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Published by Halston Media, 2022-03-30 14:31:38

The Katonah-Lewisboro Times 03.31.22

VOL. 5 NO. 2 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2022

Café/yoga studio
proposed for Cross River

Steven Spaziani loses his shoe BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER plan, with Jerome Kerner calling it a
as he tries to steal the ball from EDITOR potential “cornerstone” of the Cross
teacher Kelsey Horst. River hamlet.
Two Lewisboro business owners have
PHOTO: RICH MONETTI big ambitions for their newest project. “ is is quite a step up from 7-Eleven,
which is what we looked at once before,”
Teachers vs. Students John Swertfager and Skaz Gecaj, Kerner said, recalling a 2019 plan that
who own Apex Fitness in Cross River’s did not materialize.
Eighth-grade students at More than $3,000 was raised to Orchard Square shopping center, are
John Jay Middle School took on help drill a well in South Sudan. looking to build a café/yoga studio across Despite their warm feelings, board
school sta in a charity basketball Turn to pages 12-13 for story the street on the corner of Route 35 and members and planning professionals
game on ursday, March 24. and photos. North Salem Road. e entrepreneurs wanted to take a closer look at the nitty-
envision the Boro Café as a “community gritty details, especially when it comes
center,” complemented by a deck to outdoor seating and how that a ects
with outdoor seating, electric vehicle parking requirements.
supercharging stations, and a landscape
plan that centers around a “50-foot Town Planner Jan Johannessen said
Christmas tree.” the proposed outdoor seating caught
him by surprise, calling it “news to me.”
“We are going to make this property
the jewel of the town,”Swertfager told the “ ere’s an entire ordinance about
Lewisboro Planning Board on Tuesday, outdoor seating that you haven’t
March 15. “It’s going to be gorgeous. demonstrated compliance with,”
Johannessen said. “So, there’s a lot to be
e exterior is going to be gorgeous. done. ere’s di erent approvals needed
e interior, the landscaping—it’s going for outdoor seating. ere’s di erent
to be beautiful. is is our town. We’ve parking calculations for outdoor seating.”
lived here our whole lives. We just want
to do our part.” e site currently has 26 parking
Before buying the property and spaces, which Swertfager and Gecaj
making any renovations to the existing thought would be enough to satisfy the
building, Swertfager and Gecaj are requirements. But Johannessen said they
seeking the Planning Board’s support. need to return with o cial calculations.
Board members seemed behind the If the on-site parking falls short, the


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Budget goes to a vote on May 17

Property taxes slated to rise by 1.25 percent

BY TOM BARTLEY Commitment.” ommended a jump of $1,386,314 in aid to nah and Matthew Goglia of South Salem,
CONTRIBUTING WRITER “It’s a remarkably judicious budget Katonah-Lewisboro schools, to a total of are leaders in the Special Needs Advocacy
$9,678,800, or more than 8 percent of the Group, which has been publicly protesting
In May, voters in the Katonah-Lew- with…a very modest levy increase [of 1.25 district’s proposed spending for next year. special-education policy at board meet-
isboro School District will get their percent],” among the lowest of school dis- ings since last May. e two said they will
chance—two chances, really—to say what tricts in this area, she said. ose numbers could change as the oppose sitting trustees Julia Hadlock, the
they think of $115.7 million in proposed state Legislature races tomorrow’s April 1 board’s vice president; Rory Burke, the
spending for next year. Dr. William Rifkin, a trustee since 2014, deadline to adopt its own budget for scal
called the cap-compliant increase in the 2023. nance committee chair; and Elizabeth
But last week was the school board’s tax levy “fantastic” and said it continued Gereghty, the facilities committee chair.
turn to speak—and its seven members did, a trend over past several years of “remark- TRANSPORTATION ISSUE
unanimously voting to make Superinten- ably stable budgeting.” In a separate question on the May 17 MORE SWASTIKAS FOUND AT JJMS
dent Andrew Selesnick’s recommended A pair of swastikas, described as less
2022-23 budget their own. Calling the “I think only with this budget are we ballot, the district will ask residents to
spending plan “remarkably judicious,” approaching in nominal dollars the bud- approve spending almost $922,000— than an inch each, has been found on a
President Marjorie Schi joined the board get we had, like, seven years ago,” he said. money already in KLSD co ers—to buy a classroom desk at John Jay Middle School,
in adopting the budget it will present to 66-passenger electric school bus and other the second such incident at the school in
voters at a May 5 public hearing and dis- While the tax burden is meant to be vehicles. just over a month.
trictwide vote May 17. shared equally among residents of KLSD’s
four towns, the tax rates they pay are At $386,975, the electric bus is “sig- Middle school Principal Je rey Swiato-
In addition to the budget, voters will markedly di erent, re ecting disparate as- ni cantly more expensive” than gaso- wicz said local and state police were called
pass judgment on a transit issue that in- sessing practices. Based on early estimates, line-powered versions, Selesnick noted. in immediately after the March 11 discov-
cludes an electric school bus and will Lewisboro’s rate will climb to $217.95 for Proving that point, a conventional 78-pas- ery. “I want to be clear,” he said in a state-
choose, from a growing eld of candidates, each $1,000 of assessed value, but rates senger bus is also part of the ballot’s trans- ment, “that JJMS will simply not tolerate
almost half of next year’s school board. will drop in Bedford, to $186.65; in North portation proposition. Its price, by con- any kind of hate, including the antisemitic
Salem, to $21.18; and in Pound Ridge, to trast: $166,178. symbol found today.”
Despite the biggest spending increase in $107.98.
recent years, the tax-cap-compliant bud- Other vehicle purchases seeking the Swiatowicz said the school would re-
get also carries one of the lowest recent All told, the budget calls for voters OK include four 18-passenger spond with counseling, education, and dis-
tax hikes and provides for more teachers, $115,778,990 in spending, an increase of vans at $60,813 each, an eight-passenger ciplinary consequences for those involved.
a new assistant superintendent and im- 2.24 percent. While the $2,536,110 rise wheelchair van at $79,570 and a four- State police, he said, planned to contact
provements to school buildings and the over this year is the biggest since the 2016- wheel-drive electric vehicle for $46,000. “students who sit at and around the desk”
systems serving them. 17 budget, the 1.25 percent tax-levy rise is and their families.
the smallest in ve of the last six years. A charging station for the electric bus
“We think this is a terri c budget,” the would be funded out of the proposed “As a school,” the statement said, “it
superintendent said. e levy, the total money the school 2022-23 budget. continues to be our job to educate our stu-
district raises through property taxes, is dents about the impact words and actions
Board members applauded the months- its biggest income stream and one strict- SCHOOL BOARD COMPETITION can have on others.” Swiatowicz later an-
long e ort by Selesnick, Assistant Super- ly limited by the state for a decade. e Propelled by their discontent with the nounced he was seeking a Holocaust sur-
intendent for Business Danelle Placella proposed $100,949,190 levy comes in at vivor to speak with his students.
and their sta to draft the spending plan. $1,166,036 under Albany’s tax cap. district’s handling of special-needs stu-
dents, two residents have declared their On Feb. 3, a swastika scrawled in a boys
President Schi called the budget “quite State aid, the budget’s second highest intent to challenge three incumbents bathroom touched o a urry of remedial
forward looking with respect to the needs revenue source after property taxes, helped seeking re-election to the seven-member activity by school o cials but also com-
of our students and with respect to ful ll- keep the levy increase in check. Gov. school board. plaints by some that the district’s response
ing the vision of the [board’s] Learning Kathy Hochul, battling to be elected to was too little and too late.
the o ce she moved into last year, has rec- e candidates, Marc Abrams of Kato-

Lewisboro Police Blotter

e following items are from the the names of those involved are usu- lice that she landed on a horse stall Hospital or Westchester Medical backseat oorboards. Because both
Lewisboro Police Department and ally withheld. step. She suspected she broke some Center, but the woman declined. people in the car were under 21,
are only a portion of the calls to which of her ribs and possibly her scapula. Instead, she got in her boyfriend’s the alcohol was seized. e driver
the department responds. Please be FALL FROM LADDER. truck and drove to Greenwich. was given a ticket for speeding.
aware that these summarizations March 14, 2:53 p.m. – A woman e woman requested to be taken
represent only one perspective. In most called police after she fell o a to Greenwich Hospital, but the SPEEDING/ALCOHOL SPEEDING. March 15. Po-
cases, attempts will not be made to four-foot ladder in a barn at Ha- Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance POSSESSION. March 14, 10:39 lice set up a radar detail on Cha-
contact the accused nor will pursuits zelnut Farm in South Salem. Corps declined, saying they could p.m. – A Honda Civic was seen pel Road in Waccabuc, where the
be made to publish additional infor- When police arrived, they found not take her that far due to the level driving on Route 35 in South speed limit is 25 mph. Two drivers
mation or updates. For those reasons, the woman lying face down next to of injuries she su ered. ey tried Salem at 70 mph. e o cer saw were ticketed for speeding: 52 mph
a horse stall. e woman told po- convincing her to go to Danbury two six-packs of Twisted Tea on and 45 mph.

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The Staff CAFÉ We are going to make this property

EDITOR: 914-302-5628 business owners said they were the jewel of the town.’
MARSCHHAUSER@HALSTONMEDIA.COM con dent they could reach
a shared parking agreement
REPORTER with Bacio’s, a neighboring

TRUJILLO@HALSTONMEDIA.COM restaurant. –John Swertfager
VIM WILKINSON If approved, the Boro Café

SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR and Yoga Studio would operate
from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Swertfager prepared o -site and sold at the rst oor and the yoga studio create a higher ceiling for the
PAUL FORHAN said they made the decision to café. Co ee would be made and on the second. e third oor yoga studio. ere would be no

(914) 806-3951 close early as to not compete sold in the café. would be storage, with some showers in the building, which
with Bacio’s. Food would be e café would be on the of the space being removed to is on septic.
(914) 486-7608 “We’re really excited about
this project,” Gecaj said. “I think
(201) 317-1139 it’s something the town needs.
CORINNE STANTON A little community center right
(914) 760-7009
STANTON@HALSTONMEDIA.COM in the center of town.”

JAY GUSSAK Swertfager added, “It’s a
(914) 299-4541
GUSSAK@HALSTONMEDIA.COM business that hasn’t been done
(914) 924-9122 20th Anniversary Sale! in Lewisboro yet.”

PRODUCTION TEAM to send the plan to the town’s
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Architecture and Community
Review Council, the town
PHOTOGRAPHER building inspector, and the

MARSHALL@HALSTONMEDIA.COM Westchester County Planning
DESIGNER April 1 – 9th Department.
Before logging out of the
virtual meeting, Gecaj said they
BRETT FREEMAN 50% OFF are prepared to pull the plug if
CEO & PUBLISHER things don’t go their way.
845-208-8151 all fine jewelry
“ is is a very big move for
FREEMAN@HALSTONMEDIA.COM John and myself, and there are
certain things we will not budge
Deadlines on,” Gecaj said. “So, it’s either

THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES (in stock) Watch Battery Special we get that deck, or we handle
DEADLINE this parking, or this ain’t moving
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Faulkner kicks off congressional campaign

BY CAROL REIF Somers had been in the PHOTO: CAROL REIF ducing Faulkner Saturday.
STAFF WRITER 18th  District, which was repre- He’s “a guy from the Bronx who
sented by Democrat Sean Patrick William Faulkner addresses the crowd outside the Elephant Hotel on
Having already received the Maloney, before the state’s lines March 19. made his way to Somers, pretty
endorsements of the Republican were redrawn. much the Westchester path of
and the Conservative parties of of momentum and family obliga- at bit of advice might also dreams.”
Westchester, Putnam and Bronx As originally con gured, the
counties, William Faulkner o - 16th District covered much of the tions. apply to Faulkner, a 54-year-old “ is guy has been part of
cially launched his campaign for north Bronx as well as the south- keeping the town of Somers the
Congress on Saturday, March 19, ern half of Westchester County, Gerald told  jewishinsider. Bronx native who has lived in lowest-taxed town in the highest-
at e Elephant Hotel in Somers. including Mount Vernon and taxed county in America. at’s
Yonkers. Now it includes Somers com  that he thought Bowman Somers since 1995. because we do things right in
Asking for support, the Somers among its sizable new population Somers, and we know how to
councilman told a cheering crowd of traditionally moderate voters could expect to do a lot of “leg- However, being a resident of hold the line on taxes. While we
of family members, friends and in mid- to northern-Westchester do that, we provide all the services
political colleagues from home and parts of Putnam County. work” in the northern part of this part of the county actually is that people need,” he said.
and its surrounding communities
that he and fellow conservative Republicans have challenged the district while Gashi needs to an advantage, local Republican Faulkner, currently serving his
Republicans weren’t “going to be the new congressional maps, call- third term on the Town Board,
the silent majority anymore.” ing them unconstitutional and make his face known to voters in Committee Chairman T.J. Mc- ran last fall with fellow Republi-
blatant gerrymandering. e state cans Councilman Anthony Cirie-
“We are going to ip the script. judge deciding the case recently the south. Cormack suggested when intro- co and Robert Scorrano, who se-
We are going to tell the archliber- rebu ed the GOP’s bid to delay cured the supervisor’s role.
als and ‘ e Squad’enough of your the midterm elections process
ine ective and divisive politics,” while the matter plays out in court. Among those in attendance
Faulkner declared, referring to the was Republican Matt Slater, 36,
well-known group of six progres- Bowman, an educator and for- who last fall won a second term
sive Democrats who won seats in mer school principal, is facing a as Yorktown supervisor and is cur-
the 2018 and 2020 midterm elec- primary ght in June from more- rently seeking the state Assembly
tions to the United States House centrist Democrats, including seat in the 94th District now held
of Representatives. Yorktown’s Vedat Gashi, a lawyer by Kevin Byrne.
and Westchester County legisla-
Among them is freshman Rep. tor, and Manuel Casanova of New Turning to Slater, McCormack
Jamaal Bowman (D-Yonkers), Rochelle, a former political strate- asked, “Tell me, now that they’ve
whom Faulkner is hoping to un- gist. redrawn the lines, suddenly our
seat in the upcoming midterm congressman is Bowman. Uh, is
elections to the state’s 16th Con- Just weeks into the race, a third he now our congressman? Did
gressional District. challenger, Michael Gerald, sus- that switch overnight?”
pended his campaign, citing a lack

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Secret society Stacking up

When I was growing up, Masonic rings. Whenever he was asked, “How’s Bedford seems to have a “full service” govern-
I remember wearing Besides the Masons, lots of fra- your wife?” Henny Youngman ing philosophy while our neighbors take a
my Brownie and Girl would always come back with “government light” approach.
ternal organizations ourished in

Scout uniforms a few times. My the United States.   e Benevolent “Compared to what?” One example: Bedford

mom was not and Protective Order at’s the question the IN CASE has a full-time police force
Empire Center for Public YOU with 40 o cers. Other
a “joiner.” She of Elks was founded Policy challenges us to MISSED IT towns have part-time
ask our local government departments, in some cases
didn’t belong to READING, in 1868 as a social
any groups or club in New York
organizations. CHOCOLATE City. Shriners Inter-
leaders with its brand- sharing the burden on the

On a few occa- KIM national (formerly new study of towns, cities DON SCOTT weekends and after hours

sions, Mom told KOVACH known as the An- and school districts called with State Police. As a

me that Brown- cient Arabic Order “Benchmarking New York.” result, Bedford ranks rst in

ies was canceled of the Nobles of the How do Bedford, Lewis- the cost of public safety in

or Girl Scouts Mystic Shrine) was boro, and our neighbors stack up? Compared the region with $1,282 per capita vs. Lewis-

was “closed” just because she didn’t established in 1870. e Knights to what? boro at $88. Lewisboro ranks 57th.

want to drive in inclement weather. of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal Benchmarking is, of course, a comparison Don’t get me wrong: I love that we have

After moving back from Florida, service organization was founded of your organization’s metrics, costs, and a full-time force. But that doesn’t mean we

I felt like a stranger entering ninth in 1882. e Moose Lodge frater- processes to industry leaders and peers. In can’t look for opportunities for savings. How

grade at JHS 194. My best friend, nal organization was founded in the business world, it’s a fundamental part about exploring extending our services to

Irene, had transferred to a private 1888. Kiwanis International was of strategic planning, continuous improve- those neighboring towns with part-time de-

school. So, my mother decided that founded in Detroit, Michigan in ment…and competition. partments? Bedford taxpayers could get some

I should join an after-school group 1915. Women were accepted into However, it is less prevalent in govern- relief and our neighbors get better policing.

for young girls that met twice a the Kiwanis in 1987. ment. True – towns and school districts are Bedford is also full service when it comes

month at the Masonic Lodge on In the 20th century, the Order not managed for pro t, nor are they account- to our parks, pools, and community spaces.

Bell Boulevard in Bayside, Queens. of the Eastern Star was the Ma- able to shareholders. But they should strive to ree major parks with pools in addition to

e group was called the Tri- sonic group for women. e Tri- improve, and they are competing – for new tennis, paddle, basketball, and don’t forget

angles and girls had to wear long angles was formed in New York residents, business investment, and reputa- about pickleball. Softball and little league

white gowns and white shoes as State for young ladies between 10 tion. elds also need to be taken care of which

the o cial “uniform.” Dressed as and 21 years old. According to the e e ciency and e ectiveness of lo- requires personnel and the attendant costs.

pint-sized brides, we sat inside the internet, this “character building, cal government drives the attractiveness of Comparing ourselves to our peers and try-

huge room of the Masonic temple service-oriented sisterhood was a community and its property values. So ing to learn what they can teach us is a path

for the bi-weekly meetings. In presided over by a young woman benchmarking is one of the tools that should to happier citizens. Better, faster, cheaper is a

addition to the white gown and called the Beloved Queen who be in the municipal tool kit. It may not pro- never-ending quest.

shoes, Triangle girls had to pay was elected by her peers to serve vide the answers, but it does give us the right And we can’t forget the non- nancial

dues and be sponsored in writing a six-month term.” Wearing long questions. metrics that are just as important. How do

by an actual member of the Ma- white dresses symbolized “purity Let’s start with the bottom line. e cost we compare to our peers in the length of

sons. Great Uncle Joe in Ridge- of the soul, heart, and mind.” I am of town government in Bedford is more than time it takes to get a building permit or le

eld, Connecticut signed the form not making this up! double what it is in Lewisboro: $870 per a freedom of information request? If other

to get me into this group. e Masonic youth group for capita versus $1,748. at ranks Lewisboro towns are delivering these things quicker, we

Several decades later, I had for- young men 12-21 years old was the 33rd most expensive town to govern out need to learn how they are doing it. A friend

gotten about my short-lived foray called DeMolay. ese teen boys of the 106 towns in the Mid-Hudson Valley. joked on Facebook that they could have had

into a secret society. e white wore long capes as part of their Bedford is number 6. their home improvement project completely

gown, the boring meetings—I attire at meetings. Walt Disney In debt, Bedford ranks second per resi- nished in the time it took just to get their

had to learn more about this brief was a member of DeMolay, join- dent at $2,218 and Lewisboro 14th at $970. permit in Bedford – had they been just one

chapter in my past. ing in March 1920 at age 19! Looking one town to the west, Bedford town over.

e fraternal (men only) organi- According to my Google spends three times as much as our neighbor New York City Mayor Ed Koch was

zation of Freemasons, the largest research, the Masonic Temple Somers! famous for asking everyone he saw, “How

worldwide secret society, began in on Bell Boulevard was built as So why is Bedford local government so am I doing?” We should be asking our town’s

the 13th century from the guilds of a three-story structure in the much more expensive than our neighbors “customers” the same question. anks to the

stonemasons and cathedral build- neo-classic style with white col- in Lewisboro and Somers? We’re told the Empire Center, we have the data. Now let’s

ers in the Middle Ages. In 1717, umns outside the front entrance. character of Bedford is special, but… how? use it to continuously improve.

an association of Masonic lodges Completed in 1923, the building

was organized in England. e was originally home of Bayside

purpose of these Masonic groups Masonic Lodge No. 999. e Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions
was to “improve morality, build building is now home to a Ko- expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of the Katonah-Lewisboro
Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for
character and provide a course of rean church. verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please
self-improvement to make better send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at For more
information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.
men out of good men.” Kim Kovach remembers watching

e Masons used secret hand- reruns of “The Honeymooners”

shakes and passwords to identify where Ralph Kramden and

Masons from non-Masons. e Ed Norton were members

symbol of “the square and the of the Racoon Lodge! www.

compass” is a popular design on

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5628 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to

the editor by e-mail at
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628


Man with the money You are in control

MUSINGS: In January I have the carpets list when I get home and things GUEST We determine the attitude
PAST AND cleaned and do a reorganiza- open up. Where I stay, the front CORNER with which we are going to
PRESENT tion throw-out in the base- o ce will cash a check for $50 face all the ups and downs. We
ment as well, so that when I or less, and we all know how KIM STOLL decide what kind of e ort to
MARILYN A. return home from my trip I far that will go with the cost of put forth in everything that
PELLINI basically have to unpack, re- groceries these days. Life can feel so out of crosses our path and every-
place essentials in my suitcase control. thing we choose to pursue.
During the outbreak of for the next year in Florida, I was telling a couple down by I felt as though my We also decide where to place
the coronavirus, I was and transition my closet from the pool about my plight of not world was happening around our focus, every day, in every
stranded at my time- winter to summer. having cash, when the gentleman me and happening to me and obstacle, and in every victory.
share in Florida, so to speak. My extended stay this win- reached into his back pocket, I was just stuck in this lifeboat When I stopped letting life
We could not go to the beach ter made me realize I was not pulled out his wallet, and slipped being blown and tossed by the just happen to me and decided
or swim in the pool, but there really that prepared. Bringing out a crisp $100 bill. “Will this waves of the to-do list, the kids’ to control my attitude, e ort,
was still bright sunshine, cool my checkbook with only three help?” he asked. I almost cried, moods and activities, the work- and focus with joy, I stopped
breezes, and lots of fresh air, so checks left was not good plan- as I had spent much time trying load, the emails, and texts… all feeling like I was stuck in a
it wasn’t really Purgatory. My ning. If I get to come back next to think of a way to get more the things. storm. Instead, I could direct my
kids did not want me to return year, I’ll take a whole book of money, as my bank doesn’t even path.
to my home city where the virus checks, just in case. Taking a have a branch in that state. I had Everything is not out of our
was so deadly and advised me to few handy wipes for my pock- asked my son if he could mail control though. In life, we have Kim Stoll empowers women to
stay where I was for as long as etbook, to use before dining in a me cash by wrapping it before total control of our attitude, our nd joy in every day and build
possible. restaurant, needs to be increased putting it into an envelope, and e ort, and our focus. is realiza- a life they love through positive
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chores I like to accomplish on a the younger people going to the room to write a check out to The advertising deadline for The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is
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School’s e ect on mental health

Sophia Lind is a junior at John Jay Experiencing stress in early life now used for countless hours a ects how they interpret what structured this way, but now that
High School. increases the risk of a ecting the of homework and Naviance happens on social media, accord- technology is much more avail-
individual for the rest of their searches. School takes up our ing to Dr. Radovic from UPMC able and with not many students
BY SOPHIA LIND life by tampering with the vul- minds, making it nearly impos- Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. willing to go out on college tours
GUEST WRITER nerable, not yet fully developed, sible to think about anything else due to health concerns, thus
brain, according to the Journal of before yet another assignment is Many high school students applying to many more schools
Every night, especially Neurodevelopmental Disorders. thrown at us or yet another lec- have a lot of pressure put on than prior years, college admis-
every Sunday night, I ture about college and GPAs is them academically, whether that sions have become more com-
say something along the Especially in a world where given. Why did I feel like I had be from themselves, parents, or petitive than ever. Just one more
lines of, “I hate school,” or, “I we had been living separated to stop writing? Is the culture of teachers. Much of this pressure weight to add on to students’
would rather do anything else from each other during Covid, school really “preparing us for is rooted from the notion that minds as the admissions process
but go to school tomorrow,” and stuck at home and forced to the real world,” or are we just academic success or some kind of starts for us juniors.
I know I’m not alone in that. My spend much more time in our being overworked and held back exceptional talent is the only way
parents’ reaction to hearing me thoughts, mental illness rates from exploring our individuality? to have a successful future. A rig- Solutions to the issues posed
say this is usually, ‘We thought have been drastically increased. orous schedule sure boosts your here are tough. School has
you loved school,” which is Before the pandemic started in Trying to learn in an environ- resume, but also creates a “culture evolved over time into what it
true. I love learning and I used early 2020, just 8.5%of people in ment such as the one I described of perfectionism,” according to is today, and it isn’t predicted
to love school. However, start- the United States were a ected is exhausting. I come home from Valerie Long at CRG. A junior to be changing anytime soon.
ing in eighth grade I grew very by depression compared to the school on a Monday, and I feel at John Jay told me, “Grades have However, I learned some things
depressed from lack of sleep and 32.8% who were a ected by like the day is done. I’m tired been detrimental to my mental through encountering the issue
stress both academically and so- depression in 2021, according from sitting up straighter than health. Failing a test feels like the of mental illness as a result of
cially. I dragged my feet out the to Jillian McKoy from Boston I usually would, covering all my end of the world.” e competi- school.
door to school and I spent the University. imperfections with makeup, tiveness of grades makes imper-
entire ride sobbing and begging and walking di erently than I fect students feel less than those Balancing a social life with
my mom to take me home. During Covid, when so many would if no one else was around. who perpetually succeed on tests, schoolwork, and of course,
people struggled with their I know, this sounds so stupid, when there should be no reason whatever you are passionate
I was stressed, I was anxious, mental health as well as general but in school, we all pretend to to feel this way. A concept that is about, does wonders for coping
and sleep-deprived, and I was health, I tried my best to use that be someone we’re not to “ t in,” frequently lost in students’ minds with stress. Talking to some-
just 13 years old. A 13-year-old time away from school to nd fearing the inevitable critiques is that grades really mean noth- one—anyone—is also a great
should be having fun—while what it is that I truly love to do. of others, even if it happens ing about the person you are; help. Whether that be a friend or
being a kid is still acceptable to When we left school, I had no subconsciously. A junior at John there are so many other factors therapist, talking about anything
modern-day society. A 13-year- idea who I was, and my grades Jay High School told me, “I have that outweigh the importance taking up your valuable head-
old should love learning without re ected just that misdirection. seen students act a speci c way of a perfect GPA. As a junior space helps to leave room for
becoming paralyzed by stress. A Starting in the summer of 2020, in order to ‘look cool’ to someone in high school, I am guilty of much more important things.
13-year-old shouldn’t be crying I developed a few new passions, with a higher social standing in thinking this way, too, and let me
in a bathroom stall, waiting for and to my surprise, it pertained our school.” e social aspect tell you, it’s exhausting. Every Time management is also
earth science to end. According to lessons I was taught in school. of school is often overlooked as time I get a poor grade on a test something I had to teach my-
to professionals, approximately I gured out that I love to read stress-inducing. With social me- the rst thing I think is, “Well, self. Finishing schoolwork at a
20% of teens have experienced and write. However, we went dia being much more prevalent there goes my chances at an Ivy,” reasonable time, not spending
depression before reaching back to in-person school this than ever, the stress is unavoid- which is a frightening way to get an unnecessarily long time on it,
adulthood, and this risk is only year, and I stopped reading. I able, even at home.Teens who through school—every slight er- leaves room for doing something
increasing as more stress is stopped working on that manu- are already feeling depressed have ror makes us feel like all our hard fun or doing something you
added from home and school. script that’s collecting dust in a negative cognitive bias, which work goes away. love. Time is useful, and doesn’t
some folder on my laptop that’s always present itself, so making
Our heads are drilled with the time for things that are impor-
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Sloan Wasserman Casey Kelly dribbles.

Eighth graders take on

BY RICH MONETTI seph Are eg turned shortness to his advantage, and boxing out underneath, derneath, he in
CONTRIBUTING WRITER he got the put back. boards for the
a 15-10 lead.
e high school gym was at capacity on ursday, March 24, and the Tied at two, gym teacher Mr. (Tyler) Sayre looked pretty youthful and
excitement came from an unlikely source. showed why he’s the varsity basketball coach. Unafraid, he stepped back So, a run sto
and drained a three to go up 5-2. to Basketball 1
“A Long Walk to Water” by Linda Sue Park details how children in Su- said.
dan walk hours every day for the family water supply. e sixth graders read Always on the lookout for talent, a seed may have been planted for Sayre
the young adult novel each year, and the real-life travails inspired students as Steven Spaziani drove for an underhand layup. e basketball coach- Still, the teac
to put together the Wolves for Water: an eighth grade vs. faculty basketball ing sta wasn’t done yet, though. Doubling as JV girls basketball assistant and the teache
game fundraiser. e good intentions on full view, the nail bitter of a game coach, Horst dropped a deuce to close the rst quarter with a 7-4 lead. their oxygen ta
wasn’t the nal tally that counted the most. well. “In the fo
e game then looked like it might get away after Mr. (Sean) Murphy players,” said M
e total count came in at $3,072. and Robert Ho man used their length to bank a few layups. But Skyler
Still, in a clash of generations, bragging rights were pretty important, and Monasch didn’t let a few extra feet bother him. He muscled a put-back and Skyler Mona
social studies teacher Ms. (Kelsey) Horst was quick to lay down the gaunt- went coast to coast to close the rst half. Kempa Nussba
let. “If they beat us, no homework for a week,” she boasted. hit a jumper an
Mr. ( Je ) Tepper didn’t think the wager was much of a gamble either. Up 11-10, Mr. Murphy felt the teachers held up pretty well and was
“We’re going to teach them that age can still triumph over youth,” said the con dent that the end game would still allow him to walk out under his e two wer
counselor. own power. On the other hand, he wasn’t so sure about Friday. “I’m going jumper and so
to need lots of stretching, ice, and Ibuprofen,” he said jokingly. only one point
at said, Mr. (Zach) Miller provided the rst lesson. No shame in the
height advantage, the science teacher got inside for the rst points. But Jo- He also expressed concern about the outcome.“I’m a little intimidated by So, the crow
their speed,” he cautioned. was at stake. “I
Mr. Sayre quickly dispelled those doubts to restart play. Fouled un-

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Greg Kastanis and Aiden McCaffrey go for the ball.

Patrick Ryan Launches the game-winning three.

n John Jay faculty Game raises
ntentionally missed the second free throw and crashed the All clutch, he hit with 42 seconds remaining, and the teachers had noth-
jam. Not done, on the next possession, his put back opened ing left. Of course, the hero was gracious in the end—sort of. for Sudan

op was needed for the kids, and Casey Kelly simply resorted “I think they did good for their age but not good enough,” he jokingly PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
101. “I got the ball and had an open shot, so I took it,” Kelly said of the 25-23 victory.
achers opened a 19-12 lead on baskets by Mr. (Mike) Perlin, As it turned out, the lessons belonged to the teachers. As teachers, Mr. TRACKS
ers had only one quarter before they could resume access to Tepper reasoned, “We gave them too many skills and talents, and they beat
anks. But the math teacher had a little insight that didn’t bode us.”
ourth period, I knew they were going to bring in their best
Mr. Perlin, who also is the modi ed basketball coach. Casey Kelly wasn’t buying and had to be straight up about the hurt the
asch then dropped a three, and it was a 19-15 game. Jackson kids put on the teachers. “ at’s what you get for giving us so much home-
aumer then got himself a putback. But Ms. (Katie) Beckley work,” she said.
nd gave the teachers some breathing room at 21-17.
ren’t done dueling either. Nussbaumer answered back with a Kidding aside, Casey appreciated her teachers’ participation in the event.
did Ms. Beckley. A 23-20 game, Mark Fein hit for two and “It shows how much they truly care,” she said.
t separated the dog ght.
wd on edge, Patrick Ryan came open for three and knew what She also saw the bigger picture. “I’m glad so many people came, and we
If we lost, I could never come to school again,” Patrick said raised a lot of money.”

So did Ms. Horst. “In only a few short weeks, the kids really demon-
strated how important it is to come together as a community, for a great
cause,” she said.

e returns should help alleviate any controversy in regard to the home-
work moratorium, but a precedent possibly set, the teachers better get back
in the gym soon.

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A Tip from the Lewisboro Garden Club

Da odils are easy to care is program started in 2006, bags of 50-100 bulbs while a few Organization, the Indian Hill around to admire the drifts of
for. Fertilize every other when a Lewisboro Garden Club bought 1,000. Other people made Homeowners Association, and da odils along our roadsides.
year by broadcasting a member mentioned that she monetary donations. Copia Home the town of Lewisboro Trail Vol-
light application of organic bulb had noticed bunches of da odils and Garden in Vista and Gos- unteers, many of whom gather on is small-town beauti cation
fertilizer, such as BulbTone, just blooming in public places in a sett Brothers Nurseries in South the rst Saturday of November at e ort has received national at-
after the shoots emerge. is neighboring town. She suggested Salem help support the program the designated location to plant tention with magazine articles
will help keep your da odils the club might do something by donating bulbs and supplies. 3,000 plus bulbs. published in e Da odil
booming year after year. After similar. An enthusiastic committee Journal (2020), Better Homes
of six, headed by George Scott, e Garden Club members Members of the Golden and Gardens (2020), Country
owering you must wait until the was formed to explore this idea welcome the countless volunteers Roads commit- tee meet
da odil leaves turn yellow and fall which soon became known as from the community who help over a nine- Gardens (2020), Hor-
to the ground before cutting or GOLDEN ROADS. them plant bulbs each year, includ- month period ticulture Magazine
mowing them. is usually occurs ing the Girl and Boy Scout troops, starting in (2019), House Beau-
about six weeks after they nish e rst year, only 700-800 tiful (2020),
blooming or around June 30 to bulbs were planted at the entrance e Environmental Studies Stu- February, as and DIY
July 15. Do not braid or tie up the to Onatru Farm on Elmwood dents from John Jay High School, they need to Network.
leaves; the leaves are making next Road. e enthusiastic response the Goldens Bridge Hamlet get approval George
year’s owers. Da odils should from the community encouraged from the Scott, the di-
be watered as needed during the the club to expand this program town, rector of Golden
every year.Today, one can see and if Roads, sums the
owering and green foliage stage. eye-popping sweeps of da odils in plantings program up: “ is
every hamlet of Lewisboro. are going to project makes
DID YOU KNOW people feel good,
is spring stunning displays e Garden Club provided the be along a while at the same
start-up funding for this program state highway, time transforming
of da odils will be blooming by selling bulbs through direct the community.”
again along Lewisboro’s road- marketing and at the Library Fair. e Department A downloadable
sides. Over the past 15 years, Homeowners purchased many of Transportation. In Golden Roads
55,000 da odil bulbs have been for their gardens, often buying March, they fertilize Driving Tour
planted. detailing all the
all the emerging daf- roadside
CLARK ASSOCIATES fodils. displays is
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Not only do res- at https://
Serving all Faiths since 1858 idents enjoy lewisboro-
this spring gardenclub.
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State grant helps firefighters breathe a little easier

When re, medical, storm- paratus with speed and precision, 50 breathable air cylinders that addition to re and smoke, in-
related, and other 9-1-1 emer- and implementing various actions replace the older, expiring devices, volve airborne toxins and vapors
gencies are sounded in its re in simulated emergency response whose shelf-life is approximately in tight, enclosed interior space
district—which encompasses situations while wearing the de- 15 years. and in the immediate outdoor
Goldens Bridge and small swaths vice are part of the training drills. atmosphere,” said Fire Chief Al-
of Somers and North Salem— “As a re district, we are always bert Melillo.“ e respiratory sys-
the Goldens Bridge Fire Depart- “It is critically important that trying to strike a balance between tem can be quickly compromised,
ment is almost always rst on the our re ghters and rst-respond- with one breath of an airborne
scene. A state legislator is now ers have updated equipment to scal responsibility to the taxpay- contaminant potentially being the
answering the call of Goldens do their jobs as safely as possible,” ers of the community we serve, di erence between life and death.
Bridge re ghters. Harckham said. “ e Goldens and the safety needs of Goldens Self-Contained Breathing Appa-
Bridge Fire Department serves Bridge re ghters. is grant ratus is one of the most essential
State Sen. Peter Harckham has a mix of business and residential has enabled us to achieve both,” pieces of personal protective gear
presented a $50,000 grant to the areas, so department personnel Brancati said. for Fire ghters. It provides the
Goldens Bridge Fire Department need to be prepared for a full highest level of protection that
that is being used toward the pur- range of re and non- re emer- Fire Commissioner Robert enables us to operate in any envi-
chase of 25 new Self-Contained gencies. I know the new breath- Melillo, who teamed up with 2nd ronment that poses an immediate
Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)— ing apparatuses will bene t both Assistant Fire Chief James Mc- danger to life and health.”
the compressed-air breathing Manus on the grant application
device worn by re ghters, which re ghters and residents in this process and worked with Harck- Melillo said that every seat on
provides them with breathable regard, and am pleased to have ham’s o ce, said the re district all Goldens Bridge re trucks, as
air in “immediately-dangerous- helped gain this funding for the had a ve-year plan during which well as the emergency response
to-life-or health” environments, community while alleviating it budgeted for the new SCBA vehicles of the re chief and 1st
including atmospheres with oxy- some of the nancial burden on devices in anticipation of taking and 2nd assistant re chiefs, are
gen de ciency, smoke, hazardous the town’s taxpayers.” the older, expiring devices out of equipped with Self-Contained
gases, and other airborne con- service – but that the Board of Breathing Apparatus.
taminants. Edward Brancati, a re com- Fire Commissioners was grateful
missioner and chairman of the to be able to secure some level of “We thank Sen. Harckham
e re department also pur- state grant funding to meet some for his e orts in helping to keep
chased 50 new breathable air cyl- ve-member Board of Fire of the cost. Robert Melillo, who Goldens Bridge re ghters safe
inders to pair each SCBA device Commissioners, said that the is also a 32-year Fire ghter with so that we can respond to resi-
with two cylinders. the GBFD, said the new SCBA dents and businesses in their time
re district and re department devices have a lifetime warranty of need,”the chief said.
Goldens Bridge re ghters are grateful for the $50,000 state on mechanical failure.
undergo a high level of training grant secured by Harckham, and PHOTO: GBFD
in the pro cient use of SCBA for his support of emergency rst- “Goldens Bridge Fire ghters
devices. Properly securing the ap- responders. e grant, he noted, respond to res, chemical spills, is article was prepared by the A Goldens Bridge firefighter with a
helps to defray the $200,000 cost and other emergencies that, in Goldens Bridge Fire Department. SCBA pack
of the new 25 SCBA devices and

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FAULKNER spends time in northern West- would be front-page news every justice, and liberty” to tackle are BORDER SECURITY
chester (and) who actually knows day,”he said. energy independence, crime, na- “We are a nation of laws as well
FROM PAGE 6 what the needs are of people in tional security, in ation, the na-
northern Westchester in this part Calling Faulkner “the right tional debt and education. as a nation of immigrants…legal
“He will become our congress- of the Hudson Valley,”he said. person for the job,” Day declared, immigrants,” declared Faulkner,
man,” Slater replied, setting up “It’s time to take America back ENERGY INDEPENDENCE pointing to his own mater-
McCormack’s jab at Maloney, Next up at the podium was and make sure people who give a Joining Republicans in blaming nal grandparents, who came to
who he claimed has only visited Rockland County Executive Ed damn about us are the ones who America from Bavaria, Germany,
Somers “one and a half times.” Day (a Brooklyn native),who Mc- are in Congress, not getting rich Biden’s decision last year to cancel in early 1929.
Cormack introduced as “some- but just doing the right thing.” the Keystone XL pipeline exten-
“Everything I said about body who knows everything about sion and his suspension of drilling “When they got here, they did
Somers, Sean Patrick Maloney taking a tough stance on how to Faulkner is “about to embark on in the Arctic National Wildlife not get to choose which laws they
knows nothing. He doesn’t know run a government.” a journey,a new chapter in his life,” Refuge for skyrocketing gas prices, obeyed,”he said,calling for the en-
anything about this town. He said Scorrano, who spoke next. Faulkner called for the revival of forcement of “our sovereign bor-
thinks e Elephant Hotel is “I’ll make it simple. Honesty. “He is about to put his name out the project and the leasing of fed- ders so that America is out of the
where elephants go for vacation. Integrity. Loyalty. Common sense. there for all of Westchester Coun- eral land for drilling. business of encouraging drug deal-
He has no idea,” quipped the for- Bill Faulkner. at is the gentle- ty. He’s about to put his name out ers to ood our shores with lethal
mer stand-up comedian and tele- man you’re looking to elect to rep- there for the 16th District, right? “Doing this in parallel with fur- fentanyl killing almost 100,000 of
vision/radio personality, drawing resent the people of Somers and So putting party politics aside, we ther development of renewable our precious and vulnerable young
laughter. beyond,”Day said. should all commend him for that.” energy options is our best path people last year alone.”
forward, short-term and long-
Democrats, McCormack Asserting that the country was Praising Faulkner for his “calm term,”he said. INFLATION/NATIONAL
claimed, “want us to have a rep- “in horrible condition right now,” demeanor,” insight and “ability DEBT
resentative in Washington who Day laid blame squarely on Presi- to listen to people here in town,” CRIME
basically comes from the Bronx/ dent Biden, whom he called “in- Scorrano asserted: “Northern After hearing the crowd enthu- “Be the adult in the room.
Mount Vernon area.” e ective” and was “supported by a Westchester needs that voice. Know when to say ‘no.’ You can’t
bare majority of Democrats in the Northern Westchester deserves siastically cry “No!”when he asked have two desserts,” said Faulkner.
Glancing at Faulkner, he added: Congress.” that voice.” whether anyone there wanted to
“Which is ne if you’re born there; defund the police,Faulkner said,“I Last month, America’s gross
that’s great.” “ e policies of the progressive PLATFORM agree,” adding: “President Biden: national debt topped $30 tril-
Democrats are killing us. We can- Among the many issues that Listen carefully. You can defund lion for the rst time, which he
“I’m sorry, but I think we need, not keep prices down; gasoline is the police over my dead body. deemed “wholly unsustainable.”
the people of Somers nally need through the roof. If this ever hap- Faulkner is promising to use his Nothing personal, pal.”
some representation in Washing- pened under the past president, it “unwavering principles of truth, EDUCATION
ton from somebody who actually Saying it is “clear” that “parents

2021 was a know what’s best for their chil-
CRAZY YEAR! dren, not government,” Faulkner
called for providing school tax
credits and school choice for all
Americans, “not just the ones
who can a ord it.”

at would create competi-
tion, and competition would im-
prove the quality of education,
guaranteeing that no student
gets through school without be-
ing able to read, write or do ba-
sic math, he said, adding, “It’s a
national embarrassment that so
many high school graduates –
NOT Somers’ – are being given a
diploma while being functionally

We can help make your taxes less crazy. BILL’S BACKGROUND
Faulkner spent 25 years in the
world of corporate nance  with | IBM, PepsiCo and General
Electric, he now owns and oper-
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541 ates ight schools in Poughkeep-
sie, Schenectady and West eld,
Securities o ered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Mass.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
He is a cadet o cer in the Air
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. Force’s Civil Air Patrol and a vice
president of the Somers Lions
Club, a past president and trea-
surer of the Somers Education
Foundation and a longtime coach
for the Somers American Youth
Soccer Organization.

A police commissioner and a
member of the local Chamber of
Commerce, he also initiated the
town’s Telecommunications Task

Faulkner received his bach-
elor’s degree in nance from Per-
due University and his master’s
degree in nance from Fordham
University. He also participated
in an executive training program
at Harvard University.

He is engaged to Meredith



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Christian John JayTRACKAND FIELD enters season
Shapiro, with ‘good mix of kids’
Walerys, FILE PHOTOS/RICH MONETTI BY RICH MONETTI 1600-meter indoor relay this As for the girls, Grace Kenny
and Andrew CONTRIBUTING WRITER winter, Goodman is out to go the will be the standard-bearer on
Lucassen distance in the long races. the long run again, while Sayre
Max Goodman John Jay track was set to be- says the section needs to be on
Grace Kenny gin their season versus Rye on “Max’s goal is being one of the the lookout for a few John Jay
Wednesday, March 30. Once top runners in the class and sec- eighth-graders. He singled out
breaking out of the gate, runners tion,” Sayre said. Sloane Wasserman as a fast run-
log their times, and the initial ner who can go the distance, too.
benchmarks provide the way for- On the rise, Andrew Lucas-
ward. sen was All-County last year as Sayre is also holding out high
a long jumper and has a pretty hope for Aya Schwartz’s sprinter
“ en as we get into April and good cruising speed as a sprinter. abilities. “She got hurt during
start picking up against competi- the winter track season,” he said.
tion from bigger schools, it works “Andrew has the same goals, “She’s working her way back into
toward the league championships where I think he can be a top form and will be good once she
and elite-level athletes,” said runner,” Sayre said. returns.”
Coach Tyler Sayre. But if run-
ners want to keep going round Just behind, Zach Walerys was All told, the goals are two-
the bend, the end is no time to All-League and quali ed for the fold. First, Sayre believes he has
slow down. sectionals. a group of kids that can compete
section and class-wide and wants
“At the sectionals and class “He didn’t place but had a to get them up to speed. en the
meets, it’s pretty much as long good year as a freshman sprinter,” coach wants to break in as many
as you keep qualifying, you keep said the coach. of his new kids as possible and
running,” he said. get them comfortable in their
e resetting of the sports cal- events.  “It’s a good mix of kids,
Max Goodman de nitely endar has also brought back a few and we just want to compete as a
knows the drill. Coming o football players. Christian Shap- team,” Sayre said.
qualifying for the states in the iro and Austin Zaccagnino will
return with speed and help hun-
ker down the 4x100 with Lucas-
sen and Walerys.



Harvey goes for
repeat — finally

Former Major Leaguer Luis chaos on the basepaths for our

Lopez enters his seventh year opponent’s defense.”

coaching Harvey’s varsity base- While it’s still too early to pre-

ball team with high expecta- dict the rest of the batting order,

tions. e last time the Cavaliers Lopez knows for sure the team

played for a title, they were the will get a lot of o ense from their

2019 Housatonic Valley Athletic returning leading hitters, Ortega,

League (HVAL) champions. and seniors Chris Marlin and

Two Covid years later, the Cavs Jeremy Sanchez. A junior trans-

nd themselves entering the fer to Harvey this year, Marcus

spring of 2022 still as the reign- “MJ” Diaz will play an important

ing champs. utility role.

Lopez and his assistant, Gary “MJ gives us versatility and

Dunn, have tabbed seniors Jake he’ll be a plus to our pitching

Hellinger and Dom D’Onofrio sta ,” Lopez said of the right-

and juniors Kirk Ortega and Jose hander Diaz. Ortega, the re-

Vasquez to serve as the team cap- turning starting catcher, will be

tains. In addition to their leader- a steadying in uence behind the PHOTO COURTESY OF THE HARVEY SCHOOL

ship responsibilities, Hellinger plate for the pitchers. Some of the Harvey players
and D’Onofrio, both right-hand- Sizing up the strengths of the

ers, will play important roles on 2022 team, Lopez likes the com- vey’s HVAL rivals to be “scrappy” one thing in mind – aiming for Harvey traveling to New Canaan

the pitching sta . bination of veterans and young opponents who “should not to another league title. “Our team to take on St. Luke’s at 4:15 p.m.

e o ense features several key players. He says this spring’s be overlooked.” Some of the is deep enough to make another e Cavaliers have their rst

bats. Vasquez, the team’s speedy squad will feature “a lot of speed, toughest matchups will likely championship run,” Lopez said, home game April 7, playing host

center elder and newcomer, will good defense, and hitters who come from the out-of-conference adding, “Coach Dunn and I have to St. Luke’s at 4:15 p.m.

likely bat leado . “He’s our spark put the ball in play.” teams, Brunswick, St. Luke’s, and high expectations for these young

plug,” Lopez said. “We expect When Lopez looks at the Greens Farms Academy. But men.” is article was prepared by the

Jose to get on base and cause spring schedule, he expects Har- Lopez says the team has only e season starts April 1 with Harvey School.


Harvey looks for a three-peat

e girls on Harvey’s varsity lacrosse team Sorio of Waccabuc, will be asked to take on expected to boost the defense are junior Eve to get underway.“I’m excited to get back out

are looking forward to a chance to com- a larger role. “We need Emily’s speed in the Doran and eighth graders Ellie Greenspan there and have as close to a normal season

pete for another Housatonic Valley Ath- mid eld,” Janos said. Defensively, Harvey and Lauren Petrillo. as possible,” Janos said. “We have a roster

letic League (HVAL) title this spring. Head looks tough, led by returner Kelly O’Brien. With the entire HVAL on a two-year of close to 25 girls who all have proven that

coach Greg Janos begins his 11th season Sophomore Shelby McCaine of Katonah Covid hiatus, each team will have a roster of they want to play,”he said.“It’ll be nice to see

at the helm of a program that boasts three is back in the goal and looking sharp, Janos new faces, so time will tell which team poses them compete and come together as a team.”

HVAL titles since the team’s inception in said. the toughest competition. One thing Coach Harvey opens the season at home April

2012, including back-to-back champion- e 2022 squad welcomes several promis- Janos knows for sure is that Wooster will 6 hosting HVAL rival Forman at 4:15 p.m.

ships in 2018 and ’19. Covid-19 forced the ing new players. Ninth grader Lila Leibow- continue to be a big rivalry.

cancellation of both the 2020 and ’21 sea- its will see a lot of game action. Newcomers e coach can’t wait for the new season is article was prepared by the Harvey School.


Former Harvey player Abby Hassett,

Class of 2013, returns for her second year

as an assistant coach. John Peters joins the

coaching sta for his rst year.Hassett works

helps the players improve their stick skills

while Peters works with the goalies. Provid-

ing team leadership as captains will be senior

Elianna Kalman of North Salem and junior

Juliet Jaques of Goldens Bridge.

Looking to make it three HVAL titles in

a row this season, Janos sees his team’s big

roster as a major strength.“I’m excited to see

so many girls coming out and working hard,”

Janos said. “We have a great attitude and a

depth of talent.”

Kalman is expected to lead the o ense.

A proli c scorer, the senior captain should

reach the 200-goal milestone. She scored

73 goals in 2019 as a ninth grader, her third

year of varsity play. Jaques gives the Cavaliers

speed in the mid eld. Junior Emma Galga-

no of South Salem playing attack could very

well have a breakout o ensive season. An- Harvey goalie Shelby McCaine, of PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE HARVEY SCHOOL
other returning player, ninth grader Emily Katonah, gets in some indoor practice.
Emily Sorio, of Waccabuc, and Lila Leibowits take a break for a photo op.

Brennan Shannon GIRLS LACROSSE
John Jay
opens season
with 16-7 win

MONETTI John Jay opened their season on ursday af-
ternoon by traveling to Mamaroneck. Beginning
the defense of last year’s Section One Champion-
ship, the girls didn’t get out of the gate so well and
quickly fell behind 2-1. But the early going turned
out to be just a blip, and the Wolves really spread it
around in a 16-7 victory.

“ e o ensive was very balanced with seven dif-
ferent scorers,” said Coach Jess McDonough.

So, in step, Shannon Nolan and Mia Puccio
didn’t seem to miss a beat in changing out of their
basketball sneakers. Puccio came down with the
opening face-o , the ball eventually moved to
Nolan behind the net, and she hit her point guard
coming across the middle for the rst goal.

Still, Mamaroneck seemed up to the task when
the Tigers came down with the next face-o and
Dillon Troy got the rst of her four goals. Mo-
ments later, the home team took a 2-1 lead, but
momentum was not on the Tigers’ side.

Aidan Summer made sure of that when she
netted a point-blank shot and positioned the
o ense to begin a run of six straight goals. Al-
most a replay of the rst goal, Nolan meandered
from behind the net, and drawing the defense
to the right of the goal, she dropped a pass into
Caroline Panzirer. Leaving Ally Jewel declawed
in goal, the mid elder had her rst goal of the
season at 19:20.

e lead was soon to be had, and John Jay again
turned to Summer for the start. is time the John
Jay goalie snagged a shot to the right of the goal,
and Nolan would take care of things herself on the
other end. Getting the ball to the right of the goal,
the attacker swung toward the middle and went
over the top for a 3-2 lead.

Separation was next, and Panzirer did John Jay’s
bidding. She swung over from the left, found an
opening on the right, and grabbed a 4-2 lead.

e advantage then grew to three on the pen-
alty. Nicole DiNapoli took the ball at the whistle,
stutter-stepped on her forward motion, and found
Nolan on the right. Up high with the ball, Nolan
shot down to the ground, and Jewel didn’t have a

Now it was on, and Nolan kept her switch
ipped. She juked and danced on the right,
dropped into Annabel Brennan for the goal at
14:45, and then kept the shot for herself on the
next possession to give John Jay a 7-2 lead.
Mamaroneck did put John Jay on pause by scor-
ing after the next face-o . But the Wolves quickly
reasserted who the prey was, and Summer’s ca-
nines got things started again. e goaltender de-
ected a shot on the right goal line, and back the
other way, Panzirer cut through heavy tra c out
front to begin another string of six straight goals.
Up 13-3 at the half, John Jay was easily able to
hold o four straight second-half goals by Mama-
roneck. Just in case, though, Panzirer ended the
run on a penalty shot with three minutes remain-
A good day, the coach will de nitely take the
win. “It was a nice way to start the season,” con-
cluded McDonough.


CLUES ACROSS 23. Tan 48. Doctor of Education 11. Pure
1. Hillsides 24. Empire State 49. One quintillion bytes 12. LSU football coach
6. A way to ingest 25. Where golfers begin (abbr.) 14. Unbroken views
9. Large number 28. For each 51. Overcharge 17. Fathers
13. Southeastern Minnesota 29. Muslim inhabitants of 52. Sailboats 20. Part of a race
city the Philippines 54. Indian musical patterns 21. Hairstyle
14. Cronies 31. Bird genus 56. Predisposition to a 23. Fifth note of a major
15. Having sufficient skill, 33. Popular Dave Matthews condition scale
knowledge Band song 60. Share a common 25. Body art
16. Supplements with 36. Domesticates boundary with 26. Amounts of time
difficulty 38. “Boardwalk Empire” 61. Wide 27. Designed chairs
17. Former VP nominee actress Gretchen 62. Skin disease 29. Sensational dramatic
Palin 39. Asian antelope 63. Monetary unit of Samoa piece
18. Cambodian monetary 41. One who takes apart 64. Source of the Blue Nile 30. Arrangement of steps
unit 44. Kin 65. Instrument 32. Classifies
19. Where coaches work 45. Dresses 66. Red deer 34. Young child
21. Secret political clique 46. Says something about 67. Unidentified flying object 35. Oh, no!
22. A type of lute you (abbr.) 68. Bar or preclude 37. Astronomical period of
about 18 years
CLUES DOWN 40. Not or
1. Flying insects 42. Poke fun at
2. Strong alcoholic 43. Consisting of roots
spirit 47. “__ Humbug!”
3. Old 49. A way to remove
4. Moves in slowly 50. A confusion of voices
5. Symbol for tin and other sounds
6. Having certain 52. Keyed instrument
appendages 53. Varnishes For puzzle solutions, please see
7. Expression of 55. Unpleasantly sticky
sorrow or pity substance
8. Type of hormone 56. Unable to hear
(abbr.) 57. A short erect tail
9. One with an 58. Indicates interest
unjustified mistrust 59. Flow or leak through
10. Hebrew calendar 61. British thermal unit
month 65. Iron

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Prepare your favorite foods with nutrition in mind PUZZLE
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foods share some common ele- juicy interior comes the addition that’s thickened with our or dressings. Greek yogurt adds live FOR THE
ments, notably their avor and of fat and calories from the oil. cornstarch instead of cream can and active cultures that can im- WEEK OF
ability to quell hunger pangs. Healthline says a small baked make such dishes a little health- prove gut health, and the yogurt 03/24/22
However, those creamy mac-and- potato contains 93 calories and ier. ickened low-fat milk trims also will cut down on the calo-
cheese recipes or bu alo wings 0 grams of fat. e same amount more than 680 calories and 53 ries and fat in the recipe. Greek Promote Your Charity
also may share some less savory of French fries contains 319 cal- grams of saturated fat per cup yogurt also can be used in onion Send us a press release at klt@
characteristics, including a lack of ories and 17 grams of fat when o of recipes that call for heavy or vegetable dips for snack plat-, or give us a
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Various popular dishes are made Air fryers can simulate the COOK WITH THE RIGHT
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saturated fats and calories. In fact, the negative side e ects. An air SOUR CREAM FOR GREEK
Nutritionix,a nutritional informa- fryer uses heat and air (convec- YOGURT Cast-iron, nonstick or enam-
tion reporting company, indicates tion) to mimic the results of el-coated pans and skillets re-
the average one-cup serving of deep frying with little-to-no oil. Potato salads and cole slaws quire less oil or butter while
homemade macaroni and cheese are prized for their creamy and cooking to prevent foods from
measures in at 510 calories, with DITCH THE CREAM tangy avors. ese sides can sticking. at translates into
29 grams of total fat and 16 grams, ick and tasty dishes like be made more nutritious by re- roughly 120 fewer calories per
or 80 percent of the total daily rec- placing mayonnaise with a thick tablespoon of oil.
ommended value, of saturated fat. fettuccine alfredo involve the
Certain foods also may be Replace salt with other herbs
cooked through less healthy tech-
niques, such as frying. But rest and spices that can add avor
assured that being t and healthy without extra sodium. In addi-
doesn’t mean having to give up on tion, always taste the recipe be-
tasty comfort foods.Just about any fore adding more salt, as it very
recipe can get a healthy makeover. well may be ne without it, sug-
Consider these cooking tips that gests Harvard Medical School.
can make popular dishes a little
more nutritious. Tweaking recipes can make it
possible to enjoy your favorite
USE AN AIR FRYER foods without sacri cing nutri-
Frying makes everything tion.

from chicken to fries to sliced is article was provided by
vegetables more delectable. But Metro Creative Connection.

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