North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.
Vol. 4 No. 42 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, January 17, 2019
Saddled in for winter WESTCHESTER COUNTY
‘Low-level’ marijuana
offenses decriminalized
Emma tacks up Huck during the Winter Saddle Club at Our Farm Equine Rescue, a nonprofit based in
North Salem. e Westchester County District Attorney’s O ce said
it will no longer prosecute what it deems to be “low-level”
marijuana o enses.
Under this new policy, the possession of two ounces or less of
marijuana will no longer result in a criminal conviction.
Two laws will be a ected laws by this change, which took
e ect Jan. 14:
• Criminal Possession of Marijuana in the Fifth Degree
(Class B misdemeanor): A person convicted of this crime was
guilty of illegally possessing marijuana in a public place or
having more than 25 grams of marijuana on them (there are
about 28 grams to an ounce).
• Unlawful Possession of Marijuana (violation): A person in
violation of this law illegally possessed any amount of marijuana,
regardless of whether that person was in a public place.
e violation will no longer be prosecuted, the DA’s o ce
e misdemeanor charge will only be prosecuted when a
person possesses marijuana that is either burning or viewable
in a public place, provided it is their lone o ense.
“ is will avoid the stigma of a criminal record for many
of our young people with long-lasting negative consequences
disproportionate to the minor nature of the o ense,” the DA’s
o ce said.
North Salem Police Chief omas Howley was unphased by
the news, saying the state police handle all drug arrests.
e o ce will continue to review the prosecution of other
“lower-level” marijuana o enses. Additional changes may be
LEGAL NOTICES 15 Home & Commercial
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SPORTS 6 COURAGE CAPES • Flat Panel TV Mounting • Projectors and Screens
• Whole House Distributed Audio/Video Universal Remote Controls
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Gold Award project. • Custom Surround Sound • Home Theater Installation and Design
pg 3
• Structured Wiring • Home Network and WiFi
PRSRT STD • Home Automation (smart homes, lighting control,
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(914)-363-4628 / [email protected]
Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, January 17, 2019
The Staff A Reminder from the stallment due. Partial credit card Register for by an Acoustic Jam, then 8 p.m.
EDITORIAL TEAM North Salem payments will be returned and Snowflake Ball Open Mic and 9-10:15 p.m. e
JODI WEINBERGER Tax Office penalty will be due on the full in- Bluegrass Characters. Donations:
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 stallment amount.
[email protected] Registration is now open. All $15.00; BYOB and a small snack
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 Feel free to call the tax of- forms and payment are DUE by to share
[email protected]
ADVERTISING TEAM e second half 2018/2019 ce at 914-669-5177 with any January 21, so please plan accord- Info: westchesterbluegrassclub
LISA KAIN school tax installments are due questions. During the last few ingly. Register online at or Mike at 914-
[email protected] by ursday, January 31. e tax days of collection, e-mails will Snow ake. Donations to support 213-9212 or visit westchesterblue
914-202-2392 o ce will be open extra collec- be returned as possible. Visit the this event are also greatly appreci-
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON tions hours on Saturday, January North Salem Town website at ated and can be submitted at Bit.
[email protected] The Schoolhouse26 from 9 a.m. until noon and on and go ly/NSSnow ake. e Snow ake
JENNIFER CONNELLY Monday, January 28 from 8 a.m. to the Tax Department to view Ball for PQ girls and their special Theater
914-334-6335 until 8 p.m. weather permitting. frequently asked questions re- guest will be from 7-9 p.m. Feb.
[email protected]
NANCY SORBELLA e tax o ce is located at 270 garding mailing and payment 8 at the Salem Golf Club. To get For more information on any of
[email protected] Titicus Road. procedures. involved or for more details, email these events, call 914-277-8477
914-202-2941 Paying in person? BRING As of Friday, February 1, a 10 nssnow [email protected]. or email schoolhousetheater@
[email protected]
PRODUCTION TEAM YOUR BILL to avoid long lines pecent penalty is in e ect. Penal- Westchester e theater is located
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL and waiting time! Everybody ties cannot be waived. at 3 Owens Road, North Salem.
DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER has received one. Residents are Place your Bluegrass Club “The Color of Light” by Jesse
[email protected] encouraged not to wait until the Kornbluth is from April 4-28,
PRODUCTION/DESIGNER last day to mail or bring in their event here e Westchester Bluegrass 2019. Hayfields
EXECUTIVE TEAM payments to help avoid penalties. Club is proud to present “ e
BRETT FREEMAN Be sure to have a U.S. Postmark
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 Calling all schools, town orga- Bluegrass Characters” on Janu-
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE on any item sent near the end of nizations, nonpro ts and houses ary 19 at the Lake Purdys Club-
VP OF SALES: the month. Payments received of worship in North Salem. Tell house, 33 Lake Way, Purdys. Hay elds is located at 1 Bloom-
[email protected] with an o ce machine postmark us about your event! Balanced e Bluegrass Characters was er Road. For more information,
Deadlines after January 31 will be returned Rock is a place for free listings formed by Stacy Phillips many visit hay
NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE for penalty. for qualifying organizations. Get years ago. e band plays rst Monthly Trivia starts at 7
Any credit card payments must in touch at weinberger@halston generation bluegrass music. p.m. and goes until 9:30 p.m.
be for the full amount of the in- to place your event. Doors open at 7 p.m. followed Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Trivia is
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. brought to you by the o cial Pub
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL Resourceful Solutions For Quiz organization with a wide va-
JODI WEINBERGER AT 914-302-5830 riety of questions and categories.
ESTATE ADMINISTRATION Hay elds recommends teams for
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ four people. It’s $5 a person to
HALSTONMEDIA.COM play. Food, beer and wine is avail-
able along with prizes for the
winning team. Upcoming dates:
Wills Feb. 20 and March 20.
Location Trusts
North Salem
BAILEY COURT Fall Recreation
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S
SOMERS, NY 10589
All registration forms avail-
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Probate able at:
Questions? Contact North Sa-
©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC lem Rec 914-669-5665
North Salem Day at Thunder
Ridge - Saturday, Jan 12, Bring
your family and friends for a fun
day of skiing and boarding. Lift
Ticket: $35, Rentals: $30, Les-
sons: $30. Must show coupon:
North Salem Day Camp at
Mt. Lakes
Sta applications, Counselor-
in-Training applications, and
camper registration open in late
Feb/early March. Watch our
website for updates: northsalem-
Youth Programs
Learn-to-Skate at Brewster
Ice Arena
e Learn-to-Skate program
is for 4-12 year olds at varying
levels of skating experience. $185
Law Offices of Joseph J. Tock per session, per skater. Fee in-
cludes public skate before lesson.
963 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 *Skate Rental not included.
Fridays 5:30-6 p.m. OR Tues-
days 5:10-5:40 p.m. Session 3
starts Fri Jan. 4 or Tue Jan. 8.
Session 4 starts Friday, March 1
800-869-8080 or Tuesday, March 5.
Thursday, January 17, 2019 North Salem News – Page 3
Teen creates ‘Courage
Capes’ for hospitalized kids
Serving the community and
nding opportunities to help
others are pursuits that
Gabriella Posa’s entire family
have embraced as long as the
15-year old can remember.
Following in the
footsteps of her two
older brothers and older
sister, who all achieved
the highest awards in
Scouting, the North
Salem High School
sophomore is working
toward her own Gold
In Girl Scouts, this
prestigious recognition
requires a scout to choose
an issue, create a project and
complete a minimum of 80
hours of community service.
Posa decided to sew capes by hand
Gabriella shows to be worn by children who are
off all the
badges she’s facing health challenges.
earned “I’m calling them ‘courage capes’
in Girl Scouts.
and they are meant to help pediatric
patients at Northern Westchester
Hospital with their surgeries, with
what they have to experience,” she
said. “It gives them courage and joy and helps them
have a kind of security blanket to comfort them.”
e soft-spoken teen has been volunteering at Ruth
Keeler Memorial Library for a several years, leading
“craft hours” as well as participating in STEAMfest, an
annual event o ering free activities related to Science,
Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.
PHOTOS COURTESY OF JESSICA JAFET She attributes her stitching skills to her grandmother,
who taught her to both crochet and sew when she was
Courage Capes are meant to bring joy for kids facing health 8 years old, and has enjoyed the craft ever since. For
challenges. the capes, Gabriella and members of the community are
working on making 100 pieces, which are modeled after
those of Kids Capes of Courage, a national organization whose mission inspired her.
Her own versions—adorned with charming designs like SpongeBob Squarepants—will be donated locally; the
project not only helps teach sewing skills, but also brings people together at the library to contribute to the project.
“I’m teaching how to cut fabric and I’m assembling some of them, sewing the two pieces by machine—but I’m also
teaching how to sew by hand,” she said. “I made the pattern and I just cut them out of eece and cotton material on
the back. I line them and put on Velcro so they can close shut around the neck.”
In addition to her experience as a Girl Scout, having belonged to the same troop since kindergarten, Gabriella is a
member of the art club at high school, as well as the bowling team—and has earned a place in the National Honor
Society. Future plans include becoming either a high school math or English teacher, she believes.
Her father, James Posa, feels especially heart-warmed and proud of the project his daughter chose for
her Gold Award.
“I am a nurse at the hospital,” he said. “ e kids who come in there are anxious and this is something
that can help them to feel courage and get support from the people in the community.”
Gabriella agreed that doing this kind of outreach gives her a special feeling.
“I really like the reaction from people when I do my project, they really like it,” she said. “I hope that the
kids are going to be really happy; I think the capes will provide comfort and safety and a way to be calm.”
Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, January 17, 2019
Ruth Keeler Memorial Library is locat- History and Biography Book Club on time for kids of all ages.
ed at 276 Titicus Road. For more informa- February 24 at 3 p.m. for Walls: A History (Bilingual stories and songs on
tion on any of these events, call 914-669- of Civilization in Blood and Brick by Da- some Saturdays.)
5161 or visit vid Frye. Extra copies of these books are Writers workshop
Create a cool yarn hat in a single eve- available for checkout. No registration is is workshop is from 11 a.m. to
ning at this event for ages 12+ on Wednes- required and drop-ins are welcome. 12:30 p.m. and led by Maryanne
day, January 23, at 7 p.m. All materials A Creative Moment every ursday D’Amato the rst Wednesday of
will be provided. is event is free and no from 6 - 8 p.m., ages 10 to adult. Facili- the month. It is open to all writers
registration is required. Hosted by North tated by Jen Armbruster and Debbie Rizo. and aspiring writers who are invited
Salem teen Gabriella. Work on a creative, artistic project with to share their work or desire to write
Pete the Cat Party. Attend this party family or friends. e project may be your in a supportive atmosphere.
for ages 4+ in celebration of the Pete the own or an easy, self-directed project pro- Free Museum Passes
Cat book series for groovy crafts, snacks, vided by one of the library’s Art Boxes. North Salem is surrounded by
games, and more on Saturday, January 26, Plenty of supplies will be available from many world-class museums. You can
from 1-2 p.m. the Art Cart. Share your work with other visit some of these free of charge by
Nibble and Nosh 2019. Attend this creative individuals in a fun, supportive at- simply going to the library and check-
fun evening at Keeler Library of sam- mosphere. School-age children must come ing out passes to the museums. Just
pling International Cuisine representing with an adult. ask for the passes at the front desk.
traditional dishes from around the world, Story time and crafts You may call the library to reserve a
all made by local North Salem residents. Mondays pass for a particular week. Passes must
e admission fee is $20 per adult and $10 Stories and Songs – 10:30 a.m., for ba- be returned within seven days. Passes
per child; please RSVP by February 1. is bies from birth to 2-1/2. may not be returned to any other library,
event will take place on Saturday, February Tuesdays nor put in the book drop. It is possible
9, 7-9 p.m. Mother Goose for Babies – 10:30 a.m., to renew a pass for an additional week,
Casino Night on Saturday, February 23, for babies from birth to 2-1/2. provided no one else is waiting for it, by
from 7-11 p.m. at the Salem Golf Club. Wednesdays calling the library. Loss of a museum
Attend for gaming, prizes, ra es, liba- Story Time at 10:30 a.m.; family story pass will result in you being charged
tions, and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are $175 time for kids of all ages. the full replacement cost.
each and can be purchased from the library Block Party at 11 a.m. – Library supplies ey are available for Keeler Li-
website or by writing a check to the library. the blocks, kids supply the imagination. brary card holders only. Don’t have a
is event will bene t the library. ursdays library card? Show the library proof
Bagels & Books: Fates and Furies by Books and Puppets at 10:30 a.m.; family that you live, work, go to school, or own
Lauren Gro on Feb. 7 at 10:30 a.m.; e story time for kids of all ages. property in North Salem and we can
Children Act by Ian McEwan on March 7 Saturdays issue you a library card in about three
at 10:30 a.m. Story Time at 10:30 a.m.; family story minutes.
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 North Salem News – Page 5
Skiing and Snowboarding “After a careful review of marijuana cases in
at Thunder Ridge, 50 under Westchester, as well as discussions with police,
Ridge Rd., Patterson community leaders and advocates, we have made the
decision to change how we prosecute such
Learn to Ski / Snowboard o enses,”saidDistrictAttorneyAnthony
with the Rec Dept, 5 week pro- Scarpino. “ is decision not to prosecute
gram, Transportation Available. speci c cases will allow many people to
Departs NS MS/HS and PQ move forward with their lives without the
at 3:30 p.m., returns to PQ at stigma attached to criminal records of any
6:50 p.m.. 3rd-12th graders (1st kind, records that cause discrimination in
& 2nd grade skiers with paren- housing, job and school applications. Much
tal supervision). Wednesdays, of this has burdened our minority
starting Jan. 9. Flexible packages communities and we believe it is time
available, including lesson, lift to rectify that.”
ticket, rental, transportation, and
chaperone. From $150 - $415. Scarpino said this will bene t police
departments and prosecutors who can make
Open Enrollment Program - better use of their resources.
Rec Dept Special Pricing. Many
lesson times available, you chose “What has been spent on arrests and
the date/time that works best for prosecutions can now be used to focus on more
you! 6 week program, 90 minute serious crimes,” Scarpino said.
lessons for rst through 12th
graders. Programs begin Jan. Scarpino, in the press release, also urged Gov.
3-9, Available lessons: ursday, Andrew Cuomo and state legislators to “create a uniform
5:30 p.m., Friday 5 p.m. or 6:30 approach to prosecuting marijuana o enses and end the
p.m., Saturday 3:30 p.m. or 5:30 disparity currently in place from county to county.”
p.m., Sunday 3:30 p.m., Monday-
Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Fees: Les- Have your heating system checked now before the cold weather comes.
sons only: $138, Lift & Lesson:
$246, Lift, Lesson, & Rentals: "Service was fast, courteous
$396. and professional." Mark C
Freestyle Program for Inter- In business for over 35 years!
mediate Snowboarders
Intro to freestyle snowboard-
ing and “Park Smart Terrain Schedule now & SAVE!
Park Safety Program.” 6 week (845) 628-2580 •
program, 90 minute lessons. third
grade & up. Beginning Jan. 4 and WE NOW PROVIDE DUCT CLEANING AND SEALING
9. Available Lessons: Wednesday
5:30 p.m., Friday 5 p.m. or 6:30 $45 OFF Preseason Checkup
p.m. Fees: Lessons only: $138,
Lift and Lesson: $246, Lift, Ask us about our maintenance programs
Lesson, & Rentals: $396.
$50 OFF Any Repair
Pre-School through Kinder-
garten Program Cannot be combined with any other offers
Intro to skiing with a 1:2 in- *Custom filters extra $100 OFF New Heating System Replacement
structor/student ratio. Six-week
program, 60 minute lessons. 3
to 5 years old - Must be 3 years
old by Dec. 31. Beginning Jan.
3. Available Lessons: Monday-
ursday at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 3:30
p.m., 4:30 p.m. or Friday at 10
a.m. Fee: Lessons only: $300.
Lift & Lesson: $390 - Lift, Les-
son, and Rentals: $540.
Martial Arts at Westchester
MMA-FIT: 333 North Bedford
Rd. Mt. Kisco
Tiny Dragons, ages 3 - 4, an
excellent way to introduce your
children to martial arts! Here
they are taught basic martial arts
in a fun and friendly environ-
ment. 8 week program. Wednes-
days 1:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. Jan 9, 16,
23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 27, and March
6. Fee: $170 (uniform included)
Little Champs Martial Arts,
ages 5 - 7, Students will learn
martial arts techniques, elements
of self-defense as well as impor-
tant values and life skills. 8 week
program. Tuesdays 4:15 p.m. to 5
p.m. Jan 8, 15, 22, 29, Feb 4, 11,
25, March 5. Fee: $190 (Gear
package included - uniform,
gloves & shins guards)
Page 6 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, January 17, 2019
Year in review– Viva Italia!
2018 Part II
Flipping through the chan- READING, going when the crowds became
Already, really dumb MAN nels the other night, I WRITING & so overwhelming that I felt
things are happening in OVERBOARD ended up watching Lidia CHOCOLATE trapped inside a wall of hungry
2019, so I had better get RICK Bastianich making meatballs on humanity inching towards the
through covering 2018. Here MELÉN her Italian cooking show. Lidia’s KIM zeppoli vendor. A gelato or
are the rest of the news items homey recipes and thick Italian KOVACH cappuccino here or there was
from last year that you swore accent reminded me of the Ital- my only semblance of Italian
you didn’t have anything to do ian side of my family. school. e minute you opened food after that.
with, and no one believed you. the front door—wham!—the
When I was very young, pungent smells of cheese and ese days, my connection to
ELON MUSK LAUNCHES at the luggage carousel? And my parents drove us from our curing meats let you know that Italian food is when I eat a slice
TESLA INTO SPACE who’s to say that the peacock home in Queens to visit rela- this was not the supermarket of delicious garlic pizza at La
didn’t book the ight and bring tives in Brooklyn once or twice or the German deli down the Familia in Katonah or indulge
When I rst read this head- the human along for emotional a year. My mother’s paternal street. I remember gazing up in a few Perugina Baci choco-
line I assumed he launched support? It isn’t often you get grandfather and a host of at the salamis and sausages lates (dark chocolate covered
his Tesla into a parking space, to hear a conversation between Uncle Tonys and Aunt Marys hanging from the ceiling. e hazelnuts).
which seemed a bit of overkill, a large pheasant and a psycho- always greeted us warmly. e counters and shelves were
but Musk is kind of a nutty guy. logically fragile human, so let’s hallways of their four-story over owing with chunky breads, Imagine my delight upon
In fact, he launched the Tesla listen in: “Okay- I really don’t brick row house smelled of bottles of olive oil, antipasto stopping by Nico’s Italian
into outer space on top of a expect any more emotional freshly simmering tomato salads, trays of olives, and freshly Deli on Route 123 in South
SpaceX rocket that was headed support from a peacock than I sauce. Di erent family mem- made mozzarella balls. I liked Salem. Longtime Lewisboro
there anyway. Once out of the would get from a cold pizza, but bers lived in apartments on the tiny licorice candies that you residents, owners Linda and
Solar System, it was discov- at least with you I won’t have to each oor. A pigeon coop was scooped up out of a barrel. Lou Iacomini, along with Lou’s
ered that there are no charging up on the roof. brother, Anthony, o er Italian
stations for the car, so it will ght for the armrest. I just want We ate typical American specialties and Arthur Avenue
have to make an illegal U-turn you to be there for me, man.” My great-grandfather had food for dinner in my house— breads. All of the food is made
at some point. e vehicle “First of all, I’m female. And if I emigrated from Italy in 1900. steak, pork chops, hamburgers, on the premises, including
may eventually make it back don’t see a cup of co ee in front After working in construc- hotdogs, chicken, turkey, and the homemade tomato sauce.
to Earth, as soon as the GPS of me in 30 seconds I’m going tion for decades, a fall o of meatloaf. My mom was a good Italian combos, chicken cutlets
to make a noise that will make sca olding left him severely cook. Sometimes she made and eggplant parm are among
nishes recalculating a route your hair curl. And judging by injured. I remember a pleas- baked ziti or stu ed shells for the deli’s most popular sellers.
with no tolls. the look on your face, you don’t ant, smiling elderly man sitting Sunday dinner. A couple of “Everybody loves our chicken
look great with curly hair.” e up in bed. Aunt Mary spoke times a year, Mom made a fan- cutlets,” says Lou proudly.
WOMAN DENIED human and the bird were both to him in Italian. He always tastic lasagna lled with Italian “We’ve been feeding the com-
EMOTIONAL SUPPORT denied entry onto the plane. handed one dollar each to my sweet sausage, ricotta, moz- munity for 20 years.”
PEACOCK ON FLIGHT brother and me at the end of zarella cheese, and meat sauce.
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES our visit. We stopped making Stop into Nico’s Italian Deli
In January a woman board- APOLOGIZES TO GIRL the trek to see the Italian rela- at delicious lasagna took to pick up lunch or ask them
ing a United ight at Newark NAMED ABCDE AFTER GATE tives after my great-grandfather hours for Mom to make, yet to cater your next party. e
Airport tried to bring a peacock AGENT MADE FUN OF HER passed away. mere minutes for us to devour! Iacomini family will make you
along for emotional support, feel like you have Italian rela-
which ru ed some feathers I am a very sensitive person, My next Italian immersion e rst few years that I tives, too.
at the airline. Isn’t a peacock experience growing up was on lived in Manhattan after col-
a bird? Why doesn’t it just y SEE MELEN PAGE 10 Saturday afternoons. My broth- lege, I remember going down Kim Kovach enjoys writing about
there by itself and meet you er and I tagged along when my to Little Italy for the San food. She also likes to write about
dad drove to Mercurio’s, the Gennaro festival. I stopped gardening, interesting people and
Italian deli located a couple of unusual experiences. Learn more
blocks from our elementary at
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR SOMERS, NY 10589 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
Fax: 914-617-8508 all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
[email protected] op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail
to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.
Thursday, January 17, 2019 OPINION North Salem News – Page 7
e bene ts of card and board games e king of cling
Dear Dr. Linda, with cooking together is some- STRONG Not that I’m obses- LOST IN
We’re retired grandparents who how you’ll end up in the kitchen LEARNING sive or anything, but SUBURBIA
cleaning up all by yourself. And years ago when my
babysit for our grandchildren, 6, don’t forget about card and board DR. LINDA kids were little, I would carry TRACY
9 and 12 years old. We love them games. Concentration, Monopoly SILBERT entire kiddy wardrobes around BECKERMAN
to pieces, but on the original job and Scrabble are at the top of the with me so when my kids got
description, there wasn’t a list of list for most families. • Children learn how to dirty, I could strip them down goes against nature. It’s like
activities to do with them that strategize. For example, 7-year- on the spot and change their having a clean dog: It’s cosmi-
would keep the three occupied. In fact, besides being fun and old Sally learns skills such as clothes. Of course, this started cally unattainable.
Between homework, meals and inexpensive, playing card and watching to see which cards her to become pretty embarrass-
showers, most of the time is board games is one of the most brother discards so she can plan ing for the kids by the time However, even with my
taken, but not all of it. bene cial activities for child her next move. ey have oppor- they hit 20, so I stopped. lessening attention to clean-
development. Here’s why: tunities to learn to strategize, to liness, I still had a lot of
Vacations, now days and half- evaluate what they need to do to It also meant mounds more laundry to do. But for me, the
days, are really a challenge. Since • Children who play cards and win, and what they’re not doing laundry than was really neces- problem was not quantity.
our son and daughter-in-law board games with their families when they lose. In other words, sary. But really, what was a
don’t want them spending all seem to do better in school. they learn to think on a higher few hundred more loads when My thing, was static cling.
their free time on screens (nor cognitive level. my reputation as e Laundry I’m not talking about the
do we) we’re constantly looking • Children learn that practice Goddess of the Universe was static that made my daughter’s
for activities that are suitable for makes perfect because quality of • Playing cards and board games at stake? hair wrap around her head
all three that are fun and don’t play begins at their skill levels involves interpersonal interac- like some electric combover.
cost much money. ey go to the and improves as they play the tion, which is essential to child Eventually, though, I gave Nor was it the static that my
movies and bowling with their games over and over. development. Videogames have up on the whole thing. Did son liked to create when he
parents on the weekends. Any their place, but they cannot replace I care that half the time my
suggestions? • Playing games as a family playing cards and board games, kids looked like they rolled in SEE BECKERMAN PAGE 10
is one of the healthiest ways to because they do not enhance a pizza? Of course I did. But
Carol and Ed bond. Family relationships grow child’s interpersonal skills. I’d come to realize that a clean
Dear Carol and Ed, stronger because family mem- kid is somehow unnatural. It
bers talk and listen to each other • By playing cards and board
For starters, open up a card even when competing. games with family, friends and THE PERFECT HOME
table and do a jigsaw puzzle classmates children develop a IS WAITING FOR YOU.
together. at way everyone can • Children develop patience healthy attitude which a ects
work on it when they have a few while waiting for their turns. other parts of their lives. LET US FIND
spare minutes. If you’re creative, THE PERFECT LOAN
make nger puppets or sock • Children learn good sports- Have fun,
puppets and put on a play. You’ll manship. ey learn that some- Dr. Linda TO GO WITH IT.
times you win and sometimes
nd plays and directions to make you lose and develop the skill of Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad
the puppets online. Or, create a dealing with disappointment. Grades Happen to Good Kids,” and
meal together. director of Strong Learning Tutoring
• Children become more con- and SAT/ACT Test Prep. Submit
Together, go to the supermarket dent because the rules are the questions using the contact form at
and buy the ingredients. Divide up same for every player, no matter or visit
the jobs and have fun. Or make a how old they are, and everyone her on
cake, cupcakes or a pie together. has a chance to win.
Kids love to roll out the dough • Children learn empathy.
(and measuring the ingredients is For example, a child will help
a great math lesson, especially if Mommy win if she keeps losing
you have to double the recipe or or will laugh with Grandma over
cut it in half). e only problem something quirky one of them
(especially Grandma) has done.
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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, January 17, 2019
BECKERMAN “What’s the big deal,” said my something stuck inside the hood MELEN helped police capture a crimi-
husband. “Just get some of those of your sweatshirt.” nal that was on the lamb. e
FROM PAGE 9 dryer sheets.” FROM PAGE 6 bold bovines called for the
With an audible static charge, female thief to stop, but she
purposely shu ed across the car- I glared at him. “ ey don’t he peeled the o ending article and I would NEVER make hadn’t herd them because their
pet in his socks and then zapped work.” away from my hood and dangled fun of a person who was voice was a little horse. e
my nose. And no, it wasn’t the it out for all of us to see: named Abcde. Instead, I will cows lassoed the perpetra-
static that made the dog look like He shrugged and went back make fun of the letters them- tor and tied three of her legs
a canine Gordon Ramsay. to reading his magazine while A pair of women’s black thong selves, parading around at the together, and for once the cow
I folded the shocking pile of underwear. front of alphabet as if they was the hero instead of the
No, what I’m talking about is laundry. Sure, what did he care...I were something special. If goat. And if ewe don’t believe
the evil, fabric-softener-defying, was the one who had to run We all stood paralyzed for a those letters ever try to board me there is police videotape to
dryer-sheet-resisting, winter static interference all season. By moment with my underwear a ight that I am on without go with this.
static build-up IN THE DRY- the time the socks got in his suspended between his thumb a child attached to them, the
ER that causes all the clothes to drawer, they had been surgically and fore nger. e men looked airline is going to hear from WOMAN INJURED
come out in one big, shocking, separated from the rest of the at me expectantly, but my mind me and my emotional support WHEN DYNAMITE SHE
static clump. clump and were nice and u y was a blank. Finally, I came out peacock. You can’t blame par- MISTOOK FOR CANDLE
and static-free. of my coma, grabbed the panties ents for wanting their kids to BLOWS UP
Call me crazy, but I want and said the rst thing that came be the rst in line. Abcde will IN HAND
sparks to y when I kiss my But sometimes, somehow, one into my head. always be ahead of that kid
husband, not when I peel my escapes. named YOLO, not to mention Honey, who put candles in
clothes apart. “Oh,” I said. “ ose are my children named LMFAO and the dynamite drawer? Raise
Such was the case the day I husband’s.” NSFW. And that nice mom your hand if you’ve done the
“Aaaaarrrrggghhhhhh,” I went to our town hall on busi- whose daughter was insulted EXACT same thing. If you
groaned as I pulled a sock from a ness. While I stood talking to Note: For more Lost in Suburbia, because she gave her a stupid can’t raise your hand, well then
towel and got zapped. “I HATE one of the o cials, one of his as- follow Tracy’s blog at www. name should send the airline a I guess we have our answer,
STATIC CLING!!!!” sociates behind me said, “ ere’s letter, but which letter? don’t we? is isn’t a funny
story of course, but let’s all
Editorial Submissions 16 COWS CHASE SUSPECTED learn from this: if something
Press releases and photos should be submitted to North Salem News by the Thursday before the CAR THIEF IN FLORIDA you are holding in your hand
next publication date. Submissons can be emailed to [email protected] or mail has a fuse attached to it, don’t
it to North Salem News, Bailey Court, 334 Route 202, Unit C1S, Somers, NY 10589. Send a self- In August a group of cows light it with a match.
addressed stamped envelope if you’d like your photo returned.
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 Sports North Salem News – Page 11
BoosterGIRLS HOOPS Club BaskeBtObYS HaOOllPS Tournament
Joan Fetterolf iAnutsrtainffiWc aldron
drves the lane
North Salem Girls Falls in Finals to Tigers fall, 72-46, to Blind Brook
Croton-Harmon and Anna Eng BY RICH MONETTI in the paint for an 18-8 lead to close the
BY RICH MONETTI But Streany is never caught o guard
CONTRIBUTING WRITER when it comes to Eng. “She has great Showing some mettle, North Salem Unfortunately, the breakdown was
athleticism and creativity,” he said ap- took on Blind Brook Tuesday night more a symptom than a momentary
After defeating Rye Neck 48-33 preciatively . and had the Trojans on the ropes, Blind lapse in McCormack’s estimation. “We
in the rst round of the North Salem Brook Coach Mike Welsh recalls. But really didn’t come out with much energy
Athletic Booster Club Basketball Tour- Moments later, Eng stole the ball on Saturday, the nals of the North Sa- today,” said the senior big man.
nament, North Salem still had a good and gave Croton-Harmon a 16-15 lead, lem Athletic Booster Club Basketball
claim to the title by the third quarter but North Salem wasn’t ready to re- Tournament proved to be another story. McCormack made two foul shots
against Croton-Harmon. Leading 23- lent. Elisabeth Squire took a charge on On the wrong side of a 72-46 blowout, with 5 minutes remaining in the half
22, the Tigers were hit by a whirlwind Tamera Moore, and downcourt, Curran North Salem Coach Henry Sassone to get the lead under 10, but that was as
and a close game turned into a 56-39 found Marano in the corner for three. credited Blind Brook’s ball movement close as the Tigers’ sluggishness would
blowout and great shooting, but a Tiger team get them. Four consecutive turnovers
Once again, though, Eng made the stuck in its tracks is what really stood out late in the second didn’t help either and
“We did a good job on her in the lead short lived and went slight of hand for the losing coach. had the second period close with a 36-18
rst half and forced the ball out of her for a 20-18 lead. Showing ball fake on lead for the Trojans.
hands. But In the second half she re- the drive, the move was one of many “We weren’t moving our feet on de-
ally got into a rhythm,” said north salem that had Jane Fetterolf exasperated fense,” said Sassone. e North Salem disarray wasn’t a
coach Eric Buzzetto of Croton-Har- afterwards. “She’s very fast, and gets surprise for Blind Brook’s Coach Welsh,
mon’s Sophomore Guard Anna Eng. around the defense,” said the sopho- Blind Brook didn’t wait to take advan- though. “We made adjustments after
Steals abound and relentless drives more. tage either. Christopher Bucci and Ryan Tuesday,”Welsh said. “We did a nice job,
to the hoop would spell doom for the Aiello spotted up rst and consecutive especially on Kevin Ryan. He’s a really
Tigers. But North Salem did manage Even so, North Salem answered with threes got the Trojans out to a 6-2 lead. good player and only scored four points
an 10-8 rst quarter lead with Amanda a three by Squire, but Croton-Harmon after scoring 27 the other night.”
Marano and Grace Curran moving the went into the locker room with a 22- Quick hands by Aiello then set Zach-
ball and leading the break. 21 lead. Unfortunately, Curran’s drive ery Zimmerman up on the break, and North Salem did at least put up a last
Curran helped keep the lead into the through the paint at the start of the the lead ballooned to 11-2 as Bucci and gasp after Grodin hit a side jumper to
second with a running tear drop and third would be the Tigers last lead. Isaac Grodin played house on the back extend 43-21 Blind Brook’s lead to 43-
a layup on the outlet. e 15-12 lead door. But a baseline steal by North Sa- 21. O two steals and a couple of jump-
didn’t last, though, and a circus shot on After So a Tuman answered back lem’s Daniel McCormack led to a la- ers by Noberto, North Salem scored 10
Eng’s drive under the basket foretold with a running oater, Eng put her yup by the senior on the other end, and of the next 12 points and pulled within
the Tigers’ taming. foot down. A backcourt steal lead to Christian Noberto’s three kept the visi- 14 with 2:23 left in the third.
Caught up in the air with her back to an uncontested layup, and another de- tors in sight at 13-7.
the basket, Eng ipped the ball over her termined drive made easy pickings for But following a Blind Brook timeout,
head and got a kind bank o the glass. Nicole Bugliosi on the follow. North Salem lost the chance to get North Salem faltered. Ryan’s desperate
“If she didn’t make that shot, I was go- closer when Kevin Ryan couldn’t convert attempt to get to the rim went awry, and
ing to scream,” joked Croton-Harmon A crossover dribble got Eng on her a fast break layup, and the miscue soon Bucci took the gymnasium’s breath away
coach Joseph Streany. toes next, and North Salem was again had the Tigers seeing a double-digit as he spun through the paint for the la-
left on the heels of the little guard’s elu- de cit. Aiello nailed a three from the yup.
sive cuts to the glass. e 32-24 lead corner, and Bucci came open all alone
Page 12 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, January 17, 2019
The varsity girls form a huddle.
GIRLS HOOPS she gave Croton-Harmon a 38- Elisabeth Squire
30 lead and then went back to
back on the coast to coast to start
reached ten with 3:38 left in the the fourth.
third, but Eng wasn’t the only But after North Salem’s last
one who could coast. gasp came on a Herlihy jump-
Curran went rim to rim on er to close to 40-32, Croton-
her own long drive, and Julia Harmon ran o 16 straight. Of
DeSanto’s jumper got the Tigers course, Eng lead the way with
within striking distance at 34- two steals and six quick points.
28. It looked as though the Ti- “She’s a rst class player,” said
gers would trail by only six after Coach Buzzetto.
three, but Joan Herlihy’s jumper On the other hand, Buzzetto
had Eng taking the long view wants his girls to keep this loss
again. in mind as their schedule doesn’t
Going the length of the court, relent.
from the corner
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 13
Kevin Ryan Daniel McCormack drives to the Hoop
BOYS HOOPS next possession. Bucci drew in standing,” said Welsh. shoot, but our goal is always to and knows what it means if the
the defense on the penetration One aspect of the game never get a great shot not just a decent Tigers don’t buy into better
FROM PAGE 11 and Zimmerman obliged with shot,” said Welsh. teamwork on both ends.
the open three. “ e teamwork gets skimped on in practice or
Not waiting to exhale, the and ball movement were out- Blind Brook’s game plan. On home side, Coach Sas- “It’s going to be a struggle the
outcome was secured on the sone couldn’t nd any positives, rest of the way,” he concluded.
“We got a lot of guys who can
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Page 14 – North Salem News LEISURE Thursday, January 17, 2019
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Page 16 – North Salem News Thursday, January 17, 2019
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