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Katonah-Lewisboro Times 01.12.2023

VOL. NO. Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, JANUARY ,

KLSD welcomes new SRO

O cer Brett Schlosser start- SRO training and Crisis Inter- PHOTO COURTESY OF KLSD Lewisboro Schools was imple- familiar with our campuses,” said
ed the week in John Jay High vention Team training, preparing menting a signi cant shift in the O cer Schlosser. “Not during an
School’s AP Psychology class, him to manage crises involving Officer Brett Schlosser is a former way that the district administers emergency. at’s when seconds
introducing students to his col- people with mental illness e ec- Rye police officer and served lockdown drills. Instead of teach- matter.”
league Detective John Peters tively. He has been a police o cer in the US Army as a medic and ers and administrators checking
with the Westchester County for the City of Rye and served in combat engineer. the hallways and other rooms, Detective Peters closed his
Police Canine Unit. Days earlier, the US Army for eight years as a O cer Schlosser and other rst time with AP Psychology stu-
he could have been found run- medic and combat engineer. nating lockdown drills. responders now handle this re- dents by introducing them to
ning bases with Meadow Pond One of the rst things that Of- sponsibility, as they would in a Acorn, a frisky black lab trained
Elementary fth graders during a “I try to get around as much as cer Schlosser did at Katonah- real event. through traditional Pavlovian
recess game of kickball. e prior possible,” said O cer Schlosser. conditioning techniques to sni
month, he was a special guest “I am in John Jay Middle and As part of his emergency pre- out various substances used to
at Increase Miller Elementary’s High Schools every day, and paredness plan for the District, start res. O cer Schlosser was
Gratitude Assembly. my goal is to visit the elemen- he has brought in Lewisboro happy to have made the connec-
tary schools two or three times a and Westchester County Police, tion for the class.  He’s already
It’s all in a day’s work for Ka- week. I want students and sta to and has reached out to Bedford, thinking about introducing John
tonah-Lewisboro’s new School see police o cers as their allies.” Pound Ridge, North Salem, Jay’s Forensics teacher to West-
Resource O cer (SRO) Brett Somers and New York State chester County Police’s Cyber
Schlosser, who was formally ap- O cer Schlosser’s main re- Police Departments, as well the Investigations dog.
pointed at the Dec. 1, Board of sponsibility is to respond to police department of Ridge eld,
Education Meeting. any emergencies and crises that CT. “ e reason I have reached Article courtesy of Katonah-
arise.  at includes being a re- out to so many di erent agen- Lewisboro School District.
e Westchester County Po- source for nurses if they require cies is that I want them to get
lice O cer’s background includes an ambulance, as well as coordi-

Training and preparations can save a life

Local doctors and school districts react to Damar Hamlin injury

BY WHIT ANDERSON AND covery of Bu alo Bills safety Dam- ing a tackle against the Cincinnati the largest health system in New happens after blunt trauma to the
BRETT FREEMAN ar Hamlin, it would be the Boy Bengals. York), described Hamlin’s pre- chest (it could happen in sports
SPORTS EDITOR AND PUBLISHER Scout motto. sumptive diagnosis as “Commotio when a baseball or hockey puck
Dr. Craig Basman, a cardiologist Cordis,”which he said is extremely strikes the chest). ere is nothing
If the NFL can sum up in two Be prepared. serving both Northern Westches- rare.
words the miraculous ongoing re- Hamlin collapsed after su ering ter Hospital and Lenox Hill Hos- SEE HAMLIN PAGE
cardiac arrest on Jan. 2, after mak- pital (both with Northwell Health, It occurs when cardiac arrest

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LEISURE Girls Basketball Results


Visit for the latest news.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 VOL. 5 NO. 34
aFwiraey!VbootenrdsfaoSprcpKhraootvooelnD$aHi4hOs-9tPLr.Eie5cMwtmAisZiblZloiOorLnoA BCortihmexep,rienssflsuaptpioornt faornIdsraaebl aonrdtiUoknraainteissue in Congressional race JOauytcpooaucrhingfoollfowsuinpgpocroHtOmfPoEpMrlaAJZionZhOtLnAVOL.5 NO.32
Visit for the latest news. Visit for the latest news.

PHOTO COURTESY OF GBFD LCEBLISUAUSSRISNEIEFSIESD&SSajawenRpTpobEHletyuapAhAAeBreEufibhtsaLUueantYBinfrelrGhilrlaiotOl’EdeglilHtcRaeg.ds-oScoashmwyscUaEeSteAehea.Tgmbnt,abhodyrTrtontAnaToiaoIaweesurgrunOIA-TdmJt‘dnwahceaaoBnsMsNiraiolEgpeenhltspLrtlaa-pdeCyetnilaedsBwKuHtEdLmpotlieeieo!OeFpkhllnena’tI’HdYose3kroytrfNN,se.p!dtoe,ge.hacl0mthTNwgSpTserGinlhhaaRft0gueeesdprMswcirnhnemgOoeoIphidnusppBoaenvloirkevsboriUperpframocooMaa.trfisSeotolsrTlopronetrtwr3noaotaogIrcefeeNatorgepfgotanBlhhrnoSmtlcotG3reirkmlt,igaee3ooohaigtAtehs0osemareWerte1nysotc,’isoaeasfshrRegforheactcRl’spnraoasattei’ntrrnohjie2ssgeTIoiotToloraeheenyifss2l0oeshEcAanoewlbtlyLtoranhttbsg0dR2oCohnuaxiyhtildaotcsonEm"rpmelosl1moaeiaotmnesaieneyonOt,Hnulpanme,nuuYwthmnhilsedboae-ctinrb,itnonwaagnvteaacittumekwplol,glntohrhhigetuhypebshlyielinoisKrhafarglotet,otegieead,eat,adgnt.mrmuh-eiYhtmarmCg”smlcfdbnhaoghttrko-rIpot,pJheeeonltneoene,ophpaioriejnhntoarersnuhnsouw’o’tatiotdsohhaenumr.-uhoamoeolcsagitdrvur-haSl“nprsnbgitomhhtutetrdimdhugseaphSlhhereuefossssdeitne,rniateomowooieOonwacaneasrlehtsaomsncobd.rhysrhtyreftipt#votow.eioeeestnrugayiislv"sdinew,pooSatorULaunmneumd,ccuiwaeJrhcrtganntwspt—nolNhothgtosgaGlrtefhorsthuhterbihfyfgtaasransonohbcoeoaecmooaoaen-eaiiaeiIwgcayoegtsCndvtnntsehnretrirtcbiaotlbeyhteiltpahrctetdsitmltsosdoeSdlhewrharbdaa,msbcpvale.eele,nosatfo”ttJueceiaebtd,eykcmetHhoohoaefadahhnIeuiukntinhcyrPlotehtiekynfrnhoedninuep’aaretloissonttrottntetrtnau’oeeete”sviie’lsvlehbthsetahgtrudfotatgwradmhndersiyeseyecaiwgeseeeena,yuhtedtucsHwo.tfaiHshlaramotisrhneoasEaatKcohlaos“iltnryttaste’dootearrboksiirhIuehplbiogupofttkptdhsdesL’ts,nroisirpphuholp.swearrwxroasimeannleetsdohuauSetNcsdtinemeareentlsn“tnitghmhaeentctepaebnhoDenenpi’dceaIo;bsYts,aldcioeopinesop-eliis.e;rtsptufssuomw.ftv,mihlhrltmgeoa,saaIt.lsnacaroerhIiavhuychdeyianrumsisyarirnpgonr-teaAntvernsldedempielvoehlregrpetnneasaadra,gaho-rtsodwrda-oetisiggftihteibswSrnuneevdpntroiniajiuttcCoIeolenarsuewmntgiirieawn.aoh,cens,hsrtnurenmtgadcwnoteagrcbtbei-aistibtnnttraistirtthn.oaasiseyeoouoanln-ah.ddrtdciIee,rprdteeicdh-frtelsnudedoh$t,ercssaoar-ccesrsuhoWgdueeul8sgrstoodpbotnaaSfdBrocevosstlmiudote,osoSaoaonfltncciotcn,1hfetforihtipsncEhlirnuwaireoaalntaShmnh4tw'ldoclchEeltyeottee,nouelphlarn0cnsooaaoeel,onsdbxotkesoawnCd-psasetdruupnlevsisciatucvdeteftthduyronaaoncOorierreooditobeheo,ttnmntcammechirysgrlierfrraouehionigteAktoyneeartlosfto6cechdatteyftetir,ot,ofsghCnheoapa3hafmre,muhoviwwadtedinhltgbiuie-esHKnoirtnnhleneye.ndltrilbbsrhii”seengcneeLtstedcrmngdeaoP tcdhim,alavsstehra,uASaltorabdatCet.reaSleeseNyaselGidr,-aDnArorilsrowwdw’rboicsdEnassidhyvmononbncIihdelwe,gsosim2tvdAhfssag.eeeerbuywa.r.oo8isiosotawnmssdSteo1llsnrkfotnlnttPoeRo.,ay7wf-eeemp9dlwtllrgo“fs,rmtyxbii5-oelotIefvbrtoe-rabergPemKruroeayeahnnystea,HCair-sfflepraaidtlo4pO-ltatosolleEevoslb,tsTg0anai.udeiaYOknnai-aocrduc:kLehsOoghnyTecniiAt.cOn-edaUBeveMgateni’illBoVsbl|leAKneS:EhdRafwotooTAo9GeLnrpnsEeraesONY1thotfmo,4haTcNvegiahTaY.ez.otBA317ezrS0po.oaR5eaH1l3leeamr64aAds@laVVEz.giEs0czmteoaHatl0PaeirOl.e.cBc9soProiodmmE0keenrt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022

DSsoeaemy meaotarfettehprenhooFotoinrseofhrnooumpsaegt”BheCiOYg1es$uNivv2T5anSCpToec!w0RycOgtncnoooheIerHIeuBnnetEafMranbo-m.UrcxsssrdcVirolTltttsKettriueiirDr,lIBhyAceotNlmnsuus$dlhLDiBkaurevGiaAnecCc4eaioseet-imeicSnaasttbrtesgi9hWmnanRuriikppsletigDoeoaa,nlemdtrtnMR“nndi4poTaspeirlnanitdIenIlac’ci5odliKtrinesTrerntscnLn-inohtisoiEwy8erenttlt,smaeamttcvRioElrrn”hvr.,ogsmewtla2eiaeenteocetorscaoraYrhhfndx0meo.adcslttnonerrAsp’efeioe0ht’btmggstrugc,daaieelaeooonviepellhansbtncnrfnalakeidnollodrsoo-etmeystmodotledlLrsrd,srnmp-tdncpeusdifrtahupbdwnlioeltoawomgaeeonaealurvtwb,trotcesnaitoohloSiinclesmmeSenfilptejaetiadsadcKekebaaze-eilnobOpvhosc8nireeleleaKnpnyootleyiso9-bnttstctrgstorraoahL3o,ysoetohno2sstflc.lnretecjb-Sai0tvohbeght1Srceah-otoiehuDIecfekoyt8endhuodnat’onec5sroog-.pporilw-aata6adldavews1ehlarustnrOr5tceohnbe’.rs9eseettseihvt-dtsm’ehheemg1ta9rpOae4eeoriraai2Prsbsprdwe0assrmootttuycw-4eeotioOo8,5luv“etnepissdi,anusa.tpWen3“rtsieatplic21earnddreyrlrt[odgmnstdlooip07sioydeteivts.ceoietutht,nrhc1es4Anojamoiki”myhve2nth”pnirreEtgt2.etttecScece0eswhtaespiedi.v2BebwtrenlwhanylrerxeeeocAosefyhay.rnondudeblupianomedttortnbetrenwtiutatsfoetljrmhoribsnotteufeoddserkapnKsoedecueooactdgntlsnfumr]lelliiotnganspft.dyseaecopowdStpebrdhe“tehddrdtaakuudfuatIwpedooeiwataIrrhmg.incdthtsoovu”tynnnywcht.ttekhoahainaoesrouht“hwfectaotynesih’etYioytWtrnerhesowlebhertoMeSteroctOhtwiSoeiuehagiawpewdenaiEnvcdewn,anlngasraamrehe,Uloavlvegmalhlroohttmuhnc-arneeor3eeoit.ce’toojetdaMrotdmmiuaeooV1itifoet“dnnun-onelcumulv1Wmle-Ew,rdtrtiguc“dyledaalisn,srd-o,lnti.tetpaeaedeetf-t,”GoSmiecu”blhoghrpimotlfnml,nehemDhoatreuoOrs-tlirtD-temreuuehetrdohaythdeincTylstbaserciseetan,ieetlnnetlekaI“hTarmesponaet-rtxfcab-iWgnteshey.iAstadkteet”scietcaieeritlc“w,iaectgthcalpetattvFofpoiplHrkpmKmehoisurheetahfpamnbi.tpdgrha“etdrsin”AaLanporesernehoPmtno,ra,tomsaasnatphnoeojfVSicoenteaeucoliocnpltSaraxttieidswDscoitkhEecbartkprgirtpotehtft.aeimnsoelsttelhohewrlpslfdiseneimw“ydefasHoocscar.eaTOeaKneotsett”n.ixfttitrtbos”tehanOsplluohrSsiewuLe,illindptoomhuhieanwgelthccbPcvpuFSoanmtytseaetvntkhieepaeothsclrtrdDiEmeoiepotoouevrlntakaicsdne2yeaaoesenonvsttnooae,slEep0dimvdtjcaytepnymidvoeasprLeooi2pn.ldceeeclsctn.ehygWmll5rrphtsrstucieuntoeipezwua,cii-aiilhnaecbndamtsevshr2iisennaaotedrenoeetatpncG6oto,natdeeudnle”j-hsieeosebedwoy.-,betscSce-clrdee-ncrtaoySistoeeaesmleFhbermlh-btxrgvedoaoohspoesehwcmo.afeelseitrolrehtlryudivpet-aineskm-ddist-,y VOL. 5 NO. 33 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2022

cell: 914.714.0090Licensed AssociatSeaRleesaVl EicsetaPtreeBsirdoeknetr BY BRETT FREEMAN ing took place in New York Meanwhile, Lawler rep-
[email protected] PUBLISHER State. resents New York’s Assem-
What Would a Recession Mean for the Housing Market?gGmaAtoehlndetre’resned’csoaoBrndnrn-idbuOrgaelecatk.Fi“ni2Crg2eomDfocmerropuwatnhrditet-y bly District 97 in Rock- Assemblyman Mike Lawler Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney
e race for New York’s Congressman Maloney land County. Assemblyman
17th Congressional District was raised in New Hampshire Lawler graduated from Suf-
has gained national attention and earned his bachelor’s and fern High School and went
as polls show it’s a tossup be- law degree from the Uni- on to earn his degree in busi-
tween Democrat Congress- versity of Virginia. Maloney ness administration from
man Sean Patrick Maloney served as a senior advisor in Manhattan College, where
and Republican Assembly- the Clinton Administration he graduated as the valedic-
man Mike Lawler. and after leaving the White torian. Lawler and his wife,
House, he built a high-tech Doina, live in Pearl River,
Maloney, who is chair of startup in New York and later and they have a baby girl.
the Democratic Congressio- worked for New York Gov-
nal Campaign Committee, ernors Spitzer and Paterson. We asked the candidates a
currently represents the 18th He and his husband, Randy series of similar questions in
district and was rst elected Florke, have three children separate interviews. You can
in 2012. He is running in this together and currently reside
new district after redistrict- in Cold Spring. SEE CONGRESS PAGE 6

Please note that the Nov. 10 edition of The Katonah-Lewisboro Times will go to press before the Nov. 8
election results are available. Please visit to view our full election coverage.

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ed with the New York State parents worry about
FROM PAGE 1 this happening to Christian McCarthy, Director of Health, Physical Education, Athletics
Department of Education. He their child, I think and Wellness with the Katonah-Lewisboro School District
that can necessarily prevent this teaches multiple classes of each we should use this
from happening. during the year to ensure all the case to exemplify the enced group of coaches that are Choudry, urges each of the
district’s coaches keep their cer- importance of CPR familiar with the SCSD proto- school districts to ensure that
“ is particular pathology ti cations current. training among the cols,” said Marc Hattem, the di- all sta as well as athletes learn
can happen in patients with a general public. Mr. rector of Athletics, Health and the location of the AEDs.
totally normal heart, so any sort e Katonah-Lewisboro dis- Hamlin was fortunate Physical Education in Somers.
of screening would not be bene- trict has multiple AEDs in each enough to receive “In addition, Kevin does a great “I would encourage every-
building and the athletic train- early and e ective job revisiting and revising our one, including parents and ath-
cial,” Dr. Basman said. “Rather ing sta have an additional 12 resuscitation, the key Emergency Action Plan on an letes, to be trained in CPR,” Dr.
than have parents worry about AEDs. annual basis, and meeting with Choudry said. “ is training
this happening to their child, I to his survival.’ all SCSD coaches three times includes instruction on how to
think we should use this case McCarthy also said that per year to discuss all pertinent properly use an AED. CPR can
to exemplify the importance of compression-only CPR and -Dr. Craig Basman and updated information. be life-saving both on the eld
CPR training among the gener- AED training will be part of and in everyday life!”
al public. Mr. Hamlin was for- the district’s physical education Cardiologist with Hattem’s administrative as-
tunate enough to receive early curriculum for students. sistant, Joan Tippett, said the Dr. Choudry said that sud-
and e ective resuscitation, the Northwell Health district has 12 AEDs in the den cardiac arrest during sports
key to his survival.” North Salem’s Director of district plus one for outdoor fa- is rate, and under 35, the most
Health, Physical Education and Assistant Brian Marschhauser. cilities. She said that the district common causes are genetic car-
Dr. Basman said that all Athletics, Denise Kiernan, said “To that end, we have taken requests the presence of a doc- diac abnormalities.
athletic facilities should be it was an unfortunate situation proactive measures such as in- tor and an EMT for all home
equipped with an automated as it related to the sport of foot- stalling automated external football games. Regardless, he said athletes
external de brillator (AED). ball. de brillators (AEDs) in every should be screened for cardiac
school building. We also have “After the events [with Ham- disease.
“But most importantly, by- She said that North Salem portable de brillators that are lin on Jan. 2], Kevin made sure
standers need to be CPR coaches at all levels (varsity, JV available for o -campus events. to update everyone on proto- “High-risk symptoms include
trained,” he said. “Obviously, and modi ed) are certi ed in Our head athletic trainer regu- cols,” Tippett said. chest pain, shortness of breath,
the more people that are trained CPR and rst aid, as well as the larly attends sporting events dizziness, palpitations (heart
in CPR will give us more po- athletic trainer, William Maz- and performs thorough equip- Somers’ Communication Co-
tential bystanders that could ariego, who is certi ed to train ment inspections to maintain ordinator, Amanda Bergen, said uttering), or fainting with ex-
initiate resuscitation in the coaches in CPR and rst aid. the highest standards of safety. the district brings in an outside ercise,” he said. “A history of
event of cardiac arrest. It’s not Additionally, all of our athletic company annually to check the sudden or unexplained death
necessary to have a certi cate to “In addition, all coaching sta coaches are trained in CPR, equipment and the district’s in a close relative, or abnormal
perform CPR, but training at are provided an AED at the be- coaches are certi ed in their use
some point is crucial to under- ginning of each season and carry rst aid, concussion protocols, every two years. ndings such as a heart murmur
stand the basics.” it with them to all practices and and the use of AEDs.” may require further testing.”
games and on the school bus In addition to coach training,
Halston Media contacted when traveling to away games,” Stephen Luciana, the athletic Northern Westchester Hos- To learn more about CPR and
several area school districts to Kiernan said, adding that there director with Mahopac, said his pital Director of the Electro- the use of AEDs, visit cpr.heart.
assess their preparedness for are AEDs outside each gymna- district has 11 AEDs given to physiology Lab, Dr. Subbarao org or
such rare events. sium in the high school/middle coaches each athletic season.
school building. He also said there are AEDs
Christian McCarthy, Direc- by each gym and in their eld
tor of Health, Physical Educa- North Salem High School/ house, and the district’s athletic
tion, Athletics and Wellness Middle School Principal Vince trainer, Brenna Lape, has one
with the Katonah-Lewisboro DiGrandi also emphasized the with her at all times.
School District, is reexamining need for AEDs for non-athletic
the district’s safety protocols for related concerns. e Somers Central School
football in light of Hamlin’s in- District emphasized an emer-
jury. “As we know, attendees at gency action plan developed
after-school events, such as by their athletic trainer, Kevin
“[It’s an] incredibly scary musicals, plays, induction cer- Mullen.
event that took place and is one emonies, etc., may have an at-
of the greatest fears that Ath- tack and an AED nearby could “We are very fortunate to have
letic Directors have,” McCarthy be vital for survival,” DiGrandi the services of Kevin Mullen
said. “ is is why you see that said. “We do review the use of who has been in district for 19
catching chest protectors and these devices with sta as they years, along with a very experi-
boy’s lacrosse shoulder pads re- are a bit loud and direct if you
quire the chest plate. is has are not familiar with them.”
never been on our football radar,
but clearly it should have been. Meanwhile, Yorktown em-
Although this is so rare and can phasized its “highest standards
really only happen during an of safety.”
extremely small window during
the heart’s contraction, its con- “ e Yorktown Central
sequences create a life-or-death School District is committed
scenario.” to providing a safe environ-
ment for all students, sta , and
McCarthy is a CPR/AED visitors,” according to a state-
ment sent by Communications

HOME, AUTO, BUSINESS, Local & Reliable –Bill Hassett


The Staff Bedford 2030 tion Committee, Climate Smart Distribution is every Saturday get and prices and more. See the
Communities, and Pound Ridge from 9 to 10 a.m. at St. John’s. Library website for more infor-
EDITORIAL TEAM Library. A food pantry box is available in mation and to register for the
TOM WALOGORSKY the church parking lot 24/7 for Zoom link,
ENVIRONMENTAL THE POWER OF TREES: A non-perishable food donations.
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 FILM SERIES BEDFORD 2030 COMMUNITY Lewisboro Parks &
[email protected] FORUM Lewisboro Library Recreation
Monday, Jan. 23,
WHIT ANDERSON from 7 to 9 p.m. Mar. 25, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 15 Main St, South Salem, NY MEN’S BASKETBALL
SPORTS EDITOR At the Bedford Playhouse. e Save the date! e Power of 10590 rough Mar. 2
New York State Department of Trees Forum will celebrate the is is an opportunity to have
[email protected] Environmental Conservation’s critical role of trees in combat- TIME CHANGE TO
lm “Uninvited: e Spread of ing climate change. Join experts, CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS fun and gain physical tness. e
ADVERTISING TEAM Invasive Specie”s details the sig- community members, and local program will focus on pick-up
PAUL FORHAN ni cant threat invasive species organizations pledging to sup- Beginning in January, there games, with teams formed on a
post to the state’s biodiversity port healthy ecosystems, pro- will be a few changes to the start weekly basis, on-site. e pick-up
(914) 806-3951 and ecosystems, as well as pub- mote biodiversity, and protect times of weekly programs of- games are not part of a regularly
[email protected] lic health and the economy. A our planet. To be held at Fox fered in the Children’s Room. scheduled season of competition
panel of experts will conduct a Lane High School. “Family Storytime”will continue or a championship series. Instead,
BRUCE HELLER talk about local invasive removal to meet at 10:30 am on Tues- it is a more-or-less spontaneous
(914) 486-7608 programs following the lm. St John’s days, but will now meet at 1:30 game, with teams often made up
[email protected] Presented in partnership with Episcopal Parish p.m. on ursdays, instead of 1 on the spot.
e Bedford Playhouse. p.m. Wednesday’s “MakerSpace
LISA KAIN 82 Spring St., South Salem Mornings” will continue to meet Open to adults,18 and up.To be
(201) 317-1139 WINE, CHEESE, AND BOB! at 10:30 a.m., but the afternoon held in the John Jay High School
[email protected] ursday, Jan. 26, JANUARY SERVICES session will now meet at 1:30 gym on Mondays and ursdays
CORINNE STANTON Join in for January services, p.m. from 8:30 - 10 p.m. $10/resi-
(914) 760-7009 from 7 to 9 p.m. dents, $15/non-residents, payable
[email protected] At Pound Ridge Library. with guest priests preaching ev- In addition, “Girls Who by cash or check. Pre-register by
Enjoy curated wine and cheese ery Sunday at 9:30 a.m.! Sunday, Code,” which used to meet visiting www.lewisbororecreation.
JAY GUSSAK from e Kitchen Table while Jan. 15 at St. John’s in South Sa- weekly on Wednesdays, will now com.
(914) 299-4541 saving home energy and money! lem, led by Father Paul Clayton; meet monthly. e rst monthly
[email protected] Personal Energy Coach, Bob followed by the last two Sundays meeting will be Jan. 18, at 4 p.m. Practice basketball at open gym
PAM Zacotinsky Fischman discusses home au- (1/22, 1/29) at St. John’s, led by e Lewisboro Parks & Rec
845-661-0748 dits, Energy rebates, and Clean Father John Morrison. Evening Please see the Library web-
[email protected] Energy Systems, while enjoy- prayer at St. Paul’s every Satur- site for details and to register at Department will sponsor a limited
ing Organic wines and cheeses. day, led by volunteers. open gym program this fall for all
PRODUCTION TEAM is event is hosted by Friends Lewisboro and Katonah-Lew-
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL of Pound Ridge in partnership FOOD PANTRY MODERN CLOTH isboro School District residents.
with Bedford 2030, Sustain- Spread the word and get in- DIAPERING 101
CREATIVE DIRECTOR able Westchester, Energy Ac- is is an opportunity for young
PHOTOGRAPHER volved with the Food Pantry! Cloth diapers are enjoying athletes to play/practice basketball
a comeback! On Saturday, Jan. in a supervised, non-instructional,
[email protected] Financial Planning 14, at 10 a.m., the Library is friendly and casual setting. Please
NOAH ELDER Investment Management co-hosting the virtual program note: participants will be respon-
DESIGNER Tax Preparation & Planning “Modern Cloth Diapering 101.” sible for how they decide to spend
Business Retirement Plan Services Learn the tips and tricks of cloth their time.
[email protected] diapering in this workshop and
discussion session. Useful for FEE: $10 per session. (Supervi-
EXECUTIVE TEAM those curious about cloth dia- sion provided, drop o is required)
BRETT FREEMAN pers, starting the diaper journey,
CEO & PUBLISHER or a cloth diaper veteran. Bring Pre-registration is required!
845-208-8151 questions and anecdotes, as this Each session limited to 16 partici-
will be a great opportunity to pants.
[email protected] learn from one another’s expe-
riences. Topics include: the new BRING: A basketball, water
Deadlines modern cloth diapers, the debate bottle, and sneakers.
of cloth vs. disposable diapers,
THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES the various styles and types, bud- For more information,visit lew-


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OBITUARIES CROSSING Additional indoor evening is located at 7 W 55th St, New Virtual Support Groups
hours: York, NY 10019.
Robert M. Mastis FROM PAGE 4 Support groups for women
Tuesdays e series follows trial and with breast and ovarian cancers
Robert M. Mastis, 88, of INDOOR PICKLEBALL 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.: 1/17,1/31, convictions of a person who have been transitioned to vir-
Worcester, MA passed away on e Town of Lewisboro will be 2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21 murdered two abortion clinic tual platforms. Virtual groups
January 4, 2023, at UMass Me- 7:15 - 9:15 p.m.: 1/24, 2/14 employees in Boston. Im- are accessible to women from
morial Medical Center, after a o ering our residents an indoor 5 - 7 p.m.: 2/7 portantly, it is the story of six the comfort of their homes, re-
period of declining health.  He location at the Lewisboro Rec- 1/16, 2/17, 2/20 women who sought to nd gardless of where they live. All
was the beloved husband of Bar- reation Gym, 79 Bouton Road, something deeper than justice. groups are open to new mem-
bara (Ryan) Mastis and loving South Salem NY. ere are three e Pickleball season will run Disillusioned by the rhetoric bers as well as past participants.
father of Bryan Mastis (Chie) indoor courts which will be rst until approximately March 31, and posturing from both sides, Advance registration is required
and Kimberly Mastis (Christo- come, rst served. Permits are re- weather and holiday permitting. three pro-life and three pro- by calling 914-962-6402 or
pher Meola); cherished grand- quired for indoor play. choice leaders meet secretly to 800-532-4290. Support Con-
father of Jin, Matthew, Christo- Braver Angels of see if together they could x nection’s Peer Counselors are
pher, and Caelyn. He also leaves Photo Permits: A photo ID NY, NJ, and CT their broken worlds. In the true also available for individual
a special nephew, Jason and system has been implemented for Braver Angels fashion, before counseling and assistance via
brother-in-law, Robert Ryan. indoor pickleball permits. Fees: FILM SCREENING Braver Angels was ever con- phone and email. Call 800-532-
Resident/School District Individ- Saturday, Jan. 21, from 6:30 to ceived, they were able to talk 4290, or submit an online re-
Bob was born in Brook- uals - $125.00 Resident/School about their di erences, respect quest at
lyn, NY, to Matthew and Mae District Families - $200.00 9 p.m. each other, and become friends.
(Stehle) Mastis. He was a gradu- Boston-based documentary Temple Beth Shalom
ate of Brooklyn Technical High Resident/School District Se- e trailer can be viewed
School and earned his Bachelor’s niors (65+)- $80.00 Non-Resi- series “ e Abortion Talks,” at Slides, Swings, Stories and
Degree in Chemical Engineer- dent Individuals - $150.00 directed by lmmakers Josh Sa- watch?v=W0I5_7b-y3w Watermelon! Join in for “Water-
ing from New York University. bey and Sarah Perkins, will be melon Wednesdays”, an informal
Upon graduation, he worked Indoor Hours screened at an exclusive event at You can sign up to come in playground playdate and story
for Stau er Chemical in Dobbs Adults: Mondays, Wednes- person, or if you don’t live in time for Jewish Families of chil-
Ferry, NY as Lead Chemical days, and Fridays e Fifth Avenue Presbyterian the NYC area, you can join in dren ages 2-6 years old. Call 845-
Engineer where he remained for 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Church in Manhattan or can online. 628-6133 to RSVP.
over 25 years.  After retirement, (All Wednesday Pickleball will be seen online for those who do
he also worked as the Assistant start at 10:30 a.m. and end at 1:30 not live close to NYC. A short Sign up link : https://abor-
Director at Katonah Commu- p.m.) Q&A session will follow with
nity Center from 2001 to 2007. Family: Sundays 9:30 -11:30 Director Josh Sabey. e church
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Bedford eyes cable contract extensions with Verizon, Altice

BY TOM BARTLEY Tuesday as the date for a re- website. e new equipment, these two companies,” that other McCaine and Councilman An-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER quired hearing. turning town hall into a broad- cable-TV outlets are welcome. dres Castillo, raised objections
cast site, will provide live cover- “If Comcast or some other cable in 2021. is year, McCaine’s
Bedford’s longtime cable-tele- Both franchisees will continue age via cable TV as well. provider wanted to o er service appointment came with little
vision service providers, Verizon to provide so-called PEG grants in Bedford,” he said, “they can discussion. No vote was needed
and Altice, will likely see their to help pay for local-access “ e town will have its own come to us as a town and ask since the deputy’s selection is
franchises extended next week public, educational and govern- channel. is will be a much bet- permission to be here. We would solely up to the supervisor.
for another ve and 10 years, re- ment channels. Verizon will ante ter improvement,”Michaelis said. listen to them.”
spectively, under new contracts $40,000 for its ve-year renewal “If there’s a serious snowstorm SPENDING ON EVENTS
with the town. and Altice, embracing Cablevi- or something,” he noted, key MCCAINE THE NEW DEPUTY At its regular meeting, the
sion’s former Westchester and town o cials like the supervisor Supervisor Ellen Calves
In return for the nonexclu- Wappingers Falls units, will pay and police chief “will be able to Town Board agreed to increase
sive renewals, Bedford will get $80,000 for 10 years. broadcast directly from here.” named Councilwoman Stepha- funding support for any com-
a 5 percent cut of cable-TV fees nie McCaine her deputy last munity event it o cially co-
as straight revenue as well as “ is money can only be used “Since this is also a warming week at the Town Board’s an- sponsors.
$120,000 in cash to nance lo- to supply the kind of equip- center and a center where people nual reorganization meeting.
cal programming, including live ment you’re now seeing around will come in case of emergen- Under the new schedule, ad-
Town Board meeting coverage the courthouse,” Michaelis said, cies,” he said, “it’s a good thing Normally a routine, nonvoting opted last week, town hall will
and immediate television up- indicating the big-screen moni- to have here.” appointment, establishing only cover the full cost of town ser-
dates in the event of weather and tors that line the meeting room who will sit in for the supervi- vices—such things as police
other emergencies. walls. But he said the funds will In addition to the PEG grants, sor in her absence, it sparked overtime for tra c control or
also pay for new gear needed to Bedford will receive 5 percent of a short-lived dustup last year. highway department manpower
Public hearings on the pro- broadcast live from town hall. the cable operators’ annual gross Calves, presiding then over a for road closures—up to $1,500
posed contracts are scheduled to revenue, which Michaelis de- short-handed, experience-thin and charge the event sponsors
start at 6 p.m. Tuesday ( Jan. 17) Since 2020, when the pan- scribed as “franchise money for board, designated a former only half of any remaining costs
at town hall. demic restricted public atten- having the [TV-signal] wires on councilwoman, Kate Galligan, up to $3,000.
dance at meetings of the Town the poles in your right-of-way.” to serve in the post, one fre-
Peter Michaelis, chair of the Board and other panels, resi- quently—but not necessarily— e town, under its previous
town’s Communications Ad- dents have been able to watch e town estimates that fran- policy, picked up everything un-
visory Committee, led nego- and take part in the proceedings chise fees this year will amount lled by a sitting board member. der $1,000. But it paid only half
tiations. He briefed Town Board in real-time via a Zoom com- to $365,000. An anonymous letter writer the total expenses if they ran
members at their nal 2021 puter link or watch a meeting and two of the board’s new- even a dollar or two more than
meeting, asking them to set next video online later on the town Michaelis made it clear that est members, fellow Democrats $1,000.
the current agreements are “not
an exclusive thing with just

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The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is located at 118 N Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email KLT> | Mem

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Harckham named chair of Environmental Conservation Committee

Earlier this month, New York State in the legislature and advocates across human health; and

Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cous- New York.”  · Achieving careful oversight of the ex-

ins appointed State Senator Pete Harck- Previously,  Harckham  served as chair penditures relating to the state’s recently

ham as chair of the Senate Environmental of the Senate Alcoholism and Substance enacted $4.2 B Environmental Bond Act.

Conservation Committee. e announce- Abuse Committee since taking o ce in Harckham has long been a champion of

ment of committee chair appointments the State Senate four years ago. He suc- environmental protections. At the West-

and committee assignments was made as ceeds Todd Kaminsky, a former state chester Board of Legislators, where he

the State Senate began its 2023-24 ses- senator who retired at the end of 2022, as served from 2008 to 2015, he coauthored

sion.  chair of the Environmental Conservation important legislation regarding waste

“I am very honored and grateful to Committee. from hydrofracking and got the New York

Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins for ap- Harckham noted that particular atten- City’s Department of Environmental Pro-

pointing me as chair of the Environmental tion needs to be paid to protecting the tection to test alternative septic technolo-

Conservation Committee and entrusting state’s abundance of fresh water, which, in gies in the county’s watersheds and release Sen. Pete Harckham
me with this major responsibility,” said the years to come, will give the New York $20 million to address water quality chal-

Sen. Harckham. “With our focus on the a competitive economic edge over other lenges. this year, which will help municipalities

state’s ambitious goals enacted in the Cli- states. In the State Senate, Harckham had three improve water quality, preserve open space

mate Leadership and Community Protec- As for his other priorities as chair of the major environmental bills signed into law and protect wildlife habitat while promot-

tion Act, there will be much work to plan Environmental Conservation Commit- this year: ing economic development and tourism.

and complete statewide, which I look for- tee, Harckham pointed to: S5116C, a wetlands bill that included Majority Leader Stewart-Cousins ap-

ward to, in partnership with my colleagues · Protecting the state’s fragile drinking in the State FY 2023 budget, preserves pointed  Harckham  to six other Senate

water supplies at the the state’s Department of Environmental committees as well: Alcoholism & Sub-

‘With our focus on the state’s source against pollu- Conservation’s authority over wetlands that stance Abuse; Codes; Insurance; Local
ambitious goals enacted in
the Climate Leadership and tion, especially PFAS, are 12.4 acres and larger and expand the Government; Transportation; and Veter-
Community Protection Act, phosphorus and nitro- agency’s authority over smaller wetlands of ans, Homeland Security & Military A airs.
gen; “unusual importance”;
Pete Harckham represents the 40th Senate
· Reducing plastic S2758, which requires that 100% percent District, which includes the towns of
waste, more e cient of in-state sales of new passenger cars and Carmel, Kent, Patterson and Southeast, and
recycling and institut- trucks are be zero-emissions by 2035; and the village of Brewster in Putnam County;
ing greater producer
S6018B  extends the excess  edible food

there will be much work to responsibility; law passed in 2021 and helps ensure con- the town of Stony Point in Rockland

plan and complete statewide.’ · Putting in place tinued food donations to local and commu- County; and the city of Peekskill, the towns

more systematic evalu- nity-based food relief organizations while of Bedford, Cortlandt, Lewisboro, New
ation processes for also reducing the amount of food waste Castle, North Salem, Somers and Yorktown,

State Senator Pete Harckham chemicals, pesticides diverted to solid waste land lls. the town/village of Mount Kisco, and the

and other toxins that Additionally,  Harckham  had three of villages of Briarcli Manor, Buchanan and

are creating risks to his in-land waterways bills signed into law Croton-on-Hudson in Westchester County.

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LETTERS Consensus is not necessarily good government

Revamping public Be concerned when there is no public debate at the town
transit and school board level

To the Editor: During my very first job as a reporter vote for Speaker Kevin McCarthy. ing one party is that they can skirt the open
Don Scott’s column, “Route in 2005, I covered a very dysfunc- With all the talk lately about democracy meetings laws by having political caucus
tional Town Board in Mahwah, NJ. meetings. If you’re watching a town board
19,” sketched some great ideas somehow being broken, Congress being at a meeting and curious how everyone came to
to make public  transit more re- consensus without a public discussion, you
sponsive to local needs. I’ve often The town gadfly got elected to the Town standstill is not the reason. have your answer.
thought a Lyft-like group tran-
sit approach  would work better Board and during the public comment por- I can be a political science nerd, but noth- I had one school board member recently
than rigid routes and infrequent tell me that the president of his board re-
schedules. I especially liked the tion of their meetings, he would regularly ing is more entertaining than watching the cently reminded colleagues during executive
reference to Metro-North con- session that nobody should speak to the press
nections. As a way to support walk off the dais and speak as a member of Prime Minister Q&A with the British Par- except through him.
Amtrak lines, my New Year’s
wish would be for a public transit the public, accusing his liament. Unlike a State of What is this? The Board of Education
option to reach Amtrak stops in Politburo? Last I remembered, we live in the
Stamford for the Boston-Wash- colleagues of all sorts of PUBLISHER’S the Union address, where United States of America.
ington line, and Croton-Harmon nefarious deeds. MEMO everyone either applauds
for the Empire service to Albany the president or remains The New York State School Boards
and points beyond. With service I was still wet behind Association even has an article on its web-
geared to train times and buses site about how school boards can generate
with room for luggage, the transit the ears, and it was BRETT respectfully silent (most positive press for their districts. I would fully
option would cut down on traf- agree that part of a superintendent’s job is
fic and the need for long-term exciting to report on FREEMAN of the time), the members to generate positive press for the district.
parking  at these stations (I’ve But school board members? I thought their
done that at both). Service com- these political theatrics. of Parliament heckle and job was to represent their constituents and
ing back from the stations would govern the district’s administration.
also be welcome. A bigger ver- Believe me, it can get boo and groan and laugh
sion of the innovation Scott out- It’s no more a school board member’s job
lined could be a great addition to boring sitting through while the Prime Minister to make their district look good than it is a
Northern Westchester’s  mori- Congressperson’s job to make Congress look
bund public transit system.  a meeting on culverts or their other colleagues good. But as I said, the pressure to go with
the flow on any board is immense.
Van Wallach  and stop signs, especially if it goes to 11 p.m. speak at the podium.
The wheels of government are supposed
Katonah  and beyond. So drama can be a fun thing for Britain and Israel have both seen more to grind slowly. It’s not supposed to be a rub-
ber stamp. Heated debate and gridlock are
Praise for Publisher’s a reporter to cover. prime ministers over the past few years than I hallmarks of government at its finest, not the
Memo opposite.
As much as I thought this Town Board can count.This is because both governments
To the Editor:  If what happened in the halls of Congress
I just read the Publisher’s member in Mahwah was a little nuts, I also are totally at a gridlock. last week happen on the town and school
board level, that would bring better govern-
Memo written by Brett Freeman, admired him. But gosh, our gridlocked Congress and ment, not worse. And if you disagree with
and it blew me away. So concise me, I hope you’ll at least acknowledge that it’s
and spot on without the usual I’ve served (and I continue to serve) on Britain and Israel are so much better than certainly better than a rubber stamp.
political rhetoric from the left or
right. I hope the town and more various non-governmental boards, and the the alternative, which is having a dictator like
importantly the school board read
this article, as they all could learn pressure to go with the flow is immense. Russian President Vladimir Putin and a rub-
something. As a grandparent
with children attending KLSD Most people don’t want to be purposely con- ber stamp legislature.
I am especially concerned with
the DEI initiatives being taught tentious and nobody wants to sound stupid. As we are a community newspaper, this
in school. Coming to Lewisboro
39 years ago, four children going Additionally, nobody wants the meetings to brings me back to local politics. I’m not
through the system, things have
definitely  changed. Academic go longer than necessary. So, it takes a special pointing the finger at any specific town or
expression and diversity of ideas
have been subverted in the pur- kind of person to ignore that pressure and ad- school board that we cover (Halston Media
suit of social equity and group
think. Thank you for being the vocate for what he or she thinks is right. I’m publications cover seven school boards and
voice of reason.
not saying that I’m that person. I’m far more eight municipalities), but if you want to be
Glenn DeFaber 
comfortable sitting behind a keyboard than I truly worried about government, look to the
Cross River
am sitting around a conference table. boards where there is no public debate. Look

Last week, there seemed to be bipartisan to the boards that are all one political party

consensus that the 20 or so Republican (we cover several that are either all Republi-

renegades in Congress had contributed to a can or all Democrat).

dysfunctional government by holding up the The problem with town boards all be-

Happily Ever After

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
[email protected] MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
©2021 Halston Media, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to

the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830


School boards

When I was in high school, I bathroom that were circulated via text the news at district’s administration of con dentiality, but that doesn’t
never had any recollection and social media. Upon learning of was on the hot seat for a perceived lack permit board members to completely
of hearing about what the the incidents, the administration did of transparency by failing to report clam up. It is possible to discuss the
to the parents of a special ed student process without describing speci cs and
school board was up to. I couldn’t have not distinguish itself in its handling who had to be physically restrained in to show empathy and understanding
class as well as another similar incident for those before you at public forums
told you the of the investigation or involving other parents. As with the and to respond, at the appropriate time,
Fox Lane matter, these missteps would to their speci c concerns.
names of the IN CASE communicating with parents not have come to light without pressure
from parents. e superintendent has a monopoly
board president YOU and the public. Were it not on information and board members
or anyone on the At John Jay, the board and the have only what they are given by him
board. at is a MISSED IT for a motivated group of administration were also dealing – or or her. It is imperative that the board
parents keeping the pressure not dealing – with the now well- is provided all the information from all
chronicled incident with wrestling the school buildings through the super.
credit to them. on the board and the coach Bill Swertfager, determining
that the best course was to kick the e rst superintendent I worked
Under ideal DON SCOTT administration, it is not clear can down the road for a year and half with when I was a new school board
before dealing with it. member provided a weekly report
circumstances, any of the facts would have of seemingly everything going on
A central theme in all of these throughout the district. It took a couple
you are never come to light. moments is that tough decisions never of hours to read it each weekend. He
get easier when you delay, stonewall engaged in what business author Tom
aware of what I give credit to board and fail to communicate. Serving on a Peters calls MBWA, management
school board is a tough and thankless by walking around. e free ow of
the board is doing because everything President Ed Reder for commissioning job, but when the board members fail information puts everyone in a position
to realize that the superintendent and to do their job, one facet of which is to
is moving in the right direction. After an investigation by Kroll Associates the administration work for and report provide proper oversight. Let’s hope
to them and not the other way around, we hear from both school boards what
serving on a school board as a trustee to see what happened and learn what the job gets even harder. lessons have been learned from recent
and part of that time as president, I changes need to be made. e report Personnel matters have special rules

began to appreciate that when the was pretty damning. Breakdowns up

board was making news, it wasn’t and down the chain of command were

usually a good thing, plentiful. e one bright spot noted

Over the past several weeks our was the quick reaction of the Special

local school boards have been making Education department upon learning

news. And not the kind you want. e about the incidents. What happened

Bedford Central School District board above them in the hierarchy was less

just published a disturbing report about commendable.

a series of terrible incidents involving e Katonah-Lewisboro Board of

pornographic images being taken of Education has had its stumbles, too,

special education students in a school in the last 18 months, which put it in

Editorial Submissions
Press releases and photos should be submitted to The Katonah-Lewisboro Times by the Thursday before the next publication date. Submissons can be emailed to
[email protected] or mail it to Katonah-Lewisboro Times, 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope if
you’d like your photo returned.


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st of John Jay High School Theater Workshop’s “Almost, Maine.” Annabel Brennan (College of the Holy Cross), Brooke Legenzowski (Stanford University),
Shannon Nolan (Lehigh University), and Mia Puccio (Dartmouth College) signing their letters of

at Field of

Fridays were a big hit at Increase Miller
mentary School during the World Cup.

JayaS’tstwurodoberkonttiinscshJoalahrbdn. The Ivalas Quartet performing with John Jay musicians.

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Pillow talk

Pillows of all shapes, sizes and mate- or her sister would know that someone boyfriend, I brought that pillow with me. ages of animals and plants. According to
rials are part of a good night’s sleep. had slept in her bed! By that time, the pillow was the size of a the internet, the Chinese believed that
Sleeping pillows can be soft or firm, flat notebook. Eventually I noticed small soft pillows stole energy from the sleeping
My parents added a room onto my crumbs of foam stuffing escaping from person while hard pillows were believed
the worn-out seams of that childhood to increase health and intelligence.
made out of memory childhood home when I pillow and I had to let it go.
The ancient Greeks and Romans are
foam or feathers. Some was in fourth grade and Did you know that the first pillows credited with stuffing their pillows with
used by humans were made out of stone? straw, reeds, feathers or cotton for a more
people prefer to sleep READING, I moved across the hall- Doing my pillow research, I was surprised comfortable sleeping pillow.
propped up on two pil- WRITING & way into my own large to find images of rectangular chunks of
lows, others swear by CHOCOLATE bedroom. My mother let stone with curved indents for the head The idea of sleeping on a pillow re-
a pillow shaped like a me choose my own bed- to rest upon. In 7000 B.C. Mesopotamia mained a luxury for the wealthy until pil-
(Iraq), only wealthy citizens could afford lows became mass-produced during the
wedge. KIM room furniture. From the luxury of a stone pillow to elevate industrial revolution in the 1800s. Tex-
KOVACH their heads to prevent bugs from crawling tile factories across Europe and the U.S.
The variety of bed the age of 9, I slept in a into their ears, mouth and nose during the produced affordable, soft cotton pillows
night! stuffed with down feathers.
pillows includes gel- white canopy bed with
By 2000 B.C. in Egypt, pillows were Did you know that pillows accumulate
cooled, bolsters to help matching dresser, desk made out of marble,ivory,stone and wood. a build up of sweat, dirt, oils, dust mites,
These hard pillows were carved with im- mold and dead skin cells? I was horrified
you sit up comfortably and nightstand. As a ages of deities and placed under the heads to read that after remembering about lug-
of the deceased to keep bad spirits away. ging my flat, crumbling childhood pillow
to read in bed and body pillows to hug at birthday gift, my grandmother sent me around until my early twenties. Yikes!
In 600 A.D., pillows in China were
night. I saw a TV commercial for a long, two large goose feather pillows that she made out of jade, porcelain, bronze, stone, Kim Kovach prefers a firm pillow. www.
bamboo or wood and decorated with im-
stuffed body pillow in the shape of a ques- had purchased in a fancy department

tion mark that was supposed to be good store. The pillows were not comfortable. I

for knees and hip joints. could feel the hard pointy goose feather

When I was a kid, I remember sleep- quills jabbing into my head!

ing over at a friend’s house. Her sister was I switched back to my favorite regular

away for the weekend. My friend warned foam-filled pillow and kept that same

me that the next morning I would have to pillow all through middle school, high

put every single one of those decorative, school and college. When I moved into

frilly pillows back in the exact same place my first apartment in N.Y.C. with my

What if less Virtual insanity
is really
more? TOM’S something as simple as a bottle When my turn
TAKE cap could be turned into hours
GUEST of entertainment. And then finally came, I
CORNER TOM there was Battleship.
WALOGORSKY donned the VR
KIM STOLL The classic board game that
When I think of the we all know today was a luxury headset and slipped
When all the holiday future, I always item in those days, meaning
decorations come envision the ste- that my dad had to make his into the next
down, isn’t it amazing reotypical elements of flying own game board using a pencil
how your home seems to double cars, robot butlers, and cloud and a sheet of graph paper. But generation of video
in size and everything feels cities. We’re gradually getting the hardships didn’t end there.
simpler and lighter. there, but we’re still not where Since pre-lined graph paper games. I also opted
I thought we would be in 2023. was also a luxury, my father
There is something about Although, over our recent endured the arduous process of for the convenience
having “less” that makes you feel holiday break, I was finally able making his own. As he often
capable of so much more. to check one thing off of my explained (with tongue firmly store option in “Job
futuristic bucket list. Thanks in cheek), only the rich folks
What if we did that in other to a visit from my nephew and could afford graph paper, and Simulator,” and
areas of life? nieces and their snazzy new VR suffering builds character.
headset I got the chance to play spent the next half
Less busy. the next generation of video READY PLAYER 1
Less negativity. games. I’ve seen the future, and Now that the next generation hour doling out
Less clutter. it’s weird.
Less worrying. of Walogorsky kids are getting Slurpies, snacks, and
How much more large, invit- THE GRAPH PAPER STORY into video games, it was time
ing and calm would our days My brother and I have fond for Graham, Elise, and Daphne a lotto tickets to a
feel? to show us old folks what they
As we walk forward in this memories of our childhood were working with. Naturally, parade of robot cus-
new year, let’s focus on less so Christmases, with Nintendo the kids had first dibs on their
we have room for more of what systems being among the gifts new toy once they arrived. I tomers. I don’t look
truly matters. through the years. However, quickly discovered that even
any present that involved the being in the room while they back fondly on my
Kim Stoll empowers women to latest in video entertainment took turns in the virtual world
find joy in every day and build also came with a fable that has was endlessly entertaining. younger days work-
a life they love through positive become somewhat legendary in
habits in mindset, fitness and my family. Their game of choice was ing in retail, but I’ll
smart nutrition. Virtual coaching “Job Simulator,” where the
available. Coachkimstoll@gmail. When my father was grow- player gets to pick an occupa- admit that staffing
com ing up, kids were more creative tion and test their skills from
with devising forms of enter- the comfort of the living room. the virtual 7-11 The future is now. PHOTO: TOM WALOGORSKY
tainment. A rubber Spalding When Daphne announced that was a lot of fun.
ball opened the door to an she had spilled mustard on the Plus, the VR retail
assortment of games, and even floor, it took me a moment to
realize that she was referring world enabled me to
to the virtual convenience store
that she was working in. What live out a fantasy of
a time to be alive!
throwing food at rude custom- we’ve come from the good old

ers. I might need to invest in days of Atari and original Nin-

one of these headsets. tendo. My wife and I break out

the classic consoles from time

FUTURE SHOCK to time, and even with their

After spending some time in spiffy VR headset, the kids still

the VR universe, it was strange enjoy playing the original Sonic

to take off the headset and real- the Hedgehog when they come

ize that I had actually just been to visit.

roaming around a little cor- I’m on board with the next

ner of my living room. It was wave of VR video games, but I

astounding how easily we all can’t help but wonder if play-

slipped into the world of virtual ing 8-bit Super Mario Bros.

retail sales and auto repair, all will one day become MY graph

the while knowing that it was paper story.

all because of a piece of plastic

strapped to our heads. Tom Walogorsky hopes there

Finally getting to play the will be a virtual newspaper

next generation of video games editor game. Contact him at

got me thinking about how far [email protected].


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Wolves return with victories over Hen Hud and Fox Lane

BY RICH MONETTI in the consolation game of the the Wolves seemed a bit weighed back from Ava Kelley, gave John The honor of tipping the scales
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Mahopac Tournament, the girls for good would go to Miranda
basketball team returned to the down on presents and Turkey Jay a 5-4 advantage with her three, Martin, who had 14 points on
After obliterating Roosevelt floor at Hen Hud on Tuesday, the afternoon. Brennan drove the
and Edgemont, and defeat- Jan. 3. Only able to put up two legs. But entitled to the lay off, and even though Kaitlyn Raguso paint, and freed up on the base-
ing Clarkstown North 55-54 points through four full minutes, line, the John Jay big made it 7-6
John Jay eventually let fly, and the regained the lead on the next pos- with 2:45 left in the first.
Mia Puccio (left) Shannon Nolan
spark began outside. session,that would be the last time Separation then came on the
PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI inside. Ava Kelley scored a put
Annabel Brennan took a pass in John Jay’s 51-32 victory. back for two, and moving with-
Miranda Martin out the ball, Mia Puccio spotted
Annabel Brennan the senior for an easy layup to
close the quarter.

Up 13-10, Puccio stayed in
stride on the changeover. The
guard grabbed one of her eight
defensive rebounds to open the
quarter and ran the break to Ava
Kelley for a 15-10 lead.

The lead grew to seven on
more of the same. Around the
horn, Martin to Puccio to Mia
Holbrook, and Brennan’s open
jumper had the Sailors looking
for an SOS.

Layups by Raguso and Kayla
McCarthy seemed to save the
ship, but Martin and Shannon
Nolan were ready with a fresh
set of torpedoes. Martin nailed
a three from outside, and Nolan
drove for the conventional three-
point play to give John Jay a 23-
16 halftime lead.

Raguso did begin the third
with a put back, but the Wolves
continued to spread the wealth.
Brennan spotted Kelley on the
cut again for an easy deuce, Puc-
cio and Brennan ran the break
twice for a 29-18 lead, and No-
lan broke the game open with a
long-range three this time.

The lead would grow to 36-18
on the back of Puccio. Off the
glass, her offensive rebound re-
sulted in two of her game-high
16 points, and the finishing touch
was applied to open the fourth.
The ball going inside and out and
hitting all the points on the pe-
rimeter, Nolan got it in the paint,
and Holbrook came open for
the layup. A 41-24 lead officially
brought winter break to an end
and put the rest of the schedule
on notice.

Fox Lane would be the first to
fall prey. John Jay made the trip
down 684 and finished off the
home team on Saturday, Jan. 7,
by a score of 60-40.


Pawling downs BY RICH MONETTI From an assist by Walter Oest- the third, but Noah Lavoie got
the Wolves CONTRIBUTING WRITER reicher, PJ DeNoia tied the score the game winner with 2:51 re-
at one with 59 seconds left in the maining.
On Tuesday, Jan. 3, John Jay first period. The game stayed tied
fell to Pawling 3-1. through the second and most of David Fridman iced the game
two minutes later.



John Jay boys start year o

BY RICH MONETTI for layups, and Toscano stepped
behind the arc to end the half at


After defeating Byram Hills Out of intermission, Gold

in late December, John Jay came again hit the pause button. Driv-

out on the wrong side at the ing baseline, the penetration gave

Mahopac Holiday Tournament Galea a short jumper. But unde-

versus Panas on ursday, Jan. 5. terred, Fox Lane continued to go

So the Wolves hoped to salvage inside out. Toscano dropped a

their week at Fox Lane on Sat- pass into Redhead for two, Dent

urday, Jan. 7. Facing some pretty got ahead on the break for anoth-

big Foxes underneath, John Jay er deuce, and New hit a triple to

still held rm in the rst quarter, extend the lead to 34-19.

but the early status quo gave way, So Sanz did his number. e

and the balance of power eventu- center rebounded another put

ally proved too much. back and then knocked down

Going on an 11-2 run, the three more from the outside.

grind and gallup gave Fox Lane Trailing by 10, John Jay stayed PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI

breathing room, and the home in range at 36-26 on Lynch’s one- Jay Uppal (right)
team pulled away for a 53-37 vic- for-two at the line to close quar-

tory. ter three. No problem, Fox Lane

ey didn’t wait long to intro- simply sliced the bread and reap- scored a fast break layup on the made the score 42-26 and the

duce Jay to the brunt of their at- plied the butter. Dent plowed his steal, and Shevick put the game Fox Lane front was plenty to n-

tack either. Niko Dent took the way through the paint, Toscano out of reach. A baseline drive ish o the Wolves. Will Sanz
pass inside, knocked Will Sanz to

the ground, and an easy layup put

the rst points on the board.

Of course, Sanz is no stranger
to rude introductions. Muscling
his way in on a miss, the forward
grabbed the follow and sunk his

Have your child’s needs beenfreebies from the line to match
up at 2-2.
However, Dent was not all the

Wolves had to deal with up front.
Conrad Hardie hit a pop-and-

ignored by their school?stop in the paint and regained
the lead.

But John Jay was still on point.

Liam Lynch drove baseline, and Have you ever felt
his shovel pass freed Craig Galea
up for an easy layup.

All tied at four, Fox Lane that your school

showed they could go away too.
Matthew Toscano drained a
three, and Chris Redhead turned

a few glances by faking on the isn’t listening to you
baseline for a short jumper.

e 9-6 lead didn’t last though.
Strong up the middle, Sanz

crashed on the miss again, put or your doctors?
back the layup, and converted the
foul shot.

Tied at nine, the party’s end

was about to start. After Lynch

got called for a charge, Kevin

New responded with a three, and

Hardie opened the second quar-
ter with more muscle. He ripped

We are here for youthe o ensive rebound from Sanz
and put back the layup for a ve-

point lead.
Ben Gold answered with his

ourkidsspecialed.orgown layup. But the success-
ful drive was just a blip, and of

course, it was Dent who made

sure. He rolled hard to the hoop

on the next three possessions,

and the ball went down easy each

time. Our Kids Special Ed is an IRS
Up 20-11, Dent then left it to registered 501c(3)

the little guys to put the writing

on the wall. Charles Shevick and

Toscano took the ball to the rack



John Jay/Fox Lane falls to Scarsdale

Still moving in the right direction


On ursday, Jan. 5, John Jay-

Fox Lane returned from break

and fell 102-72 to Scarsdale at

Westchester Community College.

Now 1-3, Coach Clare Carr is still

optimistic about the team and the


“Our swimmers did very well,”

she said. “ ey are coming o a

long break, and we got another

sectional cut tonight.”

A third-place nish in the 100

Butter y (57.30) for omas

Brown got the swimmer a pole

position. He joined Dylan Gour-

lay, Brendan Morgan, Aidan Po-

lese, Michael O’Donnell and Ryan

Loveless, who took rst in the 500

Freestyle (5:05.30).

Second place made waves as

well. Gourlay’s silver (1:50.5) to

Bryan Manheimer (1:49.34) was

de nitely worthy in the 200 Free- PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI

style. Despite the 1-3 start, John Jay-Fox Lane is making strides in the water. It’s a very good core
“Dylan went after it and swam group of kids, who are

out of his suit,” said Carr. “He evolving together.’

stayed with Manheimer, who’s a Clare Carr
John Jay-Fox Lane Swimming Coach
very, very fast swimmer.”

Gourlay did one better in the

400 Freestyle Relay (3:32.42)

with omas Morgan, Brown and

O’Donnell. e same goes for the

200 Freestyle Relay. A 1:40.05 tak-

ing the heat, Jesse Agor knows it’s

his job to spark the re.

“I need to build a strong founda-

tion for the rest of the group to go

fast,”said the sophomore.

Of course, that does not mean a

deep dive to ail about.

“You have to use your arms and

your legs and have them working

together to push you forward,”

Agor revealed.

Fox Lane’s Spencer Grayson

then took the hand o and ad-

hered to his teammate’s synergy to

shake the second leg.

“It always motivates me to do “I had a pretty decent lead suit. But Fox Lane Coach Syd-

more when I see my guy Jesse go- thanks to my friend Aidan,” he as- ney Del co still had praise.

ing as fast as he can,” Grayson as- sured.“I was like, I’ll just nish this Drawing the long straw, ac-

serted. “ en I know I need to go up and solidify our win.” cording to Del co, often yields

as fast as I can.” Even so, he knows what to do a look of panic from swimmers

Jumping in third was Polese,and when it actually counts. and hopes of wiggling their way

he had no problem with Grayson “Well, I’m like, I better kick in out.

removing most of the doubt. gear and make sure we win this,” Not in Coppola’s case, he took

“I’m happy he got us the lead, said the Wolf. the news in stride.

because I don’t want to have to Ethan Coppola, on the other “Ethan was a team player to-

worry,”said the freshman. hand, likely knew beforehand that day. He didn’t say a word about

More than a load lifted, a big a win was not forthcoming in the it. He went up there with no

lead is literally a sigh of relief for 500 freestyle. e luck of the draw, complaints, came through and

the Fox Lane swimmer. Coach Carr always makes one of did great,” said Del co.

In close races, he admitted, “It’s the young swimmers run the mar- In this, the swimmer is em-

hard to control my breathing.” athon event. blematic of the team as a whole.

John Jay’s Henry Dauterman So the results are almost ex- “It’s a very good core group of

didn’t have to catch his wind either pected to lag, and the Fox Lane kids, who are evolving together,”

way, and the freshman knew why. swimmer’s last place followed concluded Carr.


CLUES ACROSS 17. Legislator (slang) 38. Source of the Blue Nile 11. Henry Clay estate
1. Respiratory disorder 18. Tasty crustacean 39. Egyptian unit of weight 12. Heathen
7. Bulgarian mountain 19. Course of action 40. Be the source of pain 14. Refrained
peak 21. Airborne (abbr.) 41. Esteemed award __ 17. Parts per billion (abbr.)
10. Group of important 22. Permanent church dÕOr 18. “The Stranger” author
people appointment 44. Partner to pains 20. Not old
12. South American nation 27. Larry and Curly’s pal 45. Deep blue 23. Periods of starvation
13. Amazes 28. Famed American 48. No longer living 24. Language of tribe in
14. __-Castell, makers of journalist 49. Country in the UK India
pens 33. 12th letter of Greek 50. Not even 25. Savings account
15. Perlman and Seehorn alphabet 51. Arizona city 26. Pitching stat
are two 34. In a way, vanished CLUES DOWN 29. Megabyte
16. Early medieval 36. Afflict in mind or body 1. Wager 30. Ribonucleic acid
alphabet 37. Egyptian Sun god 31. A place to put your feet
2. Classical 32. The fun part of a week
portico 35. We all have our own For puzzle solutions, please see
3. As a result 36. Partner to “oohed”
4. Bird 38. African nation
5. A type of 40. Breezed through
“Squad” 41. Sets out
6. Autonomic 42. Other
nervous system 43. Not fattening
7. Dish with food 44. “Much __ about
on a stick nothing”
8. City northwest 45. Central Time
of Provo 46. Former EU monetary
9. C. European unit
river 47. Charles S. Dutton
10. One out of jail sitcom

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Use a slow cooker for game day pick-me-ups

No matter which teams Pepperoni Pizza Dip with 3. For dippers, bake breadsticks
fans support, they’re sure Breadstick Dipper according to package directions. Brush
to get hungry watching the Serves 8 with melted butter and sprinkle with
action play out. parsley.
• 1 jar or can (14 ounces) pizza sauce
at’s why game day • 3/4 cup chopped turkey pepperoni Big Al’s Hot and Sweet
hosts need to plan for vari- • 4 green onions, chopped Sausage Sandwich
ous foods to keep guests • 1 can (2-1/4 ounces) sliced black Makes 8 to 10 servings
satiated as they follow the olives, drained
scores. • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano • 4 to 5 pounds hot Italian sausage links
• 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded mozzarella • 1 jar (26 ounces) spaghetti sauce
Dips, small bites and cheese • 1 large Vidalia onion (or other sweet
other nger foods are sta- • 1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, onion), sliced
ples when the game is on softened • 1 green bell pepper, cored, seeded
because they can be eaten Dippers and sliced
easily in front of the big • 1 package (8 ounces) refrigerated • 1/4 cup packed dark brown sugar
screen. Utilizing one or breadstick dough • Italian rolls, cut in half
more slow cookers to pre- • 2 teaspoons melted butter • Provolone cheese, sliced (optional)
pare such items creates • 2 teaspoons minced fresh Italian 1. Combine sausages, spaghetti sauce,
more time to watch the parsley onion, bell peppers, and brown sugar in
game, stock the cooler with 1. Combine pizza sauce, pepperoni, slow cooker. Cover; cook on low 8 to 10
refreshments and ready the green onions, olives, and oregano in a hours or on high 4 to 6 hours.
home theater. Slow cook- 2-quart slow cooker. Cover; cook on low 2. Place sausages in rolls. Top with
ers also can keep meals 2 hours or on high 1 to 1/2 hours or vegetable mixture. Add provolone
warm on the bu et table. until mixture is hot. cheese, if desired.
2. Stir in mozzarella and cream cheese Tip: Instead of large Italian rolls, use
ese recipes for “Pep- until melted and well blended. Serve slider buns or medium kaiser rolls to
peroni Pizza Dip with with warm Breadstick Dippers. stretch the sausage mixture further and
Breadstick Dippers” and make it easier to eat while watching the
“Big Al’s Hot and Sweet game.
Sausage Sandwich” from
“Crock*Pot® 365 Year-
Round Recipes” (Publica-
tions International, Ltd.)
from the Crock*Pot Kitch-
ens make great game day
meals. Adjust as needed for
the game day crowd.


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Worried about inflation? Consider these moves

GUEST IF YOU’RE STILL WORKING… retirement accounts and other If you can a ord to put more
CORNER • Contribute more to your investments, possibly extending money away in your IRA and
their longevity. (Once you turn 401(k), you may want to do so.’
JUDI retirement plans. If you can 72, though, you will need to
MCANAW a ord to put more money away begin taking money from your -Judi McAnaw
in your IRA and 401(k), you 401(k) and traditional IRA.) Edward Jones
As you know, in ation may want to do so. e more
was big news through- resources you’ll eventually have • Delay taking Social Secu- WHY DO WE
out 2022. available in retirement, the bet- rity. You can begin taking Social
But will it continue in 2023? ter protected you are against the Security when you’re 62, but ADVERTISE
And looking even further rising cost of living. your monthly checks will be
ahead, how should you account substantially bigger if you wait LOCALIN HALSTON MEDIA’S
for in ation in your long-term • Adjust your portfolio until your full retirement age,
plans? objectives with your nancial which will likely be between 66 NEWSPAPERS?
professional. Using tools such and 67. (You could even wait
In regard to the rst ques- as “hypothetical” illustrations, a until 70, at which point your “Reaching our local neighborhood
tion, many experts predict that monthly bene ts will max out.) customers is exactly why we chose
in ation will cool o this year, nancial professional can show Of course, the ability to delay Halston Media. Everyone loves the local
though there are no guarantees. you some di erent paths you taking Social Security depends news. Living in the area as well as owning
might take with your invest- on whether you can a ord it, a business makes it easy to understand
e high in ation of last year ments, given di erent rates of but it may be possible if you why we ‘advertise local’. Halston Media
is thought to have been caused in ation. So, for example, if you work longer than you once is definitely our best bang for the buck.”
by some unusual factors, such feel that in ation may be higher planned or if you work part
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consumer goods as the world once thought, you could request if you do need to take Social Owner, Sam’s Ceramic & Tile
came out of the COVID-19 a hypothetical showing how Security before your full retire-
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ply chain issues. Also, the war investment mix to achieve your be adjusted annually for in a- CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151
in Ukraine drove up oil prices, long-term goals, given your risk tion — in fact, for 2023, bene t
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turing and shipping and driving
up the price of wheat and other IF YOU’RE ALREADY We’ll always have to deal
commodities. RETIRED… with some level of in ation —
so it’s a good idea to be pre-
In any case, last year remind- • Consider part-time work pared.
ed us that in ation needs to or consulting. Once you retire
be reckoned with as you work from your career, it doesn’t is article was written by
toward your nancial goals. But mean you can never do any Edward Jones for use by your local
how you respond to in ation paid work again. If you’ve Financial Advisor, Judi McAnaw,
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suggestions to consider: use your skills as a consultant. 300, in Somers. Judi can be
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