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Published by Halston Media, 2022-10-19 14:54:18

North Salem News 10.20.2022

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 8 No. 32 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, October 20, 2022

iCn CrroetoantFianllsg

e community came out to everyone, including an array of Josephine Bisco of JB
Croton Falls for the North Salem culinary delights, ne art, and live Painting Effects
Food & Arts Festival on Oct. 15. music. See more photos on page
e afternoon had something for 12!

Superintendent search moves forward
Board of Ed hears audit report

BY WHIT ANDERSON LEADERSHIP PROFILE Both in person and online re- to ll the role by next spring, in but is expected to go back up;
CONTRIBUTING WRITER REPORT sponses listed similar qualities for time for a July 1 term start. ere was a $2,013,657 net
an ideal superintendent, such as
e Oct. 12 North Salem Board Associate Deborah Raizes wanting them to communicate, AUDIT PRESENTATION change in fund balance (revenues
of Education meeting began with listed parties they have met with be approachable and visible, and Upon the conclusion of the minus expenditures);
a Leadership Pro le Report, pre- in focus groups and community be a visionary. Other characteris-
sented by Hazard Young Attea As- forums, including the board, cur- tics listed included being a strong Hazard report, Robert A. Daniele e capital fund shows a de cit,
sociates regarding the new super- rent superintendent Ken Freeston, educational leader, having central of O’Connor Davies Accountants but that is expected to be covered
intendent search. An audit report administrators, active and former o ce experience, and possessing a and Advisors presented the audit by bond notes.
from O’Connor Davies Accoun- principals and assistant principals, doctorate. report for 2022.
tant and Advisors followed, and teachers, students, the town board, “ e district had overall great -
then the board discussed the 2022 PTO, and the police/ re depart- Upon approval from the board, Con rming that all looked to be nancial health,”concluded Daniele.
New York State School Boards ment among other groups. Of the Hazard Young will begin their in order, Daniele pointed out a few
Association’s (NYSSBA) proposed 68 they met, 40 were parents. recruitment process and narrow notables: NYSSBA RESOLUTION
resolutions. down their pool to ve or six can- DISCUSSION
Raizes and her partner, Susan didates for interviews. ey antici- $38,488,055 of property taxes
Guiney, also put out an online sur- pate the board to select a candidate went into the $45,152,150 budget e board then went over this
vey that garnered 368 responses. (original budget was $44,391,836); year’s proposed resolutions from

e sales tax decreased this year, SEE ED PAGE 6

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CLASSIFIEDS 22 Boots And Bling

Page 2 – North Salem News Thursday, October 20, 2022

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Vol. 5 No. 11 North Salem’Vs iosnitlyTawpeIenktloyNnoerwthspSaapleemr m.naeitlefdortotheevelarytehsotmneewasn.d There’s a lot of talk about “the media” or the
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Thursday, October 20, 2022 North Salem News – Page 3


& Bling! Guestshorsingaroundatthe
Barn Ball on Oct. 8. James and Lorena Cavallo
Hal and Anne Marcus with
Pegasus Therapeutic Board Member Carl Rohde
Riding holds annual gala

Pegasus erapeutic Riding Service, and cocktails with spirits

pulled out all the stops at its sec- sponsored by Blue Chair Bay Rum

ond annual gala on Saturday, Oct. and Springbrook Farm Distillery.

8. e Boots and Bling Barn Ball e evening’s honoree was

helped to raise money for the non- Pegasus’ co-founder and president

pro t organization’s equine-assist- emeritus and board member Sue Pegasus founder Sue
McGraw with Board
ed activities and therapy programs. McGraw. In addition, photogra- President John Carberry

e event featured a sunset pher Bill Glass and Olympic show

cocktail hour, dancing, live music jumper McLain Ward were both

by country singer Jessica Lynn, inducted into Pegasus’ Winner’s

bu et dinner by Ledley Food Circle.

Funds raised at the Barn Ball will Assistant Barn Manager Rose Dina Ingersole with Violet Everyone saddled up for
go to support Pegasus’ equine Markley with Jackpot. a good time at the Boots
therapy programs. and Bling Ball.

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Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Staff County to provide air purifiers to
district schools
TOM WALOGORSKY BY CAROL REIF e puri ers were secured with odors, smoke, and Volatile Organic Calling it “an e ective part of a
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 STAFF WRITER $5.2 million in federal funding. Compounds (VOCs). layered approach” to reducing ex-
[email protected] posure to airborne contaminants,
WHIT ANDERSON Multiple communities in West- “ e safety of our students and According to the manufacturer, county Health Commissioner Dr.
chester worried about keeping school communities, throughout the units are equipped with a pre- Sherlita Amler praised the Centers
SPORTS EDITOR schools open for in-person instruc- the COVID-19 pandemic, has for Disease Control and Preven-
[email protected] tion will soon be able to breathe a always been our top priority,” said lter, an active carbon lter, and an tion (CDC) and the state for “sup-
little easier. County Executive George Lat- H13 True HEPA lter. porting our e orts to improve air
VIM WILKINSON imer, thanking the state Depart- quality in our schools.”
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Westchester County health o - ment of Health for supporting the ey are equipped with sensors
[email protected] cials recently announced that they program. to measure and adjust to changes Noting that pandemic-related
were providing 5,600 Fellowes in contaminants, room occupancy, supply chain woes had “added a
ADVERTISING TEAM AeraMax Pro AM3S PC Air Pu- He also recognized the county’s and noise levels. level of di culty to the procure-
PAUL FORHAN ri ers – proven to remove more Minority and Women-owned ment process,” county Finance
than 99.99 percent of COVID-19 Business Enterprise (MWBE) e units also provide “real-time Commissioner Karin Hablow said
(914) 806-3951 particles from the air – to more program for ful lling the contract status updates”as the air is cleaned. she appreciated the Bureau of Pur-
[email protected] than two dozen school districts with S&B Computer and O ce Students and sta can see the l- chasing’s “hard work.”
including Somers, North Salem, Products, a certi ed MWBE lo- tration progress on a built-in dis-
BRUCE HELLER Yorktown, Katonah-Lewisboro, as cated in Saratoga County. play. e fact that the county was
(914) 486-7608 well as Putnam-Northern West- “able to partner with a MWBE to
[email protected] chester BOCES. e puri ers are said to lter e units and replacement l- ful ll this order is an even greater
particles as small as 0.1 microns in- ters “will keep our schools open accomplishment,”she added.
LISA KAIN cluding allergens, asthma triggers, and safe for in-person instruction
(201) 317-1139 both this year and next,” Latimer
[email protected] promised.
(914) 760-7009 BALANCED ROCK
[email protected]
Croton Falls Fire local businesses, along with door
JAY GUSSAK Department Ladies prizes. Refreshments available. 
(914) 299-4541 Auxiliary Dangers of Fentanyl
[email protected] Workshop
PAM Zacotinsky musical vocal group PENNY SOCIAL
[email protected] playing an eclec�c mix of favorites, old and new Saturday, Oct. 22, at 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m.

PRODUCTION TEAM [email protected] 914-248-5135 e Croton Falls Fire Dept e North Salem Republican
join Lauren, Colleen and Rick and bring a li�le Ladies Auxiliary is hosting its Town Committee is hosting a
CREATIVE DIRECTOR harmony to your next event!
PHOTOGRAPHER annual Penny Social after a two- workshop for parents and com-

[email protected] year pandemic hiatus at the Cro- munity members to learn about
DESIGNER ton Falls Fire Dept, 1 Sun Valley the dangers of Fentanyl. is year

[email protected] Drive. 100,000 people across the coun-

EXECUTIVE TEAM Doors open at 4 p.m. and the try will die from this new deadly
CEO & PUBLISHER drawing begins at 5:30 p.m. Join drug. ere isn’t a community
in for a fun evening of prizes, that is immune. e best defense
[email protected]
food, and fun! Many great ra es is to learn about the drug, what
donated by local businesses.  A to look for, and what to tell our
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS penny a ticket to win prizes! (25 children so they are protected.

AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR cents a sheet.) A 50/50 will also Susan Salomone, a Substance

NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY be held, as well as a sweepstakes Abuse Counselor, along with a
table with new items donated by member of law enforcement will
TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830 be presenting. Susan will also tell

OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ her personal story about losing
a child to drugs. She will tell at-
FOLLOW US tendants what she didn’t know to

PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT look for then, and wants to share
what she learned so no one else
POSTMASTER: has to go through what she did.

SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO e workshop is being held at
the North Salem Volunteer Am-
SUITE 100 bulance Corp, 14 Daniel Road in

MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 North Salem. Admission is free.

North Salem News Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For any
USPS #22110
uestions please email northsa-
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC AT [email protected].
YMCA of Central
SUITE 100 & Northern
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 Westchester
Sunday, Oct. 23
So much fun it’s scary! Join in

the fun at this free family event,


Thursday, October 20, 2022 North Salem News – Page 5

North Salem Republican Town
Committee fundraiser finds success

On Friday, Sept. 23, the North drinks, a silent auction, and plen- A portion of the proceeds also

Salem Republican Town Com- ty of wine and food. Wine was went to bene t Putnam Service

mittee held a committee fund- courtesy of Depot Wine & Li- Dogs, where the donation will

raiser with many local dignitaries, quors in Brewster, and a glorious be added to a $20,000 reserve

o cials, candidates, and constit- dessert was provided courtesy of raised by the e orts of the Put-

uents present. Frank’s Pizzeria of Croton Falls. nam County Women’s Republi-

Assemblyman Mike Lawler, North Salem High School can Club, for a service dog to a North Salem High School Junior Andea Sarno was awarded a $100
who is running for the 17th Con- Junior Andea Sarno was award- veteran. prize, Certificate of Achievement, and a pocket U.S. Constitution
gressional district, which includes ed a $100 prize, Certi cate of for getting a perfect score on the North Salem Republican Town
North Salem; Gina Arena, Re- Achievement, and a pocket U.S. Article provided by North Salem Committee’s 2022 Constitution Day Quiz.
publican candidate for the 40th Constitution for getting a per- Republican Town Committee.

State Senate; Erin Lee Crowley, fect score on the North Salem

candidate for District 9 Putnam Republican Town Committee’s

County Legislator; John Sarcone 2022 Constitution Day Quiz.

for NYS Supreme Court; Linda Andea was in attendance with

Michetti Murray for Supreme her parents to receive the award.

Court; and John Burnett, Execu- North Salem high school student

tive Vice-Chairman for the New Veronica BenVenuto was the

York State Republican Commit- runner up with a $50 prize.

tee, all gave rousing speeches to Past NSRTC Chairman, Wil-

bring attention to the failures liam Monti, was recognized for

that one party rule has brought to his 30 years of service to the com-

New York. mittee. e event was deemed a

Local o cials North Salem success by all who attended. e

Town Supervisor Warren Lucas, committee hopes more will at-

Deputy Supervisor Peter Ka- tend future events, and partial

menstein, and Town Council- proceeds will be funding the new

man Brent Golisano were also in North Salem Republican Town North Salem Town Supervisor Warren Lucas, Assemblyman Mike Lawler, Legislative candidate Erin
Lee-Crowley, NYS Supreme Court candidate Linda Murray, State Senate candidate Gina Arena, NYS
attendance, as well as our former Committee’s High School Se- Supreme Court candidate John Sarcone, and New York State Republican Committee Executive Vice-
Chairman John Burnett.
North Salem Congresswoman, nior scholarship for 2023. is
Sue Kelly. scholarship will go to a student

It wasn’t all about politics how- studying history, government, or

ever – there was also live music, computer science in college.

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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, October 20, 2022

Attendees can cast spells with their own wands. ED voted to support both.
Also ambiguous, the board
voted to abstain from adopting
Westchester to be enchanted the NYSSBA, voting to approve, Resolution 15, which would re-
at new Harry Potter experience oppose, or abstain on di erent quire the state special education
issues. e results from North department to “develop regula-
BY SOPHIA CASELNOVA ing for adults ranges from $36 to received in donation. Guests can Salem and other districts’ votes tions providing oversight over
STAFF WRITER $75, and $25 to $64 for children. make an optional donation to were sent in for a state-wide special education parent and
contribute to reforestation and board vote on Oct. 17. rules of conduct and enforce-
Yorktown will be home to an Hours of operation will run sustainability projects. ment procedures for same.”
enchanted forest, witches, and from 5-11 p.m. Notable opposed resolutions
wizards beginning this weekend. For more information or to by the board included 16, al- “It would seem that is the
“We can’t wait to welcome purchase tickets, visit https:// lowing board trustees to receive sensible thing to do since we do
“Harry Potter: A Forbidden witches and wizards of all ages to stipends; Resolution 20, calling not understand it,” said trustee
Forest Experience” at Franklin our community,” said Town Su- westchester/ to support legislation that would Deborah D’Agostino.
D. Roosevelt State Park located pervisor Matt Slater. “Yorktown reform current gun laws to
on Crompond Road in Yorktown has it all for the fall and we are The light trail strengthen background checks ACTION ITEMS
Heights is open to all ages. excited to be the Hudson Valley’s leading into a forest and restrict guns for those under Prior to their adjournment,
hub for activities this autumn.” of fantastic beasts. 21; Resolution 27, supporting
Organized by Warner Broth- local school districts with large the board voted to table action
ers emed Entertainment and According to the attraction’s charter school populations to item G, calling to adopt the
website, attendees will be able to have consent over new charter State Environmental Quality
inkwell and Unify, the 60-to- cast their own spells, explore a school applications; Resolution Review Act (SEQRA) for the
90-minute experience will open light trail leading to a dark for- 37, a Parental Rights Legisla- proposed $4,495,000 capital
on Oct. 22. is is the only lo- est of fantastic beasts, and enjoy tion pertaining to directing the project revolving around school
cation in the New York-metro “magical food and drinks” that upbringing of their children in perimeter security updates.
area for the attraction, with oth- are inspired by the Wizarding areas such as education, medical
ers being in Leesburg, Virginia, World. care, moral, religious, and char- e board meets next on
Groenenberg, Belgium, and acter training; and Resolution Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m.
Cheshire, United Kingdom. “I think it’s a great experience 38, advocating for the reinstate-
that will be in Yorktown for this ment of religious or moral ob- Contact Us
Ticket sales began for the at- holiday season,” said Deputy jection to immunization. North Salem News
traction on Aug. 18. ere are Town Supervisor Tom Diana. is located at 118 N.
still tickets for sale for October Resolutions 8 (Universal Pre- Bedford Road, Suite
through January, with limited e Harry Potter experience is K for three and four-year-olds 100, Mount Kisco,
availability for November and partnered with One Tree Plant- statewide) and 9 (a licensed se- NY 10549. You can
December. Depending on the ed; a non-pro t organization that curity guard must receive train- contact us at 914-
time and date of the session, pric- plants one tree for every dollar ing and a speci c credential 302-5830 or email
signifying training) provoked northsalemnews@
discussion, largely around am-
biguous wording, but the board

The North Salem Republican Town Committee is Dare
hosting a workshop for parents and community To Be
members to learn about the dangers of Fentanyl. Your
This year 100,000 people across the country will die
from this new deadly drug. Grades 6–12 with 5-day boarding for 9–12 in Katonah, NY
There isn’t a community that is immune.
Our best defense is to learn about the drug,
what to look for, and what to tell our children

so they are protected.

Susan Salomone,

a Substance Abuse Counselor, along with a
member of law enforcement will be presenting.
Susan will also tell her personal story about losing a
child to drugs. She will tell us what she didn’t know to
look for then, and wants to share what she learned so

no one else has to go through what she did.

The workshop is being held at the
North Salem Volunteer Ambulance Corp,
14 Daniel Road, North Salem on Thursday October 27th
at 7:00 PM. Admission is free. Doors open at 6:30 PM.

Please email [email protected]

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