VOL. 3 NO. 25 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2021
County answers vaccine
questions as rollout
BY JESSICA JAFET vaccines out to the public in as transpar- we knew before last January without a will cause the cells in their body to pro-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ent a way as possible. Latimer reported vaccine,” Amler said. “ e most impor- duce antibodies and to induce a memory
that between anksgiving and New tant tool we have to get back to life is so that they will be prevented from get-
With the vaccine rollout underway, Year’s Day, 165 Westchester County res- the vaccine.” ting the infection, and that is directed
Westchester County Executive George idents died, the same number reported against what we call the spike protein of
Latimer and two county medical experts between late May and early October. Beyond the appeal to the public to get the coronavirus.”
participated in an “Open Conversation inoculated, Amler stressed the impor-
on COVID-19,” broadcast Jan. 7 on “We are now beginning the 11th tance of continuing mitigation by wear- Some excerpts from the event follow:
Facebook Live. month of dealing with the pandemic— ing masks and social distancing.
there is a great degree of pandemic fa- How we do know the vaccine is safe?
e question-and-answer session with tigue—but we have reached a very im- Following a rigorous testing process Hewlett: ere has been a lot of
Latimer and Dr. Sherlita Amler, the portant milestone in the battle against that resulted in approval by the FDA concern about the speed with which
county’s Department of Health com- COVID with the presence and approval and New York state’s Independent Clin- the two vaccines have been developed. I
missioner, and Dr. Dial Hewlett, medi- of vaccines that can protect us” from the ical Advisory Task Force, the two vac- think people have to keep in mind that
cal director of the Division of Disease virus, Latimer said. cines that are being widely distributed work on the coronaviruses and on the
Control for the county, was designed to are produced by pharmaceutical compa- development of a vaccine actually began
address concerns about the pandemic Tasked with getting the vaccines to a nies P zer and Moderna. in 2003 when the SARS virus was rst
and the safety, e cacy and availability of million Westchester residents, Latimer described. So that preliminary work
the coronavirus vaccines. discussed what lies ahead in terms of lo- “In Westchester County, we are using had already been done. e FDA has
gistics, educating the public, determin- the Moderna product, very similar to the essentially done a great job at reviewing
Given the sobering number of in- ing who gets the vaccine rst and resi- P zer product,” Hewlett said. “ ey are the data that was created by both of the
creasing fatalities due to COVID-19, dents’ concerns. both what we call messenger RNA vac-
the disease caused by the virus, there is cines; this is new technology—people SEE VACCINE PAGE 4
an urgency to get information about the “I don’t think there is realistically any are not being injected with virus, they
other way to go back to the world that are being injected with a material that
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LEISURE 13 O cials sworn in
The Staff
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected]
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-302-5628
[email protected]
ADVERTISING TEAM Deputy Supervisor Ellen Calves, Supervisor MaryAnn Carr and Councilwoman
PAUL FORHAN Stephanie McCaine take the oath of office.
[email protected]
Competition stacks up for Bedford supervisor seat
(914) 486-7608 BY TOM BARTLEY ve Democrats—MaryAnn the town’s all-Democratic designate Carr supervisor for
[email protected] CONTRIBUTING WRITER governing body were apparent the rest of this year. And in
Carr and Ellen Calves—want if not explicit at the Town her rst act as supervisor, Carr
LISA KAIN Amid growing signs of Board’s Jan. 5 meeting. A year then named Calves her deputy.
(201) 317-1139 intraparty tensions, Bedford to succeed Chris Burdick as ago, after Democrats expanded
[email protected] Democrats were meeting this their 3-2 board majority to a While the board
CORINNE STANTON week to designate candidates supervisor, setting the stage for 5-0 lock in the 2019 election, unanimously approved Carr’s
(914) 760-7009 they hope can defend in Carr was named deputy appointment, Councilwoman
[email protected] November the party’s rock- a potentially fractious primary supervisor. She automatically Bobbi Bittker abstained,
solid hold on town governance. became acting supervisor Jan. o ering no explanation for
JAY GUSSAK ght. 1 as Burdick left town hall for sitting out the vote. Repeated
(914) 299-4541 But they’ll rst try to resolve, a seat in the state Assembly. attempts to reach Bittker were
[email protected] in a closed-door meeting Meanwhile, former unsuccessful.
JENNIFER CONNELLY Five days later, at the board’s
(917) 446-7757 ursday, Jan. 14, competing Councilman Don Scott has rst meeting of the year, it was At the meeting, Calves
[email protected] claims for the top spot. At Calves who proposed the board
SHELLEY KILCOYNE least two of the Town Board’s expressed interest in running SEE DEMOCRATS PAGE 3
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] once again for supervisor on
PRODUCTION TEAM the GOP ticket. He lost in a
2013 contest that launched
PHOTOGRAPHER Burdick, then a councilman, on
[email protected] his four-term run as supervisor.
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[email protected]
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Burdick, Lewisboro officials take oath of office
BY TOM BARTLEY Burdick also thanked his Chuck Schumer of New York, crisis to deal with, at the very a light at the end of the tunnel.”
CONTRIBUTING WRITER family: “my wife, Illyria, and who will become the Senate’s least.”
daughter Margaretta, who are majority leader this month; LEWISBORO
For the second time this here with me today, as well as the State Senate’s majority In his bid to succeed retiring SWEARING IN
month, Bedford’s Chris my daughter Juliana; my son, leader, Andrea Stewart-Cous- Nita Lowey in the 17th Con-
Burdick raised his right hand Bradford; my daughter-in-law, ins of Yonkers, and Assembly gressional District, Buchwald For his o cial swearing-in,
Sunday and swore to faithfully Lucy; and, of course, my grand- Speaker Carl Heastie of the lost a Democratic primary to Burdick had joined Lewis-
represent this area in the state daughter, Nora, who will be 2 in Bronx. Mondaire Jones of Nyack, who boro town officeholders and
Assembly. May. ank you for supporting went on to capture the House Harckham when they took
me and putting up with me.” County Legislator Kitley seat. their oaths of office Jan. 1.
He went on to thank vot- Covill, who introduced each
ers of the 93rd Assembly Dis- Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul ad- speaker, suggested Heastie was “I’m so proud of you, sir,” the With Town Justice Su-
trict—comprising Lewisboro, ministered the ceremonial oath Burdick’s new “boss.” at was 33-year-old congressman told san Simon presiding, new
Bedford, North Salem, Pound as a phalanx of fellow Demo- something as town supervisor Burdick, 69, “and so inspired Councilman Richard Skla-
Ridge, Mount Kisco, New Cas- cratic o ceholders surrounded “you haven’t had in a while.” by the leadership you’ve already rin; Town Justice John Pap-
tle, North Castle, Harrison and Burdick, at least electronically, shown.” palardo, who filled a court
about half of White Plains— in his Mount Kisco o ce. Heastie, for his part, de- vacancy for much of last
for choosing him in November. murred, insisting he was not Jones spoke of the chaos that year; and Harckham, start-
“It’s really a powerhouse “Chris’s boss” but rather “the engulfed the Capitol last week ing his second two-year term
e former Bedford supervisor, group of people, Chris, who team captain.” but noted, “In the end, democ- representing the 40th Senate
a Democrat, pledged to “rep- have come out to wish you well,” racy prevailed.” District in Albany, were also
resent everyone—regardless of County Executive George Lat- Also on hand Sunday was sworn.
political a liation—zealously, imer said of the guests attend- former Assemblyman David Burdick also saw “fresh hope
tirelessly and tenaciously.” ing the Jan. 10 Zoom ceremony. Buchwald of White Plains, and optimism” after a “devas- Lewisboro Supervisor Pe-
who gave up his seat last year tating” 2020. “I, for one, was ter Parsons, referring to his
“Know that my door is open,” State Sen. Peter Harckham to run for Congress. happy to see it end,” he said. remarks in an article in The
Burdick said, “and that rst and of South Salem agreed, calling Katonah-Lewisboro Times,
foremost, I am here to help and the assemblage “a Who’s Who “I thought I’d solved a lot “We nally have an e ec- said he had called Burdick
represent you. ank you for al- of the Democratic Party in of problems,” Buchwald dead- tive vaccine that will allow us “a terrier” for his tenacity in
lowing me this enormous hon- New York state.” panned, recalling his eight to vanquish COVID-19 and pursuing projects like Bed-
or and privilege.” years in Albany, “but I did leave end this terrible pandemic,” ford’s sewer installation.
Among them were U.S. Sen. Chris a pandemic and a budget Burdick said. “After a dark year
of so much loss, there is nally
DEMOCRATS with me over this past year last month as the nonpro t’s people; I build relationships But a source long active
and I value her environmental program director to devote in Democratic circles, who
FROM PAGE 2 background.” more time to her Town Board over time, locally, regionally asked not to be named,
responsibilities. suggested the committee
hinted at the future “ e Town of Bedford and hopefully state level.” could very well refuse to
competition, saying, “more is recognized as a leader Carr, in her email, said, “I endorse either of the women,
than one of us will be running in environmental and have no comments on any Calves downplayed the forcing them instead into a
for the seat of supervisor in preservation initiatives, having further pursuits by Ellen.” head-to-head primary vote
this year’s election.” Calves taken concrete measures to competing candidacies’ e ect of registered Democrats.
later made clear that she was combat climate change by In Calves’s interview last
describing her own plans. partnering with Bedford2030 Sunday, she made clear that on Town Board operations e state’s primary day
since they launched 10 years her challenge to Carr was not is scheduled for June but
“I pushed very hard to put ago as Bedford2020,” Carr based on fundamental policy and relationships. subject to change, based on
MaryAnn in,”Calves said in an said in an email. “We will di erences. “I don’t see our pandemic developments.
interview, “because I thought incorporate an ambitious 10- platform being dramatically “I am going to work very
it was the right thing to do, to year plan to reduce greenhouse di erent from a very high Besides, the source pointed
give her the opportunity. And gases by an additional 80 level,” she said hard to support MaryAnn in out, “A week is a long time
now I’m going to run against percent into the town’s long- in politics,” as former British
her, and she knows it.” range comprehensive plan.” “What I see is how we her role as supervisor,” Calves Prime Minister Harold
approach things, how we get Wilson reportedly said. Since
Carr declined comment on Calves, an environmental things done will be di erent,” said. “I truly hope that we can Bedford’s voters still have
her fellow board member’s lawyer and advocate, served Calves said. “I think I have more than 40 weeks before
challenge, saying only that more than ve years with a lot of experience driving be professional and cordial, they go to the polls, January
she had tapped Calves as her B2030, as a volunteer and forward a legislative agenda may be too early for deep
deputy “because she served as later on sta , before resigning and a vision for the future. and not political, as we are concerns about November.
a colleague on the Town Board I collaborate with a lot of
doing our job running the
When the 36-member
Bedford Democratic
Committee meets in a closed
Zoom session ursday,
“MaryAnn and I will both be
making our case to them, to
ask for endorsements,” Calves
Advertising Deadline
The advertising deadline for The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is the Thursday before the next publication date. Advertisements can be submitted by you as a camera-
ready PDF via email at [email protected]. We also offer our clients a free ad design service. For more information, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151.
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VACCINE emergency service personnel. als over the age of 16. Depending on Lewisboro Library Reverts
e next cycle of individuals to be the product—if it is Moderna, we to Curbside Service Only
FROM PAGE 1 cannot vaccinate anyone under the
vaccinated will be essential workers, age of 18. Due to the rising numbers of Covid-19 cases
companies who were the developers including the rest of the rst respond- already in Westchester,as well as the anticipated
of these vaccines—they had clini- ers ( re, police), those in the educa- Even though children seem to increase due to holiday gatherings, the Lewis-
cal studies involving 30,000-40,000 tion eld (teachers and school sta ) fare relatively well with COVID-19, boro Library has reverted to Curbside Service
individuals from around the world and transportation workers, he said. Amler said, it is important for the only. e majority of libraries in the West-
and they looked very closely at these adults around them to get vaccinated chester Library System are taking this step
individuals, monitoring very closely After that, for the general popula- to prevent the possibility of children to protect both the sta and the community.
for side e ects of the vaccines. e tion, it is envisioned that older adults developing an autoimmune response
rates of serious side e ects were (above age 75) will be vaccinated, with to the virus known as multi-in am- ere will be no more computer and browsing
extremely low. adults between 65 and 75 to follow, matory syndrome, where they can get appointments inside the Library until further
people who have special medical situ- quite sick. notice. is safety protocol will be reevaluated
How is the vaccine being adminis- ations and then, nally, wide distri- in January. Please review the Curbside Service
tered to the residents of Westchester bution to everyone else in the most With the COVID numbers rising instructions on the Library website.
County? e cient and rapid manner possible. in Westchester and an anticipated
long wait for the general population INTRODUCTION TO ZOOM RETURNS
Latimer: What the state has estab- If a person does not get their to receive the vaccine, what are your e Library’s “Introduction to Zoom”
lished at this stage of the game is a second dose within the scheduled recommendations for families with
series of categories of individuals who time, what is the protection percent- children to stay safe in the interim? classes continue on Tuesday, January 19 at 2
should be administered the vaccine. age and/or the outcome in terms of pm, via Zoom. e Library, and many edu-
ill e ects? Amler: ey need to continue to cation and entertainment outlets are using
ose categories, broken into phases do what we have done in the past Zoom for their virtual programs. is how-to
(1A, 1B, 2 and so forth) represent the Amler: Well, they won’t be fully im- year. Schools have done a great job, lesson will give you the basic skills to enjoy
priority categories at rst, then going munized. We know that if you get both children in schools are safe, we haven’t these programs safely from your home – or
to areas that are less vulnerable and doses, the e ective rate is about 94-95 had any outbreaks to speak of in our host a video chat with friends and family.
therefore get the vaccine a little bit percent, so we would encourage people school districts here in Westchester.
later. What hasn’t happened is any set to not only to get the rst dose, but Please go to the Library website for details
of deadlines, dates that are attached get the second dose, as well (with the ere have been cases, but those were and registration information – www.lewis-
to moving from category to category. Moderna vaccine, it is 28 days later)— largely individuals exposed outside of borolibrary.org.
I gather that is because the state is very, very important. When people the school system.
trying to get a guarantee of available come in for that rst vaccine, they are BOREDOM BUSTERS FRIDAYS AT 4:30 PM
product from the national level. going to give you an appointment for Hewlett: Try to avoid travel until Children’s Librarian Miss Marie is
the second vaccine; we advise you to go this pandemic is under control. It is
Latimer went on to explain in more to the same location and get the same di cult—the understanding that we SEE LIBRARY PAGE 14
detail who are at the top of the list type for the second. have to stay in our pods.
for the vaccination, speci cally health
care professionals, nurses and doc- Can children get the vaccine? To keep apprised of vaccination
tors and those who are in direct client Amler: e studies for Moderna availability, residents should check
contact. e vaccine is being distrib- were not done on children under the https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov,
uted through pharmacies to nursing age of 18 and P zer studied individu- where information is regularly updated.
home residents and sta , along with
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Harckham takes virtual oath of office
A virtual swearing-in ceremo- PHOTO COURTESY OF SEN. HARCKHAM’S OFFICE against a backlash of intolerance.
ny for state Sen. Pete Harckham As one young person said, ‘We
to mark his second term in o ce Sen. Harckham and his partner Jin-Hee Stevens with Cortlandt Town Justice Maritza Fugaro-Norton should not have to ght with
took place online on Sunday, Jan- administering the oath of office. grown-ups to talk about hate.’
uary 3, and guest speakers includ-
ed U. S. Senator Chuck Schumer, English, from the Quran. issues regarding social and racial and should be unacceptable to “By fostering tolerance, inclu-
New York Lieutenant Governor In his remarks after taking justice. all of us, regardless of our politi- sivity and true equal opportunity
Hochul, Senate Majority Lead- cal leanings. in our society, we are not attack-
er Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the oath of o ce, Harckham “As citizens with many di er- ing our institutions and the good
Westchester County Executive thanked the participants and ent perspectives and ideas, we “One of the things that makes people who make them work—
George Latimer and Croton-on- viewers of the ceremony, and may not always agree on a path the Hudson Valley great is our we are challenging them to work
Hudson Mayor Brian Pugh. then noted that he would be forward,” said Harckham in his rich diversity. Embracing di- for everybody the way our Con-
working with partners across remarks. “ at’s okay…(t)he versity makes us stronger. By stitution envisions it.
e ceremony was the 40th Senate District and point is to continue regular, civil, addressing the systemic racism
livestreamed on Senator Harck- the state to deal with challenges community dialogues to try to that has impacted many of our “Collectively, we all have a
ham’s Facebook page, FB.com/ relating to the Covid-19 pan- bridge those divides. Sometimes neighbors, we are strengthen- responsibility to denounce hate
SenatorPeteHarckham. demic (vaccinations, economic we will come to agreement, ing our communities, not taking and intolerance whenever it
recovery, food insecurity), state sometimes maybe not. But we anything away from anyone else. rears its ugly head, and I chal-
e theme Harckham chose budget issues, taxes, infrastruc- will always strive to reach con- lenge all of us in this e ort.”
for his swearing-in ceremony ture investments, climate change sensus on a way forward.” “In the aftermath of the tragic
was “Diversity, Inclusion, Com- crisis, a ordable housing and and senseless murders of George State Senator Harckham rep-
passion.” Cortlandt Town Jus- Substance Use Disorder and be- “While public policy is always Floyd and Breonna Taylor, we resents New York’s 40th Dis-
tice Maritza Fugaro-Norton ad- havioral health treatment. open for debate, human decency heard from members of our com- trict, which includes the towns
ministered the oath of o ce to is not,” Harckham continued. munity about the pain of experi- of Beekman, Pawling and the
Harckham, and Sleepy Hollow Harckham also addressed “Over the last four years, we have ential prejudice. Vigils and rallies village of Pawling in Dutchess
Mayor Ken Wray introduced the growing concerns that residents seen a resurgence of intolerance on social justice in the District County; the towns of Carmel,
proceedings. are becoming more divided on and hate speech that is appalling were organized by young people Patterson and Southeast, and the
village of Brewster in Putnam
e event also featured par- County; and the city of Peekskill,
ticipation from area students. the towns of Cortlandt, Lewis-
Kendall Cousins, a member of boro, Mount Pleasant, New Cas-
the Peekskill-based Black Dia- tle, North Salem, Pound Ridge,
monds Academic Success orga- Somers and Yorktown, the town/
nization, o ered remarks, and village of Mount Kisco, and the
Hanifa and Luqmaan ein villages of Briarcli Manor, Bu-
from the Upper Westchester chanan, Croton-on-Hudson,
Muslin Society read two sepa- Pleasantville and Sleepy Hollow
rate passages, in Arabic and in Westchester County.
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All about pollinators
e following is from the Westchester you are looking for. Garden Director Mathew McDowell. In Seeding in jugs, trays or pots in win-
Pollinators: Search for Westchester Pollinators on this Virtual Workshop Matthew will go ter can increase the success of your seeds.
over how to perform a site assessment Bring your seeds and some containers
Today, we are in a situation where our Facebook for more information about to help you gure out which plants are with (semi) transparent lids, trays or jugs
natural habitats are changing faster than these events. likely to do well in your local conditions. to the workshop and we’ll help you set
ever before; the climate crisis, light pol- He’ll be talking about where to buy and up your winter nursery. Soil will be pro-
lution, atmospheric nitrogen, etc. Our Pollinator Activities what to look for, and how to make sure vided. We will also have a sign-up form
landscape is also increasingly assaulted your plants are ethically sourced and eco- for wholesale orders for spring planting.
by deer, tra c, noise, invasives, pollutants MEADOWS: THE ORIGINAL logically responsible. Bring your mask and keep a safe distance.
and human construction. Native plants POLLINATOR GARDEN” CATHY Questions? Send us an email: info@
that were ‘at home’ for thousands of years, LUDDEN Registration required by emailing healthyyards.org
now face di erent circumstances. We [email protected] or by call-
shouldn’t be surprised that in these new Living Classroom Series, January 12, at ing 914-302-9713. A Zoom link will be ADAPTIVE GARDENING
habitats, new plant communities are be- 7 p.m. emailed to participants. Wednesday, January 27, 10 - 11 a.m.
ing formed. Mary Ann Adel o will discuss chal-
is lecture is part of the Living Class- BACKYARD BIRDS TEATOWN
Instead of accusing each other of hav- room Series for the Rivertown’s Polli- January 20 , 7-8:30 p.m. lenges of gardening with physical limi-
ing the ‘wrong’plants, let’s help each other nator Pathway Project. Cathy Ludden, Interested in learning more about tations. She will cover adaptive methods
President at Greenburgh Nature Center, and helpful strategies for the gardener
nd plants that help us create healthy and will talk about the crucial role that native birds? Winter is the perfect time to nd to continue gardening as a lifelong plea-
resilient plant communities. Ask yourself plant meadows, both large and small, play out who’s ying around your neighbor- sure.Mary Ann Adel o is a CCE Mas-
the following questions: Does this plant in our environment. hood. Join Teatown to discuss bird char- ter Gardener Volunteer at the Vegetable
provide pollen and nectar? Is it a good acteristics and identi cation, share a few Demonstration Garden at Hart’s Brook
food source for bene cial insects? Will it VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: PLANNING of our favorite resources, and explore how Park in Hartsdale, NY. $5 per lecture or
grow happily and behave itself with other AND SOURCING A NATIVE GARDEN observations you make in your backyard $25 for the entire 2021 Home Gardening
plants? Does it o er structural elements can help scientists save migrating bird Webinar Lecture
for birds and other wildlife? Bedford Audubon, January 15, noon to 1 populations. Series.
In case of doubt, share your FREE WINTER SEEDING WORKSHOP
plant question with us in Spring into action with Bylane Farm’s Sunday, January 24, 1-3 p.m.
our Facebook group, Bedford Hills Train
where there are Station
many people
happy to
help you
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Northwell Health Breast Care Center cancer is contained in a milk duct and has a low risk Westchester Hospital, we work as a team to care for
Northern Westchester Hospital of spreading. Stage 4 breast cancer means the cancer you through surgery, medical oncology, radiation
has spread to other parts of your body. If your cancer is oncology, genetics and plastic surgery.
Learn more about Dr. Chaterji, visit stage 4, seeking treatment immediately may improve
nwh.northwell.edu/Chaterji your outcome and ultimate quality of life. Q: How can I nd support during
this difficult time?
The care and safety of our community during Q. How do I decide whether a lumpectomy or A: Northern Westchester Hospital’s Bruce and
the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is our mastectomy is the best option? Andrea Yablon Cancer Health and Wellness Program
top priority. We have put maximum safety A: More often than not, you will choose the type of provides supportive care and holistic treatments that
measures in place to prevent exposure to surgery you feel most comfortable with. The survival complement medical treatment. You can choose
the coronavirus by anyone who comes to data of lumpectomy with radiation is equivalent to free integrative medicine services, including reiki,
the Hospital for emergency or scheduled that of a mastectomy, so we’ve learned that more acupuncture, massage, nutrition planning, tness
care. Don’t delay care. Please continue to surgery is not necessarily better. and exercise plans, mindful wellness and emotional
wash your hands, wear a mask, and support, and a survivorship program.
practice social distancing. Q. How soon does surgery need to be done?
A: Typically, we try to operate within a month of a We also partner with Support Connection, a group
diagnosis – you don’t have to decide immediately. that offers free emotional, social and educational
You can learn about breast cancer, understand your support services to women and their families
options, and then make a decision you’re comfortable and friends affected by breast and ovarian cancer.
with. A woman’s gut feeling is most important. My I encourage my patients to take part in these
patients often ask me, “What would you do?” But programs, which are currently virtual. The support
it’s not about me — it’s what the woman wants and enables women to help each other and empowers
what makes sense for her, her family, and her life. them to become their own health care advocates.
Whistle & hum Seven tips to get
your kids to study
READING, vibrations of humming (a low, 2020. Andy O utt Irwin, from
WRITING & steady continuous sound like Covington, Georgia, was one If doing this was simple,
CHOCOLATE the buzz of a bee) can promote of the top twenty- ve nalists
a sense of well-being. in this rst-ever online com- STRONG more kids would have higher
KIM petition. Andy had planned LEARNING grades and more people
KOVACH According to the internet, to travel to Tokyo, Japan, to would be thin. And…all the
humming reduces stress, lowers compete in the annual Masters DR. LINDA gyms and diet centers would
Driving to do a few er- heart rate and blood pressure, of Musical Whistling Inter- SILBERT be out of business. What’s
rands on a beautiful, boosts positive attitude and has national competition but that
sunny cold morning, I an overall self-soothing, calming event, like so many others, was required is learning some-
noticed that I was humming. My e ect. What’s more, humming cancelled.
can improve air ow between thing di erent and equally
rst thought was: humming is the sinuses and the nasal cav- A musician and storyteller,
easy to do when wearing a face ity, soothing your sinuses and Andy whistled George Ger- important for success—how
mask. My second thought was: I keeping them healthy. Experts shwin’s Prelude Number 2 in
used to hum in the car as a kid. suggest humming a favorite C Sharp Minor, as one of the Dear Dr. Linda, to control impulses and delay
tune for the next twenty sec- more than 130 whistling com-
e year I started junior high, onds to calm your mind and lift petitors from around the world. We are the parents of twin immediate grati cation in or-
Mom picked me up from school your spirits!
each afternoon. In those days, I Popular songs with whis- boys in eighth grade. At this der to get to a longer-term goal.
preferred to sit by myself in the My version of humming while tling include Bobby McFerrin’s
back seat. I had informed my driving is more of a tonal repeti- “Don’t Worry, Be Happy,” the point in their lives, they would Is that easy to do? NO.
mother that I did not want to tion, not a speci c tune. Like the song “Patience” performed by
sit next to her in the front pas- chanting, humming and breath Guns N Roses, Billy Joel’s song, much rather play video games on When chocolate cake is star-
senger seat since a public service work of meditation, a calming “ e Stranger” and the Otis
announcement had called that state is achieved. Most people Redding classic “Dock of the their phones or watch TV than ing you in the face, it’s hard
“the death seat” and I did not hum when listening to the radio, Bay.” e song, “Whistle While
want to take any chances. taking a shower or riding in a You Work,” was introduced in study. How do we motivate them to resist it. e only way is to
car. the 1937 animated Disney lm
Mom complained about Snow White and the Seven to study harder and smarter? think about where you want
feeling like a chau eur. As a My research on humming Dwarfs.
nervous driver, she was usually brought me to the concept of FYI, when we say, “Study to be in a month, a year, ve
focused on the perils of the road whistling. Whistling has been Do you remember the most
and beeped the car horn before used as a form of communica- recognizable whistling theme harder,” we feel it’s like some- years. If you want to t into a
heading into every intersection. tion, as a warning signal and song from a TV show? “ e
I remember sitting quietly in as musical entertainment. e Fishin Hole Song” from e one saying to us, “Diet harder.” particular dress or want to look
the back seat, glancing out of act of whistling can distract the Andy Gri th Show! at
the window after a long school mind from thinking too hard, feel-good whistling theme song We have good intentions to good the next time you don
day. I started humming. “Stop especially when focused on accompanied the image of young
that!” my mom barked from the problem solving. Opie strolling down to the pond eat well, but when the rubber your good suit when we can all
front seat. “ at’s annoying!” with his shing pole at the
ere are actually whistling beginning of every episode. meets the road at a party, let’s get together again, remember-
Flash forward several decades. competitions around the world.
I’ve recently discovered that Since most of the in-person Kim Kovach teaches fun ction say, we would both choose ing those goals makes it easier
humming is now being recog- competitions were cancelled due and non ction writing classes
nized for a plethora of physical to the coronavirus pandemic, for adults via Zoom. Please visit chocolate cake over fruit every to resist the cake. We can avoid
and emotional bene ts. e her website to learn more. www.
e International Whistlers kimkovachwrites.com time. Perhaps it would help chocolate cake by not buying it
Guild held an online Global
Whistling Championship for if someone were there at that or baking it in the rst place or
moment to encourage us to by replacing it with a healthier
have fruit, but frankly, we dessert…like fruit. You’d like
would resent it. to eat the chocolate cake, but
So, we have two questions: you’d also like to look good in
“How do we get our kids to your clothes. Making the best
choose studying over messing choice still takes willpower.
around with their phones or It’s the same for kids who
iPads or watching TV?” and experience the approach/ap-
“How can we get them to do it proach con ict between playing
without resenting us?” games or doing the studying
Parents Who Like Chocolate Cake that needs to be done to get
Dear Parents Who Like high grades. Here are some
Chocolate Cake, suggestions:
What great—and realistic— SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 9
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5830 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5830
DR. LINDA ing styles. Many parents sit with their kids To advertise in The Katonah-Lewisboro Times, call Brett Freeman at
for hours drilling them, when in fact their 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].
FROM PAGE 8 child would do better if they drew pictures
or were asked to explain the material that
1. Sit down with your twins and write they’re studying to someone else—you,
down some long-term goals relating to their grandparents, even a pet.
school—start talking to them about colleg-
es they may be interested in or careers they 5. e point is, like becoming more
think they might like to pursue. Remember, healthy eaters, it’s important that your
too, that they’re only in eighth grade and children make doing their schoolwork and
may not yet be mature enough emotionally studying a sustainable part of their lifestyles.
or cognitively ready to set realistic long- Make little changes at rst to work towards
term goals by themselves. your goals. Be sure that your twins still
have time to play on their phones or tablets
2. en, also together, make a list of and watch TV. You may also nd out that
short-term goals that they’ll need to achieve there is not enough time to do schoolwork
in order to have success with their long- because of sports and other outside com-
term goals. For example, if the colleges mitments. If that is the case, together decide
they say they want to attend require at how to cut back on some things.
least a GPA of 90 percent, then now is the
time that they need to start getting grades 6. Above all, be their allies. Work with
around 90 percent. ey need to under- them when they get stuck and contact their
stand that the GPA they’ll report when teachers if you need extra support. Ac-
they apply to college will be an average of knowledge their desires as understandable
their grades in ninth, 10th, 11th, and begin- and talk about how hard it is for you to stay
ning 12th grade—and that all schoolwork away from the chocolate cake. Let them
starting in ninth grade counts! know you understand how it feels. And
when a short-term goal is achieved, bake
3. As parents, be sure the goals, both the cake!
long- and short-term, are realistic for each
of your twins. Many parents have fantasies 7. Be a good role model. Let them see
about what a child will become without you make choices between two things that
regard for whether the child wants it. Many you would like to do, weighing options
parents think their child is way above aver- and choosing the one that will result in the
age and push them to take courses that may greatest bene t over your more immediate
be too di cult for them. As with adults desire.
who go on a diet with a goal of losing a
lot of weight in a short period of time, the Good luck and have fun!
goals may not be realistically achievable in Dr. Linda
the time frame desired.
Is your child struggling with distance
4. As parents, be sure your children know learning? Send your questions to Linda@
the best way to study based on their learn- stronglearning.com.
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Out with the old
MAN could be found has been nely “ rst responders” to view the Los Angeles, Ciara, Miley pretty everything. at’s right,
OVERBOARD honed by the pandemic. celebration in person, much Cyrus, Nelly and Doja Cat. I I’m going to become a Re-
to the chagrin of the “second was hoping Doja Cat might naissance Man. e rst thing
RICK My sister had picked out responders,” who made it to give a performance of “Say I’m going to learn is what a
MELÉN a murder mystery for us to the accident a little late due So,” with Joe Biden doing the Renaissance Man is and how
watch, which is perfect for to a nail appointment that Nicky Minaj part, but maybe to spell it. One characteristic
In an ordinary year I’d be me. I can identify any number was REALLY hard to get. next year. of a Renaissance Man is free
spending New Year’s Eve of suspects during the movie, Also in attendance were a thinking, which had me at
at my friends Dave and and I think the average DA sampling of essential work- Finally we were ready for “hello” because I’m too cheap
Rachel’s house party, and I’d would be overjoyed with my ers, which I should have been the countdown. My sister to pay for it.
while away the evening at the theories, right after cu ng a part of. I work for the Big heard of an Irish tradition
dessert table not far from the me to the soda machine. We Television Network, and if I where they welcome in the After the countdown was
chocolate-covered pretzels, got so caught up in the movie don’t do my job correctly your new year by opening the back over and the ball dropped and
trying to nd a paper hat that we almost forgot to tune into Jets game could end up in door to let the old year out, the confetti nished drifting
makes my out t “pop” and Times Square to wait for the Kuala Lumpur, much to the and then the front door to to the ground, the celebrities
trying to avoid dancing where ball to drop. I always watch chagrin of Kuala Lumpur. let the new year in. I tried to who were performing in the
anyone could see me. But this the ball drop, even though calculate exactly how long to show kind of hung around a
was not an ordinary year, and I’ve seen it enough times J-Lo appeared onstage hold the door open for the bit, trying to look like they
parties are a thing of the fu- already in the Giants’ pass- wearing a huge, furry white whole year to leave, I didn’t had a good reason for still
ture. We spent this December ing game. “Dick Clark’s New out t that looked like a polar want even a week of it hang- being out there in the cold.
31st weekend with my sister Year’s Rockin’ Eve” was a bit bear that got caught in a hay ing around. ere was a wind It reminded me of the group
Kath and her husband at her more subdued this year, with baler, but as the performance blowing in from the outside of smokers that loiter around
place in the Poconos, since only a handful of spectators wore on and on she wore the back door, so I hope none the outside of the building
we’re all playing by the same and even the in atable wind less and less, until she was came back inside. I don’t where I work, who would
rules and co-voiding covid. puppets properly socially left with just a sexy sequin want 2020 to claim that New have no Earthly reason to
Lately, any evening spent with distanced. jumpsuit and a sexy sequin Year’s Day didn’t really hap- hang out together, other than
mammals who don’t have four microphone. is may be why pen, while o ering absolutely to blow smoke at each other.
legs seems like an Ibiza rave, ey had an interview with it takes women so long to get no evidence and still getting a
and our talent for manufactur- Joe Biden, his last of the year, dressed: if they can’t decide whole bunch of dim bulbs to Meanwhile, I’ll continue
ing fun where previously little and he shared a message of which out t they simply wear believe it. my New Year’s resolution to
“unity and hope.” Trump one on top of the other. ere better myself through greater
also shared a message, which were some additional per- For my resolution I de- understanding. By the end
I am too much of a lady to formers, Cyndi Lauper and cided that I’m going to better of 2021 I will have bettered
print here. ey allowed a Machine Gun Kelly, and from myself this year by becoming
small group of well-deserving more knowledgeable in, well SEE MELEN PAGE 11
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JUST I hope you enjoy them as • Knowledge is knowing Fun Facts by Jo Ann
JO ANN much as I did. a tomato is a fruit; wisdom
is not putting it in a fruit According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the
JO ANN Here are some of the ones salad. toughest tongue twister is, “The sixth sick sheik’s sixth
FRANCELLA listed in the article.
• To be sure of hitting the sheep’s sick.”
“ What the heck • Where there’s a will, I target, shoot first and call
is that?” you want to be in it. whatever you hit, the target. make you a Christian any • If I agreed with you, we’d
might ask. more than standing in a
Paraprosdokians are figures • I didn’t say it was your This next one is one I have garage makes you a car. both be wrong.
of speech in which the latter fault, I said I was blaming used many times and I actu-
part of a sentence or phrase you. ally thought I had made it • You don’t need a para- • We never really grow up;
is surprising or unexpected up. I’m guessing I had read chute to skydive; you only
and frequently humorous. • I used to be indecisive, it somewhere and tucked it need a parachute to skydive we only learn how to act in
but now I’m not so sure. away in my brain for just the again.
It is said that Winston right moments. public.
Churchill loved a good para- Is it becoming clear now? • When filling out an ap-
prosdokian. I’m sure most of you have • You’re never too old to plication, where it says, “In And lastly :
spoken your own parapros- learn something stupid. case of emergency, notify…”
I must admit that I had dokians over the years. I I answer, “A doctor.” • To steal ideas from one
never heard the word before know I love to zap my fam- I can really relate to the
and when an email arrived ily with a few when they next one: person is plagiarism, to steal
regarding the word play, I least expect it.
was intrigued. What follows • I know I’m supposed to from many is research.
are several paraprosdokians. Here are a few more: respect my elders, but it’s
• The last thing I want to getting harder and harder to joannf [email protected]
do is hurt you, but it’s still find one.
on my list.
• War does not determine The rest are clever and
who is right, only who is chuckle-worthy. Enjoy.
• Going to church doesn’t
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Skiing by the seat
of your pants
slopes without careening into
either another skier or a tree.
TRACY erefore, I am at my best
BECKERMAN when there are neither other
skiers nor trees in my path.
And naturally, things can get
a little dicey when I encounter
Iam not a terrible skier, but I Such was the case when I
am not a particularly good
skier either. On the O cial hit the slopes over the holidays. I
hadn’t gone skiing for three years
because I’d had a knee replace-
Bumbling Ski Scale, I fall some- ment, and for some reason I
where between a 3-year-old on the was under the delusion that my
bunny slopes and those beginner limited ski skills had improved was not only steeper than I’d re- I got an actual injury skiing o halfway down doing a combina-
membered, it was also narrower. a cli . tion of skiing and sliding and
adults you see on the intermedi- tenfold during my hiatus. With- It was also much busier than the was actually beginning to believe
easier slopes I usually skied. As Unfortunately, as I stood there I would make it down alive,
ate slopes with their arms ailing out a second thought, I hopped expert skiers whizzed by me, I wondering if my will was up to when all of a sudden, I came
wondered if I might be better o date, I got caught up in a tide upon a wall of skiers. Apparently,
wildly and their faces frozen in an on the chair lift and skied over to feigning an injury so I could get of teenage snowboarders who this group thought it would be
a ride down in a stretcher before carried me over the edge of the fun to ski down the mountain
expression of sheer panic. one of the more advanced slopes. slope. I managed to get about with arms linked, side-by-side,
like some kind of special ski-
Having skied for about 15 is was probably my rst ing Rockettes. is may, in fact,
have been fun for them, but it
years now, I can usually man- mistake. When I got to the top created a bit of problem for me
since I was going much faster
age to get down one of the lesser of the trail, I realized the slope than they were and there was no
place for me to pass them. Since
2020 was a I couldn’t go through them and I
CRAZY YEAR! couldn’t go over them, I did the
only thing I could do… I tried to
We can help make your taxes less crazy. go around them. e good news
was, I managed not to hit any of
the people in the ski wall. e bad
news was, I hit a tree instead.
Did I mention I’m not very
good at stopping, either?
I guess I should thank that tree
for jumping out in front of me like
that and helping me stop. How-
ever, I think it might have been a
softer impact had I slammed into
a person rather than a tree.
Somehow though, somewhat
miraculously, I escaped from
my tree altercation completely
unscathed. As I plucked pine
needles from my helmet and con-
rmed that I had no broken bones,
I got back on the slope, which was
now less steep and completely
uncrowded, and skied down to the
When I arrived at the base, I
ran into a friend who was headed
for the chair lifts.
“Hey, is it a good ski day?”she
asked me.
“I don’t know,”I said,“But it’s a
great day for careening into a tree.”
845-628-5400 | [email protected] Tracy Beckerman is embarking
SFGtaxes.com on a new adventure as an empty
nester! Now, instead of being
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541 “Lost in Suburbia,” she is “Lost in
Midlife.” Life is just as funny…
Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. but with a lot less laundry. For
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or more midlife humor, you can follow
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accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. LostinsuburbiaFanPage.
CLUES ACROSS 21. Calendar month 41. Transgressions 17. Supervises interstate
42. One-time emperor of commerce
1. Adequate yearly progress 22. Single Russia 19. Foolish behaviors
43. Time zone 20. Witness
(abbr.) 23. Cease to live 23. Gives
CLUES DOWN 24. Expression of creative
4. Silicon Valley’s specialty 24. Brew 1. Used in treating bruises skill
2. One who cultivates a 25. A way to prop up
8. Gather a harvest 25. What ghosts say small estate 26. Midway between
3. One who supports the northeast and east
10. Famed mathematician 26. Geological time Pope 27. Winter melon
4. Annuity 28. Supernatural power
11. No (slang) 27. Focus 5. Geological period 29. Target
6. Grab onto tightly 30. Threes
12. Students use one 34. Discomfort 31. A type of poetic verse
7. Kept 32. They make some people
13. Type of molecule 35. A citizen of Iran 9. Chinese city cry
10. The most direct 33. Kindest
15. Play make-believe 36. Trip route 34. Forman and Ventimiglia
12. Type of tooth are two
16. Large barrel-like 37. Imitate 14. __ kosh, near Lake 36. A way to liquefy
containers 38. Makes happy 15. Popular veggie
17. Touching 39. Double-reed instrument
18. Treats allergies 40. Body parts
For puzzle solutions, please see
CORRECTION: We thank a devoted reader
for catching an error in our Dec. 31 crossword
puzzle. On "28 Across," the "Twilight Zone"
creator should have been Rod or Rodman Serling,
not Robert. We have contacted our syndicated
provider to inform them about the error.
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registration information.
Time for New Year’s nancial resolutions
GUEST a certainty in the investment comes to your 401(k) or similar continue saving more than you is article was written by
CORNER world, but the events of 2020 employer-sponsored retirement did in previous years – and use Edward Jones for use by your local
followed a familiar historical plan, put in as much as you your savings wisely. Financial Advisor, Judi McAnaw,
JUDI pattern: major crisis followed by can a ord this year, and if your a resident of Katonah. She has
MCANAW market drop followed by strong salary goes up, increase your ese aren’t the only nancial an o ce at 332 Route 100, Suite
recovery. e lesson for inves- contribution. resolutions you can make – but 300, in Somers. Judi can be
Many of us probably tors? Don’t overreact to today’s following them may help you reached at 914-669-5329.
felt that 2020 lasted news – because tomorrow may • Recognize your ability to develop habits that could ben-
a very long time. But look quite di erent. build savings. During the pan- e t you in 2021 and beyond.
now that 2021 is upon us, we demic, the personal savings rate
can make a fresh start – and • Be prepared. At the begin- shot up, hitting a record of 33% WHY DO WE
one way to do that is to make ning of 2020, nobody was antic- in April, according to the U.S.
some New Year’s resolutions. ipating a worldwide pandemic Bureau of Economy Analy-
Of course, you can make these and its terrible consequences, sis. It fell over the next sev-
resolutions for all parts of both to individuals’ health and eral months, but still remained
your life – physical, emotional, to their economic well-being. about twice as high as the rate
intellectual – but have you None of us can foretell the of the past few years. Of course,
ever considered some nancial future, either, but we can be pre- much of this surge in Ameri-
resolutions? pared, and one way to do so is cans’ proclivity to save money
by building an emergency fund. was due to our lack of options
Here are a few such resolu- Ideally, such a fund should be for spending it, as the corona-
tions to consider: kept in liquid, low-risk vehicles virus caused either complete or
and contain at least six months’ partial shutdowns in physical
• Don’t overreact to events. worth of living expenses. retail establishments, as well as
When the coronavirus pan- dining and entertainment ven-
demic hit in mid-February, the • Focus on moves you ues. But if you did manage to
can control. In response to boost your own personal savings
nancial markets took a big hit. pandemic-related economic when your spending was con-
Many people, convinced that we pressures, some employers cut strained, is it possible to remain
were in for a prolonged slump, their matching contributions a good saver when restrictions
decided to take a “time out” to 401(k) plans in 2020. Will are lifted? Probably. And the
and headed to the investment some future event cause another greater your savings, the greater
sidelines. But it didn’t take long such reduction? No one knows your nancial freedoms – in-
for the markets to rally, reward- – and even if it happens, there’s cluding the freedom to invest
ing those patient investors who probably nothing you can do and freedom from excessive
stayed the course. Nothing is about it. Instead of worrying debt. When we reach a post-
about things you can’t control, pandemic world, see if you can
focus on those you can. When it
The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is located at 118 N Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY
10549. You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email [email protected]. IN HALSTON
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