Vol. 8 No. 1 Visit TapIntoYorktown.net for the latest news. Thursday, April 4, 2019
A sampling of the vegan donuts
produced by Peaceful Provisions. Devliecgioaunsly
PHOTO: INSTAGRAM/@ Yorktown twin sisters’ doughnuts a hit
Brittany and Justine Soto, EDITOR
co-owners of Peaceful Provisions
Early last month, twin sisters Brittany and Justine Soto set up
PHOTO: BRIAN shop at Peekskill Brewery to sell their homemade vegan doughnuts.
e pop-up shop was scheduled to run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.,
but a line of customers formed outside the South Water Street
brewery about a half-hour before opening. By noon, the Mohegan
Lake residents had sold all 500 or so of their baked goods.
“I’m always surprised by how the community just comes out
and supports us. It’s really amazing,” Brittany said. “We didn’t
think we were going to sell out that [early].”
e sisters, both 2006 graduates of Yorktown High School,
formed Peaceful Provisions in 2015 and started selling their veg-
an baked goods at TaSH Farmers Market (Tarrytown and Sleepy
Hollow). Two years later, they found a home in First Village Cof-
fee in Ossining.
For about a year, the Soto sisters made and sold their vegan
doughnuts in the Ossining cafe before pursuing an opportunity
to open their own storefront in Brooklyn. When that plan fell
through, the sisters turned their attention back to Westchester,
renting a kitchen space in Tarrytown.
“We’re Westchester natives, and just living here we know that
there’s not a lot of [vegan] options available,” Justine said. “We’re
kind of excited at the opportunity to be back here. So, we’re trying
to gure out how to incorporate more events in Westchester and
collaborate with other local businesses as well.”
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18 Local farms host
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6 pg 16-17
Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 4, 2019
Oakwood Friends School:
A legacy of integrity, equality Middle school students
involved in the sustainability
Social responsibility and high
class pick early-spring
greens from the four-season
academic standards at school’s core
BY BOB DUMAS provide students with the tools to Head of
EDITOR think critically, adapt quickly, col- School Chad
laborate e ectively and solve Cianfrani
For more than two centuries, open-ended problems cre-
Oakwood Friends School has atively.
upheld a strong commitment to e ceramics and tech-
educating the spirit, the scholar, the nology program, for exam-
artist, and the athlete. Today, it of- ple, exposes students to a
fers some of the most comprehen- traditional throwing wheel,
sive contemporary learning pro- glazing and ring tech-
grams, challenging students both niques as well as work with
inside the classroom and within the a 3D, Arduino-based, clay ex-
local community. trusion printer. Working with
Located on a 66-acre campus o the printer, students bring
Spackenkill Road in Poughkeepsie, their projects from concept to
Oakwood Friends School, found- computer screen to reality.
ed in 1796, is New York’s oldest “It is fascinating when a
co-educational boarding and day gure designed on screen
school. It remains true to its found- transforms into a tangible
ing principles that students learn form ready for glazing and
best within a diverse community ring in the kiln,” Cianfrani
dedicated to collaboration, social said. “ ese intersections of
responsibility and high academic creativity, chemistry, and me-
standards. Early students included chanics are fun to watch.”
Danial Anthony, father of Susan Courses such as Science
B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott, of Sounds and Robotics pro-
the noted abolitionist. Oakwood’s vide further opportunity for An upper school engineering student solders Middle school students work with their OF PHOTOS
rst international students arrived research collaboration and components for a theramin instrumentation (beetle) lab partner during a bio- COURTESY
creativity. In the sound course, mechanical strength project OAKWOOD
in 1860 and in 1934 it admitted students look at the funda- design project. FRIENDS
its rst black students. Today, the mental properties of sound SCHOOL
school draws students from nine
countries, multiple states and sur- and signal processing. In past engineering. pleted by the students. Professional phy remains focused on inquiry,
rounding New York towns. years, students have met with Bose “ e goal of many of our classes, collage artist, Jonathan Talbot, a re ection, and action.
“A culturally, socio-economical- researchers, toured the local IBM not just in the math/sciences, is to 1957 alumnus, who’s exhibited “ e diversity of our classrooms
ly, and religiously diverse program facilities, and analyzed noise can- give students a foundational un- pieces in Museum of Modern Art and educational approach re ect a
enriches the learning for all mem- cellation technologies. ey have derstanding, while showing them and the National Academy, has multi-cultural world and evolving
bers of the community,” said Head even designed, soldered, built and the real-world applications and ca- returned several times and worked workspace,” Cianfrani said. “Stu-
of School Chad Cianfrani. “When learned to play the eremin, an reer opportunities,” Cianfrani said. with students in the classroom and dents are encouraged to collaborate
students discuss material in courses early electronic musical instrument. e Oakwood program also in his studio. academically and step outside their
such as globalization or ethics, they Robotics is a lab-based course that strives to take learning from the Political writer, commenta- comfort zone. Actively engag-
gain a deeper understanding from uses Arduino micro-controllers to classroom to the community. tor and best-selling author Juan ing students in a shared ‘search for
classmates who bring their own build small autonomous vehicles Cianfrani is particularly proud of Williams, a Class of ’72 alumnus, truth,’ we attempt to model deep
perspectives from Rwanda, China, and explore programming, logic, the school’s eater and Arts for has returned to Oakwood several listening, respect for competing
Afghanistan, Poughkeepsie and all and circuit design. Social Justice program. is pro- times, speaking powerfully about viewpoints and active participation
places in between.” Having o ered several of these gram starts in the classroom where the in uence the school had on in society.”
Unique aspects of the sixth- courses for over a decade, it is re- students research artists, actors and him. When asked by one of Oak- To learn more about Oakwood
through 12th-grade program in- warding to see alumni return and plays that focus on race, class, and wood’s student reporters about his Friends School, visit www.
clude a curriculum that stresses share their perspective. One alum- gender in society. It then moves high school years,Williams replied, oakwoodfriends.org.
depth over breadth, multiple sus- nus, who recently nished his into the eld,where one recent unit “What I notice when I am back at
tainability initiatives and a com- PhD research in Stanford’s elec- on nutrition and food scarcity led Oakwood is that there still is this
mitment to community engage- trical engineering program, talked to service opportunities at several sense of small community, where
ment and service learning. Of with the students about his work. community gardens, CSAs and everyone is of value and people are
particular pride, Cianfrani said, are He pointed to aspects of the pro- food pantries. engaged.I think this sets Oakwood
the o erings within its STEAM gram that prepared him for fur- Under the same umbrella, the apart - there’s a sincerity about try-
(science, technology, engineering, ther studies and now a career in students have engaged with local ing to be yourself and trying to be 22 Spackenkill Road
arts, math) curricula. e classes nanotechnology. Another alumnus muralists and professional artists. of value to a community and be- Poughkeepsie, NY
provide a true hands-on experi- pointed to her Oakwood lab work Multiple public parks and build- lieving in the idea of progress and 845-462-4200
ence, o ering practical application on bio-instrumentation design, ings throughout Poughkeepsie positivity. at’s the Oakwood ex-
layered over foundational material. which launched her undergraduate, show colorful signs of planters, perience for me.” www.oakwoodfriends.org
Cianfrani believes it is essential to graduate and career in bio-medical benches and wall murals com- [email protected]
Oakwood’s educational philoso-
Thursday, April 4, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 3
Meet the town council candidates
Four people are running for two seats on the Yorktown Town Board. Incumbents Tom Diana and Ed Lachterman, both Republicans, are being challenged in their
re-election bids by Democratic candidates Sheralyn Goodman and Patricia Sullivan-Rothberg. Similar interviews with town clerk candidates and town supervisor can-
didates will appear in upcoming issues. e general election will take place on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Tom Diana (R) liaison to the Senior Advisory Committee. I am also an active supporter and ad-
vocate for the Yorktown Teen Center, My Brother Vinny and the Harrison Apar
Why are you running for town council? Foundation. I also hold a weekly social for senior veterans that are living at the
First of all, thank you for this interview. It Country House.
seems that I have been involved in this com- Sheralyn Goodman (D)
munity from a young age. Being a third gen-
eration Shrub Oak’er with grandparents, par-
ents and relatives having had businesses, farms Why are you running for town council?
and homes in the area since the early 1900s I see town government as vital to the qual-
spurred my love of community. ity of life of everyone in town. e laws passed
My rst public service in town was as a and policies and priorities of town govern-
volunteer re ghter in the Mohegan Fire ment have a direct and often long-lasting im-
Department. I then went on to serve the pact on every resident of the town. Yorktown
Yorktown community as a police o cer/K-9 has been a wonderful place to live and raise
handler and continued on in another neigh- our kids and I want to serve the town that has
borhood to be patrol commander of the patrol been so good to us.
division. I retired after a quarter-century of As an attorney and litigator, I believe that I
service. After retirement, along with my wife, we started our fuel oil business and have skills to bring to town government, chief
have been running it since based right here in Shrub Oak. at all being said is among them, the ability to identify the issues,
what led me to continue in public service and throw my hat in the ring to run for nd facts, listen to and consider opposing
public o ce and continue my public service for the community I love. views, engage in analysis and e ectively ar-
ticulate my position and its basis to a diverse
What do you enjoy about Yorktown and how do you plan to make it better? audience. And, having worked to organize a union in a former workplace, I spoke
Being a lifelong resident, I’ve seen a lot of good in this town. I have also seen truth to power and did so proudly. ese are skills and experiences that, I believe,
some things happen that I don’t necessarily agree with. How I plan to make this will help create a stronger Yorktown.
town better is to continue to search for businesses that will take the large percent-
age of tax base o of the residence of this town. I am business-friendly. I would What do you enjoy about Yorktown and how do you plan to make it better?
attempt to streamline the process for building new businesses. at does not mean My husband, Ben, and I moved to town almost 25 years ago because we wanted
that I would cut corners; I just want the job done. And that’s what I’m all about. to live in a community that was focused on kids and families and what we found
Our taxpayers pay about 85 percent of the tax base for the town of Yorktown. To was that and so much more—-a place where everyone has a place, where senior
o set this would be an accomplishment I would like to achieve to help the taxpay- citizens can live independently, kids can pursue a wide range of activities, where
ers in the town of Yorktown. there is natural beauty and stores and restaurants close at hand.
Some of the other things I would like to see accomplished is the improvement of I am focused on smart business growth and streamlining the approval process to
our aging infrastructure, a list of which our department heads have been chipping broaden our tax base and keep property taxes at, developing a strategy to promote
away at as budget permits. I want to continue to give all Yorktowners the level of Yorktown as an “outdoors town” by highlighting our many local assets, where folks
services and quality of life that they have come to enjoy and deserve. can hike, go apple picking, leaf watching, biking on the North County Trailway,
Ed Lachterman (R) learn about the environment and visit a working farm. at plan also includes mak-
ing our downtown core more walker and bicyclist friendly.
And, if fortunate enough to be selected by the voters, I want to build an even
Why are you running for town council? stronger partnership between government and our wonderful local organizations
I am running for council again this year as I doing the important work of de-stigmatizing mental illness and chemical depen-
feel that there is a lot of work to nish from my dence through awareness and support. Much of my career has been dedicated to
rst three years in o ce. Over the past three working with individuals and families living with mental illness and chemical de-
years, my focus has been on Yorktown and not pendence. I know that there is much reason to be optimistic and I also know that
on partisan politics. I repeatedly ask the hard local government plays an important role in addressing this pressing issue.
questions and do not accept anything as status Patricia Sullivan-
quo. I have sometimes been criticized for this
by some, but I stand by the belief that I have Rothberg (D)
been elected to make the best INFORMED
decisions that I can. Why are you running for town council?
My focus for the end of this term and the Since moving to Yorktown 15 years ago,
next four years, if the electorate of our town I have immersed myself in town activities
gives me the honor of serving, will be on get- through the PTA, Boy Scouts and as an advo-
ting the town moving again with new busi- cate for arts in education—it’s the natural next
nesses coming in and raising the corporate tax ratio in our town. I would like to see step for me to be of service to the town and run
some of our older, vacant structures repurposed and some of our underutilized areas for Town Board. Building community is what I
revitalized and reinvented. e best example of this would be Front Street. do, it’s what I love, and it’s in my DNA.
What do you enjoy about Yorktown and how do you plan to make it better? What do you enjoy about Yorktown and
Yorktown is truly a blessed community in regards to community participation how do you plan to make it better?
opportunities. ere are probably too many great organizations, making it almost
impossible to choose just one to support. I feel that it is important to participate in Yorktown has so many assets, historic sites,
the community and have done so long before I started in o ce and will continue beautiful parks and trails, excellent schools
for as long as I am able. We should all try to give back in whatever way possible to and a wealth of talent right here within the
help make Yorktown a better place to live. community. I want to utilize that talent, and those assets to help Supervisor Ilan
I currently am a member of the Yorktown Lions, the Sons of the American Le- Gilbert implement his new economic plan, while also improving our infrastructure.
gion, United for the Troops, Yorktown Against Heroin, the Lincoln Depot Muse- I know I can help him achieve these objectives. As an active resident and young
um, community advisory circle for the Alliance for Safe Kids, and the Town Board parent, I see adding my insights will only broaden the knowledge and outlook of
the board.
Page 4 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 4, 2019
The Staff DOUGHNUT at rst bite. herself before purchasing it for her daughter.
EDITORIAL TEAM “When I was getting my training, I wasn’t Peaceful Provisions gained a new fan that day.
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 vegan,” Brittany said. “So, I learned the tradi- “Scenarios like that make us so happy,” Britta-
[email protected]
Growing up, the twins sometimes made tional way with butter, eggs, everything like ny said.“ at’s what we want to do.We just want
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 meals and treats for friends and family. eir that. It wasn’t until Justine came out to San to be able to show people it’s delicious, it’s good.”
[email protected] love of food continued into adulthood, as Jus- Diego and exposed me to the vegan scene that At the March 3 pop-up shop at the Peekskill
ADVERTISING TEAM tine would make baked goods for co-workers I was like, ‘Wow this is actually really good.’” Brewery, there were many non-vegan eaters
914-202-2392 and Brittany studied baking at Johnson & What started as a soul-searching trip for among the hundreds of customers, who trav-
[email protected] Wales University. Justine ended in a new career path for both of eled from all over the Hudson Valley and New
Despite their knack for creating delicious them. York City to get their hands on some of the
[email protected] treats, they resisted calls to go into business. “We reached a point where we were in the sisters’ baked goods.
CORINNE STANTON “We’re pretty shy people,” Justine said. “We kitchen and we were like,‘Why aren’t we doing “Being in Westchester, when we rst start-
baked for friends and family, but other than this?’ We love working together and creating ed o ering our doughnuts, that’s what I was
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY that, it’s scary for us to put ourselves out there. great food,” Justine said. scared about: What non-vegans would think of
So, I think we resisted for a long time.” Justine convinced her sister to come back our product,” Justine said. “And to see so many
[email protected]
NANCY SORBELLA About ve years ago,the twins were living on home and Peaceful Provisions was launched. people say that it’s one of the best doughnuts
opposite ends of the country. Justine was work- ey started selling at the TaSH Farmers Mar- they’ve ever had, vegan or non-vegan, that’s
[email protected]
BRUCE HELLER ing as a dietician at a long-term care facility in ket as well as at some vegan markets in Brooklyn. amazing to me. At the end of the day, we’re
the Bronx while Brittany was working at a res- e sisters developed a following in the city, here to kind of change people’s perceptions and
[email protected]
taurant in San Diego. where they described the vegan scene as “a little open their eyes to vegan options.”
Taking time to re-evaluate her career, Jus- more up-and-coming and more accepted”than Either in the city or in Westchester, the sis-
PRODUCTION MANAGER tine ew out to San Diego and visited Brittany. in Westchester. ters try to hold at least one pop-up shop per
ere, they spent time in Brittany’s kitchen, Brittany recalled a moment at the Tarrytown week, typically on Saturday or Sunday. ey are
[email protected]
CHRISTINA ROSE cooking together once again. farmers market where they were selling vegan working to introduce Wednesday night pop-up
PRODUCTION/DESIGNER “It was just a nice moment,” Brittany said. baked goods and a young girl asked her moth- shops for people who work on the weekends.
EXECUTIVE TEAM “We were separated for about two years. So, we er if she could try their s’mores brownie. e ey held another pop-up shop on March
kind of came back together and we were work- mother told her daughter, “It’s vegan. You’re 30 at the Peekskill Co ee House. ey are re-
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151
[email protected] ing in the kitchen together.” not going to like it.” turning to the Peekskill Brewery on April 13.
SHELLEY KILCOYNE Brittany credits her sister with “opening However, moments later, the skeptical SEE DOUGHNUT PAGE 5
VP OF SALES: her eyes” to vegan options. For her, it was love mother returned and tried the brownie for
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 5
DOUGHNUT by trade, said there is a common mis- said they have noticed a shift in the baked goods,once a foreign concept in this area and people really would
conception that vegan means healthy. way vegan food items are received in for many, are now being embraced love to have options available.”
“A lot of [vegan] options are very Westchester,typically in the southern by residents in their home county.
Peaceful Provisions, which has healthy for you,”she said.“But with part. Northern Westchester, where Working at First Village Co ee Look for future pop-up-shop
more than 20,000 followers on our doughnuts, we’re approaching they both live and have worked, has in Ossining, Justine said, “It re- dates at peacefulprovisions.com or
Instagram, changes its menu with it with the mindset of a very tra- been a bit slower to catch up. ally opened our eyes to the fact that follow them on Instagram at @
each event. ditional doughnut. We want it to e sisters are happy that vegan vegan options are severely lacking peacefulprovisions.
“We get bored pretty easily, so be as close, as similar as possible
we like to change it up,” Justine to what you experience on a non- Enjo A Al Yo Ca Ea
said. vegan doughnut.” Cruis -Lik Brunc Bu e !
e March 3 menu,for example, ough the doughnuts have no
featured chocolate almond dough- cholesterol, they are made with
nuts, cinnamon sugar doughnuts, sugar and our and fried with
cookie dough doughnuts, maple canola oil. An Indulg I A Arra ...
pecan doughnuts, plain and al- “I always feel weird when people of Freshly Prepared Hot Dishes and Breakfast Selections Enhanced with
mond croissants, and strawberry nd out that I’m a dietician and
jam hand pies. that I make doughnuts,” Justine Carving, Antipasto and Pasta Stations, Fresh Fruits and Our Renowned Dessert Display!
Soda, Espresso, Cappuccino, Coffee and Tea included.
On March 30, they sold mixed- said. “At rst, people are like, ‘Oh,
berry doughnuts, peanut butter- that’s such a good thing, you know,
chocolate doughnuts, triple-decker vegan and dietician.’ I’m like, ‘We Easter Mother’s Da
Sunda May12t
brownies and peanut butter-and- make triple-decker brownies and Sunda Apri 21s $49.95 Per Person
(Excludes Tax & 18% Service)
jelly bread pudding. lled doughnuts.’” $46.95 Per Person
Kid Friendly Menu
Hoping to last beyond noon,they While they enjoy doing pop- (Excludes Tax & 18% Service) 0-3 years old, No Charge
limited customers to just six items up shops, the sisters said, they are Kid Friendly Menu 4-8 years old, $19.95
0-3 years old, No Charge Reservation Times:
each at the latter pop-up shop. actively looking at retail spaces in 12:00, 12:30 & 2:30
4-8 years old, $19.95
“At this point, we don’t have the Westchester. Reservation Times:
12:00, 12:30, 2:30 & 3:15
luxury of having a retail storefront “We have this roller coaster jour-
where you could have 12 di erent ney right now,” Brittany said. “At
options,” Brittany said. “Because one point, we were like 90 percent
we’re traveling with the doughnuts, certain that we were going to have
we kind of keep it to like three or a storefront in Brooklyn, then at
four doughnuts.We try to have va- the last minute that fell through.
rieties, because not everyone likes “It just has to feel right,” she Villa Barone
a lemon curd, not everyone likes continued.“It’s like getting a home.
strawberry. We try to see what’s in It’s got to feel perfect for you. Our Hilltop Manor
season as well.” eyes are more geared toward West- 466 US 6, Mahopac
ough their doughnuts do not chester at this point.” For Reservations Please Call (845) 628-6600
contain dairy, eggs or other animal In the several years since Peace-
products, Justine, who is a dietician ful Provisions launched, the sisters
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Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 4, 2019
Anna M. Bochan Yom Hashoah
Anna M. Bochan, lifelong resident of Yorktown, passed away on At 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 1, the Yorktown Jewish Center (2966
March 28. She was born on Aug. 23, 1917, in Peekskill, to Chester Crompond Road, Yorktown Heights) is hosting a Yom Hashoah pro-
and Loretta McCord. gram. For more information, contact the Yorktown Jewish Center at
914-245-2324 or visit yorktownjewishcenter.org.
Anna is survived by her four nieces and nephews and her friend,
Grace Reynolds. Anna is predeceased by her husband, Henry, and Northern Westchester Toastmasters
her brothers, Henry and Chester A. McCord.
e Northern Westchester Toastmasters will celebrate its fth year
Family and friends gathered at Yorktown Funeral Home on Tues- as a club at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 10, in the Je erson Valley Mall
day, April 2, followed by a service also at the funeral home. Interment community room (second oor near food court). ere will be re-
followed at Rosehill Memorial Park Cemetery. freshments, games and a ra e.
There is Mention Egg Hunt
ONLY ONE 15This Ad for e annual Yorktown Easter Egg Hunt will be held at 10:30 a.m.
Saturday, April 13, at Downing Park, 2881 Crompond Road, York-
Yorktown $ town Heights. e free event, organized by the Yorktown Parks and
Recreation Department and the Yorktown Lions Club, is for York-
Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Off town children ages 12 and below. e rain date is April 20.
Your Any Service SpringFest
Best Choice e second annual Yorktown Chamber of Commerce SpringFest
will be held from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 13, on the grounds
for of the Yorktown Firehouse, 1916 Commerce St., Yorktown Heights.
• Plumbing • Repairs
e celebration will include food, wine and craft beer, live music,
• Heating • Installation dancing and instruction, a silent auction, art, and re pits. A portion
of the proceeds will be donated to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. e
Call Us Today! (914) 438-4154 event will be held rain or shine.
Replacing scores of Battle of Yorktown
Allstate | State Farm | Geico
In recognition of Earth Day, the 31st annual Battle of Yorktown,
Policies Everyday! held Saturday, April 13, calls on volunteers to help Yorktown stay
clean and green by picking up unsightly roadside litter.
Call 914-245-4438 to register where your group will be picking up
roadside litter, and then come into the town’s Refuse and Recycling
o ce (behind the police station on Route 202) for supplies: orange
litter bags, safety vests, and litter grabbers.
Last year, 106 groups with 637 volunteers picked up more than 11
tons of roadside litter, assorted debris, and nine tires.
Repair Cafe
Don’t throw it out. Fix it!
A Repair Café will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April
27, at Grace Lutheran Church, 3830 Gomer St., Yorktown Heights.
It is being co-sponsored by the Lower Hudson Group - Sierra Club.
Bring a household item in need of repair and the volunteers will take
a look. If interested in volunteering, email Sarah Wilson at sadw@
ONE CALL… MULTIPLE QUOTES We Offer Many Please Join Us for a Special Presentation
So You Can Get The Best Buy! A-Rated Companies
“Autism & Advocacy”
Come See Travelers • Foremost Tuesday, April 16, 2019 • 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Hy Reichbach, Susan Rohrig & Carmen A. Ritter Progressive • Safeco
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For Experience, Knowledge and Service Mercury • 1st American 3151 Stoney Street, Mohegan Lake, NY
Main Street America
Aardvark Insurance Top area attorneys dedicated to the educational and legal
Utica Mutual rights of individuals with special needs will host a lively
600 Rt. 6 | Mahopac NY discussion, including Q&A, on the practicalities and realities of
845.208.3707 • 845.225.1007 navigating the world of special education. The following firms will
be represented: Barger & Gaines; Law Office of Meredith Braxton;
[email protected] Littman Krooks; Mayerson & Associates; Law Offices of Neal H.
Rosenberg; and Law Offices of Regina Skyer & Associates.
The Carmel Aardvark Insurance office is merged with the Mahopac office
effective November 25, 2015. RSVP to [email protected]
For more info: 914-885-0110, ext. 739
Note: This program is purely informational;
Shrub Oak International School does not offer legal advice.
Thursday, April 4, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 7
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Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 4, 2019
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Cosmetic Services According to the Yorktown Police Department, while mother and child walked the track, a man “followed
and threatened to kill her based on her race.”
Implant & Endodontic
Services e department’s public information o cer, Lt. Tom Gentner, would not specify the races of the people
Lumineers & Invisalign
Whitening • Botox Two days after the woman reported the incident,the police located a suspect at the eld around 12:35 p.m.
ey arrested the man and charged him with second-degree aggravated harassment,a Class A misdemeanor.
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Most Insurances Accepted $7,500 cash bail. He was due back in Yorktown Justice Court on Tuesday, April 2.
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A Je erson Valley Spa employee has been charged with prostitution, according to police.
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Family Practitioner - Certi ed Prosthodontist and prostitution, an unclassi ed misdemeanor.
914.245.7575 e woman was released without bail and is due back in Yorktown Justice Court on Tuesday, April 9.
334 Kear Street, Yorktown Heights
www.elitedentalstudiosny.com A 34-year-old Flushing man has been charged with breaking into a car at the Je erson Valley Mall and
stealing $1,700 in cash, police said.
On March 12, the man reportedly saw the victim withdraw money from a nearby bank then followed
that person to the Je erson Valley Mall. After the victim parked and left their car, the thief smashed the car’s
window and stole the cash.
Investigation identi ed a suspect and Yorktown police enlisted the help of New York State police and
Croton police, who had jurisdiction over the area where the man was located. State police arrested him on
March 25 and turned him over to Yorktown police.
e man was charged with fourth-degree grand larceny, a Class E felony, and fourth-degree criminal
mischief, a Class A misdemeanor.
He was sent to Westchester County Jail on $10,000 cash bail.
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 Yorktown News – Page 9
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Page 10 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 4, 2019
e trouble with On Stage: When genius
eyewitness testimony
isn’t enough
It was May 21, 1991, and it was a a questionnaire. rough the use of sug- W hat does a Pulitzer Prize set in Chicago, begins. He had been working
rainy night in New York City. I found gestive questioning, the professor was able play look like? at’s a good
myself sitting in a rather cramped to convince over 70 percent of the lawyers question, and there’s a great for years on what would be an historic theo-
answer that’s playing
now through April 13 in rem about prime numbers that nobody had
Armonk’s Whippoorwill
and dreary backroom that there was a red been able to gure out.
eater. It’s called Proof,
of “ e Joan Rivers barn in one of the slides. by David Auburn, and In ashbacks, and in
it’s what the winner of a
Show”with my friend, MY Of course, there was Pulitzer (as well as several Catherine’s mind, they
the brilliant Dr. Eliza- PERSPECTIVE no barn, red or other- Tony Awards and other
beth Loftus. wise, in any part of her top honors) also feels like BRUCE discuss his work and
JAMES presentation. Her point and sounds like: In a word,
Dr. Loftus had MARTORANO was rmly established. exquisite. And in another THE BLOG her own, presumably
been invited to appear word: enthralling. (For inherited, brilliance as a
ticket information: HudsonStage.com.)
on the late night talk After her disappoint- BRUCE mathematician. However,
Proof proves that a Pulitzer play is APAR Catherine fears she may
many things all at once: Comic and tragic;
show to promote her ing non-appearance on suspenseful and revealing; universal in have inherited something
theme, yet uniquely speci c in plot; relat-
groundbreaking book, “ e Joan Rivers Show,” able in its depiction of human relations, yet else from Robert: clinical
extraordinary in its lyrical expression of the
“Witness for the Defense: e Accused, Loftus ew back to Seattle and continued human condition. depression and dementia.
e Eyewitness, and the Expert Who her research. Since 1991, she has written Mr. Auburn’s script is wily and witty, When her sister Claire
with nary a wasted word or a dull moment.
Puts Memory on Trial.”“ e Joan Rivers several other books. Her work in the eld (Cadden Jones) shows up for the funeral,
e often-droll dialogue—generating a
Show”had own her in from Seattle, of identi cation testimony has sparked generous frequency of laughs— ows as it becomes clear these siblings may as well
easily and crisply as a freshwater stream,
where she was a renowned psychology a movement, demanding long overdue with an undercurrent of dramatic momen- be named Yin and Yang for their polar-
tum that never lets up.
professor at the University of Washington. reforms in our criminal justice system and ized dispositions. Claire, a saccharine and
Catherine ( Jenna Krasowski) is the
As a researcher, she had made astound- has given birth to a new generation of psy- 25-year-old daughter of a world-renowned sunshiny career woman, wants dry and
professor of mathematics, Robert ( John
ing breakthroughs in demonstrating chologists who have picked up her torch. Wodja), who, as one character says,“revo- downcast “Kate” to relocate to New York,
lutionized the eld of mathematics twice
what most of us in the criminal justice Recent strides in utilizing D.N.A. before he was 25.” at was decades ago. where Claire is about to be married. Cath-
profession already knew—that eyewitness testing in closed cases have led to 364 Robert has been dead a week as the play, erine, wary of her sister’s motives, suspects
testimony was not as reliable as people overturned convictions nationwide. e Claire wants to have her institutionalized.
believed.“ e Joan Rivers Show”had sug- vast majority of them have been labeled In Catherine’s fraught connections to
gested she come with a lawyer with whom misidenti cations. One case that the both her father and to her sister, we’re
she had worked; to my profound delight, New York Court of Appeals sent back reminded that if blood indeed is thicker
she had asked me to accompany her. for retrial was the case of Otis Boone. than water, it’s also more toxic.
at particular night, one of the late Mr. Boone had been convicted in 2011 When Kate hooks up romantically with a
night comedian’s guests also happened of two robberies based solely on eyewit- high-spirited former student of the professor,
to be one of Rivers’ closest friends, ness testimony. He is black and the vic- Hal (Jayson Speters), who now is a teacher
the actress Mariette Hartley. As their tims are white. e defense in that case himself, it elevates her self-esteem. Suddenly
conversation warmed, the host decided wanted the jury to be informed of what energized by a love interest, she points Hal
to keep Hartley on for the nal segment psychologists’ research has been saying toward a notebook she locked away, in which
and bumped us completely o the show. for years—that witnesses often struggle resides the completed theorem her father had
Elizabeth was not pleased. She had to identify strangers of a di erent race. SEE APAR PAGE 10
interrupted her busy schedule and own e trial court would not allow that
across the country for nothing. information to be conveyed to the jury,
But, before Dr. Loftus ew back home, and Mr. Boone was convicted. e
she did make the time to address a large Court of Appeals found the trial judge’s
assemblage of lawyers from my o ce. decision alarming and reminded all of
e lecture part of her presentation put us that, “Mistaken eyewitness identi -
forward the results of her tedious but cations are the single greatest cause of
important research. According to her nd- wrongful convictions in this country.” At
ings, recalling an event is a tri-part event. his second trial last month, thanks to the
First, when an event occurs, the quality of skillful work of my brilliant and dedicat-
our perception can be greatly in uenced ed colleague, Bess Sti elman, Mr. Boone
by myriad factors, many of which can was acquitted. rough skillful defense
dilute our ability to accurately record what work, the jury was made aware that Mr.
is happening. Second, there is a process Boone had used his public bene t card a
through which we imprint what we have mile away from one of the robberies only
just experienced in our memory banks. ve minutes before it occurred. at fact,
at process can also be highly suspect. taken together with the doubts about
ird, when called upon to retrieve this identi cation, must have been persuasive
information, the method employed can because it only took the new jury ve
have a dramatic e ect on what we actually minutes to nd Mr. Boone not guilty.
recall.To illustrate her point, she showed One of the key witnesses in the second PHOTO COURTESY OF RANA FAURE
the group of over 100 defense attorneys a SEE MARTORANO PAGE 15 Jenna Krasowski portrays the daughter of a brilliant math professor, played by John
series of slides and then asked us to ll out Wojda, in Pulitzer Prize play Proof, at Whippoorwill Theater in Armonk through April 13.
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR SOMERS, NY 10589 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: 914-302-5628 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
Fax: 914-617-8508 number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
[email protected]
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
Thursday, April 4, 2019 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 11
Bonifacio a great criticize these e orts to address
critical issues while we plan for a
role model sustainable future.
To the editor, When the Republicans con-
I look forward to reading the trolled the Yorktown Town Board,
Your Neighbor section in the our town faced many of these
Yorktown News every ursday. same issues. en, however, they
Even when I know the featured shamefully kicked our challenges,
neighbor, I always nd some new including such issues as business
and interesting things about him development, tra c congestion or
or her. Such was the case when a ordable housing, down the road.
reading about Brian Bonifacio in ankfully, Supervisor Gilbert
the March 21 edition of the paper. has had the leadership to put in
I have known Brian Bonifacio place an Economic Redevelop-
for years and, without a doubt, he ment Committee to thoughtfully
is one of the most kind, humble, determine what the town must
sincere and hard-working people do to maintain its status as a
I know. He is a business person desirable and a ordable place for
with ideals not always found people to live in Northern West-
today.To Brian, his customers are chester. at’s why I, and most of
number one and he will bend over the people I know, live here.
backwards to help them. When We have so much to be proud of:
you rent from him at Yorktown • Great public schools and
Self Storage, he treats you like town recreation 914-552-0936
family. I have used him on several • Parks, swimming, trails, nature [email protected]
occasions to rent storage space and preserves and other outdoor,
Cooking Classes
he takes the time to evaluate the family-oriented activities
best, most economical unit to rent • Housing options—anything
for your needs. e people I have from modest single-family ranch-
referred have been so pleased with es to condominiums, senior living,
the facility and working with him. historical homes and estates
In addition, Brian has been one • A growing variety of restau-
of Support Connection’s greatest rants, including Asian, Indian,
supporters for years, always letting diners, steak houses, Italian and
people know that they are there now Greek and many other
for anyone in need of breast and choices
ovarian cancer support. • A local stage with theatrical
I greatly enjoyed reading about productions, an historical mu-
Brian’s Lego hobby paying tribute seum, tness centers and a wide
to his father. I was not surprised variety of sports and associated
to hear about Brian’s volunteer sports venues
activities and support of the won- • New developments continue
derful organization, My Brother to appear including an interna-
Vinny. Like Paula Miritello, the tional school for autism, a Lowe’s,
founder, who gives tirelessly of and plans for additional rental
herself to help veterans, he does housing, medical practices and
the same. How wonderful is it restaurants
that he worked with her to set up And there’s more to come as
her headquarters in the facility? Yorktown intelligently evaluates
Brian truly is a role model its needs and opportunities for the
who we can all learn from. He is 21st century.
living proof that a very successful Yorktown does not have to
business can be built on caring, overdevelop like the Route 6
concern and giving of one’s self. corridor going through Peekskill
Way to go, Brian! and Cortlandt Manor. We can
Katherine Quinn continue to develop prudently,
Shrub Oak avoid further tra c conges-
Proud of tion and maintain an image as a
family-oriented town.
Yorktown, excited Many left Yonkers, the Bronx
and other congested towns to live
in beautiful Yorktown! Yorktown
about our future is for people!
To the editor, Richard M. Fisher
Yorktown residents moved here Yorktown Heights
because of the many assets of our
town: great schools, scenic beauty, Say no to abortion
and a wonderful family-oriented
community. I know I did, when in To the editor,
1984, my family chose to live in I went to the two Town Board
Yorktown. I am so glad to see our meetings where Michael Grace
current Town Board working dili- asked for a resolution of the late-
gently to maintain these priorities, term abortion law—and I am
while at the same time, address grateful he did. Something needs
both current and future needs. to be done to change this terrible
I nd it so hypocritical to listen SEE LETTERS PAGE 12
to Town Republicans as they
Page 12 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, April 4, 2019
Keep Yorktown Clean & Green LETTERS Clearing up mis- until Sept. 7, 2018—long after
Celebrate Earth Day statements about the grant submission deadline
FROM PAGE 11 Mohegan Lake had passed. Mr. Slater knows this
Volunteer for because he worked in the Senate
law that Gov. Andrew Cuomo To the editor, o ce that submitted the bill.
THE BATTLE of YORKTOWN celebrated about by lighting up Cleaning up Mohegan Lake
Wage a War on the Empire State Building. In 2016, when Mr. Slater
Roadside Litter! is a very serious matter and the worked on legislation for former
I have never agreed with abor- public should be treated seri- Sen.Terrence Murphy, why didn’t
Since 1988 Yorktown residents tion. Abortion is about lack of ously and told the facts. Let’s not they include Mohegan Lake as an
have been battling the litter responsibility. For the pro-choice accept omissions, contradictions inland waterway at that time? But
that defaces our community. people, choice should be about and misstatements! Mr. Slater, Ed Lachterman and
whether or not to have a baby Tom Diana did nothing when they
e clean-up is always and get pregnant in the rst e rst item to stress, as did had the opportunity? Why didn’t
impressive, yet each year litter place; not choice on whether the Republicans, is that portions they ght for Yorktown in 2016?
to kill life and dismember and of the lake have been closed each
nds its way back to torture a baby. Unwanted babies summer since 2012. ese are the Since 2012 the Republicans
our roadsides… can be adopted. is late-term very same Republicans who held have waited. Now that it’s an
We can’t let our guard down! abortion law has brought it all the majority on the Town Board election year they use misstated
We need volunteers to a head for me, and it has gone for ve out of the last six years. information to avoid responsibil-
more than ever! way too far. Why did they wait? ity. If Mr. Slater had insisted that
Mohegan Lake was included in
Saturday, April 13, 2019 We need to let our voices Matt Slater criticizes Supervi- the 2016 legislation, we wouldn’t
be heard. We need to repeal sor Ilan Gilbert for not applying have this problem!
Call (914) 245-4438 to register & the abortion law. Elect pro-life for a Local Waterfront Revital-
get supplies for your group. candidates. Contact your Town ization Program (LWRP) grant Andrea Black Je ries
Board and ask them to pass the that Yorktown could have used to Mohegan Lake
Yorktown’s Refuse and Recycling Department resolution. Write Senator Peter improve the lake. But here’s the
Harckham and Assemblyman Catch-22 and why Mr. Slater is Marijuana poses
Saturday, Kevin Byrne. Write Gov. Cuomo being disingenuous and misstat- real dangers
April 13 and ask for a repeal to the law. ing the facts.
Contact President Trump. To the editor,
7:30 a.m – 2:30 p.m. Also Cardinal Dolan and other Yorktown couldn’t have applied It seems that it is Mr. Harvey
religious leaders to ask them to for the grant because it wasn’t
Bring E-Waste, Textiles/Clothing be more outspoken on the issue. eligible for the grant. e grant Wolchans, who last week wrote
Car Tires ($5.00/tire disposal fee) to the All this can easily be done on submission deadline was July 27, that “marijuana fear is not fact-
the internet. A pro-life event is 2018, and in order to apply for based,” does not know the danger
Refuse & Recycling Department coming up on June 3 in Albany. the grant, Mohegan Lake had to of marijuana. Automobile crashes
2279 Crompond Road (behind Police/Court) Information is on the web. Please have been designated an “inland are on the rise in marijuana states.
let your voices be heard. waterway” by the state legisla-
ture and signed into law by the ree states that have approved
Barbara Gunther governor. But that didn’t happen
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 13
LETTERS Democratic opponents. Some labeled them EMERGENCY SERVICES 24 HOURS/365 DAYS &
“racially/ethnically bigoted.”Who’s respon- GENERAL PRACTICE
FROM PAGE 12 sible? What roles did Michael Grace (then SPECIALITY SERVICES
Republican town supervisor) and Matthew • 24 hour fully staffed care
the sale of marijuana for recreational use Slater (then chairman of the Yorktown • Surgery
have shown an increase in car accident Republican Committee) play in composing • Computer Assisted
claims. e number of vehicle collisions is 3 or condoning these in ammatory mailings?
percent higher than what would have been Tomography (CAT)
if pot weren’t legal, the study also claims. A new fresh young face perhaps, but the • Artemis Laser
same old grimy politics. One Republican • Hyperbaric Chamber
Now if that wasn’t bad enough, another mailer depicted a White Jewish politician as • Fluoroscopy
study nds that people with long-term a marionette puppet master whose puppe- • Endoscopy
marijuana use during young adulthood have teer’s strings are manipulating two apparently • Laparoscopy
more health problems at age 50 than those “mindless”minority Democratic candidates. • Wound Care Center
with short-term use compared with people Another Republican mailer depicted two
who never used marijuana, those who used White Jewish politicians driving and riding WELLNESS $25 OFF
marijuana for shorter or longer periods in the front of a bus with African-American • Examinations
of time had higher odds of various health and Indian-American Democratic candi- • Custom Vaccination Programs PROFESSIONAL SERVICES • VALID THROUGH 7/31/19 • ONE COUPON PER CLIENT
problems at age 50. I don’t know where Mr. dates relegated to the back. Both Republican • Worming COUPON MUST BE PRESENT AT TIME OF SERVICES RENDERED
Wolchans is getting his information from, mailers featured incendiary images of eeing • In House Laboratory
but it is certainly not factual. illegal alien families. News media reported • Surgery 3655 Crompond Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567
widespread community condemnation of • Dentistry (914) 737-24ER (37) • www.24HrVetCenter.com
In closing, the legalization of recreational Yorktown’s Republican campaign transfor- • Digital Radiography
pot needs to be looked at more carefully mation of ordinary political rhetoric into • Health Certificates
especially long-term use. e politicians all-out fear-mongering propaganda pitting
seem to be pushing this and we all know neighbor against neighbor.
the reason. Follow the money. ey see a
treasure trove in tax revenue. Let’s not be Slater and Grace never expressed any regret
too fast to get into this train-wreck. or even acknowledged that their campaign’s
literature may have been perceived as being
Francis T. McVetty insensitive, intolerant and hurtful. Far from
Yorktown Heights apologetic, Michael Grace and Matthew
Slater both doubled down by wholeheart-
‘Us vs. them’politics edly embracing their party’s caustic brand of
in Yorktown identity politics. What have these weaponized
mailers really exposed more: eir Demo-
To the editor, cratic opponent’s political views or the depths
Many felt that the Yorktown Republicans that certain candidates/campaigns maybe
willing to stoop to win their 2020 election?
in the 2018 election mailed campaign y-
ers containing not-so-subtle stereotypical, Stephen Brown
discriminatory, and anti-immigrant mes-
sages aimed at personally attacking their Yorktown Heights
S pring
is in the
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Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, April 4, 2019
Chronic Heel Spur APAR authentic performance. We cannot help
Plantar Fasciitis but empathize with the tart-tongued but
FROM PAGE 10 vulnerable young woman who’s sure of
State of the Art her talent, less sure of her equilibrium, and
ESWT/Shockwave Treatment been working on. But if he didn’t nish
the proof, who did, and can they prove it at-out unsure of her future.
Now Available as their own? As her doppelganger father, a purebred
creature of academe, John Wojda is an
Servicing the Community for over 20 years One of Mr. Auburn’s remarkable a ecting amalgam of irascible, eccentric,
achievements in Proof is using a plot and charming. He’s the absent-minded
www.hudsonpodiatryassociates.com device as cold and cryptic as math to draw professor so wrapped up in his scholarship
us in to the fascinating questions he poses that it would be rude to look askance at his
QuarterPage_Layout 1 3/29/2019 10:19 AM Page 1 – notably what, if anything, separates mad- social awkwardness—not to mention the
ness from genius. Are they, in fact, one and fact that he abhors pasta.
the same? Is genius even worth it if its in- Also superb are Jayson Speters as Hal
tensity can drive you mad? And, in human and Cadden Jones as Claire. Ms. Jones
relations, is objective scienti c proof more makes a stylish, sharply-de ned foil for the
valuable or more important than subjective tomboyish younger sister she cares about,
trust of a loved one? but whom she also envies and resents for
Catherine’s God-given, and Dad-given,
It’s not as if we walk out of the theater intellect, and for Catherine’s closeness to
more emotionally invested in numbers, but their father.
neither are we numbed by them. is deft Mr. Speters seemingly springs onto
dramatist makes us care about his intel- stage with each entrance, engagingly
lectually gifted and emotionally distressed breathless in his eagerness to absorb as
human ciphers, who celebrate epiphanies much as he can from his late mentor’s
unearthed in the mysteries of prime attic-full of voluminous notebooks.
integers. Hudson Stage Company, the producer
of this show, already is a gold standard
In addition to the elegant and roomy, in this region for theater that aspires to
yet intimate, Whippoorwill eater— Broadway quality. Working with material
which is a structural wing of North Castle that boasts a Pulitzer pedigree, Hudson
Library—another constant comfort that Stage executive producers Denise Bessette
characterizes a Hudson Stage production and Olivia Sklar, in league with their part-
is the canny casting that almost always is ner Mr. Foster, have delivered as satisfying
spot on. and compelling a theater experience as any
you’ll nd north of Manhattan. But don’t
e quartet of actors here is terri c both take my word for it. e proof is there for
individually and as a well-tuned, harmo- anyone to see for themselves. If you’re a
nious unit, a testament to the directorial theater lover, prove it by seeing Proof.
mastery of Dan Foster.
As Catherine, the play’s center of gravity
(in more ways than one), Jenna Krasowski
gives a beautifully-modulated, achingly
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 15
It’s cool to be kind MARTORANO example, in the Boone case, the composition of the
FROM PAGE 10 lineup was highly unfair. ere were terrible llers
(people placed in lineups other than the suspect)
Editor’s Note: I am deferring my people they’ve ever met. I didn’t get trial was another brilliant psychology Professor, who looked nothing like the defendant. When you
column space this week to my sister, the chance to reach out to her prior Dr. Nancy Franklin, who teaches at Stony Brook couple that with the biased instructions given by
who is much braver than I could ever to her passing, and I’ll always wish University. I have consulted with her on many the police to the victim, you are left with a highly
hope to be. that I had. Even though the time cases and I’ve always been extremely impressed. suggestive a air.To make matters much worse, the
we spent together wasn’t particularly She was gracious enough to speak to me as I o cer told the eyewitness that “he needed him to
BY JESSICA MARSCHHAUSER long, I’m still hurting by this loss. prepared this column: be sure.” e result was that the witness became
is goes to show that even small Can you tell us about your concerns sur- locked into and extremely con dent in what was
A lmost every person can interactions can make a big di er- rounding eyewitness testimony? a complete misidenti cation. is was a perfect
relate to experiencing some
sort of loss or hardship that ence in someone’s life. When we listen to witnesses in a courtroom example of a situation where feedback from a
I’m 26 now, and as I get older, I’ve we expect, especially when it comes to important law enforcement o cer can lead to an arti cially
matters like identi cation, 100 percent reliabil- manufactured con dence which only becomes
started to realize that it takes more
has changed them as a person. courage to be vulnerable than to ity. But we may be asking for too much. We are more rigid every time the victim is asked to go
I have always been the type of keep your feelings to yourself. It is requiring someone to expound on an event that back over the events.
person who struggles silently, not not weak to ask for help. may have occurred two or more years ago under No system is perfect. Eyewitness testimony
only because I don’t like attention, I’ve learned that everyone you meet very stressful situations. continues to be a major source of information in
but because I felt that it was weak to is dealing with their own issues, and Can you describe some of the factors that may our criminal justice system. However, thanks to
express vulnerability. that none of us really know what lead to a false identi cation? the continued work of people like Elizabeth Loftus
I can internally be on the verge we’re doing. We’re all just trying to do Weapon focus, multiple perpetrators, cross racial and Nancy Franklin, we are much more cogni-
of a nervous breakdown but on the best we can to get by. identity, partial disguise, the speed of the events; zant today of the need to carefully scrutinize the
the outside appear completely ne. is is why it’s so important to be all can contribute to an inaccurate identi cation. myriad of issues surrounding both the experience
Even when I think I’m being obvi- kind whenever you have the chance, e expert witness for the prosecution in the of the victim during the incident and the subse-
ous about how I feel, people often because you never know how it Boone case, Dr. John Wixted, suggested that the quent identi cation procedures themselves. Mr.
don’t notice. could make or break someone’s day. witnesses’“con dence” in making the identi ca- Boone spent approximately seven years in jail for
It made me start to wonder: How It’s easy to judge or dismiss some- tion should have been the key factor, not cross crimes he did not commit. If nothing else, his case
many people feel the same way? one, but maybe we can learn to try racial identi cation issues. Is he correct? demonstrates the need for nothing less than a full
How many people do I encounter to understand each other and be Con dence in one’s identi cation is not a lter commitment from all of us in the criminal justice
daily who are facing demons similar there for one another instead. against misidenti cations for many reasons. For system to avoid wrongful convictions at all costs.
to mine?
I started to talk more openly
about my feelings of depression and
anxiety to friends and family and
was surprised to nd out how many
people felt the same, even people
who you might never expect.
I learned at a young age that
you don’t have much control over
the things that happen to you in
life. My parents divorced when I
was in elementary school and my
dad passed away when I was 11.
After his passing, I had a very dif-
cult time dealing with it.
My school at the time didn’t
really know how to deal with
someone like me. I was kicked out
numerous times for expressing
feelings of depression and told I
couldn’t return without written
consent from my doctor. ese ex-
periences made me cold and bitter,
and I didn’t feel comfortable telling
people how I honestly felt because
I didn’t want it to be used against Add Value
me. Instead of validating my feel-
ings, which I think were reasonable
given the circumstances, I was to Your Home
made to feel like a social pariah.
I could’ve gone down a bad path,
but I was fortunate to have a mom
and two protective older brothers
who never gave up on me, even
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self. I’m incredibly lucky because not
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Page 16 Yorktown News – Th
Addison Ritter, 8, takes a big bite of pancakes.
is serv
Local farms celebrate ‘Ma
Hilltop Hanover Farm and White Oak Farm, of grilled pancakes
Yorktown, and Hemlock Hill Farm, of Cortlandt, Farm), bacon an
jointly celebrated “New York State Maple Weekends” Farm), juice, and
on March 23-24 and March 30-31. e New Yor
Breakfast at Hilltop Hanover consisted of freshly sponsored this st
ewsApril14_Layout 1 3/31/2017 9:46 AM Page 1
The Raducanu and Lofton families enjoy the pancake breakfast together.
Yorktown Funeral Home PHOTOS: DEENA
“Where the Difference Is in the Caring” Kyra Weaver and Ray Weaver, 6, can’t wait
enjoy the chocolate chip pancakes and bac
Q: How much time is there to arrange a funeral after a death
A: Some religions require a funeral to take
place as soon as possible. Otherwise, it depends
on the needs and wishes of the family, with
most funerals taking place about a week after
the time of death.
Anthony J. Guarino
Funeral Director
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Affiliated with: Yannantuono Burr Davis Sharpe Funeral Home
Mt. Vernon, NY
hursday, April 4, 2019 Page 17
Irene Montesino works the beverage station.
aple Weekends’
s, maple syrup (produced at White Oak
nd sausage (produced at Hemlock Hill
d hot beverages.
rk State Maple Producers Association
statewide event.
Volunteers from 4H: Frankie Slippen, Dominick Morabito and James
Sasso with goats Adrian and Rocky
Mallory, Samson and Ardren Drews
Town Supervisor Ilan Gilbert pours on the maple syrup.
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Page 18 – Yorktown News SCHOOLS & CAMPS Thursday, April 4, 2019
Hudson Valley Teens from ere’s no split here.
Chris1an Academy varying religious Middle school and high school students be-
backgrounds longing to ve local religious establishments
A Firm Founda1on in a Changing Worl d came together came together at Je erson Valley Lanes in Yor-
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Now Accepting Applications: Pre-K through Grade Five pizza last month. and pizza.
Known as the Yorktown Interfaith Group,
WHY HUDSON VALLEY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY? its members come from Church of the Good
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Safe, Loving, Christ-Centered Environment rian Church of Yorktown, Yorktown United
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Mahopac Falls, NY students earn
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Editor’s Note: e following residents earned academic honors for
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 SCHOOLS & CAMPS Yorktown News – Page 19
Improving your kids’ vocabulary in the digital age
STRONG on college admissions tests, Do crossword puzzles togeth- PHOTO: METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
LEARNING and eventually, progress more er. Begin at your child’s level. If
quickly in their careers. they’re too hard at the begin- Crossword puzzles are a fun and relaxing way to build a child’s
DR. LINDA ning, your child will become vocabulary.
SILBERT She’s also right that one of the frustrated with them and not
best ways to build a strong vo- want to do them. If they’re easy ence, they’ll continue learning “Why Bad Grades Happen
Dear Dr. Linda, cabulary is by reading. However, at the beginning, your child will and growing their vocabularies to Good Kids,” and director
My wife is an English teacher as you know, if children hate to feel a sense of accomplishment long after they’ve left school. of Strong Learning Tutoring
read, they will skip over new vo- and want to do more. Crossword and SAT/ACT Test Prep.
and believes that our kids must cabulary words. As a result, they puzzles are fun and relaxing. Dr. Linda Send your questions to Linda@
have outstanding vocabularies in will not understand what they’re stronglearning.com
order to succeed in life. erefore, reading. ey’re simply reading Go to a bookstore or online Dr. Linda is co-author of
she makes them read for an hour a word list, and of course, their and look for vocabulary build-
every day. Our daughter loves to vocabularies will not improve ers. If your children are on board
read, just like her mom, so she much. So, what else can parents and are interested in building
would be reading an hour every do to help their children develop their vocabularies, they’ll nd it
day even if her mom never told strong vocabularies? fun and worth their while.
her to. On the other hand, her
two brothers hate to read and Spend time talking with your Work as a family coming up
making them read an hour a day children! e dinner table used with a new word a day and use
is only making them hate it more. to initiate discussions about it in conversation. If you do that
politics, science, books being for a year, you and your children
I can relate to them because I read—where not only did chil- will learn about a four hundred
hate to read. I’m not saying that dren hear new words but had new words each year.
I can’t read, in fact I’m reading an opportunity to have “higher
all day at work, but I don’t have order” discussions about them Whatever you decide to do,
the patience to sit with a novel and learn what those words make it a pleasant experience. If
and read hundreds of pages. It meant. Instead, kids seem to your children connect learning
actually makes me feel sick if I have their own separate lives new words as a pleasant experi-
know I have to do that. I never and the knowledge students
read through one book in col- acquire from television shows, The Tom Thumb Campus
lege. I learned how to skim and movies and digital entertain- 1949 E Main Street, Mohegan Lake, NY
did just ne. By the way, I’m a ment today don’t usually use
mechanical engineer. Anyway, words that expand vocabulary. For information call: Nancy Brophy, Owner/Director 914-528-5600
here’s my question. Once I con- And when parents talk with
vince my wife that she’s actually their children today, they’re not Accepting registrations now for all programs .
harming their vocabularies by usually using a rich vocabulary.
forcing reading on them, what Spending “quality time” with Tom Thumb now offers a Modified Corporate Calendar.
else can I do to ensure that our children today often means go-
boys develop outstanding ones? ing to soccer games, gymnastics, The corporate program operates from July through June
dance, etc. It’s “time,” but it isn’t
Jon necessarily “quality” time, spent preschool Ages 3 and Up. Younger 5’s
just talking. 2:15 or 3:15 Dismissal Programs
Dear Jon, We Are A School! Before and After Care Available
Your wife is right. It’s been Play games such as Scrabble NY State Certified Curriculum
with your children. Keep your www.tomthumbpreschool.com NYS OCFS Daycare License
found that children with rich phones nearby to look up weird Operating Hours 6:50 a.m. to 6 pm
vocabularies tend to think more words someone may come up
deeply, can communicate better with. Go online and search
because they express themselves for games to build vocabulary.
on a higher cognitive level, do When kids are playing games,
better in school, score higher they’re having fun. Kids who are
having fun will stay focused and
engaged. Engaged kids learn!
ThumBelina for children who will be
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Before care begins at 6:50 a.m. Hours: 9 to 3
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Page 20 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 4, 2019
Varsity Sports Roundup
Rebel girls lax o to fast start
Lakeland/Panas’ girls lacrosse
squad improved to 4-0 by winning
at Harrison 16-5 on March 30, led
by Con Ed Scholar Athlete Award
winner Emily Kness (5G).
Raquel Nieves (3G, 2A), Keirra
Ettere (3G, 1A), Jenna McCrud-
den (1G 5A), Megan Mucci (1G,
1A), Julia Araujo (1G), Samantha
Cerrato (1G), Paige Balassone
(1G), Gabie Espinoza (1A), Mi-
randa Lopes (5 saves) and Emily
McGovern (1 save) also contrib-
uted to the victory.
Lakeland/Panas won against Emily Kness makes her move toward the net.
visiting North Salem 16-6 on
March 28 with Kness (4G), Et- PHOTOS: DEENA BELL
tere (4G), Katelyn Cerrato (3G, her goals on 8 meters after drawing YORKTOWN 10, Julia Araujo looks to pass.
1A),McCrudden (1G,2A),Mucci a foul.” HEN HUD 9
(1G, 1A), Gianna Scialdone (1G), Mucci (4G, 3A) and McCrud- Yorktown nipped visiting Hen-
Emma Fon ( rst varsity goal), den (3G, 1A) also stood out in the drick Hudson 10-9 in its opener Altimari (5 saves) and Nicole Pe- YORKTOWN 13
Mackenzie Orf ( rst varsity goal) victory. on a goal by McDonnell with 6:10 ters (1 save) also produced against FOX LANE 7
and Lopes (13 saves) doing the “Megan has a great shot on goal remaining in the game. the Sailors. Host Yorktown (2-1) outscored
honors for the Rebels. and has speed, combined she’s un- “It feels so good to get the rst “Everyone played their role this Fox Lane 4-0 in the nal quar-
stoppable and is able to beat any W of the season,”McDonnell said. game and showed up to win,” Mc- ter en route to a 13-7 victory on
LAKELAND/PANAS 18 defender one on one,” McCrud- “Game-winning goal was crazy, Donnell said. “A lot of credit goes March 25.
CLARKSTOWN SOUTH 11 den said. “Personally, I was making didn’t even know that it was going to our goalie Sophia Altimari on “Yes, it was a nice fourth-quar-
Lakeland/Panas used an 11-6 good cuts and my teammates were to be the last goal of the game. I the last save that kept us winning ter rally by the team to nish the
halftime lead to catapult to a 18-11 hitting me in the 8-meter for an was set up on the middle hash and by 1 in the nal seconds, it was a game,” Blake Borges said. “Bren-
win in their home opener against easy shot. My success on o ense knew I just had to sink it into the huge save by her. I have high hopes dan Williams was amazing at the
Clarkstown South on March 26. really came down to my teammates goal for my team to get us up on for the season, for the team, and faceo X, which allowed us to sus-
“O the rst draw, Emily won having good vision and us connect- the board.When it went in, the of- hope to keep up progress and im- tain a run like we had in the fourth
the ball and scored, starting the ing our passes.” fense, and I didn’t even think of it, provement throughout the rest of quarter.Coach (Sean) Carney gives
game o on the right foot to get Ettere (1G, 1A), Araujo (1G), we just ran back to the draw and the season.” us all the green light to push the
the intensity up,”McCrudden said. Nieves (1G), Cerrato (1G) and kept saying keep this momentum Boys Lacrosse ball and let us just play the way we
“ e players on the draw did a Lopes (14 saves) contributed to the for the rest of the game.” know how to and we just started to
good job of getting the ball and at- victory as well. McDonnell (6G, 1A) led York- click later in the game.”
tacking with speed. Raquel Nieves town (1-1) in the March 26 con- DARIEN 11 Borges (4G, 1A) led Yorktown
and Megan Mucci both did an RYE 10 test. YORKTOWN 7 against the Foxes.
awesome job and picking up loose YORKTOWN 9 “It was de nitely a good way to Yorktown fell at Darien 11-7 on “ roughout the game my
balls and put the ball in a scoring Host Yorktown was nipped by set the tone for myself for the rest March 30, with Blake Borges (2G, teammates gave me many op-
opportunity.” Rye 10-9 on March 28, with the of the season and make some high 1A), Shane Dahlke (1G, 1A), Re- portunities to score,” Borges said.
Kness (7G) paced the Rebels Huskers paced by Kelsey McDon- standards for myself on o ense,” ese Andrews (1G), Alex DeBene- “My teammates had created a lot
against the Vikings. nell (3G), Alexa Borges (2G, 1A), McDonnell said. “Hard work and dictis (1G), Keith Boyer (1G), of space for me to doge and nd
“Emily is a great nisher and re- Jesse Barer (2G), Lindsay Boyle hustle by the rest of my team al- Timmy O’Callaghan (1G), Bren- open lanes.”
ally takes advantage of every lane (1G), Sam Paglino (1G), Maddy lowed me to be able to net 6 goals.” dan Regan (1A), Keegan Doller Doller (2G, 3A), DeBenedictis
and shot on goal she has,” Mc- Marr (1A), Izzy Cicinelli (1A) and Sophia Spallone (2G), Borges (1A) and Dan O’Meara (14 saves) SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 24
Crudden said. “She scored most of Sophia Altimari (10 saves). (1G, 2A), Barer (1G), Boyle (1A), leading the Huskers.
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Thursday, April 4, 2019 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 21
Fernandez wins debut as Husker coach
Cortino stands out with arm and bat
BY MIKE SABINI Kaitlyn Bennett steals second. by calling a great game with coach PHOTOS: DEENA BELL I had the opportunity to help the
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Wilson, and setting a target for me team out and help score some runs,
Rams in ve innings of work to to spot my pitches,” Cortino said. Sam Riccardulli rounds second I took it. Because my teammates
Yorktown softball head coach garner the victory, with help from “Lainie bailed me out in the rst and heads to third. got on base in front of me I was
Samantha Fernandez won her rst her catcher Lainie Ornstein. able to do my job and get a couple
game as Husker coach with a re- inning after I walked the leado runs in.”
sounding 16-1 win against visiting “My catcher Lainie helped me batter, she threw her out trying to
Port Chester on March 25. steal second. It was an exciting play Sam Riccardulli (1-2, 2 walks, 3
that pumped the team up. It was runs), Alyssa Buck (2-2, 2 walks,
“It felt awesome, such a relief nice to see that all the hard work 3 runs) and Juliana Piehler (2-2, 4
knowing we got one out of the we do at practice is paying o in a runs, HBP) contributed to the vic-
way,” Fernandez said. “I had all the big way.” tory against Port Chester as well.
girls sign the game ball so I can
keep that forever. It was a very spe- At the plate, Cortino came Yorktown (1-1) also played on
cial moment.” through as well,going 3 for 4 while March 27, losing to visiting Roy C.
producing 8 RBIs in addition to Ketcham 9-5.
Yorktown pitcher Allie Cor- scoring twice.
tino was pleased that she and her Ornstein (3-4, 2 SBs, 2 runs),
teammates were able to get the win “I had a big day at the plate be- Riccardulli (2-4, SB) and Piehler
for Fernandez and assistant coach cause I enjoy hitting,”Cortino said. (3-4, HR, run, SB, 2 RBIs) led the
Nicole Wilson, a 2012 Yorktown “During the o season we put a lot Huskers at the plate against Ket-
graduate and former Husker player of work into our o ense, so when cham.
“ ey are all clutch players and
“It was a great feeling getting perform well under pressure,” Fer-
our opening-day win,” Cortino nandez said of the trio. “We fo-
said. “It was even greater to be a cused on situational hitting more
part of coach Fernandez and coach this week too at practice.”
Wilson’s rst win. ey have been
great leaders and have pushed us to Buck stood out on the mound
be our best, so it was rewarding to against the Indians by recording 12
see all of our hard work pay o for strikeouts.
“She came in and had the teams’
Cortino played a big role in the back,” Fernandez said of Buck.
victory, both on the mound and at “We didn’t play our best defense
the plate. and hitting appeared late in the
game so she kept us in the game.
As a pitcher, she struck out eight She is a tough player, and is super
motivated on the mound.”
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Page 26 – Yorktown News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, April 4, 2019
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Putnam Humane Society, 68 Old Rt. 6, Carmel 914-455-4210
845-225-7777 www.puthumane.org
Open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 4, 2019 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Yorktown News – Page 27
Mark your calendars for upcoming Chamber events
PRESIDENT’S March 26 at Furci’s Restau- the year will take place on April reservations by April 12 – seat- sale in May. Please save the date
COLUMN rant. Our hosts, the Furci fam- 15 at Savannah & Co. where ing is limited. and look for the announcement!
ily, were most gracious and it you will hear presentations
SERGIO was great to see so many new from State Senator Pete Harck- It is hard to believe, but it is Once again I would like to
ESPOSITO faces attending. Please look for ham, State Assemblyman Kev- that time again. e Yorktown thank the membership, spon-
notices of upcoming business in Byrne, Westchester County Chamber of Commerce, in con- sors, board of directors and our
I would like to start by say- socials and business empower- Executive George Latimer and junction with the Town of Yor- o ce sta for continuing to
ing Happy Easter and Happy ment seminars. Yorktown Supervisor Ilan Gil- ktown, is excited to bring our make this a great organization.
Passover! bert followed by a Q&A. Please 11th Annual Festival and Street
Our 21st annual Yorktown’s call the Chamber o ce to make Fair on Sunday, Oct. 13! Vendor Sergio Esposito
Spring is nally here and the Best of. . .Awards Cocktail Re- spaces and sponsorships go on
Yorktown Chamber of Com- ception is scheduled for urs- President, Yorktown
merce is proceeding full speed day, May 30, 2019 at Vittoria’Z
ahead delivering on our prom- on the Lake. is year’s honor- Chamber of Commerce
ise to our members by provid- ees are: 2019 Business Person
ing high quality opportunities of the Year: Mary Fellbusch, Do you know what the cost of your long-term care
for you to expand and grow! Absolute Flooring; 2019 Busi- will be if you are not eligible for Medicaid?
ness of the Year: Breslin Realty
We are anticipating that over Development Corp.; and 2019 • Asset Protection • Elder Law • Past Chair of Elder Law Section of
2,000 people of all ages will be Organization of the Year: Drug NYS Bar Association
attending the 2nd annual Co- Crisis in our Backyard. In con- • Medicaid Applications
sponsored SPRINGFEST on junction with this event, we are (Nursing Home/Home Care) • “Super Lawyer” In Elder Law
April 13 at the Yorktown Fire- preparing a virtual journal that for 10 consecutive years
house carnival grounds. ere will be displayed on screens at • Guardianships
will be live music and dance, the event and will be available (Contested/Non-Contested) Contact ANTHONY J. ENEA, ESQ.
activities for all ages and foods online throughout the year as
from all over the Hudson Val- a reference guide. We ask all of • Wills, Trusts & Estates Managing Member
ley. Festivities begin at noon and our members to attend this cel- Fluent in Italian
proceed throughout the day un- ebration and take out an ad. WHITE PLAINS • SOMERS
til 6 p.m. We urge you to attend
and enjoy a fun- lled day! We are proud to introduce a 914.948.1500
new series of Power Luncheons/
We are pleased to announce Breakfasts whereby the cham- WWW.ESSLAWFIRM.COM
that we have partnered once ber is determined to connect
again with Furci’s Restaurant in the business community with
their generous o er to donate our local leaders. In that vein,
20 percent of their proceeds our rst “Power Luncheon” of
from 5 to 8 p.m. on Tues-
day, April 9, bene ting our APARPR
Scholarship Fund. Ap-
plications are pouring
in and we look forward
to awarding scholar-
ships to deserving
students at our Schol-
arship Awards Dinner
in July, where you will
hopefully be attending as
our guest.
We had an excellent turn-
out at our Business Social on
Your ad Public Rela ons For...
could be here. Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events
Call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 Your Message Is Our Mission
to find out how.
Leave Your Message Here...
(914) 275-6887 | bruceaparpr@ gmail.com
Page 28 – Yorktown News LEGAL NOTICES Thursday, April 4, 2019
LLC FORMATION NOTICE process against it may be served. Tuesday, May 21, 2019, from tax, bonds of the District are previously registered to vote with
AGM-Ellsworth, LLC, Arts SSNY shall mail process to: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Daylight hereby authorized to be issued the school district and has voted
of Org. filed with Sec. of State 2877 Lexington Ave Mohegan Savings Time. in the principal amount of not at an annual or special school
of NY (SSNY) 2/12/2019. Lake, NY 10547. Purpose: any NOTICE IS HEREBY to exceed $1,568,970 and a tax is district meeting within the last
Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. lawful purpose. FURTHER GIVEN that hereby voted to pay the interest four calendar years, he/she is
as agent upon whom process LLC FORMATION NOTICE petitions nominating candidates on said bonds as the same shall eligible to vote.
against may be served & shall
for the office of member of the become due and payable. · NOTICE IS ALSO
mail process to Ann Martino, Notice of Formation of Board of Education must be Such Bond Proposition HEREBY GIVEN that the
9 Tamarac Trail, Harrison, NY TIERCE CONSULTING, filed with the District Clerk at shall appear on the ballots Board of Registration will also
10528. General Purpose. LLC. Art. Of Org. filed with her office in the District Office, used for voting at said Annual meet during and at the place of
LLC FORMATION NOTICE SSNY on 3/25/19. Office 1086 East Main Street, Shrub District Meeting and Election the foregoing election between
Location: Westchester County. Oak, NY, not later than April 22, in substantially the following the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00
Koohlah LLC, App of Auth. SSNY designated as agent of 2019 at 5:00 p.m. The following condensed form: p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 to
filed with Sec. of State of NY the LLC upon whom process vacancies on the Board of prepare a register for meetings or
(SSNY) 10/12/2018. Cty: against it may be served. SSNY Education are to be filled: BOND PROPOSITION elections held subsequent to said
Westchester. SSNY desig. as shall mail process to: 3536 YES/NO Annual Meeting and Election.
agent upon whom process Gomer St., Yorktown Heights, TERM/NAME OF LAST RESOLVED: The register will be on file in
against may be served & shall NY 10598. Purpose: any lawful INCUMBENT (a)That the Board of Education the office of the District Clerk,
mail process to 36 Wampus purpose. 3 years - expiring June 30, of the Lakeland Central School at the District Office, 1086 East
Lake Dr., Armonk, NY 10504. LLC FORMATION NOTICE 2022/Steve Korn District of Shrub Oak, in Main Street, Shrub Oak, NY,
General Purpose.
3 years - expiring June 30, the Counties of Westchester and will be open for inspection by
LLC FORMATION NOTICE JD Projects Group LLC, Arts 2022/Robert E. Mayes and Putnam, New York (the any qualified voter of the District
of Org. filed with Sec. of State 3 years - expiring June 30, “District”), is hereby authorized between the hours of 10:00 a.m.
Notice of Formation of of NY (SSNY) 3/20/2019. 2022/Steve Rosen to purchase various school buses and 4:00 p.m. on each of the
Hudson Valley Development Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. Each petition must be directed and vehicles for use by the five days preceding and on the
Partners, LLC. Art. Of Org. as agent upon whom process to the Clerk of the District, must District and to expend therefor, day set for the Annual Meeting
filed with SSNY on 2/28/18. against may be served & shall be signed by at least 25 qualified including preliminary costs and (other than a Saturday, Sunday or
Office Location: Westchester. mail process to Jaclyn Dooner, voters, and shall be in accordance costs incidental thereto and to holiday).
SSNY is designated as agent of 35 Malysana Ln., New Rochelle, with the provisions of Section the financing thereof, an amount AND NOTICE IS ALSO
the LLC upon whom process NY 10805.General Purpose. 2018 of the Education law. not to exceed the estimated GIVEN that a copy of the
against it may be served. SSNY LLC FORMATION NOTICE NOTICE IS FURTHER total cost of $1,568,970; (b) detailed statement in writing of
shall mail process to: The LLC, GIVEN that the Budget that a tax is hereby voted in the amount of money which will
PO Box 822, Mohegan Lake, Notice of Formation of Proposition, and Propositions in the aggregate amount of not be required for the school year
NY 10547. Purpose: any lawful LIVING ESSENTIALS LLC substantially the following form, to exceed $1,568,970 to pay 2019-2020 for school purposes
purpose. Art. Of Org. filed with SSNY on shall be presented to the qualified such cost, said tax to be levied specifying the several purposes
LLC FORMATION NOTICE 2/26/19. Offc. Loc: Westchester voters of the District at such and collected in installments in and the amount for each,
Cty. SSNY desig. as agent of Annual District Meeting and such years and in such amounts including the property tax report
Notice of Formation of Ticked the LLC upon whom process Election: as shall be determined by said card and tax exemption reporting
Off Spray LLC. Art. Of Org. against it may be served. SSNY Board of Education; and (c) form, may be obtained by any
filed with SSNY on Feb. 4, 2019. shall mail process to the LLC, PROPOSITION 1 - 2019-2020 that in anticipation of said tax, resident in the District on each
Office Location: Westchester 370 Westchester Ave. #6F, Port BUDGET bonds of the District are hereby of the fourteen days preceding
County. SSNY designated as Chester, NY 10573. Purpose: RESOLVED, that the sum authorized to be issued in the the Annual Meeting (other than
agent of the LLC upon whom any lawful purpose. of money (to be determined principal amount of not to a Saturday, Sunday or holiday)
process against it may be served. LAKELAND CENTRAL by the Board of Education) exceed $1,568,970 and a tax is at each of the schoolhouses in
SSNY shall mail process to the SCHOOL DISTRICT be appropriated to meet the hereby voted to pay the interest which school is maintained and
LLC, 8 South Road, Apt. 1C, NOTICE OF ANNUAL estimated expenditures for school on said bonds as the same shall at the Administration Building,
Harrison, NY 10528. Purpose: purposes for the school year become due and payable. between the hours of 8:30 a.m.
any lawful purpose. MEETING, INCLUDING 2019-2020 and that the Board NOTICE IS HEREBY and 3:00 p.m. and at such Annual
ELECTION OF THE of Education of the Lakeland FURTHER GIVEN that the Meeting. The Budget will also be
LLC FORMATION NOTICE MEMBERS OF THE Central School District be Board of Registration shall available at any free association
authorized to levy taxes to meet meet at the Lakeland Central or public library located within
Rocket Fuel DSS Limited BOARD OF EDUCATION the same. School District Administration the District and on the District
Liability Company, Arts of AND VOTE ON THE SCHOOL Building, 1086 East Main Street, website. A Real Property Tax
Org. filed with Sec. of State of DISTRICT BUDGET
NY (SSNY) 2/5/2019. Cty: PROPOSITION 2 – BOND Shrub Oak, NY in the conference Exemption Report prepared in
Westchester. SSNY desig. as AND PROPOSITIONS PROPOSITION room between the hours of 9 a.m. accordance with Section 495
agent upon whom process RESOLVED: and 1 p.m. (Daylight Savings of the Real Property Tax Law
against may be served & shall THE BOARD OF (a)That the Board of Education Time) on Thursday, May 2, 2019. will be annexed to any budget
mail process to 167 Woodbrook EDUCATION OF of the Lakeland Central School Any person shall be entitled to of which it will form a part;
Rd., White Plain, NY 10605. LAKELAND CENTRAL District of Shrub Oak, in have his/her name placed upon and shall be posted on District
General Purpose. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF the Counties of Westchester such register provided that at the bulletin board(s) maintained for
LLC FORMATION NOTICE SHRUB OAK, NEW YORK, and Putnam, New York (the above-mentioned meetings of public notices, as well as on the
HEREBY GIVES NOTICE “District”), is hereby authorized the Board of Registration he/she District’s website.
NY’S Best Gourmet Foods that the Annual Public Hearing to purchase various school buses personally appears and is known PLEASE TAKE FURTHER
LLC ,Arts of Org. filed with on the Budget shall be held on and vehicles for use by the or proved to the satisfaction of NOTICE that applications for
Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) Tuesday, May 7, 2019, at 7:00 District, and to expend therefor, the Board of Registration to absentee ballots for the election
1/8/2019. Cty: Westchester. p.m. at the Lakeland District including preliminary costs and be then and thereafter entitled of members of the Board of
SSNY desig. as agent upon Office, at which time the budget costs incidental thereto and to to vote at the school meeting/ Education and for voting on the
whom process against may be for the 2019-2020 school year the financing thereof, an amount election for which this register is School District budget and on
served & shall mail process to shall be presented. not to exceed the estimated total prepared. propositions, in accordance with
21 Brassie Rd., Eastchester, NY NOTICE IS HEREBY cost of $1,568,970; NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN the provisions of Education Law,
10709. General Purpose. FURTHER GIVEN that (b) that a tax is hereby voted in that, pursuant to Article 5 of Section 2018-a, may be obtained
LLC FORMATION NOTICE the Annual Meeting for the the aggregate amount of not to the Election Law, any person at the office of the Clerk of
purpose of voting on the Budget exceed otherwise qualified to vote who the District, Administration
Notice of Formation of and Propositions and electing $1,568,970 to pay such cost, is currently registered with Building, 1086 East Main Street,
Elite 1 Professional Home three members to the Board of said tax to be levied and collected the Westchester or Putnam Shrub Oak, NY. The application
Improvement LLC. Art. Of Org. Education will be held at the in installments in such years County Board of Elections for must be received by the District
filed with SSNY on 02/05/2019. VAN CORTLANDTVILLE and in such amounts as shall any General Election under the Clerk at least seven days prior
Office Location: Westchester ELEMENTARY SCHOOL be determined by said Board of provisions of the Election Law to the Annual Meeting if the
County. SSNY designated as GYMNASIUM, Mohegan Education; and shall be entitled to vote without SEE LEGALS PAGE 29
agent of the LLC upon whom Lake, NY, in said District, (c) that in anticipation of said further registration. If a voter has
Thursday, April 4, 2019 LEGAL NOTICES Yorktown News – Page 29
LEGALS educación deben presentarse un impuesto es votado para previamente con el distrito Main Street, Shrub Oak,NY.
ante la Secretaria del Distrito pagar los intereses sobre dichos escolar para votar y ha votado Si la solicitud se debe enviar
FROM PAGE 28 en su oficina en la Secretaría, bonos, los que vencerán y serán en una reunión anual o especial por correo a los votantes, la
1086 East Main Street, Shrub pagaderos. · de distrito escolar dentro de los Secretaría del Distrito la debe
ballot is to be mailed to the voter Oak, NY, a más tardar el 22 de últimos cuatro años, él/ella reúne recibir a más tardar siete días
or the day before the Annual abril de 2019 a las 5:00 de la Tal proposición de bono los requisitos para votar. antes de la reunión anual o el
Meeting if the ballot will be tarde. Las siguientes vacantes deberá figurar en las boletas día antes de la reunión anual si
picked up personally by the voter deben ser llenadas en la Junta de usadas para votar en dicha Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA la solicitud debe ser recogida
at the District Office. A list of all Educación: elección y reunión anual del POR LA PRESENTE que la personalmente por los votantes
persons to whom absentee ballots distrito substancialmente en la Junta de Registro también se en la Secretaría del Distrito.
have been issued will be available PERÍODO/NOMBRE DEL forma condensada siguiente: reunirá durante y en el lugar Una lista de todas las personas a
for public inspection in said office ÚLTIMO TITULAR de la elección entre las 7:00 de quienes se les haya emitido votos
of the Clerk during regular office PROPOSICIÓN DE BONO la mañana y 9:00 de la noche en ausencia estará disponible
hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) 3 años - que expira el 30 de SÍ/NO el martes, 21 de mayo de 2019 para la inspección pública en
until the day of the election. Any junio de 2022/Steve Korn SE RESUELVE: para preparar un registro para dicha Secretaría del Distrito
qualified voter may file a written que la Junta de Educación reuniones o elecciones a llevarse durante el horario laborable
challenge of the qualifications of 3 años - que expira el 30 de a cabo con posterioridad a dicha regular (8:00 de la mañana a
a voter, whose name appears on junio de 2022/Robert E. Mayes del Distrito Escolar Central reunión anual y elección. 4:30 de la tarde), hasta el día de
such list, stating the reasons for Lakeland, en el Condado de la elección. Todos los votantes
the challenge. 3 años - que expira el 30 de Westchester, Nueva York (el El registro será archivado en cualificados pueden presentar
junio de 2022/Steve Rosen “distrito”), está autorizada para la Secretaría del Distrito, en la una impugnación por escrito
THIS LEGAL NOTICE la compra de varios transportes Oficina del Distrito, 1086 East de la cualificación de uno de los
CAN ALSO BE FOUND ON Cada petición debe dirigirse y vehículos escolares para Main Street, Shrub Oak NY, y votantes cuyo nombre aparezca
THE DISTRICT WEBSITE a la Secretaria del Distrito, debe uso del distrito y gastar por estará abierto para la inspección en dicha lista, exponiendo los
IN BOTH ENGLISH ser firmada por al menos 25 consiguiente, incluyendo costos de los votantes cualificados del motivos para la impugnación.
AND SPANISH: www. votantes cualificados y estará preliminares e incidentales y el distrito entre las 10:00 de la
lakelandschools.org conforme a las disposiciones financiamiento del mismo, una mañana y las 4:00 de la tarda ESTE AVISO TAMBIÉN
de la sección 2018 de la Ley de cantidad que no exceda el costo en cada uno de los cinco días PUEDE ENCONTRARSE
BY ORDER OF THE Educación. total estimado de $1,568,970; anteriores y el día fijado para EN LA PÁGINA WEB
BOARD OF EDUCATION (b) que por la presente se vota la reunión anual (que no sea DEL DISTRITO EN
Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA un impuesto de monto total que sábado, domingo o feriado). INGLÉS Y ESPAÑOL: www.
LAKELAND CENTRAL que la proposición de no excede $1,568,970 para pagar lakelandschools.org
presupuesto y proposiciones dicho costo, dicho impuesto a Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA
SCHOOL DISTRICT considerablemente en el ser percibido y recaudado en que una copia de la declaración POR ORDEN DE LA
siguiente formulario, se cuotas en tales años y en tales detallada por escrito de la JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN
OF SHRUB OAK presentarán a los votantes cantidades como determine cantidad de dinero que se
cualificados del distrito en dicha dicha Junta de Educación; y requerirá para el año 2019- LAKELAND CENTRAL
Lynn Cosenza elección y reunión anual del (c) que en previsión de dicho 2020 para propósitos escolares,
distrito: impuesto, por la presente se que especifica varios propósitos SCHOOL DISTRICT
District Clerk autorizan bonos del distrito y el monto para cada uno,
PROPOSICIÓN 1 - emitidos en el monto principal incluyendo el boletín de informe OF SHRUB OAK
LAKELAND CENTRAL PRESUPUESTO 2019-2020 que no supere $1,568,970 y de impuestos a la propiedad y
SCHOOL DISTRICT un impuesto es por la presente el formulario de exención de Lynn Cosenza
AVISO DE REUNIÓN SE RESUELVE, apropiar la votado para pagar los intereses impuestos, puede se obtenida
suma de dinero (a determinar de dichos bonos, cuando sean por los residentes del distrito Secretaria del Distrito
ANUAL, QUE INCLUYE por la Junta de Educación) para debidos y pagaderos. en cada uno de los catorce días
LA ELECCIÓN DE LOS cubrir los gastos estimados para anteriores a la reunión anual YORKTOWN CENTRAL
propósitos escolares para el Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA (que no sea sábado, domingo SCHOOL DISTRICT
MIEMBROS DE LA año lectivo 2019-2020 y que la POR LA PRESENTE que la o feriado) en cada una de las
JUNTA DE EDUCACIÓN Junta de Educación del Distrito Junta de Registro se reunirá en escuelas y en el edificio de la YORKTOWN HEIGHTS,
Y LA VOTACIÓN DE LAS Escolar Central de Lakeland esté el Edificio de Administración administración, entre las 8:30 de NEW YORK NOTICE OF
PROPOSICIONES Y EL autorizada a recaudar impuestos del Distrito Escolar Central la mañana y 3:00 de la tarde y
para cumplir con los mismos. Lakeland, 1086 East Main en la reunión anual mencionada. ANNUAL MEETING,
PRESUPUESTO DEL Street, Shrub Oak, Nueva York, El presupuesto también estará BUDGET VOTE AND
DISTRITO ESCOLAR PROPOSICIÓN 2: en la sala de conferencias entre disponible en las bibliotecas REGISTRATION OF VOTERS
PROPOSICIÓN DE BONO las 9:00 de la mañana y la 1:00 pública o asociadas libremente
LA JUNTA DE de la tarde. (Horario de verano) ubicadas en el distrito y en la The Board of Education of
SE RESUELVE: el jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019. página web del distrito. Un the Yorktown Central School
EDUCACIÓN DEL que la Junta de Educación Todas las personas tendrán informe de exención al impuesto District, HEREBY GIVES
del Distrito Escolar Central derecho a que su nombre a la propiedad elaborado de NOTICE, that the Annual
DISTRITO ESCOLAR Lakeland de Shrub Oak, en sea colocado en tal registro conformidad con la sección Meeting, Annual School District
los condados de Westchester y siempre que en las mencionadas 495 de la Ley de Impuesto a la Election and Budget Vote of the
CENTRAL LAKELAND Putnam, New York (el “distrito”), reuniones de la Junta de Registro Propiedad será anexado a todo residents of the School District,
está autorizado por la presente él/ella aparezca personalmente y presupuesto del cual formará qualified to vote at school
DE SHRUB OAK, NUEVA a comprar varios transportes sea conocido/a o comprobado/a parte; y será publicado en la(s) meetings in the District, will be
y vehículos escolares para uso a satisfacción de la Junta de cartelera(s) de anuncios del held in the gymnasium of the
YORK, POR LA PRESENTE del distrito y a gastar para lo Registro que luego y a partir distrito mantenidas para avisos Mohansic Elementary School,
mismo, incluyendo los costos de entonces tendrán derecho públicos, así como en la página 704 Locksley Road, Yorktown
DA AVISO que la audiencia preliminares e incidentales y a la a votar en la elección/reunión web del distrito. Heights, New York on Tuesday
financiación de los mismos, una para la cual está preparado este May 21, 2019 for the purpose of
pública anual sobre el cantidad que no exceda el costo registro. POR FAVOR TENGA voting by voting machine on the
total estimado de $1,568,970; EN CUENTA ADEMÁS statement of estimated expenses
presupuesto se convocará el que por la presente se vota un Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA que, que solicitudes de boletas for the ensuing school year
impuesto por una cantidad total en virtud del artículo 5 de la de voto en ausencia para la (School District Budget), and
martes, 7 de mayo de 2019, a las que no debe exceder Ley Electoral, cualquier persona elección de los miembros de la for the purpose of electing three
$1,568,970 para pagar tal cualificada para votar que está Junta de Educación y para la (3) members of the Board of
7:00 de la tarde en la Oficina del costo, dicho impuesto a ser registrada actualmente con la votación sobre el presupuesto Education and for voting on any
percibido y recaudado en tales Junta Electoral del condado del distrito escolar y las propositions legally proposed.
Distrito de Lakeland, en la cual años y en tales cantidades como de Westchester o Putnam para proposiciones, de conformidad Polls, for the purpose of voting
lo determine dicha Junta de las elecciones general bajo las con las disposiciones de la Ley will be open from 7:00 AM to
se presentará el presupuesto para Educación; y disposiciones de la Ley Electoral de Educación, sección 2018- 9:00 PM prevailing time.
que en previsión de dicho tendrá derecho a votar sin tener a, se pueden obtener en la
el año 2019-2020. impuesto, los bonos del distrito que volver a registrarse. Si un/a Secretaría del Distrito, Edificio NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN,
por la presente son autorizados votante ha sido registrado/a de Administración, 1086 East that a public hearing on the
Y ADEMÁS SE AVISA POR a emitirse por una cantidad proposed 2019-2020 budget of
principal que no debe superar the Yorktown Central School
LA PRESENTE que la reunión $1,568,970 y por la presente District will be held on Monday,
anual con el fin de votar sobre SEE LEGALS PAGE 30
el presupuesto y proposiciones
y elección de tres miembros a
la Junta de Educación se llevará
a cabo en el GIMNASIO DE
Mohegan Lake, NY, en dicho
distrito, el martes, 21 de mayo
de 2019, desde las 7:00 de la
mañana a las 9:00 de la noche,
horario de verano.
las peticiones de nominación
de candidatos para el cargo
de miembro de la Junta de
Page 30 – Yorktown News LEGAL NOTICES Thursday, April 4, 2019
LEGALS NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN the Election Law, or is currently Escolar, calificados para votar en el horario de 9:00 AM a 3:00
that petitions nominating registered to with the Board asambleas escolares en el Distrito,
FROM PAGE 29 candidates for the office of of Registration of the School tendrá lugar en el gimnasio de PM (del horario en vigencia)
member of the Board of District and has voted at an la Escuela Primaria Mohansic,
May 13, 2019 at 6:00 PM in the Education must be filed with the Annual or Special school district 704 Locksley Road, Yorktown durante los catorce (14) días
Mildred E.Strang Middle School District Clerk at 2725 Crompond meeting within the last four Heights, Nueva York, el martes
Cafeteria, 2701 Crompond Road, Road, Yorktown Heights, New calendar years, shall be entitled to 21 de mayo de 2019, con el objeto inmediatamente anteriores
Yorktown Heights, New York for York no later than 5:00 PM on vote without further registration. de votar mediante máquina de
the purpose of presenting the April 22, 2019. Vacancies on the votación sobre el estado de gastos a la Asamblea Anual, A
budget document for the 2019- Board are not considered separate NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN estimados para garantizar el año
2020 school year. specific offices; candidates run at that the register prepared escolar (Presupuesto del Distrito EXCEPCIÓN DE SÁBADOS,
large. Nominating petitions shall pursuant to Section 2014 of the Escolar), y con el objeto de elegir
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, not describe any specific vacancy Education Law will be filed in the tres (3) miembros del Consejo DOMINGOS y FERIADOS.
that the following proposition upon the Board for which a Office of the Clerk,in the District de Educación y para votar sobre
shall be presented to the voters at candidate is nominated; must Office at 2725 Crompond Road, toda propuesta que se proponga Dichos estados también estarán
the Annual Meeting: be directed to the Clerk of the Yorktown Heights, New York, legalmente. Para los fines de
District; must be signed by at and that the same will be open la votación, las urnas estarán disponibles en el sitio web del
CAPITAL PROJECT least Twenty-five (25) qualified for inspection by any of qualified abiertas de 7:00 AM a 9:00 PM
PROPOSITION voters of the District; must voter of the District between the del horario en vigencia. Distrito, en toda biblioteca de
state the name and residence of hours of 9 AM and 3 PM on each
Shall the Board of Education each signer, and must state the of the five (5) business days prior SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS asociación libre o pública en el
of the Yorktown Central School name and residence address of to and including the day set for que tendrá lugar una audiencia
District, Westchester County, the candidate. The following the election, OTHER THAN pública sobre el presupuesto Distrito, y en la Asamblea Anual
New York, be authorized to vacancies are to be filled on the SATURDAY, SUNDAY or 2019-2020 propuesto del Distrito
construct improvements to the Board of Education. HOLIDAY. Escolar Central de Yorktown y en la Votación del Presupuesto
District’s buildings and facilities, el lunes 13 de mayo de 2019 a
including, but not limited to: TERM/NAME OF LAST NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN las 6:00 PM, en la cafetería de del Distrito Escolar que tendrá
District-wide air conditioning INCUMBENT that APPLICATIONS FOR la Escuela Media Mildred E.
for large learning spaces and ABSENTEE BALLOTS may Strang, 2701 Crompond Road, lugar, tal como se menciona más
related electrical upgrades, Three (3) years, expiring June be obtained at the Office of the Yorktown Heights, Nueva York,
District-wide ESTEAM facility 30, 2019/Reshmi Bose District Clerk at the Business con el objeto de presentar el arriba, el martes 21 de mayo de
upgrades, District-wide security Office of the District, 2725 documento del presupuesto para
upgrades, Yorktown High School Three (3) years, expiring June Crompond Road, Yorktown el año escolar 2019-2020. 2019.
Guidance Suite renovations 30, 2019/Cheryl Reynolds Heights, New York on weekdays
and Auditorium upgrades; and between the hours of 9:00 a.m. SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS
related site and other work One (1) year, expiring June 30, and 3:00 p.m. (prevailing time). que la siguiente propuesta será
required in connection therewith, 2019/Lisa Rolle Such application must be received presentada a los votantes durante que un Informe de Exención
at a maximum estimated cost of by the Clerk of the District at la Asamblea Anual:
$4,000,000; and the amount of NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN least 7 days before the election del Impuesto a la Propiedad
$4,000,000 shall be transferred that all propositions by anyone if the ballot is to be mailed to PROPUESTA DE PROYECTO
from the Buildings and Facilities other than the Board of the voter, or the day before the DE CAPITAL Inmobiliaria preparado de
Improvements Capital Reserve Education must be submitted election if the ballot is to be given
Fund to the capital fund for such with an approving petition signed directly to the voter at the Office Se autorizará al Consejo conformidad con la Sección 495
purpose; provided that the costs by at least 27 qualified voters of of the District Clerk. A list of de Educación del Distrito
of the components of the Project the district at least 60 days prior all persons to whom absentee Escolar Central de Yorktown, de la Ley sobre el Impuesto a
may be reallocated if the Board of to the Annual Meeting. ballots shall have been issued Condado de Westchester, Nueva
Education shall determine that will be available in the Office of York, a realizar mejoras en los la Propiedad Inmobiliaria será
such reallocation is in the best NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN the District Clerk during regular edificios e instalaciones del
interest of the District. that the Board of Registration of business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 Distrito incluyendo, de forma anexado al presupuesto definitivo
this District will meet according p.m.until the day of the vote. Any enunciativa y no limitativa: aire
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN to the following schedule to qualified voter may file a written acondicionado en todo el Distrito adoptado y será publicado en el
that a copy of the statement of prepare the register of the school challenge of the qualifications of para los grandes espacios de
the amount of money which will district: Monday, May 13th 2019 a voter whose name appears on aprendizaje y mejoras eléctricas tablero de anuncios del Distrito
be required for school district from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. such list stating the reason for the relacionadas, mejoras de la
purposes during the 2019-2020 (prevailing time) at the Mildred challenge. instalación ESTEAM en todo que se mantiene para avisos
school year (Budget) may be E. Strang Middle School, 2701 el Distrito, mejoras de seguridad
obtained by any resident of the Crompond Road, Yorktown BOARD OF EDUCATION en todo el Distrito, renovaciones públicos, además del sitio web del
district at each school house of Heights, New York 10598. de la Suite de Guía y mejoras
the district and the administrative Any person shall be entitled to YORKTOWN CENTRAL del Auditorio de la Escuela Distrito.
offices during the hours of 9:00 have his/her name placed upon Secundaria Yorktown; y trabajo
AM to 3:00 PM (prevailing such register provided that at SCHOOL DISTRICT relacionado en el lugar y de otro SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS
time) during the fourteen such meeting of the Board of tipo necesario en relación con ello,
days (14) days immediately Registration he or she is known YVETTE SEGAL, con un costo máximo estimado que las peticiones para nominar
preceding the Annual Meeting, or proven to the satisfaction of de $4,000,000; y la suma de
OTHER THAN SATURDAY, such Board of Registration to be DISTRICT CLERK $4,000,000 será transferida del candidatos para el cargo de
SUNDAY or HOLIDAY. Such then or thereafter entitled to vote Fondo de Reserva de Capital
statements will also be available at the school meeting or election DATED: April 4 para Mejoras de Edificios e miembro del Consejo de
on the District’s website, at any of the District. Instalaciones al fondo de capital
free association or public library DISTRITO ESCOLAR para dicho fin; con la salvedad de Educación deben ser presentadas
within the District, and at the NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN CENTRAL DE YORKTOWN que es posible reasignar los costos
Annual Meeting and the School that voter registration is ongoing de los componentes del Proyecto ante el Secretario del Distrito
District Budget Vote to be held in the office of the District Clerk YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, si el Consejo de Educación
as aforesaid, Tuesday, May 21, and that any person entitled to NUEVA YORK AVISO determina que dicha reasignación en 2725 Crompond Road,
2019. have his/her name placed upon es en beneficio del Distrito.
the register may register on any DE ASAMBLEA Yorktown Heights, Nueva York,
that a Real Property Tax of the District, 2725 Crompond DEL PRESUPUESTO que todo residente del distrito a más tardar a las 5:00 PM del
Exemption Report prepared in Road, Yorktown Heights, New E INSCRIPCIÓN DE puede obtener una copia del
accordance with Section 495 of York between the hours of 9:00 estado de la suma de dinero que 22 de abril de 2019. Las vacantes
the Real Property Tax Law will a.m. and 3:00 p.m. up until 5 days VOTANTES será necesaria para los fines del
be annexed to the final adopted before the Annual Meeting. distrito escolar durante el año del Consejo no se consideran
budget and will be posted on El Consejo de Educación escolar 2019-2020 (Presupuesto)
the District bulletin board NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN del Distrito Escolar Central en cada escuela del distrito y en cargos específicos por separado;
maintained for public notices, as that any person otherwise de Yorktown, POR EL las oficinas administrativas, en
well as on the District’s website. qualified to vote, who is currently PRESENTE NOTIFICA que los candidatos no son elegidos
registered to vote in any general la Asamblea Anual, la Elección
election, pursuant to Article 5 of Anual del Distrito Escolar y por distritos electorales. Las
la Votación del Presupuesto
de los residentes del Distrito peticiones de nominación no
deben describir ninguna vacante
específica del Consejo para la
cual un candidato es nominado;
deben dirigirse al Secretario del
Distrito; deben contar con la
firma de por lo menos veinticinco
(25) votantes calificados del
Distrito; deben indicar el nombre
y la residencia de cada firmante,
y deben indicar el nombre y
la dirección de la residencia
del candidato. Se cubrirán las
siguientes vacantes en el Consejo
de Educación:
Tres (3) años, que vencen el 30
de junio de 2019 Reshmi Bose
Tres (3) años, que vencen el
30 de junio de 2019
Cheryl Reynolds
Un (1) año, que vence el 30 de
junio de 2019 Lisa Rolle
que todas las propuestas que
no se originen en el Consejo de
Educación deben ser presentadas
con una petición de aprobación
con la firma de por lo menos 27
votantes calificados del distrito
por lo menos 60 días antes de la
Thursday, April 4, 2019 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Yorktown News – Page 31
Marshall Alarm Systems relocates
Marshall Alarm Systems, a long-time Yorktown business, has relocated its storefront to 1767 Front St., Yorktown Heights.
e family-owned business designs, installs, monitors, services and inspects security, re and video systems for residential customers and commercial businesses.
For more information, call 914-962-4699 or visit marshallalarm.com.
Marshall Alarm is joined by town and business leaders at the ribbon cutting on March 7: Karen Silvestri, Grant Schneider, Michele Marinace, Marshall J. Marinace,
Marshall Marinace, Nancy Stingone, Dianna Mahar, Lillian Chapman, Aaron Bock, Town Supervisor Ilan Gilbert and Sandra Zuniga-Taylor
LEGALS manera, que está actualmente Distrito por lo menos 7 días antes collection of County, Town and If paid during the month of
inscrita para votar en toda de la elección si el voto se debe Special District taxes for said May, two per centum must be
FROM PAGE 30 elección general, de conformidad enviar por correo al votante, o el Town of Yorktown for the year added.
con el Artículo 5 de la Ley día antes de la elección si el voto 2019 and that I will attend daily,
Asamblea Anual. Electoral, o que está actualmente se debe entregar directamente Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays If paid during the months of
SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS inscrita para votar en el Consejo al votante en la O cina del excepted from nine (9:00) o’clock June and July, ve per centum
de Inscripción del Distrito Secretario del Distrito. Se A.M. until ve (5:00) o’clock must be added.
que el Consejo de Inscripción Escolar y que haya votado en encontrará disponible una lista de P.M. at my o ce in the Town
de este Distrito se reunirá de una asamblea Anual o Especial todas las personas para quienes Hall, 363 Underhill Avenue, If paid during the months of
acuerdo con el siguiente horario del distrito escolar en los últimos se emitieron votos en ausencia Yorktown Heights, NY, for the August and September, seven per
para preparar el registro del cuatro años calendario, tendrá en la O cina del Secretario del purpose of receiving payment of centum must be added.
distrito escolar: lunes 13 de mayo derecho a votar sin inscripción Distrito durante el horario de the aforementioned taxes April 1
de 2019, de 4:00 p.m. a 8:00 adicional. atención normal, de 9:00 a.m. to April 30, 2019. If paid during the months
p.m. (del horario en vigencia) a 3:00 p.m., hasta el día de la of October, November and
en la Escuela Media Mildred SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS votación. Todo votante cali cado NOTICE IS FURTHER December, ten per centum must
E. Strang, 2701 Crompond que el registro preparado de puede presentar una objeción por HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant be added.
Road, Yorktown Heights, New conformidad con la Sección escrito a las cali caciones de un to the provisions of the statute
York 10598. Toda persona 2014 de la Ley de Educación votante cuyo nombre aparece en aforesaid and also Section Or if paid thereafter and prior
tendrá derecho a que su nombre será presentado ante la O cina dicha lista, indicando el motivo 283.221 of the Westchester to the date of Sale as xes by said
sea agregado a dicho registro, del Secretario, en la O cina del de la objeción. County Code that the collection chapter, twelve per centum must
siempre que en dicha asamblea Distrito en 2725 Crompond of such taxes will begin on April be added.
del Consejo de Inscripción dicha Road, Yorktown Heights, Nueva CONSEJO DE 1, 2019 and from such date until
persona sea conocida o demuestre York, y que el mismo estará EDUCACIÓN the close of business on the 30th ese penalties are added on
a satisfacción de dicho Consejo abierto para su inspección por DISTRITO ESCOLAR day of April 2019, such taxes will each dollar or part of a dollar
de Inscripción que tiene derecho parte de todo votante cali cado be received without penalty or due. e last day on which I will
o que tendrá derecho a votar en del Distrito, en el horario de 9 CENTRAL DE YORKTOWN collection fee, thereafter penalties collect without penalty will be
la asamblea o elección escolar del AM a 3 PM, en cada uno de los will be added as follows: April 30, 2019.
Distrito. cinco (5) días hábiles anteriores YVETTE SEGAL,
al día que se jó para la elección, Dated at Yorktown Heights,
SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS e incluyendo el mismo, A SECRETARIA N.Y., this 1st day of April 2019.
que actualmente tiene lugar la EXCEPCIÓN DE SÁBADOS,
inscripción de votantes en la DOMINGOS y FERIADOS. DEL DISTRITO Barbara A. Korsak
o cina del Secretario del Distrito,
y que toda persona con derecho SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS FECHA: 4 De Abril, Receiver of Taxes
a que se incluya su nombre en que es posible obtener
el registro puede inscribirse en SOLICITUDES PARA VOTO 11 De Abril, PUZZLE SOLUTIONS
cualquier día escolar en la O cina EN AUSENCIA en la O cina
de Negocios del Distrito, 2725 del Secretario del Distrito en la 25 De Abril,
Crompond Road, Yorktown O cina de Negocios del Distrito,
Heights, Nueva York, en el 2725 Crompond Road,Yorktown Y 16 De Mayo De 2019
horario de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., Heights, Nueva York, los días de
hasta 5 días antes de la Asamblea semana en el horario de 9:00 NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS
Anual. a.m. a 3:00 p.m. (del horario en
vigencia). Dicha solicitud debe NOTICE IS HEREBY
SE NOTIFICA ADEMÁS ser recibida por el Secretario del GIVEN pursuant to the
que toda persona que está provisions of Section 240 of Town
cali cada para votar de otra Law and Section 283.301 of the
Westchester County Code, that
I the undersigned, Receiver of
Taxes of the Town of Yorktown,
have received from the Supervisor
of said Town, the warrant for the
Page 32 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 4, 2019
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