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Published by Halston Media, 2021-06-23 14:24:40

The Somers Record 06.24.21

Vol. 11 No. 10 INSIDE THIS WEEK’S PAPER!Summer GuideCheck out our special
Visit for the latest news. Thursday, June 24, 2021

Town eyes improvements
at Bailey Park

BY CAROL REIF Westerman said Bailey is a perfect

STAFF WRITER project because it is “small and manage-

able” and would cost the town less than

Somers has long been pondering installing a new play set at Reis Park.

ways to make its downtown more of a e only “negative” is parking.

destination spot. While the town can’t use spaces at the

Now it appears things are moving adjacent St. Luke’s Episcopal Church,

from the thinking stage to the do- parking could be accommodated at e

ing stage—at least where Bailey Park Elephant Hotel (aka Town Hall) across

is concerned. the street and in the nearby shopping

Donated to the town in 1961 by a center. Sgt. Barker is greeted by well
wishers and fellow law enforcement
descendant of Hachaliah Bailey, found- Since any event that might draw
members after his final patrol.
er of one of America’s earliest circuses, a crowd is likely to be scheduled on
the park is basically a shady patch of a weekend or after business hours, it

grass with a pretty gazebo and a few shouldn’t be a huge problem, he said.

benches. But it could be so much more, Besides, Westerman added: “You

according to recreation o cials. should only have a problem that so Sgt. Richie Barker
retires from Somers PD
In a presentation to the Town Board many people want to use the park that

on ursday, June 10, Kevin Wester- it becomes an issue.”

man, Parks and Recreation Board e plan includes paving of a

chair, and Steven Ralston, Parks and 3,500-square-foot seating area in front

Recreation superintendent, unveiled of the gazebo surrounded by a mix

proposed improvements that would of low-maintenance perennials and

turn the parcel at the junction of routes shrubs that would provide seasonal

100 and 202 into a “destination” for the color, beauty and a boundary. ere’s a BY CAROL REIF But this time, the self-professed “talker”
STAFF WRITER made a few special stops around town to
whole community. kind of natural “bowl” in the landscape schmooze with folks.
It was a Tuesday like any other, except it
“We could transform Bailey Park that could amplify sound from the ga- wasn’t. en, at precisely 4 o’clock, as rain poured
from the skies, Barker parked his cruiser at
from an underused area into a magnet, a zebo/stage while blocking tra c noise. Police Sgt. Richard “Richie” Barker was the police station on Primrose Street for the
on patrol, keeping the streets of Somers last time.
place where people can have civic town e gazebo would remain intact, and safe, just as he had for more than three de-
ceremonies,” Westerman said.  “Scouts a path would connect the park to the

and clubs can meet there. Shoppers and Route 202 crosswalk. More benches

residents could eat there. Summer con- SEE BAILEY PARK PAGE 8
certs could return there.”

with Somers’ Real Estate Specialist HEALTH & WELNESS 2
Home Evaluation SPORTS 38

Anytime — No Cost or Obligation 29

Call 914.243.3051 10 MOVIN’ ON UP! 28 Middle School Grads
pg 30

CLASSIC REALTY Michael Trinchitella
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Page 2 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Staff Muscoot Farm together by Zoom throughout Somers Lions Club for a Somers Cares Grant via
the pandemic. Lori and Eliza- a simple form. All applications
EDITORIAL TEAM WATERCOLOR ART beth Bell, Diane Camac, Amy SOMERS CARES are reviewed and veri ed by a
TOM WALOGORSKY EXHIBIT AND SALE Galinko, Carol Rapport-Som- Who cares about Somers? We caring and discreet committee.
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 mer and Teri Siegel are thrilled If you or someone you know
[email protected] Every weekend in June, Sat- to come together to ‘unmask’ do, and so do you. It shows. Even needs help, let us know. Go to
urdays 12-4 p.m., Sundays 10-4 their artwork in the exhibit ‘Wa- in its beginning stage,the Somers to ap-
ADVERTISING TEAM p.m. tercolor UnMasked - Creativity Cares initiative has helped sev- ply. e second way to help is
PAUL FORHAN during Covid’. Framed original eral families in Somers who have to partner with us. You can join
As part of the county’s re- paintings, matted originals and been hit hard by the pandemic. forces with the Somers Lions to
(914) 806-3951 opening, Muscoot Farm will be prints, greeting cards and other make Somers Cares bigger and
[email protected] hosting a Watercolor Art Ex- gift items will be for sale. Ends is new initiative that has two better. For more information on
hibit and Sale every weekend on Saturday, June 26. main goals. e rst is to locate how you can join us, email Lion
BRUCE HELLER in June. Local instructor, Lori and assist local people in need of Gary Forbes at gary.forbes@
(914) 486-7608 McQueeney and ve talented short term nancial assistance.
[email protected] local artists have been painting Anyone with need can apply

(201) 317-1139 Gift Certificate for your continued Get your tickets for the chance
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON is a support during to win $30,000 in Big Bucks or
(914) 760-7009 Perfect Gift these difficult times a 2021 Bucking Bronco Sport,
[email protected] all year round provided by Park Ford of Ma-
ITALIAN CONTINENTAL CUISINE hopac. Tickets are available
JAY GUSSAK through any Somers Lion or on
(914) 299-4541 Come Join Us For The Finest Summer Dining our website www.somerslion-
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY Enjoy Our Outside Dining!
(917) 446-7757 Tickets are $100 each or 3 for
[email protected] $250. Proceeds from the ra e
SHELLEY KILCOYNE will be given to local families
(914) 924-9122 in need, Friends of Karen, Bly-
[email protected] thedale Children’s Hospital, and
GABRIELLE BILIK other local charities. e winner
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER will be drawn Sunday, Septem-
[email protected] ber 5.


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[email protected] We make this possible by accommodating individual care levels while living
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THE SOMERS RECORD DEADLINE Benchmark Senior Living at Ridgefield Crossings READING CHALLENGE
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BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. Life is Better with Your Better Half. Call 203.456.9085 to schedule a tour today. Ra e Prizes (Courtesy of the
Friends of the Somers Library)
FOR MORE INFORMATION, *Please check with the community for any residency requirements. Amazon Gift Card Pack
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RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN. tickets for being one of the rst
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(ISSN 2330-1597)


Thursday, June 24, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 3
Anthony and
Kith and kiln Lisa Laurenzano,
e Little House of Ceramics opens for business owners of The
Little House of
BY CAROL REIF Christine) to the marriage; Lisa committed to keeping prices L.J. LaLuna and Ceramics.
STAFF WRITER contributed two (Nicholas and down and Little House accessible daughter Brielle
Michael) and together they had to all. (A one-week “camp”session having fun in the PHOTO COURTESY
Anthony and Lisa Laurenz- the twins, Amanda and Anthony is $100, quite reasonable for the OF LISA
ano are all red up about their Jr. ( e oldest child is 47; the area.) studio. LAURENZANO
new family enterprise, e Little youngest set, 19.)
House of Ceramics. Paint and clay are apparently in The Little House of Joseph Rao and
ere are also six grandchildren Anthony’s DNA. Ceramics is a true Frankie Pipps
e local couple held a grand and another on the way. choosing colors.
opening for the bright and cheer- His mom had a ceramics stu- family affair.
ful paint your own pottery place Lisa was never lacking for baby- dio — complete with a kiln — in
earlier this month. sitters while the twins were infants. her home and his dad made the PHOTOS:
bisqueware molds and mixed the CAROL REIF
e Laurenzanos, who have e older siblings took over glazes by hand. (Little House’s
worked together in the elevator bottle and diaper duty at night, so kiln is located o -site.)
industry for decades, were looking she could rest.
around for another joint project. Daughter Deena likes to draw.
(Having moved to Somers in the “For the rst four months, I was Lisa was into all sorts of arts
late 1980s, they lived for a bit in o from 9 at night to 6 the next and crafts when she was growing
North Salem before coming back.) morning,”she said, gratefully. up. Making dollhouses was a fa-
vorite hobby, and after recently
When they found out that a Now Amanda will be returning digging out some of her supplies
“perfect” space within minutes the favor by helping to run the stu- from their garage, Lisa’s think-
of their home was available, they dio with big sis Michelle LaLuna. ing of taking it up again. In her
pounced. Other relatives are pitching in as spare time,she loves to do paint-
well. by-number art and other decora-
eir timing has been spot on tive things.
as well. Like with every new endeavor, Other fun facts?
it takes time to build a customer Anthony is a rabid fan of magic
As things opened back up after base, but Little House seems to and an amateur purveyor of the
a long pandemic pause on com- have gotten o to a very good art. His specialty is card tricks.
munal activities, folks were look- start. He also hosts poker nights and is
ing for a creative outlet for both hooked on car shows.
themselves and their kids now that e studio’s only been open Musically talented, Anthony
school’s out for the summer. since Saturday, June 5, but already taught himself the piano, guitar,
it’s seeing regular customers and and drums.
In a way, the studio’s an exten- its summer “camp” spots lled up Lisa teaches religion to second-
sion of the growing Laurenzano so rapidly that it had to add ses- graders at St. Joseph’s Catholic
clan. sions. Church.
She can ride a motorcycle (al-
e Bronx natives, who tied the Among the other o erings — though she hasn’t done that lately),
knot 25 years ago, are the heads of which will grow and evolve with and loves the TV crime-drama
a big, happy tribe of seven grown the biz — are Ladies’Nights, chil- NCIS.
children. dren’s parties, and senior specials. Oh, and if Lisa could live in
Legoland, she would.
Anthony brought three o - Besides ceramics, there will be
spring (Deena, Michelle and sand art, tie-dyeing, beading, and e Laurenzanos envision Lit-
other crafts and activities. tle House as a warm and friendly
place where individuals will want
Little House is also con- to hang out and local groups
templating allowing parents might meet.
to drop o their kids on
Saturday afternoons. ere “We want to treat everyone like
won’t be any “sitting” fees, our family,”Lisa said.
just a charge for the materi-
als the little artists use, Lisa GOOD TO KNOW
said. Little House is located at 380

Because this year’s been Route 202 in Somers.
tough — nancially and For more information, call
in many other ways —  for
folks, the Laurenzanos are (914) 617-8661, email  thelittle-
[email protected], or
The creative check out its website,  www.the-
possibilities are endless
at The Little House of

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Page 4 – The Somers Record Thursday, June 24, 2021

Somers site receives approval for Moderna vaccine

BY CAROL REIF continuing health crisis. wedding venues, are requiring rst approached the town, there PHOTO: METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
STAFF WRITER As of May, the drive-through a negative COVID-19 test or were concerns raised about its
proof of vaccination to attend, he potential impact on tra c and on tion has provided to the commu-
While the state has come a facility had conducted about noted. other tenants of the building, a nity.
long way in its ght against the 3,000 such tests. deli and a dry cleaner.
spread of COVID-19 and it’s Healthy erapeutics has all A lot of its customers have
been able to lift nearly all pan- Its owner, Dr. Rondalph Tay- the medication necessary to ad- But those fears apparently come from nearby Heritage
demic restrictions, the hard work lor, was back before the Plan- minister if someone has an aller- haven’t panned out. Hills, a development that draws
isn’t over, Albany announced last ning Board on Wednesday, June gic reaction to the vaccine. an older crowd, and from schools
week. 9, when he asked for, and got, an Planning Chairman John Cur- as well as re and police depart-
extension of the approval. Taylor said that most of his rie congratulated Healthy era- ments.
And part of getting across the team has worked in hospital peutics Wednesday, saying that
nish line means that everyone It will now be open at the site emergency rooms and have expe- “it’s run very professionally.” “We try to do the best job that
eligible needs to get the jab, Gov of the former Chase Bank until rience in handling those types of we can and be great neighbors,”
Andrew Cuomo said ursday, the end of the year. situations. Settanni told the board that Taylor said, adding that the o ce
June 17. he and Healthy erapeutics are “made it a priority from Day One
So it’s good news that a test- Taylor told the board that Patients are required to stay “proud” of the bene ts the opera- not to impede tra c. I hope we
ing site in Somers has just gotten Healthy erapeutics will now put for 15 minutes worth of ob- were pretty successful at that.”
the state’s go-ahead to administer be administering vaccines, and servation after getting the shot.
the Moderna vaccine to adults as conducting antibody testing.
well. As for the antibody tests,
In May, Moderna  announced e “only caveat” is, he said, whether the Centers for Disease
that its vaccine was safe and ef- that it has to line up ve to 10 Control and Prevention (CDC)
fective for children ages 12 to 17. patients at a time because, once thinks they are useful or not,Tay-
Currently, only the P zer-Bi- opened, a vial of the vaccine is lor does.
oNTech vaccine can be used on only viable for 12 hours.
the middle- and high-school age He personally has noted a dif-
group. Now is not the time to “waste ference in antibody results be-
On ursday, June 10, Mod- it,” he told the board. tween the various vaccines.
erna asked the FDA to expand
the emergency use of the vaccine Especially considering that “We’ve seen some break-
for teens. students are preparing for college through cases; nothing’s 100 per-
Healthy erapeutics opened in the fall, children are ready to cent,”Taylor added.
up last December at 265 Route go to summer camp, and folks are
202 as a temporary medical of- itching to travel once again. So, while he’s not questioning
ce. It was fast-tracked due to the the CDC,Taylor sees the value in
As things continue to open knowing what your numbers are.
back up, “testing will remain a
key measure to stop the spread of “I think the more data we get
the virus,” said Donato Settanni, the more we’ll know -- going
the building’s owner. forward -- how often we’ll need
to get booster shots,” he said.
Many public forums, includ-
ing sporting events, concerts, and When Healthy erapeutics

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Thursday, June 24, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 5

Live from Primrose

If you have not yet heard of sta at Primrose. Intermediate School.
MJ Productions, chances are you “It is so nice to take a bond
will one day. Article provided by Somers
of friendship and do something Central School District.
Second graders Molly Miale to make the community a better
and Jameson Klepadlo are the place,” Stietzel tells Molly and Molly Miale and Jameson
“M” and “J” of the talk show duo Jameson. “It is very inspiring.” Klepadlo, the dynamic duo
that get all the big interviews
in the Somers Central School Molly likes the production behind MJ Productions.
District. ey have interviewed side, so she creates the interview
Matt Carr, SCSD director of questions, records the interviews, PHOTO COURTESY OF SOMERS
human resources and student and creates the artwork for each CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT
services, Emmy Award-winning episode. ey work through
singer/songer writer Kevin Bri- their own production challenges,
ody, Primrose phys ed teacher including operating the camera,
Kevin Mallon, and Somers In- and getting on-camera jitters.
termediate School Principal Liz
Turner and Assistant Principal “I just take a deep breath,
Linda Belger, and Superinten- think a little bit, and then I’ll get
dent Ray Blanch. it,” says Jameson.

“I think it’s really interesting Jameson also learned to do
to learn about them,” says Mol- vocal warm ups before his in-
ly Miale. “If I didn’t interview terviews from the movie High
them I wouldn’t know lots of School Musical.
things, like their pets’ names, and
who is in their family. We know “ ey had a natural talent for
one side of them, because they it and they are both so friendly,”
work here. But we don’t know says Cherie Stietzel, “ ey got
the other side, like what they do
for fun.” red up and ran with their pas-
sion and did what felt right.”
e talk show evolved from
an assignment given by teacher “At rst it was a fun little
Cherie Stietzel, who suggested thing, and then it got real,” says
that the students interview their Molly.
parents. Jameson loved the pro-
cess so much, he continued with Both Molly and Jameson
shrug o suggestions from their
classmates that they are famous.

ey enjoy the process and look
forward to continuing their
partnership next year at Somers

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Thursday, June 24, 2021 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 15

How to observe an eclipse

STRONG about that after a brief de- line up perfectly, so the sun light from the sun. shade of each tree, on the
LEARNING scription. was never totally blocked. Now, if you want to do a ground were dozens, even
hundreds, of crescent-shaped
DR. LINDA As you know, the moon or- is is called a partial solar little experiment, on a normal sun images! I had never seen
SILBERT bits (goes around) the earth, eclipse. sunny day, poke a hole in a that.
and the earth orbits the sun. large piece of cardboard and
Dear Dr. Linda, Sometimes, for a short period A partial solar eclipse project the image of the sun en it hit me. As the light
My daughter was very dis- of time, all three line up per- would have been worth get- on a white sheet of paper, just from the sun strikes a tree,
fectly. We call that an eclipse. ting up for, even though it’s like the diagram. Observe the there are “holes” caused by
appointed that the morning not quite as exciting as a total round image of the sun. Now, numerous little openings be-
of June 10 was overcast. She ere are two basic types, solar eclipse, where the sun is cover up the hole and make tween the leaves. And, just
had set her alarm to get up lunar and solar. A lunar totally blocked by the moon. a di erent shape hole in the like the little experiment
see the solar eclipse. Actu- eclipse occurs when you’re cardboard, not too close to above, it doesn’t matter what
ally, I was relieved, because I able to see the full moon, Now, for the danger you the rst one. Make the hole shape the “holes” between the
heard that viewing an eclipse and the earth moves in be- were concerned about. Look- square this time. Notice the leaves are, they always make
is dangerous. Any suggestion tween blocking the light from ing at the sun is ALWAYS image of the sun is still round. a faithful image of the sun.
of what I might share with my the sun. As you watch, the dangerous, even during a total Now, cover up the hole and try What made that run extra-
disappointed daughter about moon slowly gets darker and solar eclipse. ose who want a di erent shape hole. Same special was that I was able to
what she missed. then gets lighter again as the to see solar eclipses directly image, right? at’s because, safely watch the progress of
earth’s shadow “sweeps” across need to use special glasses as long as the hole is not too the solar eclipse indirectly by
Emily the moon’s surface. ere’s no that are made for that pur- big, it creates the image of the watching a gazillion images
danger at all observing a lunar pose. Without such glasses, round sun. Next time there’s a of the crescent shaped sun on
Dear Emily, eclipse, because all you’re do- viewing the sun directly can solar eclipse, the image won’t the ground.
First, it’s always exciting to ing is looking at the moon. seriously damage the eyes. be round. It’ll be whatever the
shape of the sun is as it is par- I’ll bet I know what you’ll
hear about kids that are eager A solar eclipse, the type that A safe way to observe a tially covered by the moon. be doing next time there’s a
to learn about science. I’m go- occurred on June 10, is risky. solar eclipse is indirectly, by solar eclipse, especially if it’s
ing to pass this question along Mom was right, you have to looking at the sunlight that Now, let’s do one more clear day.
to my husband, Dr. Al, as he’s be careful viewing this type of passed through a small hole thing. Uncover all three holes
the science and math guy. eclipse. in a large piece of heavy card- and notice, three images of Have fun with science,
board held (or propped up) as the sun, one from each hole! Dr. Linda
Hi Emily - I was disap- Solar eclipses also occur high as comfortable above the
pointed too. I always enjoy when all three line up, but this ground. Looking at the image is reminds me of an experi- Write Dr. Linda at linda@
experiencing eclipses. More time, with the moon moving on a white paper screen is to- ence I had not too long ago., if you have
between the earth and the tally safe, and you can watch any school-related questions.
sun, blocking the sunlight. In the progress as the moon rst I went running during a
our location, the three didn’t blocks, then unblocks, the solar eclipse. As I ran in the

Somers Lions Club Charity Raffle Purchase tickets at


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Foundation, Inc. to support local Car Raffle, P.O. Box 95, Somers, NY 10589
families in need and many local
or purchase your ticket online at
and regional charities.

Page 16 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, June 24, 2021

Box of knowledge

READING, look good on an older portly gentleman. can recall many of the classic episodes to I remember watching episodes of
WRITING & I looked forward to appearances by Mr. this day. “Petticoat Junction” (I thought it was
CHOCOLATE Greenjeans, his farmer neighbor. funny that all of the sisters were named
My brother and I watched lots of after their Uncle Joe – Betty Jo, Bobbie
KIM Actually, on Saturday mornings, my TV sitcoms including “ e Beverly Jo, and Billie Jo!). We watched episodes
KOVACH brother and I would wake up early and Hillbillies,” “Hazel,” and “Bewitched.” of “ e Real McCoys,” “ e Andy
tip-toe down the stairs to turn on the
When I was very young, our television set in the living room. My e little ction writer in me was SEE KOVACH PAGE 18
family-owned a black-and- parents were still asleep at 6 a.m. e interested in the characters, dialogue, and
white television set inside children’s cartoons did not start that early, misunderstandings presented each week.  
of a long wooden cabinet. is stylish so I eagerly watched the agricultural
entertainment center also contained show, “Modern Farmer.” I learned a lot
speakers on each end, a phonograph, about potato harvesting and irrigation
a pull-out drawer for record albums, a while my brother rolled his Tonka trucks
tuner, and radio. Sliding wooden doors around on the living room carpet.
could be pulled together to hide the high-
tech equipment when company came I may be the only child who did not
over. enjoy watching cartoons in my formative
years. I did not like the violence of
I remember sitting on the oor, in cartoon characters hitting each other
my frog-like position, and watching over the head or blowing up sticks of
kid-friendly TV shows like “Captain dynamite. I did not see the humor.
Kangaroo” and “Romper Room.” e
lady on “Romper Room” (Miss Sharon?) I did enjoy watching old episodes of
looked directly into the camera at the “ e Little Rascals.” Filmed in the 1930s
end of the show and called out children’s as movie shorts, these children in their
names in the viewing audience. I waited scru y clothing playing in the California
to hear her say, “Kim” but I don’t think sunshine had distinct personalities and
she ever did. were always fun to watch. I looked
forward to seeing the new adventures
“Captain Kangaroo” was not my and high-jinx of Spanky, Darla, Alfalfa,
favorite character. I thought the blonde Stymie, Porky, Pete the dog, Miss
bangs of his bowler cut hairdo didn’t Crabtree, and the rest of the Our Gang
cast. From 1922 to 1944, more than 220
Our Gang comedies were lmed with a
new cast of child actors every few years. I

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Thursday, June 24, 2021 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 17

e pandemic and me

BRUCE family, your friends, your school- thought nothing dramatic would that my peers were enjoying their much more pain and heartache to
THE BLOG ing—any and all aspects of your change, even joking that a few summer while I was isolated. My me and my family.
daily life. days o from school would be phone screen was my only connec-
BRUCE nice. And that’s what happened. tion to this seemingly “COVID- Lastly came exhaustion.
APAR In the nearly two decades that Most people, including myself, less”world, so I became attached So many things clouded my
we have been reviewing student were admittedly excited about to it. mind. On top of anxiety about
We have been presenting essays for this award, the fol- having two weeks o from school. COVID, there was schoolwork,
an academic award at lowing submission by our 2021 But a couple weeks o turned into At the time, it was hard to un- college applications, APs, etc.
graduation time to a recipient, Rebecca Gerdis, ranks no more junior year. derstand that so many people felt Soon, an entire year had passed,
Yorktown High School senior for among the very best we’ve ever the same as me when my phone yet everyday still felt the same.
the past 18 years. It is named the received. Rebecca was an editor Soon, anxiety took over. Every was a constant reminder that so Wake up, go on Zoom, walk
Harrison Apar Field of Dreams on school publication, e Voice; day, COVID was taking more many others just didn’t care. the dog, go to sleep, repeat.
Foundation Scholarship in memo- consistently made the Principal’s and more lives. I worried about Anxiety, frustration, and sorrow
ry of our son. List by maintaining at 96.6 grade my parents and my grandparents, While I was, of course, was becoming a normality. I was
point average (GPA); and was especially with my dad being a frustrated that so many people exhausted.
Part of the application process enrolled in the Syracuse University doctor. News about the virus was were not taking the pandemic
for candidates is to write an essay Project Advance (SUPA) English on every channel and in every seriously, a big part of me was also Little things amid these ve
on a topic that we choose each class, with a 95 average—meeting conversation. Uncertainty about frustrated that I was not allowed stages did make my experience
year, re ecting the tenor of the all the criteria for our scholar- the future was frightening. is to do the things that my friends happier. I got closer with my sister,
times. ship’s applicants. Rebecca also was on top of insensitive and divid- were. But mostly, I had frustration lived with my newborn cousin,
captain of the tennis team. She ing political leaders brought even with myself for even feeling this watched countless movies, and
is was the 2021 essay assign- will be attending Union College in more unease, especially since this way. A once-in-a-century global enjoyed much time outside. After
ment… upstate New York this fall. was a time when unity was most virus was killing scores of people, my vaccine in the spring, a weight
necessary. yet I was upset about such trivial was immediately lifted. Despite all
It is 2050. An 18-year-old rela- BY REBECCA GERDIS things in comparison. the loss, I once again saw hope for
tive (your child, nephew, niece, etc) Frustration came next. e the future.
asks you,“What was it like to live COVID-19 was invisible, but virtual school year ended and Next was sorrow. I was
through the Great COVID-19 its e ects were inescapable. While summer quickly arrived. Instead overwhelmingly despondent Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
Pandemic of 2020?”In 500 words it may be di cult to imagine a of relaxing, I watched as my from the hundreds of thousands consultant, and community
or less, convey to the 18-year-old time when the world seemed to friends went to parties, maskless of deaths heard on the news, and volunteer. He can be reached at
(someone born in 2032), in your stop, I will share with you my ve and without social distancing.To later became more personally [email protected]; 914-275-6887.
own words and feelings, the e ects stages of COVID-19. be honest, it started as jealousy a ected by grief. Knowing people
the pandemic had on you, your who had passed away brought
First was curiosity. Sharing
food with my friends in a crowded Replacing scores of
restaurant, we talked about the Allstate | State Farm | Geico
recent news of COVID. Although
the restaurant would be closed Policies Everyday!
just a few days later, we naively

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Page 18 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, June 24, 2021

What separates us BECKERMAN
from other accountants and tax preparers is
our ability to work with you not just on taxes, FROM PAGE 15
but on financials, college planning, divorce,
retirement planning, changes in life planning... keyboard isn’t working so I can’t
get my email and I can’t get onto
We don’t just process tax forms, we advise on how to FACEBOOK, and I think I’m
handle your income and expenses in the future gonna die!!!!” I blurted out in one
with personalized recommendations. breath.

We help you navigate the tax code, and in the end, help you He picked up the laptop,
looked it over and then disap-
set sound financial goals. peared into the back. Five min-
utes later he came back with my
845-628-5400 laptop, all lit up and ready to go. | [email protected] “ at’s it?” I asked.
“ at’s it,” he said.
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541 “It’s xed?” I asked incredu-
Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. “It’s xed,” he assured me.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or “Wow!! I am so relieved,” I
said. “So, what was the problem,
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. anyway?”
He smiled. “ ere was choco-
late stuck under one of the keys.”

Tracy has a new book coming out
on June 29 called “Barking at the
Moon: A Story of Life, Love, and
Kibble.” W. Bruce Cameron, author
of “A Dog’s Purpose” says, “I’m
utterly charmed by this whole thing,
cover to cover.” You can reserve
your copy right now at www.



Gri th Show” and “Lassie,”
too. Sometimes we watched
“Leave It to Beaver” and “Dennis
the Menace.” Dennis was
annoying and I didn’t care what
happened to “the Beav.”

“Father Knows Best” was one
of my favorite shows. I wasn’t
particularly interested in the
two sisters, but I liked the father
and brother, Bud. As a young
television viewer, I observed the
di erent ways that characters
spoke to each other, the regional
references, and the foods they
served at family meals.

I absolutely remember
watching the somber funeral of
President John F. Kennedy on
TV. We had the day o from
school and every TV station
showed the grieving widow, the
two young children, and the
horse-drawn casket. I clearly
remember little John-John’s
salute to his father’s co n.

Television showed that life
can be cruel and bad things
can happen. ere is no canned
laugh track in real life.

Kim Kovach could happily watch
re-runs of “Seinfeld” every day.

Promote Your Charity
Send us a press release at
com, or give us a call at 914-

Thursday, June 24, 2021 ELEPHANT’S TRUNK The Somers Record – Page 19

TRUNK time, with our social, humanitar- July 24 their medical appointments and sistance call (914) 242-7433.
ian, and religious programs. ese Join us when the Putnam Cho- assist with shopping. Services Anyone wishing to volunteer
FROM PAGE 2 services take tremendous energy, are free to seniors residing in for Rideconnect may do so by
time, and... money! As a local or- rale performs outdoor lawn con- Westchester and southern Put- emailing [email protected]
book based on a fairytale (from ganization, we are funded entirely certs in Putnam and Dutchess nam Counties. To request as-
our list) you earn 2 ra e tickets. by local contributions. It is only counties. e concerts, titled
through your help that we have “America rough Song”, fea- NOTICE TO
Bonus: You can earn 3 ra e been able to grow and continue tures songs that represent signi - NEW YORK
tickets by completing the weekly our services to the community. cant eras in our cultural and social RESIDENTS
Teen Summer Reading Weekly history.Two concerts will be held:
(Fun) Task! Registration begins Every ticket is a winner! Every Homeowner Funding is now offering homeowners a chance
6/23/2021. Look for more in- participant is a partner in our vi- Friday, July 23 at 6:30 p.m. at to make necessary energy efficient home repairs and will be
formation to follow! tal work of spreading the beauty the Bowdoin Park bandshell, 85 offering its services to families who:
of Judaism and helping others.To Sheafe Road, Wappingers Falls. 1. ARE UNABLE TO PAY CASH FOR NECESSARY HOME
Chabad of Yorktown purchase your ticket visit www. e Saturday, July 24 at 3 p.m. at REPAIRS.
Chabad of Yorktown has Putnam Chorale ly Electrazone Field) in Brewster.
launched their annual fundraising LAWN CONCERT SERIES RideConnect 3. HAVE BEEN TURNED DOWN FOR FREE STATE OR
ra e. Chabad continues to touch Friday, July 23 and Saturday,
the lives of so many each day, and Rideconnect has volunteers GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS.
especially during this di cult ready to help drive seniors to
Drug Crisis in our Backyard ROOFING • SIDING • WINDOWS • DOORS & MORE...
names scholarship winners
Money Is Now Available Through up to $25,000
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Drug Crisis in our Backyard has named Somers to come. CALL TODAY: (800) 736-9629
High School senior Caroline Hurley as one of the Drug Crisis in our Backyard is a community- or visit

ve winners of its Hope for Recovery echolarships in based non-pro t organization o ering education *Approved applications will have the work completed by a quality repair crew provided by: HOMEOWNER FUNDING
memory of Justin Salomone and Erik Christiansen. support for families and individuals struggling with
addiction. e organization was founded in 2012 Prepare for
is program provides $500 scholarships to lo- by Susan and Steve Salomone, and Carol and Lou power outages
cal seniors who are interested in further study at a Christiansen after the loss of their sons to a battle with a Generac
college or credentialing agency in the eld of social against opioids. home standby
work, mental health and/or substance use (addic- generator
tion). e awardees were nominated either by their Drug Crisis in Our Backyard promotes awareness
guidance counselors or the school’s scholarship com- of the rampant use of drugs in the community, as- REQUEST A FREE QUOTE!
mittees. sists those at risk and their families, continues to im-
plement measures, including legislation that holds 877 516 1160
e other 2021 award winners are: accountable organizations and medical institutions
• Brewster High School: Taylor Ottly that perpetuate drug use through over-prescription FREE
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• Yorktown: Giliana Miranda e goal of the organization is to expand the A $695 Value!
number of schools receiving awards in 2022. O er valid February 15 - June 6, 2021
e board of directors and the members of the
organization send congratulations and well wishes Article courtesy of Drug Crisis in our Backyard
for continued success in all endeavors in the years

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Page 20 The Somers Record – Th
Joel Chr
Fore! M
e Somers Education Gorm
Foundation held their 21st an- Steve Flagg, Rich Porco, Ed Angelini, and Michael Kulp, Art D’Estrada, John Ja
nual golf outing on ursday, Rich Joline Goudey, and Chris Vitale Gorm
June 17 at Anglebrook Golf and S
Club in Lincolndale. e events David Nic
helps to support the organiza- Elliott, Chris
tion’s mission of raising funds Gunderson, Glenn Hintze, Jeff Feldman, Andrew
for projects that enrich the edu- John Brooks, Feldman, and Michael Sadek Rosoff
cational experience of Somers and Paul
students. Marchiano Michael
Fiorillo, Bobby

Joe Conti,

and Dominic

Evans Kileen, Jim Mongello,
Jason Klatsky, Brandon
Nils Almquist, and
Drew Marks Smith, Nick
and Jason Smith


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Thursday, June 24, 2021 LEISURE The Somers Record – Page 29

CLUES ACROSS 31. Friend 54. Not in the know 27. French wine grape
1. College group 33. Country music legend 56. African antelope 29. Football stat (abbr.)
5. Small morsels of food Haggard 58. Popular tech (abbr.) 30. Sound unit
11. Actress Dunham 34. Curved 59. Baseball teams get three 31. Where you sleep
12. Puts a limit on 38. More deformed of them 32. University of Dayton
16. Used for baking or drying 39. Bleated 60. Make up one’s mind 33. Miller beer offering
17. Commercial 40. Set on its end 63. __ Spumante (Italian 34. Feel embarrassed
18. Zookeeper Bindi 43. An aspect of Ra wine) 35. Able to be estimated
19. Walk in one’s sleep 44. Releasing hormone 64. Martens 36. Commune in NW France
24. The Great Lakes State (abbr.) 65. Susan and Tom are two 37. Adult female chicken
25. Winter sport 45. Harsh, grating noise 38. Intergovernmental
26. A thin layer on something 49. __ Francisco CLUES DOWN organization
27. Peacock network 50. Common Japanese 1. Excessively showy 40. Archaic term for until
28. Give birth to a lamb or kid surname 2. Put an end to 41. That which is not
29. “Too Scared to Cry” 51. Punish with an arbitrary 3. Blood disorder sacred
author penalty 4. Ingredient in wine 42. Sound made in speech
30. Nose 53. Football position (abbr.) 5. Shellfish 44. Handgun (slang)
6. Made smaller 45. Fill up again
7. We 46. Evoke or awaken
8. The Treasure State 47. Beam Me Up, __!
9. __ Ekland, actress 48. Spider wasp genus
10. Male parent 50. Headdress
13. One hundredth of a 51. Exclamation of surprise
watt (abbr.) 52. Of I
14. Dish of minced 54. Figures
meat 55. Men’s fashion For puzzle solutions, please see
15. Smothered laugh accessories
20. Article 57. Indicates position
21. Atomic #12 61. Megabyte
22. Small parrot 62. The Prairie State
23. Fictional “Star
Wars” planet

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

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Page 30 – The Somers Record Thursday, June 24, 2021

Movin’ On Up! Amanda Guardino Layla O’Neill
Jane Guardino Sophie Padovani
CONGRATULATIONS Michael Abrams Paige Cronin Joseph Guerrido Katherine Papa
Samantha Abzun John Paul Cuesta Eliana Hametz Samuel Parsons
Adrianna Adelmann Peter Curanovic Sara Hanford Gabriella Paucar
Gentiana Ademaj Benjamin Cutler Benjamin Harris
Natalia Antonecchia Gri n Hechler Olivia Peck
Simon Daley Noah Hechler Ryder Pelkey
Julia Aquilino Claire Daly Justin Hidalgo John Penzo
Julia Arbelaez Mayank Dave Isabella Hirsch Kelan Perez
Heather Arena Luke DeBellis Lou Hochman Andrew Petrini
Michael Arena Deanna DeCamp Emelia Hogan Angelina Pineiro
Luke Armstrong Jazlyn DeJesus Annie Hopper Hiroto Plugh
Chelsea Denny Isabelle Pollaro
Lia Babon Gabriella DiFilippo Garrett Humbert Frank Quituisaca
Nicholas Bachas Adriana DiGiacomo Lauren Iacovino Alexander Ramirez
Valentina Baldo James DiLuna Miguel Iglesias Matteo Ramirez
John Barbagallo Joseph DiScala Sydney Ingraham Gabriella Randazzo
Dean Barlanti Caitlin Dixson Ava Renne
Alexandra Bartasek Gianna Doherty Jailyn Juarbe Dukagjin Rexhepi
Emma Barton Haylie Donovan Andrew Kapica Andersson Reyes Herrarte
Matthew Battaglia Andonia Doukakis Morgan Kau man Andrew Reynolds
Nina Bensabeur Luke Du y Tristan Kavanagh Tiana Righetti
Derian Berisha Amanda Dustin Maren Kellock Jason Rivilis
Patrick Bracelin Curtis Dustin Matthew Robles
Peter Brennan Joseph Dwyer Mason Kelly Logan Ruby
Willow Browne Angelina Eade Sean Kelly Mia Sandolo
Matthew Eberhart Catherine Kerins Philip Santore
Ryan Brush Christian Falciglia Zachary Kessler Julia Schmidberger
Robert Burke Brooke Fazio Maximus Khorram Samuel Seagrist
So a Calandrucci Tyler Fazio John King
Abigail Cancel Emily Feeney Cassandra Klang Olivia See
Hayden Carbonaro Joshua Feldman Seth Klayman Jack Senatore
Madelaine Carey Rosalina Filippelli Jocelyn Klein Matthew Shehadeh
Sydney Carnow Yesenia Florez Morgan Klempner Jack Siciliano
Rhys Carway Jackson Frankie Madison Kourakos Benjamin Silk
Elena Casimir Emma Friedberg Dillon Kuchinsky Addison Silva
Michael Chandler Diego Gallardo Cristobal Ryleigh LaRegina Kayla Simoncini
Maximino Chanlatte Brenna Garrity Gianni Latella Sophia Sinanaj
Sebastian Chao Kailyn Garrity John Leary
Daniel Cho John Gilbert Margaux Levinger-Louie Lia Sofko
Gia Ciccone Russell Girolamo Sadie Like Olivia Soto
Keira Cleary Emilio Giron Gabriel Lippolis Christopher Spano
Dana Cohen Padraig Go Rebecca Lippolis HeatherRose Spears
Emma Gordon Logan Lobasso Traian Stor
Ty Colella Anthony Gregorio Daniel LoParrino Kristen Strang
Lauren Comunale Amanda Grillo Devindra Lukee Simon Szabo
Adrianna Cooke Gianna Guaragna Brendan Lyle Natalia Tellez
Aidan Coolican Ella MacSweeney Mark Tengstrom
Juliana Ma ei Maeve Tobin
Kayla Coviello Aiden Maguire Hyugo Todo
Gabriella Crecco Sean Maguire Evan Tomasulo
Lyla Mancini Kayla Tompkins
William Marcus Alyssa Tucci
McKinley Marsh Emily U er
Andrew Marzella Luka Uljaj
Matthew May eld Gabriella Valderrama
Karolina Mazurowska Conner Van Tassell
Julia McCartin Leah Venturini
Landon McCutchen Ava Vinci
Aidan McMahon Lorenzo Viscogliosi
Jenna McMahon Mikayla Wallace
Devin McMaster London Walsh
Matthew Mignardi Kayla Warycha
Eliana Miller Isabella Weinfeld
Emily Mladenovic Lance Weinlein
Rylie Mohan Tessa Weinstein
Timothy Monahan Aaron Went
Emma Monteleone Madison Whipple
Victoria Morel Brianna White
Michael Morrissey Makeda Wiggins
Samuel Moschides Teagan Wiggins
Abigail Muir Charlotte Wilke-Olsen
McKenna Mullins Eliza Wilke-Olsen
Madelynn Murphy Shannon Williams
Martina Nicora Ellis Wintle
Daniel Nikac Violet Wintle
Brady Nolan Victor Yozzo



Thursday, June 24, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 31



We are so proud of you!


on graduating SMS
& high school bound!

We are so very
proud of all
that you have

WillowTo all the SMS graduates,

enjoy your well earned
summer break!

Mom, Sean, Grandma & Jenna XOXO

SOMERS MIDDLE SCHOOL We love you to the
Moon and back.
Stay sweet, stay fierce
and most importantly
stay just the way you are.

Mom, Dad, Taylor, Nanny & Poppy


Page 32 – The Somers Record Thursday, June 24, 2021


Congratulations Mason! We are so very
proud of you & your accomplishments.
Take pride in how far you’ve come,
have faith in how far you can go, and

Mom, Dad & Gavin




We're very proud
of all of your

Mom, Dad & Robbie



Thursday, June 24, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 33



Congratulations on your
8th grade graduation.

-Mama, Papa and Reagan
Love you and are
so proud of you!



Page 34 – The Somers Record Thursday, June 24, 2021

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations on all your
MATTHEW this year!

We love you and are very proud of you! WE COULDN'T BE MORE PROUD!
Love, Mom, Dad & Jake
Love, Mom, Dad, Reese and Gus Gus

on making us proud
each and every day.

Happy High School!

With Love
Today and Always-
Mom, Dad, Michael,

Emmy & Bodhi




Thursday, June 24, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 35

CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations Catie Kerins
on your 8th grade graduation!
We’re so proud of you. Good luck
to you and the Class of 2025!



Page 36 – The Somers Record Thursday, June 24, 2021

CONGRATULATIONS Juliana We are all
incredibly proud
We are so proud of you of you Joshua,
and we can’t wait for you and know you will
to start the next chapter in have great success
your life. Good luck at SHS! in High School.
We love you.
Mazel tov!
Mom, Dad,
Sarah & Giada Love,
Mom, Dad,

and CJ.

Congratulations on your graduation!
Kayla Warycha

Wishing you and the Keep working hard and
class of 2025 good strive for success.
luck in high school!

We love you!
Mom, Dad, Alexa & Zack

SOMERS MIDDLE SCHOOL Julia McCartin, Sydney Ingraham, Jocelyn Klein, McKenna Mullins,
Madison Whipple, Sophie Padovani, Lyla Mancini


Thursday, June 24, 2021 The Somers Record – Page 37

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Page 38 – The Somers Record LEGAL NOTICES Thursday, June 24, 2021

Notice of Formation of HRright, Notice of Formation of House of Notice of Formation of a Limited Great grad!
LLC. Articles of Organization filed Alexander, LLC. Articles of Liability Company (LLC): Name:
with Secretary of State of NY Organization filed with Secretary TWIN BILL FAMILY HOLDINGS At e Harvey School commencement ceremony on June
(SSNY) on 3/16/2021. Office of State of NY (SSNY) on LLC Articles of Organization filed 10, Mia Cornell of Amawalk was the recipient of the prizes
location: Westchester County. 4/29/2021. Office location: with the Secretary of State of New in English, art, and dance while also earning the Scholar-
SSNY designated as agent of LLC Westchester County. SSNY York (SSNY) on 04/30/2021. Artist Award. She will be attending School of the Museum
upon whom process against it designated as agent of LLC upon Office location: Westchester of Fine Arts at Tufts University this fall.
may be served. SSNY should mail whom process against it may be County. SSNY has been
process to; 13 Lake Drive Somers served. SSNY should mail designation as agent of the LLC
NY 10589. Purpose: Any lawful process to; 30 STONEGATE RD upon process against it may be
purpose OSSINING NY 10562. Purpose: served. SSNY shall mail a copy of
Any lawful purpose process to: C/O TWIN BILL
Contact Us Header Solutions LLC, 100 S.
The Somers Record is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Bedford Road, Suite 340, Mount
Suite 100, Mount Kisck, NY 10549. You can contact us at Kisco, 10549. Purpose: Any
914-302-5830 or email [email protected]. Lawful Purpose. Latest date upon
which LLC is to dissolve: No
specific date.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Somers Town Board will hold a Public Hearing on July 8, 2021, at 7:00 NY-PRESBYTERIAN
PM, or as soon thereafter as practical, via Remote Access, to consider the adoption of a resolution approving
the Joint Consolidation Agreement of the Amawalk-Shenorock Water District, the Amawalk Heights Water FROM PAGE 25
District and the Windsor Farms Water District of the Town of Somers to be effective as of January 1, 2022.
  a COVID-19 vaccination, ask your doctor how long you should
A copy of the proposed Joint Consolidation Agreement is available for public inspection and review during the wait before receiving a mammogram. e vaccine can cause swollen
hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday by appointment in the Town Clerk's Office, 335 Route lymph nodes in the underarm, which can lead to false positives for
202, Somers, New York 10589 and on the Town's website. ALL PERSONS HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE breast cancer.
  Out of every 1,000 mammograms, two to four will lead to a breast
Meeting Access details are as follows: cancer diagnosis, according to the ACS. Most of these cancers are
  staged as local disease; however, when breast cancer moves well
View on TV: beyond the breast to other parts of the body—also known as distant
Residents can view the meeting live on the Town's local Cablevision Channel 20 or Comcast Channel 12 breast cancer—ACS says the survival rate is only 28 percent. at’s
(Heritage Hills). why detecting cancer early, when outcomes are more promising, is
  the goal. Plus, patients today have a variety of treatment options to
View on the Internet: choose from and good reason to be hopeful for a positive recovery.
The meeting will be streamed live on the Town of Somers NY YouTube page: “I’m careful to explain things thoroughly to my patients, including
  the di erent courses of action that can be taken to solve the issue,”
Call In during designated time during the meeting to provide comments and ask questions: Dr. Ugras said. “I also listen to my patients’ concerns to make sure
Dial any of the following Zoom phone numbers: they are comfortable with whatever treatment options they choose.”
1 253-215-8782, 1 301-718-8592, 1 312-626-6799, 1 346-248-7799, 1 408-638-0968, 1 646-876-9923, 1 669-
900-6833 To learn about oncology services at NewYork-Presbyterian Hudson
  Valley Hospital Cheryl R. Lindenbaum Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Enter Meeting ID: 599 874 6566 visit or call 914-293-8400. To schedule an
Please wait in the queue for your call to be answered. appointment with Dr. Ugras, call 914-293-8670.
Text comments/questions:
Email comments/questions:
Town Board -- [email protected]

Patricia Kalba, Town Clerk

Dated: June 24, 2021
Somers, New York

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Somers will conduct a public hearing on July 8, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via
Remote Access on the proposed revisions to Town of Somers Comprehensive Plan Update adopted February
11, 2016 with regard to the creation of a new MFR-100 Zoning District in the Town of Somers.
Meeting Access details are as follows:
View on TV:
Residents can view the meeting live on the Town's local Cablevision Channel 20 or Comcast Channel 12
(Heritage Hills).
View on the Internet:
The meeting will be streamed live on the Town of Somers NY YouTube page:
Call In during designated time during the meeting to provide comments and ask questions:
Dial any of the following Zoom phone numbers:
1 253-215-8782, 1 301-718-8592, 1 312-626-6799, 1 346-248-7799, 1 408-638-0968, 1 646-876-9923, 1 669-
Enter Meeting ID: 599 874 6566
Please wait in the queue for your call to be answered.
Text comments/questions:
Email comments/questions:
Town Board -- [email protected]
All persons having an interest in the proposed local law are invited to attend the public hearing and will be
afforded an opportunity to be heard.  A copy of the proposed local law will be made available by contacting the
Office of the Town Clerk during regular business hours.
By Order of the Town Board
of the Town of Somers
Patricia Kalba
Town Clerk
Dated: June 24, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021 CLASSIFIEDS The Somers Record – Page 39

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Page 40 – The Somers Record Thursday, June 24, 2021

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