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Published by Halston Media, 2023-01-10 16:21:34

Mahopac News 01.12.2023

VOL. NO. Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, JANUARY ,

Schmitt to seek return to supervisor’s o ice

Bid sets up GOP primary rematch with Michael Cazzari

BY BOB DUMAS the Carmel Police Department Former Town Supervisor Ken there are still un nished projects they would like to see me back in
EDITOR AT LARGE who retired in 2007 at the rank of Schmitt he would like to see to fruition. o ce. I talked to my family, and
sergeant, served as supervisor for they are all behind me.”
Former Town of Carmel Su- seven two-year terms—the lon- wanted to continue to serve. I am “ e downtown revitaliza-
pervisor Ken Schmitt has an- gest serving Carmel supervisor proud of my accomplishments.” tion/Swan Cove [project] is Schmitt said he will seek the
nounced his intention to run for in modern town history. He was top of my list,” he said. “ at endorsement of the Republican
the position once again this year. also a member of the Mahopac Schmitt said the main reason hasn’t been moving forward— Committee when it convenes
School Board for nine years. he wants to return to o ce is the lighting, the sidewalks, the next month to make its nomi-
Schmitt lost the 2021 Repub- crosswalks.” nations. Whether they endorse
lican primary to then Carmel po- Schmitt told Mahopac News him or not, however, he plans to
lice chief Mike Cazzari by a 956- that when he rst became Super- He cited the renovation of take part in the petition drive—
510 margin. Both candidates are visor, he never envisioned serving Water District No. 2, which be- which begins next month—to
expected to face o in a GOP 14 years. gan under his administration, get his name on the ballot for
primary in June, with the win- as another piece of un nished the June primary.
ner highly likely to win the No- “But when I took o ce in business.
vember general election against 2008 the housing market had “Public service has always been
traditionally limited Democratic tanked and we were in a bad re- According to Schmitt, public in my blood,”he said.“And I have
opposition. cession,” he said. “It took us six or support has been another moti- a good team of people in place
seven years to come out of that. I vating factor. “I’ve been encour- who will be working with me and
Schmitt, a former member of was able to accomplish a lot and aged,” he said. “A lot of folks helping with the campaign.”
have reached out to me and said

Shining a spotlight on sports safety

Local doctors, school districts and MSA react to Damar Hamlin injury

BY WHIT ANDERSON AND the Boy Scout motto. chester Hospital and Lenox Hill happens after blunt trauma to the totally normal heart, so any sort
BRETT FREEMAN Be prepared. Hospital (both with Northwell chest (it could happen in sports of screening would not be ben-
SPORTS EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Hamlin collapsed on the eld Health, the largest health system when a baseball or hockey puck e cial,” Dr. Basman said. “Rather
in New York), described Hamlin’s strikes the chest). ere is noth- than have parents worry about
If the NFL can sum up in two on Jan. 2, su ering cardiac arrest presumptive diagnosis as “Com- ing that can necessarily prevent this happening to their child,
words the miraculous ongoing re- after making a tackle against the motio Cordis,” which he said is this from happening. I think we should use this case
covery of Bu alo Bills defensive Cincinnati Bengals. extremely rare.
back Damar Hamlin, it would be “ is particular pathology SEE AED PAGE
Dr. Craig Basman, a cardiolo- It occurs when cardiac arrest can happen in patients with a
gist serving both Northern West-

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The Staff January Mahopac at, or call 845- at the Library - 668 Route 6. For Mahopac Library’s programs and
Library events 878-6121. Snow date: Jan. 25 at 7 further information, call 845-628- services, call 845-628-2009, ext.
EDITORIAL TEAM p.m. 2009, ext. 100, or visit mahopacli- 100.
EMILE MENASCHE For additional information about
Mahopac Library’s programs and • Jan. 25 at 1 p.m.: Light Bite Christmas Tree Pickup
EDITOR: 845-208-0774 services, call 845-628-2009, ext. Book Group. e Light Bite Book • Jan. 27, 6-8 p.m.: Open Mic Jan. 14
[email protected] 100. Group will meet in-person at the Night for Teens. If you sing, if you
library to discuss “ e Good Left dance, if you play an instrument, AAA Carting will be collect-
BOB DUMAS • Jan. 18 at 7 p.m.: Industries of Undone” by Adriana Trigiani. Pick write poetry or have another amaz- ing non-arti cial Christmas trees
EDITOR AT LARGE Putnam County. e Putnam li- up a copy of the book at 906 Route ing talent,feel free to showcase your for Town of Carmel customers on
[email protected] braries have joined together to pres- 6 through Jan. 13, or call 845-628- skills at this Open Mic event! Saturday, Jan. 14. Christmas trees
ent a series of interesting history 2009, ext. 100 to request curbside should be left at the curb and be
WHIT ANDERSON talks. Local historian Amy Campa- pickup. It is also available as an eB- For teens between the ages of free of all ornaments,tinsel,lights or
SPORTS EDITOR naro will be at Patterson Library for ook on Overdrive. New members 11-18. is program will be held other materials. Do not place your
a fascinating presentation on the lo- always welcome; to register, visit at Lakeside Park Teen Center in trees in plastic bags or any other
[email protected] cal industries in the 1800s and how, or call 845- Pawling. e address is 2 Lakeside container. For questions, call (845)
VIM WILKINSON they evolved and paralleled national 628-2009, ext. 100. Dr. Registration is required; view 628-5000.
trends. is event takes place at the registration information at ma-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Patterson Library, 1167 NY-311. • Jan. 26 at 6:30 p.m.: Mahopac, or call 845-628- SEE MUSINGS PAGE
[email protected] Registration is requested; register Public Library Board of Trustees 2009, ext. 139.
meeting. is meeting is held onsite
ADVERTISING TEAM For additional information about
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Byrne sworn in as County Executive

Mahopac resident Kevin Byrne at his alma mater, Carmel High eration of leadership.” escort by a contingent of the Ste- legiance. Putnam County Sheri ’s
was sworn in as Putnam County School, from former Dutchess e ceremony included a presen- ven P. Driscoll Memorial Pipe Cadet Veronika Bilinski delivered
executive on Dec. 30, with his par- County Executive and newly elect- Band (which counts Byrne as a a rousing rendition of the national
ents Dan and Patty, wife Briana, ed Congressman Marc Molinaro. tation of the colors by the Putnam founding member), military veter- anthem. Other speakers included
young son Braeden, and brother County Sheri ’s Cadets, the Put- ans Karl Rhode (US Army, Ret.), members of Mahopac’s faith com-
Christopher looking on. e for- In his rst speech as County nam County Composite Squad- James Burpoe (US Army, Ret.), munity: Reverend Casey Carbone
mer New York State assemblyman, Executive, Byrne, 38, said it was ron Civil Air Patrol, and Carmel and the County Executive’s broth- of First Presbyterian Church and
who represented Mahopac in Al- “a special occasion to mark a Troop 1 Boy Scouts--where Byrne er Christopher (US Air Force) led Rabbi Sarah Freidson of Temple
bany for three terms, took the oath new beginning with a new ad- had made Eagle Scout as a high the assembly in the Pledge of Al- Beth Shalom.
ministration led by a new gen- school student. After a bagpipes

Congressman Braeden Byrne gets his
Marc Molinaro father’s administration off

Putnam County Sherrif’s to a running start.
cadet Veronika Bilinski

sings the National Anthem.

Kevin Byrne is sworn in by Marc Molinaro. Members of Carmel Troop 1 Boy Kevin Byrne delivers his first
Scouts, Putnam County Sheriff’s speech as Putnam Countuy
Executive on Dec. 30, 2022.
Cadets and Putnam County
Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol.

Jim Burpoe, Deputy County Executive Rabbi Sarah Freidson of Mahopac’s Temple PHOTOS: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL
for the incoming Byrne Administration, Beth Shalom delivers the benediction at County Color guard presentation by members of Carmel Troop 1 Boy Scouts, Putnam County
recognizes all the dignitaries. Executive Kevin Byrne’s swearing in ceremony. Sheriff’s Cadets, and Putnam County Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol.


AED The Mahopac Indians FILE PHOTO Mahopac Central School District has 12 AEDs in the district plus
Athletic Director Stephen Luciana one for outdoor facilities. She said
FROM PAGE hasn’t heard concerns from par- that the district requests the pres-
ents yet, as football season is over, cession stand) and Mahopac Mid- practice/games can go a long way ence of a doctor and an EMT for
to exemplify the importance of but he said that when the spot- dle School. to prevent accidental injury.” all home football games.
CPR training among the general light was on concussions several
public. Mr. Hamlin was fortunate years ago, the governing bodies of “When we purchased the de- e Somers Central School “After the events [with Hamlin
enough to receive early and e ec- football at all levels emphasized vices, we contracted with an out- District emphasized an emergen- on Jan. 2], Kevin made sure to up-
tive resuscitation, the key to his the importance of proper tackling side company to train all of the cy action plan developed by their date everyone on protocols,” Tip-
survival.” techniques and increased penalties coaches in their use,” Garcia said. athletic trainer, Kevin Mullen. pett said.
for things like leading with your “Additionally, many of the parents
Dr. Basman said that all athletic head. of kids within the programs are “We are very fortunate to have Somers’Communication Coor-
facilities should be equipped with the services of Kevin Mullen who dinator, Amanda Bergen, said the
an automated external de brilla- “With the adoption of these rst responders, nurses and doc- has been in district for 19 years, district brings in an outside com-
tor (AED). better practices and the passage tors, and in some circumstances along with a very experienced pany annually to check the equip-
of time, we have seen registrations they have o ered to help when a group of coaches that are famil- ment and the district’s coaches
“But most importantly, by- increase at the youth levels,” Gar- child is injured.” iar with the SCSD protocols,” are certi ed in their use every two
standers need to be CPR trained,” cia said. said Marc Hattem, the director years.
he said.“Obviously, the more peo- Garcia was also praiseworthy of Athletics, Health and Physi-
ple that are trained in CPR will Garcia also said that the indi- of the local volunteer ambulance cal Education in Somers. “In ad- Christian McCarthy, Director
give us more potential bystanders vidual sports through MSA have corps that has been responsive dition, Kevin does a great job of Health, Physical Education,
that could initiate resuscitation been o ering basic rst aid and when needed. revisiting and revising our Emer- Athletics and Wellness with the
in the event of cardiac arrest. It’s CPR to coaches for years. MSA gency Action Plan on an annual Katonah-Lewisboro School Dis-
not necessary to have a certi cate purchased and installed a number “ e one piece of advice I would basis, and meeting with all SCSD trict, is reexamining the district’s
to perform CPR, but training at of AEDs at all three town parks provide to parents is to stress the coaches three times per year to safety protocols for football in
some point is crucial to under- used by the association, and MSA importance of listening to coaches discuss all pertinent and updated light of Hamlin’s injury.
stand the basics.” has donated devices to Mahopac regarding proper technique, and information.
High School (including the con- making sure their kids speak with “[It’s an] incredibly scary event
Halston Media contacted sev- someone if they don’t feel ‘right.’ Hattem’s administrative assis- that took place and is one of the
eral area school districts to assess Also, something as simple as not tant, Joan Tippett, said the district greatest fears that Athletic Di-
their preparedness for such rare being involved in horseplay during rectors have,” McCarthy said.
events. “ is is why you see that catching
chest protectors and boy’s lacrosse
Stephen Luciana, the athletic shoulder pads require the chest
director with Mahopac, said his plate. is has never been on our
district has 11 AEDs given to football radar, but clearly it should
coaches each athletic season. He have been. Although this is so rare
also said there are AEDs by each and can really only happen during
gym and in their eld house, and an extremely small window dur-
the district’s athletic trainer, Bren- ing the heart’s contraction,its con-
na Lape, has one with her at all sequences create a life-or-death
Mahopac Sports Association
President Roger Garcia said he

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Illusion tops 40! AED New Years EveSpecial!outside each gymnasium in the in CPR, rst aid, concussion pro-

FROM PAGE high school/middle school build- tocols, and the use of AEDs.”
ing. PHrini••gchi4OpaPlCSEcOVhNUionoRcBle/SAERDNDwoiIIrrneNitcthtaNheodrrEdnPiRotRiWfoEntehMstteocIhEUceoslMetaeccrthrLoHItprQhaoiyUsnpsiiOinotalgR-l,
Rocking the house has become a scenario.” North Salem
Mahopac HS tradition McCarthy is a CPR/AED and School
rst aid instructor certi ed with Middle

the New York State Department DiGrandi also efmorp•hnaoDsniJz-ea/dtDhlAetthNiecCINougrGgyesLineaaboc,hDuorr.f SBthuAebLbsacLrhRaooOoClOdhMiosturdicrtys,
of Education. He teaches multiple need for AEDs aTftOerD- AYtaothFelenOtseuRsreleRathrEnaSttEhaleRl lsVotacAatTiaosInOwoNeflltSha!es
classes of each during the year to CALLrelated concerns.
BY JULIANA LEONARD ensure all the district’s coaches “As we know, attendees at
SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT keep their certi cations current.
school events, such as musicals, AEDs.
e Katonah-Lewisboro dis-
trict has multiple AEDs in each plays, induction ceremonies, etc., “I would encourage everyone,
building and the athletic training
e house lights dim and sta have an additional 12 AEDs. may have an attack and an AED including parents and athletes, to
the bulbs up in the rafters of
Mahopac High School’s au- McCarthy also said that com- nearby could be vital for survival,” be trained in CPR,” Dr. Choudry
ditorium burn brightly onto pression-only CPR and AED
the stage. Palms sweat, stom- training will be part of the district’s DiGrandi said.“We do review the said. “ is training includes in-
achs turn, eyes and ears focus. physical education curriculum for
Twelve kids run on to the stage. students. use of these devices with sta as struction on how to properly use
Senior Sydney Leary takes
the mic to sing Taylor Swift’s North Salem’s Director of they are a bit loud and direct if you an AED. CPR can be life-saving
“Paris,” the opening song of Il- Health, Physical Education and
lusion, the school’s annual rock Athletics, Denise Kiernan, said it are not familiar with them.” both on the eld and in everyday
concert that was celebrating its was an unfortunate situation as it
40th anniversary. Leary, a sing- related to the sport of football. Meanwhile, Yorktown em- life!”
ing, modeling, and acting tri-
ple-threat, has been performing She said that North Salem phasized its “highest standards of Dr. Choudry said that sud-
her entire life. It is her second coaches at all levels (varsity, JV and
year with Illusion. modi ed) are certi ed in CPR safety.” den cardiac arrest during sports
and rst aid, as well as the ath-
She, along with Mikey Ar- letic trainer, William Mazariego, “ e Yorktown Central School is rate, and under 35, the most
tuso, Ella Atkinson, Cam who is certi ed to train coaches in
Dinsmore, Rob Dusovic, Lily PHOTO: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL CPR and rst aid. District is committed to provid- common causes are genetic car-
Gertelman, Jackson Grimm,
Lukas Lee, Becca Lomas, Joa- Becca Lomas “In addition, all coaching sta ing a safe environment for all diac abnormalities.
quin Martinez, Michael Mako, are provided an AED at the be-
Sam Olszewski, Peyton Swoap, that has been a highlight of the ginning of each season and carry students, sta , and visitors,” ac- Regardless, he said athletes
Maxine Van Nortwick, and Mahopac school year since the it with them to all practices and
Ricky Vega represented the early 1980s. games and on the school bus when cording to a statement sent by should be screened for cardiac
latest generation of students traveling to away games,” Kiernan
to take part in a concert series According to Leary, Illu- said, adding that there are AEDs Communications Assistant Brian disease.
sion is a truly unique experi-
ence. is year was especially Marschhauser. “To that end, we “High-risk symptoms include
meaningful: After three years
of pandemic-era concerts, the have taken proactive measures chest pain, shortness of breath,
performers were able to interact
with the crowd in ways many of such as installing automated ex- dizziness, palpitations (heart
them had never been able to do
before. Students ocked the ternal de brillators (AEDs) in ev- uttering), or fainting with ex-
front of the stage, stood in front
ery school building. We also have ercise,” he said. “A history of
portable de brillators that are sudden or unexplained death

available for o -campus events. in a close relative, or abnormal

Our head athletic trainer regu- ndings such as a heart murmur

larly attends sporting events and may require further testing.”

performs thorough equipment in-

spections to maintain the highest To learn more about CPR and the

standards of safety.Additionally,all use of AEDs, visit or

of our athletic coaches are trained

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Consensus is not necessarily good government

Be concerned when there is no public debate at the town and school board level

During my very first job as a nobody wants the meetings to go longer Britain and Israel have both seen more speak to the press except through him.
reporter in 2005, I covered a very than necessary. So, it takes a special kind prime ministers over the past few years What is this? The Board of Education
dysfunctional Town Board in of person to ignore that pressure and than I can count. This is because both
governments are totally at a gridlock. Politburo? Last I remembered, we live in
Mahwah, NJ. advocate for what he or she thinks is the United States of America.
But gosh, our gridlocked Congress
The town gadfly right. I’m not saying and Britain and Israel are so much better The New York State School Boards
than the alternative, which is having a Association even has an article on its
got elected to the PUBLISHER’S that I’m that person. dictator like Russian President Vladimir website about how school boards can
Town Board and MEMO I’m far more comfort- Putin and a rubber stamp legislature. generate positive press for their districts.
during the public able sitting behind a I would fully agree that part of a super-
As we are a community newspaper, intendent’s job is to generate positive
comment portion BRETT keyboard than I am this brings me back to local politics. I’m press for the district. But school board
not pointing the finger at any specific members? I thought their job was to
of their meetings, FREEMAN sitting around a confer- town or school board that we cover represent their constituents and govern
(Halston Media publications cover seven the district’s administration.
he would regu- ence table. school boards and eight municipalities),
but if you want to be truly worried about It’s no more a school board member’s
larly walk off the Last week, there government, look to the boards where job to make their district look good than
there is no public debate. Look to the it is a Congressperson’s job to make
dais and speak as seemed to be bipartisan boards that are all one political party (we Congress look good. But as I said, the
cover several that are either all Republi- pressure to go with the flow on any board
a member of the consensus that the 20 can or all Democrat). is immense.

public, accusing his colleagues of all sorts or so Republican renegades in Con- The problem with town boards all The wheels of government are sup-
being one party is that they can skirt the posed to grind slowly. It’s not supposed
of nefarious deeds. gress had contributed to a dysfunctional open meetings laws by having political to be a rubber stamp. Heated debate and
caucus meetings. If you’re watching a gridlock are hallmarks of government at
I was still wet behind the ears, and it government by holding up the vote for town board meeting and curious how its finest, not the opposite.
everyone came to consensus without a
was exciting to report on these political Speaker Kevin McCarthy. public discussion, you have your answer. If what happened in the halls of
Congress last week happen on the town
theatrics. Believe me, it can get boring With all the talk lately about democ- I had one school board member and school board level, that would bring
recently tell me that the president of his better government, not worse. And if you
sitting through a meeting on culverts and racy somehow being broken, Congress board recently reminded colleagues dur- disagree with me, I hope you’ll at least
ing executive session that nobody should acknowledge that it’s certainly better
stop signs, especially if it goes to 11 p.m. being at a standstill is not the reason. than a rubber stamp.

and beyond. So drama can be a fun thing I can be a political science nerd, but

for a reporter to cover. nothing is more entertaining than

As much as I thought this Town watching the Prime Minister Q&A with

Board member in Mahwah was a little the British Parliament. Unlike a State

nuts, I also admired him. of the Union address, where everyone

I’ve served (and I continue to serve) either applauds the president or remains

on various non-governmental boards, respectfully silent (most of the time), the

and the pressure to go with the flow is members of Parliament heckle and boo

immense. Most people don’t want to and groan and laugh while the Prime

be purposely contentious and nobody Minister or their other colleagues speak

wants to sound stupid. Additionally, at the podium.

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Misty mornings

LIFE, the morning news that pushes and gleaning information from we could catch it up, understand It befits the New Year, with its
HEALTH, us into a beta brainwave state, it. And it beckons because it its frequency and interpret what feeling that something new will
POLITICS chug, chug, chug and go. It’s the always feels like there is some- it means. be revealed, some ancient power
complete opposite of a bolt of thing deeper and more pro- of earth, that evokes the primor-
MARA bright sunshine in the morning found that can be revealed. Altered states, altered realities. dial, has been given birth once
SCHIFFREN to jolt our life force energy from The dream mist provokes a very again to disperse imagination
asleep to maximum output. And I love that. In my head, deep resonance into the spiritual and creativity into our time.
We all woke up last it’s like an invitation from cognition of earth. As though it
week to a world Morning mist, in contrast, another reality to go out and takes us back to some beautiful Mara Schiffren, PhD, is a
shrouded in mist. makes me want to slow down explore this one. As though primordial state when the world Writer, Certified Functional
From New Year’s Day two and take notice. It feels as our reality was showing itself was newer and the mist burning Medicine Health Coach, Certified
Sundays back to the midweek though portals have opened and to us using a different camera off creates a revelation of nature Integrative Psychiatric Educator
that followed, the mist was the elemental world has begun lens than the one we know, so itself through light. and Certified Peak Performance
thick on the ground for hours to blend with our dimension. the result is new. It’s as though Coach. You can reach her at
each morning. It’s like experiencing a lucid nature itself is communicating If we cannot have virginal [email protected].
dream state while fully awake with us some vital truth, if only snow for the New Year, then,
Mist is a thing of wonder to by all means, let the mist arise.
me whenever it appears. The
science behind it is easy to un- DEMENTIA
derstand. Whenever the ground BOOT
is cold or frozen and a warm CAMP
wet front blows in (or when
the opposite occurs – when the 5 WEEK SERIES
ground is warm and a cold wet
front blows in), the world about Exclusively for Adult
us turns to mist. Children & Loved Ones

But science only takes us PRESENTED & HOSTED BY: THURSDAYS | 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
so far. We can understand the Sarah Altberg, Memory Care Director, Maplewood at
process by which mist arises – Danbury, 22 Hospital Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810 JANUARY 26TH
which is a left- brain, thorough- Normal Aging vs Dementia
ly analytical approach – with- Are you searching for answers regarding your loved one’s
out understanding its deeper well-being? Join us for a series of events and learn about: FEBRUARY 2ND
somatic resonance and the way • Memory impairment and the impact Understanding a Person’s Reality
it inspires our imagination. Or
the way it evokes a mood. associated with the disease FEBRUARY 9TH
• How to connect with your loved one Communication
Mist to me is the dream state • The importance of managing caregiver stress
brought into the living world, FEBRUARY 16TH
like an alpha or theta brainwave RSVP Challenging Behaviors
state when my mind has slowed For one or multiple events to Diana Lopes at
down and wonder and joy is [email protected] or 203.744.8444. FEBRUARY 23RD
given room to enter therein and Safety at Home
circulate. Only it is not just a This event is open to the public.
brainwave state. It is the outside Complimentary refreshments provided.
world reflecting that state to
you and entraining you physi- S E N BE ST OF N G
cally to join in on its energetic IO R LIVI
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And what is that state? For
me, it’s a time when I want to
go out and to explore nature and
to see the lovely way that the
sunrays, which are now thor-
oughly visible, break through
the mist and descend to earth
through the trees. It makes me
want to go out and explore –
with camera in hand – the fall
of the mist. And to discover
what the mist hides from sight
and what it partially reveals.

It’s like walking in a dream.
Nothing is clear, everything is
hazy. Boundaries waver and
are unfirm. You know that the
world that morning has some-
how revolved to change things
up in your plane, to bring in the
dream state to this reality and
have it blend into something
altogether new. It’s the oppo-
site of the mundane, the reality
we wake up to most workday
mornings when we tumble out
of bed and rush to shower, get
dressed and eat and listen to


Virtual insanity

When I think of the future, I of entertainment. And then there was mustard on the oor, it took me a mo-
always envision the stereo- Battleship. ment to realize that she was referring
to the virtual convenience store that she
typical elements of ying cars, e classic board game that we all was working in. What a time to be alive!

robot butlers and cloud cities. know today was a luxury item in those When my turn nally came, I donned
the VR headset and slipped into the next
We’re gradu- days, meaning that my generation of video games. I also opted
for the convenience store option in “Job
ally getting there, but dad had to make his own Simulator,” and spent the next half hour
doling out Slurpies, snacks, and lotto
we’re still not where TOM’S game board using a pen- tickets to a parade of robot customers.
I thought we would TAKE cil and a sheet of graph I don’t look back fondly on my younger
be in 2023. Although, paper. But the hardships days working in retail, but I’ll admit that
sta ng the virtual 7-11 was a lot of fun.
over our recent TOM didn’t end there. Since Plus, the VR retail world enabled me
to live out a fantasy of throwing food at
holiday break, I was pre-lined graph paper rude customers. I might need to invest in
nally able to check WALOGORSKY was also a luxury, my one of these headsets.

one thing o of my father endured the ardu- FUTURE SHOCK
After spending some time in the VR
futuristic bucket list. ous process of making
universe, it was strange to take o the
anks to a visit from his own. As he often headset and realize that I had actually
just been roaming around a little corner
my nephew and nieces and their snazzy explained (with tongue rmly in cheek), of my living room. It was astounding
how easily we all slipped into the world
new VR headset, I got the chance to play only the rich folks could a ord graph of virtual retail sales and auto repair, all
the while knowing that it was all because
the next generation of video games. I’ve paper, and su ering builds character. of a piece of plastic strapped to our
seen the future, and it’s weird.
Finally getting to play the next gen-
READY PLAYER 1 eration of video games got me thinking PHOTO: TOM WALOGORSKY
about how far we’ve come from the good
THE GRAPH PAPER STORY Now that the next generation of old days of Atari and original Nintendo. The future is now.
My wife and I break out the classic
My brother and I have fond memo- Walogorsky kids are getting into video consoles from time to time, and even
with their spi y VR headset, the kids
ries of our childhood Christmases, with games, it was time for Graham, Elise still enjoy playing the original Sonic the
Hedgehog when they come to visit.
Nintendo systems being among the gifts and Daphne to show us old folks what
I’m on board with the next wave of
through the years. However, any present they were working with. Naturally, the VR video games, but I can’t help but
wonder if playing 8-bit Super Mario
that involved the latest in video enter- kids had rst dibs on their new toy once Bros will one day become MY graph
paper story.
tainment also came with a fable that they arrived. I quickly discovered that
Tom Walogorsky hopes there will be a
has become somewhat legendary in my even being in the room while they took virtual newspaper editor game. Contact
him at [email protected].
family. turns in the virtual world was endlessly

When my father was growing up, kids entertaining.

were more creative with devising forms eir game of choice was “Job Simu-

of entertainment. A rubber Spalding lator,” where the player gets to pick an

ball opened the door to an assortment of occupation and test their skills from

games, and even something as simple as the comfort of the living room. When

a bottle cap could be turned into hours Daphne announced that she had spilled

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Recommended reading: ‘Mighty Mila’

MAMA so important to support inclu- sources for your little readers! AMAZON.COM
EXPLAINS sivity in children’s literature, as Be sure to check out https://
well showing your children that
NICOLE kindness and acceptance is so
DOOLEY important. and to follow Katie @mightymi-
lastories on Instagram!
Amust-have for your Mila will warm your heart and
child’s library this year is make you laugh and smile in this Oh, and did I mention this
a heart-warming story beautiful journey of self-accep- book has won countless awards
called “Mighty Mila” by Katie tance and love. e illustrations including Gold in the 2022
Petruzziello. by Nadja Sarell are also bright Readers’ Favorite Book Awards
and cheerful and there is very in the “Children - Coming of
is book is based on the helpful information at the end of Age” category? I am also so very
true story of a young girl named the book. e author also has free proud of the author as she is one
Mila who gets cochlear implants printables and materials you can of my nearest and dearest friends
and learns to navigate life with access when you visit her website. and has been since elementary
her new “super ears.” is book I am so happy that my children school! She is also a Westchester
shows courage and resilience in love and appreciate this book as mom! And if Katie isn’t busy
learning how to adapt with dif- much as I do and I am always enough, she has Book No. 2 in
happy to sit down and read it the works!
cult changes, all the while not with them.
losing your spunky sense of self Nicole Dooley is a Somers
along the way. My children love You can nd out more about mom who enjoys writing for her
this book so much that we read this wonderful book by visiting parenting blog. If you enjoyed her
it a few times a week. It is also the website: https://www.might- column, you can read more of her You can purchase entries at www.mamaexplains.
your copy there today! And don’t com or follow her on Instagram
forget your free printable re- at @mamaexplains for relatable
parenting tips and stories.

Are you cyber-secure

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professional scambags. ( at’s our firm as Senior Associate.
BRUCE not a typo; it’s my euphemistic
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there’s some young guy who Commerce, local representatives TOCKLAW.COM • 845-628-8080
is in a terabyte of trouble over of Chase Bank dispensed
alleged fraud he committed critical, life savings-saving
using the funny money. information on “Cybersecurity
and Fraud Protection.” Since
at guy – who has a name we’re all united in common
too long to t in this space cause to defend the sanctity
– has become infamous for of our nancial well-being,
purportedly being engaged in the folks at Chase want as
what one expert termed a highly many people as possible to stay
unsophisticated form of “old- vigilant by being armed with
fashioned embezzlement.” this intelligence. So here are
highlights of their presentation,
What’s not unsophisticated is portions of which I’ve
the kind of scam that tends not paraphrased.
to generate 72-point headlines You no doubt are familiar
because it is so omnipresent in with the tell-tale signs of a
today’s techno-driven culture larcenous scambag snaking its
of commerce, we take it for way into your life. It’s someone,
granted. ey are the scams or some business entity, as
that invade our home and our Chase points out, whom you
devices daily. don’t know but is pretending to
be someone or some company
No one is immune from you do know. ey might be
being nancially compromised. sending you a fake invoice or
But that doesn’t mean we have using some other scheme to
to be immune from taking separate you from your hard-
every precaution possible to earned money.

e forged instrument in play



What if APAR behind it. If it doesn’t match the • Keep track of all passwords
less text name that is hiding the link and change regularly, including
FROM PAGE or if it has a public domain like the default password on a wireless
is really “,” that’s a red ag. Major network.
more? also could be a noti cation that companies have private domains
you’ve been randomly chosen to that typically incorporate their • Create one network for your
GUEST When win a $100 gift card from Wal- business name. business, a separate Wi-Fi account
CORNER all Mart. Whoa, Nelly! A $10 gift for customers.
the card as a random prize might BEWARE SOCIAL
holiday be believable, but $100? Not. ENGINEERING • Turn o Bluetooth when it’s
Scammers also like to pressure you not needed.
KIM STOLL decorations into acting without thinking by In the workplace, be aware of
faking a state of urgency, like falsely so-called “social engineering” • Install latest ad-blocking and
come down, telling you there’s a virus on your gimmicks. Chase notes that these antivirus software.
computer. en there’s the trickery come from cybercriminals who
isn’t it amaz- of pretending to be one of your “claim to be a customer, vendor, • Use a reputable email provider
contacts who is asking you to buy partner or employee asking for that o ers spam ltering and
ing how your gift cards and they’ll reimburse you. information which seems unusual multi-factor authentication (MFA).
or out of character.” Helpful hints
home seems at’s highly suspicious on the face to protect against these tactics • Download software only from
of it, but apparently it works often include … trusted sources.
to double in size and everything feels simpler and enough that it keeps making the
rounds. • Con rm the person’s identity • Never use public Wi-Fi to
lighter. before sharing con dential enter personal credentials on a
Any of these underhanded tactics information or taking requested website; consider using a VPN
ere is something about having “less” that can nd you via email, text or voice. actions. (virtual private network).

makes you feel capable of so much more. DE-VICTIMIZE YOURSELF • Never trust emails, texts or As Bruce was writing the above piece,
Chase advises that the steps you unsolicited phone calls alone to he received an email that posed as a
What if we did that in other areas of life? should take to not become a victim authorize payment requests or “subscription invoice” for $543 from
of fraud include … change contact information, even antivirus software brand Norton. e
Less busy. • Do not click any links, open if it seems to be coming from a Sender was displayed as “fdr” and the
attachments or call any numbers supervisor. hidden address for “fdr” revealed a
Less negativity. provided. Gmail domain instead of an o cial
• Never o er such data as user • Restrict information you share Norton address. At least “fdr” was
Less clutter. names, passwords or any sensitive on social media, such as job title, thoughtful enough to o er Bruce the
personal information. location or travel plans. Fraudsters opportunity to claim a refund and
Less worrying. • Almost all legitimate can use such knowledge to target provided a phone number for its
organizations will not request such you. “Refund & Settlement Dept.” at
How much more large, inviting and calm would information via email. sounds like a New Deal, but Bruce
• Hover your cursor over any PRACTICAL TIPS FROM hopes “fdr” doesn’t hold their breath
our days feel? website or email address to closely CHASE waiting for his call. Or maybe he
examine the actual URL address should hope that. [email protected];
As we walk forward in this new year, let’s focus Finally, several practical tips that 914-275-6887.
apply to individuals or businesses
on less so we have room for more of what truly …


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Set realistic long and short-term goals Praise for

Dear Dr. Linda, resist it is to think about where you want to be way above average, even brilliant, and therefore Publisher’s
push them to take courses that are too di cult
We are the parents of twin boys in eighth in ve years, in a year, in a month. If you want for them. is is similar to adults who go on a Memo
diet with the goal of losing a certain amount of
grade. to t into a particular dress or need to wear weight in a short period of time. It’s not realis- To the Editor: 
tic. Eventually, they gain back all the weight. I just read the Publisher’s
As our New Year’s resolutions, my husband your tux to a black tie a air, it’s easier to resist
4. As parents, be sure your children know the Memo written by Brett
and I decided to lose the cake. is can be done by best way to study for their learning style. Many Freeman “DEI versus
parents sit with their kids for hours drilling academic freedom” ( Jan. 5,
weight, and our boys not buying it in the rst place, them, when in fact their child would do better Page 8), and it blew me away.
if they sat by themselves and drew pictures and
said they were going to STRONG or replacing it with a lower- explained the material to the parent. So concise and spot on
get better grades. But, LEARNING calorie dessert…fruit. But it without the usual political
my husband and I are takes willpower. 5. As parents, help your children make do- rhetoric from the left or right.
ing school work, as with dieting, part of their I hope my town and more
realistic. Even though we DR. LINDA It’s the same for kids who lifestyle. Make little changes at rst to work importantly my school board
have good intentions to SILBERT experience the approach- towards your goals. Be sure that your twins still read this article, as they all
eat well, when the rubber approach con ict (I want this, have time to play on their iPhones and watch could learn something. As a
TV. Create a weekly schedule and ll it in with grandparent with children
meets the road at a party, but I also want this) between them. See how much time they need to com- attending the Katonah-
plete their assignments and prepare for tests. Lewisboro School District, I
let’s say, we would choose playing games or doing what Fill in the shows they want to watch and time am especially concerned with
to play games. You may nd out that there is the DEI initiatives being
chocolate cake over fruit needs to be done to get high no time to do more schoolwork because of taught in school.
sports and other outside commitments. If that
every time. Perhaps it would help if someone grades. Here’s what I suggest: is the case, together decide how to cut back on Coming to Lewisboro 39
some things. years ago, four children going
was there at that moment to encourage us to 1. Sit down with your twins and write down through the system, things
6. Be their ally, work with them when they have de nitely  changed.
have fruit, but frankly, we would resent it. So, long-term goals. For example, colleges they get stuck, contact their teachers if you need Academic expression and
extra support, and talk about how hard it is diversity of ideas have been
our two questions are, how do we get our kids may be interested in or careers they may be for you to stay away from the chocolate cake subverted in the pursuit of
or whatever it is that you want. Be a good role social equity and group think.
to choose to study over using their iPads or thinking about. Remember, they’re only in 8th model.
ank you for being the voice
watching TV? And how do we enforce that grade and will probably not be mature enough Good luck and have fun, of reason.

without them resenting us? to set realistic long terms. -Dr. Linda -Glenn DeFaber

Sincerely, 2. en together, make a list of short-term Cross River

Realistic parents who like chocolate cake goals that they need to do to get to their

long-term goals. For example, if the colleges

Dear Realistic Parents, they look at require at least a GPA of 90%,

What great realistic questions. then they have to start getting grades around

If it was easy to do, more kids would have 90% in 9th grade. ey need to understand

higher grades and more people would be that the GPA that gets sent to the colleges in

thinner. It would also put all the gyms and diet 12th grade is an average of 9th, 10th, 11th and

centers out of business. e issue is learning beginning 12th.

how to put o immediate grati cation in order 3. As parents, be sure the goals, long-term

to get to your long-term goal. Is that easy to and short-term, are realistic. Many parents

do? NO. When chocolate cake is staring you have a fantasy of a child, but that’s not who

in the face, it’s hard to resist it. e only way to the child is. Many parents think their child is

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ILLUSION Sydney Leary
Lukas Lee
Rob Dusovic Jackson Gri
of their peers, and sang along to songs by the
likes of No Doubt and Deftones and many

e sense of connection among bandmates
and fellow students really stood out for Leary.
“Illusion has given me a family at MHS,” she
said. “ e bandmembers are people that I can
always count on and friends that I’ll have for
the rest of my life.”

Other members of the band echoed Leary’s
sentiments. Ricky Vega, a junior who plays
drums, took to social media after the last show
to share his gratitude. “It has been such an
honor to play with everybody,” he wrote.“ is
will go down as three days I will truly never

Performers and crew alike have shared
that the show has been an experience like no
other. For tech crew member Arianna Liptak,
a junior, Illusion gives her the feeling of being
part of something bigger than herself.She said
it has helped her form new relationships--not
only with more students, but also with teach-
ers like show director Stas Przymylski.

Illusion is always a bit bittersweet, acting
as a goodbye to the graduating seniors. is
year’s shows were especially poignant, how-
ever, because they were dedicated to Mahopac
and to the program as a whole.

While many traditions were preserved,such
as the annual introduction video, the 2022
edition also added new elements. is year’s
shows really focused on the music, with a full
band that showcased instrumentalists like ju-
nior Maxine Van Nortwick on trombone and
senior Jackson Grimm on trumpet. Addition-
ally, instead of the typical nale song “Don’t
Stop Believing,” the performers paid homage
to the area by closing with the B-52s classic
“Love Shack,” which is rumored to have been
written in Mahopac.

e tradition of Mahopac’s annual rock
concert has been a staple in the school com-
munity for the past 40 years. It serves as not
only a way for community members to revel
in some classic songs, but also to connect with
one another and come together in the heart
of Mahopac. Students, family, friends, and
alumni frequent the concerts yearly. And with
new students stepping up to share their talents
every year, expect this tradition to keep rock-
ing for decades to come.

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win over Hen
Hud in tourney

Struggle late in loss to RCK

BY SKIP PEARLMAN e ‘Pac struggled with

CONTRIBUTING WRITER RCK’s height and athleticism,

and could not nd its shot in

e Mahopac girls basketball the fourth - even after closing

team had a rough fourth quarter the gap to ve points midway

last Friday night (1/6) at home through the quarter.
against RCK, and paid with a “We got close in the fourth, Senior Kristina Rush was named MVP at the Jack Piper Klammer shoots from the elbow.
50-43 loss to the Dutchess In- but could not get past that bar- McGuire Tournament.

dians. Mahopac bounced back rier,” Hynes said. “Especially

Monday evening (1/9), how- when we were not making free

ever, cruising to a 73-37 victory throws or layups. But the girls

over the Sailors of Hen Hud in saw how close we were...we

the Jack McGuire Tournament could have won with the points

championship game. we left out there. I think they see

Monday night in Montrose, that we can play with some of

freshman Madysen Ford con- the best in the area.”

tinued her emergence, leading Ford led Mahopac with 10

Mahopac (8-2) with 17 points, points, Piper Klammer had nine

and was named to the All-Tour- points to go with ve steals, and

nament team, along with senior Gianna Rispoli had nine points.

Lauren Beberman, who had 12 “We will not always have a

points. Senior Kristina Rush led great o ensive game, but we will

Mahopac with 16 points, and always have our defensive game,”

was named tournament MVP. Beberman said after the loss.

“We played good defense and “When we got it to ve, we had

o ense, and our shots were fall- some momentum. But then our

ing,”Coach Mairead Hynes said. shots just were not falling, and

“We shared the ball, and it was we got a lot of fouls and kind of

good to see it go in the hoop.” lost it. We will continue to work

“Against RCK, that was a hard- on our o ense, and hitting shots

fought game with a great atmo- late. at can be the di erence

sphere,”Hynes added.“We played between winning and losing.”

great defense, but didn’t capitalize e Indians were scheduled

on o ense. We missed a lot of op- to host John Jay-East Fishkill PHOTOS: SKIP PEARLMAN

portunities, which is tough, espe- ursday (1/12) at 6 p.m. Freshman Madysen Ford drives past a pair of RCK defenders last Friday night (1/6) at home.
cially in such a close game.”


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‘Pac boysBOYSBASKETBALL cannot hang with Poughkeepsie
Fall on road to Ardsley


CONTRIBUTING WRITER 10 rebounds, six assists and a

pair of steals.

Mahopac’s boys basketball e Indians lost to Greeley,

team had a tough time hanging 55-53, the following evening

with Poughkeepsie in a 61-48 (12/29) in the championship

home loss last Wednesday (1/4) game.

evening. e Indians traveled to Couzens led the Indians

Ardsley Saturday (1/7), and suf- with 22 points, Scanlan had 10

fered a 60-39 loss. points, to go with 13 rebounds,

Saturday at Ardsley, senior and Danny Koch had 10 points.

guard Leury Reyes led Ma- “We made too many mistakes

hopac (playing without a sick throughout the game to over-

Joey Koch) with seven points, come,” Calabro said. “But I was

and junior forward Daniel Ded- proud of how we battled. Gree-

vukaj added six points and six ley made some big plays down

rebounds, as the host opened the stretch.”

the game with a 16-2 run that e Indians (2-6) were sched-

stretched to 22-4, and 37-10 at uled to visit John Jay-East Fish-

halftime. kill ursday (1/12) at 6 p.m.

“We really took one on the and visit Greeley Friday (1/13) Jake Couzens brings the ball across midcourt. PHOTOS: SKIP PEARLMAN
chin at Ardsley,” Coach Matt at 6:15 p.m.
Jalen Jones grabs a rebound.

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IndiansGYMNASTICS edge Scarsdale and Edgemont


On Wednesday, Jan. 4, the Ma- Lia Graap Keira Callahan
hopac gymnastics team returned to
Eclipse Gym on Route 6 and were Lexi Castrataro
happy to be back on the floor, the
beams and the bars. Kaitlyn Palange PHOTOS: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Coach Vin Collins talks to the team before they start their floor
“Considering the layoff and around high score (33.85) boasted.
the limited practice time, the kids Just behind, Lexie Castrataro A song called Savage by Megan vault (7.90) and fourth on the un- Practicing almost 40 hours a
had a good meet,” said Coach Vin even bars (8.10). But no matter the week, she and her teammates defi-
Collins, and the numbers were in registered a 33.05 third-place fin- Thee Stallion plays right in. final score, these Indians can never nitely need the synergy so they can
agreement. ish and was on the level about “It uplifts my confidence,” said lose with this group. live up to their coach’s expectation.
where she feels the most confident.
The Indians moved to 4-1 by Castrataro, who took third with a “The girls on this team are al- “We are looking to get better ev-
tallying a 162.9 over Scarsdale’s “I like the floor because of the 9.05. ways there to support you,” said ery meet,”concluded Collins.
123.0 and Edgemont’s 73.8. skills I have and the attitude,” she Castrataro.
She also took second on the
The coach pointed to the bars

“We had good connections,”
Collins assured.

The coach liked what he saw on
the floor too and feels good going
forward with his experienced team.
All have at least one year under
their belts, and the most senior
member has six.

Lia Graap holds that distinction
and finished first on the uneven
bars with a score of 9.00. A season’s
best, the senior has been relegated
solely to the elevated portion of the

“I would rather do that than
tumbling after I hurt my knee last
year,”she said.

The free-fall flipping is no both-
er at this point either.

“When you have been doing it
for so long, it’s not scary,” Graap

Kaitlyn Palange could concur,
and prefers the bars because she
enjoys hitting the high notes.

“I like to float in the air on my
dismount,” she said after taking
third place with an 8.20.

Her parents do not necessar-
ily agree, and feel the most secure
when gravity locks her in an up-
right position.

“They are definitely very scared,”
said Palange.

So how does she assure them at
this point?

“I don’t,” Palange playfully la-

They are probably pretty un-
steady when their daughter is flip-
ping the balance beam too. The
same could not be said for Palange,
though. She finished first with an
8.60,and closer to the floor was not
bad either.

“I had my high (floor) score of
the year,” the gymnast said of her
second-place finish (9.20).

Palange credited the power she
applied to her tumble and the
rhythm Nicki Minaj put into her

“Her music helps me to feel
more confident and feel more en-
ergy when I’m doing the routines,”
said Palange, who had the all-


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peak 21. Airborne (abbr.) 41. Esteemed award __ 17. Parts per billion (abbr.)
10. Group of important 22. Permanent church dÕOr 18. “The Stranger” author
people appointment 44. Partner to pains 20. Not old
12. South American nation 27. Larry and Curly’s pal 45. Deep blue 23. Periods of starvation
13. Amazes 28. Famed American 48. No longer living 24. Language of tribe in
14. __-Castell, makers of journalist 49. Country in the UK India
pens 33. 12th letter of Greek 50. Not even 25. Savings account
15. Perlman and Seehorn alphabet 51. Arizona city 26. Pitching stat
are two 34. In a way, vanished CLUES DOWN 29. Megabyte
16. Early medieval 36. Afflict in mind or body 1. Wager 30. Ribonucleic acid
alphabet 37. Egyptian Sun god 31. A place to put your feet
2. Classical 32. The fun part of a week
portico 35. We all have our own For puzzle solutions, please see
3. As a result 36. Partner to “oohed”
4. Bird 38. African nation
5. A type of 40. Breezed through
“Squad” 41. Sets out
6. Autonomic 42. Other
nervous system 43. Not fattening
7. Dish with food 44. “Much __ about
on a stick nothing”
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of Provo 46. Former EU monetary
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river 47. Charles S. Dutton
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Use a slow cooker for game day pick-me-ups

No matter which teams fans Pepperoni Pizza Dip Italian parsley cheese until melted and well sausage links
support, they’re sure to get hungry with Breadstick Dipper 1. Combine pizza sauce, blended. Serve with warm • 1 jar (26 ounces) spaghetti
watching the action play out. Serves 8 pepperoni, green onions, olives, Breadstick Dippers. sauce
and oregano in a 2-quart slow 3. For dippers, bake breadsticks • 1 large Vidalia onion (or other
at’s why game day hosts need • 1 jar or can (14 ounces) cooker. Cover; cook on low 2 according to package directions. sweet onion), sliced
to plan for various foods to keep pizza sauce hours or on high 1 to 1/2 hours Brush with melted butter and • 1 green bell pepper, cored,
guests satiated as they follow the • 3/4 cup chopped turkey or until mixture is hot. sprinkle with parsley. seeded and sliced
scores. pepperoni 2. Stir in mozzarella and cream • 1/4 cup packed dark brown
• 4 green onions, chopped Big Al’s Hot and Sweet sugar
Dips, small bites and other nger • 1 can (2-1/4 ounces) sliced Sausage Sandwich • Italian rolls, cut in half
foods are staples when the game is black olives, drained Makes 8 to 10 servings • Provolone cheese, sliced
on because they can be eaten easily • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano (optional)
in front of the big screen. Utilizing • 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded • 4 to 5 pounds hot Italian 1. Combine sausages, spaghetti
one or more slow cookers to pre- mozzarella cheese sauce, onion, bell peppers, and
pare such items creates more time • 1 package (3 ounces) cream brown sugar in slow cooker.
to watch the game, stock the cooler cheese, softened Cover; cook on low 8 to 10
with refreshments and ready the Dippers hours or on high 4 to 6 hours.
home theater. Slow cookers also can 2. Place sausages in rolls. Top
keep meals warm on the bu et table. • 1 package (8 ounces) with vegetable mixture. Add
refrigerated breadstick dough provolone cheese, if desired.
ese recipes for “Pepperoni • 2 teaspoons melted butter Tip: Instead of large Italian rolls,
Pizza Dip with Breadstick Dippers” • 2 teaspoons minced fresh use slider buns or medium
and “Big Al’s Hot and Sweet Sau- kaiser rolls to stretch the
sage Sandwich” from “Crock*Pot® sausage mixture further and
365 Year-Round Recipes” (Publi- make it easier to eat while
cations International, Ltd.) from watching the game.
the Crock*Pot Kitchens make great
game day meals. Adjust as needed
for the game day crowd.

Free Admission

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Tendy to seek third term as Putnam DA

BY BOB DUMAS “Most importantly, we have a which are like a thruway for crimi- term of working with my assistant everyone in the o ce exhibits every
great relationship with the law en- nal activity,”he said. district attorneys, support sta , day.”

forcement community--the Put- Tendy ran unopposed in 2019 and all the various law enforce- Tendy added that Putnam is

Putnam County District Attor- nam County Sheri ’s Department, and said he does not know if any ment agencies, to continue to make frequently ranked one of the safest

ney Robert Tendy has announced local police departments, state challengers will come forward this Putnam County a safe place to live, counties in the state because “we are

that he will seek reelection to a third troopers, and various state and fed- year. He said he doesn’t consider work, and raise a family,” Tendy law-abiding.

term this fall. eral agencies,” he added. “It’s a real himself a politician but will cam- said. “It’s been a wonderful experi- ”People are very involved in the

“We have a great o ce with spirit of cooperation. ey are the paign if necessary. ence. I’m very grateful for all the community,” he said. “We have a

very dedicated employees. It is a ones on the front lines, and we re- “I’m looking forward to another hard work and professionalism that great citizenry.”

pleasure to work with all of them, spect them tremendously.”

and to serve the people of Putnam Tendy also noted that through

County,”he said. asset forfeiture (assets seized as the

Tendy, who has been in o ce for product of criminal activity), the of- Your Family
eight years, cited the three new bu- ce has given more than $300,000
reaus he created among his proud- to various law enforcement agencies

est accomplishments. for computer equipment, tactical Car Care Center!

“We have started so many initia- training equipment, safety vests, li-

tives, including the Special Victims, cense plate readers, and more. “ is

Narcotics, and Major Financial saves the county and local taxpayers

Crimes bureaus,” he said. “We have a lot of money and provides essen-

outreach programs to seniors, teens, tial equipment to these agencies,” For over 20 years, Joe Ferone of Proper Service has been

as well as the immigrant communi- he said. “Asset forfeiture is a great

ty. It has been very gratifying to see crime- ghting tool, and we use it serving the community, creating relationships,
these programs take o and work judiciously.” and building a remarkable company with
so well. We created the rst written an amazing team of employees!
ethics policy for the o ce, as well as Tendy also highlighted some
noteworthy prosecutions under his

the rst conviction integrity review tenure.

process.” “We convicted one defendant Find out why Joe Ferone of Proper Service needs to be

Tendy said all the new bureaus of stealing over $100,000 from a YOUR Go-To Automotive Service Center!

have proven successful. senior citizen, one woman for de-

“In our case we have ADAs who frauding the state of more than

handle them who are trained in $30,000 of social service funds,

them and make it their specialty,” another for drug sale and weapons

he said. “[For example], we have possession, and one defendant who

Chana Krauss in Special Victims; killed his father and tried to cover

she has been doing it a long time it up, demanding a lengthy inves-

and is specialized in it. tigation, culminating in the arrest

and conviction of the defendant,”

he said. “ ere have been so many

other successful investigations and

prosecutions. Working collabora-

tively with other law enforcement

agencies has been a very successful

endeavor, and overall has improved

the safety of the residents of Put-

nam County.”

While Putnam County has rela-

PHOTOS: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL tively low crime, Tendy said his of-
Putnam County DA Bob Tendy ce is aware of threats from outside
addresses the Lake Mahopac
Rotary Club its borders.“We are very vigilant be- LOCATIONS:
cause we have I-84 and the Taconic,

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