VOL. 5 NO. 13 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2022
e carnival comes back to
Turn to pages 14 and 15 for complete coverage.
Sometimes You Just Need A Rental. In this tumultuous housing market, sometimes the Hope Mazzola
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Proud to represent some of the most notable and
important properties in the area —Yours!
LEISURE 23 New trail opens at Kai
OPINION 10 Lon Preserve PAID
TheStaff Bedford reaffirms marijuana opt-out decision
EDITORIAL TEAM BY TOM BARTLEY backed away from thoughts of reject in a general election. the June 7 public hearing on
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER CONTRIBUTING WRITER reversing its earlier rejection of Freed from a perceived need to repeal, “we’re not going to go
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 the potentially lucrative local forward with [consideration of ]
[email protected] For now, and likely a lot cannabis sales. And the board act quickly to meet tight ballot- zoning until we have a lot more
longer, marijuana merchants set no date to revisit the subject, box deadlines, Supervisor Ellen information.”
NICK TRUJILLO will not be setting up shop on given the likelihood that a repeal Calves signaled a more-relaxed
REPORTER Katonah Avenue or anywhere vote would be a nal decision, pace for future steps, including Councilwoman Bobbi Bittker
else in Bedford. not one that Bedford residents adoption of pot-shop-speci c said she was “absolutely not in
[email protected] could subsequently ratify or zoning restrictions. favor of opting in at this time.
VIM WILKINSON e Town Board last week But I’m also not in favor of
“At this time,” she said after having this conversation, on and
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR o , for the next year, year and a
[email protected] WINDOWS AND DOORS half, going back and forth.”
ADVERTISING TEAM Last week’s hearing had been
PAUL FORHAN Marvin windows and doors are inspired set for June 7 speci cally to
by how people live. Explore our three adhere to a tight timeline for
(914) 806-3951 product collections organized by degree of getting the measure on this
[email protected] design detail, flexibility, and customization fall’s general-election ballot.
possibilities. “However,” Calves said, “just a
BRUCE HELLER couple of weeks ago, we were
(914) 486-7608 INTERSTATE + LAKELAND LUMBER advised that the possibility of
[email protected] a permissive referendum was
What Dream Homes are Made of less clear than we were led to
LISA KAIN believe… No one [at the state
(201) 317-1139 1248 East Main Street •Shrub Oak NY 10588 • 914- 245- 5050 • www.interstatelumber.com level] will really give an answer
[email protected] as to whether it is something we
CORINNE STANTON can do or not.”
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] At the hour-long hearing,
19 speakers — all but one a
JAY GUSSAK Bedford resident — weighed
(914) 299-4541 in at the town hall microphone
[email protected] and via Zoom. By a 2-1 margin,
SHELLEY KILCOYNE those opposed to local shops
(914) 924-9122 dominated. ey expressed
[email protected] concern that local retail sales
would “normalize” marijuana,
PRODUCTION TEAM especially in the perceptions of
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL the young, promote increased
use of the drug, and generate
CREATIVE DIRECTOR still more tra c in the already
PHOTOGRAPHER busy Route 117 business
[email protected]
NOAH ELDER Councilwoman Stephanie
DESIGNER McCaine, the only current
board member to vote against
[email protected] last December’s opt-out
(outgoing Supervisor MaryAnn
EXECUTIVE TEAM Carr was the other), reminded
BRETT FREEMAN residents that the problems they
CEO & PUBLISHER associate with marijuana will
845-208-8151 exist whether or not dispensaries
come to Bedford.
[email protected]
Pound Ridge, for instance,
Deadlines has welcomed both dispensaries
and on-site consumption
THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES lounges. “Are we going to be
DEADLINE any less impacted [because a
dispensary is located in Pound
don’t know that that’s the case.”
She said Bedford needed
THURSDAY BEFORE THE NEXT a committee “to address the
PUBLICATION DATE. reality that cannabis is here,
it’s legal, it’s going to be in our
FOR MORE INFORMATION, community... All the things
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT that you’re concerned about,
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL whether it’s people driving
[email protected] while on marijuana, or whatever
it is, those concerns exist, and I
Location think we need to talk about how
we are going to address them in
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD our community.”
Supporters of the dispensaries
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 described marijuana’s bene ts
New trail opens at Kai Lon Preserve
Lewisboro Scout completes Eagle project
A new trail at the Kai Lon Preserve o
Old Bedford Road has opened in Goldens
Bridge. e trail was built by Jackson Mc-
Guire of Troop 1 Lewisboro for his Eagle
Scout Project, alongside support from the
Lewisboro Land Trust.
“He’s had a wonderful experience work-
ing on this Eagle Scout project,” said Bob-
be Stultz, co-chair of the Lewisboro Land
Trust. “It was a complete pleasure working
with Jackson, he’s a self-starter, and he’s mo-
tivated, and you just tell him what you want
done and he goes and does it.”
McGuire worked with the trust’s natural-
ist, Jim Nordgren, to map the preserve and
then marked where the trail itself would go,
Stultz said. e project also involved build-
ing a kiosk at the trailhead that contains a
map as well as a seating area at the hilltop. The ribbon is cut at the new trail at Kai Lon Preserve. The trailhead
“Jackson marked, and with the help of his
other colleagues, they lined it, they cleared
Jackson McGuire leads the first walk down the new
it, they marked it, and it’s ready to go,” Stultz trail.
e hilltop seating area is located where
an old summer house’s foundation once
stood, and the project involved clearing that
debris alongside the general trash that had
accumulated over the years. e trust has
also gotten the go-ahead to be connected
with the Goldens Bridge Rail Trail, said Ex-
ecutive Director Shantala DuGay-Iyengar.
“ ere’s future projects, too,” she said.
“My dream is to have a picnic table and
some kind of nature-inspired playground at
the hilltop.”
e land trust thanked McGuire and his
fellow troop members, Jonathan Alia, Wy-
att Bruch, Andrew Lucassen, Drew Mc-
Guire, William Rebori, and Kye Viall, and
McGuire’s friend, Will Matthews, for their
work on the trail.
“ is is such an asset to our community.
is is 10 acres of pristine woodland,” Stultz
said. “For the community to use it, it had to
have a trail, and Jackson provided that.”
e Kai Lon Preserve was donated to the
Lewisboro Land Trust in 2020 by the Fong
family. e preserve was named in honor of Lewisboro Land Trust Co-Chair Bobbe Stultz introduces Eagle Scout
their grandfather, who enjoyed the area. Jackson McGuire.
Join Our Team!
Waste not want not
“It is our collective and individual anced – I’d call it right down the middle creamsicle-like experience. a funky little village in Ulster County a
responsibility… to preserve and of malt and hops which gives it a broad e two companies both certi ed B little over an hour away and located in
tend to the world in which we appeal. the splendid Shawangunk Mountains,
Corporations came together with the aka e Gunks, which contain 70 miles
all live,” said the Dalai Lama. (And here I applaud them, and they are being goal of educating beer drinkers about the of hiking trails. at’s all well and good,
state of our broken food system, work- but the question was – are there brewer-
I only thought he rewarded for having excel- ing to change the perception around the ies nearby? anks again to e Google,
aesthetics of food, and encouraging more I was happy to nd Clemson Brewery
was good golfer, big lent products with a distri- people to take steps to reduce food waste right in town. ey also have a brewery
in their own lives. in Middletown.
hitter, and gave total THE bution of close to 1 million
consciousness to his KATONAH barrels of suds, locations in “Beer is a powerful vehicle to create A multi-generational family passion
caddies as a tip.) BEER MAN Ashville and Fort Worth, impact. With every beer we make at New for creating and pioneering began in the
and being 100% employee Belgium, we ask what purpose it serves 1800s when the Clemson family became
I’ve been a craft JOHN BART owned. for the people in our community,” said identi ed as the world’s pioneer of hack-
beer enthusiast from New Belgium Brand Manager Astrid saw blades, Star Hacksaws. Today, their
Moresco, in a statement. passion remains just as sharp (get it?) but
a young age (per- However, as I dug into for beer brewing and hospitality as we
Imperfect Foods and New Belgium quite enjoyed our time and nourishment
haps too young), as the history of New Bel- make the well-being of people and our at Clemson Brewery.
planet a business imperative with equal
I’ve always enjoyed gium Brewery for this importance to their nancial success. Multi-leveled with super tall ceilings
Check out New Belgium’s many other and great views of the Wallkill River,
and sought out unique avorful brews. article, I became more intrigued not just the cool vibe was being enjoyed that day
ne liquids. by couples, families, and friends. A very
However, that was not the case for with the beer but with their outlook on Also, please use my WordPress link comforting feeling was felt by all at our
at the bottom of the article to check out table as we were surrounded by vats in
many friends who stuck to those mass- the world itself and dedication to being these other environmentally conscience various stages of the brewing process.
produced “standard tasting” o erings a socially and ecologically conscious. Pre- Nice “pubby” menu featuring starters,
FIELD TRIP CLEMSON BREWERY, soup, salads, sandwiches, and burgers, as
decade or two ago. serving and improving the environment NEW PALTZ well as a nice lineup of bratwurst o er-
ings. I had and enjoyed the Chicago Brat
But around that time along came New was on their minds early on - creating an 3 Main St, New Paltz, NY 12561, 845- Sammy: Taking notes from the famous
256-1700, clemsonbrewing.com Chicago hot dog, this brat is topped with
Belgium Brewery Fat Tire Amber Ale in-house sustainability department and a cucumber spear, sliced tomato, diced
Some Western New York compatriots
which I fully credit for being a “gate- spearheading local solar panel and waste- were going to be in New Paltz to root SEE BART PAGE 13
on their heightened son in his volleyball
way craft beer” for many folks to gently water treatment plant installations. ey tournament, and asked if we’d like to
meet up in the afternoon. New Paltz is
awaken their taste buds and be nudged also introduced the rst carbon-neutral
toward to the possibilities of not follow- beer in 2020.
ing, or rather consuming, the Norm. More recently, a Bev Industry article
Inspired by a bike trip to Belgium in highlights New Belgium Brewery’s
1988, co-founders Kim Jordan and Je partnership with Imperfect Foods as they
Lebesch took up home brewing after- announce the release of Citrus Rescue
wards to bring the avors of centuries- IPA, a fruited IPA brewed using ap-
old Belgian beer to the town of Fort proximately 35,000 imperfect oranges
Collins, Colorado. Fat Tire is styled from Imperfect Foods’ supply chain of
after 1930s Belgium easy drinking beers farmers. e beer was dry hopped with
with signature Belgian yeast that gives it Citra, Lotus and Mosaic hops to amplify
a sweet oral edge. Flavorful and bal- those citrus avors, for a tangy, orange
Old Man Winter Loverboy Hard Teas WarHeads Extreme Sour Bud, Bud Light, Coors Light
6 pack bottles $12.75++ 6 pack cans $8.99++ 16oz 4 pack cans $19.99++ 36 pack Cans $27.99++
VISTA Treat yourself to a huge selection of the finest craft
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For the graduates
In a writing workshop that I attended ing behind this is that swinging requires you, thank your lucky stars, and thank them dow, and he has the right to look out onto
in 2020, we were given the prompt to doing. Doing is the pathway to an active, every minute of every day. We do need to a well-kept yard. I plant owers not just for
write a graduation speech. My own productive life. I always preached to my realize, though, that we still have free will. my enjoyment, but also for those coming
So, why experiment with pot and drugs for and going by my home. Just think, if each
granddaughter was graduating from a own children that God did not give all example. Where is that going to get you? of us could make our tiny microcosm better
Why not go climbing in the Himalayas, or — our school, our immediate neighbor-
beautiful private high school up in Mas- of THIS to everyone, meaning a beauti- at very least Mount Washington just up the hood, etc., in time, those ripples sent out
road a few miles in New Hampshire. Now might bring peace and respect everywhere
sachusetts that year, MUSINGS: ful school, small classes, that’s a high! (Forgive the pun.) and to all peoples of the world. A grandiose
but unfortunately caring bright teachers, an dream, maybe, and then again maybe not.
e joy and thrill of succeeding can never
the graduation did PAST AND exceptional education in be taken away. You hear so much about fail- My parting, and long-awaited conclusion
ing. It will happen to you at some point, but I am sure, is: Be a winner! at does not
not take place until PRESENT general. So, He expects do not get beaten down or see yourself as necessarily mean get rich, as there are so
the following year you to live up to your a loser and failure. As the song says, “Pick many ways one can be rewarded for what
yourself up, dust yourself o , and start all they are able to accomplish and give.
because of Covid. A MARILYN A. capabilities in return for over again.” Keep smiling through what-
ever comes along, A lousy job — just nd Family rst — your folks, siblings, grand-
part of the speech PELLINI what has been granted to another. A nasty neighbor — move away. parents, and then branch out from there.
Go o to college with your family values.
I would have given you. Failure will happen, but never, never, Listen to your professors with a critical ear
never set yourself up for it. Always look to and mind, relying more on your upbringing
to her class would When my own daugh- be a winner, but a winner who does not step and personal ideals, and do not be pressured
on the toes of others to get where they want to alter your goals, values, or morals.
have applied only to ter started medical school to go. Here is another of my admonitions:
life is not about you, but is about the other Just remember, there is only one thing
her and her particular school, but here is at the late age of 28, she called me one guy. My mother always cautioned that if you cannot change in life, and that is an in-
you were doing something that infringed curable disease. Do not get down on your-
the rest of what I would have said to those evening tired, frustrated, and overworked self about the small stu .Turn it around.
on someone else’s rights Put a big bowl of lemons on the table
wonderful young people. stating that she felt a master’s degree in then you should not be when adversity strikes, and squeeze every
doing it. I do not have one of them. Get the sugar canister and
I am hoping to impart some novel, chemistry was still not ful lling her poten- my lawn cut just for my add enough to make a very sweet nectar by
pleasure because I am changing those lemons into lemonade.
erudite, and lasting thoughts to you and all tial, as I had always preached. I replied that inside the house and
can hardly see it, but my I am con dent our future is in good,
your graduating classmates. Ideas, ideals, if I had to take the blame for some advice neighbor across the street capable, generous, kind, hard-working,
has a large picture win- hands — yours!
and rules that you can live by and may even I had given her about life, I would gladly
want to pass on to your children. and happily take the blame for this turn of
My grandkids know me as Grammie, events.
and my mantra has always been — I am If you have been lucky enough to have
going out of this life swinging. My reason- helpful, encouraging, caring parents behind
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BART tangerine, orange, followed by a WordPress link. Progress through
slightly sweet, malty nish. is e Pleasantville Music the generations
FROM PAGE 11 was the rst recipe they created
and tested back in 2012 out of a Festival is back on July 9 Someone once told me, Mother’s Day and Father’s
onion, relish, mustard, celery garage in Pine Island, NY. Come and enjoy food, drink “Parents are plows for Day brings about so many
salt, and sport pepper. their children. ey pick emotions for so many reasons
Friendly knowledgeable sta (beer & wine garden), and
Our crew also loved the mas- who I put the ultimate trust in plenty of activities for the up where their own parents and I pray that whatever your
sive awesome turkey melt, great to pick my great ight of beer kids. Check website for music
burger, and quite enjoyed the samples, and they rose to the lineup. Parkway Field, 44-98 left o and situation today,
beer cheese. task with honors. Cans, crowl- Marble Ave., Pleasantville
ers, and growlers to go. their goal that you can
e beer side of the house Please don’t forget about
was impressive as well with 13 De nitely worth a visit and our World Class music venue should be to GUEST do one of two
Clemson brews on tap. Here are perhaps paired with some hik- right here in Katonah: Car- leave their CORNER things: feel
the ones that stood out to our ing or at least strolling through amoor Center for Music & own children gratitude and
crew: the cool town of New Paltz, NY Arts. Upcoming events include further along KIM STOLL appreciation
American Roots Festival on
M-Town Nights Blueberry HOPPENINGS June 25, excellent Ameri- than they that your
& Pomegranate Sour Ale - A Live music at Nod Hill can Blues Vocalist Shemekia
5% Kettle Sour Ale brewed with Copeland on July 29, and Jazz were.” parents left you
blueberries & pomegranates. Brewery Festival on July 30, amongst a
Hint of pink color with just Check out this excellent host of others. Note: Caramoor is further along
right blueberry notes. allows guests to picnic ahead of
brewery and their live music the shows and bring your own shifted my and work hard
Drognair Wee Heavy 8% each ursday and some Fridays food and drink. So you could
Scottish Ale - A Wee Heavy from local & regionally tour- be sipping a Lawson’s prior to whole parenting perspective, to be a plow for someone else.
(perhaps my new nickname?) is ing musicians, featuring soulful, a Legato or a Saison ahead of a
typically malty (sweet) forward, authentic and original musical Sonata. You get the idea. including my view of my own It could be your biological child,
though some can go too far on performances in a one-of-a-
the sweetness… but Drognair kind setting. Send along any beer, brewery, parents and how I viewed friend, relative or neighborhood
was perfect with an unexpected or restaurant recommendations
plum note that delighted our Father’s Day is June 19 other readers may enjoy, as well parenting myself. kid that you would invest in
palates. I’ve never been to a brewery as any beer-related questions
that is not kid friendly. Just you may have. ere are so many wonderful and help them move further
Hochmeister Brown Ale sayin’. If you go to one, perhaps
6.8% - is brown ale is lled have him take notes on the Cheers! things I could say about my along in their journey.
with espresso notes and a subtle beers and send them along to e Katonah Beer Man
roasted avor. A full-bodied me for publication to my vast parents, but one thing stands
beer for those that enjoy dark 10s of readers. Check out craft- EMAIL: eKatonahBeerMan@
brews, which I certainly do. beer.com’s Brewery Finder or gmail.com; INSTAGRAM: @ out for sure: ey picked up Kim Stoll empowers women to
guide to e Best Breweries thekatonahbeerman; ARCHIVE
Lola’s 4.3% Blond Ale - Mrs. in Every State, According to (with live links and pics!); the plow where their parents nd joy in every day and build
KBM quite liked this one with Yelp - VinePair by going to my thekatonahbeerman.wordpress.com
its rich gold color and sweet left o and worked ever so hard a life they love through positive
aroma reminiscent of light fruit,
to leave me in a place further habits in mindset, tness, and
along. eir love through all smart nutrition. Virtual coaching
that work and e ort was always available. Coachkimstoll@gmail.
in the forefront. com
To advertise in The Katonah-Lewisboro Times, call
Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@
Treatment for Skin Cancer
What you need to know…
Ask the Doctor Q: How is skin cancer treated? Also, it’s fast. After just two weeks of fteen-minute
A: Traditionally, skin cancers have been treated either treatments with HDRBT, treatment is complete.
Ashwatha Narayana, MD with Moh’s surgery, in which the cancerous tissue is In fact, the treatment itself takes only three to
Chairman, Radiation Oncology removed, or by conventional radiation. Both methods four minutes!
Northern Westchester Hospital offer success rates of 96 to 99 percent. However, now a Q. Who is the ideal candidate for
third option – High Dose Rate Brachytherapy (HDRBT) this type of treatment?
Learn more about – offers a unique cosmetic bene t that’s particularly A. The cosmetic bene t is especially valuable if
Dr. Naryana, visit valuable for skin cancers the face, head and neck. you have skin cancer near your lips, nose or eyes.
nwh.northwell.edu/ Q. What’s so unique about this With this treatment, there is minimal to no scarring.
narayana new type of treatment? This new radiation therapy is also great for elderly
A. With a Moh’s procedure, the cancer is cut out, patients who might not tolerate surgery. In
leaving behind a hole which is lled with skin from Westchester County, we have a high population
somewhere else on your body. This forms a scar. of older community members with skin cancer –
With conventional radiation for skin cancer, not only this treatment has worked really well for them.
is the tumor radiated, but so are its “margins,” or Q. Is there anything else you’d like
edges. As a result, a wide area is radiated – sometimes to say about HDRBT?
causing the skin to thin or break, to get a bit darker or A. Currently, Northern Westchester Hospital is the
lighter, to develop red streaks, or to appear scarred only community hospital in Westchester offering
or wrinkled. If this happens on your face, it is often HDRBT for skin cancer. There’s this myth that
highly visible. community hospitals can’t provide the most advanced
By contrast, HDRBT involves radiating much smaller cancer care. But that’s simply not the case. Here,
margins around the tumor. If we’re treating a tumor patients experience the warmth of a community
near the eye with conventional radiation, its wider hospital, yet receive a level of cancer care that’s
field of radiation creates the risk of blindness, first-rate.
or of damaging the lens, or of the breakdown of
surrounding tissue. But with concentrated HDRBT,
these risks significantly diminish.
Going for a
Residents were
fired up for
the return of
the Katonah Fire
Department Parade
and Carnival.
The June 8
parade, which
featured many
and about two
dozen neighboring
kicked off four
days of rides and
games behind the
Visit TapIntoKLT.net
for more photos.
2 Billy Holze and his daughter, Thea Maggie and Lulu
Giuliana, 2, Alessia, 4, Serena, 3, Liliana, 2, and Valentina, 2, are excited for the parade. The Katonah Fire Department leads the parade.
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On Stage: e Story of Peter, Pre-Pan
Two words that neatly choreography). It boosted the pro- imagination. at’s because the Molly Aster (pre-Mrs. Darling). Elizabeth Bunning, Hannah
describe the experience of le of Tony-winner (for Featured other word that describes eater I was fascinated by the sharp Rapaglia, Patrick R. Spadaccino,
seeing stage shows at Con- Barn is “quality-conscious.” Michael Valinoti,Tarah Margaret
necticut’s Ridge eld eater Barn Actor) Christian Borle (of TV’s contrast in the indelible portrayals Vega, Bill Warncke, and Michael
are “adventurous”and “fun.” at “Smash”), in the amboyant role of As the absence of award nomi- of Stache and Peter. Matt Austin Wright.
pair of attributes prissy pirate the Black Stache. nations for its writing suggests, lifts the show every time he is on
come fully to while this may be called “story stage, milking his comedic role for Production Manager is Pamme
the fore in its STORY theater,”the story is the least of its all it’s worth by e ortlessly exuding Jones. Assistant Director is Rae
current produc- attractions. hilarious theatricality. He puts it all Janeil Sutherland. Choreographer
tion of Peter and THEATER out there, and the audience feasts is Sharon Houk. Musical Director
the Starcatcher. FORMIDABLE FUN on it. is Rodney Loren. Lighting De-
(Tickets > ridge- BRUCE For regular It’s written with abundant pop signer is Mark Hankla. Costumes
THE BLOG theatergoers As a universal symbol of child- by Warner eatre. Stage Manager
eldtheaterbarn. accustomed culture references and groan- hood innocence (Peter), Alex is Pippa Walton. Lighting Board
org) BRUCE worthy puns to spare; but, at times, Hartofelis’s form of intensity, on Operator is Nell Walton. Assistant
APAR to more it can be a little tricky to keep track the other hand, is turned fully Stage Manager is Crolyn Neugar-
Adapted by traditional of the tumultuous goings-on on inward, yet is all the more a ecting ten. Lindsay Carroll is summer
Rick Elice from stage. Yet, that occasional leak- for the unwavering truth he lives intern (props and costumes).
a best-selling Broadway fare, age doesn’t really get in the way every moment he is on stage. As
children’s book of the same name of the formidable fun to which dissimilar as they are in style, both
by Ridley Pearson and famed what’s notably we’re being treated, which is the render beautiful performances.
humorist Dave Barry, it tells the net take-away for ticket buyers
story – in whimsically ramshackle, di erent about out to have a good time. At the
neo-vaudeville style – of how a performance I saw, the laughs
nameless 13-year-old orphan this play is came fast and frequently. ( eater
became ighty Peter Pan, Hook Barn makes a good time easier to
lost his hand, and Tinker Bell explained succinctly in the pro- have by encouraging patrons to
got its wings, and how the “fairy bring their own food and beverage
dust”that gave Peter his ying gram by this production’s director. for consumption at cabaret seating
credentials started o as “star stu ,” within one hour of the show.)
among other hallmarks of J.M. “Peter and the Starcatcher is story
Barrie’s timeless tale. e indisputable star of “Peter
theater,”writes Katherine Ray, and the Starcatcher”is the terri c FEMALE LEADERSHIP
e show made a splash on acting ensemble. Leading the way As Molly, whose father has
Broadway a dozen years ago, “with actors taking on multiple are the hilarious Matt Austin as
garnering severtal Tony Awards, Black Stache (pre-Capt. Hook), taught her to catch magical “star
mainly in the craft categories roles and providing narration. Alex Hartofelis as Boy (pre-Peter stu ”when it falls from the sky,
(scenic design, sound, lighting, Pan) and Laura Jeanne Portera as Laura Jeanne Portera proves her
e set is barebones … requiring acting chops as well, as a female
force to be reckoned with, but
audiences to use their mind’s eye never without convincingly
conveying an adolescent sense of
to see what isn’t literally there. In- wonder and optimism and natural
leadership ability.
stead, come along like a child and
In alphabetical order, the rest
pretend with all of us. When I was of the splendid cast, who take on
multiple roles, are Gabby Babun,
a kid my favorite time of day was Olivia Basile, Lizzy Booth, Cara
getting together with my friends,
going down to the basemen to play
at analogy notwithstanding, “Peter and the Starcatcher”
is at Ridgefield Theater Barn
this emphatically is not a basement through June 25.
production by any stretch of the
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e blue Danube - Part II
Our next stop along the Dan- Hofburg, our tour guide assured us she up there just to make me wonder what united in 1873, although they had
ube River was Vienna, rich in was going to tell us the REAL story it was like to go to dinner with one of been giving each other goo-goo eyes
culture, history, architecture, of Vienna, not what you heard in “ e these guys. across the river for so many years that
it became embarrassing. It’s a lovely
and, well, richness. Known as the “City Sound of Music.” I guess that means At night, we attended a small concert place that marries old-world charm with
of Mozart and Johann Strauss Jr.’s great- innovation and technology. e view
of Music” or the that the hills were not re- est hits, and it was a pleasure to hear from Fisherman’s Bastion on Castle Hill
them with the instruments unmiked, on the Buda side is a wide panorama of
“City of Dreams,” ally alive, it was just movie as they originally sounded. A story is the Danube as it rushes past the Pest
told that women were so enamored of side. e splendid Buda Castle guards
it was home to MAN trickery. the handsome Strauss’ hair that they the city, and the Matthias Church dates
many cultural demanded locks of it as a keepsake. back to the 14th century.
OVERBOARD ere is a big statue of Once he had too little hair to part with
he enlisted the help of a poodle, and the e fact that world cities like Buda-
movements and RICK Mozart in the Burggarten swatches were so popular that he ran out pest were around for centuries while
the people who MELÉN park that is a popular tour- of poodle before he ran out of canoodle. America was still in diapers should tell
furthered them, ist attraction. In spite of the you how much we have to learn about
As we sailed on, I was looking forward how eeting power can be, and how
artistically, musi- fact that he died here at the to arriving in Budapest, because it takes one’s position in the world is something
the pressure o me if a place’s name not to be taken lightly and never to be
cally, politically and young age of 35, his more already has the word “pest” in it. e city taken for granted. Once you exit the
was populated by Celtics, became part of world stage the vacuum will be quickly
scienti cally. e than 800 works of all types the Roman Empire, was taken over by
the Hungarians, pillaged by the Mon- lled, and if you want to get a glimpse
exchange of ideas took place often over make him one of the most proli c and gols, and when the Ottomans took over of what that will look like, try emptying
in 1525, everyone gured they could put your vacuum bag and see for yourself.
an Einspänner co ee in the famous cafés revered artists in the history of music. It their feet up and relax, but that was not
the case. When we arrived, the towns- Join Rick and Trillium at Barnwood Cafe
that dot the Inner Ring. We went to one, inspired me to get going and compose people saw the word “Viking” writ- in Granite Springs, on Friday, June 24 at 6
ten right on the boat, and they looked p.m. Reservations recommended! Join Rick
and I was just about to pen an intellec- a few hundred works, and if they ever absolutely crestfallen, thinking they were and No Options at Back Nine in Cortlandt
going to get sacked again. But we came Manor, on Saturday, June 25, at 9
tual treatise when dessert came and I got decide to erect a statue in my honor, my in peace, if you don’t include me. p.m.! Look for Rickster Melen on Facebook!
Say hello at: [email protected]
distracted. biggest fear is that they’ll come to their e cities of Buda and Pest were
When I rst heard the words “Wie- senses and abandon the project before it
ner Schnitzel,” I just assumed it was a is fully erect.
breed of dog, but when people told me At the Albertina Museum, we took in
how great it tasted, I realized that I had works from various modern movements
a lot to learn about continental cuisine. as represented by artists from Monet
“Wien” means “Vienna” in German, to Picasso. I think my favorites were
so anything Wiener means anything Monet and Paul Signac, who made quite
Viennese. “Schnitzel” means “meat” so an impression on me, but I should have
the schnitzeler the better, as far as I’m expected that. ere are always a few
concerned. paintings that look like they were cre-
As we walked around the impressive ated by pouring ketchup onto a plate of
St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the majestic puréed vegetables, and they hang them
To advertise in The Katonah-Lewisboro Times, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].
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MARIJUANA the unfounded dire predictions made about wellness.” when it voted in December to opt out.
by opponents, who aren’t familiar with Exactly what town o cials are But Calves, then a councilwoman
FROM PAGE 2 the considerable research that proves
otherwise.” thinking has been subject to change and supervisor-elect, had made clear
and urged the board to consider the as interpretations of the MRTA, not a her intention to take a second look at
experience of locales elsewhere that have Legal sales of marijuana also provide model of legislative clarity, have changed. local pot shops, with an eye to opting
legalized marijuana sales. supply safeguards, said Dr. Lynn in, once the state’s O ce of Cannabis
Parodneck, a marijuana counselor in at’s upended plans to assure that Management lled in more of the blanks
Drawing a parallel with sale of Mount Kisco. Parodneck pointed out residents had a voice in any decision to on dispensary regulation. But the MRTA
alcoholic beverages in “dozens” of that “limiting cannabis [access] and permit local dispensaries. Scheduling last makes no provision for a referendum
Bedford outlets, Andrew Greene of making it not available forces people to week’s hearing and anticipated repeal for that could again force an opt-out or for a
Katonah said it was “unreasonable that go to the street and buy garbage.” June 7, the thinking went, would provide repeal to achieve the same end.
adults would not be allowed to purchase time — not much, but enough — to
a [similarly] legal substance.” But dispensary opponents clearly gather more than 700 signatures in just “Once you opt in [to the retail sales
outnumbered supporters. “Substance 45 days and force the question onto this shops or consumption lounges], you can’t
He called dispensaries he’s visited in abuse is rampant in Westchester County, November’s ballot. opt out,” Bedford Corners resident Bill
other states “gleaming, upscale places… and especially with teenagers,” Marsha Boyd warned the board. “Virtually every
not the type of places that attract bad But even if the residents’ petition had other legal contract is one where you can
elements.” ompson, a omaston, Conn.-based succeeded in providing a townwide vote, get out.”
substance abuse counselor, said via a Calves said, “it is not clear if it would
Another Katonah resident, Lloyd Zoom link. be valid because while it…seemed valid While towns like Pound Ridge have
Trufelman, urged dispensary opponents last year, the agencies in the state sort decided to allow local sales, Boyd asked,
to base their objections “on facts, not She challenged the board on one of of backed o . No one will really give an “If everybody else jumped o a bridge,
on opinion.” Referring to a 1936 anti- the biggest incentives state lawmakers answer as to whether it is something we would you jump o the bridge?
marijuana movie, he called for avoiding included to encourage local retail outlets: can do or not.”
any “‘Reefer Madness’-style sensational a cut of the 13% tax on cannabis sales. “I think that the states and towns that
opinions.” If the board did repeal its opt-out, have opted in to pot shops have jumped
Under the Marijuana Regulation and current thinking goes, neither the o the bridge,” he said. “I think it is not
“With cannabis now legal in 21 states Taxation Act (MRTA), which in March envisioned permissive referendum nor a a good deal for this town to jump o
across the United States, some for many 2021 legalized sale, consumption, and second opt-out might be possible. Under the same bridge that other towns have
years now,” Trufelman said, “the impact cultivation of the once-criminal weed, MRTA, towns had until last Dec. 31 jumped from.”
on millions of residents has been studied state co ers keep 9 cents of every dollar to forbid local retail shops or see them
at length and there have been no ndings spent to buy the drug. Of the remaining automatically permitted. Meanwhile, the Town Board continues
revealing substantial negative impact money, Westchester gets a penny per to seek further information from state
such as increased drug use, increased dollar on sales anywhere in the county Bedford’s Town Board opted out of authorities. Bittker, noting the shortage
marijuana consumption by teenagers, while towns and villages keep 3 cents dispensaries in a 3-2 vote on Dec. 21. of guidance from Albany, said, “ is was
crime, car accidents, large tra c jams, from each dollar spent within their not something I wanted to see raised
etc.” borders. at action was explicitly subject under again this year because nothing new had
MRTA to a resident-led permissive happened since our [December opt-out]
A study by the Cato Institute, a “It makes a lot of money,” ompson referendum, but it never materialized. vote. If we were going to raise this [issue]
Washington-based think tank, examined acknowledged. “If you guys want money, “No petition was led,” Councilman again, I wanted to have new information
how states have fared that recently go for it. Open the doors. You will make Andres Castillo said, “which to me is the from the state. We need to have that.”
legalized marijuana, Trufelman said, and a lot of money.” But, she added later, “I best indicator that our residents were not
found that “the absence of signi cant know you all are thinking of business, substantially opposed to opting out. Our But for many who oppose local
adverse consequences stands out, given and money.You can’t possibly be thinking constituents have spoken, and that says dispensaries, there’s already su cient
a lot.” data. Frank Veith, who has had a law
CLARK ASSOCIATES o ce on Katonah Avenue for three
FUNERAL HOME Castillo said that while he generally decades, said opening a marijuana shop
favors eliminating marijuana’s stigma, on that iconic thoroughfare would
he opposes opting in now, citing “dramatically change” its character. “If
inconclusive health data on the that happens,” he told board members, “I
dispensaries. Elected last November, will vote for none of you.”
Castillo had not yet joined the board
To advertise in The Katonah-Lewisboro Times, call Brett Freeman at 845-
208-8151 or email [email protected].
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CROSSING Fireworks Movie Loft, e Comic’s Table), cording artist Jeremiah Abiah will slaved Black Americans.
Spectacular Andrew Woolford (Laughter headline A Day to Energize and
FROM PAGE 4 Hours/Late Night Comedy), and Recognize at Caramoor. Festivities American Legion
Saturday, June 25, 5 p.m., Ona- hosted by comic and local resident begin at 3 p.m. with family-friend- Seeks New
the reading. tru Farm Park, 99 Elmwood Road, Luz Michelle (Gotham Comedy ly activities, including Move and Members
For more information South Salem Club, NYC Comedy Festival). Groove, Sound Art, and an op-
portunity to tell your story. Abiah American Legion is recruiting
or to buy tickets, visit. e town of Lewisboro will General seating is $35 per per- performs at 4 p.m. honorably discharged veterans
katonahclassicstage.com host the 22nd annual Fireworks son. Wine, beer, and dessert are to join Post 1575 in Katonah.
Spectacular. e cost is $20 per car. included. e show begins at 8 e event is free and open to all If interested in learning more,
Food Truck Fridays It will feature kids’ activities, food p.m.; doors open at 7:30 p.m. Re- ages. contact Tom Colella at 404-229-
trucks, and live music. served seats must be purchased at 3500. e organization’s motto:
June 17, Lewisboro Town Park, the library or online via the library Juneteenth has been celebrat- “For God and Country.”
Lewisboro Library website. ed in various parts of the United
1079 NY-35, South Salem States since 1865 to commem-
e Lewisboro Library is lo- e Nightclub events are fun- orate the emancipation of en-
e Lewisboro Town Park cated at 15 Main St.,South Salem. draisers to bene t the Lewisboro
Register for programs at lewis- Library operating fund.
Playground Improvement borolibrary.org.
Project will host an evening of COMEDY SHOWCASE MAKE “CANDY SUSHI”
Looking for a unique Father’s
music and food trucks. Proceeds e library is hosting a “Teen Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES
Day gift? How about a NYC com- Candy Sushi” workshop at 7
will support the Lewisboro edy club experience — right here p.m. June 28. Teens will create aloneI’m never
in Lewisboro? e Nightclub at candy “sushi” using fruit roll ups, Life Alert® is always
Playground Project. It will Lewisboro Library returns 8 p.m. rice krispy treats and other sweet here for me.
June 17, with the “Hard Headed snacks (check out the photo on the One touch of a button
especially help with rising Comedy Showcase.” is event library website.) Space is limited sends help fast, 24/7.
features six stand-up comics who and registration is required. GwPiSth!
and unexpected construction, regularly perform on TV, podcasts,
and venues such as the Comedy Bedford Juneteenth
maintenance, and other costs. Cellar, Carolines, and the New
York Comedy Club. Sunday, June 19, 3 p.m., Car-
Visit lewisboroplayground.com amoor Center, 149 Girdle Ridge
Performers include headliner Road, Katonah
for ticket information. Mark De Mayo, (Comedy Cen-
tral, Last Comic Standing), Caro- Bedford will partner with the
Celebrate lyn Castiglia (New York Comedy Caramoor Center for Music and
Juneteenth Club, Women in Comedy Festi- the Arts to celebrate Juneteenth,
val), Alyce Chan (Comedy Cellar, marking the anniversary of slavery’s
Saturday, June 18, noon-4 Carolines), Patrick Holbert ( e o cial end in the United States. Help at Home Help On-the-Go
p.m., Lewisboro Town Park,
Route 35, South Salem Internationally recognized re- ®
e free town-sponsored Batteries Never Need Charging.
event will include:
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Dean DiGuglielmo
competes at
state tourney
Junior golfer takes pride
in making the cut
It was BY RICH MONETTI cause keeping yourself positive
awesome to CONTRIBUTING WRITER mentally is the best thing you can
be there and do for your game,” DiGuglielmo
represent On June 5 and 6, Dean DiGug- said.
my school.’ lielmo took part in the New York
State Golf Tournament in El- In this, he found a compatriot.
–Dean DiGuglielmo mira. His two-day total of 176 at DiGuglielmo shared the same
the Mark Twain Golf Course was sentiment with Section 1 Champ
Dean DiGuglielmo about 40 shots o the pace and put Shaun Flaherty — even if rst im-
the junior in 85th place out of 100. pressions had the Arlington golfer
PHOTO: RICH MONETTI looking all business. “He’s a pretty
“I didn’t play great and was de - intimidating-looking dude, to be
nitely a step down from how I was honest, but he’s one of the nicest
playing in the sectionals. It’s a dis- kids I’ve met. So, it was nice to have
appointment,” DiGuglielmo said. that experience.”
However, “ e fact that I got there
was a big accomplishment.” An opening day score of 93 turn-
ing into an 83 on day two wasn’t so
e adventure began on the drive bad,either.A 10-shot improvement
up and was not without theatrics. with a few birdies, he said, “It was
nice to come back a little bit.”
“It was kind of funny. e ride up
was pretty much silent,” he said of e 12th hole birdie was espe-
the nine-member Section 1 contin- cially memorable. A little short on
gent. the drive and landing on the beach
in the left bunker,he still set himself
Arrival had the golfers get in up to save the par- ve. “I got it out
a Friday afternoon practice, a full and gave myself a 20-foot putt —
practice on Saturday, and a couple uphill, right to left,” he beamed. “I
of team dinners in between. just drained it.”
“By the time we got to the week- e rest of the greens weren’t
end, it was awesome because we all so forgiving, though. “ ere were
started laughing and joking with a lot of slopes,” DiGuglielmo said.
each other.It’s like we all knew each “If you didn’t line up your irons in
other even though we hadn’t met the right spot, you were going to
until the day before,” DiGuglielmo struggle.”
said.“It was a group of guys that like
to play golf — a great experience.” e 18th hole green said as
much. “I made a mess of the last
Of course, he did feel some pres- hole,” he said. “I had a 30-foot putt,
sure, but that’s pretty standard for and I don’t think it was possible to
any tournament. So is the possibil- get within 15 feet. I was above the
ity of going into a slump. hole, and there was no stopping it
so you had to be precise.”
“You gotta play with what you
got,” he lamented, and the swing On the other hand, he laid up
and the putting just weren’t there, perfectly on the 19th hole. “It was
he added. awesome to be there and represent
my school,”DiGuglielmo said.
Still, DiGuglielmo stepped up
to the rst tee like he usually does. Hoping for another shot at El-
“I’ve learned from years of playing mira next year,he understands what
golf that your rst couple of shots this year’s experience potentially
are not going to matter, because does for 2023.
you’ve got 17 more holes ahead of
you to make it up,”he said. “I’m going to know my way
around,”he asserted.
Nonetheless, the John Jay golfer
knew he was o his game from the e greens especially and the
outset. So, all there was left to do same goes for the jitters.
was stick to the program.
“Getting nervous out there, the
“When you step up for your shot, best way to deal with it is to get
you’ve got to be focused and you’ve out there and play in tournaments,”
got to be serious,” he assured. But DiGuglielmo said. “So, I will be
that’s only the half of it. better prepared to handle it next
“You have to have fun out there.
It’s the most important thing, be-
John JayTRACKAND FIELD leaves strong mark on the season
BY RICH MONETTI all part of the learning experience,”
Fortunately, Goodman will have
John Jay track completed their time to apply his skill set at Plym-
season without sending anyone outh, where he will run cross coun-
to the states. But the Wolves still try and track. “I am super excited,”
left a mark on the State Quali ers Goodman said.
on June 3 and 4 at Arlington and Still, he has no problem looking
White Plains. back with pride. “I achieved my
Up rst was Sloan Wasserman. goals for my high school career,”
After taking third in the 1,500 asserted Goodman, and he feels
Meter (4:53.07) and second in the his strong work ethic had an im-
3,000 Meter (10:15.69) in the sec- pact on the classmates who teamed
tionals, the eighth-grader nished up with him.
third in the 3,000 Meter quali er As for the academics, Goodman
(10:23.02). has a crossover in mind.“I’m study-
“Sloan is on track to be one of ing exercise science because I want
the elite runners in the area,” said to be a certi ed coach,”he said.
Coach Tyler Sayre. So, a spot someday on Sayre’s
e next step means putting coaching sta could be a possibil-
herself ahead of the learning curve. ity, but for now, the coach has his
Sayre says his standout has a ten- eyes on the immediate future. “I’m
dency to get out front with the excited to have a lot of young kids
leaders rather than pacing herself who are passionate and competi- Sloane Wasserman Max Goodman FILE PHOTOS/RICH MONETTI
to nish strong — a function of tive about this sport,”he concluded.
being competitive and holding
herself to a high standard.
Eight spots behind Wasserman
was Grace Kenny. e junior n-
ished 25th in sectionals, and the
alternate arrived at the quali ers in
hopes of an opening.“We got there
early and watched the scratches,”
Sayre said.
No apologies, an 11th-place
nish didn’t necessarily re ect
her actual standing, according to
Sayre. “She was coming back from
an early-season injury and is still
rounding herself into form,” said
the coach.
So, Sayre is looking forward to
her senior year, and he sees good
things for Zach Walerys, too. A
fth-place quali er nish in the
200 Meter (23.72) certainly speaks
to the possibilities, and the higher
stakes were no bother for the soph-
omore. “He’s a pretty con dent
kid,”Sayre said.
In turn, Sayre expects that Add Value
Walerys will be scoring plenty of
points in the 200 Meter and 400
Meter next year. But he and the to Your Home
rest of John Jay will have some
big shoes to ll as Max Goodman
moves onto Plymouth State Uni-
In the sectionals,Goodman took
When we’re done, there is nothing left to do.third in the 3,200 Meter (9:49.6),
and at the quali ers, the senior
took sixth in the 3,200 Meter • Bathroom Remodeling • Kitchen Remodeling • Durable Vinyl Siding • Room Additions • Add-a-Levels •
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Meter (4:34.10).
Unfortunately, he ran into the
same problem as Wasserman be- Sero’s Contracting
cause he’s used to running from the
front. With the elite competition,
said Sayre, “It’s a di erent kind of We specialize in targeted home improvements — both big and small —
race when all of a sudden you’re
running from seventh or eighth.” to maximize your home’s value,comfort and beauty.
So again, the competitiveness
sent Goodman to the front of the
line, and while the winners had Licensed & Insured • Local References • Brewster, NY • 845-216-1955 • 845-279-6977 • [email protected]
pace, he fell behind at the end. “It’s
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10% of all revenue Ad booking deadline:
earned from this section will be
donated to your school's PTA as a JUNE 17
parting gift to the organization.
Ad approval deadline:
$60 for a 1/8 page ad to participate.