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Published by Halston Media, 2022-08-16 15:35:14

Hudson Valley Living Back to School 08.18.2022

Supplement to August 18, 2022 bthaeck to

college planning

Counseling with a heart

Help for students and families

•College savings strategies

back to school

•How much should a
backpack weigh

•According to kids and moms

Pied Piper School

44 years and counting

Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace

Dazzling new location in Yorktown


HALSTON MEDIA It’s the Back to School Issue—
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Sorry Moms!you for the year,
First, we apolo-
The Sta
gize for reminding especially for high
you that summer schoolers who are
Vim Wilkinson
Special Sections Editor fun is coming to an starting to think years. We have also added a the acceptable weight will give
[email protected]
end and the mad- about college. e great article about college sav- you peace of mind.
ness of the school college process can ings strategies to help families We are also thrilled to fea-
Paul Forhan
914-806-3951 • [email protected] year is about to be challenging for plan the nancial aspect of it ture a landmark school that

Bruce Heller begin. some and evokes all. You de nitely want to start has been around for 44 years.
914-486-7608 • [email protected]
A day at the beach does all sorts of concerns for stu- early on this. e Pied Piper School in Yor-
Corinne Stanton
914-760-7009 • [email protected] sound more appealing than dents and parents. e good If college planning sounds ktown has a great history and

Lisa Kain shopping for a backpack for news is, there is help and it’s like a lifetime away, we have is celebrating the addition
201-317-1139 • [email protected]
little Jimmy. We get it. from those who know what some more immediate con- on the building along with a
Jay Gussak
914-299-4541 • [email protected] But if you decide to take this they are doing. We have fea- tent,including a really fun cen- showcase of their preschool

Shelley Kilcoyne Back to School issue of HVL tured two reputable compa- ter spread on Back to School. and after-school programs.
to the beach, it might just be nies that have been helping Don’t forget to check out the Read On!
914-924-9122 • [email protected]
a win-win. We do have some many families successfully article on “How Much Should
useful information to prep navigate this process over the a Backpack Weigh.” Knowing
Tabitha Pearson Marshall
Creative Director/Photographer Business College Planning 101 Guided Consulting, LLC
Listing 1131 State Route 55, Ste. 1 900 South Lake Boulevard, Suite 8
[email protected]
Lagrangeville, NY Mahopac • 845-628-0726
Noah Elder 914-406-0055
Designer •
[email protected] Pied Piper School
the optomap retinal exam 2090 Crompond Road • Yorktown Heights
EXECUTIVE TEAM 914-962-5196, 914-642-3923
Full view of the retina without the
Brett Freeman need for dilation (in most cases).
CEO & Publisher •
845-208-8151 • [email protected] new kids line now available! Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace

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©2022 Halston Media, LLC Luz Medi Spa
340 Route 202/Suite F • Somers

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26 Triangle Center • Yorktown Heights


Somers Custom Framing
253 Route 202 • Somers



College Planning

101Helping students and families

Stephanie Mauro-owner and BY VIM WILKINSON aimed at easing this stress. needs,
founder of College Planning 101 EDITOR “Our goal at College Planning 101 is while ad-
dressing the concerns of the parents.
PHOTO COURTESY OF TIPSY SOCIAL e nal and crucial chapter of a to make the overwhelming college ad-
student’s high school life is the college missions and nancial aid process easier College Planning 101’s proprietary
planning process. Are you and your stu- for families and students,” said Mauro, software allows parents and students to
dent overwhelmed and frustrated with owner and founder of College Planning research colleges in an organized way us-
how and where to begin this process? 101. ing a comprehensive two-page data sheet
Are you worried about the competitive- that focuses on the important aspects of
ness of the college admission process With a team of experienced profes- a college, as opposed to spending tedious
and the cost of college? sionals and a user-friendly, e ective soft- hours of research online.
ware, College Planning 101 has been
Unfortunately, the process is not easy helping families make the right decisions In addition, College Planning 101
for a lot of families, and many nd it by guiding them every step of the way. o ers college application and essay as-
stressful and overwhelming. With the sistance, college nancial planning, SAT
admissions process becoming more and Students work with experienced aca- and ACT diagnostic testing, and more.
more competitive, students and their demic advisors to discover their strengths
families could use some help from ex- and identify careers that match them us- College Planning 101
perts who are experienced in guiding ing a career development software. After
you through the process. a detailed review in the rst meeting, 1131 State Route 55, Ste. 1
an interactive coaching session with the Lagrangeville, NY
Stephanie Mauro and her team at family and the student takes place to cre- 914-406-0055
College Planning 101 o er a compre- ate a college list that ts di erent aspects
hensive college planning service that is that meet the student’s career goals, social

FOR SEMINAR to our families
• / FAFSA LOCATION INFO! • 95% of clients
receive more from
• ADMISSIONS & their college than
FINANCIAL AID their fee to use us.


Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace opens

Dazzling new location in Yorktown

BY JESSICA JAFET Yorktown in 2019. With more room to roam
CONTRIBUTING WRITER and even more to choose from in its new space,

Yorktown has become a true food-lovers’ customers can select from a variety of pre-

destination with the grand opening of the new packaged meals, a soup and salad bar with an

Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace at 329 Down- extensive array of ready-to-eat items that are

ing Drive in the Yorktown Green Shopping prepared by in-house chefs, along with sushi

Center. e impressive, refurbished emporium from dedicated chefs who prepare daily rolls,

now occupies the space once held by the for- specialty rolls,sashimi,and custom orders.Des-

mer anchor tenant, Food Emporium, which sert lovers can check out the gourmet choco-

had been vacant for 10 years. late, candy and gelato station, in addition to a

A full-service supermarket,Uncle Giuseppe’s full co ee and espresso bar.

Marketplace is renowned for its high-quality, e company is committed to its mission

Uncle Giuseppe's Marketplace at Yorktown Green Shopping Italian-themed specialties and food o erings, of providing an outstanding shopping experi-
Center located at 329 Downing Drive in Yorktown Heights.
and has expanded from its former 27,000 ence for each and every customer. e specialty
square-foot location a quarter mile away, to a supermarket sells the tastiest food, carries the

massive, nearly 50,000-square-foot space that highest-quality ingredients in a one-stop shop-

has been freshly renovated. e Yorktown loca- ping destination, and is sta ed with friendly

tion is now the Long Island-based company’s customer service associates who strive to treat

largest store in Westchester County. all guests like family. e management team at

“We’ve enjoyed welcoming the community Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace prides itself on

into our store for the past two years, and now fostering an organization that promotes inclu-

we are thrilled to be expanding in Yorktown to sion and will employ up to 250 full-time and

bring even more of what Uncle Giuseppe’s has part-time associates from the local communi-

to o er to our customers,” said Carl DelPrete, ties surrounding the Yorktown location.

chief executive o cer of Uncle Giuseppe’s For extra convenience, Uncle Giuseppe’s

Marketplace. o ers home delivery, curbside pickup, and full

A grand opening is planned for Friday, Aug. catering options. But while you are at the store,

26. be sure to grab delicious food samples and en-

Loyal customers and curious new shoppers joy live music that is available on the weekends.

alike will line up for a unique grocery shopping “As we grow, we will always remain true to

experience. As with all other Uncle Giuseppe’s our mission, which is to be the destination of

marketplaces, the new Yorktown location will choice for discerning shoppers who have come

continue the tradition of homemade favor- to love Uncle G’s warm and inviting atmo-

ites that include a full-service deli featuring sphere, the unsurpassed quality of our food

homemade dishes prepared using Old World o erings, and the personalized service they

recipes; an in-house bakery featuring specialty receive in each of our specially curated depart-

cakes, pastries, breads and desserts; along with ments,”DelPrete said.

a custom-cut meat department with in-house e overall ambience, which is reminiscent

butchers. of a bygone era when customers are always

Come marvel at the fresh and organic pro- greeted with a smile—along with the market’s

duce, the full seafood department, a gourmet enormous range of products and services—

cheese department featuring the nest and might make it one of the most pleasant food

most sought-after selections from around the shopping experiences in the area.

world, and special viewing rooms where pasta

and mozzarella are made fresh daily directly in Uncle Giuseppe’s
front of the customer through protective glass Marketplace
329 Downing Drive
Patrons in the region have come to love the Yortown Heights
tremendous variety of high-quality o erings

at “Uncle G’s” since it rst opened its doors in


Pied Piper School Pied Piper School
Forty-four years and counting
2090 Crompond Road
Yorktown Heights

914-962-5196, 914-642-3923

The Pied Piper School 20 years ago (above) Pied Piper School has a two-year-olds, three classes e preschool programs in- to make learning fun,”Dineen
and the current building at 2090 Crompond long history educating chil- for three-year-olds and three tegrate a multi-sensory ap- said. “ ere is a reason the
dren since 1978 and has a classes for four-year-olds. proach to education,including Pied Piper has been around
Road in Yorktown. new building right here in the music, art, physical education for 44 years and counting.
heart of Yorktown. e facility is home to four and theatre, in addition to ac- When your child is at Pied
outdoor play areas, including ademics and a language-rich Piper, they are treated as one
Pied Piper started as a a turf sports eld and a bas- environment to support suc- of our own. ey stay a part
small music, art and theater ketball court. ere is a large cess for all children. of the Pied Piper family for
program opened by Kathy overhang which allows for many years, attending before-
Dineen and Marsha Mc- outdoor performances, theater Music and theatre are at the and after-school care, return-
Coy at Temple Beth Am in productions and outdoor play core of Pied Piper, and chil- ing to work at our summer
Yorktown Heights. It existed in all types of weather. Ad- dren perform throughout the camp program or becoming
in various other locations be- ditionally, there is a spacious year for family and friends. one of the high school helpers
fore designing their dream patio with bench seating for within the after-school pro-
building 20 years ago at 2090 presentations, receptions, and e program follows the gram. Once a Piper, always a
Crompond Road. educational class time. New York State Core Cur- Piper!”
riculum for pre-schools to
e Pied Piper, owned by Pied Piper welcomes stu- prepare students for kinder- For more information, visit
the Dineen-Carey family and dents ages 18 months through garten. Curriculum empha-, @
operated by Kathy, Max and 5 years with options for half sizes activities of daily living, thepiedpiperschool (Instagram)
Molly Dineen-Carey, recently day, full day, and extended day pragmatic, and social skills to or Pied Piper Preschool
hours. In addition, they pro- facilitate positive peer rela- (Facebook). Submitted by Pied
nished an addition on the vide before and after school tionships, appropriate group Piper School.
building that has been years care for students within the play, manners and kindness.
in the making. e building Yorktown School District.
now houses two classes for “ e goal at Pied Piper is

Past Pied Pipers, current Pied pipers, and future Pied Pipers



PLACE: 2090 Crompond Road, Yorktown Heights New York 10598
DATE: Saturday August 27th • TIME: 10:00am -3:00 pm

Come join us for face painting, SCHEDULE:
temporary tattoo’s, arts and crafts, 10:30am story time with Kathy
music from Kathy and Marsha, story 11:00am music with Kathy and Marsha
telling, soccer and basketball games, 12:00am story time with Max
food from Chef Rob’s food truck and 1:00pm story time with Molly
1:30pm music with Kathy and Marsha
Seven Scoops Ice Cream! 2:00pm story time with Marsha

For more information, call 914-962-5196, 914-642-3923 • • Family owned and operated • Owners always on premises


Jasper back

Jasper SCHO


Willem and Owen What are you excited about going back to

My new instrument—I get an instrument in
third grade. I think I’ll play the saxophone because I
have my own saxophone at home.

What do you miss most about school?
Music class

What will you miss most about summer?
Going to King Kone

– Libby, 7, North Salem

What are you excited about going back to

ere’s a plaza near the middle school. And the
cooking class sounds really fun: home ec.

What will you miss most about summer?
at there’s no work during the summer, I don’t

have to do any work.

–Rachel, 11, North Salem

What are you looking forward to the most
about back to school?

For the kids to be able to socialize with other kids
in their class and for both of them to make new

What is the hardest part about getting ready
for back to school?

Preparing to make sure everyone wakes up in
the morning on time and does their homework.

ey have their buses early in the morning so
that’s going to be a struggle.

- Libby and Rachel’s mom


Backpacks are handy tools more than 40 pounds in his padded straps can minimize
that carry an array of gear. or her backpack. pressure on the shoulders,
What are you excited about going back to
school? Students rely on them to In regard to children, back and collarbone. Back-

Socializing hold books, while hikers and researchers indicate that packs made of lightweight

What will you miss most about summer? campers utilize backpacks to a child’s backpack should material will not add much
Having a lot of free time and having a much
easier schedule. carry items such as food and weigh no more than 10 additional weight to what’s

Willem, 13, Somers beverages that keep them percent of what the student being carried. Another tip

What do you miss most about school? safe on trails. Even o ce weighs. ose ndings are is for children and adults to
I don’t really know.
workers may turn to back- based on a Spanish study in- pack the heaviest item car-
-Owen, 11, Somers
packs to carry laptops or volving 49 primary school- ried in the backpack closest
What are you looking forward to the most
about back to school? other tools of the trade. aged children. erefore, if a to the center of the back to

I think just them socializing and seeing their Backpacks are handy re- child weighs 70 pounds, he minimize strain.
friends again.
sources, but overstu ed or she should only carry up Failure to follow guide-
What is the hardest part about getting ready
for back to school? backpacks may cause injury. to 7 pounds in the backpack. lines may result in pain and

e schedule. Getting back to a routine. Backpacks should only carry Individuals also should injuries and have negative

-Willem and Owen’s mom weight that people can han- follow a few other back- e ects on balance, which

What do you miss most about school? dle, and there are guidelines pack recommendations to may increase the risk of falls
I kind of miss school because education and
stu . I like math. that can help people safely alleviate injuries. It’s not a or other injuries.

-Jasper, 10, Yorktown utilize backpacks. good idea to wear a back- Whenever possible, indi-

What are you looking forward to the most e weight of a back- pack hanging from only one viduals may want to use trol-
about back to school?
pack depends on the age of shoulder. A backpack should ley backpacks, which are on
Socializing is a huge thing.
the person using it. Gener- be worn on both shoulders, wheels. ey can be dragged,
What is the hardest part about getting ready
for back to school? ally speaking, adults should and ideally with a lumbar alleviating the need to carry

Just getting everywhere on time ever. not exceed 20 percent of strap. is will help to pre- heavy loads.
-Jasper’s mom
total body mass when load- vent muscular pains by pro-

ing backpacks. at means viding well-rounded sup- is article was provided by

a healthy person weighing port. Metro Creative Connection.

200 pounds should not carry A backpack with wide,


Editor’s Pick

“If I Were a Gira e,” “ e Very Brave so does the collection at

Lion,” “ e Scru y Puppy,” “I Might Be Somers Custom Fram-

Little”—these are just some of the popu- ing. Don’t be fooled by

lar Jellycat book collection from England. the name. Despite being

Imagine these adorable storybooks and a a great place for all your

plush toy of the characters in those stories custom framing work, this

to go with them. at would make the unique store that has been part

perfect back-to-school gift for the kids. of Somers for many years is a

Somers Custom Framing, located at great place to nd something

Route 202 in Somers, o ers this great for everyone. You’ll never

collection. is summer, the store is also know what you’ll walk

stocked with the Usborne books, puzzles, out with, and if it’s a

and games that would make great gifts gift for someone,

for birthdays and keep kids entertained Ginny will take Somers
all summer. care of the gift Framing

Ginny, the owner, has an eye for sourc- wrapping as 253 Route 202
ing great products from all over the U.S. well.
and the world. e store is always full of

unique products, from jewelry, quality Visit Somers

clothing and accessories for both men Custom

and women, to children’s books, Framing on

educational toys, and more. Facebook to

As the seasons change, see what’s new.

Explore these college savings strategies

Enrolling in a trade school or college is for college and university costs. Most plans rate of 12 percent on a $36,000 investment verted into college credits. Each AP class
widely considered the next step after a stu- can be opened by a U.S. citizen or resident ($2,000 per year for 18 years) would grow reduces the need to pay for a class in col-
dent graduates from high school. College alien age 18 and older. e individual open- to around $126,000 by the time the child lege. is can add up to some signi cant
is especially popular, as the U.S. Bureau of ing the account can be a parent, grandpar- starts college. An ESA also can be used to savings. In addition, performing well in
Labor Statistics reports that 62.7 percent ent, cousin, or even a friend. e student is pay for K-12 private school tuition, school AP classes may make students more at-
of high school graduates went on to col- the bene ciary of the account. Four-year supplies, tutoring, or textbooks. It also can tractive to colleges and universities, help-
leges and universities in 2020. schools, community colleges and voca- be transferred to a sibling if the money is ing students to earn academic scholar-
tional/trade schools accept 529 accounts as not needed for a particular student. ships.
Finding ways to pay for higher educa- payment sources. e only requirement is
tion has long been a goal for students and that the school must participate in the U.S. UTMA/UGMA PLAN Saving for college can start early and
their families. PrepScholar, a college test- Department of Education student nancial is plan is di erent from ESAs and 529s there are various vehicles for families to
ing preparation resource, calculates that, aid programs. explore.
by 2033, students can expect to pay around because it is not speci cally designed for col-
$237,000 at in-state public universities EDUCATION SAVINGS ACCOUNT, lege savings. e Uniform Transfer/Gift to is article was provided by Metro Creative
and $464,000 at private colleges or uni- OR EDUCATION IRA Minors Act is in the child’s name but is con- Connection.
versities for four-year degrees. at high trolled by a guardian until the child reaches
cost is why so many families take proactive e nancial experts at Ramsey Solu- age 18 or 21. is mutual fund account can
steps to set aside funds for college soon af- tions say an ESA works like a Roth IRA be used to save for college with reduced tax-
ter their children are born. No matter the but it is designed speci cally for educa- es, or funds can be used for other expenses,
situation, taking the steps to plan and save tion expenses. Individuals can invest up to such as a car or housing.
helps to make schooling more a ordable. $2,000 (after tax) per year, per child. e
account grows tax-free. e rate of growth ADVANCED PLACEMENT CLASSES
529 COLLEGE SAVINGS PLAN varies based on investments in the account. AP classes allow high school students to
A 529 is a specialized savings account Ramsey estimates that at an average return
take college-level courses that can be con-


Guided Consulting - G u i d e d into a thoughtful exploration of
Consulting the academic, career, and post-sec-
has been ondary planning process.

Counseling with a heart h e l p i n g “ at’s where the counseling
s t u d e n t s with a heart comes in—you are

and families looking at what makes that student

in Westches- tick,” Dr. Hardy said. “If I’m going

ter, Putnam, and to have them do something or if

BY VIM WILKINSON Dutchess in person at its Mahopac we are going to talk about a future Dr. Deborah Hardy, educational
EDITOR o ce, and through online confer- career or job, it’s not just 9-5, they consultant and the owner of
encing throughout the country, want to feel like they are making Guided Consulting.
In a sea of education creating a path to help students a di erence. I like to explore what
consulting companies,

o ering college plan- achieve academic, career, and col- students enjoy, outside of typical more.

ning assistance, one local lege success. school-based activities. Together, “What I love most about what

company is tackling this “Turning to Guided was the we discussed unique skills and I do is making a di erence, truly

process in a unique way best choice I could have made connect them with future oppor- making a di erence,” Dr. Hardy

by engaging in a personal, when embarking on my college tunities.” said. “It is about the student’s

well-connected, mind- search journey,” said Noah Saks, a Guided’s services include col- self-awareness and belief they can

ful, and collaborative ap- Class of 2022 graduate. “ e per- lege counseling, career coaching, achieve. at’s really what I love

proach. sonalized care helped reassure my and academic planning. College about what I do.”

“My way of counsel- con dence in my work and helped admissions and school counseling

ing is counseling with a me know I was on course to nd services assist parents and students Guided Consulting, LLC
heart, and it means really my new home. Using Guided with more than just navigating the

looking at the whole child helped turn the college process college process. e team provides 900 South Lake Boulevard,
Suite 8
from a whole perspective,” into a navigable process. If you career assessments and exploration,
Mahopac NY 10541
A decorated wall made from gifts of said Dr. Deborah Hardy, need help with nding your col- academic planning, standardized 845-628-0726
those attending these colleges, created
by students bringing in their college educational consultant, lege, look no further than Guided.” test options, college list develop-
and the owner of Guided Guided’s personalized approach ment and review, college essays,

Consulting. combines the student’s interests college application support, and

AtTention Freshmen, SophomOres & Juniors

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