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Published by Halston Media, 2021-10-15 15:13:43

North Salem News 10.14.21

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 7 No. 30 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, October 14, 2021

VANDALISM Town meets to discuss future
of Croton Falls
The incident
occurred Sewers, tra c, bathrooms and performance
sometime spaces all part of the discussion
between Oct. 2
and 3.


Reported at JB Park BY CAROL REIF delivery; better tra c signs to For instance, it has worked
STAFF WRITER make Front Street safer for pe- with the local utility company,
BY CAROL REIF going on that weekend. destrians; public restrooms; and New York State Electric & Gas,
In North Salem, many minds maybe even a child-oriented to improve street lighting in
STAFF WRITER According to Lucas, the paint was make light work. sculpture garden in the hamlet’s Croton Falls proper, making the
pocket park.
being stored with eld equipment in Town o cials got together xtures more “dark-sky compli-
with residents and business e Planning Board, which ant”( at means they minimize
It’s October, and one particular fall an unlocked shed. owners in Croton Falls recently has been charged with preparing glare while reducing light tres-
to think aloud about the ham- both a master plan and a capital pass and sky glow).
color has started to appear in one “We assume it was some younger let’s future. projects plan for the hamlet, will
be sending out a detailed survey e town had also purchased
North Salem park, but not the kind person who was waiting to be picked e event, held at the local to the entire town in the late fall the old train depot, thinking it
re station on Sept. 25, was the or early winter. might turn it into a recreation or
local folks appreciate. up and had nothing else to do, so rst of what organizers hope a senior center.
will be many such collabora- With that process, the town
A bench, shed, and boulder at Joe decided to vandalize the park,” said tions. hopes to nd out how many It had a professional consul-
Lead by Planning Board people actually would support tant come in to assess the build-
Bohrdrum Field in Purdys were all Lucas last week. chair Cynthia Curtis and town the ideas oated at the meeting, ing’s “historical integrity” and
Supervisor Warren Lucas, it Curtis said. potential for re-use, Curtis said.
splashed with uorescent orange e town was reaching out to resi- drew dozens of participants
who shared ideas about improv- e board is working with at was before e School-
paint sometime between Oct. 2-3, dents who may know who did it. ing their community. the town’s Recreation Depart- house eater on Owen Road
Among those were: sidewalks ment and the newly-formed became available.
said town Supervisor Warren Lucas. “Please let them know it was not so the area could be walkable; Climate Smart Committee,
sewers or septic systems to help which is interested in assessing e town’s o er of $800,000
e community park on Sun- at all appreciated,” he said. small businesses stay viable; interest in solar power, dock- for the circa-1925 brick build-
better parking; repurposing ing stations for electric cars and ing was accepted. It expects to
set Drive o ers baseball and soccer e paint will take time and mon- other “green”measures. close on the property in No-
e Schoolhouse eater into vember.
elds, tennis and basketball courts, ey to remove. a senior/recreation center and In opening remarks, Cur-
the old train depot into a per- tis noted that the Town Board Curtis acknowledged that
and a playground and picnic area. Lucas asked parents to “use this formance space; home postal has been doing “an awful lot for the nonpro t foundation that
Croton Falls”already. had been running the theater
A spokesperson for the Highway as a teaching moment for your own
Department, which maintains the children,” adding: “Vandalism is ac-

town’s parks, said they weren’t sure tually the crime which most nega-

exactly when the vandalism oc- tively a ects the economic values of

curred, but there were sports events homes in the area.”

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Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Staff North Salem with costume contest and prizes Club presents an evening of pay via Venmo to @NorthSalem-
Lions Club plus tons of candy for the kids! food, drink, music, friendship, BoosterClub (include name, # of
EDITORIAL TEAM and community at Salem Golf tickets, email address in “notes
TOM WALOGORSKY HALLOWEEN SCAVENGER Register by visiting https:// Club. e Taste of North Salem section”), or mail check payable
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 HUNT will feature a cash bar, live music to NSABC to “Taste of North
[email protected] by Trillium, and tasting tables Salem,” c/o Sandor, 12 Overlook
Saturday, Oct. 30, from 10 a.m. North Salem Booster from numerous local establish- Rd., North Salem, NY, 10560.
ADVERTISING TEAM - 1 p.m. Club ments. Co-hosted by North Sa-
PAUL FORHAN lem Middle/High School Parent North Salem
is family friendly event will be TASTE OF NORTH SALEM Teacher Assoc. and North Salem Foundation for
(914) 806-3951 held at Outhouse Orchards, 139 Wednesday, Nov. 10 from 7 - Athletic Booster Club, all pro-
[email protected] Hardscrabble Rd. Registration is ceeds will bene t North Salem Learning
$5 per family. We look forward to 10 p.m. students.To RSVP before Nov. 1,
BRUCE HELLER seeing you there, it will be a scream e North Salem Booster
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] 25TH ANNIVERSARY
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] Saturday, Oct. 23, from 7 - 10
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] e NSFL will celebrate their
25h anniversary with a celebra-
JAY GUSSAK tion and fundraiser at Hay elds,
(914) 299-4541 featuring live music with Andrea
[email protected] and the Armenian Rug Rid-
SHELLEY KILCOYNE ers Unplugged, as well as hors-
(914) 924-9122 d’oeuvres and incredible ra es
[email protected] including Elite Island Resort
Vacations and tickets to Jimmy
PRODUCTION TEAM Fallon. To purchase tickets, visit
CREATIVE DIRECTOR 4ba4-a023-6a84b50610f3/v3
North Salem
[email protected] Republican Town
[email protected] VOLUNTEERS WANTED
e North Salem Republican
BRETT FREEMAN Town Committee is looking for
CEO & PUBLISHER volunteers. If you cannot volun-
845-208-8151 teer your time, please consider
a donation to our committee. If
[email protected] you believe in the conservative
cause and want to support our
Deadlines e orts, consider mailing a dona-
tion via check or money order to:
NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE North Salem Republican Town
289 North Salem, NY 10560.
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR Follow us daily on Facebook to
keep up with Republican issues
NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY at @North Salem Republicans. If
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. you want to get involved in our
committee or want to participate
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL in other town volunteer e orts,
TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830 email us at northsalemrepubli-
[email protected], and also visit
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ our website for more information
HALSTONMEDIA.COM at www.northsalemrepublican.
SOMERS, NY AND AT We’re back and o Covid-19
hiatus! e North Salem Repub-
ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. lican Club will be hosting get
POSTMASTER: togethers for co ee, pastries and
informal conversation in North
SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO Salem on Saturday mornings
NORTH SALEM NEWS AT twice monthly beginning start-
ing Saturday October 23.. Please
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD only bring your willingness to
SUITE 100 relax and speak freely with like
minded individuals. RSVP’s
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 only! Please RSVP via email with

North Salem News SEE ROCK PAGE 4
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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, October 14, 2021


LETTERS Jacque’s Spin on Music for October 2021

Praise for Pierce QUTo the editor, s an advocate of the local ACQUE’ CARMEL
AC E’Last year, Kitley Covill announced she is stepping songwriter scene, it has The Hangout Café
been my mission to see local N 184 Route 52, Suite 152,
Adown as Westchester County Legislator for District 2. ON M (845) 306-7165
S e restaurant continues
SPI win a D’Angelico guitar, which to feature live music in the
will be given away the night of the dining room  ursday (7-9),
S performance.  Friday and Saturday (6:30 -
SPI 9:30 p.m).
J If you are an instrumental Jazz
USIC Fan, look no further than Salsa PEEKSKILL
Verde for Grammy nominated; The Bean Runner Café
J Gypsy Jazz guitarist Doug Munro 201 S Division St, Peekskill,
USIC who will be accompanied by Al- NY, (914) 737-1701
Erika Pierce is the Democratic candidate for this seat songwriters (and their bands) re- bert Rivera on saxophone. Listen
to the dúo in the dining room on is intimate café features
and in my opinion she is the best candidate to replace ceive the recognition they deserve Wednesday, October 27th from live music Fri, Sat and Sundays.
6 to 8 p.m. Follow me on the FB You can catch e Independence
Kitley. on the stages of bigger music ven- Page, Jacque’s Spin on Music for (Somers members) on Friday,
updates on the music we have October 15, from  6 - 8 p.m. Call
Erika was legislative aide to County Legislator Kitley ues. If you enjoy original music, I planned for the upcoming Fall at for information and reservations.
Salsa Verde as well as other book- Seats go quickly here!
Covill, and in addition to the knowledge and experi- am thrilled to tell you my dreams ings I’m involved with.
ence she acquired while serving the County, she brings have been realized! I hope you e Fall Festival season is in full Oscars II Italian Restaurant
leadership experience in the private and non-pro t will be able to come out and sup- swing! You will nd a full listing 325 Route 100, (914) 556-6687
port these two signi cant shows. of festivals and more at HearIt- Weather permitting, the restau-
Nsector. Besides being the CFO of a printing rm for
Friday, October 15, singer- Live music fans are rant will feature outdoor acoustic
over 10 years, she has executive experience with an arts songwriter, Artie Tobia and his encouraged to sign up for the music from 5 - 8 p.m. on ursday
weekly newsletter to receive the nights.
O N Mnon-pro t overseeing its contracts, nances, audits and most up-to-date performance
grants. She was an active parent in the Katonah -Lew- band will be performing at the schedules. I hope you will get to If you have a space for live
venture out to enjoy yourselves! music, I’d love to talk about what
isboro district and PTO when her children attended Emelin eatre, Mamaroneck in a you have going on. Please send an
email to jacque@wbutter
school there and is a certi ed high school and special split-bill show at 8 p.m. Resched-
Jacque Roche is a freelance writer,
education teacher.   uled from April 2020, and only editor and music blogger for
HearIt and contributor
Westchester County government is complex and the second performance in this to Halston Media sources, More Sugar
Magazine, HamletHub and  e
responsible for the maintenance and enhancement recently renovated theater, we are Patch. Archived broadcasts of 2016-
2020 shows can be heard streaming on
of both the physical and human infrastructure of the all looking forward to nally using

county. Our county now has a population of one mil- our 18-month-old tickets! e

lion people and has rural and suburban issues.Erika show also features Kevin McIn-

Pierce has already worked with local o ce holders, tryre and the Lawn Wrangers. It’s

school administrators and community organizations going to be an enjoyable evening

and will hit the ground running when she takes o ce. of original Americana, Roots

Vote to elect Erika Pierce and vote to re-elect George and Alt/Country music. Tickets

Latimer for County Executive. are $25/$30 and available on the

Christine Misurelli venue’s website.

North Salem, NY On Tuesday, October 26, the

Tarrytown Music Hall will be

Letters and Op-Ed Policy hosting another original song-

Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may writer show, Greg Jacquin and
be edited. The views and opinions expressed in Friends. Greg will be supported by
letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of his house band that includes three
North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions members from our neck of the
must include a phone number and address for woods: Dan Zlotnick (Somers),
verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily Alex Cano (North Salem) and
be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be Andy Kuusisto (Mt Kisco). ere
verified or are anonymous will not be published. are a total of 14 songwriters per-
Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail forming that night. Showtime is
at [email protected]. For more 7-10 p.m. and tickets range from
information, call the editor at 914-302-5830. $15-$25. One lucky attendee will

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
[email protected] all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail

to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

Thursday, October 14, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

It ain’t rocket science 

MAN e ects of gravity on television a commercial for a nasal irriga- suck up Moon particles for study out how to empty the voice mail
OVERBOARD ratings. Let’s just say he’s a valu- tion system, in case that comes up back in the lab, and that’s why on my smartphone, so I hope
able man to have aboard. He was during the ight. when you look up at the Moon, Shatner knows what he’s doing.
RICK overheard saying that he couldn’t you can’t see one speck of dust
MELÉN wait until launch time, although What are we going to do when on it. What about MREs, or e spaceship itself looks like
he might have said “lunchtime.” we get there? Is there a beach “Meals Repulsive to Eat?” ose a giant can of roll-on deoder-
Did you hear that Wil- near the Sea of Tranquility or freeze-dried Communion wafer- ant, and that’s the most G-rated
liam Shatner is going Accompanying him on the anything? With all that tranquili- tasting devices that contain all the thing I can say about it. I know
to blast o into space trip along with others will be ty, it doesn’t sound like there’s go- nutrients you need to exist in an that there are other privately-
on Je Bezos’ NS-18 rocket? A Vice President of Mission & ing to be a band. It would be fun Olive-Garden-free atmosphere. funded “space tourism” programs
thoroughly jazzed Shatner said, Flight Operations Audrey Pow- to go during the “Miss Universe” What about de-hydrated water? out there, but I’ll stick with
“I’ve heard about space for a long ers, who describes herself as “an beauty pageant, so we can really You just add water, and presto, the one founded by Amazon
time now,” so it appears that he’s engineer and lawyer.” I don’t open up the eld of competition well I just made that one up. executive chairman Je Bezos.
really done his homework. Also, know if that quali es her for a this time. At least we should be He guarantees one-day delivery,
he was the commander of the space mission, but it certainly able to nd a parking space, since ere are plenty of others, but and even though it may cost $28
original “Star Trek” Enterprise, quali es her to make out my will the place is literally called “Space.” I’ll tell you why we’re REALLY million for the trip out there,
so he may be able to help if on the way up.  If they charge for wi- I’m going going: Wouldn’t it be fun to show returns are ALWAYS free.
there is a time distortion and the to make a really nasty face, since up on someone else’s planet, nd
entire crew travels back in time. Didn’t there used to be a we’ll be passing right through the the biggest skeptic and yank his Join Rick and Trillium for
Plus he knows how to use the rigorous training session you had Twitter-sphere. chain a little? “Dude, I heard “Saturday Stroll” underneath the
lirpa, a traditional Vulcan weap- to go through to be considered you don’t believe in life on other Katonah Gazebo at 12:30PM on
on, in the event they run into as an astronaut? You had to be Why are we even going into planets- is that true? If it is, I’m Saturday, October 16th for some
trouble. Should they encounter in peak physical condition, you space in the rst place, you’re going to have to abduct you and music, love and harmony! Join Rick
a Tantalus Field which attempts had to undergo extensive anti- asking yourself, but I heard you perform a few experiments on and No Options for a Halloween
to vaporize the crew, Shatner is gravity acclimation, and you were anyway. We could be spending you. If it isn’t, I’ll abduct you and Eve Extravaganza at Back Nine
well acquainted with that. Also, dropped into the middle of a all that money here on Earth, you can perform the experiments in Cortlandt, Saturday, October
from his portrayal of Sergeant Central American jungle armed where we would never decide on me. Do you speak English 30th at 9:00PM
T.J. Hooker he understands the only with survival gear. You had how best to waste it. One reason by the way? My Spanish is not
to be well-versed in the operation is, look at all the discoveries that conversational.” Look for Rickster Melen on
of the craft’s guidance, navigation were made during the heyday of Facebook! Say hello at: rlife8@
and control systems. It’s true that NASA. For instance, the Dust- I don’t want to be a pain in the
William Shatner has appeared in buster was originally invented to asteroid, but I can’t even gure

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When you advertise with North Salem News, you are reaching thousands of households and businesses throughout North Salem. To advertise or to place a classified,
call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].


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SportsThursday, October 14, 2021 North Salem News – Page 15


Tennis celebrates


Girls soccer blanks Haldane, Croton

BY TOM WALOGORSKY Coach Foster. “ ese players
EDITOR are getting experience that they

TENNIS might not be able to get in col-
lege. And everyone has been en-

e Tigers varsity tennis joying themselves.”
squad honored seniors Julia Cor-

radi, Sophia DiBart, Claudia GIRLS SOCCER

Rusinowski, Rosie Ryan, and North Salem 1, Briarcliff 1
Amelie Zamora before their Monday, Oct. 4
match with Croton-Harmon on North Salem battled the Bears Tigers tennis honored the team’s senior members on Oct. 7

ursday, Oct 7 at the Hard- to a tie, with Carolyne Barrella

scrabble Tennis Club. Despite scoring 18:00 into the rst half Pelosi got the Tigers started assist), and Isadora Tica (4 saves) solid in goal with 7 saves.
coming into the match with a on a shot from the left ank. Isa- early, scoring just 28 seconds into all contributed to another bal-
record of 0-5, Coach Ryan Fos- dora Tica was solid in goal with the game o an assist from Lili anced Tiger win. Haldane 2, North Salem 1
ter praised his team for their 7 saves. Valetta. Pelosi would have 2 goals Saturday, Oct. 9

e Tigers would take the loss

improvement and dedication North Salem 6, Haldane 0 and 2 assists on the day. Jessica BOYS SOCCER to Blue Devils despite carrying a
throughout the season. Tuesday, Oct. 5 Bossi and Sam Yoel also netted 1-0 lead into halftime. Andrew
goals to give North Salem a 3-0 Westlake 4, North Salem 0 Viebrock scored for North Sa-
“Each match has been a step e Tigers kicked their o ense lead at the half. Anna Behler Monday, Oct. 4 lem, and Matt Dreyer notched
forward,” said Coach Foster. “It’s North Salem traveled to West-
into high gear at home against

really about the progress, and the Blue Devils. Rosie Binette would add a goal in the second lake, taking a tough shutout loss. three 3 saves in goal.

they’ve been making matches led the scoring for North Salem half, and Isadora Tica recorded 6 Matt Dreyer (6 saves),Tyler San-

more competitive.” with a pair of goals and 2 assists. saves in the victory. dor (3 saves), and Nate James (1 VOLLEYBALL

e season has also provided Cassie Pelosi had a goal and an North Salem 3, Croton-Har- save) all took a turn in goal in an Putnam Valley 3, North Sa-
the squad with a level of com- assist, and Anna Behler, Saman- mon 0 attempt to hold o the Wildcat lem 1
petitive experience that has led tha Yoel, and Jenna DeMasi each o ense.
to improvements in several key chipped in a goal for the big Ti- Friday, Oct. 8 Monday, Oct. 4
players. ger victory. e Tigers nished o their North Salem 1, Pawling 0 Despite a balanced e ort, the
Thursday, Oct 7
“Claudia Rusinowski has been North Salem 5, Haldane 1 week with a big win at home Tigers took a tough loss on the
adding levels of mental tough- Wednesday, Oct. 6 e squad would stay on the
ness, Amelie Zamora has been Going on the road for the sec- against Croton-Harmon. With road, rebounding with a victory in road against Putnam Valley, 25-
a Tiger showdown against Pawl-
the score knotted at 0-0 at the 19, 22-25, 19-25 and 16-25. Sara

half, North Salem found their Major had 6 kills, 10 digs, and 1

adjusting well to a more compli- ond contest with Haldane, the groove in the second as Anna ing. Andrew Viebrock scored the ace. Jules Aqeel had 3 kills and 4
cated game, and Rosie Ryan has o ense was once again relentless Behler recorded a hat trick. Anna game winner o an assist from aces, while Kate Je ery recorded

been far more consistent,” added against the Blue Devils. Cassie Behler (2 assists), Cassie Pelosi (1 Henry Reyes. Matt Dreyer was 19 assists, 13 digs and 2 aces.
Grace Woel e had 29 digs and 3

assists in the e ort.

RC Ketcham 3, North Salem

Thursday, Oct. 7
Sara Major had 4 kills and 12

digs, while Sam Jagemann re-
corded 2 kills, 9 digs and 1 ace.

Kate Je ery added 10 assists,

2 kills, 6 digs and 2 aces, while

Grace Woel e notched 22 digs.

Croton-Harmon 3, North Sa-
lem 2

Friday, Oct. 8
e Tigers returned home for

the Dig Pink game, losing a mar-

athon game to Croton-Harmon

18-25, 22-25, 25-20, 25-20, and

15-25. Chloe Fogle had 13 kills,

24 digs, 4 aces and 4 blocks for

North Salem, while Sara Major
added 9 kills and 18 digs. Kate

Je ery had 30 assists, 16 digs and

4 aces. Grace Woel e had 46 digs. 

Coach Ryan Foster, Aalyssa Loverso, Epiphany Spear, Claudia Rusinowski, Sophia DiBart, Rosie Ryan, PHOTOS: TOM WALOGORSKY SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 16
Julia Corradi, and Amelie Zamora

Page 16 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, October 14, 2021



FIELD HOCKEY Soccer co-captain sets her sights on section nals
North Salem 0, Pawling 0
Tuesday, Oct. 5 Maya Dallow is a three-sport is my senior year, and it would be
North Salem would open their week with a
athlete at North Salem High my greatest accomplishment to
scoreless tie in a Tiger showdown with Pawl-
ing. Allegra Delli Carpini had 3 saves in goal. School. She is currently enjoying make it that far into the postsea-

North Salem 1, Putnam Valley 1 her senior season as a co-captain son with my amazing team. 
Wednesday, Oct. 6
Molly Videla opened the scoring for North for Tigers soccer, and also plays
Salem in the rst o an assist by Kiki De-
Mondna. Anna Laraia had 6 saves in goal. for the varsity lacrosse and bowl- As a senior on the soccer
North Salem 1, John Jay-Cross River 1
Friday, Oct. 8 ing teams. When not busy with team, how much do you value
With the score knotted 0-0 through most of
regulation, Emily Collura scored o an assist sports, she enjoys being outdoors being a leader?
from Skylar Bender with 7:11 remaining in
the fourth quarter. Putnam Valley would nd and spending time with friends. Being a leader is something I
the equalizer with 1:50 left in the game. Al-
legra Delli Carpini (8 saves) and Anna Laraia North Salem News recently had a always was, and will always be.
(5 saves) were solid in goal for the Tigers.
“It was a tough week for us, as each day we chance to speak with Maya, who As a kid, I have always looked
had a few kids home sick and missing games,”
said Coach Jen Frohman. “Today against John gave her thoughts on the soccer up to the seniors in my school
Jay was our senior game, and we nally had
the majority of the team together. After two season, her leadership role on the and on my team. Now that I am
di cult ties, North Salem nally found its
game again and played beautifully against team, and what she considers to at that age, I strive to be a leader
John Jay.”
be North Salem’s best attraction. that younger kids can look up

How did you rst get started to. As a former captain of the

playing soccer, and what do you modi ed and junior varsity girls

enjoy the most about the game? soccer teams I had the oppor-

I started playing soccer when tunity to show how much I love

I was in kindergarten and ever being a leader. As a current girls

PHOTO COURTESY OF SERGE ZOUBOK since, I have fallen in love with varsity soccer co-captain, I enjoy

Maya Dallow was called up to the varsity team during the sport. Soccer has become a my role very much, and I hope
her sophomore year.
huge part of my life. I have been to provide a great example for

on multiple soccer teams and I future captains.

enjoyed every one of them. One

ENGAGING MINDS thing that I enjoy the most about Who has been your biggest

WITH HEART. soccer is that my varsity soccer role model over the years, and

team is one big family, on and what have you learned from

o the eld. We constantly have them?

so much fun and always have Over the years I have had

each other’s backs. Having this many coaches who I consider

relationship with my team only role models. Each one has taught

makes me love the sport even me di erent things about the

more. One thing I love about the sport, teamwork, and character.

game is how intense it gets when ey have all had some in u-

we are playing a good team, and ence on who I am as a player and

we use our teamwork to push what I have learned.

through to the end.

What is your favorite mem-

What are the team’s goals for ory so far from your athletic

the remainder of the season? career at North Salem?

My team’s goal for the re- My favorite memory from my

mainder of the season would be athletic career would have to be

to make it to the section nals. getting pulled up to the varsity

Section nals is always a goal soccer team my sophomore year

my team and I have tried to SEE SPOTLIGHT PAGE 17
achieve. At the end of the day, it

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Thursday, October 14, 2021 LEISURE North Salem News – Page 17

CLUES ACROSS 30. Forearm bone 56. They help you drink Greek alphabet For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Flat-topped hill 32. Very fast airplane 58. Lawmaker 26. Brew
5. Move upward 33. Helps little firms 60. Charitable 27. Feeling of anxiety
11. Admiration 35. Defunct economic 62. Doctrines 29. Young girls group
14. It’s useful for serving food organization 63. Footwear 31. Perform on stage
15. Kidnap 36. Science-based students CLUES DOWN 34. White clerical vestment
18. One of the Greek Muses organization (abbr.) 1. Where wrestlers work 36. Popular musical awards
19. A type of media 39. Feels ill 2. Dueling sword show
21. Sunscreen rating 41. Indicates position 3. Practice fight 37. Bumpkins
23. Former Michigan coach 42. Beverage containers 4. Genus of clams 38. One who acts on
Brady 44. Assists 5. Fear of heights another’s behalf
24. German town devastated 46. Science accreditation 6. What some tell their dog 40. Direction
in WW2 organization (abbr.) 7. The Golden State 43. Look at with fixed eyes
28. Gasteyer and Ortiz are 47. Purpose 8. When you expect to get 45. One who helps
two 49. Group of elected officials there professors (abbr.)
29. Leave 52. Hebrew prophet 48. A large number of
9. Pointed ends 50. Type of powder
10. Extinct flightless 51. Large jug
bird 53. __ Christian Anderson,
12. Feeds children’s author
13. Nape of neck 54. American state
16. Descendant 55. Muslim inhabitant of the
17. Small boats found Philippines
in Turkey 57. Witness
20. To avoid the risk of 58. Landscapers lay it
22. Athlete with no 59. Type of bread
contract (abbr.) 61. Of I
25. 13th letter of the

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

SPOTLIGHT fth grade, I was a level 4, second What is North Salem’s best program and why they should go helped me grow into the athlete
place state champion and in sixth attraction? out for the team? I am today. All young athletes
FROM PAGE 16 grade, I was the all-around level 5 should go out for North Salem
state champion. My team has also North Salem’s best attraction e North Salem soccer pro- soccer because it is an experience
with my best friend. As a sopho- won many awards. We have got- would be the orchards in the fall. gram is a very welcoming place. everyone should get to have, and
more, I started out the season ten many rst-place team awards, Lots of people from the area come they will have lots of fun while
on the junior varsity team. at and we also got a third-place state to North Salem to go apple and e program has teams for every playing soccer as well as creating
season I worked very hard to gain champion team award as well. pumpkin picking. e orchards are age and they have great coaches long-lasting bonds.
more skills and learn more about beautiful, and it is nice for people for every team as well. Young Want to nominate a student-athlete
soccer. Halfway through the sea- ere was a lot of blood, sweat, who live in a di erent areas to get athletes will have a great experi- for a future issue? Let us know
son the varsity coach (shout out to and tears (literally) but those expe- an outdoor seasonal experience.  ence learning about soccer and by emailing northsalemnews@
Coach Mart) called me over after riences have shaped me into who improving their skills. Once kids
practice and asked me to play on I am today. I can only thank my For a young athlete growing get to middle school and high
the varsity team. At that moment coaches enough for pushing me up in North Salem, what would school they will be able to partici- PHOTO COURTESY OF JENNIFER DALLOW
I was so excited and proud because and having me practice 16 hours you tell them about the experi- pate in modi ed, JV, and varsity
that was something I was working a week ( ank you, Coach Galia ence of being a part of the soccer soccer. All the middle and high
on for a long time.  and Coach Kris). Gymnastics was school soccer coaches I have had
a big part of my life and I will al-
What is one thing about you ways be thankful for the amazing Maya hopes to set an example for future soccer captains.
that not many people may know? people I met and the incredible
experiences I had.  
One thing not many people
may know about me is that I was Do you plan on continuing to
a competitive gymnast for 5 years. play soccer in college? 
I started gymnastics when I was
a toddler and I participated in I do not plan on playing for a
the sport throughout elementary school but do plan to join a club
school and middle school. I got team wherever I attend. I can-
asked to be on the gymnastics not imagine a fall season without
team when I was in third grade soccer.
at American Gymnastics and I
competed there for one year. en If you could have one super-
when I was in fourth grade, I power, what would it be and why?
switched over to Vega Gymnastics
for the remainder of my gym- If I could have one superpower
nastics career. Vega Gymnastics it would most de nitely be having
is the place I got to call my gym the ability to y. Being able to
home. I competed there from fth
grade to eighth grade and I made y would enable me to travel all
incredible accomplishments. In around the world. is world is
beautiful and being able to experi-
ence more of it would be amazing. 

Page 18 – North Salem News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, October 14, 2021

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could be of the date of publication of this nottoicNeortwh SearleemnNoewts,sBuabilesytantially complied with, and an action, suit or
PUTZHZELWE ESEOKLUOTFIO10N/0S7F/2O1Rnpwpsuoreaocttsiichctieeosre,eundsbofiojnroelgArucstutaiccoctoponhonem. torpempbesTbSbsSdlleiruhtyeaaispgmibetftlenseoeoema-smr.gmiirepvstiVttiacoaNsestorhisrreoleitsDnevusstwripotuseenedcyslyseatfechipsxewsadortoadeoratlrpehvenilctfifnusendrheanb@eeeeSrtildlniisheufcdofuaanosnerihtrdmutNidmoyoatrounyu,aherltidmtoaisshornon.i czdlueoTtyCaaTCadmiohhnd1oouednuSevmn’irrord,neeatuS,slepilnis3ossikvncdmee3euniedoc4roemympioerlsoRcaseutemdho,adnrtautNmitpio.artYtwghepSoirneoeo1e2ifitzd0nfton0oohe5det2rrif8dine,hatmnhv9tUtuasei.nhseerhlstoniletwfepe-hnedrepe.aoinfrwstotyibvtehiesldaeiaoipnsynsssseaudvaobaCffmftiloeaatihrrltblteletteBhhdCerefeoaotsdnnrtusadFpbtttioerutfmiuelbfieoiteslidinofmcsndipioan.iu nnonbcsuSpaoaltuicnnetchadcn8hotte4iiwofocr5ienltn.i-isno2ogodn0lfuu8owrtt-iifhnoi8tighnas151
regular business hhoaulsrtsonamtedtiha.ecoOm.ffAilcl yeouothf theLTeottwerns aCnlderOkpf-oErdaPopliecryiod of twenty days from the date of publication
Dofattheids:NNootOricthcet.So  ableermttsitoh8pee,omt,hrNT2stehse0susaharw2nsomdd1ueaYl.rdy eeocab-mrlreeskfaoao,itrlb ieoaendtshaduelrbesnmpsesoxitrbttteysd Letters to the editor and
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publication date. be edited. The views and
opinions expressed in
letters and op-eds are not
IACTABSONOOSWDNRUUEDNNABSNT.UR OYCaSPhcPPSEIatahaeL,LrhElSlonnlolseDoUNtodamtmOotortIOTEusotnN9ohLNsImsWF1sSOtGeUuaa4eewbul Npd-Te$Ym3YsbriTmoaI0e8nmiOOt.Hsu2ncet5seAeo-eriRN5E0dswmrdUC8esK,Rts,tl03oDihe@oToo,E00aNarAbnH.TsOr0ogeesiTOriOtvhtNyEheBiRgPDuhOFIs-AZONAaYINURDTfpSanSpapwGGSornuuheauGhHre,cdobblbUievcenllaOEmEeiimohsssSenrpNiSshhFicsofCnN-TaeeiaesnUcEureddidnyaOioTm3lw..mRsnBytnPLiHso0bSoswtoAeJlhteneou,imEtTolbErLat.rsle2seNuasniCrwteOe0nsTessovMitdoecTtl2sOaaFliefreanUanfn1isNffnlWcddioilTsle.dlNoidltTua aeodHrrbNdyrtttOpIeieotoheCelE-esysuersra.bOdrIsPPesPFAUELRNRStSfabAaWrhCtuOPaaMecdho8sllelHeeeuUvaRim4InmmnsseSA5eRaTsar.ys-nSNintoS2fTHPsidi@eoue0IesEswVOd8sheaaS,osa-dEdtS8WOc,fhlvvAsa1yhreeEtoFoli5oorLlrtuutSR1tuBnhiiEgsAssamr,oEheeeeMUrroeethIFoPwteudNsorr,FiEmtieAltatdrhNoaWeRa.sRAcceNoipolhaEmrNCloEmatninrNhacdSDtE.ghneDTLFUCOOMHFNcTafRrEoo,teeLmS8ewaSA4mdTT.sA5vNHE,a-eI2c1UnDDRrEa00@tTnl8iplsoi-htvBe8/awe1r1ilern5s1nstt1tNolBCeoFnooarrmrledletedehiermnmdkSgai aaainll.em

resolution. Images that are submissions to the editor by top LLC FORMATION NOTICE LLC FORMATION NOTICE
 o rpsc uahp nbounmt ooris ttptt beooed Nspa oute rbat:h l il so S hw a e l rde e .m s  So u  lu b  tm io  i nt           iehn -a  mfolsmPratmoiulunaarmnttcioniehcnod,airipatcsh.aacselolalmtlophe.emfuFenoardperiwpmtoosaors@rareectsellooATcfhadeltvaaeenddrvdteiasratitinsn3igndgODbdeewuaaieddldlnliniinsneegRothaedreinonNfoorrthgpaeSrnaaeglerraampl h, rule
Specific object News by the Thursday 914-302-5830. NY  Prime Elite Contracting LLC, 178 Brady LLC, Arts of Org.
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Period of probabldbeeaftuoer.seSeuthbfeumnlinsesxeot nspsusbc:la ic n a bt ie o n              30 years  next publication date. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. chester. SSNY desig. as agent
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Amount of obligatCCi1oouSnr,tS,s3om3to4erRsbo, euNtYeis120s052u8,e9Ud.nSi:te  n d     21  00 52$8, U98n.5Yit0oCu,10cS0a,n0Scoosmneetrarsica,tNl YbondsfWr [email protected] 1212 Yonkers Ave., Yonkers, NY Rd., #205, Garden City Park, NY
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10704. General Purpose 11040. General Purpose

Thursday, October 14, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 19

McGrath Realty Inc. Through Oct 30.
FROM PAGE 4 Make one and Show it o at
BY VIM WILKINSON McGrath’s residential sales and present at the recent ribbon cut-
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR visibility in Mount Kisco,” said ting ceremony and supported Virtual Support the Library in October. Starting on
Elisa Bruno-Midili, team lead- the new collaboration as an add- Groups Saturday, October 2nd, at 10 a.m.,
Café Residential Team joins er and associate broker of the ed asset to the area. ends on Saturday, October 30, 3
McGrath Realty, one of Hudson Cafe Residential Team. “My vi- Support groups have been p.m. Decorate your pumpkin as a
Valley’s premiere commercial sion for the o ce is to be a vital “McGrath Realty has been transitioned to virtual plat- literary character and bring it to the
and residential real estate bro- community member advocating here in our village but hey chose forms. Virtual groups are acces- library to display in October.Please
kerage, to bring a great collabo- for equality in housing, o ering to reinvest and we really appre- sible to women from the com- do not bring a carved pumpkin as
ration of a well-represented real everyone the opportunity to live ciate that because organizations fort of their homes, regardless of they will be displayed inside. Any-
estate team to the area. the American dream.” have choices that they can make where they live. All groups are one, adults and children, can bring
and you made the choice to be open to new members as well in a decorated pumpkin.
e McGrath Realty’s clean- Mayor Gina Picinich and here and to stay here, and we as past participants. Advance
lined art deco building in the Matt Grasso, member of the thank you,” Picinich said in her registration is required by call- WRITERS WORKSHOP
heart of Mount Kisco got some Mount Kisco Chamber of Com- welcome note. ing 914-962-6402 or 800-532- Wednesday, Oct. 20 from 11
great attention at its grand re- merce Board of Directors, were 4290. Support Connection’s
opening event recently. PHOTOS: VIM WILKINSON Peer Counselors are also avail- a.m. - 12 p.m.
McGrath Realty cuts the ribbon. able for individual counseling Accomplished and aspiring
e newly renovated o ce and assistance via phone and
building will serve as a hub email. Call 800-532-4290, or writers are invited to join Mary-
for commercial and residential submit an online request at sup- anne D’Amato, local resident and
real estate in Mount Kisco and published author, for a supportive
throughout the Hudson Valley. meeting.
McGrath Realty specializes in Ruth Keeler
the sale and leasing of o ce, re- Memorial Library RON FEUCHS:NAVIGATING
tail, commercial, industrial, and COLLEGE ADMISSIONS
land development properties. e Keeler Library is open SUCCESSFULLY AND
for browsing, computer use, and THE IMPORTANCE OF
“We started out [in] Mount reading! Please see our website COMMUNITY SERVICE
Kisco, so we are excited to be for more information.
back. We’ve always had a com- Wednesday, October 20, from
mercial o ce down here and Most of our programs are 7 - 8:30 p.m.
we got together with the Café on ZOOM. Send us an email
[Residential Team]. We took if you want to participate: kee- is recent college admissions
them under our wing, and we [email protected]. When cycle has turned out to be the
decided to expand to the resi- you email us, we will send you a most competitive to date. e
dential,” said Brian McGrath of link to click on, and a password reason is that most colleges went
McGrath Realty Inc. to enter. test-optional due to the pandemic
and colleges increased their virtual
e Mount Kisco o ce will outreach to high school students
also be the headquarters of the resulting in a record number of
Café Residential Team, residen- candidates applying.
tial experts for the rm.
“ is collaboration was for
our expansion and to boost ADVERTISE




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