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Published by Halston Media, 2021-09-10 21:36:41

The Katonah-Lewisboro Times 09.09.21

VOL. 4 NO. 7 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2021

KLSD finalizes Popular brewer calls Lewisboro home
reopening policies
Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø launched Evil Twin in 2010

Unvaccinated employees must BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Jarnit-Bjergsø later got into homebrewing and
submit to weekly testing EDITOR started making his own concoctions, selling small
batches in Copenhagen. He formed his company,
BY TOM BARTLEY requirement only hours before A little more than a decade ago, Jeppe Jarnit- Evil Twin, on April 1, 2010, the day his second son
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the board’s Sept. 2 meeting, too Bjergsø was a teacher in Denmark. Today, he runs was born. He and his wife now have three children,
late to be included in the dis- a popular brewery in New York City. aged 14, 11, and 2.
Anyone who works in Kato- trict’s PowerPoint presentation
nah-Lewisboro schools and has of school reopening guidelines. e radical career change is one that Jarnit- “When you form a company in Denmark, you
not been vaccinated will have Many of the speci cs had been Bjergsø never anticipated nor was it something he just do it online,”he said.“I was waiting for my wife
to undergo weekly testing for covered at the board’s Aug. 19 pursued. In fact, the now Waccabuc resident was to give birth and I was just doing that online.”
Covid-19, the district said last meeting, including an end to quite content in his day job.
week. both daily health screening and Jarnit-Bjergsø, who is
most remote learning. “It wasn’t in the planning at all,” Jarnit-Bjergsø a twin, came up with the
Speaking at a meeting of the said. “I liked being a schoolteacher.” company name long before
Katonah-Lewisboro School Among the other policies he started the company.
District board, Superintendent discussed last month and ex- So how did he wind up nearly 4,000 miles away
Andrew Selesnick announced pected to be fully in e ect either from his hometown at the forefront of “It sounded cool,” he
the new, statewide requirement on Sept. 9 or later in the school New York’s booming craft-beer scene? said. “I said, if I ever start a
as he presented the district’s - year are these: In Jarnit-Bjergsø’s case, talent mixed brewery, I’m going to call it
nal plans for today’s start of the with timing created a recipe for success. Evil Twin.”
2021-22 school year. • Schools will seek to keep
at least a 3-foot separation be- While living in Denmark in the late Later that year, in the
As it did last September, the tween students and aim for 6 1990s/early 2000s, the beer available to fall, Jarnit-Bjergsø met Brian
coronavirus dominated much feet whenever possible. him was “kind of boring,” he said. “So I Ewing, who owns 12 Percent
of the discussion, disappointing started seeking out di erent stu .” Imports, at a bar through a mu-
school board Vice President Ju- • e district is working with tual friend.
lia Hadlock, who observed, “It an outside vendor to o er stu- Eventually, around 2005, he opened
feels more like last year than I’d dents weekly saliva tests for his own shop o ering craft beer. SEE BREWER PAGE 4
hoped.” Covid-19. A voluntary test, it
will not be mandated and will “I made my hobby my business,”he said.
e state’s newly minted chief require parents’ consent.
executive, Gov. Kathy Hochul, Dumb Fruit, a sour ale made with apples, pears, cranberries, and maple PHOTO COURTESY OF EVIL TWIN
ordered the vaccination-or-test SEE KLSD PAGE 2

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LEISURE 20 Wolves open season this
OPINION 8 pg 16


The Staff KLSD • Appropriate personal protec- tional hours or for extracurricular KLSD’s primary goal, Selesn-
tive equipment, including masks, activities must wear a mask. ick said, is to see every student,
EDITORIAL TEAM FROM PAGE 1 will continue to be available to all safe and in-person, every day of
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER students and sta . Her action “doesn’t change the the school year.
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 • Extracurricular activities, in- [masking] practice we recom-
[email protected] cluding sports, will be provided • Masks must be worn indoors mended,” Selesnick pointed out, Accordingly, remote learning
in-person. and are optional outside. “but it does change the authority will no longer be a standard op-
NICK TRUJILLO [for that requirement].” tion for all students as it was in
REPORTER • Visitors will be limited, but While district o cials had rec- the previous academic year. A
welcomed in some circumstances, ommended the mask-wearing at In presenting guidelines for the year ago, as students returned to
[email protected] the superintendent said. the Aug. 19 meeting, the gover- new school year, the superinten- classrooms for the rst time since
nor made it a statewide mandate dent noted, “We’re being asked the pandemic shuttered schools
ADVERTISING TEAM • Handwashing and respiratory on Aug. 24, her rst day in o ce. to do things that school districts in March, they did so as a student
PAUL FORHAN etiquette will continue. Hochul ordered that anyone in a have never been asked to do be- body divided in multiple ways.
school building during instruc- fore.”
(914) 806-3951 • Cleaning and disinfecting First, only half of them could
[email protected] will occur at least once a day. be in classrooms on any given day,
so most students were on campus
BRUCE HELLER From closets to kitchens only two days a week and received
(914) 486-7608 to bedrooms and more, instruction via district supplied
[email protected] barn doors make for the laptops the other three. en,
perfect functional accent piece. further splitting the student body,
LISA KAIN a number of them opted for full-
(201) 317-1139 Built with superior craftsmanship, time remote instruction.
[email protected] Woodgrain barn doors set the bar
CORINNE STANTON for the industry’s highest standard of e e ectiveness of such long-
(914) 760-7009 authentic stile and rail construction. distance learning has been widely
[email protected] questioned and is expected to be
Give your home a used this year only in exceptional
JAY GUSSAK timeless and rustic feel cases. Families of what the dis-
(914) 299-4541 with Woodgrain trict describes as “medically frag-
[email protected] barn doors. ile students,” for example, are be-
SHELLEY KILCOYNE ing asked to contact their child’s
(914) 924-9122 These barn doors are on display principal and provide documen-
[email protected] now at Interstate + Lakeland tation for an evaluation in each
Lumber’s Shrub Oak case.
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL If the coronavirus surged, of
INTERSTATE + LAKELAND LUMBER course—and it has displayed a
CREATIVE DIRECTOR remarkable nimbleness lately in
PHOTOGRAPHER What Dream Homes are Made of skirting defenses—that could
usher in the universal remote
[email protected] 1248 East Main Street •Shrub Oak NY 10588 • 914- 245- 5050 • learning that marked the virus’
CHRISTINA ROSE earliest months here. But in re-
ART DIRECTOR/ sponse to a question from Trustee
Elizabeth Gereghty, Selesnick
DIGITAL PRODUCTION MANAGER said no threshold infection level
[email protected] has been established that would
trigger that step.
BRETT FREEMAN Last year, as positive tests for
CEO & PUBLISHER Covid-19 became a weekly oc-
845-208-8151 currence among students and
sta , quarantine often resulted for
[email protected] those who had come into contact
with the infected. is year, stu-
Deadlines dents who were appropriately
masked and socially distanced—
THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES or who are fully vaccinated—will
DEADLINE not have to quarantine after ex-
posure to a positive case at school.
e daily screening—a se-
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS IS THE ries of questions about a stu-
dent’s health and a temperature
THURSDAY BEFORE THE NEXT check—has also been shelved in
PUBLICATION DATE. the new term.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, Under Gov. Hochul’s emer-
CALL BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER AT gency order, all teachers, admin-
914-302-5628 OR EMAIL istrators, and other school em-
ployees must submit to weekly
[email protected] Covid-19 testing unless they
show proof of vaccination, with
Location either a CDC vaccine card or the
Excelsior Pass.
SUITE 100 “My top priority is to get chil-
dren back to school and protect
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 the environment so they can
learn, and everyone is safe,” Ho-
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY chul said in a prepared statement.
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC “We are now issuing guidance to
make sure our school sta are
©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC vaccinated or tested regularly for
themselves and their families,
our students and our communi-

Katy Ferrarone in the zone
Waccabuc artist
finds peace
in painting

BY JESSICA JAFET Colorado, and Connecticut. She added

CONTRIBUTING WRITER fashion design to her skill set with a de-

gree in apparel and fashion design from

Creating beautiful and Parson’s School of Design in New York,

mesmerizing paintings is which was followed by a ve-year stint as

an act of meditation for a women’s fashion designer.

Katy Ferrarone,a local art- When her husband’s work took the

ist whose current exhibit, family to Asia for seven years, Ferrarone

“Transmute,” is on view continued to paint and show her work in

through Sept. 11, at CB Hong Kong and in Singapore. Return-

Gallery in Katonah. ing to the United States with her hus-

e Waccabuc resi- band and three young sons, the family

dent said that her style settled in Waccabuc, a place Ferrarone

has always been one that nds beautiful—and one that she said is

is based on calming her surrounded by a burgeoning artists com-

mind—something that munity.

she came to understand “I am very excited by the artists and

when she attended Syra- a lot of the new people I have met in

cuse University. While Katonah; I’m very happy about how it

completing her Bachelor of Fine Arts is becoming even more of an art com-

degree with a major in painting, a visit- munity,” she said. “We have this beauti-

ing professor made Ferrarone aware of a ful [Katonah] museum and we’ve had

certain artist whose philosophy resonated Rothko here, we’ve had Helen Franken-

with her own approach to making art. thaler, it is really spectacular—and with

“A professor suggested I study Agnes the Art Walk and all of these things, they

Martin—and the artist really spoke to are working hard to become a true artist

me,” Ferrarone said. “Martin said that if community,” she said.

you let go of your expectation, art is sort As for the showing of her latest works

of a way of creating beauty and a way of at CB Gallery, the artist spoke about the

quieting your mind.” origin of “Transmute,” the name of the

Ferrarone’s work includes textured solo exhibit. e word refers to the se-

canvases that feature bold color, repetitive lection of works on paper and canvas as

marks, and simple shapes that ow from one that has transitioned from her earlier,

the artist’s calm place and emanate from more structured pieces to smaller, bolder

her creative mind. “When I create art, all ones. She explained that her 13-year-old

I really do is start with a palette and then son, George, came up with the tting

I just let my mind quiet down; I create name to describe the morphing of his

shapes and then I work with the dots and mother’s style of painting.

the hashmarks to kind of draw over it,” “He came up with the name ‘Trans-

she said, explaining her process. mute,’ which means to change in form,

Ferrarone grew up in Fair eld County, nature, or substance,” Ferrarone said. “I

Conn., and said her artistic aspirations said to him, ‘I think you are on to some-

were encouraged by some very support- thing,’ adding, “My intention is to con-

ive teachers in high school. After earning tinue to show throughout the United

her undergraduate degree, she worked States and perhaps, going back to Asia—

at Manhattan’s PACE Gallery and also right now I am excited to show locally at

taught art at schools in New York City, this awesome contemporary gallery.”

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BREWER telling him, “If you want to ship six months,” he said. “We went to Scotland and Has the space become too
anything to the USA, let’s do it.” At the time, Jarnit-Bjergsø made the two batches of beer, crowded or does a rising tide lift
FROM PAGE 1 shipped them to New York, and all boats? Jarnit-Bjergsø says it’s
Jarnit-Bjergsø agreed to ex- said, “I was renting other brew- it kind of blew up from there,”he probably the former.
“He had heard about me from port 100 barrels of his two eries and making my beers,”so to said.
the beer store that I owned,” he homemade brews for a total of meet the production demands, “ ere are too many now,”
recalled. “It had become popular. 200 barrels. he rented space from a brewery In America, Ewing had sold he said. “ e good thing for us
We had beers that nobody else in Scotland in early 2011. all 200 barrels in one day. Evil now is we started in 2010. Even
had.” “He wanted four times the Twin was a hit. though we didn’t have a physical
total production that PHOTOS COURTESY OF EVIL TWIN brewery, we were one of the rst.
He remembers the American I had done for the rst Naturally, Ewing wanted We managed to build our name
Jeppe Jarnit-Bjergsø, founder of more. So, Jarnit-Bjergsø went to worldwide.”
PHOTOS COURTESY OF STEVE MANGIONE Evil Twin the United States to brew addi-
tional batches. In recent years, consumers
Evil Twin has a taproom located in Queens. have developed a thirst for hazy,
Initially, he said, “I wasn’t will- juice- lled IPAs (India pale
Financial Planning ing to just throw myself into it.” ales), which have dominated
Investment Management However, after mulling it over beer sales.
Tax Preparation & Planning with his wife, Jarnit-Bjergsø ap-
Business Retirement Plan Services plied for a work visa, which he “It’s so much of the same, so
received about a year later, in standing out in that sense is dif-
Why AtwoB? March 2012.
cult,” Jarnit-Bjergsø said.
• Boutique, Independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) His family lived in New York But before hazy IPAs were
• Owner-Operated, Your Money Matters to Us City for their rst seven years in popular, they were innovative.
• Legally Obligated to Act in Your Best Interests 100% of the Time America and moved to Wacca- e Evil Twin brewer said he is
• Unbiased – Paid Only By Clients, No Commissions or Hidden Fees buc around 2019. During that always experimenting with reci-
• High-Touch, Attentive Service You Can Depend On time, Evil Twin continued to pes, including using vegetables
• Employer-Sponsored Retirement Solutions for Business Owners grow. e beer-maker signed a in his beers.
lease in Queens in 2016 but did “ ings like that make it fun,”
Michael Tom CFP® CFA® • Jeff Wund • Todd Rebori, CFA® not begin brewing until Decem- he said. “I think people are al-
ber 2018. ways looking for something new • (914) 302-3233 and looking for innovations. At
“It’s complicated to build a Evil Twin, we dare to do these
23 Parkway, Second Floor • Katonah, NY 10536 brewery in New York,” Jarnit- things, making beer with carrots
Bjergsø said. and avocados. at’s not some-
Point B Planning, LLC d/b/a/ AtwoB (“AtwoB”) is a registered investment adviser. thing a lot of people would do.”
A copy of AtwoB’s current written disclosure statement discussing AtwoB’s business Evil Twin managed to gain a Jarnit-Bjergsø said he enjoys
operations, services, and fees is available at the SEC’s investment adviser public foothold in the New York craft- brewing the classic styles and
information website or from AtwoB upon written request. This article is for information beer scene before it truly ex- also unleashing his creative side.
only and should not be considered investment advice. ploded. According to the New “When we brew with carrots,
York State Brewers Association, marshmallows, brown sugar, and
the state’s industry grew from cinnamon, I think that’s awe-
95 breweries in 2012 to 468 in some,” he said. “ ere are really
2020. no rules when you’re cooking.
You can use whatever ingredi-
PALLADINO BUILDING ents that you want. I think we
INC. should do the same with beer.”
Like many industries, the craft
beer industry was upended by
the pandemic-related lockdowns
in March 2020—about six
months after Evil Twin opened
its rst taproom.
“When we got locked down
in March of last year, we freaked
out,” Jarnit-Bjergsø.
EvilTwin was forced to change
its business model. Fewer people
were coming to the taproom, but
more people were buying cans
to take home. For the rst time,
Evil Twin started selling its cans
directly to the consumer.
“We started making di erent
beers and more experiments, and
people seemed to love that,” he
said. “We sold a lot.”
Perhaps his proudest accom-
plishment? “We didn’t have to
re a single person. at was one
of my biggest concerns.”
Starting Aug. 16, customers
were required to provide proof
of vaccination in order to dine
indoors at any restaurant and bar
in New York City. Before that,
Evil Twin was required to install
plexiglass and enforce social dis-
tancing measures.
“We adjust to what we have to
do, and we do what we’re told,”
Jarnit-Bjergsø said.

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