Vol. 11 No. 12 Visit TapIntoYorktown.net for the latest news. Thursday, June 9, 2022
Alliance for Safe Kids battles through a lack of funding
BY SOPHIA CASELNOVA “It’s amazing to me how many
STAFF WRITER resources are out there that we
don’t know about until we start
After being a pillar of the Yor- looking and asking,” Cushner
ktown Community for 20 years, said.
the Alliance for Safe Kids (ASK) is e funding ASK receives en-
working through a lack of funding ables them to continue provid-
to remain a oat. ing help to the local Yorktown
In 2008, ASK received a federal families as well as compiling a
Drug Free Community grant that longer list of local and national
provided the funding of $125,000 resources.
annually for 10 years. e grant Each month, ASK has meet-
ended in 2018, leaving ASK with ings with the county’s Mental
a signi cant decrease in funds that Health Department with mem-
support the various programs they bers of Yorktown school districts
o er. to discuss concerns counselors
Tricy Cushner, the CEO and might have about the school
president of ASK, said that there is communities and to exchange in-
increasing demand for the services formation on resources. ey also
they provide. meet with faith-based leaders in
“Over the past two years, ASK Yorktown to get information to
has experienced a growing demand FILE PHOTO the various faith communities
in Yorktown, attend events at lo-
for resources supporting youth The Alliance for Safe Kids offers many community programs.
mental health, treatment for sub- cal Catholic schools, and attend
stance abuse disorder, and nding out as of Sept. 30, 2023. Executive George Latimer that is watering community members Westchester County meetings
opportunities for thoughtful ser- anks to a New York State they were approved for a West- use, share, and sharpen these tools with over 20 other community
vice,”Cushner said. O ce of Addiction Services and chester County Business FIRST as needed.” coalitions to discuss national,
In response to the high de- Supports grant (OASAS), and Grant Program for nonpro ts. ASK’s tools have always re- state, and county resources.
mand for the connection between a partnership with Drug Crisis is grant program is set up spe- volved around substance abuse All the information they gain
families and resources, ASK has in Our Backyard, new resources ci cally to help nonpro ts that are and mental health. Resources are is re ected in the services they
spent a lot of time speaking with have been added to the list o ered facing nancial hardships. also o ered for relationship abuse, o er to the public. If students
state, county, and community to local families. Additionally, the “ ere is light at the end of a vaping, cyberbullying, and educa- recognize they need help, they
leaders to seek support. With the $4,500 raised by the Yorktown dark tunnel for ASK. We often tion through the Community Re- can contact ASK and con den-
help of Town Supervisor Matt Lions Club Kentucky Derby fun- remind our families of hope and source Guide. tially be given information on re-
Slater and County Legislator draiser will allow ASK to continue help; however, hope is exactly If ASK is contacted by families sources and be directly connected
Vedat Gashi, ASK has gained - providing programs that directly what we have right now,”Cushner who need help, or teens in need of to help.
nancial support to maintain one support youth education. said.“ ere is no work more satis- resources, the nonpro t can refer “We recognize that someone
employee: Executive Director Last month, ASK was also in- fying than providing tools to sup- them to counselors or put them in needs help, and we get them to
Liz Talbert. is support will run formed by Westchester County port healthy lives and the best part contact with help if requested. the help they need,” Cushner said.
LEGAL NOTICES 27 Yorktown alum wins
LEISURE 25 national title
OPINION 10 pg 20
Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, June 9, 2022
54 Route 138 Somers, NY
Thursday, June 9, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 3
Yorktown in newly drawn 17th Congressional District
BY CAROL REIF Jones stunned every-
STAFF WRITER one by announcing
that he would run in
Political pundits have com- the 10th district. He
pared the redrawing of the lines entered a crowded eld
for congressional and state Sen- of primary hopefuls —
ate districts in New York to a including former New
game of musical chairs. York City Mayor Bill
Some candidates, such as Yor- de Blasio — vying for
ktown’s Vedat Gashi, might feel the seat vacated by
they are still waiting for the mu- veteran U.S. Rep. Jerry
sic to stop so they can truly sit Nadler.
down. Meanwhile, Ma-
e Democratic county leg- loney faces a primary
islator announced in March challenge from state
that he intended to primary in- Sen. Alessandra Bi-
cumbent U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bow- aggi of Pelham.
man (D-NY) in the upcom- And Republi-
ing midterm elections in the can candidate Bill
16th Congressional District. Faulkner, a Somers
Yorktown had been mostly town councilman who
located in the 17th (with a tiny is now running in the Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, right, is among the candidates
vying to represent Yorktown in the 17th Congressional District.
sliver in the 18th) before the dis- 17th district, will have
tricts were recon gured. to face o in an August
However, an appointed bipar- primary against several
tisan commission of Democrats Republican challeng-
and Republicans — the New ers.
York State Independent Redis- Already on the ballot were try and the people within my sive,” media outlets reported. Mount Kisco, Ossining, New
tricting Commission — couldn’t Rockland County Legisla- district,” Schrebel explained last Gashi has said that he plans Castle, Cortlandt Manor, Peek-
reach an agreement on the new tor Charles Falciglia and Orange week. to point out Bowman votes that skill, and Briarcli in Westches-
lines. County business executive Jack Before heading to Alba- were “out of step” with the dis- ter; Stony Point in Rockland; and
So in February, the Democrat- Schrepel. State Assembly- ny, Lawler was the deputy town trict’s constituents. Southeast, Carmel, Kent, and
led state legislature was forced to man Mike Lawler threw his hat supervisor in Orangetown. He One of those involved his nix- Patterson in Putnam.
step in and come up with bound- in the ring shortly after the nal- had also worked as a campaign ing of the president’s bipartisan Arena ran for county legislator
aries of its own. ized maps were released. manager for then-Westchester infrastructure bill. in 2019. When that bid wasn’t
In its original iteration, the Faulkner, Schrepel, and Fal- County Executive Rob Asto- Gashi, a Muslim of Albanian successful, she gave it another
16th district covered much of the ciglia won’t have to re-petition rino. A small business owner, descent, said his campaign was shot in 2021.
north Bronx, as well as the south- to get on the ballot, but Lawler Lawler served as executive direc- “about ensuring that everyone has Although she lost again, Arena
ern half of Westchester, includ- still reportedly has to collect sig- tor of the State Republican Party. a shot at the American dream.” bested her previous tally by 10
ing Mount Vernon and Yonkers, natures. He lives in Pearl River. “My family came to the United percent with 42 percent of the
Bowman’s hometown. Calling Maloney “the head States as refugees, and I grew up votes – “not too bad,” she said for
e legislature’s version of the 17TH DISTRICT GOP cheerleader for the failed Biden- in the Bronx before moving to a district where voter registration
16th snaked up the middle of PRIMARY LINEUP Pelosi agenda,” Lawler predicted Westchester to raise my family,” is 3 to 1 in favor of Democrats.
the county to include northern Faulkner was born in the Bronx that this will be “the worst elec- he noted, adding: “ is country Arena is tackling this bigger
Westchester among its sizable and has lived in Westchester for tion year for Democrats since gave me a chance, so I will ght venue because, she said, she has a
new population. Lawsuits fol- most of his life. Specializing in 2010.” to protect working families and lot to o er at the state level.
lowed. treasury and banking, he spent expand the middle class.” “I’m out there for the people,”
e state’s highest court then more than 25 years in corporate DEMOCRAT PRIMARY she told e Katonah-Lewisboro
rejected the rejiggered districts, America with IBM, PepsiCo, On the Democratic side sits SENATE SITUATION Times last week.
ruling that they violated a new and GE. A pilot, he owns and Gashi. A Yorktown resident and e situation is more straight- Pointing to soaring in ation
anti-gerrymandering amend- operates several ight schools. real estate attorney, he entered the forward in the race for state Sen- and higher gas prices, Arena not-
ment to the state constitution. Faulkner also is vice president 16th district race with the intent ate in the newly drawn 40th Dis- ed: “We need a change.”
It then assigned Special Mas- of the Somers Lions Club and a of mounting a primary challenge trict. Harckham, when asked for
ter Jonathan Cervas to redraw soccer coach. speci cally against Bowman. It started out one way, was comment about the new maps,
them. Falciglia, a Su ern resident, He, like everyone else, had recon gured into the 42nd Dis- issued the following statement:
Said to be “fairer” to Repub- represents District 12 on the been waiting with bated breath to trict, and is once again the “I look forward to continuing to
licans, the nal maps were ap- Rockland County Legislature, nd out where the new lines were 40th District. represent the people in SD40,
proved on May 20 and released where he is a member of the going to land. e maps are now Confusing? Yes, but other than and ask for their support for re-
on May 24. body’s budget and nance com- nal. Bowman remains in the the addition of some towns and election in November.”
e cast-in-concrete 17th runs mittee. He has spent nearly 40 16th but Yorktown is in the 17th. the deletion of others, the shuf- e Rockland County na-
from just above White Plains to years in the banking business. He Gashi said earlier this month that ing hasn’t cut either the Repub- tive rst took o ce in 2018. He
northern Westchester towns such was a trustee in the village of Suf- he’d be willing to relocate within lican candidate, Gina Arena of chairs the Senate’s Committee
as Bedford, Lewisboro, North fern and ran for mayor in 2013. the borders of the 16th. Somers, or the incumbent Dem- on Alcoholism and Substance
Salem, Somers, and Yorktown. It He was elected to the state Leg- Gashi noted recently that he ocrat, Sen. Pete Harckham of Abuse, where he has introduced
includes all of Putnam County islature in 2015. was “even more excited about South Salem, out of the picture. dozens of bills dealing with sub-
and parts of both Rockland and Schrebel, who works in the the campaign to win the pri- And, as far as either of them stance use disorders and combat-
Dutchess counties. advertising arena, lives in Ches- mary election for New York’s knows, there are no primary chal- ing the overdose crisis.
Five-term Democrat Sean Pat- ter. He’s the only one without a 16th Congressional District on lengers. He previously served in Gov.
rick Maloney, who has a home in political background. In the cor- Aug. 23.” at doesn’t mean one couldn’t Andrew M. Cuomo’s administra-
Cold Spring, decided not to run porate world since 1980, he was “ e district lines have emerge from the woodwork be- tion.
in the new 18th district, choosing planning on retiring this summer. changed, but my reason for run- fore the looming deadline for Prior to his Albany gig, Harck-
instead to seek o ce in the new He wasn’t expecting to seek pub- ning has not,” he added. ling independent nominating ham sat on the Westchester
17th, setting up a potential battle lic o ce. “With the direction this e self-professed “Biden petitions. County Board of Legislators
against fellow Democrat, fresh- country’s been heading ... I’m not Democrat” has slammed Bow- e 40th’s landscape now from 2008 to 2015, and was its
man U.S. Rep. Mondaire Jones. one to complain, so I wanted to man’s embrace of the Democratic contains Somers, North Salem, majority leader from 2010 to
Two weeks ago, however, do something to help the coun- Socialists of America as “o en- Yorktown, Lewisboro, Bedford, 2013.
Page 4 – Yorktown News Thursday, June 9, 2022
The Staff Yorktown resident receives military award
EDITORIAL TEAM New York Air National Guard tional Guard Base in Newburgh. mounted repeated missions to evacuation missions.
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Technical Sgt. Craig Hernandez, e Meritorious Service Med- y people from Hamid Karzai “ e aircraft sustained mul-
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 a Yorktown resident, has been
[email protected] awarded the Meritorious Service al is awarded for achievement in International Airport to bases tiple generator failures and it
Medal for his actions taken while a designated combat zone. outside that country. became imperative to return it to
VIM WILKINSON supporting the evacuation of Af- service for additional no-fail mis-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR ghan allies of the United States Hernandez was recognized for Hernandez was assigned to an sions,” his citation says.
[email protected] from Kabul, Afghanistan in Au- his e orts during repeated ights aircrew to provide maintenance
gust of 2021. to and from Kabul last year be- support as required. “Hernandez led a team of four
ADVERTISING TEAM tween August 16 and 31 while engine and electrical maintain-
PAUL FORHAN Hernandez, a 1999 Yorktown Airmen assigned to the 105th According to his citation: ers in a time-critical situation to
High School graduate, was one Airlift Wing were operating “Hernandez executed the main- perform an expedient and e ec-
(914) 806-3951 of three 105th Airlift Wing Air- C-17 Globemaster III aircraft tenance and upkeep of multiple tive repair in austere conditions,”
[email protected] men assigned to the 105th Air- in support of Operation Allies $313 million Air Force C-17 air- according to the Air Force.
lift Wing recognized for their Refuge. craft, resulting in the crew evacu-
BRUCE HELLER accomplishments during a May ating 1,476 Afghan refugees.” ”Finally, beyond excelling at his
(914) 486-7608 15 ceremony at Stewart Air Na- As the Taliban closed in on primary job as crew chief, Ser-
[email protected] Afghanistan’s capital sooner Hernandez also played a role geant Hernandez was an ambas-
than anticipated, the Air Force in repairing a specially modi ed sador of goodwill, personally at-
LISA KAIN C-17 that was being used for tending to the health and welfare
(201) 317-1139 of Afghan refugees, providing
[email protected] food, water, extensive provisions,
CORINNE STANTON and medical care,” according to
(914) 760-7009 the citation.
[email protected]
is article was prepared by the
JAY GUSSAK New York National Guard.
(914) 299-4541
[email protected]
(914) 924-9122
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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Thursday, June 9, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 5
Your Quality of Life Could Be Changed Forever!!
Public Informational Hearing
June 13, 2022, 7pm, Yorktown Town Hall
Regarding the Soundview/Underhill Property at
370 Underhill Avenue
Unicorn Contracting Proposed Mixed - Use Development
148 residential units
Total 17,580 sq. ft. commercial space we don’t need
What's at risk?
Scenic gateway to hamlet replaced by dense residential complex
Historical structures and bucolic grounds destroyed
200 years of Yorktown history gone forever
Park like open space and hundreds of trees demolished
Current traffic congestion compounded
No more peace and quiet for you
If allowed, your property values will likely fall
Please attend and speak out!
Your voice is essential to protecting our community!!
Protecting Yorktown’s Quality of Life Foundation, Inc.
Paid for by Protecting Yorktown’s Quality of Life Foundation, Inc.
Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, June 9, 2022
Malloween Veatch Fund awards six scholarships
Haunted house coming to JV Mall Yorktown organization supports the arts
e Justin Veatch Fund will “We are fortunate that the
award six new music scholarships Fund has been able to increase
BY SOPHIA CASELNOVA 13, the scares are aimed to startle to graduating high school seniors the amount of our awards by
and touch all ve senses.Trained at Yorktown Town Hall at 6 p.m. 20% this year to $1,200 each,”
and paid actors will work inside ursday, June 16. Ossining sing- said Je rey Veatch, president
In true Hudson Valley nature, the sections. It would be interac- er/songwriter K.J. Denhert will of the Justin Veatch Fund. “We
Halloween entertainment is al- tive rather than the usual scary deliver the keynote talk. e pro- were profoundly saddened by the
ready in the works. decorations and festive sound gram is open to the public. death of Anna Louise Giusti of
At the May 10 Town Board e ects. e recipients, selected from Ardsley, Justin’s grandmother, in
meeting, Ken and Karin Pu A professional themed de- a competitive eld of appli- 2021. Mrs. Giusti was a member
of Hudson Horrors proposed to sign for the site is being done by cants, are Tobias Dorfman of of our board and included a size-
bring their three-section haunt- Leonard Pickel, a “hauntrepre- Winston Preparatory School, able donation to our scholarship
ed experience to the Je erson neur”with 40 years of experience Trevor Gri ths of Yorktown fund in her will. e Law O ces
Valley Mall. creating and designing haunted High School, Eleanor Har- of Joseph J. Tock of Mahopac Trevor Griffiths
rison of Carmel High School, and Steven and Laura Koller of
“We want to bring some en- houses and rides. A trainer will
tertainment to Yorktown,” Ken work with paid actors. Ray Mandel-Mueller of Somers Yorktown were both full spon- enthusiastic and dedicated stu-
Pu said. “We’re talking about “I think you’ve got it all,” said High School, Jonah Raboy of sors of two of the awards this dent musician she has ever
fall entertainment and we haven’t Councilman Sergio Esposito. Fox Lane High School, and Jane year.” worked with who literally eats,
even hit summer yet. at’s what “You’re drawing people into our Sheehan of Putnam Valley High Elena Veatch, another board sleeps, and breathes music. Trev-
kind of planning goes into a pro- restaurants; you’re making it an School. member, added, “Year after year, or is a gifted trumpet player who
fessional event like we do.” event night.” e Yorktown organization it’s inspiring to see such a tal- also is a vocalist, studies piano,
e haunted experience will e maximum capacity will be has awarded more than 60 music ented pool of applicants whose guitar, and drums. He credits his
have three connected (blood- set at 300 people to accommo- scholarships since 2009. musical range spans genres, in- jazz studies for bringing him out
and gore-free) sections: a haunt- date the actors; 60-80 patrons Each year, the Justin Veatch struments, and philosophies. It’s of his comfort zone to the next
ed factory, a haunted mansion, would be allowed in at a time. Fund, a 501(c)3 organization, been fantastic to see the schol- level in sight reading, complex
and a haunted hospital. e site’s Hauntings will run for four awards music scholarships to arship program expand over the rhythms, and playing the high
set up is hoped to begin in late hours a night from 7 to 10 p.m. graduating high school students past thirteen years in my broth- notes he never thought pos-
August. Hauntings will end Oct. 30. within a 30-mile radius of Yor- er’s memory.” sible. During the 2019 Covid-19
e haunted house is to set “We [the Je esron Valley ktown to honor the legacy of Gri ths, graduating from lockdown he used his time to
up shop in the back of the mall Mall] are in complete full sup- Justin Veatch, a Yorktown High Yorktown High School, plans advance his musical abilities and
parking lot with tents, a food port,” said Kelly Crapa of Wash- School senior who died from to attend Ithaca College School organize remote band concerts.
truck promoting local restau- ington Prime. “ is is some- an accidental drug overdose in of Music in the fall, majoring in
rants, and a souvenir booth. thing that I truly believe will 2008. Justin was a talented musi- music education. He’s described is press release was prepared by
With a goal of remaining PG- draw people from all over.” cian and singer/songwriter. by his band teacher as the most the Justin Veatch Fund.
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Thursday, June 9, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 7
Michael, Anthony
and Lauren Enea.
This family of
attorneys wants to
protect your family
and its assets.
From their family to yours
Father, daughter and son help you protect what’s most important
You could say it’s serendipity: be of value for our clients with and nancial sponsors in con- disabled, attorneys, CPAs and learned from the pandemic is
a father, daughter and son all interests in corporations, limited nection with mergers and acqui- nancial advisors, with respect the importance of planning for
working together at a law rm liability companies and partner- sitions. He is also a candidate for to the planning options avail- the future,” Lauren said. “ ere
dedicated to the most sensitive ships.” a Master’s Degree in Taxation able to seniors and their rights. are many uncertainties in life, a
areas of family life. Michael earned his J.D., sum- with a focus on Estate Planning His articles have been published reality that makes estate plan-
e attorney trio: Manag- ma cum laude, from St. John’s from NYU’s School of Law and in such publications as the New ning – something that is within
ing Member Anthony J. Enea, University School of Law in will be sitting for the Florida Bar York State Bar Journal, the our control – even more essen-
his daughter, Lauren C. Enea, Queens, where he was an asso- Exam this summer. Trusts and Estates, Elder Law, tial. Young adults, just like their
and the rm’s newest associate, ciate managing editor of the St. “ e need for attorneys with General Practice Law and Elder older counterparts, can and
Michael P. Enea, are with Enea, John’s Law Review. Before that, the skills to handle complex es- Law Journal for the New York should take steps to ensure their
Scanlan & Sirignano, LLP. e he earned his bachelor’s degree, tate and elder law planning and State Bar Association, the West- wishes are followed and assets
rm’s seven attorneys focus magna cum laude, from Quin- business-related matters has chester County Business Journal protected in the event of an un-
their practice on Wills, Trusts nipiac University in Hamden, become critical,” Anthony said. and the Westchester County Bar expected illness or death.”
& Estates, Elder Law, Medicaid Conn. “It is clear that there’s a great Journal and Newsletter, and Tax With o ces in White Plains
Planning (homecare and nurs- “I’m very excited to be able need for lawyers who have an in Stringer for the New York State and Somers, the rm continues
ing home), Probate and Estate to work alongside my dad and depth understanding of the vari- Society of CPAs. He is also a its commitment to provide the
Administration, Guardianships, sister,” Michael said. “We are ety of legal issues that a ect our Past President of the Westches- highest quality legal services to
Special Needs Planning and committed to helping our cli- growing aging population and ter County Bar Association and seniors, the disabled and their
Young and Blended Family Es- ents navigate complex areas of what will be perhaps the greatest Past Chair of the Elder Law & families.
tate Planning. law relevant to estate and in- transfer of wealth ever.” Special Needs Section of the e rm has attained Mar-
“It is incredibly rewarding to come taxes as they are constantly In 2003, Anthony Enea, New York State Bar. tindale-Hubbell’s highest rat-
have the opportunity to work evolving. We strive to keep our George Sirignano and Richard Anthony and Lauren are also ing, AV Preeminent, for superior
with my children, both of whom clients informed and protected.” Scanlan, who had been working regular columnists in Halston ethical standards and legal abil-
have a passion for protecting the Michael joined his dad and together for many years, formed Media’s six newspapers. ity and has been named a “Best
life savings of our clients from sister earlier this year after work- Enea, Scanlan & Sirignano, In addition to her concentra- Law Firm” by U.S. News – Best
estate taxes and the costs of ing as a corporate associate at LLP. e rm and its seven at- tion in elder law, Lauren enjoys Lawyers® for 12 consecutive
long-term care,” said Anthony. Willkie Farr & Gallagher, LLP, torneys have earned numerous working with younger families years.
“Michael’s experience in han- and a private equity associate at accolades. who are just getting started and
dling large and complex corpo- Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP, Anthony is the author of hun- blended families (second mar- For more information, call
rate matters brings an added di- both in New York City, advising dreds of published articles and a riages, etc.). 914-269-2367 or visit
mension to our rm, which will public and private companies frequent lecturer to seniors, the “One crucial lesson that we’ve esslaw rm.com.
Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, June 9, 2022
Yorktown Scout improves BOCES trail
BY SOPHIA CASELNOVA that a Boy Scout can attain. As project at the Putnam |
STAFF WRITER described by the Boy Scouts of
America’s webpage, the achieve- Northern Westchester
Nestór García, a freshman at ment is a rare end to a rigorous
Kennedy Catholic a member of process involving the earning of Boards of Cooperative
Yorktown Boy Scout Troop 267, 21 merit badges, maintaining
has nished his Eagle Scout leadership roles in the troop, and Education Services (BO-
Project. the planning, development, and
execution of a community ser- CES) campus in York-
Garcia has now achieved vice project — the Eagle Scout
all the necessary requirements Project. town Heights.
for becoming an Eagle Scout,
which is the highest ranking García has completed his “I had a project mentor
while working on nd-
ing ideas for my project,”
García said. “After doing
summer camp at BOCES
last year, giving back and
helping the BO-
CES trail was my
rst choice after
learning about the
e project con-
sists of clearing an
estimated three-
quarters of a mile
of the campus’
dent programs and Nestor Garcia, fifth from left, with the group that worked on the project
easier navigation
through campus
for faculty. Also, sible.” said.
stream crossings are being ose helping García includ- e Scout said he wanted
built from a bridge and ed members of Troop 267, his to thank Dan Novak and Jane
two puncheons. father, and the parents of other Daniels, his mentors for this
“I think the project was troop members. e project was project. He also wanted to thank
able to bene t BOCES in completed in two weekends. his troop members, parents, and
a great way,” García said. “I want to thank everyone his dad for all the physical work
Cleaning up the area around the stream “It will help them use the for helping and supporting me and time put into this project.
resources as best as pos- through this process,” García
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Thursday, June 9, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 9
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Page 10 – Yorktown News Thursday, June 9, 2022
e meaning of life explained
In a recent conversation with my life- meaning of life is solely to render faith- Hegelian notion and made it the bedrock and activist Jill Iscol. In her inspirational
long friend, Peter, he asked if I would ful obedience to Allah as revealed in the of his philosophy, applying it to what he book, “Hearts of Fire,” she credits her
write about the meaning of life. I Quran. perceived to be the struggle between the parents with providing her the meaning
workers and the ruling class. and purpose of her life: “there was always
don’t normally take requests for my col- 4) John Calvin taught that we are here a clear message from my parents through
5) Natural Mystics, in general, often words and example, that it was up to
umns but in this case, I only to love God and substitute the “universe” for a deity. So, those blessed with more to help those
whatever happens is part of a “cosmic with less, not from a sense of nobleness
made an exception. that a life of faith and plan” and that we are merely playing out oblige but from a genuine identi cation
our role in the Universe’s scheme, howev- with each person’s humanity.”
In any philosophical MY discipline will enable us er insigni cant as it may seem. Although
endeavor, looking at PERSPECTIVE to love Him forever. poetic and inspiring, there is no rational I am sad to report that Jill Iscol died
the precise meaning of basis to believe their assertions. last week. But her life’s story lives on. She
A second group of lived a life of purpose and direction. She
JAMES ere exists a third group of philoso- found her meaning in an abundance of
the words you are using MARTORANO thinkers also believe phers who I would suggest take a hybrid empathy which knew no bounds. Her
is paramount. is is so that we are part of some approach; weaving together an expla- obituary put it this way: “She believed
nation for life’s meaning which is part every person, no matter their circum-
critical that an entire “cosmic purpose” but deistic and part natural: stances, deserved respect and dignity. She
couldn’t pass a homeless person without
branch of philosophy, this group prefers a less 1) Lao-Tzu asserted that we are here to reaching in her pocketbook; the su ering
seek the Tao and know inner harmony of she saw in the world a ected her deeply,
aptly named Linguistic deistic approach, iden- Nature’s Way. body, and soul. It was the driving force
behind her unwavering commitment to
Analysis, asserts that most philosophi- tifying the designing source to be either 2) e Buddha taught that we are here improving the lives of others.”
to transcend tanha, the sel sh craving,
cal issues are really matters of language our nature itself or some mystical power which is the cause of human su ering, To you, my dear readers, and my friend
and enter the state of Nirvana. Peter, I regret that I have failed in my
rather than metaphysics. So, when we of the universe: attempt to come up with a de nitive
In response to all these views of the answer as to question of the meaning
ask, “what is the meaning of life,” what 1) Socrates suggested that our pur- meaning of life, the existentialist tradi- of life. Rather than worry about which
tion thumbs its nose, pointing instead answer is the correct one, I recommend
exactly do these words mean? pose is entwined in our nature, which is to life’s inherent “absurdity,” suggesting we follow Jill’s example, and put our
that it is presumptuously farfetched to hearts and souls into making this a better,
A large part of the philosophical com- to seek happiness through knowledge claim that our lives t into some deistic more compassionate, and kinder world.
or cosmic purpose or design. While I get Perhaps, if we are fortunate, we can
munity imagines this question to incor- which leads to virtue which, completing their argument, they neglect a second have a life like hers, one was which was
equally valid interpretation of the mean- described as follows: “In Jill Iscol’s book
porate a teleological avor. By that, they the circle, leads back to happiness. ing of life. I am sure you have heard of life there are no empty pages. ere
people joyfully say, “she found herself,” or are tales of adventure and romance, of
mean that our very existence serves some 2) Epicurus similarly taught that we “he was oundering until he discovered heartbreak and happiness, of good times,
his purpose.” In this version, the mean- great friends, and missions accomplished.
purpose or plan designed from either: a are put on this earth to cultivate the ing of life emanates from within each of It is the story of life lived to the full-
us, not from without. I am talking about est and a generous love that reached far
Supreme Being or the Universe itself. pleasures of the mind, namely wisdom individuals nding their own ful ll- beyond family.” at is the best answer to
ment, meaning or purpose as they wade the meaning of life question that I could
How many times have you heard and understanding. through the ups and downs of their life. ever imagine.
someone say, or you’ve said yourself, “it’s 3) Aristippus went even further, claim- One such person, who is a prime
example of someone who knew exactly
God’s plan” or, when someone narrowly ing we are here to seek pleasure and that what she wanted to accomplish and did
so with fervor, is author, humanitarian,
avoids death, “it wasn’t his time.” e the meaning of life is contained in our
notion that there exists an entity control- ability to enjoy every minute. is is the
ling our destiny and determining our type of person you want to invite to your
life’s meaning has long roots in both next barbeque!
religious and cultural heritages and sports 4) Hegel, who was no fun at all,
several famous advocates. Here is just a believed that we are here to develop our
sampling: capacity to reason. He further asserted
1) Yeshua bar Yoseph claimed our life’s that, by so doing, we would naturally nd
goal (and meaning) is to learn the quali- the Absolute Mind, which exists in the
ties of faith and love toward one another movement of human history. By taking
so that we will merit membership in a physics-oriented view of human nature
God’s Reign at the end of time. he claimed that the same rules of cause
2) Paul of Tarsus proselytized that our and e ect found in science are operative
“purpose” is to have faith in the Messiah in human interaction. His famous “dia-
so that our original sin could be washed lectic” became the cornerstone for many
away, and we would nally be ready to philosophers who followed. Karl Marx,
return to Christ. for example, in his concept of dialecti-
3) Muhammad believed that the cal materialism, took this ill-conceived
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: 914-302-5628 of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
[email protected] number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
Thursday, June 9, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 11
On Stage: e Story of Peter,
Two words that neatly describe the experi- about this play is explained succinctly in the pro-
ence of seeing stage shows at Connecticut’s gram by this production’s director. “Peter and the
Ridge eld eater Barn are “adventurous” Starcatcher is story theater,” writes Katherine Ray,
and “fun.” at pair of attributes come fully to “with actors taking on multiple roles and provid-
the fore in its current production of Peter and the ing narration. e set is barebones … requiring 2022
Starcatcher. (Tickets > ridge- audiences to use their mind’s eye
eldtheaterbarn.org) to see what isn’t literally there. In-
Adapted by Rick Elice from stead, come along like a child and
a best-selling children’s book BRUCE pretend with all of us. When I was
of the same name by Ridley THE BLOG a kid my favorite time of day was
Pearson and famed humorist getting together with my friends,
Dave Barry, it tells the story BRUCE going down to the basement to
– in whimsically ramshackle, play pretend.”
neo-vaudeville style – of at analogy notwithstanding,
how a nameless 13-year-old this emphatically is not a basement
orphan became ighty Peter production by any stretch of the
Pan, Hook lost his hand, and imagination. at’s because the Preventative, Restorative &
Tinker Bell got its wings, and how the “fairy dust” other word that describes eater Barn is “quality- Cosmetic Services • Whitening
that gave Peter his ying credentials started o as conscious.” Implant & Periodontal Services
“star stu ,” among other hallmarks of J.M. Barrie’s Lumineers & Invisalign • Botox
timeless tale. As the absence of award nominations for its
writing suggests, while this may be called “story
e show made a splash on Broadway a dozen theater,” the story is the least of its attractions. Interest Free Payment Plans
years ago, garnering several Tony Awards, mainly FORMIDABLE FUN Most Insurances Accepted
in the craft categories (scenic design, sound,
lighting, choreography). It boosted the pro le of It’s written with abundant pop culture referenc- Dr. Ash Khorram
Tony-winner (for Featured Actor) Christian Borle es and groan-worthy puns to spare; but, at times, it
(of TV’s “Smash”), in the amboyant role of prissy can be a little tricky to keep track of the tumultu- Graduate of NYU & Columbia University
pirate the Black Stache. ous goings-on on stage. Yet, that occasional leak- Family Practitioner - Certi ed Prosthodontist
STORY THEATER age doesn’t really get in the way of the formidable 914.245.7575
fun to which we’re being treated, which is the 334 Kear Street, Yorktown Heights
For regular theatergoers accustomed to more
traditional Broadway fare, what’s notably di erent
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Page 12 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, June 9, 2022
Does recycling really happen?
BY MARY ANN KELLY of recyclables. It recently under- recycling, according to Vetrone. triangular chasing arrows sym- 914-813-5425, the Recycling
YORKTOWN100 Financially, recycling makes bol and coded with a number 1 Helpline, for more information
went a retro t and an update. sense compared to costs of solid through 7 in the center. A quick or if you have additional ques-
waste removal, which cost $105 reference guide is found on the tions.
What happens to your Now high-tech optical sorting a ton to dispose of. Most of the Westchester County Environ-
recyclables after you county’s residential waste goes ment webpage: environment. Yorktown100 is a 100% volunteer
put them in the bins equipment shoots thousands of to the Waste-to-Energy facility westchestergov.com/images/sto- group of neighbors working to
in Peekskill. e full program ries/pdfs/plasticsummary.pdf reduce our carbon footprint by 5%
laser beams per second through on recycling is on SMRA’s a year through various programs.
YouTube channel: youtube.com/ Mixed paper items include Contact us if you would like to
each plastic container to iden- sawmillriveraudubon. corrugated cardboard, le fold- learn more or would like to join.
ers and o ce paper, newspaper, Visit us at yorktown100.org and
for curbside collection? tify the resin type. is allows So, what do we recycle? and mail. Cardboard should help make a di erence. Mary
When in doubt, recycle it? be attened and broken down. Ann Kelly is a retired science
We have all heard the news the county to continue recycling Wet paper is a huge problem, teacher with a background in
No, non-recyclables are one so it is important to keep it dry, environmental science.
that China stopped taking plastic containers coded 1 and of the biggest challenges faced if possible. Milk cartons should
by the county. Plastic bags be placed in the commingled
imported wn100 Zero 2 and should not go in the bins. ey bin and not
recy- can cause res at the MRF. added to pa-
also col- Plastic bags can be dropped o per. For more
at large grocery stores and retail information,
clables 2040 Yorkto Net Carbon lect and businesses for recycling. If a read the Re-
plastic container is not cleaned, cycle Right
and most STEP UP TO A recycle throw it out as it may contami- Guide with
SUSTAINABLE con- nate other items in the recycling Q&As and
of our re- LIFESTYLE tainers bin. the Pocket
coded 3 Guide,
cyclables Mandated recyclables include also avail-
food, beverage, detergent, and able on the
end up in shampoo containers and caps. Westchester
With the expansion of the County
land lls. Emissions by through county’s Source Separation Law, Environ-
all Westchester residents, busi- ment web-
But 7, in- nesses, schools, and institutions page. You
alike are required to separate can also call
here in cluding for recycling all empty plastic
containers marked with the
Westchester County, that is not yogurt containers, plastic cups
the case. More than 90% of the and take-out food boxes.
county’s recyclables collected About 6% of the materials
at the curb are recycled and are rejected due to contamina-
turned from waste into usable tion. About 92% is marketed
products. At a recent webinar and recycled. e recycling rate
(“Recycling: Is It Working?”) in Westchester is 50%, which is
sponsored by Saw Mill Audu- high for the Northeast. Howev-
bon Society on April 28, Louis er, these numbers can uctuate
Vetrone, deputy commissioner year to year because this in-
of the Department of Environ- cludes organic matter. So, a year
mental Facilities, stated that that has a major storm with lots
recyclables go to the Daniel of tree damage might be higher
P. omas Material Recovery because of tree and soil debris.
Facility (MRF) in Yonkers. is Last year, Westchester made
plant receives 80,000 tons a year $2 million in pro t from
Treatment for Skin Cancer
What you need to know…
Ask the Doctor Q: How is skin cancer treated? Also, it’s fast. After just two weeks of fteen-minute
A: Traditionally, skin cancers have been treated either treatments with HDRBT, treatment is complete.
Ashwatha Narayana, MD with Moh’s surgery, in which the cancerous tissue is In fact, the treatment itself takes only three to
Chairman, Radiation Oncology removed, or by conventional radiation. Both methods four minutes!
Northern Westchester Hospital offer success rates of 96 to 99 percent. However, now a Q. Who is the ideal candidate for
third option – High Dose Rate Brachytherapy (HDRBT) this type of treatment?
Learn more about – offers a unique cosmetic bene t that’s particularly A. The cosmetic bene t is especially valuable if
Dr. Naryana, visit valuable for skin cancers the face, head and neck. you have skin cancer near your lips, nose or eyes.
nwh.northwell.edu/ Q. What’s so unique about this With this treatment, there is minimal to no scarring.
narayana new type of treatment? This new radiation therapy is also great for elderly
A. With a Moh’s procedure, the cancer is cut out, patients who might not tolerate surgery. In
leaving behind a hole which is lled with skin from Westchester County, we have a high population
somewhere else on your body. This forms a scar. of older community members with skin cancer –
With conventional radiation for skin cancer, not only this treatment has worked really well for them.
is the tumor radiated, but so are its “margins,” or Q. Is there anything else you’d like
edges. As a result, a wide area is radiated – sometimes to say about HDRBT?
causing the skin to thin or break, to get a bit darker or A. Currently, Northern Westchester Hospital is the
lighter, to develop red streaks, or to appear scarred only community hospital in Westchester offering
or wrinkled. If this happens on your face, it is often HDRBT for skin cancer. There’s this myth that
highly visible. community hospitals can’t provide the most advanced
By contrast, HDRBT involves radiating much smaller cancer care. But that’s simply not the case. Here,
margins around the tumor. If we’re treating a tumor patients experience the warmth of a community
near the eye with conventional radiation, its wider hospital, yet receive a level of cancer care that’s
field of radiation creates the risk of blindness, first-rate.
or of damaging the lens, or of the breakdown of
surrounding tissue. But with concentrated HDRBT,
these risks significantly diminish.
Thursday, June 9, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 13
LETTERS APAR Hartofelis as Boy without convincingly con-
(pre-Peter Pan) veying an adolescent sense
Tune out the Hate FROM PAGE 11 and Laura Jeanne of wonder and optimism
nonsense Portera as Molly Aster and natural leadership
To the editor, net take-away for ticket (pre-Mrs. Darling). ability.
To the editor, I read and listened to many comments buyers out to have a good I was fascinated by
I am writing in response to Stephen time. At the performance the sharp contrast in the In alphabetical order,
regarding hate speech and racism recent- I saw, the laughs came fast indelible portrayals of the rest of the splendid
Brown’s outrageous May 26 Letter to the ly. While I agree that we have a problem and frequently. ( eater Stache and Peter. Matt cast, who take on multiple
Editor regarding Underhill Farm in York- both locally and nationally, I nd that Barn makes a good time Austin lifts the show every roles, are Gabby Babun,
town. some of the commentary is one-sided. easier to have by encour- time he is on stage, milk- Olivia Basile, Lizzy Booth,
aging patrons to bring ing his comedic role for all Cara Elizabeth Bunning,
Claims of special favors from the town to In many instances, comments made by their own food and bever- it’s worth by e ortlessly Hannah Rapaglia, Patrick
the developer are so clearly untrue. one racial or ethnic group are called hate- age for consumption at exuding hilarious theat- R. Spadaccino, Michael
ful or racist while similarly made com- cabaret seating within one ricality. He puts it all out Valinoti, Tarah Margaret
e Town Board spent a year and a half ments by another ethnic or racial group hour of the show.) there, and the audience Vega, Bill Warncke, and
taking a good hard look at the proposal. are accepted. is hypocrisy creates more feasts on it. Michael Wright.
If Unicorn Contracting, the owner of the hatred and racism than it cures. e indisputable star of As a universal symbol
former Soundview property where Under- “Peter and the Starcatch- of childhood innocence Production Manager is
hill Farm is proposed, were so in uential When a political group accepts or er” is the terri c acting (Peter), Alex Hartofelis’s Pamme Jones. Assistant
with the town, this process would not have encourages unlawful behavior and calls ensemble. Leading the form of intensity, on the Director is Rae Janeil
taken nearly as long. And it’s not even over. the critics of that behavior racist there way are the hilarious Matt other hand, is turned fully Sutherland. Choreog-
Underhill Farm is now starting a rigorous is a palpable problem. When individu- Austin as Black Stache inward, yet is all the more rapher is Sharon Houk.
environmental review process that may take als criticize the unlawful entry into this (pre-Capt. Hook), Alex a ecting for the unwaver- Musical Director is
years, overseen by the Planning Board. country by citizens of another country, ing truth he lives every Rodney Loren. Lighting
they are being called hateful and racist. “Peter and the Starcatcher” moment he is on stage. As Designer is Mark Han-
ese reckless and ongoing claims of When community members criticize is at Ridgefield Theater dissimilar as they are in kla. Costumes by Warner
con icts from people like Mr. Brown stand the transportation into and the disburse- Barn through June 25. style, both render beauti-
in the way of progress in Yorktown. While ment of these unlawful entrants into our ful performances. eatre. Stage Manager
other neighboring towns advance housing community, they are being called racists. is Pippa Walton. Light-
and broaden their tax bases, Yorktown has Being in opposition to unlawful behavior FEMALE LEADERSHIP ing Board Operator is
remained stagnant. We have added very little is not hateful or racist, it is supporting a As Molly, whose father Nell Walton. Assistant
housing in recent years. Underhill Farm will law-abiding society. Stage Manager is Cro-
bring 148 new residences, and what’s more, has taught her to catch lyn Neugarten. Lindsay
it will add much-needed opportunities for Many members of our community are magical “star stu ” when Carroll is summer intern
our seniors to live in their hometown. in support of decarceration, no or low it falls from the sky, Laura (props and costumes).
bail, and no jail/prison time for many Jeanne Portera proves
To my neighbors, tune out the nonsense. o enders. ey also support eliminating her acting chops as well, Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
I think this is a wonderful opportunity for the employment and housing application as a female force to be consultant, and community
all of us. check box asking about prior convic- reckoned with, but never volunteer. He can be reached
at [email protected]; 914-
Marianne Violante SEE LETTERS PAGE 15 275-6887.
Yorktown Heights
Fudge Brownie Cherry Vanilla ice cream?
Wonderful dilemmas at e Country House
What is so great about ice cream? It seems that in the warmer months, it is PHOTO COURTESY OF THE COUNTRY HOUSE
the “go to”food to cool o while enjoying the sultry breezes of summer.But ice
cream hails as a far more meaningful snack than simply a refreshing treat. Ice Judy Higgins and Nancy Cicillini, residents at the The Country House,
cream received national recognition in 1984, when Ronald Reagan declared are sitting and enjoying the beautiful surroundings, while enjoying a
July 15th as National Ice Cream Day. scrumptious ice-cream sundae.
Ice cream lovers often view this frosty dessert as a panacea of sorts, o ering e Country House is a marketing partner of this newspaper. is article is
medicinal qualities of comfort and healing for the mind and for the spirit. And written by e Country House, a 100 bed boutique assisted living community,
scientists continue to explore any tangible explanations for the “calm, satis ed nestled amidst a beautiful rustic landscape. It is located at 2000 Baldwin Rd
and happy” feelings that ice cream devotees attribute to the ingestion of this in Yorktown Heights, NY. For more information, call 914-455-1363 or visit
sweet and creamy deliciousness. Research studies have identi ed Tryptophan, meridiansenior.com.
an amino acid found in ice cream,and known to increase serotonin production,
as a tangible contributing factor to this “feel good” treat. Other studies, utiliz-
ing MRI machines to analyze brain function, indicated that the orbitofrontal
cortex at the front of the brain “lit up”in response to one swallow of ice cream.
is section of the brain is associated with processing and reacts when people
are enjoying themselves. It is unclear how statistically signi cant these studies
are, but without any scienti c evidence, many ice cream lovers will attest to the
positive e ects ice cream has on one’s psyche.
At e Country House, an assisted living community in Yorktown Heights,
no one is particularly concerned with the validity of ice cream studies. ere
are far more important considerations like having a simple co ee ice cream
cone or opting for a mint chocolate chip sundae with whipped cream and
chocolate syrup. Judy Higgins told me that she loves the basic avor of choco-
late and whenever she eats chocolate ice cream , it reminds her of the ice-
cream truck coming down the block. Nancy Cicillini, another resident of e
Country House, also reminiscences about the Good Humor ice-cream truck
and care-free childhood days.
Whatever the magical qualities of ingesting ice-cream may be, it is for cer-
tain that eating ice cream, is for many, a delightful and delicious adventure.
Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, June 9, 2022
Yorktown Library Corner
LIBRARY HOURS for everyone age 19 years Program). 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Meeting (A) Up All Night Book
Monday- ursday, 9:30 and up. e program begins (A) Adult Craft. 1-2:30 p.m. Club. 6:30-8 p.m. “ e Turn of
June 27. You are welcome THURSDAY, JUNE 16 the Key” by Ruth Ware.
a.m.-8 p.m. to make an online account Stamped Tea Towels. (A) Quilting & Needlework
Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at yorktownlibraryny14. (A) Earring Making FRIDAY, JUNE 17
Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. readsquared.com where you’ll (Drop-in Program), 10 a.m.- (A) Westchester Breathes
914-245-5262; jchart@ keep track of all the books you Workshop. 6-7:45 p.m. noon.
read or listen to this summer, (C) Variety Show with Mar- ZOOM. 9-10 a.m.
wlsmail.org, yorktownlibrary. or visit the reference desk for a (A) Book Group for Men (A/Y) One-on-One Teen
org. paper log. For every book you li. Grades 2-5. 6-7 p.m. (Women Welcome). 2-3:30
DID YOU KNOW log, you’ll get a ra e ticket p.m. “In Search of a Kingdom” Tech Help. 2:30-4:30 p.m. No
for one of our prizes on Aug. TUESDAY, JUNE 14 by Laurence Bergreen appointment needed.
Summer reading programs 19, the Finale Party! Log in (A) Medicare Counseling.
are not just for kids! Hart your books until Aug. 12. (C) Lego Free Build. Ages 5 SEE LIBRARY PAGE 15
Library o ers an Adult You don’t have to be present 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and up. 5-6 p.m.
Summer Reading Program to win! Look out for other (C) Songs and Stories with
fun programs at the library Hart Top 10 Nonfiction
Reference librarian Eugenia with throughout the summer. Enjoy Miss Stacy. Children from The most circulated new nonfiction, combining
her book pick of the week your reading — and stay tuned birth to age 5. 10:30-11:30 biography in the Hart Library this past month:
for more great events! a.m.
1) The Defense Lawyer by James Patterson
(A) Adults Program (Y) (A) Scrabble, Backgammon 2) Making history by Richard Cohen
Young Adults Program (C) & Adult Coloring (Drop-in 3) Legacy of violence by Caroline Elkins
Children’s Program. Please Program). 12:30-2:30 p.m. 4) Dk Eyewitness Florence and Tuscany
visit the library website 5) The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Francis Kennedy
(yorktownlibrary.org) calendar (C) Music and Movement 6) The Precious Days by Ann Patchett
for details and to register with Lori Cohen. Children of 7) Stupid Things I Won’t Do When I Get Old by Stephen
online. all ages. 6-6:45 p.m. Petrow
8) On Animals by Ann Patchett
SATURDAY, JUNE 11 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 9) The Dark Queens by H.W. Brands
(C) Rock and Roll for Little (C) Stories and Rhymes 10) The 1619 Project by Brene Brown
Ones. Children of all ages. with Miss Terry. Ages 3-5. 10-
10:30-11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m.
MONDAY, JUNE 13 (C) Baby Playtime for
(A) Mah Jongg (Drop-in Lapsitting Babies. 10:30 a.m.-
12:30 p.m.
(A) Westchester Breathes
Mid-week Mid-day, half hour
ZOOM. 12:30-1 p.m.
(A) Conscious Living #2.
1-2 p.m.
Library Board Trustee
Tracy CLhawrisFtiernmRofeimann
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