Vol. 11 No. 29 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, October 27, 2022
Somers Crime, inflation and abortion
at issue in Congressional race
gets e ghosts and goblins Both express support for Israel and Ukraine
were out in Baldwin Place
at the 2nd Annual Cross- BY BRETT FREEMAN
roads Plaza Halloween PUBLISHER
Party on Oct. 14. See more
pictures on page 20!
spooky! e race for New York’s
17th Congressional District
has gained national attention
as polls show it’s a tossup be-
tween Democrat Congress-
man Sean Patrick Maloney
and Republican Assemblyman
Mike Lawler.
Maloney, who is chair of
the Democratic Congressio-
nal Campaign Committee, Assemblyman Mike Lawler Congressman Sean Patrick
currently represents the 18th Maloney
district and was rst elected
in 2012. He is running in this resents New York’s Assem- in ation, abortion, anti-Sem-
new district after redistricting bly District 97 in Rockland itism/Israel and the war in
took place in New York State. County. Assemblyman Lawler Ukraine.
Congressman Maloney was graduated from Su ern High
raised in New Hampshire and School and went on to earn his THE CRIME PROBLEM
earned his bachelor’s and law degree in business administra- “Crime obviously is among
degree from the University of tion from Manhattan College, the top concerns for vot-
Virginia. Maloney served as a where he graduated as the ers,” Lawler said, calling New
senior advisor in the Clinton valedictorian. Lawler and his York’s cashless bail law an “un-
Administration and after leav- wife, Doina, live in Pearl River, mitigated disaster.”
ing the White House, he built and they have a baby girl. “Crime is up 36% in New
a high-tech startup in New We asked the candidates a York City and over 40% of
York and later worked for New series of similar questions in those who have been released
York Governors Spitzer and separate interviews. You can on non-monetary bail have
Paterson. He and his husband, watch the unedited interviews been re-arrested while those
Randy Florke, have three chil- in their entirety by visiting charges are pending,” he said.
PHOTO: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL dren together and currently TAPintoSomers.net. “If New York State refuses to
Louise Raymond and Michelle DeKleine as Sally and Jack Skellington. reside in Cold Spring. Questions included the SEE CONGRESS PAGE 3
Meanwhile, Lawler rep- topics of crime, immigration,
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Page 2 – The Somers Record Thursday, October 27, 2022
Parents, administrators weigh in on new DEI leader
BY CAROL REIF tember and has been learning comments made by community DEI is about making sure that doing for a very long time. And
STAFF WRITER members at the last two board all ways of being and doing are that is making sure that all stu-
the lay of the land ever since. of education meetings, and we welcomed.” dents – regardless of race, reli-
e Somers Board of Educa- hope all families will continue gion, gender identity, learning
tion has been bombarded re- Claiming that some of her to engage with the district as Saying that she hoped that challenges, or other di erences
cently with questions relating we de ne what diversity, eq- “families’ energy and advocacy – are recognized, respected, and
to the school district’s diversity, personal views on racism aren’t a uity, and inclusion means for will lead to greater participation” have equal access to the learning
equity, and inclusion e orts. Somers,” Blanch said. in SEEAT, Gonzowitz added and emotional/social support
good t for the community, op- that she was “excited to build they want and need. (To read
Some parents who spoke “Looking back at moments on the six-year legacy of SEE- about DEI e orts, visit www.
at two meetings this month ponents demanded to know who when our community was most AT, especially as we welcome so somersschools.org)
claimed they weren’t opposed engaged, such as when we faced many new voices and perspec-
to the district’s DEI e orts, but hired her and why. immense challenges during the tives.” BOOK CRITICIZED
were concerned about the per- pandemic, that’s when the part- Speakers during the two re-
son it just hired to help meet Board president Dr. Lindsay nership between the district and “ e passion people are show-
those goals. the community was most ben- ing about DEI will help us to cent public comment sessions
Portnoy reminded the crowd e cial to our students. We hope build an even stronger DEI vi- were also informed that the
Others rose to the district’s this DEI conversation leads to sion that will serve all our learn- board is not legally allowed to
defense, saying that DEI e orts that while they vote to approve the same productive outcome,” ers,” she predicted. discuss particular employees or
are not only necessary but long he wrote. students. However, some folks
overdue. or disapprove hires proposed by SEEAT’S MISSION still insisted on identifying the
Gonzowitz said that one of Gonzowitz will not, as some object of their ire.
Despite the fact that the the administration, trustees do the reasons she came to work
school board explained to the in Somers was because “this is a of the parents implied last week, Slamming Gonzowitz as a
audience at both its Tuesday, not play a direct role in the hir- community where families and be teaching in the classroom. “radical activist,” Somers resi-
Oct. 11 workshop and its Oct. educators show up for kids.” Her sole job is to facilitate dent TJ McCormack told the
18 regular meeting that it’s there ing or vetting process itself. All the SEEAT’s mission. An all- board that his real problem
to listen to comments but not to “In the few weeks I have volunteer group, SEEAT was was with Blanch “for bringing
engage in public Q&As, speak- 50-plus Somers Central School been in the district, I have al- formed in 2016. It’s comprised her divisive, hateful rhetoric to
ers continued to pepper trustees ready gotten a chance to meet of administrators, teachers, sta - Somers.”
and schools Superintendent Dr. District’s Educational Equity with dozens of SCSD educators ers, students, parents, and com-
Raymond Blanch with pointed and families and heard won- munity residents. “If you read the book, and you
queries about new DEI leader/ Advisory Team (SEEAT) were derful stories of inclusion and hired her, what the heck were
coordinator Susan Gonzowitz. cultural celebration. I have also e DEI policy was formally you thinking?” he asked the su-
invited to participate in the heard from families wishing adopted by the board in 2021. perintendent.
A “teacher on special assign- their students felt freer to share At the time, educators noted
ment,” she was formally intro- hiring process and three volun- their stories and points of view. that the move only puts into SEE DEI PAGE 7
duced to the community in Sep- writing what the district’s been
teered to do so, a district spokes-
person said.
Aiming to clear up any
potential misconceptions
about the DEI leader’s mis-
sion, Blanch and Gonzow-
itz have been meeting privately
with individual parents and also
with the district’s PTAs. Both
also issued hopeful statements
this week that highlighted the
importance of community in-
volvement in the educational
“We listened carefully to the
Matt Slater delivered the first PAID FOR BY THE FRIENDS OF MATT SLATER
town tax cut in a generation and
slashed millions in spending.
Thursday, October 27, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 3
CONGRESS ‘The reality that ‘We don’t need for families,” Lawler said. contracts,” he said.
FROM PAGE 1 To tackle in ation, Lawler said Lawler also said that 62% of
act and refuses to change its cash- we have here is to be hysterical we should cut spending, increase Americans haven’t had opportu-
American domestic energy pro- nity to go to college.
less bail laws, then the Feds need that in the state about it or go back duction and also lift the cap on “It’s not right for the President
to intervene.” of New York, to an era of mass federal tax deductions allowed on to shift the burden from those
abortion is not incarceration, or
Lawler cited a bill introduced going anywhere. use race as a reason payments made to state and local folks to others who have not had
by Republican Congresswoman And reasonable to scare people into taxes – also known as SALT. that opportunity,” he said.
Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11),
which would allow victims of e tax deduction cap was Instead, Lawler said we should
crime to sue the state. Lawler passed during the Trump Ad- focus on making college more af-
also cited Congress’ “power of the ministration, but many Republi- fordable and cap tuition costs for
purse,”which could force a change cans in high tax states like New institutions that use federal funds.
York were opposed to it because
“Many of these very woke lib-
in local government policies. people can have action. We need to it would adversely impact home- eral institutions that teach social-
“If we can force change from a owners who pay in excess of ism in their classrooms should be
federal level and force New York a reasonable be thoughtful and $10,000 in local taxes. more than happy to have their tu-
State to act, so be it,” he said. di erence of e ective.’ Lawler also criticized the In a- itions capped and they should be
opinion on this.’ more than happy to have to spend
Meanwhile, Congressman -Congressman Sean tion Reduction Act, labeling it in- out of their endowment,” Lawler
Maloney cited $7 million that he -Assemblyman Mike Patrick Maloney stead as the “In ation Expansion said.
brought to the Hudson Valley for Lawler Answering a question Act.”
police. “He thinks it’s OK for a blue-
about the crime problem “Which is what it really should collar working-class family who
“Rising crime is something we have been called,” Lawler said, al- doesn’t have a college degree to
must address, but of course we leging that it raises taxes on mid- pay for somebody else’s degree.
should also remember that crime dle class families and businesses
is lower now than it was just four at a time of recession. And I just think that’s fundamen-
years ago,” Maloney said. “So we And so we’ve got to make sure we said. “For some it may mean citi- Maloney also expressed con- tally unfair.”
don’t need to be hysterical about it have the tools to keep dangerous zenship, others not.” cern about in ation. Maloney acknowledged how
or go back to an era of mass incar- people o our streets.” Maloney acknowledged the “I grew up in a family where if some people might nd the debt
ceration, or use race as a reason to problem of drug tra cking at the the gas prices went up, the food forgiveness unfair.
scare people into action. We need IMMIGRATION AND DRUG border, but he said it’s really an budget went down,” Maloney “It’s not perfect,” Maloney said.
to be thoughtful and e ective.” SMUGGLING issue at the legal points of entry, said. “So by this time of the week, “You know my mom and dad sac-
Maloney said he supports Lawler said our porous south- where we should surge our re- we’d be eating Chef Boyardee.” ri ced and saved to send ve of
equipping police with more re- ern border is an issue in terms of sources to prevent the in ow of Maloney cited the In ation us to college, and they never got
sources, more training and better human tra cking and violence opioids. Maloney also said there Reduction Act, which caps se- any help. And I understand there’s
technology. against women and children, and is a role for our Coast Guard in niors’ Medicare out-of-pocket concerns about fairness here. But
“ e kinds of things that sup- is the cause of 300 Americans dy- the Caribbean and the Eastern prescription costs at $2,000 start- the fact is that it’s going to help
port good accountable polic- ing daily due to dangerous opioids Paci c. ing in 2025. e bill also permits millions of people and I think
ing that are e ective in solving smuggled over the border. Maloney said we need more in- Medicare to negotiate prices with that’s a good thing.”
crimes,” he said. “We have a crisis at our border spection stations, better screening prescription drug companies. Maloney also said that 90% of
Maloney also cited the Invest and in our communities as a di- technology and more personnel. Maloney also praised the Biden those receiving student loan debt
to Protect Act, which was recently rect result of the policies that have Maloney also cited the need for Administration’s release of mil- relief are those individuals making
passed by the House of Represen- been enacted,” Lawler said while emergency intervention, with law lions of barrels from the coun- less than $75,000 annually.
tatives, which would provide grant specifying that he is in favor of a enforcement diverting drug ad- try’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve,
funds to police departments under lawful immigration policy that dicts to treatment and for fund- which he claims has reduced the ABORTION
125 o cers. welcomes immigrants. ing to support behavioral health, cost of a gallon of gas by $1.30. South Carolina Republican
And Maloney also cited the “Now my wife is an immi- NARCAN for people who are Maloney said other ways to re- Sen. Lindsey Graham introduced
American Rescue Plan Act of grant,” Lawler said “…She came experiencing overdoses, and get- duce in ation would be to surge legislation that would create a
2021, which provided $300 billion here over a decade ago. She earned ting tougher on countries such production of energy, particularly federal ban on abortions after 15
to state and local governments. her citizenship two years ago. So I as China for exporting drugs for renewable energy, as well as going weeks, causing a split between
“ at’s what kept our cops and respect immigration and we wel- pro t. after price gouging. Republicans after the overturn-
rst responders on the job,” Ma- come immigrants. ey enrich our “So you need a whole of gov- “ ese big oil companies are ing of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs
loney said. communities, our culture and our ernment strategy to get at this making a fortune o of Putin’s v. Jackson Women’s Health Or-
Lawler criticized Maloney for economy. But what we have right problem,” Maloney said. war,” Maloney said. ganization decision, where some
his support of New York’s cashless now is a broken system at every members of Congress agree with
bail, but Maloney said he was op- level, and one that has created INFLATION STUDENT LOAN Graham and others believe the
posed to New York’s reform with- a mess, not only at our southern Lawler said that in ation is the FORGIVENESS abortion decision should be left
out a dangerousness standard in it. border, but created a crisis in our biggest issue right now. Lawler was opposed to the entirely up to the states.
“Remember, the reform was to communities.” “My wife went to the grocery Biden Administration’s forgive- Lawler is in that latter camp
make sure that poor people and In terms of immigration policy, store just last week and she paid ness of student loans, which al- and believes the decision should
rich people were treated the same Lawler said a plan is needed to ad- $6 for a gallon of milk, $16 for a lows certain qualifying individuals be up to Albany.
way under our bail system,” Ma- dress the people already here. package of chicken cutlets, $4.50 up to $20,000 in relief. “ e reality that we have here
loney said. “ at’s the good part “You’re not going to round up for a carton of eggs and $29 for Lawler said it’s not Constitu- is that in the state of New York,
of reform. But of course you can’t 20 million undocumented immi- a small box of diapers for our tional. SEE CONGRESS PAGE 6
let dangerous people out of jail. grants and kick them out,” Lawler daughter. So, this is a major crisis “ e President can’t just void
Page 4 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, October 27, 2022
The Staff Somers Partners in Somers Police Department at Townhouse. e parade will be- piness 2022 will take place on
Prevention 100 Primrose St. For questions, gin at the bus loop between SIS Nov. 5 at Primrose School. e
EDITORIAL TEAM contact Kathy Cucchiarella at and SMS, then go to Ivandell day will feature a bake sale/
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 kcucchiarella@somersschools. Cemetery. For more informa- snack sale, free admission and
[email protected]
WHIT ANDERSON MEDICATION TAKE BACK org tion, please contact Lion Kate parking, holiday boutique, pho-
SPORTS EDITOR DAY Somers Veterans O’Keefe at 914-384-1612 or ka- tos with Santa, ra e, silent auc-
[email protected] Saturday, Oct. 29,
[email protected] tion, tag sale, crafts, free fun kid
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Day Parade Primrose PTA zone, food trucks, live music,
[email protected] Somers Partners in Preven- Eclipse Gymnastics, and Penny
ADVERTISING TEAM tion cares about our community Friday, Nov. 11 at 10:15 a.m. Lane Dance. Vendor registra-
and the environment! Turn in Honoring all who served. Pa- HOLIDAY HAPPINESS tion has been open to past ven-
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] your unused or expired medica- rade begins at 10:15 a.m., fol- Saturday, Nov. 5, dors! Registration will open up
BRUCE HELLER tion for safe disposal. Sharps are lowed by a ceremony at 11 a.m. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to new vendors this week! If you
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] not accepted. To be held at the and refreshments at the Somers Save the date! Holiday Hap- are a Primrose parent and are
LISA KAIN interested in joining the plan-
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] KATHLEEN DEMOCRAT ning committee, please contact
CORINNE STANTON FOR THE 94TH [email protected].
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] Hebrew
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] FOR NYS ASSEMBLYAFFORDABILITY AFosranperaarclyti4ci0ngyeaatrtso,rKneaythfloeer n35My. eVaarllse,ttIahahvaes worked HEBREW SCHOOL
PAM Zacotinsky ltiisrteelensesdly, nfoergothtoiasteedin, omuerdciaotmemd uanndityp.rAosduacneadttorney, REGISTRATION OPEN
845-661-0748 Sky high taxes coupled with high real estate ssohleuthiaosnssetrovethdecmlieonsttsdaitffithceuilrt missoustesvuinlnveorlavbinleg.
[email protected] prices and out of control energy costs have fiFrnoamncfeasm, iplyroapnedrtryeaml aesttteartes alanwdtroelhaetlipoinnsghsipmsa. ll Registration is now open for
forced many of our friends, family members Ibnutshiniseswsoersk, ,KIahthayvehasseehnelipteadllhaunnddrkendoswotfhoautr Hebrew Congregation of Somers’
PRODUCTION TEAM and neighbors to move out of New York State. tssSofthrhouuhioeclereuucnBctiegdsioooshsmatsntharfsmcdeunowlduoPmanhfrnnieeetetdhssryieigedcfehroebMxobmnotmeoettmnrnhosbtdif.astesKtilCidenpHaaedagtreshsmatttlcooleetahuehtlnenhgRAr’ehmsosp,tbdosracoeorvoricsefyvmeti,eafsspootsteaiuroioroswtvnniscmaeioaoorsmlpfdnodr.aeonut;vteeie, s. Hebrew School, which o ers a
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Kathleen will work to ensure we can all stay in APsutynoaumr ACsosuenmtyb,laynwdohmaasns,eIrhvaevdeotnhethteoboolsatrodsaopfptlyhe loving, accepting and warm Jewish
the place we love. tLoeuthkemisisauaensdoLfytmhephlaormgearScoocmiemtyu, nPiutytnaanmd/tNhoerthern home for our children. Children
CREATIVE DIRECTOR dWeessitrcehteostfeorcuWsoomneins’suReessroautrhceerCtehnatnepr,oPliuttincsamor learn from teachers,peers and mul-
PHOTOGRAPHER ACCESSIBILITY sCoouunndtybiBteasr.APsusbolciciatsieornv, iacnedisPuatncaamllinCgo,unntoytLaegal tigenerational community mem-
pAhidotSoocoipe.ty. bers who care deeply about them
NOAH ELDER economy, clean air and water, and equitable dents and families to a rich, vibrant
DESIGNER healthcare. VALLETTAFORASSEMBLY.COM and exciting personal relationship
with Judaism. It’s an absolutely
[email protected] ACCOUNTABILITY PA I D FO R BY VA L L E T TA FO R A S S E M B LY wonderful community!
EXECUTIVE TEAM The New York State Assembly must be For more information about
BRETT FREEMAN accountable to all residents of the 94th Hebrew School, email Education
CEO & PUBLISHER Assembly District. Just as she has as a member Director Jill Li ander: hcspro-
845-208-8151 of the legal profession, Kathleen will continue to [email protected] or call 914-
ensure accountability in the Assembly. 248-9532.
[email protected]
Deadlines Fentanyl Workshop
THE SOMERS RECORD DEADLINE Thursday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m.
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR Town Committee is hosting a
WINTERIZATION — We SHRINK WRAP ANYTHING! workshop for parents and com-
SOMERS RECORD IS THE THURSDAY Patio furniture, Cars, Motorhomes, and more! munity members to learn about
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. the dangers of Fentanyl. is year
Factory trained mechanics Where will your BOAT be stored? 100,000 people across the coun-
FOR MORE INFORMATION, doing the job right! ASK TO SEE THE STORAGE AREA! try will die from this new deadly
CALL TOM WALOGORSKY AT drug. ere isn’t a community that
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL 845-628-6550 is immune. e best defense is to
[email protected]. 897 South Lake Blvd., Mahopac, NY learn about the drug, what to look
for, and what to tell our children so
Subscribe www.MahopacMarina.com they are protected.
WEEKLY DELIVERY, CALL 845-208-8503 Abuse Counselor, along with a
OR EMAIL [email protected]. member of law enforcement will
be presenting. Susan will also tell
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT her personal story about losing a
SOMERS, NY AND AT child to drugs. She will tell atten-
dants what she didn’t know to look
ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. for then, and wants to share what
POSTMASTER: she learned so no one else has to go
through what she did.
THE SOMERS RECORD AT e workshop is being held at
the North Salem Volunteer Am-
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD bulance Corp, 14 Daniel Road in
SUITE 100 North Salem. Admission is free.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. For any
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 uestions please email northsalem-
[email protected].
(ISSN 2330-1597)
Thursday, October 27, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 5
Beautiful to
hold town-wide Heritage Hills resident
wins Lions’ car raffle
BY WHIT ANDERSON endeavors given all they do for
BY CAROL REIF known for caring about the en- CONTRIBUTING WRITER the town.
STAFF WRITER vironment, she said. On Sept. 17, the Somers Lions “ ey are a great organization.
Club announced the winner of ey always chip in if something
Folks interested in getting their annual charity car ra e, with comes up. You can always count on
the prizes consisting of a 2022 Ford the Lions to come through and do
If you hate litter, do some- involved should contact KSB or Bronco Sport, or $30,000. something. ey do big things, such
as the reworks every year, but they
thing about it. the town. Bud Gilligan, a Somers resident also do little stu that you do not
of 42 years that has participated hear about, but you know that they
at’s the rallying cry of Keep It will be all hands on deck in the ra e for over 20 years, pur- are doing it.”
chased three of the over 900 tickets Tasked with making the tough
Somers Beautiful, a community for an upcoming town-wide sold. With a gut feeling intact, the decision between the Bronco and
Heritage Hills resident believed he the money, Gilligan ultimately
group dedicated to keeping the cleanup. possessed a winning number. leaned towards the vehicle after see-
ing it in person late last month.
town cleaner and greener. Supplies such as safety vests, “I win a lot of things,” he said. “I said, ‘well let’s go up and see
“I just had that feeling that I had the car,’since I did not know what it
As the rst Keep America gloves, orange bags, and picker- good tickets. I was going to get looked like...We went over for a test
the tickets from my brother-in- drive. My wife ( Josie) was thinking
Beautiful a liate in Westchester, uppers will be available at e law, Mike, but he changed the about getting another car anyway. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE
days he works, so I could not We both drove it, liked it, and made SOMERS LIONS CLUB
KSB is calling on all residents, Elephant Hotel, aka Town Hall, from him. I still had to get the our decision.”
tickets because the drawing was Now with a second car, Bud Bud and Josie Gilligan in their
businesses, clubs, and organiza- from 9 a.m.to 12 noon Saturday, happening soon, and I had a and Josie have the luxury of decid- new Ford Bronco.
good chance to win it.” ing which they will take on their
tions to pitch in by tackling trash Nov. 5 and Sunday, Nov. 6. trip down to North Carolina for second, third, and fourth place re-
Gilligan, knowing that ticket anksgiving. spectively.
on the streets,taking responsibil- e bags, once lled, are to be proceeds go to multiple charities,
including Friends of Karen and e consolation ra es prizes e Lions concluded another
ity for the frontage on their own left by the side of the road where Drug Crisis in our Backyard, is were $2,500, $1,000, and $500 for successful ra e thanks to the ef-
always willing to aid Lions Club forts of Maddy McCormack,
properties, cleaning their roads they will be picked up by the Vinny Papa, Glen Karoglanian,
Gary Forbes, Mario Sapere, Paul
on an ongoing basis,and helping town. LaSpina, Laurel Wines, Bob Anto-
nucci, Carol Christensen, and John
out neighbors who can’t. P. Carroll, along with many other
Gullen is also urging businesses Check out KSB on Facebook,
and organizations to participate or contact the group via email
in the town’s “Adopt A Road” at keepsomersbeautiful@gmail.
program. com or [email protected],
It’s “good advertising” to be or by phone at (914) 384-0888.
Choose Row A, all the Way.
www.VoteSupremeJudges.com VOTE November 8th
2022 Joint_Halston.indd 1 10/6/22 2:29 PM
Page 6 – The Somers Record Thursday, October 27, 2022
CONGRESS ing but give billions of dollars of being part of a group of Re- there’s accountability.” tee, also expressed support for
to Iran to use it and help fun- publicans in Rockland County While some Republicans and Ukraine.
FROM PAGE 3 nel money to terrorist organi- that made a video in 2019 critical
zations,” said Lawler, who also of an Orthodox Jewish legislator conservative pundits have been “I think Putin is a dictator
abortion is not going anywhere,” criticized Maloney, claiming that that said, “If they win, you lose.” calling for the impeachment of and a thug and if he’s allowed
Lawler said. “And reasonable Maloney, as chair of the Demo- Attorney General Merrick Gar- to occupy Ukraine, then NATO
people can have a reasonable dif- cratic Congressional Campaign Halston Media conducted the land, Homeland Security Sec- itself will be on the chopping
ference of opinion on this. But Committee, is supporting Con- interview with Lawler one day retary Alejandro Mayorkas and block,” Maloney said. “ e
what most Americans don’t sup- gresswoman Alexandria Ocasio- before interviewing Maloney President Biden, Lawler made it Baltic nations will be next. We
port is the bill that Sean Malo- Cortez, Congresswoman Ilhan and didn’t have an opportunity clear that he is opposed to im- have to draw a line here, but we
ney voted for in Congress, which Omar and Congressman Jamall to ask him about this claim, but peachment. shouldn’t do it alone …Freedom
would expand abortion up to the Bowman, who all support the in a video of the debate between is worth it. Freedom is not free.
moment of birth nationwide.” anti-Semitic BDS movement, Lawler and Maloney hosted by “Everything has become very And we should support the ef-
which seeks to boycott, divest the League of Women Voters of political,” Lawler said. “And I fort in Ukraine.”
Lawler was referring to the money from and sanction Israel. Westchester on Oct. 12, Lawler think before we engage in discus-
Women’s Health Protection Act, said to Maloney, “I had nothing sions of impeachment,there needs SERVING IN THE HOUSE
which supporters argue simply Maloney denied this claim. to do with any video, so shame to be very clear impeachable of- Lawler said he wants to serve on
codi es Roe v. Wade, whereas “ e DCCC doesn’t support on you for promulgating a lie.” fenses that would be considered.
detractors say it goes far beyond anybody who supports BDS. Pe- the Financial Services,Transporta-
the overturned Supreme Court riod. Full stop,” Maloney said. “I JAN. 6 AND IMPEACHMENT “What the Democrats did tion and Foreign A airs commit-
decision and would repeal exist- don’t control who is in the Dem- Lawler said the Jan. 6 Com- previously does not necessar- tees and he supports Kevin Mc-
ing state laws. ocratic caucus; that’s up to the ily mean that the Republicans Carthy for Speaker of the House.
voters. And there’s always going mittee should end. should go down the same path.
ANTI SEMITISM AND to be people in both parties that “ is has been political theater We need to restore a balance and Maloney pointed to his own
ISRAEL say things or do things that most common sense in government membership in the House leader-
of us disagree with. But here’s by the Democrats for no reason and we need to separate out the ship.
Lawler said District 17 has the bottom line. At the DCCC, other than to try and make this politics from governing.”
one of the largest Jewish com- we support our front-line candi- as issue,” Lawler said, adding “ at’s where I’m able to make
munities in the nation, and he dates, and not one of those can- that anyone engaged in storming UKRAINE the biggest impact,”Maloney said.
has seen a rapid rise in anti- didates isn’t good on Israel.” the Capitol and breaking the law Both Lawler and Maloney
Semitism and a failure in New Meanwhile, Maloney also de- should be prosecuted. He’s also a member of the New
York to prosecute hate crimes fended his record of support for were on the same page when it Democrats caucus and the LGBT
against Jews. Israel. Maloney pointed out that the comes to America’s support for Equality caucus, and he pointed
“Well I’m a strong supporter Jan. 6 Committee is winding Ukraine. out that he’s the rst openly gay
On the federal level, Lawler of Israel …And I just beat the down and will soon be issuing a member of Congress from New
said he plans to work closely crowd that supported BDS in report. “When Ukraine gave up York.
with “our strongest ally in the a primary. So, I’m not just talk- its nuclear power, we entered
world, Israel,” and to help ensure ing about it. I’ve got the scars to “I think they’ve done very into a treaty with them to pro- Maloney declined to say who he
its safety and security, especially prove it,” he said. important work in terms of tect them,” Lawler said. “And would support for Speaker.
vis a vis Iran. Maloney also accused Lawler documenting in a bipartisan we have an obligation to ful ll
way what happened on Jan. 6th that commitment. I believe our “It’s too soon to be talking about
“ e Iran nuclear deal, which and who was behind it,” Malo- NATO allies do as well.” that,”he said.
Sean Maloney voted for, was a ney said. “ at’s essential so that
disastrous deal, and did noth- it never happens again and so Maloney, who serves on the Watch the unedited full
House Intelligence Commit- interview of both candidates at
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Thursday, October 27, 2022 The Somers Record – Page 7
DEI ers argue that CRT promotes be open about the subject. environment where they are impossible. You cannot hire a
the idea that individuals are re- “It’s incredible to think that both physically and emotionally neutral person unless you hire a
sponsible for actions commit- with such a high level of trans- safe. We want them to learn and robot.”
McCormack and several other ted in the past by others of the parency that the district would demonstrate con dence in their She recommended that folks
speakers said they were spe- same race or sex. According to somehow move from writing a abilities. We want them to feel “who struggle with the idea of
ci cally concerned about a just- media reports, four states have new code of ethics on inclusion they have the right to exist in racism existing” participate in
published book that Gonzow- banned its teaching so far with and the rami cations for bully- whatever space they choose to “Undoing Racism” workshops,
itz co-authored with Dr. Robert a dozen more considering doing ing to hiring an activist whose occupy.” which she called “eye-opening,
S. Harvey, “Teaching as Pro- the same. work is centered around racial Acknowledging that the cur- insightful, very powerful.”
test: Emancipating Classrooms Somers educators have said emancipation,” Ciavardini de- rent “divisive” environment
rough Racial Consciousness.” time and time again that CRT clared. means DEI decisions and ‘LEARNING UNWRAPPED’
Harvey, an educator and faith is not part of the curriculum and e majority of Somers’ resi- choices are harder to make, St. Gonzowitz was interviewed
leader, is superintendent of East that the academic exercise has dents are “good and honest,” Rose said she saw “the actions by Dr. Nancy Sulla on the pod-
Harlem Scholars Academies, a nothing to do with the district’s said Ciavardini, who added that that you are all taking from the cast “Learning Unwrapped” in
community-based network of DEI e orts. he chooses to teach his children board to the district as all very an episode that aired in Septem-
Pre-K – 12 schools. Westchester Paul Ciavardini, one of the not to feel “self-doubt” or “guilt,” positive and all towards bringing ber.
native Gonzowitz is the found- last speakers at the podium on but to be kind, resilient, con - the community together.” Sulla described her guest as
ing managing director of the Oct. 11, accused the district of dent, and to “love their country.” “I know we all see this through “passionate about helping young
East Harlem Teaching Resi- being less than transparent. Portnoy disputed any claims di erent lenses, but I just want people develop the skills to ques-
dency, a teacher development He claimed that when parents that the public is being misled. to commend all of you for the tion the status quo and stand up
program. rst voiced their concerns they “We’ve answered the ques- brave work that you are doing,” for what they believe in.”
Somehow that raised the were told that “DEI was not tions of who’s in charge of hir- she concluded. Talking about the book, Gon-
specter of critical race theory in about teaching with racial un- ing the person. We’ve shared Other parents who praised zowitz said Harvey “has these
some speakers’ minds. e hot- dertones.” the goals of the person. We’ve the district’s DEI e orts includ- great ideas about how to think
button issue has of late turned Ciavardini said the commu- shared how the success of this ed Virginia Sheridan who said di erently about education.”
school boards all across the na- nity was led to believe it “would person will be measured,” she she felt “we’re nally making Gonzowitz had more teacher
tion into political battlegrounds. ensure equitable experiences for said, elaborating: “Just as every some progress” towards those coaching and actual classroom
According to poynter.org, CRT all students with an emphasis on teacher or aide or lunch monitor behaviors that “create an unsafe experience than he so Harvey
is “a broad set of ideas about sys- bullying and (the) subsequent or administrator has an evalua- environment for our children brought her in to help come up
temic bias and privilege.” consequences that would ensue.” tion aligned to a rubric (set of where they cannot thrive social- with practical ways that teachers
It became part of the national “ e message to concerned guidelines) so too will any new ly, emotionally, or educationally.” can utilize -- the book’s back-
debate about systemic racism parents was that the DEI pro- hire that comes to this district. As for allegations that Gon- cover blurb says – to “expand the
due to the deaths of George gram was not going to teach our So that is not new.” zowitz has a personal agenda, boundaries of their profession
Floyd and other Black people children about racism, reading parent Ana Valentin had this to with anti-oppressive, communi-
in police custody; violent attacks books that will rewrite U.S. his- PRAISE FOR DEI EFFORTS say: “We’re all biased. ere’s no ty-building pedagogies.” (Peda-
on Asians; and, more recently, an tory, or be asked to emancipate “As parents, we all want the such thing as anyone not being gogy is the method and practice
increase in hate crimes targeting their whiteness” he recalled, add- same things for our children,” biased. If you are a human be- of teaching.)
Jews. ing that the district had prom- said speaker Sharla St. Rose. ing and you have lived experi- SEE DEI PAGE 8
Many conservative lawmak- ised to do everything it could to “We want them to exist in an ence, you are biased. So it’s just
The appearance of judicial candidates in this literature does not expressly or impliedly constitute an endorsement.
Page 8 – The Somers Record Thursday, October 27, 2022
DEI make meaning of our nation’s la asked Gonzowitz what her to create safe spaces to have con- about everything else that comes
FROM PAGE 7 versations.” with it. Because if we just focus
complicated and compounded advice would be to “districts that on race, it’s going to divide this
As part of her research, she town,” she opined.
traumas, namely those at the in- you may be consulting with in spoke to parents of students who
identi ed as white about their “By the way, one last thing. I
Speci cally, that meant Gon- tersection of race, class, gender, this area?” feelings about discussing racism. absolutely adore this town and
if you listen to her podcast, she
zowitz’s providing planning, and power,” wrote the authors in Currently pursuing a doctoral “What I found was every- destroys this town,” she said
body wants what’s best for their of Gonzowitz. “She made us
preparation, and practice tools the book’s back-cover blurb. degree in education/educational babies and everybody wants ev- seem so ignorant, so backward.
erybody to get what’s best for We live an hour away from New
such as sentence starters that Noting that “one of the mis- leadership from Fordham Uni- their babies, right? Nobody is York City. We’re not in like … I
saying I want my child to have don’t know where. I really hope
teachers, students, and school understandings in the world versity, Gonzowitz told Sul- better than your child,” Gonzo- we’re not the next step for her
witz said in the podcast. writing her next book of using
administrators can use to open today is that teaching about cul- la that she’s studying “what it Somers as a topic.”
People she interviewed ex-
up conversations about race and tural diversity and the history looks like to do this work in pressed fears that their chil- Halston Media listened to the
dren experiencing the world or “Learning Unwrapped” podcast
a myriad of other sensitive top- of traditionally marginalized spaces where there’s less racial cultures in a di erent way than that aired in late September.
them might “cause a tear.” ey
ics. groups is equivalent to blaming diversity, less socio-economic also worried that educators may Gonzowitz was candid about
not have proper DEI training. her respect for Somers.
“Now more than ever students white people and we know that diversity, predominantly white
“ at’s also scary, right?” al- is is what she said, verba-
are looking to their schools to that’s not the purpose,” Sul- spaces and what does it look like lowed Gonzowitz. tim:
Keep the lights on. “You’re entrusting the per- “I took a job as a DEI leader
son you love most in the world in a predominantly white school
• GENERATORS with another adult. You want to district that does not have a
know that they can have these ton of racial or socio-economic
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won’t cause further harm. And political diversity. I’m still learn-
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Family OCwRnEeAdTI—NOGvCeUrST4O0MYEeRaSrFsORExLIpFeErience! Specializing in residential & commercial services. Parent Adys Dosil, who has treating their babies they advo-
Licenses in Westchester, Putnam applied to join SEEAT, said she cate. And that is fertile ground
was worried that the new DEI to have really complicated con-
leader seems to have “very little versations of how we make sure
experience in special needs.” all young people feel included,
Likening it to a “one-lane
highway,” she asked: “All I see Later on in the inter-
written is race and my concern view, Gonzowitz explains that
is, what about the rest of the she’s not teaching in a class-
children?” room, she’s a “teacher on special
Saying she could write a book
on equity, Dosil also noted: “Di- SEE DEI PAGE 34
versity does not divide.”
“ is is not just about race. It’s
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Thursday, October 27, 2022 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 15
INKWELL KOVACH cartilage deterioration and sustained
spasm of the muscles of mastication
Monster mash-up FROM PAGE 14 (repetitive motion fatigue from
chewing hard, crunchy foods).
My childhood haunted by Hitler was aware of a dull pain on the left
e Omega Man Je rey Dahmer side of my face. I couldn’t fall back to I recalled that the last two
Charles Manson sleep worrying about all of the possible Honeycrisp apples I had eaten
Apes that inherited my world Haunt my days medical reasons for face pain. When on ursday and Friday were
Twilight Zones Fireside frights I got out of bed on Sunday morning exceptionally hard and crunchy. I
Barnabas Collins casts a dark shadow Morning delights and sat down to my much-anticipated remembered chewing primarily on the
Steve battling e Blob Fascination with the macabre breakfast of pumpkin loaf cake (the left side (the same side where I now
Rosemary had a baby We delight in last piece!) and a large mug of co ee, have pain). To complicate matters,
I could barely open my mouth. What this was Sunday of a holiday weekend.
e living dead roam at night e eerie is happening? I literally could only What should I do?
Ancient ngers emerge to slowly open Bloodcurdling open my mouth enough to sip the
co ns Hair-raising cup of co ee. I couldn’t open my jaw I tried placing an ice pack against
Eyes closed Spine-chilling to accommodate a small square of the left side of my face. at seemed
Too terri ed to see breakfast cake! Do I have lockjaw? to make the pain worse. I made a
Bela Lugosi, Nosferatu, and Count ings that go bump in the night sandwich of scrambled eggs on raisin
Dracula And so I ask, My rst reaction was how bread for lunch and could barely eat it.
Vincent Price waxes and wanes “Who are the monsters?” disappointing to not be able to enjoy I could not open my mouth normally.
Egypt raises up Mummies my leisurely weekend breakfast. But I had to take small nibbles like a
Operas with phantoms - Kathy Burns more disturbing, why would my jaw be hamster.
And all the monsters chase Abbott locked up? I gently touched the side
and Costello of my face and winced in pain in one On Monday, I could not wedge a
Screaming in the theater with particular spot. Do I have rabies from spoonful of yogurt into my mouth. I
Jamie Lee Curtis that unprovoked dog attack in April read that lockjaw symptoms can go
And Linda Blair 2021 when a Bassett hound suddenly away in a few days to two weeks. But
Late nights reading chased me and bit my leg? sometimes the condition is permanent!
TMD joint pain may also go away in
e King of horror I spent the rest of the morning in a few days if the person only eats soft
Monsters by Shelley a panic, searching Google for causes foods.
Ravens and Black Cats and Tell-Tale of lockjaw and other related topics.
Hearts Will I ever be able to eat chocolate On Tuesday, I called my kind and
Having Nightmares on Elm Street bars and Honeycrisp apples again? knowledgeable dentist, Douglas A.
A good scare Of the dozens of possible causes Treyz DMD in Goldens Bridge, for an
Followed by nervous laughter for my locked jaw, the most likely emergency appointment. At the o ce,
seemed to be temporalmandibular Dr. Treyz assured me that it was an
en real life monsters disorder (TMD), arthritis of the jaw, over-worked TM joint and not rabies!
Come out from under the bed in ammation of the trigeminal nerve
And loom on TV and trismus (lockjaw). Contributing Kim Kovach may give up eating apples.
factors included stress, in ammation, www.kimkovachwrites.com
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Page 16 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, October 27, 2022
A study in courage
She was born Marie Cruz on after she was able to lift herself out iced tea guy was none other than show, condescendingly told her
Nov. 14, 1946. Her father she could not read Brando’s speech
was Native American and of her depression, she made the Francis Ford Coppola. and that she would only have 60
life-a rming decision to em- Back then, rumors were
her mother was French. Her brace her heritage. She changed rampant that celebrities like Jane seconds to say what she had to say.
parents met her name Fonda, Anthony Quinn, Burt en it happened. Marlon Brando
in Arizona, to Sacheen Lancaster and Marlon Brando was awarded best actor for his role
but because MY Littlefeather were interested in Native Ameri- in “ e Godfather.”Raising her
mixed race PERSPECTIVE and embarked can issues. When Littlefeather hand and then approaching the
couples were on a life of found out, again by chance, who stage was Sacheen Littlefeather, in
outlawed JAMES activism. the friendly iced tea drinking a tasseled buckskin dress, mocca-
at the time, MARTORANO Fortunately homeowner was, she became sins, with long straight hair. Roger
they had to for her, in the bolder. e next time she passed Moore tried to hand her the
relocate to ‘60s and early Coppola’s house, she shouted, Oscar, but, as they had planned,
Salinas, Calif. ‘70s, many “Hey! You directed Marlon Littlefeather held up her right
at move Native Ameri- Brando in ‘ e Godfather.’”She hand and refused to accept it. She
alone would prove to dramatically cans were beginning to take stock then asked for Marlon Brando’s then ad-libbed a short speech (not come any later, as Ms. Littlefeather
reshape Ms. Cruz’s life. Sadly, of their rich heritage and boldly address. any of which was from Brando’s died two weeks ago at her home in
her parents were both report- reasserting their rights. After her She sent Brando a letter, which eight-page manifesto), which Marin County, Calif.
edly mentally ill and abusive. In a father died, when she was just then led to several visits.‘ e ended with an apology: “I beg at In the end, she was proud of
terrifying incident that haunted 17, Littlefeather began visiting Godfather’star seemed genuinely this time that I have not intruded the trail she blazed. She was the
her throughout her life, she vividly reservations in Arizona, New interested in the plight of Native upon this evening, and that we rst woman of color, and the
recalls her dad chasing her with Mexico and California. Working Americans and the two hit it o will, in the future, our hearts and rst indigenous woman, to use
a broom as she was forced to as a public service director of a San famously. e Oscars in March our understandings, will meet with the Academy Awards to make a
escape by climbing a tree. It is not Francisco radio station, she also 1973 were approaching, and both love and generosity.” political statement, but she did
surprising that she was taken away found time to start a local a rma- believed there was a good chance e response was immediate it in her own way.“I didn’t use
from them when she was 3 and tive action committee for Native that Brando would be voted best and brutal. Not only was she met my st. I didn’t use swearwords. I
raised by her maternal grandpar- Americans which, among other actor.Together, they hatched a with boos, tomahawk chops and didn’t raise my voice. But I prayed
ents.To add to her challenges, she things, focused on the racist depic- plan that Littlefeather would racist catcalls, it is reported that that my ancestors would help
su ered from tuberculosis, spend- tion of Native Americans in lm, represent Brando and make a John Wayne had to be physically me. I went up there like a warrior
ing months in an oxygen tent as television and sports. statement on behalf of Native restrained from storming the stage. woman. I went up there with the
a result. Serendipitously, the most conse- Americans should the “Godfather” e next presenter, Clint East- grace and beauty and courage and
A major turning point came quential breakthrough in her life’s star be the award recipient. wood, mocked Littlefeather.“I the humility of my people. I spoke
when, in her early teens, her journey then presented itself, and But well organized they were don’t know if I should present this from my heart.”
grandfather took her to a mu- it was the result of her penchant not. Literally half an hour before award on behalf of all the cowboys Indeed, but what good did her
seum at the Carmel Mission for hiking. Ms. Littlefeather loved the announcement of the Oscar shot in all the John Ford westerns protest do? It probably did not
Church. ere, she was appalled trekking the hills of San Francisco for best actor, Littlefeather was still over the years?” open many minds or hearts at
at the inhumane display of bones and on her standard route, she no- at Brando’s home on Mulholland Later that evening, she re- the time. But calling out injustice,
belonging to Native Americans. ticed that at one home, the owner Drive as he was nishing an eight- treated to Mr. Brando’s home perhaps ahead of its time, is a
at, coupled with the overt and was always on his stunning porch page speech for her to give on his and together, they watched the moral imperative that we all share.
overwhelming racism she had ex- drinking iced tea. Eventually the behalf. She arrived at the ceremo- media response to their protest. Today, we sadly see our democ-
perienced in school, sent her into hiker and the homeowner began ny barely in time, with Brando’s She would never attend an Oscar racy under attack. Dangerous lies
a despair which culminated in a to exchange courteous hellos. assistant leading the way. However, awards ceremony again. However, and racist statements permeate
failed suicide attempt. ankfully, Little did our hiker know that the Howard Koch, the producer of the that was not the last time she the airwaves. But most, choosing
would hear from the Academy of power over principle, either sup-
Motion Pictures. Just a few weeks port these e orts or remain silent.
ago, the Academy apologized to Others are more worried about
Ms. Littlefeather for her treatment the price of gas than losing forever
during the Oscars. at apology our cherished democracy. More
felt “like a big cleanse…it felt like than any at any other time in my
FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE TECHNICIANS the sacred circle is completing it- life, we need brave souls like Ms.
self,”said Sacheen. It couldn’t have Littlefeather.
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Thursday, October 27, 2022 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 17
Considering a career in teaching
STRONG Finding the right career courses they’d love to take. always change majors. But Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why
LEARNING choice is one of the most What is the major of the most students need to remember they Bad Grades Happen to Good
important decisions anyone courses selected? When there’s have options in life. If the job Kids” and director of Strong
DR. LINDA can make. erefore, students a strong preference, a student doesn’t turn out to be what was Learning Tutoring and Test
SILBERT and parents must be open- would probably love that major expected, it’s good to keep in Prep, Inc. Send your questions to
minded about di erent career and career. If no clear choice mind that many people change [email protected].
Dear Dr. Linda, choices. Few people stay in the is evident it doesn’t matter as careers during their lifetime.
I’ve been a high school math same job until they retire as students don’t have to choose
their grandparents and great- a major right away and can Dr. Linda
teacher for more than 35 years grandparents did. Others will
and I’m happy to say that I remain in the same career even Your Family
still love my job. Are things if they change jobs or move to a Car Care Center!
di erent from when I began? di erent city or state.
Of course. Are there days that For over 20 years, Joe Ferone of Proper Service has been
I’m so stressed out that I want Students can take tests in serving the community, creating relationships,
to throw in the towel? Yes, high school to help them and building a remarkable company with
but the bottom line is I love determine a particular career an amazing team of employees!
teaching math. It’s one of the direction, but they’re often not
most satisfying careers I could valid or reliable at that age. Find out why Joe Ferone of Proper Service needs to be
have gone into. Some students will discover
career possibilities they didn’t YOUR Go-To Automotive Service Center!
I’m upset that many people know existed when they get
aren’t going to go into this to college. Many high schools LOCATIONS:
profession because of the bad hold career days in which Baldwin Place • 44 Route 118 • (845) 628-7900
rap it’s getting. I teach a math students meet various people
course at a local college at with di erent careers. And Croton Falls • 1 Center St • (914) 769-3206
night. Many of my students some people wind up in a White Plains • 105 Fulton Street • (914) 428-7185
tell me that they were thinking career they never knew about
of becoming teachers but purely due to circumstances in
have spoken to people like a their lives.
retired aunt, a neighbor who’s a
teacher, or someone else who’s Other people will have a
told them not to go near it. satisfying career in one eld
Please let teens and college kids and then completely change
know that teaching, like any directions and do something
other job, has good and bad else. So even though choosing a
days. But if you have the desire career is an important decision,
to become a teacher, go for it. students need to know that
It’s one of the most rewarding they won’t necessarily have to
professions they could be in. work at this career until they
Dear Ken, Choosing a career is based
on individual likes, dislikes,
According to a survey done interests, values, needs, and
years ago by the National circumstances. It’s not based
Opinion Research Center, “ e on the experiences of relatives
most satisfying jobs are mostly or neighbors. Young people
professions, especially those need to do their own research.
involving caring for people Everyone has their own needs,
such as teaching and protecting personality, and values.
others and creative pursuits.”
Teens need to be exposed to
Research has supported various careers so that they are
the fact that service careers informed. is means talking
are at the top of the list for with lots of people who have
job satisfaction. ese include di erent careers.
clergy, re ghters, police,
physicians, teachers, and college To start guring out possible
professors to name a few. In careers, students can read
terms of creative pursuits, actors the list of courses and course
and singers were also at the top descriptions for di erent
of many lists. majors from college catalogs.
ey’ll nd catalogs online or
can pick one up from a local
college. Students note the
Letters and Op-Ed Policy FORMERLY Joe Ferone
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be OWNER
edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and
op-eds are not necessarily those of The Somers Record Visit us at www.ProperService.com
or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
number and address for verification. Not all letters and A Qualified Auto Repair
op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds
which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor
by e-mail at [email protected]. For more
information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.
Thursday, October 27, 2022 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 29
Tuskers fend off Pearl River in opening round
Two rst-half goals from Esposito, Vecciarelli
BY WHIT ANDERSON to push through to the front. The Tuskers survived 20 corners from Pearl River. Teagan Ryan PHOTOS: CHRIS SMAJLAJ
SPORTS EDITOR You could tell that Pearl River Emily Esposito scored the Tuskers’ first goal on a
really wanted this at the end. corner.
e No. 8 Somers eld
hockey team hosted No. 9 ey were de nitely pushing
Pearl River early Saturday for it, but our defense kept it
afternoon in the rst round together. ey did really well
of the Section 1 Class B on those last corners.”
playo s. Ready out the gate,
the Tuskers scored two goals As expected, the Tuskers
in the rst half, and held o close-seeded opponent did
a second-half surge from the not waiver in the second half.
Pirates to win 2-1 and ad- In fact, their pressure had
vance to the quarter nals. Somers on the defensive.
Somers rst scored on a “We were close seeds,” said
corner, as senior defender Em- Magaletti “I was not expect-
ily Esposito stayed post to put ing it to be an easy win. I
the Tuskers up 1-0. Junior for- knew they would come out
ward Julia Vecciarelli then gave and push for it. My girls
her team a 2-0 cushion with a came out knowing to be
shot that passed through the ready for it.”
goalie’s legs with 10:43 left in
the half o a great nd from More than ready, the Tusk-
star Teagan Ryan. ers managed to defend nearly
all of Pearl River’s 20 corners
“We came out and really on the day, largely thanks to
wanted it,” said Coach Amy the e orts of goalie Kamryn
Magaletti. “Both (goals) Seeger. Her 12 saves, many
were beautiful shots. We had of them diving, encapsulated
strong passes throughout the what she has provided all
center. We really were trying season.
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Page 30 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, October 27, 2022
Football finishes season undefeated“She (Seeger) did great.
She is at 167 saves for the Volleyball claims league title
season. is game was no
di erent for getting major
saves o . She de nitely is
an asset. We only had her FOOTBALL
this whole season. Just one Somers 38, Sleepy Hollow 7
goalie that has really showed Friday, Oct. 21
what she is made of,” Coach e Tuskers nished their un-
said. defeated season (7-0) with a Se-
Giving up a corner goal to nior Night stomping of Sleepy
the Pirates’ Sophia Brown Hollow, 38-7.
with 1:35 remaining in the Matt Fitzsimons, nishing
third period, the Tuskers the year on a roll, went 15/18 for
made it a mission to not let 242 yards and three touchdowns,
Pearl River tie in the nal while also tacking on a rushing
frame.Backed by Seeger and TD. Tyler Ostrander (3 Rec, 77
her heroics, Somers made Yds), Ravi Dass (4 Rec, 69 Yds, 1
de ection after de ection, TD), Mason Kelly (1 Rec, 60 Yds,
with the home crowd nally 1 TD), Mac Sullivan (4 Rec, 57
being able to breathe a sigh Yds, 1 TD), and Luke Savino (4
of relief as Lauren McCar- Att, 35 Yds, 1 TD) all contributed
tin made a steal and clear on o ense as well.
paragrapouht rinegthaerdninalgsebcoencdos.ming the DresfetnKsiAveBly,aNilcikatNe.ewPmleaanse(4delete Mexican Shack logo and use the updated WinWaste logo (no City Carting).
Anticipating a quarter- Tk), George Forbes, (3 Tk), and
ne breaLkn,aTaklealkaanegdTa,ihnthsetePNlpeoodw. ge1rehsoaeuetsdet,he bMiot dtiktooewmKn.eaanned(3enTdk,s1wTiFthL)thheeldhaTshhetTaugsk).er seniors honored before the game.
this past Tuesday, Magaletti Seniors Mike Aquilino, Dass, Somers will host Brewster Fri- the Tuskers returned to Bowdoin Masterson (21:54.9), Kaeleigh
FUL (grekennew) her team’s heart was Stefan Swee, Luke Kennedy, Sa- day, Oct. 28 to kick o their Sec- Park on Saturday, this time for the Picco (19th, 22:57), Mia Parisi
the key to an upset. vino, Keane, Ostrander, Fitzsi- tion 1 Class A playo run. Section 1 Coaches Invitational, (24th, 23:15.5), and Brooke Fazio
“Hopefully they come out mons, Nick Slyvester, Charles where the girls and boys teams (29th, 24:09.4) packed together
with the feeling of ‘we can Lewis, Peter McIntyre, Forbes, CROSS COUNTRY placed second and fourth in their for good placing and times, just
black) do it,’ will push forward, Anthony Carino, David Jocson, Section 1 Coaches
races respectively. falling short to North Rockland.
and are strong as we can be. Jake Polito, Timmy Azimi, and Invitational Julia Aquilino (7th, 21:24.7), “It was a good day overall and
ion at ToWbwe hanoteoHvueagrlhlwpgeaamprklea,iy”nsngheexlsotatiwdbi.lloth doNarieycdksb,Me9faoaurmerat-nh1te2ognpaiommwe..ere all hon- Saturday, Oct. 22 Julia Duzynski (9th, 21:39), Mia SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 31
deposit each, cash or Zelle (black italic) After a week and a half break, Sandalo (10th, 21:49.8), Jess
tional recycling rate has increased over the past 30 years. CLEANUP EVENT
rate is 34%.
een) November 5TH & 6TH
h, I will reduce the amount of waste I produce, Supplies and registration at Town Hall
d I will buy products made with recycled content. parking lot both days, 9-12pm.
Pickers and Vests: $10 deposit each, cash or Zelle
Did you know...
the national recycling rate has increased
over the past 30 years.
The current recycling rate is 34%.
Within the next month, I will reduce the amount of waste
I produce, I will recycle more and I will buy products
made with recycled content.
[email protected] FACEBOOK!
Thursday, October 27, 2022 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 31
Mac Sullivan
ROUNDUP with a big service run in the nal set. Bridget Pittman
“As I told the girls, their grit, their PHOTOS: CHRIS SMAJLAJ Ella Ponterio
FROM PAGE 30 ght till the end when their backs were
sets us up well for the remainder of the up against the wall is what I am most
season,” said Coach John Vegliante. proud of because we have lacked some
of that self-belief in the past,” said
For the boys, Christian Wissa (5th, Coach Stacey Pittman. “ is is a lesson
17:47) led the way with a huge per- not only on the volleyball court but a
sonal best, followed by Christian life lesson they will take with them...
Brooks (23rd, 18:54.1), Michael Ma- While a share of the title is nice and
guire (30th, 19:13.8), Arjun Ojha signi cant, there is still work to do and
(34th, 19:21.9), Mason Phillips (35th, these young ladies want and deserve
19:22.7), Samuel Parsons (44th, more.”
19:39.8), and Michael Falcone (47th,
19:49.8). Philips and Parsons also had Yorktown 3, Somers 2
PRs. Thursday, Oct. 20
Yorktown forced Somers to settle for
“Overall, we are all coming together, a share of the league title after sweep-
and this was a big bounce back from ing the visiting Tuskers 3-0 (26-28, 21-
our league championship,” said Coach 25, 18-25).
Mike Lacko.“ ese next two weeks are Ponterio (11 assists, 8 digs, 3 kills, 2
going to be special, and I am so excited aces), Reilly Pittman (11 assists, 6 digs,
for it.” 3 kills), Bridget Pittman (9 kills, 2 aces,
3 digs), and Taylor Luks (21 digs) pro-
Somers High School will host the duced.
Westchester County Championships Somers 3, North Salem 0
on Saturday, Oct. 29. Friday, Oct. 21
VOLLEYBALL e Tuskers nished their regular
Somers 3, John Jay-Cross River 2 season with a 3-0 Senior Game win
Tuesday, Oct. 18 over visiting North Salem (25-9, 25-
Down two sets on the road, the 13, 25-23).
Tuskers made a miraculous 3-2 come- Ponterio (18 assists, 7 digs, 1 ace, 2
back (14-25, 23-25, 28-26, 25-23, kills, 0.5 blocks), Reilly Pittman (15 as-
15-6) against rival John Jay to claim a sists, 11 digs, 6 aces, 6 kills, 0.5 blocks),
share of the league title. Kellock (13 kills, 3 aces, 2 digs), and
Bridget Pittman (12 kills, 1 ace, 1 assist,
Ella Ponterio (26 assists, 8 digs, 4 7 digs) all looked ready for the playo s.
aces), Caroline Conti (14 kills, 7 aces,
4 digs, 1.5 blocks), Maren Kellock (14 No. 5 Somers will host No. 12 Rye in
kills, 1 ace, 7 digs 1 assist), and Taylor the rst round of the Section 1 Class A
Luks (20 digs, 1 kill) all contributed to playo s on Friday, Oct. 28.
the comeback, but Conti stole the show
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