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Published by Halston Media, 2022-10-04 13:59:39

Yorktown Fall Festival 10.06.2022

The Yorktown Chamber of Commerce


SUNDAY OCTOBER 9 11AM-5PM | SpecialSupplement
to Yorktown News
Oct. 6, 2022 Edition

Page 2 – YORKTOWN FALL FESTIVAL – Special Supplement to Yorktown News – October 6, 2022

HALSTON MEDIA The Fall bring to the community. e
SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT Yorktown Chamber is also
moving to the JV Mall, where
The Sta we will be unveiling our new
Yorktown Chamber Meeting
Paul Forhan and Gathering Space, where

914-806-3951 • [email protected] Festival we can better service our busi-
Bruce Heller ness community and provide
a space that can be rented for
914-486-7608 • [email protected] special events, host network-
Corinne Stanton ing and special events for our

914-760-7009 • [email protected] members, and provide an eas-
Lisa Kain
has a ily accessible storefront for the Karen Trendell
201-317-1139 • [email protected] Chamber immersed within
Jay Gussak the business community we vendors, a main stage of enter-
serve. tainment, and a Senior Grab-
914-299-4541 • [email protected]
Pam Zacotinsky is year coming in as a

845-661-0748 • [email protected] new president, it was very and-Go Lunch sponsored by

PRODUCTION TEAM new important to me to make the NewYork-Presbyterian
Tabitha Pearson Marshall sure we did things a little dif- Hudson Valley Hospital,
Creative Director/Photographer ferently than in the past. Of where we are geared up and
[email protected] course, with change and new ready to feed up to 300 seniors
leadership, people get uncom- in our community right inside
Noah Elder
Designer fortable, and I am extremely the mall food court. We will

[email protected] home mindful of that. Coming out have rides, pumpkin painting,
of Covid, where little could be face painting, a wide variety
EXECUTIVE TEAM done to raise funds and pro- of vendors and food trucks, a
Brett Freeman vide events for the business beer and sangria garden, and
CEO & Publisher community, the Chamber has last but certainly not least, a

845-208-8151 • [email protected] su ered nancially as a lot of Car Show facilitated by the

Subscribe Join us Sunday at the businesses have. My Immedi- Road Knights, who so gra-
ate focus was revitalizing the ciously stepped in to support
To request weekly delivery for your local paper, member o erings, enhancing the Chamber’s e orts. All
call 845-208-8503 or
Jefferson Valley Mall our communication strategy, proceeds for the Car Show are
email [email protected] bringing forward state-of- going to the Yorktown Cham-
Subscriptions are complimentary for
residents & businesses in the town. the-art technology as well as ber of Commerce scholarship
Out of town mail subscriptions are
Dear Yorktown Community, e Chamber has been a refreshed website and, most funds for 2023. We are hop-
$150 per year for rst class mail.
Newspapers published weekly by ere is a crispness in the bringing this event to the importantly, bringing the ing to have over 100 cars at

HALSTON MEDIA, LLC air, and nothing makes me community for 15 years and Chamber back to its roots as the show, so come out to this

MAIN OFFICE more excited than the fall most know it as the Fall Fes- an apolitical, not-for-pro t amazing event as it has a little
118 N. Bedford Road, Suite 100
weather and all of the won- tival and Street Fair. But this organization supporting our bit of everything for everyone.
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
914-202-0575 derful events that come along year, we are taking it o the community and all who reside We are wishing and hoping

©2022 Halston Media, LLC with it! Some of my personal streets and have found a cen- in it, collaborating with other for an extremely large crowd,

favorites are apple picking, ap- tral location to host our event, business-focused groups, and so help us make that come

ple cider doughnuts, and apple tucked in between all of the giving back where we can true! Spread the word. ese

cider. Needless to say, I love hamlets that make up York- without overspending. events are only as good as the

apples, and we all know we town — that is the Je erson is year, we are super excit- crowd that comes out to sup-

have plenty of amazing farms Valley Mall! ed to bring the Fall Festival & port these local businesses and

within our community that is change was made for Car Show to its new location the Chamber. You can nd me

bring these products to mar- several reasons. First and at the Je erson Valley Mall at the Chamber table that day

ket each year in abundance. foremost was to breed new from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun- and walking around the event.

Food aside, there is nothing life into the event, provide a day, Oct. 9. We have so many Please come see all the won-

better than a little chill in the safe location that can accom- incredible things in the works derful businesses and spend

air, the bright beautiful colors modate us rain or shine, and and so many wonderful people the day with us!

of the changing leaves, and, keep costs down as we revital- to thank who have stepped up -Karen Trendell

last but not least, the York- ize the Chamber. Addition- to support this annual initia- President

town Chamber of Commerce ally, the mall provides a new tive. is year’s fall festival Yorktown Chamber

Fall Festival. home base for the events we will be packed with over 100 of Commerce

October 6, 2022 – YORKTOWN FALL FESTIVAL – Special Supplement to Yorktown News – Page 3

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October 6, 2022 – YORKTOWN FALL FESTIVAL – Special Supplement to Yorktown News – Page 7

FUNTIME Rather than requiring quarters or to- and doing this,”Iorio said of the Oct.
kens, Play Connection allows individ- 9 Fall Festival. “It was painful not

uals to pay hourly. doing them. We just like making

“I can’t imagine how many mantles Iorio said his company helped spur memories for families and friends.”

or Facebook posts or ornaments have a transformation at the Je erson Valley Festivalgoers can expect the usual

pictures where I’m playing Santa,” said Mall, which has begun to court enter- at this year’s Chamber of Commerce

Iorio, who is a Yorktown Chamber of tainment tenants in addition to tradi- event. “We’re going to be bring-

Commerce board member. tional retailers. In the years since Play ing out a bunch of bouncy houses

Iorio shared what keeps him moti- Connection opened, Pizzazzles (a kids’ and some games and the kids will

vated after 29 years in business. birthday party company) and Imagine be able to play on the things,” Iorio

“When I get to an event or when I VR Studios have followed suit. said. e cost will be $3 per ride or

get to the house, and the kids see the After being “completely shut down” $25 for an all-day pass, with 25%

‘bouncy guy’ there, and their eyes light by the pandemic, Iorio is excited for a percent of the proceeds being do-

up,” Iorio said. “I continue to do what return to community events. nated back to the Yorktown Cham-

I do because of all of the kids and their “We’re happy to be back out there ber of Commerce.

expressions and making a child’s day

happy, making a family happy.”

Iorio and his wife, Gigi, also own

Play Connection, which is located in

the Je erson Valley Mall at 650 Lee

Blvd., Yorktown Heights. In describ-

ing the di erences between his two

enterprises, Iorio compared Funtime

Amusements to “takeout” and Play

Connection to “sit-in.” e latter —

John Iorio, owner of billed as a “Family Fun Party Center” Funtime Amusements now offers special-occasion
Funtime Amusements — was born in 2015 and o ers ar- balloon displays and customized yard signs.
cade games, bounce houses, and more.

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Page 8 YORKTOWN FALL FESTIVAL – Special Supple

is list, which was provided by the I-16 — Berish Studio 12 — Elysian Jewels 31 — ASAP Mortgage 57-58 — Travel E
Yorktown Chamber of Commerce, was I-17 — Creations by Dbracket 13 — Primal Bowls 32-33 — Club Fit 59 — Keller Will
current as of Sept. 30. I-18 — Fabric Mart 14 — Hope’s Door 35-36 — Coldwell Banker 60 — MVP Hea
I-19 — DC Creations 16 — Lightening Strikes 37 — Cutco 62-63 — Plitnick
INSIDE I-20 — Linda Mac Art 17 — A&A Carpet Service 39-40 — Dogtopia
I-01 — Belartis I-21 — e Stone License 18 — Made by Manda 41 — Empire Ninja and He
I-02 — Homemade Art I-22 — Liz Peterson Photography 19 — Six Diamond Tree Services & 42 — ENT & Allergy Associates 64 — SERVPRO
I-03 — Maze Designs by Cole 44 — Figaro’s Haircutters 66 — Sunrise Ca
I-04 — NGY Customs OUTSIDE Landscaping Inc. 45-46 — Franzoso Contracting 68 — Ten Ten R
I-05 — Wood Fire Food 1 — Mike Risko Music 20 — JV Mall 48 — Lakeland Rise, Inc. 69 — Power Ho
I-06 — Moss Mom 2 — Danielle’s Events llc 21 — WHUD 49 — NYS Senator Pete Harckham
I-07 — Lyssa’s Larkspurs 3 — Hudson Valley Hemp 22 — Yorktown News 50 — Yorktown Democratic Group
I-08 — #Rock eSpotz 4 — Olde York Farm Distillery 23 — MADD 70 — ryv
I-09 — Ninjacat Studio 5-6 — Picklelicious 24 — St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church Committee 72 — Yorktown
I-10 — Destiny Accessory 7 — Time to be Candle Company 25 — e Gideons International 51 — Yorktown for Justice 73 — American
I-11 — J9 Designs 8 — CariBytes 26 — Yorktown Cub Scouts 52 — Yorktown Leos 74 — Yorktown
I-12 — Epb Designs 9 — A&M’s Catering and 27 — Hudson Valley Islamic 53 — Yorktown Lions Club
I-13 — JuJu Pottery Concessions 28 — St. Patrick’s Church 54 — Yorktown Republican Nursing C
I-14 — MJs Art 10 — Pizza de Michelino 29 — Guiding Eyes for the Blind 76 — Pittie’s De
I-15 — Jacqueline Joyce Art 11 — Delicias Peruvian Food 30 — Chabad Lubavitch of Town Committee 78 — On My To
55 — Grace Lutheran Church 79 — Shynae Ni
Yorktown Inc. 56 — Jillian Anderson Photography 80 — Street Bea
82 — CareMoun

ement to Yorktown News – October 6, 2022 Page 9

Emporium 83 — Drum Hill Senior Living 115 — Yorkville Sports Association Fall Fest
lliams Realty Partners Community & Sonic Sports Vendor
alth Care Guide
k Plumbing 84 — Cohen Family Smiles 118 — Whipped Butter Cream/Ari’s
eating 86-87 — Northern Westchester Elixir
arpentry Dental 120 — Footbik
Recreation 89-90 — Valley Pediatric Dentistry 122 — Weenie Wagon LLC
ome Remodeling 92-93 — Babs Baking
Assisted Living 98 — Huntington Learning Center Manhattan Beer Company
Cancer Society 99 — Berardis Family Chiropractic
Rehabilitation and 100 — Artis Senior Living OUTER LOT
Center 101 — NewYork Presbyterian Breeze Airways
esigns 103 — Northern Westchester
icole Collection Hospital F-1 — Homestyle Creamery
atz Dance Studio 105 — Ottino Chiropractic F-2 — Rock n Rollz LLC
nt Dental 107 — Yorktown Veterinary F-3 — Wrapper’s Delight
F-4 — Abby’s Dessert Bar
Associates F-5 — Kool Beans
109 — Alice Gift Design
111 — Party Decorations
113 — Bonita Bella Designs

Page 10 – YORKTOWN FALL FESTIVAL – Special Supplement to Yorktown News – October 6, 2022

What’s new tails. We will have Trick or Treat-
ing (5-7 p.m.), music, games, and
at the Valley our rst-ever Cornhole Tourna-
ment (registration is now open at
JV Mall closes out year with The Jefferson Valley Mall
exciting lineup of events
PHOTO: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER e holidays are also right
Halston Media invited Washington programs all under one roof. In ad- the Yorktown Chamber of Com- around the corner. Santa will be
merce, Kool Beans Co ee, Pita a massive car show, and more.
Prime Group to share the latest dition to our amazing national re- Place, Yorkville Sports, and Cus- We will host our annual College ying in to the mall on Saturday,
tom World to our Valley tenant Nov. 26. We invite to community
happenings at the Je erson Valley tailors like Macy’s, Dick’s Sporting family, and look forward to con- Fair Night on Wednesday, Oct. 19, to come welcome him to Yorktown
tinuing that growth through 2023. followed by our annual Halloween Heights for the holiday season
Mall. Goods, Ulta Beauty, H&M, and “Boo and Brew” fest on Friday, around 10 a.m. Breakfast will be
We have many exciting events Oct. 28, from 5 to 9 p.m. Captain available for purchase.
many more, we are home to many to look forward to, starting with Lawrence will be serving up beer
the Yorktown Fall Festival brought along with the Bubbly Pony, which We will also be hosting three
Je erson Valley Mall is gearing incredible locally owned small to you by the Yorktown Chamber will be o ering awesome fall cock- Small Business Markets – 10 a.m.
of Commerce from 11 a.m. to 5 to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 26; noon-
up for another busy holiday season, businesses. p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9. e festival 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10; noon-
will include rides, beer and sangria, 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17. If you
which will be followed by our 40th We have recently welcomed a pumpkin painting, six food trucks, have a small business and would
like to join any of the dates, please
anniversary in 2023. new general manager to the prop- contact Kelly Crapa, the specialty
leasing manager, at Kelly.Crapa@

During its four decades in Yor- erty, Matthew Miller. His email is

ktown, we have prided ourselves Matt.Miller@WashingtonPrime. We have recently welcomed a new general manager to the property,
Matthew Miller. His email is [email protected].
in being a community-focused com. Feel free to reach out and Feel free to reach out and welcome him to the community!

shopping center mixing retail, ex- welcome him to the community!

periential, events, and community We are also excited to welcome

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October 6, 2022 – YORKTOWN FALL FESTIVAL – Special Supplement to Yorktown News – Page 11

What our York State. loved it!” –Donna The new Yorktown location includes a full-
readers e new Yorktown location includes a • “Beautiful store. Nice and big and more service deli.
saying... full-service deli featuring homemade dishes; spacious than the old location.” –Teresa FILE PHOTOS
an in-house bakery featuring specialty cakes, • “So good! Was there yesterday! e
...about the new pastries, breads, and desserts; a custom-cut
meat department with in-house butchers; bu alo chicken burgers were amazing!” –
and improved fresh and organic produce; a full seafood Joanne
department; a gourmet cheese department;
Uncle Giuseppe’s and special viewing rooms where pasta and • “ is store is amazing. So much to see
mozzarella are made fresh daily, directly in and great prices, too. Will de nitely be
Earlier this year,Uncle Giuseppe’s opened front of the customer through protective back.” –Kathleen
a new 50,000-square-foot store in the York- glass partitions.
town Green shopping center at 380 Down- • “A store like no other! Will shop there
ing Drive, Yorktown Heights. Additionally, there are a variety of pre- OFTEN.” –Lisa
packaged meals and a soup and salad bar
After moving from its previous with an array of ready-to-eat items prepared • “WOW WOW WOW.” –Christopher
27,000-square-foot location a quarter-mile daily by Uncle Giuseppe’s in-store chefs.
away,the store has nearly doubled in size and Sushi chefs make sushi rolls, specialty rolls, A look inside the new Uncle Giuseppe’s
became the company’s largest store in New and sashimi, and also take custom orders. A
gourmet chocolate, candy, and gelato station
greets shoppers as they enter the store, and a
full co ee and espresso bar is also available.

e discussion about Uncle Giuseppe’s
has continued on our Facebook page.
Here’s what some of our readers had to say:

• “A beautiful store at a beautiful neigh-
borhood. Upscale supermarket. Worth it.”

• “We were there today and absolutely

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Page 12 – YORKTOWN FALL FESTIVAL – Special Supplement to Yorktown News – October 6, 2022

No Crompond Road storefront. ticed for a pizzeria in New Rochelle. After
After all that time, the veteran pizza about ve years in the industry, he opened
up Yorktown Pizza & Pasta in 1990. He
maker said he was “never prouder” of his

sta than he was on Sept. 29, which is the described his hometown of Dobbs Ferry

gimmicks, night that Giuliano spoke with Yorktown Joe Giuliano and as a very “tight-knit community.” How-
just good News for this story. at day holds no sig- his son, Mike, of ever, he said, that was nothing compared
pizza ni cance beyond being a regular ursday, Yorktown Pizza to what he’s experienced in Yorktown.
but “regular” days are where the magic & Pasta
happens at Yorktown Pizza & Pasta. “Coming to Yorktown, the community
FILE PHOTO/BRIAN spirit is very strong,” Giuliano said. “ is
An unexplainable sense of pride washed MARSCHHAUSER side of town, in the Heights area, it’s all
over Giuliano that day as he watched his mom and pops and there’s not a lot of
decades-old pizza joint ll up families and Yorktown Pizza & Pasta franchises. Most of the businesses in this
youth sports teams looking to grab a quick area are local people.”
slice; grieving family members and friends 2013 Crompond Road, Yorktown
who walked over from the nearby funeral Heights One of the biggest changes Giuliano
has seen during his three decades in town

Yorktown Pizza & home for a cup of co ee and a seat at one 914-962-0096 is the amount of competition that has
Pasta enjoys being a of his tables; and his inexperienced sta emerged. Yorktown Heights alone is home
made up of local high-school students to a half-dozen pizza places. However, Gi-
handle it all with grace. uliano is willing to put the “rivalry” aside

community staple “ is is my bread and butter,” Giuliano night. Giuliano has spent his 32 years in when his fellow pizzamakers need help.
said. “We’re not a deli, but we’re not a res- Yorktown building up goodwill, relying on “Oscar’s will run out of pizza boxes, we

taurant. We’re a pizzeria. We have tables, “word of mouth” to develop a strong cus- give to them. Maria’s will run out of pep-

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER we have waitresses, but people come in be- tomer base. peroni, we give to them,” Giuliano said.
cause they’re busy with sports or they have “When somebody comes in from out of “And they do the same thing for us. Nor-

Joe Giuliano has owned Yorktown something going on.” town and they ask where to get pizza, you mally you don’t see that kinda stu hap-

Pizza & Pasta for 32 years. He has rarely Re ecting on the busy day, Giuliano kinda hope they throw out your name,” pening amongst rivals. I love it.”

missed a day during those three decades, said, “I was happy that after 32 years we Giuliano said. Running a family business also comes

so it’s safe to assume that the Dobbs Ferry can still pack the house.” e Bethel, Connecticut resident got his

native has logged over 11,000 days at his A day like Sept. 29 doesn’t happen over- start in the mid-1980s when he appren- SEE PIZZA PAGE 13

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October 6, 2022 – YORKTOWN FALL FESTIVAL – Special Supplement to Yorktown News – Page 13

PIZZA Joe isn’t the only Giuliano working sev-
en days a week at the pizzeria. He’s also

joined every day by his wife, Marina, and

with its challenges. Giuliano lamented their son, Mike. His daughters have also

the rising cost of commodities, which is worked with him over the years.

re ected on his menu. “People want it as “I have some very loyal and very out-

cheap as possible, but I can’t,” he said. “Ev- standing employees. I can’t name them STORE HOURS:

erything is sky high.” all personally, but they know who they Thursday - Friday 12:00 - 6:00
Saturday - Sunday 10:00 - 4:00
A dwindling labor force has also af- are,” Giuliano said. “Literally, I’m nothing
fected many small businesses. Finding it without my employees. I really do appreci-
We offer a wide range of sporting goods
hard to secure trustworthy employees, Gi- ate them giving me their best.” from Lacrosse & Hockey
to Tennis & Golf.
uliano said he has personally cooked every Giuliano also wanted to thank the Yor-
pie at Yorktown Pizza & Pasta for the last ktown Police Department, Yorktown Vol-
month. unteer Ambulance Corps, and the York-
When asked about what the future town Heights Volunteer Fire Department, • ADMISSIONS & FINANCIAL AID

holds for his pizzeria, Giuliano paused. whose members are frequent customers. • NAVIGATING COLLEGE FOR DIVORCED FAMILIES
“ at’s a good question,” he said with a Yorktown Pizza & Pasta also caters many

laugh. Giuliano said he is “always learning” town events, including the Highway De-

and trying to “catch trends.” For example, partment’s post-funeral dinner after one

Yorktown Pizza & Pasta may explore add- of its employees tragically died last month.

ing vegan options to its menu. However, “When we did the food for them, I hon-

Giuliano said, “I know what I know” — estly felt almost honored that they asked

and that’s making pizza. us,” Giuliano said. “ is is an unfortunate

“I would like to see it be able to con- event that happened, but it was nice they

tinue, maybe evolve into something a little felt they could turn to us. It was humbling

bit more,” he said. “Between the technol- and emotional at the same time.

ogy and what’s expected as far as artisanal “We’ll always give back,” he added. “I

food goes, it’s not in my wheelhouse.” wish I could do more.”


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