VOL. 2 NO. 7 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 2019
7-Eleven proposed Easter
for Cross River Egg-
Would include gas station citement
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER currently reviewing an amend- The town of Lewisboro Easter
Egg Hunt was held Thursday,
EDITOR ment that would regulate such April 18, at Onatru Farm Park.
Turn to pages 14 and 15 for
more photos.
A 7-Eleven convenience store If and when the board ap-
Layla Watkins, 10
and gas station has been pro- proves such an amendment, months, finds an egg.
posed for Cross River. it would fall on the Planning PHOTO: DEENA BELL
Located on the eastbound side Board to issue the special-use
of Route 35 at the intersection permit. e plan also requires a
of North Salem Road, across the town stormwater permit.
street from the existing Shell Town Supervisor Peter Par-
gas station, the 0.7-acre parcel is sons, speaking at the April 16
zoned for retail use. Planning Board meeting, said
e three-story o ce build- the law is being designed so
ing and detached garage cur- that existing gas stations “didn’t
rently on the property would be need too much grandfathering.”
demolished, according to plans. A public hearing on the code
A 3,043-square-foot 7-Elev- amendment was scheduled for
en store with six gas pumps (12 Monday evening, too late for in-
fueling stations) would be built clusion in this paper.
in its place. It would be acces- Under the proposed amend-
sible both from Route 35 and ment, the minimum lot size for
North Salem Road. gas stations would be 1 acre;
e plan would need to be ap- 7-Eleven is leasing a 0.7-acre
proved by the Lewisboro Plan- property.
ning Board. If the amendment is approved,
At the moment, gas stations 7-Eleven may then need to ap-
are not held to any speci c stan- ply to the Lewisboro Zoning
dards under the town of Lew- Board of Appeals for a variance.
isboro’s zoning code. However, SEE 7-ELEVEN PAGE 5
the Lewisboro Town Board is
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18 John Jay sweeps
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pg 23
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Teen of the Month:
Morgan Panzirer
BY KATE BELDERS zirer has won top ribbons through- Morgan Panzirer
CONTRIBUTING WRITER out the years at nationally ranked
competitions. Giacopelli goes on PHOTO: KATE BELDERS
Very few people in the world can say they have met to say that “Morgan serves as a role
the Pope, let alone have been presented an award by model for all those around her. She nologist. While she still has many years of education
his Holiness. is always gracious, encouraging, and and training ahead of her, she dreams of the day she
supportive of her fellow competi- can open a clinic for children dealing with endocrine
John Jay High school senior Morgan Panzirer just so tors and riders. She is an exceptional disorders.
happens to a member of this exclusive club. young lady whom I greatly admire,
respect, and appreciate.” As Panzirer prepares to move on from John Jay, she
Born and raised in Westchester, Panzirer attended will always remember the a ect that the teachers and
Katonah Elementary. At age 6, her life changed when Some of Panzirer’s volunteer work sta had on her and how they in uenced her future.
she was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes (T1D). It also revolves around the horse world.
would be this diagnosis that would set the course for She supports the Rider’s Closet, an or- “ e sta is amazing and supportive,” she said. “ ey
her to impact the lives of children who also live with ganization founded in 2006 by Georgina allow you to focus on multiple aspects of the learning
T1D. Since her diagnosis, Panzirer said that it became Bloomberg. e Rider’s Closet “ensures experience; you don’t just have to be a science kid; you
a focus of hers “to understand the disease and help that riding clothes are accessible to therapeu- can experience everything.”
other children battling [it].” tic programs, pony clubs, intercollegiate riding
programs, and individual riders.” e organization She also “hopes that she leaves beyond a positive
Panzirer always gravitated toward the study of math has helped “thousands of deserving riders around the place” for students through her work on the Campus
and science. However, when she entered John Jay High United States.” Congress.
School and joined the science track, her focus sharp-
ened to the areas of medicine and biology. While at Beyond her academics and equestrian activities, Panzirer is the daughter of David and Karen. David
John Jay, teachers and sta immediately noticed her Panzirer’s advocacy work is a signi cant focus of her is a trustee at the Helmsley charitable trust, leading
strong work ethic and intellect. life. In 2009, at age 8, she attended “Children’s Con- the T1D initiative. David was previously a commercial
gress” which is sponsored by the Junior Diabetes real estate broker in Manhattan until a few months
“Her ability to problem solve and persevere is un- Research Foundation. e organization, the world’s after Morgan was diagnosed in 2007, when he became
paralleled,” said eodore Cann, John Jay High School largest nonpro t funder of T1D research, takes two a trustee. Since that time, he has “devoted his life to
math teacher. delegates from each state and sends them to Wash- helping people manage T1D to ease daily the burden
ington to meet with their senators to reinforce the of the disease.” Karen is a tness trainer and nutrition-
When not focused on science and math, Panzirer need for funding. In the summer of 2017, Panzirer was ist for private clients and has a bachelor’s degree in
can be found playing the ute, an instrument that she asked to be one of the opening speakers for the event nutrition and health promotion and a master’s degree
has played since fourth grade, in the John Jay High due to her advocacy work on behalf of T1D awareness in nutrition from New York Medical College.
School wind ensemble. She is also a member of Cam- and research.
pus Congress, a student group that is comprised of 16
representatives from every grade. is group takes into During her freshmen year, Panzirer traveled to the
account requests and feedback that their peers provide Vatican to speak at a conference organized by the Stem
and then works with the high school administration to for Life Foundation (SFLF), which assembles the
bring about some of the changes that students want to world’s top scientists, researchers, and philanthropists
see in their school community. to highlight rare autoimmune diseases. At the confer-
ence, she described to attendees what her life was like
Outside of life at John Jay, Panzirer can be found managing T1D and why they should continue advanc-
pursuing her equestrian passion, a sport she has par- ing their research work. e following weekend of the
ticipated in since the age of 6. She rides six days a week conference, Panzirer was presented with an award by
and cares for her horse, Gideon, whom she has trained Pope Francis for her advocacy e orts. For Panzirer,
since he was young. On average, Panzirer participates meeting the Pope was an incredible experience, espe-
and competes in at least one horse show per month. cially given her family’s connection to the faith.
Her equestrian trainer, Jenn Giacopelli, head trainer With graduation just two months away, Panzirer al-
of Rhiannon Equestrian in North Salem, says that ready has rm plans for her future. In the fall, she will
Panzirer “is an extremely talented and accomplished head to Villanova, where she will be majoring in pre-
rider who trains and rides daily and puts forth a great med. Panzirer’s goal is to become a pediatric endocri-
deal of time and energy toward accomplishing her
equestrian goals.”
is e ort has yielded some impressive results; Pan-
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EDITORIAL TEAM Budget vote to be held May 21
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Board adopts $110.2 million spending plan
EDITOR: 914-302-5628
[email protected] BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER weeks ago by the Katonah-Lew- since Superintendent Andrew this was not driven by a change
GABRIELLE BILIK EDITOR isboro Board of Education. Selesnick rst presented the in formula at the state, but rather
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285
e budget is now in the hands budget in February, state aid pro- as a result of the district’s reduced
[email protected]
A $110.2 million spending of the voters, who will head to jections were o by $259,525. contribution to BOCES.
LISA KAIN plan for the 2019-20 school year the polls on Tuesday, May 21. Michael Jumper, assistant su- e bulk of that reduced state
914-351-2424 was unanimously adopted three ough little has changed perintendent for business, said contribution would be made up
[email protected]
through property taxes: $200,000
914-202-2392 The Schoolhouse Theater & Arts Center was added to the tax levy while
[email protected] the other $59,525 was tacked on
845-621-4049 The Color of Light to the district’s interest projec-
[email protected] tions.
914-334-6335 “We’re con dent that we’ll
[email protected] earn that interest,” Jumper said at
914-205-4183 April 4th-28th the April 4 meeting of the school
[email protected] board.
914-202-2941 e total tax levy is $97.95
[email protected] million, a 1.61 increase over last
PRODUCTION TEAM year. Jumper said Katonah-Lew-
An Extraordinary New Play isboro came in $883,503 lower
PRODUCTION MANAGER than the state-imposed property
[email protected] by Jesse Kornbluth tax cap.
e projected tax rate changes
ASST PRODUCTION MANAGER Starring Tim Jerome for the district’s four towns are:
• Bedford: -2.63 percent
[email protected] • Lewisboro: 3.45 percent
CHRISTINA ROSE • North Salem: 3.62 percent:
• Pound Ridge: 3.05 percent
BRETT FREEMAN “I believe the assessments will
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 change somewhat between now
[email protected]
and when they’re nalized,”
VP OF SALES: Jumper said. “As a result, some of
845-621-1116 the levy may move from one of
[email protected]
these towns to another, and the
rates may uctuate as well. We
DEADLINE TIX: SchoolhouseTheater.org always say that these rates are
e district is also asking
(914) 277-8477 | 3 Owens RD. Croton Falls, NY | [email protected] voters’ permission to transfer
THURSDAY BEFORE THE NEXT $648,485 from its capital fund to
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT • Four 66-passenger buses
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• GENERAL DENTISTRY • 21 are two seats on the Board
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Education candidates to le pe-
Westchester and Teeth Whitening • Bondings, Porcelain Crowns & Bridges titions was 5 p.m. Monday. e
• Porcelain Veneers • Lava All-Ceramic System candidates will be reported in
• Invisalign & Dental Implants next week’s issue.
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The Katonah-Lewisboro Times
PAUL D. HARBOTTLE, D.D.S. is located at Bailey Court, 334
Route 202, Unit C1S, Somers,
380 Route 202 at Junction of 116 (across from Heritage Hills) NY 10589. You can contact
us at 914-302-5628 or email
914.277.3518 [email protected].
On the hunt...
Instead of looking for eggs on
Easter Sunday, young guests at the
Wolf Conservation Center helped
hide them for wolves to find.
They also learned about
the mythology, biology and
ecology of wolves in North
America. The ticketed event
was held at the center on
Buck Run in South Salem.
7-ELEVEN added that a high percentage of gas station and conve- Plans for a 7-Eleven convenience store and gas station
nience store motorists come from “pass-by tra c,” mean- at the intersection of Route 35 and North Salem Road
FROM PAGE 1 ing it would not add a lot of new cars to the road.
the Westchester County Planning Board, and the South
Representatives of 7-Eleven said the company would e Planning Board, however, has asked 7-Eleven to Salem Fire Department, some of which would need to is-
not be interested in opening a convenience store in Cross submit a full tra c report for review, taking into consider- sue permits or grant approvals.
River if a gas station was not allowed. Because of the un- ation the actual tra c situations in Cross River.
certainty surrounding gas stations,7-Eleven was cautioned
by Planning Board members to proceed at its own risk. Other things being considered are the addition of pe-
destrian crosswalks to Route 35 and North Salem Road.
Members also expressed some concern with the project,
particularly in terms of tra c. 7-Eleven would need to clear several other regulatory
hurdles before it can open, including other variances from
“ at’s a very congested area of town, particularly in the the Lewisboro Zoning Board of Appeals for lot coverage,
mornings, and has been getting progressively worse over setbacks, and landscape bu er.
the last number of years as Connecticut commuters go
through that area in the morning,” said Planning Board Before all is said and done, the plan would be reviewed
member Greg LaSorsa at the April 16 meeting. by Lewisboro’s highway superintendent, the New York
State Department of Transportation, the Lewisboro Ar-
LaSorsa said motorists making left-hand turns into the chitecture and Community Appearance Review Council,
property from Route 35 could cause even more conges- the Westchester County Department of Health, the New
tion. York City Department of Environmental Protection, the
New York State Department of Environmental Conser-
Zachary Chaplin, an engineer for 7-Eleven, said a re- vation, the Lewisboro Conservation Advisory Council,
striction on left-hand turns is being considered. Chaplin
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Singing to save lives
EDITOR Charity concert will help fund new ambulance
A car wash at the existing Lukoil gas station on Local musicians will band together on Saturday, May PHOTO COURTESY OF ELIZABETH MEYER-GROSS
Route 123 was approved last month by the Lewis- 18, to perform a bene t concert for the Lewisboro Vol-
boro Planning Board. unteer Ambulance Corps. The EarthTones at Congregation Shir Shalom in April
e approval comes months after neighbors of Donations raised at the event, which runs from 4 to 6 lem. e group currently has one member from New
the Oakridge Commons Shopping Center com- p.m., will help cover the cost of a new ambulance, which York City and one from Danbury. ey will perform a
plained that the car wash would exacerbate existing the volunteer rst responders have already purchased. variety of Renaissance-period Madrigals from Italy and
problems at the Oakridge Wastewater Treatment England. ese complex harmonies are written for their
Plant. e concert will take place at Mead Chapel on 2 voices only. e performers will also provide discussion
Chapel Road, Waccabuc. e Mead Family Foundation on the style and composers of that time.
However, an engineer hired by the town did not has donated the church space for the evening.
nd any basis for those concerns, saying the car Lewisboro’s own Jean Lewis, a teacher and performer
wash “will not impact the Oakridge Wastewater e EarthTones, an all-female singing group led by of the hammered dulcimer, will be a special guest and
Treatment Plant operations and the level of treat- founding member Elizabeth Meyer-Gross, regularly perform some Renaissance-period harp music by com-
ment will not be impacted by the added ows.” performs concerts and donates 90 to 100 percent of its poser Turlough O’Carolan.
In its approval, the Planning Board required the proceeds to charity.
car wash e uent to meet certain water quality pa- Tickets are on sale. e suggested donation price is
rameters. Quarterly testing will be carried out by e Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps has $30. To pay ahead of time, send a tax-deductible check
Smith Ridge Associates, the owners of the prop- been campaigning to raise $60,000 to purchase a new payable to: “LVAC” at P.O. Box 694 Cross River, N.Y.
erty. ose reports will be reviewed by the town’s ambulance, which became a necessity when its previous 10518-0694, and indicate if you plan to attend the con-
consultants. ambulance broke down and was irreparable. cert. Also list the names of any guests you may bring.
Payment can also be made at the door by check or cash.
ere was some debate at the March 19 meeting e concert will help put the ambulance corps over
regarding the cost of reviewing those reports. Ul- the nish line in terms of completely furnishing the am-
timately, the board resolved that Smith Ridge As- bulance with the expensive equipment the rst respond-
sociates will be billed for any costs the town incurs. ers need to save lives.
If a water quality test fails, Smith Ridge Asso- e concert will feature Susan Talbot Reid, a resident
ciates may re-test the water and resubmit a new of Redding, Conn. Susan is a singer-songwriter who
report within 30 days. If that second test receives was active in Pete Seeger’s Clearwater organization and
passing marks, then no additional action will be re- had the opportunity to sing with and become friends
quired. with Seeger, Tom Pacheco and Fred Kellerman of the
Weavers. She will perform Celtic and Scotch Gaelic
ballads on guitar and will perform some of her original
music as well.
e second half of the concert will feature e Earth-
Tones, who at one time were all residents of South Sa-
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Volunteer firefighters sought
e Goldens Bridge Fire from ages 16 and up with inter- church and two schools, a shop- vice, McManus said. of your neighbors, friends, fam-
Department will open its re est in becoming a member of
truck bays to local residents this the re department can stop by ping center, a sprawling auto “Being a volunteer re ghter ily and often complete strang-
weekend as part of a statewide the rehouse on Route 138 be-
volunteer re ghter recruitment tween noon and 4 p.m. Sunday, dealership complex, and many is one of the most meaningful ers—and there’s nothing more
initiative. April 28, where members will be
on hand to provide information di cult to navigate local roads,” and rewarding public service gratifying than saving a life or
Chief James McManus said and hands-on tours and tutorials
there will be no need to exag- of trucks, equipment and gear, as McManus said. opportunities in our Golden’s someone’s home and belongings,
gerate the exhilaration, grati ca- part of the annual statewide re-
tion, and sometimes heartbreak cruitment initiative, RecruitNY, Recruitment and retention Bridge community,” McManus or just being there for someone
of being a volunteer re ghter. to raise awareness of the need
for volunteer re ghters and is vital for the all-volunteer re said. “As a volunteer re ghter, in their greatest time of need,
Since the start of 2019, the bolster the ranks of volunteer
Goldens Bridge Fire Depart- department to maintain a high you have a direct impact on the on one of the worst days of their
ment has answered the call to re departments across New
many major emergencies, in- York State. Members will pro- level of re and emergency ser- safety, well-being and protection life.”
cluding drowning victims at the vide insight about the virtues,
Muscoot Reservoir, three sig- requirements and bene ts of be- SOUTH SALEM | $770,000
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kitchen; fireplaces in family & living rooms; interesting eave bedrooms; large deck; full basement; private.
re that scorched 12 acres of e Goldens Bridge Fire De- #4920387 | Cal Kramer | 914.401.9111
wetlands, two hazardous mate- partment responds to all emer-
rials spills, and dangerous road gency 9-1-1 calls, such as res,
conditions due to downed power vehicle accidents, downed power
lines. lines and trees, carbon monoxide
alarms, and medical emergen-
“We’re hoping that hearing cies.
the real-life experiences and
stories of volunteer members, “ e service area of the Gold-
trying on the gear, and getting ens Bridge Fire Department is
a close-up look at the high- somewhat unique and challeng-
tech apparatus and equipment, ing because within our bound-
inspires visitors to become part aries are I-684, Metro North
of the [Goldens Bridge Fire De- Railroad, New York City’s res-
partment] family,” McManus ervoir system, a lake community,
said. several institutions including a
Goldens Bridge residents
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Household names Treating digital
The other day READING, sic Southern food
I was driving WRITING & to travelers. e
along when popularity of his
CHOCOLATE fried chicken (with
a large white truck The current
generation of
with distinctive red KIM 11 herbs and spices) smartphones is played on its website
and yellow circus KOVACH generated lots of sat- concerned about your humanetech.com, is
becoming too addicted “Realigning technology
colors passed by. is ed customers over BRUCE with humanity’s best
THE BLOG interests.”
I noticed that the the next decade. In
W.B. Mason com- 1950, the governor
pany logo featured an old-fashioned of Kentucky bestowed Harlan Sanders to their many charms, BRUCE e center, somewhat
portrait of a dapper looking gentle- with the honori c title of “Colonel” also known as apps. not surprisingly, was
man. Hmm, I thought. Was there for his contributions to Southern On iPhones, for ex- formed by a cadre of
really a man named W.B. Mason? I cuisine. Colonel Sanders began wear- ample, when the Screen technologists who state
decided to nd out. ing his signature white suit and tie and Time setting is turned that “Together, we can
Yes, William Betts Mason was the appeared in TV commercials. e rst on, you can set voluntary get technology platforms
founder of a small family-owned o ce Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise time limits on app usage, and see Weekly to stop hijacking our minds and start put-
products store in Brockton, Mass. Mr. opened in Utah in 1952 and the rest, Reports that quantify in minutes just how ting our well-being rst.”
Mason was born in Aukland, New as they say, is history. helplessly dependent we are on the cute e founders and sta of the Center for
Zealand, in 1865. He immigrated to Orville Redenbacher was an Indiana little digital device that has become as Human Technology are people who have
Massachusetts in 1872. e business businessman who owned a fertilizer essential to modern existence as keys and worked inside the dominant digital plat-
started in 1898 with printing products, company. Orville had grown up on an wallet. forms, so they know intimately how they
rubber stamps and stencils before Indiana corn farm and spent his spare Actually, since there are apps for paying operate and, maybe more important, how
growing into the large o ce products time developing the perfect popping with your phone, you can ditch the wallet, they are “vulnerable to manipulation” by
company it is today. corn. Orville used to sell his popcorn too. It won’t be long before opening cars so-called bad actors, who create “millions
at got me thinking about other out of the trunk of his car before it and doors with an app will be common- of fake accounts and bots impersonating
household names. Did you know that caught on and revolutionized the place as well. We’re living through an age people with real-sounding names and
there was a real Chef Boyardee? His popcorn industry. of digital Darwinism, and the smartphone photos, fooling millions with the false im-
actual name was Ettore Boiardi. Mr. e story behind Newman’s Own stands alone as the only device we need to pression of consensus.” Odds are all of us
Boiardi was born in Italy in 1897 and salad dressing and food products is get through the day. at, of course, is a at one time or another have shared a social
moved to the U.S. as a teenager. He that the late actor, Paul Newman, double-edged sword. media post that we thought was authentic,
worked in Italian restaurants in New and his friend, author A.E. Hotchner, A recent British study, according to and it wasn’t. (As we’ve been duly warned,
York and Cleveland before starting his lled empty wine bottles with their online publication Strategy + Business, Russia already is at it again, for the 2020
own restaurant. He Americanized his homemade salad dressing to give as determined that we pick up our devices election.)
name along the way to Hector Bo- holiday gifts. Friends and neighbors every 12 minutes, or about 80 times a day. I encourage you to check out the Center
yardee. In 1928, this enterprising chef convinced the pair that their special at’s all? Another source says we check for Humane Technology website humane-
started the Chef Boyardee Food Com- salad dressing was a hit. e salad digital platforms up to 150 times a day. tech.com. You’ll nd some nifty features,
pany with his brothers. e canned dressing product line was launched e same publication cites other studies such as App Ratings. One list of apps is
ravioli and Italian food products were in 1982. Starting with that very rst that indicate “people enjoy social situa- rated as making people “Most Happy”
so popular that the factory in Pennsyl- pro table year, it was Paul’s idea to tions less when they keep their smart- (Calm is No. 1, followed by, curiously
vania was kept open 24 hours a day to donate all after-tax pro ts from the phones with them.” Companies in some enough, Google Calendar). A second list
produce and ship supplies for Allied all-natural food products line to help instances are telling employees not to of apps is rated as making people “Most
troops during World War II. others. bring their devices into meetings, for obvi- Unhappy” (Grindr tops that list, followed
Did you know that there was a deli Let’s not forget about the two ous reasons. e irony there is that devices by Candy Crush Saga and Facebook.)
owner named Richard Hellman? e founders of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. designed to optimize our productivity also e site also lists a bunch of apps
German-born delicatessen owner ran Ben Cohen and Jerry Green eld were can undermine it when misused, such as whose purpose is to “help you live without
Hellman’s Delicatessen on Columbus friends who grew up on Long Island. causing distractions in a business confer- distraction.” My favorite is NoMoRoBo,
Avenue in New York City in 1905. After initially planning on opening a ence. which—you guessed it—blocks robocalls.
His wife’s tasty mayo recipe was so small bagel shop in Burlington, Vt., “Digital distraction” is a phrase heard ere is one suggestion on the site,
popular that the couple introduced the pair took a course in ice cream more often these days. Googling those however, that sounds highly implausible, if
Hellman’s Blue-Ribbon Mayonnaise making and converted a former gas two words produces nearly 40 million not impossible: “Go cold turkey: Remove
for customers to take home. station into a retail ice cream shop results. social media from your phone.”
Jimmy Ray Dean, an American in 1978. Ben and Jerry jumped on Another study, from Pew Research Good luck with that one.
country music singer and TV person- the super-premium ice cream trend Center (per Strategy + Business), tells us On the other hand, I do like turkey…
ality in the 1950s and 1960s, started and added funky names and colorful that “15 percent of adults believe [their hmm.
his Jimmy Dean Sausage Company containers to promote their unique ice smartphone] is impairing their focus at
in 1969. He created the brand and cream avors. work,” adding that “Sales of so-called Bruce “ e Blog” Apar promotes local
starred in the folksy commercials FYI: Mrs. Butterworth (syrup), Dr. dumb phones, which can be used for calls businesses, organizations, events and people
featuring breakfast link sausages and Pepper (soft drinks) and Betty Crock- and texts but cannot connect to the inter- through public relations agency APAR PR.
sausage patties. er (cake mix) are not real people. net, are rising.” He also is an actor, a community volunteer,
Another real-life food personality e problem is becoming serious and a contributor to several periodicals.
was Colonel Harlan Sanders. In 1930, Kim Kovach nds writing inspiration enough that it has birthed an organization Follow him as Bruce e Blog on social
Harlan acquired a service station in every day. You can, too. kimkovachwrites. that calls itself the Center for Humane media. Reach him at [email protected] or
Corbin, Ky., and started serving clas- com. Technology. e stated mission, as dis- 914-275-6887.
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5628 SOMERS, NY 10589 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
Fax: 914-617-8508 are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
[email protected] ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628
Farley makes no sense
To the editor, be bold, creative and fearless. We have to set the Jus lik G andm
An article in last week’s edition of e Katonah- world agenda on these issues, not follow China
and other states that have moved far ahead of us. used to mak
Lewisboro Times, “Farley announces bid for
Congress,” reminded me once again why we have e Green New Deal will help set the scope of Prepared Meals for Any Occasion:
a system in such disrepair. Ms. Farley states she is the investment that has to be made in infrastruc-
a strong supporter of Mr. Trump, he proclaimed ture, it will help determine if we are building or Raviolis • Lasagna (Meat or Vegetable)
himself to be the best negotiator, ever, and here
she is claiming that her negotiating talents are her xing old bridges and roadways or if we are going • Manicotti • Chicken Cutlets
strongest talent. to become the leader in a ordable, clean and use-
able mass transit that meets the needs of the 21st • Eggplant Rollatine • Meatballs BLauSTstprtayeegcOrninauaulr!t
I don’t know Ms. Farley as anything other than and 22nd centuries. Are we building cities with
a candidate in search of an o ce. She didn’t win buildings that can meet their own energy and food Eggplant Parmigiana
the U.S. Senate seat, so now is in the market for a needs, where is the water coming from? We can be • Baked Ziti • Chicken Parm
U.S. House seat. Based on the interview responses, sure that the era of fossil fuels is over, the sooner
she doesn’t show a command of how Congress we divest and move on, the faster we will regain Fresh Cut Pasta & Lasagna Sheets
works. She talks about lowering taxes (who could our leadership role around the world.
disagree with that) and then states that money paid Ha y Mo e ’s Day fro
in federal taxes should be sent back to New York. If Farley’s suggestion that Sean Patrick Maloney
taxes are cut, what money would that be? She wants has moved to the left makes those in the Progres- 28 Valley Road • Katonah, NY • 914-401-9045
a more robust MTA, lower energy costs, better en- sive movement smile. He is, on some issues, much Hours: Sun 10:30A-230P • Mon-Fri 11:00A-6:30P
ergy delivery and lower health care costs. All while closer to her positions than to the citizen-focused Sat 10:30A-6:30P • Call for Special Holiday Hours
lowering the tax rates and without one suggestion principals of an Elizabeth Warren, for example.
on how she would do anything but negotiate. Mr. Maloney’s successes at the ballot box makes it
clear that he does appeal to the district’s voters.
Farley doesn’t like single-payer healthcare, be-
cause it will cost too much. e reality is that she People who run for o ce have to be clear why
is wrong, and we have many examples of this from they are running and why they are running for
every industrial nation around the world. We pay the o ce they are running for. Chasing o ces
more and have worse outcomes than every West- just to get elected is the worst reason in the world
ern democracy. to elect someone. It is no small wonder why she
was so easily defeated by Senator Gillibrand, and
e candidate is opposed to the Green New if Republicans truly believe that Mr. Maloney is
Deal as well. Her comments demonstrate, again, vulnerable, as unlikely as that is, they’ll have to do
a lack of understanding of what it is and what it a lot better than Ms. Farley.
will be. If this nation is to get in front of the curve
on clean, renewable and safe energy, we have to Robert Kesten
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Really listen to what your child has to say
Dear Dr. Linda, was not doing that ne. So, asked the psychologist. Unfortunately, many more STRONG
I feel I need to share this we decided to have him tested “I know what’s wrong,” said children su er without anyone LEARNING
outside of the school. noticing. In some cases, mem-
with your readers. Last week my Tyler. We all looked over at bers of families are too busy DR. LINDA
husband and I took our 7-year- e results were interesting. him. “Everybody keeps talking doing their own thing that they SILBERT
old son to a psychologist to be e psychologist agreed with and they don’t let me say what I never have time to just sit with
tested. e school felt he was the school. He did not nd any want to say.” a child and listen to what he or Many children seem never to
doing just ne, but my husband learning issues. she has to say. be heard when their parents are
and I were concerned that he “ en what is wrong?” I e psychologist asked Tyler both talkers or they have sib-
if his teacher listens to what he ere are ways, however, that lings who are chatty. I once met
said, and our son said, “Yes, but parents can ensure that they are with a little boy who had three
Mommy and Daddy don’t.” At aware of what’s happening to older sisters. As with Tyler, this
that point my husband and I their children, especially when little boy had no learning issues.
looked at each other in shock they’re young. I remember a Yet, he was struggling in school.
and Tyler went back to playing mom telling me that every day
with the toys. since her children could talk, Even if his mom or dad asked
she’d sit on their bed with them him if he had homework, by the
To make a long story short, before they fell asleep, and time he responded, someone
we never took Tyler back to the they’d talk about their day. She else in the family started talking
psychologist, but we made an was a working mom and wasn’t so he never answered. He was
appointment to meet with him. home when they got home from overlooked continuously.
school. She would share her
Tyler’s Mom and Dad day with them, and they’d share In addition, since he was the
their days with her. She lis- youngest, often before he could
Dear Tyler’s Mom and Dad, tened to them and they, in turn, say something, someone else
ank you so much for shar- learned to listen to her—and by answered for him.
default, others.
ing this with us! It’s a wonderful Recently, I watched a grand-
story, and I am thrilled that Tyler mother with her 3-year-old
was able to communicate what grandson Isaac make a sandcas-
was really happening to him. tle together. Everything seemed
wonderful until a friend of the
Add Value grandmother’s walked by, and
to Your Home the two women started talking.
When we’re done, there is nothing left to do. Suddenly, another little boy
ran by and knocked over the
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• Replacement Windows • General Carpentry • Basement Finishing • Painting • Interior Trim • Handy Man • But no amount of his trying to
get his grandmother’s attention
Sero’s Contracting succeeded.
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nished their conversation,
to maximize your home’s value,comfort and beauty. Isaac’s grandmother said, “It’s
getting late and we have to have
Licensed & Insured • Local References • Brewster, NY • 845-216-1955 • 845-279-6977 • [email protected] dinner.” Isaac, dejected, followed
her out of the park.
As they walked away, I was
quite frustrated with what had
just happened. I can’t imagine
how Isaac felt.
e point is that every
child—and adult, for that
matter—needs the opportu-
nity to share the experiences
they have—good or bad—with
someone who cares about them.
Children need to feel that
their thoughts and experiences
are important to their moms
and dads. If you haven’t read
the children’s classic, “Nobody
Listens to Andrew,” by Eliza-
beth Guilfoile, read it. It’s been
around since 1957. is isn’t a
new issue.
Please, take out time each day
to listen to your children.
Dr. Linda
Dr. Linda is co-author of
“Why Bad Grades Happen
to Good Kids,” and director
of Strong Learning Tutoring
and SAT/ACT Test Prep.
Send your questions to Linda@
A soapbox for everyone
If you’re thinking about had been going around telling MAN did all your hair go?”“Oh that. e only one he didn’t hire is
running for president, now people that she is part American OVERBOARD Biden inhaled it. But the joke’s that little general who sells car
is the time to do it, because Indian, then she had her num- on him because it had a boatload insurance from a Corvette con-
everybody else is and you don’t bers done by one of those DNA RICK of bobby pins in it!”“Well, I was vertible with a penguin. If he had
want to be left out. Running for genealogy sites, and it turns out MELÉN kissed by a politician 40 years gone to him rst he would have
o ce is a mine eld, so let’s go she’s like one millionth Chero- ago, and I have photo evidence saved some time, so I’ve heard.
over a few rules and suggestions, kee Indian, the equivalent of one be lost.” DON’T screw up, not of it. I’m just now coming to
and some examples of what not of her inner ear bones. Inciden- because you could mislead the terms with it.”“Mom, you were If, god forbid, you DO get
to do. Rule Number One: Don’t tally my neighbor has a Jeep American people, or do damage 10 months old- everybody kissed elected, don’t stress about it, it’s
do anything that goes against Cherokee in the garage that’s to your chances of becoming babies back then!”“Yes but I’ve not the end of the world. You
your core values. For instance, going through the same issue- president, but because you might don’t really have to do anything,
Bernie Sanders has spent his most of it was made in Japan get mocked on Saturday Night nally decided to come forward as long as you tweet that you’d
political career railing against and Mexico, and it’s only about Live. e minute I see Colin instead of waiting for everyone like to do something, perhaps
the rich and powerful. He even one-eighth Native American. Jost in front of a picture of me else to go backward.” this weekend if the weather is
wrote a book about it, and the If I was running for president I in the corner, before he even nice. It doesn’t matter if you
people rose up and bought his would say I am part black Latina says anything all the hair falls Rule Number Seven: If it tweet like a 12 year-old girl.
book, and now he’s a millionaire, woman, and probably I would be out of my head. Even worse, is looks like you might be getting Blame anything bad on the
and he’s stumbling around trying statistically correct. one of the ugly cast members close to being elected, make sure “Dems.” Get an Instagram
to explain why he shouldn’t share going to portray me, or worser to have some cabinet appointees account and try to break the
some of that money with us. Rule Number Four: It’s a than worse, a female cast mem- in mind. Trump decided to hire internet before the Russians do.
good idea to be all things to all ber? You’re better o not saying and re a bunch of retired gener- I’ve got to go now and nd some
ere’s nothing worse for Social- people. If you have any skeletons anything substantive that can als, thinking that they might ice for my knee. I was putting
ism than a rich and powerful in the closet, now is the time come back to bite you on the tell him what to do and that together my campaign platform,
proletariat. to get them out. If you yourself ass later. When Trump ends up he might enjoy that. He went and I whacked myself with a
have been in the closet, now is in the hospital after all this is through General Flynn, he went hammer.
Rule Number Two: Don’t do the time to get YOU out. e over it won’t be because of stress through General McMaster, he
anything stupid 20 years ago. I LGBT community is a large or because a climate scientist went through General Kelly, he Say hello at [email protected]
went to a Halloween party as and vocal group, and they don’t punched him in the nose, it will went through General Mattis.
Shrek once, and now I’m nding want to see their rights trampled be because one of those bites on
out that it is insulting to ogres upon. If you are a gay candidate, his ass got infected. Upper School Day & Boarding Programs (5 and 7-day)
to parade around in green-face. you have an instant base right Middle School Day Program
So today’s standards are being there. If not, this is your oppor- Rule Number Six: Don’t touch
applied to things that happened tunity to bring up an incident any women, even if you have a Easily reachable via railroad
quite a while ago, and now it or two that you had in summer good reason, and being creepy is
is coming to light that many camp and get it o your chest. not a good reason. A female poli-
people were insulted and sub- Okay maybe three, it was a long tician came forward to complain
jected to rude behavior before time ago. Four is my nal o er, that Biden acted inappropriately
they were killed during the fall and I’ll throw in a bachelor party by kissing the top of her head and
of the Roman Empire. weekend when I was in college, “inhaling” her hair. All I could
but there was alcohol involved. think of was thank god she wasn’t
Rule Number ree: Try to wearing a wig. “Honey, where
stretch the truth as much as Rule Number Five: Don’t
possible, because the truth is say anything stupid on the
BORING. Stretch it like a pair campaign trail, like “Where is
of yoga pants in the Walmart the actual trail? I think I might
cookie aisle. Elizabeth Warren
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KMA adds three board members
ree new trustees have dian in Manhattan for several STAN KOGELMAN Math Book You’ll Ever Need.” tegic advisor to numerous art
been appointed to the Katonah years. Kogelman studied math- institutions and corporations,
Museum of Art board: Vida Foubister also completed an ematics at Rensselaer Poly- including Design Museum Ho-
Foubister, Stanley Kogelman, Indigenous People’s Rights and technic Institute (B.S., M.S. lon, Centro Da Cultura Judaica,
and omas Rom. Policy program at Columbia and Ph.D.) and social work at Sao Paulo, Halle am Wasser Art
University and a Contemporary Smith College (MSW ). He has Campus, Berlin and Christie’s
VIDA FOUBISTER Indigenous Aesthetics graduate one daughter, Laura, an infec- Americas. Additionally, Rom
course at New York University. tious disease specialist at Tufts is an active patron of the arts,
She has a master’s degree in Medical School, and has two serving on boards of directors of
journalism from the University grandchildren. Kogelman lives Residency Unlimited and Cen-
of North Carolina at Chapel in Mount Kisco. ter for Contemporary Art, Tel
Hill and a master’s degree in Aviv, where he is also a trustee.
biochemistry from the Univer- THOMAS ROM Rom is a member of the Middle
sity of British Columbia. Eastern Acquisitions Commit-
She currently chairs assem- tee of the Tate Modern and
blies for the Greenwich Acad- American Patrons of Tate.
emy Parent Association board Kogelman, president and In 2018, Rom curated a full
and has served as a board mem- founder of Delft Strategic Ad- tableware collection designed
ber and treasurer of Science visors LLC (2003), has been by the Haas Brothers for
Writers in New York. She lives active in the nancial industry L’Objet, pre-launched at Baas
in Rye with her husband and since 1985. Prior to founding museum in a pop-up shop built
their three daughters. Delft Strategic Advisors, he into an exhibition space on the
Foubister is an independent “I am excited about support- served as a managing director occasion of the Haas Brothers’
journalist with a long-standing ing the Katonah Museum of at both JPMorgan Private Bank solo exhibition at the museum.
commitment to the arts. Her Art and nding new ways to and Goldman, Sachs & Co. He It was sold out before the o -
brother, Cree, from Northern engage the community in its in- has authored/co-authored more cial launch date. In 2020, Rom
Saskatchewan, was an artist, novative exhibitions,” Foubister than 100 professional articles will introduce the largest public
and she has a passion for Indig- said. “As a journalist, I nd the on nance and investing, re- art commission in the history of
enous art and culture. visual language of art compel- ceived two Graham and Dodd Rom manages dozens of pri- New York that has been three
She established an Aborigi- ling. I look forward to sharing Awards and published three vate and corporate art collec- years in the making. Rom re-
nal scholarship in her brother’s my love of art and its connec- books on a range of nancial tions worldwide, collaborating sides in Manhattan.
name at Emily Carr University tions to diverse cultures with topics. with high-pro le collectors in Michael Gitlitz, executive di-
of Art + Design in Vancouver others through the museum’s In an earlier career, Kogelman helping shape and grow the rector of the Katonah Museum
and volunteered at the National many educational programs, held senior faculty positions in landscape of contemporary art of Art, said of the new board
Museum of the American In- performances and events.” the mathematics departments today. Rom’s art advisory has members, “ e KMA couldn’t
of NYU (Courant Institute), overseen artistic collabora- be more pleased to welcome
Baruch College (CUNY ), tions for brands and publica- three dynamic board members
and SUNY Purchase (chair- tions such as Armani, Dolce to its growing roster of trustees.
man). During those years, he Gabbana, Lanvin, Levi’s, Nike, Each one brings an incredible
published articles in technical Club Monaco, ABSOLUT, W enthusiasm for the arts, as well
journals on pure mathematics Hotels, Ritz Carlton, Interview, as an eagerness to share their
and wrote books on mathemat- OUT, and Whitewall Maga- insights with our organization.
ics education, including “Mind zine. I look forward to seeing their
over Math” and “ e Only Rom has also acted as a stra- in uence as museum leaders.”
Contact Us
The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is located at Bailey Court, 334 Route 202, Unit C1S, Somers, NY
10589. You can contact us at 914-302-5628 or email [email protected].
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55 Years of Excellence
Teen gains Area students earn academic
admission to honors at Harvey
e Harvey School has announced Roll; Robert Fischer, 7, Bedford 10, South Salem, Cavalier Scholar;
the names of the students who have Hills, Head’s List: Brian Fridie, Patrick Murphy, 10, Cross River,
Angelina Cerami,
a student at John earned academic honors for the nal 12, Goldens Bridge, Head’s List; Head’s List; Julia Nelson, 9, Pound
Jay High School,
has been accepted marking period of the winter term. e Daniel Galgano, 11, South Salem, Ridge, Head’s List; Alexander
into the Pre-College
Acting Program at following students have been awarded Head’s List; Emma Galgano, 8, Ogg, 12, Bedford Corners, Head’s
the University of
Michigan’s School of a Cavalier Scholar certi cate (GPA of South Salem, Honor Roll: Harrison List; Kathryn Ogg, 10, Bedford
Music, eatre and
Dance. 4.0 or higher), or have earned places Galloway-Kahn, 10, Katonah, Corners, Cavalier Scholar; Robert
Every year, about on the Head’s List (3.7 or higher) or Honor Roll; Colin Glascott, 12, Ogg, 9, Bedford Corners, Cavalier
250 high school
seniors who applied Honor Roll (at least 3.3): Pound Ridge, Head’s List; Allison Scholar; Mae Parker, 12, Pound
for the program
are brought to the Isabelle Abramson, 10, South Glass, 11, Cross River, Head’s List; Ridge, Honor Roll; Erin Phillips,
university’s Ann
Arbor campus, Salem, Honor Roll; Logan Keegan Glucksman, 10, Bedford 9, Katonah, Head’s List; Ryan
where they undergo a rigorous audition process to gain
admission. Alexander, 6, Goldens Bridge, Corners, Cavalier Scholar; Tillie Pink, 9, South Salem, Honor Roll;
Following auditions, 20 students are then selected Head’s List; Samuel Alexander, 9, Glucksman, 12, Bedford Corners, Alexandre Pradines, 10, Katonah,
to participate in the summer program, from June 30 to
July 13. Katonah, Cavalier Scholar; Devon Cavalier Scholar; Zi Glucksman, Honor Roll; Mackenzie Rendo, 12,
Cerami is also the founder and current president of Alpern, 9, Goldens Bridge, Honor 10, Bedford Corners, Head’s List; South Salem, Head’s List; Finley
the student board of ArtsALIVE!, which is in its initial
year. ArtsALIVE! is a high school arts booster club. Roll; Zachary Amerling, 9, South Giselle Gro , 9, Katonah, Cavalier Shepard, 12, Pound Ridge, Honor
Salem, Head’s List; Isabel Bandon, Scholar; Cole Hamlin, 7, Bedford Roll; Cody Siegel, 9, Katonah,
10, Katonah, Heads List; Luke Hills, Head’s List; Iliana Hellinger, Head’s List; So a Silverman, 10,
Baumgartner, 11, Katonah, Honor 7, Katonah, Head’s List; Jacob Mount Kisco, Head’s List; Emily
Roll; Dylan Bazaar, 7, Katonah, Hellinger, 9, Katonah, Cavalier Sorio, 6, Mount Kisco, Head’s List;
Head’s List: Ryan Byrne, 6, Scholar; Spencer Hellinger, 10, Peter Sorio, 7, Mount Kisco, Honor
Goldens Bridge, Head’s List; Lucas Katonah, Head’s List; Charlie Roll; Charles Treseler, 8, Bedford,
Chirico, 10, Pound Ridge, Honor Hill, 7, Katonah, Head’s List; Sara Honor Roll: Zachary Treseler,
Roll; Harley Cohen, 11, Pound Ho man, 12, South Salem, Cavalier 10, Bedford, Cavalier Scholar;
Ridge, Honor Roll; Noam Cohen- Scholar; Hudson Insolia, 12, Samantha Verdeschi, 9, Katonah,
Weinberg, 8, Cross River, Head’s Katonah, Honor Roll; Justin Jaques, Honor Roll; Riannah Wallach, 7,
List; Angelyne Cooper, 9, Katonah, 9, Goldens Bridge, Honor Roll; Pound Ridge, Head’s List; Sebastian
Head’s List; Brooke Dodderidge, 12, Jayden Kass,9,Katonah,Head’s List; Wallach, 12, Pound Ridge, Cavalier
Mount Kisco,Cavalier Scholar; Rom Jane Kelleran, 12, Goldens Bridge, Scholar; Tyler Wallach, 10, Pound
Don-Snow, 11, Katonah, Honor Honor Roll; Emiliana Knauer, 8, Ridge, Honor Roll; Amanda Ward,
Roll; Lucinda Durkin, 8, Katonah, Katonah, Head’s List; Elizabeth 11, Bedford Hills, Cavalier Scholar,
Head’s List; Olivia Durkin, 10, Mahony, 12, South Salem, Head’s Ella Weinstein, 10, Pound Ridge,
Katonah, Head’s List; Samantha List; Shelby McCaine, 7, Katonah, Cavalier Scholar; Spencer Whitman,
Ferman, 11, Bedford Hills, Honor Honor Roll; Katherine McLean, 8, Katonah, Honor Roll.
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Government at Work 25, to Wednesday, May 1. Chancel Choir of the Antioch shows begin at 7 p.m. and are hibition showcases art by more
than a dozen local artists who
Gospel Concert Baptist Church in Bedford Hills open to the public free of charge have drawn inspiration from the
annual reawakening and regen-
ere are no Bedford or Lew- A gospel concert featuring will be held at 5 p.m. Sunday, eration of life during springtime
isboro meetings scheduled to in natural settings.
take place from ursday, April May 5, at the Antioch Baptist JAZZ CONCERT
Light refreshments will be
Church at 1 Strother Crossing Wednesday, May 1 served at the opening recep-
tion. e exhibition runs until
in Bedford Hills (at the corner e spring series opens with Sunday, June 2, and will be on
view daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Progressive Animal Hospital of Church Street and Main performances by the high Admission to the gallery is free.
Parking is $5 with a Westches-
Street). It will bene t the Com- school’s Jazz Bands and Vocal ter County Park Pass; $10 with-
out the pass.
munity Center of Northern Jazz Ensemble. e Vocal Jazz
Ward Pound Ridge Reserva-
DOES YOUR PET NEED... Westchester. group took rst place at the tion is located at the junction
of routes 35 and 121 South in
• Wellness Exams Healthy Yards Earth prestigious Berklee Jazz Festival. Cross River.
• Nutritional Counseling Guests will also be enter-
• Dental Care • Surgery Let’s Not be Still!
Day Festival tained with performances by
• Orthopedic Surgery the school’s three student-led e Let’s Not be Still! New
• Acupuncture York Festival, 5K and Walk
Bedford 2020 will host a a-capella groups: e Notables, will be held Saturday, May 18,
• Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy at Meadow Pond Elementary
• Cancer Immunotherapy Healthy Yards Earth Day Festi- e RollingTones, and e Tre- School, 185 Smith Ridge Road,
• Digital Radiographs South Salem.
• In-house Ultrasounds val from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, blemakers.
Last year’s races, organized
• In-house Echocardiograms April 28, at the Bedford Hills by the Star Legacy Foundation
• Allergy Testing • House Calls NY Metro Chapter, raised more
Train Station. ORCHESTRA CONCERT than $150,000 toward pregnan-
cy/infant loss research, educa-
ere will be music, food, Monday, May 6 tion, and awareness. More than
500 individuals attended the
supplies, and information on e concerts continue with Westchester and Long Island
sister events.
how to have a healthy yard this performances by the Symphonic
e event begins at 9 a.m. For
Conventional & Progressive Animal Hospital year, including: Orchestra and String Orchestra. more information or to register,
Holistic Care offers it all, and more! visit starlegacyfoundation.org/
• Plant and Seed Swap lnbsny.
Progressive Animal Hospital • Free Tree Saplings and Pol- CHORAL AND MUSIC Lewisboro Library
(914) 248-6220 • Progressive-Vet.com linator Plants COMPOSITION
e Lewisboro Library is lo-
149 Route 202 & Lovell Street • Somers, NY 10589 • Build Bee Hotels CONCERT cated at 15 Main St., South Sa-
lem. For more information, call
Privately Owned • Info on Landscaping With- ursday, May 14 914-875-9004.
out Chemicals is concert features digital HOMESCHOOL POETRY
• Count Caterpillars and See music composed and performed
At 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 30,
Live Animals by students from the Music the library is o ering a “Home-
school Poetry Workshop.”
• Composting Tutorials Technology program, as well as During this program, children
will become familiar with this
• Participate in a Wildlife pieces by the vocal group, the art form, and then create their
own free verse and acrostic po-
Treasure Hunt John Jay Chorale. ems. Children are encouraged
to come with poems to recite.
• Learn about Gardening for Register at lewisborolibrary.org/
Pollinators BAND CONCERT
• Become an iNaturalist Data ursday, May 16
Collector e spring series concludes
• Visit tables of local organi- with a program of music from
zations and businesses who of- three ensembles: the Concert
fer pollinator friendly services Band, the Symphonic Band, and
and others the Wind Ensemble.
e event will be held rain or Art in the Parks
Spring Concert An exhibit of oil paintings,
Series watercolors and photography
celebrating the season will open
e Spring Concert Series with a reception on Saturday,
is returning to John Jay High April 27, from 1 to 3 p.m., at the
School (60 North Salem Road, W.P.A. Gallery at Ward Pound
Cross River) with several shows Ridge Reservation in Cross
next month. Each student per- River.
formance takes place at the John Titled “Rebirth – the Re-
Jay High School auditorium. All awakening in Spring,” the ex-
Learn how to use “Google
If you are a survivor of child sexual abuse, New York
law allows you to take action against the perpetrator Docs” at 11 a.m. Saturday, May
4. Discover how using Google
and institution that protected him or her. Docs allows you to view and
edit your documents from any-
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now about the NEW YORK CHILD VICTIMS ACT. collaborate with others and see
changes in real time. Register at
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New York, NY 10019 SERVICE
At 4 p.m. Sunday, May 5, the
CROSSING vum Singers concerts are ADA For more information, email know what roads will be covered, Service Dogs’ website; putnam-
accessible. Mindy Yanish at o eringsgal- or to ask for an unassigned road. servicedogs.org. For more infor-
FROM PAGE 18 [email protected]. Neighborhood coordinators are mation, call John Schlick, golf
Katonah Art Stroll always needed. tournament chairman, at 845-
library is hosting a lecture titled Lewisboro Roadside 490-0096.
“On the President’s Secret Ser- e Katonah Art Stroll re- Cleanup Golf Tournament
vice.” Speaker Joseph Russo turns 4 to 8 p.m. Saturday, April Sponsorships are still available.
worked for 20 years as a special 27. ere will be live music, art e Lewisboro Lions Club e third annual golf tourna-
agent of the U.S. Secret Service, demonstrations and refresh- is nalizing plans for its annual ment to bene t Putnam Service Art Gallery
managing security arrange- ments throughout town. town-wide roadside cleanup Dogs will be held Friday, June 7,
ments for the New York Protec- project. e cleanup is scheduled at Centennial Golf Club, Carmel. A gallery of artwork by Vanessa
tion Squad and later in charge Participating are the Katonah for the weekend of April 27 and H. Smith, titled “Engage,” will be
of presidential security for Bill Village Library, Old New House, 28. Trash bags are available at Putnam Service Dogs is a on display at CB Gallery on Ka-
Clinton. He’ll discuss the histo- FORWARD Contemporary,Of- the town clerk’s o ce (79 Bou- non-pro t corporation that pro- tonah Avenue through May 11.
ry of the service and his personal ferings Galley, Oak&Oil Gallery, ton Road, South Salem). vides free service dogs to people
experiences as a Secret Service CB Gallery, the Eclectic Collec- with physical disabilities other For more information, visit
Agent on duty. Register at lewis- tor, Katonah Art and Frame, Ma- Anyone wishing to participate than blindness. CB Gallery on Facebook or Ins-
borolibrary.org/adult.htm. jestic Hudson, 10536 Art Gallery, may call Janet Donohue, town tagram @cbartgallery or contact
the Katonah Museum of Art, and clerk and a Lions Club mem- Registration for the golf tour- Christopher Brescia at artgal-
THE KENNEDYS IN LandEscape. ber, at 914-763-3511 to let her nament, or cocktails and dinner [email protected] or call 917-
CONCERT only, is available on Putnam 520-3234.
At 8 p.m. Friday, April 26, the mrchimney.com
Lewisboro Library kicks o its Fireplace & Boiler Flue Experts
2019 Nightclub Concert series Chimney Cleaning, Chimney Repairs, Gas Conversions,
by welcoming e Kennedys in Wood Burning Stoves, Fireplace Glass Doors, Fireplace
their rst appearance on the li- Inserts, Exhaust Fans, Chimney Relining, Repair Leaks
brary stage. Folk-rock perform-
ers Pete and Maura Kennedy 914-232-6600
have released more than 14 al-
bums together and are known PBJareiwinngetilinrnyyg,osCu, rAoiitnenmst,siSqorutewerseli&cnagnC,coBomllreeoctntoizybeolsue,!s
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Wheels For Wishes
eatre Within’s annual tribute benefiting
to John Lennon—working with HMuadkseo-An-VWailslhe ®
Patti Smith, Cyndi Lauper and a
host of others. y
Reserved concert seats must * 1FWW0re0eee%AAVclTescaohexipAcDtlceMecPdeopiusctctktBVuibopelaheAtiscN,lMeYsoWRtuoHrncEnyRicnlEegso&r Not
be purchased at the library or * RVs
online via the library website— *
lewisborolibrary.org/adult.htm. *
Seating is $45 per person for
table seats and $30 per person WheelsForWishes.org Call:(914) 468-4999* Car DofinnaatniocniaFl ionufonrdmaatiotionnd,/cba/all W(2h1e3e) l9s4F8o-2r 0W0i0shoersv.isTiot wlewawrn.wmhoereelsafobrowuitsohuers.porrogg.rams or
for general seats. Wine, beer and
dessert are included. e concert Diwscaolkv-eirntbhaetwhtourbldf’rsobmest
begins at 8 p.m.; doors open at
7:30 p.m. 5 Reasons American Standard Your business card
Walk-In Tubs are Your Best Choice could be here.
e Nightclub Concerts are 1 Backed by American Standard’s
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boro Library operating fund. 2 Ultra low entry for easy S$A1V,I5N0GS0
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Canticum Novum
Singers LapSRLnuheCdrcocewdchioovaeemesr,esaoprn.rfaSroDneteyeeselieuAnwlxmfloewinreSmwrNhic.awaoatswanisolaekSniurn.t.aOtNCunYbdS,esaLW.rrBadvemBasCl9teaicd8rdhioc2eeant7snl9ttyoes6wrtila;eNhnStYidulw,eaPistruodhutl-kpnfuupaNsllmlYi.eci:n5osNs5mltYaa4,slfRl3toa.o1rLtHciooi;kmtnlNhaiYtoneCfrdo:arnHNeeLIsYCit.pb#rieec2rrtai0hotoni2ous2ns7aeW4nhd8aol-fklodD-.rICnMliAcBue.asSnttashbfi,neeLgtiyb, wreTsuratabrttrisimaoCnneoty., 3 Patented Quick Drain®
fast water removal system
e Canticum Novum Singers, 4 biLnyifseAtatmilmlaeertiicoWanan,rISrNatCanLntUydDoarnINdtGhelabbaotrhbAaNckDed
conducted by Harold Rosenbaum 5 44 Hydrotherapy jets for an
and with David Enlow on organ, invigorating massage
present a Baroque Banquet Con-
cert at 3 p.m. Sunday, April 28, at FREE IN-HOME
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 68 EVALUATION!
Bedford Road, Katonah.
Increase referrals and name recognition. Advertise in The Somers Record Bulletin Board and reach
is will be a program ex- over 7,000 USPS delivered mailing addresses every week. Call 845-208-8151 today!
ploring European music of the
17th and early 18th centuries,
including works by such major
composers as J.S. Bach, Handel,
Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Monteverdi,
Purcell, Telemann and Rameau,
along with works by lesser-
known composers of the day
such as Giacomo Carissimi,
Gregorio Allegri, Francesco Du-
rante and Maurice Green.
Tickets for the April 28 con-
cert are $20 ($10 for students),
available at the door or in ad-
vance at cvi.yapsody.com. For
more information, call 914-582-
3915 or visit canticumnovum.
org/season.html. Canticum No-
Manage pain
with massage
Addiction to opiates is a scriptions for opioids in 2016,
growing problem in the United which was up slightly from
States and Canada. 18.9 million in 2015, accord-
Pain relief therapies, such as ing to the health data company
massage therapy, can be viable QuintilesIMS. When prescrip-
alternatives to the prescription tions to oxycodone, hydromor-
pain medicines that often serve phone and fentanyl run out,
as a gateway to illegal drugs many people turn to heroin as a
such as heroin. less expensive and more readily
Addiction to prescription available means of pain relief.
painkillers is common. e Na- NIDA says that up to 7 per-
tional Institute on Drug Abuse cent of people who are pre-
estimates that 4.7 million peo- scribed opiate or analgesic pain
ple in the United States are de- killers will become addicted. To Massage therapy is a viable py can promote relaxation, re- structures that produce energy
duce anxiety and improve qual- and help muscles recover from
pendent on painkillers, the sale help reduce the overprescrib- option that can work wonders ity of life. activity.”
of which has increased by more ing epidemic and keep people to improve exibility and of- Research indicates that mas- A review published in the
sage therapy can reduce the in- journal Complementary era-
than 300 percent since 1999. from becoming addicted to pain fer relief from pain in di erent cidence and frequency of back pies in Clinical Practice noted
pain, headache and leg pain and that moderate pressure mas-
Retail pharmacies across Can- meds, people can look for other parts of the body. In addition to can even reduce stress and ten- sage can lead to decreased cor-
sion. Massage therapy can be an tisol levels, helping to reduce
ada dispensed 19 million pre- ways to alleviate pain. alleviating pain, massage thera- asset to those with myalgia, car- stress and anxiety. Massage
pal tunnel syndrome and other may help stimulate serotonin
PutnaPumtnamSSeerrvivceicDoegs Dogs conditions. products, improving mood and
feelings of well-being. Also,
VISIT OUR BOOTH AT THE CARMEL STREET FAIR! Researchers at McMaster according to AMTA, deeper
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mation in muscles — the same lymphatic system to ush away
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es afterward against a control
FRIDAY, JUNE 7TH group, discovering that “mas- Massage therapy can be a
sage dampened the activity of viable alternative for pain suf-
proteins known as in amma- ferers who are reluctant to take
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Measles – 6 things you need to know
Recent measles outbreaks in surrounding and feet. Fever is also place to treat measles, when it is safe to go back to work, school
communities,including eight con rmed cas- common during this GUEST but there are proto- or other public places. My advice? If you’re
es in Westchester County, are raising many stage. Accompany- COLUMNIST cols in place to ensure not vaccinated, get vaccinated immediately.
questions and concerns for our community. ing the rash and fever, others don’t get sick. And, avoid high-risk areas if possible, espe-
What do these outbreaks mean for you people often notice DR. DEBRA Please call ahead be- cially if you have an unvaccinated baby.
and your family? Here are the top 6 things bluish-white spots in SPICEHANDLER fore entering one of 5. Revaccination is “a thing,” but you
you need to know, including ways you can the mouth. You are these facilities. probably don’t need it. If you received two
protect yourselves and those you love. contagious four days 4. If you were ex- doses of the MMR vaccine or if you were
1. Measles is one of the most contagious before the rash starts posed, you have three born before 1957, you should be fully pro-
of all infectious diseases. In fact, according and up to four days after the rash appears. days to get vaccinated. After this time pe- tected against the measles. However, it’s not
to the National Center for Health Re- 3. If you believe you or a loved one was riod, a vaccine is not e ective.Typically, you harmful to receive additional doses if you’re
search, one person with measles can infect exposed, or if you have symptoms, call your should avoid all contact with others for 21 unsure of your status. If you’re concerned,
12 to 18 others, in an unvaccinated popu- doctor, but do NOT go into a healthcare days, as it’s still possible for symptoms to ask your doctor for a blood test to check
lation, before they even know they’re sick. facility unannounced. Your doctor’s o ce, develop during this time. Speak to your your immunity levels.
Why? It’s airborne. Also, the virus can live or community hospital, likely has plans in doctor or local health department to discuss 6. If you’re not vaccinated, you’re putting
for up to two hours in an airspace where others at risk for serious complications. For
an infected person has coughed or sneezed. those who are pregnant, immunocompro-
So, if you’re not vaccinated and breathe mised, or babies under six months old, the
contaminated air or touch an infected door, measles can be devastating. e MMR vac-
you’re at risk. is is why it’s so important cine is a live (weakened) virus vaccine, so
to get vaccinated – wearing a mask will not these individuals cannot receive it. Howev-
prevent you from getting sick. er, you have other options. Protect yourself
2. You may not even know you’re sick. (and baby) by making sure everyone who
Here are symptoms to watch out for: e enters your home is vaccinated, get your ti-
measles virus incubates for the rst two ters checked, practice good hand hygiene,
weeks after infection, which means you and avoid high-risk areas. If you fall into
won’t have any signs or symptoms. Even one of these categories and have been ex-
when you begin to have symptoms, you posed to the measles, you may bene t from
may mistake them for a common cold. A a temporary vaccine called immunoglobu-
cough, runny nose, sore throat, or conjunc- lin. It’s best to speak to your healthcare pro-
tivitis is common during the rst stage. vider to explore your options.
When the virus progresses, usually three
days after symptoms begin, you may notice Dr. Debra Spicehandler is Co-Chief of
a di used itchy rash that starts on the face Infectious Diseases at Northern Westchester
and progresses downward toward the hands Hospital. For more information, visit nwhc.net.
With colon cancer so close to her unborn child,
other hospitals couldn’t help them both. But thanks
to the precision of robotic surgery and the expertise
of her obstetricians, Gina’s care team saved two
lives at once.
When you Look North, innovation not only
cures, it cares.
Gina’s miracle wasn’t beating
colon cancer. It was having
a baby at the same time.
File name: N_Westchester_Gina Baby_10x6.5_4C_Halston Media
Size: 10x6.5, CMYK
Publication: Halston Media
Jenna GiardinaATHLETE SPOTLIGHT Jenna Giardina
Holy Cross-bound senior a
two-year captain for John Jay FILE PHOTO/ ROB
John Jay senior Jenna Giardina is a and I couldn’t have achieved anything If you could have one
mid elder and two-year captain on the without him. superpower, what would
varsity girls lacrosse team, which won it be and why?
the Section 1 Class B championship and Tell us one thing about yourself
advanced to the state semi nals last season. that not a lot of people know? I would like to be able
Giardina and the Indians are gunning for to y. In sports I’d be
another title this season after moving to I earned my Shodan black belt in unstoppable. In life I’d be
Class C. e senior was also a member of the art of Goju Te karate. I trained able to travel anywhere I’d
the varsity girls basketball team. under Hanshi Jim Smith of Jim like. I’d also be able to look
Smith Karate, where I competed down from above and see
BY ROB DIANTONIO along the Northeast on team JSK. what’s going on from a di erent
roughout the years of competition,
How old were you when you started I earned multiple state, national, and If you could pick one place
playing lacrosse? Triple Crown championships in the to visit on vacation that you’ve
Krane circuit. I’m very proud of my never been to, where would you
I started playing youth lacrosse for achievements in martial arts and go and why?
John Jay when I was 10 years old. extremely honored to have been taught
by Hanshi Jim Smith. I’d love to go visit Italy. It’s a
After winning the Section title last beautiful and historic country and
season and returning most of your You’re committed to Holy Cross I would love to be able to follow my
team from last year, how high are the where you will continue your lacrosse family roots.
expectations this season? career.What appealed to you about
the school and lacrosse program? What is your favorite food to eat
Our expectations are extremely high. before or after a game?
I personally feel we have un nished It’s a small school that o ers
business in the state tournament. Last everything imaginable to a student. Sometimes I prefer a nice salad
year was an incredible season. We had Holy Cross is one of the top liberal before games, and I enjoy my mom’s
tremendous success. But to get so close arts schools in the nation. ey have a pasta dinners after games.
and come up short leaves you hungry passionate and strong alumni based on
to get back. over 175 years of Jesuit teachings. e Best place to eat around the
campus on Mt. Saint James is one of Katonah-Lewisboro area?
As a senior captain on the team, the most beautiful in all the Northeast;
how much do you value being a and the newly built Hart Athletic Hands down the best place to eat is
leader? Center is amazing. e Blue Dolphin. It has been a family
favorite for as long as I can remember.
Being a two-year captain has truly Do you know what you want to
been an honor. I have been on the study in college? If yes, what and why? Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or
varsity team for four years where I Instagram? Why?
have been able to play and learn from At this point I’m not 100 percent
many great teammates, which I am certain, and that’s why I chose a liberal My favorite is Snapchat. My friends
honored to pass on to my current arts school like Holy Cross that o ers and I communicate through Snapchat
teammates. I believe it’s important so many di erent opportunities. and it’s so much fun to mess around
to lead by example on and o the with the lters it o ers. My team
eld. Communication is a two-way Who is your favorite professional especially likes to send funny
street, and sometimes listening to my athlete and pro or college sports pictures using the lters in our
teammates can be more important team? group chat.
than talking.
Growing up, one of my favorite What would you tell a younger
What is your favorite team activity, athletes to watch was Peyton Manning. athlete growing up in the Katonah-
pre-game or post-game ritual that Football is popular in my family and Lewisboro district about the
you share with your teammates? I learned how hard Peyton Manning experience of being in the lacrosse
prepared for games and how he strived program? Why should they go out for
Before the home games, we gather for perfection. He was one of the best the team?
as a team listening to our favorite and most humble players to ever play
playlist, focus on the game plan, and the game and I love how he always Lacrosse builds camaraderie by
stay relaxed. And of course, getting credited his teammates. One of my having the team work toward a
our game day hair ready is always a favorite pro teams is the New York common goal. You build friendships
team favorite. Our post-games usually Giants. I’ve been able to attend games both on and o the eld, and you learn
consist of a gathering with the coaches at Giants Stadium and I even had the life lessons along the way. Lacrosse is
to recap the game, ending with a team opportunity to watch my brother play a fun and creative sport that young
huddle and cheer. with his youth football team at halftime kids will love to play as all players
during a game. are equally involved in the game.
Who has been your biggest role Lacrosse is a highly promoted
model over the years and what have What is your favorite music to listen sport that can help those who
you learned from them? to warming up for a game? work hard and want to
achieve collegiate
My dad. He has always pushed I enjoy listening to country music. It play.
me to be and do my best, to learn helps calm me down before games so
from my mistakes and above all to be I’m able to feel more relaxed. It brings
con dent and to believe in myself. He me back mentally to a familiar place
has been there with me through it all which makes me feel more comfortable.
Indians make the most of Florida trip
John Jay tops Bronxville, Oakton
BY ROB DIANTONIO end,” Wilmoth said. “ is was Charlotte
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the rst game where I felt our of- Wilmoth
fense clicked. Most of our goals
It wasn’t just about winning were o assists, which made us
games when John Jay’s girls la- more successful. We were also
crosse team headed down to very determined and eager to
Florida last week. e Indians beat a very good team.”
were hoping to also build team
chemistry and camaraderie. Brianna Garofolo made six
saves in net for Jay. Ashley Scha-
ey were able to accomplish fer collected three ground balls
all of the above. and John Jay forced 13 turnovers
as a unit.
John Jay started the trip by de-
feating Bronxville, the defending Two days later, John Jay de-
Class D section champions, 10- feated Oakton (Virginia), 16-9,
8, on April 15 at IMG Academy at the same complex. Wilmoth
in Bradenton, Fla. was the leading scorer again with
six goals.
“After this trip I could tell how
close we all got,” John Jay junior Crawford (3G, 2A), Giardina
Charlotte Wilmoth said. “We (3G, 2A), Mia DiChiara (2G,
all felt so comfortable with each 1A), Melina O’Connor (1G, 1A),
other. Becoming so close will O’Reilly (1G, 3A), Isabella Gin-
translate to the eld, which will er (1A) and Garofolo (4 saves)
help us become more successful. helped ll up the stat sheet.
Lacrosse wise we focused a lot on
moving the ball, which is some- John Jay dominated the draw,
thing we did really well and we 20-7, with O’Reilly gathering 11
look forward to bringing it back draw controls.
to New York. Before Florida,
we didn’t move the ball much in “We were able to be domi-
transition and now we have that nant on the draw because of the
in our game and it will make us connection on the draw team,”
much more successful against Wilmoth said. “Our draw taker
Section 1 teams.” Cara is excellent at placing the
ball and Jenna and I commu-
Wilmoth paced the Indians nicate well on who is going to
with ve goals and an assist. box out and who is going for the
Cameron Crawford added three ground ball.”
goals and an assist. Jenna Giar-
dina tallied a goal and three as- Crawford, Wilmoth, Preis,
sists. Lily Preis (1G) and Cara Schafer and Julianna Duva
O’Reilly (2A) also contributed. scooped up three ground balls
“ e key to winning against
Bronxville was moving the ball John Jay (6-1) was scheduled
in transition and on the o ensive to travel to Rye on April 23. ey
then host Pleasantville at 6 p.m.
on ursday, April 25.
Head coach Stephen DelMoro
talks with the team between innings.
John Jay falls to Yorktown in softball
The Bocklet Family presents John Jay-Cross River’s softball team fell to host Yorktown 14-1 on
Wednesday, April 17.
2019 Summer Camps
e previous week, John Jay lost to host White Plains 10-2 on
Adirondack Overnight April 10. Brooke Altneu was 2-3 with a double and two RBIs to lead
Warrensburg, NY the Indians at the plate.
August 12- 16
John Jay came up short against visiting Lakeland, 13-6, a day ear-
Westchester Day Camp lier. e Indians collected 13 hits with Eva Falino (2 -4, 3 RBIs), Linn
Harvey School Carbaugh (3-4, 2 runs), Lindsay Neumann (4-4, 2 RBIs, double) and
July 8-11 Altneu (2- 4, RBI) sparking the team.
East Hampton Day Camp e Indians were scheduled to host Horace Greeley on April 22.
August 5-8 ey then head to Greeley for a 4:30 p.m. game on April 25 and
welcome Walter Panas at 1 p.m. on April 27.
All camps are for boys
and girls ages 10-15 -Rob Diantonio
contact: [email protected] Jess Leff grabs the hop
www.x10lacrosse.com and makes it back to
first to get the out.
CausnemdyaeRkriecthshemtrhibgaeahnlotlgfiuaeetntlidsdn. Kyla Whalen
chases a foul pop.
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Crossword Puzzle solutions on page 27 Fun By The Numbers
CLUES ACROSS 57. “__ your i’s, cross your CLUES DOWN beliefs Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This
1. Tenor t’s” 1. Mathematical 8. Typeface mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from
5. Panthers’ 58. Removed optimization search 9. Shrill cry the moment you square off, so sharpen your
signal caller 59. “Death in the Family” method 10. Sends via the pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!
8. Systems, author 2. Country along the Postal Service Here’s How It Works:
doctrines, theories 60. When you hope to Arabian peninsula 11. Holds grain Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
12. Rulers arrive 3. Pointed parts of pens 13. Occurring at a broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a
14. Indonesian 61. German district 4. Lake __, one of the fitting time sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each
coastal town 62. Turner and Kennedy Great 17. Vogue row, column and box. Each number can appear
15. Type of cuisine 63. Midway between 5. Peruvian region 24. Born of only once in each row, column and box. You
16. Kids south and southeast 6. State capital of 25. Get the job done can figure out the order in which the numbers
18. Single Lens 64. Emerald Isle Georgia 26. Teletype will appear by using the numeric clues already
Reflex 7. Those killed for their (Computers) provided in the boxes. The more numbers you
19. Extra seed- 27. Small southern name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
covering constellation
20. Force out 28. Decaliters
21. Feline 29. Area near the
22. __ & Stitch concert stage
23. Semantic 35. Social insect living
relations in organized colonies
26. A larval frog or 36. Winter activity
toad 37. Snakelike fish
30. Sport for 38. Not wet
speedsters 40. In addition to
31. One who is 41. In league
learning 42. Barrels per day
32. Request (abbr.)
33. Famed WWII 43. Monetary unit
conference 44. Marked
34. Relieved 45. Emerges
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charged atom maker
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