North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.
Vol. 7 No. 46 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, February 3, 2022
North Salem students to remain masked
BY CAROL REIF maker found that Hochul and day, Jan. 24, caused confusion
STAFF WRITER state health o cials had over- among school districts, some of
stepped their authority by en- whom reacted by making masks
e masks are staying on in acting the mandate without the optional.
North Salem schools, for now. state Legislature’s approval.
North Salem decided to
e state’s emergency order e state appealed and was maintain the status quo until the
had been set to expire on Feb. granted a stay. Its lawyers -- and legal dust settled.
1, but last Friday Gov. Kathy the lawyers for the group of
Hochul extended it until Feb. Long Island parents who sued Pointing out that the state
10. It applies to all indoor public over the rule – had until Friday, Education Department “antici-
places, including schools. Jan. 28, to submit written argu- pates” that the Appellate Court
ments. “will issue a further ruling in the
Calling it “a critical tool” in coming weeks,” schools Super-
driving COVID numbers down, So masks stay on until the intendent Dr. Kenneth Freeston
Hochul said the Department of legality of the state directive is noti ed parents Friday that “un-
Health policy will be reevalu- settled. til such time, the mask rule re-
ated every two weeks and sus- mains in e ect.”
pended as soon as possible. Rademaker’s decision does
not apply outside New York, as “School districts must also
Last week, a state Supreme it was based on state law. Refer- abide by any commitment to
Court judge ruled that the mask ring to the court action as “a lit- mask-wearing contained in
mandate was unconstitutional tle blip,” Hochul said Friday that their publicly posted reopening
and unenforceable. Nassau “we are back on track legally.” plans for the 2021-22 school
County Judge omas Rade- year,” it said.
Rademaker’s ruling on Mon-
Town Board hears greenhouse gas report
BY CAROL REIF you’re forced to pay attention to ity in the 21st century. Jan. 18. cooling, electricity), wastewater
STAFF WRITER it. As a principle, it’s often de- Eisenman, a member of the e goal? To use the data to and water treatment facilities,
ployed in business situations. vehicles (police, highway depart-
“What gets measured gets Climate Smart Community pinpoint the worst environmen- ment) and government-owned
managed.” Nina Eisenman of North Sa- Leadership Committee, present- tal o enses and to help North Sa- outdoor lighting (streetlights and
lem thinks it also can apply to ed a report on local governmental lem plot a course to correct them. tra c signals). It even looked at
In general, the proverb means climate change, which the World “greenhouse gas emissions” at a
that by simply assessing some- Health Organization has called joint meeting of the committee e inventory covered the years SEE TOWN BOARD PAGE 3
thing you change it because the greatest threat facing human- and the Town Board on Tuesday, 2019 to 2021 and only involved
municipal buildings (heating,
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LEISURE 17 Coach Mittelstadt Retires
Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, February 3, 2022
The Staff North Salem Meetings are held at 11:30 a.m. ister to let us know you’ll help us a crime that never took place, a
Recreation on the second Tuesday of the with this goal at www.northsa- would-be bank robber who dis-
EDITORIAL TEAM Department month at the North Salem Fire appears into thin air, and eight
TOM WALOGORSKY House. Join today! Some of our extremely anxious strangers who
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 LEARN TO SKATE AT past events have included: Visit Do you know someone in
[email protected] BREWSTER ICE ARENA to the Buddhist Monastery, Bar- North Salem that could use some nd they have more in common
ton Orchards, Meet-and-Greet extra cheer this Valentine’s Day? than they ever imagined.
VIM WILKINSON e Learn-to-Skate program with the Candidates, earring Let us know!
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR is for 4-12 year olds at varying making, Irish Dancers, Penny SOCIAL KNITTING
[email protected] levels of skating experience. $185 Social, food drive, Educated Pal- Ruth Keeler Monday, Feb. 7, from 11 a.m.
per session, per skater. Fee in- ate Luncheon, AARP Defen- Memorial Library
ADVERTISING TEAM cludes public skate before lesson. sive Driving course, Westches- - 12 p.m.
PAUL FORHAN Skate Rental not included. ter Broadway eatre, speakers e library is open for brows- Bring your projects and ideas
from our local town o ces, 90th ing, computer use, and read-
(914) 806-3951 Fridays 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. or Birthday Party picnic and music, ing! Please see our website for for an hour of chatting and knit-
[email protected] Tuesdays 5:10 - 5:40 p.m. Ses- and much more! more information. Most of our ting. Send us an email and we
sion 4 starts Fri 3/4 or Tue 3/1. programs are in person or on will send you an invitation. Led
BRUCE HELLER VALENTINES FOR SENIORS ZOOM. Send us an email if by Cathleen Sulli.
(914) 486-7608 PRESCHOOL SPORTS Create a Valentine’s Day card you want to participate: keeler-
[email protected] PROGRAMS WITH US SPORTS [email protected]. When you HOW TO NAVIGATE
INSTITUTE for one of North Salem’s senior email us, we will send you a link COLLEGE ADMISSIONS IN
LISA KAIN citizens or home bound resi- to click on, and a password to en- THE FACE OF COVID
(201) 317-1139 Multi-Sport and Soccer pro- dents. Drop your card o in the ter.
[email protected] grams for 2-6 year olds, Satur- drop-box at the Rec Dept. or Wednesday, Feb. 9, from 7 -
CORINNE STANTON days or Mondays Starting 2/5 or the Library before Feb. 4 and BAGELS AND BOOKS 8:30 p.m.
(914) 760-7009 2/7 at JB Park. $110 for 5 week we will deliver to a resident in Thursday, Feb. 3, from 10:30
[email protected] program. time for Valentine’s Day! Need For Parents and students.
supplies? No problem! Pick up a.m. - 12 p.m. Many changes have occurred
JAY GUSSAK NORTH SALEM SENIOR a card-making kit at the library! “Anxious People” by Fredrik in college admissions, and Ron
(914) 299-4541 CITIZENS CLUB We want to make sure all of our Feuchs from Stand Out for Col-
[email protected] seniors receive a card! Please reg- Backman. From the #1 New lege will help you discover how
SHELLEY KILCOYNE Residents 50 and older are York Times bestselling author these changes will impact your
(914) 924-9122 eligible to join our senior group. comes a poignant comedy about student. ese are free programs
[email protected] and will be o ered online via
Zoom. is presentation is be-
PRODUCTION TEAM ing presented three times.
[email protected] REFINISH never. Wednesday, Feb. 9, from 7 - 8
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER Cornelius Vanderbilt began
[email protected] CERAMIC TILES operating his own ferry in New
York Harbor at the age of 16.
BRETT FREEMAN e tiny business would grow
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845-208-8151 pany. Eventually he built a rail-
SHUTTERS road empire from New York to
[email protected] Chicago and the First Grand
LUXURY VINYL Central Station at 42nd Street.
Deadlines TILE & PLANK Presented by Rick Feingold,
professor of American Business
NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE History at Bergen Community
TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830 Tuesday, Feb. 15, from 7:30 -
8:30 p.m.
HALSTONMEDIA.COM Abraham (Avi) Loeb is the
Frank B. Baird, Jr., Professor of
Online Science at Harvard University,
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of Astronomy, founding director
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT of Harvard’s Black Hole Initia-
SOMERS, NY AND AT tive, and director of the Institute
for eory and Computation
POSTMASTER: Smithsonian Center for Astro-
physics. In 2012, Time selected
SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO Loeb as one of the twenty- ve
NORTH SALEM NEWS AT most in uential people in space.
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Photos for illustrative purposes only. ©2017 Carpet One Floor & Home. All Rights Reserved Accomplished and aspiring
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USPS #22110 writers are invited to join Mary-
anne D’Amato, local resident
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY and published author, for a sup-
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC AT portive meeting.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 North Salem News – Page 3
Kennedy Catholic announces creation of
St. Mary’s Academy
Catholic Schools in the Arch- towards preserving and growing Mary’s Academy will expand the ABOUT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Somers, is Northern Westchester’s
diocese of New York and John F. Catholic education in this area for great tradition of academic excel- INTHE ARCHDIOCESE OF premier college-preparatory high
Kennedy Catholic Preparatory generations.” lence for future generations in NEW YORK school serving the young men and
School in Somers,jointly announce Westchester County.” women of Westchester, Putnam,
a new opportunity for middle e St. Mary’s Academy will Catholic Schools in the Arch- Dutchess, and Fair eld counties
school students currently attend- o er the same time-tested Catho- While only public school stu- diocese of New York serve nearly and the Bronx. Kennedy Catholic
ing public school to attend grades lic school curriculum and values- dents may apply to St. Mary’s 54,000 students from Pre-K follows a rigorous Regents cur-
6-8 in an academy setting on the centered education available at Academy for the 2022 – 2023 through 12th grade across 170 riculum that prepares students for
high school campus at Kennedy all Catholic schools across the school year, wider application op- schools in nine counties and bor- a successful college career while
Catholic. St. Mary’s Academy will region. e program of studies portunities will be available in the oughs throughout New York, in- preparing them to live out Christ’s
open for the 2022-23 school year will not only ful ll middle school future. Families with 5-7th grade cluding Manhattan, the Bronx, message of service to the world in
with a limited capacity of one class educational standards of the New students in public schools are en- Staten Island, Westchester, Put- the sound doctrine of the Catholic
per grade, with possible expansion York State Board of Regents but couraged to visit the school’s web- nam, Rockland, Ulster, Orange, faith. Founded in 1928 by the Sis-
planned for the future. St. Mary’s will also challenge students to ex- site at https://kennedycatholic. and Dutchess. Catholic schools ters of Divine Compassion as St.
Academy will give families another pand their educational horizons org for more information about o er a unique combination of aca- Mary’s School in Katonah,the cur-
choice for a superior Catholic edu- by studying languages other than eligibility and required admissions demic and spiritual development rent school was built in 1966 on its
cation in Northern Westchester English along with math, science, testing. that empowers children of all back- present site in a serene, 64-acre site
County. and robotics. grounds to gain the con dence to setting which includes the natural
All families of every faith look- realize their fullest potential. To beauty of a lake and woodlands.
“ is is great news for Catholic “John F. Kennedy Preparatory ing for a faith-based, values-cen- learn more about the Archdiocese
families in Northern Westchester School is one of the premier high tered continuous education for of New York’s Catholic schools, Article provided by Kennedy
County as we all continue to bat- schools in Westchester County,” their children from Pre-K through visit www.catholicschoolsny. Catholic.
tle the Covid-19 pandemic,” said said Kennedy Principal and Presi- 8th grade are always welcome to org or
Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Arch- dent, Father Mark Vaillancourt visit at licSchoolsArchdioceseNewYork.
bishop of New York.“ e Catholic . “Our strength and commitment any time,year-round,to learn more
Church in New York introduced to excellence position us well to about the opportunity to provide ABOUT JOHN F.KENNEDY
organized education to New York align with the Archdiocese of New their children with an exceptional CATHOLIC PREPARATORY
more than 200 years ago, and the York in this exciting alternative for education at an a ordable price in HIGH SCHOOL/ACADEMY
academy’s formation is a move public school students in grades a Catholic school.
six, seven, and eight. e new St. Kennedy Catholic, located in
TOWN BOARD pleted 11 of those, including and gasoline-powered eet, or tricity it uses and the remainder Eisenman, praising the town
participating in an LED-lighting “transportation” sector, had pulled to propane. for being proactive, said the data
program, a Community Solar ahead by 13%. Eisenman’s report – which the in the inventory demonstrates
employee commuting practices. Campaign and a Community Emissions from buildings and town plans to post on its website that it is “poised” to be a certi ed
e one exception: the library, Choice Aggregation (CCA) pro- other facilities declined by 6% due – contains charts and graphs pin- CSC and “has the potential to be
which the town does not own gram, a bulk-energy purchasing to the NYSEG-sponsored LED pointing all the sources of GHG. Westchester’s leading Clean En-
but helps fund its programs. e program. lighting retro t project, the report e Highway Department’s ergy Community,” as well.
town’s latest acquisition, a former So far, North Salem has earned said. emissions, for instance, were 32% According to the report, the
school turned theater on Owens 4,300 CEC points, enabling it to Fluorescent lights at 66 June of the library’s in 2020. town’s overall GHG emissions
Road that it plans to turn into a apply for $20,000 in NYSERDA Road, where the town’s meet- Another big contributor of dropped by 10% between 2019
community center, also was not grants for clean energy programs. ing room, police department and emissions are town’s treatment and 2021.
included because it fell outside Last May, Councilwoman court are located, and the old plants in the Peach Lake Sewer
the timeline. Katherine Daniels launched the mercury halide vapor xtures at District. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT
In 2009, North Salem regis- CSC Leadership Committee, a the Highway Department were Among other things, the re- WORK
tered as a Climate Smart Com- volunteer task force of town em- replaced with LEDs. port suggested the town pursue Eisenman, who serves on the
munity and took the CSC pledge ployees and residents which aims Buildings that use No. 2 fuel solar power and explore lower- group’s subcommittee on clean
expressing its commitment to to publish a Climate Action Plan, oil to generate heat or require emitting heating operations such energy, also chairs the Board of
taking action on climate change. one of the requirements for CSC electricity created by nonrenewal as electric heat pumps and geo- Trustees of the North Salem
e elements of the pledge are Bronze certi cation. e bench- sources are still a problem, as are thermal systems. By making such Open Land Foundation, an ac-
to build a climate-smart com- marking exercise is considered a town vehicles and equipment a switch, the library could lower credited land trust that maintains
munity; inventory emissions, set step in that direction. which use diesel and gasoline. e its emissions by roughly 53%, the more than 1,300 acres of pre-
goals and plan for climate action; e CAP will include a “con- town has ordered three hybrid report claimed. serves.
decrease energy use; shift to clean, servative” 2030 emissions reduc- police cars and a fourth was do- Prior to 2019, the town had in- Eisenman is currently pursuing
renewable energy; use climate- tions goal of 25% and a “net-zero” nated, which Supervisor Warren stalled radiant heat oors and im- a Master of Science in Sustain-
smart materials management; im- target date for 2050, as well as a Lucas said “should help.” But he proved insulation at the Highway ability Management at Columbia
plement climate-smart land use; step-by-step road map for reduc- didn’t think that an electric plow Department building. But con- University’s Earth Institute Cli-
enhance community resilience to ing GHG emissions. was a feasible purchase. verting the town’s transportation mate School.
climate change; support a green Eisenman’s report, however, Eisenman insisted, however, eet to hybrid or electric “pres- So for her, putting together a
innovation economy; inform and said that a “stretch target” of 40% that “there’s lots of technology we ents the greatest opportunity for GHG inventory – called bench-
inspire the public, and engage in is “not unreasonable.” She ex- could look at.” rapid emissions reductions,” the marking – was almost like falling
an evolving process of climate plained that while people think of Retro tting a snowplow with report said. o the proverbial log.
action. e program o ers free carbon dioxide as the big GHG a hybrid electric system could Lucas said he was “psyched” But she said she couldn’t have
technical assistance, grants and villain, methane and nitrous ox- cut its emissions by 20% while a about the inventory, noting that it done it without the “generous
rebates for electrical vehicles. ide, while less prevalent, actually plug-in hybrid retro t could re- allows the town not only to “set support and invaluable input” of
North Salem participates in have more global warming po- duce them by an average 33%, she targets”but to know exactly where Daniels; Lucas; Town Clerk Ma-
the New York State Energy Re- tential. found. the current problem areas are. ria Hlushko; Janine Kourakos,
search and Development Author- e review found that in 2019 e review found that Ruth Westchester County Execu- con dential secretary to the su-
ity (NYSERDA) Clean Energy the “stationary” sector (buildings, Keeler Memorial Library on Tit- tive George Latimer, who at- pervisor; S. Gayle Soto, the town
Community program. e CEC streetlights, wastewater facili- icus Road emits the most GHG tended the virtual presentation, Highway Department’s admin-
is a points-based system that ties and water delivery facilities) of all the buildings surveyed, with said he was “so impressed” by the istrative assistant; and her Co-
awards communities for taking were the biggest sources of GHG 89% of its emissions coming from “massive task” that he wondered lumbia University professor, Jon
certain “high-impact” actions. emissions. its oil-burning furnace. Ten per- whether it could be shared with Dickinson.
To date, the town has com- But by 2021, the town’s diesel cent was attributed to the elec- other communities.
Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, February 3, 2022
Keeping pets safe and happy in the cold season
BY JESSICA JAFET creatures healthy and safe. frostbite.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER According to veterinarian “Short-haired dogs, by all
Winter in the Northeast can Dr. Edward Mayland of Cross means, should have a coat on,”
be brutal—and when it feels too River Animal Hospital (whose Dr. Mayland said. “A breed
darn cold outside for people, it practice was established in like a Vizsla or a Greyhound
can be dangerous for pets, too. 1976), pet owners should can become hypothermic very
During the frigid months, some consider the breed of animal and quickly—and even a shorthaired
commonsense practices will length of its fur before venturing cat who is being taken out to
keep your dogs, cats, and other outdoors in order to protect it travel in the car should have a
from su ering hypothermia or coat or some type of cover on
What happens more
frequently than frostbite, the Cookie goes for a walk in her jacket and booties.
vet explained, are cuts and tears
from ice shards, along with treacherous and you (and your your dog a simple trick like
bouts of gastroenteritis that can
result from an animal ingesting dog) are going stir-crazy in the running through your legs or
salt that collects on its paws.
house, Sarah Hodgson, a veteran jumping through your arms—
“ e biggest danger this
time of year is not necessarily dog trainer and behavioral and make a fun little dance
exposure around here, but
lacerations from the ice—my consultant in the area, has some routine in your kitchen.
recommendation would be
booties for the doggies,” he suggestions for indoor fun and • Agility runs: You can make
said, adding that the ice melt
and rock salt used by houses or exercise. simple jumps with broomsticks
condos, “should only be the pet-
friendly kind.” She said a dog’s brains is “80 and cereal boxes, “puddles” by
Over the winter season, percent sensory-oriented” and draping a blanket over a chair or
as always, it is important to
provide healthy, well-balanced with some simple games, pet co ee table, and a teeter-totter
meals and proper hydration to
keep pets in good form. owners can help “light up” their out of a two-by-four balanced
“Basically, people food. Feed pups to keep them stimulated on a ball.
pets what you eat; there are
many toxicities in pet food and engaged. Here are a few: Hodgson has curated a list
products today—they can eat
what you eat—and we have • Sni and Find: One person of recommended interactive
diets and instructions on our
website,” Dr. Mayland said. holds the dog while another and self-soothing toys on her
As for exercise, Dr. Mayland hides treats in a di erent room. website (
recommends getting your dogs
out to walk and exercise every Place 10 at one time (or 10 in that will keep your pets active
day, if possible, although he
understands that much depends a row) and encourage your dog and busy.
on the pet owner’s own health
and mobility, along with weather to sni and nd them. With a Of course, there is the old
and safety concerns—including
the dangers of slipping and young puppy, you can start out classic that can be played
this game by simply tossing without ever leaving the couch.
If the conditions are just too
treats in front of their face. “You can always play fetch
• Canine Freestyle: ink of it with your dog—they love that,”
as dancing with your dogs. Put Hodgson said.
on some music you love; teach
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you’d like your photo returned. To advertise in North Salem
News, call Brett Freeman
at 845-208-8151 or email
Thursday, February 3, 2022 North Salem News – Page 5
My Cousin’s brings ‘elevated
American’ cuisine to Mahopac
e town’s newest destination restaurant
My Cousin’s is an upscale restaurant with a catchy PHOTO: CAITLYN BARRICK PHOTO: CHRIS HEMICK
name, a touching back story and, most of all, a casual
twist just right for our local communities—a place that David Gallo, owner of My Cousin’s $2 o all cocktails, and an awesome discounted happy
has great food but is not a slave to the demands of pre- hour menu. e bar gets full by around 4 or 5 so get
tention. hope to bring that to the community where I grew up. there early even though happy hour is accepted at the
My grandmother used to tell me, “Dorothy had to go tables in the restaurant, too.
Opened in September, My Cousin’s has been getting all the way to Oz and back to realize there was no place
excellent reviews for its food, service and atmosphere. like home.” Give us five absolutely must tries at My Cousin’s.
So, what sets My Cousin’s apart? Who better to enlight- Grandma’s cauli ower patties, candied bacon, smoth-
en us than the owner himself, David Gallo, who was My Cousin’s has been getting great reviews. Tell us ered pork chop, shrimp farfalle and artichoke dip.
born and raised locally? about the menu.
From tasty morsels like candied bacon, charcuterie
What’s the story behind the name, My Cousin’s? I kind of knew what kind of place I wanted it to be, board, burrata salad to decadent entrees, like the smoth-
e name was created in memory of my friend, Ja- and my background is in steakhouses, so I knew what ered pork chop to lobster tails and immensely satisfying
kind of proteins I wanted to serve, but the details re- pasta dishes, it’s no wonder My Cousin’s has become the
son Shenkman, who passed away. Our families are very mained elusive for a while. Over the summer I started talk of the town. Complemented by craft beers, delicious
close. Growing up, we always took family vacations and cooking with my fantastic chef Ronni Palacios Reyes cocktails, an extensive wine list and impeccable service,
spent holidays with each other. We weren’t related but and started building a menu. We had ve or six tasting My Cousin’s is getting some serious buzz as the next
always considered each other family, so we called each nights with my friends and family to see which dishes dining destination. e beautifully designed restaurant
other “my cousin.” When we worked together behind everyone enjoyed the most. ere are a couple of old that boasts ample parking is open Tuesdays to Saturdays
the bar, we would often talk about one day opening a family recipes on the menu like my grandma’s cauli ow- 3-10 p.m. and Sundays noon-9 p.m.
bar called My Cousin’s. When I nally decided to open er patties and my Aunt Chrissy’s meatballs, which have
the restaurant, it could only be one name, My Cousin’s. really been a hit. Call ahead at 845-648-2600 or make reservations
online ( for a great dining
Tell us about the journey and how you started this I wanted to make the menu simple but have some- experience.
restaurant. thing for everyone. My sister Alyssa, who works at the
restaurant, is a vegetarian, so she made sure that I was PHOTOS: VIM WILKINSON
As long as I’ve been working, even if it was part-time, thoughtful in the construction of the menu for all types
I was working in the hospitality business. I started like of eaters.
most, in the kitchen washing dishes. I eventually became
a line cook, and then made it to the front of the house, What is elevated American cuisine?
bussing, waiting tables, and eventually really nding my I’ve been telling people that the res-
passion in bartending. I cut my teeth in restaurant opera- taurant is upscale/casual. Good food, at
tions when I helped open e Chophouse Grille in 2012. reasonable prices in a comfortable atmo-
sphere with impeccable service. It’s a white
After selling my share of the restaurant in 2015, I tablecloth restaurant, so it’s nice enough to
moved to the city to do a little soul searching. I really bring a date to or celebrate your anniver-
got a masterclass in food and service when I was waiting sary and have a beautiful bottle of wine but
tables at Del Posto, a Michelin star ne-dining restau- relaxed enough to sit at the bar and have a
rant in Chelsea. Service was like a ballet and the food burger and a beer.
was a symphony, and it really opened my eyes to what My Cousin’s happy hour. Tell us more.
dining could be. It’s 3-6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Two for
When my cousin Amanda told me over the holidays one beers, and two for one glasses of wine.
that the old Ramiro’s building, literally across the street
from the old Chophouse, was available, I called the
owner to see it after the new year. As soon as I saw the
space, I saw the potential and knew this was it.
So, I got to work. I put a business plan together, ap-
proached a handful of my close childhood friends from
Yorktown to invest in me, raised the money I needed
to pull the trigger, and signed the lease in the spring. It
took me until September to throw everything together,
and now I get to do what I love.
I’ve always loved entertaining people, whether at
home or at the bar or restaurant. Holidays and events at
the Gallo’s were always a spirited a air lled with great
food, good drinks, and a lot of laughs. My grandmother
and aunt were both career waitresses for over 50 years,
and when they hosted, they were always sure to show ev-
ery person in the building a good time. I have taken that
with me throughout my hospitality career, and certainly,
My Cousin’s
954 Route 6 • Mahopac • 845-648-2600 •
Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, February 3, 2022
Redistricting issues highlighted
League of Women Voters of North East Westchester weighs in
Given that the fall elections of North East Westchester the heart of winter. For instance, state assembly voting districts, e redistricting information
are in the rearview mirror and calendar. something that will directly can be found on the News &
school board elections are not the New York State Independent impact area voters. Events page of the league’s
until spring, it could seem as While LWVNEW is best website,,
though there is a lull in the known for its election-related Redistricting Commission “We are very disappointed including contact information
League of Women Voters voter service activities, there is that this bipartisan group was for the IRC and state
plenty happening right now in (IRC) is currently in the process unable to come to any kind of representatives. ere is also
agreement,” said LWVNEW information about a Jan. 27
of drawing up maps of proposed co-president Katherine Dering. Zoom presentation sponsored
“Instead of submitting one set by the New York State League,
congressional, state senate, and of maps to the state legislature, County Redistricting: How,
the IRC broke down along What & When?
Monthl Editoria Calenda party lines and submitted two
sets of maps. e legislature Dering concluded: “We
FEBRUARY 10 Supplement to January 20, 2022 WinCeter r overwhelmingly rejected the hope local residents will get
BIG GAME, maps and now the IRC gets a involved and informed by taking
Winter chance to submit another set. If advantage of the information
Last minute Valentine's Day gweetaewkeanydHaLoehpiCedhwdaeemlnlbJguoenrmdctiaiontnCur. ry. the legislature rejects the second and programs the League is
ideas, Home/Spring Cleaning Estate - IRC submission, state legislators o ering.”
. p. 3 then get to draw the maps.
MARCH 10 iRne2a0l 2e2statefEoxrtsraaolerdin. ar.y LWVNEW can be reached at
CAMPS, Boomers & Beyond, home . . p. 7 e point of establishing an [email protected], or on
... independent commission was to social media: Facebook (League
Holidays, Spring s hRoemceenstly soldBasebosoltdvefaaltmisatsilkpyir-nicfgeriper.nicde. lya.nd. p.15 avoid giving the majority party of Women Voters of North East
ki areasnearby. . . . . . . p. 8-9 in the legislature, whichever Westchester) or Twitter (@
APRIL 14 Valentine’s Daygift ideas . . . . . . party that may be, the power to LWVNEW). Anyone interested
MOTHER'S DAY, p.13 draw districts.” in joining LWVNEW should
Home & Garden, Real Estate APiTLnHeCOHUTCRoOhRpCaYeOmEwUSRebTTAloElTrSJEdYunOaFct tLCiEouCnrHryAMEBsOtaRtDe go to the Membership page at
“It’s frustrating,” conceded
MAY 12 Hudso Valle Livin Dering’s co-president, Lisa
HOME & GARDEN, i fille wit ... Pizzurro. “ ere is a whole e League of Women Voters is a
Memorial Day Outings separate issue concerning the nonpartisan political organization
• things to do with the family proposed grouping of parts of that encourages informed
JUNE 9 • great food ideas Westchester with the Bronx and active participation in
SUMMER DINING & EVENTS, and Queens, which doesn’t seem government and works to increase
to make sense on a practical understanding of major public
Real Estate, Father's Day level. We urge local voters to policy issues. e League of Women
familiarize themselves with the Voters does not support or oppose
JULY 14 redistricting issue, and we’ve candidates or political parties.
BOOMERS & BEYOND, made it relatively easy to do Membership is open to anyone
that on our website. We hope age 16 and over and provides
Home & Garden that voters will speak up and the opportunity to be active
let the IRC know that it needs and involved in local, state and
to ful ll its duty as a bipartisan national issues.
AUGUST 11 • home improvement Your ad
BACK TO SCHOOL • interesting people could be here.
in your community
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WINTER, Last minute gift ideas,
dining, financial planning
To advertise,
call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].
To be featured,
email Vim Wilkinson at [email protected].
Thursday, February 3, 2022 North Salem News – Page 7
Changing Geres
BY CAROL REIF (Lowell, an actor and former model, and ter Georgina.
STAFF WRITER Gere were married from 2002 to 2016. at’s near Old Salem Farm, where she
ey have a 21-year-old son, Homer. e grew up riding horses. She still lives there
Northern Westchester must agree with Hollywood heartthrob and practicing Bud- … reportedly with a whole herd of rescue
Richard Gere. dhist remarried two years later and now has critters.
Having purchased a historic estate in two children with Silva. Gere was brie y e list of the famed and fabulous goes
North Salem last year, the 70-something hitched to supermodel, actor, and TV on and on.
actor has now put his Pound Ridge com- personality Cindy Crawford in the early e Geres’ stately North Salem abode
pound on the market for a cool $28 million. 1990s.) has a wine cellar, gym, outdoor pool, and
Gere, who bought that 48-acre property at Gere has a home in North Salem is indoor lap pool created out of a former
in 1986,acquired a red brick Georgian-style somewhat of an open secret. greenhouse.
mansion in January 2021 for $9.8 million. Neighbors who’ve passed him on the Known as Northshire, the 9,000-square-
It was designed by famed architect Mott road say he gives them a friendly wave and foot manse reminds folks of the great coun-
B. Schmidt and built in 1934 for Richard ashes that famous smile. try houses in England. PHOTO COURTESY OF ZILLOW
W. Woolworth, heir to one of America’s Celebrity sightings in these here parts e architect, Schmitt, is celebrated for
greatest family fortunes. aren’t that rare. Actor Richard Gere’s $9.8 million red brick
Funnyman David Letterman, another the equally spectacular homes he created Georgian-style mansion, purchased in
Gere and his wife, Alejandra Silva, a for the Vanderbilt, Astor, and Rockefeller January 2021.
Spanish publicist and political activist, also famous resident, has been spotted jogging dynasties. ible master suite.”
spent $700,000 on an adjacent piece of on the town’s roads. e North Salem home supposedly was “A remarkable o ering,” it concluded.
land. e iconic entertainer moved from Con- inspired by Groombridge Place, a 17th- Gere’s 50-acre Pound Ridge abode on
Silva, 39, is the daughter of Ignacio Silva, necticut to a 108-acre estate in North Sa- century home in Kent, England. Lyndel Road is nothing to sneeze at either.
an entrepreneur and former vice president lem in the 1990s. Former “Late Night/Late According to one report, it is surrounded Its nearly 12,000-square-foot, eight-bed-
of the Real Madrid Football Club. Show” bandleader and sidekick Paul Shaf- by broad lawns, gardens, a “rolling”meadow, room house was constructed in 2000. It has
She was previously married to Govind fer lives in nearby Bedford. and scenic woodland paths. nine replaces and nine bathrooms to boot.
Friedland, a mining magnate with whom Jennifer Gates – eldest daughter of Mi- ere is a brick gatehouse, barn, tennis According to its listing – being handled
she had a son. crosoft moguls and philanthropists Bill and court, and horse paddocks as well. by Mu n Dowdle of Ginnel Real Estate, a
Gere and Silva’s new digs total approxi- Melinda French Gates – recently caused a It has a parklike setting, its listing had Bedford Hills rm – it is “bu ered”by more
mately 35 acres. stir when she wed fellow equestrian Nayel boasted, adding that the “spectacular resto- than 4,300 acres of protected land -- aka
e silver-haired celeb, best known for Nasser in a lavish ceremony at her $16 mil- ration” had used only “the nest materials.” the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation.
his roles on screen in “Pretty Woman” and lion, 124-acre Mills Road spread. Its rooms are perfectly proportioned and It even has its own lake, island, sandy
on stage in “Chicago,”values his privacy, but Known as Evergate Stables, it was ac- incredibly detailed, it added, pointing to beach, and soccer pitch.
also gets involved in the community. quired for her in 2018 through a trust. “substantial millwork and period moldings, Dowdle describes it as a “magical country
He and his former wife, Carey Lowell, Another generous dad, former New York French doors,and plaster walls”not to men- compound” and a “peaceful and playful ref-
purchased an abandoned house in Bedford City mayor Michael Bloomberg, bought a tion its “9,000 square feet of meticulously uge with natural beauty at its core.”
and turned it into an eight-room boutique chunk of North Salem real estate in 2001, appointed living space,” “formal rooms for And, she noted, it’s just 50 miles from
inn, yoga studio, and restaurant in 2008. which he then gifted to his teenage daugh- entertaining,”“chef ’s kitchen,” and “incred- Manhattan.
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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, February 3, 2022
It isn’t all bad Crunch
BY DR. ANDREW about two young sh swim- GUEST I was determined to “enjoy every accomplishments, a fun outing or
ming in the water. An older CORNER moment, it goes fast”as everyone rec- even my own growth in learning to
FRISHMAN ommends, and here I was… getting shake o the mess and not get angry
GUEST WRITER sh swims near them and asks Kim Stoll angry over a Cheerio. about the cheerios on the oor. en
them, “How’s the water?” e I celebrate it.
Doom and gloom is the two young sh ask each other, Istepped on a Cheerio… again. e repetitive nature of stay at
trend for news outlets, “What’s water?” e point is My teeth clench, my body home mom life and the lack of e days are long, but the years
social media, cellphone that the most obvious things tenses and I literally want to accomplishment are the hardest for feel short, let’s be intentional about
alerts, and newspapers. e are hidden in plain sight. scream. me. While I believe everyone; this is nding joy in each day.
business model of the news is going by fast, and I am going to miss
based on what can elicit the Take note of the amaz- Over a Cheerio. these days, but to enjoy it all can’t be Kim Stoll empowers women to nd
most emotions and get the ing acts of kindness (that How did I become this person? the goal. joy in every day and build a life they
most clicks on the computer. aren’t reported) happening to love through positive habits in mindset,
ordinary people all around you. Instead, I work on nding some- tness and smart nutrition. Virtual
Oftentimes, I fall prey to Recently, a drone saved the life thing to enjoy every day. I purposely coaching available. Coachkimstoll@
the negativity that surrounds of a man, 71, su ering a heart recognize the good. Could be a
us all. I want everyone to step attack by delivering a de bril- win with my kid, one of their new
back, take a bird’s eye view, and lator to his home in Sweden in
realize what amazing times we less than four minutes. Old time numbers
live in. Human civilizations
started forming around 6,000 Not long ago, I was walk- WHAT WAS Jack wisely said that these were her of years later, I needed to re-register
years ago. For the rst 5,900 ing in Times Square in New I THINKING? emotions talking, just let it be and my car. While at the DMV window,
years, there have been some York City. Someone tapped me don’t make a big fuss. I told the clerk the story of WP 148
major periods in human his- on the shoulder and handed RUTHANN and asked if she could check to see
tory (stone ages, renaissance, me the $40 that fell out of my SCHEFFER e following year, Mom said if it had been assigned to someone
enlightenment, industrial pocket. it was too expensive to keep the else. Just the idea that I might see a
revolution, civil rights, etc). Our Dad had a special license insurance and registration; she was strange car with Dad’s plate made
In the last 50 years, space I suggest everyone should plate of which he was very going to sell the car and turn in the me cringe.
travel has become a reality, the keep a “Cookie Jar of Awe- proud: WP 148, the WP plates. An idea blossomed: maybe I
internet was developed, cell- someness”in their home. You representing “White Plains.” He had could take over Dad’s plate number “Oh, wow, you’re in luck,”she
phones, arti cial intelligence, place a handwritten note to had that plate for as long as we could and keep it in the family. I contacted exclaimed as she turned the screen
and modern medicine have yourself. I note what happened remember. When he passed away DMV and as fate would have it, toward me. “Look, that plate number
progressed dramatically. in the week that I am thankful years ago, our mother announced my registration was due the same is still available; it’s yours if you want
for. I celebrate the small wins she would renew the registration time Mom was going to surrender it!”
If you think of all of human and successes in my life that I and insurance on his 1969 Dodge Dad’s. With a bit of paper work and
existence as an 800-page don’t want to forget by writing Monaco, and she was going to learn some notarized documents, WP 148 Want it? I was elated! WP 148
book. For an alien trying to them down. how to drive! OMG, she was 68 became mine. was back where it belonged. e
learn about humans, the book years old and had never expressed clerk was smiling while I lled out
is basically pretty boring, up Petting, scratching, and cud- a desire to drive. She walked every- However, years later after my forms and paid the fee (and a vanity
until the last 20 pages, which dling a pet can be as soothing where! In fact, Dad used to say if she husband Bud passed away and before plate fee!). She congratulated me and
represent the times we are liv- to the mind, and heart, as deep drove, she’d probably stop the car and I reconnected with Art, I spread said I’d made her day. Made my day,
ing through! meditation, and prayer. Look let a bird cross the street. Brother my wings and moved to Vermont. too!
around and remind yourself I asked my family if anyone wanted
If living through unprec- every day, it isn’t all bad. to take over WP 148 - there were Some time later, I stopped at a
edented times doesn’t get you no takers. Reluctantly and sadly, I car wash in White Plains. An older
amped, we are going to see Dr. Andrew Frishman is the turned in the plates. gentleman came up to the car to ask
things we never dreamed of in owner of Progressive Animal
the next 10 years. Hospital, 914-248- 6220, Returning to New York a couple SEE SCHEFFER PAGE 9, 268 Route
ere is a famous wise tale 202, Somers.
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
[email protected] all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail
to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9
JUST in my writing class about two that several weeks before I had Fun Facts
JO ANN years ago. In her reply to my lost my companion of 12 years, by Jo Ann
email, she told me she had not my Chocolate Lab named
JO ANN been writing, but had recently Coco. She was very kind and Most people feel a bit awkward getting in touch with friends or
FRANCELLA learned of a group she could sympathetic. It felt good to family they haven’t seen or spoken to in a while.
join via zoom. In class, Marcia know that someone understood
The dictionary de nes the stood out to me for several dif- what I was feeling. stood what it means to lose a Marcia when I did. Coinci-
word coincidence as a re- ferent reasons. She was always pet. We were in the early stages dence? Perhaps. I prefer to
markable concurrence of doing something exciting, and e next week at the end of of the pandemic, so I mailed it think of it as two people having
events or circumstances without she had many stories about her our yoga class, Marcia handed to her. Marcia doing something a great connection.
apparent causal connection. grandson. It was delightful to me a gift - a book. She ex- kind for me had begun a chain
listen to how proud she was of plained to me that when she of kindnesses. at’s just the To those of you who are
at is exactly what hap- her grandchildren and espe- lost her own furry companion, kind of woman Marcia is. thinking of people you haven’t
pened when I wrote to a dear cially her grandson who en- a friend had given her a book seen or been in touch with for
friend whom I had not seen joyed spending so much time about when a dog passes. Her I told Marcia that I would a few years, pick up the phone,
since the pandemic began. with her. Having just become friend wrote a short, encour- write a column about “Coinci- write a letter or type them an
I inquired whether or not a grandparent myself, it made aging note inside the book dences,” but I already knew that email, and I hope it will make
she was still writing, and she me want, in time, to achieve and told her to pass it on to I also wanted to write about her them as happy as I was to catch
informed me that on that very that same closeness with my someone else who might be in being such a kind and caring up and reconnect.
day she had just begun an own grandson. need of some heartfelt compas- friend.
online writing class. A happy sion. What Marcia wrote in [email protected]
coincidence. One day, several years back, that book meant the world to I’m glad that I wrote to
I walked into a yoga class and me; and as months passed I
I had been thinking of Mar- there was Marcia with a wel- learned of another friend who
cia and missing our time spent coming smile. She asked if I had lost her pet. I took the
was all right, as I must have book from my shelf and wrote
appeared sad to her. I told her in it, telling her that I under-
SCHEFFER 2021 was a
We can help make your taxes less crazy.
what type of wash I wanted. As I
paid him, he said: 845-628-5400
“WP 148, eh? at’s an old- | [email protected]
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
“Yes, it is,” I answered. “It was
my Dad’s and has been in the Securities o ered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
family for years.” This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
He asked me who my Dad accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.
was, and when I told him, he
laughed out loud:
“Joe? Years ago, he and
I used to bowl in the same
league! What a good bowler and
a great guy!”
ere you have it: a license
plate is not just a number. How
about memories of years long
past and part of a never-ending
legacy? Proudly, WP 148 and my
car ags are part of mine.
[email protected]
Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and
op-ed submissions may
be edited. The views and
opinions expressed in
letters and op-eds are not
necessarily those of North
Salem News or its affiliates.
Submissions must include a
phone number and address
for verification. Not all letters
and op-eds will necessarily be
published. Letters and op-eds
which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your
submissions to the editor by
e-mail at northsalemnews@ For more
information, call the editor at
Page 10 North Salem News – Thu
North Salem Cel
Ryan Baer
Ishmael Appiah PHOTOS COURTESY OF NORTH Jake Popken Roger Squire
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ursday, February 3, 2022 Page 11
lebrates Seniors
Last month, several North Salem varsity teams
took time to recognize their graduating senior mem-
bers, and thank them for their dedication and contri-
butions to their respective programs.
On Saturday, Jan. 16, BYSNS hockey honored
North Salem seniors Jonathan Graham and Tommy
Later in the month on Jan. 22, Tigers basketball
recognized their seven seniors who are in the midst
of their nal season. Honored alongside their fami-
lies were Ryan Baer, Jake Popken, Christopher Jeter,
Michael Lulaj, Roger Squire, Zac Major, and Ish-
mael Appiah.
Girls basketball will be holding their Senior Night
on Feb. 10, and the Tigers bowling and track teams
will recognize their graduating seniors at their team
dinners towards the end of the month.
Jonathan Graham
Tommy Eberhardt Christopher Jeter
Michael Lulaj
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Page 12 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, February 3, 2022
e exercise bike
those “smart” exercise
MAN bikes that you can use with
OVERBOARD online classes in real time.
There wasn’t a moment to
MELÉN lose, I wanted to get right
into the saddle. I was too
impatient to create a user
profile and sign up for a
I’ve been working from session, I just wanted to
home for almost two
years now, and my body put it into manual override
and jump on for a quick
ride. So I punched a few
misses the daily exercise of buttons, which got me
getting up way too late and pretty quickly into a loop
running up and down the of prompts that I couldn’t
stairs at the train station, find my way out of. I dug
forgetting that I forgot to deeper into a couple some
buy my ticket and running more menus, and before I
up and down the stairs knew it (and for quite some
again and then dodging time after I knew it), I had
Manhattan traffic instead changed the bike’s primary
of waiting for a green light. language to Russian (I kid
In midtown, instead of that you not). I don’t know if
flashing “DON’T WALK” you’re familiar with the
sign that reminds you to run Russian language, but it
instead, there is a flashing looks more like it’s made
numerical countdown, so if I up of a bunch of corporate
see that I have 8 seconds left logos and doodles rather
I take off in a dead sprint than actual letters. I started
from half a block away in panic-typing some stuff
order to make it to the other into several boxes, without
side just before someone knowing what I was
runs me over. saying, trying to get back
To replace all that physical SEE MELEN PAGE 14
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Thursday, February 3, 2022 OPINION North Salem News – Page 13
Learning about
Groundhog Day
STRONG ents, aunts, and uncles pick up Groundhog Day
LEARNING this strategy and can use them is a tradi-
in their everyday learning. tion in
DR. LINDA many
SILBERT Telling your grandchildren cities
the groundhog story every in the
Dear Dr. Linda, year can help them on a vari- United
A few years ago, you wrote ety of levels. As you read this States and Canada
story, think about all the parts
about Groundhog Day which of the brain your grandchil- SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 14
occurs every year on Feb. 2. dren will be using.
At the time, my grandchildren
were too little to understand BUYING ONLY Items for sale? Service: 914-669-9679
what Groundhog Day was. Call us! Auto Sales: 914-485-1195
I think they’re the right age 845-628-0362 50WE BUY: GOLD
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ticle. Is it possible to write this • STERLING SILVER • JEWELRY • COINS
year about it again, so I can BRONZES • CLOCKS • COLLECTIBLES 6 Dingle Ridge Road - North Salem, NY 10560
share the information with my
them? • ANTIQUES • ETC.
Dear Grandma,
As I said in the past, despite
those who look down their WATCHES • COINS • FURS
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family traditions keep gen- • ELCxehpvimeelrntI,eMIyIaaCsnaodpnsrIIyISCRuhepippmaliinerdesyaInndspInescttaiollnesd FInusllpCeacmtioenrsa AACCLLMHMHLLEEIINNMBMBTTIIORORNNNNIIEAECACDYDYKKFFOOHHRWRWODODOIOIUSUSCRCRSOSOUKUIKINNNNTTOOGGNN
ing a sense of belonging for •
children. e need to belong • Violations Corrected
is one of the most basic needs TsasIniNtbmaco:ltiPuuela1dts5r.e0tsAohTfcitNfsche)ee;ri.pnRPtCsiadauenrerrtcartiienckfiicipcgneaaudttasseinorBagCli4n2c3(t5iiet8n0ae/AtBdGio4A(fn3I:oD9.Dr:T(eCGohs2Aniigs5e: 0nBsaEi4npt;3seeP9udcABri)fi:a).PcnCrc2ooe5vf0fipdeQoer)l;risicIsnya/sncnueodrrtatPniafircevceavaeiPtlnaeobtliiolvcefeytiBPnhe1i5snC0eOtfiy;(GptcseAa.:RllCPido115e-n80rt.0GaP0cAr-t;o9Ndu6us9Y:c-4ftPo71nr85o10ctoNoamYrv;parOleielKsat:peboPledn15edi0ntaOfaioKllsr;l
result, children who practice Starting at $99 for residential; Starting at $299
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delivered mailing addresses every week. Call 845-208-8151 today!
Shared family traditions
like looking to see if the
groundhog sees his shadow
involve storytelling—which is
bene cial for the young and
old brain. Storytelling re-
quires digging into long-term
memories and experiences,
sharing cultural information
and tales, and putting them
into a sequence of events. is
is a wonderful strategy for
children to use when studying
for tests. Children who are
exposed to listening to stories
from their parents, grandpar-
Page 14 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, February 3, 2022
Contact Us MELEN are you wearing bedroom though your bicycle doesn’t
North Salem News is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite slippers?” “Nyet, I mean actually leave your living
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Thursday, February 3, 2022 Sports North Salem News – Page 15
Softball Coach
send-off Mittelstadt
and the
five section
Coach Bob
For North Salem softball, it’s
the end of an era. After more than
three decades at the helm of the
Tigers, Coach Bob Mittelstadt
announced that he will be retiring.
A former history teacher at
North Salem, Coach Mittelstadt
leaves behind a legacy of success,
including 410 career wins and ve
section titles.
“It’s a combination of things,” was also en ebb and ow to play- sons below .500. Included in that competing with his sister Amy in Jess have been my trusty assistants
said Mittelstadt when asked about ers interested in playing softball span were an incredible 410 victo- a double no-hitter game, coaching right up until the current day.”
the reasoning behind his decision each year. Student-athletes often ries and ve sectional titles. against friend and colleague Joan Most importantly, Coach Mit-
to retire. “Not being in the build- devote their attention to a number “I’m very proud of the fact that Speda no (who helped organize telstadt expressed his gratitude
ing and losing the connection of di erent sports throughout the for basically a full decade and a the original Salem Fests alongside for the support he received from
with the players. Not being able to year, and North Salem currently half in the late 80s and early 90s Mittelstadt), and the camaraderie his family, wife Bev and children
work with the players, not know- does not have a modi ed or JV I didn’t have a losing season,” he of team bus rides. Brittany and Bobby.
ing what the kids went through program to prepare players for recalled. “We had some robust, e oldest of seven children, “Bev was a teacher at PQ so
that day, or knowing what the vibe varsity competition. 23-win seasons.” Mittelstadt grew up in nearby she would come down and watch
in the building is. Sometimes it “It’s even harder when you don’t In addition to his time in North Pleasantville and is a graduate of the games before she went home,”
felt like starting with strike one, or have a feeder program,” added Salem, Mittelstadt’s resume also Pleasantville High School. He he recalled. “She was instrumen-
even strike two. It’s a tough thing, Mittelstadt. “I understand there is includes stints coaching at John would then go on to undergrad at tal and supportive, and she un-
being an outside coach.” a core group of 8th graders who Jay and Croton-Harmon, as well Manhattan College and graduate derstood that this was a passion
In addition, complications want to play. You basically need as for the baseball and football school at Western Connecticut. of mine. She did that with great
brought on by the pandemic also three to ve kids in each grade programs at Kennedy Catholic. Re ecting on his coaching support and understanding. And
made the coach’s job that much to sustain the program. You also “When I was coaching Kenne- career, Mittelstadt also acknowl- I have to give a shout-out to my
more di cult. need involved parents and a sum- dy baseball, I was once thrown out edged a number of people who kids, because they’re the ones
“Last year was a grind with the mer program to be successful.” of a game and a nun got the win as were instrumental in helping him who grew up without a dad in the
masks,” he explained. “It was hard As he readies to leave coaching my replacement,” Mittelstadt jok- through the years. stands sometimes.”
enough not knowing them as a life behind, Coach Mittelstadt re- ingly recalled. “Sister Mary Alice “Mike Actis-Grande really As he prepares to move on to
teacher, but then to not even be ected on the many years of suc- took over, rallied the troops, and started my success with his com- the next chapter of his life, Mit-
able to see their faces or read their cess he enjoyed with Tigers soft- got the win.” mitment through the commu- telstadt also o ered some words of
body language.” ball. Over the course of 36 years, Other highlights of Mittel- nity,” explained Mittelstadt. “John wisdom to new teachers.
Like many other schools, there he managed to have only 10 sea- stadt’s career included the Tigers’ Varachi was involved in our sum- “If they want to be better teach-
playo run in 2016 that ended mer program, and DJ McSwee- ers, they should also coach,” he
with a loss to East Rockaway in ney was huge, I coached all three explained. “ at way, you get im-
the Class C regional nals. Earlier of his daughters and he was our mediate feedback. You don’t need
in his tenure, one of North Salem’s team photographer. Greg Shea to wait for test scores. Coaching
teams was one pitch away from was our grounds crew guy, he was made my teaching career expo-
advancing to the state nal four. there with Skip Floer and Brian nentially better.”
“Back in the 80s we were one Novak whenever we would have As Tigers softball looks to
pitch away,” he explained. “We a monsoon and the games for Sa- the future, a new coach has not
were one out away from getting lem Fest would get pushed back. been named. When a successor
back on the bus so everyone could ose guys were the backbone of is found, Mittelstadt said he will
go to prom. And we just couldn’t the town. Pat Donovan and Mar- be more than happy to help in any
get that last out. We were right cy Miller were big, those were the way he can. But for now, he can
there.” kind of parents who really got the look forward to a long overdue
Mittelstadt and the Tigers also town kids together.” spring to focus on gardening, trav-
enjoyed success with three con- Mittelstadt also gave credit to el, and improving his golf game.
secutive section titles in the early the coaches he worked with. “I was following my dream and
2000s when his daughter Brittany “Bill Dahl and Neil Broderick pursuing my passion,” concluded
was on the team. He also holds were instrumental in the founda- Mittelstadt. “I have so many good
the distinction of being the only tion of the program, they were a memories. I’m honored that par-
coach to win a Class B, C, and D huge help.” he said. “And I have ents trusted and supported me.
PHOTOS COURTESY OF BOB MITTELSTADT Coach Mittelstadt celebrating his title. to give credit to Dave Dubbioso, I’m going to miss it, but it’s time.
Bob Mittelstadt’s career spanned 400th career win with his wife Bev Among his other favorite mem- my assistant coach for more than It was an honor, a privilege, and a
36 years. in 2018. ories of North Salem softball were 10 years. Dave and his daughter pleasure.”
Page 16 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, February 3, 2022
RICH win big
Oskar Emma Basketball
Lombardi Klares squads
John Jay/North Salem wins again at Thunder Ridge EDITOR
BY RICH MONETTI on both the girls and the boys meet last week, and on ursday, BOYS BASKETBALL
CONTRIBUTING WRITER side, and the expectations are still Jan. 27, the combined team n- Irvington 60,
high in 2022. So, two meets in ished rst at under Ridge ver- North Salem 55 (OT)
Last year, John Jay/North Sa- and the record has remained un- sus Fox Lane, Scarsdale, Byram Tuesday, Jan. 25
lem/Somers took the sectionals blemished. ey took their rst Hills, and Hen Hud. e Tigers opened the week
HumPauntenSaomciety e nal score based on the by taking a tough loss to the
Check out our Facebook & Twitter pages! top four nishers for each school, visiting Bulldogs in overtime.
John Jay/North Salem/Somers Behind 30-25 at halftime,
Nico lived with a had everyone’s number. Mia Paige Martin North Salem surged in the 3rd
family but because of Bourla’s sixth-place nish was quarter, outscoring their op-
a lifestyle change he the high mark for the girls, and John Jay followed the same pro- ponents 19-9. However, the
needs to find a new just behind, Amelia Sheridan of gram and put the entire mountain squad wasn’t able to maintain
forever home. Nico Somers took seventh. “ e team in the rear with his rst-place n- their momentum and came up
looks really strong this year,” ishing time of 26.72. “I de nitely short in the overtime period.
i obedient and well Sheridan said. “We have a bunch skied the second run more ag- Roger Squire (25 points, 11
trained. He has lots of returning girls who just killed gressively, because the slope was rebounds, 5 blocks) and Ryan
of love to give. Come it last year, and we’re hoping to more grippy, and I knew what to Baer (18 points, 7 rebounds)
meet this special guy. come out on top again.” expect,” Lombardi said. led the Tigers o ense.
Nico A 25.16, she hung back a bit e captain of the team, he’s “We came out at in the
with her opening time of 25.89. having a good time, and revels in game in the rst half, but re-
Handsome Blake is a “After a rst safe run, you give helping his teammates achieve ally did a nice job in the 3rd
calm, good-natured guy it everything you got,” Sheridan success. “Everyone on the team quarter to battle back and
who loves attention. A said. gets along so well, and it’s just a take the lead heading into the
loving forever home is blast to be able to guide the team 4th,” said Coach Chris Re-
what he is wishing for. Of course, the cold was no and see how well they do in all gan. “Credit to Irvington for
bother. “ e feeling you get, the our races,” Lombardi said. coming back at us in the 4th
Blake satisfaction after a successful run, quarter. We missed several key
there’s nothing like it,” Sheridan Luke Spieler was just behind free throws down the stretch
Putnam Humane Society, 68 Old Rt. 6, Carmel said. “Hearing the cowbells and in third, eighth grader James in the 4th quarter that resulted
845-225-7777 the cheering from your team- Bysshe was fourth, and Chris in empty possessions, and they
mates, nothing compares.” Marchini took sixth place. But took advantage of that to tie it
Open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. falling out of the top four was and then prevail in OT.”
Daniella Dziedzic of John not a problem for Captain Zach
Jay got her share of the noise in Purdey. Brewster 76,
eighth place and so did her class- North Salem 60
mate Paige Martin. “Our team is “For me skiing is one of the Friday, Jan. 28
super supportive, and we always most important aspects of my In a rematch from their Jan.
cheer each other on,”Martin said. life. So, to be out here skiing 22 Senior Day victory, the Ti-
with my friends after a stressful gers would travel to Brewster
Clocking at 26.32, she only did day at school, it’s a great way to and take the loss amidst the
her second run one hundredth relax and have fun,” he conclud- Bears’ own senior celebration.
of a second faster, but Martin ed the evening. North Salem struggled in the
also likes to have a rst safe run rst half, going into halftime
in her back pocket. “It’s like feel- trailing 37-19. Showing their
ing out the course, and when you usual resilience, the Tigers
got a rst solid run,” she said, “it’s found a spark in the third and
always nice to go all out in the trimmed Brewster’s lead to 10,
second.” but eventually could not over-
come the Bears’ o ense. Cap-
at said, Oskar Lombardi of tains Roger Squire (25 points,
9 rebounds) and Zac Major
(12 points, 5 assists) led North
Salem’s scoring in the loss.
Thursday, February 3, 2022 LEISURE North Salem News – Page 17
CLUES ACROSS 30. Retail 50. Mathematical figure 22. Cabbage
51. College football 25. Least frequent
1. __ de Mornay, actress 31. Giants conference 27. Change slightly
55. Turkish officer title 28. A country in NE Africa
8. Surrenders 32. Most bald 57. Organized body of 29. Metric units of measure
knowledge 30. More coherent
13. Omission 33. Changes color 58. Smooth and glossy 32. Make uninteresting
59. Left 34. Nausea
14. The white poplar 34. Unit of loudness 35. Institution of
CLUES DOWN Oceanography
15. They become butterflies 35. Undresses 1. Get back 36. Of little value
2. Pass or go by 37. Hindu model of the ideal
19. Used to chop 38. Fathers 3. Having a sharp taste man
4. Midway between east 38. Biblical exclamation
20. Select 39. Learned skill and southeast 40. You throw it at a board
41. Be about to happen
21. Volcanic craters 40. Remove qualification 5. Cairo Regional 42. Brutal
Airport 43. Opened one’s mouth
22. Consumer price index 44. Covered with frost widely
6. Peace officer 45. 19th letter of Greek
23. Utilize 45. Speak up 7. Brings to life alphabet
8. Automotive 48. Saturate
24. “True Blood” actress 46. Nowhere to be found vehicles 51. The woman
9. One point south of 52. Someone who is highly
Paquin 47. Part of surgery (abbr.) due east skilled
10. Football position 53. A way to launch an
25. Got up 48. Type of wrap 11. Goes by attack on
12. Most attractive 54. Where golfers begin
26. Sank in 49. Church seating 16. Road divisions 56. Atomic number 58
17. Not the sea
18. Small, faint For puzzle solutions, please see
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
ROUNDUP Yorktown on Jan. 26 at Cortlandt Lanes. helped the BYSNS tie Horace Greeley BYSNS’ co-coach Joey Bonitatibus. “We
e following day, the Tigers took a loss 4-4. have had a tough run this past month.
to Hen Hud. BYSNS 4, John Jay-CR 3 e team is nally healthy, we have been
“We need to get back to playing team Friday, Jan. 28 dealing with a lot of injuries. A win like
defense with greater passion and aggres- BYSNS HOCKEY this gives us con dence, like we belong,
siveness,” said Coach Regan. “We have BYSNS 4, Greeley 4 e BYSNS (8-6-2) registered a 4-3 because I know we do. We are a force
spoken all season that we’ll struggle to Wednesday, Jan. 26 triumph against traditional powerhouse to be reckoned with. Teams should be
win once the opponent’s score gets into Sava Makarenko (1G, 1A), Tommy John Jay-Cross River, ignited by Owen afraid, because the herd is coming. e
the mid to high 50s. In the weeks ahead Cunningham (1G, 1A), Hart Nullet BSYNS are coming for everyone and we
as we nish the season and head into Eberhardt (1G), Jonathan Graham (1G), (1G, 1A), Michael D’Eramso (1G), Du won’t let up.”
Sectional play, we need to reassert our- Bryan Kottmann (1G), Callahan Du (1G), Eberhardt (1A), Daniel Luis (1A),
selves on the defensive end and get more (1A), Jacob Gasparini (1A), Max Mes- Gasparini (1A) and Wing eld (23 saves). BYSNS results courtesy of Mike Sabini.
balanced o ensive production if we want sina (1A) and Ty Wing eld (20 saves)
to be successful.” “ is is absolutely a massive win,” said
Croton-Harmon 51, North Salem 49
Monday, Jan. 24
e Tigers took a tough loss at home to
open the week. Sophomore Jaiden Dono-
van led North Salem in scoring with 19
points, and junior Emma Zoubok also
chipped in 14 points in the e ort.
Putnam Valley 65, North Salem 39
Friday, Jan. 28
North Salem went on the road for the
week’s second consecutive Tiger tussle.
Down several key players, the squad
fought hard but took their second loss of
the week.
e boys team dropped a match against
After defeating Brewster during Senior Night on Jan. 22, North Salem would take the loss during the Bears’ senior celebration on Jan. 28.
Walter Panas on Jan. 26 at Cortlandt
Lanes. ey would rebound the follow-
ing day, picking up a win over Briarcli
on Jan. 27.
e girls team would earn a victory of
Page 18 – North Salem News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, February 3, 2022
Notice of Formation of AGING GRACEFULLY Contact Us ATTORNEY applicants. Call CTI for details!
AESTHETICS, LLC. Articles of Organization North Salem News is located at 118 N. Bedford (844) 947-0192 (M-F 8am-6pm ET)
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeals of the Town of North Salem will hold a Public Hearing at “SPIRITUALITY” as approached quote today. Call 1-888-871-0194
the North Salem Town Meeting Hall, 66 June Road, North Salem, NY, and via ZOOM, by philosophers, great authors, Never Pay For Covered Home, Meeting ID: 755 882 8866, Dial in: +1 (929) 205-6099, on Thursday, February poets, psychologists and neuro- Repairs Again! Complete
10, 2022, at 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the public may be heard to consider the following: scientists. Call or email Dr.Tim Care Home Warranty COVERS
Rowe 845-621-8502 or ALL MAJOR SYSTEMS AND
Application BA22-07 of Mary Manfredi and Peter Lutz, owners of the property located at 306 Hardscrabble [email protected] APPLIANCES. 30 DAY RISK FREE.
Road, North Salem, NY, consisting of approximately 25.69 acres in an R-4 Zoning District and shown as Sheet $200.00 OFF + 2 FREE Months!
4, Block 1735 Lot 64 on the Tax Assessment Map, for a Special Permit for the keeping of up to twenty five (25) BUYING/SELLING 866-440-6501
horses and maintenance of a commercial boarding operation per Article XIII, Section 250-72 of the Zoning
Ordinance. Buying diamonds, gold, silver, all MISCELLANEOUS
fine jewelry and watches, coins,
At such hearing all persons will have the opportunity to be heard. A copy of the application and related paintings, better furs, complete BEST SATELLITETV with 2Year
documents may be examined at the Board of Appeals Office at the North Salem Center, 274 Titicus Rd. North estates. We simply pay more! Price Guarantee! $59.99/mo with
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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeals of the Town of North Salem will hold a Public Hearing at information. (M-F 8am-6pm ET) 1-888-534-6918
the North Salem Town Meeting Hall, 66 June Road, North Salem, NY, and via ZOOM, DISHTV $64.99 For 190 Channels, Meeting ID: 755 882 8866, Dial in: +1 (929) 205-6099, on Thursday, February COMPUTER & ITTRAINING + $14.95 High Speed Internet.
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Application BA22-08 of Jared and Riley Hirschberg, owners of the property located at 81 Mills Road, North & Help Desk Professional now! Some restrictions apply. Promo
Salem, New York, located in an R-4 Zoning District and shown as Sheet 29, Block 1356, Lot 48 on the Tax Grants and Scholarships available Expires 1/21/22. 1-888-609-9405
Assessment Map, for an Area Variance per Article V, Section 250-15 and Article XIV, Section 25-79 (A) of the for certain programs for qualified
Zoning Ordinance of the Town of North Salem (because the non-conforming lot is subject to R-1/2 bulk
requirements) for installation of four (4) 120 gallon propane tanks within the side yard setback. A combined side PUZZLE SOLUTIONS
yard setback of 11 ft/26.5 ft is requested, 15 ft./40 ft. required. FOR THE WEEK OF 1/27/22
At such hearing all persons will have the opportunity to be heard. A copy of the application and related
documents may be examined at the Board of Appeals Office at the North Salem Center, 274 Titicus Rd. North
Salem, New York.
Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman
North Salem Board of Appeals
Bronx Bedford Park LLC, Arts of Org. led with Sec. of State of
NY (SSNY) 12/28/2021. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE upon whom process against may be served & shall mail process to
Subbarayudu Neppala & Sarada Neppala, PO Box 544, Mt. Kisco,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeals of the Town of North Salem will hold a Public Hearing at NY 10549. General Purpose
the North Salem Town Meeting Hall, 66 June Road, North Salem, NY, and via ZOOM,, Meeting ID: 755 882 8866, Dial in: +1 (929) 205-6099, on Thursday, February
10, 2022, at 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the public may be heard to consider the following:
Application BA22-09 of Patrick and Jessica FitzGerald, owners of the property located at 81 Peach Hill Drive,
North Salem, New York, in an R-1 Zoning District and shown as Sheet 6, Block 1748, Lot 3/House 42 on the
Tax Assessment Map, for an area variance to allow construction of a new single-family residence, per Article V,
Section 250-15 and Article VI, Section 250-20 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of North Salem. The
following variances are requested:
• Decrease front yard setback from 35 ft. required to 32 ft.
• Decrease combined side yard setbacks from 20 ft./50 ft. required to 17.9 ft./45.68 ft. proposed for the
house and deck.
• Decrease combined side yard setbacks from 20 ft./50 ft. required to 24.75 ft./42.65 ft. proposed for the
condenser and propane tanks.
• Decrease rear yard setback from 50 ft. required to 45 ft. proposed.
• Increase building coverage from 10% permitted to 10.6% proposed.
• Allow creation of parking area within front and side yard setbacks.
At such hearing all persons will have the opportunity to be heard. A copy of the applications and related
documents may be examined at the Board of Appeals Office at the North Salem Center, 274 Titicus Rd. North
Salem, New York.
Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman
North Salem Board of Appeals
Thursday, February 3, 2022 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 19
Avoiding New York’s estate tax cli
GUEST death (“TOD”) to a spouse, nor and retirement assets with the each of their name alone or in a played a signi cant role in many
CORNER names their surviving spouse as spouse as named bene ciary), and Revocable Living Trust for their New Yorkers moving to other
the primary bene ciary of any no assets in their name alone. On individual bene t. e Last Will states that do not have a state
ANTHONY J. account. the death of the rst to die, said and Testament or Trust can name estate tax or income tax (another
ENEA $7,000,000 goes automatically to their spouse as bene ciary of the large burden for New Yorkers).
If the rst spouse to die has the surviving spouse. Even if you assets and also give the spouse As with many matters, advance
As can be imagined, estate assets titled jointly with their assume no growth in the estate of an option of “disclaiming” all or planning and being proactive
taxation can be confusing. spouse, then upon death those the surviving spouse, on the death part of what they are to receive. allows one to take advantage of
Unfortunately, the New assets will pass by operation of of the surviving spouse because what the law permits, which can
York’s Estate Tax is no exception. law to their surviving spouse, and he/she has an estate which is is “disclaimer” allows the assets result in sheltering millions from
not be considered to be titled 5% greater than the exemption the spouse decides not to receive taxation.
us, the focus of this article to the deceased spouse’s name ($6,110,000), the estate will be “outright” on their spouse’s death
will be solely on the New York alone for purposes of utilizing the taxed at the highest New York to be held in a trust created Anthony J. Enea is a member of
Estate Tax Exemption and not exemption in New York. us, Estate Tax rate, currently 16% of for their bene t, allowing the Enea, Scanlan and Sirignano, LLP
the Federal Estate Tax and Gift the exemption of the rst spouse the entire $7,000,000; and not surviving spouse to decide of White Plains and Somers. He
Tax Exemption (the subject of a to die will e ectively disappear, just the amount that is greater whether they should inherit the is a certi ed Elder Law Attorney
future article). leaving only one exemption than $6,110,000, subject to any assets or disclaim them at the accredited by the National Elder
available to the surviving spouse available deductions or credits. time of their spouse’s death. is Law Foundation and focuses his
For the year 2022, the New of $6,110,000. e loss of the is bene cial because the decision practice on Elder Law, Wills,
York State Estate Tax Exemption exemption of the rst spouse us, the New York Estate can be made with the knowledge Trusts and Estates. Mr. Enea
is $6,110,000 per person. ere to die will have signi cant tax Tax would be approximately of what their assets are and what is the Past Chair of Elder Law
is no gift tax in New York, consequences in New York. $1,120,000, because the estate the New York exemption is at the and Special Needs Section of the
meaning that New Yorkers are of the surviving spouse has gone time of their death. e portion New York State Bar Association
not taxed (by New York) on Additionally, in New York over the proverbial “estate tax (or all) of the assets disclaimed (NYSBA) and the 50+ Section of
the value of the gifts they make we have something referred to cli .” allow the couple to utilize all or the NYSBA. He is also the Past
during their life. In 2021, the as “ e Estate Tax Cli .” If the part of the New York Estate Tax President and Founding Member
New York Estate Tax Exemption value of one’s New York taxable is estate tax could have been Exemption of the rst spouse of the National Academy of Elder
was $5,930,000 per person. estate exceeds the New York entirely avoided if husband and to die and signi cantly reduces Law Attorneys (NAELA)-NY
At rst glance the exemption Estate Tax Exemption amount wife had divided their assets and/or eliminates the possibility chapter, President of the Westchester
appears to be a relatively large of $6,110,000 by over 5%, then so that each had a signi cant of New York estate tax upon the County Bar Foundation and a Past
amount. It appears to permit the entire estate will be subject portion of the $7,000,000 in surviving spouse’s demise. is is President of its Bar Association.
a married couple to exempt to a New York Estate Tax. If the their name alone on their date just one of many techniques that He is uent in Italian. Mr. Enea
from New York estate taxes a estate exceeds $6,110,000 by less of death, and had also utilized one can utilize to help avoid and/ can be reached at 914-948-1500.
total of $12,220,000. While than 5%, then only the excess a Last Will & Testament or or reduce the New York Estate Visit www.esslaw for more
accomplishing this is possible, value is taxed. As such, in 2022 if Revocable Living Trust that Tax. information.
it requires advance planning your estate is $305,500 more than provided for all or part of their
so that each spouse, on their $6,110,000, you have triggered estate to not pass outright to their Sadly, New York’s estate tax has
date of death, has $6,110,000 the estate tax cli and your entire surviving spouse, thus, avoiding
or less in their name alone and estate, back to the rst dollar, is leaving the estate of the surviving WHY DO WE
not jointly with a spouse or taxable. As illustrated below, the spouse vulnerable to a seven
“in trust for” (“ITF”), payable estate tax can be onerous. ADVERTISE
on death (“POD”), transfer on gure estate tax bill.
For example, assume A common strategy is for IN HALSTON
that husband and wife have a husband and wife to divide
$7,000,000 of jointly owned their total estate so that each
assets (inclusive of life insurance has approximately one half in
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