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Published by Halston Media, 2021-02-10 13:27:06

Mahopac News 02.11.21

VOL. 12 NO. 1 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2021

School officials: Remote
learning problematic for

some students

Kids being urged to return to classroom
for hybrid model

PHOTO COURTESY OF CASSIDI PEREIRA BY BOB DUMAS students who have decided to work virtually.
EDITOR We’ve had a number of think tanks going for
Let it blow! the past few weeks [discussing] ways we can
Mahopac school o cials say remote learn- creatively engage our students.
Jorge Pereira playfully gives his son Nicholas,10, a shot of snow from ing is having an adverse e ect on some students
the snowblower in the wake of the nor’easter that dropped more than a and are encouraging more to engage in the dis- “We are going to conduct surveys for both
foot of snow on Mahopac over a three-day period from Jan. 31 to Feb. trict hybrid model and take part in in-person students and teachers—all of them focused
2. When the storm died down, folks began to dig out and kids and dogs instruction when the schedule calls for it. on engagement.”
took advantage of the days o to have some fun. Check out more snow-
storm photos on the centerspread on pages 14 and 15. e hybrid model divides the student body Superintendent Anthony DiCarlo said the
into blue and gold “cohorts,”with each cohort post-holiday surge in positive COVID-19
coming to school on a di erent day to reduce cases has subsided and he encouraged stu-
the number of students in the building at any dents to come to their buildings on the days
given time. Students also have the option of the hybrid model dictates.
going 100 percent remote learning. However,
o cials say many students who are signed up “It’s that eye-to-eye contact, that person-
for the hybrid model are not coming to school to-person interaction [that is important],” he
enough. said. “What we are seeing is that surge that
was predicted into the holidays is starting to
“We are nding at a base level that we work its way down. So, we are encouraging
need to increase student engagement with kids to come back. ere is plenty of room
our teachers and our school, especially our and we can social distance.”
freshman class,” said Dr. Matthew Lawrence,
high school principal, during the district’s DiCarlo said every student is di erent in
“Spotlight on Mahopac Schools” online how they learn and for some, remote learning
program. “Who are we as Mahopac High is problematic, and they are falling behind.
School? Who are we as human beings? ey
are really lacking that due to the number of “At the high school, it’s all about credit-
bearing—if you don’t have that prerequisite


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The Staff Town seeks new LEARNING are still way behind on vaccines,”
ECB member he continued. “But that is not to
EDITORIAL TEAM FROM PAGE 1 say that toward the end of the year,
BOB DUMAS number of credits, you won’t go to when the guidance changes,we can’t

EDITOR: 845-208-0774 that next grade level; you are going bring more kids back. We are going
[email protected]
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER e Town Board of the Supervisor Kenneth Schmitt to remain back,” he said. “We still to do that. During the budget pro-
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-302-5628
[email protected] Town of Carmel is looking Carmel Town Hall have half the year to get caught up. cess we will be looking at summer

ADVERTISING TEAM for an interested and quali ed 60 McAlpin Ave. We have guidance counselors, psy- programs for all learners because we
person to ll a vacancy on the Mahopac, NY 10541 chologists and social workers, so want to continue that momentum
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] Environmental Conservation Or email to amp2@ parents should make that call and going into the next school year.”

BRUCE HELLER Board., by March 1. let us make those connections. Tom Cozzocrea, principal of
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] Submit a letter of interest For additional information, “I am not saying everyone is com- Mahopac Middle School, said that

LISA KAIN and resume to: go to ing back. We are not ready yet; we while his school has not been as af-
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] fected as the high school,he remains
(914) 760-7009 SPRING REGISTRATION concerned.
[email protected] “I don’t know if the numbers are

JAY GUSSAK the same as the high school, but
(914) 299-4541 there are some chairs that can be
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY NOW OPEN! lled. We have about 27 percent of
(917) 446-7757 our students who are all virtual right
[email protected] now,” he said. “We o er the oppor-
SHELLEY KILCOYNE tunity every ve weeks for students
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] to come back. at ve-week period
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER is coming up now and the informa-
[email protected]
PRE-K CLINIC...$50 tion is being sent out to parents. We
PRODUCTION TEAM will make sure they can all come
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL WEDNESDAYS 4:30-5:30PM • STARTING APRIL 21ST back on board for the hybrid model.

CREATIVE DIRECTOR “It’s been a trying time,” he add-
KINDERGARTEN SOCCER... 85$ * ed.“We know it hasn’t been easy for
[email protected] families and the students. Many of
ART DIRECTOR/ IN-HOUSE 1ST-8TH GRADE... 120$ * our students have exceeded expec-
tations and are trying really hard.
[email protected] We are broken up into the blue and

EXECUTIVE TEAM *EARLY BIRD ••• yellow cohorts but would love to
BRETT FREEMAN DISCOUNTS VOLUNTEER COACHES see more students come in because
CEO & PUBLISHER that in-person learning is so impor-
845-208-8151 THROUGH FEB. 14TH NEEDED FOR KINDERGARTEN-8TH GRADE tant—that engagement.”

[email protected] HIGH SCHOOL VOLUNTEERS Lawrence said only about 25 per-
cent of the students who signed on
Deadlines NEEDED FOR PRE-K & IN-HOUSE COACHING to the high school’s hybrid program
are coming in.
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS “It’s a staggering number. We’ve

AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR ••• had only about 90 freshmen in
SAVE THE DATE: our building on a daily basis over
MAHOPAC NEWS IS THE THURSDAY the past week and a half,” he said.
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. “ at’s alarming to me as an edu-

FOR MORE INFORMATION, cator. Our students who need the
TRAVEL TRYOUTS: MAY 1 & 15 most intervention are not coming
845-208-0774 OR EMAIL into our building and are struggling
[email protected]. SUMMER SOCCER CAMP: the most. I strongly encourage stu-

Subscribe WEEKS OF 8/23 & 8/30 dents who have chosen hybrid to
come to school.If you are totally vir-
TO REQUEST MAHOPAC NEWS REGISTRATION tual and you want to come to school,
EMAIL [email protected]. OPENS SOON! give us a call.”
OUT OF TOWN MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE come to the buildings, they will be
able to take part in extracurricular
MAHOPAC, NY AND AT activities—an important tool in

ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. making emotional connections

POSTMASTER: during the pandemic. He said that
while other school districts are just
824 ROUTE 6, SUITE 4 now discussing the possibility of re-
suming some extracurricular activi-
ties, Mahopac has already started.
(ISSN 2330-1627)
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY “A lot of the districts are starting
824 ROUTE 6, SUITE 4 the conversation,‘OK, you are start-
ing athletics, what about other ex-
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD tracurricular activities?’ What about

SUITE 100 theater, what about jazz band, what
about orchestra?”he said.“We start-
ed that back on Jan.4 and have those

sessions after school.We were ahead

of the curve and gave those students

opportunities to work with their in-

structors.We’re already there. at is

REGISTER AT MAHOPACSOCCER.COM a tribute to the passion of our music

department and theater department
and our kids wanting to get together

right way. So, we are excited.”


Volunteers help box items for UFT’s
Operation Cupid.


UFT’s ‘Operation Cupid’ hits the mark

Valentines goodies on the way to overseas troops

BY CAROL REIF ies—plus basic necessities such hopac resident, but the charity one time. and disposable razors); and edi-
STAFF WRITER as toothpaste, lip balm, and thought it was important to let But, Rathschmidt said, with bles (peanut butter, canned tuna,
socks—to send about 250 boxes these brave men and women soup, individually sized cereals,
Handmade cards and other winging their way to military “know we’re thinking of them about 15 volunteers working in and gum).
heartfelt expressions of gratitude folks serving in Iraq, Afghani- on Valentine’s Day.” shifts, it went very smoothly.
have made “Operation Cupid stan, Japan and other far- ung Monetary donations are also
2021” a big success, according to places. UFT operates out of Putnam Among things that are always welcome. It costs between $15
Jim Rathschmidt, co-founder of County’s old tax o ce in Car- on the “wish list” are: snacks and $18 to mail each package,
United for the Troops. In its 14 years of operation, mel. (pretzels, trail mix, oatmeal, Rathschmidt said.
UFT has shipped at least 24,000 fruit roll-ups); sundries (bat-
e all-volunteer organiza- of these care packages overseas. is year, because of CO- teries, underwear, word games, For the complete “wish list,”
tion managed to gather up VID-19 restrictions, the non- books, and dominoes); toiletries or for more information about
enough Valentine’s Day good- e work goes on all year pro t had to limit the number (foot powder, feminine hygiene the organization, visit https://
round, said Rathschmidt, a Ma- of those packing the boxes at products, baby wipes, sunblock,


County begins second round of COVID vax

Feds say they will increase NYS allotment by 20 percent

e Putnam County Department of Health

(DOH) began administering second doses of the

Moderna COVID-19 vaccine last week.

e Moderna COVID-19 vaccine requires two

doses 28 days apart. Only those who were given the

rst dose of the vaccine by the Putnam County Health

Department were eligible for a second dose from the


“ e supply is still limited, but the good news is that

the federal government said it will increase New York

State’s vaccine supply by 20 percent for the next three

weeks,” County Executive MaryEllen Odell said. “We

expect that will soon translate into more vaccine for

Putnam County residents.”

Casey Quake, a first e Health Department has received a shipment

responder from the Putnam of 900 doses for second-dose use. It ran one vaccine

County Bureau of Emergency POD, as the clinics are known, in Carmel on urs-
Services, is one of the first
to receive his second dose. PHOTOS COURTESY OF SUSAN HOFFNER day, Feb. 4 and two more PODs this week, one in Car-
Casey is with his service dog mel on Monday, Feb. 8 and the other in Philipstown
Teddy. Casey received his Medical Reserve Corps nurses joined the Putnam County Public Health nurses, the on ursday, Feb. 11.
first dose of the Moderna Commissioner of Health Dr. Michael J. Nesheiwat, and the Emergency Preparedness
vaccine on Jan. 7. Coordinator, for a photo before the doors opened at the Carmel Friendship Center on Feb 4. More PODs, for rst and second doses, will also be

e state has very strict requirements on the distri-
bution of the second doses. e Health Department

is not allowed to use any of the

second-dose shipment for rst

doses of the vaccine.

“Individuals who received rst

doses at a Health Department-

run POD must return for their

second dose appointments as

scheduled,” said Kathy Percacci-

olo, the supervising public health

947 South Lake Blvd., Mahopac Indoor Dining nurse. “Appointments may not REGULAR MENU be transferred to friends or fam-
ily members. We must follow the
845.595.8222 AVAILABLE state guidance or risk receiving
• future vaccine shipments.”

Curbside & Delivery e state has assigned di erent

(within 5 miles) providers speci c groups to vac-

cinate out of those eligible under

Phase 1A and 1B. Pharmacies

have been assigned the task of

Valentine’s Day!NowTaking Reservations For vaccinating senior citizens. e
Featuring Steve Black Acoustic Guitarist Putnam County Department of
Health, like local health depart-
ments statewide, is required by
the state to vaccinate only essen-
tial workers.

Last week, Gov. Andrew Cuo-
mo granted localities the option
of adding restaurant workers, taxi

and drivers, and developmentally

disabled facilities to the 1B group.

As more vaccine is released

by the state and delivered to the

DAILY SPECIALS county health department, the
department will begin to o er
vaccination appointments to the

Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Under new management— expanded priority groups.
“TACO $12 ALL NATURAL 3-COURSE Allison Palais, owner/operator “We would like our Health
$2 EACH TACO & CHEESE GIFT Department to be able to vacci-
Choice of Beef, BURGERS $25.99 CERTIFICATES nate senior citizens,” Odell said.
AVAILABLE! “We get emails every day from
(Dine-in only) seniors who don’t understand the
Visit our website! complicated system the state has
Chicken, Fish & 1 FREE DRINK set up. ey beg us to help them
4pm to close With Your Meal get vaccinated, but our hands are
Like us! tied. It’s heartbreaking. e coun-
ties need more exibility in order
to serve our residents.”

Article courtesy of the County

Executive’s O ce



So bored with what this kid says,” and “It’s going even more disturbing to nd that tantly, save the county thousands perks; they are necessary tools.

this board to pass anyway, so I’ll vote ‘yes’ but the majority of our County Leg- of dollars in false claims. e Legislature needs to stop

I’m not happy about it.” islators stand in the way. License plate readers can playing political games with our

To the editor, We’ve had 20-plus years of lath- Given how litigious our soci- also be an invaluable tool. From safety and authorize this funding

At the Jan. 6 Town Board orga- er,rinse,repeat on our Town Board. ety is, it makes no sense that Put- catching criminals to rescuing an immediately. Putnam County

nizational meeting, approximately Do you like what you see when you nam County wouldn’t want every abducted child to tracking at-risk residents need and deserve this

49 minutes in, Councilwoman drive through our town? ey see police o cer equipped with a adults. Yet in Putnam County, important crime- ghting equip-

Suzi McDonough, in response to it, too, but they’re not going to step body camera. Body cameras can one of the wealthiest in the Unit- ment and they need it as soon as

questions about the town’s pro- aside for the good of the town, so protect the innocent, be it a po- ed States, our sheri is denied the possible.

curement policy,said the following: vote wisely, my friends. lice o cer or a civilian. ey can tools needed to keep us all safer. Helen Evers

“ is year is my year of not mis- Tom Weller weed out bad apples and, impor- ese aren’t frills, they aren’t Brewster

leading anybody, and not allowing Mahopac

anybody out there to mislead that

we’re doing something wrong.” Legislature playing COVID–19
What an odd thing to say. games with safey

What’s so special about this year TESTING ALERT
that you decided to stop mislead-

ing people? Could it be that you’re To the editor,
up for re-election? Are we then to I recently spoke with Putnam

assume that in previous years you County Sheri Robert Langley FROM AFC URGENT CARE
had no problem with misleading and was astounded to discover

people? that the sheri has not been per-

Some of Suzi’s other great- mitted to purchase crime ghting * Rapid & PCR Covid Testing for all
est hits include, “I’m still calling it tools such as license plate readers

the Mahopac Indians, I don’t care (LPR) and body cameras. It was * Extended Hours: M-F 8am-10pm, S-S 8am-5pm

Letters and Op-Ed Policy * No appointment needed for testing: simply stop into
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. the center, pick an open spot on our sign up sheet,
The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not return at your designated time, get tested.
necessarily those of Mahopac News or its affiliates. Submissions
must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail
at [email protected]. For more information, call
the editor at 845-208-0774.



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November 2nd – Novem
O•PFIRNEEIOheNaring Join• us for our 5-Day SpeFREE otosTcHoUpRSiDcAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2021 • FRE
PAGE 12 MAHOPAC NEWS November 2nd – NovAll

I want forscVreaenliengntine’s Dayexamination to check of o
for wax buildup tech

• FREE hearing • FREE otoscopicUntil this year.
Rsecrseeenrivneg Your SpeoxtamToindataioyn!to(9ch1e4ck) 24TRACY
ing up from a ght? Sure. But not for Valentine’s Day, but I’m just clear that my vacuum had gone

is year I am following a for Valentine’s Day. OK, maybe not a lacy lingerie kind of girl. on to that great Hoover Heaven

very strict diet plan, which, sometimes for Valentine’s Day, With all this in mind, I set out in the sky.
BECKERMAN shockingly, does not make

for wax buildupany allowances for Valen-
but not usually. Of course if he to nd a gift for me, from him, Reluctantly, I got on my hands
happened to get me jewelry for that said love and romance, but and knees and picked up the
MMaMsaksaskshskashvhaevaemvememtetchocolate o the potential
etgift list, I needed to come up
tine’s Day chocolate. So, with Valentine’s Day, I wouldn’t com- did not seem greedy or presump- Lucky Charms one blue moon,

Wpitl.aien, bout Iewroutldhne’t bme exopescttin2g.4tIuGnoteuHrsn.zeItdrfeoecricdinehsdpatiroartpgieorenu.asBebuthtleaes Istyptlieimnske.haeavernta, Iainlwadenbgrtelteeon,mclyocvoerma-t a
Reserve tYhotehutiherriemSripmraomtatctahTcto!hcdh!a!y! (91eing the wonderful guy
with some other suggestions inAMcnluyucwhda.yi,nwigth tchhoecolwateoanrdld’s orevraecsrhtaedb2ofxo.4romf GcyerlHaepalztothpca,utI hksuntsobocaknmedd repitucothner,mapyrrignhtueesdbaaobnudtl’saedpeasgke. and left
for my husband to show me the
that he is, my husband

Bknows that the way to my

heart is through chocolate. I’m
not a snob... really any chocolate
will do. Except the kind with

L I Mcoconut on the inside. Or cherry

goop. Or insects. But other than
Valentine’s love. Yes, of course, hcjeowemeaelruyrpionwgitthheastoiamdbleest,h.Iihnagdetlsoe to had left on the counter and Yeah, nothing says love and ro-
there is always the tried and true
bouquet of owers. But being me, hint about. Left to his own devic- Lucky Cglhuatermn-sfr(edeNo!)ne’stwpNjruadeyhgewNeed—aeahlrwlienahgreianmaigadrninacteeigdlcikahteiendaconthleeonwcgohvalnocuogulmogcleaner.
I wanted something more unique. they’re
Something more enduring. Not •leogisenk,teccSmemluvayefperorhieyrltauryhWimcsiniyobtsuaorlbccinenshehdlgonueaoeweunardniodretudcIiatlehdnonwqadmrpuogtrtuahfothloledbtehirtanwhwtybeaboleeayubuanmrlrldyywdionoottghhaisvfeerenttr-lvmyhdta2huecs’uen.ssut4riamunnggGd.c.rIlgesHqeauttniwmzoec2rnketralw.oyea4kwmirctreaclheineGasnhamwmatnkgioHayrteuegiafpsrenezakgtagircetcsieesnfieuaeamgianT“otcrsLnbesrefseatoatiataslcoeeoastmyerncrk!isBeehmnNwsiateseSc!omosktaurawekdrbyhrart,svumeoielser!pnaenbckasnehitthassrueoie,a!rs”paedpaaesahemolrrvseefobgpaibaaspneeer“iiklnLeoleaimgnoapspgbtbltieylnlee,
that chocolate is enduring, but we NoNvNoevomevmebmebreb2ren2rdn2dn–d–N–oNvNoevomevmebmebreb6ret6rht6hth•IuifnrnuiemgaeCsnurnnrydaaivdtssldelipywfrrmuao,hwhwlcn,uoelebemeassreeraiaccuethraonrntuusdhibsstteebneeJrreadIowngta.hhdNmaieasJavnoytrieo-tnoiistatudghioJutwlinioroosbnttsaefs.eoislpuyfnfmhosoeusvsnarcuafeacmnIsrouotcpyeua-ldtrfmusuologltoshuogrroeneradduv5riaeointcdr-guiuntuDwo5,mhrhlia-iifptneD5osye,”oalLolinvkflieofaEetethtliu!evsfnmsajsceuotelsarbt,n!uofaonosktldl.frocu!oywnm.nFh/yoe…rr $
make exceptions for tru es.
getbtehehme•ahrodSuusepheolrdioarppsloiaunnceds qualIittryieadntdwo more times, but it was LostinsuburbiaFanPage.
that, I’m happy to be lavished Both of us always felt that
with any other kind of chocolates. jewelry was too extravagant for
something that is basically a
is has made buying me a gift Hallmark holiday. Jewelry for
for Valentine’s Day a somewhat birthdays? Anniversaries? Mak-
simple chore.

KOSBERG by the Constitution.” He added ••pMsiniutgIywCNyibcolaosghEeiid•ucnrdiWamagaeFsvbrndaseci!Ri•ne,nrwRrn•FeIE.tege’tiAhemaCceEsFaeeeapfolncnnRraarn.htC•cridvsduEtPcsrheiheeo,sFiinepaeErerrotemralcReptov,ugyeoamenrhrspecEmnmsreruitdilelindEaanomMenepsbaouiseggaingienhhckdatrseeroietiesiieAnnUtrnRgjpsaeuhaatfgntgnlretgrrdeer-heiiohevjcn.wdwufaea”ognrsmthma-•-tooymieFffhnioaoRxApwwtetegirrr•ranoEhiewlmtetpnowmtaEofFehvesao.feRbx’arcoc•nsi“rpiaolEnlxcttyaHfeFmuwhmeaEoaioRlxbdinmodenstaerosaiEuintcsnaxahotwhamiEoidenooanalennbddpfcavostitcdyeleunaiitxcutatdcoeooriad‘polas,lbenltidptst“sscnohuictuihtogloscoieoplernonaedpecfdCouitekhcolnopaeveerpcecdc-imh-kerea,nck• FYRo•rEkEF. RAd•EefFEomRrdmEoeEenmrdsftoeerdmnaestroatiolrnapnstrtoirosaentciuo-n
that during the attack, Trump otofr,oKouafrtkonoouefsrwaoniuedesrowtnf hTeeserwutamehrispent:ag“hrIitenagring
FROM PAGE 8 “abandoned his post ... thus tdceaenncnhttoTnetrcoubhtlmeoenipgcgohnelo!nonrcgoeodluo!rtgahgaet!dPtrhesisi-
further endangering all present.”
Trump won his district by 15 insurrection.” He also noted
points, Gonzalez was un- I admire and applaud Re-
ambiguous: Trump, he said, ResReerRsveersveYerovuYeorYuSorpuSorptSoTpotodTtoaTdyoa!dy(9a!1y(9!41()9421)4425)4-26546-6516-8616818publican Rep. Jaime Herrera
isttaon,yMoueirjehbreeiashraiensaogrcdaiaildcsownsietrh-outtaonl police o cer, and avoided that as the riot was happen-
“helped organize and incite a Beutler of Washington State. ovantoiavbeocirnet•ifovanivsNoirtErigWohft!sreFasnetrdaictatugioraneinssstdesigsthhnereaddnektseofrcorhametilolpenadoefrosuhripCwaphietnol, ing, Trump “refused to call it
mob that attacked the United e mother of three, with a o , putting countless lives in

States Congress in an attempt disabled child, declared on the Wi•nr“hceeceoseFltsuuoarmiWaridnlicaldiceetgndlireTuroWigogen”ntdrtetahcuesiehennlnywmeuocoerdogcndtmpetywui“tihoaegnbshocoehbnruregoesironttemnlwrtwhwdt2ahrgtoet’yiieoa.segte4sedfmrchhtdawrlGtdntr2ocshamsos’’eo4.sHtsa4ptcnGzssh2sGekerHra.osHesn4rtzpcolgztiG2hculcetre.uIaHareo4nsrabwcczgtGdholRocehmuHaumeanrsozsipbgtrtt.rryeclaeoeeJyularomecsesnbnhhsttedlnorayaeeelmrvadKecsgpaehtseapirdyaltaelakraeivbcbtoguhasllemdioaealaafr,voRbgbNaseletliep.elea”auw,bbblle-e, danger.”
to prevent us from completing House oor her vote in favor of To be silent, is to be com-
our solemn duties as prescribed impeachment: “I’m not choos-

hearhinegarha•ienidagCsr.aionindgvsa.eindsie. nt, remote adjustments

• JoinScluapr•ietryiScotluoarpr•shieoteryucSailountraotorpdrcosieohtqorymeuiuyoatafncorrooldiecsrhtuootyqeamuvuaarbnrnaifldhoyslcdirotiqietnymtauaaabafnnollryidyrtityinnaabagnlnydyainiadnsy without an us for our 5-DLaIyMLSIIpTMeELcIDMTiaETlIDITEMEvTeDEInMOTt!IEFMFOEFROFEFRFER
Masks have February 15 –enviroennmviernoetnnmvireonntment
Februa$r5$y0$51059 0O0OFOFFF Fbanedhemabaurnedsdihcemtbaahunereedsdhwimcemaatyhuredesitircwwgtaaheyseinmtwwceaayynsittcmwtooeaansnmttateoacnttsto

met tFhReiEr E FREE• NEW• !NFeEaW•tu!NrFeEesWadt!ueFsreigsantdueedrseitsgondheedslipgtonehdeltpo help
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Hearing screening and Otoscopic examination ofwearinwgefaarciwnegemafariscnkegsmfaacsekms asks

match!consultation. your ears. It may just be wax!• Con•veCnoien•nvteC,nroeinemnveot,ntreieeamndtoj,utrestmamdoejtunestatsmdjeunstms ents

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• Cris•p, cClreias••pr,sCctrlrFieesaaaprm,lscltilnerdeagareomsfttirpenehgacomotnfiienopcghnaollnfswephciaotlnlhse caalllserts sent to

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MUSINGS Register at: https://nwh- sion Master Gardener Volun- es, and the invasive plants that nam History Museum. You can
schoolbreakcookingclub.event- teers present their rst virtual threaten those resources. You’ll nd this and other videos, on
FROM PAGE 20 guided hike! While they can- see where to park and nd the Cornell Cooperative Extension

surgical and non-surgical treat- Financial Fraud celled an in-person hike early trailhead, learn about the man of Putnam’s YouTube channel at
ment options, who is a candidate in the year due to the pandemic, for whom the park is named,

for joint replacement and living Workshop Master Gardener Volunteers and enjoy the beauty of Putnam Contact Us
an active life post-replacement. lmed and narrated a hike of County’s forests. We welcome Mahopac News is located at
In an e ort to protect lo- you to enjoy this curated hike 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite
Register at:https://2021ortho. cal business owners from the Putnam County’s Fred Dill experience. 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. perils of fraud – particularly Wildlife Sanctuary. ese walk- You can contact us at 845-208-
while many remain in a re- ing trails are right in the heart Community and government 0774 or email mahopacnews@
KIDS IN THE KITCHEN mote or partially remote work of Carmel, and easy to access. partners include the Putnam
Wednesday, Feb. 17 and environment – Tompkins Ma- In this short video, Master Gar- County Soil & Water Conserva-
ursday, Feb. 18, 2-3 p.m. live hopac Bank will host a virtual dener Volunteers introduce you tion District, Parks Department,
workshop on“Financial Fraud to local history, natural resourc- County Historian, and the Put-
over Zoom
February Break Cooking

Club: If you have a child who and Data Protection for your

loves to cook and is looking for Business” on Wednesday, Feb.

an activity over the February 17,from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30

break, Amy Rosenfeld, a reg- p.m. While there is no cost to Replacing scores of
istered dietician at the Center attend the informative talk, reg- Allstate | State Farm | Geico
for Healthy Living, will lead a istration is required on Tomp-
fun and educational, two-part kins Mahopac Bank’s website Policies Everyday!

cooking club. Participants will by Monday, Feb. 15 in order to

learn about nutrition through access log-in information. www.

an interactive trivia game, while

practicing healthy cooking Virtual
techniques and fundamentals.

Choose one class or both. Reci- Guided Hike ONE CALL… MULTIPLE QUOTES
pes are provided ahead of time
so you can cook along together. Cornell Cooperative Exten-

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FROM PAGE 6 A-Rated Companies
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Eugene ‘Gene’ Vincent Faber
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For Experience, Knowledge and Service Progressive • Safeco

Eugene “Gene” Vincent Faber, 87, of Oakland Calif., formerly Aardvark Insurance Kemper • Hartford
of Mahopac, passed away Jan. 22, 2021 at his home. Born in Jersey Mercury • 1st American

City, N.J., he was the son of the late Martin John Faber Sr., and 600 Rt. 6 | Mahopac NY Main Street America
Wanda Telkowski Faber. On July 31, 1971 Gene married Jacqueline 845.208.3707 • 845.225.1007 Utica Mutual
Baer Faber in Rye, N.Y. She predeceased him in December 2012.

Gene worked as a lm and speech writer for IBM and later as a [email protected]
consultant for other businesses. He was a passionate gardener and

cook and loved entertaining. The Carmel Aardvark Insurance office is merged with the Mahopac office
Gene is survived by his three loving children, Elizabeth Faber effective November 25, 2015.

( John Miller), John Faber, and Christopher Faber (Claudia Guerra)

of California, and two adoring grandchildren Noah and Benjamin

Miller. He will be fondly remembered by his many nieces, nephews

and friends. He was predeceased in death by his son, James Faber;

his sister, Dolores J. MacCarthy; and his two brothers, Martin J.

Faber, Jr. and Donald J. Faber. Bethel
Due to the pandemic, there are no services at this time.
Funeral arrangements entrusted to Cargain Funeral Homes, Inc.,

418 Route 6 , Mahopac. Springvale


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Senior Brock Fitzpatrick was an All-Section selection last winter. Two-time All-State wrestler and team PHOTO: SKIP PEARLMAN
captain Angelo Centrone returns for
his junior season. Senior Ryan Kick was an All-Section HM and All-League pick
last winter.

Indians wrestlers: ‘We’ll cherish anything we can get’ in 2021 season

BY SKIP PEARLMAN strong minded. I’m sure he’s upset. But he’ll have been in the running for a team title. turns at 120 pounds, and also back from last

CONTRIUTING WRITER have other opportunities for high-level com- “All of our returning guys are strong,” year’s team are seniors Cory Camastro (152),

petition, and hopefully next year he can ac- Tornambe said.“I really think we’re up there Sean Gallagher (145), AJ Corbelli (160),

Mahopac High School’s wrestling team is complish what he set out to accomplish. with Fox Lane, with the top teams.We were and sophomores Chris Morris (113) and

locked and loaded,anxious to attack whatev- “All of our seniors were hoping for the de nitely hoping to compete for a Section Sam Przymylski (108). Joining the team this

er can be salvaged of this wacky season, rid- opportunity to wrestle at the state level,” 1 title.” year is freshman 102-pounder Nick Greco.

dled so far by COVID-19 and snowstorms. the coach added. “With the wild card, more Centrone, a junior captain, won his rst “I think we can really have a successful

e cancellation of winter state tourna- kids get to go, so we have more kids who are sectional title last year, and nished at 43-4, season,and make a run at some kind of title,”

ments is a disappointment for teams like the close.” with a seventh-place nish at the state tour- Tornambe said.“We have nine returning se-

Indians, who have wrestlers such as junior Winter sports won’t have a traditional nament. niors, and the guys are ready to go.”

two-time All-State pick Angelo Centrone, sectional tournament either, instead opting Also returning is All-Section, 174-pound e Indians were still waiting to see what

who would have likely been aiming toward for the regional-style tournament, similar senior Brock Fitzpatrick. Seniors James a possible schedule might look like as of this

state competition. to what was used in the fall. So, Centrone Russo and Ryan Kick, two All-League and writing.

“Angelo is lucky to have one more year,“ and teammates won’t get a shot at winning All-Section HM picks, and both seniors,

Indians coach Steve Tornambe said. “He a sectional title. also return. SEE WRESTLING PAGE 23

wants a state championship. But he’s very Tornambe also felt his wrestlers could Senior All-Leaguer Aiden Muldoon re-

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Mahopac hoops, WRESTLING
hockey get underway

Wrestling remains in
on-deck circle

BY SKIP PEARLMAN trict,”Tornambe added. “I believe

CONTRIBUTING WRITER it’s a matter of coming up with

guidelines, restrictions that have

Between virus protocols, to be followed. e kids will be

scheduling delays and snow- masked, possibly no contact in

storms, high-risk winter sports practice. It could be di cult. But

have been walking a high wire we will be thrilled to do whatever

recently, but this week was a step we need to do in order to be able

forward, as Mahopac boys and to compete.”

girls basketball and ice hockey Leagues and schedules have yet

teams started practice, with eyes to be announced. Most schools

on competing sometime next are still waiting for approval, like

week. Mahopac. Other schools, such

Whether or not wrestling fol- as Harrison, started full-contact

lows is still up in the air. practices Monday, while Section

State and section o cials gave 1 o cials continue to grapple

the go-ahead for high-risk sports over issues like mask use during

last week, and now it’s a matter matches, and what happens if it PHOTO: SKIP PEARLMAN
of each individual school district slips o during competition.
Senior James Russo earned All-Section HM and All-League recognition last season.
giving their own approval and

coming up with guidelines and


e constant barrage of snow-

storms has not helped, eliminat-

ing practice days and making the

small window for competition 2020 was a
even smaller. e winter season is CRAZY YEAR!
set to close March 14.

Mahopac Athletic Director
Steve Luciana said on Monday
that basketball and hockey teams
opened practices and hoped to

get in their required practices this

week and begin competition next


“It’s great to have those kids

back on the court and on the ice,”

Luciana said. “We’re hoping they

can get in what they need this

week and start playing games

some time the next week. Wres- We can help make your taxes less crazy.
tling is also ready to go, but we’re
waiting for district approval.”

Each school district must re-

ceive approval for each sport

from either the school board or

the superintendent.

“Everything looks good, we’re

just waiting for nal guidance

and approval from the district,”

Luciana said of wrestling.

Indians head coach Steve Tor-

nambe believes the sport can be

staged in a safe way.

“We feel we can do it safely,”

Tornambe said. “ ere is close

contact, but I feel like as long

as we follow protocols, I think

that we can do it. If that means

checking in in the morning, daily 845-628-5400 | [email protected]
screenings… whatever it takes.

I can see the skeptics who say
wrestling won’t work, but I would

tell them to look at basketball, 824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
football… Everyone is close, so I

really feel it’s about following the

protocols. Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
“Right now we’re just waiting This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or

for the go ahead from the dis- accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.


Mahopac skiers
grateful to get one

meet in so far,
hoping for more

BY SKIP PEARLMAN low, Nyack and North Rockland,
CONTRIBUTINGWRITER but only after Su ern had to drop
out, opening up a spot.
team has been ready and hungry On the boys team, senior PJ
From left, Olivia Flanagan, Larissa Pawliczko, Daniela Nandini, Aunchalee O’Brien, Abby Edwards for competition, but so far has got- Clarke took second place, and
ten in just one meet. Jack Edwards was fourth, out of
22 nishers. James Biolchini was
And that was only because an- 15TH.
other team had to drop out.
“We got great conditions after
Mahopac hoped to have had the Monday snowstorm, and had
four meets in the books by now, nice powder,” Indians coach Joe
but COVID issues and snow de- Lambert said. “ e course was not
lays have derailed those plans. as fast as it might’ve been, but I
was very proud of PJ. In spite of a
e Indians raced their only lack of practice,and inconsistencies
meet of the season last Tuesday with our season so far, PJ and Jack
at under Ridge, squaring o both skied well. I was very proud
against Clarkstown, Sleepy Hol- of both of them. And both of them
can cut their times.”
My Community Bulletin Board
On the girls side, senior captain
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The Buying Service lling those spots.
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nigan and Pawliczko all skied well,
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together and skied well together.
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proud, and we’re looking forward
Fax: 914-669-9685 to competing again this week. But
snow is expected again.”
• COLLECTIBLES e Indians hoped to get their
6 Dingle Ridge Road - North Salem, NY 10560 845-628-0362 49W•EPBAUINYT: IGNOGLSD••BSR•TOAERNNLZTIEINQSGU• ESCSILLO•VECETKRCS•. second competition of the season
CALL FOR APPOINTMENT years! in on Tuesday, but snow was ex- pected. If so, Lambert hoped his
team might get an opportunity to
Business Policies Home compete on Wednesday, with the
Umbrella Auto season o cially coming to a close
on Friday.
Neal L. Sullivan Yocuor ubludsbineehssercea. rdCall Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 to find out how.
“We’re just trying to be grate-
Tel: 844251.6R2t86.96•0M4a•hwopwawc., ful for anything we get,” he said.
“ at’s the theme for this year.”
Increase referrals and name recognition. Advertise in the Mahopac News Bulletin Board and reach over 7,000
USPS delivered mailing addresses every week. Call 845-208-8151 today! Lambert said the section is look-
ing into possibly having two meets
in late February where only seed-
ed skiers would compete, which
would serve as the sport’s playo s.
But he added that the kids are dis-
appointed at not being able to get
in much competition.

“It’s emotional,” he said. “We
can’t control things; I know they’re
a little sour… It’s an extremely sur-
real environment in school right
now. An unusual year. I’m process-
ing gratitude… I’m not even sure
we’ll be able to get in a second or
third meet if snow cancels us on
Tuesday. ere’s just no year like
this year.”


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59. Moves earth 34. A payment required for

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Available Upon Request KeyBank survey reveals
how pandemic changed

financial habits

e KeyBank 2020 Financial Resilien- dents said they are spending less and sav-

cy Survey, released last week, found that ing more since the pandemic began, and

many Americans are now reporting greater among those who say they are doing so,

nancial con dence, increased emergency 71 percent are spending less money on

savings, and more nancial awareness, discretionary items—including travel,

compared to the beginning of the COV- dining, and entertainment—which could

ID-19 pandemic—an inspiring discovery be out of choice or necessity. Among

considering the signi cant hardships faced those spending less, 14 percent say they

by many over the past year. are borrowing money from family or

e 2020 Financial Resiliency Survey friends to help.

polled more than 1,200 Americans on their Still, 42 percent of respondents say they

nancial feelings after nearly a year of living have not changed their spending habits

through a pandemic, nding that 53 percent during the pandemic, pointing to resil-

felt more nancially con dent approaching ience in Americans’ con dence to spend.

the end of 2020, compared to the beginning “Many people are seeing their nancial

of the year; 51 percent would be able to im- journeys disrupted by the pandemic, and

mediately have $2,000 available in an emer- they are taking action to keep a sense of

gency, up from 42 percent in 2019; and 48 nancial normalcy and resiliency dur-

percent felt more nancially aware,as a result ing a trying economic time,” said Chris

of challenges they might have faced dur- Mander eld, executive vice president at

ing the pandemic. Given the major toll that KeyBank. “For Americans looking to stay

the pandemic has taken across the country resilient, it’s vital that they sit down with

—from lost income to sickness and loss of their trusted nancial advisor—often,

loved ones—Americans have demonstrated an o ering by their bank—and evalu-

strength under pressure, ability to respond ate next steps and nancial support op-

to a tough economic environment and resil- tions, whether that means changing their

ience in the face of nancial hardship. spending to be able to save more or put-

ting the money they’ve saved to use now.”


Nearly half (41 percent) of respon-


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TRAIN AT HOME TO DO percent) and using digital banking tools (35 percent). Overall, 50 percent of respondents admitted to com-
MEDICAL BILLING! Become The Generac PWRcell, a solar mitting some kind of nancial “faux pas,”a 4% decline
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When asked if they feel a greater sense of nancial e survey was conducted online by Schmidt Market
Check out our Facebook & Twitter pages! con dence as they approached the end of 2020, com- Research. 1,204 respondents completed the survey be-
pared to the beginning of the year,53% of respondents tween Sept. 30 and Oct. 2, 2020. Target audience was
felt that was true,but con dence comes with a genera- between the ages of 18 and 70, and those who have sole
tional divide. Among Millennials and Gen Z (those or shared responsibility for household nancial decisions.
age 35 and under), 60 percent felt a greater sense of
Article provided by KeyBank
nancial con dence. Meanwhile, among those age 50

Beautiful Dela with her B E STTH EP RAIRCEEAS ! I N
girl, but is so very sweet. Gun Sales & Ammunition 1928 Commerce St, Suite C
She is looking for a quiet Gun Accessories Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
home with someone who
will take time to make her
feel safe and comfortable. [email protected]
Please call us to make an
appointment to meet this



This meatball is Dutch, and he’s ready FFL Services & Transfers
to move in ASAP. He was adopted NRA Basic Pistol/Personal Protection
from us about two years ago, but UTAH Concealed Firearms Course
unfortunately due to a change in Private Lessons
Permit Assistance PICKUP HOURS
living, his family was not able to keep Refuse To Be A Victim™ BY APPOINTMENT
him. Dutch is happy, housebroken, Group and Private Classes ONLY!
Dutch & knows his commands. He would

excel in a home where he will be your
one and only pet. Call us to make an
appointment to see this wonderful guy!

Putnam Humane Society, 68 Old Rt. 6, Carmel 914-455-4210

Open 7 days a week from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

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