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Published by Halston Media, 2022-06-28 12:50:56

North Salem News 06.30.2022 Graduation Special

C n ra ula i ns
to the
Class of

North Salem
High School
June 22, 2022

A Special Supplement to
June 30, 2022 Issue



Chemical Engineering

Sophomore Homeroom Olympics

Don't be afraid to ask for help, your
teachers are your best resources!

Mechanical Engineering
Egg Carton Physics Lab & 8th Period Free

Time flies - but we are the pilots.

Computer Science
President's Dinner & Homecoming Game 2021
Balance school and fun; don't live with regret.

Political Science, Communications & Media Studies
PowderPuff Game & Coach Mentorship

Be open to new things, but stay focused on your goals!!


54 Route 138 Somers, NY


N h Salem Hi h Sch l

Caila Andrews Class of 2022 Liliana Sundahl
Ishmael Appiah John D’Innocenzo Phineas Keenan Mya Opfer Mark Takken
Maya Dallow Max Kiederer Andres Perez Liam Trageser
Lena Ard Aidan Decina Kevin Killeen Delaney Perlongo
Ryan Baer Dmitri Krmic Michelle Pietronuto Alec Verdi
Christian Baryla Ethan Delli Carpini Alexander Laqueur Jake Popken Liam Villafuerte-Hughes
Dasha Batista Jenna DeMasi Anna Laraia Bailey Reeves Sean Villafuerte-Hughes
Anna Behler Gianna Leidich Henry Reyes
Jessica Bernstein Kaitlyn DeModna Aaliyah Loverso Harry Vito
Siena Bertolino Sophia DiBart Michael Lulaj Ava Rossi Evan Wheeler
Jessica Bossi omas Eberhardt Claudia Rusinowski Anthony White
Talia Brown Abraham Farraj Sara Major David White
Johnathan Carlin David Flores Zachary Major Rosemary Ryan Monica Widman
Delia Ciamei Eric Flores Matthew Mattamana Gianna Sanda Aaliyah Wilson
Ava Coles Samuel Freeman Maxwell Mendelsohn Tyler Sandor Ellie Winter
John Collins Robert Gilchrist Michael Milanes James Schae er Grace Woel e
Isabelle Conley Alex Gogo Robert Moia Dylan Schoenberg Ruby Yarnall
Carly Conway Enzo Molina Andrew Scurlock Amelie Zamora
Anna Cooney Jonathan Graham Katherina Nardone Julianna Sej jaj
Julia Corradi Diana Guzman Bernhard O’Brien Sequoia Soto List provided by North Salem
Luc O’Connor Roger Squire Central School District.
Mark Head Noelle Stratman
Kate Je ery
Christopher Jeter




Good evening, everyone. Thank you to on displays and getting lost while playing Salem gas PHOTO: ROB DISTASIO
Dr. Freeston, Mr. DiGrandi, Dr. Murphy, Pokemon. Come on, really? I am glad to station that
the Board of Education, and the North say that we have matured. We demon- once charged students to continuously question, define,
Salem faculty and staff for helping us get strated our resilience during the Covid-19 $5.50 a gallon and solve problems through critical and
to this point. I am honored to be speak- pandemic, and conquered high school to- - what a steal! creative thinking. I think it is fair to say
ing before you today. I would like everyone gether during these surreal times. This is But, we cannot that we have achieved this mission, while
on this stage to take a moment and look the last time the North Salem Class of forget our most simultaneously demonstrating pride and
around the room. We have all grown up 2022 will be together in the same room. significant asset: The respect. Shout out to former principal and
with each other, and the vast majority of Let us reflect on the accomplishments that Balanced Rock. She is so vice principal, Dr. Cyganovich and Dr.
us have known each other since kindergar- we have all achieved, and the perseverance famous that our school even Bovino! Those assemblies were very inspi-
ten. We have all journeyed through life to- that we demonstrated in the face of ad- replaced our overnight Boston trip rational. I am proud to say that we have all
gether. We went through some downs, like versity. with a 7th grade Hacks and Happenings challenged ourselves through our course
when we did not get to go to the Bronx I have lived in North Salem for basically Field Trip to visit her. She truly is a work selection and stepping outside of our com-
Zoo in third grade, or that time when the my entire life. Our town has many assets, of art and a miracle that was crafted by fort zones during class discussions. 
first day of our D.C. trip was snowed out, including our sports teams, drama depart- nature. I always wondered why The Bal-
or that time the Museum of Natural His- ment, the Blazer Pub, Harvest Moon, anced Rock was never considered one of Throughout high school, we have also
tory had to call the school about our mis- Hayfields, the horses that cross the street the Wonders of the World. Dare I say, learned our limits in both math class and
conduct in 7th grade for flipping bottles at any given moment, and the new North she is just as impressive as Stonehenge in in our lives. Someone who has helped me
England. She is our town’s pride and joy as navigate these boundaries is my Uncle
Congratulations she graces the top portion of every issue of Neal. My Uncle Neal is one of my favor-
to the 2022 Class of the North Salem newspaper. ite conversation partners because he is
North Salem High School always sharing inspirational stories and
The Balanced Rock could be a meta- giving me great advice. One of the most
“Futures don’t make themselves, phor for life. First, there is the big rock. memorable stories that he shared with me
you have to create them” This represents our lives. Supporting the was about a glass of water. Essentially, the
big rock are three smaller stones which weight of a glass of water would not seem
North Salem Teachers Association represent the three core aspects of life: like much after one minute. After an hour
NS mind, body, and soul. We must find bal- has passed, one’s arm would probably feel
Visit Us: ance between these three aspects, just as extremely sore. After 24 hours, the glass of
230 June Road, North Salem The Balanced Rock has.  water would feel as heavy as the weight of
the world. The weight of the glass of wa-
914-669-541 Something that I admire about The ter is like all of the stresses and worries in
Balanced Rock is that she has remained life. When we first think about them, it
strong, even during challenging weather does not hurt. But when we agonize over
conditions. Enduring thunderstorms, our stresses for too long, we begin to feel
nor’easters, and wind, The Balanced Rock numb. Our challenges in life are like rocks.
remained, well-balanced. Likewise, we As my English teacher Dr. Kowgios says,
have all experienced our own trials and
tribulations, but we have risen above them SEE VALEDICTORIAN PAGE 5
and became stronger individuals in the
end. Without the support of her three
smaller stones, the task of remaining bal-
anced would seem nearly impossible for
The Balanced Rock.

The first supporting stone is reminiscent
of the mental aspect of life, also known as
our minds. We have been constantly en-
gaging our minds since kindergarten. As
North Salem graduates, we are all familiar
with the North Salem Mission: To engage


VALEDICTORIAN approve of this hobby, except for when Hi Everyone!
they want to lose weight. The scale will
FROM PAGE 4 I know you all have
questions about the
be happy when I’m gone. Something that real estate market...

“we must choose our rocks wisely because I have made are chocolates using molds. Go ahead,
ask me questions.
too many will become a burden and a Who we are as people are the antithesis of
I've got answers!
struggle.” molded chocolates. We are not all crafted
The next supporting stone represents the same and meant to be restricted within rates,
the physical aspect of life. In order to be the constraints of plastic walls that are fab- prices,
sitting on this stage, we all had to pass ricated by social constructs. Instead, we are and your
bottom line.
physical education class! While some of more like crinkle cookies. Crinkle cookies
Congratulations to
us had to muddle through fitness activities are chocolate cookies that have powdered the North Salem
Class of 2022!
and the dreaded pacer tests and I struggled sugar covering their cracks and intricacies.
Marcie Nolletti
to complete 10 push-ups, others were ex- The cracks on each individual cookie are
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
cused from gym class through varsity op- representative of our characteristics and of NY & CT
338 Route 202 | Somers, NY 10589
tions. Many of our varsity teams this year our experiences.
Cell: (914) 424-5545
had notable seasons, as they made it to The manner in which we balance our
[email protected]
sectional finals. Even though we are small, mind, body, and soul, differ on a broad

our success is a testament to our school’s spectrum. One thing is certain: we all

dedication to athletics and determination have a big rock to balance between these

to perform well. aspects of life. Although the weight of

The final supporting stone represents this act may seem like too much to bear

the emotional aspect of our lives, other- at times, always remember that our great-

wise known as our souls. In freshman year, est accomplishments are from our greatest

my Spanish teacher Mrs. Orellana once trials. Some of our greatest trials next year

told me “Never change. You are perfect the may include eating ramen noodles while

way you are.”Now, I know many of you are pulling an all-nighter because we pro-

thinking about what a wise philosopher by crastinated on a 10-page research paper.

the name of Hannah Montana once said: And that is okay. Be patient with yourself.

“Nobody’s perfect.” I agree with this asser- Be kind to yourself. Listen to your heart

tion, but I think Mrs. Orellana was refer- and follow your dreams. And as my math

ring to my soul. She did not want me to teacher, Mrs. Bratt, wisely advised me

change for the satisfaction of others. She “Give yourself grace. Don’t be so hard on

wanted me to stay true to myself and my yourself.” 

heart’s desires. Mrs. Orellana, you left such Now I would like to end this by saying

a lasting impact on my life, and I thank you congratulations to the Class of 2022, and

from the bottom of my heart. The greatest thank you to the teachers and parents who

piece of advice that I can give you all is helped us to achieve our accomplishments

to never change at the expense of betray- and academic goals. I would also like to

ing your true identity. Even though it may personally thank my mom and dad for al-

seem hard at times, everything will even- ways fully believing in me and being proud

tually fall into place, and you will be led of me as long as I tried my best. As we part

to the right people. Our identities remind our separate ways, I would like to wish you

me of baked goods. For those of you who the best of luck in your future endeavors.

do not know, baking is one of my many Enjoy the rest of this special night! We fi-

hobbies outside of school. My parents nally made it. Thank you.

PHOTO: ROB DISTASIO 2020 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the
principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the
Coldwell Banker logo are the registered service marks owned by the Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.


Pomp and Circu





Principal’s Address Vince DiGrandi

Hello and welcome graduates, families, a negative meaning - maybe out of touch, ways told me that the hotter things become, and he asked “how is the graduation speech

teachers, staff, Board of Education trustees, not up with the times, inflexible as in “old the calmer you need to be. The really strong going?”I said,“honestly I struggle with it ev-

and Superintendent Freeston. It has been a school.”Yet I want to be very clear - my “old” leaders who I admire are the ones who, in ery year. I want to ensure the speech fits the

long, arduous journey, and you have made it normal is a return to basic fundamentals. If I a crisis, can not only be calm but can also class,so I write and rewrite it often.”He said,

- welcome to the North Salem Graduation can impart anything on you all, as you head operate in an environment of being uncom- “You know, I think people need to focus on

for the Class of 2022. to colleges and universities across this nation fortably comfortable.”  looking for the joy in life - it’s all around us.”

I want to start tonight simply by saying or into the workforce, it is these three ideas: Work daily to improve yourself and the I would argue, and I am guilty of it too,

thank you. Thank you to everyone who had 1. The hotter things become, the calmer situation around you. that we often look to compare our current

a part in making today special: Dr. Murphy you need to be. Worry less about what others think of you situation to one that is more unpleasant. 

for her tireless efforts throughout the year, 2. Surround yourself with really good and think highly of others. Many times “How is it going?” is often

our teachers and staff for the work, care, and people. Surround yourself with really good people. replied to with “Not bad, it could be worse.”

passion they brought to the district each and 3. Look for the joy.  Warren goes on by saying that you should I challenge you all here tonight to flip that

every day, the building administrative as- The hotter things become, the calmer you “surround yourself with really good people.” script - look for the positive that we have

sistants, the Foundation for Learning and need to be. “The people you surround yourself with,” he around us.

three specific woman from our PTO that I recently read an article published by adds,from the person you may marry,to your That is why it is so important to look for the

have worked tirelessly with me over the last Adam Bryant, the managing director at the friends,to your business partners,to your col- joy in our lives. I don’t say this in an attempt

several years to provide for all students - Jen ExCo group, a firm that deals with mentor- leagues, they will determine your elevation.  for us to put on a pair of rose-colored glasses,

Decina, Robin Sandor, and Susan Miani.  ing and executive coaching. He interviewed If you use the headwinds (or the lessons instead I offer it to balance ourselves. And

Thank you all for your dedication and Kevin Warren,the Commissioner of the Big learned from these past challenges) in the thank you, Ben, for planting the seed of joy. 

work on behalf of the students and staff in Ten college football conference. right way, they can propel you even higher. Graduates, and audience members, take

the North Salem Central School District. In the interview Mr. Warren talks about Your inner circle is critically important. But some time for the joy of:

A special thanks goes to our 12th-Grade “headwinds” that he faced as the first Black the biggest thing is to just play the long Watching a sunrise or a sunset… or

Advisors, Mrs. Doherty and Mrs. Kappes man named commissioner in the Big Ten game. Be where your feet are.  Listening to the rain or to the laughter of

for all they do for our seniors to make this Conference since its inception in 1896. He A great example of this for me, personally, a young child… or

year as memorable as can be. And to Rita stated, “There are daily headwinds - things is our PQ Principal Mary Johnson. I want Breathing in the wonderful aroma of

Driscoll - our school nurse - who helped us that will get in the way - that you need to to acknowledge her as she will be retiring flowers or of cut grass… or

once again navigate another year of COVID overcome.” this summer after a phenomenal career in Enjoying a home cooked meal… or

as safely and sanely as possible.NO easy task. Warren was in an awful bicycle accident education. She is one of those people that I Taking a walk in nature… or

Thank you all. at the age of 11. A lady in his neighborhood have surrounded myself with, and I want to Admiring great art or great music…

We have been talking throughout the year accidently drove up onto the curb and hit personally thank her for both her friendship Spending time listening to stories from

about the return to normal. This “new” nor- him, he flew 30 feet in the air, and somehow and for the leadership she provided to PQ our older generations…

mal, as we have called it, and how our days managed to survive. He was in traction for Elementary school - where most if not all of Or simply spending time with family and

and weeks will look.Will COVID ever leave many weeks in the hospital, and in a body you attended. She participated in our Senior friends.

us? Or will we find ways to continually adapt cast for many months after the accident. Six OPTIONS night and kept commenting to Joy surrounds us if we know where to

to it, masks or no masks, boosters, new vac- years later he went on to play Division I bas- me about the growth, maturity, and poise look. It is all around.

cines, etc.  ketball at the University of Pennsylvania. you all showed since your days in 5th grade. As Kevin Warren said, “You have to live

One might say there is still a consistent He adds, “A lot of people had never lived And lastly - my message tonight is to look like today is your last day” (for you on this

inconsistency to our lives.  through a real crisis before. But after my ac- for the joy.  stage it is your last day of high school  at

Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, has been cident,and spending months flat on my back, I think over the last two and a half years North Salem), BUT he continues,“you have

quoted as saying, “Change is the only con- I had to rely on the fact that things were go- since that Friday, March 13, 2020, it can be to operate and plan that you are going to live

stant in life,” and in Frankenstein, Mary ing to be okay, and that the way you get to be all too easy to get mired in the negative. On for 100-plus years.”

Shelly wrote, “Nothing is so painful to the okay is that you have to survive that day, and that day and in the weeks after we saw the That is the balance that is your life, and

human mind as a great and sudden change.” make the very best decision that day based fragility of our daily lives. We are seemingly the lessons we can all glean from the last two

The Class of 2022 has been dealing with ep- upon the information you have at the time, under a constant barrage of negative news: plus years during this pandemic. 

ic-level change since the end of 10th grade, knowing that the decision may not be perfect.   global conflicts, the current price of gas, or I wish you all favorable headwinds and

and they have emerged successfully. As Maya Angelou stated, “Do the best the inability of folks to have a reasonable dis- much joy in your future endeavors - wher-

Today I would like to talk about returning you can until you know better. Then, when agreement of ideas - it seems to be on a 24 ever they may take you.

to the “old” normal. Often when someone you know better, do better.” hour, 7-day a week cycle.  I have appreciated being your Principal.

uses the word “old” it can sometimes denote Warren goes on by saying,“My parents al- I was speaking with a friend the other day, Thank you.

S uperintendent’s We offer our graduates our deeply felt congratulations for their per-
tatement Dr. Ken Freeston sistence through these COVID challenging times.Their smiling faces
tonight remind us all, as Principal DiGrandi says, to find joy in life.


Salutatorian Gianna Leidich

Good evening Dr. Freeston, Mr. know it’s only a coincidence and high school is any “small thing.” ourselves in PHOTO: ROB DISTASIO
DiGrandi, Dr. Murphy, the North that you should keep it to yourself.  Saying goodbye is so difficult be- trouble. We’ve
Salem Board of Education, fac- cause the Class of 2022 is truly one spent quite a bit reluctant to say it’s over, I know
ulty members, families and friends. The procrastination, on the oth- of the greats—we’ve accomplished of time with Mr. I must; it’s time to let go, to say
Welcome to the North Salem er hand, is very much real. At my so much together and faced even DiGrandi and Dr. goodbye, to move on to bigger
Class of 2022 graduation.  core, I am a night-before-it’s-due more on our own than any other Murphy after field and better things. 
type of student. Just ask Mrs. Vara, North Salem senior class in his- trips and that Julius
I’ve only given two speeches in who first viewed my OPTIONS tory. Seated behind me are club Caesar play in middle I am honored to represent the
my entire lifetime, one of which I presentation minutes before it was presidents and vice presidents, school and during senior as- Class of 2022. Like that balanced
mostly plagiarized from the honor due, or Mrs. McCarron, who only captains and co-captains, athletes sassins.Our behavior,of course,has rock that half of us haven’t even
society president before me, and just received my final assignments. and musicians and artists and even improved over the years. On our seen, we’re standing, and stand-
the other of which I wrote the day But writing this speech seemed a SINGLE student council repre- senior trip, the only “troublesome” ing as the pride of North Salem.
before it was due. This speech is different than postponing hours sentative. We were kind of lacking thing that happened was watching And despite that our senior prank
far more important than the pre- of dreaded calculus homework or in that department, but he is the someone eat twelve scoops of ice was non-existent and our senior
vious two combined, so I knew I tortuous physics projects. I was president.  cream. By himself. On the bus.  t-shirts came late, I affirm that we
had to step up my game. So, this reluctant to write this speech, be- are the greatest senior class there
speech is both plagiarized from the cause I knew as soon as I finished And although we might have I have no doubt that the Class has been, is, and ever will be.
North Salem salutatorians before it, my career at North Salem High obtained a certain reputation after of 2022 will accomplish much
me, AND written the day before School would truly be over.  that trip to the Museum of Natural more in the next coming years, and
graduation—much to the alarm of History, I’m confident this is the even more beyond that. Although
Mr. DiGrandi and Mrs. Martell.  I’m not one to get sentimental most accomplished class in North we’ve matured and grown into re-
over the small things in life, but I Salem history—even if the most spectful young adults, I still have
Now, the plagiarism thing is don’t think that saying goodbye “troublesome.”  to hope that we get into a little bit
mostly a joke, but if you’ve been to to the class I’ve known for over a of trouble next year—life would be
graduations in the past and hear a decade and the teachers I’ve seen There was a period where our boring without it. Although I am
couple of similar phrases today, just every day since the beginning of grade could do nothing but get

for Fall


to the class of 2022

top university acceptances

Boston University
Cooper Union

Cornell University
Emerson College
New York University
Northeastern University
Purdue University
The New School
University of California, Berkeley
University of Southern California


Oh, the Places You’ll Go!

The North Salem High School Class of 2022 will be attending 57 different colleges across the country, including 18 states and Washington D.C.!

Auburn University

Pitzer College
San Diego State University

Fair eld University
Quinnipiac University
Western Connecticut State University

University of Delaware

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
(Daytona Beach)
Florida SouthWestern State College


Maxwell Mendelsohn Congratulations

We are so proud of all Maya & Julia
that you have achieved
these last four years. Cousins from the Start.
We wish you the best of luck Friends from the Heart.
in your new chapter of life.
With love & pride,
Love, Mom, Dad & Isaac The Dallow and Corradi Families

Mark Head Congratulations Zac & Sara!

We are so proud of all you NS We are so proud of you.
have accomplished. Keep reaching for the
stars in all you do!!
Love, Mom, Dad, Mary, Grandma, We Love you!
Bandit, Onyx, Amber, Zaboo and
the rest of the zoo. Mom, Ray, Justin & Nathan


Graduation Day COLLEGES Hobart and William Smith Colleges Villanova University
A Family A air! Iona College
FROM PAGE 10 Manhattan College RHODE ISLAND
The Berstein Family Marist College Providence College
e University of Tampa New York Institute of Technology University of Rhode Island
PHOTOS: ROB DISTASIO University of Miami New York University
Pace University (Westchester) SOUTH CAROLINA
The Lulaj Family MARYLAND Sarah Lawrence College Coastal Carolina University
Salisbury University SUNY at Albany
University of Maryland (College Park) SUNY at Binghamton UTAH
SUNY at New Paltz University of Utah
MASSACHUSETTS SUNY at Purchase College
Anna Maria College SUNY College at Cortland VERMONT
Harvard University SUNY College at Oswego Castleton University
University of Massachusetts (Amherst) SUNY College at Plattsburgh
West eld State University SUNY College of Technology at Canton VIRGINIA
SUNY College of Technology at Delhi Virginia Polytechnic Institute
MICHIGAN SUNY Oneonta and State University
Michigan State University SUNY Westchester Community College
University of Michigan Syracuse University WASHINGTON, D.C.
George Washington University
Montclair State University Miami University (Oxford) WISCONSIN
University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
Alfred University Delaware Valley University List provided by North Salem Central School
CUNY Hunter College Drexel University District.
CUNY Lehman College Penn State University (University Park)
Fashion Institute of Technology

Congratulations Michael Milanes Jr. Tyler

Michael we are so proud of you and SandorNORTH SALEM
your accomplishments. Onward and
Upwards to Sarah Lawrence College in HIGH SCHOOL
the Fall to study history, literature and
the arts. Always remember that you are We are so happy to share in
the excitement of your graduation
truly and wholly loved.
and know you'll go on to do
Love Mom and Dad. great things!

Congratulations Aidan With love and pride always-
Dad, Mom & Hope
You have worked so hard
and made us all so proud. CongratulatiAonnsnSaeqLuaoiraa! ia
This is just the beginning;
You are the best
we know the best daughter ever, and we are so
is yet to come!
very proud of you!!!!
Mom, Dad and Kayley Now go make all of your

dreams come true!!!!

Love, Mom and Dad XOXOXO



54 Route 138 Somers, NY

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