Vol. 11 No. 23 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, September 15, 2022
Illuminating overdose awareness
BY CAROL REIF dose,” she explained.
STAFF WRITER According to
Somers Partners in
Schools in Prevention, some
Somers were lit in aims of the day are:
purple recently in To provide an op-
observance of Inter- portunity for indi-
national Overdose viduals to publicly
Awareness Day. mourn loved ones in
According to a safe environment
Kathy Cucchiarella without feeling guilt
of Somers Part- and shame, some for
ners in Prevention, the rst time; have
Wednesday, Aug. the highest possible
31, was dedicated number of indi-
to remembering the viduals and families
lives lost to drug involved in Inter-
overdoses. national Overdose
e aim is to raise Awareness Day;
May wePHOTO:CAROLREIF awareness “about the send a strong mes-
never forget
importance of pre- sage to those with a
e community gathered in Bailey Park to remember
those lost during the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, and venting drug misuse substance disorder
to acknowledge others who continue to sacri ce their lives
for the enduring ideals of freedom. See more photos from before it starts” and that they are valued;
this afternoon of remembrance on page 18.
to “reduce the stig- stimulate conver-
ma of drug-related sation about drug
overdose deaths,” PHOTO COURTESY OF SOMERS PARTNERS IN PREVENTION overdose, prevention,
she said. and treatment; in-
anking the school district for its participa- form the public about the risk of overdose and the
tion, Cucchiarella pointed out that “the cause is state of the current crisis, and spread the message
more important than ever, as drug-related over- that the tragedy of drug overdose is preventable.
doses are at an historic high.” e community alliance’s stated mission is “to
Lighting up buildings not only creates a “teach- build a safer community by e ciently addressing
able moment” because folks will notice and ask alcohol and drug use, as well as other risk-taking
why, it “also sends a strong message of support behaviors through advocacy, hope, and awareness.”
to families and loved ones a ected by drug over-
Sold This Week — #TheyHadHope
Congratulations to my wonderful sellers on this over asking sale.
Wishing you so much happiness in your next chapter!
8 Tuskers win opener
20 pg 20
Page 2 – The Somers Record Thursday, September 15, 2022
2022 Ford Bronco Sport
Provided by Park Ford, Mahopac, NY
Grand Prize
$30,000 in Big Bucks
2022 Bucking Bronco Sport
Second Prize: $2,500
Third Prize: $1,000
Fourth Prize: $500
*Winner will be drawn Sunday, September 18, 2022 at Celebrate Somers
*Note: Date changed due to change of date for Celebrate Somers
Purchase tickets at www.somerslionsclub.org
or from any Somers Lion
Scan here to purchase
tickets online
Proceeds from the raffle will be given to local families in need, Friends of Karen,
Drug Crisis in our Backyard, Scholarships for High School Graduates, and other local charities
Thursday, September 15, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 3
An interview with Erik Carter
Forward Party seeks to reform
the political system
BY RANDY FREEMAN another similar reform organiza- not elect a President but got the
parties to pay attention to the
CONTRIBUTING WRITER tion, the Renew America Move- issue. How might the Forward
Party have an impact?
ment, recently this year.
e Forward Party can have
ere is a new political party in a similar impact by promoting
political reform and depolariza-
New York called the Forward Par- Why do you think people tion. It’s extremely hard to x any
problem in the current political
ty that is trying to get a foothold in Westchester County will be system and neither of the two
major parties are proposing
in Westchester County. e party particularly interested, and what solutions. My hope is that the
Forward Party either provides
was formed to focus on reforming would you like to see happen In the swing vote to elect candidates
who support these solutions, or
the political system and to reduce Westchester County? elects our own candidates who
partisan polarization. e original Our political choices are
No Labels is another organi-
Forward Party was established by becoming more limited. Due to zation that would like to elect
a moderate. ey are waiting
Andrew Yang, who grew up in a new restrictive ballot access law, to see if both parties nominate PHOTO
someone on the extreme, and COURTESY OF
Somers. Below is my interview there will only be a Democrat then they will o er up someone ERIK CARTER
who represents the more moder-
with Erik Carter, a leader of the and a Republican candidate for ate people from both parties.
What will the Forward Party
Forward Party in New York State. governor on the ballot for the rst do? How are they di erent from
No Labels?
ank you so much for your time in 40 years. In Westchester,
I do not think the Forward
time and for being willing to be the Republican brand has become Party has decided what to do
about the 2024 election. One
interviewed for our local news- increasingly toxic, so the winners signi cant di erence with No Our political choices are
Labels is that we are a bottom-up becoming more limited.
papers. Could you tell me about are often chosen in low turnout organization that recognizes that Due to a new restrictive ballot
the political center in one part of access law, there will only be
your background and interest in Democratic primaries. As a result, the country looks quite di erent a Democrat and a Republican
from the center in another part of candidate for governor on the
the Forward Party? extreme candidates like Jamaal the country. No Labels is more of ballot for the first time
a top-down organization that is
anks, Randy. Like many Bowman and Mondaire Jones trying to promote their one view in 40 years.’
of where the center is. A second
Americans, I got disillusioned have been elected to represent di erence is that we are focused - Erik Carter
not just on the presidential race,
with the two parties during the us in Congress. By helping to but electing candidates at all
levels of government. It will take
2016 election. In 2018, I got implement a system like Final more than just a president to cre-
ate the change we need.
involved in the Serve America Five voting, we can create more
Are there any messages or
Movement (SAM) campaign competitive elections where philosophies beyond getting
away from extremism that the
of Stephanie Miner, who was candidates who can draw from Forward Party represents?
a former Democratic mayor of all parties to better represent the Extreme in one part of the
Syracuse running for governor, county have a better chance of
and Mike Volpe, a former Re- getting elected.
publican mayor of Pelham here
in Westchester County running Could you please explain what
for lieutenant governor. After we Final Five voting is for people
got enough votes to attain o cial who may not know.
ballot status in NY, I served on Final Five is an open pri-
the state executive board, became mary where the top 5 candidates,
the SAM NY executive direc- regardless of party, advance to
tor, and then was elected to the the general election and then
state committee. SAM decided the winner is selected by ranked
to merge with the Forward party choice voting. ey use that
over the summer, and I am now system in Alaska, and it will be
one of the state co-leads of the on the ballot in Nevada this year.
new party. ere is also an e ort right now
by former city council mem- country may not be extreme in and 3) resolving di erences to
another, so it’s also about get- solve problems.
Tell me about the genesis of ber and mayoral candidate Sal ting people on di erent sides of
an issue to work together. I like Is there anything more that
the Forward Party and about its Albanese to get it implemented to think of the message as being you would like to add?
about electing candidates who
mission. in NYC. commit to 3 Rs: 1) Reforming If you would like to get
the broken political system, 2) involved or learn more, check
e original Forward Party was representing their constituents out https://www.forwardparty.
rather than special interests, com/new_york or contact me at
started by Andrew Yang last year ird parties have not worked [email protected].
to focus on reforming the politi- in the past unless they were fo-
cal system and reducing partisan cusing on a narrow issue like the
polarization to get things done. Free-Soil party in 1848 focused
Along with SAM, it merged with on abolishing slavery. ey did
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Page 4 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, September 15, 2022
The Staff Somers Partners tistics represent a vast increase in dors, and entertainment for all! vice organization, will hold its
in Prevention major fundraiser at Reis Park on
EDITORIAL TEAM overdose deaths from previous Enjoy a day of Somers family Route 139 in Somers. ere will
TOM WALOGORSKY NARCAN TRAINING be a huge sale of new and used
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 Thursday, Sept. 15, years. Using naloxone and other fun! Participate in exciting fami- items featuring books and toys,
[email protected] from 7 to 8 p.m. housewares, small furniture, col-
WHIT ANDERSON Somers Partners in Prevention evidence-based prevention and ly activities. Meet and greet with lectibles, baskets and jewelry/
boutique, as well as a gardening
SPORTS EDITOR is proud to be o ering a Narcan harm reduction strategies, we as a local businesses. A great day to table, ra es, bake sale, and many
[email protected] training to the Somers Commu- outside vendors.
nity at the Somers Library, located community can help reduce over- celebrate our beloved town. Rain
VIM WILKINSON at Route 139 & Reis Park. ere will also be a ra e draw-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR dose deaths. or shine. ing with many exciting prizes.
[email protected] Naloxone (Brand name Nar- Look for SWC members in yel-
can) is an intranasal medication is FREE training will teach e main road in the town low shirts selling tickets around
ADVERTISING TEAM that can be used to reverse opi- town or buy them at the sale.
PAUL FORHAN oid overdose. Last year in the US, you how to recognize opioid over- center will be closed all day from
there were nearly 108,000 opioid Somers Library
(914) 806-3951 overdose deaths, many of which dose, and how to administer nal- CVS to Sterling Bank. Foundation
[email protected] were caused by powerful synthetic
opioids like Fentanyl. ese sta- oxone. All participants will receive Somers TENTH ANNUAL 5K TRAIL
BRUCE HELLER a free opioid overdose rescue kit RUN & 1 MILE FAMILY FUN
(914) 486-7608 RUN
[email protected] including naloxone. Women’s Club
Sunday, Oct. 16, at 8 a.m.
LISA KAIN Celebrate Somers RENT A SPACE TAG SALE To be held at Reis Park. Race
(201) 317-1139 day check-in starts at 8 a.m.,
[email protected] Sunday, Sept. 18, Sunday, September 18, with the 5K Trail Run starting
CORINNE STANTON at 9:30 a.m., followed by the
(914) 760-7009 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1-Mile Fun Run at 10:15 a.m.
[email protected] Early Bird rates: 5K/$15,
Featuring kids activities, food, e Somers Women’s Club, a 1M/$10. Family rate: $30. All
JAY GUSSAK rates increase by $5 after 10/14.
(914) 299-4541 music, dancers, dozens of ven- not-for-pro t community ser- (Only cash or check payments
[email protected] will be accepted on race day.)
SHELLEY KILCOYNE I’ve navigated To register, please visit www.
(914) 924-9122 to Compass! somerslibraryfoundation.org.
[email protected]
Considering selling or buying? It is
PRODUCTION TEAM important to work with an agent with
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL local expertise, advanced technology,
and market insight. I look forward to
CREATIVE DIRECTOR connecting with you!
Kayleigh Mayer Knights of
[email protected] Columbus
NOAH ELDER Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Council 6205
[email protected]
[email protected] M: 914.879.2949
EXECUTIVE TEAM 68-70 The Crossing | Chappaqua
CEO & PUBLISHER Kayleigh Mayer is a Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker affiliated with SOLES4SOULS SHOE DRIVE
845-208-8151 Compass and the Schwartz McCrossan Team. Compass is a licensed real e Knights of Columbus
estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity Laws.
[email protected] Council 6205, Somers is run-
W Sadl Sa Goo -By We follow strict CDC guidelines. ning a Soles4Souls Shoe Drive
Deadlines t M ica Shac , We pledge to keep everyone safe! to help the needy. ey will be
collecting gently used shoes dur-
THE SOMERS RECORD DEADLINE Bu Hair b Lis Remain Ope ing the next few weeks and ask
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS you to help them make an im-
t Proudl Serv th Communit ! pact on poverty and the people
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR who need their help. eir ef-
(914) 232-7070 forts will help provide disaster
SOMERS RECORD IS THE THURSDAY relief and support for homeless
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. Hours: Tues • Wed • Fri 10:00 am - 5:00 pm kids throughout the United
Thurs 10:00 am - 7:00 pm • Sat 9:00 am - 4:30 pm States and around the world.
CALL TOM WALOGORSKY AT Servin th communit for over 30 year With the weather starting to
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL get cooler, now is a perfect time
[email protected]. to clear out your closet. Tennis
shoes, loafers, lace-ups, boots,
Subscribe heels... if they are in good condi-
tion, they will be accepted. e
TO REQUEST THE SOMERS RECORD shoes you no longer need can
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 make a big di erence for a needy
OR EMAIL [email protected]. family and prevent adding to the
Please set aside your unwant-
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ed shoes in a plastic bag for col-
SOMERS, NY AND AT lection. You can drop them o
at St Joseph’s Church in Somers
ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. the weekend of November 12
POSTMASTER: and 13, or simply contact the
Knights of Columbus to arrange
SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO a pickup. Contact: Frank 914-
THE SOMERS RECORD AT 391-4801 or Rocco 914-556-
6121. ank you so much for
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD helping those in need.
(ISSN 2330-1597)