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Published by Halston Media, 2018-12-14 17:35:06

North Salem News 12.13.18

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 4 No. 37 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, December 13, 2018

Snowflake Ball Town votes to exceed tax cap
will be held in 2019 budget
at Salem
Golf Club BY JODI WEINBERGER Lucas explained that the need to override the tax cap is
EDITOR due to an unexpected increase in garbage costs.
EDITOR e Town Board will vote to increase its tax levy over e tax cap is 2.6 percent and the Town Board is look-
the state cap to pay for a garbage contract with City ing to go to 3.6 percent, putting the town over the tax
A new Snow ake Ball will be Carting. cap by $74,859.
held at the Salem Golf Club in
February, after the North Salem A nal vote on the budget is scheduled for Dec. 18, e total budget is $9,926,331, an increase of 4.7 per-
School District told the Pequena- which gives the town enough time to provide the re- cent from 2018.
konck PTO it couldn’t happen on quired public notice for overriding the tax cap.
school grounds anymore or be a Residents will see an increase in the tax rate of 2.15
PTO event. At a Town Board meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 4, council percent.
held its preliminary budget hearing. Supervisor Warren
A “Save the Date” for the event SEE BUDGET PAGE 14
was posted on Facebook giving the
details: the Snow ake Ball is for School board begins discussions
PQ girls and their special guest, to build a turf field
from 7-9 p.m., Feb. 8 at the Salem
Golf Club. BY JODI WEINBERGER means the district could possibly use some state aid money
EDITOR to pay for the whole thing.
Marcy Miller, who is co-presi-
dent of the PQ PTO, is chairing e North Salem School Board is once again assessing Brown said the idea to put in a turf eld at the North
the event privately along with a whether it should allocate money for a turf eld, some- Salem Middle School/High School goes back to 2004,
group of parents. thing parents say is necessary for the district’s sports teams. when turf elds weren’t as popular. Now, he said, nearly
every school in the area has one.
“We want to make sure the At the school board meeting last month, School Board
Snow ake Ball is still o ered for President Andrew Brown presented a rendering of a pro- A grass eld is about two-thirds the cost of a turf eld,
girls at PQ that so love this event,” posed turf eld from KSQ Architects for soccer, eld Brown said, but turf is necessary for the high level of ac-
Miller said. Additionally, the event hockey and lacrosse, a 300-person bleacher section with tion that happens on the school’s facilities.
press box, fencing, netting and lighting. A concession
SEE SNOWFLAKE BALL PAGE 14 stand was also included in the plans but Brown called During the 2004 discussions, Brown said there was
that “a pipe dream.” e district is also considering adding large support for a turf eld but the district moved slowly
bathrooms to the plan; the closest bathrooms to the eld and when the economy collapsed in 2008 plans for a eld
are still far for players and parents, Brown said, and adding stopped altogether.
on bathrooms to the school as part of the overall project
Over the last few years, the district has put money





19 Clip-clopping with cheer.
pg 12-13




Page 2 – North Salem News Senior Citizen Hall of Fame Thursday, December 13, 2018
honors three in North Salem
ree North Salem residents were honored 300th Anniversary of Westchester County’s ROCK
JODI WEINBERGER at the 36th Annual Westchester County Senior founding. Its purpose was to showcase how se- Place your
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 event here
[email protected] Citizen Hall of Fame Awards Luncheon on niors have contributed to building the County.
GABRIELLE BILIK Calling all schools, town
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 Dec. 7. More than 1,100 seniors have been inducted organizations, nonpro ts
[email protected] and houses of worship
e three residents are: Herb Geller, Rob since. in North Salem. Tell us
ADVERTISING TEAM about your event! Bal-
LISA KAIN Loeb, and Anna May Wiede. To be nominated, seniors must have made anced Rock is a place for
free listings for qualify-
914-351-2424 e Senior Citizens Hall of Fame is spon- signi cant and enduring contributions to en- ing organizations. Get
[email protected] in touch at weinberger@
sored by the Westchester County Department hance Westchester’s quality of life through their to place
PAUL FORHAN your event.
914-202-2392 of Senior Programs and Services (DSPS); the professional work, volunteer achievements or
[email protected] St. James
CORINNE STANTON Westchester County Department of Parks, Rec- both. Nominations are made by members of the Episcopal
[email protected] reation and Conservation; Westchester County community, and the honorees are selected by a Church
914-334-6335 Livable Communities and the Westchester panel of judges and Hall of Fame members. e St. James Episcopal Church
[email protected] is located at 296 Titicus Road,
NANCY SORBELLA Public/Private Partnership for Aging Services. names of past honorees are engraved on plaques North Salem. For more infor-
914-205-4183 mation, visit or
[email protected] “ e honorees show that age is never a de- that are permanently displayed at the DSPS of- email [email protected]
914-202-2941 terrent to being a vital member of our society,” ce in Mount Vernon. Dec. 15 Christmas Concert
[email protected] in the Village Hall at 4 p.m.
DSPS Commissioner Mae Carpenter said. “In is year’s Top Honors went to Joann featuring the St. James Choir
PRODUCTION TEAM with additional guest singers,
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL fact, it’s an advantage because of the life expe- Prinzivalli of White Plains and Rosemarie Sta- Martin Aronchick and Richard
Brooker on guitar and man-
PRODUCTION MANAGER riences they bring with them. eir generous sio of Mt. Kisco. Prinzivalli is a vocal advocate dolin, Anne Runol son sing-
DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER ing “Do you hear what I hear?”
[email protected] contributions have helped to make Westchester for the LGBT community. Stasio has been an piano duet of “Sleigh Ride
Fantasy” and many opportuni-
EXECUTIVE TEAM County one of the most senior-friendly places active volunteer at the Senior Center at Fox ties to sing along to Christmas
BRETT FREEMAN favorites.
in the world.” Center, FISH (Friends in Service Helping), and
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 The Schoolhouse
[email protected] e Senior Hall of Fame began in 1983, the My Second Home. Theater

SHELLEY KILCOYNE For more information
VP OF SALES: on any of these events, call
914-277-8477 or email
845-621-1116 [email protected].
[email protected]
e theater is located at 3
Deadlines Owens Road, North Salem.

NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE Just Jim Dale ursday, Dec.
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS 13 at 8 p.m. and Dec. 15 at 3
p.m. and 8 p.m. Jim Dale is the
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR last of the great old music hall
performers. He sings, he danc-
NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY es, he tells jokes with exquisite
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. timing, but overall he exudes
energy that is simply conta-
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL gious. For 90 minutes he never
JODI WEINBERGER AT 914-302-5830 leaves the stage. Just Jim and a
wonderful accompanist, Mark
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ York who has been accom-
HALSTONMEDIA.COM panying Jim, as he explained,
for decades in the style of and
Online reminiscent of Cy Coleman
and Jerry Herman. It’s the most
FOLLOW US engaging hour-and-a-half seen
in decades.
Diversions and Delights,
BAILEY COURT a Croton Falls Christmas is
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S from Dec. 13-23

SOMERS, NY 10589 “The Color of Light” by
Jesse Kornbluth is from April

Thursday, December 13, 2018 Your Neighbor North Salem News – Page 3

Teen’s Mets-themed

Super PAC lands in
Sports Illustrated

15-year-old wanted to get involved in the midterms

BY JESSICA JAFET considered an “independent-expenditure-only po- PHOTO BY JESSICA JAFET
CONTRIBUTING WRITER litical committee that may accept unlimited contri-
butions, including from corporations and labor or- Ben Aybar
More than ever, it seems, the younger generation is ganizations,” according to the FEC. Monies received
ready to drive change as political citizens. are used to run ads, messaging or other communica- covered a keen interest in politics and joined a cur-
tions. rent events club.
Ben Aybar, a North Salem 15-year-old who can’t
yet vote, is de nitely in that category. And while Aybar was amazed with what he, a kid As the midterms drew closer, he researched and
in high school, was able to do, a reporter from Sports learned more and the idea of creating a Super PAC
He was looking for a way to be more involved in Illustrated, Emma Baccelieri was also surprised by piqued his interest.
this year’s midterm elections when he realized any- the baseball-themed Super PAC, but for a di erent
one could set up a Super PAC to collect funds to reason. “I read a story about how prisoners had made Su-
advocate for or against candidates. per PACs,” Aybar said. “I found it kind of weird how
In a post on Sport Illustrated, Baccelieri explained unregulated the campaign nance system was and I
With a few clicks and online paperwork, “Mets are she had signed up for an email newsletter from Polit- thought it wasn’t really appropriate that just about
a Good Team Committee,” was established and open ico, which includes a daily rundown of the day’s news anybody could raise any amount of money.”
for donations. about money and politics along with a daily listing
of new PACs. Ben, the eldest of three brothers, said it was the
e name, which was originally chosen as a lark, curious nature of these entities that emboldened him
became a tting metaphor, Aybar explained. He She had made a habit of reading it every afternoon to create and now use his own Super PAC to make
wanted to make use of his new Super PAC by target- when Ben’s Super PAC caught her eye. American politics more transparent.
ing his frustrations with politics and playing o the
Met’s losing record. “ ere wasn’t much precedent for a baseball team “From the town board to the presidency, we will
to pop up here, and after the 2018 Mets’ 77-85 cam- support candidates who exemplify these values,” he
“ e Mets are kind of the underdog team,” and paign, there wasn’t much for anyone to be calling added.
along with “rooting out shady campaign nance them good, either,” Baccelieri wrote. “Who, then,
practices, (the Super PAC) will seek to oust incum- was behind the Mets Are A Good Team Committee Certainly, his enthusiasm and energy is something
bent candidates who are beholden to rich donors Super PAC?” to be admired.
and support [underdog] candidates who will work
against corruption,” Aybar said. She was able to deduce pretty quickly through “I’m proud that Ben is trying to make a di erence
FEC paperwork that it wasn’t a typical Super PAC through his passion for politics—not an easy thing
Super PACs do not raise money for individual founder and reached out to Ben through an email to do at his age; he keeps our whole family engaged
candidates; Federal Election Commission (FEC) listed on the forms. and up-to-date on any new political developments,”
rules put a $2,700 limit on such donations and tradi- she added.
tional political action committees also have a ceiling He was at school he got the email told Baccelieri
on how much money they he could talk at 10 a.m., but during the phone call In addition to politics, the busy teen plays baseball,
can accept. “Mets are participates in the debate club, is an avid chess player
a Good Team” is admitted he needed to ask his parents permission and has competed for several years at the Battle of
for the interview, oh and tell them he started the Books trivia contest at North Salem Library. As
at Super PAC. for his future plans, he feels drawn to the political
“Ben texted me from school and told arena, as a way to make a di erence in the world.
me that he had started the Super
PAC and asked if he could speak “ e reason I think it is important to get involved
with a Sports Illustrated reporter in politics is because otherwise, you are complacent,
about it,” Susie Aybar, Ben’s he said. “If you look at some terrible thing going on
mom, told the North Salem in the world on the news and you just sigh about
News. “It didn’t seem like Ben how terrible it is and you give nothing more than
was joking.” thoughts and prayers to those a ected by the cri-
Aybar attended elementary sis, you are saying you are okay with it. And people
school in North Salem and shouldn’t be okay with the kind of stu that goes on
is currently a sophomore at in the world today.”
Hackley School in Tarrytown.
As he watched the presiden-
tial election primaries unfold
back in middle school, he dis-

Read more about Ben in Sports Illustrated at

Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, December 13, 2018

Take a bite

North Salem students share food
from their countries

Seventh graders in the family and consumer science class presented their Taste of
Culture projects to teach their fellow classmates about their heritage. e kids discussed
cuisine, location, geography and how climate impacts food along with preparing a home-
made dish to share with the class.


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Thursday, December 13, 2018 North Salem News – Page 5




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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, December 13, 2018

ROCK categories. Hay elds recom- Concert with a snow date of early dismissal, 10:30 a.m. celebration at the Chapel at
FROM PAGE 2 Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Holiday re-
mends teams for four people. Dec. 19. Croton Falls is at 6 p.m. Dec. 26
cess, school closed
Hayfields It’s $5 a person to play. Food, Dec. 21: early dismissal at at 609 Route 22, Croton Falls.
beer and wine is available along 11:30 a.m. Friends of Karen
e suggested donation is $15.
Friends of Karen, which sup-
with prizes for the winning Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Holiday re- ports critically-ill children and e Chapel hosts monthly
their families, has launched
Hay elds is located at 1 team. Upcoming dates: Dec. 19, cess, no school their annual Holiday Adopt- Interfaith Sundays, usually on
A-Family program for 2018 to
Bloomer Road. For more infor- Jan. 16, Feb. 20 and March 20. Middle School/High School ensure each Friends of Karen the third Sunday morning of
child and their siblings have
mation, visit hay North Salem Dec. 14: Middle School something to smile about this the month. But the solstice
Monthly Trivia starts at 7 Movie Matinee, 5 p.m. holiday season.
service is always held in the
As in years past, Friends of
p.m. and goes until 9:30 p.m. Schools Dec. 18: High School Winter Karen will turn to both individu- evening, so that the darkened
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Trivia Concern, 7:30 p.m. als, businesses and community
groups to help spread the holiday church can be lled with the
spirit and shop to ll nearly 900
is brought to you by the o cial PQ upcoming events: Dec. 19: Progress reports “Holiday Wish Lists” this season. light from our candles and the
Anyone wanting to help is asked
Pub Quiz organization with a Dec. 13: PTO Assembly available on parent portal to purchase one gift for one child glorious Christmas tree donat-
or several gifts. For those unable
wide variety of questions and Dec. 18: 6:30 p.m. Holiday Dec. 21: Middle/high school to shop, Friends of Karen accepts ed each year by the Outhouse
cash donations as well.
Friends of Karen asks for do-
The Schoolhouse Theater & Arts Center nors to help make sure there is year’s special guests
are gifts for every child. To par-
ticipate in this annual tradition, will include: transcendent
please contact Denise Tredwell
at 914-617-4052 or denise- songstress Kristin Ho mann;
[email protected] to
Only 3 get started. multi-instrumentalist ute
Performances !!!
‘A New York Winter Solstice player Premik Russell Tubbs;
Treasure’ Magic
Bear Walker, holistic healer
e annual Winter Solstice
and Native American medicine

man; and Westchester Spirited

Drumming, a local group open

to all. Members of the Chapel’s

interfaith team will add to the

magic. All ages are invited to

bring a drum or a rattle to help

us to call in the light! If lower

lot is full, please park up Owen

Road on the right at the back of

‘Tony Award Winner, Two Time Grammy Schoolhouse. is event is spon-
Award Winner and Academy Award
sored by the Garden of Light
Nominee, brings his New York & London
one man show to (501c3), a platform for emerging

The Schoolhouse Theater’ spirituality that arose out of the

THURS. Dec. 13th - 8PM | SAT. Dec. 15th - 3PM & 8PM  interfaith services at the Chapel.



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Thursday, December 13, 2018 North Salem News – Page 7



toward other things, like new roofs and a again, the turf eld could be used for that. PHOTO COURTESY OF ANDREW BROWN
septic system, but parents say its now time “We’ll get our truer numbers from the architect and
for the turf eld. putting $60,000 into the budget for doing these stud-
report back and then I think the board is amenable for ies,” Brown said. “Hopefully the eld is buildable at a
“It’s time the school had a great eld that reasonable price.”
this school can be proud to call its home
turf,” said parent Bruce Dallow at the school
board meeting.

First, however, Brown said several stud-
ies need to be done to determine whether
installing a turf eld is a viable option. e
KSQ architect quoted the district a price of
about $3.5 million for a eld, but Brown said
that gure doesn’t account for how much it
would cost to install a eld in 2022, when
the project would likely happen.

e next step for the district is to allocate
money for an environmental study and a
topographical study to see how much rock is
underground where crews would be digging.

e eld would be paid for by a bond, but
Brown said it should provide some peace of
mind to tax payers that a 15-year bond is set
to retire around the time the district would
take out a new bond for a eld.

e problem with the current elds mostly
comes down to one thing,Brown said: “Mud.”

During a “lucky” year, without too much
rain, the eld may be in decent shape for
fall soccer, but by the time lacrosse gets on
the eld in the spring “it’s in terrible shape,”
Brown said. A turf eld can take on gallons
of water, allowing for an all-year playing
surface for the district and the community.

Brown envisions the eld would be used by the dis-
trict and the town to let the town “rest” and repair its

elds. Plus, if North Salem ever had a football team

Your Local Garden Shop
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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, December 13, 2018


Using a wider lens

In the wonderfully comedic movie, in Sumatra, Indonesia. e result was
“ e Big Sick,” the protagonist a massive deposit of soot and volcanic Best places to take in the
lights this holiday season
hilariously attempts to downplay—in ash, which blanketed the sun and caused

his stand-up routine— a global volcanic

that he forgot his winter of six to 10
MY years. is preceded
girlfriend’s birthday.

He suggests that, in PERSPECTIVE what many scientists

light of all the cosmic JAMES estimate to have been It’s hard for me to narrow down unique and it is a must-do for all. May
facts of the earth and MARTORANO a 1,000-year-long
universe, his faux pas cooling episode. One diversions, reign in my curiosity in you stay merry and bright all season!

is rather insigni cant, can only imagine the pursuit of new places and experienc-

and therefore ex- chaos that must have es any day, but during Untermyer Gardens

cusable. Although permeated the human the holiday season all Grand Illumination

intended only as comedy, he does raise an race as whole tribes of people struggled bets are o . ere just DIVERSIONS & Untermyer Garden

interesting point. to escape the poisonous and choking ash. aren’t enough hours in EXCURSIONS Conservancy

If you’re like me, your life is ooded Since the sun was blacked out of the sky, each day from No- NANCY 945 North Broadway,

with the need to accomplish myriad temperatures plunged and 90 percent of vember to January for SORBELLA Yonkers

detailed and speci c tasks. Did I take out all living things perished. e survivors me. My color-coded www.untermyer

the recycling? Did I remember to (you who remained, an estimated 2,000, be- calendar, a require-

can ll in the blank)? Yet, occasionally came the new Adams and Eves, as they ment in my family is Beginning on Dec.

I’m tempted to open up my mind’s “lens” populated the planet. quite a kaleidoscope 12, the magni cent

and take a wider view of life. How wide? Is it possible that all of us have, as this time of year. I try to make the most walled garden at Untermyer Park will be

My favorite physicist, Michio Kaku, sug- ancestors, this small group of 2,000 sur- of every day and savor the memories illuminated. e fabulous architecture,

gests there is no limit to how far we can vivors? It seems preposterous. However, as best as I can. It’s one of those times statuary and horticultural elements will

look both backwards and forwards. So, the fact that our DNA is so similar in when sensory overload isn’t a bad thing be lit in a unique artistic style on the

let’s give it a try. all humans is, for most scientists, strong as long as you can be present in the banks of the majestic Hudson River. As

Scientists suggest the universe be- evidence that we did indeed originate moment. the garden is illuminated, music re ect-

gan around 13.8 billion years ago with from such a small group. If you examine I love to do as much as possible but ing di erent cultures is played while

the earth forming a mere 4.543 billion the DNA of other species, you will see every night I make time to sit in front of guests stroll freely around the site en-

years ago. Dinosaurs roamed the earth wildly disparate results. our tree and re ect on the beauty, spiritu- joying hot cocoa. is same experience

until around 65 million years ago when Perhaps the dilemma of a species ality, generosity and festivity of each day. is available every night from 4-8 p.m.

the Cretaceous-Palaeogene extinction struggling to avoid extinction is not I’m grateful for everyone and everything through Jan. 1 and is a must-go. ere is

occurred. Not only did they perish as a unique to us. In 1992, scientists discov- in my life every single day. I’m grateful truly nothing like this stunning artistic

result of a shower of meteors, but most ered a planet, very much like earth, that that this year my neighbors have such light-enhanced treasure.

of the world’s animal and plant species was orbiting a dead star. One can only fabulous and tasteful decorations and Why I love it:

did as well. is is only one of ve major imagine the emotional distress of any lights that no one will notice my house, Because it is like no other holiday

extinction cycles that seem to reoccur intelligent life as they came to realize usually decorated, but not this year, in it’s lights experience. Because this garden is

every 700,000 years. that their sun, and therefore their planet, pitiful pre-paint condition. a fave of mine and I talk about it a lot

Finally, around 200,000 years ago, was doomed. No living thing can escape Seriously, I have a million things to and visit throughout the year. Because

humans emerged (if you see a movie the levels of radiation emitted from a do, and I’ll be sharing some ahead of this is where, at the Summer Solstice

where humans are sharing the earth with dying sun. is is the very scenario that is time and some after the fact (my up- Soiree, that I met one of my oldest

dinosaurs, walk out). Approximately the basis of the Superman epic. Krypton coming weekend in the city). is week childhood friends after, well, about a

75,000 years ago, the volcano Toba is dying; yet, most of the leaders of the I’m all about holiday light displays. I can hundred years. Because growing up

erupted. is was a super volcanic erup- SEE MARTORANO PAGE 10 never get enough of them. ere is one SEE DIVERSIONS PAGE 11
tion at the site of present-day Lake Toba reprise, from last year, but it is the most

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR SOMERS, NY 10589 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
Fax: 914-617-8508 all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
[email protected] op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail

to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

Thursday, December 13, 2018 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

Reconsider what you think is the ‘perfect’ college

ketball team, plenty of schools happened, she needs to real- tutor. Some kids do better on her goals. If she ends up going
would accept her in a minute. ize that her scores are for the
STRONG So, accept who she is—not the PSAT. e colleges never see the SATs while others do better to a school that she didn’t want
LEARNING fantasy of who you want her those scores. ey only look
to be—and once she’s over her at the SATs or ACTs. Have on the ACTs. to go to for some reason other
DR. LINDA disappointment, here’s what I her get some help to prepare
SILBERT think you need to do: for both exams. She can take a After she takes these exams than her friends or siblings went
course or meet with a private
Dear Dr. Linda, One of the most important in the spring, she can start look- somewhere else, she can always
Just got our daughter’s PSAT things you can teach your
daughter is that if things don’t ing for schools that t her GPA, transfer.
scores. ey’re 1100 total. We go as she planned, no matter
all feel horrible because she’s how much time and e ort she SATs, ACTs, extracurricular SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 11
worked so hard, has taken put into it and no matter how activities, her personality and
honors and AP courses and her disappointed she is, reality is
GPA is a 96. She’s president of reality and needs to be faced. If David Ferman
the class and is on the var- she can truly say that she did
sity basketball team. Her older the best she could on the test Vice President
brother went to Yale and her and 1100 was the result, then Financial Advisor
sister is at Princeton. She’s al- she needs to examine her op- 522 5th Avenue, 15th Floor
ways followed in their footsteps tions (and there are many) and New York, NY, 10036
and now feels she’s a failure and move on. +1 212 296-1201
stupid. She had a total melt- [email protected]
down when she saw her scores. When most people hear that NMLS # 1301095
I must admit that we did too. they have to face reality, they
Where do we go from here? usually respond by saying, “You © 2017 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC.
don’t understand. You don’t Member SIPC. CRC1596709
Sally and Greg know how I feel.” And that is
true. No one can put them-
Dear Sally and Greg, selves in her shoes. But people
I think you need to step back, who have realistic positive
self-esteem do bounce back. If
take a deep breath and count she’s having trouble or has had
your blessings. If she has a GPA trouble regrouping, she may
of 96 after taking honors and need to see someone profession-
AP courses, is president of her ally. e same goes for you both.
class and is on the varsity bas-
Once she has accepted what


Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, December 13, 2018

Goody boxes MARTORANO

Americans love to receive pack- subscription boxes for everything under nies from around the world), beer of the FROM PAGE 8
ages. We actually buy presents the sun. In the old days, the only subscrip- month and pickles of the month. You can
for ourselves order 12 months of hot sauce, exotic teas, planet are in denial. Superman’s
tion gifts were from the premium chocolates, and seasonal pies. parents build a small spaceship
and send their son into space just
all the time. We order Fruit of the Month Club. Several unusual subscription boxes may as their planet explodes.
be the perfect gift ideas for someone you
everything to be shipped READING, Every month promised know. For the foodie on your shopping In a million years or so,
list, check out to scientists agree that the sun will
in boxes and packages WRITING & a carton of apples from “give a travel experience without leav- envelope the earth, killing all
CHOCOLATE Michigan or oranges ing home.” e company will ship lo- living things. When faced with
straight to our door- cally made products and food items from a hostile environment, a species
featured cities across the United States, will normally take one of three
steps. Groceries, light KIM from Florida or avocados including Portland and Brooklyn. courses: 1) it seeks greener pas-
bulbs, electronics, and of KOVACH from California. tures, 2) it adapts to the changes,
Speaking of Brooklyn, a company called or 3) it perishes. e end of
course, books. Years ago on an epi- With Love from Brooklyn sells gift boxes our sun is such a catastrophic
of “Brooklyn made, Brooklyn proud” development that adaptation is
My daily mail delivery sode of the TV sitcom, artisan foods and gifts made in NYC’s impossible. e only successful
hippest borough. Cookies, chocolates, hot route is to become a “two-planet
arrives two hours later “Everybody Loves sauce, mugs, and coasters can bring a bit species” or, as some scientists
of Brooklyn to your front door. have put it, to search for Plan B.
than it did last year because the poor Raymond,” Ray felt very proud of himself When the time comes, populat-
Mystery boxes (with puzzles, games, ing a new planet in another solar
mail carrier has now turned into a pack- for giving his parents a fruit of the month secret codes), art supply boxes and even system is the only long-range
colorful graphic t-shirts from di er- solution.
age delivery person. Instead of sticking subscription gift. His mother was hor- ent pubs in Ireland can be ordered and
Such a development is so far
his arm out of the mail truck window to ri ed. “A box of fruit every month?” she SEE KOVACH PAGE 11 into the future that it is more
likely that other events will in-
shove stfuls of bills and magazines into complained. “Who can eat all that fruit?” tervene to deal a potentially fatal
blow to the human species:
neighbors’ mailboxes, he has to physi- Subscription boxes are big business now
1) e danger of global warm-
cally get out of the mail truck every few with the popularity of online shopping. ing could easily turn our own
atmosphere against us. e fact
stops to carry a box or package up to a Googling around in anticipation of this that what should be a scien-
ti c issue has become a political
resident’s front door. Sometimes the boxes holiday season, I discovered a variety of one, only makes the likelihood
of global disaster all the more
are heavy—like when someone orders a subscription boxes perfect for every person inevitable.

two-month supply of cat litter. on your gift list. Even the hard-to-please 2) e real threat of nuclear
war. Our continued survival is
Remember when packages only arrived relatives. You can nd plenty of vendors banking on the stability and
sanity of world leaders to un-
around the holidays? Now, we can treat o ering co ee beans of the month (from derstand the need for restraint.
Good luck with that bet.
ourselves to monthly goodies by ordering micro roasters and specialty co ee compa-
3) Deadly microbes could
Have your heating system checked now before the cold weather comes. easily make the transition from
a source of cinematic tension to
"Service was fast, courteous a real threat to humanity. e
and professional." Mark C result of placing such microbes
in our water supply would be to
In business for over 35 years! wipe out a vast majority of our
4) e volcano under Yel-
Schedule now & SAVE! lowstone Park could erupt in
(845) 628-2580 • the next 100,000 years. If so, it
would tear the United States
WE NOW PROVIDE DUCT CLEANING AND SEALING apart and cause cataclysmic
destruction and death.
$45 OFF Preseason Checkup
5) Should humanity dodge the
Ask us about our maintenance programs rst of these four dangers, there
is always the real and present
$50 OFF Any Repair danger of diminishing resources
with an every expanding popula-
Cannot be combined with any other offers tion.
As bleak as things may appear,
*Custom filters extra $100 OFF New Heating System Replacement author and scientist Michio
Kaku, has a bright view of the
future. He believes that human-
ity, when faced with a pend-
ing danger, will always rise to
the occasion. He con dently
claims that our descendants will
utilize future scienti c advances
(especially space travel) to save
our species. According to him,
we will naturally band together
to face what appears to be an
insurmountable obstacle. I only
wish I shared his optimism.

Thursday, December 13, 2018 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11

DIVERSIONS go to throughout the year, and during KOVACH DR. LINDA
the holiday season there are a number
FROM PAGE 8 of holiday events. But, being all about FROM PAGE 10 FROM PAGE 9
holiday lights, there is one night, Dec.
in nearby Dobbs Ferry I witnessed the 16, that the Mansion is lit up for a shipped to that nicky millennial on Be sure that your daughter knows that
transformation of this garden from magni cent drive-through experience. your gift list. A weird but interesting you are not devastated over her scores. If
near ruin to restoration and majesty. I subscription box o ers special e ects you are, be sure that it’s not because you
cannot love this place more. You just e mansion isn’t open that night but make-up products for that Comic think her scores are a re ection on you.
have to experience it for yourself. check their calendar for their other Con fan or edgling movie-maker If you’re upset because you thought that
events; all historic, traditional, period who wants to be decked out in fake she belongs in certain schools, and the
Hartford Holiday Light Fantasia events for the entire family. blood, tattoos and reptile scales on a college exams are preventing her from
Goodwin Park, 1130 Maple Avenue, monthly basis. being accepted, then you need to regroup
Hartford, Conn. Why I love it: and realize that she’s her own person— Because I love the Vanderbilt Man- Don’t forget the family pets! not her brother or sister or you. e most
Hartford Holiday Light Fantasia is sions any time of the year. ey are People rave about Bark Box, a sub- important thing is that she prepares for a
the quintessential drive-through light steeped in NY history (and its no secret scription box for dogs. Each month profession that she enjoys. College only
extravaganza. is annual event features that I love NY), beautifully maintained, Fido will receive a selection of treats, lasts for four years. It’s what you do with
over 8 million colored lights and 2 miles part of the Roosevelt-Vanderbilt His- toys and pet accessories. You can the degree you earn after you’re out.
of viewing in the center of Hartford. toric Association, and one of our local never have too many dog toys on the
On weekends Santa is there to greet connections to a great president. Be sure you keep an open mind as you
the kids. Hartford has a lot of great oor! work through the college process to nd
attractions; this is a great centerpiece of Festival of Silver Lights While this age of convenience and the college that matches your daughter’s
a weekend getaway or just an evening Hubbard Park, 999 West Main immediate grati cation can brighten needs. As with everything in life, keep
adventure. is event is open at 5 p.m. Street, Meriden, Conn. up the dreary cold days of winter college in perspective and don’t become
every night through January 2. for us consumers, think of the poor obsessed with particular colleges. Work
Why I love it: is is an intimate white light holi- postal workers and UPS delivery with her to apply to colleges with varying
Because I love a good drive-through day experience featuring 200 buildings drivers. is is beyond the Fruit requirements for acceptance. Consider
holiday light experience. Because and gures lit with over 350,000 lights of the Month Club. Drivers have other colleges that you might not have
downtown Hartford’s seasonal lights in the center of charming Meriden. to hoist big-screen TVs, cases of thought about or have ruled out because
don’t disappoint. Because this event is Open throughout the season at 5:30 exotic spices and cooking oils, glass of some irrelevant characteristic (like it’s
actually a bene t for Channel 3 Kids p.m. until Jan. 1. Traditional holiday jars of brined vegetables, big tins of a state school, not a private university).
Camp in CT so you’re having holiday fun that can be a night out or part of a gourmet BBQ popcorn, and sacks of
fun while doing some good. New England weekend. co ee beans. e perfect college for your daughter as
Just be careful with my monthly a whole person is, in the end, the only
Christmas Illumination Why I love it: delivery of artisan brownies, please! “good college.”
The Vanderbilt Mansion Because it is slightly di erent that the
119 Vanderbilt Park Road, Hyde Park other holiday light experiences and a Kim Kovach fondly recalls receiving a Dr. Linda nice walk in a winter evening. Because monthly subscription of e Chocolate
if you plan your visit carefully there are News. Give the gift that lasts a Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad Grades
e Vanderbilt Mansion, part of the many holiday events in neighboring lifetime! Find out about writing classes Happen to Good Kids,” and director of
National Park Service is also a must- towns, all just a fairly quick drive from and writing coaching for all ages at Strong Learning Tutoring and SAT/ACT
where we are. Because its the perfect Test Prep. Send your questions to Linda@
scale for families of all ages.

It’s the holiday season Katonah Nursery, Inc.
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Prices in Effect Until Dec. 23RD

Page 12 North Salem News – Thur

Phaoirgsee,DLeeLgegooand her

Anita Zander cheering on her fellow riders Richard K
AwlaexitiisngCafomrbAanrteorni,ioC,a1rm0,erliad,in6g, awnitdhFSraunmkmiei,t8F,arm
Teal Hoins and her daughter Willow, 16

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rsday, December 13, 2018 Page 13
Jingle Bell Jog riders
The North Salem Bridle Trails
Association held its 10th Annual Jingle
Bell Jog on Dec. 2 and despite the rain,
dozens came out in costume to ride
their horses through North Salem and
spread cheer at Hayfields.

Knowlton directing the carolers CwoitdhiethHeairynheosrs, eR,oRweabnelBennett, 17, Santa and his reindeer riders


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Page 14 – North Salem News Thursday, December 13, 2018

SNOWFLAKE BALL Traditionally, the PTO hosted cost more to attend this year’s has made great e orts to ensure dad or guest that took the time
the Snow ake Ball for girls and Snow ake Ball because it can’t that its students are never ex- to bring them to an event that

an adult and a Bowl-O-Rama be held on school grounds any- cluded admittance to an event was important to them and an

will be open to K-5 girls that event for boys and an adult. more. Last year it cost $25 for because of nancial hardships,” event that they could share with

reside in North Salem who are Bowl-O-Rama was also can- a child and a special guest plus Miller said. “ e PQ PTO gra- their friends from school.”

homeschooled or attend private celled by the district for the $10 for each additional daugh- ciously absorbs the cost if a fam- Any kind of support is wel-

school. same reason. Miller said no one ter. e new ticket cost has not ily is unable to pay for a school come, Miller said, such as a busi-

PQ Principal Mary Johnson has stepped up to take on Bowl- been set yet, Miller said, but it event. Since this is no longer a ness that wants to sponsor a DJ,

and Assistant Principal Stepha- O-Rama as a private event. will be more than previous years. PTO sponsored event, that as- or an individual that wants to

nie Bell said last month that the e PTO is currently brain- Miller called this an “unfortu- sistance cannot be given.” make a donation to the general

Snow ake Ball could no longer storming a di erent fam- nate consequence” of not being To that end, Miller said she’s fund, or a parent that can help

be held as a school function or a ily spring event for elementary allowed to use the school for the hoping some in the community defray the cost for another child.

PTO event because of state laws school community. Snow ake Ball. “would be gracious enough to For more details or to help

against gender discrimination. Miller also noted that it will “Historically, the PQ PTO help support this event.” support this event, email

A Classe ! Open House Last year, about 160 girls and nssnow [email protected].
Starting Monday January 7 their guest attended the Snow-
Day or evening classes! DSeactur1d5ayth
Drawing, painting, pottery, knitting & 10am–4pm ake Ball at PQ.
crocheting, art therapy, and more! “It was a unique opportunity
for these young ladies to have a
Class descriptions, schedule and registration on our special night out with their dad
website or special guest and be the spot-
light of that person’s attention,”
Miller said.“It was about carving
out a few hours and letting these
little girls know howe important
they are to their special guest; a

Our arts education program exposes children, teens and

adults to an array of techniques and materials with the goal
A tist !of exploring and cultivating artistic talents while having fun.
Relax, talk, share ideas and inspire each other BUDGET
in a casual lounge space designed to create

e town put out bids for a new contract earlier this past sum-
mer, but only City Carting, which the town currently uses for its
trash pickup, responded with an o er that included a 43 percent
increase, from $632,000 to $903,000 per year.

collaboration. Studio memberships come with at $286,396 increase equals 75 percent of the general budget

24hr access to studio(s), personal storage space for increase.

supplies, lounge & self serve coffee bar. Members Supervisor Warren Lucas said the town decided to extend its
also receive a discount on classes & workshops. contract with City Carting for one year at the new price while it
considers ways to reduce its refuse bill in the future.

621 Route 22 Lucas said the town will again bid out the contract in April with
Croton Falls, NY 10519 a package that requests pricing for double stream recycling, “not
single stream which is causing the problem.”
914-617-8541 “We are hoping to substantially cut the price of the ongoing

GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! garbage contracts,” Lucas said.
Half of the garbage increase, $143,000, is being paid for from

the town’s fund balance and the other half will be from the tax

levy increase.

“Balancing a reoccurring expense item using fund balance is not

a thing we would normally do but in this case we are expecting the

contract value will decrease for 2020,” Lucas said.

No one at the Town Board meeting spoke during the public

hearing for the budget.

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Thursday, December 13, 2018 North Salem News – Page 15

SPCA’s Home for the
Holidays Campaign

e following is from the SPCA of Westchester

With the holidays right around the corner, the SPCA’s holi-
day wish is to nd their long-term animals a loving home so they
can ring in the New Year with their forever families. rough the
“Home for the Holidays” campaign, you can become a foster par-
ent and invite a shelter dog or cat into your home for an extended
sleepover to see if he or she is a good match. e SPCA will provide
you with everything you need!

“ e holidays are a great time to give back so if you’ve been con-
sidering adopting a new pet this is the perfect time,” said Executive
Director Shannon Laukhuf. “We have so many wonderful dogs and
cats who have been overlooked through no fault of their own. Some
have been with us for years and would love the chance to be in a
home and part of a family.”

By inviting a dog or cat into your home for the holidays, you’ll
have the opportunity to see if he or she is a good match before
potentially adopting. If you aren’t able to adopt at this time, by fos-
tering you’ll play a vital role in helping the SPCA learn more about
each animal so that they can nd the best possible match for that
dog or cat in the future. Plus, it gives the animals a nice break from
shelter life for a few days to enjoy the holidays.

To learn more about this special promotion, email shelter@ or visit the SPCA of Westchester anytime 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. Monday through Saturday or 1-4 p.m. on Sundays. e SPCA
is located at 590 North State Road, Briarcli Manor, NY 10510.
To see a list of eligible animals, please visit:

Is Your SI Joint Causing
Your Back Pain?

A common problem that’s too often overlooked…

Ask the Doctor Q: What is the SI Joint? like X-rays and MRIs. There are also physical exam
A: The full name is the sacroiliac (sa-krō-’i-lē-,ak) joint, maneuvers that can pinpoint trouble in the SI joint.
Dr. Marshal D. Peris and there are two of them, one on either side of your
Co-Director, tailbone. They connect the triangular bone at the base Q: How Is SI Joint Dysfunction Treated?
Orthopedic & Spine Institute of your spine, called the sacrum, with the iliac bone of A: Physical therapy, weight loss, trunk-strengthening
Spine Surgery Section your pelvis. The SI joints are the keystone of the body, or exercises like yoga or Pilates, and anti-in ammatory
Northern Westchester Hospital the center of gravity. Their job is to support and transmit medicines are the rst lines of treatment. If these don’t
the weight of your upper body to your legs and pelvis. help, doctors inject a steroid and local anesthetic into
Learn more about Dr. Peris, visit the joint, a procedure called SI joint injection. If there Q: How Does the SI Joint Cause Pain? is still no improvement, doctors perform a minimally
A: SI joint dysfunction occurs when the ligaments of invasive surgery called SI joint fusion. Titanium implants
400 East Main Street | Mount Kisco, NY 10549 either joint are injured or worn away. This can cause are inserted across the sacroiliac joint through a
(914) 666-1200 | pain in your butt as well as in your lower back, groin, 3-cm incision to lock the joint in place so it can’t move
thigh and side. Most people with SI joint dysfunction anymore. The surgery takes about an hour and is done
experience severe pain when they get up from a under general anesthesia at Northern Westchester
seated position, then feel better when they walk. Hospital. For the rst three weeks after surgery, patients
walk with crutches or a walker. After six weeks, they
Q: What Causes SI Joint Dysfunction? resume normal activities.
A: Osteoarthritis, rheumatologic and auto-immune
diseases, traumatic injuries and pregnancy can cause Did you know?
SI joint dysfunction. And some people get it after
they’ve had surgeries such as hip replacement or 25 percent of people who have back
spinal fusion. pain suffer from SI joint dysfunction,
not a spinal problem.
Q: How Does the Doctor Diagnose
SI Joint Dysfunction?
A: Since most back pain is caused by a spinal problem,
the doctor rst rules out the spine by doing imaging

Page 16 – North Salem News Thursday, December 13, 2018

Crane topples
into Peach Lake


e Croton Falls Fire Department was dispatched to an un-
usual call on Wednesday, Dec. 5.

A giant crane had overturned onto the front yard of a home in
the Peach Lake section of North Salem, according to Assistant
Chief Sean Partenio.

e re department arrived at the home at 9:53 a.m. and found
the toppled crane. ere were no injuries but the property was
damaged by the collapse.

Croton Falls Fire was assisted by the North Salem Volunteer
Ambulance Corps to secure the scene and clean up a minor fuel
leak, Partenio said.


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Thursday, December 13, 2018 North Salem News – Page 17

Ruth Keeler Memorial Li- will be available from the Art birth to 2-1/2. family story time for kids of

brary is located at 276 Titicus Cart. Share your work with Wednesdays all ages.

Road. For more information other creative individuals in Story Time at 10:30 a.m.; SEE LIBRARY PAGE 18
on any of these events, call a fun, supportive atmosphere. family story time for kids of all

914-669-5161 or visit keeler School-age children must come ages.

[email protected]. with an adult. Block Party at 11 a.m. – Li-

Bagels & Books: Love Story time and crafts brary supplies the blocks, kids

Medicine by Louise Edrich on Mondays supply the imagination.

Dec. 19 at 10:30 a.m.; Judas by Stories and Songs – 10:30 ursdays

Amos Oz on Jan. 8 at 10:30 a.m., for babies from birth to Books and Puppets at 10:30

a.m.; Fates and Furies by Lau- 2-1/2. a.m.; family story time for kids

ren Gro on Feb. 7 at 10:30 Tuesdays of all ages.

a.m.; e Children Act by Ian Mother Goose for Babies Saturdays

McEwan on March 7 at 10:30 – 10:30 a.m., for babies from Story Time at 10:30 a.m.;


History and Biography

Book Club on Jan. 8 at 7:30

p.m. for King Leopold’s Ghost

by Adam Hochschild, and Feb-

ruary 24 at 3 p.m. for Walls:

A History of Civilization in

Blood and Brick by David Frye. Give the gift of a
Extra copies of these books are
available for checkout. No reg-

istration is required and drop-

ins are welcome.

Family Bingo on Wednes-

day, December 26, at 3 p.m.

Bring the family to play Bingo

and win books.

Holiday Cookies on

Wednesday, December 19 at 4

p.m. Decorate holiday cookies

with icing, candies, and other


Mary Poppins (1964) on

Friday, December 28 at 2 p.m.

Watch the classic movie Marie

Poppins. It is rated G and has a

running time of 2 hours and 19


Polar Express on ursday,

December 27 at 3 p.m. Watch

the movie Polar Express, which

is rated G and has a running

time of 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Popsicle Ornaments on Sat-

urday, December 22 at 1 p.m.

Create ornaments out of pop-

sicle sticks including popsicle

snow akes and more.

Adult Art Program: Acryl-

ics Plus every other Wednesday

from 10:30 - 12:30 p.m. on Dec.

5 and 19. Facilitated by Nina

Bertolino. e group will work

in acrylics and move on to dab-

ble in other mediums including

pastels, pen and ink, mixed me-

dia, and more. e library will

provide initial supplies but par-

ticipants will be asked to bring

supplies from a list that will be

provided by Nina. No experi-

ence in art required.

A Creative Moment every

ursday from 6 - 8 p.m., ages

10 to adult. Facilitated by Jen

Armbruster and Debbie Rizo.

Work on a creative, artistic

project with family or friends.

e project may be your own

or an easy, self-directed project

provided by one of the library’s

Art Boxes. Plenty of supplies

Page 18 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, December 13, 2018

ROCK you could win multiple times! Department at 914-669-5665. p.m. ursdays, 11/29/18- day of the month at the North
Don’t miss this opportunity to Better Balance Plus with 2/7/18 (no class 12/27) at St. Salem Fire House. Some of our

have some fun as you follow Cheryl Aiello: In a support- James Village Hall. $165 for 10 events this year have included:

Christmas at the Chapel is the daily winners and support ive environment, we explore weeks Hudson River Cruise, Meet-

7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24, for the North Salem Foundation balance and energy enhanc- Yinyasa Yoga with Jaime and-Greet with the Candidates

a Christmas Eve Service. for Learning. Purchase a ra e ing techniques using a variety Roche: is class is a hybrid of & discussion on NYS Consti-

North Salem online for $20 and have your of props. Wednesdays, 10:30- yang (active yoga) with yin (pas- tutional Convention, earring
name entered to win: https:// 11:15 a.m. at the NS Firehouse. sive yoga). is class is suitable making, Bingo, re safety, el-

Foundation for $99 for an 8-week session, on- for all ages, abilities & physical dercare, food drive, Irish Danc-
d/2a881227-7a15-40d1-ac35- going enrollment. Call Cheryl conditions. 10-11:15 a.m. Tues- ers, Animal Embassy visit, trip

3a731561b750/v3 at 914-523-4450. days, 11/27/18-1/29/19 (no to the Wolf Conservation Cen-

Drawings have begun for the North Salem Release, Relax & Restore class 12/25/18 & 1/1/19) at St. ter, Maritime Aquarium, and
Yoga with Jaime Roche: is James Village Hall. $175 for 8 much more!

NSFL calendar ra e! Winners Fall Recreation quiet and re ective class fea- weeks. Soccer Club
will be drawn every day from tures long held, supported oor North Salem Senior Citi-

anksgiving through New All registration forms avail- based poses that will focus on zens Club: Residents 55 and

Year’s Day for prizes ranging able at: opening the connective tissues older are eligible to join our se- North Salem Soccer Club:

from $20 to $100. Winners’ For more information, contact of the body such as tendons, nior group. Meetings are held at Fall registration is now

names will be re-entered, so the North Salem Recreation ligaments and fascia. 6:30-7:30 11:30 a.m. on the second Tues- open for boys and girls in

kindergarten through high

school. Register online at www.

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Thursday, December 13, 2018 Sports North Salem News – Page 19

North Salem defeated Amanda Marano
tournament host Keio was named
Academy 46-25 in the MVP of the Keio
finals on Dec. 8. tournament.


Tigers roar to Keio tourney title

North Salem o to 3-1 start in girls hoops


North Salem coach Eric Buzzetto knew Grace Curran
he had a wealth of experience returning leads a fast
this season, so his expectations are naturally break.


And the Tigers are o to quite a start

with a 3-1 record after their rst week of


ey defeated Keio Academy, 46-25, in

the championship game of Keio’s tourna-

ment, Dec. 8.

Amanda Marano, a junior, was named

tournament MVP. She scored 16 points

and hauled in seven rebounds.

“ at kid is as tough as tough can come,”

Buzzetto said. “She’s one of our best 3–

point shooters.”

Liz Squire (9 points, 8 rebounds) and

Jane Fetterolf (7 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 Kayla Halverson went 2 of 2 from the foul We had to hold them to one shot and we

steals) were named to the All-Tournament line with just six seconds left to write a 47- did that. We stayed very composed in the

team. Joan Herlihy (4 points, 7 rebounds, 43 nish. second half. We weren’t ustered at all. We

3 blocks), Julia DeSanto (6 points, 6 re- DeSanto paced the Eagles with a game- crashed the boards when we had to.”

bounds) and Gabby Marino (4 points) also high 14 points. Squire added 11 points and North Salem missed 13 free throws in

helped out. was a force defensively in the paint with the loss. e Eagles made ve 3-pointers in

Two days earlier, in the opening round, her shot-blocking ability. Grace Curran the rst quarter but were held to just two of

North Salem cruised past Valhalla, 46-25. and Marano also chipped in with 8 and 6 them in the second half.

Squire had a big game with 12 points, points, respectively. DeSanto (16 points), Marano (14

15 rebounds, six blocks and three assists. “Julia’s a gamer,” Buzzetto said. “It’s re- points) and Curran (8 points) led the Ti-

Marano also had 12 points. DeSanto (10 ally funny. In practice, she can’t buy a shot. I gers to a 52-33 season-opening win over

points) and Fetterolf (6 points) contributed. think she just catches and shoots in games. Yonkers on Dec. 3.

In a Dec. 4 contest with Dobbs Ferry, She’s been lights out for us. In two years, North Salem was scheduled to host

Squire tied the game with 44.4 seconds to Liz has had over 120 blocks for me. She’s Pleasantville on Dec. 12. It will then com-

go. Shooting 1 of 2 from the line, she fash- an absolute beast on defense on the inside. pete in Bronxville’s tournament Dec. 13

ion a 43-43 knot. But the visiting Eagles When she wants to be a beast inside on of- and 15.

quickly struck back. fense, she can be. But she’s also one of our “We have a lot of potential to creep up

“Dobbs Ferry is a good basketball team, top 3-point shooters, which is nice, too.” to that four, ve or six seed (in Class B),”

they’re well coached,” Buzzetto said. “ ey e Tigers trailed 27-19 at halftime but Buzzetto said. “You look at Irvington, Bri-

have good shooters and they’re intense. clawed their way back into the game in the arcli and Putnam Valley,they’re dominant Joan Herlihy
fires a jumper
ey got the better of us tonight. I think if second half. DeSanto’s 3-pointer late in the teams. But then four, ve and six you’ve vs. Dobbs Ferry.

we play 10 times, they win ve and we win third quarter cut the de cit to ve points. got us, Valhalla, Dobbs Ferry, Woodlands, PHOTOS: ROB
ve. It was a heck of a game tonight.” She hit another three early in the fourth to Croton. ere are going to be a lot of shifts

Dobbs Ferry’s Camryn McCarthy drove make it a four-point game. throughout the year. But if we can play the

to the basket and nished to give the Eagles “We hit some big shots in key situations,” way we did tonight (against Dobbs Ferry),

a 45-43 lead with 30.7 seconds remaining. Buzzetto said. “And our defense was huge. we’ll do a lot of great things this year.”

Page 20 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, December 13, 2018

Indoor track team has high hopes this winter

BY RICH MONETTI Senior Ben Leicht, North Salem’s other FILE PHOTO/ ROB DIANTONIO
CONTRIBUTING WRITER elite-level state competitor, has made two
straight state appearances and in the spring Ava Jolley during the fall 2018 cross country season
With no division breakdowns by class dur- medaled in the 1,600, Kowgios said.
ing the Section 1 indoor track season, some
could speculate North Salem’s team, with just Even with past successes in mind, Kowgios
39 members, might feel like it’s behind the reminds that in this sport, there’s room for
starting blocks as the gun goes o . any student to move up.

On the contrary, says their coach. e Tigers “You’re being timed, so there’s really not an
welcome the challenge. opinion as to who is good and who needs to
improve,” Kowgios said.
“It’s really clarifying for them,” said Nicholas
Kowgios. “Our kids are running against Divi- e solidity of numbers guides his mindset
sion 1 runners every race. So they know where as a coach.
they stand.”
“What we try to do is focus on each kid
Sophomore Ava Jolley, for instance, has most getting better and teaching them the rela-
New York State runners playing catch-up with tionship between hard work and success,” said
her. She nished second in the state champi- Kowgios.
onships last year in the Class C 5,000-meter
race. Kowgios said Junior Katie Mogg is among
those who prove this point.
Jolley is the rst girls sectional champ in the
school’s history, leaving North Salem’s history “She works tremendously hard so we have
books in the dust. real high expectations for her,” said Kowgios.

“She already has the school record as a freshman e same goes for the teammates on her
in the 1,500, 3,000 and 4x800,”said Kowgios. coattails.

But setting her sights on rst place will re- “We have a really strong girls team, which
quire a good deal of tunnel vision, Kowgios includes Stella Ard and Juliette Intrieri,” said
said. Kowgios.

“She’s going to be competing against Kate- On the boys’ side, Kowgios has Sean Vin-
lyn Tuohy,” he said. “She was twice the Gato- cent bending to beat the curve too.
rade High School Female Athlete of the Year
and probably the greatest distance runner in “He’s run 12 seasons of high school track
high school history.” so he’s been a real consistent runner for us,”
said Kowgios.
As Jolley’s coach, though, he mostly puts her
training on auto pilot. e long game that culminates in the spring
would have it no other way.
“She’s a really self-directed kid,” said Kowgios.
“It’s takes a di erent kind of athlete,” con-
cluded Kowgios. “ ey understand that they
are preparing for a year-long process.”

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Thursday, December 13, 2018 LEISURE North Salem News – Page 21

Crossword Puzzle solutions on page 23 Fun By The Numbers

CLUES ACROSS 50. Packers’ QB material 6. Places to grab a 23. Not present Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This
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8. Anticipated 59. Sleeping 2.Type of curtain 10. Genus of birds compound Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
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Page 22 – North Salem News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, December 13, 2018

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Thursday, December 13, 2018 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 23

Get the best mortgage financing deal

Few people are able to walk gage go smoothly, and may even are commercial banks, mortgage di erent lenders can translate

into a home, like what they see help borrowers save some money. companies, credit unions or thrift into a greater array of loan prod-

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Getting a mortgage requires loans, according to the nancial help you rest easy knowing you into signi cant savings amounts

research and some preparation resource NerdWallet. e higher got the best rate for you. Lenders per month and over the life of the

on the part of borrowers if they the credit score, the better. Well may charge additional fees that loan. Rate may be xed, though

hope to get the friendliest terms before shopping for a mortgage, can drive up the overall costs as- some are adjustable-rate mort-

possible. manage your debt, paying it o if sociated with getting a mortgage. gages (also called a variable or

Homes are substantial, de- possible, and x any black marks Compare these fees as well so you oating rate). Each has its ad-

cades-long investments, so it’s or mistakes on your credit report. can be sure you get the best deal. vantages and disadvantages, and

smart to shop around to nd the • Investigate various lenders. • Consider a mortgage broker. a nancial consultant can discuss

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ese tips can make the process says to get information from the middle person in the transac- est.

of applying and getting a mort- various sources, whether they tion. A broker’s access to several • Discuss points with your - e vast majority of home-

nancial advisor and lender. Some owners secured a mortgage to

LEGAL NOTICES lenders allow you to pay points in purchase their homes. Learning
advance, which will lower the in- about the mortgage process can
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State of NY (SSNY) 11/13/2018. 116 Premium Point LLC, served & shall mail process to

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as agent upon whom process State of NY (SSNY) 9/26/2018. Brooklyn, NY 11207. General

against may be served & shall Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. Purpose.

mail process to 656 Van Ranst as agent upon whom process LLC FORMATION NOTICE
Pl., Mamaroneck, NY 10543. against may be served & shall

General Purpose. mail process to Michael Pryor, Good To Go Entertainment, THE PERFECT HOME
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ZDM LLC, Arts of Org. led Purpose. 10/30/2018. Cty: Westchester.
with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) LLC FORMATION NOTICE SSNY agent upon whom
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SSNY desig. as agent upon Notice of Formation of Capital & shall mail process to Bruce

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served & shall mail process to led with SSNY on 8/22/18. Ave., Ste. 305, White Plains, NY

Joseph A. Scutierie, Esq., 175 O ce Location: Westchester 10604. General Purpose.

Main St., Ste. 800,White Plains, County. SSNY designated as LLC FORMATION NOTICE
NY 10601. General Purpose. agent of the LLC upon whom

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