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Published by Halston Media, 2018-12-20 21:40:32

Yorktown News

Vol. 7 No. 38 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, December 20, 2018

A thirst for knowledge
Councilman awards scholarships
to water-studying students

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER To that end, they suggested electronic water

EDITOR meters would greatly bene t the town.

“ is technology has been around for a

Councilman Vishnu Patel dipped into his while and can allow the town to track our exact

own personal funds to award four $1,500 schol- amount of water use,” the students wrote. “ is

arships to high school students in Lakeland and will allow each one of us to not waste water by

Yorktown. using less and saving more.”

e 11th-grade students were nominated by e costly cycle doesn’t end when your water Lakeland High School Principal Christopher Cummings, student
Michael Buchwald, Councilman Vishnu Patel, student Jenni Puglisi, and
principals in their respective schools. e only goes down the drain, the students said. Much Superintendent Dr. George Stone

requirement: having an interest in science and time and money are spent at the sewage plants, PHOTOS COURTESY OF VISHNU PATEL

technology. where the water goes through many ltration Yorktown High School Principal Joseph DeGennaro, student Liam
Schwartz, Councilman Vishnu Patel, student Paul Duffy and
Under Patel’s tutelage, the students spent the methods before it can re-enter the reservoirs. Superintendent Dr. Ron Hattar

summer researching Yorktown’s water: where it People in other parts of the world aren’t as

comes from (Ashokan Reservoir in the Catskill lucky as Yorktown, the students said, as the fresh

Mountains), where it’s treated (Northern West- water supply “is decreasing at an alarming rate.”

chester Joint Water Works) and with what (alu- ey recommended ways to conserve water.

minum), what chemicals are added ( uoride), “Turn your water o when brushing your

and how much it costs (a lot). teeth, shorten your time in the shower, do not

After visiting with Northern Westchester ignore leaks, and only run the dishwasher when

Joint Water Works, the Yorktown Water De- full,” they wrote.

partment and the Yorktown Sewage Treatment In addition to the $1,500 scholarships, Patel

Plant, the students submitted a three-page re- gave all of the students ashlights.

port and a PowerPoint presentation on their Why?

ndings. Because, he explained, “light removes dark-

e students reached the conclusion that the ness and education removes ignorance.”

water treatment process is simply too expensive. is is only the beginning for Patel, who said

“ e only plausible way to spend less money he plans to award a total of $24,000 over the

on water,” they wrote, is “to conserve it. e less next four years.

water used, the water towers can be re lled with Patel, a retired IBM scientist, joined the Yor-

less water, and then less water has to be ltered, ktown Town Board in 2010 and has been re-

which is where most of the money goes into.” elected twice.

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23 Santa rides with the Mohegan
15 Fire Department.

pg 16-17

Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Staff Yorktown considers solar farm law

EDITORIAL TEAM BY TRUDY WALZ would regulate them separately of trees. e board and depart- which was joined by members
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 CONTRIBUTING WRITER from another that would govern ment heads have been review- of the Planning Board, Conser-
[email protected]
the removal of trees. ing and vetting drafts of the tree vation Board and Tree Conser-
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 At the request of a company Supervisor Ilan Gilbert had law for the better part of this vation Advisory Commission,

[email protected] interested in developing a solar asked that the proposals be year. A draft of the solar law to form a committee to further

ADVERTISING TEAM farm in a residential zone, the considered in tandem primarily was presented to the board only re ne the language in the pro-
914-202-2392 Town Board last week agreed because solar arrays may involve in October. However, when the posed tree law, Gilbert said the

[email protected] to consider a proposed law that the removal of a great number board decided at that meeting, solar energy regulations would
be moved forward “at a di er-
[email protected] ent pace.”

CORINNE STANTON And that was exactly what
Kathy Haake of Clean Energy
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY Collective sought at the board’s
work session on Tuesday, Dec.
[email protected]
Noting that she had attend-
[email protected]
BRUCE HELLER ed the board’s special meeting
on the proposals in October,
[email protected]
Haake said, “We think that the
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL tree law is going to take much

PRODUCTION MANAGER longer than the solar law, so
[email protected] we’re asking that the solar law

EXECUTIVE TEAM be moved forward on its own
without being connected to the
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151
[email protected] tree law.”

SHELLEY KILCOYNE Haake said company repre-
sentatives have been working
[email protected] with town o cials for almost

Deadlines 15 months, during which time,

YORKTOWN NEWS DEADLINE she said, “We produced a couple
of di erent versions” of the plan.
“We’ve shared them with
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. The Country Florist J & B Family Jewelers both the Town Board and the
• • Planning Board, hoping that
FOR MORE INFORMATION, Rita’s Water Ice you would be able to see what
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL Iconic Lash Lounge makes a good project for Clean
[email protected]. Rendezvous Nail & Day Spa • Energy Collective, but also that
• you could take a look at the plan
Subscribe Yorktown Cleaners and see what works for you,” she
Hair Design Center & Shoe Repair said.
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 At a discussion of the pre-
OR EMAIL [email protected]. Berniker Decorators, Inc. Yorktown Health liminary site layout with the
SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE COMPLIMENTARY FOR • & Wellness Center Planning Board in August,
RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN. Haake, the company’s director
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE Heights Hospital • of real estate and permitting,
$150 PER YEAR FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL. for Animals said the solar array would be lo-
• W.S. Jeung’s Tae Kwon Do cated on a 34.62-acre parcel on
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT • Foothill Street owned by Wil-
YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NY AND AT Besselman & Consentino liam Lockwood, which is in the
LLP Curves northwest corner of Yorktown,
ADDITIONAL OFFICES. • • bordering Putnam County. e
POSTMASTER: installation of the xed tilt solar
State Farm Insurance Northeast Dental, PLLC panels, which would be 9 to 12
SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO • • feet high and 2 to 2-1/2 feet o
YORKTOWN NEWS AT the ground, would be con ned
BAILEY COURT Plaza Laundromat Evolution Acro & Tumble to 16 acres and enclosed by a
• 7-foot fence as required by state
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S code.
SOMERS, NY 10589
Haake told the board last
(ISSN 2329-8693) week that the company had
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY spent about $60,000 to date
Yorktown Wine & Liquor “moving forward with stud-
BAILEY COURT ies and due diligence and en-
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S
gineering.” Now, however, the
SOMERS, NY 10589
©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC utilities the company has been

coordinating with are looking

for $170,000 to invest in infra-

structure upgrades.

“We understand that you do

have to review all the issues as-

sociated with the solar bylaw.

We know that the tree law is

For more information, please contact RGI Properties, Inc., Managing Agents de nitely a big one. But we do
feel like we’ve been very patient;

Thursday, December 20, 2018 Yorktown News – Page 3

America’s first living Christmas tree came from Yorktown

GUEST WRITER Coolidge lights
the 1924 tree.

e custom of using r trees PHOTO: UNITED
and evergreen boughs to deco- STATES LIBRARY OF
rate home and hearth during

the Christmas seasons goes back

through the centuries. e tradi-

tion of having a living national

Christmas tree goes back 94 years

with one 20-year hiatus from

1954 to 1973.

According to the American

Forests Magazine (December

1973), “ e custom of having na-

tional Christmas tree started in

1923 when President Coolidge

accepted a giant r sent him from

Middlebury College in his native

state of Vermont.” It was then

suggested “that it would be nicer

if the following Christmas we

could have a living tree instead.”

Associate editor of American

Forests, Lillian Cromelin, “re-

membered that American For-

ests had as an advertiser a nurs-

ery owner in New York—Evelyn

Smith, president of Amawalk

Nurseries. Miss Smith was very

easily persuaded that it would be

an honor and a privilege to sup- PHOTO: UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF
ply a living Christmas tree for the CONGRESS
The 1924 tree is planted.
Selected with care and re-

moved with its large root ball,

its branches tied up, wrapped

securely, it was shipped to the

White House. e rst national cold air caused the tree’s bulbs to ultimately formed the nucleus In 1932, the

living Christmas tree was plant- explode, sounding like recrack- around which “the largest big nursery came

ed by the White House Parks ers on the Fourth of July. e tree tree nursery” was developed. Ma- to an end fol-

Department; children carolers caught re and was badly burned. jor Smith, of Revolutionary and lowing two

were supplied by the Depart- However, in 1925, a replacement Colonial stock, was a soldier; one tragic res in

ment of Education; and light tree was sent. of the youngest o cers, at the age the packing

bulbs donated by the Electric Many years later on Dec. 18, of 22, to command a cavalry regi- sheds that dam-

Institute. Ovid Butler, executive 1930, two live specimen Norway ment in the Civil War. He was aged much of

secretary of the American For- spruce trees were sent by Evelyn also the founder and president of the equipment,

ests Association, gave the greet- Smith of Amawalk Nursery to the American Press Association, overexpansion,

ing to President Coolidge: “Mr. decorate Grand Central Termi- a newspaperman known to every and the devas-

President, we extend to you our nal on behalf of the Yorktown editor in our country. tating e ects of

Christmas greetings, and with Post of the American Legion. e After his death in 1908, the the Great De-

them this Christmas tree... It is huge twin trees, 35-feet high and property was inherited by his son, pression. It went

a living, growing tree, symbolic 16 feet in spread, adorned with Cortland, and daughters, Evelyn into bankruptcy

of the spirit of him whose birth 500 hundred colored lights were and Mabel. Evelyn became presi- in 1943 and was

we celebrate tonight... Mr. Presi- placed on the west balcony near dent of the Amawalk Nurseries purchased by a

dent, by your gracious presence the Vanderbilt Avenue entrance. in 1919 when management of syndicate called

here tonight, this tree becomes in After the holiday season, the the nursery by the children was the Amawalk

fact, the nation’s living tree, typi- trees are destined to be planted restructured. Under her manage- Holding Com-

fying that spirit of kindness and at two of the New York Central’s ment, the nursery grew to over pany. e gen-

all-embracing love which makes suburban stations in Westchester 1,000 acres as Evelyn purchased eral manager,

for Peace on Earth, Good Will to as permanent community trees to the neighboring farms and other Clarence Mur-

Men.” be lighted each year. historic properties. phy, continued PHOTO: SOMERS HISTORICAL SOCIETY
Approximately 1,000 people e Amawalk Nursery proper- Other specimen trees from to manage the
nursery opera- Evelyn Smith pulls the shoe off of a horse at
were in the audience and mil- ty, set in the rolling hills of West- Amawalk were sent as gifts by tion until the Amawalk Nursery. Evelyn was the president of the
lions listened on the radio as the chester County, was purchased Evelyn Smith to various dig- nursery, which she inherited.

president responded, “I accept from the Travis family in 1904 nitaries and heads of state and property was

the tree, how do you turn on the by Major Orlando Smith. a tree planted throughout Yorktown. sold. Brookside School on Broad as Broad Street, Willoway Street,

lights?” As the network lled the hobbyist. He spent years import- Many trees were shipped and Street was built on the Amawalk Evergreen Street, Blue Spruce

time gap with music, the tree ing, planting and cultivating rare planted to private estates as well Nursery property in 1950. Today, Drive, and Whippoorwill Road.

was lighted. Moments later, as specimen trees from England, as the 1939 New York World’s many Yorktown streets within

the president and Mrs. Coolidge Holland and France without ever Fair, Central Park, and the Tomb the Amawalk Nursery area re- Monica Doherty is a member of the

were leaving the grandstand, the selling a single tree. His rst trees of the Unknown Soldier. ect the nursery’s impact, such Yorktown Historical Society.

Page 4 – Yorktown News Thursday, December 20, 2018
The band plays “Frosty the Snowman.”
YHS band spreads
Christmas cheer

e Yorktown High School band spread a little holiday cheer on Sunday, Dec.
16, when they stood outside of ACME Markets in Yorktown Heights and played
well-known Christmas carols.

The Yorktown High School delighted
holiday shoppers in the Triangle Center.



Thursday, December 20, 2018 Yorktown News – Page 5

Page 6 – Yorktown News Thursday, December 20, 2018

SOLAR John Tegeder said, “I think it’s ne to move it along. I we may be taking down trees, we are also being energy
think we just have to be cognizant within the tree law, e cient, and so there are positives in terms of the en-

I believe, how it treats such an installation.” vironment in another respect,” Gilbert said.

we hope we’ve been helpful working through this. In addition, he said, “Each board is going to have to “ e bottom line is, using solar power reduces more

“We’ve been using the existing law for our planning take a subjective view of mitigation and be very practi- carbon than the trees absorb, so it’s a net positive, a

and we’re concerned the rules are changing a little bit,” cal about it.” dramatic net positive,” Haake said.

Haake said. “We feel like the current law gives the “I hear exactly what you’re saying,” Councilman Ed With members of the board in agreement, town at-

Planning Board the exibility to look at each individ- Lachterman told Haake, comparing it to preparing for torney Richard Abbate said he would put the last draft

ual project on its own, and that’s what they’re there for. a football game and suddenly learning you’re playing of the solar law he received in “local law format.”

So, we are appealing to your little bit of fairness and ice hockey and the rules of the game have changed. But, he said, “ e one thing we talked about was

asking that maybe we can help work out the solar law “We need to keep a pretty open view to what the play- possibly having a provision for a removal bond.”

moving forward on its own at this point.” ing eld was when you started.” Tegeder said he also would like to make some

When asked for his opinion, Director of Planning “And we have to be cognizant of the fact that while changes to the draft that he feels are warranted.

wrap up Your shoppinG with ease! Police: Smoke
shop sold vape
5 product to teen

THERE’S STILL TIME! e 41-year-old owner of Rock’s Smoke Shop on Commerce
Street is accused of selling tobacco products to a 14-year-old, accord-
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 Yorktown News – Page 7

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Page 8 – Yorktown News Thursday, December 20, 2018

What makes your In the Christmas spirit
life worthwhile?
At a time when community and good chanting variety shows, like “ e Perry Como
The holidays are synonymous cheer seem to be in short supply, I Show,” which featured superb holiday music.
with family. at’s the general hope these festive times remind us Even without much selection, we relished
perception. Now it’s statisti-
makes you religiously creative. that we are all family. In the watching old classic holi-
In addition to the above categories,
coming year, let’s make an day movies like “Miracle
the survey also solicited free-form
e ort to open our hearts to MY on 34th Street,”“White
cally backed up by comments. As Pew civility, compassion, love, PERSPECTIVE Christmas,”“A Christmas
and, most of all, empathy Carol,” and “Christmas in
research conducted reports, “Some are JAMES
by Pew Research hopeful, others for one another. In 2019, Connecticut.” If you didn’t
I hope we will continue to have a television, you could
Center. BRUCE bleak, some funny,
ese questions THE BLOG and others tragic.” explore, together, interest- go to the local theater to

were put to more In this season of ing and compelling topics. watch any of a number of

than 4,700 people BRUCE re ection on such But this year is not over yet! Christmas shows that were

contacted a year APAR cornerstones of As I’ve done in years past, let’s take a moment playing throughout the month of December.

ago: “Please take a life as faith, hope to re ect on our fondest holiday memories. e cost of a movie was 35 cents for kids and

moment to re ect and charity, I’ve For me, Christmas was the greatest time a whopping 50 cents for adults!

on your life and picked a few quotes of year as a child growing up in the 1950s! To add to the festive spirit, towns and cities

what makes it feel to share with you It was pure magic; and, of course, a much draped their streetscapes with garlands, candy

worthwhile. What do you currently here. In sum, they form a veritable simpler time. e population of the United canes and Christmas lights. Every store on

nd meaningful, ful lling or satisfy- Whitman’s Sampler of America circa States was about half of what it is today. Main Street was adorned with Christmas

ing? What keeps you going, and 2018. “Black Friday” did not exist. We did not have decorations. ree doors down from my

why?” • “My greatest joy comes from my cellphones, or the internet, or even cable tele- home, a hardware store marked the occasion

e most frequent answer people loved ones.” vision. e television was in black and white, by turning on its Christmas lights, which

gave was Family (69 percent). Far • “Frankly, I do not see the future and there were only three basic channels. If were permanently embedded into the pe-

behind in second place, at 34 percent, positively (I am NOT depressed). I you wanted to change the station, you had rimeter of its entrance. At home, we happily

was Career. Money placed third (23 see the rich getting richer and the less to walk to the television and manually turn a attended to our “Advent Calendar” and, as

percent) and fourth was Faith (20 lucky losing more.” dial—the remote control did not yet exist! SEE MARTORANO PAGE 14
During the holiday season, there were en-
percent). • “I do not feel meaning can be

Bunched together after that in found but must be created.”

the 16-19 percent range were, in • “It would be nice to live according Elf help

descending order, Friends, Hobbies, to my being rather than my black-

Health. ness. I will never know how a totally

e least mentioned topic that worthwhile life will feel because of

was cited as a source of meaning in this.” Driving past the colorful light dis-
plays decorating homes and front
life, ironically enough, was Learning. • “It’s easy to forget what’s wrong yards at this time packaged with a foot-tall elf gure dressed
in red. e boxed sets sold out within weeks
I’m not sure what it says about the in the world when you are pretending
and the rest, as they say, is
current state of human a airs if the to be a puppy with your daughter.”

adults who participated in this Pew • “My boy keeps me going al- of year always puts me READING, history.
in a good mood. We are WRITING & Elf on a Shelf is big
poll believe they have little to learn, though his mother is drunk and does bombarded with holiday CHOCOLATE
music and festive sweets. business. According to
or if they believe that learning isn’t drugs. I keep on hoping for the best.” the o cial website, this

meaningful. Well, as they say, you • “Family, God, friends, guns,

learn something new every day. work… in that order.” For the most part, people KIM “fun- lled Christmas
are friendly wherever KOVACH tradition helps the big
Not surprisingly, married folks • “I like to help someone when I you go. Holding doors guy (Santa) manage his

were more likely to rank Family at can and I like to go to church. I also

the top of their list of what infuses like to play games on this iPad.” open, smiling benevo- naughty and nice lists.”

their lives with the most meaning. • “Having lived in Latin America lently at the long lines of e idea is that the Scout

Interestingly, the more money a for half my life, I realize how lucky customers ahead. It would be great if adults Elf perches in a new spot each morning

respondent made, the more likely that we are to live in the United States.” behaved like this all year long. waiting for the children to discover. At night

person was to cite Friends as a source Whatever your beliefs, and what- Have you heard of Elf on a Shelf? is after the family members have gone to bed,

of meaning. e same income pattern ever you may celebrate, here’s wishing phenomenon was invented in 2005 by three the Scout Elf ies back to the North Pole to

held when citing Good Health— each one of you a bountiful season women in Georgia. One of the women came tattle to Santa on all of the behavior wit-

those in upper brackets were more of love, kindness, ful llment, and a up with the idea of writing a holiday story nessed during the day.

likely to mention that as important to felicitous future. about a Scout Elf who comes down from e Scout Elf is about 12 inches tall and

them for a meaningful existence. the North Pole to take note of the behavior dressed in a red jumpsuit with a jaunty red

On the political spectrum, says Pew Bruce “ e Blog” Apar promotes local of boys and girls. e Scout Elf returns to pointed hat, impish painted on grin and

Research Center of those it polled, businesses, organizations, events and the North Pole each night to report to his wide staring eyes. e elf is secretly placed

“conservative Americans are more people through public relations agency boss, Santa Claus, who keeps the Naughty in a di erent room of the house each night.

likely than liberals to nd meaning APAR PR. He also is an actor, a and Nice list. Parents post photos and videos of the many

in religion, while liberals nd more community volunteer, and a contributor e book, written in rhyming verse, was clever places they have hidden their elves to

meaning in creativity and causes than to several periodicals. Follow him as Bruce rejected by numerous publishers. Undaunt- amuse and ba e small children. Some of

do conservatives.” If you’re middle- the Blog on social media. Reach him at ed, the three women scraped together the SEE KOVACH PAGE 13
funding and self-published the storybook
of-the-road politically, I guess that [email protected] or 914-275-6887.

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR SOMERS, NY 10589 and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
Editorial Office: 914-302-5628 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
Fax: 914-617-8508 number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
[email protected]
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.

Thursday, December 20, 2018 Yorktown News – Page 9

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Page 10 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, December 20, 2018

Try to remember these things about December

Dear Dr. Linda, With that in mind, 9. What are the day, that we honor the 2,403 citizens of
You’ve had columns about di er- the United States who were killed when
this is the perfect time STRONG owers associated with Japan made a surprise attack on Pearl
ent months of the year, and di erent to give a short quiz LEARNING December? Harbor, Hawaii. (3) True. It seems Na-
holidays that we celebrate. I nd these about the month of tional Cookie Day was founded in 1987
informative and fun to share with my DR. LINDA 10. What is the top by Matt Nader of the Blue Chip Cookie
own kids and my fth-grade students. Co. (Something a little shy about that)
I thought it would be interesting to December and a few SILBERT called that children (4) True. December was chosen to be
have a column that’s about the month the month that honors the Universal
of December because it’s such a beauti- things associated with play with during Ha- Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
ful month. In case you take my advice, It’s an international document adopted
thank you in advance. it. nukkah? by the General Assembly of the United
Nations on Dec. 10, 1948. (5) Turquoise
Greta e rst day of 11. In the song “12 and zircon. (6) Tenth. (7) “Decem,”
which means 10th. (8) January and
Dear Greta, winter is in the month Days of Christmas,” February. (9) Holly, narcissus, poinsettia.
You’re right. December is a beautiful (10). Dreidel. (11) Two turtle doves. (12)
of December. What date is the rst day what did the true love give on the sec- “Not a creature was stirring, not even a
month. Probably that’s because of the mouse.” (13) It is a way of honoring the
decorations, foods, parties and spiritual of winter? ond day of Christmas? customs of Africa, where many ancestors
observances. came from.
1. Is the rst day of winter the shortest 12. What is the next line in the poem,
It’s a time of giving and that’s one Happy Holidays,
of the most special gifts you can pass or the longest day of the year? “A Visit from St. Nicholas?” ‘Twas Dr. Linda
on to your children—the gift of giving.
Idealistically, that is wonderful, but don’t 2. What is Dec. 7 known for? the night before Christmas, when all Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad Grades
be surprised if the children in your life Happen to Good Kids,” and director of
enjoy getting presents even more than 3. True or false: Dec. 4 is National through the house…? Strong Learning Tutoring and SAT/ACT
giving. at’s OK, too. But they learn Test Prep. Send your questions to Linda@
from those around them. e adults in Cookie Day. 13. Why do many African-American
their lives are their role models and if
they see you giving, they in turn will 4. True or false: December is when families celebrate a special time—from
learn to give.
we celebrate Universal Human Rights Dec. 26 to Jan. 1—called Kwanzaa?


5. e birthstones for people born in Answers: (1) Dec.21 or 22 in the

December are _____ and ______. Northern hemisphere. It is the shortest

6. December was originally the ____ day and the longest night of the year, but

month of the year in the Roman calen- that’s only in the Northern Hemisphere.

dar. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the

7. December gets its name from the longest day and the shortest night of the

Latin word ______. year. It is actually the rst day of sum-

8. What months did the Romans add mer in the Southern Hemisphere. (2) In

to the calendar to make it a 12-month the United States, Pearl Harbor Day is

calendar? observed annually on Dec. 7. It is on this

Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of Yorktown News or its
affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which
cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at [email protected]. For more
information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.

Join us for Mass on Christmas!

The Catholic Churches of Yorktown

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Patrick

Rev. Fr. Robert A. Quarato, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Joseph R. Giandurco, Pastor
1377 E. Main St. Main Church: 137 Moseman Rd.
Stone Church: 188 Church Pl.
Shrub Oak, NY 10588 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 914-528-3547 914-962-5050

Masses at Seton: Masses at St. Patrick:

Christmas Eve: 4:00, 6:00, 8:00PM, Midnight in the Church Christmas Eve: 4:00, 7:30PM, Midnight in Main
and 4:00PM Family Mass in the Auditorium Church and 5:00PM in Stone Church
Christmas Day: 7:00, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00AM,
And 12:30PM in the Church Christmas Day: 7:45, 9:15, 11:00AM, 12:30PM in
Main Church. There are NO Masses in the Stone

Church on Christmas Day.

Thursday, December 20, 2018 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 11

e wheels on the car 600 Bank Road Jeferson Valley • (914) 250-2750 •
go round and round

It sounded like a pop, followed by the brightly, “I can patch that.” And within
sound of whooshing air, and then a 15 minutes we were on the road again.
ap- apping noise. I knew immedi-
I had barely gotten to the place where

ately what it was. we hit the nail when I Tennis

“What’s that, Mom?” LOST IN saw a massive pothole 6 tennis
asked my daughter hiding in the road. I

looking around the SUBURBIA tried to avoid it, but I Aquatics
inside of the car for the wasn’t quick enough
source of the sound. TRACY and felt our right front 2 indoor
BECKERMAN tire hit the pothole pools
“I’m pretty sure that

is one of our tires and hard.

it’s on its way to being And then I heard that

at,” I replied. whooshing sound again.

I’d barely gotten the words out when “Problem with the patch?” asked the

the tire light came on in the car and the service station manager as I pulled back

car started listing to the side of the road. into the garage.

We were only two blocks from our local “Di erent tire,” I groaned.

service station, so I decided to see if I He looked at the tire. “Sorry, this one

could make it there before the tire went has to be replaced. I think I have a tire

to that great car garage in the sky. for you, though, so it shouldn’t take that PTerarsinoinnagl

“You got a puncture in the tire,” said long.” fMreaecchliansesse&s

the manager looking at the tire. I looked, My daughter and I walked into town

too. e tire wasn’t merely at. It was re- to kill some time while my wheel got Group
ally, most sincerely at. a makeover and as we sat drinking hot
He reached down and felt around the chocolates, I wondered what I had done

tire while looking up at the ceiling, sort that day to anger the Tire Gods. In

of, I imagined, like a proctologist giving nearly 40 years of driving, I could count

an exam. on one hand the number of times I’d got-

“Here,” he boomed, holding up a two- ten a at tire. Now, I had two in one day. & receive $25 in club cash!

inch nail. “Here’s the culprit.” I could feel my holiday cheer leaking out *New memberships only. Not to be combined with any other offers. Offer expires 1/31/19.

As I started calculating dollar signs in SEE BECKERMAN PAGE 13

my head, the manager stood up and said

HoSlidtaaryt Cat eGleebnreasitsions

Holiday Hours:
Mon - Sat 10 am - 6 pm
Thurs Dec 20 - Sat Dec 22 10 am - 7 pm
Sunday, December 23 noon - 6 pm • Mon Dec 24 (Christmas Eve) 9 am - 6 pm

Tel: 914-245-3899 • 32 Triangle Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 •

Page 12 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, December 20, 2018

Grin and beer it

Greetings, current and decades ago, I’ll periodically THE • Pilsner: A lager style with from year to year. Serve in a snifter
future beer enthusiasts! share some of the joys of home KATONAH typically light and crisp avor. style beer glass to warm it slightly
I am deeply honored brewing hoping to inspire read- BEER MAN Classic Pilsner Urquell is an and bring out the full spectrum of
for the opportunity to share ers to craft their own. excellent representation.
information and tips about my JOHN BART avors. Please give Anchor Steam
favorite liquid—craft beer— So let’s get on with it. • Stouts & Porters: Take a Christmas Ale or Samuel Smith’s
beginning with this inaugural In this column I’ll introduce acterized by hops which pro- walk on the dark side. Deep Winter Welcome a try.
column. and explain a few craft beer vide varying degrees and types “roasty” avors often with hints
styles and provide (unpaid) rec- of hop bitterness detectable of co ee in many stouts and LOCAL CRAFT SHOP/PUB
ere are more technical craft ommendations for brands that within aroma and taste. Check some sweetness in porters. Obvi- Brew & Co (Route 117,
beer de nitions out there but are good styles representations. out Founder’s All Day IPA—a ously Guinness is the stout gold
let’s use the following as our en we’ll put some focus on delicious IPA “session” ale (ses- standard. Fun fact: Guinness Bedford Hills) o ers a fantastic
guide: interesting and avorful seasonal winter ales—since it’s sion de nition: typically, lower is low calorie relatively speak- environment to shop nearly
beer often brewed by smaller “’tis the season” time and good alcohol than some other styles ing with lighter yet rich taste every beer style imaginable and
breweries. beer will heal all most family enabling the consumer to have than one would think given its be guided through your ques-
political disagreements. a few and keep their wits about appearance. Also, try Carton tions by friendly and knowledge-
Let’s demystify these beverages them). Also be used as an adjec- of Milk from Carton Brewing. able sta . Tired? Have a seat
and make it easy and enjoyable to WHAT TO DECIDE ON? tive: “ at beer sure is ‘sessiony’ On the porter side, consider the and enjoy draft beers and cider
expand our beer horizons! Di er- It can be overwhelming to (though Webster’s disagrees).” top notch Anchor Steam Porter from 11 rotating taps. Try and
entiating styles within this broad from the original “craft” brewery. buy with free samples will help
category will ultimately lead to choose a beer to drink among • Double IPA (DIPA): Ingenu- Old Leghumper from irsty you navigate and learn about
More Beer Drinking Pleasure all the styles out there today. It’s ity at work, since a single IPA is Dog is also excellent. di erent styles before deciding
(MBDP), be it trying new avors, a good problem easily solved by good—a double IPA could be on a keeper or two. A series of
sharing favorites with friends, or having a basic understanding of better! Same IPA basics with a More styles in future columns: excellent food trucks round out
experiencing sheer excitement typical beer avor pro les in con- more robust avor pro le, often stay tuned for Saison, Farm- the experience.
spotting a beer you love on the junction with avors you know enhanced with citrus, and usu- house, Belgium, Imperial and
menu at a favorite local pub or you like. “ e Google” de nes ally stronger in terms of alcohol Sour styles. Lastly, a beer knowledgeable
restaurant. And let’s pair those beer as: an alcoholic drink made content so pacing, food, or UBER friend pointed out that beer
from yeast-fermented malt a- may be required if working on a TIS THE SEASON helped create math, poetry, the
avors with good food! vored with hops. ankfully, each few of these.Try Sip of Sunshine Now that we’ve had our rst pyramids. ank you, beer! See
I’ll guide you toward non- component (yeast, malt, hops) has by Lawson’s Finest Liquids or “How Beer Saved e World”
judgmental environments where myriad variations to bring you Industrial Arts Wrench. Cool snow storm,“winter”beers are on Amazon Prime.
you’ll nd these sacred liquids drinking satisfaction. names and awesome beer! coming on shelves and tap lists.
available for direct purchase, Cheers!
enjoying on-premises, and/or e list below is by no means ese styles of beers are usually
sampling for free(!). Since my exhaustive and we’ll hit other malty (sweeter but not overly so), Stick with me on this column as
love of good beer led me to learn styles in future columns. fuller avored, and often with vari- we shape it to appeal to as many
how to make it myself several ous spices added at the brewer’s folks as possible. Email me at
• IPA: India Pale Ale. Char- discretion sometimes di ering
[email protected].


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Thursday, December 20, 2018 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 13


of me like the air from the two tires I’d the many locations include peeking out of the top
blown. of a cereal box, sitting on the toilet tank, hiding NO COLLECTIONS TUESDAY, DEC. 25 & TUESDAY, JAN. 1
behind a backpack, etc. e month-long espionage
Back on the road again, I tried to shake it mission starts right after anksgiving and contin- MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY
o. ues every day until Christmas. My mother would 25
have lost interest in the entire endeavor after the 24 26 27 28
“OK, ready to get back to our holiday third day. Sections 1 & 7 Christmas Section 6 Sections 2 & 3 Sections 4 & 5
shopping?” I said to my daughter. RECYCLING
“Mom, watch out!” She said pointing to the not a doll or toy to be played with by children. He is Monday’s NO KITCHEN
road. “It’s that hole again.” strictly there for surveillance and to encourage their KITCHEN COLLECTIONS REFUSE Thursday’s Friday’s
good behavior for the weeks leading up to unwrap- REFUSE 1 KITCHEN KITCHEN
I swerved, but I caught the back tire in the ping presents under the tree. According to the o - New Year’s Day 2 REFUSE REFUSE
pothole. cial website, if a child touches the Scout Elf, it may 31 Section 6
lose the ability to y. e best remedy suggested is Sections 1 & 7 * RECYCLING 3 4
“Noooo!” I bellowed as the whooshing air to sprinkle some cinnamon next to the elf so that it NO “Tuesday’s” Sections 2 & 3 Sections 4 & 5
sound lled the car and the familiar ap- can regain the power to y back to the North Pole! RECYCLING COLLECTIONS KITCHEN
apping began again. “I cannot even believe What does the Scout Elf do for the rest of the KITCHEN
this! I have a tire curse.” year? My suggestion is to market this creature to REFUSE Thursday’s Friday’s
adults as Best Self Elf. ink about the possibili- KITCHEN KITCHEN
We ap- apped our way back to the service ties of perching the elf on top of your computer at REFUSE REFUSE
station, but this time there were no patches or work so that you will think twice before sending a
tires to be had and my daughter and I found scathing email in the heat of the moment. Or perch RECYCLE
ourselves walking back to the house, de ated the wide-eyed elf in the cup holder of your car as a GIFT BOXES
like three at tires. reminder to drive safely and not text, cut o other
drivers or make rude hand gestures. Empty, flatten & tie boxes; No wrapping paper or ribbons.
“You know,” I said. “ e mall’s not that far. Refuse & Recycling Department
I bet we could ride our bikes there. It’s not Prop the elf next to your home exercise equip-
that cold.” ment like the treadmill you hang laundry on or 2279 Crompond Road (behind Police/Court)
the free weights gathering dust. e Best Self Elf Questions?: (914) 245-4438
“Really?” she said hopefully. I smiled and can even be sold in a mini version to keep in your
nodded. I wasn’t going to let a bunch of at pocket or purse to hold onto as a calming talisman
tires ruin our day. I was Supermom; hear me while waiting on long lines at the airport or cool-
whoosh. ing your heels at the auto repair shop. I feel better
We changed into sneakers and switched to
backpacks. Kim Kovach nds inspiration for writing in unusual
places. Happy Holidays to all! Visit
“OK, let’s do this!” I said enthusiastically as
we entered the garage.

“We can’t,” said my daughter.
“Why not?” I asked.
She squeezed the bike tire.“ e tires are at.”

Follow Tracy on Instagram at


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Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, December 20, 2018

MARTORANO ticipating this problem, many cre- chase gifts for the entire family. how to construct a simple pulley. trees and eggnog, which we
ative shopkeepers kept a “book” As a youngster, I thought If you were really good (like most experienced gleefully the rest of
FROM PAGE 8 in which they would record what of my friends) you could go to the time. I know my dad often
you owed. With the blessing of the world was divided into two the last page and try your hand at expressed concern that “the true
each day passed, we opened up the store, you could come in from groups: those who opened their building a robot. Chemistry sets meaning of Christmas” would
the appropriately marked date time to time to pay down your presents on Christmas Eve and usually included a microscope, soon be lost in the overwhelming
with rapt anticipation. debt. Of course, it helped that I those who properly waited until which allowed you to look at a deluge of merchandising.
grew up in a small city and we all after mass on Christmas morn- host of amazing things. I’m sure
When I was growing up, knew each other.Today’s equiva- ing. I remember counting the that many future scientists were Today, I’ve learned to appre-
Christmas season did not be- lent would be the layaway system. seconds, waiting for Christmas inspired by that one Christmas ciate both sides of Christmas.
gin until December.Today, the Even today, some stores allow morning mass to end. When it present. Board games included Whether we look at the religious
season seems to arrive earlier and you to reserve an item and pay was nally over, my sister and I Monopoly, e Game of Life and or secular side of the holiday,
earlier each year. On my recent for it gradually. Recently, Hol- were led into a large room where Men in Space (although I think one thing remains clear: it’s an
trip to Japan, I was surprised to lywood star Tyler Perry walked our presents were carefully laid that was not introduced until important time to take stock of
learn that Christmas gift giving into his local Walmart and paid out under an aluminum tree. We 1960). what’s in our hearts and truly ap-
had become very popular. eir o $430,000 in strangers’ layaway always lamented the fact that we preciate our fellow human beings.
department stores were lled debt.Tyler Perry, you are no could not have a real tree. We Maybe it’s me or maybe it’s It never ceases to amaze me how
with Christmas gift giving ideas. Scrooge! lived in a Nursery School run by the mantra of every generation, people can be so open, loving and
And, why wouldn’t they be? It our mom and a real tree would but I could swear that people generous this time of year and
is estimated that a quarter of all Growing up, most families have been a re hazard. Nonethe- were considerably friendlier back yet be the very opposite in other
personal spending for the year oc- relied on bank-promoted “Christ- less, our parents were extremely then. “Merry Christmas” was segments of their lives. If we truly
curs at Christmas. If an industry mas Clubs.” On payday every generous, and the gifts were said often and with true feeling, believe in the Spirit of Christmas,
is not completely dependent on week, I accompanied my dad to plentiful. as we counted down the days to we should acknowledge the value
Christmas sales, at least a quarter the bank and witnessed as he the “big day.” However, concur- of each and every person all year
to a third or more of its sales still deposited $5 or $10 into his club e toys back then were rent with the good feelings was round.
occur during the holiday season. account. (Yes, people got paid ev- fabulous, or at least I thought so. a true concern, as expressed by
It’s easier than ever to purchase ery week without direct deposit). I remember receiving my very the Clergy, that Christmas had People seeking a better life
Christmas gifts and worry about By the time December rolled become too secular. Week after for their families, often eeing
paying the bill next year. around, the prudent Christmas rst train set and being abso- week, we heard sermons lament- oppressive governments, should
Club saver would have amassed a lutely speechless. Erector sets ing the degree to which the be embraced as they have been in
But, back in the 1950s, there sizable fund from which to pur- came with an instruction manual. materialistic side of Christmas the past. We should commit our-
were no credit cards. Shopping Beginners, like me, stuck to the had overshadowed its religious selves to ensuring that no person
mandated careful budgeting. An- signi cance. “Keep Christ in goes to bed hungry or is refused
rst few pages, which described Christmas” was a refrain (and medical treatment because of a
bumper sticker) I heard over lack of funds.
Merry and over again during the entire
holiday season. It was as if there It’s one thing to joyfully wish
were two separate events occur- one another “Merry Christmas”
ring: one involving “the birth of and it’s quite another to put
our savior,” which we somberly the Christmas Spirit into real
acknowledged at church, and action. When we have taken up
the other involving Santa Claus, these just causes, then and only
reindeer, presents, Christmas then, will we truly exemplify the
Christmas Spirit.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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Mt. Vernon, NY

Thursday, December 20, 2018 TOWN GREEN Yorktown News – Page 15

Senior Advisory Bedford Audubon Society, visit lection manager at Bronx Zoo, a.m., Maple Avenue, Katonah. non-members (the Audubon will
Committee or call 914- will share some interesting stories Join Naturalist Tait Johans- credit $30 to an annual member-
e Yorktown Senior Advisory
Committee will meet at 1 p.m. 232-1999. about the amazing collection at son at this local hotspot at Maple ship); travel, lodging, and meals
Friday,Dec.21,at Yorktown Town
Hall. e guest speakers will be the zoo and the sta that cares for Avenue on the third ursday of not included.
Dr. Ron Hattar, superintendent of
Yorktown schools, and Dr. Deb- CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT these creatures. Refreshments will every month. e fees for this trip help sup-
bie Bakes, who will discuss colon
health. A special holiday lunch Tuesday, Jan. 1, Pawling be served at 7 p.m.; the lecture be- • Cost: Free port environmental education so
will be o ered, compliments of
NewYork-Presbyterian Hudson Contact compiler Carena Pooth gins at 7:30 p.m. • Level of Physical Di culty: the Audubon can continue to de-
Valley Hospital.
for details and to sign up at: pawl- Easy liver programs for free. Register
If the Yorktown and Lakeland
school districts are closed due to ingcbc@watermanbird SCIENCE IN ACTION: Register with Susan at info@ with Susan at info@bedfordaudu-
inclement weather, so are Senior
Advisory Committee meetings. EAGLEWATCH or 914-302- or 914-302-9713.

‘The Other Wiseman’ FIRST TUESDAYS BIRD WALK Starting Jan. 10, Thursdays in 9713.

Storyteller Jonathan Kruk has Wednesday, Jan. 2, 7:30-9:30 January and February, 1 hour be- NATURE WALK:WINTER
two scheduled performances of
“ e Story of the Fourth Wise- a.m., Dean’s Bridge, Somers. fore sunset SPECIAL FIELD TRIP TREE IDENTIFICATION
man” at the Community Church
of Yorktown, 1645 Baptist Note that this month’s “First Naturalist Tait Johansson and Friday, Jan. 18-Monday, Jan. Sunday, Jan. 27, 10 a.m.-noon,
Church Road, Yorktown Heights:
7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 28, and 9 p.m. Tuesdays” Bird Walk has been his team from Bedford Audubon 21, Cape Ann/Plum Island Muscoot Farm

ursday, Jan. 3. Light refresh- moved to Wednesday. Meet at the and Saw Mill River Audubon Spend a winter birding week- In this event co-sponsored by
ments will be served following the
performance. eastern end of Dean’s Bridge Road will monitor roosting bald eagles end with naturalist Tait Johans- the Friends of Muscoot Farm, join

Tickets can be purchased at in Somers where it dead-ends at within the Lower Hudson Val- son on the coast of northeast naturalist Tait Johansson to learn
the old bridge. ley Important Bird Area (IBA), Massachusetts, the winter home how to use a tree’s structure, bark,
Blood Drive
• Cost: Free including George’s Island Park, to a spectacular array of seabirds. and other clues to ID it even after
e American Red Cross will
host a blood drive from noon to • Level of Physical Di culty: New Croton Reservoir, and Ver- Johansson will guide this special the leaves have fallen. e event
5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 26, at the
John C. Hart Memorial Library, Easy/moderate planck. If you’re interested in join- trip around the region in search of is family friendly, but all children
1130 East Main St., Shrub Oak.
To schedule an appointment, visit Register with Susan Fisher ing this citizen science project, such stunners as Harlequin Duck, must be accompanied by an adult.
at [email protected] or email Johansson at tjohansson@ King Eider, Barrow’s Goldeneye, • Cost: Free
Bingo at Elks Lodge
914-302-9713. or call 914- Red-necked Grebe, Rough-legged • Level of Physical Di culty:
Play Bingo every ursday at
the Yorktown Elks Lodge at 590 MONTHLY LECTURE SERIES
Waverly Road.Bingo starts at 6:45 Wednesday, Jan. 9, 7-9 p.m.,
p.m. and doors open at 5 p.m. All
are welcome. Treasury Bill IndexedKatonahVillageLibrary
Kevin Hils, ornithology col-
Community of Zen 232-1999. Hawk, Iceland and Glaucous Easy
Gulls, Purple Sandpiper, Black • Dress warm
Join in creating a community of THIRD THURSDAYS Guillemot, Black-legged Kitti- Register with Susan at info@
zen practitioners under the study BIRD WALK wake, Razorbill, and Snowy Owl.
of Rev. Paul Tesshin. e group or 914-302-
meets at 9 a.m. every Saturday Thursday, Jan. 17, 7:30-9:30 • Cost: $100/members, or $130/ 9713.
at Fourth Unitarian Universalist 222M22oMM2TTMn22oorMTr12eoeTenrn2ore1ny1aaeeen1a%es1sayeyMsuyus%%yu%uM%MrrMMarryyyyaaraaBBBkrrBrrkkikkiiielellll11eeelllt111tIttntIIAInAnndAAAc9dedcdc9c9c9c9oxececec9ceuoxoxooxd9neu999eeuut%udnddnnnt%tt%t% APYA*PY*  APYA*PY*AAPPYY**
Congregation of Westchester, 1698 % APY*  APY*For balaInndceexseInIdondFdfaeoetx$rxe1eb1d0dFa0Fa0oalot0a%rtr1nb1,b00oc0a0ael00fal%a%stn0nhoococeeaffefst$sn3thoh1o0edfef0-$3d$30u1010a,0-0p-yd0d0a,Ua0,0y0y0S0Ua0U0TnSaSradTneTnrdareudesaupauuspsupruryryyBBBiillilll**l****AAPPYY**
Strawberry Road, Mohegan Lake.
Anyone interested should contact InInddIeenxxdeedeFdFxoaoaetrtrFd9b9bF0oa0oaa%l%arltranon9bbocfc0aefaet%lsthsalhoaenoeofn3fc$3f$0ec50t5-s0-hed0d,oae0s,a0yf0y30o0$U0U0-5fS-$-S$0d9T$9T,r9a0r95e,ey90,a90a9s0U9su,9u-90Sr$ry0y9TBr90Bieli,-ll9a*l$*9*s*u99r9y,9Bi9ll9**
[email protected] or visit APY* APY*Indexed aItInn1dd0ee0xxe%eddFFoaaootftrr1t1bbh00aa0e0lla%a%3nn0ococe-fefdststhahooeyeff$3$U31010S0-0-d0dT0a,ar,00yey00aUU00sSSauaTnTnrrrdy edeauBauEFsspipuulunlr*rlyj y* loyBBEFEy i iln lulnliFFEl*FEFh*qFEFjluj*DnuDno*luoDniyluljjIgIlyljoloIyClCyoyCyilyhyyhidlihlliiqinhiiqnnhhiqqismiguusagsiguiuguugiuhihcrihdhdrideohrdecmdeammmdanaomcdacomcocmeoccuonoomncoocnyeounnneounoynoneyeenemutuemtnyymty.y.nyn.eaImammtamnmtyr.r.rkadkaIaamkIeranenrekrtrkedrtkdeaxkrekreeattreeeatexkttaxtdareteteeceracsdcrsatdar.cFF.taoatootaeoauettuctr9etrnssenc9b.09bts.sot.0a.0%.a.u%l%laannonotocfc.ffeetttshhshoeeoeff333$$00055---0d0dd,a,0a0ay0y0y0U0U-U-S$S$S9T9Tr9r9Tee,,r9a9ae9s9sau9u9srryuyrBByiilllBl***i*ll** ere is no cost
to participate in this program.  FD I CFFuiDnllIsyCuliirnqesuduidrmeadocmcnoeouynnetmy. amrakrekteat cacccoouunntt..

Bridge Game  FDMIM11MC1777iiiic5cnc55hh3hs33eueeEElrElealeeaeasdCsCtstChmhtMVMVahaMoV9iar9iaarsnls1il1eiiainreein4sts4ltsiye-,Sin-,Su7uAt7mstAt4rs,4SVrsVeua3eA3tPtePrt-er,s-okV,5toe5tBe,B0,dPt0edrMtrM,0ao0aataaB2no,2nocydycrhMcch!ah!oaehenougMygMnchaa!athnaen.nngLMLaaaaaggkakneeenerrLaagkeer
A weekly bridge game is played
from 1 to 4 p.m. every Wednes- M17ic5MM11h3E77Eiseiwsctwc5ta5Eawblhwbh3el3ailwsiewsehhsE.eE.aCleladetdpaepa1hp1p8sMs8ClC6le6tate33bhhb9·MVar·MaMaMalna1eniee9ikm9arnarkms4.lb1.clsi1bceieeoinneo-,S4r4trmss7mFFA-Dt,S-,DSu74Ir7ACItVACte4r3s4rVVPeee33-P,tPee5-t-,o,B5t,5tB0B,,0rMd0rM0rMa0a0aa2no2no2noychchch!hhheeegggMMMaaaananannnnLLaaLaaaggakgkeekeeerrer
day at the Sparkle Lake recreation
building. e games, sponsored by*$prmaT5rtaih0eote,ur0osrm0efit0toryrr$mfootm*phea$rortop*mfmeaemT5nffereaeTedet5mraatffrih0$tetmraaeomtiheyt0t$iaheomeo,hc5ytnuahr0eos,o5uteasrsr0fl0oirmes0isreefoe0nfiaramim$0,eaeinft00di$,natissrto10rn0dycinth0o1rnnuyaeiidmuh00ndlnuasndedm00tnodceed.0meettece0egiae.cetehcxstn0iaescthcx0ttnoolesee0ti“oeooeleaafdmenieeoaewasaa$moncssdrwca$decssctsrrei9cturdirlsrneni9tuklrioaitplsnt9nttlmetlieoagii9tlmetoehthise,nbgvoittohei9s,nbet“rod,“re9oabsgeofdb.ne9ao”ssieotcs9sTucttseretcs9sTucuk.dtprahhthtgk.etpilathhttoehgnTtvoeoiaieoeohhranTvosade,hehadrosrndb,wrehcbdrsrge”ebirienbgeutt”eeiosopinudea.ttehspiaudealtahgsroittcduoiltorasrortIscidoinorhonnnhfsiwtnnnchoennnwecoueoecooAtest.auoecoaoDAstih.agrutuaPpciiegrrhubItuPpcnmihfberteIhnnYanmxhfbthnoneaYattsrctolDtcetamthsotleseDeaimteehohbaeyerfieeiefhbqyrxefosemefeadqaterxec1obeaucsthrcn1seburceovsa.dhnseeteei9ebea.etetesmeida9eefetpnhsm9dawee3pnhra9ovdnrwtat%breaovdara0ttce%hibfeiaomtceie3fitdcinr,mtt3he3setdcnr,drt0tohhtwooeer0td1oohitwhoo3usdeoai3hdn3xdhusrne,eeed1nhnryna0eeea31ta2inxda,a3tcdhwites1xdy-0,ccadhwt20eyh0.nde-abs12.-hnct0ne-bs19e1.-dncpd.0aTeiat.d91pTdn.sai98twTa9l1onsThyw9T8aaorlodT9hy%.98aorsdei9nh%y.efrsTte.E0iien%.Tfte.ta$h0icetsTa$r%tshBsrctsAha$e%Aesose1Bsrese1EheAoaueste1euuPuaPaa00ufoesluunnaPan0faoarlsrtYsnsY0n0fatarstYeysl0udeynftb.up.,leyaltudn,t.a0wsp,l*tr0ecwhB*a0wrsr*BrbeclhtBy*0erbriye*i0ty*e0ioeTbriAli0eiesslBo$TelTAlAlm00rsrsiiB$elBlPmrnhe2liorsirmssPolnPen2liomwYeeimla5oldhfnwYleelaw5wdofYisnasla,$wienoisna0se,t$uitensisdtaw0s2xtuhiitnsi$0tw2xmdrthciuiqc$0se5wmric1y0qchei5ealyi1dy01um,relauql0y.0du.1,cBiluy0.03ot.acBl,m8r0ul3$oth0il8,umr00eatl$lh0iB00e1alt03e6loett0-m61l0eediIth-i0ed0dntf0ditnIl03ed0dnt3foe,n,leaet0-oed,o,ataatpdh0Idyodatdnaa$0ph·nnen·yna$0oeenenkn40maoexMdMdkd40matsaxedp9daeysaeami9aeanneptcb,midoeanep9tkcb,etdmyecxu9tdaituycs9utnemMoaiouem9bldnMooier9aablidputeri9dameleoiacuntiitmbeloanecntustayyitnbunecsayyutMonaht,rceboueeahdt,errnrtmoeeeebdnynrtrsimnheelbuocytndsnhiautrdeosaryMaFttnthdaleorMithdihahnal,frFninnDeeoihnaefannnnneeet$eagptnDe$rynahATgpctI1hrkdaATocC1thdhtekPeo0eMedhIthterhsP0eeevrhCYis0hsntfiev“enYes0ettfati“aaW,ereteat0oaW,rlrtiacss0orlarTlstiacs0sfahstklatksti0fastkdaahte0sr1lielebeae0lsr1erleeetlbe.vldeeeitSsoe4etq.ndd“siSoe4eeqn”ttdsml3raWurd”trombl3rrr2udra%oecmbsria2awe%etmar.aieaakatwea2trir.een,so2tetsreelen,ls1oet$dwdelteeJr1e$dwdtd%Judr1eiSoacn%hdudts1eoac0hsyt”tuoyeoi0syduoyreAbec,oicrr2eAoa0enc,ocrndhaaoa0lnnaornd.0hfeelnpa2rt0nrfeanpssia.0etnaneselsi.0ne1huedselaanhPJunoao6aa%Paudcnonoiao6laancnn5inlelhltnnsyl5nulelhtAh%doPalaeAbAht%dPasrabiseoPethnsnsunedisePehnenorsuxeYefeyobrcxaYaefyanfbcsasceofeofcsldslcetoenaohcsluadecnerathfaaaeecnsrlhfooaaqaTetsc2ceylitoqTta2ceyndrutnluulh.adbruel2ouuig.ibndenPe2loigsaiubn1afnetlessatnu1adcfeeehst%sttn.dcuesYlt%testu.ehrixoYleteunehAibioc,dmxrenfAesi,dmxrewecyoeeessluewlymbemaosudalmdenbrBmhorsdsdyBsnhrleosqyioTti(ncerotldciotiA(tarnallrdfncutAuhtashnalaobfnethPgasthatoktPeeltywhrtahYkaiuaeywehirash,,i)tysblnnoot.1i.)Yybtedgtuftih1F.adgthsf0nhFiatdmehsr0eltwethe0eaaeeltwyhehe0aralhr%eebnirovssder%elniBvselclsiynlcciei(cleedtAtslehsasaPkywaYinnoi)t.gdfhttwhaheiell
the Yorktown Senior Center, are
played at the intermediate level. Eswtawbliwwwshw.weadwpw1.p.a8apl6pe3ppbl·leaeMbbneaakmnn.bckkeo..ccrmooFmDmICrooeffm$tah5aapep0pipnle,il0enbi0nbdkk0-ee-YxtYOoeOeRdR$cKK9trTTaO9tOthW,e9WrN.9oN-9TSu-SOhgeOMehaMErrEeeRnRaSiSas-cP-nPhnEEEoAsEKuKPiSnbSYILItsLLeoeL-rC-fqCeO1uOsR.tRe9TTpn9LLAat%ANimNdD,DwTooT--nhnTTRtiRcdhEEhe-AAeSpiSnsUoURd9RsY.0EiYtB%BssBILtaIuLLaolLnaMfbMdnMtMlechi-esre-1sh1$2i2-n2oe3-351dfd1-,$,d.0d6dr0$3a1011t0e·to,,M0a$0ne40dm9mb,9bai9nle9aimrnecFuaermDsnIodaCfne$pA1oP0sY0it,0ois0f 0r1e.o4q3ru%mire,odwrehtoeicaohrpnisean6n5tAh%iPsoYaf1oc11t1c/hf3/o302e0/u.2/2i20nn011t1d8%.8eA3,x3:w0e:m07d7h:0:o0i7rc7naPhPttMehMis,lyb1as0el0ar%nvcicees
New players are welcome.

Bedford Audubon

For more information about the

Page 16 Yorktown News – Thursd

On Saturday, Dec. 8, the Mohegan Lake Fire Department
held its annual Candy Cane Run.
Santa, along with volunteers from the department, stopped
by dozens of neighborhoods, handing out candy canes
and posing for pictures with excited children.

Mohegan Lake fire and ambulance volunteers The Simmons family with Santa
The ki

The Goewey family Santa and Michael Zumatto, 10 PHOTOS: SARAH BUSSINGER

The Stil

day, December 20, 2018 Page 17


ids were excited to see Santa on Flanders Drive. The Schaefer Family with Santa

Don DeChent, 1st assistant chief, drives the fire truck through town.

llers—Doug, Janet, and Nicholas, 8—with Santa

Page 18 – Yorktown News Thursday, December 20, 2018
Contact Us
Yorktown News is located at Bailey Court, 334 Route 202, Toys for Tots
Unit C1S, Somers, NY 10589. You can contact us at 914- collected at JV Mall
302-5628 or email [email protected].

Holiday shoppers at the Je erson Valley Mall opened up their wallets and their hearts this month to
donate to Toys for Tots.

e U.S. Marines Corps-led donation drive distributes toys to parents who cannot a ord to buy Christ-
mas presents for their children.

Happy Holidays

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Thursday, December 20, 2018 Yorktown News – Page 19

Students enjoy holiday Teens decorate
pajama party and donate gloves

Nearly 20 students 3-5 years old in the months of age, at its Putnam County loca- Volunteers at the Yorktown Teen Center have decorated 56 pairs of winter
gloves that were donated to people in need at Good Counsel Homes in the Bronx.
nursery and kindergarten program at Our tion in Carmel at 4 Glenna Drive.
Longtime Yorktown resident, Carol Burke, joined the Teen Center again at
Montessori School (OMS) practiced their OMS also runs programs for ages 18 the annual event to help with the sewing.

artistic skills on holiday cookies during a months to three years (toddlers); for 3 to 6 PHOTO COURTESY OF NICOLE FASCE

festive pajama party last week at the school’s years old (Nursery/Kindergarten), and for 6- Timmy Stewart, the Whitman brothers, the Suscal sisters, Olivia O’Connor, and
Nicole Fasce
classrooms in St.Andrew’s Lutheran Church to 12-year-olds (Elementary School).

in Yorktown Heights. In addition to St. Andrew’s Church, there

“ e parents are great here,” said teacher are OMS classrooms at Yorktown United

Colleen Speight. “ ey donate the cookies Methodist Church in Yorktown Heights.

and the frosting for the party.” For more information, parents/caregivers

After their handiwork on the cookies, can call (914) 962-9466 or email oms9@

students posed for individual photos with

a character mask of their

choice, and then hopped

aboard an imaginary train to

walk a few steps to a screen-

ing of family lm favorite

“ e Polar Express.”

Our Montessori School

this school year has re-es-

tablished its infant program,

for children six weeks to 18


Teacher Mayra Giron helps
nursery/kindergarten students

at Our Montessori School of
Yorktown and Carmel decorate

holiday cookies with frosting
during a recent pajama party

that included a screening of
family favorite holiday movie

“The Polar Express.”

Hernia Repair Methods
and Recovery

Find out what’s right for you…

Ask the Doctor Q: What is a hernia? or hernias in the groin, require a synthetic mesh to
A: A hernia is an opening within muscles or connective repair and cover the defect, or hole. Other methods,
Dr. Amanda Messina, FACS tissue, called fascia, through which intestines or fat like Laparoscopy and robotic hernia repair, allow
Bariatric Surgery & General Surgery protrudes. Hernias tend to occur in the belly through the surgeon to make smaller incisions with smaller
Northern Westchester Hospital previous incisions, or most commonly in the groin, operating tools. In both types of surgery, the risk of
which is known as an inguinal hernia. They can develop complications is minimal – about the same as any
Learn more about at any age, from birth onward. Hernias may grow over surgical operation. Hernia repairs are ambulatory
Dr. Messina, visit time or they can come on suddenly; they may result procedures and you’ll be able to go home the same day.
nwhsurgicalweightloss. from strenuous activity, heavy lifting, during pregnancy, The risk of recurrence is slim: There’s about a 5 percent
org/DrMessina or even from a t of coughing. chance that a person will experience another hernia in
the same spot or elsewhere.
400 East Main Street | Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Q: What should I do if I think I have a hernia?
(914) 666-1200 | A: It’s important to seek medical attention right away Q: How long is the recovery period?
if you think you have a hernia. Aside from resting and A: I generally recommend patients take a week off from
taking ibuprofen for pain, unfortunately there isn’t work and that they do not lift anything heavier than 25
a lot that people can do on their own when it comes pounds for at least six weeks. I typically don’t restrict
to treating a hernia. The only de nitive treatment is cardiovascular exercise with my patients and most
surgery. Hernias, if left untreated, can continue to patients are able to return to regular activities without
enlarge, putting you at risk for potentially dangerous pain after a few weeks.
complications, like lack of blood supply or strangulation
to the intestines. Did you know?

Q: What are the surgical options for treating a hernia? There are about 200,000 hernias
A: Hernias are treated either by open repair, or diagnosed every year. About 2 percent
minimally invasive surgery, which includes laparoscopy occur in adults, 4 percent in infants.
or robot-assisted surgery. At Northern Westchester
Hospital all methods are available and selected based Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
on the size and location of the hernia. Inguinal hernias,

Page 20 – Yorktown News Thursday, December 20, 2018

OBITUARIES Paul F. Eiseman

Florence V. Broskie Paul F. Eiseman of Yor-
ktown Heights, formerly
Florence V. Broskie, of Yorktown Heights, died on Dec. 3. She complished in her many blessed years, being called “Nana” was her of Hartsdale, passed away
was 89. greatest accomplishment in this life. peacefully on Dec. 11. He
was 79. He was born on
Florence was born on May 18, 1929, in New York City to the Ms. Broskie’s spirit lives on and her family will miss so many Dec. 25, 1938, to Cathe-
late Bridie (Feeney) and Philip McCabe. She would go on to mar- things about her. Everyone that was blessed to have known her rine and Paul Eiseman and
ry the love of her life, Michael Broskie, and together they were knows how she took care of those she loved. Florence leaves her was the widower of Lynne
blessed with a beloved daughter, Christine, who was the light of family with a legacy of love and devotion. Although she will be Kuhn Eiseman.
their life. missed greatly by those who knew and loved her, they cherish a
lifetime of love and happy memories. He is survived by his
Florence was born and lived to see some of the toughest times daughters, Tracy Ann
in American history; this forged a spirit of independence and Florence Broskie is survived by her loving daughter, Christine, Sinatra and Kari Lynne
strength, which is how she remained, always. Ms. Broskie worked and her son in law, John Zygmunt of Yorktown Heights. In addi- Eiseman; his son, William
as a city clerk for the city of Yonkers and was well-known for going tion, she is survived by her cherished grandchildren: Laura (David) Paul Eiseman; his sister,
above and beyond for the community and people of Yonkers. Her Storminger of Carmel, and Janice Zygmunt of Danbury, Conn. Madeline Hynds; and his
job was far from the only place she shined; in fact, Florence’s spirit She will also be missed greatly by her great-grandchildren, Leah granddaughters, Paige Ma-
and kindness shined brightly in every aspect of her life. Her pres- and Kylie, who were her little angels. Florence is predeceased by rie Sinatra and Autumn
ence could be felt in any room she walked into, her warmth and her husband, Michael (1998), and her siblings: James McCabe, Elizabeth Eiseman. He
smile could be felt by anyone who was blessed to be around her or Mary Ardito, and Pat Mancuso. was a volunteer re ghter
have known her. Her kindness and great big heart poured into her with the Hartsdale Fire
volunteer work at the food pantry and local shelters and when she A visitation was held at Cargain Funeral Homes in Mahopac. Department for many years
was spending time with her fellow seniors from the Je erson Vil- A Mass of Christian Burial took place at Florence’s parish, St. and worked as the chief
lage, with whom she treasured her time. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Shrub Oak. Following mass, Florence engineer for Maria Regina
was reunited with her husband, Michael, at the Gate of Heaven High School in Hartsdale
Her kindness and generosity was seen in all aspects of her life Cemetery in Hawthorne, her nal resting place. for 48 years. He enjoyed
but it was felt most by her cherished family. Her heart was hap-
piest when she was surrounded by her beloved grandchildren and In lieu of owers the family has asked you honor Florence’s shing but his passion was
great grandchildren. Out of all the amazing things Florence ac- spirit of giving and charity by making a donation in her honor to for hunting. He will be
St. Jude’s or Hospice of Westchester. missed greatly by his family
and all who knew him.

Family received friends
at Higgins Funeral Home
in Stony Point. Mass was
held at Immaculate Con-
ception Church in Stony
Point, followed by inter-
ment at Mount Calvary
Cemetery, inWhite Plains.
In lieu of owers, donations
can be made to a charity of
your choice.

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Thursday, December 20, 2018 Yorktown News – Page 21

Page 22 – Yorktown News Thursday, December 20, 2018

Bridge completed
at Mohansic

Volunteers have completed to 80, donated a total of 741

construction on the rst of hours to build the rst sec-

three bridges on the Mohan- tion of the trailway, an 8-foot-

sic Trailway. Work on the nal wide 564-foot-long boardwalk

parts of the trailway will begin through wetlands and clear

in the spring. portions of the trailway. e

Barring unforeseen events, volunteers included eight high

the Yorktown Trail Town Com- school students, three of whom

mittee said it anticipated that it came almost every week during

will be open to the public by the the summer, and two middle

end of the summer. school students. As part of his

Constructed by volunteers Eagle Scout project, Austin

under the guidance of Jane Fritz is building two sections

and Walt Daniels, the bridge of boardwalk that will provide

was funded by a donation from a dry route from the boardwalk

the Marvin and Susan Raskin to the bridge. The first bridge has
been completed on
Charitable Foundation. e boardwalk was fund- son Valley Greenway, $4,000 in other donation from a private the Mohansic Trailway.
donations from Yorktown resi- charitable fund.
Earlier this fall, 60 volun- ed through several sources: a dents, discounted lumber costs PHOTO COURTESY OF
at Lakeland Lumber, and pro When completed, the trail- YORKTOWN TRAIL
teers, ranging in age from 11 $12,500 grant from the Hud- bono engineered drawings from way will provide an o -road TOWN COMMITTEE
Site Design Consultants. link between the North County
NEW VISIONS Trailway and FDR State Park, the same time providing greater
e nal phase of the project and from the state park to many recreational, health and social
KITCHENS & BATHS, INC. will include preparing the path of Yorktown’s other trails. bene ts to its residents and visi-
at the Route 118 end of the tors.
trailway, which will be funded Formed in 2014, the York-
by the town’s $7,500 Hudson town Trail Town Committee’s More information about the
Valley Greenway grant. Volun- dual mission is to leverage the Mohansic Trailway and Yorktown
teers will build the two bridges, town’s extensive network of foot Trail Town Committee is avail-
which will be funded by an- and biking trails to promote able at
economic development while at

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Thursday, December 20, 2018 Yorktown News – Page 23

Yorktown-SomersVARSITY SPORTS ROUNDUP rivalry game highlights week


While its rivalry may be the

most popular on the gridiron,

when Yorktown and Somers play,

they are highly competitive in

any sport, and that includes boys


e two local rivals played in

the opening round of the Mike

DePaoli Basketball Tournament,

with host Somers coming away

with a 50-39 triumph on Dec. 14

in front of two highly charged fan


“Playing Somers in that type of

atmosphere was a fun experience,

both crowds really get into it ob-

viously,” Yorktown’s Roni Brucaj Ben Schumer
makes his move
said. “But the most important up the sideline.

thing is to not let that distract

you from the goal of the whole

game, which is to win. You just

have to maintain focus and play

the game.”

It was Mark Pavella’s rst

game experiencing the rivalry as

head coach of the Huskers and

he enjoyed coaching in that type

of atmosphere.

“ e game was intense, and Roni Brucaj goes up
for two.
it’s fun to coach in a game where game of the DePaoli tourna-
both student bodies come out to ment on Dec. 15.

support their teams,” Pavella said. Chris Martz (10 points),Matt

Yorktown was led by Brucaj Mahoney (8 points), Ryan Ferr-

(11 points), All-Tournament se- ara (6 points), Sgobbo (6 points),

lection Joe Sgobbo (10 points) Brandon Carter (6 points), Rob

and Anthony Ortiz (8 points). Miller (5 points), Nick Buono

“We moved the ball really well (4 points), Sean Vogel (2 points)

against their defense, leading us and Ortiz (2 points) all con-

to get open shots and we have tributed to the Huskers’ e ort

two bigs who rebounded well and against the Tigers.

put them right back up,” Brucaj Girls Basketball
said, referring to Sgobbo and Or-


While they didn’t get the re- YORKTOWN 65,

sult they wanted against its rival, POUGHKEEPSIE 46

there were positives for Yorktown Yorktown continued its great

to take out of its game against the start to the season when it de-

Tuskers, especially on the defen- feated visiting Poughkeepsie,

sive end of the oor. 65-46 on Dec. 11.

“ e kids competed on defense “We scored a lot of points o

tonight, and we gave ourselves a turnovers,”Yorktown coach Bri-

chance going into the fourth an Mundy said. “We did a good

quarter,” Pavella said. job on the press. It was nice to

Preparation was key to the see all 13 girls make contribu-

Huskers’ defensive play against tions in the win.”

Somers One of those players who

“We played very well defen- contributed to the victory was

sively because coming into the Husker sharpshooter Amber

game we knew the type of of- Bodden, who scored 20 points,

fense they played and defense including ve 3-pointers, both

so just seeing them play helped team highs.

us prepare for this game,” Brucaj “Our team has been able to

said. nd Amber open in our of-

fense,” Yorktown’s Kat Severino

PUTNAM VALLEY 63, said. “We’ve done a good job

YORKTOWN 49 getting her the ball and she’s

Yorktown (1-3) fell to Putnam SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 24
Valley 63-49 in the consolation

Page 24 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, December 20, 2018

coach Mark
Pavella gives



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Bring in your items or we can come to you! ROUNDUP she kept us all focused on the “Everyone did their part from
goal of winning the game.” big to little things and at the
Get your Open everyday until Christmas 10am - 5pm FROM PAGE 23 end of the day it played a major
shopping Solid defensive play helped factor,” Bodden said. “It helped
—done— 571 ROUTE 6 • 845-628-0362 been able to hit the shots.” Severino on the o ensive end. us realize how strong we are as
An excellent example of Yor- a team and gave everyone the
LSohcoapl! HOLIDAY HOURS: Wednesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm “I was able to read the passes con dence they needed to help
ktown’s stellar teamwork came well and even trap when pos- win.”
Increase referrals and name recognition. when Jesse Barer found Izzy sible,” Severino said. “I think just
Advertise in the Yorktown News Bulletin Board and reach over 8,000 USPS Cicinelli at the foul line, who being aggressive also helped me Wrestling
passed it to Sophia Torres un- get turnovers and convert them
delivered mailing addresses every week. Call 845-208-8151 today! derneath the hoop. Cool and on the other end.” NANUET TOURNEY
calm, Torres put in the layup o Yorktown participated in the
the glass, giving the Huskers a Barer also played an impor-
20-8 lead late in the rst quarter tant role in the victory for Yor- Nanuet High School Wrestling
and the hosts cruised from there. ktown, garnering nine rebounds Tournament on Dec. 15, with
and four steals. three of its grapplers earning 4-0
Helping the Huskers cruise records.
from there was Severino, who “Jesse’s a really good defender
tallied 17 points, six rebounds and was able to be aggressive One of those grapplers was
and ve steals. and force turnovers,” Severino Dean Patierno (138 pounds).
said. “She always plays really
“Kat made amazing plays,” hard especially on the defensive “What enabled me to go 4-0
Bodden said. “Her smart move- end.” today was my coaching sta
ments on the court helped us and my team,” Patierno said.
Bodden said that everyone on
nd her open for her to score Yorktown (3-0) contributing to SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 25
and add on to our lead. Her the win played a big role in its
leadership played a major factor, triumph.

Thursday, December 20, 2018 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 25

Ryan Sullivan


JwuhsitlienbGerionugxpmreosvseusrethde. puck


ROUNDUP ster/Yorktown rallied to tie the Brewtown’s
game at 3-3 with 4:25 remain- Thomas Mark
FROM PAGE 24 ing in the rst period.
looks up ice.
“Watching my team work “We got bodies to the net to
hard every match pushes me to screen the goalie and put in re- Come and Train Like a Pro
wrestle to the best of my abil- bounds,” Brewster/Yorktown’s
ity.” Justin Groux said. train with professional coaches
who have all competed at the
Patierno’s teammates Chris- Monroe-Woodbury an-
tian Sinagra (170) and Ben swered with two goals to go division 1 and pro ranks
Robinson (220) also went 4-0. up 5-3 but Groux (2G, 3A) cut
that lead to one with the rst Kelvin Espinosa TRYOUTS FOR 2019 SEASON
“Christian and Ben are great of his two goals with 10:13 re-
wrestlers but their strength and maining in the second period President/Founder, For Ages 13-16 years old
athleticism makes them really on an unassisted score.
hard to beat,” Patierno said. East Coast Elite Baseball WHEN:
“ ey turned the puck over
Patierno felt that the experi- so I took it down the ice and During Kelvins' 4 years at powerhouse George Washington Saturday Jan. 12th & 19th
ence of wrestling at the Nanuet shot the puck in,” Groux said. High School, he played in 2 city championship games at
tournament was good for his “Putting us one goal closer to Shea Stadium. After making 1st Team All Conference while Ages 13&14: 9am-10:30am / Ages 15&16: 10:30am-12pm
squad. tying the game was huge in the attending Alfred State College, Kelvin won 3rd in the nation
second period.” in runners caught stealing percentage and 2nd Team All WHERE:
“Wrestling in the Nanuet Conference. Kelvin has participated at the NAIA National
tournament gave our team some e host scored three of the Championship, his illustrious baseball career during college Gains Sports Performance
great competition,” Patierno next four goals before Groux included .340 batting average, 12hrs, and 125 rbi's. He's
said. “Wrestling in tournaments answered with his second goal, been able to translate all this knowledge and since 2012, (600 Bradley Hill Road, Blauvelt, NY)
like this one gives kids on our o an assist from Ryan Sul- Espinosa has coached multiple nationally ranked programs
team more con dence and gets livan, slicing Monroe-Wood- and looks to continue his great success with East Coast For more information, visit
the team used to competing bury’s lead to 8-6 with 4:53 left
against good wrestlers within in the nal stanza. Elite. In 2019, he will begin his 3rd year as Catching
Section 1.” Coordinator/Assistant Coach at White Plains High School.
“I had time and space com-
Ice Hockey ing around the net and I put
the puck in,” Groux said. “Af-
GREELEY 5, ter that we knew the game was
BREWSTER/YORKTOWN 1 still far from over.”

Brewster/Yorktown’s omas Frankie Vigiletti (1G, 2A),
Mark scored on an power-play Timmy Froessel (1G, 1A),
goal, with an assist from Allen Mark (1G), Connor Brooks
Rondel, to give his squad a 1-0 (1G) and Jack Jordan (1A) also
advantage with 10:06 to go in contributed to Brewster/York-
the opening period but Horace town’s o ensive production.
Greeley rallied for a 5-1 victory
at the Brewster Ice Arena on SCARSDALE 11,

Matt Gergley made 25 saves Scarsdale defeated Brewster/
in goal for Brewster/Yorktown. Yorktown 11-2 at the BIA on
Dec. 11, with
BREWSTER/YORKTOWN 6 Groux (2A), Robert Barone
(1G), Sava Makarenko (1G),
Host Monroe-Woodbury Gergley (19 saves) and Hawken
defeated Brewster/Yorktown Hellebo (5 saves) getting into
9-6 at Ice Time Sports Com- the box score for Brewster/Yor-
plex in Newburgh on Dec. 14. ktown (0-8-1).

Monroe-Woodbury jumped
out to a 3-0 lead before Brew-

Page 26 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, December 20, 2018


Senior Captain stands out for Husker girls

Kat Severino is a senior captain, If you could pick one place to visit
who plays both guard and forward, on vacation that you’ve never been
on Yorktown’s girls basketball team. to, where would you go and why?
Severino, a three-year varsity player, was
named All-Conference and All-League Australia, because I want to see the
as a junior. Great Barrier Reef and my grandpa
told me that Sydney is a really cool
She was also an All-Tournament place to see.
selection in the George Budries Yorktown
Boys and Girls Memorial Basketball What is your favorite food to eat
Tournament in both her sophomore and before or after a match?
junior campaigns in addition to being
named to the All-Tournament teams My favorite food to eat before a
in her junior season in tournaments at game is Subway.
Walter Panas and Brewster.
Best place to eat in Yorktown and
is year Severino is averaging 13 why?
points, nine rebounds and four steals per
game in Yorktown’s 3-0 start. Salsa Fresca, because I really like
their tacos, nachos, and burritos.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Facebook, Twitter or Instagram?

Instagram, because I don’t have
Facebook and never go on Twitter.

How old were you when you started me to always play my hardest and to FILE PHOTO: RICK KUPERBERG/HVSP.PHOTOS For a young athlete growing up in
playing basketball and what got you leave everything I have on the court. the Yorktown district, what would
started? Watching him play growing up made me Do you know what you want to you tell them about the experience
realize that hard work really does pay o . study in college? If yes, what are you of being part of the girls basketball
I was in third grade when I started planning on studying and why? team and why should they go out for
playing basketball. I started playing Tell us one thing about yourself that the team?
because my older brother played and not a lot of people know? I want to study elementary education
I went to all of his games and it was because I’ve always wanted to be an I would tell them that being part of
something that I was always interested in. I have three cats, even though I’m elementary school teacher and make an the girls basketball team is something
allergic to cats. impact on the lives of children. that everyone will remember for the
What is your favorite thing about rest of their lives.
being on the girls basketball team at Do you plan on continuing playing What is your favorite music to listen
Yorktown? basketball in college? Tell us about to warming up for a game? Your teammates will quickly
where you are going to school and why become some of your best
De nitely the people. My teammates you chose it? Basically any song that is a pump-up friends and the whole basketball
and coach (Brian) Mundy are some of song. I really like the playlist we play environment is a place that everyone
the best people I’ve ever known and they I plan on playing club basketball in before home games. will have fun.
make each day of practice enjoyable. Over college. Right now my top two choices
the years, basketball has given me some of are Michigan State and Clemson If you could have one superpower, Coach Mundy cares so much about
my best friends. because I want a big school with what would it be and why? each of his players and the sport,
good sports programs and both of the which really shows each and every
What is your favorite team activity campuses are amazing. If I could have one superpower it day. Playing for him is an opportunity
or pregame or postgame ritual that you would be to y because then I could go that shouldn’t be passed up.
share with your teammates? What about wherever I wanted around the world at
a personal pregame or postgame ritual? any time. Practices will be hard but the
outcome of all your hard work will
When we all huddle up right before be more than worth it. I would just
the game. e captains say something to make sure to enjoy each and every
get us ready to play. practice, scrimmage, and game because
it really does go by quickly.
Normally we try to just get rid of the
nerves and laugh right before the game You have a sister, Melissa, who is
starts. A personal favorite postgame a freshman on the team. What’s the
ritual is our postgame huddles when experience like of playing a varsity
everyone gets to celebrate a win or come sport with your sister?
together as a team after a loss.
Playing basketball with my sister is a
Do you have any goals for your nal great experience. It’s still kind of weird
season at Yorktown? to have her at practice and games just
because I’m not used to having her
My goal for this season is to just there, but it’s an experience that neither
continue to do well and win. I hope one of us will ever forget and that I
to go further in playo s this year and wouldn’t trade for anything.
now that we’re in Class A I think we
can be much more competitive in the We are harder on each other and
postseason. push each other more than we do with
the rest of the team but at the end of
Who has been your biggest role the day we both want the best for each
model over the years and what have you other. I can’t wait to see how the rest of
learned from them? the season goes.

My brother Matthew has been my
biggest role model. He has taught

Thursday, December 20, 2018 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 27

Host a sports-viewing party to remember

Amateur and professional athlet- camole or a bu et-style dish for the big grain pretzels might be more entic-
ics are both big business. According party. Encourage this, asking guests to ing to guests watching what they eat.
to Forbes, the Southeastern Confer- share what they’re bringing with other In addition, provide alternatives to
ence, a collective of universities that invitees so there are no duplicate o er- alcohol, such as water, soda and juice,
includes the University of Alabama ings. for guests who are abstaining.
and the University of Georgia, gen-
erated $375 million in television • Vary the food and beverage menu. • Upgrade your television. Projec-
money alone in 2015, collecting an- Chicken wings and beer might seem like tion screens are go-to options for
other $140 million from football and many avid sports fans, But projectors
basketball postseason play. While and screens may stretch some sports
that’s a hefty chunk of change, and fans’ budgets. A 4K ultra-HD televi-
even more impressive when consid- sion can be an a ordable option de-
ering the SEC is just one of many pending on the size of the television,
conferences in college athletics, it and such devices provide incredibly
pales considerably in comparison crisp pictures that can make sports
to the National Football League, fans feel as though they’re inside the
which Forbes projected would sur- stadium cheering on their favorite
pass $13.3 billion in total revenues players.
in 2016.
• Purchase a sound system. To-
Such gures highlight the popu- day’s televisions are sleek and thin.
larity of both amateur and profes- While that saves space and provides
sional sports. Hundreds of millions more aesthetic appeal than the bulky
of people across the globe enjoy televisions of yesteryear, thin designs
sports, and many are fond of gather- leave little room for sound tech. As a
ing with fellow fans to watch their result, it can be hard to hear what’s
favorite teams play, whether in-per- going on in the game without a
son or on television. Viewing par- PHOTO COURTESY OF METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION sound system. Sound systems are
ties are a great way to watch the big relatively inexpensive; just make sure
game with fellow fans, and such gather- to purchase one that is compatible
ings don’t have to require all that much go-to foods and beverages for the big with your television.
e ort on the part of hosts. game, but even sports bars are increas- Sports viewing parties tend to be easy-
ingly recognizing sports fans’ desire for going a airs that don’t require the level of
• Make it a potluck a air. Potluck af- healthy foods. It’s still acceptable to serve planning of more formal gatherings.
fairs make perfect sense for sports view- staples like wings, nachos, chips, and pret-
ing parties, so don’t be surprised if guests zels, but try to provide some healthy fare Article provided by Metro Creative
o er to whip up some homemade gua- like celery and salad as well. Even whole- Connection

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Page 28 – Yorktown News LEISURE Thursday, December 20, 2018

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square ends 20. A life
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the Jewish 23. Merchants
calendar 24. Southeastern
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eating countermeasures
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Thursday, December 20, 2018 LEGAL NOTICES Yorktown News – Page 29

LLC FORMATION NOTICE be served & shall mail process to 10709. General Purpose. LLC FORMATION NOTICE may be served & shall mail process

Notice of Formation of 22 Purchase St., Rye, NY 10580. LLC FORMATION NOTICE Girdle Ridge Development to 4225 Webster Ave., Bronx, NY
BROADWAY IN YOUR General Purpose. LLC, Arts of Org. led with Sec. 10470. General Purpose.

BACKYARD, LLC led with LLC FORMATION NOTICE Luminous Inner Healing LLC, of State of NY (SSNY) 9/28/2018. LLC FORMATION NOTICE
SSNY on 4/25/11.O ce location: Arts of Org. led with Sec.of State Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as

Westchester County. Unites States LBP Holdings, LLC, Arts of of NY (SSNY) 10/31/2018. Cty: agent upon whom process against Notice of Formation of MGC

Corporation Agents Inc. (USCA), Org. led with Sec. of State of Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent may be served & shall mail process Foods LLC. Art. Of Org. led

at 7014 13th Av,Suite 202,Brook- NY (SSNY) 12/7/2018. Cty: upon whom process against may to 437 Harrison Ave., Harrison, with SSNY on November 7, 2018.

lyn, NY 11228, designated as Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent be served & shall mail process to NY 10528. General Purpose. O ce Location: Westchester.

agent of LLC upon whom process upon whom process against may 463 Pelham Rd., Apt. 7-1B, New LLC FORMATION NOTICE SSNY designated as agent of the
may be served. USCA shall mail be served & shall mail process to Rochelle, NY 10805. General LLC upon whom process against

process to the LLC, 19 Windmill 538 Westchester Ave., Rye Brook, Purpose. Ainsworth EV, LLC, Arts of it may be served. SSNY shall mail

Road, Armonk, NY 10504. Pur- NY 10573. General Purpose. LLC FORMATION NOTICE Org. led with Sec. of State of NY process to: 2829 Birch Street,
pose: any lawful act or activity. (SSNY) 12/12/18. Cty: West- Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
LLC FORMATION NOTICE Diaries of the Misanthropists chester. SSNY desig. as agent Purpose: any lawful purpose.
LLC FORMATION NOTICE (D.O.T.M.), LLC, Arts of upon whom process against may
Notice of Formation of Org. led with Sec. of State of be served & shall mail process to LLC FORMATION NOTICE
Notice of Formation of Skymina LLC. Art. Of Org. led

BE4Compliance LLC. Art. with SSNY on 10/12/2018. O ce NY (SSNY) 10/25/2018. Cty: 64 3rd Ave., NY, NY 10003. Gen- Argento Funding LLC, Arts

Of Org. led with SSNY on Location: Westchester County. Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent eral Purpose. of Org. led with Sec. of State

11/16/2018. O ce Location: SSNY designated as agent of the upon whom process against may LLC FORMATION NOTICE of NY (SSNY) 11/7/2018. Cty:
Westchester County. SSNY LLC upon whom process against be served & shall mail process Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent

designated as agent of the LLC it may be served. SSNY shall to: Amadou Sita, P.O. Box 1194, Notice of formation of HAPPY upon whom process against may

upon whom process against it may mail process to: 3105 Cedar Rd, Yonkers, NY 10702. General HEAD HAIR LLC.Art.Of Org. be served & shall mail process to

be served.SSNY shall mail process Yorktown Heights, NY 10598. Purpose. led with SSNY on 9/11/2018. 440 White Plains Rd., Ste. 202,

to: 1724 Baldwin Rd, Yorktown Purpose: any lawful purpose. LLC FORMATION NOTICE O ce location: Westchester Eastchester, NY 10709. General
Heights NY 10598. Purpose: any County.SSNY designated as agent Purpose.
lawful purpose. LLC FORMATION NOTICE 12 Ann Street, LLC, Arts of of the LLC upon whom process
Org. led with Sec. of State of against it may be served. SSNY LLC FORMATION NOTICE
LLC FORMATION NOTICE Notice of Formation of NY (SSNY) 11/13/2018. Cty: shall mail process to the LLC,
Catocranes LLC. Art. Of Org. Aria Capital Limited Liability

Notice of Formation of White led with SSNY on 11/07/2018. Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent 3675 Curry Street, Yorktown Company LLC,App of Auth. led

Birch Inspection Services LLC. O ce Location: Westchester upon whom process against may Heights, NY 10598. Purpose: any with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY)

Arts. Of Org. led with SSNY on County. SSNY designated as be served & shall mail process to lawful purpose. 11/5/2018., Using the ct. Name

10/15/18. O ce Location: West- agent of the LLC upon whom Piotr Ryzy, 20 Old Locust Ave., LLC FORMATION NOTICE in NY of : Aria Capital (TB) LLC.
chester County. SSNY designated process against it may be served. Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as

as agent of LLC upon whom pro- SSNY shall mail process to: 2848 General Purpose. Wake eld Station Apartments, agent upon whom process against

cess may be served. SSNY shall Old Yorktown Road, Yorktown LLC FORMATION NOTICE LLC, Arts of Org. led with Sec. may be served & shall mail process
mail process to Legalinc Corp Heights, NY 10598. Purpose: any of State of NY (SSNY) 11/5/2018. to Mr.Jason Harkavy,Aria Capital,

Services Inc, 1967 Wehrle Dr, lawful purpose. 7 Shady Road, LLC, Arts of Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. as SEE LEGALS PAGE 31
Org. led with Sec. of State of agent upon whom process against
Suite 1 #086, Bu alo, NY 14221. LLC FORMATION NOTICE NY (SSNY) 11/14/2018. Cty:
Purpose: any lawful act or activity.

LC FORMATION NOTICE PG Maintenance, LLC, Arts Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent
of Org. led with Sec. of State of upon whom process against may

WHY DO WETrinity Fit LLC, Arts of NY (SSNY) 11/20/2018. Cty: be served & shall mail process to

Org. led with Sec. of State of Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent Andrew Cortese, 78 Main St.,

NY (SSNY) 10/3/2018. Cty: upon whom process against may Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. General ADVERTISE

Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent be served & shall mail process to Purpose.

upon whom process against may 271 Main St., Eastchester, NY




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Thursday, December 20, 2018 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Yorktown News – Page 31

To gift or not to gift? Tis the question for the season!

GUEST year 2018, a donor can gift up to (available through Dec. 31, 2025). age of the donee (child or adult), the best interest of the bene ciary.
CORNER $15,000 per donee per year free If the donor is married, his or her the ability of the donee to appro- e assets in the trust will also not
of any gift taxes. e donee is not spouse can join in on the gift and priately manage his or her nan-
ANTHONY J. taxed on the amount of the gift then reduce the taxable amount of cial a airs and whether or not the be subject to equitable distribu-
ENEA even if it is greater than $15,000. the gift to $60,000, whereas only donee is a spendthrift. tion claims in New York in the
However, if the donor makes any $30,000 would be subtracted from event the bene ciary gets divorced.
With the holidays fast ap- gifts in excess of $15,000 per do- the life time credit of each donor. e use of a trust agreement is Furthermore, if the bene ciary
proaching, many of us will nee in any calendar year, he or she It should be noted that New York a prudent way of gifting and man- develops any disabilities dur-
be deciding whether to make is required to le a gift tax return does not have a gift tax. aging assets for a loved one, as the ing the term of the trust and the
signi cant monetary gifts to our by April 15 of the following year. trustee of the trust can be given bene ciary needs any federal and/
children, grandchildren and other e existence of an $11.18 the discretion to use the assets and or state aid, a properly drafted
loved ones. e fact that a federal gift tax million federal estate and gift income of the trust to or for the trust will allow the bene ciary(ies)’
return is required does not mean tax exemption, which expires bene t of the trust bene ciary. e share to be continued as a Special
Some issues often raised in con- that the donor will have to pay at the end of 2025 unless made trust can also specify the age or Needs Trust for the bene ciary,
nection with the decision to gift any gift taxes, as he or she will be permanent by law, creates a great the condition that is a prerequisite which will not impact his or her
are whether doing so will result in able to apply his or her federal opportunity for individuals to for the trust bene ciary receiving eligibility for any federal and/or
any taxes being paid by the person exemption for federal estate and remove highly appreciating assets the assets in the trust outright. e state programs.
making the gift (the “donor”) and/ gift taxes to the amount of any from their taxable estate. It is also trust can also have more than one
or the person receiving it (the gift above the $15,000 per donee a way of reducing the assets one bene ciary. Anthony J. Enea is a member of
“donee”). Another issue that needs in any calendar year. For example, owns, which may be subjected to Enea, Scanlan and Sirignano, LLP
to be considered is whether the if a single (non-married) donor one’s long-term-care costs. e assets transferred to a trust of White Plains. Mr. Enea is the
gift should be made outright or to makes a gift of $100,000 in the will also be protected against any President of the Westchester Bar
a trust for the bene t of the donee. year 2018 to his son or daughter, e other issue that needs to be claims the bene ciary(ies)’credi- Foundation and Past President of the
$15,000 of the gift is tax free and addressed by the donor is whether tors have against them until the Westchester County Bar Association.
As to the rst question regard- $85,000 would be subtracted he or she wants the gift to the time the trust makes a distribution Mr. Enea can be reached at 914-
ing taxation of the gifts, in the from the donor’s federal exemp- donee to be an outright gift that is to them. Additionally, one can 948-1500.
tion amount of $11.18 million free of any trust. is is a decision give the trustee(s) the authority to
for federal estate and gift taxes that often requires consideration continue the trust beyond the set
of a number of factors such as the termination date if doing so is in

LEGALS LLC FORMATION NOTICE agent of the LLC upon whom LLC FORMATION NOTICE may be served & shall mail
process to Daneen M. Tangredi,
FROM PAGE 29 Notice of formation of T&T process against it may be served. Danidees, LLC, Arts of 176 Pinewood Rd., Apt. 39,
Virtual Golf, LLC. Arts. of Org. Hartsdale, NY 10530. General
LLC, 51 Hollywood Ave., West SSNY shall mail process to: 1186 Org. led with Sec. of State of Purpose.
Long Branch, NJ 07764. General led with SSNY on 10/26/2018.
Purpose. O ce location: Westchester Balsam Street Shrub Oak, New NY (SSNY) 11/9/2018. Cty:
County. SSNY designated as
York 10588. Purpose: Any lawful Westchester. SSNY desig. as

act or activity. QuarterAd_Layouatg1en1t2u/1p4o/2n0w18ho3m:55pProMcesPsaaggea1inst


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