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Published by Halston Media, 2022-03-30 14:50:33

Yorktown News 03.31.22

Vol. 11 No. 2 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, March 31, 2022

County Exec: No ‘conflict’ with Yorktown

Sewer project back on track as a ordable housing ‘dialogue’ continues

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER that does not have a law man- PHOTO: SARAH BUSSINGER least-diverse communities. at
EDITOR dating that residential develop- settlement was terminated in
ers build a ordable housing. George Latimer, Westchester County executive, attends a Hilltop 2021.
Westchester County Execu- Hanover Farm event in 2019.
tive George Latimer is pushing e county’s so-called “model However, in his nal report,
back against the idea that he ordinance” contains a set-aside say this is leverage,” Latimer ment with the U.S. Department Stephen Robinson, the housing
threatened to withhold funding provision that makes it a re- monitor assigned to oversee the
from Yorktown over its nonexis- quirement of large-scale devel- said. “It immediately creates a of Housing and Urban Develop- county’s compliance with the
tent a ordable housing law. opments to set aside a percent- settlement, said that Yorktown
age of its new units as a ordable climate of con ict.” ment, the county was required to had expressed “clear opposition”
e issue started last year, housing, as de ned by West- to the model ordinance, which
when the town of Yorktown chester County. In 2009, as part of a settle- create 750 a ordable units in its the town repealed from its code
developed a plan to take 315 in 2016.
homes o septic and bring them Discussions have carried on
into the Hallocks Mill Sewer for months, with the county Additionally, the monitor
District. Most of the project’s executive saying last week that noted, the county had the power
expensive price tag—estimated it won’t stand in the way of to withhold funds for the sewer
at $14.3 million—was to be cov- Yorktown’s sewer project. In a project as part of its Discretion-
ered by a grant. statement released to Yorktown ary Funding Policy.
News, Latimer said, “Protecting
More than a decade ago, the safe drinking water through the “ at policy...would include
New York City Department of Hallocks Mill Sewer Extension a requirement that Yorktown
Environmental Protection de- Project is too important to be adopt municipal zoning code
veloped the East of Hudson used as ‘leverage.’” provisions and/or policies that
Fund, which set aside money for demonstrate a commitment to
“ ere are two important [a ordable housing],” Robinson
ve priority wastewater projects, public policy issues we are com- wrote.
including $10 million to im- mitted to: advancing a ordable
prove the Hallocks Mill Sewer housing and addressing pollu- Town Supervisor Matt Slater,
District. tion that threatens our drinking in an interview with Yorktown
water,” Latimer said. News, said Yorktown does in-
e county, which oversees deed plan to make code revi-
the allocation of those funds, In an exclusive follow-up in- sions. However, “the set-aside
used the sewer project as an op- terview, Latimer described what [provision] is not one of them,”
portunity to take a closer look at he referred to as an ongoing Slater said. “We have found oth-
Yorktown’s zoning code when “dialogue” with town o cials as er ways to work in conjunction
it comes to the development of opposed to a con ict. with the county and do our part.”
a ordable housing. Yorktown is
one of a dozen municipalities “I think we start walking SEE COUNTY PAGE 8
down the wrong road when we





TOWN GREEN 9 Yorktown resident makes
bid for Congress

pg 3

Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Staff Recycled Paws owner pleads guilty

EDITORIAL TEAM e owner of Recycled Paws worth of donations and instead She pleaded guilty on March SPCA of Westchester’s Humane
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Law Enforcement Unit on July
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 Rescue, a nonpro t dog rescue, used them for personal expenses 23 to one count of fourth-degree 13, 2021. A joint investigation
[email protected] with the District Attorney’s Eco-
pleaded guilty after stealing near- from January to December 2020, grand larceny, a felony, and petty nomic Crimes Bureau soon fol-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR ly $18,000 from the organization the DA’s O ce said. e dog res- larceny, a misdemeanor. As part
[email protected] e case is before Judge Al-
she once ran, the Westchester cue, which was located in Mohe- of her plea agreement, she will exandra Murphy in Westchester
ADVERTISING TEAM County Court. Birdsall is being
PAUL FORHAN District Attorney’s O ce an- gan Lake, is now closed, accord- also have to pay full restitution prosecuted by Gwen Galef, the
Economic Crimes Bureau chief.
(914) 806-3951 nounced. ing to Yelp and Google. Its social of the money she stole to another
[email protected] Birdsall is scheduled to be sen-
Lisa-Marie Birdsall, 56, of media pages have gone silent animal organization. tenced on March 22, 2023.
(914) 486-7608 Cortlandt Manor, stole $17,956 since Birsdall’s July 2021 arrest. Birdsall was arrested by the Birdsall’s lawyer declined to
[email protected] comment for this article.
LISA KAIN –Jessica Einterz
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(914) 760-7009 For over 20 years, Joe Ferone of Proper Service has been on Yorktown
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JAY GUSSAK an amazing team of employees!
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[email protected] Find out why Joe Ferone of Proper Service needs to be Trader Joe’s has nally broken
SHELLEY KILCOYNE its silence regarding its Yorktown
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LOCATIONS: Last week, the grocery store
PRODUCTION TEAM Baldwin Place • 44 Route 118 • (845) 628-7900 chain formally added Yorktown to
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL the list of locations on its website,
Croton Falls • 1 Center St • (914) 769-3206 con rming what Yorktown News
CREATIVE DIRECTOR White Plains • 105 Fulton Street • (914) 428-7185
PHOTOGRAPHER rst reported nearly a year ago.
Building plans led with the
[email protected] town in May 2021 revealed that
GABRIELLE BILIK Trader Joe’s will be the tenant of
DESIGNER the 12,500-square-foot building
that is currently under construc-
[email protected] tion at the Lowe’s shopping center
on Crompond Road.
EXECUTIVE TEAM Despite the evidence, Breslin
BRETT FREEMAN Realty, the shopping center’s de-
CEO & PUBLISHER veloper, was contractually obli-
845-208-8151 gated to keep the identity of the
grocer under wraps.
[email protected] Trader Joe’s, meanwhile, had
also not publicly commented on
Deadlines its Yorktown store—until now.
“We are excited to be coming
YORKTOWN NEWS DEADLINE to Yorktown,” wrote Nakia Ro-
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS hde, Trader Joe’s public relations
manager, in an email to Yorktown
Rohde did not share a time-
YORKTOWN NEWS IS THE THURSDAY line for the store’s opening. On
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. March 7, however, a Breslin
Realty executive said the store
FOR MORE INFORMATION, should be ready by to open in
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL –Brian Marschhauser
[email protected].
FORMERLY Joe Ferone Advertise With Us
Subscribe OWNER When you advertise with
Yorktown News, you are
TO REQUEST YORKTOWN NEWS reaching thousands of
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 households and businesses
OR EMAIL [email protected]. throughout Yorktown. To
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN. classified, call Brett Freeman
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE at 845-208-8151 or email
$150 PER YEAR FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL. [email protected].






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Page 12 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, March 31, 2022

Not in my backyard!

When the UN almost came
to Yorktown

Land that almost became the home of the United Nations BY TERRY NAUMANN and other weapons of mass destruction.
GUEST WRITER But where to locate this new and august

During these turbulent world times, it is institution? In 1946, the United States gener-
still relatively easy to feel safe and protected ously o ered a location (to be decided) within
in our suburban haven of Yorktown. But in its boundaries. e UN rst proposed taking
1946, just after the horrors of World War 42 square miles in Greenwich and North
II, Yorktown inadvertently auditioned for a Castle, later also naming 11 other locations,
leading role on the world stage as a possible most in Westchester County. ose in York-
location for the headquarters of the newly town were 20 acres near Mohansic Lake and
established United Nations. Had this come the Amawalk Reservoir, and an additional 40
to fruition, along with the con scation of acres to be appended to the rst site. Most
countless homes of longtime residents and contentious was the highly favored site 10D
motorcades of visiting diplomats, we would (see illustration), which extended from the
now live in a vastly di erent community. west side of the Taconic Parkway north to the
Bear Mountain Parkway further west to the
e United Nations rst came into being Blue Mountain Reservation and south to the
in August 1941 when President Roosevelt New Croton Reservoir.
and Prime Minister Churchill (Aug. 22,
1946) proposed guidelines for interna- At rst, Westchester County actively
tional cooperation in maintaining peace and courted the United Nations. e UN Site
security. Dubbed the United Nations by Group was entertained at several luncheons
Roosevelt, the group rst included the 26 in the fall of 1946. e Westchester Board
nations ghting the Axis powers, but after of Supervisors voted unanimously to donate
the Yalta Conference in 1945, grew to include the 100 acres that now comprise Mohansic
the USSR and China. e United Nations Park, although the UN deemed this site too
was formally created in 1945 and held its far from transportation and hotel space. A
number of factors, however, soon discour-
rst General Assembly in London in January aged local governments. For example, this
1946. Its focus was to be the peaceful uses of
atomic energy and the elimination of atomic SEE YORKTOWN UN PAGE 18


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Thursday, March 31, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 13

LETTERS Where is this in Yorktown?
This week’s photo
Condo trash remarks The March 17 photo PHOTOS: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER
are insulting A lot of readers knew that the March
17 photo was taken at the John C. Hart
To the editor, Memorial Library!
I understand that the garbage collection contract
Nice job by Elena Panagi, Robert
for our town is expiring. According to Mr. Phil Lombardi, Chris Moskowitz, Robin
Marino, general foreman of the Refuse and Recy- Bello, AnnMarie Queale, Anne Brosnan,
cling Department, we might see an increase in the Marshall Moseley, Rob Garrigan,
cost to Yorktown of approximately $500,000 more, Sunitha Howard, Beth Duggan, Patti
which are increases in labor costs and fuel. To o - McGuinness, Eileen M. Manchess,
set the increase, he proposed removing town-sub- Susan Pristash, Lori Nolan, Miriam
sidized trash containers from condos and making Messing Curtin, Judyth Stavans, Chris
condo owners pay for their own trash cans. Cunnington, Ralph Schiavone, James
Graham, Rae Plechaty, Conor Jines, Jim
First of all, I nd his remarks arrogant and Bizzarro, Lori Martinelli, Diana Quast,
divisive. He makes it sound like we are freeloaders. Terita Bradoc, Diane Dejesus, Patricia
Regardless, does he realize that just in my complex Canini, Laurie anos, Rose Lucadamo,
alone there are 106 homeowners? Need I remind and Vicky Leigh.
him that we pay taxes, too, including out-of-pocket
costs for our own road upkeep and snow removal. If you know where this week’s photo
was taken, email YorktownNews@
Let’s put this in its proper perspective. As I said,
there are 106 units in my complex. If each unit
purchased two trash cans each, that would be 212
trash cans that the sanitation crew would have to
empty twice a week. Now, multiply that by who
knows how many trash cans over 17 condo com-
plexes, including the Village. Now, if the current
multiple dwelling projects in front of the town get
built, we are talking thousands of trash cans more.
In conclusion, I argue that dumpsters are extremely
cost-e ective and pay for themselves in reduced
contractual labor costs and fuel. So, my fellow
condo owners, if Mr. Marino gets his way, let’s
all dump the dumpsters and purchase trash cans.
Lowe’s sells metal cans for $33 plus tax.

Steven Feinstein
Yorktown Condo Owner

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Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, March 31, 2022

Secret society

READING, transferred to a private school. foray into a secret society. e fraternal organizations our- elected by her peers to serve a
So, my mother decided that white gown, the boring meet- ished in the United States.   e six-month term.” Wearing long
WRITING & I should join an after-school ings—I had to learn more about Benevolent and Protective white dresses symbolized “purity
CHOCOLATE group for young girls that met this brief chapter in my past. Order of Elks was founded in of the soul, heart, and mind.” I
twice a month at the Masonic 1868 as a social club in New am not making this up!
KIM Lodge on Bell Boulevard in e fraternal (men only) York City. Shriners Interna-
KOVACH Bayside, Queens. organization of Freemasons, the tional (formerly known as the e Masonic youth group for
largest worldwide secret society, Ancient Arabic Order of the young men 12-21 years old was
e group was called the began in the 13th century from Nobles of the Mystic Shrine) called DeMolay. ese teen boys
the guilds of stonemasons and was established in 1870. e wore long capes as part of their
When I was grow- Triangles and girls had to cathedral builders in the Middle Knights of Columbus, a Catho- attire at meetings. Walt Disney
ing up, I remember Ages. In 1717, an association of lic fraternal service organiza- was a member of DeMolay, join-
wearing my Brownie wear long white gowns and Masonic lodges was organized tion was founded in 1882. ing in March 1920 at age 19!
white shoes as the o cial “uni- in England. e purpose of
form.” Dressed as pint-sized these Masonic groups was to e Moose Lodge fraternal According to my Google
“improve morality, build charac- organization was founded in research, the Masonic Temple
and Girl Scout uniforms a brides, we sat inside the huge ter and provide a course of self- 1888. Kiwanis International was on Bell Boulevard was built as
improvement to make better founded in Detroit, Michigan a three-story structure in the
few times. My mom was not a room of the Masonic temple men out of good men.” in 1915. Women were accepted neo-classic style with white
into the Kiwanis in 1987. columns outside the front en-
“joiner.” She didn’t belong to for the bi-weekly meetings. e Masons used secret trance. Completed in 1923, the
handshakes and passwords to In the 20th century, the building was originally home
any groups or organizations. In addition to the white gown identify Masons from non-Ma- Order of the Eastern Star was of Bayside Masonic Lodge No.
sons. e symbol of “the square the Masonic group for women. 999. e building is now home
On a few occasions, Mom told and shoes, Triangle girls had to and the compass” is a popular to a Korean church.
design on Masonic rings. e Triangles was formed in
me that Brownies was canceled pay dues and be sponsored in New York State for young ladies Kim Kovach remembers watching
Besides the Masons, lots of between 10 and 21 years old. reruns of “ e Honeymooners”
or Girl Scouts was “closed” just writing by an actual member of According to the internet, this where Ralph Kramden and
“character building, service- Ed Norton were members
because she didn’t want to drive the Masons. Great Uncle Joe in oriented sisterhood was presided of the Racoon Lodge! www.
over by a young woman called
in inclement weather. Ridge eld, Connecticut signed the Beloved Queen who was

After moving back from the form to get me into this

Florida, I felt like a stranger group.

entering ninth grade at JHS Several decades later, I had

194. My best friend, Irene, had forgotten about my short-lived

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Thursday, March 31, 2022 Yorktown News – Page 15

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Page 16 Yorktown News – Thu

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Page 18 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, March 31, 2022

To advertise in Yorktown News, call Brett You are in control
Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@ GUEST moods and activities, the work- day, in every obstacle, and in
CORNER load, the emails, and texts… all every victory.
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YORKTOWN UN Senator Pliny Williamson of New Rockefeller Jr., through nego-
KATHY HOCHUL, GOVERNOR • ANTHONY J. ANNUCCI, ACTING COMMISSIONER York announced that support from tiations made by his son, Nelson
An Equal Opportunity Employer FROM PAGE 12 a town was not even necessary Rockefeller, and architect Wal-
for its eventual selection as a site. lace Harrison, purchased 17 acres
Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES new headquarters would be Headlines like “Protest Meeting on the East River in Manhattan
tax-exempt; it would not techni- Scheduled Tonight at Community containing slaughterhouses and
aloneI’m never cally be part of the United States; Church,”“Tri-Town Citizens tenements, and gifted the land to
Life Alert® is always the ambassadorial sta s dwelling Committee Formed to Protest the United Nations for its head-
here for me. in our community would enjoy UN Site,”and “Public Opinion quarters.
One touch of a button diplomatic immunity; and, nally, Poll Shows Local Opposition to
sends help fast, 24/7. quite a number of homeowners UN Site”chronicled the unfolding Before the fracas was resolved,
GwPiSth! would be displaced – their homes discontent of the locals. however, renowned author and
condemned under law pend- New Yorker editor William
Help at Home Help On-the-Go ing nancial remuneration to be e United Nations issued a Maxwell, whose home on Baptist
determined by the UN. 143-page report on the prospec- Church Road was located in the
® tive sites including comments heart of Site 10D, eloquently and
For many months, this was from a Board of Design Con- humorously voiced his protesta-
Batteries Never Need Charging. big news in Yorktown and “ e sultants from various countries. tions in a letter to e New York
Great Debate of 1946,”a bitter Among them, the renowned Times dated Oct. 28, 1946. Gen-
For a FREE brochure call:I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! neighbor-versus-neighbor dispute. architect Le Corbusier favored tly urging the General Assembly
a White Plains location as did of the UN to consider alternative
1-800-404-9776 e Yorktown Herald of Aug. Russian member Nicolai Bassov, sites without existing houses, he
22, 1946, described a “remarkably who considered 10D a “very nonetheless promised that ”…
NOTICE TO disorderly public meeting“ held at unhappy decision.”Reportedly an my wife and I do not intend to sit
NEW YORK RESIDENTS the Yorktown school auditorium. avid horseman, Bassov preferred a on the front steps with a shotgun
Speakers included Yorktown Su- site centered on the areas of Rye, across our knees or to ght con-
Homeowner Funding enables families to make necessary perintendent John Downing and Greenwich, and White Plains, demnation proceedings all the way
energy efficient home repairs who: Sir Angus Fletcher of the United possibly near his favorite stables. to the Supreme Court…”Instead,
• ARE UNABLE TO PAY CASH FOR NECESSARY HOME Nations Site Selection Commit- Maxwell promised to leave a note
tee, along with many members of e entire contentious pros- on the front door advising the
REPAIRS. the community – most of whom pect of the United Nations in occupiers of such things to know
• CANNOT AFFORD HIGH OR ADDITIONAL MONTHLY were outraged at the possibility, Yorktown was ultimately resolved about his home as how to prime
although avid supporters attended. in December of 1946. John D. the well pump, and the best way to
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Thursday, March 31, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 19

April is more than just To advertise in Yorktown News, call Brett
April Fool’s Day Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@
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Page 20 – Yorktown News Thursday, March 31, 2022


Rebels display teamwork in opener

Return to normalcy welcomed

BY MIKE SABINI high-school team yet until Rebels’ Emily Ahlstedt start- Laukaitis recorded her hat
CONTRIBUTING WRITER their varsity start and I love ed the scoring in the second
how they came out here and half, slicing the Rams’ advan- trick by scoring with one sec-
When Lakeland/Panas they hustled the full 50 [min- tage to 6-4.
opened its season against utes].” ond remaining.
visiting Carmel on Friday, “ at was a huge step for
March 25, it was back to nor- Lakeland/Panas’ Gwen our team, to have that goal Laukaitis, Ahlstedt, and
mal with no Covid restric- Laukaitis scored the second in the second half,” Ahlstedt
tions, and their coach, Chrissy of her three goals with seven said. “ at seemed to lift our Sara Costa, all seniors, were
Gutenberger Hart, couldn’t be minutes remaining in the teamwork and team spirit.”
happier about it. opening half, cutting Carmel’s recently named team captains.
lead to 4-3. Hart feels Ahlstedt’s goal to
“My favorite part is the no start the second half is a sign “Being captain is a very big
masks,”Hart said.“It was such “Gwen is adjusting from of things to come.
an adjustment last year, having defense, to move up to mid- responsibility to me because
to see the girls play in masks “It was a momentum shift,”
and condition them in masks eld, so it is an adjustment Hart said. “ ey just have to as a senior, with such a young
and I love to see their smiling for her and she’s taking it know that they can do it and
faces, working their butts o in stride,” Hart said. “She is have faith in each other. Once team, you have to take respon-
every day. I really like that.” showing her true colors and they build that community
we really love that for her.” feel on attack, then it will n- sibility and teach them the
e Rebels’ inspired play ish o nice for us midseason,
gave Hart plenty to smile As a whole, Hart was I know it.” ow of the game and always
about but Carmel was up to pleased with the play of the
the task and earned a 9-6 win mid eld. e Rams halted the Rebels’ have that leadership and have
over Lakeland/Panas, whose momentum with two goals,
roster consists of four sopho- “I’m super happy with the but Ahlstedt responded with that answer if they ever have a
mores, three freshmen, and whole mid eld line,” Hart her second goal, o an assist
one eighth-grader. said. “Gwen, Meaghan Casey from Kaitlyn Wilkowski. question,” Ahlstedt said.
(1A), a combination of Claire
“We are a really young team, Warren, who had like 50 “ at kept our team to- Hart says that she loves the
and we did that purposely be- ground balls today and Ashley gether because that goal that
cause we want to build, we [Glass] is a sub on mid eld, was based o my team and vocal leadership of her cap-
want to get better every single so we have a little bit of a ro- the teamwork that they put in,
day,” Hart said. “So I had girls tation going on. ey are all to give me that ball, to get that tains.
out here that haven’t seen a true, true hard workers.” goal,” Ahlstedt said. “Without
my team, I would l have never “I also love, that if I ask
Carmel scored twice more had that goal or anything.”
to end the rst half, but the something of them, they are

out there working on it, before

the next practice, to show the

girls, so they are leading by ex-

ample as well,” Hart said.

Isabel Kocaj (1G), Kaelen

Sieja (9 saves), Jade Gorman,

Lilly Whippo, Madalena Di-

Mirco, Kendra McAleese, Ari

Prashad, Brooke Pizzarello,

Dakota Jez, Celeste Pagliaroli, PHOTO: MIKE SABINI

and Valentina Mejia also were Lakeland/Panas’ Emily Ahlstedt (2G) after her
part of the Rebels’ opening- postgame interview on opening day, March 25,
day roster. at Lakeland.

Local cheerleaders head to Disney World

Will compete in international competition

Phoenix and Reign, two cheerleading of Sports Complex (April 28-May 1) is the pete on the Phoenix and Reign teams. PHOENIX: Raquel Procious, Meghan
teams that train out of Extreme Force All- season-capping goal for many competitive REIGN: Mia Caldarella, Kate Conk- Stephens, Gina Valente, Maggie Brown,
Star Company in Mahopac, have been se- all-star teams. e Summit Championship, Penelope Sgueglia, Gabby Delgado, An-
lected to compete at one of the nation’s most founded by Varsity All Star in 2013, will lin, Alyssa Delgado, Julianna Greco, Lilah gelina Raimo, Lilah Greco, Sophia Rivera,
prestigious cheerleading competitions, the celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2022, and Greco, Rachel Lerman, Lexi Liaskos, Kai- Julianna Greco, Alexis Warren, Amanda
Summit Championship. will showcase more than 1,500 teams and tlyn Lopez, Julia Martin, Lucy Monness, Kearns, Isabella Depole, Jamie Genario,
24,000 competitors from around the globe. Nikki Moran, So a Poandl, Angelina Rai- Vanessa Arundell, Aciara Brown, Lexi Li-
e Summit Championship, held at Walt mo, Anna Troyano, Gina Valente, Daniella askos, Ainhoa Tedorov
Disney World Resort’s ESPN Wide World Many cheerleaders from Yorktown com- Verni, Alexis Warren, Catherine Yost

Team Team
Phoenix Reign

Thursday, March 31, 2022 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 21


Huskers to usher
in Schurr era

All-American Gri leads Yorktown

BY MIKE SABINI Our team sets

It’s a new era for Yorktown, as three goals Yorktown’s Chris Constantine (4)
the coach Tim Schurr era begins every year, win
at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, at Murphy Cup,
Mahopac. win sections,
then win a state
“Excited is an understatement,”
said Yorktown senior All-Amer-
ican attackman Harry Gri . “We
are thrilled to nally be getting
back on the eld against our rival
team. I think the key to winning
this game will be keeping com-

posure. e nerves will be high

championship.’since it will be our rst game, so

it could lead to unnecessary mis-

takes.” –Harry Gri
One of the things that makes Yorktown Lacrosse

this opener so exciting is that it’s

the debut of Schurr as the Husk- (senior, Siena), hard-dodging

ers’ head coach, though he is a lefty who can shoot, James So-

long-time member of the Husker lazzo (senior, attack, Wingate),

family. gritty defenseman who has good

Schurr, a 1980 Yorktown grad- footwork, Dino Bowen (senior,

uate, brings a wealth of coach- SUNY-Cortland), fast and accu-

ing experience to his alma mater, rate shooter Anthony Guglielmo

which is the winningest program (senior, attack, Florida Southern),

in Section 1 history, with seven and crafty and slick attackman

state titles and 40 Section 1 Jack Duncan (junior, uncommit-

championships. ted).

He has coached since 2010 at e Huskers’ top newcomers

rival John Jay-Cross River, which include Drew Weissman (sopho-

included winning three Section 1 more, middie) and Chris Con- PHOTOS: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER

Class B titles and an appearance stantine (sophomore, long-stick Yorktown’s Harry Griff
in the Class B state champion- middie).

ship game in 2019. Before that, “ ough Chris was on the

Schurr was the Somers’ head team last year, he has grown ex-

coach for four seasons. ponentially as a player and has

His array of coaching experi- the opportunity to be a very im-

ence also includes being an as- pactful player,” Gri said. “Drew APARPR
sistant coach for many years at is a fast and quick lefty middie
Yorktown under Jim Turnbull, who can get his hands free.”
the Huskers’ rst varsity head Yorktown comes o a season
coach. A standout defenseman at where it nished 13-4 and as the
Yorktown, Schurr went on to play No. 2 seed reached the Section 1

at Washington & Lee University Class B title game, where it lost PUBLICITY WITH PERSONALITY
and earned a gold medal with the at No. 1 Rye 11-7.

U.S. national team at the Inter- e Huskers will host Rye in

national Lacrosse Federation’s a rematch on Saturday, April 16

world championship in 2002 at and in another schedule high-

40 years old. light, play visiting Lakeland/Pa-

“ e team was very excited to nas in the annual Murphy Cup

have Tim Schurr as our new head game on May 7.

coach,” said Gri , who will play “Our team sets three goals ev- Public Rela ons For...
in college at Fair eld. “He brings ery year, win Murphy Cup, win Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events
a positive attitude and puts a new sections, then win a state cham-
twist on our game.” pionship,” Gri said. “We have

Gri , who has great eld vision the drive and after last year we

and is extremely quick, comes o have something to prove to our- Your Message Is Our Mission
a season where he registered 26 selves.”

goals and 28 assists last spring. Gri , Micciari, Bowen, and Leave Your Message Here...
Yorktown’s other top return- DeBellis are the Huskers’ cap- (914) 275-6887 | bruceaparpr@
ing players are strong, transi-
tional player Giacomo Micciari “We plan to lead by example

(senior, long-stick middie, All- while encouraging the entire BRUCE APAR
Section, uncommitted), lock- team to hold themselves ac-

down lefty goalie Vito DeBellis countable,” Gri said.

Page 22 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, March 31, 2022


Lakeland star hurler headed to Dartmouth

BY MIKE SABINI along with Shannon Scotto and elle are amazing coaches and I love color orange. time I want.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Leah Cohen. How important having Murph in the dugout. You have committed to playing If you could pick one place
is it for you to still be part of the
Lakeland softball star and Dart- team? What is your favorite team softball in college at Dartmouth to visit on vacation that you’ve
mouth College-bound Stella Bale activity or pregame or post- College.What made you choose never been to, where would you
has been on the Hornet varsity It is so important for me to still game ritual that you share with that school? go and why?
squad for ve seasons, after getting be a part of the team. I had tho- your teammates? What about a
pulled up in seventh grade for the racic outlet syndrome decompres- personal pregame or postgame I chose Dartmouth because ever I would de nitely go to Italy
sectionals. sion surgery on Jan. 20 and, while ritual? since I went to a softball camp because it looks so beautiful. I
I knew I wouldn’t be able to play there in eighth grade, I knew it take Italian as a language so it’d
Last year, Bale, who was named this season, I’m so grateful to still My favorite pregame ritual with was the college for me. e high- be cool to see if I could under-
Class A rst-team All-State, had be with the team. my teammates is that we have to academic standards, along with the stand Italians.
one of the best pitching campaigns do everything the same exact way small-town setting of Hanover and
in the history of the state, which I would’ve been so sad if I before the games. Little things the welcoming vibe from the soft- What is your favorite food to
helped ignite Lakeland to the Sec- couldn’t play and that was it. I love even like eye black, the order of our ball team and coaches, all solidi ed eat before or after a game?
tion 1 Class A title. all the girls on the team and get- bags,or even the high- ve line.My my decision.
ting to be with them and support- favorite personal pregame ritual is Before every Lakeland soft-
Bale had an 18-2 win-loss re- ing them every day. that my mom has to do my hair Do you know what you want to ball game, I always have ham on
cord, threw eight no-hitters, and before every game. study in college? a roll from Lakeland Deli and
pitched 143 innings, giving up How old were you when you gluten-free pretzels.
just 5 earned runs and registering started playing softball and what As a captain, what are your I’m honestly all over the place
321 strikeouts while allowing only got you started? goals for your nal season at with what I want to study but pos- Best place to eat in Yorktown
27 hits and 25 walks. She had an Lakeland? sibly leaning towards something in and why?
earned-run average of 0.24, with I started playing softball when I sports medicine because of all the
opponents hitting .059 against her was 5 years old. I had been playing I think my goal is the same as injuries I’ve had through the years. e best place to eat in York-
while tallying 14 shutouts. soccer with my cousin Emily the everyone else: to win. Even though town is Bangkok Spice because
year before and we quickly realized I’m not playing, I would still love What is your favorite profes- they make delicious ai food.
She also could hit, as evidenced it was too much running for us lol. for us to defend our title. sional athlete and pro (or college)
by a .290 batting average, a .579 sports team? What’s the go-to app on
slugging percentage, 10 RBI, 4 My aunt Karen suggested soft- Who has been your biggest your phone and why?
doubles, 2 triples, and 4 home ball for our next sport, and I ended role model over the years and My favorite pro athlete is Odell
runs. up falling in love with it. what have you learned from Beckham Jr., and my favorite team My go-to app on my phone is
them? depends on what season it is. So Snapchat because I can connect
is year, because of a medical What is your favorite thing right now, it’s the FSU (Florida with my friends and can save ev-
condition, you won’t be playing, about being on the softball team My biggest role model over the State University) softball team. erything to my Memories.
but you still will be one of the at Lakeland? years has been my pitching coach
three Lakeland senior captains, Larissa Porcelli. I rst went to her What is your favorite music to For a young athlete growing
De nitely the people. I love all when I was 8 and haven’t left. listen to warming up for a game? up in the Lakeland district, what
WHY DO WE the girls on the team, they are so would you tell them about the
fun to be around. Fallo and Dani- I aspire to be everything she is. I always like to listen to some- experience of being part of the
ADVERTISE She is an amazing teacher and an thing that I can sing to while softball team and why should
overall wonderful human being. warming up for a game because they go out for the team?
IN HALSTON I have learned everything I know singing always puts me in a good
about pitching from her and she mood. I would strongly encourage
makes me better every lesson. young kids in the Lakeland dis-
If you could have one super- trict to go out for softball be-
Tell us one thing about your- power, what would it be and why? cause it made high school that
self that not a lot of people know. much better. It’s a great way to
If I could have a superpower, I’d make friends and an opportunity
I really don’t like oranges and the want to be able to teleport because to be coached by the best. I look
I could go anywhere I want any- forward to the season every year.




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Thursday, March 31, 2022 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 23


Rebels look for another
successful campaign

Looks to replace Hufnagel’s production

BY MIKE SABINI each game we play in and hope- themselves and their teammates

CONTRIBUTING WRITER fully be playing our best lacrosse accountable towards achieving our

come May,” Lindsay said. “We goals this year.”

Last year, Lakeland/Panas en- need to continue to be focused at Lakeland/Panas opens up at Al-

joyed another successful campaign, practice and work hard to try and bany-area power Shenendehowa at

nishing 9-4 and reaching the achieve those goals.” noon, Saturday, April 2. Opening

Section 1 Class B semi nals,where Lakeland/Panas will also have up against a team like Shenende-

they lost as the No. 3 seed at cross- three players that will be playing at howa, Lindsay feels, will be a good

town rival No. 2 Yorktown, 11-8. the next level in college in Graap thing for his squad.

If the Rebels are to have another (Endicott College), Macaluso “ at trip will be a good litmus

successful campaign, they will (SUNY-Cortland), and Conetta test for us to see where we’re at

have to do it without All-Ameri- (St. Leo University) that Lindsay developmentally as a team,” Lind-

can mid elder/attackman Conor expects plenty of leadership from. say said. “We’ll need to be able to

Hufnagel, who is now playing at “Our captains are Nick Graap, shrug o a long, early bus ride and

Hofstra University.Hufnagel was a Chris Macaluso, and Nick Con- be mentally ready to execute our

beast scoring-wise last spring, reg- etta,” Lindsay said. “We expect game plan against a good oppo- Lakeland’s Chris Macaluso PHOTO: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER

istering 37 goals and 35 assists for them to lead by example and hold nent.”

the Rebels in 2021.

It will take a team e ort to re-

place those numbers, not to men-

tion Hufnagel’s leadership, accord-

ing to 17th-year Lakeland/Panas

coach Jim Lindsay.

“We’ll have to be unsel sh and 2021 was a
share the ball this season,” Lindsay CRAZY YEAR!
said. “It’s always di cult trying to
replace the production and leader-
ship of someone of Conor’s ability
but we have a good core group of
kids who have been playing to-

gether for a while now.”

e Rebels have plenty of top

returning players that should put

them once again among the Sec-

tion 1 elite.

ose top returning players

are All-League senior attackman

Nick Graap, goalies, senior Myles

Orf, and sophomore K.C. Bryan, We can help make your taxes less crazy.
and mid elders, senior Chris Ma-
caluso, senior Nick Conetta, junior

Justin Stabile,and senior Joe Mala-


“All of them are athletic and play

hard,”Lindsay said.

In addition to the top returning

players, Lindsay is also fortunate to

have plenty of talented top new-

comers to go along with the vet-


ose top newcomers are Joe

Aleva (attack, senior), Augie Kocaj

(attack, senior), Oban Rader (mid-

eld, freshman), Michael Pisacreta

(junior, mid eld), Cayden Turner

(defense, sophomore), and Jack

Jimenez (defense, sophomore). 845-628-5400

“All of them are eager to contrib-
ute and have the skills necessary to

help us be a competitive team this | [email protected]
year,”Lindsay said.

As for what Lindsay expects out 824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
of his squad this spring, he wants

the Rebels to be competitive in

all their contests and at their peak Securities o ered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
come sectional time. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or

“Our goals are to compete in accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

Page 24 – Yorktown News LEISURE Thursday, March 31, 2022

CLUES ACROSS 23. Tan 48. Doctor of Education 11. Pure
1. Hillsides 24. Empire State 49. One quintillion bytes 12. LSU football coach
6. A way to ingest 25. Where golfers begin (abbr.) 14. Unbroken views
9. Large number 28. For each 51. Overcharge 17. Fathers
13. Southeastern Minnesota 29. Muslim inhabitants of 52. Sailboats 20. Part of a race
city the Philippines 54. Indian musical patterns 21. Hairstyle
14. Cronies 31. Bird genus 56. Predisposition to a 23. Fifth note of a major
15. Having sufficient skill, 33. Popular Dave Matthews condition scale
knowledge Band song 60. Share a common 25. Body art
16. Supplements with 36. Domesticates boundary with 26. Amounts of time
difficulty 38. “Boardwalk Empire” 61. Wide 27. Designed chairs
17. Former VP nominee actress Gretchen 62. Skin disease 29. Sensational dramatic
Palin 39. Asian antelope 63. Monetary unit of Samoa piece
18. Cambodian monetary 41. One who takes apart 64. Source of the Blue Nile 30. Arrangement of steps
unit 44. Kin 65. Instrument 32. Classifies
19. Where coaches work 45. Dresses 66. Red deer 34. Young child
21. Secret political clique 46. Says something about 67. Unidentified flying object 35. Oh, no!
22. A type of lute you (abbr.) 68. Bar or preclude 37. Astronomical period of
about 18 years
CLUES DOWN 40. Not or
1. Flying insects 42. Poke fun at
2. Strong alcoholic 43. Consisting of roots
spirit 47. “__ Humbug!”
3. Old 49. A way to remove
4. Moves in slowly 50. A confusion of voices
5. Symbol for tin and other sounds
6. Having certain 52. Keyed instrument
appendages 53. Varnishes For puzzle solutions, please see
7. Expression of 55. Unpleasantly sticky
sorrow or pity substance
8. Type of hormone 56. Unable to hear
(abbr.) 57. A short erect tail
9. One with an 58. Indicates interest
unjustified mistrust 59. Flow or leak through
10. Hebrew calendar 61. British thermal unit
month 65. Iron

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

A home for Taco

A letter of hope

STUDENT available pets to be adopted. lead - we forget that there is an PHOTO COURTESY OF SPCA WESTCHESTER
INTERN As I was scrolling through, I innocent soul out there, tucked
was hoping none of the dogs in the corners of a shelter, just
JULIA from before COVID were still waiting to play, to be taken for
WILKINSON listed. I was really happy as I walks and to be snuggled next
didn’t recognize any of them, to. Somewhere out there a dog
As a junior SPCA volun- which meant that they were is just waiting for a simple pat
teer, I started e Find adopted. en, as I got to the on the head, a simple game of
A Home Project in 2018 last row, my heart sank and an fetch, a simple “good boy” from
with my brother when we were avalanche of sadness consumed a gentle voice.
in middle school. We would me. I saw a familiar face. A
make yers and write articles sweet dog named Taco that I Taco’s eyes spell the word
about the adoptable pets at the had wrote about a long time ago ‘hope’ and my hope is this letter
shelter so people would adopt was still there. I was shocked will ful ll that. If you have some
them. e moment a dog or cat and mostly confused. I could room in your home and in your
that we wrote about was not not understand how Taco was heart, please take Taco home.
listed anymore on the SPCA still not adopted. I kept asking
website, we would be so happy myself, all this time Taco was Email trainer@spcawestchester.
because it meant that they were still at the shelter without a org to know more about Taco.
adopted. We continued this for family? Visit
a couple of years but since the or call 914-941-2896 for more
pandemic hit it was hard to So, I am writing this to ask information.
continue. for your help. We need to nd
a home for Taco. He is missing e SPCA Westchester in
Just this week, I was looking out. A dog needs a home. Briarcli is now allowing
at the SPCA’s website to see Dogs need their person. ey walk-ins from noon to 3:30 p.m.
if I could help the current bring us so much joy but we Monday through Sunday for same
forget - in the busy lives we day adoptions.


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