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Published by Halston Media, 2022-04-13 19:02:58

North Salem News 04.14.22

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 8 No. 5 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, April 14, 2022


e North Salem Lions Club
braved the pouring rain for their
Easter basket drive-by event on
April 9! See more pictures on
page 12.


North Salem Middle School achieves Essential Elements rating

BY CAROL REIF Schools to Watch, Assistant continuous improvement. It is North Salem’s Middle School to apply every three or four years,
STAFF WRITER Principal Kathleen Murphy an- a joint venture of the state De- was rst recognized back in 2007 Murphy said last week.
nounced recently. partment of Education, the New after meeting the forum’s criteria
North Salem Middle School York State Middle School Asso- for developmental responsive- To attain this status, they have
has been rated as exemplary for e program collaborates ciation, the Statewide Network ness, academic excellence, social to show measurable gains in the
the sixth time by the national fo- with each state to identify and of Middle-Level Liaisons, and equity, and organizational struc- academic achievement of all stu-
rum, 2022 Essential Elements: publicize e ective middle-level New York State United Teachers. ture and progress. Schools have
schools that are committed to SEE NSMS PAGE 20

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pg 3

Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, April 14, 2022

The Staff A Reminder from able, feel free to call and let us Croton Falls ion Community Room at 5 Vail
the North Salem Tax know that you have placed your Community Church Boulevard, Brewster NY. Stop
EDITORIAL TEAM payment in the drop box. e by for goodies, and to be entered
TOM WALOGORSKY Office sta will collect it shortly af- FESTIVAL EASTER SERVICE into a sweepstakes to win tickets
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 ter your call. No stamp needed Sunday, April 17, at 10:30 to a Mets vs. Yankees game. To
[email protected] is year the 2022 State, when placing your envelope in sign up, visit or
County and Town taxes are due this drop box. a.m. call 1-800-933-2566.
VIM WILKINSON by Monday, May 2, 2022. ere is no sermon! Lancaster
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Visit the North Salem Town Ruth Keeler
[email protected] If you have not received your website at www.northsalemny. County PA Artist Elva Hurst Memorial Library
tax bill and make payments to us org and go to the tax department will be presenting a Chalk Talk
ADVERTISING TEAM directly, please contact the Tax to view frequently asked ques- which will tell the Easter Story e library is open for brows-
PAUL FORHAN O ce immediately. A copy will tions regarding payment and “Spring’s Unfolding Days” via a ing, computer use, and read-
be provided to you. e Tax Of- mailing procedures. We encour- multi-media presentation. Learn ing! Please see our website for
(914) 806-3951 age our taxpayers not to wait un- how Elva discovered the Easter more information. Most of our
[email protected] ce will be open extra collection til the last day to mail or bring in Story via her family’s Menno- programs are in person or on
hours on the last Saturday of payments to avoid penalties. nite Faith. Special music and ZOOM. Send us an email if
BRUCE HELLER April from 9 a.m. until noon and Easter Garden will also be fea- you want to participate: keeler-
(914) 486-7608 on Monday, May 2, from 8 a.m. As of Tuesday May 3, 2022, a tured. Following the service, an [email protected]. When you
[email protected] until 8 p.m. If paying in person two percent penalty is in e ect. “Alleluia Egg Hunt” will take email us, we will send you a link
be sure to bring your bill. place, as well as an Easter bon- to click on, and a password to
LISA KAIN Call us at 914-669-5177 with net hat contest. enter.
(201) 317-1139 e payment drop box is still any questions. During the last
[email protected] on the porch outside the of- collection days phones are an- Vails Grove Co-op TECH HELP
CORINNE STANTON swered quicker than e-mails. Saturday, April 16, from 12 - 2
(914) 760-7009 ce at 270 Titicus Road to help BLOOD DRIVE
[email protected] minimize lines and wait times. ank you for your attention to Friday, April 22, from 12 - 6 p.m.
this matter. Karen Roach, Re- Come talk to local resident
JAY GUSSAK e sta will check the box for ceiver of Taxes (kroach@north- p.m.
(914) 299-4541 payments throughout the day. Victoria Giacchet- In celebration of the life of SEE ROCK PAGE 20
[email protected] Receipts will be sent if you leave to, Deputy Receiver of Taxes
SHELLEY KILCOYNE your complete bill. Please en- ([email protected]) Hank Myers. Held in the Pavil-
(914) 924-9122 close at least your payment stub.
[email protected] If it makes you more comfort-



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TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830



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Thursday, April 14, 2022 Your Neighbor North Salem News – Page 3


North Salem inventor
puts people rst 

BY CAROL REIF duced, hosted, lmed and edited

STAFF WRITER dozens of episodes in which he

interviewed the folks he had met

Necessity is the mother of in- while promoting his product. ey

vention. included up-and-comers as well as

It may be a very old proverb, but seasoned veterans in multiple elds.

it has really rung true for North Sa- is allowed them to pass on

lem’s Antwaine Debnam. important knowledge and gave

His mother was a visiting nurse Debnam a chance to share his

for 40 years. Every day, she would mentors.

leave for work with her pocket- “When you’re an entrepreneur,

book, a heavy folder of client les especially an inventor, you’re look-

and a bagged lunch. If it rained, she ing to siphon o as much informa-

also had to bring an umbrella. tion and wisdom as possible from

After watching his mom strug- people who’ve already done it,” he

gle with lugging so much back and said recently.

forth every day, the entrepreneur ey included some folks Deb-

came up with an idea for a wear- nam had admired but hadn’t met

able, hands-free device that allows in person before. Some of the most

people to carry multiple things eye-opening talks were with those

when they travel,commute or shop. who never knew a world without

He dubbed it the Tripletote. computers. Antwaine Debnam, inventor of the “Tripletote” and co-founder of Capri Media Company.

Debnam’s educational back- “With this generation, with the

ground in marketing came in internet, with direct-to-consumer by then-Gov. Dannel Patrick Mal- on the body. one,” Debnam said.

handy when it was time to pro- products, there’s a lot of hot shots loy to the State of Connecticut In- Purse snatchers beware! e

mote the edgling product, but it out there that are teens, 20s and novation Advisory Council, where hooks also have locking mecha- PAYING IT FORWARD

was his innovative approach and up,” he explained. he regularly lectured on the topics nisms, so nothing can be grabbed He now runs Worldwide Voices,

people skills that really carried the “ ey grew up with this internet. of discovery, entrepreneurship and o them. a program for middle- and high-

day. ey studied it as they grew up,and innovation. e start-up was getting close to schoolers, under the brand Urban

In 2016, he set o on what he they, you know, caught re. ey Two years later, he participated the manufacturing part of the pro- Education Laboratories.

calls an “epic expedition” to six took o .” in CTNext’s Entrepreneur In- cess when COVID-19 hit, causing It teaches them more than just

states where he personally visited Debnam, now in his early 40s novation Awards, Connecticut’s supply chain backups. Now sky- how to keep a business “a oat,” it

264 small and independent busi- and the dad of a toddler, admitted oldest and most-recognized pitch rocketing gas prices are driving up helps them apply that knowledge

nesses. Debnam documented each that as a member of the “genera- competition. costs. to their personal lives, Debnam

and every stop on social media. tion before,” social media market- Debnam took home three of “ e price of a shipping contain- said.

Persistence apparently paid o . ing wasn’t as “organic” to him as it the four o ered: e Innovation er went up tenfold, which would e way they treat people is their

e homegrown campaign gener- is to the current crop of innovators. Award, Judges’ Favorite and e have been more than the cost of brand, the way they manage their

ated what he called “opportunities” He has not only learned the Angel Investor Forum Award. manufacturing at that point,”Deb- money is their nances and them-

with two big retail chains and many ropes, but has climbed them well Also in 2015, he became an nam said. selves and the things they like to do

of the businesses he’d explored.Not enough to now help others hone adviser for Fair eld-based Entre- A survey of 800 people found are their products and services.

long after, Debnam was awarded a their skills. preneurship Foundation Inc., a that customers would be willing to “If you look at yourself as a

patent for his gadget. e podcast spurred his co- nonpro t that supports business pay up to $50 for the device, “which business, you hire di erent de-

at was only the rst step on a founding of Capri Media Compa- education and execution. is generous of them, but we are not partments. Your body, your mind,

new journey. ny, which Debnam calls “a culmi- charging that much,” he said, add- your spirit, your nances and your

A believer in “putting people nation of the most e ective o ine, EXTRA PAIR OF HANDS ing: “It was good to know that it family. You have to maintain all of

rst,” he took that experience and online, social media marketing and Designed alongside chiroprac- exceeded customer expectations, them in a good balance, really in

looked for a way to give back to sales practices.” tor and friend Dr. Stephen Overle, especially when it comes to price.” harmony, to have a good business,”

other start-ups. Debnam became a His well of experience goes deep. Tripletote has three trapezoid- Avoiding the “angel-investor he explained, adding that nancial

plan-pitch coach for a Massachu- In 2005, Debnam and a partner shaped hooks and a strap that dis- route,” Debnam is diligently sav- literacy is basically a vehicle for

setts-based nonpro t which says its came up with an app that con- tributes the weight while keeping ing money from his teaching and teaching the kids “about emotional

mission is to help folks grow their nected entertainment enthusiasts the items carried next to the body other gigs so he can make and take intelligence and self-care.”

ideas into “thriving, scalable busi- to concerts, comedy and movies closer to “your center of gravity,” Tripletote directly to consumers. People from di erent genera-

nesses.” that matched their interests via text Debnam said. His target market – like his tions can sometimes dismiss one

at lead to his launch of the message. More than 3,000 custom- “Human beings weren’t made to mom – could be on xed incomes another. But Debnam is hopeful

“TradeSecrets by Tripletote” pod- ers signed on for the service, he carry stu ,” he said, explaining that and can’t a ord to buy luxury items. after seeing signs that folks young

cast in 2019. said. the device’s features reduce, but e device will be priced so that SEE NEIGHBOR PAGE 6

e Connecticut native pro- In 2013,Debnam was appointed don’t eliminate, the weight’s impact “they could even buy more than

Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, April 14, 2022

Friends of Karen announces new board president

BY CAROL REIF he said.“I’d like to think I gave my board and dedicated sta headed It helped them keep the

STAFF WRITER best as a partner to our executive by Judy Factor, we’re well-posi- 16-year-old comfortably at home

director, Judy Factor. If she has tioned to continue Sheila Peters- during the last days of her life.

Friends of Karen recently an- felt unwavering support from the en’s legacy. Our rst priority will Petersen started the group out

nounced that it has a new presi- board, I would consider that my always be helping families with of her own home. It has now

dent of its board of directors, greatest accomplishment.” critically ill children, so they can grown to an organization that

Richard Sgaglio. Factor con rmed that Smad- focus on treatment and not worry covers New York, Connecticut,

Outgoing president Paul beck had been “a wonderful, sup- about nances,” he said. and New Jersey. So far it has as-

Smadbeck, known for his dedi- portive, proactive board president” O cers re-elected to the board sisted over 17,000 children in

cation to the organization for 26 who helped the organization include Laura Salerno Evans (vice need.

years, will continue to serve on the “during both good and challeng- president) of New York City, Sha- Its team consists of licensed so-

board. ing times.” ron Weiner (secretary) of Pound cial workers, child life specialists,

Smadbeck, a longtime North “His direction and leadership Ridge, and Tom Jocelyn (treasur- and creative arts therapists who

Salem resident, began volun- were vital during the recent pan- er) of Yorktown Heights. help families navigate the health-

teering with Friends of Karen demic, which impacted all we do, Friends of Karen began in 1978 care system and the nancial and

in 1996. A managing director from supporting families to con- when Petersen, a Croton Falls res- emotional challenges of having an

at JLL, a commercial real estate ducting day-to-day business and ident, reached out to her neigh- ill child.

professional services company, he fund-raising,” she added. bors, the Angus MacInnes family, For more information, vis- PHOTO COURTESY OF FRIENDS OF KAREN
has been on the board since 2006 Saying he’s “honored” to have whose daughter, Karen, su ered it  https://www.friendsofkaren.
Richard Sgaglio
and was president for the past six been chosen for the role, Sgaglio from a rare, terminal disease. org/

years. called his predecessor “a mentor

He turned over the reins to and a role model for me and the Our first priority will always be

Sgaglio on Monday, March 28. rest of the board.”
Sgaglio is vice president of mar- Noting that he has “large shoes

keting and development at e to ll,” Sgaglio said he was look-

Osborn, a senior living commu- ing “forward to serving and (to) helping families with critically
ill children.’
nity in Rye. building on Paul’s success for the

According to Friends of Karen, bene t of this organization.”

Smadbeck’s tenure on the board e new president’s goals in-

“has been lled with notable ac- clude guiding Friends of Karen

complishments.” “through the many challenges

“ e greatest reward has been ahead.”

working in concert with the Emerging from the pandemic is Richard Sgaglio
Friends of Karen professionals to “just one of them,” Sgaglio added.

touch the lives of families in need,” “Along with our 18-member

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Thursday, April 14, 2022 North Salem News – Page 5

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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, April 14, 2022

NEIGHBOR Those lessons from people I’ve Mobile shredder
met on my journey, to return April 19
FROM PAGE 3 they all kind of tie in.’
and older are “ nally starting to enter the Antwaine Debnam STAFF WRITER
forum together where we can have this
discourse to say what we all bene ted e Tripletote could come in handy for tive Task Force. e volunteer group was North Salem residents will again be able to safely
from.” new parents who have to bring along all formed in response to a statewide guber- destroy their unwanted personal papers and docu-
those necessary baby accouterments, like natorial order that directed local legislative ments.
It’s getting there slowly, but it’s getting diaper bags, Debnam noted. bodies to take a deep dive into their po-
there, he said. licing and come up with a plan for going e county’s mobile shredder will be in town
A self-professed “social butter y,” he forward by April 1, 2021. from 10 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, April 19, at 66
e after-school program isn’t intended frequently takes his 3-year-old son for June Road.
to minimize the obstacles youngsters will walks around his housing complex o It was there he met town Councilmen
face along their life journey because, Deb- June Road. It gives him the chance to chat Martin Aronchick and Peter Kamenstein, Security experts say that all documents have a
nam said,“Taking the bumps is part of the up the neighbors and learn more about the whose friendship inspired Debnam to lifespan. And once they’re no longer needed, pa-
initiation into any kind of endeavor.” town. pers should be rendered useless to identity thieves
oat the idea of the podcast. e concept trolling for personal information such as names, ad-
e aim is to give them the chance to ere’s always stu to know and fasci- is in the very early stages. dresses, and phone, credit card, or Social Security
“get ahead of the game, so maybe by the nating folks to meet, said Debnam. numbers.
time they’re our age they’ll be further GOING FORWARD
along.” One of his go-to spots to hang out and Expressing gratitude toward mentors e shredder is for residents only. Paper gener-
schmooze is Hay elds Market, especially ated by businesses, schools, institutions, or govern-
Being able to take those bumps in stride on the rst Sunday of the month when it past, present and future, Debnam said his ment/municipal o ces will not be accepted.
is,in his opinion,an indicator of one’s abil- hosts “Cars & Co ee.” Starting out as an dream is to pass along that experience to
ity to handle the emotional ups and downs occasional gathering of owners of historic others. e county sta will inspect all papers to be
of entrepreneurship. and vintage cars, it has grown into a regu- shredded and reject those identi ed as commercial
lar event. ( e owner, Renea Topp Day- “ ose lessons from people I’ve met on or institutional.
ADOPTED HOMETOWN ton’s husband,Duncan,is a former race car my journey, they all kind of tie in,”he said,
Debnam met his wife-to-be,Ti any, in driver and racing team owner.) likening the transformative process to al- Each resident may bring a maximum of four 10”
chemy. by 12” by 15” le boxes.
Harlem, where she lived and worked. He All sorts ock to the hot spot and the
was living in Hartford. e pair looked conversation never fails to be lively, said “You don’t know where the next road Papers must be free of clips,bindings,folders,and
for a home that was the “midpoint” be- Debnam, who has proposed starting a will lead you, but it’s still on your path. It’s les.
tween their jobs so their commute would community podcast so he can do one of still in your wheelhouse. It’s still some- Bound or hardcover ledger books are not allowed.
be evenly spaced when they moved in to- his favorite things – share knowledge. thing you love because it’s all one and the For more information about identity theft, call
gether. same,” Debnam avowed, emphasizing the the Department of Consumer Protection at (914)
He has also served on the town’s Po- importance of “learning on the job and 995-2155 or visit
ey found the perfect place, Bridleside lice Reform and Reinvention Collabora- teaching it to others while you’re learning.” sumer.
Apartments. When the newlyweds rst For information about recycling in general, call
moved here, they didn’t have a car, so they the Recyling HelpLine at (914) 813-5425, or vis-
used taxis to get back and forth from the it
Croton Falls train station.

Ti any worked in a hospital accounting
department, but once they had a child, she
became a stay-at-home mom.


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Thursday, April 14, 2022 North Salem News – Page 7




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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, April 14, 2022


Healthier ways to Meal of fortune 
manage anxiety
Idon’t know about you, but are at least two glasses of water “I’ll try the orange chicken,”
No one told me. we can only survive so and two glasses of beer on the I said to the waiter, who shook
long without a trip to the table. You may hear the glass as his head, “no.” He said, “80 per-
cent of the people who order
what you can see in the mirror or Chinese restaurant. A well- half empty but as an optimist that send it back.” (I kid you
not.) I couldn’t believe my ears,
I really wish they had. in a photo. rounded diet drummer I a.) that he would actually be
honest enough to tell me that,
It would have helped to When I was struggling with needs “tree- hear it as a and b.) that diners would send
it back - the postage to China
know a lot sooner. motherhood stress and anxiety, ears,” bamboo MAN whole note. If must be an arm and a leg. I
said, “Does it come in any other
I knew I was told to shoots and OVERBOARD there’s a cow- colors? Never mind, I’ll just
have the short ribs - how tall
exercise was GUEST medicate and to water chest- RICK bell around are they?” He seemed ne with
that choice, and said, “And it
good for your start drinking al- nuts. People MELÉN so much the does not come with monosodi-
um glutamate, in case you need
health, but re- CORNER cohol… by three who think better, unless to know.” I said, “Fine, then I’ll
have mine on the side.”
ally, I thought Kim Stoll separate doc- that bam- it’s still at-
it was mainly tors who spent SEE MELEN PAGE 10
boo shoots tached to the

about pant no more than a are only for cow.

size, the view couple moments torture are really missing out. What I like about the Chi-

in the mirror with me. It’s hard to believe I would ever nese menu is the variety. With

and a six pack ere was no eat any of those things once other types of cuisine, you have

and honestly… I just didn’t care discussion about my life, my fam- I found out what they were, chicken, beef or veal, and they

enough. ily, history of addiction, nothing. because I don’t normally pride are prepared in di erent ways,

What no one told me — that it Medication and alcohol were the myself on having the same eat- using di erent sauces, sides

was so much more than that. immediate recommendation. ing habits as a binturong. But and cooking techniques. With

at there is a transformation While I started exercising and now I’m disappointed if I don’t Chinese food you start with the

that happens when you exercise changing how I ate because of see them on the menu. I blame other stu , and just

and take care of your body beyond health concerns, my mind was my wife for all this, who was mention whether

blown at how my ability to man- born in Hong Kong where her you want

age stress changed and anxiety parents were foreign correspon- chicken,

My mind lessened. dents.  beef or
While medication has its place
Ironically, rarely do you pork in

was blown and I suppose alcohol does too… eat o of china at a Chinese it. 
if you are struggling with stress
restaurant. But I do always ask

and anxiety (as I’m guessing ev- for chopsticks. To use them
at how my eryone who lived through the past
two years has), there are other e ectively tap them end-up

on the table so that they’re the

ability to things, like exercise and healthy same length, anchor one in the
nutrition, that can help too.
crook between your thumb and

manage Since no one told me, I wanted fore nger, and move the other
to be sure I told you.
with your thumb and rst two

ngers. If you can pick up one

stress Kim Stoll empowers women to nd grain of rice you’re a high inter-
changed.’ joy in every day and build a life
they love through positive habits in mediate, and if you can pick up
mindset, tness and smart nutrition.
Virtual coaching available. the check you’re an expert, at
[email protected]
least in my book. To a drum-

mer though, chopsticks are SO

much more, especially if there

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
[email protected] all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail

to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

Thursday, April 14, 2022 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

Having a crystal ball

Several weeks ago Ken and in di erent departments at the expanding family, Ken began Fun Facts by Jo Ann
I had a beautiful Valen- same company for several years attending night college on the
tine’s Day with Kim, Seth and I had seen him around G.I. Bill. Soon, what was once Egyptian brides are pinched by female guests to wish
the two of us became the three them luck, and Italians used to break a loaf of bread
and Drew. We were both aware the o ce. Lately he had been of us with the addition of a over the bride’s head for good luck.
baby girl. Kim was about three
that it is no stopping by weeks old when Ken called me
from work to say that he had
longer about my desk to say smoked his very last cigarette. I
asked him to call me in an hour
just me and JUST good morning. and let me know how he was
him, but about JO ANN I had an doing. I had little faith that
the family we he could quit since I had been
created. We JO ANN amazingly fun asking him to do so during my
began remi- FRANCELLA time with Ken entire pregnancy. As it turned
on that rst out, that was the very last ciga-
rette he smoked. Having a child
niscing about date.  ere had changed him.

when we met was an easy, I became a stay-at-home
mom and loved every minute of
and started comfortable raising our little girl. Life was
good and the three of us soon
telling Kim all the details. vibe to our conversation, and he formed an unbreakable bond.

It was early spring, got along great with Nuggetts. As the years passed, Ken start-
ed his own nance company,
1975. “Wanna make a movie One date turned into two, and we moved into our dream
home. Our daughter graduated
tonight?” and we spent the entire sum- from college and was working
her way up the corporate ladder;
Ken was asking me out on a mer together. During that time, and then just like that, what was
once the three of us became the
date, but he had a “slang” about I met his big Italian family and four of us with the addition of
our son-in-law, Seth. Two years
him, a swag that set him apart got along well with them. Ken ago their family became three
with the addition of our grand-
from the rest. had three brothers, a sister, his son, Drew.

I looked up from my paper- mom and dad, his grandmother Ken and I are both retired
and still living in our dream
work to see Ken standing in and loads of aunts, uncles and home and enjoying our life to-
gether. What began as a movie
front of my desk. How could I cousins.  ey seemed to be a date over forty- ve years ago has
turned into a lifetime.
possibly know that in a year and close, happy family.
I’m glad I didn’t have a crystal
a half he would be my husband? I lived in a one-bedroom ball all those years ago because I
have simply enjoyed taking one
“Sure,” I said. “I’ll call for apartment and Ken would visit unknown step at a time on this
amazing journey.
times at a movie theater in my several nights a week and every
[email protected]
neighborhood. Here’s my ad- weekend. After about a year of

dress.” But Ken was thinking dating, we were watching televi-

that we’d go right from work, sion one day when I suddenly

have dinner and then go to a blurted out, “I think we should

movie. get married.” I knew Ken loved

“Normally that would be ne,” me, but I don’t think he had

I said, “but I leave my Golden looked any further than that. We The Best Quality Food & Service ...Anywhere!

Retriever, Nuggetts, home all were both 27 years old and the

day, and he waits for me to get thought of marriage had never

home to feed and walk him.” occurred to him. I loved him

Ken’s hair was too long, and and I knew that he would make

he smoked, but it was just a the perfect husband and father.

movie and besides, I hadn’t e date was set for a Sunday

been on a decent date in a long in early June 1977, and we were

time. Most of my “dates” were married at my family home. We WE ARE NOW TAKING

just meeting a bunch of friends both continued to work at the HOLIDAY ORDERS

when I was out on the week- same company where we met FOR YOUR EASTER AND PASSOVER FAVORITES
ends. until we had our child.

Ken wasn’t a complete In order to advance his posi-

stranger to me. We had worked tion at work and prepare for his

on the bone, boned rolled and seasoned, butterfiied or marinated



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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, April 14, 2022

She couldn’t help but make us smile

My mother-in-law was hilarious, Susan St. James was Kate and Jane was Al- or Allie?” Grandma yelled. She was dis- liked the picture so much she asked us to
yet she never intended to be. tinctly irritated that she was not in touch enlarge it and save it for Willard Scott.
She lived to be almost ninety- lie on the show that was popular in the late with the careers of these performers. I “He’ll think I look pretty good for 100,”
six, and we enjoyed her comedic manner wanted to apologize to Jane but knew she nodded and smiled even though the
till the end. She was a seventies/early eighties. that would only make the situation more picture would be seven years old.
wonder. She played a embarrassing.
wicked game of golf Grandma was perturbed. “Why are you Unfortunately, she only made it to nine-
well into her eighties All but Grandma burst out laughing. ty- ve, and we mourned the loss of one of
and drove until she was so excited?” she asked the How much Jane Curtin actually heard, I the most e ervescent people we had ever
eighty-eight. have no idea. But issues like this popped known. She was the best grandmother one
two of them. All they up regularly because Grandma would not child could have. ere wasn’t a Broadway
Often when we went concede to needing hearing aids. show that was t for children that they
out to lunch with her to GUEST could do was point in the missed, or a ballet, opera, or museum that
our favorite restaurant CORNER most subtle way possible. But she was happy about the fact that she they didn’t love. ey learned more about
in New York City, we looked somewhat younger than her years art than I learned in college. She also loved
listened to her call to Grandma asked again and had a big plan for her 100th birthday. to take the girls shopping for clothes and
the nearest server and yell, “Oh waiteh…” to our favorite restaurant for lunch because
LINDA SPEAR in a louder voice, “What When she turned ninety, she began to grandma was the most generous person I
Because we were regulars at this res- ask us to take portrait pictures of her at that ever met.
taurant, the waiters were familiar with her are you pointing to?”
calls and nodded as they passed kindly age. “I want Wil- e one thing they missed was the
by our table. She’d grumble over the fact Our older daughter lard Scott to see circus because the rst time she took
that the wait sta didn’t stop when it was how good I look them, Laura, our younger daughter at
obvious that they had food to serve nearby, Jen said, “It’s Jane Curtin. and feature me on age three was so fearful of the clown who
and she’d wonder why they didn’t respond his show.” Scott welcomed people at the door that the girls
to her calls. She’s right here!” was a highly and grandma had to turn around and go
regarded news- straight home.
Snicker, snicker was the way we handled “Who’s Jane Curtin?” Grandma asked so caster on NBC in
it. No one could tell her that the wait sta the morning and To this day, Laura hates clowns, mimes
didn’t react because they were already that everyone surrounding us could  hear her desire to do and even foolishly made up people on
involved in serving others this made a yearly Halloween.
her. habit of taking
e one day that made us laugh the her picture each But grandma was a wonder and to this
hardest was when we were sitting at a ban- Jen was laugh- October 15 with day, years later, we’ll always love her dearly.
quet booth and to our surprise, actress Jane the hope that she
Curtin was escorted to the seats to the side ing so hard that liked the way she Linda Spear is the facilitator of the Writer’s
of our table. Our daughters were extremely looked in her elder Workshop which meets weekly on Zoom each
excited because Allie of “Kate and Allie,” I had to answer, years. Saturday morning. You can contact her at
a wonderful comedy, was right by our side. [email protected].
“She’s Allie of By year 93, she

“Kate and Allie,

mom,” I said softly.

“Who?” She

asked in a louder


I repeated my

answer in the soft-

est tone I could,

hoping that Jane

Curtin could not

hear this conversa-


“Well, which

one is she—Kate

and... Sump Pump Issues MELEN is often credited with writing what
became the known as the Golden Rule
SUMP PUMP SPECIAL FROM PAGE 8 centuries later. But he never wrote
fortunes for cookies. He did say things
TAKE $30 OFF YOUR APRIL SUMP PUMP CALL But for all the di erent choices of like, “When you have faults, do not
entrees, when you get to the end of the fear to abandon them,” but he also said
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EXPIRES 4/30/22 dessert menu?” I say, just to see the blank foot,” which remain enigmatic even
stare. “Okay, well just bring us two cups today.
of co ee.” An even blanker blank stare.
“All right then, I guess we’ll have fortune As a romantic evening for two a Chi-
cookies for dessert. But can we at least nese restaurant may not have occurred
choose our fortune?” Sometimes they to you, but maybe you might reconsider.
come with an orange, there are certainly You could re-enact the spaghetti scene
a few of those left over from the chicken from “Lady and the Tramp” using lo
dish that nobody ordered. mein noodles, for instance. Or, during
a quiet moment of intimacy, whisper
Don’t rip your fortune in half or it the words “kung pao” and see if the
won’t come true. DO keep your eyes open idea goes anywhere. Careful, there’s a
in case it does. Some are cryptic: “You will little picture of a ame by some of the
know it when you see it; it will know you selections to warn you that they might
when it sees you.” What we both do after spontaneously combust should you do
that is anybody’s guess. “Do what you anything remotely sexy. Bon appétit, or
love; the rest will fall into place.” Which as the Chinese say, “chī, chī, chī!”
is good news because I’m not getting
enough sleep. “Follow what calls you,” Look for Rickster Melen on Facebook! Say
probably referring to my boss. hello at: [email protected]

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Thursday, April 14, 2022 North Salem News – Page 11

Baseball fever at The Country House

Rogers Hornsby, a baseball icon, once said, He continues to follow his favorite team and

“People ask me what I do in winter when there’s derives much pleasure seeing his Yankees win.

no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the Another resident, Arthur Covey, who is an avid

window and wait for spring.” It is not only this Mets fan, exchanged bits of trivia with me about

in elder, who started his memorable baseball ca- the 69 Mets. He reminisced about Swaboda’s

reer in 1915, that eagerly awaited the arrival of great catch in the eld during the 69 World Se-

spring training. ousands of baseball fans each ries, while I told him about my fondness for the

spring embrace the new baseball season with a in eld acumen of Bud Harrelson. Arthur loved

renewed optimism that this year, their team will the Mets from years ago and continues to love

win the world series. And, the oodles of base- them, follow them, and cheer for them, today.

ball fans that envelop our society are some of the When I spoke with resident James Daly about

most enthusiastic and passionate fans around. baseball, he informed me that he really doesn’t

ey follow their favorite teams with admiration care too much about his Yankees anymore…as

and yes, even participate in some sideline coach- long as they win.

ing from their living room couches. It is said that baseball is America’s favorite

Whether one dons their cleats and heads out pastime. I can’t speak for America, but I am con-

to the baseball diamond for some amateur play vinced that in e Country House community,

or heads out to the stadium to watch favorite there are plenty of eager baseball fans, just wait-

players while enjoying some delicious ballpark ing and yearning for the season to begin. Let’s go

franks, baseball continues to be a popular form Yankees!! Let’s go Mets!!

of entertainment for many, many enthusiasts.

e young and the young at heart enjoy base- e Country House is a marketing partner of

ball. At e Country House in Westchester, an this newspaper. is article is written by e

assisted living community, there are a plethora Country House, a 100 bed boutique assisted living

of die-hard Mets and Yankees fans. One of the community, nestled amidst a beautiful rustic

residents, Kurth Nelson, explained that he always landscape. It is located at 2000 Baldwin Rd in

enjoyed playing baseball when he was younger as Yorktown Heights, NY. For more information, call PHOTO COURTESY OF THE COUNTRY HOUSE

well as rejoicing when taken to a Yankees game. 914-455-1363 or visit Country House resident Arthur Covey, preparing for
the baseball season.

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hursday, April 14, 2022 Page 13

Bonanza! It would take more than a rainy afternoon to the annual egg hunt at PQ Elementary,club mem-
stop the North Salem Lions Club from spreading bers joined forces with the Easter Bunny to hand
cheer to the community! On Saturday, April 9, the out chocolatey treats to appreciative local families.
Lions presented their drive-by Easter basket give-
away outside Ruth Keeler Library. Held in lieu of Everyone at North Salem News wishes our read-
ers a happy and healthy Easter.


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Page 14 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, April 14, 2022

Coping with college rejection

STRONG probably did everything exactly extracurricular activities, study- your time going over and over much equal to the student’s list of
LEARNING right, and even if you didn’t, it ing for hours to keep the GPA the disappointment. Instead, achievements and activities, and
probably has nothing to do with high, taking every course o ered rejoice in the acceptances. Once “safety” schools are those whose
DR. LINDA why Kevin was rejected. to ensure that they do well on the the acceptances come in (and admissions criteria are “safely”
SILBERT SAT and/or ACT, and volunteer- they will if he applied to “safety” below the student’s record. And
Over the years, I have seen a ing for years at the animal shelter schools, too), visit those colleges “dream” schools? ey’re the ones
Dear Dr. Linda, student who was third in his class on top of it all, it’s disappointing before making a nal decision. where the chances of acceptance
Our son, Kevin, was just rejected by a prestigious college not to get into the college he or If you’ve already been, visit them are very slim.
while another student in the same she dreamed of going to. It’s like again. Make sure Kevin knows
rejected from three of the six col- school whose class rank was 15th, applying for a job. that if after he chooses, he feels Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why
leges he applied to. He didn’t get was accepted. I’ve seen students he’s in the wrong college for him, Bad Grades Happen to Good Kids,”
into any of his “reach” schools and get into Harvard with 1400s (out e best gift you can give he will always have the option of and director of Strong Learning
is devastated. So are we. of 1600s) on the SAT and others Kevin, and your daughter, how- transferring to another college. Tutoring. Send your questions to
who scored 1500 or above not ever her journey turns out, is And as long as he’s doing well [email protected].
Four years ago, his older broth- get in. to help them learn how to deal academically, he can reapply to
er applied to the same schools and with rejection without feeling those “reach” schools that rejected
was accepted by all of them. Have It all depends on what a college like failures. Rejection is a part of him—and have a much better
things changed that much? Did is looking for at the time. e life—we all su er rejection in one chance of getting in.
we send him to the wrong SAT school may have enough students way or another. If you take these
prep course? Is it possible the from a particular geographical rejections as indications that you Dr. Linda
essay he wrote at school with his area and so they accept a student somehow failed, your children will P.S. Not sure what “reach” and
English teacher messed him up? from a di erent area. ey may feel like failures too. “safety” schools are? ese terms,
We’re really upset and don’t know need a tuba player or a topnotch along with “match” and some-
what we did wrong. We have a lacrosse player so that student is Unless you know the registrar times “dream” schools, are used
daughter entering ninth grade accepted over one who spent his or someone familiar with the to rank colleges based on their
this year and don’t want to make weekends helping the underprivi- policies in force for next year’s admissions criteria as compared
the same mistakes. What’s your leged. One college admissions freshmen, you’ll likely never know to an individual student’s
advice? counselor once told me that when why Kevin wasn’t accepted at his “resume.”“Reach” schools are
they have to choose one student “reach” schools. And as Princeton those with criteria that may
Devastated Parents and have two with essentially researcher Alan Krueger said to be just a stretch beyond,
Dear Devastated Parents, identical quali cations, they basi- students who choose to apply to “match” schools are
cally ip a coin. and attend “safety” schools: “Don’t those that are pretty
I wish I could tell you exactly believe that the only school worth
where you “went wrong,” but It’s just a fact of life—colleges attending is the one that would
that’s not possible because you can’t accept everyone who ap- not admit you.”
plies. After your child has spent
years building their resume with ere’s no point in wasting

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Thursday, April 14, 2022 North Salem News – Page 15

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Page 16 – North Salem News Thursday, April 14, 2022

North Salem High School AstheClassof2022countsdowntograduation,NorthSalemNewsisproud
to highlight a different group of seniors in each issue. For more information,
please contact editor Tom Walogorsky at [email protected]
Featured Seniors
Dasha Batista

people don’t know about Andres Perez


Something that many

people do not know about

me is that I am very passion- What three words joy everything that’s hap-

ate about writing, and doing would your friends use pening: the weather, the

investments. to describe you and your people that surround you,

Favorite book? personality? and you just forget about

My favorite read is Wil- Kind, relaxed, supportive your problems.

liam Shakespeare’s Mac- What is something What is North Salem’s

beth. most people don’t know best attraction?

What is your idea of a about you? I love the Titicus Res-

perfect day? at I’m a good listener ervoir, it is a good spot to

Going to the city with and you can always count hang out, talk with friends

friends to see an NBA game, on me. and go shing.

and having Brazilian food Favorite sports team? Were your years at

What three words afterwards. I don’t have a favorite North Salem High School

would your friends use to What is North Salem’s sports team, just a favorite what you expected them

describe you and your per- best attraction? athlete, Canelo Alvarez to be?

sonality? I love going to the park! What is your idea of a I did not expect too

My friends would de- How would you describe perfect day? much, but I would say my

scribe me as caring, resilient, your high school experi- My de nition of a per- experience at North Salem

and driven. ence in one word? fect day is that one day was nothing less than in-

What is something most Rewarding where you can actually en- teresting.

Anna Behler What activities do you participate Delia Ciamei What is something most chard
Were your years at North
in, both in and outside of school? people don’t know about you?
Soccer, lacrosse, skiing,traveling,shop- I played the violin at Carnegie Salem High School what you
expected them to be? How
ping, and playing with my dog. Hall with the Westchester Put- would you describe your high
school experience in one word?
What is something most people nam Youth Symphony. Another
don’t know about you? No, my experience at North
one of my hobbies is baking. I Salem High School was not at
I love shing. all what I expected it to be be-
love making French macarons cause of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Favorite vacation spot? As a result, half of my class’ high
Cape Cod and creme brûlée! school experience was anything
but typical.Additionally,we have
What do you hope to be doing in five Favorite comfort food? been with the same people since
years? What are your main life goals? My mom’s broccoli and ched- elementary school, so individual
reputations are hard to change.
I hope to travel after graduating col- dar casserole.
is results in false perceptions
lege before I settle into a career in busi- What is something that mo- of others and judgement before
tivates you? some people even get to know
ness. who you truly are.
Something that motivates
What is North Salem’s best attrac- If I were to describe my high
tion? me is making myself and others school experience in one word
it would be “enlightening,” but
Hay elds proud. not in the way one would think.
It enlightened me how people
How would you describe your high Favorite movie? can be two-faced and can take
school experience in one word? Little Women (2019) advantage of you. I realized that
people would pretend to be my
Unusual What is North Salem’s best friend when they needed help
attraction? with something, but would
pretend to not even know me
Harvest Moon Farm and Or- when they were with a group of
people. I have learned to value
Rooney Orthodontics myself and to not let people walk
Children & Adults all over me. Despite this, I was
able to nd a handful of people
musical vocal group who were truly loyal to me. ey
taught me the true meaning of
17 Miller Rd. playing an eclec�c mix of favorites, old and new friendship. Academically, high
Mahopac school was rewarding. Even
[email protected] 914-248-5135 though the social aspect was
845-621-1222 a challenge in North Salem, I
join Lauren, Colleen and Rick and bring a li�le found that the best outlet was to harmony to your next event! work extremely hard in order to
achieve great things in the end.

Thursday, April 14, 2022 Sports North Salem News – Page 17


Wet weather upends Tigers schedule

Baseball batters Briarcli , boys lax tops Hastings


It was a washout week for
our Tigers, with inclement
weather and wet eld con-
ditions playing havoc with
the schedule. Heading into
spring break, at least one
contest was postponed for
each squad, including the
golf team which lost a pair of
matches, and nearly an entire
slate of games on Saturday,
April 9 being rained out.

BASEBALL Chloe Matt delivers against Westlake.
North Salem 11,
Briarcliff 2
Monday, April 4
e Tigers picked up a big

win at home behind a solid
start by Tommy Eberhardt
(4IP, 2 hits, 5 Ks).

Robbie Gilchrist (2-4, 3
RBI) and James Schae er (1-
3, 1 RBI) powered the o ense
as North Salem pounded the
Bears in 5 innings.

e remaining three games
for the week were rained out.

e Tigers were scheduled
to face Croton-Harmon,
Albertus Magnus, and Ma- Siena Bertolino at bat against the Wildcats.
hopac during spring recess,
and will play away at Dobbs
Ferry on Saturday, April 16.


Valhalla 4, North Salem 1

Monday, April 4

North Salem went on the

road, coming up short against

the Vikings.

Siena Bertolino was sharp

on the mound, striking out

seven while only allowing

two walks and no earned


O ensively, 8th grader

Sophia Aqeel led the Tigers,

going 2-3 with a single, a

triple, and three stolen bases.

On Saturday, April 9, the

squad traveled to take on

Westlake, but the lack of a full

roster for the Tigers changed

the contest to a scrimmage.

North Salem was sched-

uled to face Dobbs Ferry on

April 11, and will return from

spring recess to face Tucka-

hoe at home on Monday,

April 18.

SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 18 PHOTOS: TOM WALOGORSKY Coach Tim Collins discusses strategy with the team.

Liliana Sundahl holds the runner on third.

Page 18 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, April 14, 2022

North Salem took a tough loss against Somers on ROUNDUP
April 5.
Coach Don Merriman rallying the team at half-time. Solace Winslow moves the ball upfield. FROM PAGE 17
Cassie Pelosi and Jenna DeMasi trying to hold off the Tusker attack. Izzy Conley directing the defense.
The Tigers getting fired up to take the field. Somers 20, North Salem 5
Tuesday, April 5
e Tigers traveled to take on

Somers in non-league play, enduring
an o ensive onslaught from the Tusk-
ers who currently hold the #4 ranking
in Section 1.

Lili Valletta scored a pair of goals
for North Salem, while Maya Dallow,
Anna Behler, and Carolyne Barrella
each netted one apiece. Cassie Pelosi
had 3 draw controls for the Tigers.

Izzy Conley had 5 saves in goal,
before turning keeper duties over to
sophomore Madeline Merriman who
stopped three shots.

“Somers is one of the best teams in
Section 1 and they have a lot of talent
on o ense,” said Coach Don Merri-
man. “We struggled to win the draw,
particularly in the rst half which gave
Somers many more possessions.”

Despite going into half time down
14-2, the Tigers showed resilience and
held the Somers o ense in check for
the remainder of the game.

“ is team has a lot of ght, and I
am proud of how we played, particu-
larly in the second half,” added Coach
Merriman. “I am excited to see how
we match up against league opponents
and other class D teams.”

Albertus Magnus 16, North Salem 5
Friday, April 8

e Tigers continued to work toward
nding their rhythm, dropping the sec-
ond game of the week.
“We played a strong rst half, argu-
ably our best lacrosse of the young sea-
son,” said Coach Merriman. “ e team
always plays with grit and determina-
tion, and tonight was not an exception.”
Maya Dallow led North Salem with
a pair of goals, with Anna Behler, Car-
olyne Barrella, and Lili Valletta each
scoring once. Valletta also had 4 ground
balls and 4 draw controls for the Tigers.
Senior keeper Izzy Conley had 16
saves, while Dana Connolly (1 assist,
3 ground balls), Solace Winslow (2
ground balls), Jenna DeMasi (2 ground
balls), and Jessie Bossi (2 ground balls)
all contributed in the e ort.
“As a team we have been focused on
improving on the draw and limiting
turnovers,” added Coach Merriman.
“We were de nitely better on the draw
tonight, but we were unable to limit the
turnovers the way we wanted.”

e Tigers were scheduled to play
Walter Panas on April 12, and will host
Brewster on Wednesday, April 20.

North Salem 9, Hastings 5
Tuesday, April 5
North Salem picked up a big win on

the road, downing the Yellow Jackets.
e Tigers went into halftime leading

6-1, and managed to hold o the Hast-
ings o ense for the remainder of the
game. Dillon Coughlin added a clutch
goal in the 4th to seal the victory.

North Salem will return from spring
PHOTOS: TOM WALOGORSKY recess to play away at Edgemont on

Monday, April 18.

Thursday, April 14, 2022 LEISURE North Salem News – Page 19

CLUES ACROSS 25. Baseball stat accumulation in tissues 19. Indian title of respect For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Runs PCs
4. An entertaining, 26. No (Scottish) 48. Nocturnal insect 20. Poems meant to be sung
eccentric person
7. Small, faint constellation 27. Type of cuisine 49. Challenged to perform 22. Actor Cooper
8. Indigo bush
10. Not excessive 29. British Army infantrymen 50. Thus far 23. Luke’s mentor __-Wan
12. African antelope
13. A way to fly a glider (abbr.) 51. Famed NYC arena 24. Clumsy person
14. Tough softly
16. In the course of 30. Marry 52. Commercials 27. Figures
17. Early Mesoamerican
people 31. Buffer solution 28. Polish Baltic coast
19. A way to drop down
20. Mistake! 32. Legendary rock band CLUES DOWN peninsula
21. Housing developments
39. Recording industry show 1. Small, purple-black fruit 29. Old cloth
31. Explosive
41. A way to consume 2. Baltimore ballplayer

42. Lake in Botswana 3. Highly seasoned sausage 32. Automobiles

43. Political action 4. Split pulses 33. 007’s creator

committee 5. Northwestern Mexico 34. The Volunteer State

44. Field force unit (abbr.) town 35. Old Irish alphabet

45. Very eager 6. Edible fruit 36. Japanese city

46. Excessive fluid 8. Upper-class southern 37. Portrayed emotion

young woman 38. Observers

9. Sums up 39. Mimicked

11. The most 40. Polite reference to a

worthless part woman

14. Dash 44. Male parent

15. Sufferings 47. Peter Griffin’s daughter

18. Clearinghouse


To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Slow roast lamb for Easter Sunday dinner

Slow-roasted shoulder of lamb with cumin seeds Easter Sunday dinners are a tradition in many more closely associated with Easter than lamb.
Serves 8 to 10
families. In many areas, April weather is warm is recipe for “Slow-roasted Shoulder of Lamb
2 tablespoons cumin seeds
1 whole shoulder of lamb on the bone (7-8 lbs.) enough to enable al fresco dining, potentially With Cumin Seeds” from Darina Allen’s “Easy
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Extra virgin olive oil, for drizzling opening the door for families to celebrate together Entertaining”(Kyle Cathie Limited) can make for

in small groups. a delicious Easter dinner.

ough this Easter might again feel unusual,

families can still lean on their favorite dishes is article was provided by Metro Creative

when serving Easter dinner. Perhaps no food is Connection.

For the cumin gravy:

1 pint lamb or chicken stock

1 - 2 teaspoons cumin seeds, toasted and ground Roux (optional)

Warm the cumin seeds lightly in a pan, then crush them using a pestle and mortar. Score the skin of the meat in
a diamond pattern with a sharp knife. Transfer to a roasting tin. Sprinkle the meat with salt, pepper and the
ground cumin seeds, and drizzle with olive oil.

Roast for 6-7 hours at 275 F — this gives a delicious, juicy, succulent texture. (Alternatively, preheat the oven to
320 F and roast for 2-2 1⁄2 hours.) Transfer to a serving dish and leave in a warm place while you make the gravy.

To make the cumin gravy, spoon the fat off the roasting tin. Add the stock to the remaining cooking juice. Boil for
a few minutes on top of the stove, stirring and scraping the tin well to dissolve the caramelised meat juices (a
small whisk is typically ideal for this). Add the ground toasted cumin. Thicken with a little roux if you like. Taste
and add salt and pepper if needed. Pass through a sieve and transfer to a gravy boat.

Carve the meat into thick slices so that everybody gets some crushed cumin seeds. Serve with the cumin gravy
and crusty roast potatoes.

Note: For Lamb Roast with Coriander: Substitute coriander seeds for the cumin seeds, both for roasting the lamb
and flavoring the gravy. Alternatively, use a mix of cumin and coriander seeds.

Note: A shoulder of lamb is much trickier to carve than a leg, but it’s so sweet and juicy that is certainly worth the

Page 20 – North Salem News Thursday, April 14, 2022

NSMS programs. It helps us stay on track with excellent service and quality education to
the things we say we are doing,” Murphy our students,” Murphy said.

said. He pointed to the school’s “ongoing ef-

dents; a willingness to serve as a model e program bene ts new teachers by forts to embed critical and creative think-

and mentor for all other schools seeking to letting them know exactly which are the ing into everyday learning, the encourage-

improve; and a commitment to continuing “standards we adhere to,” she noted. ment of self-directed learning, and the

e orts to improve. Most importantly, it helps the school extensive academic supports for struggling

It is an ongoing process of self-policing, maintain its “focus” on its No. 1 mission – learners” such as its Academic Interven-

she explained, adding: “You don’t just get to provide the best learning experience for tion Services (AIS), which provides extra

designated and sit back.” young adolescents. help in subjects such as math and English;

So why is this more than just a feather “We’re here for the kids,” Murphy em- tiered instruction, where teachers modify

in the school’s cap? phasized. assignments based on the individual stu-

“It’s a perfect opportunity to go back e school has received an o cial no- dent’s needs; and the P.L.A.C.E. (Person-

and evaluate our current processes and ti cation of its re-designation from the al Learning Assistance Center), a course

STW leadership that o ers academic coaching and support

team’s David Vro- for regular education students.

eneTrhgey,daanyd-teo-doarytswwoirtkh,our man, but it is still e school was also lauded for its em- PHOTO COURTESY OF NORTH SALEM CENTRAL
awaiting the com- phasis on the social-emotional aspects SCHOOL DISTRICT
plete report that will of learning. Students can access social
contain more specif- counseling sessions, support and advisory NSMS Assistant Principal Kathleen
ics about its achieve- groups, a school psychologist, and “target- Murphy

students are what make ments. ed” social-emotional learning lessons. sionals, and sta members who “keep the
this possible.’ However, Vro- Vroman also noted the school’s e ort to focus on the appropriate academic and so-
cial development of our children.”
man did say he was maintain a “high integration of technol-
“amazed at how ogy” and access to devices such as iPads, “ e day-to-day work, energy, and ef-
North Salem was especially important during the times forts with our students are what make this

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the past
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Wednesday, April 20, from 11 Age of Revolution through
   T m DIISVa  S I mI lTI t   ATI offffff  Ihdf  hHIiATNAcpsppppT  pueey  edAETaiTD  tInaaaaaatoCr  perTUlE  iiiiiiieewdFduddddc  ratUE  TDaRsaiO  y(wpm,dddddd  fHsSix:Dm.  t LaeCe  uuuuuuweeAa  A LlRs.e  rrrrrrrsiO i.  TtiiiiiiY. lOnPn  nnnnnnOy 1  wUy  otS  ggggggiW %S  AttoiNr  in,aNts  HtttttttuDIh  ekhShhhhhhTN  OrpEr,  yeseeeeeeYUne  GpTeR  saNcoB  NmmmmmmWhraA  lTeOetP  oyeDUi  mNooooooHimIt  EmwvRLl  Annnnnn.ueD  oeSNLnT  SettttttenY  dnhhhhhhty.  HsATnAdo  StSssss.p)  pthOLoooeL  IatSo  ooooATeaTffrrEh  Wunsg  sArfffftIAMNMe  Eindt/  FgJJAONLRtgmp  tDSthad  ,OaaunEiuif  Prcvlyeo  aeTNxnineMgHA  RlteTe.rl  reAuoed…CeYiu  kesROL*ni,…  sabtX,n*s  ,TiaoqhEg*  dn…LrN9eRdtEf  MHn*yl…euo  noIarl2*aYSPE  D,der,…eoE*r  ttA2n  p*…,FCtsShhcPhbdaTCEPSbCbSSsPPiaSetspptred:eiRcPSbehdEsStCdPCachespbabhsiSTtPtPSpNeddhbsiSbtpPhbTSaSShcsptPPPCEeasSAnf  tcpt *J.tooRhtedoohooh  ho, uphea…hCe tmnypuhatChueeaa*aaahthupahreeaaah1oEmnyEtuheeaateaaamnyhrtYhueeeaaaaaaa  e1ohraaeao1rhdou adhrphdrs…pi*psesCh  seetbe seeelooboempvtNSlffoobttllloobnSIelOomn  obulllovNt*effmOttllllvoobyn tNvffnShullttolllooSbnenlulloSeeSelsss…Vetoley  teeeeooaoieehsss eesssroo*asiooeeeeehooaioHeehsoesonrurem  mehermeut mCTre…tluoddmrttuTtlto,a*d-TrtlMtoodr,tLmatttl-  oas-oE,omTtttl l,immmmstttlrrssi.o.seiommsrriis..ommmtsrrm…eosi.o.t*mfemol  tmaptmfooo oulctlftrllthooo…aaotcloooDrorclhleerslhLRrtoo  Srreeesp3p*ees ap-tOoSdrR,topeSr-pdiVS,-ed,eusMiVSo…  tiVSusott tusoaattr*stnnnrtatatttasannnurrtEstnnnrot  ntburUr0sfru rpesIae…a9roo3opherya9p*doo3a9ohaoo3aohhdWie  NNNs…adustta haseeBNNsakhueNNNttshseuttsdtebOhimmmhdto*asE  tbrndCtbimmm,er rasryimmmmasSr,r…hhreiRDrhh1mehhshi  ier1m3irrS1sasm *nils3irteSta3bntlrSasnlleEtbttetobeeest…lo  udtsmreloot2Nee noeudoNmeeeateoSutdM*FeeytmsatTeS…mtatDSueeshe  sDueehDI 4aeueebaoueee4e4de4osds*eeetomeeeldD4sdia  satd…4sdNwwwsm0tulp inmalirbwweuuwwwnau.irbneuICrbeuaaaifa  *oie,a frTloaofosera…eTltOrlspuddd-ehsOetr  puttddda-e2peuddd n-enn…*eeetaannYSelennneerGmnIYdSlt3sYSnlyr  mnsssdnnrreb3smn dyl3sessRyArIybrrBisssriruld*RyAlb…dRyiubdamiud  drsd2liiis deoyNrNssliiisserselyiiismAFeeescysse*mseeeemaoeeteoataa…oee aaeeoee,oaataaooe0eoeeaaatoeu…eX0sue…c0bYXeoRKnu*ac sbnibu ,ocnmiaospTbi,ssamsnbih,mipsmsimcpxxsGsmapcxxsbl oscxx…a* ssmuuso2NAutEne2yHmuocccOerne*NmmuttttybNooccctNrymoccctttebtmotttrbo…Tfrrtlt…ealael….e’dgea*eseeau.o’dte,ts.’ adeOstesSaehadteesoooaaC-hltitResuadhned…eoooA-ltrieooo-ltrnEppd* NarnidYeFHsrritppOrNppnYlNhtYc5mtcfihenei.5mrhpf5imle nudaiaf.isenoi.*ldacslaodatnshnosw…ctammmtnchrRaso…wtntuhxmmmdisE wesEPtrmmmno…riouus1ddinseF*neuuuuEsseeCct TsasseMl8dsneseneC…tenClhi8d1tels8dtaehi1*tTshi1daecs ta2idrtNeIeTde,2iliRrm2tibeOsrlebbitltbs@tcbbbsty *tIbbiek@wciVvt…@t.,eiekwcti…Alieklwci,.ee.,3…seoeltA0ehTlli3e Coeoh03aoeSlihO0*2oHlioaaSosheady@iSho0oasmeodI@aei…seee0de@i ll0oeaeetRoTellpeEllAoaeh*boTnpaeoTpAoALpnAoAn iisesXii00snshii5mss0Enru50fmndp…*aa5tmdsrtuNf ccd…raufNsdaamt2ccs…tNhccaamn2NRameh2hrnhleaorSnhfa rtrb*hl.,roflnsthXo2Ef,et…bn,shynshTanly.ty a81aanlisdao.smelo8.iaa*nsdo8smaannosdoTsmiroinu,rxl tpaoouR,rurtA,gBrpuo2oo…epoorgBSu*or…ogeBuodHenyo…e bO,olenyheshnbydlttbredlsLhrie9sdHhttr…dtertt…ir*d9rib U9…irUt reUirOtrLruNoaebiNtiireaimutoNsabeN iiuNoabN*iismteaeemt2aeeEsvaAesooneesvoosFehvoaondstooo. onnslaoota.h…ant*n.A…E.ndyTeund.r rymndiypuOshriA…emu0t…irwpmshoipeo…*shdiwaeoWwsoudo nnoeydwlssuilnnsuySlnneeyaieliTsSleSaMTT.esa*… soigessti2ieosgtCesto…rrsoFl tar…ri*rltrastialiOsxhtiluisatWeA…xhiu… xhituetw…tdeh2ttt*ytdvttdtehytirtytttrdFiHryb@iHtyi…hmb@y*rhtb@ht tAhshonhXhtseWtton.sonst-…tr*-nhOee.…ee…Feys ysEyas*rPEnsdendNndee…aTay*daRNdRdnmRT.plSR*nm.… yow*t.Oiar ,nIsFOe*DoLa eUoOPx*S MTf ni*pEfnFdTovSaapfLpoSaTthoaCaboLpwianyLslCpbS,eSiwbabaoaaLtSSaoCpyhpLonTlCaLfpTtbinaCSaaapLhblfpooLppaowSLyTneOFo2e*tne oneoneooooeoeFwr ous*heeosrppnrbtdnhhuuieaeheeniuaho1prpeeetnrbdnhhuieaepprenbtndrevuuhheiaua0eNo1Frauhto1e 9emhhtthr Wrht,rhtrrrerE euoe ubtteyuaneeteN-incottdldnyoobbne2attluyttbINi-etcodlndoo tbn:Ni-tacoludlndooSbbnbatalubittSOSi ntseietteCense vey0ntesReethaoaeehvcdlv’noa,lhc oavh’ceN2mr’y ute nerrlloyrneaothtrryutmnevrloutnoatner rlldomonaot r,mtdoed,o dti0d,iimttrRoeeeodideeyhimriEdoe, uiieeomroRo he,ohue tiouree,o oos,sstearetioosrrestuoeorsn ss Snrs stuerrntnuSerrnsn soSr  ,rSrOlii,pr  , Treipssiepiruel tEess,vsehhirusoseltinrnuAslshttts hhpnn iraittnnsnttcttsosiraiii2iraintcnosintcAiso3iohif 3os hfeH3aohhnN-ssefvekaashfne N-anFshhvnkN-Dsprvkanhlsi  seeuanhr .alsmriseulaetsseeuYsmni smianetscYnanetsYninc  Tnc mMisciemte3dpsmcen1easceo3ude3endfeorueni  geoui5frnegefddnbrbgeineednnebNdnddniSeSabdidoydon S1eedndSeoydPaeaoeyioeane2areiadoeaaie.ordd74rame.daae.d4.mld4aewsmaol..elwLemlmcwoy.e0eomm,tmss..neApemmyanOmtyssyn,smtssnalxdrAly,atsny,xslutxTnltdnuTyaudehTngdTpaehoOnaoghLPnegoipieroLasLPeipirtpasiiosprLoawslspsRbopocpswolpowRYbolgcpRRbhwogtcnoghiscowhisshtewOeniteofeiseioenrismeneeueeenerermertuermlsuoedErBtahtsdeplrartosedrhaphrtheepehrtenMeoehehheheTeon,ahornueohteo,atmheon,,eNSdeouaoeso.eetr.NSautaaroneeoNSntuaoeisoatttdnsatNniYN3dui sNadiYsNuYiuSregwheitederpgwhhetregwLhesnitpenhhmiSepnheinixSeinwnnrnmiSsetneewlarnmspwerenmsss0oletptseelsvspeeolsstsnnovTtsmlvenuleeAneosLteeeeeoes1owsoetesei1eettwo1eersiwopmtsitde2nettoeemeu ddc2nmootd2nseoldtcetudcssmtls-clk,wsaa-cL ,t-caPw,aawdlrtaaauOteard0olrdlrran0ifrk0m neoifsfdfknsE@[email protected]@mreo0manwaEeonewafnnfownodmr.iaonfonn anfroiyinsirii asii5nFsdiainrs5nMandN5nfd PrstfenrsNtfnneltNd2ffeOmt tcfeelMtd2cnamel2rm dcm.dam uddicraroired,mludidrmoaudii e,ro’lie, lanso’a o ’t nslo8noseomool8ne ele8mesdnmieno  se,l.nsdawilohU,ontadil,Btnsa idtdlBntyus ttdldBtsa  dnyue enayuawdaeaesdewa odwdeehv9eodnte  ohdPv9oe hntvU9rePntEPeUrd UrdrSahbdd anr aoadbyrudaartbdoandtuoasr dyaunretttnsptase t nat eitptenpri.mnaeiXe.ieo.enioitetoos ienhedEoenetiooisthtoiseh eiirtceliitteeirellert lt-lelngtll-seln-tyelnCtslbsyosny ouioasenr,osenaisehruieesrlselssl slltlietsrtigisrfasgr.i gfayftpfaE.itie.ipbdrtypetebdy2bdrsy -lsec-s-cct Pede7esdhedesesy yyT0e...iiifff
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Thursday, April 14, 2022 North Salem News – Page 21


Aviso de Reunión Anual, Elecciones, Votación del Presupuesto y Registro de votantes   
La Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Central de North Salem, POR LA PRESENTE NOTIFICA que la Reunión Anual, la Elección Anual del Distrito Escolar y la Votación del
Presupuesto de los residentes del Distrito Escolar cualificados para votar en las reuniones escolares en el Distrito, se llevarán a cabo en el gimnasio de la escuela primaria Pequenakonck,
173 June Road, North Salem, NY, el martes 17 de mayo de 2022, con el propósito de votar por máquina de votación sobre la declaración de gastos estimados para el próximo año escolar
(Presupuesto del Distrito Escolar) y con el propósito de elegir a dos (2) miembros de la Junta de Educación.  Para este propósito, los centros de votación se mantendrán abiertos entre las
7:00 de la mañana y 9:00 de la noche. 
Y TAMBIÉN SE NOTIFICA, que el miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2022 a las 7:30 de la tarde se celebrará una audiencia pública sobre el  presupuesto propuesto para 2022-2023 del
Distrito Escolar Central North Salem en la biblioteca de la Escuela Media/Secundaria de North Salem, 230 June Road, North Salem, NY.  El propósito de dicha audiencia será que la Junta
reciba comentarios del público sobre los gastos de fondos propuestos para 2022-2023 y el presupuestado de los mismos. 
Y ADEMÁS SE NOTIFICA, que cualquier residente en el Distrito puede obtener una copia del 2022-2023, sin incluir fondos públicos, y que especifique los diversos propósitos y
montos para cada uno, durante los catorce (14) días inmediatamente anteriores a la Reunión Anual, EXCEPTO SÁBADO, DOMINGO O FERIADOS, en cada una de las siguientes escuelas
en las que se mantiene la escuela, durante las horas designadas: 
Escuela Primaria Pequenakonck, 173 June Road - 8:00 de la mañana a 4:00 de la tarde. 
Escuela Media/Secundaria North Salem, 230 June Road - 8:00 de la mañana a 4:00 de la tarde. 
Oficinas Administrativas del Distrito North Salem, 230 June Road - 8:00 de la mañana a 4:00 de la tarde. 
Dicha declaración también estará disponible en las bibliotecas públicas o asociadas libremente en el Distrito, en el sitio web del Distrito y en la Reunión Anual y la votación del
Presupuesto del Distrito Escolar/ Elección que se llevará a cabo como se mencionó anteriormente, el martes 17 de mayo de 2022. 
Y TAMBIÉN SE NOTIFICA  que un informe de exención al impuesto a la propiedad elaborado de conformidad con la sección 495 de la Ley de Impuesto a la Propiedad será
anexado al presupuesto final aprobado y será publicado en la(s) cartelera(s) de anuncios del Distrito mantenidas para avisos públicos, así como en la página web del Distrito. 
Y TAMBIÉN SE AVISA que las peticiones de nominación de candidatos para el cargo de miembros de la Junta de Educación deben presentarse a la Secretaria del Distrito en 230
June Road, North Salem, NY no más tarde de las 5:00 de la tarde, el 18 de abril de 2022. Las vacantes en la Junta de Educación no se consideran cargos separados y específicos; los
candidatos se postulan en general.  Las peticiones de nominación no deberán describir las vacantes específicas de la Junta para la que el candidato o la candidata es nominado/a; deben
dirigirse a la Secretaria del Distrito; deben ser firmadas por al menos veinticinco (25) votantes cualificados del distrito, deben indicar el nombre y domicilio de residencia de cada firmante y 
deben indicar el nombre y domicilio de residencia del candidato o la candidata.  Las siguientes vacantes deben ser llenadas en la Junta de Educación: 

Período                                                                        Nombre del último o última titular 
Tres (3) años, que expiran el 30 de junio de 2025                    Jennifer Binette 
Tres (3) años, que expiran el 30 de junio de 2025                    Deborah D’Agostino 
Tres (3) años, que expiran el 30 de junio de 2025                    Brandy Keenan 

*        *        *        * 
Y ADEMÁS SE NOTIFICA POR LA PRESENTE que en dicha Elección Anual que se celebrará el 17 de mayo de 2022, se presentará la siguiente propuesta: 

Adoptar la siguiente resolución, a saber: 
RESUELTO, que la Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Central de North Salem, Condado de Westchester, Nueva York, está autorizada por la presente a comprar
autobuses escolares y un balde cargador, incluidos los equipos incidentales y los gastos relacionados con los mismos, a un costo máximo estimado que no exceda $1, 085,000 y
que dicha cantidad, o la cantidad que sea necesaria, se recaudará mediante la recaudación de un impuesto sobre la propiedad imponible de dicho Distrito Escolar y se recaudará
en cuotas anuales según lo dispuesto por la Sección 416 de la Ley de Educación; y, en previsión de dicho impuesto, se emitirán las obligaciones de dicho Distrito Escolar.   
Y TAMBIÉN SE NOTIFICA que el registro electoral está en curso en la oficina de la Secretaria del Distrito, 230 June Road, North Salem, NY durante el horario laborable regular
(8:00 de la mañana a 4:00 de la tarde).  El último día para registrarse para votar es el jueves 12 de mayo de 2022 .  Toda persona tendrá derecho a que su nombre se ponga en dicho
registro siempre que él o ella se presente personalmente y sea conocido/a o comprobada/o a satisfacción de la Secretaria del Distrito para poder luego o a partir de entonces tener derecho
a votar en la elección/reunión de la escuela para la cual dicho registro está preparado.  La Junta de Registro también se reunirá durante la elección mencionada en el vestíbulo de la Escuela
Primaria Pequenakonck, 173 June Road, North Salem, NY, el martes 17 de mayo de 2022 durante las 7:00 de la mañana y 9:00 de la noche, con el fin de preparar un registro para
elecciones/votos celebrados con posterioridad a dicha elección/votación. 
Y TAMBIÉN SE NOTIFICA que cualquier persona, de otra manera cualificada para votar, que está registrada actualmente para las elecciones generales, en virtud del artículo 5 de
la Ley Electoral, o que está actualmente registrada en el distrito escolar y ha votado en una elección de distrito escolar en 2018, 2019, 2020 o 2021 tendrá derecho a votar sin tener que
registrarse nuevamente.   
Y TAMBIÉN SE NOTIFICA que el registro preparado de conformidad con la Sección 2014 de la Ley de Educación, incluyendo los nombres de los votantes militares que
presentaron registros válidos de votantes militares, se presentará en la Oficina de la Secretaria en la Oficina distrital del Distrito Escolar Central de North Salem, 230 Junio Road, North
Salem, NY, y que la misma estará abierta para su inspección por cualquier votante cualificado del Distrito entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 4:00 p.m. en cada uno de los cinco (5) días anteriores e
incluyendo el día fijado para la elección, EXCEPTO UN SÁBADO, DOMINGO O FERIADO. 
Y TAMBIÉN SE NOTIFICA, que cualquier proposición para modificar el presupuesto, referéndums o pregunta puede ser propuesta por alguien que no sea de la Junta de
Educación de conformidad a las disposiciones de las secciones 2035 y 2038 de la Ley de Educación, puede presentarse para ser votada en dicha elección, siempre que la petición esté
firmada al menos por veinticinco (25)  votantes cualificados, junto con el domicilio residencial legal de cada uno; debe estar impresa en el idioma inglés; y presentada a la Secretaria del
Distrito a más tardar treinta (30) días antes de la elección anual.  Sin embargo, la Junta de Educación no considerará peticiones de presentar a los votantes proposiciones que los votantes
no tengan el poder de determinar, o proposiciones que no incluyan una apropiación específica si la proposición exige gasto de dinero, o cualquier proposición prohibida por la ley. 
            Y TAMBIÉN SE NOTIFICA, que las solicitudes de voto en ausencia para la elección de los miembros de la Junta de Educación y para la votación sobre el presupuesto anual del
distrito escolar y proposición, de conformidad con las disposiciones de la Ley de Educación, sección 2018-a, pueden obtenerse en la oficina de la Secretaria del Distrito, 230 June Road,
North Salem, NY. Las solicitudes para boleta de voto en ausencia deben ser recibidas por la Secretaria del Distrito no más de treinta (30) días y al menos siete (7) días antes de la elección
anual si la boleta es enviada por correo al votante, o el día antes de la votación/elección del presupuesto anual si la boleta es entregada personalmente por el votante o agente autorizado
por el votante como esté establecido en la solicitud.  Al recibir una solicitud oportuna para una boleta de voto en ausencia enviada por correo, la Secretaria del Distrito enviará la boleta por
correo a la dirección designada en la solicitud a más tardar seis (6) días antes de la Elección Anual.   Una lista de todas las personas a las que se habrán emitido boletas de voto en
ausencia, así como una lista de todos los votantes militares a quienes se han emitido boletas militares, estarán disponibles para la inspección pública a los electores cualificados del Distrito
en dicha oficina de la Secretaria, durante el horario de oficina regular, de 8:00 de la mañana a 4:00 de la tarde, hora vigente, hasta el día de la elección y votación.  Todos los votantes
cualificados pueden presentar una impugnación por escrito de la cualificación de uno de los votantes cuyo nombre aparezca en dicha lista, exponiendo los motivos para la impugnación. 
            Y ADEMÁS SE NOTIFICA que los votantes militares que actualmente no están registrados para votar pueden obtener una solicitud para registrarse como votantes
cualificados del Distrito y los votantes militares que están registrados para votar en el Distrito pueden obtener una solicitud para una boleta militar, para la Reunión Anual el 17 de
mayo de 2022 poniéndose en contacto con la Secretaria del Distrito en 230 June Road, North Salem, NY 10560, Teléfono (914) 669-5414, Ext. 1011, o correo electrónico a
[email protected].  El/la votante militar puede indicar su preferencia de recibir la solicitud de registro y/o boleta por correo, fax o correo electrónico.  La solicitud
completa para registrarse y/o para una boleta militar debe ser recibida por la Secretaria del Distrito no más tarde de las 5:00 de la tarde, el día 21 de abril de 2022.  Las boletas de
voto militar se enviarán por correo o se distribuirán de otro modo a más tardar 25 días antes de la elección. Las boletas militares deben ser devueltas por correo o en persona y
recibidas por la Secretaria del Distrito hasta las 5:00 de la tarde del  día 17 de mayo de 2022.   
Y SE RESUELVE ADEMÁS, que la Secretaria del Distrito Escolar queda autorizada para enmendar el Aviso de la Audiencia Pública sobre el Presupuesto y la Reunión Anual, Elección y
Voto, de vez en cuando, según su criterio, si tal enmienda puede ser requerida.  Este aviso también está disponible en español en el sitio web del distrito y bajo previa solicitud. 
                                                Condados de Westchester y Putnam, Nueva York 
                                                 Fechada: 24 de marzo de 2022, North Salem, Nueva York 
                                                Mary Rhuda, Secretaria del Distrito 
Publicar en:  The North Salem News, en las siguientes fechas: 
31 de marzo de 2022, 14 de abril de 2022; 28 de abril de 2022 y 5 de mayo de 2022 

Page 22 – North Salem News Thursday, April 14, 2022


Notice of Annual Meeting, Election, Budget Vote and Registration of Voters  

The Board of Education of the North Salem Central School District, HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that the Annual Meeting, Annual School District Election and Budget Vote of the
residents of the School District, qualified to vote at school meetings in the District, will be held in the gymnasium of the Pequenakonck Elementary School, 173 June Road, North Salem, NY
on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, for the purpose of voting by voting machine on the statement of estimated expenses for the ensuing school year (School District Budget), and for the purpose of
electing two (2) members of the Board of Education.  Polls, for the purpose of voting, will be kept open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. 

NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that a public hearing on the proposed 2022-2023 budget of the North Salem Central School District, will be held on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 7:30
p.m. in the Library of the North Salem Middle School/High School, 230 June Road, North Salem, NY.  The purpose of such hearing will be for the Board to receive comments from the public
on the proposed 2022-2023 expenditure of funds and the budgeting thereof. 
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN, that a copy of the 2022-2023, exclusive of public monies, and specifying the several purposes and amount for each, may be obtained by any
resident in the District during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the Annual Meeting, OTHER THAN A SATURDAY, SUNDAY OR HOLIDAY, at each of the following schoolhouses
in which school is maintained, during the hours designated: 
Pequenakonck Elementary School, 173 June Road - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 
North Salem Middle School/High School, 230 June Road - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 
North Salem District Administrative Offices, 230 June Road - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 
Such statement will also be available at any public or free association library in the District, on the District’s website and at the Annual Meeting and School District Budget/Election
Vote to be held as aforesaid, Tuesday, May 17, 2022. 
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that a Real Property Tax Exemption Report prepared in accordance with Section 495 of the Real Property Tax Law will be annexed to the final adopted
budget, and will be posted on District bulletin board(s) maintained for public notices, as well as on the District’s website. 
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that petitions nominating candidates for the office of Member of the Board of Education must be filed with the Clerk of the District at 230 June Road,
North Salem, NY, not later than 5:00 p.m. on April 18, 2022. Vacancies on the Board of Education are not considered separate, specific offices; candidates run at large.  Nominating petitions
shall not describe any specific vacancy upon the Board for which a candidate is nominated; must be directed to the Clerk of the District; must be signed by at least twenty-five (25)
qualified voters of the District; must state the name and residence address of each signer, and must state the name and residence address of the candidate.  The following vacancies are to
be filled on the Board of Education: 

Term                                                                            Name of Last Incumbent 
Three (3) years, expiring June 30, 2025                     Jennifer Binette 
Three (3) years, expiring June 30, 2025                     Deborah D’Agostino 
Three (3) years, expiring June 30, 2025                     Brandy Keenan 

*        *        *        * 
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that at said Annual Election to be held on May 17, 2022, the following proposition will be submitted: 

Shall the following resolution be adopted, to‑wit: 
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the North Salem Central School District, Westchester County, New York, is hereby authorized to purchase school buses and
a bucket loader including incidental equipment and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost not to exceed $1,085,000 and that said amount, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of said School District and collected in annual installments as provided by Section 416
of the Education Law; and, in anticipation of such tax, obligations of said School District shall be issued.  
AND FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN, that voter registration is ongoing in the office of the District Clerk, 230 June Road, North Salem, NY during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. -
4:00 p.m.).  The last day to register to vote is Thursday, May 12, 2022.  Any person shall be entitled to have his/her name placed upon such register provided that s/he personally appears
and is known or proved to the satisfaction of the District Clerk to be then and thereafter entitled to vote at the school meeting/election for which this register is prepared.  The Board of
Registration will also meet during the foregoing election, in the lobby of the Pequenakonck Elementary School, 173 June Road, North Salem, NY, on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 during the hours
of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., for the purpose of preparing a register for elections/votes held subsequent to such election/vote. 
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that any person otherwise qualified to vote, who is currently registered for any general election, pursuant to Article 5 of the Election Law, or who is
currently registered with the School District and has voted in 2018, 2019, 2020 or 2021 in a school district election, shall be entitled to vote without further registration.  
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that the register prepared pursuant to Section 2014 of the Education Law, including the names of military voters who submitted valid military voter
registrations, will be filed in the Office of the Clerk in the District Office of the North Salem Central School District, 230 June Road, North Salem, NY, and that the same will be open for
inspection by any qualified voter of the District between the hours of 8:00  a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on each of the five (5) days prior to and including the day set for the election, OTHER THAN A
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that any proposition to amend the budget, referenda or question permitted to be proposed by anyone other than the Board of Education in accordance
with the provisions of Sections 2035 and 2038 of the Education Law, may be submitted for voting at such election, providing a Petition is signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters,
together with the legal residence address of each; must be printed in the English language; and is filed with the Clerk of the District not later than thirty (30) days before the Annual Election. 
However, the Board of Education will not entertain any petition to place a proposition before voters that is not within the power of the voters to determine, or any proposition which fails to
include a specific appropriation where the expenditures of monies is required by the proposition, or any proposition prohibited by law. 
            AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that applications for absentee ballots for the election of members of the Board of Education and for voting on the annual school district budget and
proposition, in accordance with the provisions of Education Law, Section 2018-a, may be obtained  at the office of the Clerk of the District, 230 June Road, North Salem, NY. An application
for an absentee ballot must be received by the District Clerk no earlier than thirty (30) days and at least seven (7) days before the Annual Election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or
by the day before the Annual Budget Vote/Election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter or his/her designated agent set forth in the application.  Upon receiving a timely
application for a mailed absentee ballot, the District Clerk will mail the ballot to the address designated on the application by no later than six (6) days before the Annual Election.   A list of all
persons to whom absentee ballots shall have been issued, as well as a list of all military voters to whom military ballots have been issued, will be available for public inspection to qualified
voters of the District in said office of the Clerk, during regular office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. prevailing time, until the day of the Election and Vote.  Any qualified voter may file a written
challenge of the qualifications of a voter, whose name appears on such list, stating the reasons for the challenge. 
            AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that military voters who are not currently registered to vote may obtain an application to register as a qualified voter of the District and
military voters who are registered to vote may obtain an application for a military ballot, for the Annual Meeting on May 17, 2022, by contacting the District Clerk at 230 June Road,
North Salem, NY 10560, Telephone (914) 669-5414, Ext. 1011, or email at [email protected].  The military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the
registration and/or ballot application by mail, by facsimile or email.  The completed application to register and/or for a military ballot must be received by the District Clerk by no
later than 5:00 P.M. on April 21, 2022.  Military ballots will be mailed or otherwise distributed no later than 25 days before the election. Military ballots must be returned by mail or in
person and received by the District Clerk by 5:00 P.M. on May 17, 2022.   
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the School District Clerk is hereby authorized to amend the Notice of the Public Hearing on the Budget and Annual Meeting, Election and
Vote, from time to time, as in her discretion, such amendment may be required.  This notice is also available in Spanish on district website and upon request. 
                              Westchester and Putnam Counties, New York 
              Dated:  March 24, 2022, North Salem, New York 
                              Mary Rhuda, District Clerk 
Publish:  The North Salem News, on the following dates: 
March 31, 2022, April 14, 2022; April 28, 2022 and May 5, 2022 

Thursday, April 14, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS North Salem News – Page 23


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Page 24 – North Salem News Thursday, April 14, 2022


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Italian 1 Egg $299
Grain 2 Egg $499
Pie 4 Egg $999


Deli’s Best Easter Candy Specialties

Uncle Giuseppe’s is widely known for its scratch, in-house Easter is a very popular time in our candy department! Our customers love our in-store cascading fountains of Belgium chocolate!
prepared dishes and dinners, making our deli truly unique and Experts hand-dip fresh fruit and other delicious confections daily, right in-store. We offer the largest assortment of Belgium
in a class of its own. With an assortment of over 100 items chocolate Easter bunnies and eggs. This Easter, stop by, indulge, and satisfy your sweet tooth!
prepared daily we ensure there is always a delicious meal to
choose from. We feature staple items of rich Italian culture. Chocolate
You’ll love the flavors, appreciate the convenience, and savor Easter
the quality! We guarantee it! Bunnies

Full Pizza Rustica

19Pies An old-world, traditional recipe that’s been passed down from
generation to generation. Arriving fresh on your Easter table
$ 99 and made with perfectly salt cured meats, imported cheeses
and fresh ricotta. Baked off and sold in pies or by the individual
Squares $699
square. It isn’t Easter without Pizza Rustica!
Scan the QR code 12Per lb
to learn how to make
Pizza Rustica $ 99

GRAB & GO Italian 3 for $12
Chocolate 4or $ 99each
Leg of Lamb Eggs

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