our children’s birth- his jaw-dropping awe, anointing huh? But that’s not all. You see,
right. the 43-year-old prince of pigskin TB (that’s he) and BA (that’s join Lauren, Colleen and Rick and bring a li�le
as not merely the greatest of all me) also share a sweet tooth for harmony to your next event!
DR. LINDA time in his chosen sport, but in all fruit, and go nuts over nuts. I
of sports. know; quite a coincidence.
THREE SUPER DECADES Our diets also converge when
as concerned about where they Gushed Kornheiser, after it comes to eggs, chicken, and
placed their commas. You, being hydration. I can’t compete with
a retired English teacher, prob- pointing out that Gisele Bund- him on sheer water volume,
ably checked your own children’s chen’s spouse has won Super though, since he is known to
valentine’s cards to be sure the Bowls in three di erent decades, gulp up to 25 glasses a day of
commas were there, but it’s more “I don’t know that there’s another H20. at’s close to a glass every
than likely other parents weren’t athlete in the history of any team half-hour he’s awake, from 5:30
as concerned. Your grandchil- sport who has been this good [for a.m.-8:30 p.m. He’s also huge on
dren’s generation may or may not so long].” veggies, which are 80 percent of
be exchanging valentine cards in his diet, but not my go-to food
school, and most likely don’t care Sco if you will, but it hasn’t group, I’m afraid.
about commas! ey’re probably
most concerned about telling HIDDEN GREATNESS
someone that they’re their friend, It’s what we don’t see Brady
or that they love Grandma and
Grandpa and want them to know. doing o the eld that explains
Each generation and person ad-
dresses Valentine’s Day from their WWhahtaist itshethmeomstocsotmcmomonmon Prepare for
own perspective. myoisummsaeinseam?gtahenadatcygooenuddistcieooenn?dthitaiot n later, now.
So, going back to your ques- TThheeItIctchhy yDoDgo!g! Contact me for
tion, what’s my opinion? As a IIssyyoouurrppetetscsractrcahticnhg,inligck, ilnicgk, ing, life insurance.
grandmother, I too would see the cchheewwinigngfefeeteotrohravhianvginchgrocnhicronic skin
missing commas and the spelling sinkfinecintifoenctsio?ns? Philip Eifert
mistakes because I’m also from 914-232-0330
that generation. Would I mention Stop taresaicmtiaSnputgolsepethbtwreleoittasohhatydeiannmdgtfserpiestmsthtqotoe.pumplGesestynehbmtatelonptyfrodtroiodepumqfstriuenstpesdoatne.ntottGhdtufreeetifitpentvyslhdeiontetuoog.ruutphtbneetedhttevetfreeelutyre.nliaindnngegdrclbyaseitnutotgseper 200 Katonah Avenue
it to my grandchildren? No. with Katonah, NY
[email protected]
If they send me a paper they PPrrooggrreesDssr.siAvinevdreAewnAiFnmriisamhml aHanlosHpoistaplital 9634126
were handing into school and Life insurance offered through Allstate Life Insurance Company and Allstate Assurance Co.,
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punctuation and spelling errors, I 2N6o8wRwAowcuwct.eperpo2tg0irne2sgsSivCoea-mvreeteC.crorsme,dNitY! 10589 American Heritage Life Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224. In New York, life insurance offered through
would be delighted to help them. Allstate Life Insurance Co. of New York, Hauppauge, NY. © 2018 Allstate Insurance Co.
But a card, letter or gift, sent 914-248-6220$25 OFF First Exam for new clients, just bring in this ad!
out of love to show that they’re Discount only applies to in office visits.
thinking of me, is just that.
Treasure the cards from your
grandchildren and say, “ ank
Dr. Linda
Send your questions to Linda@
COVID Counter lenge is free to all Green Way shoppers. For located at 60 North Salem Road, Cross Main St., South Salem. Register for pro-
more details, downloads, or to register, visit River, during the hours of 8 a.m.-4 p.m. grams at lewisborolibary.org.
LEWISBORO greenwaymarkets.com. Monday- Friday. Contact Kimberly Mon-
Active: 34 Zoom into History zon, district clerk, via email at kmonzon@ BROWSING THROUGH
Last Week: 53 klschools.org or by phone at 914-763-7020 HISTORY
Total: 615 to schedule an appointment to obtain a At 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 21, the Library is
Over the next several weeks, Maureen packet. e Katonah-Lewisboro School hosting the virtual presentation, “Browsing
BEDFORD Koehl, Lewisboro town historian, will pres- District Board of Education will have two through History: the Story of Our Library.”
Active: 106 ent an approximate 20-minute session on a trustee vacancies to be voted on during the From its beginning chapter in 1799 to the
Last Week: 130 hamlet of Lewisboro, providing a brief his- May 18 election. A trustee’s term on the rest of the story in 2021, learn how the li-
Total: 1,289 tory of it and the interesting places, people, school board runs for three years. e term brary has su ered the downs and celebrated
According to information provided by West- and things about each one. After the presen- is from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024. the ups of our society, and bene ted the cit-
chester County. tation is over, Koehl will take questions and/ Each candidate must properly le a izens of Lewisboro for 222 years. Hear how
Government at Work or everyone on the Zoom can continue the nominating petition with the district clerk reading options and services have changed
conversation about the hamlet of the week. in order for his or her name to appear on during its lifetime and enjoy the tales the
All are welcome to join the Zoom calls, the ballot. e deadline to submit the nom- books and former librarians have to tell.
• Monday, Feb. 22, Bedford Planning which will be held at 3 p.m. every other inating petition is 5 p.m. Monday, April 19. Presented by Town Historian Maureen
Board, 7 p.m. Sunday, beginning with Goldens Bridge on DIY Maple Sugaring Koehl. Register for the Zoom link on the
library website.
• Monday, Feb. 22, Lewisboro Town Feb. 14.
Board, 7:30 p.m. Upcoming Dates:
• Tuesday, Feb. 23, Lewisboro Planning • Feb. 28 – Vista Discover the magic of maples at Sugar TEEN GRAB N GO MUG CAKE
Board, 7:30 p.m. • March 14 – Cross River Hill Farm in Bedford Hills. KIT
• Tuesday, Feb. 23, Lewisboro Pedestrian • March 28 – Lewisboro Hamlet During this hands-on, family pro- Teens can pick up a “Grab-n-Go Mug
& Bicycle Advisory Committee, 8 p.m. • April 11 – South Salem gram—10:30 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Feb. Cake” kit at the library, in preparation to
• Wednesday, Feb. 24, Lewisboro Zoning • April 25 – Waccabuc 20—discover how to identify a maple tree, tap bake along with teen librarian Jane Roths-
Board of Appeals, 7:30 p.m. Contact the Parks and Recreation o ce it, and then detail the process of making syrup. child at 5 p.m.Wednesday, Feb. 17. Kits can
Visit bedfordny.gov, lewisborogov.com, at 914-232-6162 or parks@lewisborogov. ere will be history, storytelling, science, and be picked up in the library’s curbside ves-
or klschools.org for agenda information or to com for additional information.To register, sap tasting. Come explore this tradition and tibule. e how-to video will be posted on
watch/participate. visit lewisbororecreation.com. leave with DIY knowledge on how to “tap” the library’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
Health Challenge School Board Elections into an amazing resource. is program will be
outdoors and group size is limited. is event LEARN ABOUT THE LENAPE
is free and open to the community. CENTER
Green Way Markets of Cross River is Prospective Board of Education candi- RSVP is required: Susan@westchester- At 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 24, the library
sponsoring a 30-Day Health Challenge, date packets are available for community landtrust.org is co-hosting a Zoom presentation about
which will launch ursday, Feb. 18. Green members interested in running for a vacant e rain date is Saturday, Feb. 27. Manhattan’s Lenape Center. e Lenape
Way’s registered dietitian and nutritionist, seat on the Katonah-Lewisboro School Lewisboro Library are an indigenous people of the Northeast-
Jacqueline Gomes, will lead the way in pro- District Board of Education. Candidate ern Woodlands.Lenapehoking,the Lenape
viding weekly tips, healthy recipes, and mo- packets can be obtained from Kimberly SEE CROSSING PAGE 14
tivation. Participation in the Health Chal- Monzon, district clerk, at the district o ce, e Lewisboro Library is located at 15
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triple meet victory
e John Jay/Fox Lane Swim team entered last week with a 2-1
record and, in between more snow, the boys did some plowing of
their own on the win side. ey started the week with a 97-81 loss
to Ardsley. But a ursday, Feb. 11, sweep versus Lakeland, Clark-
stown, and New Rochelle completed a 5-2 record for the regular
But not getting out of the blocks on Monday, Feb. 8, four rst-
place nishes was all JJ/FL could tally. Nonetheless, Ryan Delf-
ico took rst in the 50 freestyle and Tom Morgan won the 100
backstroke, while Josh Hiller, Spencer Grayson, Tommy Rozgonyi
and Michael O’Donnell rallied to victory in the 400 freestyle relay.
Above board, John Marple skied again and took rst with a 284.40.
e urries passing on Tuesday, JJ/FL again registered their times
at the Mount Kisco Boys and Girls Club on ursday, and the 200
medley relay got the team o the docket. e Morgan brothers,
Kieran Brown, and Del co’s 141.68 was good for rst place across
all three opponents.
e 200 freestyle relay came up shorter, though. Dylan Gour-
lay, Del co, Rozgonyi, and Tom Morgan nished at 1:35.29 and
grabbed rst place against New Rochelle and second versus Lake-
land and Clarkstown.
Down the line, Gourlay’s 54.85 nish also swept rst in the 100
butter y and a time of 152.17 captured gold in the 200 meter free-
style versus New Rochelle and Lakeland.
Two out of three wasn’t bad either for Tom Morgan, who cruised
into rst-place nishes against Clarkstown and New Rochelle in
the 200 individual medley. e same goes for Del co and the dou-
ble his 22.64 hit against New Rochelle and Clarkstown in the 50
Brown (51.02) and Brendan Morgan (5:05.73) did their team-
mates one better by hitting the trifecta in the 100 and 500 freestyle
races, and nally, John Marple did his usual number on the dive.
He scored a 308.85 for the win against Clarkstown, and the team
eagerly awaits the Feb. 23 post season weekend.
Spencer Grayson
SKIING Ashley Binette
makes her turn.
John Jay/North Salem dominates at Catamount
BY RICH MONETTI “ e varsity ski team started the precious medal order were Ash- Amelia Sheridan, Daniella unfortunate these athletes will not
CONTRIBUTING WRITER season exactly as they nished last ley Binette (gold), Samantha Dziedzic, Ellie Sheridan, and have the opportunity this season
season,” said coach Chris Reinke. Spieler (silver), and Rosie Binette Josie Scott. e boys sent the to compete at a sectional cham-
After both the boys and girls ski “By dominating.” (bronze), with Kristen Wolfe close competition around the bend, too. pionship nor the state champion-
teams once again had great success on their heels with a fourth-place Luke Spieler and Oskar Lom- ships as many have the skills to
last year, John Jay/North Salem John Jay/North Salem defeated bardi cruised into the silver and be very successful at that highest
was eager to hit the slopes once Scarsdale and Horace Greeley on nish. Not to be overlooked, John bronze medals, while Matt Dong level,” Reinke said.
more. Unfortunately, the 2021 the boys and girls side. e girls Jay’s depth made the meet an took fourth, Josh Burkart nished
Section 1 ski season has had a dif- 233.53 came under Scarsdale’s uphill battle for their opponents. Nonetheless, the team was to-
287.73 and Greeley’s 301.28, “We placed 10 girls in the Top 15 fth and Easton Sayre-McGill gether, and made the night a party.
cult time getting o the ground. while the boys 212.68 bested leaving little room for our com- and Zach Purdy came in seventh “ e boys and girls were racing on
However, the day nally arrived on Scarsdale and Greeley’s 228.23 petition to challenge us,” Reinke and eighth. side by side trails which allowed us
Wednesday, Feb. 10, at Catamount and 267.12, respectively. “We had said. to cheer on both the boys and the
Mountain in Hillsdale, and the a fantastic night,” Reinke said. Still, Reinke can’t help point out girls as they raced past us,” Reinke
caravan didn’t miss a step. ose female nishers would the disappointment that hangs said.
e girls who led the way in be Paige Martin, Emma Klares, over the great start. “It is truly
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15. Tall coniferous tree
16. State capital 34. Trap 56. Drivers 31. Grinding tooth
18. Making a liquid muddy
22. Vinegary 36. Soviet Socialist Republic 58. One point east 32. Keep up
23. Peninsula
24. Thee 37. Assn. of oil-producing (clockwise) of due north 33. Tablelands
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39. Holy fire 60. A facility equipped for 38. Mythical creature
40. Emit coherent radiation sports or physical training 41. Hums
43. Mountain in Antarctica
41. Atomic #81
44. Neighborhood in
42. Orthodox Jewish college CLUES DOWN
48. Herbs 1. Small islands Manhattan
50. Ran after 2. Skullcap 45. Distinctive practice
51. Begin again 3. Unexplained events 46. Vice president
4. One hundredth of a 47. Contributes to
meter 49. Small bones
5. Beloved baseball 56. Oil company
announcer 57. Empire State
6. Repulsive
7. Northern European
8. Match or surpass
9. Northeast For puzzle solutions, please see
12. Chew the fat
13. Innovative industry
17. Land to put down
to grass
19. Products
20. Nostril
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Buying diamonds, gold, in excellent shape and is
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watches, coins, paintings, available, hitch mounted
better furs, complete Harmer AL100 Universal Lift homeland, spans from Western please contact Jane Rothschild Proof of town residency will
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pay more! Call Barry Call: 845 270 8543 / email: vania, and the Hudson Valley to at 914-875-9004. be required.
914-260-8783 or e-mail [email protected] Delaware, with Manhattan at its
[email protected] center. In this presentation, mem- OREO MOON PHASES Teatown Programs
Craftsman snowthrower bers of the Lenape Center, based Children’s Librarian Maria
EDUCATION 9 HP 28" width, gas run- in Manhattan, will discuss their
-electric start, used little work and Lenape history. Nania celebrates Moon Week Teatown Lake Reservation
COMPUTER & IT TRAINING $375--originally $800
PROGRAM! Train ONLINE to get 914-248-8402 is program is presented in on at 4:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. will host a series of upcoming
the skills to become a Computer conjunction with Port Chester-
& Help Desk Professional HELP WANTED Rye Brook Public Library and the 26, with a special Oreo Moon events especially for children,
now! Now offering a $10,000 Westchester County Historical
scholarship for qualified JOB OPPORTUNITY $18.50 P/H Society. Please visit the Library Phases program. e program including their “Winter Break
applicants. Call CTI for details! NYC $16 P/H LI Up to $13.50 P/H website to register for the Zoom
(844) 947-0192 (M-F 8am-6pm UPSTATE NY CDPAP Caregiver link. takes place via Facebook live. Mini-Camp,” running Feb. 16-
ET) Hourly Pay Rate! Under NYS
TRAIN AT HOME TO DO CDPAP Medicaid program you DUNGEONS AND See the library website for a ma- 18. is hybrid mini-camp will
MEDICAL BILLING! Become can hire your family or friends DRAGONS HIGH
a Medical Office Professional for your care. Phone: 347-713- SCHOOL GROUP terials list (lewisborolibrary.org). welcome children every day
online at CTI! GetTrained, 3553
Certified & ready to work in e library has two ac- Bedford Mobile with a Zoom call at 11 a.m. with
months! Call 855-543-6440. HOME IMPROVEMENT tive “Dungeons and Dragons” one of Teatown’s animal ambas-
(M-F 8am-6pm ET) groups that meet monthly on
The Generac PWRcell, a solar Saturdays—currently they meet Shredder sadors. en campers will come
HEALTH plus battery storage system. virtually. While the Middle to Teatown and explore the out-
SAVE money, reduce your School group is full, there are
VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills reliance on the grid, prepare for a few spaces now available in A mobile shredding truck will door magic of the winter woods
for $99. 100 pills for $150 power outages and power your the High School group. If you
home. Full installation services are interested in joining, contact be available to Bedford residents and meadows from 1 to 3 p.m.
Connie Pezone at cjpawp@msn.
com. on the following days in 2021: Children should dress in layers,
TEEN ADVISORY GROUP March 20, April 24, May 20, and wear hats, gloves, and cold
e Lewisboro Library’s
June 26, Aug. 21, Sept. 18, Oct. weather footwear. e Winter
Teen Advisory Group (TAG)
meets next at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, 21, and Nov. 20. On those days, Break Mini-Camp is $120/
Feb. 23, via Zoom. e group,
for teens in middle and high it will be at the Town Recycling members, $150/non-members.
school, helps plan special events
for teens and younger children. Center, 343 Railroad Ave., Bed- Program participants registering
Creative thinkers are especially
needed to help develop engag- ford Hills, from 11 a.m. to 2 for mini-camp must print and
ing programs for our teens dur-
ing this pandemic. Plus, being p.m. sign a waiver before attending
A mobile shredding truck programs. Participants will not
will securely destroy documents. be admitted to programs with-
Residents are asked to remain in out a signed waiver. Program
their cars and to put all items to participants will also be required
HumPauntenSaomciety be shredded in the trunk of their to undergo a temperature check
Check out our Facebook & Twitter pages!
cars. Cars must line up from the each day before being admitted
Harris Road side. to a program. For full details,
Proshred personnel will re- visit teatown.org/camp/school-
move the items from the trunk break-mini-camps.
and place the contents into a Visit teatown.org for more in-
security bin for transport to formation or to register.
the mobile shredding unit (the
Adult female Grey & White shred truck will be on-site). e PUZZLE
DSH who is feral and would company can shred paper, paper SOLUTIONS
be a good mouser. She came clips, rubber bands, staples and
to the shelter some time ago even the black clips. ey can-
with a broken jaw which not shred three-ring binders, Corresponding to
has completely healed, and or anything that is non paper Last Week’s
now Bravo is ready for a
home where she can do some February 11 Issue
hunting. Make an appointment
Prepare for
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