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Published by Halston Media, 2021-10-22 20:29:35

North Salem News 10.21.21

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 7 No. 31 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, October 21, 2021

Running to the Residents await solutions to
Peach Lake flooding
record books!
BY CAROL REIF pervisor Warren Lucas, is an un- a public hearing in August to
For the rst time since 1977, North Salem High School’s STAFF WRITER dersized culvert that bears Peach discuss plans to either replace
cross country team captured the League Championship! Read Lake’s out ow under Cobb the culvert and restore the road
all about the meet on Oct. 13, as well as results from all your North Salem folks who’ve Road in neighboring Brewster, or remove it. e latter would
Tiger teams in this week’s Varsity Roundup on page 15. been anxious to learn the fate a village in the Putnam County require bisecting the road, used
of one partial solution to Peach town of Southeast. Residents of as a shortcut from Starr Ridge
Lake’s ooding issues will have Pietsch Gardens, Vail’s Grove Road to Route 121, and creat-
to wait a while longer. and other lake communities are ing a pedestrian bridge over the
growing increasingly angry and stream. Some residents spoke in
While there are several rea- frustrated about the situation.
sons for the lake’s rising levels, SEE FLOODING PAGE 3
one of the most obvious, says Su- Southeast’s Town Board held

North Salem considers sewer
partnership with Somers

PHOTO COURTESY OF NORTH SALEM CROSS COUNTRY BY CAROL REIF the conversation further until the come around once if it were to
STAFF WRITER fate of its proposal to sewer two of partner with North Salem, which
its lake communities was known, is actively seeking a solution to the
Somers and North Salem have he explained ursday, Oct. 7. hamlet of Croton Falls’s wastewa-
plunged into a public discussion ter management woes.
of a potential sewer project that Last November, residents voted
could bene t both towns. down a referendum to create a e town is now hoping to re-
sewer district to serve Lake She- focus sewering e orts on its third
e municipal neighbors have norock and Lake Lincolndale. lake community, Lake Purdys
been talking informally about Morrissey said then that while – not to be confused with the
their individual septic issues for he respected the vote’s results, he hamlet of Purdys in North Salem
“quite some time,” Somers Super- viewed the $62 million project’s – and its Business-Historic Pres-
visor Rick Morrissey said at last defeat as a “lost opportunity.” ervation district.
week’s Town Board work session.
But Somers didn’t want to take Somers, however, could belie SEE PARTNERSHIP PAGE 6
the idiom that such chances only



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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, October 21, 2021



Green Amendment Halloween Kills

To the editor,  Michael Myers vs. Mob Mentality
If you care about having clean water and clean air,
Iwill begin my inaugural movie e lm opens with rst respond- but that’s not necessarily a complaint.
it’s important that you vote this year. Proposal Two review column with a confession: e series has mostly left Michael
would amend Article I of the New York Constitu- I’m a bit of a horror movie junkie. ers rushing to extinguish the blaze.
tion to establish the right of each person to clean air Ever since I was a Myers’ motivations and abilities
and water and a healthful environment. kid, there’s some- In true horror villain fashion (and without a proper explanation, and
thing about switch- some would argue that the ambiguity
is amendment, referred to as the Green ing o the lights and a shock to no makes the character more frightening.
Amendment, is overwhelmingly supported by both turning on a spooky I tend to agree. And once the movie
parties - the NYS Senate voted 48 to 14 and the movie that has FILM one), Michael kicks into high gear, Halloween Kills
state Assembly voted 124 to 25 to approve it. At always appealed to de nitely has its fair share of scares.
least six state constitutions already include language me. I enjoy the new REVIEW is alive and wait-
on environmental rights - Hawaii, Illinois, Massa- direction of mod- BOXES OF RAISINS
chusetts, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. ern horror movies, ing for them. e last Halloween lm was
but also appreciate the classics. (I’ll
Amending NYS Bill of Rights to recognize our confess I own a copy of Plan 9 from TOM Needless to say, powered by the return of Jamie Lee
right to clean water, clean air, and a healthy environ- Outer Space.) I’m of the opinion that WALOGORSKY the local re Curtis as Laurie Strode, along with
ment will drive better decision-making at all levels even the cheesiest horror icks can be department her daughter and granddaughter
of government.  e Green Amendment will ensure fun if there’s a good scare or two. (Yes, taking the ght to Michael Myers as
that environmental impacts are considered early in I have seen all the Chucky movies!) will de nitely a family. All three gave strong per-
the process of government decision-making - that For this month’s review, we’ll take a formances, no longer content to be
is when the most can be done to prevent pollution look at the latest entry in the Michael need to hold a the helpless victims eeing from the
and ecological degradation. Moreover, the Green Myers saga, with Halloween Kills. No knife-wielding lunatic. e problem
Amendment is a powerful and important tool for spoilers, but beware of corny, candy- recruiting event with Halloween Kills is that the
combating environmental racism.  related metaphors. trio aren’t given much to do as they
sooner rather than later. Now released recover from their wounds from the
Even pristine North Salem could bene t from the FULL SIZE BARS previous installment and Michael
Green Amendment. It could, for example, motivate When we last left the town of from his ery prison, Michael is free continues to wreak havoc across town.
the state to adopt more stringent air emissions regu-
lations so that none of us breathe the toxic emissions Haddon eld in Halloween (2018), to continue his rampage. Halloween Kills touches on an
from the Southeast Compressor Station just o things were looking up for our heroes. interesting concept as the town de-
Dingle Ridge.  Laurie Strode ( Jamie Lee Curtis, As the survivors of the rst lm scends into a mob mentality in the at-
returning to her iconic role from the tempt to stop Michael Myers’ spree of
We have the right to free speech and assembly, the original lm), along with daughter mend their wounds at a local hospital, violence. e idea of how a commu-
inalienable right to divorce, engage in lotteries and Karen ( Judy Greer) and granddaugh- nity reacts to trauma and fear could
gamble. Shouldn’t we also have the right to clean ter Allyson (Andi Matichak) had just we are introduced to a smattering of have been unique for a slasher movie,
water, air and a healthful environment?  survived a night of carnage and were but instead is wasted by a script that
being driven to safety. Everyone’s new characters, several of which have gets lazy at times. Rather than let the
As State Sen. Robert Jackson said,“ is language favorite masked maniac, Michael My- viewers arrive at their own conclu-
will nally put in place safeguards that require the ers, was trapped in a burning house, connections to the original Hallow- sions, several characters essentially
government to consider the environment and our seemingly ending his reign of terror shout the moral of the story directly
relationship to the Earth in decision-making. If the once and for all. So far so good, right? een. Once word of Myers’ survival at them.
government fails in that responsibility, New York- Not quite.
ers will nally have the right to take legal action for gets out, Tommy (Anthony Michael My only other gripe with the
a clean environment because it will be in the State
Constitution.”  Hall), Lonnie (Robert Longstreet), SEE FILM REVIEW PAGE 13

Please VOTE to help protect our health, the Lindsey (Kyle Richards) and Marion
health of others and the health of the environment. 
(Nancy Stephens) rally the people of
Amy Rosmarin
Haddon eld into a pitchforks and
Former Councilwoman, member North Salem Climate
torches crowd, hitting the streets to
Smart Community LeadershipTeam
nd Michael Myers and stop him for

good. Bad decisions and bloodshed

quickly follow.

It was fun seeing characters with

connections to the original 1978 lm

reappear. Tommy and Lindsey were

the two children that Laurie Strode

protected on the rst fateful Hallow-

een night, and now their middle-aged

incarnations were ready to enter the


Halloween Kills doesn’t add much

to the overall mythology of the saga,

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail

For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

Thursday, October 21, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

Philosophical musings at The Country House in Westchester

For some, the concept of “philosophy” PHOTO COURTESY OF THE COUNTRY HOUSE piness comes from helping other people.
is a daunting one. If you can make other people’s lives bet-
Sharon Selesky and Bob McCarthy, two residents at The Country House, are engaged ter, you make your own better as well.”
People are often perplexed, sometimes in a philosophical conversation.
confused, and mostly skeptical regarding Another resident, Jeanette Cacace,
this centuries old “thought phenome- While in a conversation with resi- life in a perpetual think tank. Some resi- lives by the philosophy that “you need to
non.” But there exists a group of thinkers dents at e Country House, an assisted dents eagerly shared their philosophies be grateful that you wake up each day
who thrive when asking and wondering living community in Yorktown Heights, for how they live and have lived their and must strive to always do something
about the unanswered questions of life. I have learned that there are a bunch of lives. good.” e time I spent conversing with
philosophies, if not philosophers, swirl- One of the residents, Robert McCar- these residents was immensely insight-
ere are morality questions (“what ing around and keeping the concept of thy, explained to me that for him, “Hap- ful and I was surprised to learn just how
makes things right or wrong?”) and the many thoughtful and inspiring philo-
nature of human existence questions sophical tidbits I learned.
(“Do we have a soul or are we just our
brain?”). e number of philosophical One resident, Sharon Selesky, told
questions is endless, and for some, these me that she frequently re ects on her
intriguing and thought-provoking con- mantra that “You need to make the dash
versations provide fodder for deep in- between your birth date and your death
quiry into our own psyches. date count. Make the most of what you
have while you still have it.”
Library shelves and bookstores house
a plethora of books, including early phi- I have to say, she is so right.
losophers such as Aristotle and existen-
tial philosophers like Camus. Although e Country House is a marketing partner
it is easy to access the tomes of books of this newspaper. is article is written
written about philosophical quandaries, by e Country House, a 100 bed boutique
it is not only famous philosophers who assisted living community, nestled amidst
are capable of such pensive thought. a beautiful rustic landscape. It is located at
Surprisingly, our friends, our neighbors 2000 Baldwin Rd in Yorktown Heights,
and our own family members have ex- NY. For more information, call 914-455-
traordinary bits of philosophy that they 1363 or visit
live by each day.

Breast Cancer Screening

What you need to know about mammograms
& other imaging…

Ask the Doctor Q: Why is it important to have routine seen on the mammogram by letting us distinguish
screening mammograms? between solid and cystic tissue. The breast MRI can be
Stefanie Zalasin, MD A: Early detection with a screening mammogram can used to screen women at high risk for breast cancer due
Breast-Imaging Specialist catch cancer years before it becomes discernible by to genetic factors, family history or previous high-risk
Site Director, Yorktown Imaging touch. It is important to catch cancer earlier, because
Northern Westchester Hospital the size of the tumor and its stage in uence treatment ndings, or used as an additional tool to look for further
and prognosis. abnormalities in women recently diagnosed with cancer.
Schedule your mammo today, Advanced imaging technologies are offered at Northern
Yorktown: (914) 245-5200 Q: During what ages should I have Westchester Hospital’s women’s imaging sites in Mt. Kisco
Mt. Kisco: (914) 666-1445 annual mammograms? and Yorktown. A: Starting at age 40, this screening tool saves the
most lives. There is no de ned upper age limit to stop Q: Should women with dense breast tissue
mammography. The incidence of breast cancer increases receive special screenings?
with age: 30 percent of invasive breast cancers occur A: About 40 to 50 percent of women have dense breast
in women over the age of 70. We recommend that tissue. There are two components of breast tissue: fatty
annual screenings continue as long as the patient is tissue and broglandular tissue. Fibroglandular tissue
in otherwise good health and willing to undertake appears white on a standard mammogram, as do tumors,
additional testing if an abnormality is detected. so tumors can be obscured. If you have dense breasts, ask
about supplemental screening with a breast ultrasound. This
Q: How do I bene t from advanced technology increases detection by a rate of approximately
breast cancer screening technologies? four cancers per 1,000 screenings over that achieved by a
A: The latest mammogram screening technology standard mammogram.
is the 3D mammogram (digital mammogram with
tomosynthesis), which lets us see through tissue Did you know?
and nd more cancers than does a standard digital
mammogram. Another newer technology is the 30 percent of invasive breast cancers occur
supplemental screening ultrasound for dense breasts, in women over 70 years old. The annual
which helps us evaluate dense breast tissue and masses screening mammogram saves the most lives.

Page 10 North Salem News – Thu
Grace Woelfle
is month, North Salem High School honored the senior student-athletes on all Mya Opfer
the varsity teams and their families. is week, we highlight the graduating members
of the volleyball and eld hockey programs. Go Tigers!


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Page 12 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, October 21, 2021

Winning ways 

MAN looking around for where they rooftop, and we nally park and only seen three times. they pump oxygen in through
OVERBOARD left their tie or shoes, and you take the elevator and walk down We walk around in a big circle the air conditioning ducts, and
try to beat them to the car park, a hallway for about 15 minutes. it makes me wonder what I was
RICK but you can’t remember where And when we make it to a looking at all the menus, and breathing before. We pass by the
MELÉN you left your tie and shoes. Plus, map that says “You Are Here” everything sounds appetizing to 1/2 penny slots, something that
don’t you recall a Cheech and we have no idea how we got me. ere is a ai place where I never saw before. We could
Just to get out of the house Chong movie where they’re there. We’re already exhausted I could order a fresh water eel. double our money and still only
we decided to check out the valets but instead of parking the and hungry, easy marks for the Maybe me and the eel could have enough for your thoughts.
Mohegan Sun casino in Un- car they take it to the La Brea croupier that I imagine is leering take our bests shots and let the Even in the low rent section it
casville, Connecticut. e easiest Tar Pits and then come back fol- at us from the “eye in the sky.” waitress decide which of us is doesn’t take us long to lose fty
part of going to the casino is lowing a truck carrying chickens “ ose two are mine,” he gnarrs, fresher. ere’s a south-of-the- bucks, and that’s my limit, so we
with loose feathers and end up “HA HA HA ha ha!” Villains in border place that serves a cocktail go back to the bar and check
nding out roughly where it in a hail storm? I don’t either the movies nd the least thing called a Mexican Stando , which out the band.
is. You can drive yourself into but there are a lot of things from amusing. I like the sound of but I prob-
the vicinity using a GPS, but those times that I don’t recall. ably wouldn’t remain standing for If you think that all this
then you’ve got to park your car We’re trying to decide where long. ere’s a sports restaurant sounds like I’m having a rot-
and get to the actual building, So I nally nd the self-park to eat, but there are so many with a lot of video screens to take ten time, you couldn’t be more
and that’s the hard part. I don’t garage, and I drive up three lev- choices. It’s like using the remote your mind o the fact that there’s wrong. e little peeves that
like leaving my car with a valet, els, and I only see “EXIT” signs control on my cable box, where I nothing good on TV at home. most people don’t even notice
because what if everyone goes that look like they go around start at Channel 2 and dial up the are life-a rming to me, and
bust at the same time and they in circles, and still nothing that menu, and “Casino” is on, but it’s ere is always Johnny Rockets they give me something to talk
besiege the valet? en it will says “ENTER.” e garage at not a pay channel so they’ll prob- in case I want to fast-forward about that sounds like a lot of
be like every wedding I’ve ever Mohegan Sun has a sign that ably cut out all the good parts so right to the milk shake. We complaining, but it’s not. I love
gone to, where you appraise lights up and says “SPACE I keep dialing. ere’s a “Monk” settle on the Italian place, which it all, even if I pretend not to.
the guests and try to game the 12,692 AVAILABLE,” and I which I’ve seen four times, but I is what we always settle on. It’s
moment at the end of the night picture 12,691 cars ahead of me liked it three of them, yet there a little like the “Monk” of casino Join Rick and No Options for a
when they’ve talked to everyone all racing to get to that space. might be something better so cuisine, but I like it every time. Halloween Eve Extravaganza
they know and danced as if no It makes me wish Cheech and I keep dialing. Lo and behold, at Back Nine in Cortlandt,
one was watching, and they’re Chong were here so we could all “Mr. Mom” is playing on a movie Once you make it to the ca- Saturday, October 30 at 9:00
drive around in my car looking channel, but it’s almost over. is sino oor you feel instantly ener- p.m.! Look for Rickster Melen
for the La Brea Tar Pits. goes on for a half hour until a dif- gized. ere are bells and buzzers on Facebook! Say hello at: rlife8@
ferent “Monk” comes on that I’ve going o all around you and you
But there are spaces on the feel like you’re inside a pinball
machine. I read somewhere that

Contact Us
North Salem News is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email


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Thursday, October 21, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 13

Re ections

WHAT WAS dark in my parents’ bedroom a fellow passenger hugged and - no complaints so far! loaded. And thanks to the Lord
I THINKING? lling Mom in on all the hap- congratulated me. I remember the countless that I can still remember these
stories, good and bad! I send
RUTHANN penings of that Saturday night. I remember making it a point family gatherings at our house. special thanks with love to
SCHEFFER We then had to move to my to hug my boys and tell them I - the laughter, love and a ec- Linda for that gentle push from
room because we woke up Dad loved them. I still do and so do tion and, of course, good food! the nest!
Being a participant in with our “true confessions.” they. Come to think of it, my
Linda Spear’s Writer’s grandkids and dear friends are A very special thanks to my
Workshops in the past I remember walking to the on the receiving end of my hugs family and friends for help-
brought to mind that I truly altar on my Dad’s arm, hap- ing me keep the memory bank
enjoyed writing. Linda quietly pily dreaming of forever more;
pushed me out of my comfort however we know life doesn’t Add Something Special
zone and convinced me to always happen as planned. I can To Every Project.
submit an essay to e Somers hear Mom: “Man proposes and
Record years ago and here we God disposes.”
are, folks.
I remember counting their
During one of the work- ngers and toes when my boys
shops, our exercise for that day were rst brought to me in the
was to write a piece entitled hospital. I couldn’t believe these
“I remember.” ( at column warm, precious babies were
appeared in e Somers Record nally here! What miracles!
in May of 2016). e class was I remember being awake
silent as we pondered this as- when my fourth son was born
signment. en we put pen to in Vermont; I heard his rst
paper (or ngers to keyboard) cry and my tears owed as I
and brought to life memories held him to my cheek when he
that were happy, poignant, sad, was just minutes old. What an
rewarding, whimsical, or coura- honor and a privilege.
geous - any one that represent- And so, too, it was a privilege
ed the broad spectrum of life. when I held Bud, Mom and
I’ve updated that column and Art as their souls left this earth.
grabbed some memories before What could be more sacred
they y o to the Twilight than witnessing birth - the
Zone! beginning and holding a loved
one’s hand as he or she peace-
I remember my rst kiss - it fully passed - the end.
was yucky, but I wasn’t discour- I remember waving to my
aged - they had to get better guys from the bedroom window
with practice! ( ey did!) as they boarded the school bus.
As they got older, it was a ick
I remember going out Satur- of a wave from them - what
day nights and dancing my feet middle school/high school kid
o ! Usually, Cousin Pat was waved to his Mom from the
with me - we rarely sat down bus? C’mon!
and religiously missed curfew. I remember holding my
granddaughter for the rst time
I remember sitting in the at Fort Lauderdale Airport -
Kala was only two weeks old. I
was overcome with emotion as

FILM REVIEW this time of year, I liked Hal- INTERSTATE + LAKELAND LUMBER
loween Kills. Like most lms
FROM PAGE 8 in the genre, it’s best to lower What Dream Homes are Made of
your expectations a bit, not
lm is the overall change in take it too seriously, and enjoy 1248 East Main Street •Shrub Oak NY 10588 • 914- 245- 5050 •
tone for the series. e original it for what it is. My enjoyment
1978 lm was atmospheric and of the lm was also heightened
suspenseful, with the musical by watching it with a group of
score playing a big part in creat- good friends who took a simi-
ing the mood. e body count lar viewpoint. (I am also always
was relatively low for a horror entertained by my wife shout-
movie, and there was almost no ing out helpful survival tips to
gore. New installments of the the characters.) If you’re look-
franchise have forsaken those ing for an artsy, nuanced lm,
elements for blood and guts as then Halloween Kills probably
Michael Myers carves through isn’t for you. If you want a solid
the people of Haddon eld horror movie with some good
like so many unlucky jack-o- scares to get you in the spirit,
lanterns. Halloween Kills is then grab a few friends, a bowl
no di erent, with some new of popcorn, and enjoy.
victims barely getting a minute
of screen time before being Tom Walogorsky thinks people
dispatched in brutal ways. who give out raisins on
Halloween are the real monsters.
TRICK OR TREAT? Contact him at walogorsky@
As someone who enjoys hor-

ror movies, particularly around

Thursday, October 21, 2021 Sports North Salem News – Page 15


Tigers finish regular season strong
XC, girls soccer capture league titles

BY TOM WALOGORSKY to nish in a large eld of Frosh

EDITOR runners. e 5K races were frantic

and hot and humid as the cloud

CROSS COUNTRY cover broke at midday. Coaches is

League Meet always a great meet because of the

Wednesday, Oct. 13 size, and also you get a glimpse of

After more than four decades, how you stack up against Class

the cross-country squad brought teams. We will revisit the proving

the league title back to North Sa- ground on November 6 at State

lem. For the Tigers, the quest to Quali ers.”

reclaim league glory began with

preparations this summer. GIRLS SOCCER

“ e boys and Coach Posch North Salem 4,

and I have been talking about this Putnam Valley 1 Jack Fryer took first place in the Frosh race PHOTOS COURTESY OF NORTH SALEM CROSS COUNTRY

opportunity since last June,” ex- Tuesday, Oct. 12 The Tigers huddle up.
e Tigers opened the week on at the Section 1 Coaches Invitational.
plained Coach Chris Gould.“ ey

dedicated themselves to the sum- the road, scoring a decisive win

mer base training, and are reaping thanks to a balanced scoring e ort. Croton. Garcydeo Haxhari and rennial powerhouse Hornets, only 25-17, 25-18, and 25-20. As usu-

the rewards of this coupled with Rosie Binette jumpstarted the of- Zach Major both netted goals trailing by a goal heading into the al, the squad showed their depth

the workouts we do each week.” fense at the 4:30 mark, breaking for North Salem, and Andrew fourth quarter. Allegra Delli Car- and balance, with Chloe Fogle

e team would take this train- through the defense to put North Viebrock and Alex Zoubok each pini was sharp in goal,recording 10 (15 kills, 20 digs, 5 aces, 2 blocks),

ing and determination to the Salem on the board early. Anna chipped in an assist. Robbie Moia saves in the e ort. Jules Aqeel (12 kills, 6 digs, 2 aces,

league meet at Pawling High Behler would score o an assist had 9 saves in goal. “ is was the best result we have 3 blocks), Mya Opfer (10 kills, 1

School. e Tigers would best from Jessica Bossi to put the squad ever had against Lakeland,” said block), Kate Je ery (41 assists, 13

squads from Pawling, Croton, up 2-0 at the half. e Tigers never FIELD HOCKEY Coach Jen Frohman. “I’m proud digs), and Grace Woel e (34 digs,

Haldane, and Putnam Valley. In looked back, with Samantha Yoel North Salem 4, Pleasantville 0 of my team for playing so strong 5 assists, 2 aces) all contributing in

total, eight runners would earn All scoring a pair of goals in the sec- Wednesday, Oct. 13 against such an opponent.” the victory.

League Honors. AJ Laqueur (4th), ond half, the second o an assist e Tigers rolled to victory on North Salem 2, North Salem 3, Somers 2

omas Gautier (5th), Jack Fryer from Lili Valetta. Greta Halton the strength of a Kiki DeModna Horace Greeley 2 Friday, Oct. 15

(7th), Helio De Moraes (8th), was solid in net with 5 saves. hat trick. Skylar Bender added Saturday, Oct. 16 e squad won their second

Jake Greenberg (9th), and Con- North Salem 1, Pawling 0 a goal, while Brady Ellicott and e Tigers stayed on the road, straight ve set match, this time

nor Quadrini (10th) all turned in Thursday, Oct. 14 Jenna Andrews both had an assist. battling Greeley to a 2-2 tie. Caila downing the Tuskers on their

strong performances to power the North Salem came out on top Allegra Delli Carpini and Anna Andrews and Kiki DeModna home court 25-16, 19-25, 13-25,

Tigers to victory. While the girls in a tightly contested battle of the Laraia combined for the shutout scored for North Salem, and Anna 25-20, and 26-24. Chloe Fogle

team didn’t have enough runners Tigers, emerging as league cham- victory. Laraia had 5 saves. (10 kills, 11 digs, 9 aces, 1 block),

to score as a team, Bella Fryer (4th) pions. Anna Behler netted the de- Lakeland 3, North Salem 0 Sara Major (3 kills, 16 digs, 3

and Isabelle Schembri (5th) both cisive goal on a pass from Rosie Bi- Thursday, Oct. 14 VOLLEYBALL aces), Mya Opfer (3 kills, 1 block),

had impressive e orts on the day. nette. Isadora Tica notched 2 saves North Salem traveled to Lake- North Salem 3, Pawling 2 and Kate Je ery (20 assists, 10

“It’s the rst League Champi- in the win. land for a rematch of last year’s Thursday, Oct. 14 digs, 6 aces) all shined in the big

onship since 1977,which is gratify- North Salem 1, sectional nal game. e Tigers North Salem won a marathon Tiger win.

ing for these guys and the coaches,” Croton-Harmon 0 refused to back down from the pe- Tiger showdown, 21-25, 25-27,

added Coach Gould. Friday, Oct. 15

Section 1 Coaches Invitational e Tigers nished the regular

Saturday, Oct. 16 season strong with another nail-

Tigers XC would take their mo- biter,topping Croton to nish with

mentum to Bowdoin Park, with an overall record of 11-3-2. Anna

a number of runners turning in Behler scored for North Salem at

strong performances. Jack Fryer the 72-minute mark o an assist

was the standout of the day, taking from Gabby Bruni. Isadora Tica

the top spot in the Frosh Boys race had 10 saves in the shutout.

out of a eld of 180 runners. Bella

Fryer (51st) and Isabelle Schem- BOYS SOCCER

bri (59th) both had strong show- Carmel 2, North Salem 1

ings in the Varsity I Girls race. Tuesday, Oct. 12

e boys team placed 10th in the North Salem came up short

Varsity I race behind performances at home against the Rams. Caleb

from AJ  Laqueur (29th), omas Elias netted  the goal o an as-

Gautier (42nd), Helio De Moraes sist from Sincere Andrews. Matt

(54th), Jake Greenberg (57th), Dreyer (1 save) and Robbie Moia

Connor Quadrini (63rd), who all (7 saves) split keeper duties for the

scored for North Salem. Tigers.

“ is was the rst time most Croton-Harmon 3,

of our team experienced Bowdoin North Salem 2

Park, and they acquitted them- Thursday, Oct. 14

selves nicely against a very talented Despite a balanced e ort on

eld,” said Coach Gould. “Jack both sides of the ball, the Tigers PHOTO COURTESY OF NORTH SALEM BOOSTER CLUB
bolted out at the gun and led start dropped a game on the road to
Tigers soccer emerged as league champions after a victory over Pawling on Oct. 14.

Page 16 – North Salem News LEISURE Thursday, October 21, 2021

CLUES ACROSS 31. Blood relation 58. Prickly husk 24. Form of communication
1. Break 33. A great deal 59. Expressed pleasure 26. A Brit’s mother
7. Ruled Russia 34. Round Dutch cheese 60. Exclamation of surprise 27. Title of respect
13. Having several lobes 36. Move further away from 61. Most irritable 30. Famed modernist
14. Walked around proudly 38. Type of wrap 64. Virginia painter
16. Atomic #77 40. Furies 65. Optimistic 32. One-time province of
17. Largest living land 41. Removes from the record 67. Humorous works British India
animals 43. Young salmon 69. Arranged systematically 35. Prosecutors
19. The Great Lakes State 44. Feline 70. Emerges 37. Motor vehicle
20. A type of toast 45. Skin decor 38. Non-religious
22. Partner to feather 47. Disfigure CLUES DOWN 39. Native Americans of
23. Bristlelike 48. They __ 1. Wives of a polygamous Colorado and Wyoming
25. Bowfin 51. Formal term for “on” man 42. Pouch
26. Distributes 53. Weight of precious 2. Where hurt ballplayers 43. Touch gently
28. Hairlike structure stones land 46. Chose
29. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.) 55. Traveled rapidly 3. Single-celled animal 47. Actress Tomei
30. Where wrestlers work 56. Long-winged aquatic bird 4. Rhythmic pattern 49. Former Broncos coach
5. One from Utah Dan
6. A group of seven 50. Icelandic poems
7. Refrains from 52. More decent
inflicting 54. Grillmasters use it
8. Light brown 55. Self-immolation by fire
9. Humanistic rituals
discipline 57. Expression of
10. Emits coherent annoyance
radiation 59. __ Spumante (Italian
11. It says who you are wine) For puzzle solutions, please see
12. Roundworm 62. Consumed

13. Group of Native 63. Body part
Americans 66. Thus
15. Makes wider 68. Rupee
18. Headgear
21. One who sets
others free

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

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Thursday, October 21, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 17

Country House seniors fight against breast cancer

BY VIM WILKINSON young you are, you can still Country House residents participating in activities to raise funds for fight against breast cancer PHOTO: CORINNE STANTON
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR actively take part in what-
ever is going on in society,
e residents and sta and we proved that to-
at e Country House in day,” said Sharon Selesky,
Westchester, an assisted a resident at e Country
living residence in York- House who was proud to
town Heights, have been be part of the e ort. “ e
spending the month of elderly stood tall, stood
October involved in ac-
tivities to support Breast rm and we did it because
Cancer Awareness Month. of e Country House.”

Many of the activities e small, boutique as-
were designed to raise sisted living residence, is
money for the Susan G. tucked away in a seques-
Komen Race For e Cure tered and rustic part of
Foundation with its main Yorktown Heights at 2000
event, the “Walk to the Baldwin Road.
Bench” on Oct. 6. Halston
Media was there to cheer “Most importantly, we
on the dedicated seniors had fun,” said Jill Smoller,
who participated to raise executive director of e
funds for this great cause. Country House. “Our
residents, our employ-
Both residents and sta ees and everybody have
garnered sponsorships and been involved for the past
received donation pledges month trying to prepare
based on the number of for this magni cent event
benches they walk to, and it truly was a beauti-
which were located around ful event and I’m proud to
the building. e residents have been part of such an
joined the festive atmo- incredible teaml.”
sphere that included mu-
sic, food and everything For more information about
pink. e Country House in

“No matter how old or Westchester, call 914-962-

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Page 18 – North Salem News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, October 21, 2021

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wonderful hound.

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Thursday, October 21, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 19

How Silver Divorce adds a wrinkle to your estate plan

GUEST property from their parents or can signi cantly impact the tax a health care proxy or agent under other professionals to ensure their
CORNER other relatives and may have planning options available, as a power of attorney. Because of clients’ estate plan and nancial
comingled these assets into marital the couple would be losing the this, it is extremely important future is as secure as possible.
LAUREN property. is can create an issue unlimited marital deduction, por- to have new estate planning
ENEA during a divorce when the assets tability elections and the ability to documents drawn up during the Lauren C. Enea, Esq. is an associate
each individual has inherited have utilize Disclaimer and/or Credit pendency of a divorce and pos- at Enea, Scanlan & Sirgnano, LLP.
Adivorce almost always not been kept separate. Shelter Trusts so as to utilize sibly after the divorce is nalized She concentrates her practice on
comes with emotional, necessary estate tax exemption as well. Additionally, in certain Wills,Trusts, and Estates; Medicaid
personal, and nancial 2. TAX ISSUES amounts. circumstances, such as an amica- Planning; Special Needs Planning;
complications. However, a divorce From an income tax perspec- ble divorce, the spouses may still and Probate/Estate Administration.
late in life also adds a level of 3. LONG TERM CARE want to act as each other’s agents, Ms. Enea believes it is never to early
complexity to your estate and tax tive, transitioning from ling PLANNING and having the law automatically or too late to start planning for your
plan. Here are a few consequences jointly to ling single can have revoke these documents can cause future. She is admitted to practice
to consider: an e ect on your annual income Typically, a couple in their 60s- serious consequences in the event law in New York and Florida and
tax ling, and will also impact 70s may be engaging in long term of a health emergency or incapac- is an active member of the Executive
1. DIVISION OF ASSETS the personal residence exclusion. care planning techniques that ity of a spouse. Committee of the New York State
Dividing marital assets during include transferring assets out of Bar Association (NSYBA) Elder
e personal residence exclusion their names in order to start what As Silver Divorce becomes & Special Needs Section. She can
a divorce is common, and often provides a tax exclusion from the is known as the “ ve year look more commonplace, it is more be reached at 914-948-1500 or at
di cult, but for older adults, who sale or exchange of a principal back period” for nursing home important than ever for divorce L.Enea@esslaw Please
have an assortment of nancial as- residence of up to $250,000 Medicaid to protect assets from attorneys to consult with nancial visit www.esslaw for more
sets and real property from varied for individuals ling single and the cost of long term care. As advisors, estate planning at- information.
sources and a retirement plan(s) in $500,000 for ling jointly. such, if divorce is contemplated, torneys, elder law attorneys and
place, divorce can have the added it may be important to engage in
negative e ect of costing money at In Gray Divorce, often one of long term care planning as part LEGAL NOTICES
a time where future earning capac- the largest assets the couple has is of the divorce settlement. is
ity is limited. It is important to their home. is home may have planning may include transferring LLC FORMATION NOTICE LLC FORMATION NOTICE
discuss how assets will be divided been purchased 30 or 40 years marital assets to adult children or
and how retirement assets will be ago at a signi cantly lower cost to an Irrevocable Medicaid Asset Prime Elite Contracting 281-283 Sleepy Hollow,
allocated between the spouses. than what it is worth today. If the Protection Trust. LLC, Arts of Org. led with LLC, Arts of Org. led with
Maintenance may need to be paid, property is transferred to one of Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) Sec. of State of NY (SSNY)
or perhaps a spouse will need to the spouses pursuant to the di- Additionally, in New York, 9/1/2021. Cty: Westchester. 7/16/2021. Cty: Westchester.
remain the bene ciary on a retire- vorce, this can negatively impact a married spouse can execute SSNY desig. as agent upon SSNY desig. as agent upon
ment account or a life insurance the potential for a capital gains a “Spousal Refusal” so that the whom process against may be whom process against may be
policy. For example, spouses with tax if the property is later sold, as other spouse can receive Medic- served & shall mail process to served & shall mail process to 9
pensions may want to nancially the personal residence exclusion aid bene ts. If one is single, this Edin Hoxhaj, 1212 Yonkers Wyldwood Dr., Tarrytown, NY
protect themselves by ensuring for a couple of $500,000 will be option is no longer available. Ave., Yonkers, NY 10704. 10591. General Purpose
that survivor bene ts will extend reduced to the single individual General Purpose
to former partners. Addition- personal residency exclusion of 4. ESTATE PLANNING
ally, couples in their 50s and 60s $250,000. In New York, the entry of a WHY DO WE
are more likely to have inherited nal judgment of divorce auto-
Additionally, if the couple has ADVERTISE
a large estate over the New York matically revokes all provisions
Estate Tax Exemption (currently and bequests in a Last Will and LOCALIN HALSTON MEDIA’S
5.93 million dollars for 2021) Testament to a former spouse. It
or over the Federal Estate Tax also revokes any appointments of NEWSPAPERS? Red Mills
Exemption (currently 11.73 mil- the former spouse as agent under Convenience Center
lion dollars for 2021), a divorce

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Sweet Imported $ $199Breakstone's
for 14 oz, 8 pk
6 oz package Sour Cream
6$ 99
HiddenFjord EA Select Varieties EA
Brand 16 oz
Fresh Decorated
Faroe Island Cupcakes

$ 99 $ 99 $ 99Salmon Fillets 24 oz

16 16 18Ocean Farm Raised 12$ 99
Marinated Swordfish Fresh 18$ 99 12 Pack DiGiorno 6$ 99
Salmon Satay Steaks Wild Tuna /LB Frozen ea
FHCCahoaomolclkooililwyaeteeSeiCnzheip Pizza
All Varieties Fresh Fish, 2 Plus Grade,
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22.2-26.4 oz
Deli Grab and Go 14$ 99
From Halloween LAYERS
Hot or Sweet Coppa Boar's Head $299 Chef Made Cakes
Dry Cured With Hummus Tuna Salad 8$ 99
/LB EA Made Fresh Daily /LB 19$32 oz 99 3 $10Talenti
$ 99Mediterranean Spices Assorted Varieties EA
10 oz Gelato
19For a Delicate Flavor
Select Varieties
16 oz OR $3.99 EA
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