VOL. 9 NO. 47 Visit TapIntoMahopac.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2019
Home sweet home School officials
pitch million-dollar
security upgrades
e Mahopac High School German Club held its annual gingerbread house contest last
month, which not only created some tasty sculptures, but also collected food items for the local
food bank. Here, Cinderella’s Castle is assembled by the senior team, along with a few fresh- Improvements part of
men who came in to help. e sculpture is a replica of Germany’s Neuschwanstein Castle, also
known as Cinderella’s Castle. For more photos, see the center spread on pages 12 and 13.
Smart School Bond Act
PHOTO: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL BY BOB DUMAS million set aside for Mahopac via the
EDITOR SSBA is 100 percent reimbursable.
anks to the state’s Smart “We get it all back from New
Schools Bond Act (SSBA), secu- York State,” he said.
rity systems in buildings through-
out the Mahopac School District Voters approved the $2 billion
would get more than $1 million SSBA in 2014. Mahopac was al-
in upgrades if Albany approves the located $3.2 million through the
district’s latest spending plan. SSBA to use on technological up-
grades throughout its school build-
In their fth and nal dip into the ings. School o cials opted to use
bond’s $3.2 million allocation for the money over the course of ve
Mahopac, school o cials would like allocations.
to spend $1.2 million to upgrade its
security and surveillance systems. In the rst round, the district set
aside $186,538 to spend on 540
“We have made a lot of advance- touchscreen Chromebooks, plus 18
ments in a very short period of storage/charging carts.
time,” Dr. Greg Stowell, assistant
superintendent for pupil personnel “ at was our rst entry in the
and educational services, told the Google platform,” said Stowell,
board’s Dec. 20 meeting. “Now, we who presented the latest plan with
are proposing to upgrade our video Galit Price, technology coordinator,
surveillance system and add access to the school board.
control and upgrade our visitor-
management system. Right now, In the second SSBA project,
these systems are not integrated.” the district spent $673,060 to
upgrade and expand its wireless
Stowell noted that the entire $3.2 and network infrastructure while
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SPORTS 8 Governor administers
14 oath of o ce.
16 pg 5
The Staff Mahopac She will also discuss some of the Koehler Center, 180 Route 6, and every Monday at 11 a.m. at the
EDITORIAL TEAM Library Events scienti c, sociological and spiritual have fun creating decorations or gifts. Mahopac Friendship Center. Call
BOB DUMAS underpinnings of joy. Registration Crafts class takes place every Tues- Mary White at 845-808-1734.
EDITOR: 845-208-0774 Stu ed Animal Sleepover is requested. Register online at day at 12:30 p.m. call Mary White Boy Scout Troop
[email protected]
Friday, Jan. 11, 5 p.m. For ages 3 www.mahopaclibrary.org, or call at 845-808-1734 with any questions.
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 and older. Wear your pajamas and 845-628-2009, ext. 100. Swing Dance Weekly Meeting
bring your favorite stu ed animal Pasta Making Party
[email protected]
to the library for this slumber party. Tuesday, Jan. 15, 6:30 p.m. is Troop 1 of Mahopac invites all
CORINNE STANTON You and your stu ed animal will workshop will introduce you to Enjoy an evening of swing dance boys 10 years and older ( fth grade
enjoy bedtime stories, sing songs an old-world tradition of making on Friday, Jan 11, 6:30-9:30 p.m., and up) to see what Scouting is
[email protected]
LISA KAIN and then you’ll leave your furry semolina pasta by hand. A short at the Austin Road Elementary all about at Lakeview Elementary
914-351-2424 friend to spend the night at the li- time to learn, a lifetime to enjoy. School, 390 Austin Road, Ma- School, from 7-9 p.m. We meet
[email protected]
brary.Registration is requested; reg- Buon appetito! $5 per person; reg- hopac, starting with a full hour of every Tuesday that school is in ses-
914-202-2392 ister online at www.mahopaclibrary. ister with fee at Mahopac Library’s swing dance lessons with “Crazy sion. No previous Scouting experi-
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY org, or call 845-628-2009, ext. 139. information desk. Feet” Pete Redmon, followed by ence is required! You do not have to
[email protected] Drop-in DIY StoryTime Light Bite Book Group dancing, refreshments and ra es. be a Cub Scout to become a Boy
914-205-4183 Saturday, Jan. 12, 10 a.m. Drop Wednesdays/Mondays, Jan. 16, Just $5 at the door (cash or check Scout.For questions, contact Scout
[email protected]
BRUCE HELLER in at Mahopac Library between 21, 1 p.m. Join us at the Light Bite only). Everyone is welcome – no Master Joe Link 914-760-2574 or
[email protected] 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to read to your Book Group which meets on the snow date. Email mahopacfom@ [email protected].
PRODUCTION TEAM children from a selection of picture third Monday and third Wednes- gmail.com for more information. Computer Classes
books and use the available craft ma- day of each month. New members Senior
PRODUCTION MANAGER terials to create something together. are always welcome. e January e Putnam County Computer
[email protected] Stop by the Youth Services desk at read is “Woman in the Window” Entertainers Sought
the library for more information, or by A.J. Finn; pick up a copy at the
ASST PRODUCTION MANAGER call 845-628-2009, ext. 139. library’s circulation desk. e Retired Senior Volun- Learning Center for Seniors holds
914-214-4285 e Path to Happiness Crafts at teer Program (RSVP) is seek- registration the rst ursday of
[email protected] Sunday, Jan. 13, 2 p.m. Rabbi ing volunteers to use their voice every month from 9:30-11 a.m. for
EXECUTIVE TEAM Gold will explore paths to happi- Koehler Center and dance skills for entertaining computer classes at the William
BRETT FREEMAN ness, including practicing forgive- in nursing and veteran homes
ness, gratitude, and meditation. SEE MUSINGS PAGE 4
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 Come join us at the Mahopac in he area. e group practiced
[email protected]
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Senior Center raises funds to fight Alzheimer’s
is fall, the Mahopac Koehler Senior Center held its annual Alzheimer’s Mini-Walk and raised funds to support the campaign against Alzheimer’s. Twenty-four of
the center’s seniors participated in the event. e top four fundraisers were Jean Haas, Marie Broughton, Felicia Gruber and Marie Olivier. e center saluted seniors who
participated in the walk and helped raise funds to advance the search for a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.
Senior fundraiser Marie Olivier with Tina Eckert and Mary White
Tina Eckert of the Alzheimer’s Association, left,
with senior fundraiser Marie Broughton
From left, Mary White, Putnam County Retired Senior Volunteer
Program director; Jean Haas, top senior fundraiser; Tina Eckert
from the Alzheimer’s Association
Senior fundraiser Felicia Gruber, left, with Tina Eckert and Mary White
This year’s participants in the Alzheimer’s Mini-Walk
MUSINGS Volunteer communities and to continue Here is a list of meetings and other events in the
FROM PAGE 4 coming weeks for the town of Carmel government
Drivers Needed to lead ful lling lives. Rides are and the Mahopac School District. Times are subject to
typically to medical and dental change.
Koehler Senior Center, 180 Can you spare a little time to appointments, grocery shopping
Wednesday, Jan. 16
Route 6 in Mahopac. In all, there make a di erence in the life of and other errands. Give the gift Meeting starts at 7 p.m., Town Hall, 60 McAlpin
Ave., Mahopac
are 13 di erent computer classes, an older adult? RideConnect, a of mobility and independence. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ZBA
including genealogy, basic com- program of Family Services of No minimum commitment. ursday, Jan. 24
Meetings start at 7:30 p.m., Town Hall, 60 McAlpin
puter, tablets and phones. A free Westchester, is an information, Match trips to your schedule. Ave., Mahopac
drop-in session is o ered every referral and volunteer transpor- Rides can be set up by phone or
ursday, Jan. 17
Friday afternoon from 12:30- tation program for adults ages on-line. Your family members, Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.; Falls School, 100 Myrtle
Ave., Mahopac Falls
2:30 p.m. for help with phones 60-plus who can no longer drive. young and old, can ride along. RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE
and tablets. A description of the We seek volunteer drivers who For more information, go to ursday Feb. 7
Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m., Sycamore Park clubhouse
classes can be found at: www.put- are willing to provide occasional rideconnectwestchester.org,
namrsvp.com/clc/. Registration rides to our older adult neigh- call 914-242-7433, or email
must be in person. For more info, bors. ese rides enable our [email protected]. Visit www.Ride
call Judy Kolt at 845-277-5422. clients to remain active in their Connect Westchester.org.
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Harckham sworn in as new state senator
Gov. Cuomo administers oath of o ce
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER tor for 12 years, stepped down in vision.” he said. “I can’t remember when PHOTO: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR 2015 to join Cuomo’s administra- Harckham, the governor said, trash talking started passing for
tion, serving as assistant direc- governing and legislation, but we Peter Harckham
In May, reports surfaced that tor of the O ce of Community “Is going to be in the middle of need to start changing the tone
Gov. Andrew Cuomo had lob- Renewal. He also had a stint with that crusade and leading that cru- and that will start today.” ‘I can’t remember when
bied his former sta er, Pete the New York ruway Author- sade.” trash talking started
Harckham, to run for the 40th ity, for which he was director of Harckham had a message for passing for governing
State Senate District against two- intergovernmental a airs for the After Cuomo lead the swear- local leaders who are used to and legislation, but we
term incumbent, Terrence Mur- New NY Bridge Project (the Gov. ing-in ceremony, the newly working with Republican state need to start changing
phy, a Republican from Yorktown. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge). minted state senator reiterated his senators. the tone and that will
agenda for 2019, which includes start today.’
Seven months later, Cuomo, a “I have con dence that in two passing legislation that tackles “First and foremost, to my lo-
New Castle resident who hap- years, when [Harckham] comes the issues of gun safety (Red Flag cal colleagues in government, it –State Sen. Pete Harckham
pens to be one of Harckham’s back to the people of the 40th Bill), family planning (Reproduc- doesn’t matter whether you’re a District 40
most prominent constituents, District [for re-election], he will tive Health Act) and child abuse Republican or a Democrat or
administered the oath of o ce be able to say that the state of (Child Victims Act). what the makeup of your towns
to his friend at Peekskill High New York has done more for the are, I work for you,” Harckham
School. 40th District than it is ever done “ ose are going to be moving said. “And I cannot be successful
in the history of the State of New very quickly,” Harckham said. He unless all of you are successful. It’s
Harckham’s victory over Mur- York. Period,” Cuomo said. also promised “common-sense not about me imposing some vi-
phy, one of eight Republican-held gun safety, election reform and, sion on your municipality. It’s me
seats to be ipped in November, With the backing of two for the rst time in a long time, a being a support service to you and
gave Democrats control of the Democratic-controlled houses, real conversation about universal what you’re trying to accomplish.”
New York State Senate for the Cuomo, who won a third term in health care in New York.”
November, laid out an ambitious Cuomo said the people of the
rst time in a decade, e New agenda this legislative session. Both Cuomo and Harckham Hudson Valley have a “great team”
York Times reported. also touched on the issue of im- working for them.
“We’re going to stand up for migration. Cuomo said the feder-
In their initial conversation last women’s rights, who have been al government is “spreading can- “We have Shelley Mayer (Sen-
spring, Harckham, a Democrat disrespected by the federal gov- cer” by using the “old and ugly” ate District 37), and David Buch-
from South Salem, responded by ernment,” Cuomo said. “We’re strategy of divide and conquer. wald (Assembly District 93), and
telling Cuomo “something really going to stand up for the rights of Steve Otis (Assembly District
smart.” the LGBTQ community, which Harckham said he would also 91), and Sandy Galef (Assembly
has been disrespected by this ad- like his o ce to set a positive District 95), and Kevin Byrne
“He said he had to check with ministration. And we’re going to tone. (Assembly District 94),” Cuomo
his family,” Cuomo told the set a tone of unity rather than di- said. “I’m excited about what
crowded auditorium. “ ose of who govern and have they’re going to do together.”
been given the opportunity to
Harckham, a county legisla- govern, need to govern humbly,”
Police make arrest Mahopac man accused of
in video game arson at Yorktown park pool
store robbery
Fire caused approximately $28,000 in damages
BY BOB DUMAS tion by detectives, including BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER degree arson, a Class A misdemeanor; and
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR third-degree criminal trespass, a Class B mis-
EDITOR interviews with the victim and demeanor.
Two Putnam County men, including a Ma-
witnesses, police said, they were hopac resident, have been accused of causing Todd Orlowski, superintendent of the
about $28,000 in damage at the Shrub Oak Parks and Recreation Department, said plastic
Carmel police have arrested a able to identify the vehicle used Memorial Park pool and were charged with lounge chairs, umbrellas and other equipment
felony criminal mischief, according to the were placed in a garbage can and set on re.
Mahopac man and charged him to ee the scene. Subsequently, Yorktown Police Department.
e re spread and damaged the concrete pool
with several felonies related to they identi ed Pesiri as a person Police said they pulled over Jarod Sangalli, deck and the drainage system that ran along-
19, at 10:25 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 21, for an al- side it. Also destroyed were lap lanes and the
the robbery of the Video Games of interest. Later, detectives ex- leged tra c violation. During the stop, O cer lap lane reel, which the swimming teams use,
James Hannigan recognized Sangalli as a sus- Orlowski said.
Plus on Clark Place on Dec. 1. ecuting a search warrant, police pect in the Sept. 6 arson at the park, in which
he is accused of starting a re that caused Replacing the equipment and repairing the
Anthony Pesiri, 43, was arrest- said, recovered evidence related extensive damage to the pool area and the damage, ballparked by Orlowski to be about
equipment. Sangalli graduated from Lakeland $28,000, will be paid for through insurance,
ed on Friday, Jan. 4, and charged to the robbery. High School in 2017. Orlowski said, though it did create headaches
for his department.
with third-degree robbery, as- Carmel police o cers, con- Hannigan called Det. Brian Shanahan to
the scene and Sangalli was arrested. “We had to do a lot of legwork to get the
sault with a weapon and rst- ducting a felony tra c stop, ar- equipment,” Orlowski said. “It was a substan-
A second suspect, 20-year-old Brandon tial amount of damage.”
degree criminal use of a rearm, rested Pesiri and brought their Gonzalez, of Kings Ridge Road, Mahopac,
was pulled over by Carmel police around Yorktown Town Justice Gary Raniolo set
all Class B felonies, and petit lar- suspect to Carmel police head- 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 2, on Baldwin bail for Sangalli at $5,000 bond or $2,500
Place Road in Mahopac. Carmel police con- cash, and he was remanded to Westchester
ceny, a Class A misdemeanor. quarters without incident. He tacted Yorktown police, who placed Gonzalez County Jail before posting bail. He was due
under arrest. back in Yorktown Justice Court on ursday,
Police gave this account: Pesiri was held at the Putnam County Jan. 3.
Both men were charged with second-degree
went into the store and pointed correctional facility in lieu of criminal mischief, a Class D felony; fth- Gonzalez was arraigned by Yorktown Town
Justice Sal Lagonia and was released without
what appeared to be a black $100,000 bail. bail. He was due back in court on Jan. 8.
handgun toward the clerk, de- Carmel detectives said they
manding that he open his cash have linked Pesiri to other larce-
drawer. When the clerk refused, nies, grand larcenies and criminal
police say, Pesiri hit him in the acts in the town.
head and upper arm with the gun Police are asking anyone with
several times, causing cuts and information about this crime or
bruises, then grabbed the cash others to contact the Carmel Po-
register himself. Police say Pesiri lice Department’s detective divi-
ed the store, toting the register sion at 845-628-1300. All calls,
as he ran. police said, will be kept con den-
After an extensive investiga- tial.
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SECURITY Each exterior and interior space is mapped 600 Bank Road Jeferson Valley • (914) 250-2750 • www.clubft.com
for IP cameras. And operators will be able to
control who, when and where people access
increasing the bandwidth. It also purchased the building. ere will be automatic alerts
540 Chromebooks and some storage/charg- when doors are left ajar. Hundreds of door
ing carts. In the third round, $196,704 was contacts will be monitored for these door-
used to purchase 600 touchscreen Chrome- ajar noti cations. ere will be instantaneous
books and storage/charging carts. e fourth alarms on exterior doors for lockdowns and
allocation saw the district buy 2,470 more lockouts.
Chromebooks for $899,400 as part of the “We are putting hundreds of more door
Technology 4 All Initiative. contacts through the buildings and it will au- Tennis
tomatically let us know if we’ve left the door 6 tennis
THE NEW AND FINAL PROPOSAL ajar for too long,”said Price.“If there is ever a
WOULD INCLUDE: lockdown or lockout,everything kind of talks Aquatics
• New video surveillance system to each other and the doors get automatically 2 indoor
• Access controls locked.”
• New visitor management system e system also meets compliance man-
• New intrusion system dates for the collection and auditing of visi-
“We do have video, but it is antiquated,” tor data. It will screen against felony and sex
Stowell said. o ender watch lists and improve security by
With this new video surveillance system, identifying who is in a facility quickly and ac-
the operator can click on a person on one curately—all integrated into the districtwide
monitor and it will search/ nd similar im- security system.
ages of that person on any of the other moni- Stowell noted that the Smart School Bond
tors in the system. Act has a review board that must approve
“What we are doing is not only increasing Mahopac’s plan before the district can move
the capabilities of our security systems,but we forward. He said that could take anywhere PTerarsinoinnagl
are also increasing the number of cameras by from 12 to 18 months. fMreaecchliansesse&s
58 percent,”Stowell said.“ e coverage is go- “But we are hoping for the short-end of
ing to be greatly expanded as well as the reso- that,”he said.“We are going to try everything Group
lution of the pictures that we are going to see.” we can do on our end to expedite it.”
‘What we are doing is not only increasing the capabilities
of our security systems, but we are also increasing the number & receive $25 in club cash!
of cameras by 58 percent.’ *New memberships only. Not to be combined with any other offers. Offer expires 1/31/19.
- Dr. Greg Stowell
Assistant Superintendent
‘Trump Air’ for sale Whither Syria
and the Kurds?
According to the Ameri- HERE promulgated in 2011, by stating
can Lung Associa- AND that the changes would prevent Three weeks back, a LIFE,
tion, over 150 million NOW! thousands of deaths and save nonstop fest of media HEALTH,
Americans live in areas where tens of billions of dollars. By denunciations and POLITICS
smog and soot particles lead to BERNIE 2016, all American industry had disbelief poured forth from
unhealthy levels of pollution. KOSBERG complied. the airwaves. Once the news MARA
For almost half of all Americans, broke about Trump’s decision SCHIFFREN
simply breathing can be danger- fetal brain development. Under Trump, the newly- to pull 2000 US troops out of
ous. Americans are more discour- appointed administrator for Syria which, in turn, led to the In the days before Christmas,
the EPA, Andrew Wheeler—a precipitate resignation of De- a sort of mild chaos reigned
Polluted air makes our eyes aged about the quality of the former coal-industry lobby- fense Secretary James Mattis, in the media world, as stocks
burn, irritates our nose and environment than they have ist—not only disagrees, but has the rain of blame fell non-stop. continued tumbling and Gen-
throat, and makes breathing been in years and are convinced begun to reverse the Obama-era eral Mattis – seen as a stabiliz-
more di cult for children and that it is getting worse. A rules. Stating that the health e AP referred to Trump ing force par excellence in the
adults with asthma. It aggravates growing majority—62 percent, bene ts of restricting mercury as “stun(ning) his Cabinet, administration –resigned from
health problems for the elderly according to Gallup’s annual En- and related particulate matter lawmakers and much of the o ce as Secretary of Defense.
and stresses those with heart vironment Survey—believe that are outweighed by the regula- world,” when he pivoted from
or respiratory disease. Not only government is doing too little tion’s cost, the Obama rules his talking points and agreed to roughout the Washington-
does contaminated air cause to protect the environment; and have been pointedly weakened. withdraw from Syria in a phone New York corridor, it was
damage to our lungs, but it that protecting the environment “ e fact that you’re cleaning call with Turkish President raining so heavily, there were
increases the risk of cancer, birth should be a priority, even at the up these other pollutants, these Recep Tayyip Erdogan.”
defects, brain and nerve damage. risk of curbing economic growth. oods everywhere. e gloom
ne particles that lead to heart His major change in policy outside contributed heavily
According to the American is majority also believes that and lung disease, those are what was characterized collectively as to the general atmosphere of
Lung Association’s State of the government should promote and you would call co-bene ts, they impulsive by the media. Was wrack and ruin.
Air report card and several pub- support solar and wind power are incidental, and they’re not this characterization true? I am
lished reports, Putnam County and require higher emissions and directly tied to mercury. And so, sure there are many that it did Since then I’ve snapped
has one of the highest levels of pollution standards for industry. we should exclude those alto- shock. e sources cited by the out of the gloom and doom
particulate and ozone pollution gether.” AP names “US o cials.” But and rallied, just like the stock
and, in addition, the quality of Over the course of its time in the article is not more speci c market. Instead of instantly
the air we breathe continues to o ce, the Trump administration Interestingly, the power-plant than that. Clearly, these were condemning Trump’s move, I’m
deteriorate. In New York and, for has announced that the U.S. will industry is opposed to this not o cials who were privy to trying to analyze what he was
that matter, the entire Northeast, not participate in the Paris Cli- reversal of policy by the EPA. Trump’s positionings on these thinking when he agreed to
air pollution doesn’t just threaten mate Accord; has disemboweled issues. In point of fact, he had this change. I also have some
our health, it impairs the envi- the EPA, rolling back numerous ey want to keep the Obama- been talking about getting out of di erent assumptions than
ronment. Toxic air pollutants, e orts to protect the environ- era rules in place because they Syria for over eight months. It other commentators. ey are:
acid rain and ground-level ozone ment; and has aggressively ad- have already spent the money to is not his fault that experts were Trump is not a complete idiot.
damage crops, weaken trees, and vanced its support of fossil fuel clean up their plants and would dismissive of that desire. And And he thinks like a disruptor,
poison lakes and other bodies of energy sources, especially coal. consider it a competitive disad- preferred the Pentagon’s plans. not in straight lines like a con-
water, harming sh and vulner- vantage if suddenly things were ventional foreign policy expert.
able wildlife. And, just last week, Trump reversed, and they had to take One thing we have learned Or like a Field Marshall the
signi cantly weakened a signa- those scrubbers o . ey also since this change in policy oc- way Mattis does.
According to researchers from ture Obama-era rule on mercury want to avoid the legal rami ca- curred was there was far more
MIT, air pollution in this coun- emissions from coal- red power tions for contaminating the air daylight between the White ere are a few rules of
try causes over 200,000 early plants. Mercury is a powerful we breathe. House and the Pentagon disruption that Trump operates
deaths each year, along with an neurotoxin that accumulates in than was commonly reported. with primarily:
overwhelming number of emer- our lungs and is also ingested by What the hell is going on Trump ran for o ce on getting
gency department visits and hos- the sh and meat we eat. Mer- here? Well, only 15 percent of the US out of overseas con- 1) He has no issue with up-
pital admissions. Unsurprisingly, cury poses a substantial risk to Republicans agree that the qual- setting the status quo if he sees
auto emissions and coal/oil- red adults and is especially harmful ity of the environment is wors- icts and never envisaged the it as advantageous, even when
power plants are the greatest to infants and unborn children ening, and Trump plays not only move into Syria as long last- it upset the experts. Heck,
contributors—responsible for as their brains develop. to his base, but to the “almighty ing. Whereas Mattis preferred especially when it upsets the
50 percent of the total emissions buck.” So, sometime in the to keep our troops engaged in experts.
of mercury, which is particularly Under Obama, the Envi- near future, there’ll not only be Syria for the long haul, lending
dangerous to children. Almost 7 ronmental Protection Agency Trump casinos, towers, hotels, protection to our Kurdish allies 2) He will upset the status
percent of women of childbear- (EPA) ordered power plants and golf courses; sham universi- and keeping Iran forcibly boxed quo in particular when he
ing age in this country—more to limit mercury and other ties; steak, wine, and vodka, but in, so it was not able to expand
than 4 million—are exposed to analogous pollutants. It justi- the newest product— “Trump its reach. SEE SCHIFFREN PAGE 9
mercury at levels harmful for Air”—for sale.
ed implementing those rules,
Find it on your supermarket
shelves later this year.
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SCHIFFREN have already paid billions upon bought into that ploy hook, line have fewer reservations about Mara Schi ren, PhD, is a writer,
billions for these e orts in both and sinker because it allowed this change in policy. Let’s not certi ed functional medicine
FROM PAGE 8 Iraq and Afghanistan, some of them a new angle in their ongo- forget the whole civilized world health coach and certi ed Clear
which has already had to be ing quest to bash Trump. owes the Kurds a huge debt of Beliefs coach. You can reach her at
notices that the US is con- rebuilt. gratitude for their ght against mara.schi [email protected]
sistently paying for things it Now that Trump has guar- the primitive horrors of ISIS.
doesn’t have to and it works Finally, Trump is now plan- anteed safety to the Kurds, I
against the advantage of the US ning on a slow and coordinated
to continue to do so. withdrawal from Syria. e Replacing scores of
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Trump tweeted gleefully that ing the world media to get an Aardvark Insurance
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Later, though, it became clear Middle East. And to downplay 845.208.3707 • 845.225.1007
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$100 million, had already been is necessary for helping to stale- [email protected]
agreed to. (Saudi Arabia, in mate Iran.
addition, has sent and will send The Carmel Aardvark Insurance office is merged with the Mahopac office
more troops to the Kurdish area But Trump needs Saudi effective November 25, 2015.
of Syria to make up for depart- Arabia as a viable player in order
ing US troops.) to foster a sensible balance of
power in the Middle East and
Having Saudi Arabia nance keep Iran contained. Let’s also
much of the reconstruction not forget that since the 2016
seems like an eminently sensible “Turkish coup,” Erdogan has
principle to me. In the after- imprisoned more journalists
math of close to three decades than any other country on earth.
of close American involvement Not exactly a spotless leader!
in the Middle East, the less Khashoggi was always just a use-
money we have to continue ful ploy for him. Unfortunately,
fork over for reconstruction, much of the American media
the better. Particularly, as we
How important is spelling?
STRONG horrible spelling, but once he if your son has mild, or maybe the meantime, here are two tips vowel blends, consonant blends,
LEARNING transitioned to the computer, not so mild, dysgraphia, a to tell your son when he heads etc. and even then, there are so
we never thought about it again. writing disorder. Two of the o to college: many words that simply don’t
DR. LINDA I know this may be a ridiculous most outstanding symptoms make any sense, even for people
SILBERT question, but should we encour- of dysgraphia are the ones you • As far as writing is con- who spell well. For example,
age him to decline his reach describe—poor spelling and cerned, use computers as much why is there a “k” in know?
Dear Dr. Linda, schools if he is accepted? How handwriting. Since dysgraphia as possible. is will allow him Why is there a “gh” in light? As
Our son just sent in his last will he keep up if he can’t spell is not curable, most children to bene t from apps such as everyone knows, the English
anything and his handwriting is and adults have just learned to spelling and grammar checks, language today is made up of so
college application. What an illegible? work around it. at’s obviously freeing him from some of the many other languages and rules
ordeal that was! But it’s done. what your son has done, and he mechanical parts of writing. If that it makes it very di cult to
I must say, I was pretty proud Joan and Will seems to have done it quite well. a paper needs to be handwrit- be a good speller even if you’ve
of him as we completed each If it had been caught earlier, he ten—which probably won’t inherited “good spelling” genes.
application and sent it o . Dear Joan and Will, may have been classi ed with happen—tell him to dictate it
However, my husband and I are If your son is admitted to a a writing disability and given to someone. at person can Again, since your son has
a little concerned that if he is accommodations. then write or type the text. If he done well enough in school to
accepted into one of his “reach” school he would like to attend, needs to turn in the nal paper consider applying to high-end
schools, he’ll struggle. Here’s and it seems like a good match If he had applied to college in longhand, he can copy the colleges, he’s already developed
why. His handwriting and spell- for him, regardless of whether as a learning-disabled applicant written version. Tell him that it compensatory strategies for
ing are atrocious. it is a reach school or not, he and was accepted as such, he will be useful to place a sticky- dealing with his issues with
should go there. Don’t worry would have received accom- note above the line being copied handwriting and spelling.
When he was in elemen- about his spelling and handwrit- modations at college. However, so he can stay on track. Chances are they’ll serve him
tary school, you couldn’t read ing. If he has achieved success to since he didn’t, he most likely well in college too.
anything he wrote because the point that he can realistically won’t. • As far as spelling is con-
of poor letter formation and apply to high-end schools, his cerned, use spell check! e Good luck,
spelling and handwriting haven’t Again, if he is accepted at his good news for poor spellers is Dr. Linda
gotten in his way. reach school(s) and it’s a good that it doesn’t have to be a prob-
match for him, go with it. In lem anymore. Even though it Dr. Linda is co-author of
With that said, it sounds as may take a little longer to spell a “Why Bad Grades Happen
word correctly using electronics, to Good Kids,” and director
Experienced it works. For someone to be- of Strong Learning Tutoring
come a good speller, if it doesn’t and SAT/ACT Test Prep.
CRIMINAL DEFENSE come naturally, they must learn Send your questions to Linda@
rules associated with vowels, stronglearning.com.
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208-8151 or email [email protected].
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A matter of love
When my telephone spectacular view of Manhattan. OF HUMAN was 13 years old. My father was wanted to do was hurt me, or
rang at 3 o’clock in It sits on top of the Jersey Pali- INTEREST reading a magazine and I began anyone else.
the morning, I grog- sades. I remembered once being peppering the cover with lefts
gily imagined all the possibilities. there to play in a hockey game. LORENZO and rights, begging him to box Gail’s son, Lewis, came home.
Unless a birth, it’s never good Our team needed a police escort GARO with me. Of course, he started He seemed like a typically mo-
news. Someone has died, been to get from the ice arena to to get annoyed, but I persisted rose teenager, untrusting of me
in an accident, or, worse, desper- our bus. It’s that kind of place: after being placed in a kiln. It’d in goading him. for sure. His baseball cap was
ately needs money—like for bail. densely populated, a jungle of been a Christmas present. But worn backwards, long, sparse
humanity toughened by city since it could not be nished in “You’re not ready for me,”he said. whisker hairs sprouted from his
e call was coming from a life—a million miles away from time, I decided to give it to my I wouldn’t stop. Finally, he pimply chin. He said hello, life-
number in Texas. Yes, I was the Lake Mahopac. father the way it was, a colorless placed down the magazine, lessly, then disappeared into the
person for whom the caller was piece of plaster worth about ve stood up, raised his hands, and next room.
looking. I’d almost forgotten that Gail was the spitting image of dollars. I promised him that it peered out at me with one eye
I had a half-sister. Her name was my Aunt eresa. I placed a box would look beautiful after I had behind his sts, as if he was “Kids,” Gail gave as a way of
Gail; I’d never seen or spoken to it painted. He looked at it as if back in the ring. He only jabbed an explanation.
her. She’s was 27 years old and lled with photos, some in al- it was a Michelangelo. He loved at me lightly, but his hands
had an 8-year-old son named bums never nished, along with Jesus the way he was. were so fast, I couldn’t even see I told Gail that she could
Lewis. Gail called to ask about a few artifacts from my father’s them. en he feinted with his keep the box of photos, plaster
her father—our father—whom life, on top of a well-worn glass Gail works as a home health- left, down came my guard. He Jesus included. Maybe Jesus was
she’d never met. It seemed a co ee table. I found a photo of care aid. ey are poor, her and poked me in the nose. I quickly better without the glossy nish.
relief to her that he’d died not my Aunt eresa to show Gail. Lewis, no man around to help felt the warm metallic taste of I’ve always wondered why he
long after she was born. them. I couldn’t get over it: She blood. More than anything else, went through so much trouble
ere were pictures of First resembled my father more than my feelings were hurt. I wiped to save a world that doesn’t
And that was that, so I Communions, birthday parties, I ever did. She wanted to know my hand with the blood and seem to want to be saved. “Be
thought. I didn’t hear from Gail boat rides. My father, Dom, what he was like. showed it to my father. sensible,” his mother might have
for 10 years. She now resides in usually smiling, was in most of “Look what you did,” I cried. said. “You don’t have to do this!
New Jersey. Long story, short them. My God, I suddenly real- What could I say without “Look what you did to your And stop hanging around with
story, she wanted to know ized, belatedly, Gail was looking sounding... corny? Gail had own son!” that crazy bunch of shermen.”
something about the other half at the life she missed, the father started to read an old news- Gail was a great listener.
of herself. she never had. What have I got- paper article about my father. (Half-sister, what is that sup- But it was a matter of love.
ten myself into, I wondered? posed to mean? Which half am And how do you talk someone
So, I searched the attic for e headline read: “Stop that I supposed to love, the torso out of that?
a vaguely remembered box of Gail texted her son four Dom Garo!” It’d been a play or the legs? Calling her that
photos, and anything else about times. He works part-time as an on words, the Dom instead of seemed like a cop out.) I tried “Come and say good bye to
my father, his old Navy uniform, auto mechanic; she constantly ‘damn.’ He’d won his rst four to explain to Gail the love and your uncle,” I heard Gail say
yellowing news clippings from worries about him getting pain I saw in my father’s eyes from the next room, as I was
his boxing days. My reasons involved with drugs—if he’s not ghts by knockout. that day. e last thing he ever getting ready to leave.
were not entirely sel ess. I was already. From out of the box she I told Gail about the rst
curious, too. lifted a small plaster bust of Je- and last time I took him on. I He appeared bored, still wear-
sus, which was never nished. It ing his baseball cap backwards.
Gail lives in West New York, was supposed to be painted and I extended my hand to him. It
a city on the Hudson with a then completed with a glaze was nice to see him smile.
Since 1973
Contact Us
Mahopac News is located at Bailey Court, 334 Route 202, Unit C1S, Somers, NY 10589. You can
contact us at 845-208-0774 or email [email protected].
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Judges Julie Cummins (guidance)
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of “Whoville” with an original poem
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erbread house contest at MHS
e Mahopac High School German Club held its annual gingerbread house contest last month, resulting in a lot of cool, interesting and
delicious architecture. Teams were created for the competition, requiring at least one German Club member per team. e students had to
construct their houses—not always made of gingerbread, the edible homes displayed everything from graham crackers to pretzel logs—in just
90 minutes. Judges awarded winners in two categories: traditional and creative. Although there was no cost to enter the competition, students
were asked to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to a local food pantry.
FWViiownsoiocnncnitntlooaohudwrntdeStihaebherhelaedaDseoliinelraedtdfirWlhebaF,geaonaiwhrnvn.ntahtefideonirrcrondaeh Judges Matt Calabro
and Gary Zeigelhofer
check out all the
parts of the castle,
made by the senior
team. This was a
replica of Germany’s
The freshmen
team poses with
its second-place
creative entry,
Christmas at
Coachella with
German rock star
Wincent Weiss.
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MMS six graders learn art of calligraphy
Just as Charles Dickens dipped his fountain that re ect how they celebrate the holiday season.
pen into his inkwell to write a “A Christmas Car- Combining today’s technology with what is now
ol” in the mid-19th century, so too did the Ma- considered an old art form, the students used their
hopac Middle School sixth graders of Ann Ly- Chromebooks for inspirational imagery to ac-
ons’ art class. e students experimented with the company the calligraphy.
classic handwriting technique to create their own e artwork was evaluated on tactics such as
holiday-inspired calligraphy masterpieces. expressiveness, quality of line, color and following
With the goal of in uencing distinctive ideas direction. Most importantly, the hope is for the
for expression, Lyons began her calligraphy unit students was share their art with loved ones for
last month. e students were able to experience the holiday.
the art of writing by hand with instruments
used for thousands of years such as the quill
feather and ancient Chinese bamboo pen.
Whatever the writing instrument, Lyons ex-
plained to her students that the emphasis is
on the beauty and appearance of the writing.
From Mother Teresa to Aristotle, her stu-
dents gain further inspiration with poignant
quotes that are artfully executed in calligraphy MMS six graders in Ann Lyon’s (sitting) class learn art of calligraphy
by Lyons and hung throughout her classroom. A collection of the students’ holiday calligraphy
Lyons then presented the sixth graders an PHOTO COURTESY OF MAHOPAC SCHOOL DISTRICT
assignment of creating a holiday-inspired
drawing incorporating calligraphy of words
Lakeview fifth graders raise money for Smile Train
Lakeview Elementary School’s cafeteria was transformed into a
pop-up shop with homemade and donated items by Mary Kurtz’s
fth-grade class recently. As these 10-year-olds were talking up
their hand-crafted keychains, stress balls, slime, and other items to
sell to their fellow students, they also delivered a compelling mes-
sage why their e orts should be supported.
Kurtz’s class recently read an article in Storyworks, a Scholastic
online reading platform, about a charity, Smile Train, which pro-
vides corrective surgery across the globe for impoverish children
with cleft lips and palates. e class was moved by the story and
decided to help.
eir pop-up shop raised $805, which provides three corrective
surgeries for children. For more information about Smile Train, and
to make donation, go to www.smiletrain.org.
Article provided by Mahopac School District
Lakeview fifth graders sold homemade
items at their pop-up store in the
cafeteria to raise money for Smile Train.
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WRESTLING Wrestlers win Somers tourney
Indians also rst at Locust Valley
BY SKIP PEARLMAN Mahopac defeated East Ramapo, 69–
CONTRIBUTING WRITER 6, last Wednesday, Jan. 2 and one day
later handed Arlington a 58-23 defeat.
e varsity wrestling team continued “Arlington was a big win,” DiSanto
to roll over opponents last week, and said. “ at was a league match, and
over the holiday break. e Indians won they are a perennial powerhouse. I was
the Somers tournament on Saturday, expecting a close match, but we came
Jan. 5 and also picked up two dual meet out and wrestled really well. at’s the
victories beating East Ramapo and rst step toward us winning the league
Coach Dennis Arlington handily. championship.”
Over the holiday break, the Indians On Saturday, Jan. 5, Mahopac
FILE PHOTO/ picked up their most impressive win of placed rst at the Somers tournament,
the season so far, winning the Locust Mamaroneck was second, and Hendrick
Valley (Long Island) tournament. Hudson nished third.
DiSanto earns 422nd win “ at was a really big win for us,” “I ran the tournament and coached
Indians coach Dennis DiSanto said. there for 27 years, so that was a really
“It’s an out of section tournament, with nice day,” DiSanto said. “ ey had a
Mahopac wrestling coach breaks Section 1 record Long Island teams, which includes some small retirement ceremony for me…
of the best wrestlers in the state. To win so that was very emotional. And we
that was a really huge accomplishment. wrestled really well, so it was a good day
BY GABRIELLE BILIK “It was really emotional to see the guys We had six guys in the nals, and ve for us.”
SPORTS EDITOR that I coached 20 years ago, who have
families and jobs of their own now, take the take thirds—that was big for us.” Centrone won a title at 99 pounds,
With a 52-21 dual meet win over Brewster time to come out and support me,” he said.
Monday, Jan. 7, Indians Coach Dennis Continuing his undefeated season Harney won at 285, Hasanramaj took
DiSanto made Section 1 history by earning DiSanto is in his 35th year of coaching
his 422nd career victory. Until then, the and is set to retire at the end of this school was freshman Angelo Centrone, who rst at 220, Nicosia was rst at 152, and
record of 421 victories was held by former year.
Arlington coach Fred Perry, followed by Fox won the 99-pound weight class, and Roa won the 145-pound weight class.
Lane’s now retired Joe Amuso, with 406. “We’re just lucky to have him,” athletic
director John Augusta said. improved to 27-0 on the season. Tyler Nardecchia took a second at 138, and
“It was a close match and I was pretty
con dent that we were going to be able to Augusta added that he and the coach have Roa (25-5) also was a champion, Frankie Scauzillo was second at 113.
pull it out at the end,” DiSanto said. “But we worked together for the last eight years, and
never get too con dent, so it was a big relief in that time he’s been continually impressed winning the 145-weight class. e dual meet victory over Arlington
to seal it at the 99-pound weight class.” with DiSanto’s work with students both on
and o the mats. “Tyler was not even seeded,” DiSanto was career victory No. 421 for DiSanto,
It was an emotional night for the coach,
who said he received the support of his team “He instills the values that are important said. “He wrestled a top seed in the tying the Section 1 all-time wins record.
all season, especially since his 400th victory. in young men—just creating good citizens,”
he added. “Dennis does that better than quarter nals and beat him, and then On Jan. 7 he made Section 1 history,
DiSanto, who also coached in Somers anybody. Whoever steps into that role next
for 27 years, said he was touched to see that year has some big shoes to ll.” beat a number four and number two. earning his 422nd victory.
many of his former students were also in
attendance. Mahopac goes up against Carmel at He was very impressive. Angelo also Mahopac was slated to go up against
home ursday, Jan. 10, at 4:30 p.m., where
there will be a ceremony honoring DiSanto. continued to roll, he had a tough match Carmel at home ursday, Jan. 10
in the nals, but pulled out a win.” at 4:30 p.m. , where there will be a
Earning seconds at the tournament ceremony honoring DiSanto. Mahopac
were Charlie Nicosia (160), Frank will also have wrestlers at the Eastern
Casagrande (170), Nick Saetta (182), States Wrestling in Lock Sheldrake,
and Mike Rivera (195). Aidan Muldoon, N.Y. Jan. 11 and 12, while the rest of
Andi Berisha, Larry Nardecchia (138) the team competes at the Staples Dual
and Joe Harney (285), and Londrim Meet Tournament.
Hasanramaj (195) all took thirds.
Indians roll past Panthers in Putnam
challenge; deny Ramapo
BY SKIP PEARLMAN said. “Our last two games were and when Reahl is doing well, Mahopac’s Reahl
CONTRIBUTING WRITER at home, and we had a real good Matt bene ts. ey help each Allen rises for a
turnout, a loud, energetic gym. other. Mike Argila also played
e varsity boys basketball At Carmel, it was quiet, not many well, he had ve steals and was dunk in the 64-54
team got a career game from fans in the gym, so we came out all over the place with his hustle, win over Panas
Reahl Allen in Saturday’s 64-54 with a lack of energy. We talked defense, and e ort. He really at the Putnam
victory over Panas at the Putnam about it at halftime, and I’m helped us.” Challenge. Allen
Challenge at Carmel High proud of the energy they came finished with a
School. out with in the third. We scored One day earlier in a 71-48 career-high 33
23 in the third after having 23 in win at Ramapo, Drew Riolo led points.
Allen, a senior forward, had the rst half. So, that was a real the Indians with 17 points, and
his way with the Panther defense good second half for us. Allen added 12.
all afternoon, dropping a career-
high 33 points (including a “Reahl was unbelievable on “Overall, it was a great team
thunderous dunk) to go with o ense,” Simone added. “We e ort,” Simone said. “Eleven of
13 rebounds. Matt McMahon knew we had a size mismatch, our players played in the rst
added 9 points for the Indians, and we were more physical, and half, and everyone contributed.
who improved to 5–4 on the we took advantage. Reahl had We played good defense, limited
season. the hot hand, we got him the ball their shots, and we attacked the
and he was unbelievable. Matt rim. It was a good team e ort.”
“We came out a little at,” also played well, gave us three 3s,
Indians coach Matt Simone Mahopac is scheduled to visit
Carmel Saturday at 6 p.m.
Mahopac gymnasts take second at
32nd Mahopac Invitational
e Mahopac varsity gymnastics team placed “Good competition today [Monday, Jan. 7];
second at the 32nd annual Mahopac Invitation- we ran-up against a very good Somers team.
al, held last Friday Jan. 4 at Mahopac, with Lake-
land-Panas-Putnam Valley taking rst. Su ern Jamison had one of her best vaults of the
season today and a very nice oor routine and
nished third.
“It was a nice way to start the Juliette had a solid oor routine. Nicole has
become one of our most consistent competitors
new year for our team,”Mahopac
coach Vin Collins said. “We got on oor; another solid routine”.
another great team e ort. I think
as a team, we are right where we – Vin Collins
want to be at this point in the Varsity Gymnastics Coach
season.” High scores from Monday’s meet:
In the all around, Jamison Castrataro came in 3rd
Leah Graap took a rst in with 34.7, Chloe Lee came in 4th with 33.15 and
the balance beam competition, Lia Graap came in 5th with 32.9.
Nicole Giannetta took a rst in Final score, Mahopac 164.65, Somers 169.55
oor exercise, and Chloe Lee tied
for rst on uneven bars.
Mahopac’s Juliet LeBlanc took
a fth in vault, Raquel Nelson
was fourth on balance beam, and
Jamison Castrataro placed fth
in all-around competition.
“It was a very competitive
tournament, and our gymnasts
Lia Graap more than held their own,” Col-
lins said. “Chloe, Nicole, Juliette,
and Lia all had solid e orts
for us. And Jamison in the all-
around competition also had a
nice night.”
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Melanie DeMeo
Mahopac girls lose heartbreaker makes a run.
in final seconds to Putnam Valley
BY SKIP PEARLMAN “ e girls played well,” Ma- “ at was not one of our bet-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER hopac coach Chuck Scozzafava ter showings,” Scozzafava said.
said. “I was really happy with the “Our defense and rebounding
e Mahopac girls basketball way we played, we played good wasn’t good, and we didn’t move
team nearly pulled out a win Sat- defense, we were able to score, well. Hopefully we can build o
urday, Jan. 5 at Putnam Valley, and tied the game up late. It’s a of those two games and make
but the Indians ended up hav- tough loss after tying it in the a push to sectionals. We still
ing their hearts broken when the haven’t started league play, so we
Tigers scored the game-winning nal seconds. But hopefully we still have time to improve and
bucket with three seconds to play, can build o of that game. All the make a push.”
walking o with a 35–33 victory. girls did a great job. Our starters,
and girls o the bench. DeBrocky e Indians were scheduled to
Mahopac trailed by three played well o the bench, Mela- play Saturday at Carmel at 4 p.m.
points with 18 seconds to play, nie played well, and Mia Klam-
when Caitlyn O’Boyle dropped a mer gave us nice defense. Scanlon
three-pointer to tie the score. and O’Brien played well on the
boards, and Becker also gave us
Putnam Valley (9-0) got the good defense.”
winner on a baseline drive by
Cyeria Daughtry in the nal sec- e prior ursday at Ursuline,
onds. the Indians came up on the short
end of a 49-39 decision.
O’Boyle nished with 11
points, Shannon Becker had 6, O’Boyle led Mahopac with 14
and Melanie DeMeo and Julie points, Klammer added 9, and
DeBrocky each had 5 points. Becker had 8.
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Mahopac skates past Rivertown twice
Indians su er rst loss of season to Greeley
BY SKIP PEARLMAN Against LaSalle, McKee, teams—if not the strongest— minutes there (in the rst period) looking forward to that game, to
CONTRIUTING WRITER we’ve played this year,” Mahopac
O’Shea, and Chris Stiller each Assistant Coach Shaun McGee where we didn’t play our game.We seeing them again,”McGee said.
e Mahopac varsity hockey said.“We got in a 4–0 hole early in
team dominated Rivertown had a goal for Mahopac. Logan the second, and I think we showed let them dictate play,and it cost us.” Mahopac is set to take on John
Saturday, Jan. 5 and Sunday, Jan. some character to come back and
6, winning, 7-4, Sunday night at McDougall stopped 22 shots in tie it up. But there were a few Mahopac is scheduled to play Jay of Cross River (which recently
Brewster Ice Arena, after taking a
12-2 decision one night earlier at goal for the Indians. Greeley again in the last game of defeated Greeley) on Jan. 18 at 8
the Westchester Skating Academy
in Elmsford. Against Niskayuna/ the regular season. p.m. at the Brewster Ice Arena.
Sunday night at the Brewster Ice Schenectady/Albany, McKee had “Everybody on the team is
Arena, T.J. McKee had a hat-trick,
and dished out a pair of assists to a hat-trick and added a pair of
lead the ’Pac (12-1). Brian O’Shea
had a goal and two assists, Nick assists, O’Shea had a goal and an
Biagini, Nick Bricker and Niko
DeCola each scored. assist, and Cooper Betancourt Extraordinary Food.
Impeccable Service.
In Saturday’s win over scored once.
Rivertown, O’Shea scored three “Don’t Miss!”
times and added an assist, and e Indians su ered their rst —New York Times
McKee scored once and handed
out four assists. loss of the season just before the
On Dec. 26 and 27 at the holiday break Dec. 22, falling, 6–5,
Niskayuna Mohawk Holiday
Tournament, Mahopac picked to Horace Greeley.
up two wins, defeating LaSalle
Academy, 4-2, and topping McKee and Bricker each had Restaurant
5-2. two goals, and O’Shea had a goal
and an assist.
e Indians—in a rare
occurrence—failed to score a TACOS &
goal in the rst period, and found
themselves down 4-0 when the
Quakers scored rst in the second
But the ’Pac came back to score
ve of the game’s next six goals,
tying it at 5-5 with 1:26 to play.
Greeley’s Ryan Renzulli delivered
the game-winner with 1:08 left.
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PUBLIC NOTICE §111 1 PURPOSE. of any kind intended to be used or organization. organization for which the
Notice is hereby given that e purpose of this article is or occupied for the period of time B. A wholesaler or distributor activity shall be carried on shall
the annual inspection for 2018 to protect the health, safety and necessary to peddle,vend or solicit selling articles to dealers notify the Clerk of the Town, in
of Hudson Valley Christian welfare of the residents of the the merchandise sold therein. In or merchants who have an writing, of the intention of such
Academy for re hazards which Town of Carmel by regulating all prosecutions for the violation established place of business school or exempt organization
might endanger the lives of peddling, soliciting and vending of this chapter, the intent of within the Town. to conduct such activity within
students, teachers, employees within the Town of Carmel. the defendant to conduct an C. A child regularly attending the Town, together with a brief
therein, has been completed and established place of business shall any public, private or parochial description thereof.
the report thereof is available §111 2 PEDDLING be an a rmative defense, and the school; veterans organizations;
at the o ce of Hudson Valley PROHIBITED. burden of proving such intent fraternal organizations; § 111 5 PENALTIES FOR
Christian Academy for inspection Except as may be otherwise shall be upon the defendant in civic groups; churches; tax- OFFENSES.
by all interested persons. permitted by general or special such prosecution. exempt charitable or religious Any person, corporation,
NOTICE OF PUBLIC law, it shall be unlawful for any organizations or sects; provided, partnership, company,
person, corporation, partnership, VENDOR however, that such child or unincorporated association,
company, unincorporated A person who engages in the member of such exempt agent or principal thereof; or
association, agent or principal act or occupation of selling or organization shall carry on an any other entity who shall act as
NOTICE IS HEREBY thereof, or any other entity to o ering for sale from a xed otherwise prohibited conduct a commercial traveler, peddler,
GIVEN, that the Town Board of engage in or act as a peddler, location or locations, and at times only in connection with an solicitor or vendor, as de ned
theTown of Carmel will conduct a vendor, solicitor or commercial and from time to time, goods, authorized activity of the herein, or who shall violate any
Public Hearing at the Town Hall, traveler, as herein de ned, within wares merchandise or labor, school which the child attends other provision of this chapter
60 McAlpin Avenue, Mahopac, the jurisdictional boundaries of meats, sh, produce and prepared or another school which has shall be guilty of a violation and
New York 10541 on Wednesday, the Town of Carmel. foods from any portable cart, authorized such child to carry punishable by a ne not to exceed
January 16, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. or stand, vehicle or display device of on the activity or, in the case of $1,000 or imprisonment for not
as soon thereafter that evening § 111 3 DEFINITIONS. any nature. an exempt organization, which more than 15 days, or both. Each
as possible on a proposed Local As used in this chapter, the has authorized such member day upon which such violation
Law amending Chapter 111 of following terms shall have the § 111 4 EXEMPTIONS. to carry on the activity. It shall continues shall constitute a
the Code of the Town of Carmel, meanings indicated: e provisions of this chapter be required, however, that prior separate o ense.
entitled “Peddling and Soliciting” shall not apply to the following: to the commencement of such
as follows: COMMERCIAL TRAVELER A. Any person peddling at the otherwise prohibited conduct, SEE LEGALS PAGE 23
A person or entity doing express invitation of any person the school or otherwise exempt
TOWN OF CARMEL business through the act of
PROPOSED LOCAL LAW renting a room or suite of
# ___ OF THE YEAR 2019 A rooms in a hotel, motel or inn,
LOCAL LAW AMENDING commercial building or private
CHAPTER 111 OF THE CODE dwelling, excluding exterior areas TAX TIME
OF THE TOWN OF CARMEL, and/or parking lots/parking areas,
ENTITLED “PEDDLING AND for temporary occupancy which
SOLICITING” does not exceed 60 days, for the
BE IT ENACTED by the purpose of using said premises to
Town Board of the Town of sell, o er for sale or solicit orders “The hardest thing in the
Carmel, County of Putnam, for goods, services, merchandise
State of New York as follows: or money to or from members of
the public. world to understand is
It is hereby found and e merchandising of any
determined that the act of goods, wares, commodities, the Income Tax.”
peddling, vending and soliciting books, periodicals, labor or
within the Town has a signi cant services; or requesting or seeking
impact upon the quality of life contributions of goods and/or -Albert Einstein
of the residents of the Town, money by going from house to
including the health, safety and house, place of business to place
welfare thereof. It is further of business or in any public street
found that the unregulated or public place or by temporarily
This year its more important than ever toact of peddling, vending and occupying a room, building,
soliciting presents a signi cant structure, land or other premises
disadvantage to other established therefor. have the right tax advisers
businesses within the Town
which pay rent, taxes, expenses PEDDLER for your family and your business
and fees for the privilege of Any person who, being
doing business within the Town uninvited by the home or
and should, therefore, not be business owner, engages in the
condoned or permitted. merchandising of any goods,
Don't just get your taxes prepared,wares, commodities, books,
periodicals, labor or services
is chapter is adopted by going from house to house get your questions answered
pursuant to the authority, of or place of business to place
Article 2, § 10 of the New York of business. Peddler shall also
State Municipal Home Rule include any person who seeks or
Law. requests contributions of goods
and/or money by going from
SECTION 3: AMENDMENT OF house to house or from place of
CHAPTER 111 business to place of business or
Article I of Chapter 111 of by temporarily occupying a room,
the Town Code of the Town building or other premises with
of Carmel entitled “Peddling”, the Town for such purpose.
is hereby repealed e ective
immediately and replaced with TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY call today: 845-628-5400
the following: A store, room, building, tent,
enclosure, parking lot or structure
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Take advantage of tax diversi cation LEGALS and the Town Board of the Town
of Carmel hereby declares that
it would have passed this Local
As an investor, you will IRA/Roth 401(k), with its SECTION 4 HOME RULE Law or the remainder thereof
have access to accounts that tax-free withdrawals and earn-
are taxed di erently from one GUEST ings, ultimately will make more Nothing in this Local Law is had such invalid application or
another. CORNER sense for you. But since no one
can predict where tax rates will intended, or shall be construed (a) invalid provision been apparent.
And it’s possible you could TOM go in the future, having money
bene t from tax diversi cation CASEY in di erent types of accounts – to limit the home rule authority
by owning accounts in these i.e., tax diversi cation – can be
three categories: taxes on these distributions can bene cial. of the Town under State Law SECTION 6 EFFECTIVE
reduce your investments’ real
• Tax-deferred – Tax-deferred rate of return. If you only focus on tradi- to limit the Town’s discretion DATE
accounts include the traditional tional, tax-deferred accounts,
IRA and a 401(k) or similar • Tax-free – When you invest you could end up with larger in setting fees and charges in is Local Law shall take
employer-sponsored retirement in a Roth IRA/Roth 401(k), tax bills than you anticipated
plan. When you invest in tax-de- you don’t get an immediate tax when you retire and start tap- connection with any applications e ect immediately upon ling
ferred vehicles, your money can deduction, but your earnings, ping into these accounts, par-
grow faster than if it were placed as well as your withdrawals, are ticularly when you must start requiring Town approval. in the o ce of the Secretary of
in an account on which you paid tax-free, provided you do not taking withdrawals – called
taxes every year. You also may get start taking withdrawals until “required minimum distribu- State in accordance with Section
a tax deduction for contributions you’re 59-1/2 and you have had tions” – when you reach 70-1/2.
you make today. When you start your account at least ve years. By having money in accounts SECTION 5 SEVERABILITY 27 of the Municipal Home Rule
taking withdrawals from these (However, income restrictions with di erent tax treatments,
tax-deferred accounts, typically do apply to Roth IRAs.) you may have more exibility If any part or provision of this Law.
during retirement, the money in structuring your withdraw-
is usually taxed at your ordinary So, given the di erence in als during retirement, based on Local Law or the application At said Public Hearing, all
income tax rate. how taxes are treated in these your year-to-year tax situation.
accounts, how can you choose thereof to any person or interested persons shall be heard
• Taxable – Taxable invest- where to put your money? ere’s no formula for
ments are those held in a For example, when would you achieving an ideal tax diversi - circumstance be adjudged invalid on the subject thereof. e
standard brokerage account, contribute to a Roth IRA or cation. You’ll want to consider
outside your IRA or 401(k). Roth 401(k), rather than a your own needs and circum- by any court of competent Town Board will make every
While you can put virtually traditional, tax-deferred IRA stances in choosing the right
all types of investments into a or 401(k)? If you are in a high mix of taxable, tax-deferred and jurisdiction, such judgment shall e ort to assure that the Public
taxable account, you may want tax rate now and expect it to be tax-free accounts. Ultimately,
to focus on those considered to lower in retirement, a tradi- taxes should not drive all your be con ned in its operation to the Hearing is accessible to persons
be most tax-e cient. So, you tional IRA may make more investment decisions – but they
could include individual stocks sense, as you potentially get should not be ignored, either. part or provision or application with disabilities. Anyone
that you plan to hold, rather a sizable bene t from the tax
than actively trade, because deduction. But if you are in a is article was written by directly involved in the requiring special assistance and/
you will not get taxed on the lower tax rate now, you have Edward Jones for use by your local
capital gains until you sell. You most of your retirement invest- Edward Jones Financial Advisor. controversy in which judgment or reasonable accommodations
also might consider mutual ments in tax-deferred accounts, Tom Casey is a licensed securities
funds that do little trading and and/or you can a ord to forego adviser associated with Edward shall have been rendered and shall should contact the Town Clerk.
generate fewer capital gain the immediate tax deduction, Jones, located at 163 Route 6
distributions. is is important you might nd that the Roth in Mahopac. He can be reached not a ect or impair the validity By Order of the Town Board of
not only in terms of control- directly at 845-621-8647.
ling taxes, but also because the of the remainder of this Local the Town of Carmel
Law or the application thereof to Ann Spo ord, Town Clerk
other persons or circumstances,
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