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Published by Halston Media, 2022-08-09 13:59:00

The Katonah-Lewisboro Times 08.11.2022

VOL. 5 NO. 21 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022

State recommends polio vaccines for all residents

Active case identi ed in Rockland County

BY GINO DE ANGELIS vaccinated as soon as possible.” len Calves said that the disease

STAFF WRITER This potentially devastating disease is e polio vaccine is required is serious and has no cure, but is
still out there, and people should protect for all school aged children by easily preventable via vaccination.
e New York State Depart- themselves and others by getting vaccinated.’ the department and is also part “ e case in Rockland is a re-
ment of Health announced rec- of the CDC’s standard child im- minder that this potentially dev-
ommendations for all New York- munization schedule. e state astating disease is still out there
ers to get vaccinated against polio recommends all New Yorkers, and people should protect them-

after an active case was identi ed Bedford Supervisor Ellen Calves including pregnant women and selves and others by getting vac-

in Rockland County on July 21. children over the age of 2 months, cinated,” she said.

e state has also launched new to complete the polio vaccine se- Villages like Mt. Kisco, which

wastewater surveillance steps sequences,” State Health Com- has safeguarded our country and ries right away. Residents of and don’t have health departments,

after the virus was identi ed in missioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett New Yorkers for over 60 years. visitors to Rockland County are line up with the county and state

wastewater in June, the depart- said. “In the United States, we Given how quickly polio can at the highest risk. governments and also recom-

ment said. are so fortunate to have available spread, now is the time for every Westchester County towns mend vaccination to anyone that

“Polio is a dangerous disease the crucial protection o ered adult, parent, and guardian to get have taken the recommendations has not yet received a polio vac-

with potentially devastating con- through polio vaccination, which themselves and their children seriously. Bedford Supervisor El- cine series.

Marissa Ready to
Lieberman, rumble!
Ingrid Ramos,
Jenn Irving, Mika e playo s are about to heat up for the
McLane, Mollie Westchester Female Flag Football league,
McGrath, Margo including Katonah-Lewisboro based squad
Barnickel, Nicole Charlie’s Cosmic Angels.
Patten, Anna page 18!
Stacey Dell. Orto,
Monica Healy,
Aileen Bubaris,
Delphine Kramer,
Emily Casolo


Local Experience You Can Trust BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE 23 BEDFORD 2030
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Team is a team of real estate salespersons affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal

Housing Opportunity Laws. *As of 8/2022, combined Schwartz McCrossan Team member sales: Source OneKey MLS.


The Staff An interview with Assemblymember Chris Burdick

EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] When Chris Burdick was
elected Bedford supervisor in
[email protected] 2013, the rst Democrat in de-

VIM WILKINSON cades to hold the job, he moved
[email protected] from a part-time role as one of

ADVERTISING TEAM four town council members to
being the full-time, sole custo-
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] dian of a phone that rings for

BRUCE HELLER everything—from potholes to
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] multimillion-dollar sewer proj-

LISA KAIN ects. 
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] Over the next 84 months,
(914) 760-7009 as voters returned him to the
[email protected]
supervisor’s chair three more
(914) 299-4541 times, Burdick tackled his town
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE responsibilities with evident rel-
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] ish. So, in 2019, when he suc-

PRODUCTION TEAM cessfully ran for a seat in the
state legislature, some wondered
PHOTOGRAPHER whether he’d nd the same sat-

[email protected] isfaction in Albany—one of 150
DESIGNER lawmakers in the Assembly—as

[email protected] he had for seven years at the ful- PHOTO: TOM BARTLEY
crum of Bedford’s leadership. 
EXECUTIVE TEAM For Assemblymember Chris Burdick, here in his Mount Kisco office, the phone is still ringing.
BRETT FREEMAN After some 20 months on
845-208-8151 the new job, Burdick’s answer cal o cial considers his changed sembly member nishes a tele- village’s new recreation center

[email protected] is unequivocal: “I love the work circumstances.  phone meeting with Harrison and for an emergency generator

Deadlines I do,” he says. “I really love the On a hot summer morning in Supervisor/Mayor Rich Di- for the Harrison library and he’s

THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES work.” It’s a recurring refrain in a cool Mount Kisco o ce, just onisio. Burdick’s seeking a state SEE BURDICK PAGE 20
an interview as the longtime lo- o Route 172, the freshman As- grant to help pay for the town/
Voters ready for congressional and senate primaries
Early voting begins August 13
PUBLICATION DATE. BY CAROL REIF Early voting starts on Saturday, unfair advantage. Allesandra Biaggi and incumbent

FOR MORE INFORMATION, STAFF WRITER Aug. 13. at ruling took congressional U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney.
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL Any registered voter who and state Senate races o the June Running in the 17th  CD
[email protected]
Hitting the polling booth may wants to change their party af- 28 primary election and moved are Republicans William G.
be the last thing on anyone’s liation has to do so by ursday, them back nearly two months. Faulkner; state Assemblyman
SUITE 100 mind in the middle of an unbear- Aug. 11, according to an order Party a liation changes made Michael V. Lawler, Orange

MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 ably hot August, but voting now handed down recently by Acting on or after Aug. 12 won’t take ef- County business executive Jack

PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY will determine who’s going to be Steuben Supreme Court Justice fect until Aug. 30. W. Schrepel, Rockland Coun-
on the ballot this fall. Patrick McAllister, the judge ere are 26 congressional dis- ty Legislator Charles J. Fal-
Primaries for congressional who ruled in March that districts tricts and 63 state Senate seats ciglia, and Shoshana M. David.

and state Senate races take place created by the Democrat-majori- in New York. ey are all up for Faulkner, a Somers town council-

on Tuesday, Aug. 23. ty Legislature had given Dems an grabs this year. Winners will go man, and Lawler are also running

BEDFORD GRAVEL on to compete in the Nov. 8 gen- on the Conservative line.
& LANDSCAPE SUPPLY eral election. Somers resident Gina Arena,

To change your party a lia- a Republican, is challenging in-
tion, visit the state Department cumbent Sen. Peter Harckham
of Motor Vehicles website or (D-South Salem) for the state
contact the Westchester County Senate in the 40th  Senate dis-

• Gravel • Topsoil • Mulches Board of Elections. trict. Neither faces a primary.
• Sweet Peet • Unilock Pavers
Primaries are being held for

the Democratic Party in the WHAT TO KNOW

16th and 17th congressional dis- Registered voters in Westches-

• Sand • Stonedust tricts. Republican and Conserva- ter County are eligible to cast early
• Item #4 • Drainage Pipe
tive parties have primaries in the voting ballots at any of 23 desig-

• Flagstone • Fieldstone 17th district. nated locations.
• Belgian Block
• Cobblestones • Wallstone Running in the 16th  CD are In our coverage area those are:
Democrats Vedat Gashi, a West- · Mt. Kisco Municipal Building,
chester county legislator from 104 Main St., Mt. Kisco.
Yorktown; incumbent U.S. Rep. · Pound Ridge Town House,179

• Fire Pits • Stepping Stones • Soil/Fill Jamaal Bowman of Yonkers; Westchester Ave., Pound Ridge.
county Legislator Catherine F. · Somers Town House, 335

27 Norm Ave., Mt. Kisco (next to Kohl’s) Parker; and Mark Ja e of West Route 202, Somers.
Harrison, the president and · Je erson Village Annex, 3500
ww9w1.b4e-d2fo4rd1g-r3av8e5l.1com CEO of the Greater New York
Chamber of Commerce. Hill Blvd., Yorktown Heights.
· Yorktown Cultural Center,
Vying for the 17th  CD are
1974 Commerce St., Yorktown

Democrats two-term state Sen. Heights.


Pollinator Party at the Westchester Pollinator Garden Tour

BY LAURA Native plants support native Maura Rosenthal with visitors in her thriving Katonah garden. ‘Bringing
pollinators that work so hard native and
CUNNINGHAM to keep our gardens alive, pollinator-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER keeping them fed and happy, friendly plants
so their populations can in- into your
e third annual Westches- crease, and they can give us home garden
ter Pollinator Garden Tour food and beautiful owers. supports
took place on Sunday, July 24, essential
drawing scores of visitors in “Bringing native and pol- ecosystems
spite of temperatures well into linator-friendly plants into
the 90s. Organized by West- your home garden supports AND
chester Healthy Yards, the essential ecosystems AND beautifies our
Pollinator Pathways Project, beauti es our communities. communities.
and Bedford 2030, this stun- Win-win!” says Fiona Mitch-
ning event aimed to educate ell, co-founder of Healthy Win-win!’
people on the importance of Yards.
pollinators, native plants and Fiona Mitchell
low emissions landscaping in Native plants and healthy Co-founder, Healthy Yards
our home gardens and prop- yards don’t only help polli-
erties, and featured more than nators, however. ere are so PHOTOS COURTESY OF BEDFORD 2030
50 gardens all over Westches- many other ways that biodi-
ter County, including 10 in verse gardens and native spe-
the Bedford, Mt. Kisco, and cies help our environment.
Pound Ridge area. Dedicated Turf grass grown in most
Westchester residents who yards is not native to this
landscape using earth-friend- area, so keeping these plants
ly practices opened their gar- healthy and looking attrac-
dens to visitors and spoke to tive often requires pesticides,
them about their experiences fertilizers, chemicals, pollut-
with native plants, healthy ing lawn maintenance, and
yards, and the tips and tricks an abundance of water. Na-
they have picked up along tive plants that have evolved
their journeys. to the climate, soil type, and
other resources in our area are
e Pollinator Pathways much more likely to succeed
Project’s main goal is to bring without these harmful addi-
awareness to the importance tives that can pollute soil, air,
and current decline of pol- and water sources.
linators like bees, butter ies,
moths, birds, beetles, bats and ey also serve as a great
other wildlife in our ecosys- alternative to traditional grass
tems. Pollinators are essential lawns, as more biodiversity in
in supporting biodiversity, in- a property means healthier
cluding the crops and vegeta- soil, greater water retention,
tion we grow to survive. ey more carbon sequestration,
are also part of important and and of course, the support of
delicate food webs as all other local ecosystems that need
wildlife rely on them to pol- our help. Plus, it will save you
linate their food or feed their money.  “Healthier proper-
prey. But these hard workers ties mean more self-su cient
have been declining rapidly gardens, reducing the need
in the age of perfectly mani- for costly maintenance and
cured lawns, herbicides and toxic chemicals,” says Eve
fertilizers. Hundt, program director of
Rooted Solutions at Bedford
e Healthy Yards Garden 2030.
Tour was designed to encour-
age homeowners to take steps Learn more about native
to support pollinators and x plants at https://www.
the damage that human ac-, or access
tivity has done to their popu- resources and perhaps register
lations. Joining up with the your own home at https://
Pollinator Pathway Project is
a great way to get involved. register

HOME, AUTO, BUSINESS, Get your body
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To see your event here, email Rhodes holds instruction cer- teers to help collect books and mined by age group. e morning Lakeland High and

[email protected]. ti cation in rehabilitation con- Attic Treasures during the Do- session at 10:30 a.m. is for tod- Walter Panas High
ditioning, tness training, self- nation Days on Saturdays from dlers up to age 5. e afternoon Class of 1972
Katonah Village defense, martial arts, and yoga. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Aug. 13, 20, session at 1 p.m. is for students in
Library Rhodes has created a holistic and 27, at Onatru Farm. To vol- grades K-5. Space is limited and 50TH REUNION DINNER
approach to tness which draws unteer for Donation Days or the registration is required.

on her 30+ years exploring all many other volunteer opportuni- Saturday, September 17

Located at 26 Bedford Road, aspects of physical well-being. ties the Fair has to o er, sign up NEW “GIRLS WHO CODE” To be held at the old Tarry-

Katonah, New York 10536 She has motivated a wide range at (case MEETINGS town Hilton, now known as e

Phone: 914-232-3508 Email: of groups—from the US Marines sensitive) is summer, the library is Sleepy Hollow Hotel, where the

[email protected] to the American Girl Scouts, and holding “Girls Who Code” on class held Senior Prom. Featur-

specializes in training individuals OUTDOOR FAMILY Wednesday afternoons from 4 ing an elegant bu et dinner

JUMPIN’ JAMIE LIVE 100 years and younger. STORYTIME ON TUESDAYS to 5 p.m., for students in grades with music and cash bar. $115

IN CONCERT Lewisboro Library ANDTHURSDAYS three through six. e next ses- per person. More information
Friday, August 12, at 4 p.m.
Children’s librarian Marie sions meet Aug. 10 and Aug. 17. can be found by visiting https://

Music, puppets, humor – fun Nania is continuing “Outdoor See the library website for details lakeland-high-school-class-of-

for all ages! For children enrolled e Lewisboro Library is lo- Family Storytime” this summer, and to register. 1972-50th-class-reunion.ched-

in the summer reading program cated at 15 Main St., South Sa- with the “Oceans of Possibilities” American Legion
who have completed their read- lem. Register for programs at Summer Reading theme. Story- For any questions,contact Lau-

ing logs. Children will be given a time will be held on the library Seeks New ra Marino-Scott (lscott1068@
ticket for the event upon comple- lawn on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Members or Sue Fowler-Finn
tion of program. Call Claudia at VOLUNTEERS NEEDED and ursdays at 1 p.m. All ages (susiek

914-232-3508 with any ques- FOR LIBRARY FAIR are invited. See the library web- Race Amity

tions. DONATION DAYS site for details and to register. American Legion is recruiting

GETFIT WHILE YOU SIT e annual Lewisboro Library honorably discharged veterans to of Northern
WITH KILLEEN Fair will take place on Saturday, WEEKLY SESSIONS OF join Post 1575 in Katonah. If in- Westchester &
Sept. 17. Teen and adult volun- MAKERSPACE WORKSHOPS terested in learning more, contact

Tuesday, August 16, at 10 a.m. teers are needed for both before Wednesdays are “MakerSpace” Tom Colella at 404-229-3500. Putnam
Bene t from this unique fu- the Fair and on Fair Day. e days at the library, and there are e organization’s motto: “For

sion of tness disciplines. Killeen most urgent need is for volun- two di erent timeslots deter- God and Country.”


Please join us for our monthly

discussion as we work to ad-

vance cross-racial and cross-

cultural amity to impact the

public discourse on race. Our

monthly meetings feature speak-

ers, screenings, and presentations

where discussions are aimed at

educating one another on who

we really are. Visit https://www.

to register for this online event.

Mt. Kisco Fox
Senior Center

193 Carpenter Ave., Mt. Kisco

September 23 & 24,
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Featuring jewelry, household

items, artwork, baked goods, and
much more.

Temple Beth Shalom

Slides, Swings, Stories and
Watermelon! Join us for “Water-
melon Wednesdays”, an informal
playground playdate and story
time for Jewish Families of chil-
dren ages 2-6 years old. Call 845-
628-6133 to RSVP.

Temple Beth Am


Providing a fun and meaning-
ful Jewish learning experience for
children in grades K-12. Instruc-
tors understand that each child is
a unique individual, and strive to
meet the needs of every learner,
while fostering a connection to
Jewish living and community.



County Legislator The club’s aquatics programs teach 1,000 children County Legislator Erika Pierce during her visit to
announces $50k to be water-safe every year. the BGCNW in Mt. Kisco.
in funding for Boys

and Girls Club

Westchester County Legislator over 65,000 area kids to swim. To- Native New Yorker,
Erika Pierce visited the Boys and day, the club’s aquatics programs Lifelong Republican, Winning
Girls Club of Northern Westches- teach 1,000 children to be water- Three Landslide Elections as
ter (BGCNW) in Mount Kisco to safe every year. e Boys and Girls Councilman
announce $50,000 in new funding Club of Northern Westchester is
for the Club’s learn to swim pro- a major xture in the community, Responsibly Budgeted under
gram. with its aquatics programs anchor- the Tax Cap, Maintained Vital
ing the organization. Legislator Services and Earned his Town
In America, drowning remains a Pierce and the Board of Legisla- a Triple AAA Credit Rating —
leading cause of injury and mortal- tors are thrilled to provide $50,000 the Only Town in Westchester
ity for children. Consequently, it’s in funding towards their important to do so
important that every young person Learn to Swim program.
has the opportunity to learn how to Police Commissioner —
be safe in and around water. Since Article prepared by the o ce of One of the Lowest Crime
the Boys and Girls Club opened its the Westchester County Legislator.  Rates in NY
doors in 1937, its sta has taught
Independent Businessman
CROSSING are also available for individual with Over 25 years in Community Leader: Lions
counseling and assistance via Corporate America Club Vice President, President
FROM PAGE 4 phone and email. Call 800-532- and Treasurer of the Somers
4290, or submit an online request Owns and Operates Several Education Foundation,
For more information, email at Flight Schools Training the 29-season Coach for AYSO
o [email protected] or Next Generation of Excellent soccer, Cadet Officer in the
call 914-6-BETH-AM. Volunteers Sought Pilots including the Cadets at Air Force’s Civil Air Patrol,
for Hospital West Point Meals on Wheels Captain,
Farm Stand at Hilltop Programs United Way Corporate Team
Leader, Member-Chamber of
For sustainably grown produce Putnam Hospital is looking to Commerce & Special Olympics
and other locally sourced goods, recruit adult volunteers for sev- Volunteer
the Farm Stand at Hilltop Ha- eral open positions at the facility.
nover Farm (hillltophanover- “ ”As your Congressman, I have but one campaign promise: is open to the public Volunteers ages 18 and older Do the Right Thing,
on Fridays from 1 to 6 p.m. and are needed to manage the hos- because it’s the Right Thing.
on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 pital gift shop as cashiers and
p.m. Sunday Farm Stand hours to welcome and escort patients PAID FOR BY FAULKNER FOR CONGRESS
will be added in June. e online and visitors to their destinations
store is open weekly for preor- within the hospital. Volunteers
ders from Tuesdays at 4 p.m. un- will bring patients and visitors
til ursdays at 4 p.m. to medical and surgical appoint-
ments as well as patient oors.
ey will also provide wheel-
Rideconnect has volunteers chair assistance when needed.
ready to help drive seniors to Volunteers are also needed for
their medical appointments and the peer-to-peer patient support
assist with shopping. Services are program. is new program con-
free to seniors residing in West- nects volunteers with patients
chester and southern Putnam who may have had similar ex-
Counties. To request assistance periences, allowing them to lend
call (914) 242-7433. Anyone an ear and to support them emo-
wishing to volunteer for Ride- tionally through their healthcare
connect may do so by emailing journey.
[email protected]
Potential candidates will un-
Virtual Support dergo an interview and screen-
Groups ing process to determine if these
positions are a good match for
Support groups have been them. Walking and standing for
transitioned to virtual platforms. extended periods of time as well
Virtual groups are accessible as a friendly, caring manner are
to women from the comfort of prerequisites to the volunteer
their homes, regardless of where post.
they live. All groups are open to
new members as well as past par- To apply, contact John Ma-
ticipants. Advance registration honey at john.mahoney@
is required by calling 914-962- or 845-
6402 or 800-532-4290. Support 230-4752. For more volunteer
Connection’s Peer Counselors information at Putnam Hospital,


Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace announces
opening of newest location in Yorktown

Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace Long Island’s leading specialty grocer, duce, a full seafood de- greets shoppers as they enter
Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace, proudly an- partment, a gourmet the store, and a full cof-
nounces the debut of its newest store at 329 cheese department fee and espresso bar is
Downing Drive in Yorktown Heights. e featuring the n- also available with plenty
store will open its doors on August 17 at 8:00 est and most of seating at a six-foot
a.m. with a grand opening on August 19 at sought-after distance. All of these
11:00 a.m. e full-service supermarket, re- selections from extensive o erings
nowned for its high-quality, Italian themed around the world, will be rounded out
specialties and food o erings, enjoys a loyal and special viewing by general grocery,
customer base seeking a unique culinary and rooms where pasta frozen food and dairy
grocery shopping experience. and mozzarella are o erings to deliver an excit-
made fresh daily, directly
Moving a quarter mile down the road, the in front of the customer through protective ing, one-stop shopping desti-
new Uncle Giuseppe’s is expanding from glass partitions. nation. For added convenience, Uncle Gi-
27,000 square feet to an impressive 45,000 useppe’s will also o er home delivery and
square foot space formerly the site of a Food In addition, there will be a tremendous curbside pickup.
Emporium that has been vacant for the last variety of pre-packaged meals, and a soup
10 years. Located within the Yorktown Green and salad bar with an extensive array of To learn more, visit,
Shopping Center, Uncle Giuseppe’s was gut- ready-to-eat items prepared daily by Uncle or follow on Facebook
ted and retro t to the brand’s exact standards. Giuseppe’s in-store chefs. Sushi chefs will unclegiuseppes/ , Twitter
create sushi rolls, specialty rolls and sashimi unclegiuseppes), and Instagram
Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace is an orga- and will also take custom orders. A gour- unclegiuseppesmarketplace. Provided by Uncle
nization of inclusion and will employ up to met chocolate, candy and gelato station Giuseppe’s Marketplace.
250 full-time and part-time associates from
the local communities surrounding the Yor-
ktown location.

As with all other Uncle Giuseppe’s mar-
ketplaces, the new Yorktown location will
continue the tradition of homemade favor-
ites that include its full service deli featur-
ing homemade dishes prepared using Old
World recipes, an in-house bakery featur-
ing specialty cakes, pastries, breads and des-
serts, a custom-cut meat department with
in-house butchers, fresh and organic pro-

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MARISA A. GIULIANO ~ Director ADNER J. MONTENEGRO-LEE ~ Director information website or from AtwoB upon written request. This article is for information
only and should not be considered investment advice.


Children’s cancer charity welcomes new board

BY GINO DE ANGELIS families battling cancer on a na- Christina Salotti, and directors also part of the family advocate everybody on the same page.”
STAFF WRITER tional level. Eli Capel, Giuseppe Barrone, committee. e organization will also be
Suzanne L. Michael, Adam
Love Holds Life welcomed “ eir jobs are going to really Kern, and Nick D’Andrea, as “ e dinner is basically a board hosting the 4th annual Scoop
new board and sta members at focus on raising awareness for well as co-founders Richard and meeting to introduce everybody Away Cancer event at King
a dinner on August 8. e Hud- the organization and helping to Carmen Senato. to one another who haven’t met Kone in Katonah on August 17,
son Valley-based children’s can- get more donations for families,” yet,” he said. “ ey’ve all been as well as a motorcycle ride near
cer charity, which has been active founder Richard Senato said. e board’s responsibilities involved in the charity for a Lake George tentatively sched-
since 2011 and is renaming itself will be overseeing the charity number of years, over ve years uled for September 24.
to the Children’s Cancer Society, e new board includes chair- as a whole, as well as their own each, helping raise money, help-
Love Holds Life Inc., has a mis- woman Nancy Stingone, 1st vice speci c roles, Senato said. Of- ing with events that we hold. So “We’ll be having two more
sion to help children and their chair Carmelo John Neider, 2nd it’s just a time to come together events in New Jersey as well, and
vice chair Anthony Forte, trea- cers each have a speci c role, and meet everybody and just get then our annual Christmas event
surer Simon Kaminsky, secretary and many board members are in December,” Senato said.

Westchester Oratorio Society set to begin 25th season

Artistic Director  Ben- Rehearsals are on Tues- all voice parts are wel-
jamin Niemczyk and the day evenings from 7 to 8:30 come.  Rehearsals in Sep-
Westchester Oratorio p.m. in the Garden Room tember are “open.”  Poten-
Society begin rehears- of the Katonah Village tial new singers are invited
als on September 13 for Library, located at 26 Bed- to attend any September
the fall portion of its 25th ford Rd., a short walk from rehearsal. 
season  featuring an all- the Metro-North train sta-
Vivaldi performance, en- tion. ose attending will For more informa-
titled  “Glorious Vivaldi” be required to show proof tion on joining or about
on Saturday, November 19, of full vaccination.  Masks the upcoming season
accompanied by profes- will be optional (subject to email  wosinformation@
sional soloists and orches- change in accordance with  or visit the
tra. e program includes Federal and State law, lo- group’s website at  www.
Vivaldi’s Dixit Dominus cal regulations and CDC 
RV595, Magni cat RV610 guidelines). 
and Gloria RV589. Article provided by
Competent singers in Westchester Oratorio Society. The Westchester Oratorio Society will present “Glorious Vivaldi” on November 19.

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Clear cut Summer songs

For decades, when compared to O cer, Building Inspector, Iremember happy times going out my hamburger and fries, I heard “Hanky
Katonah and Bedford Village, Planning Board, Wetlands Control to Jones Beach for the day with my Panky” blaring out of the speakers. I
Bedford Hills has felt like the Commission, Town Board, Highway family and later on as a teen with preferred the electric guitars on “Wild

neglected stepchild when it comes Department, Recreation Department my friends. I recall walking across the ing.”

to love from the town. e recent and other agencies and o ces of the hot sand to nd a perfect spot near the In the summer of 1967, I was surprised

clear-cutting of Town on matters relating rolling waves to place to hear American rock

two dozen trees IN CASE to the preservation, our beach towels. e music played over the
in the central planting and removal of
business district YOU brilliant sun overhead, READING, speakers by the pool
is another MISSED IT trees.” the smell of salt in the WRITING & at a hotel in Montreal,
air, the squawking of CHOCOLATE Canada. Visiting family
e code would seem seagulls, the crashing KIM friends and attending
of the waves upon the KOVACH Expo ’67, my family
indignity the to require the town to shore are all wonderful stayed at a hotel for a

hamlet has had DON SCOTT consult with the tree
to su er from board as well as complete

town o cials. a tree removal permit reasons to spend a day few days. I always liked

e denuding application. At least that at the beach. to make friends with

of these mature would be the case unless But at some point girls my age on vacation

trees has a jaw-dropping impact on the town considers itself exempt from (during the 1980s?) beach-goers set up and became acquainted with two sisters

the look of the hamlet – drawing the same rules they ask residents to their towels, umbrellas and coolers and from New Jersey. We hung out at the

attention to the many vacant abide by. Rules for thee but not for then turned on their radio boomboxes. pool. Over the loud speakers by the pool

storefronts in need of attention. e me? On crowded weekend days, the noise one song seemed to play constantly,

promise of future planting of young, As with our new leaf blower ban, from the various radio stations became e Doors’ hit, “Light My Fire.” I was

environmentally friendly trees that the town exempts itself from the overwhelming. It was distracting while I amazed that the same songs I listened to

won’t crack the sidewalks doesn’t rules it makes for the governed. Town was perfecting my tan and turning upon in Queens were popular in Canada, as

provide much comfort as you stroll crews are still allowed to use gas- my beach towel like a rotisserie chicken. well! Everywhere we went that week in

past the stumps. powered blowers while residents are As a young child, I listened to the Montreal, Jim Morrison could be heard

e process was remarkable in that prohibited from doing the same. It popular songs played on the AM shouting, “Come on baby, light my re!”

there was no discernible involvement seems hypocritical as well as counter- stations on my transistor radio. e Top My recollection was so vivid from

or input from residents or business productive for achieving community 40 countdown and the most requested that summer of 1967 that I decided

owners in the development of the buy-in. songs still sounded good even through to Google the popular summer songs

plan and no public discussions at In a letter to the editor responding the tiny speakers. My musical awakening from other subsequent years. I totally

the Town Board or Planning Board to the push-back from residents occurred during the summer of 1965. I remember 1972’s summer hit, “Lean

meetings. Hamlet business owners about the tree removal, Supervisor was in elementary school but my musical on Me” by Bill Withers and 1973’s

were sent a letter that was also posted Calves said, “ is investment lays tastes were more like a high school popular song, “Bad Bad Leroy Brown”

on the town website on July 27, a the foundation for a beautiful teenager’s. In that summer of 1965 I by Jim Croce. In the 1980s, summer

few days before the chainsaws went hamlet center and smart growth.” remember two of my favorite songs songs included “Jessie’s Girl” by Rick

to work. Although the backlash has Kudos to her for the commitment playing on heavy rotation on the radio Spring eld in 1981, “Every Breath You

been signi cant from residents, one to a beautiful hamlet. Much more – “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” by the Take” by e Police in 1983 and one of

can only imagine what the reaction is required, however. We are told Rolling Stones and “I Got You Babe” by my favorites, “Shout” by Tears for Fears

would have been had the same another consultant will soon be hired Sonny & Cher. in 1985.

approach been used in Bedford at taxpayer expense to help bring I noticed three very di erent songs In 1996, everywhere you traveled you

Village or Katonah. business to all the hamlets. As with vying for popularity around the pools heard the catchy dance tunes of the

Bedford is rightly proud of its well- all things, the devil is in the details. and beach areas in the summer of 1966: “Macarena” by Los Del Rio and then

earned designation as a “Tree City But details, communication and civic “Summer in the City” by e Lovin’ “Livin’ La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin in

USA” by the Arbor Day Foundation. engagement are in short supply. Spoonful, “Wild ing” by e Troggs 1999. e last time I paid attention to a

ere are four requirements to qualify More than any other hamlet in and “Hanky Panky” by Tommy James popular summer song was in 2017 when

as a Tree City. A community must our town, Bedford Hills needs a & the Shondells. I remember a day trip even a trip to the grocery store included

have a tree ordinance, celebrate speci c plan for renewal that involves to an amusement park with my family. the song “Despacito”!

Arbor Day, spend a minimum all the stakeholders. We can’t just We took a break for lunch and brought

amount on forestry, and have a tree rely on new sewers, sidewalks and our food from the concession stand Kim Kovach keeps favorite songs on rotation

advisory board. Bedford meets all the some saplings for success. We need a to picnic tables set out under a large in her memories! www.kimkovachwrites.

requirements. plan that is transparent, speci c and wooden pavilion. While taking bites of com

Unfortunately, the town o cials measurable. Town o cials should

did not bother to consult their form a committee to examine the Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and
own Tree Advisory Board before needs of the businesses located there opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of the
Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
deforesting the business district. e currently as well as to understand the number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily
be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous
nine members of the Tree Board types of businesses that will support will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at
[email protected]. For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
were left scratching their heads as to the increased activity required for

why they weren’t asked their opinion future success as well as a plan to

about the remove-and-replace plan attract those new businesses. A failure

because were established “for the to plan is a plan to fail.

purpose of advising the Enforcement

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to

the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830


Ode to an ‘Old Gray Mar’

My name, before I married, was especially Marilyn, since Marilyn Mon- Monroe. e entire Registry of Motor I passed the Registry of Motor Vehicles
Marilyn Ann Romano. It was roe became so popular when I was in my Vehicles, lled with people, stopped dead building. I am sure my face became
not the one I was supposed to early teens. in their tracks. Every person appeared to crimson red as it did on that day so many
have been suddenly frozen in the exact years before.
be given at my christening. Originally I When I was 16 and applying for position they were in when the last syl-
lable of Monroe fell from his lips. Not e song “ e Old Gray Mare,” which
was to be named after MUSINGS: my very rst driver’s a sound could be heard in the place. I went on to say, “ain’t what she used to
turned to my brother and whispered, “I be,” was very popular back then, and
my father, Alexan- license, my older think he means me.” My brother agreed I began to be called Mar and sung to
and told me to go up to the window whenever someone wanted to tease me.
der, and I would be PAST AND brother, Don, took where the man stood scanning the oor I have never been called that nickname
of the building which seemed to be the here in Katonah, so if my phone rings
Allesanda. Mom said PRESENT me to the Registry of length of a football eld. and the voice says, “Hi, Mar,” I know it is
she took one look at Motor Vehicles where someone from my childhood or a relative.
“Go up,” said my brother again, and so
me in the hospital, and MARILYN A. rst I took the road I did. I stuttered and stammered, “I think My husband always called me Mar;
you mean me,” and gave him my name. just too hard to get out Marilyn so many
I was so tiny she felt PELLINI test, and once I passed, His response, “SOME MISTAKE.” times a day. e only good thing about
Marilyn is there are not too many of us,
that such a long, grand, went into the building Although I was only 16, I returned his so whenever I hear the name, I instinc-
sarcastic comment with, “Well I’m not tively answer.
rst name might be to await my paper- all that bad.” I grabbed at my license and
disappeared as quickly as possible, head- I did grow into my name, however,
overpowering and work. e Registry in ing for the exit, but I never forgot that because I am now old, gray, ain’t what
most embarrassing experience whenever I used to be, and no longer mind being
would just not t. ey went for some- Providence, R.I., was gigantic, and when called Mar.

thing a bit shorter and thought Sandra your license was completed the person

would be cute, but it seemed there were who prepared it would literally shout out

many other Sandras in the blocks near your name and you would then go up to

where we lived so that, too, was rejected. the window to pick up your completed

How they came up with Marilyn was license. Now remember, at that time I

never fully explained. My middle name was Marilyn Romano, so when my turn

Ann was after my maternal grandmother. came, the man called out in full bass vol-

I never really liked either name, but most ume and with distinct authority, Marilyn

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Hidden pain and ghting the ght

It sickens me to read of the growing hidden from myself and those close to “I’m lost; maybe you can help me with was shaking as we skated across the street
accounts of sexual abuse and me. Only my parents knew about this these directions.” to my home.
harassment of women—and men— frightening and degrading incident—I’ve
I innocently skated over to his car to I don’t actually remember telling my
of all ages by never spoken of it to see if I could be of help. As I reached for mother and her reaction, but I do vividly
the paper, I glanced down and saw that recall sitting in the back seat with her in
people who might anyone—husbands, children he had completely exposed himself and a police car. e o cer slowly drove up
WHATWAS and friends included. was now reaching for my hand. My heart and down the neighborhood streets and
have been, for was pounding as I quickly pulled away— into White Plains proper.
this man was doing something bad and I
the most part, ITHINKING? My friend and I were was petri ed and needed to get away fast. He gently asked, “Do you remember
trusted, respected roller skating at the bottom the car? Do you see it anywhere?”
and admired. RUTHANN My friend started skating over to the
What makes it SCHEFFER of the hill across the street car when I grabbed her by the arm and I told him I would recognize the car as
shouted: “No, come on, we have to go my father had taught me the names and
from my home one summer home NOW!” models of cars when I was young—I was
struggling to control emotions and this
worse is that this day, carefree 11-year-olds e man quickly pulled away, turned
the corner and sped down the street. I SEE SCHEFFER PAGE 17
exploitation and in the warm sun. A black

mistreatment has car came down the hill and

been going on for years. pulled over to the side of the road. e

Unfortunately, this brought back driver, a bald older man, called me over

a painful experience I had long kept as he held up a sheet of paper.

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A little bird told me

Iconsider myself an amateur ornithologist, ine us striking up a conversation and dishing about
which is someone who studies birds just for
fun. I don’t get paid for most of the things I do Barbara Stanwyck.
on a daily basis, so for instance, I also take out the
garbage and do the dishes “just for fun.” Birds are You can identify a catbird because it really does
all around us, o ering clues about
our history and about our future meow like a cat. And if you’re still unconvinced, it
on this planet. eir migratory
habits are a ected by climate will y over to your kitchen table, sit on the news-
change and a shrinking natural
environment, and their behavior paper you’re trying to read and
might o er insights about when
we can expect cheaper ights to knock all your pens onto the oor.
MAN “Who cooks for you!”is the call of
Unlike most other wild OVERBOARD the barred owl. It’s not unexpected
animals, they don’t even bother that they would ask for a recom-
to hide from humans, since it’s obvious that we
aren’t as smart and can’t y. Most of the time you RICK mendation, because they generally
hear them before you even see them. Some even MELÉN eat raw eld mice without even a
engage in a constant stream of chatter, and without pinch of garlic.
seeming presumptuous, I can only assume some
of it is about us, like whenever I hear two Russian e cardinal says “Pick-a-girl,
people conversing. In fact I KNOW birds are
talking about us, because just as I was about to get pick-a-girl”and follows it up
into my Dodge Dart the other day, I heard a bird
say, “Cheep! Cheep!” e word “parsimonious” is with a series of fast tweets. It has
apparently hard for birds to say.
an active social life. e common grackle makes
Here are some common bird calls you might rec-
ognize. If you hear, “Cheer-up cheerily! Cheer-up the same sound as when you get an answer wrong
cheerily!”, it may be an American robin or it may be
this girl I know at work who never seems to know on a television game show. If you guess correctly, it
when she’s had enough co ee. e Eastern phoebe
sings “Phee-bee, phee-bee” in two notes, always in makes the same sound, so it’s hardly worth the e ort.
the same key, and has never learned a third note
in all this time. If they’re using this call to attract e mourning dove slowly coos,“Whoo... whoo...
a mate and they actually succeed, it’s going to be a
match made in boring heaven. WHOO (this one three whole tones higher) whoo.”

e black-capped chickadee and the whippoor- It’s been singing that same sad dirge since they can-
will also sing their own names and it makes me
think that if these birds can be taught to sing their celed “Game of rones.” e Northern bobwhite
own names, why can’t they learn at least a couple
verses of “Row Your Boat?” e titmouse issues a sounds more like it’s saying “BLURtle, BLURtle,”
chirping “Pee-per, pee-per, pee-per” call. It’s not
much, but the bird is just relieved that it doesn’t but whoever rst heard one probably thought that
sing its own name like the others do.
would be a dumb name for a bird.
We have a crow living in the woods near our the
house that sounds a little like Edward G. Robinson. My sister Kath nally got around to taking her
I’d like to know if it does any other impressions,
because I do a pretty good Peter Lorre and I imag- front door Christmas wreath down and when

she heard a cacophony of chirping she was so

startled that she dropped it on the ground in a

panic. ere was a nest with babies in it and one

of the neighbors kindly put it back where it was.

Contrary to common lore, birds will not shun a

nestling that has been handled by humans, unless

you have really smelly hands, and in that case

you’re probably used to shunning.

So next time you leave the house, listen for > | Member SIPC

some of these colorful avian friends and see if >> eeddwwaa>rrddejojdonnweesa.scr.ocdmojom|nM|eeMsm.ebcmeorbmSeIrPSC|IPMCember SIP

you can decipher what they’re saying. Is it the

gold nch mating call? If directed at you, it’s kind We’re more than just a great rate.

of awkward. For myself, I don’t nd the mocking-

bird particularly endearing. I can’t go out to the %WWWeBa’eenrk’’er-riesemsumemodo,roreertethhatahnnajjuunssjttuaasggtrraeeaagttrreraataette. .rate.
mailbox and back without this so called “songbird” 333..00.055 % %FDBIaCn-ikn-siusrseuded,

chiming in about my hair, or what I look like in

shorts. %BaFnDkI-Cis-isnuseudre, d
3.05 5%We’re more than just a great rate.CCaBFaFlDllalDonoIrCkrIv-C-viiisins-sisistitnuuyFJyuoseirnoeduduaudrin,rrRcleolioaMcdlcaAaclAdlfivfnniinsaaoawnrncM1c$1iM-$1a-iy-1ayil1yien,n,el0ae0aiiaamdarm0M0r$1drvu-u00vi1yimsmn,ies0oAioadrmdAA0PreretPYPupo0ptYY*oodmo*sd**sit> | Member SIPC

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[email protected] $1,000

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Call or visit yJuoduri RloMcaclAfinnaawncial advisor today.wwJidPtbip*nnCooaailFAiivtsePtbp*FnDttniaaeotiPbip*wwidJbtPip*tDedaaalhhnnnAneoIwJtiwdPbip*oeorkvraial-aannlslnisAIo)aAodniitvisese1tvdeaaial-n-natttAlbniiitaevtese9kni1vtaneedarhhuitthnpssni)eeaoedan9ianrktsevruda-1hhaoanslsek)evdrtnaeirvksv6eer1uiasr-pssatrs)sb)inttdwensies6e-r-uilhaaitlKrpserrboautbvtiieeeasacusDsaruihlKpsouiapsot-iaevPoaesiaiaulrsrarsdeiubliatwAitsvl-aevetlntairtlersaevrrsePubeiltarwAcsisDddeienieoialerrPtubiltascpi©swDildeeimrriaroiiubadoepyPsctlnstaes©stedeicluiaaawlidireonPetlntpyetofsdeieowlsiapw2cmirdaeaenrenieaoptlysttsspeocwwu2amrlsi0ieiosdtenonapeynysndofdonwwistcuaeal0rsoneawerin2tsn3S9SFofdwowpytssieitseadtrneaynyiocn2ndaS3FJS9dsn2lwisbtaF.tdosiieseitoo3piony9,f1ownddnaFt.2wisetodreotrunoooao3niDengpf1yidEtbrS93aFr.4otteryetDdngmmpps2dt,if1sron4tEnD,reobaFnh.emm2drDogwiipsyderodu3pr,a4I,f1tberyreinci-DropiaS93SFITtDsgCp,Wybedtchee-rrretiid4pitcRCryImee2Yb6a.nccn-cRt,WriaFp.ieeetYT6eheso.Cbrniigeeroo3pieceI,-f1bgYnc6a-A.epn-rrcpiioTtsCiube6DerrnrgpgeordaiciRocre6pRr-4eeYtic6oaA.lrpnssciemmnp2tiuRkessr6crngaeriso,ucpen-heeoiurvii9aipnilnpvrii9okrail,IciuR6Dnrss,seahnincosd-tpihcvdap9iealFadisCFtnpelntkMsrsechDdtcsuNccRu-ouNn-sreeoiYsd6va.9eaalnlcCeiae,Duine-issovlelshrgd(t(amec55Ceuau-rrddrrnntvnlnas(pmrr5DinuoN-uorAisY.rAdaYr6aeroneesACiecAoanp1r3r1Aave3oocceg(massc5gJanur.idrdrr3loclndoescgde0runPiO0dtAaiYlPovooued9erae2ilJoien2tP1r,Au31pndonsodc1gteh2dfnddpiOdcfaYlotFfndtedurnN.Y0et00tlPunet.90uYe0counuNe..e92-oscphioC.v9a1tefnhCoCdNedptv).EiCtYvlndd.ept)Cn(i(uddne.0pt5)50ua.r9rirnth5roCSnitaseSaFDaEFDDe.DSiaCAaDY.eddp.te)itesDi(DcAe8eaar1rt3tst5pfaSfalDcuDcacgoF8Daf&YYDSpp.elloustistotoDodfefeTTf0tPlvt9falotuCDco8wosif&nse2fYevlpIonvlu9Isioto$Cy1ifdTfCtiecdCoareCclCteo$syCe$Yysfeatcuvnl9.Is0oeanerio0s2ina9cOCceclCwocialCCcoe$2y)weeltotlivu2)atd.Csaln1idunpit)tnd5uatcOa.iwie.tnluouoitn352i).5il,ueinvoasn5Fd-tDariiStniiev0aouasttet3.Dr.ruLsideie0nv5n0esiy,,polryufsL0eesosiltdPq0nfi,0eurneyafort0ei3t0uoe0snqe,..faru3icnnyv9fIoeitPCu0e,iianarrwr00ae3ncAc.onriaCau0nre$,oiIiHGeaoAcne.Al.ilot0ltrnDfroCarrrCe0rj3dcDjcolnodcioinAIiIiciTHeaeaccneeacCoolnlsntffCnrv0seretD.Drlvalmsi,Sdcdcooi,T0nenpenceiCctDnCpsPnnCsiDtfCtsonftv0msSRvsoomsti,oaotpi,ceoaa9oeDtopsnYiDfDtposEsniDftcfloRorsofotiflrosoieptsftoraioSpo(6rutonaseaoaoinEessffsau*eooseofeEclardupftofoirtrflSrnobrrtt.dfnaaianoneRasfrooaueeea.eeneleEcsftaurdllaCerfdccjdoVrrotcnavdrrdnlirfRrdaIioooreatenseenhoeaohn.lefeelEadciyeedeVaicDvdrollbndcrdlbdndbsCcsDsrvdrondlcdrhdCa.eesaEc.lsaiyttyttotyvh.bdese.mnDlcdbCcdaDis,iercoeodobaDrnlpbCrnyisEtrEotctiyEcrdidfr.mpDlasasoaldstmctyeototeydoeoaddoodmrDliEisdtsrtcoEceiroofopsoasssmweutriweulwEiredtefEcoidiorpssifnrtsrantstmatnnoenosadfeswaroiderusarewiaecisaraateaosrfotfitiontrtrisnwiirenrusswsitefalolocaorcersrnoadeesdofadoenoatkketidiincscrinfciarvrsrstnrnalrdowrcwnamddeaJsrdroJJomtissskehrieeifficronstuuaoiolorcnonununw.odomddtJnobaorJsmknressaeeinndcChfnocaecerrulonrwun.ottmyedtddJdtmmeearJlrmhkhrrsnsdeaDcnuefChoocesruoossssrreun.oebtdbmtEecariaatrhrtkrphsnhuDaaesnutatChiashceahorususetrteodtiibigetdsrrrtmraetvirpihrrshpaykrautotDtaosueoieaiheuheuwseeotasst,tieotgnrnbrnnvtiqcnrprcaaytthlsnrtusoeeEtwahewuiorrahoaaa.uah.e,ttaatningqcdtirrevtSiltrptSrttayigihertshEwtulooeceare.nuhheeew.audyouoi,tyedekenetSitsngqccggEiheeblrtnebnarewnEwwtm.uouoya.tioaruhJeemetsjetrjsgfEhdeuebreetSotrrnadgiheunortoytaleraecywtcj.eeuraeyyniheee.crerrt.sgdtrErdebytdlencmaehkteryotau.tjterssdheerrbdratrhylectieahyutt.itdvirpaytoea,tnncltwuoa.hetSthee.uyegEebnoatjerrylcy.t
inwteitrhesdtrraawteaslrimsea, tyhne optricbees pofeCrmDsitctaendd. eYcireeladsse.qIfuCoDtesdaraerseonldeptroiofr atollmcoatmurmityi,stshieons. CDs require the
FDI-wdi1ndJ9iivso1tit6eshnrsKtdiebtr-roiAsuabrtwa©uicoaratn2elinom0oiln2sofa2ssiynoeuEtnfDeepoirWrdnteintsbAbecteRiyrappDenabesdlDratvm.dnaaJoiOlktnutnsNedeo.dEatFdS.naDYo&dllIioCenCtwlhoOdinsrt.i,sniqfaLutt.uerlPslaor.oenAtnwsecLatdeLttiadioRnoroItceGneeoHnwsrmeeTnitpSsdooottRefucEt.anooSAldEvlc.RleclCoVroCmmDlEoDDssmp.sosoiesfssfuseoiinornledndmds. .btaCChryDrkDoeEssutdgrvowehafqlfaEuuedreirrdw.eeEadJtarohrdtlenyhersouagreh

Jwonieths atrheeisDsueepdobsyitboarnyksTarnudstthCrioftrspn.a(tDionTwCid).e. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered

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Bedford The pavilion at Bedford Hills
2030 mixer Memorial Park was filled with
community members during
aims for
community the Bedford 2030 Climate
education Action Mixer.


Bedford 2030’s Climate Action Mixer saw
members of the community come together
to learn ways they could curb emissions and
help the climate in their community. e
second annual event included demonstra-
tions about beekeeping, smog, and compost-
ing, as well as a bike and clothing swap.

“We want to show the community actions
they can do in their everyday lives to help
the environment,”Community Engagement
Director Allison Hague said. “Our newest
pillar, rooted solutions, is meant to empower
people to make changes in their own homes
through natural, local solutions like planting
native plants for pollinators and composting
in their own yards.”

Rooted Solutions Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES Fiona Mitchell of Healthy
Program Director Eve Yards talked about how to
Hundt demonstrates a aloneI’m never plant natives for pollinators.
pair of underwear that Life Alert® is always
were composted for here for me.
the “Soil Your Undies” One touch of a button
project. sends help fast, 24/7.
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Bikes were freely left and Bedford 2030 Board President Karen Sabath shows off her beehive for a
taken by attendees. demonstration on how bees can be accessible for the community.

Intern Liam Condon gives a Intern Laura Cunningham manned
demonstration on how smog the clothing swap tent.

gathers in towns and cities.




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I get annoyed when...

Have you ever had a day when brownie smells nally dissipated about • I get annoyed when I really don’t feel a diet, Ken comes home with a box of
you’re in a bad mood and every- 15 minutes later, being taken over by the like doing the dishes and then a friend Entenmann’s cake.
thing seems to go wrong? Sure vegetables that were roasting. stops by for a cup of tea and I’m embar-
rassed by the mess. • I get annoyed when I nd a hair in my
you have. As I waited for them to cook, I real- food at a restaurant after I’ve eaten most of
• I get annoyed when I allow myself one the food.
My day started out pretty normal. I got ized I began feeling a bit moody. I sat and pat of butter on a dinner roll on anksgiv-
ing Day and my sister-in-law tells me I • I get annoyed when I try so hard not
up early and I could began writing down all the shouldn’t be eating butter. to hit my nger when I hammer a nail into
the wall, but I hit it anyway.
hear the birds out- things that seem to annoy • I get annoyed when the phone rings
when I’m showering and I nearly break my • I get annoyed when someone splashes
side already sending JUST me. Here are my rumblings neck to answer it only to have it be a robo me in a pool while I’m slowly trying to ac-
each other cryptic, JO ANN just o the top of my head: call. climate my body to the cold water.
chirping messages.
JO ANN • I get annoyed when I’m • I get annoyed when Ken asks me to do • I get annoyed that when I feel that I
It was a beauti- FRANCELLA so rushed in the morning something that I already did just a moment nally understand my phone, it updates
ful day and I began that I leave the house with before. and everything changes.
• I get annoyed when someone asks me
as I usually do, two di erent shoes on my •I get annoyed when people ask what I for advice and I drop pearls of wisdom
get paid. I like to answer,“I won’t ask you, at their feet and then they don’t take my
by going into my feet. so please don’t ask me.” advice.
I feel better now that I’ve vented a bit,
home o ce and • I get annoyed when I • I get annoyed when I go to a doc- but please be advised that this is a partial
tor appointment only to be told that the list. I’ll write a Part II when I have my next
checking for messages on my computer. plan to wear the perfect shirt with my doctor can’t see me because I forgot to get bad day.
a referral. Wishing you all a blissfully happy,
Ken and I had gone out to dinner the night new pants and realize that I forgot to pick perfect day.
• I get annoyed when my daughter buys
before and I still felt full the next morning. it up from the dry cleaner. me a gift that is two sizes too big for me [email protected]
and it ts.
I decided to make some roasted vegetables • I get annoyed when Ken forgets to
• I get annoyed when the day I begin
for lunch and began prepping. About a leave me a note that he fed Daisy and

half-hour later I had a bowlful of cut up I feed her again and then have to live

tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, onions and through the smells she emits while I try to

some zucchini. Later, all I had to do was watch television.

drizzle some olive oil over the vegetables • I get annoyed when I’ve spent two

and sprinkle on some salt and pepper. A full hours watching a romantic movie and

perfect, healthy lunch. Ken walks in during the last 10 minutes

At about 11:40 a.m. I turned on the oven wanting to discuss the water bill.

and placed the pan on the grate. Unfortu- • I get annoyed when I tape an enor- Fun Facts by Jo Ann

nately, within minutes I began to smell the mous sign on the garage door stating that A recent survey of 2,000 Americans has determined that the
average American has 60 bad days per year.
brownies I had baked a week ago. you must not, under any circumstances,

“Ugh! I hate when that happens. I want- open the door or the dog will run away,

ed to eat healthy today and now I have the only to have my father-in-law read it

smell of brownies wafting into my nose.”I while opening the door.

said it loud enough for Ken to hear me, but • I get annoyed when I have to repeat

he decided not to answer. Smart move. e myself.

Meeting an Angel, Albie

BY HARVEY SAVADSKY Angels players are milling I’m standing there with
GUEST COLUMNIST around, just a few feet my brother and other
away from us. fans. For several minutes,
Year: Baseball season we were watching Albie
1962 One guy is short and running around the out-
sturdy looking. It was Al-
Place: Yankee Stadium, bie Pearson. He’s a mere eld grass. He didn’t look
Bronx, N.Y. 5 feet, 5 inches in height, back at me, to make sure
but he carries himself like that I didn’t walk away.
e game: NY Yankees he’s 6 feet, 5 inches tall. He didn’t seem to be con-
vs. California Angels. He has his glove with cerned that his precious
him and some y balls are glove would disappear.
e people involved: sailing out to the right
I’m 15, my brother is 17 I was very happy. I’m
and Albie Pearson (28) eld area and Albie is holding it tightly against
is a California Angels easily catching them. my chest, thinking to
baseball player. myself, this glove is a
Albie turns and ap- sturdy leather glove. I was
My brother and I ar- proaches our area. He’s in charge of protecting
rived at Yankee stadium very friendly and well- his important piece of
a few hours prior to the spoken. H has a big smile equipment.
start of the game. We and engages with us and
were able to purchase our several fans at our low We’re watching Albie
seats for the rst row of right eld section. complete his wind sprints.
the lower right eld sec- He casually returns to us,
tion of Yankee stadium. Albie looks at me and reaches out to me for his
Back then, it was referred says, “I’m going to do glove. As I handed it back
to as the “short porch.” some wind sprints, please to him, he gives me a big
hold my glove for me.” smile and says, “ anks,
e California Angels Really? I was surprised kid.” It was a big thrill.
players are out on the and excited. H handed An interaction with a
me his baseball glove. It baseball player I’ve never
eld taking their batting seemed heavy and solid. forgotten.
practice and completing Albie went running o
warm-up exercises. toward the center eld ank you, Albie!
We are standing be-
hind the concrete wall of
the rst row seats. A few


Fun summer educational ideas

Dear Dr. Linda, Try these fun, educational ideas: that are di erent sizes. For example, ask older children and adults.
who can nd something that is nine • Board games! Boggle and Scrabble
I don’t want this to sound like I’m not • Enroll your kids in a book club. If inches long? Who can nd something
that is 15 centimeters wide? Make it a are great games for spelling and increas-
a loving and caring mom, but I can’t wait your local library isn’t o ering one, or game with prizes. ing vocabulary. Monopoly helps kids
with math and money. And don’t forget
for school to start. We’ve already gone you’re too late to join, start a kids’ book • Teach your children to cook. You’ll Clue and even Twenty Questions for
nd lots of children’s cookbooks and kids’ developing reasoning skills. Many of
on vacation and have club with your children’s cooking websites. Cooking is one of the the most popular games like Scrabble
best educational experiences kids can and Monopoly have junior versions for
taken lots of day trips. friends. have. Preparing a meal or even baking younger children. Board games can be
cookies includes measuring, reading and both educational and fun for the whole
Do you have any ad- STRONG • Start vegetables that following directions. Cut a recipe in half family.
ditional tips on how can be grown inside. or double it. Now you have kids doing
to occupy my kids’ LEARNING Many don’t require soil. math. • Look for books at the library or
• Create your own museum. Be sure information online about stars, planets,
time for the rest of DR. LINDA You and your children to visit one rst so your children can and constellations. Find out what you
the summer vacation? SILBERT can research this together. see how various items are exhibited. Let might see at night now from your house.
I don’t want to push It not only teaches kids them decide what theme they’d like for
their museum, how they’ll display their en go outside after dark to gaze at the
schoolwork, but I how to grow plants objects, and what room the museum will sky. Look for constellations and planets.
go in. Begin with the big dipper.
feel their reading and indoors, but they can also • Find someone you know who can
teach your children a foreign language. Enjoy the rest of your summer,
math skills are slip- eat them too. You’ll also nd lots of language resources Dr. Linda
for children and adults online. Many are
ping away slowly. I appreciate any tips. • Pen pals are always fun. ink of free, interactive, and suitable for both Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad Grades
Happen to Good Kids,” and director of
Lucy people you know who have children Strong Learning Tutoring. Send your ques-
tions to [email protected].
Dear Lucy, around your children’s ages who live in

You’re right. Although summer vaca- another place. Help your children contact

tion is a great time for kids to play and them. Write to grandma, grandpa, cous-

have fun, many kids can fall back on ins, aunts, and uncles. A pen pal gives

basic reading and math skills. Of course, your kids a chance to practice writing

you don’t want to set up a school during and spelling. And it’s great to get mail.

vacation, but you do want to nd activi- • Set up a math scavenger hunt. Give

ties that can be turned into learning and your kids rulers and have them nd

reviewing opportunities. things inside or outside of your house

SCHEFFER What separates us
from other accountants and tax preparers is
FROM PAGE 10 our ability to work with you not just on taxes,
but on financials, college planning, divorce,
just popped out of my mouth! retirement planning, changes in life planning...
We were unsuccessful in our
search. We don’t just process tax forms, we advise on how to
handle your income and expenses in the future
When I was safely tucked with personalized recommendations.
under the covers in bed that
evening, Dad gently kissed We help you navigate the tax code, and in the end, help you
me on each cheek. I can only
guess what his reaction was set sound financial goals.
when Mom told him what
had happened—he might have 845-628-5400
been 5 feet, 7 inches tall, but
he was built like a Sherman | [email protected]
Tank and protected his family.
Mom sat next to me, stroking 824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
my hair and held my hand
until I fell asleep. Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
So to the those whose names
have been publicized—I will accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
not give them the right to be
named in this column—and
those who will most surely
come to light in the future:
Shame on you for the fear,
humiliation, morti cation and
degradation you in icted upon
us—that goes especially for
you, old bald man in the black

My story was hidden in
the recesses of my mind until
now. Reliving it has caused
pain but my encounter showed
me the love, compassion and
protection I had from my

I pray for and support those
who have su ered at the hands
of these miscreants. Fight on
because you, your children and
families are precious, cherished
and must be protected. God
bless you.

[email protected]


Katonah team ready Tennis &
for WFFF playoffs pickleball at

Residents of all ages are bringing their rackets to Somers’
Kicking o 30 minutes later Summers Foxes (purple) Reis Park this summer to partake in both tennis and pickleball.
than usual due to a heat delay, defeated TNT (green) 18-6.
the Westchester Female Flag PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
Football league (WFFF) took Steel Magnolias
to the eld at Somers High (blue) defeated
School for the nal week of the Charlie’s Cosmic
regular season last ursday Angels (black) 30-18.
Completing their rst sum-
mer season, WFFF is an adult Referees will stop time mid-game to instruct those unfamiliar with
football league revolutionizing certain rules.
women’s sports in the area by
o ering a previously non-ex- play, it is really modeling that My Pass tying 12-12, Looking
istent competitive team outlet. these sports are open for her to to Score defeating Back that
choose. She is going to see this Pass Up 18-6, and Summer
One team taking advantage as the norm,” Ramos said. Foxes picking up an 18-6 win
of this opportunity is Char- against TNT.
lie’s Cosmic Angels. Largely Other results from last
consisting of women from the ursday’s slate of games in- e playo s begin on August
Katonah-Lewisboro area, the cluded Summer Foxes and Kiss 11 at Somers High School.
group, many of whom played
softball together, joined the
WFFF winter league as two
teams after seeing promotion
for it online. e teams merged
this summer, bringing the ath-
letes even closer together.

“Playing out on a real foot-
ball eld is amazing,” said
player/coach Ingrid Ramos. “It
gets dark, and you are under
those lights. It is something we
never would have experienced
otherwise...Playing indoors is
a little tight. When you are on
the eld, you get to mingle a
little more on the sidelines. We
have gotten to know the people
of other teams, people from
Somers, Yorktown, Bedford,

In their rst game of a double
header, the Angels fell to the
Steel Magnolias 30-18. ey
bounced back in the second
matchup with a 24-18 victory
against TNT. Marissa Lieber-
man led the Angels with two
touchdowns after both games.

“ at fact is that most wom-
en have not had the opportu-
nity to play football in this type
of setting. Middle school gym
class is the last time I played
football. Since then, there has
not been a team opportunity
for me personally, and a lot
of these people playing. Katie
[DiChiaro], Jenn [Kisslinger],
and the refs have been really
good about instructional play.

e ref will stop the game to
explain what happened. at
is important. is has been a
great opportunity...When my
daughter comes out to see me


CLUES ACROSS 30. Acted in an obedient 60. Predecessor to EU thing For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Breezed through way 61. Makes changes to 26. Japanese classical
5.Time units (abbr.) 31. Autonomic nervous 62. Some are secret theater
8. Pigeon’s murmur system 63.Tooth caregiver 27. Supervises flying
11. Moves aside in fright 32. Not on the up-and-up 64. Old English poet 28. Not even
13. Partner to “ahh” 33. Mock lightly CLUES DOWN 29. Capital of Saudi Arabia
14.Taxis 38. Mimic 1. Sign language 34. Electronic
15. Monetary units of 41. Built 2. In style countermeasure
Turkey 43. A neighborhood 3. Norwegian river 35. Consumed
16. Returned material 45. Inflammation of the 4. People with impaired 36. American politician
authorization (abbr.) kidneys hearing (abbr.)
17. Prolific Italian opera 48. Semitic fertility god 5. Large stinging paper 37. Sun up in NewYork
composer 49.Temporary name of wasp 39. Casually looked
18. Restaurants Seaborgium 6. Bucharest is its capital through
20. One’s grandmother 50. Wise people 7. River in Ireland 40. Revealed the presence
21. Ancient Greek City 55.Tear down 8.Type ofTV of
22. Italian mountain 56. __-fi (slang) 9. Double-reed 41. Peyton’s little brother
ranges 57. Diamond weight instruments 42. Diana __, singer
25. Data 59. Frosted 44. Study of moral values
10. Spanish and rules
motorcycle 45. Civil Rights group
manufacturer 46. Makes less severe
12. Midway 47. Made an emotional
between south and appeal
southeast 48. Vivacity of style
14. French 51. One who is highly
commune skilled
19. Alike 52. Gets around in pursuit
23. A bachelor’s of pleasure
apartment 53. Famed guitarist
24. Foot part Clapton
between the ball 54. Most common
and ankle Japanese surname
25. Belonging to a 58. Recipe abbreviation

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Hobbies that suit a summertime vibe

Summer is the season of may nd it di cult to carve Novices can begin by utiliz-

R&R. When the mercury out time to read in a typical ing their smartphone cam-

rises, who can resist a back- day. But people who aspire to eras to take snapshots of local

yard hammock or the sound of read more can take a book to landscapes. Once the skill of

waves lapping against a pictur- the beach or out on the deck pointing and clicking has been

esque shoreline? on a warm afternoon or eve- honed, amateur photogs can

e relaxing nature of sum- ning. Leave the smartphone graduate to more expensive

mer makes it the perfect season inside so you can relax and and precise cameras.

to revisit old hobbies or pick read distraction-free.

up new ones. Hobbies can run • SAILING/BOATING

the gamut from the complex to • GARDENING ough it might involve

the simple, but when choosing Gardening is another hobby a little more physical activ-

a habit to pick up this summer, that coordinates well with a ity than reading, sailing and/

individuals may want to look summertime vibe. Gardening or boating is an ideal sum-

to these somewhat relaxing gets people outdoors, giving mertime activity. e National

endeavors that are tailor-made them a chance to soak up some Oceanic and Atmospheric

for warm days and nights. summer sun and engage in an Administration reports that

activity that’s rewarding but nearly 40 percent of the Unit-

• READING not too physically demanding. ed States population lives in a

Individuals who have long One of the biggest attractions coastal area, making boating

wanted to read more should of gardening is that it can be and sailing an accessible hobby

know that they’re not alone. A enjoyed by people of all ages. for a signi cant percentage of

2019 survey commissioned by at makes it an ideal hobby Americans. Even those who

the reading subscription ser- for busy families to enjoy to- live far away from the ocean

vice Scribd and conducted by gether when their schedules undoubtedly live close to a

e Harris Poll found that 35 slow down in the summer. It’s river or lake. What better way

percent of respondents wished also a great way for adults to to enjoy warm summer after-

they could read more. Finding spend quality time with aging noons than on a boat?

time to read more may be dif- parents. e best summertime hob-

cult during spring, summer bies are often those that help

and fall, when parents must • PHOTOGRAPHY people take the relaxing nature

contend with their own hectic Summer seascapes and of summer to the next level.

schedules as well as their chil- landscapes are awe-inspiring,

dren’s. Even individuals with- making this an ideal time of is article was provided by

out children or empty nesters year to take up photography. Metro Creative Connection.


BURDICK igation project.   the mayor of Harrison, just as I “We haven’t been able to solve will sign it.”  
“Look, I’m not the mayor of At 70, Burdick nds his work
FROM PAGE 4 do everything I can to help the all of them,” Burdick acknowl-
Harrison,” Burdick tells a visitor keeps him as busy as ever. “I’ve
discussing a separate grant ap- after that meeting ends. “But I’m supervisors—[including] Ellen edges. “I don’t want to suggest been 24/7 for a long time,” he
plication for a ood hazard-mit- doing everything I can to help says. “I was as supervisor; I am
Calves of Bedford, Tony Gon- that we provide complete sat- now as a member of the Assem-
bly. I expect I will [be 24/7] as
calves of Lewisboro and Kevin isfaction. But we did our very long as I’m in public service. I
do that out of a sense of wanting
Hansan of Pound Ridge—with best, and I think that in the big to serve, but also because I love
the work that I do.” ere’s that
Upgrade Your Home with a whatever their needs are in their majority of cases we were able to refrain. 

NEW METAL ROOF respective communities.”   provide some assistance.”  Burdick serves on the People
with Disabilities Committees,
Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime! at partial roll call points up Fielding constituents’ phone chairing its subcommittee on
employment opportunities for
one of the signi cant di erences calls today is much the same as people with disabilities, and is
a member of panels overseeing
in Burdick’s former and current he experienced as supervisor, but corrections, housing, veterans
a airs and environmental con-
LIMITED TIME OFFER jobs. His 93rd Assembly District with a couple of key di erences. servation. 

60% off stretches from Westchester’s bu- For one, Burdick’s constituency In discussing committee po-
sitions with Assembly Speaker
colic northern border with Put- includes other elected o cials Carl E. Heastie, Burdick says,
he made it clear his “top pri-
+YOUR INSTALLATION nam County to the high-rise and he can now only prod the ority” was the Environmental
Conservation Committee. In-
10 offTAKE AN ADDITIONAL STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE skyline of White Plains. Along Albany bureaucracy.  deed, from the very beginning of
% ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS his service in Bedford, as a vol-
ROOF STYLES the way, the onetime one-town “As supervisor, I could direct a unteer member in 1998 of the
Wetlands Control Commission,
From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles supervisor is now addressing the department head to take care of Burdick has made the environ-
reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an ment a preoccupation. Within
Install for Military, Health architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs needs of eight towns—including something,” Burdick points out. months of joining the Wetlands
Workers and First Responders can enhance the beauty of your home while panel, he became its chairman
protecting your family and property for a lifetime. Bedford, Lewisboro, North Sa- “Here, as a member of the As- and those climate concerns
Warranty- Limited Lifetime. came along with Burdick after
Limited time offer. Transferable to 1 subsequent lem and Pound Ridge plus the sembly, I work through the state his election to the Town Board
Expires 3.31.22 owner from original purchaser. in 2007. His work with Bedford
Terms and conditions apply. town/village of Mount Kisco— agencies.”  2020 and Sustainable Westches-
Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance ter on a number of initiatives
of the surface coating beyond continued as a councilman, then
normal wear and tear. supervisor. 

Call today to schedule your and half that bustling city with At the moment, for example, In Bedford, sewers will likely
be Burdick’s enduring legacy, a
FREE ESTIMATE 1-855-492-6084 the glass-tower panorama. All repaving worn surfaces of Route $33 million-plus project, so far,
largely bankrolled with other
told, some 135,000 people vs. 35 in Cross River comes up in people’s money. But Burdick,
the driving force behind the
Made in New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any Bedford’s 17,000.  calls to the state Department of clean-water e ort, went to the
the USA other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an Assembly long before the rst
advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer In addition to working for Transportation. “We want to get
terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available in your area. ush in the rst of the new fa-
Offer expires March 31, 2022. If you call the number provided, you consent to being the district’s elected leaders, that onto the capital projects list cilities. 
contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie
or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding he’s also taken on the concerns for the DOT. And we’re going to So, the question: Has the chief
if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and engineer of the sewer project
Terms of Use on All rights reserved. of its residents with state gov- keep pressing,” Burdick says.   and many other town initiatives
found as much satisfaction in
ernment—more than 1,000 by “Do we get everything we ask Albany as he did in Bedford?  

Burdick’s count—and it’s “prob- for?” he o ers rhetorically. “No, “I loved the work that I did in
Bedford,” Burdick says, calling
ably the most important work we can’t. Are we able to get at- it “incredibly satisfying,” and he
acknowledges some apprehen-
Prepare for that I do.”   tention to many of the issues sion in leaving it behind. “I had
power outages a certain amount of trepidation
with a Generac “When they contact us, that we bring to their attention? about making this move,” he
home standby says.  
generator they’re at the end of their teth- Absolutely.”  
“ ere is a certain leap of
REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! er,” he says of the private citi- Within the legislature, of faith, so to speak, as to whether
I could nd that I could accom-
877 516 1160 zens. “ ey typically have been course, Burdick’s control is more plish anything of substance, not
just for the people that I would
FREE knocking their heads against a direct, as in his successful legis- be representing but . . . really to
the entire state,” Burdick recalls.
7-Year Extended Warranty* wall trying to get resolution of lation to extend Mount Kisco’s “Now that I’m a little over a
A $695 Value! year and a half into it, I’m very
Limited Time O er - Call for Details serious issues that they have. So, hotel occupancy tax, expected pleased to say that I feel that it’s
been a tremendous experience in
Special Financing Available our job is to help them as best to generate $80,000 this year for which I feel like I have been able
to make a contribution.” 
Subject to Credit Approval we can.”  village co ers.  
*To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the
generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. Responding to concerns of And while his bill to put cam-

Prepare for residents and o cials alike, eras in special-education class-
Power Outages
& Save Money Burdick relies on his sta : two rooms—a measure speci cally

PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated full-time aides—chief of sta sought by the parents of special-
solar + battery storage system, stores
solar energy that can power your whole Heather Lackey of Katonah and needs youngsters in Katonah-
home during utility power outages and
save you money on your electric bill. legislative director Andy Falk— Lewisboro schools—has not

REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! and four part-timers, including been enacted, Burdick remains

ACT NOW Iris D. Weintraub, who pursues upbeat. “ e governor typically

TO RECEIVE state grant money. ey work doesn’t act on bills until toward

A $300 SPECIAL out of o ces in Albany and the end of the year,” he says of
Mount Kisco, addressing issues the state’s chief executive, Kathy
(888) 871-0194
as they arrive.  Hochul. “I am optimistic she
Music in the Park
*O er value when purchased at retail.
**Financing available through authorized Generac partners. Veteran’s Park in Greenville | Tuesdays, - : pm
Solar panels sold separately. Dutchman’s Landing Park in Catskill | Thursdays - pm
Windham Mountain Resort | Fridays - : pm
Coxsackie Riverside Park | Sundays - pm
Athens Riverfront Park | Fridays - pm
The Notch at the Colonial Country Club
in Tannersville | Fridays - pm


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What should you know about IRA rollovers?

GUEST the check to your address of record, so want to move the money from your You spend years
CORNER you’d have to forward it to your new 401(k) or similar employer-sponsored contributing to
IRA. retirement plan to an IRA. is can your IRA and
JUDI occur when you retire or change jobs, 401(k) — and
MCANAW • INDIRECT ROLLOVER although if you do take on another for good reason.
If you take an indirect rollover, also job, you might have the options of
If you’ve been contributing to an leaving your 401(k) with your for- So, when it’s
IRA, you’ve chosen a great way to known as a 60-day rollover, the assets mer employer or rolling it over into time to move
save and invest for retirement. from your existing IRA will be liqui- your new employer’s plan. However, that money,
All IRAs have potential tax bene ts dated and the custodian or plan spon- if you do want to move your 401(k) be careful and
and a range of investment possibilities, sor will send you a check or deposit funds into an IRA, you can make consider getting
but not all IRA providers o er the the funds directly into your bank or what’s known as a direct rollover, in help from your
same features. So, if you decide that brokerage account. is payment may which the administrator of your old nancial and tax
your current IRA provider is charging be subject to withholding for federal retirement plan will send you a check professionals.’
higher fees than you’d like, or perhaps taxes, and possibly state taxes, unless made payable to the custodian of your
doesn’t o er as many investment you opt out of withholding. You have IRA. No taxes will be withheld, but - Judi McAnaw
choices as you want, then you might 60 calendar days from the time the you need to get the funds transferred Edward Jones
choose to move your IRA assets to funds were withdrawn to deposit the within 60 days to avoid any potential
another provider. How should you go money, including any amount with- tax issues.
about making this switch? held, into a new IRA. If you miss this
60-day deadline, the withdrawal may You spend years contributing to
Here are some options to consider: be taxable at your personal income your IRA and 401(k) — and for good
tax rate, and it could also be subject to reason. So, when it’s time to move
• TRUSTEE TO TRUSTEE an early withdrawal penalty if you’re that money, be careful and consider
TRANSFER OR DIRECT ROLLOVER younger than 59 1/2. getting help from your nancial and
tax professionals. ese funds can play
You can ask the nancial institution Given the immediate withholding a big role in your retirement income,
holding your IRA to move the money and the possibility of further taxes if so manage them wisely.
directly to another IRA. No taxes will you don’t move the money into a new
be withheld from the amount trans- IRA before the 60 days are up, you’ve is article was written by Edward
ferred at the time of the transfer. is got much to consider before initiating Jones for use by your local Financial
method is generally hassle-free, but an indirect rollover. Consequently, you Advisor, Judi McAnaw, a resident of
some IRA sponsors will still only mail should consult with a nancial advisor Katonah. She has an o ce at 332 Route
and tax professional before you make 100, Suite 300, in Somers. Judi can be
this type of move. reached at 914-669-5329.

In addition to a rollover from an
existing IRA, you may someday

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Press releases and photos should be submitted to The Katonah-Lewisboro Times by the Thursday
before the next publication date. Submissons can be emailed to [email protected] or mail ADVERTISE
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VOL. 3 NO. 34 There’s a lot of talk about “the media” or the
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The Freeman Family, TBasydqYlo1loacuetBnSS0ywloBrbaossuNu-rerceeTesWJro2ytsnJtedheaedaetSohefudpdOedntwdplarvahoeewitdoeoaGtcmooeresihsyds“nrnhd6cyoovshdntasnntdtCee,sBttrehpee-ngeasataioasaOeaHrM1rJWnsnmegerFSrtsYerlyglrJtaN.aat,e-ralaIca,eao”yraWyoTmcb1CoyicRaeisridJbwthhadMtwnRrdteeoaymruohbarIln,“eedhv,agraanAkeevlarHJsrTuatcecya,Mc7naewaeGaAs,tyhIdcshlnrNsiutlsnLn,yf,daoneOeeoovMoolbGdrmarawfseaaegsMemwc9nuer.msdatnxddeWskretociO.e.hrnesnitaihteeieelchtandasRaoihneaeEsShf,oletclNriInaoymseidagiyuTbnc1u-mhrv,kofna’nanHaEatnhEsiu2le5eenttgnRdoyddeWiwclenh,7a-,Twta.lefd/wedhym1sa1e-resPBhdhrotcauTnsthv3,ei3hteaahasWhtcuoilretakadrot,fshdvnIeevoh,ateiyhvtiseesdeyngammteoitfiasotciSsoroanohlhriwtn-dBmvpnpaceiortoeance-oiwrhds-hYontflhoties,gbdihoFth.”iia-taneiS-lnstlosohioreasbraGotsNtldtpttlsungelolseouo,h-lbsB.ostrokoebStppt“wilytaaraJrouaniwroPohittrcagtnischlGp-htRAhgupsbpeWnihrknihalkcedetonriovae“nepoobngeieoo.teonooJaeHtciytgwsoinaowsarcdnsrwdiatvottewattksdgrnnlthhtsisoeh,’oAengseshsibyrhrsidoew:andPthsfolgbew2torelrj-yhnerfhzehutea2araia4gogytheatpoBosaWaWrscewisJc-.we,marrpisttternannuetma0hnrrdomdtoayeoe’mdseceftlietitylrmcenf,oo’skwssreeuertbtvuoltahtgheuurhedarubeaa.Dr,ehesmardaemo”dansadfng.arerthtsnebthArntrJetyahoadyitptiatuiatdrnihraerJtnnlst,oaned.ttnoapospsgdetoddtesapnwwgne1hicoaholJseouklssoamoolfA:kosiahpehnofyeRo0ono-gsytiaueishnduutasohn,f5anfrh,Jtlnopwaotdtni-ctoncategCteesignltn-kooyhdaJdeenaJstt-iaaeopuynhaeMt.ogolshelnylolly-pateehnoidotamtpadtheoh’SthlToosalfsotweadfted,ahhtiatp5nhs”si-Giananeytrpol-eedtlyn2,otf,DegSo1ibrrJmowet2togyuoauc:lhen0olePnt,iniy1,keioraBta’.osnniJnabetYagodso1yloSoemrontecoarNhnesadhdlefsStaatuthpwhulmrseeaocgeeaosapdhdsrawbpskttrfiwta.tufro1oyaooIan2flalmsltitl:enzoJo4.cotew0uHC3Wdhuti4annapeinoonlg,-dn-tw,hBReaewYavysoeiAdereaSgGatnvv5jNehuteat-rheruns1nsSpor,eaitgo,pourwalaeallirrggneynidnonheydtwvdc-ttoiabhtiodtWlvhmdhlleeeaeseidetnedrdsinastBkHtrhobahtYofraanneamtcrrSdshcoatksaeN.eptcvdwdBaaeetiSrrhdeudokGaaitdeurtvsradhtteettnegewhy.fededreameol,nirenh-eapisymsae.ienlstndao.daydnnSwMpatsiuhhatktihStanuFekiEprrdeig4ttEdvpho:efa4iBMeoabny2mluOag, lgccnlMiYieKkanndpfmaShetuearhaostiwecnHnetinhmsidtOotGh1ehlsumaPdeC3eet1tHlerf.aKg0Ogrodtoa:,TEhl0femeOuDeY1yStr,e:oierf.PtRpeuiarDAtIomucgCGonhcHecaEkSt,sriM.pon1tacWOyis9ianitnslNaeneedlgEisddsT.-,TI the people who live here. That’s at the heart of The
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