VOL. 4 NO. 51 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2022
‘What if this went
totally bonkers?’
Barasch’s debut novel explores ‘dark
underbelly’ of writing, relationships
BY BRIAN Caitlin asch added. “I wanted to write
Barasch about a very relatable impulse,
MARSCHHAUSER and then I took that seed and
EDITOR inspiration and how far they’re said, ‘What if this went totally
willing to go to make some- bonkers?’”
Caitlin Barasch and the nar- thing happen on the page.”
rator of her debut novel are When it comes to Naomi, “I
both writers, but that’s where “I wanted to take that to wanted to allow her to be ab-
the similarities mostly end. the absolute extreme,” Bar- solutely shameless,” she said.
In “A Novel Obsession,” “A Novel Obsession” is
main character Naomi, a scheduled to be released by
24-year-old desperate to pro- Penguin Random House on
duce a novel, stalks—and even- March 15. Barasch, a 2011
tually writes about—her new John Jay High School gradu-
beau’s ex-girlfriend, Rosemary. ate, started working on the
“ e more Naomi learns about novel about six years ago af-
Rosemary, the more her curi- ter graduating from Colorado
osity consumes her,” the book’s College. A few years later, she
description reads. enrolled in a creative writing
master’s program at New York
Barasch, a former South Sa- University, where her novel
lem resident, said she wanted
to explore “the dark underbelly SEE BARASCH PAGE 2
about how writers nd their
KATONAH/LEWLIiSstBinOg #ROS Address Post Office Current Price Beds Total BA SF Year Built Lot Size Area
16 Boulder Lane Goldens Bridge 2 (2 0) 1,621
SCHOOL DISTR61I5C15T83 S 6 Webb Lane Goldens Bridge $430,000 2 3 (2 1) 3,134 1976 0.1244
46 Truesdale Lake Drive South Salem 4 (3 1) 2,924
(SMoldAIRnKFeEbTrUuaPrDy,A26611T035E284295)1843 S 6 Manor Drive Goldens Bridge $745,000 5 3 (2 1) 2,476 1970 3.3135
S 160 Valley Road Katonah 2 (2 0) 2,340
48 School House Road Waccabuc $782,000 4 3 (2 1) 2,100 1962 0.4657
105 Todd Road Katonah 3 (2 1) 3,196
6146128 S 7 Split Rock Road Pound Ridge $785,000 3 3 (2 1) 4,208 1979 2.49
55 Garlen Road Katonah 2 (2 0) 2,484
6146896 S 14 Brundige Drive Goldens Bridge $795,000 5 5 (4 1) 3,994 1963 0.5125
52 Mead Street Waccabuc 6 (5 1) 3,738
6157601 S 65 Knapp Road South Salem $988,000 3 5 (4 1) 4,306 1964 2.9231
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$5,000,000 7 95 K1a9t2o8nah Ave 3| 0Katonah NY
LEISURE 21 Goats as vegetation
OPINION 8 management? PAID
SPORTS 18 pg 4
The Staff BARASCH wrote,” Barasch said. “She asked romance novel without a conven- Regarding her narrator, Bar-
if I was writing a novel.” tional relationship. asch was challenged with mak-
EDITORIAL TEAM FROM PAGE 1 ing her readers sympathize with
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Deitrick was not aware of the “Some thriller readers will have Naomi’s morally questionable
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 started to take shape. John Jay connection when she to alter their expectations going decisions.
[email protected] After nding success with her called. “It was completely and ut- in. Romance readers might also
terly coincidental,” Barasch said. have to alter their expectations,” “I feel like it’s the writer’s job
NICK TRUJILLO published short stories, Barasch Barasch said. “I love a great pro- is to bring the readers deep into
REPORTER landed on the radar of a literary As fate would have it, Barasch pulsive plot. Something that gets the narrator’s obsession,” she said.
agent. She received a call one day had just recently nished revising to the dirty, dark underbelly of “If not approving it, they’re un-
[email protected] last year from Calla Deitrick, who her novel. “She read it in a week what we all think. I just never derstanding of why the narrator
VIM WILKINSON graduated from John Jay a year and sent it to her agent,” she said. want to stay on the surface be- must do this.”
after Barasch. e two had played cause I don’t think it’s interest-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR soccer together in middle school. “A Novel Obsession,” she said, ing.” Barasch has felt a gamut of
[email protected] does not t neatly into any genre. emotions as she prepares for “A
“She read a short story that I It is a thriller without gore. It is a Novel Obsession” to hit book-
ADVERTISING TEAM stores on March 15.
Non-profit 501 (C) (3) “It’s been both incredibly grati-
(914) 806-3951 fying and meaningful and incred-
[email protected] THURSDAY, MARCH 31 @ 7:30PM 3/13 @ 4PM ible and terrible and vulnerable,”
3/19 @ 7:30PM she said.
BRUCE HELLER 3/11 & 12 @ 8PM
(914) 486-7608 3/23 @ 8PM She admits to peaking at some
[email protected] 3/15 @ 7:30PM 3/27 @ 8PM of her reviews, which have been
4/10 @ 4:30 & 8PM mostly positive.
LISA KAIN 3/20 @ 8PM
(201) 317-1139 “Books are subjective,” Barasch
[email protected] 3/25 @ 8PM said. “I was prepared for it, but I
CORINNE STANTON don’t think I knew how vulner-
(914) 760-7009 4/1 @ 8PM able I would feel.
[email protected]
“I didn’t want to write a book
JAY GUSSAK that everyone would unanimous-
(914) 299-4541 ly agree upon,” she said, adding
[email protected] that she enjoys the “healthy de-
SHELLEY KILCOYNE bate about some of the actions
(914) 924-9122 my narrator takes.”
[email protected]
Barasch lived in New York City
PRODUCTION TEAM until her family moved to South
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Salem in the mid-2000s. She
went to John Jay Middle School
CREATIVE DIRECTOR and John Jay High School. Her
PHOTOGRAPHER parents continue to live in South
Salem, but Barasch has moved to
[email protected] Brooklyn.
DESIGNER She comes from a family of art-
ists. Her dad is a writer, her mom
[email protected] is a musician, and her younger
brother, Nicholas, is an actor who
EXECUTIVE TEAM is currently on tour with “Ha-
BRETT FREEMAN destown,” playing the lead role of
When Barasch was in high
[email protected] school, she wrote a column in
the Lewisboro Ledger called
Deadlines “School of ought.”
THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES “I started writing probably
DEADLINE before I could even hold a pen,”
Barasch said. “In kindergarten,
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS I was given the opportunity to
either go outside and play or
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS IS THE go inside and tell my teachers
stories. I always chose to stay
In addition to writing, Bar-
FOR MORE INFORMATION, asch is an instructor at the
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT Writers Circle, a creative writ-
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL ing workshop.
[email protected] “I specialize in teaching nov-
els in progress,” she said about
Location her adult classes. “We talk about
their work. We talk very seri-
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD ously about what needs to be
SUITE 100 improved. I also teach teenagers.
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 at is more relaxed. It’s really
about using writing prompts to
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY get their juices owing.”
203.438.5795 RIDGEFIELDPLAYHOUSE.ORG Meet the Author
Caitlin Barasch will participate
in an author’s event at the
Katonah Reading Room, 19
Edgemont Road, at 7 p.m.
Thursday, March 24.
False fire alarm fines could grow
Town withholds rent at former Lewisboro Elementary School
BY TOM BARTLEY water damage from leaks, among other things. largely agreed on one point: 88.1 percent of them
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Sklarin’s remarks were not on the agenda and came called quality of wireless service important. Indeed, six
out of 10 residents rated excellent connectivity “most
Calling Lewisboro’s nes for false re alarms “very near meeting’s end. “As far as I’m concerned,” he said, important” to them.
old and very low,” Supervisor Tony Goncalves will “we’re paying rent and we should have a reasonably
seek residents’ input next week on a proposal to double safe place for the people in our town to work and the Lewisboro, with six existing wireless transmission
the penalty for summoning volunteer re ghters to a public to frequent as they need to do their business. facilities and a seventh planned, Rabold said, is “going
nonexistent emergency. So, I’m making a motion that we should not pay to need more sites for a robust network.”
$10,000-a-month rent until we get some attention from
Goncalves said he saw the sti er punishment as a our landlord.” She called the town’s six traditional macro towers “the
way to encourage repeat violators—residential and backbone of the wireless grid” but insu cient to meet
commercial---to learn why they are transmitting false e board then voted, 5-0, to withhold payment the growing demand for cell service.
alarms and take steps to prevent them. Most false of March’s rent—$9,916.67 for the building, with
alarms, he explained later, are erroneously rather than utilities—until those issues are addressed. e survey’s analysis of coverage gaps called the
mischievously transmitted by alarm systems linked distance between existing wireless facilities “too
directly to a rehouse. Supervisor Tony Goncalves in an interview later great for adequate hando , resulting in dropped calls
downplayed talk of a battle with the school district, along transportation networks as veri ed by the poll
Once issued, the alarm cannot be canceled, even if saying, “ ere is no ght here.” Town and KLSD respondents.”
a homeowner, for example, quickly discovers the error. maintenance people were working to resolve any
Fire ghters, by law, must respond to the alarm and outstanding issues, he said, and expressed con dence “Many more facilities are needed to achieve initial
independently verify the absence of a re threat. the town would soon be sending the district its overdue coverage throughout the town,” CityScape’s analysis
rent. concludes. “Adding more sites may also improve 10-
Goncalves said he did not have a ballpark gure year capacity projections. Additional wireless facilities
on a year’s worth of false alarms. But South Salem KLSD o cials did not immediately respond to a to address network capacity issues are needed in
Fire Department Chief Mike DeVito called the total request for comment. the southern portion of the town as residential and
“signi cant when you consider the resources that are commercial growth and increased usage of recreation
expended to respond to these types of alarms.” Lewisboro leased KLSD’s Bouton Road property in and public services evolve.”
2017, almost three years after the school closed its doors.
Moreover, DeVito said, “there is always the possibility e $190,000 study was launched in 2020 to
that an actual re call could come in at the same time a e deal seemed a winner for both sides. e town was comprehensively measure wireless telecom infrastructure
false alarm was unnecessarily diverting our resources.” short on space for its work force while the district, in the needs across multiple communities in northern
midst of a decade-long decline in the number of local Westchester. In addition to Lewisboro, the study is
Lewisboro’s current schedule of penalties for a false schoolchildren, was short on students to ll its then four mapping current and projected cell towers, base stations
alarm, Goncalves said, was low compared with other elementary schools. and other wireless facilities in Bedford, Yorktown,
towns. Fines here are half what Bedford, for example, Somers, North Salem, Pound Ridge and Mount Kisco.
Lewisboro residents like their cellphones but most After surveying residents in each of those
Repeat o enders pay more.“For the rst alarm, you do nd wireless service spotty both at home and while municipalities for more than a year, CityScape is now
not get ned [in Lewisboro],” the supervisor said. “You studying close to 3,000 sets of responses. When that
get a letter.” A second false alarm within a 12-month driving around town. work is completed later this year, CityScape will blend
period brings a $25 ne. “It’s costing us more than that In a survey last summer, two-thirds of the respondents the individual ndings to create a regional blueprint for
to handle that call,” Goncalves noted. Subsequent nes cell service.
grow to $50 for a third false alarm and $100 for the said they would make greater use of their phones if they
fourth. had a better wireless network.
e board set next Monday, March 14, for a public e survey, conducted by CityScape Consultants
hearing on a local law to increase the penalties. Inc., is part of a county-funded project to map
telecommunications needs in much of northern
LES REPAIRS Westchester. Lewisboro’s results were scheduled to be
Like tenants mounting a rent strike for lack of heat posted on Antenna Advisory Board page of the town’s
website: lewisborogov.com/aab.
and other complaints, Lewisboro o cials are holding
back March’s $10,000 lease payment for the former “We’ve learned through the poll of the respondents
Lewisboro Elementary School—citing a lack of heat that wireless service is very important to them,” the
and other complaints. project manager, Susan Rabold, said of the 477 residents
who answered the survey’s questions. “ ey would rely
e onetime schoolhouse, still owned by the Katonah- on it more if it was better.”
Lewisboro School District, is now home to a half-dozen
town operations, including the building department, A third of the community experiences acceptable
police, court, planning, and zoning appeals. coverage where they reside and where they work, she
said. But another third called work coverage poor or
But the building not only lacks heat in places, inconsistent, Rabold told the Town Board’s Feb. 28
Councilman Richard Sklarin told the Town Board’s meeting, while a nal third said the work question did
Feb. 28 meeting, but hot water as well. What it does not not apply in Lewisboro, with its limited commercial
lack, he said, is ooding, gutters lled with leaves and base.
Discussing the survey via Zoom, she said respondents
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No kidding
Goats could clear invasive plants
BY TOM BARTLEY which “does not include permissive Calves called it “a serious prob-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER language for ‘targeted vegetation lem” before adding with a straight A goat at Hilltop Hanover Farm
management,’” town planning di- face,“We’re not kidding.” FILE PHOTO/NICK TRUJILLO
Goats could be called on to rector Janis Youngblood said. Iorio said the Harvey School
combat Bedford’s invasive vines In a memo, she said, “If the was eager to take part in a pilot
and other pasture threats in what Town Board further considers program and an upstate farm, Fat cent.” weather pattern,” she said. “ ey
Supervisor Ellen Calves calls a Bedford 2030’s proposal, referrals and Sassy Goats, stood ready to Similarly, many Auto Pay cus- don’t play well with natural gas and
“temporary vegetation ma-a-nage- are required to the Bedford Plan- supply the vegetation-clearing ani- tomers “found their cash reserves fossil-fuel-driven electricity. It’s
ment program.” ning Board for review and com- mals. completely wiped out” by the also being made worse by a global
e eat-anything animals are ment as well as to the Westchester “We want to tap into the power sharply higher charges, the law- political con ict, which doesn’t
being touted as a climate-friendly County Planning Board prior to of our natural world,” Iorio said. maker said. seem to be going away.”
way to control invasive species setting a public hearing date.” “What we’re calling natural cli- Pierce, whose 2nd District en- It’s taken less than four months
that imperil trees and plants. “We But with spring now within mate solutions are ‘rooted solutions’ compasses Bedford, Lewisboro, to spike prices and put customers
have come up with a true natural sight, Iorio warned that “pretty to help us achieve our Climate Ac- Mount Kisco,North Salem,Pound in a scal hole. NYSEG’s kilowatt-
climate solution that we think will soon these invasive vines will start tion goals.” Ridge,and Somers,made her com- hour rate, 8.7 cents on Nov. 1, now
manage invasive plants,”Midge Io- to get green again, and that’s when In trying to reach those goals, ments last week in a visit to the stands at 9.8, a jump of almost 13
rio told the Town Board’s March 1 we really want the goats to be graz- which include another dramatic Bedford Town Board. percent. “But if you have that day/
meeting. ing on them.” reduction in greenhouse-gas emis- Recent utility bills “prob- night meter,” she said, “you are
Iorio, executive director of Bed- “We want to put these guys to sions by 2030, she said, “We need ably came as a bit of a shock,” looking at 16.5 cents [per Kwh].
ford 2030, the environmental-ad- work,” she said, displaying a photo to protect our natural resources, said Pierce, who chairs the county So,that is not quite double [what it
vocacy nonpro t, said the grazing of goats on the meeting room’s and in particular our tree canopy. board’s Environment, Energy & was Nov. 1], but not far o .”
goats would supplant pesticides large-size video monitors . We know that our trees have one Climate Committee. Customers are not required to
and herbicides, which “put toxins Iorio depicted cascading prob- of the most important natural sys- “I’ve gotten calls from seniors keep day/night metering, Pierce
into our ecosystems and water- lems triggered by the unwanted tems in that our trees can capture whose bills have come in at over noted, assuring customers “you can
sheds.” species. “Invasive vines are chok- and store carbon. We want to shift $3,000,” she said. “We’re not talk- have it swapped out.”
“We have come up with a true ing out our native plants... at also to climate-friendly land practices.” ing about people in mansions; Likewise, she urged anyone ne-
natural climate solution that we then displaces insects,which causes e board unanimously ap- we’re talking about people living gotiating with NYSEG over bill
think will manage invasive plants,” a biodiversity issue,” the director proved a referral to the Planning in Heritage Hills and small town- payments to shut down their Auto
When it comes to your to-doFirst, though, Bedford would which then becomes a climate is- “I’d like to put it to a goat.”
Iorio said. pointed out.“ ey’re choking trees, Board after the supervisor declared, homes.” Pay, which automatically deducts
Cash-strapped customers should the billed amount from your bank
have to amend its Town Clodies, ts,ue.p” ut your futurSTeICKfiERrSsHOtC.K let their utility know the situation, account each month on the due
Pierce said.“If you cannot pay your date.
In this moment of shockingly bills, reach out to your utility pro- “ ey’re not going to shut your
To find out how to getLhiyegghoieslrautoerrlecfiEtrrincikitaay nLco.cstPisa,ierlCceouhnatys vider to negotiate a payment plan,” electric down [while you deter-
she said.“If you cannot reach them, mine a schedule for paying o your
on contactsYoomyrkeoSatduavtierceEEfloecrdtcriuwcstaonamdreGrdsaos:f New or if they are not communicating, bill]. ey will work with every-
When it comes to your to-dogoals ditch you feel, in good faith, you can call body. ey will make alternative
list, put your futuJreonfierssfit.nancial advisorAoputttiooonPds.ayaaynd. day/night metering my o ce [914-995-2804]. arrangements,” Pierce said. “But if
“We cannot make the rate go that money’s already left your ac-
For anyone with NYSEG’s day/ away,” Pierce said, “but at least we count, you can’t get it back.”
eTsotfiondyoouutrhtoow-dtooget your financial night billing plan, which is meant can help with that.” Pierce, a Katonah Democrat,
to take advantage of normally Pierce blamed turmoil in the was elected to the county board last
fguotaulsreonfitrrsatc.k, contact your Edward lower nighttime electric rates,“bills environment as well as geopolitics November after serving since 2018
have gone up dramatically,” Pierce for the price hikes. “Much of this as legislative aide to 2nd District
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Vista Fire Department TOWN CROSSING
gets $100K grant
To see your event here, email KLT@ high school. Get ready for Na- cloud, and collaborate with oth-
halstonmedia.com. tional Pi Day the best way pos- ers. Register on the library web-
Will be used to upgrade radio equipment sible—with chocolate, whipped site.
Government at Work cream, and marshmallows. Space
is limited. Register on the library WORLD RECORD
• ursday, March 10, Kato- website. PAPER AIRPLANES
BY NICK TRUJILLO our residents, local businesses nah-Lewisboro Board of Educa- At 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 22,
STAFF WRITER and also the brave volunteers,
like those in Vista, who serve tion, 7:30 p.m. ‘HISTORIC TOWN teens in middle and high school
For any emergency response and protect us,” Harckham
entity, having modern commu- said in a press release. • Monday, March 14, Lewis- QUILTS’ ON MARCH 13 are invited to a “Paper Airplane
nication systems is an essential
piece of keeping the communi- Two-way radios are neces- boro Town Board, 7:30 p.m. e library is hosting an in- Workshop to Beat the World Re-
ty safe. After using its current sary pieces of equipment for
radio equipment until the end • Monday, March 14, Bedford person presentation of “Historic cord.” Take the challenge to beat
of its shelf life, the Vista Fire re ghter and emergency re-
Department is set receive an sponders, providing the ability Planning Board, 8 p.m. Town Quilts” at 3 p.m. Sun- the paper airplane ying world
upgrade to its communications to respond quickly to emer-
systems. gency alerts and establishing • Tuesday, March 15, Bedford day, March 13. Town Historian record of 226 feet, 10 inches held
reliable communication on the
New York State Sen. Pete scene. Because volunteer re- Town Board, 6 p.m. Maureen Koehl will be display- by John Collins. Build his paper
Harckham has secured a
$100,000 grant for the Vista ghters are alerted via a pager, • Tuesday, March 15, Lewis- ing locally made quilts dating airplane model, then test on the
Fire Department to purchase upgrades to newer two-way ra-
new two-way radio equipment, dios that integrate paging and boro Planning Board, 7:30 p.m. from the 1850s to the 1930s and lawn to see which ies furthest.
allowing the department to message playback functionality
meet safety standards for in- eliminate the need to carry two • Wednesday, March 16, Lew- explaining their histories. In- Register on the library website.
terior re ghting. e funding devices.
was secured through the State isboro Open Space and Preserves cludes quilts from the Trailside If teens can’t attend the work-
and Municipal Facilities Pro- “Obtaining this state grant
gram (SAM), which is among for our radio replacement Advisory Committee, 7:30 p.m. Museum and the Russell family’s shop, instructions can be picked
the grant programs provided project will lend much needed
by the Dormitory Author- improvement for our commu- Visit bedfordny.gov, lewis- Civil War era collection. Please up anytime the week of March
ity of the State of New York nications system,” said Vista
(DASNY ). Fire Department Chief Je borogov.com, or klschools.org for register on the library website. 21-26 to make at home or in the
Peck in a press release. “Radio
“Critical infrastructure fund- communications is the nucleus agenda information or to watch/ library.
ing for rst responders is an in- of emergency response, and
vestment that helps safeguards we look forward to improving participate. LEARN HOW TO
our system with the support of
Senator Harckham.” Lewisboro Library USE GOOGLE DOCS STREAM FREE FILMS
e library is o ering a ABOUT UKRAINE
“Google Docs Workshop” in To provide further context on
e Lewisboro Library is lo- person at 11 a.m. Saturday, Ukraine and its tense history
cated at 15 Main St., South Sa- March 19. Google Docs is a free with Russia, the library’s free
lem. Register for programs at web-based application in which lm streaming service, Kanopy,
lewisborolibrary.org. documents and spreadsheets can has curated a collection of over
be created, edited, stored, and 20 documentary and narrative
“NO BAKE” S’MORES shared online. lms focused speci cally on this
FOR TEENS Learn how to create docu- country and region. e movies
At 4 p.m. Saturday, March 12, ments on any device, and then are free to view for library card
teen librarian Jane Rothschild is view or edit on your phone, holders. Log into wls.kanopy.
hosting a “DIY No-Bake S’mores tablet, or PC from any location. com and click on the slider for
Pie” class for teens in middle and Edit them, back them up to the “Con ict in Ukraine.”
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Harvey Contest Winners Area students earn
academic honors at Harvey
e Harvey School has announced ree Harvey School students have e Harvey School has announced Hernandez, 9, Cross River, Head’s List;
the names of the area students who Peter Hill, 8, Katonah, Head’s List; Juliet
the winners of the 63rd annual Wells earned recognition for their entries in a have earned academic honors for the Jaques, 11, Goldens Bridge, Honor Roll;
Speech Contest, which featured several large regional writing contest. Jayden Kass, 12, Katonah, Head’s List;
area residents as nalists. rst marking period of the winter term. Jonah Kass, 9, Katonah, Honor Roll;
Harvey Middle School student Olivia e following have been awarded a Helen Katis, 9, Bedford, Honor Roll;
Taking the top prize in the upper Barsky won a Gold Key Award in the Eli Klagsbrun, 8, Katonah, Honor Roll;
school was senior Maria Millette. e Hudson-to-Housatonic Writing Region Cavalier Scholar certi cate (GPA of Emiliana Knauer, 11, Katonah, Cavalier
runner-up was fellow senior Elyse of the 2022 Scholastic Art & Writing 4.0 or higher) or have earned places on Scholar; Kevin (Xiang) Li, 11, Goldens
Rosman. Other nalists were sopho- award program. e eighth grader’s essay, the Head’s List (3.7or higher) or Honor Bridge, Honor Roll; Phoebe Lichtman,
mores Grace Alpern and Kayla Lich- “ e Perils of Sharenting,” underscor- Roll (at least 3.3): 10, South Salem, Head’s List; Stephen
tenstein, juniors Julian van den Tol and ing the potential risks of parents posting Millette, 7, Mount Kisco, Head’s List;
Jasmine Zhang, and three local resi- pictures of their children on social media, Harrison Acrish, 11, Bedford Corners, Julia Nelson, 12, Pound Ridge, Honor
dents, senior Greyson Cooper of Kato- stood out from among the 1,900 submis- Cavalier Scholar; Lily Acrish, 9, Bedford Roll; Erin Phillips, 12, Katonah, Head’s
nah, and ninth graders Daniela Rynott sions in the prestigious writing contest. Corners, Head’s List; Logan Alexander, List; Jacob Pinney, 7, Katonah, Head’s
of Mount Kisco, and Ryan Byrne of 9, Goldens Bridge, Cavalier Scholar; List; Alexander Rynott, 11, Mount
Goldens Bridge. English teacher Christina Alexander Samuel Alexander, 12, Katonah, Head’s Kisco, Head’s List; Daniela Rynott, 9,
said, “Olivia is a gifted writer, and it is List; Tyler Alexander, 12, Goldens Mount Kisco, Cavalier Scholar; Eunice
e Harvey Middle School winner a pleasure working with her this year in Bridge, Honor Roll; Dylan Bazaar, 10, Seo, 8, Bedford Hills, Head’s List;
was seventh grader Anna Bogenschutz. English class.” Katonah, Head’s List; Ryan Byrne, 9, Cody Siegel, 12, Katonah, Cavalier
Honorable mention was awarded to Goldens Bridge, Cavalier Scholar; Ella Scholar; Lila Silpe, 8, Bedford, Head’s
eighth grader Tory Janush. Among Harvey’s upper school students Avian- Cohn, 12, Bedford’s Corners, Head’s List; Emily Sorio, 9, Mount Kisco,
the other nalists were eighth grader na McGhee with her poem “ e Duol- List; Greyson Cooper, 12, Katonah, Honor Roll; Michael Sorio, 10, Mount
Olivia Barsky and two local residents, ogy of Womankind” and Wendy Lich- Head’s List; Elizabeth Dalrymple, 12, Kisco, Head’s List; Charles Treseler, 11,
seventh grader Stephen Millette of tenberg with her entry titled “No Good Katonah, Honor Roll; Amity Doyle, 6, Bedford, Head’s List; Tinsely Valenti,
Mount Kisco and sixth grader Amity Deed” earned honorable mentions in the Katonah, Head’s List; Emma Galgano, 9, Bedford, Cavalier Scholar; Samantha
Doyle of Katonah. Hudson-to-Housatonic region. 11, South Salem, Cavalier Scholar; Verdeschi, 12, Katonah, Honor Roll;
Aidan Garcia, 7, Mount Kisco, Head’s Stefan Volpitta, 9, Pound Ridge, Honor
Harvey’s school-wide speech con- Harvey’s English department chair Je List; Christiana Greene, 8, Bedford Roll; Riannah Wallach, 10, Pound
test tasks students in grades 6-12 with Seymour was pleased to make the an- Hills, Head’s List; Giselle Gro , 12, Ridge, Cavalier Scholar; Spencer
writing and delivering their own per- nouncement of the recognition the two Katonah, Cavalier Scholar; Lilah Whitman, 11, Katonah, Honor Roll;
suasive essays. e speeches judged the seniors received. “I am so proud of Avi Gro , 6, Katonah, Honor Roll; Cole Sullivan Wieting, 7, Bedford, Honor
best from each English class advanced and Wendy for their continued literary Hamlin, 10, Bedford Hills Honor Roll.
to the semi nal round where the nal- e orts.” Roll; Iliana Hellinger, 10, Katonah,
ists were selected. Cavalier Scholar; Jacob Hellinger, 12,
e annual contest is sponsored by Katonah, Cavalier Scholar; Maximillian
Bedford Town Justice Jodi Kimmel Writopia Lab, a New York-based national
and Tony-nominated actress Anne nonpro t organization.
Twomey Lloyd of Katonah served as
this year’s judges. is article was prepared by the Harvey
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The care and safety of our community combination of these.
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walking. If you experience any of these, see your primary
care physician or a neurologist, who will send you for a
brain MRI. You may also need a biopsy.
Sunrise, sunset Bleating hearts
READING, spring and putting winter in the The goats are coming to Katonah and property as long as you are zoned for 1 acre or
WRITING & rearview mirror. Bedford, and I am not talking about Tom above, but not a herd. Sadly, our property is only
CHOCOLATE Brady and Wayne Gretzky. It’s more like a half-acre so we will have to remain goatless,
My entryway is lined with
KIM footwear for all weather condi- Billy the Kid and his gang. although maybe pygmy goats might be an option
KOVACH tions. e other day when the
temperatures reached the mid- e most entertaining part of with a small tweak to the code.
Idon’t know if you’ve been 60s, I was confused as I opened
paying attention but the the coat closet by the front Bedford’s Town Board meeting IN CASE Let’s face it, goats are cool.
sky is staying lighter in the door. Winter jacket and boots? on March 1 was the discussion
evenings and daylight is brighter Lighter jacket and all-weather about the environmental ben- YOU You can’t look at a goat without
earlier in the mornings. ose shoes? I settled on a sweatshirt e ts of bringing goats to town. MISSED IT smiling. An Internet search
are signs that spring is coming. and jean jacket with sneakers— yielded some interesting facts
Don’t tell anyone, but start- Bedford 2030 Executive about goats and their impacts.
ing in early January, I look up at If you know me, you must Director Midge Iorio gave an DON SCOTT You may be surprised to learn
the sky as the sun sets each late have noticed that I have a dif-
afternoon and clap my hands in ferent hat for every mood and excellent presentation about that goat manure is top-notch
applause when streaks of light weather condition. e red eece
still appear in the sky past 5 p.m. hat is reserved for the coldest the bene ts of having a herd and is a great fertilizer. It’s
winter days to match the red
I get excited to see signs of heavy winter jacket. For the rest of goats on your property to virtually odorless and bene cial
spring. Winter is not my favorite of the year, I have an assortment
season. We have been very lucky of jaunty baseball caps in vari- eliminate invasive plants as an alternative to her- for the soil. And it is delivered from the source
this winter. Our rollercoaster ous colors and fabrics to top o
weather pattern has given us any ensemble as I walk out the bicides and/or elbow grease. ey have identi ed a pre-pelletized, so it is less messy than any other
plenty of warmer days and less front door. My tweed baseball
snow which is a win/win in my cap is perfect for cold-ish days. partner, a company called Fat and Sassy Goats, in quadruped droppings. In addition, goat pellets
book. When temperatures are above
40 degrees, I can grab my blue the goat herding and invasive management busi- don’t attract insects or burn plants as does manure
I pay attention to the birds denim Salinger’s Orchard cap or
itting about for longer daylight my maroon, rust, pink, or beige ness. Who knew? eir goat herds will be used for from cows and horses. So, they’ve got that going
hours. e robins, blue jays, and baseball caps.
red cardinals share the same turf “targeted vegetation management” but will require for them, which is nice.
as the hulking Canada geese— Another sign that warmer
all tiptoeing across the snow- weather is approaching is the some changes to our town code to keep things on On the other hand, as with all landscaping
covered grass and ying through frequency of clothing catalogs in
the air lling the outdoors with my mailbox. Pages and pages of the up and up. power equipment, goats do present an emissions
their particular cheeps, tweets, swimsuits, shorts, and T-shirts
and honks. entice shoppers to brandish their e suggested changes to the town code would problem. In their case, the issue is not CO2 but
A few of my Zoom buddies credit cards to be ready for those
have spotted crocus and other fast-approaching warm spring limit the herds to properties of 5 acres or more methane. According to the EPA, methane is
hardy owers attempting to days ahead.
emerge from the frozen ground for no more than 30 days at a time. Apparently, more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide
in their yards. I haven’t noticed Some people never get to
any sprouting ower stems, but experience snow in the winter. the little fellows are escape artists and can only be at trapping heat in the atmosphere. So, I guess
I have noticed an increase in the A teacher in Florida was sur-
amount of potholes that I am re- prised at how many of her young contained by electric fences, which are currently there is no perfect solution. Everything has trade-
quired to dodge as I drive along students had never seen snow
formally smooth roads. awing and did not know what snow prohibited by our town code. A change will be o s. e average goat produces 5 kg per year of
and re-freezing and brine coat- was except for seeing the occa-
ing the roads during inclement sional illustration of a snowman made to allow electric fences when the goats are methane. e good news is that is one third of
weather wreak havoc on the road in a picture book. Robin Hughes
surface. had the clever idea of asking her in the neighborhood. Once the new rules are ap- the output of a horse per year and one seventh of
I just celebrated my birthday sister in Kentucky to go outside
at the beginning of March. at in the snow and make a small proved, you will be able to apply for a permit with the output of a cow per year. And because I know
is another sign that the winter snowman to ship to Florida. e
is almost over. I am looking for- tiny frozen snowman survived our Town Clerk Boo Fumagalli. you were wondering, one half of the output of a
ward to putting the winter boots, his journey and was brought
hats, and gloves in the back of from classroom to classroom to Currently, the town code allows two goats per human per year.
the closet. I know that we have the delight and amazement of
had snowstorms in April but the boys and girls at school! Students need LETTERS Instead, like many other
in my mind, I am focusing on to be educated Holocaust victims, their
Kim Kovach is looking forward to about Holocaust this sort to occur. quest is “never forget.” is
long walks and longer days ahead! We reside in Cross River. book, or others like it, should
www.kimkovachwrites.com To the Katonah-Lewisboro be required reading at the
School District administrators My husband Henri Wolfe is a middle and high school levels.
and Lewisboro Town Council, holocaust survivor. A rescued Your educational curriculum,
hidden child. His background diversity committees or panels,
We are appalled at the news and story has been covered in should also include discussions
that a John Jay Middle School many writings and publica- of the persecution of Jews as
individual scrawled a swastika tions, some of which were well as recent and relentless
on the boys bathroom wall. translated into several lan- anti-Semitism seen throughout
You speak of diversity commit- guages. Most recently, his story the U.S. and the rest of the
tees and panels. However, it is as well as those of 50 other world.
evident that not enough has WWII Jewish war orphans—
been shared and taught in the also hidden children—were At the least, once discovered,
Katonah-Lewisboro School covered extensively in the book, this individual owes Henri as
District about the horrors of “From the Children’s Home to well as other holocaust survivors
the Holocaust and as a result the Gas Chamber: And how an apology.
has not discouraged actions of some avoided their fate.” We
receive no compensation for his Linda Press Wolfe
participation in these books, nor
any proceeds from book sales. Cross River
To advertise in The Katonah-Lewisboro Times, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or
email [email protected].
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5628 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628
Taking care of business, on Main Street
BRUCE pandemic, to donations to a of the report’s 12 proposed tices. Funnel more contracts to owners.
THE BLOG volunteer ambulance corps. remedies… locally owned businesses. 11) Improve broadband
BRUCE Along with other uses of 1) Build a strong infra- 6) Buy commercial property access for small businesses. A
APAR funds still being determined structure to cultivate, grow, and place it in a community robust online presence is cru-
by some local governments, and support small businesses land trust. Repurpose empty cial in today’s marketplace.
Communities across those allocations tend to through strategic investments storefronts by renting a ord-
America are using focus heavily on infrastruc- in training, coaching, and able space to small businesses. 12) Invest in commercial
funds they’ve received ture, which is understandable. district improvements that
from the American Rescue However, what’s rarely, if ever, nance. 7) Create local delivery help small businesses. Create a
Plan Act (ARPA) in a wide mentioned as a bene ciary of 2) Close the racial entrepre- services. Push back against shopper-friendly environment
array of ways. the emergency dollars is local neurship gap. Entrepreneurs third-party delivery apps that stimulates spending.
commerce, and the entrepre- of color should have as much that are eating the pro ts of
In northern Westchester neurs who drive it. access to banking relationships restaurants. Admittedly, some of these
towns, the deployment of as white and male business civic-minded prescriptions,
federal funds ranges from Enter a white paper called owners. 8) Promote small businesses while aspirational, might ap-
waterfront revitalization for “Small Business’s Big Mo- 3) Develop grocery stores and shopping small. Use pear facile, if not naive, such
River Towns along the Hud- ment,” authored by Kennedy in underserved communities. ARPA funds to create market- as No. 6. Yet they also are
son to upgrades of wastewater Smith of the Institute for Economically distressed areas ing initiatives. innovative and enterprising.
infrastructure, to replenish- Local Self-Reliance (ILSR). have di culty supporting large As such, they certainly are
ing revenue lost by municipal In it, he enumerates a dozen supermarkets. 9) Capitalize a publicly worth further exploration by
parking facilities during the recommendations on how 4) Cultivate small-scale owned bank. Make more our communities as possible
communities can deploy manufacturing and local and money available for small remedies for injecting new life
ARPA funds to help small regional supply chains. Light business loans commercial into our quality of life. For the
businesses, thus strengthen- industry creates good jobs that banks deny. full report > ilsr.org.
ing the economic health of a build wealth.
community. 5) Improve small business 10) Support employee busi- Bruce Apar is a writer and actor.
procurement policies and prac- ness ownership. Keeps com- He can be reached at bruce@
Here’s a vestpocket version panies alive, helps business aparpr.co; 914-275-6887.
owners retire comfortably,
and builds wealth for worker-
Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of the Katonah-Lewisboro
Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at [email protected]. For more
information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
e Cutest Dog in the World
MAN pretty good about teaching their Gidget and sometimes won’t eat for days She’s pretty well-trained, and
OVERBOARD kids to respect dogs and asking their when it’s on vacation. When I leave I’m not quite sure how she got
owners if they’re friendly. More Some things you should know the restaurant, I ask for a “doggy- that way since it doesn’t run in the
RICK often you should ask the dog if the about a Eurasier: ey love cats, and bag,”and I actually have to give it to family. However, she won’t respond
MELÉN owner is friendly. Gidget glances at I wouldn’t be surprised to nd the the doggy. She still won’t eat it until to traditional words like “come”or
Mom to try to ascertain if the kids cat sitting on the dog’s lap, except she sees how angry I am that I’M “heel”or “lie down”or any of the
This is nothing against your are going to poke her or screech at that it’s hard to locate a lap on a not eating it. commands that my dad used to use
dog, whom I’m sure is a very her, but Mom already has the phone dog, even when it’s sitting down. A on us around the house. It would
nice dog, but my dog is the out to take a picture of the kids pok- Eurasier is also fussy about its food be too confusing if my wife said
cutest dog in the land. Gidget is ing and screeching at the cute dog. “fetch”and Gidget and I point to
so good looking that if she was an each other and say,“I think she’s
actress, she would always be grip- “What kind is she?”Mom asks. talking to YOU.”It’s easiest to train
ing that she’s not taken seriously Gidget is a purebred Eurasier, which a Eurasier to do things she might be
and is never be considered for dog is in the Spitz family. Her breed is inclined to do anyway. We’ve taught
scientist-type roles because she is part Samoyed, part Chow Chow her the commands,“IGNORE!”
not “believable.”If you look back and part Keeshond. A little bit and “LICK!”and “YAWN!”and she
on Racquel Welch’s career, she was European, a little bit Asian, a little has done so well that I can almost
victimized by the same type of bias bit country and a little bit rock & see her as a service dog, as long as
and was never cast in dog scientist roll.“How old is she?”She is 7, but you don’t mind doing the actual
roles either. I found out that each dog year is services.
not really seven human years, but a
Kids love Gidget because she complicated logarithm where the Not sure how she’d do as an
looks like a stu ed animal.“Can we rst year is equal to about 14 years emotional support dog, because she
pet your dog?” ey ask. Moms are and then, after the second year, you is quite sensitive and will shiver at
multiply your dog’s age by 4 and the sound of loud noises, even at a
then add 21. If your dog lies about Medicare health plan commercial
its age, you’ll need a slide rule. if Joe Namath is shouting about
Ring “Bell” For Your AIR CONDITIONING Needs! have to be careful not to watch a
movie with her that does not have
CALpLrNeOvWentTaotisvcehmedauinleteynoaunrce visit! In business for over 40 years! a happy ending. Come to think of
it you’d better handle the emotional
PRE-SEASON A/C CHECK UP support part yourself.
SCHEDULE $99.00 $129.00 $149.00 She is very intelligent. We’re
NOW AND teaching Gidget to pick her toys out
When scheduled by When scheduled by When scheduled by of her toy box and bring them over
SAVE! March 31st April 30th May 31st to us while we’re watching TV. I say,
“Gidget, give me Squeakie,”and (if
Coupon must be presented at time of service. Coupon must be presented at time of service. Coupon must be presented at time of service. it’s the one on top) she’ll bring us
Squeakie for the price of one treat.
Cannot be combined with any other offers. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Cannot be combined with any other offers. She has a particular toy, I don’t know
what it’s supposed to be, but it looks
like a stu ed coronavirus. I say,
“Gidget, give me the coronavirus,”
and she’ll give it to me faster than a
QAnon conventioneer.
She doesn’t shed a lot, but before
our Super Bowl party, Gidget went
to the beauty parlor to get her hair
cut and styled, a mani-pedi and a
shampoo. It costs my wife an arm
and a leg to get the same stu done,
and remember, Gidget has two arms
and two legs, so do the math. I don’t
know if they exfoliate my dog while
she’s there, but I foliate her before-
hand to make sure I get my money’s
worth. When she comes back from
the doggy day spa both ends of her
look remarkably similar and equally
She’s a great companion and
seems almost human sometimes,
only without the downside; she
doesn’t eat garlic, never mentions
any issues with my hair and she
literally NEVER says “literally.”I’ll
give you one more piece of advice,
which is that it really is best to let
sleeping dogs lie, because when
they’re awake they always tell the
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A tip from the
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Before you know it, you won’t
The CLuocuknattry House
Luck is a funny thing. Some which totaled our car lets us walk Stuart, a self-proclaimed optimist,
scholars would argue that luck is away unscathed? It seems as if also considered having her chil-
simply a self-ful lling prophecy. there may be merit to the schol- dren her luckiest moments. But
at is to say that luck judgments ars’ and pragmatists’ beliefs that she added that she considered
are really a matter of perspective, there is some type of relationship herself happy and grateful for all
and it is how we interpret the between the glass half full and the things in her life and she believes
outcome that persuades our mind four-leaf clover. that these positive feelings be-
to view the event as lucky or not. While having a discussion get lucky outcomes. Perhaps the
Pragmatists would argue that we with some of the residents at e phrase, “one’s perception is one’s
are only as lucky as we think we Country House, an assisted living reality,” has some merit in this
are and if that is true, it seems that community in Yorktown Heights, whole “leprechaun luck” phenom-
optimists are then, the luckiest I broached the topic of luck. Many enon.
people of all. When an unforeseen of the residents believe they were
and unlikely event (like winning extremely lucky to have married e Country House is a marketing
the lottery) occurs, we rejoice, ex- their spouse. Others felt lucky to partner of this newspaper. is
claiming how lucky we are. And have such wonderful children. article is written by e Country PHOTO COURTESY OF THE COUNTRY HOUSE
when a potentially disastrous bliz- One of the residents said she felt House, a 100 bed boutique assisted Virginia Stuart, a resident at The
Country House Assisted living,
zard veers o course and misses lucky to have been cured from her living community, nestled amidst celebrates the “luck of the Irish”
while rejoicing in the many
our town, we breathe a sigh of cancer diagnosis. Two of the resi- a beautiful rustic landscape. It is lucky events in her life.
relief, and again, revel in our luck. dents, Margaret Cristello and Re- located at 2000 Baldwin Rd in
Are we lucky because a diagnosis nata Karlin viewed living at e Yorktown Heights, NY. For more
of cancer is only a stage one? Is it Country House as the luckiest information, call 914-455-1363 or
luck that the horri c car accident thing to happen to them. Virginia visit meridionsenior.com.
My time on Russian television
MY me profusely and told me I was “bril- was immediately dismissed. It was clear Much worse than Chamberlain’s failed
PERSPECTIVE liant.” ey further assured me that my to me that what this “news organization” but well-intentioned e orts to avoid war,
interview would be fairly and generously was trying to show was that Americans in 2022 we have Americans who actually
JAMES melded into their “anniversary” produc- were afraid and confused. In short, given commend Putin’s monstrous democ-
MARTORANO tion. But I never received a copy of their the predominance of conspiracy theories racy killing rampage. Tucker Carlson,
and a huge partisan divide, we lacked Laura Ingram, Mike Pompeo, the 44th
Last fall, my editor noti ed me that nished product. common purpose and resolve. is expe- President and others have all, in di er-
a New York-based Russian televi- After my interview, I thought I had rience came as no surprise to me. ent words, shamefully heaped praise on
sion station (which broadcasts heard the last of the two young men, but Putin or at the very least downplayed the
in Russian back to Europe, in addition I was wrong. On the actual anniversary e use of propaganda and the brutal nature of his invasion. Unlike my
to the entire United States) wanted to of one of the most tragic days in our manipulation of news is nothing new short-lived interview (which I am sure
interview me. It turns out, they had read history, I received a frantic phone call to autocratic regimes. On Sept. 1, 1939, made the trash bin), their statements are
an article I had penned (published in this from the lead producer who asked me if when Germany invaded Poland, Hitler now on a news loop in Russia, playing
newspaper) about critical thinking and I would be available for a Skype call in justi ed his actions by falsely accusing repeatedly, giving comfort to an attack
conspiracy theories. e speci c column 45 minutes from one of Russia’s national Poland of persecuting ethnic Germans which in the end will have killed and
that caught their eye had presented and television news shows. I asked what this living in Poland. He also dishonestly maimed thousands as it tries to snu out
disproved bogus conspiracy claims about was about but although he wasn’t speci c, claimed that Poland was planning, with a edgling democracy.
9/11. I called the phone number I was I once again agreed. its allies Great Britain and France, to
given and talked to the local station’s Less than an hour later, when my encircle and dismember Germany. Like 1939, today’s world is in the
producer. He explained that they were Skype had connected, I observed a rather middle of a life and death struggle be-
doing a four-part series on the 9/11 robust, well-dressed man sitting behind Just days ago, another tyrant, Vladimir tween autocracy and democracy. Our own
bombing in honor of the 20th anniversa- a huge desk in a setting not unlike what Putin, attempted to justify his murder- constitutional republic is under severe at-
ry. ey wanted to include a segment on we would expect to see today in any ous destruction of the free democratic tack by those whose propensities for lying
conspiracy theories that stemmed from news anchor format. He was speaking in country of Ukraine by alleging that they would make any despot proud. But know
that horrible day and that’s where I came Russian, and I was told (in English) that were harboring a “neo-Nazi” regime and this: Putin is not a genius as our former
in. Although I was skeptical about their I was next. I assumed that I was on the as such it posed a threat to his empire. president has stated. Nor are the other
motivations, I agreed to be interviewed. Russian equivalent of the Nightly News He was right in one sense; Ukraine is a 14 ruthless dictators he praised during
of any major American network. threat in so much as any free and thriv- his presidency. Additionally, they are not
A couple of weeks later, via Zoom, I When my time came, I was once again ing democracy is always kryptonite for immune from making critical mistakes.
sat down for my 30-minute interview. introduced by this imposing anchor as a any autocratic regime whose hold on Typically, they are not critical thinkers,
I was introduced to two 30-something prominent (I wish) New York attorney power is based on misinformation, fear, rather they are full of themselves and usu-
courteous young men who, I was told, who was also an “expert” in conspiracy and violence. ally surrounded by sycophants who only
ran a studio in New York where their theories. What ashed through my mind tell them what they want to hear. Like
“productions” are created and then was the question: What makes someone Just as when Hitler invaded Poland Hitler’s ill-fated military incursion into
beamed back to Europe (and of course, an expert on anything? e Russian an- in 1939, today’s Stalin-like aggression Russia, Putin, the tyrannical “genius,” may
Russia) and throughout the United nouncer then asked me: What percent- by Putin exempli es to all freedom- have made a huge miscalculation in his
States. age of Americans are presently afraid of loving people the brutal inhumanity and ruthless invasion of Ukraine.
another terrorist attack? I had done my unhinged criminality of totalitarianism.
I had no problem lling the time research and then answered his question British Prime Minister Neville Cham- As I am writing this, events are moving
allotted, as I expounded on my long- by saying that our percentage of people berlain was for posterity stamped with very quickly in Ukraine and not for the
held criticism of conspiracy theories worried about a terrorist attack was not the label of a weak appeaser when he better. I do not know by the time you read
and my rm commitment to critical high and considerably lower than it attempted to assuage Hitler’s thirst for this if any of the Ukraine’s democratically
thinking. ey introduced me to their had been right after the attack 20 years power by agreeing to a non-aggression elected government o cials will still be in
audience as “a lawyer and an expert” ago. My answer was met with evident pact. at soon-to-be-broken agreement power or even alive. But I do know this:
on conspiracy theories. I laid out the disappointment. It didn’t help matters gave the blood-thirsty maniac free rein
theories surrounding 9/11, one by one, that I quickly added, “None of my fellow to occupy the Sudetenland in 1938. e spirit of freedom and democracy that
and hopefully successfully refuted each citizen’s present anxiety compares to the President Zelensky has bravely espoused
one. When we were done, they thanked dread I grew up with in the 1950s and Today, faced with another dictator’s will still burn brightly. e example of
60s that your country would wage nucle- similar attempt to increase his territory, his and the Ukrainian people’s courage
ar war on America.” Not unexpectedly, I we would expect that we would have should be our guiding light for decades to
learned from history and our response come. ey have proven once again that
would be one of zealous uni ed op- preserving freedom is worth any price.
position. But sadly, that is not the case.
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Happily Ever After
When to start studying for nals
STRONG Dear Judy and Emmy, 3. Before you spend time a snack, shoot a few baskets, ing trouble following through or
LEARNING To do well on nals, you have studying on your own, talk to contact a friend. it takes you a long time to read
your teachers to nd out if they and understand, talk to your
DR. LINDA to start early. It’s impossible to are having review sessions or if 6. Use various memory tools parents and school counselor. If
SILBERT review everything you learned other teachers in your school to learn the material that you you tend to put things o , have
over a semester or the whole year are holding review classes in the don’t remember, for example, trouble concentrating, or are
Dear Dr. Linda, in a single weekend or even over subjects. Mark those dates on you might use acronyms, asso- upset and anxious about tests (or
Our daughter, Emmy, is in the a few weeks. your calendar and make every ciations or graphic organizers. anything else), talk to your par-
e ort to attend them. Also, look ents and your school counselor
11th grade and is already pan- Here are some tips to help for review classes outside of the 7. Use a multisensory ap- about those things, too. I’ll bet
icking over nals. She’s a really you do great: school. proach: say it aloud, write it, they have ideas for how to help.
good student, but last year did read it, draw it, make up a song
terribly on her nals. She didn’t 1. As soon as you know the 4. Gather all the notes, hand- and sing it. Notice which activi- Whatever you do, follow your
do too well on her midterm ex- date of each nal exam, put it outs, whatever information you ties help you the most and use own advice and START NOW.
ams this year either. I never did on a calendar. e calendar can have gathered throughout the those strategies over and over. Don’t wait to study for nals the
well on nals or midterms either, be a paper one or electronic— year. Put them all in one place— weekend before. You may pass
so I don’t really know what to just make sure it’s one you look in one binder, one folder or 8. Before going to sleep, the test, but you’re unlikely to
do to help her. She keeps saying at regularly. even in a plastic crate. Organize review everything you went over remember anything you studied
that she has to start studying them into topics and the topics that day. It’s amazing how much after the nals are over.
now and I’m not sure how she 2. Take a few minutes to into smaller chunks. If every- more you’ll remember if you
would do that. We work well estimate how many days you’ll thing is online, download as “practice” the material before Dr. Linda
together, and I’d love to help her. actually have to study before much as you can and put them going to sleep.
We’d appreciate any suggestions. your exam. Be sure you subtract your other papers. Dr. Linda is co-author of
days that you know will be busy 9. Don’t walk away from it, “Why Bad Grades Happen to
Judy and Emmy with sports, special occasions, 5. Start reviewing each except for the breaks mentioned Good Kids,” and director of
family vacations and even days subject. Use short practice above. When you’re trying to Strong Learning Tutoring.
to relax. is will give you a re- periods (30 to 45 minutes) and learn something, think about it Send your questions to Linda@
alistic estimate of the number of take 10-minute breaks…have while brushing your teeth, eating stronglearning.com.
days you actually have to spend breakfast, or sitting on the bus.
time studying.
10. If you nd that you’re hav-
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JJMS addresses swastika incident
On Wednesday, Feb. 9, all JJMS Principal Jeff Swiatowicz hate, anti-Semitism grows in
John Jay Middle School social silence,” Swiatowicz said. “If
studies classes took time to di- PHOTO: KATONAH-LEWISBORO SCHOOL DISTRICT you have knowledge about this
rectly address students’ personal or other hateful incidents and
responsibility in cultivating a of controversial topics and still “ e students of John Jay Mid- icz said. “Some members of our you are silent, you are part of the
culture of respect. community might ask, why call problem.”
not fully understand the rami - dle School are in good hands.” attention to this?...It is because
e all-school conversation calling this small act harmless e presentation provided
was structured by Principal Je cations of their actions. e all-school conversation or not important can strengthen students with information about
Swiatowicz, with support from dangerous attitudes.” the long history of the swastika
sta developers and teachers, in “I am so grateful to have been began with Swiatowicz speak- and its use by Nazi Germany. It
response to a 2-inch swastika “Anti-Semitism is unique in included a quote from a Holo-
found scrawled on a wall in a in the presence of such an open, ing directly to students through many ways since it targets Jew- caust survivor who called the
bathroom stall. e thoughtful ish people. Like other forms of swastika “a symbol of pure evil,”
and serious discussion support- compassionate, self-re ective, a video message. “ e John Jay representing fear, suppression,
ed the district’s commitment to and extermination.
using the lessons of history to growth-focused leader,” the He- Middle School community
teach students to stand for re- “Be assured that we stand
spect and inclusivity. brew Congregation of Somers must not accept any form of against all forms of hate,” said
Superintendent Andrew Selesn-
After contacting local law en- ick in his letter to the Katonah-
forcement and communicating Lewisboro Schools community.
with school and district fami- “We call them out when they
lies, Swiatowicz worked with occur to shine a light where
the school’s sta developers and there is room for growth. We
social studies teachers to create investigate and work with law
a way for students to learn and enforcement to determine who
grow through the incident. is responsible. We also rea rm
our continuing commitment to
He also met with several rab- building a school community
bis from the local Jewish com- that is ever more understanding,
munity. e conversation cen- welcoming, and inclusive.”
tered on protocols for timely,
clear response to any act of hate is article was prepared by
against any marginalized com- the Katonah-Lewisboro School
munity or individual. It was in- District.
formed by the reality that mid-
dle school students can be aware posted on their Facebook page. hate-based prejudice,” Swiatow-
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Fire chief: Keep your fireplace ‘fire safe’
One of life’s comforts during are igniting a re inside your of inadequate maintenance,
winter is curling up with a good home—and although it’s in a carelessness, and not taking
book and a mug of hot cocoa in controlled structure, you still proper safety measures.
front of the replace on a cold need to be diligent when it e Goldens Bridge Fire
blustery night. But make sure comes to safety,” Melillo said. Chief noted that various re
your replace is “ re safe” before “A replace is a home amenity safety experts and organizations
you ignite the kindling wood. that must be treated with o er a checklist of replace
at’s the advice of Fire Chief respect. It comes with a level of safety tips, some of which
Albert Melillo of the Goldens responsibility—knowing what to include:
Bridge Fire Department, who do before you ignite the re and • Have your replace inspected
recommends that you create a when the replace is active, and and cleaned – at minimum, once
checklist of safety tips found on after the re burns out. Proper annually – by a certi ed and
the websites of organizations operation, care, and maintenance insured chimney sweep.
such as the National Fire will help keep your replace from • Replace batteries and check
Protection Association (NFPA), becoming a re risk. Preparation expiration dates of smoke and
U.S. Fire Administration and awareness—and following carbon monoxide alarms.“Faulty
(USFA), and Chimney Safety a safety checklist—goes a long burning – which can result from
Institute of America (CSIA). way in safeguarding life and using wet, unseasoned wood –
“With temperatures property,” added Melillo, who and poor venting of a replace • Keep anything ammable • Use dry, cured hardwoods,
plummeting into the teens has responded to dozens of can cause carbon monoxide away from the replace – experts such as oak, maple and elm
and single digits throughout replace chimney res during poisoning,” Melillo said. recommend at least three feet, (instead of pine, spruce,
this winter, residents are using his nearly 43 years of service • Keep a fully charged,annually but preferably more. cedar and other resinous and
their replaces more often for with the Goldens Bridge Fire inspected re extinguisher on • To properly vent the replace, softwoods), which experts say
ambiance and warmth. e key Department. hand – but in the event of a re, be sure the damper/ ue is open burn cleaner and help minimize
is not to get careless. Never Most emergencies, he said, always get everyone out of the throughout the burn and until the formation of creosote – the
lose sight of the fact that you are due to a combination house and call 9-1-1. all embers are cold. tar-like, aky buildup that the
Golden’s Bridge Fire Chief says
is often the cause of chimney
• Never use a liquid re starter
to light the wood, and never
burn paper.
2021 was a • Have a sturdy screen on
CRAZY YEAR! your replace to minimize the
possibility of embers and sparks
from jumping out.
• Use replace tools – a poker,
tongs and non- ammable gloves
when stoking the re and adding
• Never leave an active re
unattended, and always keep
children and pets away from the
• Never use water to extinguish
a re, and wait until the ash and
embers are cold before cleaning
We can help make your taxes less crazy. the hearth – using a brush and
shovel to place the debris in a
metal container stored outdoors
at least 10 feet from the house
and other structures.
• Melillo said for a complete
list of safety tips, visit the
websites of the NFPA, USFA,
CSIA, and other re safety
is article was prepared by the
Goldens Bridge Fire Department.
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Katonah-Lewisboro Times by
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publication date. Submissons
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This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or halstonmedia.com or mail it to
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envelope if you’d like your
photo returned.
AT STATES: Oskar Lombardi
(left), Luke Spieler (fourth
from right), and Chris Marchini
(second from right)
John Jay trio takes third at states
BY RICH MONETTI rst time. amazing.” the giant slalom and the slalom, I Lombardi also took pride in
CONTRIBUTING WRITER “It was pretty nerve-racking,” Of course, he knew the risks. should be on track to do that.” the step up from under Ridge
said Marchini, who took 22nd in “On a giant slalom course, it’s A crash this year at the section- to Gore. “From such a small
On Monday, Feb. 28, and the giant slalom and 36th in the more dangerous,” Marchini said. als took his opportunity away, but mountain, being able to ski on big
Tuesday, March 1, John Jay had slalom. “You’re going at a faster pace, and there will be no more runs at John time mountains (and with the ac-
a trio of skiers representing the He shook o the jitters when if you screw it up, you can get in Jay for Lombardi. Nonetheless, companying skiers), it felt great,”
school in the state competition. it really counted, though. On the some trouble.” said the senior, “I’m proud of my Lombardi said.
Oskar Lombardi, Luke Spieler, giant slalom, an ice patch sud- So, the more dry runs a skier accomplishments.” Looking forward, he’s not sure
and Chris Marchini took to Gore denly emerged three gates down has, the better. Marchini said he ey include nishing 16th in where he will ski in college but is
Mountain and their team e ort the mountain. So Marchini made was thankful that Coach Col- the slalom and 27th in the giant con dent he will be able to com-
brought home a bronze medal. the adjustment while refusing to lea got them on the mountain slalom, and he also acknowledged pete. Closing the John Jay book,
But of course, there was still plen- change course. last week. Plenty of opportunity the extra runs in preparation. But though, Lombardi took a last run
ty of room for individual feelings “I put all my pressure on the next year, Marchini is looking to for him, the downtime was more at the team’s success.
of accomplishment. outside ski and went right into the upgrade, too. “My goal is to win important to the state run-up. “I “It feels great that we’re the
“Out of the entire state of New ice,”he said.“My skis were wicked Skimeister,” Marchini said. “If I had to mentally prepare myself,” third-best school in the state,” he
York, I’m up there, I’m one of the sharp, and I was like, wow, that felt can put together four solid runs in he said. said.
guys. at’s special,” said Spieler, Out of the
entire state
who took 28 in the Slalom and of New York,
32nd in the Giant Slalom. I’m up there,
I’m one of the
e junior felt he could have
done better but rated his runs as
“solid,” nonetheless. His second
trip to the states, he had some new
tricks as an old dog.
“I was a freshman the rst time
I went. I didn’t know what I was
doing,” Spieler said. “ is year,
my previous experience de nitely
e course itself played a part,
too. A pretty straightforward
course, Spieler took advantage to guys. That’s
let loose. “I was trying to hit every
gate,”he said.“ at was really fun.”
So, one year left, Spieler has special.’ Luke
eyes on breaking the Top 15. Spieler
–Luke Spieler
“I’m looking forward to making John Jay High School FILE PHOTO/
the jump,” Spieler said. YUAN ZHANG
As for Marchini, the compe-
tition had him getting o the
ground at the state level for the
John Jay falls at regionals
In the rst round of the Division II state ice hockey
quarter nal on Saturday, March 5, John Jay fell to
Queensbury, 7-5.
John Jay’s Owen Scinicariello got John Jay on the board
rst with 1:54 remaining in the rst, but Queensbury
stormed back with three straight goals. Still, the Wolves
did not tuck tail and answered with goals by Walter
Oestreicher and Colman Rice to tie at three.
Unfortunately, Queensbury was not deterred and again
notched three goals in a row. Scinicariello and Doug Styles
followed with goals to close the gap. But John Jay’s season
ended with a two-goal defeat.
–Rich Monetti
Doug Styles shoots. Walter Oestreicher
Outdoor activities that are perfect for seniors
e great outdoors beckons and take in all that Mother types of sh has been linked to
people of all ages. Fresh air can Nature has to o er. a lower risk for heart disease and
be hard to resist and the bene ts • Hiking: Hiking provides obesity.
of spending time outdoors are a great workout and an ideal • Volunteering: Local
so numerous that it behooves opportunity to spend time in an environmental groups often
anyone, including seniors, to idyllic setting. e U.S. National sponsor cleanups at parks and
answer the call of nature. Park Service notes that hiking waterfront attractions like
According to researchers helps individuals build stronger beaches and lakes. Volunteering
with the U.S. Department of muscles and bones, improves with such organizations is a great
Agriculture’s Forest Service, their sense of balance, has a way to get outside and give back,
human beings bene t both positive e ect on heart health, and working with like-minded
physically and psychologically and can decrease the risk of individuals can be a great way
from spending time in certain respiratory problems. for seniors to meet new people.
nature. Such experiences Hiking is an especially attractive In addition, a national study
can reduce stress and help outdoor activity for seniors, as sponsored by the Corporation
lower heart rates, potentially many parks feature trails with for National and Community
decreasing individuals’ risk varying degrees of di culty, Service in 2019 found that
for cardiovascular disease. In ensuring there’s a trail for without worsening symptoms. the bene ts of swimming. 88 percent of Senior Corps
addition, the Forest Service seniors whether they’re seasoned e U.S. Department of Health • Fishing: Of course not all volunteers who initially reported
notes that spending time outside or novice hikers. and Human Services also notes outdoor activities need to make a lack of companionship
in green spaces has been linked • Water aerobics: e Centers that swimming can lead to seniors hu and pu . Fishing reported a decrease in feelings of
to a lower risk of depression. for Disease Control and improved health for people provides a great reason to get isolation after volunteering.
Seniors who are retired or Prevention notes that water- with diabetes and heart disease. outdoors, and many individuals e opportunities for seniors
even aging empty nesters who based exercises can be especially Seniors can reap these bene ts devoted to shing report feeling to enjoy the great outdoors are
are still in the workforce can helpful individuals with chronic by going for a dip in their own less stressed after a day spent endless. Taking advantage of
make great use of their free diseases, a category many seniors backyard pools or a local body casting for their favorite sh. such chances can bene t seniors
time by venturing into the fall into. e CDC notes that one of water, such as a lake or ocean. Individuals who consume what in myriad ways.
great outdoors. e following study published in the journal Many swim clubs also o er they catch also can bene t by
are a handful of senior-friendly Arthritis & Rheumatology discounted memberships to improving their diets, as the is article was prepared by Metro
outdoor activities that provide a found that improves the use seniors, making these another American Heart Association Newspaper Service.
great reason to get o the couch of joints a ected by arthritis great and a ordable way to reap notes that consuming certain
A win for wolves
Animal rights advocates cheer court ruling
BY CAROL REIF been taken this hunting season by early A federal judge
STAFF WRITER February. at’s the most since they were overturned
reintroduced to Yellowstone in 1995.
Federal protections for gray wolves Calling some of the methods used to kill the U.S. Fish
may have been restored recently, but that them – baiting, snares, etc. – “really cruel,” and Wildlife
doesn’t mean the carnivores are complete- Howell said she saw it as “a return to the Service’s 2020
ly out of the woods yet. Dark Ages.” decision to take
gray wolves off
Last month, a federal judge overturned rough education, advocacy and active the endangered
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s 2020 species recovery, the WCC promotes the and threatened
decision to take gray wolves o the en- protection and preservation of North
dangered and threatened list. ey were America’s wolf populations. list.
among some of the rst animals shield-
ed by the 1973 Endangered Species Act Gray wolves vanished from New York PHOTO COURTESY
(ESA). more than a century ago, but there is OF WCC
reportedly more than enough habitat
According to media reports, the agency in the state for their eventual recovery, DON’T GET CAUGHT WITH
is currently reviewing the Feb. 10 court according to the Center for Biological AN AGING OIL TANK!
ruling and accepting public comments on Diversity.
the issue. Pro-hunting groups are weigh- Before you place your home on the
ing potential legal appeals, which would So while it may be enjoying this small
be directed to the Ninth Circuit Court of “victory moment,” the nonpro t knows market, contact ENVIROSTAR about
Appeals in San Francisco. It covers nine there’s lots more work to be done, Howell
western states. said. replacing your aging underground
After the original de-listing, wolf hunt- Protecting predators such as wolves DON’T HOLD UP storage tank (UST). It it required by
ing spiked in some states, including Wis- remains a politically fraught issue, espe- most insurance companies prior to
consin, which last spring had to end the cially in Western states where farmers and THE SALE OF insuring property.
season early after more than 200 were ranchers fear the loss of livestock. Wild-
killed in less than three days. the state’s life advocates, however, insist that the vast YOUR HOME! ESTIFMRAETEES
quota had been 119. majority of livestock deaths are due to
In his decision, U.S. District Court ing and not predation. IN-GROUND TANK REMOVAL
Judge Je rey White of Oakland, Ca- 1998
lif., sided with environmental and anti- “Wolves are being made the scape- WWithiththtishicsocuopuonpoonlyo.nClyo.uCpoonupmounstmbeusptrebseenptreedsaetnttheedtiamtethoef tthime esotimf tahte.
hunting groups and said that USFWS goats,” Howell said, adding that “if you do estimateN. Nototot tboebceomcboimnebdinweitdh awniythotahneyr oofftehres.rEoxffpeirress. 9E/1x5p/i1r9es 4/30/22
had relied solely on the recovery of gray the math, it doesn’t justify the slaughter
wolf populations in the Northern Rocky of a keystone species that has ecological We are the name you trust for environmental needs
Mountains and the Great Lakes regions. value.”
It had failed, he said, to consider threats 845-279-9555 • TankRemovalServices.com
to gray wolves living outside those areas. ABOUT WCC
Founded by Hélène Grimaud in 1999,
Because of the court order, gray wolves
in the contiguous 48 states and Mexico – the WCC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-pro t
with the exception of the Northern Rocky environmental education organization
Mountain population – are again protect- working to protect and preserve wolves
ed under the ESA. ey are considered in North America through science-based
“threatened” in Minnesota and “endan- education, advocacy and participation in
gered” in the remaining states. the federal recovery and release programs
for two critically endangered wolf species,
Several pro-hunting groups such the Mexican gray wolf and red wolf.
as Kansas-based Hunter Nation have
slammed White’s ruling, claiming that It houses three ambassador wolves, or
gray wolves have recovered across their wolf educators, who help teach the public
“intended ranges” and their fate should be about conservation and ecological balance
left up to each state’s predator manage- either in person or via webcam.
ment program.
Part of the federal Species Survival Plans
Many animal rights advocates – such for critically endangered red wolves and
as Maggie Howell, executive director of Mexican gray wolves, the WCC also is a
the Wolf Conservation Center (WCC) in leading center for the breeding and prere-
South Salem – celebrated the court deci- lease care of critically endangered Mexi-
sion as “a big win for wolves.” can gray wolves and red wolves.
However, they’re not ready to let down To best prepare the 30-plus wild wards
their guard yet. Howell pointed to the cur- for their eventual freedom, they are kept
rent situation in Yellowstone Park, which “o exhibit” within the WCC’s Endan-
is mostly in Wyoming but spreads into gered Species Facility.
parts of Montana and Idaho in the Rocky
Mountain region. Wolves are protected Managed by the Association of Zoos
there, but should they wander outside the and Aquariums, SSPs are designed to
national preserve, they are fair game. e ensure the long-term sustainability of
ruling didn’t change that. captive-based animal populations. ey
are coordinated by organizations such as
Environmental groups, citing aggressive the WCC, zoos, the U.S. Fish and Wild-
management measures in those three life Service and Mexico’s sh and wildlife
states, have petitioned the U.S. Fish and agencies.
Wildlife Service to impose immediate
federal protections for Northern Rockies For more information about its pro-
wolves. grams, visit www.nywolf.org or call 914-
763-2373. Its mailing address is Wolf
According to the National Park Conservation Center, P.O. Box 421,
Service, more than 24 gray wolves had South Salem, NY 10590. It is physically
located at 7 Buck Run, South Salem.
A neighbor in need
BY CAROL REIF willingness to help “anyone in
He also loved his family and
Wounds that can’t be seen are went, Hoppe says, without health
the hardest to heal. insurance “and much-needed, but
at’s a sad fact that Goldens una ordable, medications to give
Bridge native Molly Meixner us what we needed most.”
Hoppe says she’s had to accept. His last paycheck was still in
Her 45-year-old husband, his pocket the morning he died.
Brian, died suddenly and unex- Hoppe, who grew up in Gold-
pectedly at their Somers home ens Bridge and graduated from
nearly a year ago. e couple had John Jay High School, attended
been out to eat on Friday, Jan. 29, Johnson and Wales University,
2021, and were watching TV lat- one of the best culinary schools
er when Hoppe decided to turn in the country. She and Brian,
in rst. who was from Mans eld, Mass.,
“Everything was normal,” she met on Cape Cod while in their
recalls. twenties.
en their 10-year-old daugh- Hoppe ourished in the hos-
ter, Lilly, tiptoed into the bed- pitality eld, rising from service
room early Saturday to wake her to management positions. While
up. living in New Fair eld, Conn.,
“Why is daddy sleeping on she was employed by a “well-
the oor?” she asked her groggy known” restaurant.
mom. “I loved my job,” says Hoppe,
Hoppe gently put a hand on who even then was in nearly con-
his back, trying to rouse him. She stant pain from a degenerative
quickly realized that it was too spinal condition.
late; he was gone. Her screams After several surgeries failed to Brian Hoppe passed away unexpectedly last year at the age
brought her father, Robert, run- produce any relief, she was forced of 45, leaving behind his wife and 10-year-old daughter.
ning. to make the very tough decision
A stroke had taken her hus- to stop working. e hope was
band. to at least slow down her loss of
It was a “nightmare” that mobility. ly, Brian did not have any savings ally comes from an Old English to go to dance on Friday nights.
Hoppe still hopes to wake from, at was 2013. With one in- plans or life insurance,” she says. word that means “rob,” “deprive” It was at a sock hop there that
a “nightmare no parent wants to come, the couple eventually went e last year has been spent in and “seize.”) Gloria met future husband John
have to face.” through their savings and had to somewhat of a “fog,” she says. Hoppe’s family and friends Meixner. ey got hitched in
At that point in their lives, sell their home. ey then rented Besides su ering the loss of have been loving and supportive 1945.
Brian had been the family’s sole an apartment from her dad, Rob- her partner, the single mom is but, she says, they have their own Although “embarrassed” and
breadwinner. A stonemason, he ert Meixner, in the Otha Drive also facing increasing nancial struggles and bills to pay. She “humbled,” Hoppe said she has
toiled “until his ngers bled,” says home that his parents had built. challenges. e 44-year-old is on would love to be able to provide put those feelings aside for the
his widow. “We lived within our disability, but has been told that her daughter “with what every good of her daughter’s emotional
Anyone who knew him ad- means and gave up whatever we she is not yet old enough to col- child needs and deserves: the op- and physical well-being.
mired him for his “big heart” and could just to get by. Unfortunate- lect her late spouse’s Social Secu- portunity and chance at her best “What has been my life’s
Molly Meixner Hoppe and her daughter Lilly are asking the rity bene ts. life.” greatest privilege is being Lilly’s
community for help as they continue to recover from their loss.
“Who knew I was too young to Hoppe’s family has been there mom,” she says.
PHOTOS COURTESY OF MOLLY MEIXNER HOPPE be a widow!” she says. for the community since the ear- So last week, in honor of the
Lilly just turned 11, an age that ly 1900s. Robert Meixner runs one year anniversary of Brian’s
is already fraught with emotional, a small Somers swimming pool death, she launched a GoFund-
physical and intellectual changes. business, which he had taken Me campaign with the goal of
Due to the pandemic, she, like over from his father, John. He raising $10,000 to pay for grief
every child has, has faced de cits later ran a fuel oil business, which therapy and other necessities for
in her education. kept him “busy in the winters.” the family, such as much-needed,
Old enough to understand that He had to give up the latter expensive dental work.
death is nal and inevitable, she because it got too physically hard. “Our worlds were turned up-
misses her dad terribly, Hoppe Meixner hated to do that. side down that day, and it is now
says. She is struggling, both at “He’s a ghter,” Hoppe says. that I have been faced with quite
home and as a fth-grader at Her great-grandmother, Rose possibly my biggest challenge
school. (Moretti) Daros, opened the yet: being a single mom!” she
“It pulls at my heartstrings home-style cookery now known says in the online appeal, praying
every day to know I am not able as Mama Rosa Ristorante and that folks can join her “in giving
to provide for Lilly,” she admits, lived upstairs with her fam- someone very special the oppor-
adding that “she still needs ther- ily. Daros’s children, Gloria tunities she deserves.”
apy and grief counseling,” some- (Hoppe’s grandmother) and “What so many can take for
thing they can’t a ord. Richard, use to walk to the Little granted is what she needs, a
Hoppe’s physical ailments – Red Schoolhouse at the corner place where she feels safe, a place
which include ankylosing spon- of Route 100 and Plum Brook where we can heal and most of
dylitis, a chronic in ammatory Road – something that couldn’t all, a chance to do so,” she says of
disease that causes vertebrae to happen on the busy roadway now. her child.
fuse – aren’t necessarily visible to Daros eventually sold that res-
the casual eye. taurant and built another, today’s HOW TO HELP
Sadness and loneliness – a La Fontane, about 2 miles south. To donate, visit GoFundMe
natural reaction to the loss of a Richard, meanwhile, bought at gofundme.com/f/too-young-
loved one – do a lot of invisible what is now the Burger Barn. to-be-a-widow.
damage, too. (Bereavement actu- In its past life, it was the place
CLUES ACROSS 27. Annelids 59. Yellow light 20. Ebert’s partner Siskel For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Central mail bureau 30. Gracefully slender 60. Bird noise 22. Long skirt theparamountrehab.com
4. Member of the family 34. Kids need it 61. Opposite of start 27. Part of company name
7. Partner to flow 35. Swiss river 62. Bar bill 28. Drugmaker __ Lilly
10. __ Angeles 36. Indents 63. Northeastern Mass. 29. Electronic
11. Military mailbox 41. A sheer fabric of silk or cape countermeasures
12. Patriotic women nylon 64. American rocker Snider 31. Klutz
13. Shallow lake 45. Belgian River 65. Midway between 32. Chinese statesman
15. Tear apart 46. __ Spumante (Italian northeast and east 33. Stir with emotion
16. Middle Easterner wine) 37. Flat-bottomed boat
19. Eat to excess 47. Originate from CLUES DOWN 38. Go-between
21. Stained 50. Rugged mountain 1. Scandinavian drink 39. This (Spanish)
23. Certain peoples of ranges 2. Washington river 40. A plot of ground where
equatorial Africa 54. Made less clean 3. Fast-running flightless seedlings are grown before
24. 1st day of month 55. Professions bird transplanting
25. Skin disease 56. 3s 4. Nerve conditions 41. Small waterfall
26. Skating figure 57. Scarf 5. Indicates near 42. Modern tech necessity
6. Immediate (abbr.)
relevance 43. Utter repeatedly
7. Things you can eat 44. One of the bravest
8. Receptacles 47. Sun up in New York
9. Retired Brewers 48. Space station
great 49. Chilean seaport
13. Month 51. Hasidic spiritual leader
14. Happy New Year! 52. They __
17. Exclamation to 53. Soviet Socialist Republic
convey truth 58. Single unit
18. Passports and
licenses are two
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Middle School Leadership program
at Camp Summerset
Middle school years can be a writing and after completion of expression wrapped in generosity gram is for these middle schoolers www.campsummerset.org
challenging time for pre-teens this program, they are able to vol- because the mural is donated to a to feel accepted and valued and K-5th and Middle School
searching for their place in the unteer at the camp. Along-side a local community center. leave with a sense of con dence Leadership Program. Camp
world and parents hoping to resident art teacher, their nal Surrounded by 37 acres of hik- and accomplishment. runs from July 5 – 22
guide their interests. at’s ex- project is to design and complete ing trails, elds and a stream, it is a
actly why a Leadership Program a mural using art and words. picturesque place to learn and en- is article was provided by Camp PHOTO COURTESY OF CAMP SUMMERSET
was started by Camp Summer- Summerset in Bedford Hills. Visit
set in Bedford Hills. e camp is is an opportunity for self- joy learning. e goal of this pro-
provides students 6-8th grade a
summer place to feel accepted. Leadership group at Camp Summerset
O ering a way to share all the
good qualities pre-teens pos-
sess, 10-12 participants spend
three weeks learning leadership
skills as well as other important
life skills learned in a peer group.
ese are skills that can be trans-
ferred to any situation.
e Middle School Program
takes place in a friendly, relaxed
atmosphere where universal
values like teamwork, sharing,
creativity and collaboration are
taught. In addition to planned
daily activities and challenges
pointed toward leadership, they
share reading and discussion
around books that are school re-
quired or individually selected.
ey are taught how to assist
young children in reading and
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Factors to consider when selecting an Executor/Trustee
GUEST unnecessary con icts and disputes. e t of the named bene ciary(ies) set of factors come into play. Needs Section of the New York State
CORNER For example, disputes relevant the either for their lifetime or until Again, as with the selection of Bar Association (NYSBA) and the
sale price, purchaser and timing of they attain a certain age or achieve 50+ Section of the NYSBA. He is also
ANTHONY J. the sale of multiple pieces of real a certain result as delineated one’s Executor, in most instances the Past President and Founding
ENEA and/or business properties are not within the Trust Agreement. ey members of one’s immediate fam- Member of the National Academy
unusual and can become conten- also need to be cognizant of the ily are the individuals selected to of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA)-
Selecting an Executor or tious. ultimate remainder bene ciaries act as Trustee(s). However, if the NY chapter, President of the
Trustee for one’s Last Will of the Trust and whether their in- family members, for a variety of Westchester County Bar Foundation
and Testament and/or Trust As the role of an Executor is to terests, as contingent bene ciaries, reasons (such as, lack of nancial and a Past President of its Bar
Agreement is a di cult decision marshal (collect) all estate assets, are being protected. acumen, drugs and alcohol abuse, Association. He is uent in Italian.
that requires the consideration of pay all legitimate debts (taxes, history or bankruptcies and/or Mr. Enea can be reached at 914-
numerous factors. mortgages, medical bills, credit e role of a Trustee is one crimes) are outside of the realm 948-1500. Visit www.esslaw rm.
card bills, etc.) and distribute the which I believe truly requires an of consideration, then one can com for more information.
Generally, (there are exceptions) remaining assets to the named individual or a corporate entity select a corporate duciary (bank/
if one is married, their spouse is bene ciaries in the amounts that is capable of managing and trust company), one’s accountant, When deciding
normally selected to be the Execu- and or percentages stated in the investing the Trust assets pursuant lawyer, friends and/or other family who to appoint
tor of their Last Will and Testa- Last Will, selecting the right to the “Prudent Investor Rule,” members that meet the qualities as an Executor
ment. If the couple has children, person and/or corporate entity which requires diversi cation wanted in a Trustee(s). or Trustee when
the next in line to assume the role (Bank/Trust Company) is a most of Trust assets, unless otherwise one has multiple
is typically the surviving child(ren). important decision. Unless there stated in the Trust Agreement. Careful deliberation is a must
Whether or not one selects all of are complications with the Estate Someone who is nancially astute before making a nal decision. children, a
the children or not, is often depen- (Last Will and Testament is and trustworthy is generally a common concern
dent on various factors, such as the contested or Executor(s) account- prerequisite to selection. at being said, as long as the
age, maturity, trustworthiness and ing is contested) the length of the trust allows for you to remove is hurting one
Executor’s services typically last Additionally, typically the trust and replace a trustee, the du- child’s feelings by
nancial acumen of the child(ren). approximately twelve months in assets are held for the health, ciary selected can be changed.
When deciding who to appoint time. It is typically not a role that education, maintenance and sup- As a standard, you should always not appointing
as an Executor or Trustee when last for years and decades. port of the bene ciary. As such, choose someone you trust to act as them as Executor/
one has multiple children, a com- the Trustee should thoroughly trustee!
mon concern is hurting one child’s While a Trust can be created examine and understand the needs Trustee.’
feelings by not appointing them within one’s Last Will (a testa- of the bene ciary before mak- Anthony J. Enea is a member of
as Executor/Trustee. As such, mentary trust), a Trust can also be ing distributions. is requires Enea, Scanlan and Sirignano, LLP -Anthony J. Enea
often all children may be chosen created during the creator’s life as knowing the income, savings and of White Plains and Somers. He Enea, Scanlan and
to act together as Co-Executors a separate Trust Agreement (an living expenses of the bene ciary. is a certi ed Elder Law Attorney
or Co-Trustee. If the Estate is not intervivos trust). e Trustee of accredited by the National Elder Sirignano, LLP
very large and does not consist of either type of trust, like an Execu- e health of the bene ciary may Law Foundation and focuses his
numerous properties, accounts and tor of a Last Will and Testament, also be a factor for consideration. practice on Elder Law, Wills,Trusts
assets, having co-executors is typi- is considered to be a “ duciary” Only after these issues have been and Estates. Mr. Enea is the Past
cally not problematic. However, in the eyes of the law, however, examined can the Trustee make Chair of Elder Law and Special
with more complicated estates/ the Trustee’s role is a bit di er- an informed decision of whether
trusts, having multiple Co-Exec- ent. A Trustee is charged with or not to distribute income and/or WHY DO WE
utors and/or Trustees can create managing the assets held within principal to the bene ciary if do-
the Trust and most often making ing so is in their discretion pursu- ADVERTISE
distributions of the income and/or ant to the terms of the Trust. If the
principal of the Trust for the ben- Trust provides that distributions of
income are mandatory, a di erent
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