Treoar t!
How you & your kids
can stay healthy &
happy for Fall!
• Face Your Fears
• The Power of Pumpkins
• Arthritis 101
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7 23 The Staff
8 24
What is Energy Medicine? Ginger It’s a Snap... JEREMY BROWN
9 25 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: [email protected]
Fight Fall Allergies Am I Sleep Deprived and Tired
or Depressed? MANAGING EDITOR: 914-214-4285
10 [email protected]
In Sickness & In Health ADVERTISING TEAM
Arthritis 101
28 914-205-4183
11 [email protected]
From Performance to Preservation BRUCE HELLER/ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER
Overcome Procrastination
30 914-202-2941
13 [email protected]
An Ayurvedic Full-Body 914-351-2424
Face Your Fears Therapeutic Oil and Herbal Treatment [email protected]
16 31 914-202-2392
[email protected]
Minimize Family Conflicts Snack Healthy CORINNE STANTON
18 32 [email protected]
Keep “Happy” in Halloween Heart-Healthy 914-334-6335
Alaskan Cod [email protected]
Stay Safe!
Spice Things Up!
Protect Children’s Eyes PRODUCTION MANAGER
this Halloween The season’s most coveted beverage DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER
with some healthy swaps [email protected]
Healthy Ways to Get to School BRETT FREEMAN/PUBLISHER
Heal Your Spirit at 914-924-9122
The Allure of Gore Synchronicity [email protected]
Exploring the healthy side Deadlines
of recreational fear
[email protected].
(ISSN 2330-1627)
824 ROUTE 6, SUITE 4
334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S
SOMERS, NY 10589
Superior Returns and No Market Risk with a Fixed Indexed Annuity A
By Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC k
People are always looking for the perfect investment. Clients want to earn the highest a
interest possible without putting any of their money at risk. These sorts of investments have n
never existed … until now. A Fixed Indexed Annuity (FIA) is a guaranteed insurance product
that offers above average returns with no market risk to principal and no management fees E
ever. x
In this historically low interest rate environment, many clients are reconsidering where to e
park their hard earned cash for the long haul. Certificates of deposit, savings accounts and r
money markets are literally paying next to nothing and the stock market is at the highest t
levels in recorded history. So where can clients position their money and earn superior
returns without worrying about losing a penny? FIAs offer real double digit returns in up
markets without any risk to principal in down markets. Folks everywhere are not only taking
notice, but investors are flocking to FIAs.
So how does a FIA actually work? The annuitant buys a traditional guaranteed fixed annuity
that also allows him or her to participate in an external index via the carrier’s trading desk.
The carrier purchases options against the index either monthly or annually. When the index
is up, the options are exercised and the annuitant earn interest, usually subject to a cap.
When the index is down during the same time period, the options are allowed to expire and
the annuitant is credited the contract’s minimum guarantee of 1%.
So let’s review, when the market index goes up, the annuitant has the ability to earn superior
interest and when the market index goes down, the annuitant earns 1%. Further, since the
carrier is only tracking the index on a 12 month basis, annuitants do not need to worry about
current market levels. Policies are only capturing gains in the next 12 month period. There
is never any risk of principal or of losing any prior year credits which are all automatically
reset into the policy accumulation value on the policy anniversary.
Fixed Indexed Annuities offer clients the following 12 guarantees:
1. 100% Principal Guarantee
2. 100% Participation in S&P 500 Index
3. 100% Guaranteed Fixed Interest Rate Option
4. 2% Premium Bonus on first three (3) years of deposits
5. 1% Minimum Annual Guarantee
6. No Sales Charges or Asset Management Fees ever
7. No Taxes are due until distributions are taken
8. Annual Reset Feature credits all interest into principal annually
9. Access to 10% of your principal annually
10. Loans available up to $50,000 in non-qualified accounts
11. Death Benefits bypass probate
12. Income options you cannot outlive2
Over the last 15 years, we have seen scores of clients earn double digit returns in bull markets, while losing nothing
during market corrections. Time and time again, clients are astounded by how they can earn so much interest with
no market risk. Here are a few actual client examples: a 76 year old retired plumber earned 11.47% from May 2013
through May 2014, a 57 year old owner of a construction company earned 15.63% from September 2013 through
September 2014, a 59 year old municipal worker earned 17.67% from March 2014 through March 2015 inside her
inherited IRA and a 75 year old retired widow earned 14.39% from February 2016 through February 2017…!3
There are few products that offer returns like this with a 100% principal guarantee. Do you own a Fixed Indexed
For more information about Fixed Indexed Annuities, please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free at 877-676-9900. Andrew is
certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew is a member in good standing of the Million Dollar
Round Table (MDRT), which is the premier Association of financial professionals nationally. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, White Plains,
NY 10606 and at 500 West Putnam Ave, Greenwich CT 06831.
Surrender charges may apply if withdrawals are taken in excess of the annual free withdrawal schedule.
2 Fidelity & Guaranty Life, Index-Choice 10 Fixed Indexed Annuity 2017.
3 Keystone Financial Advisors client statements.
The Most Magical Time of the Year
In our house, Halloween was and the start of something else. behind you once and for all. is both delicious and healthy!
second only to Christmas on Our kids are older now, and Elsewhere, we’ve got some We hope you have a wonder-
the “best holiday” list.
When our kids were little, we’d Halloween isn’t quite as raucous, great columns from our regular ful start to your fall season that’s
spend weeks planning our an- but the magic still lingers and it’s contributors, including a deep filled with a few thrills, maybe a
nual Halloween bash, complete still a very special time of year. dive on arthritis, an overview of chill here and there, and above
with themed costumes, party That’s what this issue of “West- “energy medicine” and, in keep- all, good health!
games and even a family-friendly chester Wellness” celebrates. Our ing with the season, an ode to
mystery in which all the neigh- feature stories are all centered the power of pumpkins! Oh and Happy Halloween!
borhood kids were suspects. around the magic and the mys- speaking of pumpkins, before we
There’s something special about tery of the season, with tips on wrap the issue up, we’ve got a rec- EDITOR IN CHIEF
this time of year, beyond even the how to keep kids safe as they ipe for a pumpkin spice latte that
holiday itself. The turning of the trick-or-treat and a look at why
leaves, the rising of the wind, the we love to get scared.
shortening of the days. It all
carried a sense And who doesn’t have
of change, of phobias? Everyone’s afraid
the end of something (bats for me),
of one
thing and in this issue, we
round up a batch of
experts that will show
you how you can
face your fears and
hopefully put them
From crisp blue skies to bonfires in
the air to leaves swirling around
your feet, fall is a great time to
be alive! This month, our experts
have a number of ideas to help
make this season the best one of
the year. You’ll received a crash
course on arthritis, learn how to
stop procrastinating and unlock
the amazing secrets of energy
medicine. Ready to start living?
Turn the page!
What is Energy Medicine?
BY ELIZABETH PASQUALE, Physical flesh and blood you and alignment with your greater self? what’s wrong. Now you’ve come
non-physical pure positive energy You know by how you feel. out of alignment with yourself.
LMT, CST, NLP you, both existing at the same
CONTRIBUTING COLUMNIST time,one who is two, two who are Your greater self is pure positive Energy medicine is the bring-
onw. You are the physical mani- energy, so if you’re feeling good, ing us into alignment with the
Imagine the beginning of festation most eager to create in that’s the sign that you’re in align- whole of who we are.
time; there is nothing but en- the physical realm, come forward ment with you. You’re greater self
ergy. You may have even read to have a physical experience. is always feeling good. It never You come into my office, I put
about an imagined beginning of sees anything wrong with this my hands gently on your body, I
time where there was only a swirl- It’s a great plan. That greater planet, never sees anything wrong feel through your body the waves
ing mass of energy. part, the energetic you, is totally with your circumstances. Always of misaligned energy, and while
enjoying having this physical ex- enjoying, always flowing in har- you are there you relax, you feel
Imagine energy beings made perience on earth through you. mony. When we’re feeling good, good. You come into harmony
up of pure positive energy, infinite You are in this together. It would peaceful, happy, or just satisfied, with the whole of who you are.
intelligence, power that creates be unthinkable to come alone, you’re in alignment.
worlds. From that comes every- without your power and your ac- So this, I believe, is what we
thing else, including you. cess to infinite intelligence. What Now what happens when we do as energy therapists. We help
fun would that be? start seeing circumstances as people achieve harmony with the
When you touch down on wrong and stressful? It feels bad whole of who they are.
earth, is this physical part all you You want to walk the earth as because, in that moment, we’ve
are? Do you leave the rest behind? the total being you know your- now split with the whole of who With much love and adoration,
self to be, unstoppable, guided by we are,who never sees anything as
No. that part of you that knows where wrong or bad. Your source energy Elizabeth
As there is no way to fit that everything that you want is. The being is always focused on what’s
larger energetic part within this whole fun of being on earth is going right because in every mo- Elizabeth Pasquale, LMT, CST,
small physical container body, the to do this in alignment with the ment, there’s always something NLP is the creator and director of
infinite cannot fit within the fi- whole of who you are. that one can appreciate, wouldn’t Well On The Way® LLC, holistic
nite, there is a perfect way to work you agree? But you’re focused on therapies in Ossining and White
this out. How do you know you are in Plains. (914) 762 4693
You become one who is two.
Natural Ways to Fight Fall Allergies
As the days become shorter and the the fall allergy blues. one week. Select herbs from reputable manu-
weather cools down, a new crop of al- * Stay away from pollen. Stay away from facturers who certify them.
lergy symptoms can arise, turning the
autumn season into one marked by sneezing, pollen and prevent it from being tracked in- * Use eucalyptus oil. This oil is great to have
doors. Remove shoes when walking through in the house to help clear up sinuses and pro-
scratchy throats and itchy eyes. Medications the door. Take off clothes worn outside and vide nasal congestion relief.Mix a small amount
can alleviate such symptoms, but allergy suf- launder them promptly, showering to wash with coconut oil and rub onto the chest. There
ferers may want to investigate some natural pollen off of the body. Use an air condition- also is some evidence that adding a few drops
ways to beat allergies. er or keep windows closed when the pollen of eucalyptus oil to cleansing products can help
According to the American College of Al- count is high. kill dust mites around the house.
lergy, Asthma & Immunology, ragweed is one * Increase omega-3 fatty acids. It is well * Wear a mask. When doing housework or
of the more common triggers of autumnal documented that fatty acids are good for brain yard work,wear a mask to reduce the inhalation
allergies. Ragweed contributes to ‘hay fever,’ health and cardiovascular well-being. But these of specific allergens.
which is a term to describe allergic rhinitis acids also may help with allergies. A German Avoid seasonal allergies by exploring natural
that occurs as a symptom of ragweed pollen study linked foods high in omega-3 fatty acids ways to find prevention or relief of symptoms.
in the air. Ragweed releases pollen in mid- with the ability to fight inflammation, which is
August, and it can continue to be problematic a hallmark of allergy suffering. Foods that are This article was provided by Metro Creative
until a deep freeze arrives. high in fatty acids include walnuts, flax, eggs, Connection.
Other sources of fall allergies include leaf and cold-water fatty fish.
mold and pollen that is present on fallen * Rinse off pollen. Use a mild cleanser to
leaves. This gets circulated when people begin rinse the eyelids and eyelashes of pollen, as
to rake or blow fallen leaves. Classroom pets this is where it tends to congregate after being
and chalk dust in schools (although chalk- outdoors.Use saline spray to clear nasal pas-
boards are largely a thing of the past) are other sages of excess pollen as well.
autumn allergens. * Take natural supplements. A study
The good news is that many natural rem- published in the journal Clinical and
edies work just as effectively as over-the- Experimental Allergy found par-
counter medications in regard to combatting ticipants who used tablets of the
ragweed and pollen prob- herb butterbar showed signifi-
lems. Here’s how to beat cant allergy relief after only
Arthritis 101
As a physical therapist, I applaud a proac-
tive approach to health. But, as we all
know, navigating the healthcare system
in search of clues to our symptoms and medi-
cal concerns can be a daunting task, lled with
endless internet searches that turn up con ict-
ing and confusing answers. In the July issue, I
addressed treatment options, and this article
should shed some light on the prevalence of,
and disability caused by, arthritis.
From the Greek ‘arthron’meaning joint and
‘itis’ referring to in-
ammation, arthritis
is actually a symp-
tom, not a speci c
disease, belonging to
any condition that
a ects the joints. Ac-
cording to the Cen-
ters for Disease Con-
trol, there are over 50
million Americans
that su er from
some form of joint
disease. And let’s not
forget our young- tis and ankylosing spondylitis, to name a tive ways to manage arthritis, including, but
est of those a icted. CAROLYN WINUK, PT, SSF, TCR few, joint warmth, redness, swelling, pain not limited to, physician-prescribed medi-
According to the and varying degrees of deformity often ac- cations; non-medication related therapies,
Arthritis Foundation, nearly 300,000 children company disruption of other body systems such as physical and occupational therapies;
under the age of 18 su er from some degree and structures, such as skin, eyes, connective acupuncture; exercise; thermal relief, such as
of chronic arthritis. tissue, lungs and heart. Infectious (septic) or ice and heat; weight management; assistive
Of the more than 100 types of conditions reactive arthritis is usually triggered by bac- devices for ease of walking or joint protec-
that can a ect the joints in various ways, de- teria but can also be viral or fungal in origin. tion, and surgical intervention. Because the
generative arthritis accounts for more than In septic arthritis, the o ending bacteria is presence of arthritis on X-ray does not al-
30 million adult su erers in the United found within the involved joint, but in reac- ways correlate with pain and limitation, nd-
States. Known more commonly as “wear and tive arthritis, the joint is reacting to an in- ing the most e ective treatment option(s)
tear” arthritis, degenerative joint disease or fection elsewhere in the body, as is seen with is best achieved by keeping an open line of
osteoarthritis, this type of arthritis can a ect Lyme disease, Fifth’s disease, sexually trans- communication with your healthcare pro-
any joint in the body, increasing in prevalence mitted diseases, Reiter’s syndrome, and oth- vider to ensure that your symptoms are being
as we age. Symptoms may vary in severity ers. gout, or metabolic arthritis, is due to el- adequately addressed.
but will most likely include any combina- evated levels of uric acid in the blood, which
tion of joint pain, swelling, sti ness, muscle in turn leads to painful crystal formation Carolyn Winuk, PT, SSF, TCR is a
weakness, limited range of motion and joint within the joint. Gout, which can be quite practicing physical therapist, an ISSA certi ed
deformity due to erosion of the cushioning debilitating, is known for its remissions (no Specialist in Senior Fitness and a Tai Chi
cartilage within the joint. Although com- symptoms) and exacerbations (painful ares). for Rehabilitation instructor. e former
monplace in the joints of the hands, feet, Hemorrhagic arthritis refers to conditions owner/founder of Moms In Motion Physical
back, neck and shoulders, arthritis is per- that will produce bleeding into a joint, such erapy, PC, a women’s health physical therapy
haps most troublesome and activity-limiting as hemophilia or sickle cell anemia. practice, Ms. Winuk currently devotes her
when it surfaces in the large weight bearing Although this article only touches on time to providing physical therapy services for
joints of the lower body, such as the knees some of the many conditions and diseases seniors. She is a public speaker on healthcare
and hips. In ammatory arthritis results from that present with joint in ammation, it is and wellness related topics, and is currently
a faulty immune system mistakenly attacking easy to see that arthritis leads the pack in the pursuing her doctorate in physical therapy.
its own joints. In diseases such as rheumatoid sheer number of a ictions that can produce
arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, lupus, profound disability and loss of functional in-
in ammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthri- dependence. at said, there are many e ec-
Is it really possible CARING HEARTS
to overcome AND HANDS LLC
procrastination? Because We Understand
Home Is Where The Heart Is.
Yes and here’s how.
Caring Hearts And Hands LLC Is A Dependable
BY DR. CHRISTINE LI is too risky,” or “I’m not ready,” or Non-Medical Provider Of Affordable Care,
CONTRIBUTING WRITER “I’m not good enough,” or “It’s too Services And Helpful Support To Seniors.
di cult” and all of a sudden we
Are you stuck in a rut? Are feel like there’s no chance of suc- Companion Care
you completely fed up with ceeding. It only takes one thought Personal Care
the cycle of wanting certain and a split second to stop yourself Daily/Weekly Visits
things (weight loss, a decluttered from moving forward. 24 Hours/7Days
home, a new job) and never reach- Nursing Home Care
ing those goals? Are you spending a I want you to know, I hear you Assisted Living Care
lot of your free time criticizing your- and I see you. Respite Care
self for your delay and avoidance? Lite Meal Prep
And I want to tell you that you Errands • Bill Prep
Our resistance to getting things can conquer your own resistance Transportation & More
done can take many forms. Pro- to getting things done and your
crastination can pop up at any tendency to procrastinate. Really. We Can Provide Caregivers, HHAs, LPNs.
time, for even the most meaning- Free Consultations.
less of tasks. We tell ourselves, “It SEE PROCRASTINATION
PAGE 12 914-962-3002
PROCRASTINATION situations and relationships that may not suit
us. Learn to use the important words “Yes”
and “No” accurately, so that you don’t find
I believe any behavior that involves a yourself doing work that you are not meant for
chain of distinct, smaller behaviors can be or you don’t have time for. Remember, most
altered when we decide and take action to everyone appreciates being well-informed, so
change an aspect or a behavior of that chain. keep yourself and others well-informed!
In order to take those actions to change stands for Kindness to Self. In so many
our problematic behaviors, we need to make ways, kindness to self may be the #1 factor
a conscious commitment, to take concerted in successful procrastination recovery.Once we
effort, and to stay consistently in action to decide we will no longer tolerate being over-
keep our-selves moving forward. We also whelmed or distrusting ourselves and our
need to be prepared to persevere — to make choices, the process of healing from the emo-
sure we stay in the game even while experi- tional stress of procrastination can begin.
encing fatigue, self-doubt, unfortunate cir- When we act kindly towards ourselves by ad-
cumstances, or lack of motivation. hering to good boundaries and limits and self-
But how can we make those changes in care, we eliminate the need for procrastination.
our lives if we’ve been stuck in a seemingly Commit the S.M.A.C.K. Solution to
un-ending procrastination cycle? memory and then select one area you would
I hear you and I see you. Procrastination has like to improve in your life. Decide what small
a way of sapping our energy and motivation change you’d like to make and then schedule it
and making us feel like we don’t have what it as an event in your planner or calendar. Repeat
takes to succeed. that step over and over again until it becomes
I’ve developed the familiar and stress-free. Continue making
Solution for Procrastination Recovery, a positive changes from there. Enjoy the new
set of steps and strategies, to help my cli- feelings that will come forth from this process
ents overcome the desire to rely too heavily of healing and changing your behavior.
on procrastination. These techniques have If you struggle with self-doubt or incon-
worked for both me and my clients, even sistency in your efforts, I would highly rec-
when we feared there may not be a solution ommend getting support from other people.
for our predicaments. Social isolation and feelings of shame and
stands for Simplicity. When you are embarrassment can keep us stuck in procrasti-
overwhelmed with obligations, whirling nation. When we connect with others and let
thoughts, and actual stuff, you can easily feel them know we need assistance, we break both
lost and downtrodden. As soon as you take the isolation and make room for new changes
steps to simplify your life, deciding to live to occur. There are many options for getting
with and to engage with only what is neces- support thanks to Facebook groups, Meet-
sary and useful, you will find you can be more ups, peer groups, professional associations, the
quick and agile in your decision making and mental health community, and online courses,
more active and engaged in general. workshops, and membership programs.
stands for Mindfulness. The best way Let’s all remember this…
to handle stress and overwhelm is to We each have tremendous ability and po-
make sure you remain focused on what is tential inside of us. Don’t lose sight of how
happening in the present moment. If you fo- important it is to try to fulfill that ability and
cus too heavily on the past, you may feel bur- potential. Let’s not let procrastination and
dened by feelings of regret. If you worry too self-doubt waste our precious time. Let’s
much about the future, you may become decide to give it everything we’ve got and to
paralyzed by anxiety and worry. When you embrace the new experiences that will most
decide to allow yourself to handle what is certainly come when we do.
happening right now, you give yourself per-
mission to act in the moment and to react as Dr. Christine Li is a clinical psychologist and
the present situation needs you to. Procrastination Coach. She helps others break
stands for Anxiety Reduction. Anxiety their dependence on procrastination so they
has a way of taking up a lot of “real estate” can feel empowered to share their personality
in our minds if we let it. Make sure to man- and talent with the world. To learn more
age your anxiety by eating healthily, getting about procrastination recovery or about how
needed rest, and making good choices for to work with her, visit Dr. Li’s website at
yourself. Step off the anxiety roller coaster Get your free
once and for all. downloadable summary of the S.M.A.C.K.
stands for Communication. When we Solution for Procrastination Recovery with
fail to represent ourselves well through our additional steps and resources to use here.
communication with others, we end up in
Besides the falling leaves and
pumpkin spice, the arrival of
autumn means Halloween! It’s
a favorite holiday around the
“Westchester Wellness” offices,
which is why we’ve decided to
make it the focus of this month’s
features section.We’ve got some
articles in here that are good and
scary and others that are just
scary good! Inside, you’re going
to learn how to face your fears
and find out just why it is we
like to get scared so darn much!
And, most importantly, we’ve got
a bevy of experts weighing in on
the best ways to keep your little
trick or treaters safe. OK, take
a deep breath, hold someone’s
hand if you need to and...
Turn the page!
BY JEREMY BROWN say that we have to get control “We ask our clients to create a would actually happen? Is there
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF of them. Unfortunately, this fear step-ladder, starting with something that I need to take
is sometimes easier said than smaller steps that are related to action on to make this situation
Everyone has fears. And, done. One place to start is by the fearful situation,but not quite better? Is there something I
truth be told, a little fear is writing them down. When a fear the actual situation. For example, need to really listen to here or
actually a good thing. remains in one’s head, they can if the fear was a fear of spiders, can this fear be acknowledged
It’s that instinct that protects seem bigger and more powerful we may rst ask someone to and dismissed? What’s the worst
us from harm and tells us when than they actually are. is can practice imagining the picture of thing that could happen to you if
something might be wrong. trap a person in an endless cycle a spider. Eventually, the client’s your fears came true? Could you
However, too much fear can be of replaying their fears until he stress response will decrease, as handle that?”
destructive, paralyzing you and or she is completely helpless to they learn that they are not in
keeping you from achieving your do anything about them. danger. Next we may ask them In some extreme cases, a
best. Some people can live their to watch videos of spiders, again, more radical form of treatment
entire lives and not be thwarted “Getting them out of our repeating until they no longer could be applied. Known as
by their fears. For example, heads and into words on paper feel threatened by the videos. “Eye movement desensitization
if someone harbors a fear of helps us begin to see them more and reprocessing therapy,” or
drowning, but lives in the middle realistically,” said wellness coach e client is encouraged to make EMDR, this treatment requires
of Idaho, chances are pretty Morgan Sheets. “It is the rst their way up their fear ladder, patients to recall disturbing or
decent that he or she can make it step in helping us take control of until they get to the top, which frightening events while being
through life without ever having the situation and take our power may be to actually look at or asked to follow the therapist’s
to confront this fear. back from our fears.” touch a real-life spider.” hand movements with his or her
eyes. As the patient continues the
“Fear is a very powerful Another method of Questioning your fears is also treatment, the therapist shifts his
feeling and it is personal,” said confronting fears is through something that experts say can or her thoughts to ones that are
Jacqueline Pirtle, an energy what’s commonly referred to be very therapeutic, helping you more pleasant and relaxing.
healer and the author of “365 as “exposure therapy,” which is to step back from whatever it
Days of Happiness.” “Not every facing one’s fears in the most is that’s making you afraid and “EMDR can help a fearful
fear is the same for everyone— literal way possible. looking at it objectively. person to see the upsetting event
it is unique to who you are as a or item in a neutral manner,ending
whole being; body, mind, soul, “ e approach is quite simple,” “Our fears can contain the fearful response,” explained
and consciousness.” said Joel Muise, the founder and guidance to direct us to do things Yocheved Golani, a life coach and
CEO of Tranquilty Online, we need to do to take care of author. “It usually accomplishes
In order to keep our fears from an organization that helps ourselves,” Sheets said. “Ask the goal within ve 90-minute
controlling our lives, experts people face their fears through yourself questions, like: Is this sessions, freeing the person to face
Coginitive Behavioral erapy. true? What’s the likelihood this life without the crippling former
fear within 1-2 months from the
time they began.”
In the end, Pirtle said that
there’s something to be said
for developing a healthy
understanding of your fear and
how it can actually help you.
According to Pirtle, fear is a
sign that you are running low
on trust. e goal then becomes
how to replenish that trust and
renew your sense of self. “ e
bigger the fear, the more trust
you are asked to create in order
to balance your experience of
life,” she said. “Which makes
your fear a gift—an invitation
to create your trust. So instead
of wanting it to go away and
never come back, give your fear
its deserved space in you—as
the powerful trust-barometer
it is, and work on your trust in
yourself and your life.”
Minimize Family Conflicts
in the Event of Your Incapacity
BY ANTHONY J. ENEA Unfortunately, the victim in when a parent or other principal ANTHONY J. ENEA, ESQ
CONTRIBUTING WRITER these controversies is often the is no longer able to make these
family unit. The effect is best de- decisions. The health care proxy One should also consider pro-
As society has become more scribed as a “family divorce,” the can specify which treatments viding a copy of the health care
litigious, it has become impact of which may be felt for and medical care one wishes and proxy to his or her physician.
commonplace for siblings, generations. Fortunately, there does not wish to have adminis-
family members and friends are numerous steps that can be tered. Under New York law, only (b) Execute a general durable
to battle for control over the taken by seniors to minimize one health care agent at a time power of attorney with broad
finances and care of their aging the risk of such controversies can be designated in the health
parent(s) and loved ones. affecting their families, such as care proxy. The principal should
the following: take the time to advise the agent
While on its surface, litiga- exactly what his or her wishes
tion appears to be over the legal (a) Execute a health care are with respect to medical care,
authority to make day to day proxy and select a health care and specifically end of life deci-
financial and health care deci- agent. The individual selected is sions, e.g. hydration and the use
sions, often at the root of the permitted by New York law to of ventilators and respirators.
litigation are issues of inheri- make all health care decisions
tance and monetary control.
powers being given to the create a system of checks and will be able to appoint an agent In conclusion, executing the
agent. If the general power of balances, and help reduce the to dispose of your remains. above-referenced documents
attorney is “durable,” it will likelihood of financial abuse, In said form, you will be also before issues arise is critical to
continue to be effective even fraud and self-dealing. permitted to specify where you minimizing disputes and litiga-
after the subsequent disabil- wish to be buried, any wishes tion. All too often, clients wait
ity or incompetence of the (c) Execute a living will, regarding cremation and even until their health issue becomes
principal. It is best to utilize which states one’s wish not to the location of your wake and serious before executing the
a customized durable general be kept alive by extraordinary funeral. aforestated.
power of attorney prepared by measures in the event one is in
an experienced attorney which a terminal condition, perma- The execution of the afores- Anthony J. Enea, Esq. is a member
grants the agent(s) the broad- nently unconscious or neuro- tated documents will go a long of the firm of Enea, Scanlan &
est powers to act on behalf of logically brain-dead. While way in obviating the possibility Sirignano, LLP of White Plains.
the principal, including, but not a living will is not statutorily of litigation regarding end-of- Enea also has a home office in
limited to the powers to engage recognized in New York, it is life and burial decisions. Somers. He can be reached at 914-
in various types of Medicaid additional written evidence of 948-1500. Enea is the past chair
and estate planning. The stan- one’s wish not to receive treat- The above-referenced forms of the Elder Law Section of the
dard Blumberg Form Power of ments such as cardiac resuscita- also enable an individual to New York State Bar Association,
Attorney or title company form tion, mechanical respiration, protect him or herself by past president and a founding
in many instances is too restric- tube feeding or any other choosing the individual(s) he member of the New York Chapter
tive, especially when the need similar forms of treatment. or she trusts and wants to make of the National Academy of Elder
to make transfers of assets for financial and/or health related Law Attorneys (NAELA), a
estate and Medicaid planning (d) Execute a Do Not decisions if he or she is no member of the Council of Advanced
purposes arises. Resuscitate Order (“DNR”), longer able to do so. Practitioners of the National
which is a document executed Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
The selection of the indi- by the individual and his or her However, if because of and president of the Westchester Bar
vidual or individuals who will physician. The DNR can ex- alleged financial, physical or Foundation and a past president
be named agent(s) under the plicitly specify the circumstance emotional abuse, it becomes of the Westchester County Bar
power of attorney is also a deci- wherein an individual does not necessary or inevitable that Association.
sion of great importance. The want to be resuscitated. I often legal action be undertaken, in
individual selected should be recommend that the client most instances, a proceeding
someone the principal trusts. If keep a pocket DNR in his or under Article 81 of the Mental
the attorney-in-fact will have her wallet and purse and on the Hygiene Law for the appoint-
broad powers, including broad refrigerator and to provide cop- ment of a guardian will often
gifting powers, the principal ies to loved ones. It is gener- be the legal proceeding utilized.
should give serious consider- ally utilized in cases where the
ation to the appointment of client suffers from a chronic
two attorneys-in-fact who will and persistent life-threatening
be required to act jointly. Nam- illness.
ing two agents will inherently
(e) Execute a Burial Agent
Designation Form, wherein you
Do you understand the difference
between an irrevocable and
a revocable trust?
• Asset Protection • Past Chair of Elder Law
• Elder Law Section of NYS Bar Association
• Medicaid Applications • “Super Lawyer” In Elder Law
(Nursing Home/Home Care) for 10 consecutive years
• Guardianships Contact
• Wills, Trusts & Estates
Managing Member
Fluent in Italian
Keep ‘Happy’ in
Wdohne’tnfyoorgueatntdo ystoauyrskaifdes! go out in s
BY JEREMY BROWN Kimberly Tucker, a licensed mental health counselor and child
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF therapist and the owner of Pineapples Play Therapy, LLC.
W ho doesn’t love Halloween? The crisp fall air, lawns and BE A CANDY COLLECTOR
porches aglow with jack-o-lanterns, bobbing for apples
and, lest we forget, candy. Lots and lots of candy. If you do have your kids pound the local pavement in search
But, lurking behind that veneer of fun is the ever-present threat of Halloween goodies, make sure to go through what they bring
of danger, and the unwary parent can find themselves in trouble if home at the end of the night. Don’t be shy about tossing anything
they’re not vigilant. “As a parent, Halloween is scary for reasons that doesn’t pass the safety test.
other than ghosts and goblins,” said Justin Lavelle, chief com-
munications director of the online background check platform, “As creative and fun as homemade treats can be, I personally “The safety of your child on a day that invites wouldn’t allow my kids to have any of the homemade treats unless
real creeps and monsters is your main concern.” I personally know the person that made it,” Tucker said. “If there
is any packaging that is open or looks tampered with, err on the
Perhaps above all other days of the year, Halloween is the day side of caution and pitch it.”
where safety should matter the most. Here are some expert-cu-
rated tips on how to make sure that your Halloween is filled with LEAVE THE PROPS AT HOME
more treats than tricks.
Sure it’s fun to accessorize your costume, but when you factor
TRICK OR TREAT WISELY in your props, treat bag (or pillowcase if you’re old school), plus
a mask or eyewear, you’re putting yourself at risk for distraction
If you’re concerned about your kids going from house to house and possibly catastrophe. One dropped item in the street could
and bringing home questionable treats, consider activities that mean trouble for unsuspecting kids.
are sponsored by trustworthy groups that are close to home.
“Candy gathering is a two-hand job,” said Dr. Loretta Brady,
“Events like this are supervised by the fire department with a professor of psychology at Saint Anselm College. “The portable
very specific goal of making sure that all the candy is checked for chainsaw or amazing unicorn stallion will likely make it hard to
hazards and the people supplying it are community helpers,” said walk and gather goodies and prevent any accidents.”
een Scare Safe!
search of goodies, The American College of Allergy, Asthma
and Immunology offers these tips to help
d WATCH OUT BEHIND THE WHEEL keep kids with allergies and asthma safe
Yes, it’s not just the kids who have to be on their toes on Oct. on Halloween.
31. If you’re on the road while kids are out roaming, make sure Boo Who? Even though kids might think
their costume won’t be complete without a
that you’re being extra cautious. cool mask, sometimes it’s better to skip it –
particularly for kids with asthma. If a mask is a
h “Take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians must, it should never be tight-fitting or obstruct
g and on curbs,” said Chandler Coleman, a consumer insights in-
Breakup with Makeup? The ingredients in
g vestigator for “Eliminate any distractions some Halloween makeup can cause allergic
reactions. If your child suffers from eczema
including phones, loud music or additional noise to better con- or another allergic skin condition, beware.
Consider using high quality hypoallergenic
y centrate on the road and your surroundings.” makeup – or wear a hat instead! If you’ll be
using makeup, make sure to test it on a small
s STICK TOGETHER patch of skin in advance to see if your skin
e reacts.
e Whether they go out with you or with a group of their friends, Tricky Treats. Kids with food allergies can
find Halloween particularly frightful. There’s
make sure that your kids are observing the buddy system when the chance they could accidentally eat
something they’re allergic to and have a severe
they hit the trick or treat trail. reaction. If trick-or-treating has you worried,
consider starting some new traditions. Start
“Kids should never trick-or-treat alone,” said Sanjay Mehta, a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood,
have a Halloween-themed party and serve safe
r DO, FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician and division chief of treats, or watch a scary Halloween movie with
s the Pediatric Emergency Department at CentraState Medical
Arm Against Goblins! If trick-or-treating is
n Center. “If possible, go with a group of kids and make sure there part of your plan, be well prepared. Parents of
kids with allergies should carry a charged cell
d is at least one adult with the group. “Each child should have his/ phone, emergency epinephrine and a bag of
safe treats in case your child wants to munch
her own flashlight to carry and to turn it on prior to dusk and along the way. Make sure kids with asthma are
taking their controller medications and have a
, keep it on until they are safely at home.” reliever inhaler with them. Their asthma could
flare-up after running through moldy leaves or a
e fog machine.
o Candy is Dandy (if it’s safe). If your child
goes trick-or-treating, it’s important to check
their candy before they eat any. If there’s no
label on the candy, which can happen with mini-
sized treats, it’s not safe for your child with
food allergies. Tell your kids to say “no thank
you” to a treat they know isn’t safe, or bring all
their treats home to have Mom and Dad check
them out before eating. Drop off safe treats
with neighbors so your child can trick-or-treat.
Protect children’s eyes this Halloween
Children’s eye health is just as important better during daylight hours, and sunlight Make kids as visible as possible. Use re ec-
as other aspects of their physical and makes youngsters less vulnerable to tripping tive tape, glow sticks and other tools to make
mental well-being. According to a re- over obstacles in their paths. kids more visible to drivers and pedestrians.
cent report from the National Center for Chil-
Buy soft accessories. Particularly for A few simple precautionary measures can
dren’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blind- younger children, avoid hard, plastic swords, make this Halloween safe and fun.
ness, vision plays an important role in a child’s sta s and other objects that can poke the
physical, cognitive and social development. eyes or cause bodily injury. Opt for bendable is article was provided by Metro Creative
And visual functioning is a strong predictor of foam choices instead. Connection.
academic performance in school-aged children.
While there are certain risk factors that can
a ect eye health, come the autumn, fall sports
and Halloween are two areas where parents
may have to extend extra caution to protect
their children’s vision. Fortunately, there are
many things parents can do to prevent visual
and other injuries from a ecting their children.
Keep vision unobstructed. Choose cos-
tumes that do not have masks, wigs or acces-
sories that impede the child’s ability to see.
Tie any hats and scarves so they don’t slip
down over the eyes.
Exercise caution with cosmetics. Read
warnings on Halloween makeup to see
which products are safe to use on the face
and around the eyes, and which are not. Only
buy hypo-allergenic makeup, and remove it
carefully when Halloween is done so it won’t
get in the eyes.
Purchase safe cosmetic contact lenses.
Speak with an eye professional to purchase
colored or novelty lenses. Improperly con-
trolled contact lenses can cause eye injuries
like sensitivity to light and bacterial infec-
tions. e Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention says decorative lenses purchased
without a prescription may not t properly,
leaving eyes more susceptible to scratches on
the outer layer of the eye. Decorative lenses
also may contribute to ulcers, or open sores,
on the cornea, which is the clear covering
over the front of the eye. Discuss the safety
of various lenses with your eye doctor and go Choose Halloween masks and accessories that do not impair the ability to see clearly.
over the proper handling of contact lenses. PHOTO: METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
Trick-or-treat in daylight. Visibility is
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Healthy Ways to
Get to School
Tra c on roadways increas- sity has been steadily climbing. PHOTO: METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
es during the morning and Rates have almost doubled for
afternoon hours during the children between the ages of two a moderate e ort for one mile, RIDE THE BUS
school year. During the morn- and 17. If that trend continues,
ing and mid-afternoon, millions by 2040, as much as 70 percent they can burn between 20 and In districts that o er school
of students make their way to of Canadian adults are expected
and from school. Safe Routes to be overweight or obese. 30 calories depending on the bus service, students can take
to School National Partnership
estimates that as much as 20 to Families can nd healthy ways weight of the child. advantage of this safe mode of
30 percent of all morning tra c to transport children to school,
is generated by parents driving and these alternatives can bene t When biking to school, stu- transport. e National High-
their children to school. the environment as well.
dents should follow the rules of way Tra c Safety Administra-
Today, many school-aged WALK TO SCHOOL
children are driven to school Walking one mile to and the road and wear the appropri- tion says that traveling by school
by their parents. at not only
increases tra c and the oppor- from school each day can ful- ate safety gear, such as helmets. bus is seven times safer than
tunities for vehicular accidents, ll around two-thirds of the 60
but also contributes to the poor traveling by car or truck. School
air quality in and around lo- minutes of the recommended
cal neighborhoods. e cities physical activity for children CARPOOL buses also reduce the number
of London and Camden in the each day. Considering that re-
United Kingdom have already cess times are being cut and kids Sharing rides to school is an- of cars on the road during peak
placed bans on driving on some are spending more time indoors
roads around schools to help or on devices instead of playing other way to cut down on con- travel times.
curb air pollution. e World outside with friends, walking to
Health Organization says air school provides much-needed gestion and air pollution. Fami-
pollution is linked to the deaths exercise.
of three million people around lies can work together to drive is article was provided by Metro
the world each year. Young children should be ac-
companied by an adult chap- students to and from school, Creative Connection.
Driving to school may also erone when walking to school.
contribute to the obesity epidem- Older children are urged to sports games and clubs.
ic plaguing the nation’s youth. walk in pairs or groups to in-
crease safety in numbers. Stu-
e Centers for Disease Control dents should heed tra c signals
and Prevention says the percent- and stick to routes with access to
age of children with obesity in crosswalks and crossing guards.
the United States has more than
tripled since the 1970s. Roughly BIKE TO SCHOOL
one in ve school-aged children Bicycling is another great
is obese. Canada’s Childhood
Obesity Foundation notes that physical activity and an e cient
childhood overweight and obe- way to get to school. e Wis-
consin Department of Health
states that, when kids cycle at
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The allure of gore
Exploring the healthy side of
recreational fear
BY GABRIELLE BILIK centuries with good reason.
MANAGING EDITOR “ ere is a genuine human
need behind it: to play with the PHOTO: METRO CREATIVE CONNECTION
We all have that one friend horrible and get away safely so His advice? Get scared,keep sane! therapies out there, like Psychodra-
who refuses to partake that the mind could acquire that Other experts agreed that matic Bodywork or Somatic Expe-
in Halloween festivities. positive experience.” watching scary movies serves as riencing, that provide individuals
an appropriate outlet for a com- an opportunity to safely discharge
“How can you watch this?!” Vladimirrskiy noted that the mon emotion that often gets cul- the pent-up fear that has gotten
turally invalidated or ignored. stored in their nervous systems.
they say, as their friends shriek mind processes imaginary scenes Jean M. Campbell, licensed so-
cial worker, said fear is “a very mis- “Along those lines, I used to love
through a horror movie. ey the same way as the real ones, understood emotion,” and that the going to amusement parks,”Camp-
tendency of people to ignore or bell said.“Now, because I’m more in
opt out of trips to haunted hay and living through horror stories override it,can have negative e ects. my body rather than ignoring what
Fear is contagious, which serves I’m feeling and sensing,I can’t toler-
rides and they de nitely do not and lms with no harm supports as a survival mechanism, she ex- ate rollercoasters anymore, and have
plained. When one pack animal no interest in anything that’s going
want to join you for a night at a the two vital basic illusions that senses fear for instance, it ripples to overwhelm my nervous system.”
through the rest of the pack, usu-
haunted hotel. keep us a oat: the illusion of im- ally quickly and non-verbally. is While fear outlets can meet
alerts them to either ght or ee. these psychological needs, Dr.
Why, they ask, would a person mortality and the illusion of the “ at contagion is true in hu- Sal Raichbach said that, for those
mans as well,”Campbell said.“ at well-adjusted people that don’t
want to scare themselves rec- world being understandable. being said,most people walk around experience fear too often in their
with a certain level of fear in their every-day lives, the chemical ex-
reationally? Turns out that for “Once these are these are shat- everyday life that they ignore or dis- perience simply feels good.
sociate from. ey’re disconnected
many, watching horror movies or tered,”Vladimirrskiy said,“we get from their emotions and sensations, “It’s di erent than how we nor-
and ignore and override what their mally feel, which makes it excit-
seeking thrills meets an impor- all sort of mental disorders, like body is telling them just so they can ing,” he said. “Another reason fear
get through the day.” is appealing is that it provides a
tant set of psychological needs. panic attacks, generalized anxiety Many people must ght against moment of relief after the initial
their body’s natural urge to reject sensation of stress. Even though
According to Mikhail Vladi- disorder (GAD), post-traumatic a scary situation every day when we know we aren’t in any real dan-
they get into underground sub- ger, our bodies still react to the
mirrskiy, clinical psychologist, stress disorder (PTSD), etc., un- ways, elevators, airplanes or even perception of possible harm. e
cars to go about their daily lives. body releases adrenaline and cor-
the worldwide tradition of horror til our mind manages to recon- “We’re socialized to push it tisol before the brain can remind
down and not feel it, or run the itself that the threat isn’t real. So it’s
fairy tales has existed for many struct these basic illusions.” risk of being shamed,” she said. that experience of ups and downs
Additionally, she adds people between completely stressed and
PLAN TODAY FOR TOMORROW are never taught how to appro- relaxed that makes it so appealing.”
priately discharge their fear based
SALVATORE M. DI COSTANZO, ESQ. emotions and the sensations that Enjoying a safe scare during
come along with it. Halloween season can be a healthy
a partner with the firm Maker, Fragale & Di Costanzo, LLP. “Eventually, there’s a huge pile outlet, that said, according to the
up of backlogged fear built up in Mayo Clinic, the body’s normally
SALSVAALVTAOTROREEMM.. DDIICCOOSTSATNAZNOZO our nervous systems,” she said. self-limiting stress-response system
By seeking out scary movies can go haywire if the body stays in
& &SPSEPCECIAIALLNNEEEEDDSSAATTTOTRONRENYEY themselves permission to act out ght-or ight for too long due to
their fear. ere are even certain everyday stressors. e adrenaline
PPlalanMnnMnienieWdngWdigPiicficPlrfolalaolrasrisiardcdHc•●tHPtiPTocioTllcermamareuunnaeaessnnrtrtCCesiiesnnaaaa•ggs●srrMeepp•●Mrre•●SiidSepmPmPdpieclaaielacacacrrinaiiiniadlanlinylydliAinNfNnfAopgogeepcpceefufpuloddoislsrcssrieecadNNPPdatolitluuoaoainrronnnnssnnisninsniingngggCCaarree and cortisol levels that give people
GGuuaarrddiiaannsshhiippss aanndd EEssttaatteess ●• AAsssseett--PPrrootteeccttiioonn PPllaannnniinngg a sense of relief after they drop
normally, could make a person sick
• Selected since 2013 as a New York Metro Area Super Lawyer if they are chronically present, so
scare wisely!
• Past Chair of the Westchester County Bar Elder Law Committee
• MembPSeearls,etNcCteehdwaisriYnocoferthk2e0S1W3taeatssetcaBhNeasertweArYsCosoroukcnM.tyEetBlrdaoerArErLledaaewrSLuSapweercCtLioaomwnymEeirxtteeceutive Committee
• MembMere,mNbaetri,oNneawl AYocrakdSetmateyBoafrEAlsdsoecr.LEladwerALattworSneecytison Executive Committee
[email protected], National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
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Let’s be honest. Even now, can you
walk past a pile of leaves without
fighting the urge to jump in? Well,
here at “Westchester Wellness” we say
why fight it? Playing and enjoying life
is what keeps you young and there’s
no better time to feel young than
as the year begins to grow older. So
read on and learn about the wonders
of ginger, the power of pumpkins and
the healing effects of forest bathing.
Wait...what’s forest bathing? Sorry, if
you want to know, you’ve got to
turn the page!
Ginger...It’s a Snap!
BY DONNA MASSARO supplies most of the world’s ginger root. It
is easily grown in tropical regions and can DONNA MASSARO
Oh my…Ginger. I’m obsessed. No, I’m not talking about “Gil- grow in a flower pot, but needs to come in-
ligan’s Island” or Lucille Ball, the redhead. Not even talking
about my first dog named Ginger. I’m talking about the root. side when it’s cold. If you were born in the Caribbean, you would
Ginger root. I think it’s a little miracle. I believe it’s kept me from get-
ting sick this past winter. I’m in love, obsessed and crazy over ginger. want to come inside when it’s cold too! In the ninth century, ground
Gingivere, aka ginger, it means horn root. It couldn’t have a more ginger was placed on the table alongside salt and pepper.
apt name. It dates back more than 3,000 years and almost disap-
peared after the fall of the Roman Empire. What a tragedy that When buying fresh ginger root, look for smooth skin. It should feel
would have been! Marco Polo is credited for bringing it back dur-
ing his trip to the Far East. Native to Southern Asia, the Caribbean heavy and look plumped up for its size. The longer the root, the more
mature it is. Ginger’s flavoring is peppery and slightly sweet. It has a pun-
gent and spicy fragrance. The spiciness mellows out when cooked and
becomes bitter if it’s burnt. If you cut into the ginger and it has a blue ring
underneath the skin, consider yourself lucky. You just got the Hawaiian
variety called blue ring (clever name). It is superior in juiciness and flavor.
Ginger is available fresh, dried, pickled, preserved, candied, pow-
Step By Step dered or ground. Store your fresh, peeled ginger root in a zip lock bag
Reading Instruction
One-to-One Tutoring in the freezer up to three months.
Every single morning, I eat raw ginger. Whether it is skinned and
chopped up in my yogurt with blueberries and granola or I swallow it
like a pill, I truly believe ginger is fighting off any colds that come my
way. If you feel a cold coming, use powdered ginger in some hot water
with agave nectar and watch your symptoms disappear! Now, obviously
We use a multisensory I’m not a doctor, so talk to your doctor before you do anything.
reading approach, (Wilson Ginger freshens your breath; it helps relive nausea, motion sickness,
Fundations and Orton-Gillingham)
morning sickness and stomach upset. It is used in teas, ale, beer, wine
and liquors. Some people add it to coffee. Some to their bath water.
to focus on: Shari Suss, Founder How relaxing! I’m going to take a ginger bath tonight.
• Decoding strategies MA in Teaching/
Special Ed Certified
• Phonemic awareness CARROT/GINGER SOUP
• Phonics • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 3 cloves of garlic
• 1 tablespoon butter • half of a red onion
• Sight words • 8-10 large carrots unpeeled, • 1 cup of water
• 16 ounces of heavy cream
• Fluency sliced • salt and pepper
• 3 tablespoons of peeled ginger
• Vocabulary
• Comprehension Schedule your In a large saucepan, sweat carrots, onion, ginger and garlic in oil
• Spelling FREE Consultation Now! and butter until soft. (Put garlic and ginger on top of the carrots
because they cook faster and you don’t want them to burn.) Add
Our office provides your child with a quiet, rich, water and bring to boil. Add heavy cream (If you like to consis-
nurturing environment, free from distractions. tency, skip the heavy cream.) Salt and pepper to taste. Puree until
smooth. Cook on low-medium heat for approximately 20 minutes.
914-293-7688Parkside Corner Shopping Center Pre-K to
Grade 4 You can find this yummy soup often at The Freight House. Hot or cold.
3565 Crompond Road, Suite 201 Cortlandt Manor, 10567
Am I Sleep-Deprived and
Tired – or Depressed?
Dr. Alex Dimitriu with Menlo Park Psychiatry & Sleep Medicine
o ers tips on understanding the di erence and what to do about each
Sleep-deprived? It’s com- Clumsiness sure in nearly everything
mon sense that being fa- Feeling “fuzzy” or unfocused you do,”he says.“It’s pro-
tigued generally leaves us in Greater appetite found and doesn’t let up
a foul mood. But how can we tell Dulled sex drive after a few days.”
when we’re sleep-deprived and Irritability Clearly, we should try
merely tired – or if we’re actually On the other hand, symptoms to pinpoint the causes
depressed? Psychiatrist and sleep of depression often involve: of fatigue and low mood
specialist Alex Dimitriu, MD, Consistent trouble sleeping, or whenever they occur, he
founder of Menlo Park Psychia- sleeping too much adds. If you have a sleep
try & Sleep Medicine, frequently Signi cant weight loss or gain debt, that could mean
speaks to curious patients about Agitation you shouldn’t drive a car
this issue. Since exhaustion, irrita- Feelings of worthlessness or or operate machinery until you’ve immediate help If you or a loved
bility, lack of motivation, anxiety excessive guilt caught up on sleep. one experiences suicidal thoughts.”
and tearfulness are all symptoms Trouble thinking, concentrat- And if your low mood, emo-
of sleep deprivation – and also ing or making decisions tional symptoms and lack of mo- Alex Dimitriu, MD, is double
symptoms of depression – there’s Recurrent thoughts of death tivation indicate depression, you board-certi ed in psychiatry and
a great deal of confusion on the or suicide should promptly see your health sleep medicine and is the founder of
matter, he says. “Depressed mood is certainly care provider for treatment, he ad- the Menlo Park Psychiatry and Sleep
Trouble sleeping is often the part of both these scenarios, but vises. “So many e ective therapies Medicine Center in Menlo Park,
rst symptom of depression, depression typically involves dra- are available to help with depres- CA.
which a ects nearly 7% of the matic emotional symptoms as sion,”Dr. Dimitriu adds.“But seek
American population in any given well,” Dr. Dimitriu says. “ e
year. And according to Harvard weight of all this can make it hard
Health, research has shown that to function or even get out of bed.”
15% to 20% of those diagnosed “A few distinguishing features
with insomnia – which is the in- which help in my practice include
ability to fall or stay asleep – will asking people whether their mo- Schedule
develop major depression. tivation is intact,” adds Dr. Dimi- your appt
triu. Often, sleepy people will now for
“When we’re exhausted we express interest or a desire to do
feel low, but depression can also things but may feel they lack the back to
lead to exhaustion,” Dr. Dimitriu energy to do them. On the other school!
explains. “ is chicken-egg di-
lemma makes it di cult to know hand, depressed people often lack
what came rst – the sleep debt or the desire to do things altogether.
the low mood that leads to sleep Energy levels in the afternoon
deprivation. Fortunately, there are are another indicator of fatigue.
ways to tell the two apart.” While it’s not uncommon to get a
little drowsy after lunch, and irre-
HOW SYMPTOMS DIFFER sistible desire for sleep, may some-
To begin to discern depression times point to more of a sleep,
from sleep deprivation, it’s impor- rather than a mood problem.
tant to understand the symptoms Delaney M. Acosta, DMD
of both, says Dr. Dimitriu, who is TELLING THEM APART Board Certi ed Pediatric Dentist
dual board-certi ed in psychiatry So, when sleep deprivation is at
and sleep medicine. Enduring an play, what’s the main way to tell 845.628.3400
ongoing sleep debt – meaning a depression apart from just being Dentistry for kids, teens
certain amount of lost sleep each tired? Dr. Dimitriu says it comes and special needs patients
night – typically translates into down to duration.
daytime sleepiness. But other “Essentially, depression is char- 888 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541
symptoms can include: acterized by a time period of two
Excessive yawning weeks or longer of depressed
Forgetfulness mood or loss of interest or plea-
BY KIM KOVACH about a miserable old man named Jack. As the story goes, Jack
CONTRIBUTING COLUMNIST tricked the devil twice and was cursed to spend eternity wander-
ing the earth carrying a carved turnip as his lantern. When Irish
Pumpkin season is here! Those bright orange gourds perched immigrants sailed to America in the 1800’s, they brought the
on front porches and stone walls herald the month of October. legend of Stingy Jack with them. To celebrate All Hallows Eve
For many of us, pumpkin spice lattes or warm pumpkin donuts in their new country, they carved pumpkins into Jack-o-lanterns.
spring to mind when we think of pumpkins. But there is so The bright orange pumpkins were larger and easier to carve than
much more to this iconic orange squash! turnips and made quite a dramatic effect when lit from within.
Did you know that pumpkin is actually a fruit? A member of At this time of year, pumpkins are available for sale at grocery
the squash family (melons, zucchinis, cucumbers), edible pump- stores, hardware stores and farmer’s markets. There are pumpkin
kins are considered a fruit because they contain seeds. Harvested patches in Westchester where you can walk around in the field
in the fall, pumpkins are a great source of dietary fiber and po- to select your perfect choice for carving and decorating among
tassium, as well as vitamins A, C, B6, iron and magnesium. Low pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. Take a ride over to Wilkens
in sodium and cholesterol, adding pumpkin to your meals helps Fruit & Fir Farm in Yorktown Heights to pick your own pump-
support heart and vision health and improves the immune sys- kins right off the vine or from a large selection of harvested
tem! pumpkins. At Outhouse Orchards in North Salem and Stuart’s
It’s easy to enjoy the nutritional benefits of pumpkin’s antioxi- Farm in Granite Springs you can walk around in the grassy fields
dants and fiber by adding fresh or canned pumpkin puree (not and pick freshly harvested pumpkins. Whether you are searching
the spiced pumpkin pie filling) to vegetable soups and stews.Try for the perfect round pumpkin with a curvy stem or a tall narrow
a delicious pumpkin lentil soup on a cold evening. You can add shape, remember to hold your pumpkin by the bottom, not by
cubed pumpkin to a pan of oven roasted vegetables to serve over the stem or it may break off (pumpkins are heavy!).
rice or pasta. Think about incorporating creamy pumpkin pu-
ree the next time you are baking muffins, loaf cake or oatmeal SPECTACULAR PUMPKINS
cookies. Don’t forget the pumpkin seeds! Packed with fiber and For a truly unique experience, visit The Great Jack O’Lantern
crunch, roasted pumpkin seeds can be sprinkled on salads or Blaze at the historic Van Cortlandt Manor in Croton on Hud-
eaten as a snack. son. Each year from September through November, more than
7,000 illuminated hand-carved pumpkins are on display. The
PUMPKIN TRIVIA elaborate decorations are carefully created by more than 1,000
The pumpkin is the state fruit of New Hampshire. Pumpkins volunteers who scoop, carve and light each jack-o-lantern. The
are believed to have originated in Central America. The Native fantastical and imaginative displays, combined with synchro-
Americans grew pumpkins and introduced this hearty winter nized lighting and a sound track, present quite a show for visitors
squash to the early European settlers. One of the largest pump- each evening. Stroll the grounds and admire the handiwork at
kins ever grown in the United States weighed 2,363 pounds! The this Hudson Valley spectacle! For tickets contact www.hudson-
tiny mini-pumpkins used for decoration are considered gourds.
Decorative and delicious, pumpkin power is not just for pie
WHY CARVE PUMPKINS? anymore. More pumpkin brownies, please!
I was curious to learn how the tradition of carving pump-
kins began. As an ancient Celtic tradition for All Hallows Eve, Kim Kovach finds creative ways to cook and bake with pumpkin.
turnips and rutabagas were carved and placed in windows and Kim teaches creative writing classes for children and teens and
doorways with a burning ember inside to ward off evil spirits. fiction writing classes for adults. Please visit her website at www.
Another All Hallows Eve tradition was based on an Irish folktale
After helping hundreds of Westchester & Putnam County herniated disc sufferers eliminate their pain, Local Doctor explains how…
After helping hundreds of Westchester & Putnam County herniated disc sufferers eliminate their pain, Local Doctor explains how…
“B“BacakckPaPianinTeTcehcnhonloolgoygyAfter helping hundreds of Westchester & Putnam County herniated disc sufferers eliminate their pain, Local Doctor explains how…
“CCBhChaeehcaaekttasstPMsMaMoiontothhtTeheerercrNhNNanataouttluruoerrgeeyAHt LeHalspte!sWlpHesstcehHresnteeirraCntoieuandttyeDDdoicstDocrisOsfcHfesresHTaelcehNanollaoNgtyuaTrhtaautlrDlyaoe…lslny’t…JIunstIEAnndsASLEsVitELtRlieEttPAlaeisnAF2rso5m2MH5eriMnniautientdeuDsit!sec”ss, !”
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to Preservation
NSOLF executive director
was once a juggling street act
BY JODI WEINBERGER play hockey anymore, so I
went into another physical
Being executive director
of the North Salem pursuit, which was essentially
Open Land Foundation
combines everything Jocko acrobatics, juggling,
McKean loves.
unicycling and clowning,”
Well, almost everything
For about a decade after McKean said from the
college, the North Salem
resident was a juggling, NSOLF office in North
flipping, balancing-anything-
on-anywhere, unicycling Salem. “My dad, rest his soul,
performer, magician and
clown. he said to me something
These days, you can still
see McKean take center stage interesting. He was a banker.
during trivia nights. which
he hosts at Hayfield’s, but He said, give it 10 years and
he’s much more interested
in walking the European see what happens.”
countryside with his wife,
Cindy, and tending to the After graduating from
1,300 acres of open land
under his purview as executive Hampshire College, he and
director of NSOLF.
Before McKean was three others formed a troop
executive director of NSOLF,
he was head of middle called Captain Dickens and
school at Wooster School
in Danbury, Conn.; before the Strolling New World
that he was head of middle
school in Brunswick School Players, taking their act to
in Greenwich, Conn.;
before that he was a fifth- the streets of major cities.
grade teacher. And, before
that, is when he was the McKean rattled off the list
equilibristics extraordinaire.
of things he would juggle for
“In high school I was a
hockey player and wanted the crowd: “balls, pins, fire,
to make varsity hockey, but
I got into a bad accident cigar boxes, and food.”
on the rink and couldn’t
McKean’s real first name is
John but he’s been Jocko as far
back as he could remember;
The name comes a German
stuffed animal his sister
received for her first birthday
called Jocko monkey.
Jocko the executive director
is a reserved,quiet and humble
about his accomplishments,
but Jocko the Clown was a
European-style entertainer
who took spills and falls to
BeMsxetcrefoeKcerueettainpbveeewrcdfaooisrmreamicntegorr, entertain the audience.
As his life progressed,
and when he and Cindy
had children, McKean took
the act off the streets and
PHOTO MCOCUKRETAENSY OF into schools and libraries
which eventually led him to
pursuing a graduate degree in
pursuing a graduate degree in early childhood North
education. pSraelseemrv’satlaionnd
e new path seemed like a good segue from
performing for kids to teaching kids and allowed OPHF OJOTCOKSOCOMUCRKTEEASNY
him to bring out his juggling and magic skills
when the youngsters needed motivation to focus.
“I would hold it out like a carrot in front of a
horse,”McKean said.
Becoming executive director of NSOLF in
2016 is a the third act for the former performer.
e job is a perfect t for McKean, who’s an
avid hiker with a background in teaching and
leadership at private schools. He’s also passionate
about the outdoors in a more ethereal way.
ere’s a term that’s popped up recently
for his favorite pastime that he was tickled to
share: “forest bathing,” a sort of therapy one
gets from being outside with origins in Japanese
preventative medicine.
“People are taking it seriously,” McKean said.
“ e e ects of getting out into the woods are
profound, and now I get to manage about 800
acres of woods.”
e foundation gets land in two main ways:
conservation easements and land donations. An
outright donation provides income tax deductions
for the donor and gives the foundation permanent
ownership.A conservation easement is a recorded
deed restriction that stays with the land forever
and restricts some, or all development on the
property. e owner remains owner of the land
and the use can be tailored to the owner.
Right now there’s about 1,300 acres of
conserved land of the 14,000-acre town. Of that,
the foundation owns about 850 acres and about
450 acres is preserved through easements.
Baxter is the most popular preserve, and one
of McKean’s favorites, along with Halmi, Hearst-
Mead, and O’Donohue.
“It’s wooded with trails and you can always see
something new,”McKean said.
Part of the job can be managerial—writing
newsletters, campaigning for funds, bringing in
more members—but McKean also is a orded
ample time to walk the land, looking for things
like invasive plants or safety hazards for other
He also is able to satisfy his love of teaching
by hosting workshops and giving presentations
on things like pollinators. e ultimate goal for
the Foundation, and for McKean, is to increase
connectivity between residents and the earth.
Towards that end, the foundation is working
on an app for the preserved land that would work
with a GPS system and give people a background
on what’s conserved. He also wants to connect
the actual plots of open spaces to allow for a
continuous area for walking and horseback riding.
“I’m having a ball,” McKean said. “I can
combine teaching, hands-on eld work, and I still
get to keep learning.”
Abhyanga: An Ayurvedic Full-Body
Therapeutic Oil and Herbal Treatment
BY DR. SOMESH N. KAUSHIK toxins accumulate in fat cells, removing them up the body the blood is directed toward
CONTRIBUTING WRITER results in weight loss. the heart, thereby improving circulation
and blood flow. In the same manner, when
Abhyanga–a full-body oil and herbal Abhyanga, as in all Ayurvedic practices, working on the arms, the procedure starts at
treatment–is one of the five thera- is based on one’s particular dosha, or body the fingertips and moves up the arms in the
pies that constitute Panchakarma, the constitution. Therefore, the oils and herbs direction of the heart. And, when working
Ayurvedic detox regimen. The main purpose that are chosen are specific to the person’s on the head and neck the procedure works
of Abhyanga is to administer a large amount dosha and whatever imbalances might be downward toward the heart. Circulation is
of detoxing herbs directly through the skin, present that need to be corrected. A base therefore continually enhanced.
the largest and most absorbent organ of the of sesame oil, which contains antioxidant
body. In doing this the detoxing mechanism properties and protects the skin from free While Abhyanga works on the physi-
reaches the adipose layer of skin where the radical damage, can be blended with other cal body to release toxins, it is also able to
fat soluble toxins are found. They are then oils for one’s particular dosha and medical penetrate the cells and release toxins on the
loosened by the oil and excreted through the condition. Each dosha also corresponds to a mental and spiritual levels as well. As these
lymph glands and colon with support from different skin texture–soft, supple, dry, tight, stressors are released from the root, the body
a smaller amount of detoxifying herbs given oily, etc.–and oils and herbs must be chosen is able to start the process of self-healing.
orally and Swedana with Ozone Therapy. accordingly to achieve balance. In addition,
(Swedana with Ozone Therapy was covered the season of the year must be taken into ac- As with any detox regimen, it is always ad-
in the September issue). As with any detox count as certain oils and herbs that are ap- visable to consult with a practitioner who is
regimen, support for the liver and kidneys – propriate to one season are not appropriate experienced with detox procedures and can
the organs of excretion – must be included. to another.This is especially important when recommend, administer, and monitor a plan
considering a seasonal detox. Ayurvedic oils appropriate to an individual. Caution is also
As a detoxifier, Abhyanga has numerous are unique, as they are blended with certain advised to not undertake a detox under cer-
benefits. In addition to flushing toxins from herbs and prepared in such a way as to pene- tain circumstances–such as during an acute
the system, the oil/herbal treatment tonifies trate the skin so that a therapeutic treatment illness, while menstruating, if pregnant, or if
the skin, relaxes muscles, lubricates joints, is achieved. there are areas of the body that are swollen
releases healthy endorphins, calms the ner- or painful or infected. An Ayurvedic prac-
vous system, reduces anxiety and depression, As a therapeutic regimen, the Abhyanga titioner can determine if a detox program
improves sleep, circulates blood to internal procedure starts at the feet and moves up- is safe and warranted by checking the pulse
organs, and reduces symptoms from autoim- ward through the entire body towards the and tongue of the individual and recom-
mune illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis. heart. Therapeutically this is important, as mending a plan of action.
It also acts as an anti-aging and rejuvenating the feet contain all the energy, or marma,
mechanism by softening, moisturizing, and points in the body for all of the organs. Stim- Dr. Kaushik’s Ayurvedic and Naturopathic
smoothing the skin, nourishing the body and ulating these points enhances circulation for Clinic, 792 Route 35, Cross River, NY
mind, reducing stress, and relieving fatigue. all the organs, especially the adrenal glands, 10518; 914-875-9088 (M, T, W);
And, as an added benefit, due to the fact that and aids in metabolism and emotional stasis [email protected]; www.drkaushik.
for the entire body. As the procedure moves com. See ad pg. 31.
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White Plains, NY 10604
Tel 347-403-3946 |
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Note: Raw cauliflower can be precut and refrigerated for Healthy snacks are a great way to quell hunger pangs without feeling guilty. The
up to 2 days in an airtight bag or a bowl of water. With following recipe for Cauliflower Popcorn from Bob Blumer’s “Surreal Gourmet Bites”
minimal sacrifice, cauliflower can be cooked earlier in the (Chronicle Books) is a sweet-tasting alternative to unhealthy snacks.
day and reheated in a 450 F oven for 10 minutes.
Yields 12 bites
• 1 head cauliflower
• 4 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 tablespoon salt (or, for a salt-free alternative, Mrs. Dash table blend)
Preheat oven to 425 F.
Cut out and discard cauliflower core and thick stems. Trim remaining cauli-
flower into florets the size of golf balls. In a large bowl, add cauliflower, olive oil
and salt. Toss thoroughly.
Spread cauliflower on a baking sheet (line with parchment paper, if available,
for easy cleanup). Roast for 1 hour, or until much of the floret has become gold-
en brown. (That’s the caramelization process converting the dormant natural
sugars into sweetness. The browner the florets, the sweeter they will taste.) Turn
3 or 4 times during roasting.
Use crumpled up aluminum foil or paper towels to create a false bottom in
your popcorn container, fill it with cauliflower, and serve immediately.
Dr.Kaushik’s Somesh N. Kaushik, ND, BAMS, T1ye0ao0uisor tgShooeuordlv. aWforireetycioeasurrroyfHOLeroagoratsne&i-cLge&raefoaTtveefaor.r
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Enjoy Heart-Healthy Alaskan Cod
Fish can provide a host of avors and make for a healthy addition to one’s diet. Alaskan cod, for example,
is easy to nd and, because it’s high in certain omega-3 fatty acids, packs quite a heart-healthy punch.
In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture notes that wild Alaskan cod contains the same levels of the
bene cial omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, as
salmon. Men and women who want to improve their diets but not sacri ce avor can try the following
recipe, courtesy of Jill Lightner’s “Edible Seattle: e Cookbook” (Sterling Epicure).
Serves 4
Ingredients • 1 cup stemmed, thinly sliced kale that oat to the surface of the broth. Strain the
• 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons kosher salt • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh sage broth through a ne-mesh strainer, discard the
• 5 dried porcini mushrooms solids and simmer the broth again for 15 min-
• 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Directions utes. Remove from the heat and keep warm.
• 1 yellow onion, thinly sliced In a spice or co ee grinder, grind 1 table-
• 2 cloves garlic, smashed Preheat the oven to 185 F. Line a sheet pan
• 2 inches peeled fresh ginger, thinly sliced spoon of the salt and the porcini mushrooms with parchment paper. Place the cod llets on
• 1 stalk celery, thinly sliced together until very ne (roughly 1 minute); the pan and season liberally with the porcini
• 2 bay leaves then sift the mixture through a ne-mesh salt. Place the pan in the oven for 38 minutes.
• 3 pounds sh bones and scraps sieve. Cover and set aside.
• 4 sheets dry kombu or 1 pound fresh While the sh is baking, place a sauté pan
Paci c kelp Heat the olive oil in a large soup pot over me- over medium heat and add the butter, shal-
• 1/2 cup dry white wine dium-high heat. Add the onion, garlic, ginger, lots, leek, and remaining 1 teaspoon salt. Sauté
• 4 6-ounce Wild Alaskan Black Cod llets celery, bay leaves, and 1 teaspoon salt and cook until tender but not browned. If the vegetables
• 2 tablespoons butter until the vegetables are fragrant and sweating, start to brown, add a couple of tablespoons of
• 1 tablespoon nely chopped shallots about 5 minutes.Add the sh bones and scraps, the broth. When the leek is tender, add the
• 1 leek, roughly chopped kombu and wine and simmer for 10 minutes. kale and sage and sauté until the kale is soft.
• 1 teaspoon kosher salt Add 3 quarts water and simmer slowly over
medium heat for 1 1/4 hours,skimming o any Divide the kale among 4 serving bowls.Using
impurities, gray matter and excess ingredients a spatula, place the black cod on the kale, pour
the broth on and around the sh, and serve.
Saturday, December 8th
Registration starts at 8:30 a.m.•Race starts at 10:00 a.m.
Purchase College
Register today at
Spice things up
e season’s most coveted beverage with some
healthy swaps
Fall lovers rejoice! Starbucks’ early release of their signature Pumpkin Spice Latté gives fans about an extra
week of the season to slurp down the cult-classic. is year, there is even a Starbucks’ sponsored fall enthusiast
Facebook group where autumn lovers can celebrate all things fall, all year round. ose who fall into this
group might visit their local Starbucks frequently, however, the sweet habit could kickstart holiday weight
gain sooner than expected. A grandé Pumpkin Spice latté with all the xin’s, according to the nutrition
information on Starbucks’ website, contains up to 420 calories, 18 grams of fat, 60 mg of cholesterol, 220
mg of sodium, 52 grams of carbohydrates and 50 grams of sugar. at said, Starbucks o ers plenty of swaps
to cater the drink to an arrange of dietary needs. Swapping to almond milk, and nixing the whipped cream
drops the calorie count to 230, for instance. However, if you can’t make it to your co ee shop often, or if you’re
watching what you eat, you might prefer an at-home alternative. Depending on which milk or sweetener
you use, and if you add whipped cream, this clocks in at roughly 150- 200 calories.
Serves 4
Ingredients Directions
• 1 (15 oz) can pumpkin purée In a small pot, add pumpkin puree, milk, sugar, and spice, and place over medium heat.
• 2 cups milk of choice
• 1 tablespoon pure, unre ned maple Cook for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and strain through a sieve. Scoop some pulp into
syrup, OR 1 teaspoon stevia bottom of latté cup for extra avor and ber if desired.
• 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (cinna-
mon, ginger, nutmeg, clove, cardamom) While pumpkin milk is still warm, add espresso or co ee.
• 4 shots espresso, or 2 cups of strong co ee Add whipped cream if desired. Garnish with crushed nuts and maple syrup if desired.
• crushed nuts (optional)
• milk foam (recipe below) Milk Foam Directions:
Fill 16 oz. mason jar half way with milk of choice. Shake it until foamy. Remove lid and
microwave for 30 seconds. Spoon foam o top and onto latté.
Surprise Guests with Something Sweet
Tea time is a part of daily life in England and countries a liated with the United Kingdom. But that does not
mean residents of North America do not host afternoon guests from time to time. On such visits, it’s customary
to o er co ee or tea and a light snack. Prospective hosts who want to o er something sweet and a little bit
traditional can try this recipe for “Rava Tea Cake with Almond Paste and Rose Water” from Ruta Kahate’s “5
Spices, 50 Dishes” (Chronicle Books). Typically served at tea time in India, these cakes are often dipped in tea.
Serves 8
Ingredients Directions batter, and fold in with swift strokes. is will
• 1/2 cup (8 tablespoons) unsalted but- Preheat the oven to 350 F. Grease an lighten the mixture. Now add the rest of the
ter, softened egg whites and fold in gently yet rmly, with-
• 1 cup plus 1 tablespoon sugar, divided 8-inch-square cake pan. out de ating the mixture. Scrape into the
• 1 cup coarse rava, sooji or cream of In the bowl of an electric mixer, cream the prepared cake pan, smooth the top, and bake
wheat (not quick cooking) in the center of the oven until golden brown
• 4 ounces almond paste, cut into pieces butter and 1 cup of the sugar until creamy. all over and cake tester inserted in the middle
(see note) Add the rava, almond paste, rose water, and comes out clean, approximately 20 minutes.
• 2 tablespoons rose water brandy, and continue beating until light and
• 1 tablespoon brandy creamy. Beat in the egg yolks 1 at a time. Af- To serve it up as a dessert, place some
• 4 large eggs, separated ter adding the last egg yolk, beat for an ad- fresh fruit alongside each serving, dust with
• 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar ditional minute to develop structure. a little confectioner’s sugar, and garnish with
• Sliced fresh fruit (bananas, strawberries) a dollop of freshly whipped cream and some
• Confectioner’s sugar for garnish In a clean, dry bowl, beat the egg whites toasted slivered almonds.
• Whipped cream for garnish until frothy. Add the cream of tartar, and beat
• Toasted slivered almonds for garnish until soft peaks form. While beating, slowly Note: You could also use marzipan, but
add the remaining 1 tablespoon sugar, and remember that marzipan typically has more
continue beating until the egg whites are sti . sugar in it than plain almond paste.
Add 1/4 of the sti egg whites to the cake
Be Well
Heal your spirit
BY GABRIELLE BILIK in finding their own way toward peace and happiness. So
MANAGING EDITOR far, it seems to be working.
Since opening 12 years ago by owner and reiki master
Synchronicity in Brewster, NY aims to nurture the soul. Marcus Feighery, the shop has drawn a solid number of
Offering massage, psychic readings, reiki healing, spiritual repeat customers both at its first location and the current
workshops, gifts, and more, co-managers Joann Fiallo and one in Brewster’s Lakeview Plaza where it has been for
Dominique Bourekas say people come to the shop for all sorts six years.
of reasons. Additionally, the business has established roots in the
“People come here to feel good and they buy products that community by contributing gift baskets and prizes to raf-
keep them elevated,” Bourekas says. “Many come in and say fles for community organizations. The shop carries several
they were drawn to the shop and don’t know why.Some people products created by local artists and businesses.
just come here to enjoy the positive energy and decompress.” Even for those that aren’t into the shop’s more mysti-
Whether people come in for a hands-on healing session cal practices, managers say it’s one of the area’s only gift
such as reiki or massage, or for a crystal or candle to promote shops.
relaxation, both managers say none of the products are intend- Fundamentally, the shop promotes well-being by offer-
ed to magically heal anyone, nor are any psychic readers going ing people an opportunity to connect with others, manag-
to tell people what to do. ers say.
“Readings are the number one reason people come in” Bou- “They’ll say something about what’s going on with
rekas says.“I look at readings as a tool for guidance and healing.” them while they’re browsing and we’ll talk to them,” Fi-
All of the shop’s offerings are intended to assist people allo says. “That alone can be healing.”
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