VOL. 5 NO. 7 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2022
Mothers face rare diseases together
Community event scheduled for May 22 at Lewisboro Town Park
GINO DE ANGELIS who started the Hide and Seek Founda-
STAFF WRITER tion for research into lysosomal disease.
“My grief pushed me into wanting to do
Being a parent to a child with a rare something,” Foglio said. “Our researchers
disease can feel like being on an island. have grown from 14 to 43 labs and doc-
To Jessica Foglio, Pia Jaggi Dorson, Jenni tors. We fund their work and we’ve raised
Barnao Gundel, and Jennifer Werther, this over half a million dollars since 2018.”
island is not a lonely one. She said the other mothers reached out
e “Todd Road Moms,” as they call to her after they learned that her organi-
themselves, all met after Foglio and her zation was putting on the RARE Com-
family moved to Lewisboro from the munity Event in Lewisboro Park to raise
Bronx in December 2020. money for rare disease research.
Foglio has two children, the youngest “Sometimes, life just moves you where
of whom, Ben, was diagnosed with Salla you need to go,” Foglio said.
disease in 2017. Jaggi Dorson’s daughter, Zahra, was
“He was missing all his milestones, diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome,
which I found curious,” Foglio said. “We which is characterized by obesity and dif-
were given a false diagnosis of cerebral culties with growing.
palsy in 2017.” “ e brain doesn’t shut o in the hypo-
After going through therapy with Ben thalamus, which tells the person to stop
up to 30 times a week and seeing no prog- eating, so they don’t stop,” Jaggi Dorson
ress, she sought a second opinion from said.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, who She said that she went through prenatal
gave the correct diagnosis. testing while she was pregnant with Zah-
“ e disease is a result of the body not ra, and that the doctors saw no movement
being able to recycle sialic acid,” Foglio from her. After the birth, she said, it took
said. “It builds up over time and poisons them weeks to get an accurate diagnosis.
the child, and they usually succumb to it “It’s been an uphill battle since, like with
by 15.” all rare diseases,” she said. Zahra Jaggi Dorson, Pia Jaggi Dorson, Felix Werther,
Jennifer Werther, Jessica Foglio, and Ben Foglio
Foglio said she was inspired to start the Jaggi Dorson said she started speaking
S.T.A.R. Foundation (Salla Treatment
and Research) by another friend of hers, SEE MOMS PAGE 23
LEISURE 22 John Jay on a roll
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Keep on growing
Bedford celebrates Arbor Day with tree planting
e town of Bedford celebrated Arbor property every year and plant a native just as important in Bedford.Tree Advisory According to Carpenter, one of the
Day with a tree-planting ceremony at the species,”Carpenter said. is year, the town Board member Marilyn Pellini read the requisites for the program is for a
Bedford Hills Community House on April planted a dogwood, as that species wouldn’t poem, “Trees,” by Joyce Kilmer. municipality to adopt a tree ordinance,
30. grow high enough to a ect the electrical which he says Bedford has had since the
wires in front of the Community House. According to members of the Tree late 1990s.
Tree Advisory Board Chairman Je Advisory Board, Bedford has been a
Carpenter led the ceremony and spoke During the ceremony, Town Supervisor member of the Tree City USA program “We encourage planting the right things
about the importance of both the event and Ellen Calves spoke about how trees a ected for 20 years. According to its website, and discourage planting the wrong things,”
of trees to the community. her growing up in California, providing the program is aimed at helping cities he said.
shade and tranquility, and said that they are to maintain and grow their tree cover.
“We pick a di erent town-owned –Gino De Angelis
Scott Cullen, Jeff Carpenter, and Amy Greenstein PHOTOS: GINO DE ANGELIS
Town Supervisor Ellen Calves, Town Board member Bobbi Bittker, Marilyn Pellini,
and Heather Langham help plant the dogwood in front of the Community House.
Workshop offered for students
Katonah Classic Stage will is something we envisioned for acting experience is necessary, stage. I personally don’t believe from 8 a.m. Friday, June 10 to
o er a Shakespeare-focused KCS from the very beginning, participants in the production the classics are stressed enough 10 p.m. Sunday, June 12. e
acting workshop titled “Speak and I am thrilled that we can - are encouraged to enroll in the in school, so for those kids who auction o ers the chance to
the Speech” to high school and nally welcome students into the Speak the Speech workshop so are curious and want to take it bid on local goods and services
middle school students from 7 fold and get them up on their they can be prepared for “Ro- a step further this is a wonder- including Broadway and Car-
to 9 p.m. Tuesdays from May feet learning and performing meo and Juliet.” Dawson says ful opportunity. I am con dent amoor tickets, wine tastings,
3 to June 7 at 46 Depot Plaza, Shakespeare,” Artistic Director they are also seeking student the professionals at KCS will do shopping sprees, and more.
Bedford Hills. e workshop Trent Dawson said in a press volunteers for help behind the a great job engaging these kids
will culminate with a live per- release. Dawson added he has scenes of the production as well. and I look forward to a great Students can sign up for both
formance on June 7. wanted to o er these classes for performance” the workshop and production
years. “We want this to be a learn- now. e cost for the workshop
On June 11, each student’s ing opportunity for kids inter- All proceeds from the work- is $375 and for the “Romeo and
scenes will be professionally Katonah Classic Stage is also ested in all aspects of theatre shop will go toward the “Romeo Juliet” production is $275.
o ering students a chance to and there is no better way to and Juliet” production as well as
lmed and edited into a reel for be a part of a live production of learn than hands on training Katonah Classic Stage’s main For more information, visit
their own use. All the scenes “Romeo and Juliet” this sum- alongside professionals,”he said. stage production of Noel Cow- katonahclassicstage.com/edu-
will then be combined into a mer at the Bedford Playhouse. ard’s comedy, “Private Lives,” cation or email info@katonah-
short lm that will debut at the Rehearsals will take place from Somers resident Christine this fall. classicstage.com. For more
third annual Katonah Classic 6 to 9 p.m. starting Tuesday, July Canavan, whose daughter is information on the Spring Auc-
Stage Film Festival on Aug. 13 5 through Friday, July 22 at 46 taking the class, said, “I think In addition to their produc- tion Fundraiser, visit katonah-
at the Bedford Playhouse, 633 Depot Plaza. this is a great chance for stu- tions and lm festival, Katonah classicstage.com/auction-2022.
Old Post Road, Bedford. dents to delve into Shakespeare Classic Stage will also host its Tickets to “Romeo and Juliet”
Dawson said that while no and really work through it on Spring Auction Fundraiser will go on sale in July.
“ e educational component
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Wishing all our great
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The Staff Lewisboro Police Blotter
EDITORIAL TEAM e following items are from interviewed the two men. One like the rest of the businesses,”
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 the Lewisboro Police Department of the men, an employee of one according to the police report.
[email protected]
and are only a portion of the calls of the businesses, told police that e employee said he con-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR to which the department responds. he was frustrated that the other fronted the other man, who pro-
[email protected]
FIGHT. April 14, 7:39 p.m. – man kept throwing his trash ceeded to call him a “f****t” and
PAUL FORHAN Police responded to an ongoing out in the receptacle located in told him to “do something about
(914) 806-3951 ght in the Oakridge Common front of the store. He said he it.” e employee then allegedly
[email protected]
shopping center. When o cers was “mad that [the other store took the man’s trash out of the
(914) 486-7608 arrived, one man had another in owner] doesn’t pay for a trash bin and threw it at him. He also
[email protected]
a headlock. Police separated and bin in the back of the building allegedly pretended to lm the
(201) 317-1139 other man, who smacked the
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON phone out of his hand. e two
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] One Call Does it All... then started ghting. ey were
advised to stay away from each
JAY GUSSAK other. e shopping center own-
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] er was noti ed of the issue with
(914) 924-9122 the trash bin.
[email protected]
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL homeowner said his son lled a
CREATIVE DIRECTOR Rubbermaid cart with sticks and
We are a proud installer of Andersen Storm Doors & Windows placed it on the roadway. Later,
[email protected] the sticks had been emptied out
DESIGNER New construction window & door installation and the cart was gone. Police
Tilt-Wash & Woodwright insert windows investigated but were unable to
[email protected]
nd the missing cart.
BRETT FREEMAN Weather stripping replacements ILLEGAL DUMPING.
CEO & PUBLISHER Broken part replacements April 19, 9:15 a.m. –Twelve
845-208-8151 chairs and other assorted junk
Storm doors
[email protected] were dumped along East Street
Deadlines Hardware upgrades in South Salem overnight. e
Patio door adjustments case remains open.
DEADLINE ASSAULT. April 20, 3:20
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Window tune-ups much more... p.m. – Surveillance video from
and the Orchard Square shopping
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS IS THE so center allegedly showed a mid-
THURSDAY BEFORE THE NEXT Scan Just give us a call because one call does it all... dle-school student being antag-
PUBLICATION DATE. me for onized by several other children
more who “attempted to pull down his
FOR MORE INFORMATION, info! S e r v i c e M a i n t e n e n c e R e p a i r s pants,” police said. e bullied
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT student then allegedly picked up
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL
[email protected] thesunrisehandyman.com 9 1 4 2 4 8 7 3 6 8 a long object, which appeared to
be a lacrosse stick, and swung it.
e strike could not be seen on
SUITE 100 camera, but one of the middle
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 schoolers came into frame and
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY was holding the side of his face.
e mother of the injured child
told police that she did not want
to press charges, but she was
concerned about the boys see-
ing each other in school. Police
Specializing in Complete Landscape Design & Installation told the mother that her son ap-
peared to be the antagonizer. She
Large Selections Of Perennials said that her son won’t be hang-
ing out at the shopping center in
the future. e boy who swung
Mother’s Day Plants Jonathan Green Grass Seed the lacrosse stick told police that
Potted Perennials Pottery, Insecticide several younger boys chased, fol-
lowed, and harassed him.
Annuals & Vegetables Fruit Trees & HIT AND RUN. April 22,
10”, 12” & Larger Flowering Trees 12:20 p.m. – A man said his car
Hanging Baskets was rear-ended on Route 35
near Buck Run when he slowed
down for a school bus. e man
told the other driver that he was
914-232-3570 calling police to le a report,
and the other driver pulled a U-
194 ROUTE 100 turn and headed west on Route
35. Police later found the other
SOMERS, NY driver, who admitted to hitting
the other car and driving away.
1.5 MILES NORTH OF ROUTE 35 She told police she thinks she
INTERSECTION ON ROUTE 100 fell asleep behind the wheel.
She was charged with leaving
MONDAY - SATURDAY 8-5 the scene of an accident.
Westchester’ Fin Win & Spirit Destinatio
everyday low prices!
anks, Mom! You are capable of
pushing past the
Inever bought my mom a car notebooks and fun pens for writ- My mom let me make my own
or rented her a villa in Tus- ing my short stories. I received big decisions in life like graduating hard stu
cany. Grand gestures are not dolls and stu ed animals and early from high school, attending
Queens College, majoring in cre-
in my budget. I decided to write board games, too. A few years ative writing, traveling on vacation
to California with my boyfriend,
this column later, Santa and then moving into NYC with
him after graduation.
to celebrate READING, Claus (Mom!) When life gets tough,
WRITING & People always said that I looked show up stronger.
Mother’s Day. CHOCOLATE brought me like my mom. Mom is surprised When you get Showing up, even when
My mom a beauti- at the many ways that we are not you don’t feel like it and
ful portable alike. I like power walking and even when it’s hard, creates
provided the hiking, cave exploring, gardening,
and teaching young children. I
opportunity for KIM typewriter and have bungee-jumped from a hot knocked character and
KOVACH air balloon, enjoyed parasailing
me to try new a real micro- and kayaking, and vacations on down, get resilience that
dairy farms in Vermont and Ten-
experiences as scope. nessee. back up GUEST you bring into
with more CORNER the unexpected
a child. I had Hey, Mom, My mom is an artist and loves intention. challenges of
colorful clothing, room décor, KIM STOLL life.
ballet lessons, thank you for and accessories. Mom has cre- When
ated paintings in oils, acrylics, and
piano lessons, horseback rid- baking a castle cake for my ninth mixed media as well as beautiful
fused glass jewelry. Mom enjoys
ing, and ice skating after school. birthday! I don’t know who was reading and watching mysteries. you feel You are so
Mom planned family vacations more impressed with that cake – Years ago, Mom agreed to like you capable of
illustrate my rst two children’s
and trips to Broadway matinees the other mothers or the kids at chapter books about a groundhog aren’t pushing past
named Kitchawan Kenny, inspired
and the World’s Fair. We had pets my party. ank you for taking by the animals in my backyard. enough, the hard stu
We collaborated long-distance
and crayons and bicycles and an me into the city on a school day from Florida. ese charming prove to yourself just how and ghting for the joy- lled
illustrations captured the per-
encyclopedia. Mom encouraged to see a rehearsal of my favorite sonalities of my story characters capable you are. life you want, but it starts
my love of reading with trips to TV show, “Dark Shadows.” I was I used to feel defeated, but with your decision to prove to
is column is for you, Mom.
the local library and bookstores to thrilled to ask for autographs Happy Mother’s Day! through tackling challenges yourself you can.
read picture books, biographies, from the actors who played An- Kim Kovach enjoys sharing instead of hiding from them, I
memories with readers! www.
and “Little House on the Prairie.” gelique and Barnabas Collins! kimkovachwrites.com learned how strong I am. Kim Stoll empowers women to
Mom said “Yes!” every month You were the “Cool Mom” Pushing myself physically nd joy in every day and build
when I asked to order books that all of my teenage friends and mentally with tness and a life they love through positive
from the Scholastic Book Club. wanted to come over and talk nutrition goals helped me habits in mindset, tness, and
I remember being excited to with about their problems. realize how much self-disci- smart nutrition. Virtual coaching
walk up to receive my new Friends always felt welcomed to pline I have and that began to available. Coachkimstoll@gmail.
books when the fourth-grade hang out at our house. We had translate to other parts of life. com
teacher opened the carton on her plenty of snacks and soda and no
desk. “ e Five Little Peppers,” restrictions about the furniture or To advertise in The Katonah-Lewisboro Times, call
Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@
“Harriet the Spy,” and “Pippi music. halstonmedia.com.
Longstocking” showed me how I learned a lot from you, Mom.
drama, humor, and adventure By watching you, I learned how
can make compelling ction. to be a strong woman, to speak up
My mom encouraged our for myself, and be independent. I
individual interests from a young learned how to tell a good story by
age. My brother received art sup- eavesdropping on your conversa-
plies and craft kits along with his tions with friends and relatives.
toy cars and sports gear. Mom Ordinary trips to the store could
bought me a new diary each be turned into colorful adventures
year for Christmas, along with and humorous anecdotes.
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8th! GGUUAARRAANNTTEEEEDD
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A Tip from the Lewisboro Garden Club
If you started a garden calen-
dar a month or so ago, don’t
forget to update it regularly. Jot
down a few notes such as which
plants bloom and when, the kind
of mulch you used, how often
you needed to water and spray
for deer, and empty spots in your calendar yet, it’s not too late. You’ll May is a busy time in the
garden that could use some color be glad you have this reference garden. It can seem overwhelming
next year. If you haven’t started a next year. with everything you want to get
done. Costa Farms (costafarms.
com) o ers a few suggestions to
help simplify this.
“If you want to shape ower-
ing shrubs such as pussy willows,
forsythia, and lilacs, this can be Volunteers at work in the Alice Poor Garden
done after they nish blooming. If
you wait more than three or four Most spring– owering bulbs farmhouse. Maureen Kohl, our
weeks after they ower, you’ll be such as tulips, da odils, and town historian, relates that this
removing developing ower buds hyacinths have nished owering. garden was Alice Poor’s pride
for next year. Always use pruning Clip away the dead ower stalks and joy dating back to the 1930s
shears and clip the branches o at but leave the foliage in place until and 1940s, when the Poors were
di erent lengths inside the shrub it dries naturally. is will build up summer and weekend residents to
TRILLIUM! Appearing at Barnwood Grill Saturday, for a more natural look. Sprinkle a the strength for next year’s blooms. the full-time years beginning in
May ��t� �weat�er per�i�ng), 6:00PM- 9:00PM
little granular fertilizer around the It’s a great time to plant summer- the 1940s. As Alice grew older, the
plant after pruning. owering bulbs such as dahlias, gardens’upkeep became di cult,
���e p��o is open!” e best way to keep your gladiolus, canna and calla lilies, and the perennial garden was
garden healthy is to mulch your tuberous begonias, and caladium. left to its own devices. In the late
2 Old Tomahawk St, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 garden with several inches of 1970s, the Poor family gave Ona-
(914) 248-8100 compost, pine needles, shredded Brighten porches, patios, and tru to the town. e Lewisboro
pergolas with a generous helping
bark, grass clippings, straw, or of owering hanging baskets. Fill Garden Club saw the potential
even newspaper. is will help to them to the brim with geraniums, in resurrecting the garden. ey
preserve soil moisture during the verbena, bidens, calibrachoas, pe- named it the Alice Poor garden.
hot months and prevent weeds tunias, and annual phlox. Hanging Garden Club members have
from taking over. Weeds that do baskets require minimal care to weeded, pruned, raked, and added
geminate will be easier to pull. As keep them looking great all sum- new plants since taking over this
the mulch decays it adds organic mer. Water them every day and of- project.Two wooden benches were
matter to your soil. fer them a dilute solution of liquid added to the garden in 1992. In
Attract colorful butter ies to fertilizer every ten days. Remove 2013, the Garden Club under-
When it comes toWyoheunr ittoc-odmoes to your backyard by planting a ban- faded owers to encourage the took a signi cant renovation and
development of new blooms.” restoration project which included
youquret otfoo-wdersothey love. Nectar- Did You Know? bluestone edging all around, vibur-
rich perennials such as cone ow- num shrubs at each corner, and a
list, put your futurleistfi, rpsutt. your future
fierrss, btla.ck-eyed Susans, salvia, new custom-crafted iron arbor for
phlox, butter y bush and dianthus BY POLLY TAFRATE
eTsotfiondyoouutrhtoow-dtoogetTyoofiunrdfionuatnhcoiawl to get yourwoifilwlnaetratsrasnuctcchbiuaatsltezrinnieisa.sA, cnonsmuaols, LEWISBORO GARDEN CLUB the climbing roses and clematis.
contactgyooaulsroEndtwraacrkd, contact youtrithEondiaworaMrdexican sun ower, is sweet garden can be seen
advisorJtoondeasyfi.nancial advisor
future first.goals on track, todaathnyadt.lbauntttaenra are all nectar factories Two lovely gardens were includ- from Elmwood Road. It’s open to
ies will ock to. Grow ed in the 1970s gift to the town of the public and is a popular site for
Jones financial Lewisboro from the Poor family. occasions such as weddings and
to get your financial some in containers and butter ies One was the formal perennial garden parties.
ontact your Edward will ock to your patio or deck. garden on the south lawn of the A signi cant clean-up involv-
dvisor today.
Prepare for ing many club members happens
Power Outages in the spring (this year, it was on
& Save Money April 30), and another one is in
the fall. In the months between
these clean-ups, a small committee
tends to the garden every week
to ten days as they weed, rake,
PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated dead-head owers, and spray deer
solar + battery storage system, stores replant when needed.
solar energy that can power your whole
home during utility power outages and Something is always blooming
save you money on your electric bill. in the garden from April to Au-
gust. Following the da odils are
REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! such plants as iris, allium, peonies,
Judi R McAnaw Judi R McAnaw ACT NOWTO RECEIVEwww.edwardjones.com daylilies, English primrose, yarrow,
Financial Advisor edwardjones.com lambs’ears, coreopsis, echinacea,
Member SIPC Russian sage, and fairy rose bush,
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AdvisorSomers, NY 10589 . OFFER!*
Financial 914-669-5329 “ is garden, more than any
IRT-1848G-A Somers Financial Center (888) 871-0194 other, is representative of the Gar-
. den Club,”says Timi Parsons, who
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er Somers, NY 10589 $0 DOWN FINANCING OPTIONS!** spearheads this e ort with Susie
300 Andrews.“It is a very beautiful
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‘Rock the Halls’ retur
John Jay teacher Guy Amdur and Ainsley Graham sing “Can’t Buy Me Love” by The Beatles.
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rns to middle school
John Jay Middle School held its 13th annual Rock the Halls concert on Students, parents, faculty, and members of the community could hardly
April 22. Students in grades six through eight performed in front of the control their excitement, yelling praise from the audience, dancing in their
nearly full auditorium and jammed alongside Halfway to Sanity, a band that seats, and roaring applause after each performance.
includes some of school’s teachers. Students sang songs from various decades
and genres, such as “Ruby Tuesday” by e Rolling Stones, “Mr. Brightside” Proceeds from the event’s ticket and concession sales were given to Art-
by e Killers, and “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves. sAlive. According to the group’s website, the organization promotes and en-
hances arts education within the Katonah-Lewisboro School Community.
Eighth graders sing “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll” by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts.
Madison Varriale sings Green Day’s “21 Guns.”
Ben Swiderski sings “Mr. Brightside” by
The Killers. Amanda Altholz sings “Valerie” by Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse.
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Lewisboro Land Trust pledges to banish ‘the Uninvited’
GET Jackie Dzaluk, project manager and LLT co-chair, at the Marian Yarrow Preserve solutions for carbon capture, like growing
OUTDOORS new trees, are the current best choice for
WITH US Dzaluk, “we hope to replace the invasives e project began with an invasive species curbing carbon emissions. LLT hopes to
with plants that have grown there for expert hired to identify and map these engage the community in the reforestation
LEWISBORO thousands of years. Happily, it is also an in- “uninvited”plants and prioritize where LLT experience by inviting them to “learning
LAND TRUST vitation to birds and other wildlife to come should expend its resources in Year One. An sessions”as removal and restoration take
back home again.” action plan was developed that included the place. e Year-One focus is on four key
BY ARTHUR EINSTEIN most e ective ways to remove each invader. areas along the trails and around “Hidden
LEWISBORO LAND TRUST Today, reforestation has become a science Further consultation suggested appropriate Pond”where eliminating barberry is the top
and the Land Trust has pledged to live up quantities of native trees, plants, and shrubs priority.
The Lewisboro Land Trust has to its scienti c responsibility. Reforesta- for the newly cleared areas. Nature-based
launched an exciting new initiative tion means more than just planting trees. Another key bene t to this project is
called “ e Remove and Restore public health. Barberry along a trail isn’t just
Project” at its three Indian Brook Assem- an annoyance, but a proven health hazard.
blage preserves. Studies have shown that there are 12 times
more ticks in an area with barberry than in
Native plants, which have evolved over an area without it.
thousands of years along with fauna,
insects, and reptiles form a delicate web of One of the critical factors to the success
connections, dependent upon one another of the project will come in future years as
for survival. e rapid decline of some spe- progress is monitored by a task force of
cies is due to habitat loss. LLT has noticed community volunteers, interns, and oth-
this decline in habitat and species at these ers dedicated to environmental quality in
three preserves that are used daily by many Lewisboro.
members of the community and are very
popular. “We realized that invasives were e Indian Brook Assemblage is a
taking over and the preserves were, literally, beloved 130-acre parcel in the heart of
Lewisboro, made up of three nature pre-
ghting for their lives,” said Jackie Dzaluk, serves: Marian Yarrow, Mildred Grierson,
LLT co-chair and project manager. So, and the Mount Holly Preserve. It is home
the land trust is embarking on a ve-year to hundreds of species of trees and wildlife
plan which will remove virulent invasives, and especially treasured by birdwatchers,
such as barberry, and re-introduce native hikers, and wildlife watchers. It is a gem
plants that bloom throughout the season. among Lewisboro’s natural treasures.To
“ rough this reforestation,” said Ms. visit, online go to: lewisborolandtrust.org/
(Note: “ e Uninvited”comes from the
title of a recent DEC lm on invasives)
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She sat down beside me
It was the early 1960s, and I had just appeared I might be waiting for someone. route I would need to take. It became a had a few spare hours. His dad loved
gotten my rst job as a kindergarten wonderful arrangement, as she insisted on horse racing too. My folks and Dan’s
teacher in Providence, R.I. Two days And, that unknown someone did appear. contributing to my gas cost. On a salary became fast friends, as even our mothers
before the opening of of $3,000 for that year as a novice teacher, enjoyed each other’s company. Danny
school that fall, a meet- A young woman approached and asked this was a tremendous help. and I eventually broke up, but when he
ing was held for all new got married, he invited my dad, who was
teachers. It commenced MUSINGS: if that end seat was is lovely new friend of mine, Paula, now a widower, to his wedding as they
in the auditorium of and I became close and saw each other had become so attached to each other.
the largest high school taken, and as I in- often outside of school time, even though When Danny’s dad passed away, he had
in the city. ere were she had a serious boyfriend. One day she requested only family be present at his
at least 60 to 70 people PAST AND vited her to sit, I was suggested I might like to meet her older funeral. e only exception was his now
attending — all new brother, and I agreed without hesitation. lifelong buddy and horse racing com-
teachers I assumed. PRESENT secretly relieved that Since she was so nice, he must be too I panion, my dad!
Many were graduates of the local R.I. I would not be alone. reasoned. A double date was arranged,
College of Education, but I had attended and her brother and I actually went out Paula and I always corresponded over
the University of R.I., and knew no one MARILYN A. We introduced our- together for quite some time. Often, the years even though she had moved to
in the room. Many of the others were however, I wondered if he was more the Chicago area and I to N.Y., once I
gaily chatting, so I did not want to plunge PELLINI selves and I learned attached to my folks than to me, as he too had married. A chance meeting had
myself into the middle of this group, nor would call my mom to ask what was for really turned into a lifetime friendship.
did I want to sit so far on the fringe that her name was Paula. dinner and wait for an invitation with-
I looked like a complete outsider. I took a out my being consulted about the plans. is always seemed so special and ex-
seat a few rows back, but not the one on In but a few minutes traordinary to me. ere is no friend like
the very end. I went in just one seat so it Danny, as he was dubbed, since his an old friend they say. I certainly know
we discovered that father was Dan, found out my father that to be true!
loved to go to the racetrack when he
we would both be kindergarten teachers,
at the same school, with the same critic
teacher. We found that rather amazing
to say the least, but the story did not end
Until Paula had a chance to buy a
car, her mom drove her to and from her
teaching job each day. My father sug-
gested I could pick her up without going
too far out of my way, and showed me the
GARDEN CLUB ders a natural rock water feature leads to the elds. When the One of Alice’s grandchildren others might enjoy the space
that encouraged the Garden Garden Club began this project, described it this way: “ e rock they once did.
FROM PAGE 12 Club to transform the area into the bushes and weeds had taken garden was a place to catch
a place for meditation. It is now over the few remaining iris and tadpoles, enjoy buttercups and Alice Lane Poor died
and peaceful spot to weed, edge, called the Alice Poor Friendship prickly pears, but it is gradu- violets, (never picked!), and in 1981 at the age of 96.
spread mulch, and simply care Garden in memory of Alice. ally being restored as a place a secret retreat for each of us Wouldn’t she be proud of the
for.” where visitors can sit, rest, and as a place to nd solitude and joy these two gardens give
is garden boasts a small contemplate. is was a spe- comfort.” e grandchildren to anyone who visits them
Tucked near the front pasture natural pool amid a rock out- cial place for the Poor family. donated a stone bench so that today?
wall is what the Poor family cropping where a small path
called the Rock Gardens. It bor-
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Jane Brennan on defense GIRLS LACROSSE
Erika Rajovic PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI John Jay
moves to
JoJo Degl
ere seems to be no stopping the force that is
the John Jay girls lacrosse team. e Wolves’ re-
cord stands at 10-1 after a perfect 3-0 week.
Starting the week o at the high school on
April 26, the girls took to Contest Field, and soon
enough, the match-up versus Walter Panas was
anything but. Less than four minutes in, John Jay
had a 4-0 lead, and identifying the source of the
synergy in the 16-6 victory was easy enough for
JoJo Degl.
“It’s really just a family. I adore every single per-
son on this team,” JoJo Degl said.
e scoring began when John Jay won the face-
o . Georgia Wilmoth made her move to the right
of the goal. She was sent ying to the turf but eas-
ily scored on the penalty at 24:04.
Less than a minute later, Wilmoth held her
ground and left the scoring to Caroline Panzirer.
A teammate\ spotted John Jay’s leading scorer on
the cut,and Panzirer made easy work of the goalie.
Panzirer then returned the favor. Forcing the
turnover at mid eld, Panzirer caught Degl in
stride, and the subsequent penalty shot gave John
Jay a 3-0 lead.
Only three minutes gone by, it was still a long
stretch to go without hearing from Shannon No-
lan. So, o the outbounds, she stealthily found her
way to the goal line. Nolan faked high, shot low,
and the lead was four.
Soon after, X marked the passing spot as it usu-
ally does for Nolan. From behind, she paused the
defense, and Panzirer made her standard cut to
nd the netting again.
e 5-0 lead was soon eight, and the starters
got the rest of the day o .Of course,there were no
complaints from the likes of Olivia Casavant. She
took a perfect pass from Nicole DiNapoli, and
scored at 7:14 to make the score 11-3.
e senior didn’t shrink, either, when she was
positioned to send Nolan to the bench.“It’s Shan-
non,” Casavant said. “You got to play up to how
she plays or you’re going to come out.”
And hitting Panzirer from behind for a 12-3
lead said as much. Not the only one making the
most of the chance to be heard, Erika Rajovik
stepped o and Wilmoth was happy to oblige
with an assist to make the score 15-6.
But on the bench or in the eld, the nal score
is always the same as the senior sees it.
“It’s 20 of my best friends.Practice is fun,games
are fun, and even when we are losing, it’s a learn-
ing experience,” Rojovik said.
John Jay then took senior night 12-7 on Friday
versus Kingston and faced Mahopac on Saturday
in a league contest. In a 16-4 victory, Shannon
Nolan had 7 assists, Mia Puccio netted 5 goals,
Annabel Brennan had 4 goals, and Aidan Sum-
mer notched 6 saves.
John Jay closes week with two wins
Wolves drop close one to Yorktown
BY RICH MONETTI Kyle Petschek, who gave John Jay a Jonathan Altneu
2405 Crompond Road • Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 • 914-875-3128
Nine games into the season, After some challenges by Gree-
John Jay really got down to league ley, Luke Bueti ran the inbound Top Private International Bilingual School • Pre K- Grade 8
play last week. Entering with a 1-0 from behind the goal and forced
record, they played Yorktown on his way out front for a 4-1 lead.
April 26, had senior night at home
on April 28, and closed the week e Wolves piled on. DiChiara
on April 30 versus Fox Lane. Los- took a pass at the 35, cut around
ing 10-4 to Yorktown, the Wolves the pick, and went sidearm at the
were in no position to complain 15. His shot went just under the
after nishing the week with two crossbar, and John Jay led 5-1.
With 2:28 left in the half, John
Following the pregame cer- Jay wasn’t done yet. Receiving the
emonies on April 28, the Wolves pass from behind the goal, Luca
looked as though they were in for Duva two-stepped the defender
a battle. But an early tie got away and came out front alone, beating
from Greeley, and John Jay ran o the Greeley goalie with 33 seconds
with an 11-2 victory. left.
To start,the home team won the So down 6-1, Greeley needed
face-o and maintained control. a good start to the second, and a
Andrew Kiefer passed left, and the John Jay penalty could have paved
ball went around the circle to the the way. But goalie Andrew Mi-
right corner, where Nick Savastano nard had things under control.
found Chris DiChiara. Out front, After a Minard save, John Jay went
the mid elder unloaded, and John the other way, Kiefer found the
Jay led 1-0 at 10:12. goal at 9:12, and essentially put the
game out of reach.
Later, Kiefer made a cut at the
30-yard line, took the lane, and On Saturday, John Jay defeated
let y at the 20 to give John Jay a Fox Lane, 7-3, and the boys are
2-1 lead. e next score came from now 3-1 in the league and 8-4
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John Jay moves into first place with 3-0 week
Entering the week at 2-1, John Jay was Lucas Orlovitz slides into third.
right in the thick of things in league play,
and with three games on the schedule last Mike Russo fires away. PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
week, the Wolves were in a make-or-break
position. So, a home and home against Hor- Charlie Greenberg swings away.
ace Greeley could have had the team losing
their sense of direction, but the boys were Roundup
de nitely on the make in sweeping the two
On April 25 at home, Coach Ken San-
toianni saw a team e ort where Starter
Andrew Hammer gave up three runs in 5.1
innings, and Andrew Lombardi’s 1-2 day
drove in two. e coach was also quick to
single out 1.2 innings of scoreless relief by
Luke Spieler that helped bring home the
tight 4-3 victory.
ere was a lot less drama at Horace
Greeley, though. On a cold, windy ursday,
Alec Skirlo got o the bus with his engine
running. He led o with a double, and refus-
ing to cool down, Lucas Orlovitz singled his
shortstop home. Scott Esposito then walked
and an error on Dan Pieratti’s grounder to
short brought in Orlovitz for a 2-0 lead.
Not ready to idle, Mike Aiello knows
it’s all about keeping his eyes ahead. “I just
focus on making contact,” said Aiello, and
his single gave the Wolves a three-run rst-
inning lead.
Will Matthews didn’t give Greeley the
chance to answer back, either, and the of-
fense piled on in the second. Brendan Will-
ingham led o with a single, Skrilo walked,
and Orlovitz singled home his second run of
the game.
e 4-0 lead was soon 5-0 when Scott
Esposito singled in Skrilo , and from there,
Matthews kept the Quaker bats from gen-
erating any heat. An easy 8-1 victory ensued,
and catcher Mike Russo de nitely sees the
sea change from a slow start to the season.
“We began 0-2. But we’re playing a lot
better, and I think we’re going to win a lot
more games,” he said.
e Wolves did just that on April 30 and
then some. ey defeated Brewster 14-2 be-
hind a complete game from Andrew Ham-
mer. In a 14-hit attack, Russo went 3-3, Or-
lovitz went 2-2, Andrew Lombardi was 2-3,
Skrilo was 2-3, and Dan Pieratti was 1-2.
e Wolves are now 5-1 in league play and
9-4 overall.
Track On the girls’ side, eighth-grad- the 2K steeplechase with a time singles matches. On the doubles’ two forfeits in doubles and Marty
er Carly Mangiaracina took 29th of 9:09.01. side, Marty Brandwein/Henry Brandwein/Henry Pojednic won
On Saturday, April 30, John in the 200 Meter with a time of Pojednic, Ian Ferman/Colin the sole doubles a air.
Jay track ran the Clarkstown 28.73, and she was far from the Boys Tennis Baird-Taylor, and Jack Shapiro/
South Gold Rush. Not surpris- only middle schooler who had Jackson Nagy swept. Up next, Somers managed to
ingly, Max Goodman made his a good day. Sloan Wasserman John Jay tennis went 3-0 last win only one match. Marchini,
mark. e senior won the mile took eighth in the 800 Meter week.On April 27,the Wolves de- en on Friday, Mahopac fell Dylan Scott, and Ferman pre-
with a personal best of 4:35.55 (2:29.25) and took second in the feated Yorktown. Matt Marchini, prey. Dylan Scott, Guillaume vailed in singles and Brandwein/
and was joined by Andrew Lu- mile with a time of 5:24.21. Lily Dylan Scott, Ian Rhodes, and Pestie, Jackson Nagy, and Will Pojednic, Ferman/Baird-Taylor,
cassen’s 18th-place nish in the O’Shaughnessy placed 11th in Guillaume Pestie all won their Fenton all won their singles and Nagy/Wysmuller took their
long jump. matches. e Wolves received doubles matches.
John Jay goes 2-2 on the week
BY RICH MONETTI Gigi Krantz scored on a wild Carolina Cerna
CONTRIBUTING WRITER pitch after leading o with a
double and took a 5-1 lead in the Carpet
On Monday, April 25, Somers third on Krantz’s two-out single. Hardwood
arrived at John Jay and had a Julia Rossi then issued a blank Floor Refinishing
5-1 lead in the third inning. So, in the bottom of the third, and
after going 1-3 the week before, Wolves weren’t yet dialed into the Tile
the Wolves might have looked slow down. Custom Area Rugs
as though their downturn would
continue. Not quite, and a short So, Klares getting Somers to Blinds
memory wasn’t really the deciding go down in order in fourth gave Luxury Vinyl Plank
factor in John Jay’s 20-5 mercy, her hitters the chance to set the
according to Eva Falino right pace, and the e ort didn’t
go unnoticed by Coach Steve
“ e entire time we knew we DelMoro. After falling behind in
had it,” the rst baseman said. the early going, DelMoro said,
“Our energy never fell. at was “She threw strikes.”
the most important part.”
Leading o the bottom of
It also helped that the girls the fourth, Falino launched a
knew what day of the week it was. double to deep center, and on two
After facing tough teams from throwing errors, she came around
Lakeland, Yorktown, and Tappan to score on a razor-close head- rst
Zee, Somers was a change of pace. slide into home.
“ e transition to slower pitching
was tough, so sitting back was key Ashley Buatte, Caroline Cerna,
today,” Falino added. Brenna Doherty, and Klares all
followed with singles to set Olivia
e lead the Tuskers jumped Blank up to tie the score with a
out to didn’t necessarily facilitate big double.“We had the mentality
the John Jay adjustment and small that we knew we could win,”
ball was the strategy. Up rst, Blank said.
Katie Cole blooped a single over
short, Emily Stavola beat out a A sacri ce y by Josie Scott got
dribbler to third, and after a wild the lead and four hits, two walks,
pitch by Emma Klares, Cole beat and an error later, the Wolves
the throw home on Katherine had a 12-5 lead. From there, the
Papa’s bunt back to the mound. victory was just a matter of good
Klares did get Julia Rossi on pitching and defense, and Anna
strikes, but a elder’s choice and a Markvukaj’s double in the sixth
wild pitch gave the Tuskers three provided the 15-run margin to
for the inning. end the game.
e onslaught to come began John Jay nished the week
with a peck, though. Ava Kersh by losing 11-2 vs. Mahopac,
walked, stole second, and Ashley defeating Walter Panas, 14-10,
Buatte sent her home with a two- and then losing to Fox Lane, 15-
out single. 6, on Saturday, John Jay is now 3-3
in league play and 6-8 overall.
Somers answered back when
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CLUES ACROSS 21. Opposite of start 39. Indian religious god 15. Car mechanics group For puzzle solutions, please see
40. “Bewitched” actress 17. A barrel of liquid (abbr.) theparamountrehab.com
1. A power of perception 22. Mock Moorehead 19. Bound to do
41. Leak through slowly 20. Explosive
4. Slotted hinged metal 23. People love and hate it 42. Buzzing insects 23. Ridicules
43. Midway between south 24. Adult male
plate (abbr.) and southeast 25. Military personnel
26. French and Belgian river
8. Popular crop 24. A people of Myanmar CLUES DOWN 27. Found in the sea
1. Skin condition 28. A share lost in default
10. Siamese fighting fish 25. A Queens ballplayer 2. Earlier (abbr.)
3. Right away 29. Type of medication
11. Larval crabs 26. Southern Thailand 4. Vomiting (abbr.)
5. Go to 30. City on the Rhine
12. South American indigenous person 6. “The Police” frontman 31. Animal disease
32. They’re in martinis
mammal 27. Famed actress 7. Bullfighting 33. Get away
maneuver 34. Wampum
13. Occur as a result of 34. Thin strips 36. Lacking brightness
9. Pacific island
15. Slavic language 35. Bluish greens 10. A system of
algebraic notation
16. An electric underground 36. Ridiculed 12. A room used for
the activities of a
railway 37. Having the shape of a group
14. The longest
17. Transporting cube division of geological
18. A direction 38. Came down
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Surprise Mom with a special dessert in her honor
Cold Mango Soufflés Topped With Toasted Coconut Mothers sel essly devote themselves
to their children from infancy into adult-
(Makes 4) hood. A mother’s love never wanes, and
4 small mangoes, peeled, pitted and chopped she’s always ready and willing to step in
2 tablespoons water and put her children rst.
1 tablespoon powdered gelatine
2 egg yolks Mother’s Day is a great chance for men,
1⁄2 cup superfine sugar women and children to honor the special
1⁄2 cup milk women in their lives. Delicious home-
11⁄4 cups heavy cream made treats can show mothers just how
Grated rind of one orange much they’re appreciated and adored.Try
Toasted flaked or coarsely shredded coconut, to decorate this tasty recipe for “Cold Mango Souf-
Place a few pieces of mango in the base of each of four 2⁄3-cup ramekins. Wrap a creased collar of nonstick parchment
paper around the outside of each dish, extending well above the rim. Secure with adhesive tape, then tie tightly with és Topped with Toasted Coconut” from
string. “ e Complete Mexican, South Ameri-
Pour the water into a small heatproof bowl and sprinkle the gelatine over the surface. Leave for 5 minutes or until can & Caribbean Cookbook” (Metro
spongy. Place the bowl in a pan of hot water, stirring occasionally, until the gelatine has dissolved. Books) by Jane Milton, Jenni Fleetwood
Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks with the superfine sugar and milk in another heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over a pan and Marina Filippelli.
of simmering water and continue to whisk until the mixture is thick and frothy. Remove from the heat and continue
whisking until the mixture cools. Whisk in the liquid gelatine. is article was provided by Metro
Puree the remaining mango pieces in a food processor or blender, then fold the puree into the egg yolk mixture with the Creative Connection.
orange rind. Set the mixture aside until starting to thicken.
Whip the heavy cream to soft peaks. Reserve 4 tablespoons and fold the rest into the mango mixture. Spoon into the Cold Mango Soufflé
ramekins until the mixture is 1 inch above the rim of each dish. Chill for 3 to 4 hours, or until set.
Carefully remove the paper collars from the soufflés. Spoon a little of the reserved cream on top of each soufflé and
decorate with some toasted flaked or coarsely shredded coconut.
MOMS clude a performance by to realize this. Many of these org.
FROM PAGE 1 magician R.J. Lewis, families need our support and, e S.T.A.R. Foundation has
with Foglio after seeing a Face- an appearance by Ms. above all, it helps to recognize raised more than a half-million
book post about the event.
Wheelchair New York, the importance of research in dollars since its inception in
“I reached out to her asking
if I could help her with this,” and a speech by Dr. advancing our understanding of 2018.
she said. “It’s been really great
to meet other people, because Steven Walkley, who rare diseases, and
sometimes the rare disease com-
munity is closer to you than your also lives on Todd Road our ability to de-
own family. ey get your pain
and your everyday struggles.” and is Ben Foglio’s per- velop treatments.”
Barnao Gundel’s daughter, sonal doctor. Walkley is e May 22
Samantha, was diagnosed with a
rare epileptic disease caused by the director of the Rose event will run from
a mutation SCN1A gene. She
said it is a lifelong, progressive F. Kennedy Intellectual 2 to 6 p.m. It will
disease with seizures that can-
not be completely controlled by and Developmental also include pony
Disabilities Research rides, face painting,
“Almost all the patients that
have the disease are on a trial- Center at Albert Ein- auctions, re trucks
and-error cocktail of drugs,”
Barnao Gundel said. stein College. and police cars, and
Werther’s son, Felix, hasn’t “He’s wonderful,” beer and wine tast-
o cially been diagnosed yet, al-
though gene testing has pointed Foglio said. “He really ings. Last year’s
to him having Robinow syn-
drome, which a ects the de- Dr. Steven Walkley and Ben Foglio spearheaded the e orts event was attended
velopment of the skeleton. She for Niemann-Pick dis-
said that she and her family PHOTO COURTESY OF JESSICA FOGLIO by more than 500
have seen developmental delays
in her son, and his condition will order.” people and raised
most likely result in him being
smaller than the average child According to his nearly $18,500 to
his age.
important for it to be not just professional summary, Dr. support rare disease
“I had a very complicated
pregnancy,” she said. “Felix was for our children, but for a child Walkley also focuses on diseases research at Einstein
born with his head arched all
the way back, which is now his not even born yet,” Jaggi Dorson like Tay-Sachs and Salla. University’s Rose
favorite position.”
said. “ ere are estimated to be F. Kennedy Cen-
Werther said she met Fo-
glio while she lived on Todd “It’s not about the speci c 7,000 rare diseases so it is to be ter and Children’s
Road, and that they became fast
friends due to her complicated disease, it’s about the shared expected that our local com- Hospital at Mon- Samantha and Jenni Barnao Gundel
pregnancy. te ore. For tickets
struggle,” Barnao Gundel re- munities will have a number of and information, PHOTO COURTESY OF JENNI BARNAO GUNDEL
“We became fast friends,” she
said. “It was like we were meant marked. a ected families,” Dr. Walkley
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Hudson Stage exits, in peak style
BY BRUCE APAR ing night of new stage play “O Sitting there on stage was a stun- creates of a commuter train’s lesser
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Peak,” I knew that the two char- ningly replicated cut-away section moments – namely, service break-
acters are commuters. I was not a Metro North train car, revealing downs and garbled PA announce-
Creators of musical theater are at all prepared, however, for what three rows of seats and an exit door. ments (which, in fairness, are
ever mindful of the show business I saw upon entering Whippoor- mostly a thing of the past; when
chestnut that if their work isn’t will Hall eater in Armonk, I shouldn’t have been so sur- I ride the rails nowadays, they are
memorably tuneful, audiences can’t where this crowd-pleasing Hud- prised. One of the throughlines in clear as a bell). Conductor’s voice
be expected to go home “humming son Stage Company production my previous reviews of this theater is by Doug Ballard (Actors’Equity
the scenery.” runs through May 7 (For ticket company’s meticulously mounted member).
information > HudsonStage.com): productions is the signature eye
When I headed to open- candy that greets audiences set- Withers and director Jess
tling into their seats. I appreciate Chayes, who, like a con dent
Financial Planning the visual more than usual because PHOTO: EMMANUEL FAURE conductor, keeps a rm hand on
Investment Management it’s the end of the line for Hudson the play’s forward movement and
Tax Preparation & Planning Stage. Kurt Rhoads and Nancy physical business, have the very
Business Retirement Plan Services Williamson on set of Off Peak good fortune of a cast of consum-
After 23 years and 37 produc- mate pros in Nancy Williamson
Why AtwoB? tions, Bessette and Sklar have de- whi of narcissism, to pay penance, and Kurt Rhoads (both Actors’
cided it’s time they gave themselves literally. Equity members), who bring
• Boutique, Independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) some well-deserved R&R. ere is Martin and Sarita to vibrant life.
• Owner-Operated, Your Money Matters to Us a reading scheduled for June, but In revealing their relationship
• Legally Obligated to Act in Your Best Interests 100% of the Time “O Peak”is the pair’s last full pro- history, Withers demonstrates an 68 PLAYS TOGETHER
• Unbiased – Paid Only By Clients, No Commissions or Hidden Fees duction for Hudson Stage. impressive facility with uid repar- e fact that the actors are a re-
• High-Touch, Attentive Service You Can Depend On tee that keeps the audience locked
• Employer-Sponsored Retirement Solutions for Business Owners A MISSION OF ORIGINALITY in, and not infrequently amused by al-life couple who have appeared
Predictably, they are exiting the her inclination for throw-away jok- in 68 plays together doesn’t ex-
Michael Tom CFP® CFA® • Jeff Wund • Todd Rebori, CFA® iness. is decidedly is more dram- actly hurt the authenticity of their
stage in style and true to form. As edy than either drama or comedy, performances. at’s not to short-
www.AtwoB.com • (914) 302-3233 Olivia Sklar writes in a parting and it is skillfully diverting. change their individual talents,
note in the printed program, “Our which are wonderfully on display
23 Parkway, Second Floor • Katonah, NY 10536 original mission was to present In the early going, the pair en- in awless timing and delivery.
new plays, so it is tting that the gage in a verbal ping-pong game
Point B Planning, LLC d/b/a/ AtwoB (“AtwoB”) is a registered investment adviser. last two plays we presented were of silliness to avoid ripping o ey richly deserved the standing
A copy of AtwoB’s current written disclosure statement discussing AtwoB’s business world premieres.” the scab of the wounds that drove ovation the audience gave them
operations, services, and fees is available at the SEC’s investment adviser public them apart. on opening night.
information website or from AtwoB upon written request. This article is for information Originality is a trusty trademark
only and should not be considered investment advice. of Hudson Stage. Rather than One of my favorite lines is when Also deserving of credit for
travel the safe lane, dotted with Martin apologizes for interrupt- the success of this production are
name playwrights and familiar play ing Sarita in mid-sentence, and lighting designer Paul Vaillan-
titles, this theater company made she says the quiet part out loud: court, costumer Leslie Bernstein,
its bones curating fresh, thought- “Don’t worry. I’ll interrupt you sound designer Tojo Rasedoara,
ful material by emerging artists. later.” at’s a sampling of Withers’ production stage manager Ann
Trying to divine what will “make supple understanding of human Barkin and production manager
good box o ce” is the stu ulcers behavior and her witty knack for John Leyden.
are made of. theatricalizing it.
Hudson Stage founders Denise
When it’s done well,though,it is WOMEN’S RIGHTS & MORE Bessette and Olivia Sklar, having
to the delight of audiences adven- As the narrative picks up steam, contributed mightily to the enjoy-
turous enough to seek new works ment of countless theatergoeers
by new writers. it’s evident Withers has a lot to the past two-plus decades, are
say about many things, including sure to nd renewed enjoyment
Enter stage right Brenda With- spending more time with their
ers, author of “O Peak.” Her ghting for women’s rights in a families. Not that family hasn’t
clever piece invites us to eavesdrop, proudly patriarchal society, second been front and center all along.
for a fast-moving 80 minutes, on a chances, personal responsibility, “ e company became a member
man and woman who are the only parental in uence, the di erence of our collective families since its
passengers in that realistic train car. between love and relationships, inception,” says Olivia.
and peer pressure (Sarita wonders
e conceit Withers concocts is why “everyone wants everyone to I may be one of the few theater
that they are ex-lovers, from many be married”). reviewers left in the Hudson Val-
moons ago (17 years to be precise). ley, but I am one of many theater
As if by improbable happenstance, In a couple of places, the nar- lovers who have cherished (and
Martin (Kurt Rhoads) is on the rative and strong characterizations will miss) the originality, qual-
same train as Sarita (Nancy Wil- get a little sidetracked by the writ- ity, and professionalism that has
liamson) – the 8:33 local to Pough- er’s voice suddenly switching into been a hallmark of Hudson Stage.
keepsie. Except, of course, it’s no what sounded, to my ear, at least,
coincidence. like a somewhat stilted mode of eir tting legacy is the memo-
speechifying (Martin: “ e nor- rable contribution they have made
TRYINGTO FIND HIMSELF mal I imposed on us … might still not just to local theater, but to the
Playing Google detective, he has be informing our dynamic.”) No overall culture of our region.
matter. Even the few times such
traced the whereabouts of his for- fussy word salads are tossed our I hope for Denise and Olivia
mer paramour for the self-cleans- way, they don’t get in the way of the same thing they always have
ing purpose of making amends for our overall enjoyment of a sharply strived to give us – only the best
his former self ’s boorish behavior. realized entertainment. – and I hope that our paths cross
So, while Martin doesn’t acciden- again soon. In that spirit, I leave
tally nd himself encountering e playwright also can be ap- them for now with the proper way
Sarita, he is there to nd himself, plauded for the all-too-relatable theater people wish each other
as part of an ongoing rehabilitative experience she whimsically re- well … “Break a leg!”
process. Martin’s also there to re-
Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
nd,as well as refund,his old ame consultant, and community
Sarita – for the wages of anxiety he volunteer. He can be reached at
has cost her.He’s tracked her down [email protected]; 914-275-6887.
with an air of desperation, and a
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Your next chapter
Estate planning considerations for the newly retired
ney, but will also be invaluable to Ensuring accordance with your wishes. If bene ts. Having a conversation
your family and/or spouse in the your estate
GUEST event you are unable to handle your assets are held in a revo- with an Elder Law attorney may
CORNER your own nances or pass away. planning
documents cable and/or irrevocable trust, be bene cial to determine what
LAUREN 2. Review your monthly in- are updated
ENEA come needs and create a budget upon your death you will avoid your exposure to the cost of your
for your expenditures. is crucial
Congratulations on your during this the need of a probate proceeding. long-term care is, and what steps
retirement! One of the most obvious next chapter
Like many, you prob- changes in lifestyle after retire- of your life.’ Having a trust can also allow for you can take to minimize said
ably have a bucket list of things ment is your monthly income. It
you would like to accomplish is important to make sure that -Lauren C. Enea, Esq. ease of transition to those you exposure.
such as travel the world, spend you have reviewed and made any Enea, Scanlan &
more time with your grandkids necessary Social Security and/ Sirignano, LLP want handling your a airs in the
and take up a new hobby. While or Pension elections, and deter-
these are all excellent ambitions, mined the Required Minimum want to make sure that you have event you become incapacitated Lauren C. Enea, Esq. is an Associate
the milestone of retirement is Distributions (RMDs) you designated an agent to make
also a good time to ensure your will receive from your retire- medical decisions for you in a and can no longer manage your at Enea, Scanlan & Sirignano,
ment assets (IRAs/401ks) on a Health Care Proxy, along with
nances, bene ciary designa- monthly or annual basis. Quali- an agent(s) to make nancial a airs. In addition to avoiding LLP. She concentrates her practice on
tions, estate planning, and long- decisions for you in a Power of
term care strategy are in proper ed monies typically do not Attorney, in the event you are probate, an Irrevocable Medicaid Wills,Trusts and Estates, Medicaid
order. require the RMD be taken until unable to make said decisions
age seventy-two (72). at being yourself. Your Last Will and Asset Protection trust can be Planning, Special Needs Planning
e following are some bucket said, your monthly income needs Testament and if you prefer, a
list additions the newly retired may require taking the RMD Revocable Living Trust should used in order to do Medicaid and Probate/Estate Administration.
should consider: from these accounts early. is be created or updated so as
decision, along with your Social to ensure you have taken ad- Planning. She believes that it is never too early
1. Create an inventory of all Security and Pension elections vantage of all estate planning
your assets, accounts, safety de- should be reviewed with your options available to you and have 4. Engage in long term care or too late to start planning for your
posit boxes, retirement accounts, properly named the bene cia-
bene ciary designations and nancial advisor, plan adminis- ries, executors and/or trustees in planning future and she enjoys working with
digital assets. trator or perhaps an individual
who specializes in optimizing Engaging in long term care individuals and families to ensure
roughout your life you have Social Security and retirement
accumulated a variety of assets elections. planning will help you deter- that their estate and long- term care
that are held in di erent ways.
Creating an inventory of all your 3. Meet with an Estate Plan- mine if and how you will be plan best suits their needs. Ms. Enea
assets will not only help you ning and Elder Law Attorney
prepare to meet with a nancial able to pay for the cost of your is on the executive committee of the
advisor or estate planning attor- Ensuring your estate plan-
ning documents are updated long-term care, in the event you New York State Bar Association
is crucial during this next
chapter of your life. You will need assistance in your home (a (NYSBA) Elder Law and Special
home health aide) or in a facility Needs Section and is also the Co-
(assisted living facility or nurs- Editor of the NYSBA Elder Law
ing home). Paying for long term and Special Needs Section Journal.
care can be done in a variety of She is admitted to practice law in
ways, including by using your New York and Florida. She can be
life savings, using long term reached at 914-948-1500. Visit
care insurance, or taking steps www.esslaw rm.com for more
to become eligible for Medicaid information.
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