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Published by Halston Media, 2022-12-13 14:31:13

North Salem News 12.15.2022

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 8 No. 40 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, December 15, 2022

Officials offer tips
for coyote safety

North Salem residents attacked by rabid animal 

BY CAROL REIF – including cities -- coyotes can be carried straight down, and its legs Jingle all the way!
STAFF WRITER found in every state in America, are long.
except Hawaii. e North Salem Bridle Trails Association helped
Are coyotes getting too close Comparatively, house cats gen- get the community in the holiday spirit on Dec. 4 at
for comfort? Coyotes may look doglike, erally tip the scales at between the Jingle Bell Jog! See more photos on page 14!
sometimes display doglike behav- eight to 10 pounds; the average
e question is a timely one in iors, and even have a bit of dog Labrador Retriever weighs be- PHOTO COURTESY OF HELEN H. HOUGHTON
light of the fact that two residents DNA in them, but they are de - tween 55 to 80 pounds, and the
of nearby  North Salem recently nitely not the domesticated type gray wolf between 70 to 145 if HOPEMAZZOLA
had a scary encounter with one of and should be respected for the male and between 60 to 100 if
the North American canines. wild creatures they are, according female. YOU’VE GOTTA HAVE HOPE
to Dana Goin of the Wolf Con-
One of the women was bitten servation Center in South Salem. COYOTE CUISINE Sales Vice President
-- and her walking companion While classi ed as carnivores, Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
nearly was -- by what was prob- e Ruth Keeler Memorial
ably a rabid coyote. It ed after Library last week hosted Goin’s coyotes have a more omnivorous cell: 914.714.0090
the attack and was never found. “Coexisting With Coyotes,” a live diet. eir favorite chow consists
Infected mammals usually die webinar jam-packed with scientif- of mice, rats, squirrels, and rabbits, [email protected]
within a week to 10 days of be- ic information and myth-busting but they’ll munch on fruits and
coming sick. revelations. veggies and won’t turn up their
noses at human garbage. ey do
Coyotes are not strictly noctur- It aimed to demystify coyotes scavenge for venison but don’t take
nal, so if one is spotted during the and clear up common misconcep- deer down unless they’re wounded
day,it doesn’t necessarily mean that tions. or weak. ey eat fawns.
there’s something wrong. ey are
most active at dawn or dusk. “We don’t want people to be Cats are on the menu too, so
fearful about being outdoors,” Goin advises keeping them in-
However, it is a wild creature Goin explained. doors “where there are no coyotes.”
and normally gives folks a wide
berth. Beware if it seems to have SOME BASICS COYOTE CONVERSATION
no fear of humans. Other signs of e adult eastern coyote is four ey mark their territory, or
rabies include appearing disori-
ented or excessively wobbly. to ve feet from snout to tail and advertise their mating status, by
weighs between 20 to 45 pounds. leaving a scent.
Because they are explorers, op- Its coat can be tawny brown, with
portunists, and can cope, if not some black or grey fur. Its ears are SEE COYOTE PAGE 6
thrive, in almost any environment large and pointy, its tail u y and

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Thursday, December 15, 2022 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

FREEMAN Jared’s rst tournament. When Jared returned to The Best Quality F d & Service..A. nywhere!
I learned that hygiene and practice the day after his rst
FROM PAGE 8 tournament, he wanted to HoWleidArae NyowOTarkidngers
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experience level. wrestling culture. e practices
But with Jared’s wrestling, are tough and the coaches
I’ve pretty much been an equal We were at the tournament are strict, but the coaches are 127 Katonah Avenue, Katonah, NY 10536
participant with my wife. She’s for about four hours, but you also nurturing. It’s clear that
better at staying on top of the can’t just sit back and relax as a Jared has joined a close-knit Mon-Sat: 9am-5pm • Sun: 9am-3pm
schedules and sign-ups and parent (especially of an 8-year- community that will have his
what uniforms and equipment old). You have to stay vigilant back into the future. As a parent
to purchase, but I prepped for when your child’s bracket of a wrestler, I’m hooked!
everyone for the intense comes up, and on which mat.
requirements leading up to

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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, December 15, 2022

Escape from Mount Kisco

TOM’S was lit, I hustled back to the WHO YA GONNA CALL? Inviting my wife out for a lovely Friday evening.
TAKE municipal parking lot in hopes Since it was 30 degrees out
of making it to Somers High person’s cell number by heart. the comedy of errors. With
TOM School in time to get photos at and time was now of the es- It was a shocking realization to nothing left to do, I suddenly
WALOGORSKY their production of “Night of sence, there wasn’t room for know that I wouldn’t be able felt the urge to try to starter
the Living Dead.” (Santa and deliberation. I quickly sent to call my best friend, my boss, button. Imagine my surprise
It’s not often that a man zombies in one evening is a hit o a series of texts to my wife or even my older brother if I when the engine came to life.
nds himself alone and in any man’s league.) explaining what had happened needed to dial their number
against the elements, rely- and my location, so she could from memory. e season of miracles, indeed.
ing on nothing but his wits to When I arrived back at my come and claim my frozen I was able to cancel my dis-
survive. But I have lived to tell car, there was a most unwel- corpse at her earliest conve- A HOLIDAY MIRACLE tress call, escape from town, and
the tale. Ok, maybe that’s not come surprise waiting for me. nience. She knew what she was After my lap around town, I came home to my loving wife,
an entirely accurate preface to My key fob, which normally getting into when she married warm house, and a dog who
the story I am about to tell, but unlocks the door when I am in me. used the slide key to open the wouldn’t stop licking my face
it hooked you in, didn’t it? range, didn’t grant me the magi- door so I could at least sit in because he somehow sensed I
cal access that I have become She had an engagement that the car and wait for my ride. was in trouble.
Rather, this is a tale of poor accustomed to. Trying the evening that wrapped up at 8 I had half a mug of lukewarm Take from this story whatever
planning and mild incon- unlock button also didn’t work, p.m. and I knew she wouldn’t co ee and a crossword puzzle, you like, but always be prepared,
venience, but it comes with indicating a dead fob battery at check her phone until then. which actually isn’t a horrible because you never know when
important lessons that I think the most inconvenient time. Like an astronaut marooned way to spend an evening. After the technology will turn against
we can all bene t from. on an alien world, I sent my a few minutes, the dome light you.
THE 5% SOLUTION distress signal out into the great went out. At this point my
POWER OUTAGE When it became apparent unknown. misfortunes passed the point of Tom Walogorsky also doesn’t
December is a busy month annoyance and actually became trust the popcorn button on the
that I wasn’t leaving under my I had just enough battery left funny, as I was waiting for a microwave. Contact him at
here at Halston Media. As we own power, it was time to call to receive con rmation that she piano to fall on me to complete [email protected]
ght for the nish on 2022, in reinforcements. But who to was coming to rescue her way-
call at 7 p.m. on a Friday night ward husband before my phone
our sta are all putting in long to make the journey to Mount died and I slipped onto the dark
hours to bring you the very best Kisco to bail me out? I made side of the moon. I decided
in local news coverage. At the a quick checklist of people I to take a walk around Mount
end of a particularly lengthy know in the area, preferably Kisco, exploring the nightlife
week, I headed down to Mount someone who owed me a favor. of the “big little village” while I
Kisco’s community tree light- As I pondered that matter I waited for rescue.
ing ceremony to take pictures checked my phone and real-
for the December issue of e ized that my battery was down e experience got me think-
Mt.Kisco-Bedford Times. I to 5%. In an e ort to nd a ing about a strange situation
enjoy these events, since it’s faster route to Mount Kisco I that technology creates. If you
hard to be in a bad mood at any had used my navigation and were to lose your phone and
occasion that features Santa and neglected to turn it o once needed to call someone for help,
free hot chocolate. I arrived. Between a dead key how many numbers do you
fob battery and a cell phone on actually know from memory?
After the caroling and mer- life support, the machines had Aside from my wife and my
riment were done and the tree conspired against me. parents (who I know also would
have gladly come to rescue their
favorite newspaper editor son)
I realized I didn’t know a single

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Thursday, December 15, 2022 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11

Moms can do it all! (Right?)

Mothers.We take on everything. us up for failure. Society is telling us how each other. When someone is in need of
We take care of our kids, cook help, don’t ask them what you can do, just
dinners, pack lunches, clean our strong and capable we are and how we can do it. Leave a tray of lasagna at their door
houses, bandage boo-boos, schedule ap- or o er to take their child into the carpool.
pointments, and organize handle everything that comes at us, but not Step in. Your gesture could be that mom’s
play dates and parties. chance to stop and breathe for a moment.
We help with homework, really preparing us for what really comes
Let’s talk about the partners, the dads,
ll out school forms, along with motherhood. whoever they may be. ey’re trying; they’re
bathe our children, go also doing the best they can. Maybe they
food shopping, and buy MAMA You can really never are asking to help, maybe they are pull-
new clothing and shoes ing their weight, maybe they’re awesome
when our kids outgrow be prepared for taking and they have been a great support. But it
them after what seems doesn’t change the fact that it’s always on
like a few weeks. We EXPLAINS care of a newborn on an the mothers. We have to worry about it all,
hour’s sleep, especially all that life has to give us.
gure out how life is going to look for our
families. And that doesn’t include the invis- NICOLE when you have two I remember working as a teacher in East
ible load that no one sees. All of the issues DOOLEY older kids at home who Harlem. I taught there for eight out of my
going on behind closed doors that require 11 years as a teacher. It was a long commute
immediate and special attention. It could be still need your atten- and an even longer day. I was out of the
the behind-the-scenes scheduling of your house by 6 a.m. every day with little Reagan
child’s educational plan or dealing with your tion. ey still need to in tow. I thanked God every morning about
preteen’s major emotional meltdowns. All how easy she was. She was my little buddy.
this while trying to make time for yourself, get ready for school, to I would drop her o at day care by 7 and
make time for your partner, and to just race for my trains to be at work by 8. I was
make enough time in the day to get it all be fed, to be loved. And no one tells you there until 4 and then would race back to
done. Mothers are expected to do it all, but the trains to make sure I could pick her up
can we? how hard it can be to nurse a baby, care for before the day care closed at 6 p.m. I did all PHOTO COURTESY OF NICOLE DOOLEY
of this alone every day. My husband worked
We are expected to work full time but to yourself and your other kids while recover- nights and weekends. And when he decided didn’t have many options at that point. I
be home for our children. We are expected to take on another academy, he was gone remember the panicky feeling in my stom-
to have healthy babies and then be on our ing from a C-section, or realizing you have Monday through Friday. He would leave ach. I was out of sick days and it was either
way back into our old jeans before that baby Sunday afternoons, so we really only had I call out or bring her to work. It was Field
passes his or her 9-month mark. We are postpartum anxiety or depression. Saturdays. Day and I couldn’t not be there for my kids.
expected to take time for ourselves, but not She was sni y, but no fever, so I called my
too much because it’s sel sh. What are the What women really need is that village One day Reagan woke up not feeling boss and she told me I could bring her. I
expectations doing to us? ey are setting well. It was already almost 6 a.m. and I brought her with me on two trains and we
that everyone promises. It takes a village, walked six blocks to school. I couldn’t bring
her stroller because it was rush hour. When
they say. Well, where is that village? And we got to school, we immediately gathered
the students for another six-block walk to
just because the generation before us didn’t the park. My little girl was holding her own.
She was smiling. I was exhausted. About
have as much help or went through moth- half way into the day, she felt warm. She
started to lose steam. I will never forget
erhood in a di erent way doesn’t mean we
can’t ask for help now. Our grandmothers

were burnt out and stressed. ey just didn’t

say it then. ey didn’t joke about mama

needing a glass of wine midday. Or maybe

they did, but no one was listening. ey

were missing parts of their old identities

and they could have been lonely or unful-

lled. You could be surrounded by friends

and family all day, but on the inside could

be feeling very unseen. We need to support


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Page 12 North Salem News – Thur

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Page 14 – North Salem News Thursday, December 15, 2022

Jingle Bell Jog!

While everyone waits
for sleigh bells to arrive at

the end of the month, a
different type of bell was
jingling through North Salem
last week. The North Salem
Bridle Trails Association,
along with a helpful escort
from the North Salem Police
Department, led a parade
of costumed horses and
riders through the streets
to help get the community

ready for the holidays.

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Thursday, December 15, 2022 North Salem News – Page 15

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Page 16 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, December 15, 2022

e perfect gift DOOLEY

Ah, Christmas. I’m so glad it Seth’s home since Drew arrived. cleaning o his car on snowy days. FROM PAGE 11
comes once a year and so As I write this, I’m thinking of a “Well, that makes three. I bought
happy when it’s over. From that hot day in June where I led 25 rst graders
Christmas past and remembering the him one about a month ago and and carried my 35-pound daughter all the way
his mom bought him one just a few back to school. One of my co-workers said to
October to December, I’m usually in rst Christmas Kim and Seth shared weeks ago. I guess we were all just me, “Nicki, you’re a super mom. You got this.” I’ll
thinking of the perfect gift for him.” never forget that. I then dismissed my students
a state of frenetic as newlyweds. I wanted and carried her back to the subway and all the
at Christmas, he opened each of way back to Brooklyn. It. Was. All. On. Me. And
panic. to buy something spe- our gifts with an incredulous look on that’s just how it was. My husband never had to
his face. He returned all three scrap- worry about it. All he had to worry about was
Merriam JUST cial for my new son- ers because he said he actually enjoys work and I had to worry about everything else. I
Webster de nes JO ANN in-law and thought cleaning o his car. Lesson learned. kept up that life for so long, long enough for my
the adjective, long and hard about Next time we’ll be sure to check with body to send me messages that I was doing too
frenetic, as be- JO ANN the perfect gift. Seth’s each other before the gifts are placed much, that I couldn’t keep going this way. After
ing marked by FRANCELLA car was always parked under the tree. four miscarriages in a row, I knew I needed to
stop and listen. I couldn’t do it all.
fast and ener- outdoors and more Wishing you all a Happy Hanuk-
kah and a Merry Christmas. It’s OK to not be able to do everything. It
getic disorder or than once I watched as really is. Every day I make a list of what needs
[email protected] to get done. Some days I start to panic when I
anxiety-driven he had to clean o ice see that I’m behind schedule, if I didn’t get the
Fun Facts laundry done, if dinner was forgotten until 5 p.m.
activity. at sounds about right and/or snow before he could leave for by Jo Ann with no good options. I have to tell the “Type
A” person inside of me to relax and that there’s
if you’re describing me during the work. The tradition of putting always tomorrow. So what if I order pizza for the
up a Christmas tree second time this week? My kids are fed, my kids
holidays. About the time I was considering began in Germany are happy, and they are loved. Remember mamas,
and eggnog came you are doing enough, you are enough, and you
When my daughter was very gifts for Seth, the Sharper Image from England. don’t have to do it all (unless you want to!). Now,
go treat yourself to some Nutella mixed with pea-
young, I made every Halloween catalogue arrived in the mail. As I nut butter. You’re welcome.

costume for her from scratch. It may was browsing through it, I knew I Nicole Dooley is a Somers mom who enjoys writing
for her parenting blog. If you enjoyed her column, you
have cost me a lot more in time, had found the perfect gift for him can read more of her entries at www.mamaexplains.
com or follow her on Instagram at @mamaexplains
materials and accessories compared – a heated ice scraper for a mere for relatable parenting tips and stories.

to the bagged costumes I could have $49.99. I placed the order imme-

bought at Walmart, but I wanted my diately, then called Kim to tell her

only child to look great. OK, maybe that I no longer needed suggestions

I wanted the compliments for being for Seth’s gift. I had found it.

such an amazing momma as well. On Christmas morning, Kim

ankfully, that time has long gone looked at the wrapped box that I

and now I can pass the needle and placed under the tree and said, “ e

thread to my daughter for her son’s size of that box looks familiar. Did

costumes. you get Seth a heated ice scraper?”

anksgiving has always been With a huge smile on my face, I

at my house and although it’s a lot confessed that I had indeed got-

of work, I really love it. And now ten him a heated ice scraper so he

Christmas has been at Kim and no longer had to spend 45 minutes


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Thursday, December 15, 2022 North Salem News – Page 17

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Page 18 – North Salem News Sports Thursday, December 15, 2022


Wrestling competes at Yorktown

Bowling o to
strong start


Somers-North Salem 61,

Harrison 11

Wednesday, Dec. 7

Somers-North Salem hosted

Harrison to a dual meet last week

at Somers High School, putting

up strong performances across

the board.

Notables for the winners in-

cluded Ryan Ball (110 lbs.) with

a quick pin over Matt Hansen,

Liam Dwyer (132 lbs.) pinning

Seizan Arai, North Salem’s Rob-

ert Vrabel (138 lbs.) with the pin

on Luis Ferreira, Anthony Tucci

(152 lbs.) earning the fall on Da-

vid Harrison, Luca D’Orazio (172 North Salem’s Robert Vrabel looks to make his move. Coach Ron DiSanto Jr.
lbs.) pinning Samuel Abreu, and gives instructions during
Nate Traver (189 lbs.) making PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO the Yorktown Duals.
quick work of Jake Arizmendi.

Yorktown Duals

Saturday, Dec. 10 DiSanto Jr. “We had one starter Gautier placed sixth in the represented in the 1600M. And BYSNS 9, Mahopac 0

e Tuskers/Tigers hit the sick, and three other starters, 1000M (3:45), Alexia Zamora taking on the 3200M, Will Arm- Saturday, Dec. 10 (Brewster

mats at Yorktown High School we rested with nagging injuries, nished fth in the 600M bruster (12:37.1) nished 12th. Ice Arena)

for a dual meet tournament last choosing to play it safe and allow (1:59.7), Isabella Fryer took Taking third in the 4x400M, e BYSNS exploded for ve

Saturday, picking up wins against them to heal. It was humbling third in the 1500M (5:25.2), and like the girls, was Fryer, Arm- second-period goals, en route to a

Rye (40-27) in the rst round, experiencing our rst losses of Grace O’Hanlon got 39th in the bruster, Gautier, and Quadrini. 9-0 victory against rival Mahopac.

Glen Cove (42-27) in round the season, but losing is essential 300M (54.6). “Despite our performance in

three, and New Rochelle (43-27) in learning and improving. e e four girls came together ICE HOCKEY the rst period, we kept a steady

in the fourth round before falling team showed resilience and in the 4x400M relay for a third- Carmel 3, BYSNS 1 mindset and worked together,”said

to eventual champion Iona Prep toughness despite adversity. Our place medal nish (5:05.4). Thursday, Dec. 8 (Brewster Ice Wing eld, who made 22 saves.

(60-18) in round ve, and getting lightweights dominated, looking For the boys, Sawyer Loftus Arena) “Our kid line (Cucinell, Dean, and

edged out by Ossining (54-24) in really tough. Big shout outs to represented the sprinters with Owen Cunningham (1G), James Munoz) played phenomenal

the third-place match. two freshmen stepping up to an 8.39 in the 55M. He joined Ryan Dean (1A), and Dylan We- last night as well.”

With some of the big guys out, ll in today: TJ Mauro, 172 lbs. Dean Ellicott in the 300M, with ber (13 saves) led BYSNS (Brew- Max Messina (1G, 2A), Charles

the lower weight classes did the (earning his rst career varsity Ellicott placing 53rd (48.12) and ster/Yorktown/Somers/North Heese (2G), Dylan Filmer (1G,

heavy lifting. Ball (110 lbs.) went win) and Lucas Kollar, 189 lbs.” Loftus nishing 78th in 51.97. Salem) in its 3-1 loss to Carmel. 1A), Matteo Guastadisegni (1G,

5-0 on the day with ve pins, Jake Greenberg ran the 600M, Greeley 3, BYSNS 2 1A), Reuven (1G, 1A), Jordan

Ethan Steuber (102 lbs.) nished INDOOR TRACK & FIELD taking fth (1:35.4). Friday, Dec. 9 (Brewster Ice Miller (1G), Cucinell (1G), Munoz

5-0 with four pins, and Dalton Section 1 Kickoff 2023 In the 1000M, omas Gauti- Arena) (1G), James McGowan (1A), Cun-

Baloy (118 lbs.) had a strong 5-0 Sunday, Dec. 11 er nished 15th (3:19.4), and BYSNS fell to Horace Gree- ningham (1A), and Dom Tamburri-

day with four pins. Dwyer (132 North Salem returned to e Ellicott took 27th (3:35.8). ley 3-2, led by Matthew Gua- no (1A) made up the Bisons’o ense.

lbs.) also stood out, going 4-1. Armory for the Section 1 Kick- For the longer distances, Jack rini (1G), Sam Cucinell (1G), “ is win was essential for us in

“We went 3-2 and took fourth o , posting some notable times Fryer (10th, 5:06.7), Connor Tal Reuven (1A), North Salem’s order to gain some good momen-

place overall without four starters to start their season. Quadrini (12th, 5:08.7), and Michael Bonelli (1A), and Ty tum moving forward,” Wing eld

in the lineup,” said Coach Ron On the girls’ side, Emma Matthew Schaub (33rd, 5:39) Wing eld (33 saves). said.

The boys 4x400M relay team (Connor Quadrini, Thomas Gautier, Will PHOTOS COURTESY OF CHRIS GOULD BOWLING
Armbruster, Jack Fryer) took third at their kickoff meet.
The girls 4x400M relay team (Alexia Zamora, Isabella Fryer, Grace North Salem 7, Ossining 0
O’Hanlon, Emma Gautier) with their medals after a third-place finish. Wednesday, Dec. 7 (Cortlandt

e girls’bowling team took it to

Ossining, scoring all seven points

in their season opener.

North Salem 7,
Horace Greeley 0
Thursday, Dec. 8 (Cortlandt

e boys’ and girls’ teams both

picked up a huge win over Greeley

last ursday. Nate James had the

game-high for the boys with a 147


Thursday, December 15, 2022 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 19


Tigers looking for
turnaround season

56-12 win in opener

BY WHIT ANDERSON her ball handling and nishing
ability. e guard/forward will
North Salem Girls Basketball
went 3-15 last year, losing in be key to the Tigers’ success.
the rst round of the sectional
playo s. But with many players New to the scene, freshman
returning, along with some tal-
ented newcomers, the Tigers are guard Noemi Torres possesses
already showing major improve-
ments, highlighted by a 56-12 handling/ nishing ability
season-opening win over e
Le ell School on Dec. 7. beyond her years, making her a

“ e girls put forth an major addition to the Tigers.
incredible team defensive
performance to set the tone for Coming back with more ex-
the game,” said head coach Matt
Mackenzie. perience, Mackenzie expects

Senior captain Dana Con- their improved defense to create
nolly will look to lead the Ti-
gers this winter. e All-League scoring opportunities.
forward uses her inside scoring
prowess, complimented by a “We hope to use our experience
midrange jumper, to put points
on the board for her team. She on the defensive end to create
also possesses a high basketball
IQ, seen both on o ense and momentum for our o ense. We
Co-captain Emma Zoubok
is a senior with an all-around minutes of basketball each game Senior captain Dana Connolly (15) will look to lead the Senior co-captain Emma Zoubok will provide a
game. e All-League guard can
score from many spots on the and look to improve individually Tigers this winter. scoring punch for the Tigers.
and as a team each day,” he said.
Junior Jaiden Donovan, who
scored a team-high 21 points Still working on chemistry, Season’
against Le ell, is another All-
League guard with a ball han- Mackenzie’s goals for the team
dling/shooting combination
that presents a problem for op- include major tournament wins,
posing defenses.
league title contention, and
Scoring nine points in their
opener, junior Sara na DiPaola potentially a playo run.
controls the court thanks to
“First and foremost, we G eeting !Carpet

will look to come together Hardwood

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basketball. Each player’s skill

set compliments the next, which

has the potential to bode well for

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club tournament, compete for DUSTLESS
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Club Tournament, a key

weekend for the Tigers’ season,

will begin for the girls on Friday,

Jan. 13, at NSHS.

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Page 20 – North Salem News LEISURE Thursday, December 15, 2022

CLUES ACROSS and Thailand 50. Cavalry sword 24. One who tends the For puzzle solutions, please see
1. A people of Eastern
Afghanistan 22. Gets rid of 55. Ancient Greek sophist furnace
5. Supervises interstate
commerce 25. Having easily 56. Atomic mass unit 25. Small amount
8. Touch lightly
11. Relating to bees perceived thoughts 57. A licted in mind or 26. Relative biological
13. Mauna __, Hawaiian
volcano 30. Removed surgically body e ectiveness (abbr.)
14. Mosuo culture religion
15. Italian village 31. Principle underlying the 59. Indian mythological 27. The whole quantity
16. Sti bristle
17. Wealthy enclave in Rio universe figure 28. __ King Cole, musician
18. Cause to lose courage
20. Examines animals 32. Popular airline 60. Mild expression of 29. One’s opinion
21. Ethnic group of Laos
33. Antelopes surprise 34. Holds ashes

38. Peacock network 61. Jewish spiritual leader 35. Stablecoin

41. Utter repeatedly 62. Brew cryptocurrency

43. One from the Golden 63. Doctor of Education 36. Side-blotched lizards

State 64. Impudence genus

45. Photographers 37. Legislator (abbr.)

48. Father CLUES DOWN 39. Concentrated

49. Popular BBQ dish 1. State attorneys bombardment

2. Imitated 40. Took for oneself

3. Latvian capital 41. Nigerian City

4. Irish goddess 42. Thousands of pounds

5. Taste 44. Inspired

6. Dried 45. Secret clique

7. Spanish saloon 46. Expression

8. Mother of Perseus 47. Dough made from corn

9. Evergreen flour

coniferous trees 48. Comedian Carvey

10. Refuse to comply 51. Swiss river

12. Negative 52. Prejudice

14. Hyphen 53. Actor Idris

19. A way to record 54. Resistance fighters

23. Not good 58. Criticize

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Bake up a sweet holiday treat

Entertaining is a big part of Sour Cream Cookies baking sheets with parchment 7. Bake for 14 to 16 minutes, or
the holiday season. Calendars paper or silicone baking mats until the tops of the cookies
are packed this time of year Makes 22 cookies and set aside. are set and spring back when
with gatherings with friends, 11⁄2 cups all-purpose flour, 2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk touched lightly. Remove from the
family and professional col- spooned and leveled together the flour, baking powder oven, and allow to cool on the
leagues. 1 teaspoon baking powder and salt until well combined. Set baking sheets for 10 minutes,
1⁄4 teaspoon salt aside. then carefully transfer the
Entertaining requires 1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, 3. In the bowl of a stand mixer cookies to a wire rack to cool
keeping plenty of refresh- softened fitted with the paddle attachment completely.
ments on hand to ensure 3⁄4 cup granulated sugar or in a large mixing bowl using a 8. To make the vanilla
guests maintain their holiday 1 large egg, at room temperature handheld mixer, beat the butter buttercream frosting: In the bowl
spirit. Dessert is no stranger 11⁄2 teaspoons pure vanilla and granulated sugar together of a stand mixer fitted with the
to the season, with o ce extract for 1 to 2 minutes, or until well whisk attachment or in a large
break rooms, dining tables 1⁄2 cup sour cream, at room combined. mixing bowl using a handheld
and bu et stations brimming temperature 4. Mix in the egg and vanilla mixer, beat the butter for 1 to 2
with sweet treats to tempt extract until fully combined, minutes, or until smooth. Add
celebrants’ palates. Everyone Vanilla Buttercream making sure to stop and scrape the powdered sugar, 1⁄2 cup at a
should have a go-to dessert to Frosting down the sides of the bowl as time, mixing in each addition until
bring along to a holiday party needed. well combined.
or to o er guests when host- 1⁄2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, 5. Mix in the dry ingredients in 9. Add the heavy whipping cream,
ing their own fêtes. Cookies softened two additions, alternating with vanilla extract, and gel food
are a standard due to their 11⁄2 cups powdered sugar the sour cream. Make sure to coloring (if using), and continue
versatility and portability. 1 tablespoon heavy whipping mix in each addition until just mixing until fully combined.
cream or milk combined, and be careful not to 10. Once the cookies have cooled
Festive“Sour Cream Cook- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract overmix the batter. completely, spread the frosting
ies” provide all of the holiday Gel food coloring (optional) 6. Using a 11⁄2-tablespoon on top of the cookies.
feels and can be customized 1. To make the cookies: Preheat cookie scoop, scoop the cookie 11. Store the cookies in an
in color to re ect celebrations the oven to 350 F. Line two large dough onto the prepared baking airtight container at room
of Christmas, Chanukah, sheets, making sure to leave a temperature or in the refrigerator
Kwanzaa,or New Year’s.Bake little room between each one. for up to 4 days.
up a batch, courtesy of “Live
Well Bake Cookies” (Rock
Point) by Danielle Rye.

Provided by Metro Creative

*NOTE: when putting these into place, please take hyphenation o as it can get very confusing for
web and/or email addresses.

Thursday, December 15, 2022 thanks! North Salem News – Page 21

COYOTE North Salem
ECO STEWARDS skunks, raccoons -- that can BEST APPROACH don’t like coyotes? Keep their fear
Coyotes help clean up the decimate nesting bird numbers. e best thing to do if you like of humans intact.

environment by scavenging. eir free rodent control limits the coyotes? Keep their fear of humans “We want them to remain wild,”

breeding pair are killed, it disrupts ey encourage biodiversity by spread of Lyme disease. intact. Goin said.
e best thingPyhouotcoanSdoubif myouissions
the entire pack. e female might controlling mesopredators – foxes, Share Your Milestones Photos submitted to North
Let your neighbors know Salem News need to be high-
mate with another maCleoanndtathcety’lUl s about the special moments resolution. Images that are
have a larger litter. North Salem News is located in your life, whether it’s a submitted at a low resolution
Relocating them aist 1n1o8t Non. lByedford Road, birth, engagement, wedding cannot be published. Submit
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Thursday, December 15, 2022 FOCUS ON ELDER LAW North Salem News – Page 23

Tis the Season to Consider Gifting!

With the holidays Dollar) Federal estate and GUEST Enea, Scanlan and Sirignano, Founding member of the New York
fast approaching gift tax exemption, which CORNER LLP of White Plains, New York. Chapter of the National Academy
and the possibility expires on 12/31/2025 unless He focuses his practice on Wills, of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA).
that the current Federal Estate made permanent by law, ANTHONY J. Trusts and Estates and Elder Anthony is also the Immediate
and Gift Tax exemption, being creates a great opportunity ENEA Law. Anthony is the Past Chair of Past President of the Westchester
reduced from $12,060,000 per for individuals to remove the Elder Law and Special Needs County Bar Foundation and a Past
person (for 2022) to approxi- highly appreciating assets from have more than one bene ciary. Section of the New York State Bar President of the Westchester County
mately $6,000,000 as of January their taxable estate. It is also Additionally, the assets Association (NYSBA), and is the Bar Association. He can be reached
2026, the importance of decid- a great way of reducing the past Chair of the 50+ Section of the at (914) 948-1500 or at www.
ing whether to make signi cant assets one owns which may be transferred to the Irrevocable NYSBA. He is a Past President and esslaw
monetary and/or property gifts subjected to one’s long-term trust will be protected against
to one’s children, grandchildren care costs, because the above any claims the bene ciary(ies) For high-net-worth
and other loved ones is sig- stated exemption expires/ could have against them until individuals the potential
ni cantly higher. For high-net- sunsets as above stated, many the time the trust makes a loss of millions of dollars
worth individuals the potential a uent individuals are using distribution to them outright. of the gift and estate tax
loss of millions of dollars of the the current exemption and Additionally, one can give exemption is an important
gift and estate tax exemption is the 2023 exemption to make the trustee(s) the authority to issue; especially if the size
an important issue; especially if signi cant gifts. ey are also continue the trust beyond the of the gift could result in
the size of the gift could result taking advantage of the Internal set termination date if doing the payment of a gift tax.’’
in the payment of a gift tax. Revenue Service previously so is in the best interest of the
Additionally, the recent drop stating that they will not claw bene ciary. e assets in the -Anthony J. Enea
in the value of one’s stocks and back into one’s taxable estate trust will also not be subject to Enea, Scanlan and Sirignano, LLP
other assets creates an oppor- any gifts made before the equitable distribution claims
tunity to give away potential exemption changes, if it is later in New York in the event WHY DO WE
appreciated assets at a time they reduced. the bene ciary gets divorced.
are of lower value. us, reduc- Furthermore, if the bene ciary ADVERTISE
ing the amount of one’s exemp- e other issue that needs develops any disabilities during
tions that needs to be used. to be addressed by the donor is the term of the trust and the IN HALSTON
As to the issue of taxation whether he or she wants the gift bene ciary needs any federal MEDIA’S
of a gift, a donor can gift up to to the donee to be an outright and/or state aid, a properly LOCAL
$16,000 per donee per year for gift that is free of any trust. is drafted trust will allow the
the year 2022 free of any gift is a decision that often requires bene ciary(ies) share to be NEWSPAPERS?
taxes. is amount increases consideration of a number of continued as a Special Needs
to $17,000 per donee per year factors such as the age of the Trust for the bene ciary, which
in 2023. e donee/recipient donee (child or adult), the abil- will not impact their eligibility
of the gift is not taxed on the ity of the donee to appropriately for any Federal and/or State
amount of the gift even if it is manage his or her nancial programs.
greater than $16,000. However, a airs and whether or not the
if the donor makes a gift in donee is nancially responsible. In conclusion, unless one is
excess of $16,000 per donee in making a relatively small gift to a
any calendar year, he or she is e creation of an Irrevo- donee and there are no concerns
required to le a gift tax return cable trust for the bene ciary as to the donee squandering or
by April 15th of the following is a prudent way of gifting and wasting said monies, an outright
year. managing assets for a loved one. gift may not be appropriate. In
most instances the use of a trust
e ling of a federal gift e trustee of the trust can be to hold the gift is a much wiser
tax return does not mean that given the discretion to use the option. Even the three wise men
the donor will have to pay any assets and income of the trust would have approved of it!
gift taxes as they will be able to to or for the bene t of the trust
apply their federal exemption bene ciary as delineated in the Anthony J. Enea is a member of
for federal estate and gift taxes Trust. e trust can also specify
to the amount of any gift above the age the trust bene ciary
the $16,000 per donee in any is to receive the trust assets
calendar year. For example, a outright, and the trust can also
single (non-married) donor
makes a gift of $100,000 in Call today and receive a
the year 2022 to his son or
daughter, $16,000 of the gift FREE SHOWER
is tax free and $84,000 would PACKAGE
be subtracted from the donor’s
federal exemption amount PLUS $1600 OFF
of $12.06 million dollars for
Federal estate and gift taxes 1-855-916-5473 TO ADVERTISE WITH US,
(available through 12/31/2022). CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151
With purchase of a new Safe Step Walk-InTub. Not applicable with any previous
e federal exemption increases walk-in tub purchase. Offer available while supplies last. No cash value. Must present
to $12,920,000 in 2023. If the
donor is married, their spouse offer at time of purchase. CSLB 1082165 NSCB 0082999 0083445
can join in on the gift and then
the gift to $68,000, and only
$32,000 would be subtracted
from the life time exemption for
each donor. It should be noted
that New York does not have a
gift tax.

e existence of the largest
(approximately Twelve Million

Page 24 – North Salem News Thursday, December 15, 2022

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