North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.
Vol. 8 No. 17 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, July 7, 2022
Local officials weigh Court of Honor
Troop 4 Purdys welcomes
in on landmark new Eagle Scouts
Roe v. Wade reversal EDITOR
BY CAROL REIF of so-called “morning after” bullied or prevented from enter- A pair of local Scouts reached PHOTO COURTESY OF VERONICA SMITH
STAFF WRITER pills, certain national pharmacy ing such facilities. It enacts a 25- the end of an incredible journey
chains plan to limit purchases of foot no-harassment bu er zone earlier this month, as Troop 4 Liam and Gavin Smith are the
Elected o cials and candi- medication that women can take around clinics and designates an Purdys held a Court of Honor 10th and 11th Eagle Scouts in
dates for various o ces in our after having unprotected sex or “8-foot personal space bubble” ceremony on June 11. Friends, Troop 4’s history.
region reacted last week to the if their contraceptive failed. around any person within 100 family, fellow Scouts, and local
U.S. Supreme Court’s recent feet of them. o cials would gather at North bridge to join Boy Scout Troop 4
move to overturn Roe v. Wade, On Monday, June 27, Salem Middle/High School for Purdys in 5th grade. rough the
the decision that established the Westchester County Board “We want to protect the the occasion. For Gavin Smith years, Liam completed 23 merit
federal abortion protections of Legislators passed a law en- women who need these services and Liam Smith, the day would badges and served in a number of
nearly a half-century ago. suring safe access to reproduc- from aggressive advocacy that serve as the culmination of years leadership roles, including Assis-
tive health care facilities. Signed exceeds free speech and becomes of dedication and hard work, and tant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader,
e 6-3 ruling in Dobbs v. by County Executive George intimidation and interference they will forever be known as and Senior Patrol Leader, with
Jackson Women’s Health Orga- Latimer, it takes e ect immedi- with their personal safety,” Lat- Eagle Scouts. each position requiring him to
nization came down on Friday, ately. imer said. be elected by his fellow Scouts.
June 24, weeks after a leaked Eagle Scout is the highest ad- Liam currently attends Arch-
draft of the opinion set o a Democrats Erika Pierce (Dis- Running for Congress in the vancement rank in Scouting. To bishop Stepinac High School,
trict 2: Somers, North Salem, 16th District, Yorktown resi- achieve this distinction, a Boy
restorm of protests and politi- Bedford, Lewisboro, Mount dent Gashi plans on challenging Scout must ful ll requirements SEE SCOUTS PAGE 2
cal ghting across the country. Kisco, and Pound Ridge) incumbent Rep. Jamaal Bow- in the areas of leadership, service,
and Vedat Gashi (District 4: man in the upcoming Demo- and outdoor skills. To advance,
Anti-abortion groups hailed Somers, Yorktown, and New cratic primary. a Scout must meet require-
the decision as historic and Castle) were among the 15 leg- ments including tenure in a unit
vowed the ght wasn’t over, islators who voted “yes.” “Roe v. Wade granted wom- and leadership positions, as well
while pro-abortion rights orga- en the right to make decisions as the earning of merit badges
nizations scrambled to gure out e two voting “no” were about their own bodies and and the completion of an Eagle
what their next steps would be. Legislators Margaret Cunzio, health,” Gashi said. “Today the Scout project in service to their
a Conservative from District 3, Supreme Court took away that community.
Fears were raised about the and James Nolan, a Republican right. Gun regulations, LGBTQ
possible impact on other issues from District 15. plus rights, and voting rights are Liam Smith joined Cub
such as same-sex marriage and Scouts in 1st grade, crossing the
access to birth control. e law protects health care SEE ROE V.WADE PAGE 5
workers and patients from being
Citing potential shortages
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Page 2 – North Salem News Thursday, July 7, 2022
Attaining the rank of Eagle Scout requires tremendous dedication and the SCOUTS academically, regularly
support of family, friends, and fellow Scouts. achieving First Honor
FROM PAGE 1 Roll and being induct-
Liam Smith and Gavin Smith with Brent Golisano. Gavin Smith with Assemblyman PHOTOS COURTESY OF VERONICA SMITH ed into the National
Town Supervisor Warren Lucas speaking at the Chris Burdick. where his plays for Honor Society. He is
Court of Honor on June 11. Liam Smith with Assemblyman the lacrosse and cross- also a member of the
Chris Burdick. country teams, and school’s cross-country
regularly attains Honor and spring track teams,
Roll status. and was chosen as the
junior class represen-
As his Eagle Scout tative for Boys’ State
project, Liam chose to 2022, representing the
help Putnam Advo- Ernest Pasqua Post
CATS, a volunteer or- #1506 American Le-
ganization that works gion.
to provide assistance for
feral and stray cats in For his Eagle Scout
Putnam County. Liam project, Gavin chose to
led a team to build six aid e Putnam Hu-
feral cat houses, which mane Society. His ef-
provide shelter and forts involved leading
safety for the animals. a team of volunteers in
painting 24 dog pens,
Gavin Smith also constructing a bulletin
began his Scouting board made of recycled
career in 1st grade, materials, and repur-
crossing over to join posing an unused shed
Troop 4 Purdys in 5th into a memorial for an-
grade. Gavin attended imals and donors that
Camp Read and the have passed away. In
Sea Base High Adven- total, the project took
ture camp in Florida, 162 volunteer hours.
and was also elected
by his peers to roles as e Humane Society
Patrol Leader, Quar- was so pleased that they
termaster, and Senior o ered to pay Gavin to
Patrol Leader. During continue the painting
this time, he also com- project, but he instead
pleted 24 merit badges. declined and volun-
Gavin attends Arch- teered another 86 hours
bishop Stepinac High to complete the work.
School where he excels
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Thursday, July 7, 2022 North Salem News – Page 3
Readers overwhelmingly say ‘No’
Majority of surveyed readers oppose abortion and gun Supreme Court decisions
BY BRETT FREEMAN register your opinion, you can find with the majority of more moder- an abortion. No. Women have the right to
PUBLISHER the survey by visiting TAPintoMa- ate Americans,both Democrats and control their own bodies.;; Republicans, largely ignored. This -Diane Karsch
Halston Media reached out to; TAPin- does not bode well for the future of Somers -Michael Schwarzchild
the readers of our website, TAPin-; or TAPintoKLT. our republic as these attacks on indi- Somers, asking them their thoughts net (KLT stands for Katonah/ vidual choice and decision-making Yes.The initial ruling was uncon-
about two bombshell U.S.Supreme Lewisboro Times). are terrifying. Consider what’s next? stitutional and denied the people Yes. Liberal lunatics have hi-
Court cases that were decided a And after that? the right to decide. State rights were jacked absolutely everything the
couple of weeks ago. Do you support violated. last few years. They are in favor of
the Supreme Court The U.S. was founded on several intimidating judges. That’s why we
On June 24, in Dobbs v. Jackson fundamental concepts, including -Ann Fanizzi got rid of the Mafia. It’s a lie that
Women’s Health Organization, decision, which individual rights and freedom of you can’t get an abortion. You can.
the Supreme Court overturned the overturned Roe v. religion. This also implies a certain Carmel/Southeast It’s just saying that it’s not a fed-
1973 landmark abortion case, Roe amount of trust in our fellow hu- eral law. You can get one in NY
v. Wade, which held that the Con- Wade? mans to understand their particular No. If abortions are illegal, they State. In NY, you can probably get
stitution contained a right to abor- situation and take actions to protect will still take place, only in unsafe an abortion even if you are a man.
tion, which applied throughout the No. I feel that it’s wrong on so their health,where the ramifications conditions. I am genuinely con- The Constitution is the law. It’s
United States. In the 5-4 decision, many levels. It’s a woman’s body, of those actions are personal and do cerned for women in states that not fluid to bend to whatever the
the majority justices said that abor- therefore it should be her choice! not negatively impact others. This will ban abortions. It is a very sad flavor of the day is. If Democrats
tion regulations can be decided by I see as woman’s right to heath- includes freedom from persecution day, the court decides that a fetus don’t get their way, you are sure that
each state. care - not murder. If a woman is by others if they disagree based on is more important than the woman violence is never too far away. Also
raped, incest issue, baby poses harm their personal or religious beliefs. who carries and brings [the fetus/ not too far away are the midterms.
In New York State Rifle & Pis- to mother’s health, among other child] up. It is all backwards. The country belongs to the people,
tol Association Inc. v. Bruen, the issues, what’s the problem. It’s a Regardless of my personal feel- not politicians. TERM LIMITS
Supreme Court overturned New private issue and should remain as ings about abortion, everyone has -Rahel Abrams FOR ALL!
York’s requirement that residents one. Today is a sad day for women the personal right to make this de-
must show proper cause in order in the USA! If the Supreme Court cision for themselves free from the North Salem -Robert Johnson
to obtain a licence to carry a con- can rule like this, what else can we meddling and judgment of others. I Somers
cealed firearm. In its 6-3 decision, expect down the road. Not good!!!! recognize this opens the debate on Yes. The court did what they had
the court determined that New more specific points like how many to do. They are upholding the law. I am just so outraged we are go-
York’s regulation violated the 14th -Rita Faulkner weeks into the pregnancy and who Anyone that passed the required ing back 50 years! What I am feel-
Amendment preventing law-abid- North Salem needs to be consulted on the deci- high school level government class ing can’t be published ha ha.
ing citizens from exercising their sion, etc. I also recognize this is of- should really understand this! It’s
Second Amendment rights. No. States don’t have the right ten a very personal, emotional, and also very sad that companies are of- -Beth Roche
to regulate guns, but the have the difficult decision for the individual fering to pay for their employees to Carmel/Mahopac
The survey was conducted power to regulate a woman’s uter- and therefore, an individual deci- travel and have abortions. Where is
through Survey Monkey. There us? This is about power and control sion. the support for workers with chil- No. It is an intrusion into wom-
were 166 respondents. over a woman’s body!! Very sad dren? en’s and family rights. Two of the
times for America. -Mark Reid justices are liars. [ Justice Clarence]
Thirty-five readers, or 21.08%, Carmel/Mahopac -Stacie Gelhaus Thomas has no respect for women
said they supported the Dobbs -Bairbre Ni Raghailligh as evidenced in his confirmation
decision; one hundred twenty nine Katonah/Lewisboro No. The fact there are no excep- Carmel/Mahopac hearings.
readers, or 77.71%, opposed the tions for rape and incest is uncon-
court’s decision. Two readers said Yes. It’s long overdue. Courts scionable. In the Jewish faith, the Yes. It should have never fallen -Gordon Sears
“none of the above.” should not impose their will on health, mental and physical, of the under Federal jurisdiction to begin Somers
matters that ought properly be the mother is paramount. with. The Supreme Court righted a
In the NYS Rifle & Pistol Asso- province of the people (expressed wrong. No. Government should not be
ciation case, 45 readers, or 27.44%, through their elected representa- -Herb Oringel able to take away a woman’s repro-
said they supported the court’s de- tives). Somers -Eric Rivera ductive rights.
cision.One hundred twelve readers,
or 68.29%, said they opposed the -Davis Stowell No. Three justices swore under Yorktown -Josh Davies
court’s decision. Seven readers, or Somers oath that they would uphold Roe v. Yorktown
4.27%, said “none of the above.” Wade as established legal precedent. Yes. I’m opposed to murder!
No. A woman’s right to what she -Geri Schwalb No. No one has the right to tell
Of the 166 respondents, 16, or does with her own body is nobody’s -Brenda Tillerman a woman what to do with her body.
9.64%, are North Salem residents; business, especially the state or the Katonah/Lewisboro Yorktown
nine respondents, or 5.42%, were church, which are becoming more -Dario Schiavetta
from Katonah/Lewisboro; 19 re- and more increasingly intertwined. No. Reproductive healthcare is a No.It sets a new precedent to un- Yorktown
spondents, or 11.45%, were from private decision between a woman dermine what have long been con-
Carmel/Mahopac; 51 respondents, -Alan Cramer and her doctor. sidered individual rights. Rights to No.This is tyranny.The Supreme
or 30.72%, were from Somers; and Yorktown privacy, marriage equality (same sex Court has been reduced to political
59 respondents, or 35.54%, were -Theresa Grimes and inter-racial) and religious free- hacks in black robes.
from Yorktown. Two respondents No. While I understand the Yorktown dom are all compromised,and it will
were from the Mt. Kisco/Bedford/ “logic” applied is that each state continue to be a slippery slope. The -Dwight Arthur
Pound Ridge area and 10 respon- should determine the legality of No. Although many (includ- recently appointed Supreme Court Carmel/Mahopac
dents were from outside our cover- abortion, what I fail to understand ing some pro-choice legal scholars) appointees are guilty of perjury to
age area. is how the government (judicial concede that the Constitutional Congress as they all stated that Roe No. It is taking our country
and legislative branches) can ignore basis for the original Roe decision was settled law. backward as it is a woman’s right
The vast majority of the respon- the well-being of its citizens. The has weaknesses, the Supreme Court to take care of her own body. Poli-
dents either supported both of the Constitution was created at a time seems to have thrown out the doc- -Melvyn Tanzman tics have no place in the freedom
court’s decisions in the survey or where feverish debate was under- trine of stare decisis in making this of choice.
opposed both decisions. Very few pinned by a spirit of cooperation ruling. Yorktown
of the respondents supported one between political rivals with small -Carol Grottolo Roach
decision and opposed the other. groups of vocal extremists, but -Lou Sorell Yes. Abortion is a combination of Yorktown
largely discounted. Today, extreme Katonah/Lewisboro murder, child abuse and denying a
Comments were only published views on both ends of the politi- persons right to life. Yes. The original ruling was not
if people gave both their first and cal spectrum dominate the agenda, No. Makes women second-class based on a Constitutional right and
last names. citizens. Discriminates against -Ed Byrnes
women who can’t afford to travel for SEE RESULTS PAGE 14
Halston Media will keep the Somers
survey open through July 14 and
will publish the final results. To No. Women have the right to
choose what happens to and within
their bodies, NOT conservative
-Janice Bilik
Page 4 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, July 7, 2022
The Staff St James Episcopal of Westchester speaker series and donation to our committee. If you minded individuals. RSVP’s
Church dinner is at Primavera Restau- believe in the conservative cause only! Please RSVP via email
EDITORIAL TEAM rant in Croton Falls with Joseph and want to support our e orts, with full name to northsalem-
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 Pinion III, Republican candidate consider mailing a donation via [email protected], and
[email protected]
ST. JAMES AUCTION for United States Senate. We check or money order to: North you will then be provided with
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Saturday, July 30, will also host Somers Council- Salem Republican Town Com- the Saturday morning time and
[email protected]
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. man William Faulkner who is a mittee (NSRTC), PO Box 289 location. Looking forward to
PAUL FORHAN Now accepting auction dona- Republican Congressional pri- North Salem, NY 10560. Follow seeing you soon.
(914) 806-3951 tions. Box up your goodies. e mary candidate for District 17, us daily on Facebook to keep up North Salem
[email protected] church is accepting auction quality and Gina Arena who is running with Republican issues at @North
BRUCE HELLER items, small furniture, collectibles, for the NY State Senate from Salem Republicans. If you want Democratic
(914) 486-7608 garden & hand tools, jewelry, and District 40. Listen to these won- to get involved in our commit- Committee
[email protected] white elephant treasures. Drop o s derful speakers while dining and tee or want to participate in other
LISA KAIN at St. James, located at 296 Titicus socializing with like-minded town volunteer e orts, email us
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] Road, North Salem. Donations ac- conservative women and men in at northsalemrepublicans@gmail.
(914) 760-7009 cepted on Wednesdays from 7 - 9 collaboration with the North Sa- com, and also visit our website for VOLUNTEERS WANTED
[email protected]
p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. - lem Republican Town Commit- more information at www.north- ere are a few open seats on
(914) 299-4541 12 p.m. For more details call 914- tee. Registration begins at 5:30 the town committee and the
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE 669-5563, or email stjamesnsny@ p.m. 6 p.m. meeting and speaker Democrats would love to have
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] start. Cost is $53. Payment: Ven- NORTH SALEM REPUBLICAN some new volunteers come for-
PRODUCTION TEAM North Salem mo or Zelle by Tuesday, July 12 SOCIAL CLUB ward. It’s a great way to meet
( rm deadline). We’re back and o Covid-19 new people and be involved in
PHOTOGRAPHER Republican Town hiatus! e North Salem Re- who and what shapes our com-
[email protected] id=3452723236177497254 publican Club will be hosting munity. If, on the other hand, you
DESIGNER get togethers for co ee, pas- may be interested in serving on
[email protected] VOLUNTEERS WANTED tries and informal conversation a town committee or board, we
EXECUTIVE TEAM e North Salem Republican in North Salem on Saturday suggest you keep an eye on the
CEO & PUBLISHER RWW/NSRTC COMBINED Town Committee is looking for mornings twice monthly. Please town’s website, northsalemny.
FEATURE EVENT volunteers. If you cannot volun- only bring your willingness to org, and send an inquiry to the
[email protected]
e next Republican Women teer your time, please consider a relax and speak freely with like town clerk, mhlushko@northsa-
Deadlines Vacancies are listed on
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS the town website. Contact us at
NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY 10560 or northsalemdemocratic-
[email protected]
TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830 Ruth Keeler
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Photos for illustrative purposes only. ©2017 Carpet One Floor & Home. All Rights Reserved from 7 - 8:30 p.m.
e Woman’s Hour: e Great
Fight to Win the Vote. Part of a
four-part series on Women’s Suf-