VOL. 3 NO. 40 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 2021
Katonah sewer work
nearly complete
Marjorie Schiff Elana Shneyer BY TOM BARTLEY assist. e dig was just getting enue and multifamily units in
CONTRIBUTING WRITER started last spring, Kohlbrenner Bedford Hills.
Katonah-Lewisboro pointed out, when the corona-
BOE race uncontested With help from the pan- virus abruptly upended life as Overwhelmingly approved
demic, most of the sewer work we knew it. “ ere was some in a referendum six months
With Trustee Terrence Cheng cent and property taxes by 1.79 that has torn up stretches of concern,” he said, “about how ago, the second project is now
Katonah over the past year is the project might be able to being designed and acquiring
of South Salem stepping down percent. In the unlikely event resi- now complete, the manager of proceed.” needed permits before starting
the $22 million project said last construction.
after one term, district residents dents reject the district’s spending week. But the pandemic meant
markedly fewer cars driving e original project, District
will nd only two candidates for plan, KLSD would operate under In a report to the Bedford through, and parking in, the I, is now completing the Bed-
Town Board, Ken Kohlbrenner downtown business center. So, ford Hills portion and prepar-
two seats when they vote next a pared-down contingency budget said crews have nished install- even as that meant challenges ing for county Health Depart-
ing all of the hamlet’s sewer- for merchants, Kohlbrenner ment pressure testing. Work on
month. and a tax levy frozen at this year’s system mains, leaving only noted, it “gave the project an the full project is expected to
individual connections to be opportunity to move ahead wrap up in July, Kohlbrenner
Newcomer Elena Shneyer of level. completed. Kohlbrenner, an en- while there was less tra c in said.
gineer with Woodard & Curran that area.” at piece of the
Goldens Bridge will join board Cheng left an enduring mark (White Plains), has served as project, as a result, was com- District I comprises 124 par-
the town’s consultant and proj- pleted sooner than expected. cels speci ed before work be-
president Marjorie Schi , a as a trustee with remarks at a ect manager throughout the gan. But as of last week, it had
construction of District I and In addition to local busi- also received 27 so-called “out-
Pound Ridge resident, in running September 2019 board meeting. planning for District II. nesses, District I includes pub- of-district” hookup requests.
lic properties like Katonah El- “ ose are properties along the
for the three-year seats. Schi will When he called John Jay High District I, the original proj- ementary School and St. Mary’s sewer route that meet the re-
ect, has completion in sight, he school and rectory but excludes quirements and have expressed
be looking for her fourth term on School’s “Indians” iconography a said. It will switch Katonah’s most residential properties. an interest to connect [to the
downtown businesses from main],” he said.
the board. “very divisive symbol,”other board failure-prone septic systems to District II, the $13 million
sewers for wastewater disposal. second phase of sewer develop- When installed, all sewers
Voters will also cast ballots for members quickly agreed. at ment, addresses that exclusion, will lead to the town-owned
Along the way, crews found bringing sewers to more than wastewater treatment plant at
and against a proposed $113 mil- launched a process that led to the that a potential problem be- 90 homes in Katonah as well as the Bedford Hills Correctional
came instead a construction businesses along Railroad Av- Center, the state’s prison for
lion KLSD budget for 2021-22. school’s new “Wolves” nickname. women o Harris Road.
Spending would rise by 1.59 per- –Tom Bartley
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2 John Jay wins section title
pgs 12-13
To see your event here, email Wetlands Control Commission, work to this Westchester County available at no cost will map out
The Staff [email protected]. 7:30 p.m. park to engage visitors of all ages the location of the sculpted pieces.
EDITORIAL TEAM COVID Counter • Tuesday, May 4, Bedford and to encourage conversation, Ward Pound Ridge Reserva-
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 Town Board, 7 p.m. education and appreciation of tion is a park and biodiversity
[email protected]
• Tuesday, May 4, Lewisboro two-and-three-dimensional art. reserve owned and operated by
REPORTER Comprehensive/Master Plan Much of the artwork on display Westchester County Department
[email protected] BEDFORD Steering Committee Meeting, aligns with the missions of both of Parks, Recreation and Conser-
ADVERTISING TEAM Active: 62 7:30 p.m. Art in the Park and the park itself, vation. e reservation o ers 36
Last Week: 79 Visit bedfordny.gov, lewis- in that these sculptures re ect a miles of hiking trails, camping,
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] New Cases: 19 borogov.com, or klschools.org for connection to nature. Two of the and picnic areas, as well as the bu-
BRUCE HELLER Total: 1,615 agenda information or to watch/ works—totem poles by Ilan Ash- colic Cross River. Find out more
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] participate. kenazi—are displayed on ground information about the reservation
LISA KAIN LEWISBORO ‘Solidity’ opens at where once indigenous peoples of at westchestergov.com/parks.
(201) 317-1139 Active: 31
[email protected] the Lenape nation lived, worked, e reservation and exhibit are
(914) 760-7009 Last Week: 32 Ward Pound Ridge and thrived. open from 8 a.m. to dusk. For
[email protected] New Cases: 16
Two works on exhibit were more information about Art in
(914) 299-4541 Total: 823 “Solidity,” a collection of out- sculpted by the artist, Liza the Park, call 914-864-7317.
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY According to information pro- door sculpted works by various O’Connor, and are on loan from Sanctuary Series
(917) 446-7757
[email protected] vided by Westchester County. artists, will be on display start- the private collection of Susan
(914) 924-9122 Government at Work ing Saturday, May 1, in the Ward and Don Bittker. e exhibit will On Mother’s Day, May 9,
[email protected] Pound Ridge Reservation. also include works by Bedford
PRODUCTION TEAM e exhibit is organized and artist, Rob Spinazzola, and by the Sanctuary Series will pres-
• ursday, April 29, Lewis- overseen by Art in the Park, a Pound Ridge artist, Wendy Kl- ent a concert entitled “Songs
PHOTOGRAPHER boro Parks and Recreation Advi- program that brings changing ex- emperer, which will be for sale. for Spring” featuring pianist
[email protected] sory Council Meeting, 7:30 p.m. hibitions of sculpture, paintings, e exhibit is self-guided and Wynona Wang in the sanctu-
ART DIRECTOR/ • Monday, May 3, Bedford murals and other forms of art- socially distanced. A brochure ary of the South Salem Pres-
DIGITAL PRODUCTION MANAGER byterian Church at 4 p.m. e
[email protected]
Mom Deserves the Best! performance, which will feature
EXECUTIVE TEAM works by Beethoven, Ravel, and
BRETT FREEMAN Rachmanino , will be streamed
CEO & PUBLISHER live for free on Facebook. Lim-
ited in-person seating will also
[email protected]
be available by advance purchase
Give The Gift only (you do not have to be on
THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES of Beauty Facebook to watch).
Born in Beijing, Wynona Yin-
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Mother’s Day! uo Wang is an active performer
in China, Europe, and the United
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS IS THE States. She has won numerous
THURSDAY BEFORE THE NEXT rst-place prizes including the
PUBLICATION DATE. 2018 Concert Artists Guild In-
ternational Competition and the
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT 2017 Wideman International Pi-
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL
ano Competition. She made her
[email protected]
Location egie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall in
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD The Hair Wharf February 2020.
South Salem Presbyterian
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 Church is located at 111 Spring
St., South Salem. A limited
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC number of advanced tickets will
©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC • 20 Valley Road, Katonah • 914-232-7271 • be available for purchase subject
to protocols in place at the time
of the performance via the series’
website: thesanctuaryseries.org.
Questions may be addressed to
[email protected].
Science Talk
We Carry A Complete Line of A live web talk entitled, “Hu-
BioGuard Pool Treatments mility at ‘Overcomes the
See Our Dolphin World,’” will be given at 2 p.m.
Robotic Vacuums! Saturday, May 22. e speaker,
Mark McCurties, C.S. of Ann
Arbor, Michigan, will explore
how to overcome various injus-
tices in the world.
e live web talk, sponsored by
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Katonah, can be joined online
zoom.us/j/86201393798, or by
phone 929-205-6099 then 862
0139 3798#.
For additional information,
call 914-232-3842 and leave a
Katonah man brings theater
back to northern Westchester
Trent Dawson to perform one-man show
at Bedford Playhouse
BY NICK TRUJILLO to perform it. Following Michael e biggest challenge Dawson
STAFF WRITER C. Hall’s 2018 performance of said he faced with his company
the one-man show at the Sig- during 2020 was maintaining
e Katonah Classic Stage’s nature eater in Manhattan, the relationships he had made PHOTO COURTESY OF TRENT DAWSON
upcoming performance of the Dawson was inspired to put on and the positive energy people
one-man show, “ om Pain his own performance of the show. had expressed to him towards his Trent Dawson, founder of Katonah Classic Stage, will perform the
(based on nothing),” will mark budding company. one-man show “Thom Pain (based on nothing).”
“It’s something that I think
the return of professional live will be done 200 years from now “I had met a lot of extraordi-
theater to the northern West- and still be considered relevant nary people who were very en- he expects the CDC and Actors’ these other things,” Dawson said.
chester area. and very important,” he said. thusiastic and then all those re- Equity Association to increase “We’re renting the space from
e show will be performed by e one-man show serves as a lationships just sort of stopped,” the amount of people allowed to them, but they’ve been really ac-
Trent Dawson, Katonah Classic way for the company to remain he said. “People wanted to get attend by the time of the produc- commodating. ey want to see
Stage’s founder, at the Bedford involved in the community, while involved, they wanted to be on- tion but will not raise the audi- succeed as much as we do.”
Playhouse from April 29 to May complying with COVID restric- stage, they wanted to donate, they ence cap on his show. Just as “ om Pain”will serve as
1. e proceeds of the show will tions and keeping people safe. It had resources.” “ ey’re going to be spread out a trial run for the Katonah Clas-
be used to pay the salaries and also follows the company’s mis- Dawson plans to contact the through the theater so that ev- sic Stage, it will also be a test for
health insurance of the Katonah sion statement to only perform members of the community eryone is socially distanced. Ev- the Bedford Playhouse, which re-
Classic Stage’s actors, director, classic works. e Katonah Clas- who showed interest as vaccina- eryone will be masked when they opens movie screenings the week
and other sta for their true in- sic Stage is the only professional tion rates continue to increase come in,” Dawson said. “ e the- following Dawson’s performance.
augural performance of “Private theater company in Westchester in Westchester. He has not been ater itself has upgraded all of its e Katonah Classic Stage
Lives,”the classic comedy written that is dedicated to performing overly worried about the inabil- air ltration systems to meet both doesn’t have any events planned
by Noël Coward. classic pieces of theater, accord- ity to put on a show during the CDC and Equity standards.” past the inaugural performance
Dawson founded the Katonah ing to Dawson. pandemic, as that is not a struggle He added that he learned a lot of “Private Lives,” but Dawson
Classic Stage a few months prior “What we’ve been doing is that is unique to him. of information regarding air l- is excited for the future of the
to the start of the COVID-19 guring out how to stay engaged “Getting the rst one up will ters and ltration in planning his company and providing Katonah
pandemic. “Private Lives” was with our community when we be a real eye opener,” Dawson company’s return to live theater. with a professional theater.
supposed to be the company’s can’t do the shows we want to be said. e Katonah Classic Stage “It’s as safe as it possibly can “I’d really love this to be a sum-
large-scale introductory show at doing,” Dawson said. “ is was ran a poll to their interested fans be,” Dawson said. mer repertory company that we
the beginning of the summer, but one way to do it, to just remind asking about their level of com- e Katonah Classic Stage has can be really proud of,” Dawson
Dawson has scheduled the per- people that we’re here.” fort towards returning to live the- had an existing relationship with said. “It’s unlike anything else in
formance for September to give In attempting to put on a show ater, and Dawson said 70 percent the Bedford Playhouse, co-pro- the county, and ultimately can
people time to receive vaccina- during the COVID-19 pandemic, of the responses said they would ducing the drive-in lm festival become a destination for people
tions. e pandemic made put- Dawson has run into two kinds of be comfortable seeing an in-per- at the John Jay Homestead last to come to.”
ting on a full show for a crowd hurdles: internal and external. son show, vaccinated or not. summer with the company. is Dawson’s vision for the com-
impossible, which led Dawson to “ e internal are things like Dawson has had to go through year’s lm festival will be held in pany ties into a greater vision of
perform “ om Pain.” the CDC, New York State, the actors’ union to put on any August in the eld adjacent to adding to Katonah’s selection of
Dawson is perhaps best known Westchester County, and also the show and must adhere to the re- the Playhouse. music and arts institutions. His
for his 11-year run as Henry big one is the actors’ union, the strictions they have in place. He Dawson met with Dan Fried- goal is to bring in more tourism
Coleman on the soap opera, “As Actors’ Equity Association,” he added that the guidance from man, the Playhouse’s director from surrounding counties and
the World Turns,” for which he said. “ ey have a lot of restric- these agencies is changing to al- of development, to plan out the cities to an area rich in art culture.
was nominated for three Daytime tions to protect their performers, low more people in the audience venue of the one-man show. e “ ey can see [the Katonah
Emmy Awards. Other television and I am a member of that.” thanks to the rapid development Bedford Playhouse is not built Museum of Art] during the day,
shows in which he appeared in- e external factor is the CO- and distribution of the vaccine. for theater performances but can see one of our shows at night, go
clude “Homeland,” “NCIS,” and VID-19 virus itself, as Dawson e Bedford Playhouse seats accommodate a one-man show to Caramoor the following night,
“ e Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” and his company have no control 160 people, but Dawson said they with no set design and little pro- and really make a weekend event
When he rst saw “ om Pain” over its spread and would have to are capping attendance at 33 per- duction value very well. out of it,” Dawson said. “When
in 2005, Dawson fell in love with adapt to any conditions it could cent, which will allow just over 50 “I don’t need a lot of space, I you put a theater in, it lifts all
the production but never planned cause. audience members. He said that don’t need a set, and I don’t need boats.”
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Emerson Payne,
Members of 6, gives a
the Goldens thumbs-up with
Bridge Hamlet his roadside
Organization pick cleanup bag.
up garbage next
to the pond on PHOTO:
Fairmount Road: TONY GONCALVES
Jodi Shearer, Town
Councilman Tony Troop 1 Boy Scouts
Goncalves, Jon after cleaning up
Monti, and Polly Bouton Road
Volunteers take out the
trash in Lewisboro
In celebration of Earth Day, the area, complete with benches, a free
Lewisboro Lions Club held its an- library, and a composting bin. e
nual roadside cleanup project in the project’s rst step was taken on Sat-
town of Lewisboro. urday, as the four volunteers picked
Groups of residents volunteered up trash and began to treat the pond.
to clean up certain areas of town on Another group was Boy Scout
April 24 and April 25. Troop 1 Lewisboro, which cleaned
One of those groups was the Gold- up Bouton Road in South Salem,
ens Bridge Hamlet Organization, their annual location for the Earth
which cleaned up a piece of land lo- Day cleanup. Twelve Scouts and 8
cated next to the pond on Fairmount adult volunteers walked the road and
Road. e organization’s goal for the lled their orange trash bags with
plot of land is to build a small park roadside litter.
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Ashlyn Field A mother’s hug lasts
named MPES long after she lets go.
principal ~ Leonardo DiCaprio
Ashlyn Field will become principal of Mead- Ashlyn Field Mothers’ Day is SUNDAY, MAY 9TH!
ow Pond Elementary School in July, succeeding
Carolann Collica Castellano, who has led South “Ms. Field is an experienced, equity-minded Let the sta at Epidavros customize
Salem’s youngest students since 2007. leader, dedicated to the idea that in elementary
school, learning can be both meaningful and joy- “The Ultimate Day of Relaxation” for Mom!
Field, now principal of Mott Haven Academy ful,” Superintendent Andrew Selesnick said. “My Call Today for Details and our New Spa Hours
Charter School in the Bronx, looked on via Zoom thanks to the many colleagues and community
last week as the Katonah-Lewisboro school board members who were an important part of our hir- (914) 244-4422
unanimously rati ed her selection. ing process.”
“I am excited to join the Meadow Pond com- He also thanked Castellano for her 14 years of
munity,” Field said after the April 20 vote. “I have service at the Meadow Pond helm, saying she was 272 North Bedford Rd • Mt. Kisco Suite 3 (penthouse level)
enjoyed every moment of getting to know the “leaving the building in such great shape for Ash- NEW HOURS BEGINNING MAY 2
sta , students, and families and I’m looking for- lyn to inherit and to move forward. Carolann has
ward to continuing to connect with each of you to already expressed her desire to help in every way Handicap Accessible • Tues, Wed, Fri 10-5 • Thurs 11-7, Sat 10-5 • Closed Sun and Mon
build upon the strong traditions and pride at the possible as Ashlyn transitions to her new role.”
Katonah-Lewisboro School District.” We continue to practice all mandates by social distancing, sanitizing all surfaces and wearing masks at all times.
Since 2017, Field has been the principal at Mott
Haven, where she had earlier been an assistant prin-
cipal. A teacher in New York City schools for seven
years, Field holds a master’s in educational leader-
ship from Teachers College, Columbia University.
She participated in the New York City Teaching
Fellows program soon after graduating from Ham-
ilton College in Clinton, N.Y., and earned a mas-
ter’s in urban education from Mercy College.
Quarter of JJHS students choose remote learning OBITUARIES
In-person gures higher at elementary, middle schools Alan L. Greene
BY TOM BARTLEY months of that academic year. In Septem- “We ask everyone to be safe and pa- Alan L. Greene, of
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ber, it forced an unpopular split schedule tient in that tra c,” Selesnick cautioned South Salem, passed
of both remote and in-person instruction in discussing the a.m. rush. “Being late away peacefully on
As Katonah-Lewisboro schools fully for all but kindergarteners and rst grad- for school is something we may have to April 11. He was 95.
reopened last week for the rst time in a ers. ose youngest students—and, later, endure for a little while.” He was the loving
year, a quarter of John Jay High School second graders—were accommodated in husband of Susan
students were choosing instead to con- classrooms ve days a week. But when it comes to the shields— (Higgins) Greene.
tinue learning from home. recently installed but no longer man-
Following a phased schedule an- dated by the state as a COVID precau- Mr. Greene was
e district said 245 of the school’s nounced earlier this month, the last tion—the superintendent concedes, “At born in the Bronx
998 students have opted to attend on- of the ve-day in-person students re- this moment, the most honest answer I on Jan. 15, 1926; a
line classes only to nish this extraordi- ported to their classrooms April 19. At can give is I don’t know.” son of the late Irving and Osnas (Alperstein)
nary 2020-21 school year. that point, 84 percent of KLSD’s stu- Greene. He attended Princeton and New York
dents—2,429 of 2,897—had returned Prom problems, he said, were in the universities. He was a WWII veteran and spent
Attendance percentages were mark- full time at the ve schools. hands of John Jay Principal Steven T. his 19th birthday in the Battle of the Bulge.
edly higher at John Jay Middle School Siciliano and others at the high school,
and in the three elementary schools, “We’re thrilled to have so many who were working to resolve the issues. A resident of South Salem since 1970, Mr.
perhaps re ecting studies that suggest students back with us for the last two “As with so many things,” Selesnick ob- Greene was the owner and president of the Cen-
younger students are at lower risk for months of the school year,” School Su- served, “there is no simple answer and tro Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
contracting the coronavirus. perintendent Andrew Selesnick told a no obviously right way to move for-
special Tuesday, April 20, meeting of the ward.” In his spare time, Mr. Greene was active in
At the middle school, 86 percent of school board. B’nai Brith International and was a past trea-
the students—581 out of a total en- BOCES BUDGET surer of the Northern Westchester Builders As-
rollment of 677—opted for in-person Sounding a refrain that’s become e KLSD school board was meet- sociation.He was an inventor,a piano player,and
learning. e elementary schools were familiar in the uncertainty of this pan- loved time spent with his family and his beloved
even higher, with Katonah (367 of its demic year, Selesnick acknowledged ing on April 20, a Tuesday, rather than dogs.
403 students) and Meadow Pond (313 potential problems ahead. “Certainly,” its normal ursday, to approve its share
of 343) showing 91 percent of their en- he said, “there are, and will continue to of the administrative budget of the Put- Mr. Greene is survived by his wife of 54 years,
rollment back in classrooms. Increase be, some complications, challenges and, nam/Northern Westchester Board of Susan, and their children: Orin Willner and her
Miller (415 of 476) recorded an 86 per- assuredly, some unknowns ahead of us.” Cooperative Educational Services. husband, Mark; David Greene and his wife,
cent return. Jeanne; and Kimberly Link and her husband,
Already, he noted, there’s been an In a 7-0 vote, the board allocated Richard. Mr. Greene is also survived by his ve
Whatever the percentages, the cor- expected increase in the morning car $644,729—a drop of almost 1 percent grandchildren: Jack Willner; Connor and Cait-
ridors of each school building echoed count at the schools. In addition, ques- over last year—as its share of BOCES lin Greene and Rebecca and Ryan Link.
to chatter and footfalls not heard at this tions ranging from what to do with $9,866,988 in admin spending. Albany
volume since mid-March 2020. e po- desk-mounted protective shields to how dictates a uniform date for BOCES Funeral services and interment were held pri-
tentially lethal coronavirus shuttered all the senior prom should proceed contin- voting statewide, forcing KLSD into vately. Contributions in Mr. Greene’s memory
ue to defy routine solutions. the unaccustomed meeting day. may be made to Westchester Hadassah. Kane
ve district schools for the remaining few Funeral Home, Ridge eld, was in care of funeral
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Quali ed Plugging into Lewisboro
READING, especially for younger writers. BY CHRISTOPHER phone charger right now, it is at the Goldens Bridge Shop-
WRITING & Why was it OK for journalists probably for either an Android ping Center, while the town of
CHOCOLATE to work for free? COCCARO or iPhone device. Android users Lewisboro is looking to install
GUEST WRITER can plug their phones into a Level 2 charging stations at
KIM One afternoon while Je was USB charging cord that could Cyrus Russell Community
KOVACH in a meeting, I was ling some Electric vehicles, or EVs, also be used on a Motorola, House, Lewisboro Town Park,
news clippings in the le cabi- are quickly becom- Pixel, or Samsung device. But if South Salem Municipal Park
Last week, I wrote about nets in his o ce. I came upon ing more common on you are looking at an iPhone— and Ride, Onatru Farm Park,
my rst full-time job a le folder marked resumes. Westchester roads, but that is that lightning cord will only the Lewisboro Library, and
after graduating college. Inside were several resumes of only one-half of the equation. work on another iPhone. EVs Vista Community Park. e
I was eager to work and begin people who had applied for the Charging stations for electric are in a similar situation right EV charging stations are be-
my writing career. However, that editorial assistant job, including vehicles are a key component now. So, any EV from Nissan, ing installed to help provide a
was not the job for me. mine. I saw a resume with the that make electric car usage Ford, Hyundai, Kia, BMW, or more convenient and reliable
name of a guy from my Creative more convenient and reliable Chevrolet for example are all EV charging network for town
at may have been my rst Writing class in Queens College. for their users. However, not able to use Levels 1 through residents, tourists, and passing
actual 9 to 5 job, but my rst Why didn’t Anthony didn’t get all charging stations are the 3. But if you see a Tesla, only motorists.
real writing job came next. One this job? same, with varying charging those cars can use a Tesla charg-
of the many New York Times times, plug adaptors, and cost. ing station. For people considering
Want Ads that I answered was I noticed that most of the purchasing an electric vehicle,
for an editorial assistant at a resumes had one or two check- ere are four types of charging While battery range in elec- NYSERDA’s Drive Clean Re-
small non-pro t organization. I marks in the top right corner. stations common in the United tric vehicles has tripled over the bate provides up to $2,000 o
don’t remember much about the My resume had three check- States that vary by voltage last decade, for EV users that the price of an electric car at the
interview. Apparently, I made a marks. When Je returned from delivered and the physical plug need to charge on the go, know- time of purchase. Buyers can
good impression because I do his meeting down the hall, I that goes into the car. ing what type of charging sta- also take advantage of the fed-
remember receiving a phone call asked him about the resumes in tions (Level 1-4) are nearby and eral tax credit for electric cars,
a few days later from the editor the le folder. “Anthony and a Level 1 connectors provide available is important. ere which provides up to $7,500
o ering me the job. I distinctly couple of the other applicants 120 volts of power and can are a number of cellphone apps for the purchase of new electric
remember that at the end of the had one or two checkmarks at use a standard home outlet. that can tell you this and the cars. Sustainable Westchester
telephone conversation, my new the top,” I said. “How come my It’s very convenient but time- information appears right on also o ers additional rebates
boss told me the salary which resume had three check marks?” consuming to charge; these your dashboard. If you are out on speci c EV models. On top
was more money than other are best for overnight charg- running errands and need to of that, EV drivers qualify for
entry-level writing jobs I had Je looked at me and said, ing. Level 2 provides 240 volts charge up, it can mean the dif- discounted highway tolls.
been applying for. “A week?” I “ at was my way of keeping and can charge an EV in a few ference between a few minutes
asked, astonished. track. One checkmark meant hours. Conveniently, these use to juice up your car while you An October 2020 study by
that the candidate had the right the same connector plug as a grab some groceries or a cup of Consumer Reports found that
“Yes, each and every week,” he quali cations for the editorial Level 1 charger and are com- co ee, or hours while your bat- “owning an electric vehicle will
laughed. assistant job. Two checkmarks monly found at grocery stores, tery slowly lls up. save the typical driver $6,000
meant that they actually showed train stations, other commercial to $10,000 over the life of the
My boss, Je , was about ve up for the interview. Your parking lots, or can be installed In Lewisboro, there are vehicle, compared to owning
years older than me and a regular resume got three checkmarks in residential homes. currently no public charging a comparable gas-powered
nice guy from Long Island. We because you were cute!” stations, but thanks in part to vehicle.” Now may be the time
got along great from the start. Level 3 is where we start some forward-thinking policies to stop guzzling gas and go
Je was in charge of putting I enjoyed that rst full-time getting into the fast-charging coming from New York State, electric!
together the monthly newsletter writing job until Je was blind- stations. ese are much larger that’s all about to change!
and gave me the opportunity to sided and replaced by a woman and provide up to 480 volts to Charge NY is New York’s If you think that there are
write news briefs. I learned how who, in my opinion, was not charge an EV in about 30 min- initiative to get more electric other locations in town that
to edit important information quali ed for the editor position. utes. Because of the high volt- cars and trucks on the road. may bene t from installation of
into bite-sized paragraphs with I was shocked at the workplace age that these deliver, they are Rebates through the New York EV chargers, please reach out to
catchy headlines. I really felt like politics and left soon after. too powerful to install in homes State Energy Research and the Town of Lewisboro’s Sus-
my writing skills were being put and use a di erent plug to safely Development Authority’s (NY- tainability Committee chairper-
to good use and I was learning As I continued to build my avoid confusion. ankfully, SERDA) Charge Ready NY, son, Robert Fischman, by email
a lot. writing career, I worked in nu- EVs come with both receptacles and the state’s public utilities’ at robert@sustainablepromise.
merous part-time jobs to supple- to use any of these types. EV Make-Ready programs are com.
A bene t to this editorial ment my income. I was a resume helping businesses and munici-
assistant position was that I writer, demonstration chef, adult As for Level 4—that’s Teslas palities defray the cost to buy Christopher Coccaro is a
started writing feature articles education baking instructor, and only Teslas. It provides and install charging stations. Lewisboro resident and a
for another nonpro t group that specialty dessert caterer, babysit- faster charging than any of the member of its Sustainability
published a monthly “magazine.” ter, book store story lady, pre- other chargers but it only works ere are plans in place to Committee. Check us out at www.
I actually conducted interviews school teacher, substitute teacher, with Tesla models. In that sense, add Level 3 charging stations lewisborogov.com/sc.
with interesting people and did camp counselor, freelance writer, EVs are a lot like cellphones.
research. I proudly received a ghostwriter, and reading tutor.
byline and bio blurb at the end If you take a look at your cell-
of each article. e nonpro t ese varied experiences helped
magazine paid me in “copies,” me to earn extra income but Advertising Deadline
which was a common practice, even more valuable, I gained lots The advertising deadline for The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is the Thursday before the next
of “material” for my writing! publication date. Advertisements can be submitted by you as a camera-ready PDF via email
at [email protected]. We also offer our clients a free ad design service. For more
Kim Kovach keeps on writing! information, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151.
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5628 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628
Frequent Fryer
MOM: ey’re talking about ing me an undesirable? Wow. When it comes to your to-do
putting in a new Friday’s Fries If word gets out, they could
THE BLOG list, put your future first.across from the Tesla dealership. suspend my pension. We’ll be
POP: Cool. Closer to home. ruined!
BRUCE WMhOeMn: iety htcoaovo.e tmeenseinsTotofinydoouurt thoow-dtoo
APAR I’m rst on line opening day their crosshairs, get your financial
to get my Frequent Fryer card licsomPtOp,aPnp:yHtuheeyt,nI.’mByeioinngguodoerdmofnuizgetdouarles ofinrtsrta.ck,
Author’s Note: Mom + Pop Culture
are a couple of real characters. punched. Not so fast. My friend, contact your Edward
ey could be you and me. Or not. Grace, is leading a neighborhood right along with the sturdy andJones financial advisor today.
protest to prevent it from going Tsotudfilynydounogu‘utnsh. Soudwdentloy I get your financial
there. gfoeeMal llOikseMoa:nnewetymrdaaoncn!’tkw, acntotenetn-act
POP: Too down-market for Jaogenrsehsanfiginngaonutcthiaerle,aeidthveri.sor tyoodWuaryeE. dUwnadredrstand Commitment
POP: Teens don’t need to eat?
the Tesla crowd?
MOM: Perhaps.
Every so often, I eavesdrop on POP: Well, that’s her right. MOM: It’s their driving hab- You can rely on Edward Jones for one-on-one
their conversations. Let’s listen in is is America. Land of the its they’re worried about.
on what they’re saying right now free, home of the protest. POP: I get that, too. Because attention, our quality-focused investment
about that new fast-food joint MOM: ey’re saying Friday’s every adult on the road drives philosophy, and straight talk about your financial
proposed for their humble hamlet. Fries is kind of a magnet for the awlessly. needs. To learn more, call today.
sordid sort of snakes in the grass MOM: is is not a joke. I
MOM CULTURE: Pop, they don’t want slithering about
I think you need to our streets. understand their concern. FJFJuinduianindRaciinMalcRcAAiadnMvlaiwAscodAr vnisaowr
POP: About me? An unas-
go and apologize to POP: It’s a magnet for me,
suming, law-abiding retiree and
Grace. too. What does that make me— Rotarian who happens to like
POP CULTURE: Grace Jake the Snake? French fries? S3S3o2moRemrosueFtreisn1a0Fn0ciniSaual iCnteecn3it0ae0rl Center edwa
who? MOM: I guess, to them, S3om32ersR, NoYu1t0e581900 Suite 300 Memb
MOM: Well, you never 9S14o-6m69e-r5s3,29NY 10589
MOM: Our neighbor I always you’re an undesirable, dear. My
chat with at the school bus. condolences. I’m sure you don’t know if one of those suspicious Judi R McAnaw
mean anything by it. Sometimes customers who in ltrate Friday’s
POP: I don’t even know her. these unfortunate circumstances
Why am I apologizing? happen when you least expect Fries might be a bad hombre you Financial Advisor
FAP-1966D-A 914-669-5329www.edwardjones.com
MOM: You love eating Fri- FAP-1966D-A Member SIPC
accidentally squirt ketchup on . Financial Center
at the condiments station. I’m
day’s Fries. it. I told you not to overdo the afrJauiddfioRr yMoucrAsanfeatwy. 332 Route 100 Suite 300
POP: Yeah. And proud to be Friday’s Fries. Now you’re paying FPiOnaPn:cGiaoloAddpvoiisnot.rI might Somers, NY 10589
a card-carrying Frequent Fryer. the price. 914-6w6w9w-5.e3d2w9ardjones.com
So? POP: So, this Grace is call- Somers FinaSnEEciAalPCAeRntPeArGE 11 Member SIPC
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A whole new ballgame
MAN policies, the re-opening, and must be limited to 20 percent have to wear a mask if you are VID; he just had side e ects
OVERBOARD sports in general. capacity. If you are a fan of the eating at a table in a restaurant, from getting his vaccination.
Tampa Bay Rays, this will not or if you’re playing professional I had side e ects after I got
RICK Before the start of the a ect you very much, as that baseball, or if you’re playing my shot, some achy chills and
MELÉN season, each Major League number is about a 10 percent professional baseball at a table fatigue, nothing worse than if I
ballclub had to designate an increase from their usual at- in a restaurant. e manager just played three sets of tennis,
Baseball is only one sport “Infection Control Prevention tendance. has his on in the dugout to sat through an entire poetry
of many that will be Coordinator.” is should be set a good example. He pulls reading, had a co ee urn drop
navigating the tricky wa- someone in the organization In extra innings, each team his mask down to yell at the on my head and fell in love.
ters of a post-COVID reality whom everyone already hates. starts play with a guy on player who just ran through It’s nothing that would keep
as more and more people get “Hey, Boss, I think you’re going second base. How did he get the third base coach’s stop sign, you out of a game in any other
vaccinated, but not all. to like what we’ve done so far. there? No one seems to know. but don’t worry, he pulls it up sport but baseball, or possibly
Not only did we PREVENT Having a guy at second is the again when no one is around to chess.
Since I love the game, let’s infection control, but we CO- worst thing that could hap- talk to. Some players are con-
examine the rami cations of ORDINATED it! I think even pen to the Yankees, who never cerned about variants. What if But that’s what we’re deal-
the virus on this sport, and we you would agree that this new hit with runners in scoring my coronavirus mutates into ing with at the moment. Major
can extrapolate them to the job title has elevated me to my position. e Yankees would a chronic hamstring injury League Baseball says that they
larger socioeconomic patterns best self !” have a better chance of scor- while I’m not looking? ere will revisit and possibly change
that we will be confronting in ing if they started the inning are often cardboard cutouts of any of these rules, either if
the coming months. All this is ere are more rules: 1) You with a runner stuck in tra c celebrities, fans, and pets that circumstances warrant or if
a nice way of saying that the should lather up with hand on the Triborough Bridge. If are set up to ll the seats in everyone nds out that they are
Yankees suck right now. sanitizer before you punch a double-header is scheduled, the stands. Can the coronavi- dumb. ey say that hitting is
out the water cooler after a both games will be shortened rus live on cardboard? If so, it contagious. If so, I urge all the
Going into 2021, Major strikeout. 2) If you’re ordered to seven innings, because would be an embarrassing way Yankees to remove their masks
League Baseball has adopted to quarantine at home, at least everyone knows most COVID to catch the disease. and wash their hands while
some guidelines to make move to the side so the bat- infections occur in the eighth singing “Happy Birthday” only
the game as safe as possible, ter can hit. 3) Players may not and ninth innings. One of the Yankees was re- ONCE.
and they re ect the attitudes visit bars, indoor gatherings of cently scratched from play and
Americans have toward health more than 10 people or attend No one really knows what penciled onto the “Cannot Play Look for Rickster Melen on
other potentially dangerous to do during a pandemic, and Because of COVID” list. Turns Facebook! Say hello at rlife8@
social situations such as giving the sports world is no di erent. out he didn’t even have CO- hotmail.com.
an ocelot a bath. 4) Stadiums In New York State you don’t
Contact Us
The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is located at 118 N Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302-5628 or email klt@halstonmedia.
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APAR need to apologize to Grace to Fries criminal element. What
convince her I am not really a would my descendants think,
FROM PAGE 9 reading that epitaph on my
tombstone? It would disgrace
bad person. I just have a Fri- our progeny for millennia to
leave home to get a bag of day’s Fries addiction and need
MOM: ank you, dear.
Friday’s Fries and—you never to go cold turkey at Boston POP: Don’t thank me. Where is this in
ank your bus stop buddy. Katonah-Lewisboro?
know—come back home as the Market. After all, there but for the
grace of Grace, go I. Congratulations to Karen Rev. Melissa Boyer, the church’s
newly tattooed made member MOM: Yes! Why don’t you Norton, who was the rst to cor- pastor, also recognized the
Bruce Apar is a writer, actor, rectly guess that last week’s photo church. If you know where this
of a gnarly street gang. go over there right now, with consultant, and community was taken at the Katonah United week’s photo was taken, email
volunteer. He can be reached Methodist Church. Liz Fusco the editor at marschhauser@hal-
MOM: Now you’re getting a cup of mea culpa, ask for her at [email protected]; 914-275- and Sue Fowler also got it right. stonmedia.com.
it. Grace and her posse really forgiveness, and promise her
are trying to help you keep on you’ll give up Friday’s Fries for
PANY ID tphreevsetnratiinghgtFarniddanya’srFrorwiesbfyroFAmCE MAtaShnKed good of our community
ADGE the civilized world.
becoming a mecca for ma-COMPANY POP: I’ll do it right now.
rauding menaces manufactuUrN-IFORMFar be it from me to have
ing mayhem. WITH LOGPOrincess Grace mistake me as
ASURING POP: Aha! Now I capicChLeIP. IBOARpDart of the notorious Friday’s
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John Jay takes Section One ti
the center to make it 6-1, and will be suiting up for Geneseo
Caroline Boies followed suit to next year.
gain a 9-3 lead. e extra load
didn’t have Boies feeling any Her game three opening serve
into the net did provide some
John Jay-Yorktown showdown heavier either. respite for Mahopac but not for
seemed at hand after the pow- “I’m just glad that I got a long. McMann wound up from
erhouses split their two matches. chance to play,” Boies said. the right, and then Varriale had
But the Huskers were quaran- A kill and a block by Boies Mahopac doing a double take. A
tined and forced from the tour- made it 20-11 and Allie Dri- big roundhouse from the other
nament. esen’s ace ended the game 25-18. side made it 3-1, and Wolves
“We de nitely wanted to come Down 2-0, Ossining had even were howling. The Section One champs
and play them again—no ques- less ght, and after Boies got the Varriale teed o again to make
tion,” said Coach Tom Rizzotti. block to make it 12-4, the Mc-
Nonetheless, he encouraged Mann family still had a say. Alla- it 11-4 and the route was on when
his girls to enjoy the week, and nah McMann served 10 straight McMann added two straight
the Section 1 Putnam-North- and a 25-10 victory followed. kills to make it 19-9. Finally, Var-
ern Westchester Large School riale and Flynn put their hands
championship strongly implies One hurdle left, the nals in the air for the block, and when
that the girls took their coach’s against Mahopac on ursday, the 25-10 score ashed above,
advice. April 22, had Driesen taking the the rest of the team followed suit.
younger McMann’s cue. On the
e week began and ended like strength of a block by Madigan e coach certainly got a rise,
most of the season. Sweeps were Flynn and a kill by Preis, Dries- too, and his girls make him feel
everywhere, and on Monday, en’s serve had the Wolves up 4-0. as though there’s a higher power
April 19, Brewster succumbed in play.
25-10, 25-22, and 25-9. Mahopac hung close at 6-5 on
Leah Vitiello’s kill. But the noose “I’m blessed to be part of this
Two rounds to go, John Jay was on the way, and Preis stood group; they’re everything a coach
didn’t pause on Tuesday, April at the lever. Her block with Boies could ask for,” Rizzotti said.
20, and Kira McMann’s absence extended to 10-6, and the senior
didn’t decelerate things in the added three more kills on the e feeling is obviously mutu-
least. John Jay took a 4-0 lead way to a 23-8 lead. Of course, al, and John Jay’s backcourt oor
McMann’s ankle was up to snu , general pinpointed the most im-
amisontkepchildrensafothejurnyonaLilyPreis’kill,butOssiningand on the next point, she un- portant part of Rizzotti’s leader-
leashed her fury before John Jay ship.
did have some hit of their own. took game one 25-9.
Fiona Farmakopoulos’ two con- “He listens to us,” said Lily
secutive kills cut the lead in half McMann started game two Hodor. “If we disagree, he’ll hear
and when Zoe Farmakopoulos with a kill, and John Jay was our side of things and tries to
dropped in her serve, the visitors quickly up 4-0. McMann added improve himself while improv-
trailed 15-13. six more for the game and Preis ing us.”
and Varriale added three each.
e close proximity didn’t last, So, John Jay’s triumvirate of All good things, and Preis
though. Kaitlyn Varriale teed o frontline terror was in gear. couldn’t deny the bittersweet mo-
from the left extend to 18-13, ment. Putting the tears on hold,
and another whirlwind nished e score this time was 25- she let her smile swing away to
o game one at 25-20. 11, and while John Jay’s setter encapsulate the journey.
is thankful for the trio, she’s also
ere was less messing around empathetic of the other side. “I’ve been with these girls since
freshman year trying to win the
Beingpartofapidlyexandigteamingametwo,andwhilePreis “I’m so glad they are not hit- sectionals, and it feels great to
ting at me,” said Driesen, who make that happen,” Preis said.
and Varriale did their thing, the
bench helped ll in the McMann
gap. Madigan Flynn killed from
tosch l. alonemusicalvocalgroup Lily Preis on
the dig
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Allie Driesen in charge
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When it’s not OK to ask if everything’s OK
both. It’s de nitely not a guy thing because bathroom thing. Although I understood that our bathroom the same question: e kids,
part of them feeling grown up was having my husband, visiting relatives, friends and
when the guy in question exits the bath- privacy in the bathroom, I was neverthe- dignitaries who were in the bathroom just a
less concerned that they would break some little too long.
room, he glares at me and asks me why I do toilet taboo like not get their pants down the
whole way, not wipe good enough, or, heaven Although I knew it was not really appro-
that. forbid, miss the toilet completely. Since this priate to keep track of someone’s bathroom
was most likely to happen at someone else’s time and then question their status when
TRACY “Well, I just want to make sure you are house, it had the e ect of making me a ner- I decided they had been in there too long,
BECKERMAN OK,”I stammer. vous wreck whenever someone announced I still had trouble shaking the habit. is is
they “had to go.”For a while I tried the old, when I realized I didn’t need to stop asking
“If I am NOT OK, I will either yell for “Can you hold it in?”plea, but when their the question, I just had to nd the appropri-
face would start to turn blue and the legs ate time to use it.
help, or slip a piece of toilet paper under the started to cross, followed by the crotch grab
and the “gotta go now”dance, I knew I had So, the next time I let the dog out to
door that says,“I’m constipated. Call 911.” to give in and let the chips fall where they do his business and it took him a while to
may, or rather, the pee y where it did. come back in, I felt perfectly ne yelling,
I shrug.“I can’t help myself.” “Everything OK out there??”
So, I got into the habit of standing outside
There is this thing that I do that “What are you worried might be hap- the bathroom door and asking,“Everything is is a repeated Lost in Suburbia column,
annoys the heck out of my family. OK?”which loosely translated to,“Do I need which has appeared in GateHouse Media
Well, to be honest, there are a lot of pening in there?”He wondered.“I fell into to come in there with a mop and bucket and newspapers since 2008. You can follow
the toilet and drowned? Hit myself in the hazmat suit?” Tracy on Facebook at facebook.com/
head with the plunger and got a concussion? LostinSuburbiaFanPage and read her blog at
Soon, I was asking everybody who used www.tracybeckerman.com.
things, but I am thinking of one thing in Climbed out the window and ran o with
particular. some woman who doesn’t ask me if every-
Whenever someone is in the bathroom thing is OK when I’m in the bathroom too
for what I determine to be an abnormally long?”
long period of time, I stand outside the “Not the rst one,”I responded.“Possibly
bathroom door and yell, the second. De nitely the third.”
“EVERYTHING OKAY IN THERE?” I’m not actually sure why I ask that ques-
I don’t know if it’s a woman thing or a tion. I think it comes from the days when
mom thing, or maybe a combination of the kids were little and new at the whole
Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of the Katonah-
Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published.
Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
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After a tough year, should we give
our kids the summer o ?
STRONG usual, but things will eventually a full day of school, they’re not the vast majority of cases, tutor- year, look at your schedules and
LEARNING get back to normal, and if one as physically tired as they will ing is helpful and successful if have a tutor meet with them on
of our kids gets stuck on some be after a full day of day camp a child is struggling. You won’t a regular reasonable time before
DR. LINDA subject, we’ll get a private tutor where they’ll be outside playing know that until school begins in school opens.
SILBERT to help them out. softball and basketball, swim- the fall. If, however, one of your
ming, canoeing, etc. children tells you that they’re Dr. Linda
Dear Dr. Linda, We feel we’re doing the right nervous about going back in
All our friends are sending thing, but obviously aren’t that Also, as you said, the teach- the fall because they really don’t Please contact me at, linda@
sure we are. We don’t want ers will probably need to review remember much from this past stronglearning.com, if you have
their kids for tutoring this sum- them sitting bewildered in class much of the time during the fall any school-related question.
mer to an after-camp program. while their classmates are doing months. ey always do because
Yes, that’s what I said—they’re great because they had tutoring of summer slide, but this Sep-
going after a full day of day over the summer. What’s your tember, after a semester of online
camp! Besides the fact that our opinion? learning, they’ll need to review
kids are refusing to go (and, by more.
the way, theirs don’t want to Ben and Beth
go either), we think it’s crazy. Dear Ben and Beth, With that said, if you’re
concerned that your kids will feel
ey’ll be too tired to learn I understand why your friends uncomfortable because they’ll
anything. In addition, we want are sending their children for be the only ones bewildered due
our kids to have a really fun tutoring over the summer. It’s to the fact that their peers were
summer because the past year well documented that many tutored over the summer, then
was horrible on Zoom for all students “slide backwards” dur- look into hiring a private tutor
three of them. We know some ing the summer months anyway, that matches your children’s
kids did ne, but not ours. ey but given COVID and virtual schedules. Many private tutors
need the classroom. Anyway, we schooling, probably the majority work with students over the
feel they’ll do ne when school of the children will be entering weekend. Also, be sure that you
opens in September, because school in September without all do not have to sign a contract
the teachers know what hap- of the skills and knowledge they saying that you paid for a certain
pened. ey’ll have to spend a traditionally need for the grade number of hours in case you
little more time reviewing than they’re in. want to go away for a weekend.
However, as you said, how Or you can do what you
much will they learn after a full planned on doing, and hire a
day of camp? Even though many tutor when the need arises. In
children go for tutoring after
save lives.
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schedule their mammogram today.
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Nick Giardina on the keep
John Jay falls to Somers,
17-14, in bowl game
BY RICH MONETTI provide a lift with his ground game, his hold and a personal foul.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER punt pinned the Tuskers inside the ve. e Both penalties enforced, John
hemmed in feeling didn’t have the Tuskers Jay punted from the 20 and
On Friday, April 23, John Jay hosted going far, and the Wolves took over at the Somers took over at the John
Somers in the Section 1 Class A Regional Somers 39. Jay 44. Of course, the game plan
Bowl game and su ered a disappointing A Nick Giardina keep and two Con- didn’t change, and this time Kai-
17-14 defeat. e deciding factor was easy nelly runs brought a rst down, and John ser had 10 carries and two third-
enough to identify, and Coach Jimmy Clark Jay appeared in o ensive form. But Somers down conversations. PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
gave credit where it was due. showed that they were stacked on both But the Wolves nally gave Jon Connelly
“Jack Kaiser did a great job,”Clark said of sides, and the Wolves faced a third-and-15. Kaiser the bends. ey stopped
Somers’All-State running back.“He carried John Jay didn’t make it this far without him at the 5, and Somers settled for three the drive. Still, the Wolves fought on. John
the ball close to 40 times,got the extra yards, any game, though, and once again, their QB with 2:15 left in the third. Jay got the ball back at mid eld and Giar-
and kept the chains moving.” led the way. Giardina rolled left, hit Nick A two-score game, John Jay refused to dina struck DiChiara for a 46-yard gain.
Kaiser imposed his presence right o . e Savastano at the two and the QB wasn’t relent. Chris DiChiara took the kicko to Giardina scored from there with 44 sec-
running back, who went for 170 yards on done yet. e senior faked the hando and the 30 and then burst out for 15 more. Two onds remaining, but the onside kick went
36 carries, took the kick o to the 31, and got into the end zone to tie with 10:20 left plays later, Austin Zaccagnino cut over the out of bounds. Somers had the champion-
on three straight hando s, took it to the 42. in the half. middle for a quick strike, and there was no ship.
e thunder then gave way to the light- e defense appeared to take the cue, and one to beat. Unfortunately, Giardina over- And heartbreak on the other side, Giar-
ning. Nathan Rosenzweig swept outside, after a sack and few short gains, a fourth- threw on the bang-bang play and John Jay dina remained in the role of leaders, while
cut inside, and wasn’t pulled down until and-two from the 50 proved too good to had to punt. ghting back tears. “I’ve been with these
reaching the John Jay 30. Kaiser took the be true. Somers lined right up and Kaiser Both teams then exchanged punts, and boys since third grade, they mean a lot to
breather and two bruising runs set Somers smashed through for another rst down. time was obviously on Somers side. None- me,” the QB re ected. “Unfortunately, we
up for a fourth-and-one at the 21. He was also far from done on the drive. theless, the Tuskers got generous and com- didn’t come out on top, but I know we put
No surprise, the big man got the rst and Kaiser carried eight more times and three mitted their own double penalty. every ounce of e ort into this game from
left it to Rosenzweig for a 15-yard run to of those were on third down. e workhorse John Jay got the ball at the Somers 28 the rst quarter through the fourth. It’s just
the two. e back eld back and forth con- left a two-yard touchdown run to Cole with 3:51 remaining and quickly got 12 too bad that we didn’t win.”
tinued, and Kaiser put Somers up 7-0 at Zampaglione and Somers led 14-7 with yards on a Zaccagnino reception. But John Coach Clark held his head high, too, es-
6:30. 1:03 left in the half. Jay stalled,and an incomplete pass on fourth pecially in regard to his boys.
So, the John Jay defense having no an- e score holding up at intermission, the and ten yielded controversy. Defensive pass “ ey’re such a special group of kids,”
swers to start, the home crowd hoped the game was well within range, and the third interference was signaled and John Jay as- Clark said. “To play through a pandemic,
Wolves would test Somers with their more quarter had John Jay receiving. But a rst sumed a rst down was awarded. the attitude and perseverance. is is a fam-
eet-footed o ense. Only one rst down crack was not to be. On second-and-four Instead, John Jay got half the distance to ily, they all rely on each other and love each
ensued, and while Jon Connelly couldn’t from their 33, the Wolves were hit with a the nine and another incomplete pass ended other.”
Maya Luongo
John Jay takes third in sectionals
BY RICH MONETTI With 221.5 points accumulated on Ines Nix took fourth, Madison Geary hand in the 200 Medley Relay’s eighth-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ursday, April 22, at Saw Mill Club East, nished sixth, and Lauren DeLucia was place nish with Madison Edwards, Sy-
the girls nished third behind Sleepy- ninth. mantha Ehnes, and Olivia Lind, the sev-
An undefeated season is a pretty tall or- Hastings-Edgemont-Irvin’s 227 and “We’ve been doing this for so long, we’re enth-place 200 Freestyle Relay with Maya
der for any team. But the John Jay swim Clarkstown’s 247. like a little family,” Geary said of the div- Luongo, Jessica Crane, and Lexi Riolo,
team delivered just that for Coach Meg “ e majority of the team bettered their ers. and the sixth-place nish with Luongo,
Kaplan. times,” Kaplan said. Sophomore swimmer Marisol Tan took Edwards, and Lind.
John Jay’s diving trio was also up to the second in the 100 Yard Freestyle and 5th
“I couldn’t have asked for anything bet- task. in the 50 Yard Freestyle. Tan also lent a SEE SWIMMING PAGE 18
ter,” the coach beamed.
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