VOL. 3 NO. 28 Visit TapIntoKLT.net for the latest news. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2021
BongiornoLEWISBOROTOWN BOARD leads Galligan to resign
Republican ticket Bedford council seat
Sources: Parsons may not seek re-election Candidates enter fray to replace
Covill in the county legislature
BY TOM BARTLEY BY TOM BARTLEY “We will be discuss-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Bongiorno and Biddle CONTRIBUTING WRITER ing that as a Town
are rst-time candidates. Board in the next sev-
With dependable vote Rendo lost to Richard e fallout from eral days,” Supervisor
magnet Peter Parsons ap- Sklarin last November, Kitley Covill’s an- MaryAnn Carr said
parently sitting out the 4,386 to 3,110, in a race nouncement that she last week. But she in-
electoral fray for the rst to ll the remaining three will not seek re-elec- sisted that no decision
time in a decade, Lewis- years of a Town Board tion to the county leg- had yet been reached
boro Democrats and Re- term won by former islature continues to nor was one expected
publicans chose up sides Councilman John Pap- roil local Democratic when the board met
last month for a show- palardo. circles, this week im- Tuesday evening, Feb.
down in November. When Pappalardo, a pacting Bedford’s 2, after e Katonah-
Hoping to capitalize Democrat, was appointed Town Board. Lewisboro Times went
on three Town Board PHOTO: MONOGRAHAM STUDIOS, to the town justice court Covill’s stepping to press.
openings, the GOP en- CROSS RIVER shortly after winning
down has already Bedford Councilwoman Kate Carr resigned her
sparked a Democratic Galligan
dorsed William J. (Bill) Bill Bongiorno, Republican re-election in 2019, an- council seat early last
Bongiorno of South Sa- candidate for Lewisboro town other Democrat, Jennifer
lem to head the challeng- supervisor primary in the legisla- month to accept ap-
Castelhano, was named to ture’s 2nd District. Now, it has also led, pointment as supervisor. e board, in
ers’ ticket. Republicans ll the seat through 2020. at least indirectly, to Bedford Council- turn, appointed Stephanie McCaine of
said Parsons plans to vacate his supervi- e Lewisboro Republican Town Com- woman Kate Galligan’s early departure Katonah to ll that vacancy till year’s end.
sor’s seat at year’s end. mittee made public its 2021 election slate from the board. Critics assailed what they main-
e four-year terms for two other after meeting in convention last month. In a letter last week, Galligan, a Ka- tained was a lack of “transparency”in the
seats—now held by Democratic Coun- e GOP, in a statement, said four candi- tonah resident, said she will give up at board’s decision-making leading to the
cilman Tony Goncalves and Council- dates had been endorsed unanimously “af- month’s end the seat she has held since appointment. Stung by that criticism,
woman Jane Crimmins—also expire Dec. ter a weeks-long process where the com- 2017, paving the way for the board’s third the board set Tuesday’s public discussion
31. Running to ll those vacancies on the mittee held public interviews.” appointment this year. Board members of Galligan’s replacement.
GOP side will be Alison Biddle of Cross SEE LEWISBORO PAGE 2 had been expected to take up the matter SEE BEDFORD PAGE 2
River and Andrea Rendo of South Salem. at this past Tuesday’s (Feb. 2) meeting.
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The Staff LEWISBORO town Democratic commit- BEDFORD tion, ruled out any consider-
tee, however, provided what ation of joining that primary
EDITORIAL TEAM FROM PAGE 1 they said was the party’s FROM PAGE 1
November lineup. Barring a ght, saying, “I am not running
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER In addition to three can- change of heart by Parsons, e Bedford Democratic for another o ce.”
EDITOR/SPORTS: 914-302-5628 didates for the town board, these sources said, Gon- Committee late last month for-
[email protected] the committee endorsed in- calves, a councilman since mally endorsed both McCaine Pierce, a member of the exec-
cumbent Deirdre Casper of 2017 and a Goldens Bridge and fellow Katonah resident utive committee of the Bedford
ADVERTISING TEAM South Salem for re-election resident, will defend against Anthony J. Mamo Jr. to run in Democratic Committee and
PAUL FORHAN as Lewisboro’s receiver of Bongiorno, in the supervisor November for the seats vacated treasurer of the County Demo-
taxes. She’s held that post contest. Reached last week- by Carr and Galligan. cratic Committee, has been Co-
(914) 806-3951 since 2013. end, Goncalves would not vill’s legislative aide since 2018.
[email protected] comment, referring all ques- At least two Democrats were Serratore is chair of the Mount
But the Lewisboro Demo- tions to Becker. expected make their case this Kisco Democratic Committee.
BRUCE HELLER cratic Committee, despite week for succeeding Covill in
(914) 486-7608 endorsing candidates last In addition, the sources the legislature. Pierce said last month that
[email protected] month, has decided for now said, Goncalves’ board col- she would resign as Covill’s aide
not to make public its No- league, Crimmins, a South Erika Pierce and William at the end of February, prompt-
LISA KAIN vember slate. “Lewisboro Salem resident, will seek Serratore are both seeking Co- ing Galligan’s resignation. She
(201) 317-1139 Democrats will announce re-election to her second vill’s 2nd District seat, which had earlier announced her in-
[email protected] endorsements at an appro- four-year term. To succeed represents residents of Bedford tent not to seek re-election in
CORINNE STANTON priate time,” party chair Joan Goncalves, Democrats re- and Lewisboro as well as Mount November.
(914) 760-7009 Becker said in an email re- portedly tapped Mary Shah Kisco, North Salem, Pound
[email protected] sponse to a question. of South Salem, a member Ridge, and part of Somers. “I have the highest regard
of the town’s Conservation for Legislator Covill and what
JAY GUSSAK Her hesitation may be Advisory Council but a new- Covill has been the 2nd Dis- she has accomplished during
(914) 299-4541 prompted by uncertainty comer to elective politics. trict legislator for two terms her tenure at the County, and
[email protected] concerning Parsons’ plans. after being elected in 2017 and I am looking forward to sup-
JENNIFER CONNELLY Republican assertions that Parsons, the Democratic re-elected two years later. porting her for the nal year
(917) 446-7757 Parsons, 82, has decided not incumbent supervisor, has of her term,” Galligan wrote in
[email protected] to stand for re-election to a been a strong vote-getter Democratic district leaders in her resignation letter. “ is new
SHELLEY KILCOYNE sixth two-year term could since he was rst elected in the 2nd L.D. were scheduled to job also gives me the chance to
(914) 924-9122 not be con rmed as e 2011, running unopposed in meet this past Tuesday, Feb. 2, serve the residents of Bedford
[email protected] Katonah-Lewisboro Times two of his last three contests. either to choose a candidate to in a di erent capacity.”
was going to press. “He’s succeed Covill or make no en-
PRODUCTION TEAM said that before,” a party in- Goncalves is a technology dorsement. at would set the Galligan said she “will con-
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL sider noted of the mercurial and management executive. stage for a Democratic primary tinue to serve on the various
supervisor, “then changed his Bongiorno is founder and contest, to be decided by a vote town committees I am already
CREATIVE DIRECTOR mind.” president of a Manhattan of registered party members in part of.” ey include the Wire-
PHOTOGRAPHER public relations rm special- June. less Facilities Working Group,
Repeated e orts to reach izing in nancial matters. Comprehensive Emergency
[email protected] Parsons were unsuccessful. Bedford Democrats are al- Management Plan Task Force
CHRISTINA ROSE ready assured of a primary bat- and Police Reform and Rein-
ART DIRECTOR/ Sources in and out of the tle in the race to succeed Chris vention Collaborative Commit-
Burdick, now a 93rd District tee. “I will be attending town
DIGITAL PRODUCTION MANAGER The Best Quality Food & Service …Anywhere! assemblyman, as town supervi- board meetings in my capacity
[email protected] sor. as a legislative aide,” she said.
Covill, in response to a ques-
CEO & PUBLISHER •PiBgusfifnaLlaCoebwtaliantSngeksgert•a•YCghcoilhcieukeoesrne’spfilnagtetrers A page 5 story on Jan. 21—“Democratic primary expected
845-208-8151 New• YAnetiaparstoFpelasttteirvsities for Bedford supervisor”—incorrectly identi ed Bedford Town
Clerk Lisbeth (Boo) Fumagali as a Republican. She has changed
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Katonah teen
honored for stock-
picking prowess
An investment team made up e Wharton competition is
of 10th-grade students from the a free, online investment simula-
Hackley School in Tarrytown, tion for high school students and
including Katonah’s Noah Nager, teachers. Participants compete
has been selected as a regional - with students from around the
nalist for the 2020-2021 Wharton world and learn about nance,
Global High School Competition teamwork, strategy-building, and
at the University of Pennsylvania. communication. Over the course
e Hackley team, named Hor- of 10 weeks, teams are respon-
nets Capital, was one of the 972 sible for managing a portfolio of
teams that submitted investment $100,000 in virtual cash using the
portfolios for this international Wharton Investment Simulator
competition. Of those 972 teams, (WInS).
only 50 teams (and only 20 from Nager’s teammates are Advith PHOTO COURTESY OF JESSICA SPATES
the United States) were chosen for Sharma, Benjamin Lefkovits, and Mason Napach, Advith Sharma, Noah Nager, and Benjamin Lefkovits
the nals. Mason Napach.
Four-day in-person learning available to some students
BY TOM BARTLEY more students at John Jay High mester has reassured the agency,” ‘Based on what [space] is available, we do
CONTRIBUTING WRITER School and the middle school opt sta writer Derek ompson continue to invite students, based on need, to
for a ve-day regimen of comput- said of the CDC, “that with ad- come back and be with us four days a week.’
Some KLSD high school and er instruction, the district has the equate masking, distancing and
middle school students are get- opportunity to increase classroom ventilation, the bene ts of open- –Superintendent Andrew Selesnick
ting the chance to attend class time for select secondary students. ing schools outweigh the risks Katonah-Lewisboro Schools
in-person four days a week, not of keeping kids at home for
the two called for under the hy- “It’s at those schools where months.” VID-19 tests. Meadow Pond ES to four.
brid learning model. more students continue to choose
to stay home, so our principals are “And, of course,” Selesnick “We know, particularly in our “I think it’s important to
Administrators “continue to counting seats and identifying said,“this is something that we’ve
look at the space available in students to invite back for four all been paying very close atten- high school of late, the number point out for community’s sake,
schools, particularly in our sec- days,” Selesnick said in an email tion to, and wondering about,
ondary schools, where we do have response to a query. thinking about—which is the of positive cases has been a little everyone’s sake, that the vast
some space,” Superintendent An- balance between the safety of all
drew Selesnick told last week’s K-2 students are in classrooms and the importance, which we all bit higher than even in some of majority of those cases we learn
meeting of the Katonah-Lewis- four days a week and home, as all recognize, of bringing students
boro school board. students are, on Wednesdays. back into school.” our neighboring district high about are not people who are at
“Based on what [space] is avail- e KLSD emphasis on in- e superintendent acknowl- schools,” he said. school at the moment.”
able,” he said, “we do continue to school attendance coincides with edged “that the [coronavirus]
invite students, based on need, to growing concern nationally over case numbers around us continue Jan. 28 numbers show an over- In his emails to parents,
come back and be with us four the educational quality of remote to be very, very high in Westches-
days a week. So, those invitations learning and the medical commu- ter County. So, I’m sure for many all districtwide increase of 11 cases alerting them to new positive
continue to go out.” nity’s increased con dence in the there’s a lot of wondering about
safety of in-classroom instruction. the timing of these announce- in a week to 106 since schools re- tests, Selesnick often remarks
Except for grades K-2, social- At the school board meeting, Se- ments and wondering where we
distancing mandated by coro- lesnick cited an Atlantic magazine are to go next.” opened in September. at gure that “there is no contact tracing
navirus safety protocols means article that quoted from a study by
most students in the Katonah- the Centers for Disease Control As Selesnick made his remarks includes 58 cases at John Jay High necessary.”
Lewisboro School District learn (CDC). at the board’s Jan. 28 Zoom ses-
from home three days out of sion, KLSD was reporting a School, compared with 57 at Bed- “ at tells you that the peo-
“ e preponderance of avail- continued jump in positive CO-
ve, tethered to teachers only by able evidence from the fall se- ford’s Fox Lane High School, 73 ple in most cases have not been
school-supplied laptops. But as
at Somers High School and 22 at school for some time,” he
at North Salem’s combined high noted. “We do, however, have
school/middle school. to register those cases with the
Elsewhere in KLSD on Jan. state, and we list them as be-
28, middle school cases since ing on-site if the people are
September rose to 18; Increase connected to our hybrid model,
Miller Elementary School even if they’re not currently at-
to 16; Katonah ES to 10 and tending.”
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COVID Counter Government at Work Lewisboro Library TEEN ADVENTURE HIKE the library has su ered the downs
• Monday, Feb. 8, Lewisboro e Lewisboro Library is located At 10:30 a.m. Monday, Feb. 15 and celebrated the ups of our so-
LEWISBORO Town Board, 7:30 p.m. at 15 Main St.,South Salem.Regis- (Presidents Day),the library and the ciety, and bene ted the citizens of
Active: 71 • Wednesday, Feb. 10, Lewis- ter for programs at lewisborolibary. Lewisboro Land Trust are leading Lewisboro for 222 years. Hear how
Total: 582 boro Sustainability Committee, org. another “Teen Adventure Hike.” reading options and services have
7:30 p.m. e guided hike is for teens in mid- changed during its lifetime and en-
BEDFORD • Wednesday,Feb.10,Lewisboro ‘MIDDLE READS!’ dle and high school and takes place joy the tales the books and former
Active: 145 Architectural and Community BOOK SELECTION FOR at the Brownell Preserve in Goldens librarians have to tell. Presented by
Total: 1,187 Review Council, 8 p.m. FEBRUARY Bridge. Hikers must wear a face Town Historian Maureen Koehl.
According to information pro- Visit bedfordny.gov, lewisborogov. e library’s “Middle Reads!”vir- mask or covering, and bring a wa- Register for the Zoom link on the
vided by Westchester County. com, or klschools.org for agenda infor- tual book group for teens in grades ter bottle and snack. Registration is library website.
mation or to watch/participate. six through eight will meet at 7 p.m. required via the library website. All Virtual Valentine’s
Tuesday, Feb. 9. e book selection hikers must also download and ll
for February is “When You Reach out the waiver on the website. Wine Tasting
Me” by Rebecca Stead. Register for
MAYHEM IS the Zoom link on the library web- GRAB N GO TEEN CRAFT Wondering how to make Val-
site (lewisborolibary.org). e books KITS entine’s Day weekend special this
are available at the library for pickup. Teen librarian Jane Rothschild year? Celebrate with an at-home
EXPENSIVE. TIPSFORVIRTUAL is o ering Grab-n-Go craft kits “Virtual Wine Tasting Experience”
COLLEGE SEARCHES for teens. e next craft will be a led by John Vuolo, vintner of South
“Grab-n-Go Mug Cake.” Kits can Salem Winery,Hudson Valley’s rst
ALLSTATE At 7 p.m. ursday, Feb. 11, the be picked up in the library’s curbside micro-winery. e tasting,hosted by
Lewisboro Library will a virtual vestibule.Teens should pick up their the Lewisboro Library, takes place
IS NOT. seminar for teens and parents.“How kits before Feb. 17, then tune into from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb.
to Conduct the College Search in the library’s Facebook or Instagram 13, via Zoom. Similar to in-person
the Time of COVID” will cover page at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17, wine tastings, where you taste and
how to navigate the web for infor- to watch Jane demonstrate how to learn about di erent types of wine,
Philip Eifert mation, connect with students and make the Mug Cake. the virtual experience brings the
faculty, and make the experience winery to you.
914-232-0330 more personalized for your student. BROWSING THROUGH e “Virtual Wine Tasting Ex-
200 Katonah Avenue
e program is led by Alan Sheptin HISTORY perience” is a fundraiser for the
of Sheptin Tutoring Group, a pro- At 4 p.m.Sunday,Feb.21,the Li- Lewisboro Library with a price of
Katonah, NY fessional member of the Indepen- brary is hosting the virtual presen- $125 for the package. e package
[email protected] dent Educational Consultants As- tation, “Browsing through History: includes a Zoom link for the tasting
sociation and a Certi ed Education the Story of Our Library.” From its with a Q&A period, and a Lewis-
Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Co. 9633881 Planner. Register for the Zoom link beginning chapter in 1799 to the boro Library Canvas tote bag lled
© 2013 Allstate Insurance Co.
on the library website. rest of the story in 2021, learn how with: three bottled wines from the
South Salem Winery—Chardon-
nay, Cabernet Franc, and Vidal
For All Your Plumbing, Gas, Heating & Nothing Blank Ice—plus a wine stopper,
Water Treatment Needs says chocolates, savory snacks, and two
long-stem roses. Packages can be
WWe e Oouur rCucsutosmtoemrsers “I Love You" purchased online at lewisboroli-
Like a Spa Day brary.org/event/virtual-valentines-
wine-tasting-experience. Quanti-
ties are limited.
Library sta will contact pur-
chasers with a Zoom link for the
event, along with instructions for
Thank you for your business Complimentary picking up the package at the library
by appointment from 10:30 a.m.
mini bottles of prosecco to 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 12, or from
& chocolates 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb.
to all who have services performed
Valentine’s Weekend Sponsors of the event include
South Salem Winery, Greenway
FEBRUARY OFFER! 15% OFF Markets, and Deborah Ann’s
Winter Workouts
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719 Rte. 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 starting the week of Feb. 7 through
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For more information about the
12U team, contact Paul Kuszyn-
ski [email protected] or Jim
Moreo [email protected].
Register at LewisboroBaseball.org
Police identify
remains found in
Muscoot Reservoir
as Brenda Kerber
The Muscoot Reservoir
STAFF WRITER more than a year until all leads and
information were exhausted.
e body pulled from the Mus- e county medical examiner’s
coot Reservoir in Somers last week o ce used dental records to iden- and Dorotha Barratt-Knecht, had dence directly linking the religious investigatory interviews of fam-
has been identi ed as White Plains tify Kerber’s body. written after she disappeared. It was group to the demise of Kerber,” he ily, friends, employers, and entries
resident Brenda Kerber. A review of evidence in the case, published on the website,excult.org. said, adding: “It is not certain that made by Ferber in her journal.”
According to police,the 40-year- and forensic evidence from the ve- e Barratts are now both de- Kerber was still associated with the When Ferber disappeared, her
old mother of two went missing in hicle, along with the medical exam- ceased. group headed by Lenz, at the time family published a missing person
1989. iner’s ndings indicated that Kerber In a follow-up statement released of her death.” yer and article with photos and
Her 1982 Ford Granada sta- died from “suicide by drowning,” Friday, Jan. 29, Castelli noted that Other than Kerber’s remains, promised a reward of $1,000 for
tion wagon, with Kerber’s skeletal White Plains police Chief Joseph the initial investigation into the “there was nothing else of eviden- information. Ads were also placed
remains inside, was discovered o Castelli said ursday, Jan. 28. missing person case had “revealed tiary value located in or around in USA TODAY.
Route 100 during a routine in- Kerber’s next of kin have been that Kerber had been connected to the vehicle,” he said, explaining According to the Barratts’ letter,
spection of the reservoir’s bottom noti ed. what has been referred to as a reli- that the determination of “suicide Kerber was born in Oregon, mar-
by workers from New York City “We hope this brings the family gious group headed by a Frederick by drowning,” made by the West- ried her high school sweetheart
Department of Environmental some closure,” Castelli said, thank- Lenz.” chester County Medical Exam- SEE KERBER PAGE 6
Protection. ing the state police and city DEP However,“there has been no evi- iner’s O ce was “aided by original
Last seen on Sept. 28, 1989, police for their “participation, sup-
Kerber was reported missing by port, and coordinated e orts in this
her landlord on Oct. 8 of that year. investigation.”
She had lived in the Rosedale sec- According to multiple media re-
tion of the city. ports, Kerber had been a follower
According to a report by lohud. of the late American Buddhist guru
Quacormte, rhePr apgeresonMal aidgeantzi icnateio(n4.F2r5ed”erxic5k .P5.L”e)nz III.
papers had been found in a pocket- is was con rmed in a letter
When it comes to your to-dobook in her Alex Drive apartment. that Kerber’s parents, James Barratt
list, put your future first.
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POLICE BLOTTER KERBER on the Rama Computer Cult,” titled:
“ e Disappearance of Brenda Kerber.”
e following items are from the Lew- a complaint of “loud rap music” com- FROM PAGE 5
It was at that point she and her parents
isboro Police Department. Please be aware ing from the lake near Lakeshore Drive right after graduation, and had a daugh- became estranged.
that these summarizations represent only in South Salem. An o cer patrolled the Kerber later moved to White Plains
After the couple divorced,Kerber went where she rented a room from the land-
one perspective. In most cases, attempts roads surrounding the lake and saw many to college, got an education degree, mar- lord who reported her missing in Octo-
ried again, and had a son, her parents ber 1989, the Barratts said in the letter.
will not be made to contact the accused nor people of all ages skating on the lake. No wrote.
Kerber left all her personal possessions
will pursuits be made to publish additional music could be heard. She worked for several elementary behind, including her credit card, driver’s
schools and was also a computer analyst license, and a personal journal, media re-
information or updates. For those reasons, • Jan. 28, 9:06 a.m. – A Lewisboro town and a newsletter editor for an insurance ports said.
company, they said.
names of the accused are usually withheld. highway department truck was struck Her parents said she wrote in the jour-
When that marriage ended, she went nal that she had been red from a job as a
• Jan. 20, 1:30 p.m. – A 4-year-old was by another car when the town employee through a period of religious exploration, computer programmer with a lm com-
eventually becoming active with the Zen pany. And when she couldn’t nd a simi-
reported missing. Turns out, he’s just a stopped on Route 35 to turn onto Ridge- Buddhist movement. lar position had to work two waitressing
jobs to make ends meet.
very skilled hide and seek player. e eld Avenue. According to lohud.com, her dad told
e Journal News in 1989 that Ker- In 1989, the Barratts hired a detective,
young child was hugging the stop sign at • Jan. 28, 9:15 a.m. – Police learned that ber, depressed after her second divorce, who, they claimed, “came up with a little
moved in 1986 to the San Francisco Bay bit about Dr. Lenz, but no clues to where
Route 123 and West Lane when a resi- a registered sex o ender had moved into area. Brenda might be.”
dent spotted him and called police, who town without notifying police. e man, at was when, her parents said, she In the letter, they said that Lenz,
became familiarized with the teachings who had gone by the name Zen Master
brought him to the station. e boy’s who told police he has lived in the Goldens of Frederick P.Lenz III,a self-styled spir- Rama, had denied ever hearing of Kerber
itual teacher who also was a software de- and that later someone had called them,
mother called police a short time later. Bridge home since 2018, came to Lewis- signer, businessman, record producer, and identifying themselves as his “lawyer”and
later the author of “Sur ng the Hima- demanding that they call o their detec-
She explained that her son had been play- boro police headquarters, where he was in- layas,” a 1995 best-seller about a snow- tive.
boarder who hooks up with an Eastern
ing hide seek while at Christ the King terviewed and had his photo taken. sage, and “Snowboarding to Nirvana.” Lenz, who had once reportedly
claimed to have lived as a meditation
Church. e child told o cers that he • Jan. 28, 10:52 a.m. – Police investigated According to media reports at the teacher on the lost continent of Atlantis
time, while some thought of Lenz as a and as a Zen master in 17th-century Ja-
had climbed over the fence. After about a reported brush re in the area of Elm- gifted mentor, others criticized him as a pan, was 48 years old when, on an April
cult leader. night in 1998, he took a large amount of
an hour of searching, his mother called wood Road and Lockwood Road. e re Valium and drowned in the bay next to
Kerber moved to Westchester Coun- his Long Island mansion.
9-1-1. She picked up her son from police was extinguished by the property owner. ty supposedly to be closer to the Lenz
group’s base, renting a room in Mount e Su olk County Medical Exam-
headquarters. • Jan. 30, 2 p.m. – Police investigated a Kisco, her parents wrote in the “Report iner’s o ce ruled his death a suicide.
• Jan. 23, 9:20 p.m. – Lewisboro Police report of a possibly rabid fox in a South
assisted State Police with a one-car crash Salem backyard. e resident said the fox
on Route 123. e driver of the 2000 Jeep “would walk in a circle and lie back down.”
was charged with driving while intoxi- When police approached the fox, it ran
cated. away without hesitation.
• Jan. 27, 12:52 p.m. – Police inves- • Jan. 30, 4 p.m. – A truck carrying gar-
tigated a report of illegal dumping in bage had pulled over at the corner of Mead
South Salem. Residents told police that Street and Route 35 because debris was
10 dump truck loads of wood chips were falling o the truck. e driver and a friend
dumped without permission. were picking up the trash when police ar-
• Jan. 27, 3:15 p.m. – Police investigated rived.
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Look further
READING, contemporary Native American Funky February
WRITING & poets.
CHOCOLATE NEWS & and Future.”Shapiro chooses just one more way we can show
You may be familiar with the NOTES eight moments in American our appreciation for the brave
KIM well-known Native American writers, history when Americans men and women who fought
KOVACH Sherman Alexie, and Louise Erdrich. MARK claimed (or conscripted) for our country and honor their
Two Sherman Alexie poems are JEFFERS Shakespeare as an authority service. Individuals and groups
Iam an eclectic reader. I like to included in this anthology and three in the political and culture can mail Valentine’s Day greet-
read novels, short stories, per- poems by Louise Erdrich. But have Welcome to “News & struggles of the time, ranging ings to Rep. Maloney’s o ce:
sonal essays, plays, non- ction, you ever heard of Anita Endrezze or Notes,”where we from race, to immigration, to 123 Grand St., Second Floor,
business books, and biographies. I Linda Legarde Grover? eir gor- look at the hap- international politics, to class Newburgh, N.Y. 12550. e
have not read much poetry since col- geous, powerful, descriptive poems penings here in Westchester warfare, to assassination and sex. deadline is Feb. 10.
lege, but over the holidays I read an included in this fantastic anthology County… is series will be in webinar
anthology of Native Nations poetry, grabbed me and did not let go. format on Zoom beginning Our friends at the brand-
“When the Light of the World Here are some of my fun promptly at 7 p.m. Registration new Forged Iron Golf Club
was Subdued, Our Songs Came I savored reading each individual February facts: e groundhog is free, but required. A Zoom are opening in Mount Kisco
poem. at’s one of the bene ts of will miss its shadow; I will eat link will be sent to registered in February, just in time to see
rough,” edited by Joy Harjo. reading an anthology. You can read too much at our Zoom Super attendees the day before the my awful golf swing. Northern
My bookcase is lled with books a few poems (or short stories) and Bowl party; my wife will not be lecture. Westchester’s premier indoor
about indigenous peoples of North put the book down until the next too happy with the stale candy I My family often tells me that golf facility, Forged Iron has
America: biographies, histories, short quiet afternoon when you have a few give her for Valentine’s Day; and I have a perfect face for radio, so seven bays all with Trackman
stories, and cultural traditions. But minutes of reading time to be taken I will shovel more snow than last we are re-launching our weekly launch monitors. Golfers of
I had not read any poetry by Native away to another time and place. In month, so cheers to this week’s sports radio show on WGCH all levels will be able to lever-
American writers before opening one powerful poem, I was transported “Funky February”edition of 1490AM “ e Clubhouse”on age Trackman’s unsurpassed
this wonderful book. to the harsh life of a child separated “News & Notes.” Wednesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. technology as they play, practice,
from family and sent to live at a live on Zoom. All the fun starts or challenge themselves with
is comprehensive anthology boarding school to learn how to be e good folks at Bedford Feb. 10. skill-building contests and drills.
is organized by geographic region: “American.”In another poem, I was Hills Neighborhood Associa- It’s time to get out your scis- Golfers will be able to play many
Northeast and Midwest, Plains walking among saguaros and tumble- tion are once again sponsoring sors, paper, and markers for the of the world’s most famous
and Mountains, Paci c Northwest, weeds under the blazing southwest- “Sweets for Seniors,”a Valentine annual Valentine’s for Veterans courses with their friends.
Alaska and Paci c Islands, South- ern sun along the border. delivery service as a COVID- initiative in the Hudson Valley.
west and West, and Southeast. e 19-safe event this year. For more U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Malo- Even though the holidays
poems include selections from the Recently, millions of people information, please contact Trish ney’s o ce collects homemade are over, please don’t forget the
early 1800s to present day from watched a young poet, Amanda Ackerman at acktrish@opton- Valentine’s Day cards for local Community Center of North-
poets with tribal a liations includ- Gorman, America’s rst National line.net. veterans from students, families, ern Westchester as they still
ing Cherokee, Choctaw, Mohawk, Youth poet laureate, recite her stirring businesses, workers, and indi- need food and clothing dona-
Kiowa, Osage,Tlingit, Yaqui, Spo- poem,“ e Hill We Climb,”at the John Jay Homestead in Ka- viduals across New York’s 18th tions.
kane, and Sioux. presidential inauguration. Amanda’s tonah presents on Tuesday, Feb. Congressional District. Last
vibrant personality and fresh, lyrical 9, a virtual lecture with James year, over 100 groups partici- We would like to salute and
e poems are powerful represen- words pulled your attention towards S. Shapiro,“Shakespeare in a pated, and over 7,800 Valentines dedicate this week’s column to
tations of lives lived across the Unit- the TV screen. She is only 22 years Divided America: What His were delivered. is program is all our veterans and their fami-
ed States over the past two centuries. old but writes from a mature soul. Plays Tell Us About Our Past lies for their service and sacri ce
How had we never heard of her to keep us safe. anks for all
e words are lled with pain, love, before this? you do.
family, humor, strength, courage,
and healing. I kept bookmarking Amanda’s well-deserved honor
pages to share. I felt compelled to and beautifully written poem brought
read several of these beautiful poems much-needed light into a dark time.
to friends, savoring the words and We need uplifting words. We need
meaning of each unique o ering. fresh perspectives and new voices. Po-
etry is more than selections of verse
Joy Harjo is the current United by Emily Dickinson or Walt Whit-
States poet laureate, rst appointed man. Look further to discover poetry
to this prestigious literary honor in and short stories from Asia, Africa,
2019. A poet, musician, playwright, the Middle East, Australia, Scandi-
and performer, Joy Harjo is the navia, Iceland, and South America.
author of nine poetry collections Open your eyes and discover the
and a bestselling memoir. In this one words and voices of poets and writers
comprehensive poetry anthology, Joy all around us.
Harjo and co-editors Leanne Howe
and Jennifer Elise Foerster present Kim Kovach enjoys reading novels,
a treasure trove of broken promises, short stories and plays from around the
brave souls, dusty roads, majestic world. Kim teaches ction writing for
mountains, and personal experiences adults, teens, and children via Zoom.
from a multitude of traditional and kimkovachwrites.com
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914)-302-5628 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to
the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5628
What’s the good word?
BRUCE teacher would halt the lesson PUNCTURED BY PITCHFORK DICTIONARY DISAGREES eligibility. Not quite, by a long
THE BLOG and make a note of it. I’m sure nobody else in the What is he, a dentist? I snark- shot. It also is not a synonym
simply for something that is
BRUCE INSUFFERABLY OBSESSIVE audience thought twice about ily said to her, explaining impact enormous in size.
APAR at’s me with words, to an what they heard. Of course, to isn’t a verb. It’s a noun, or an ad-
my gossamer ears, it was like jective, as in an impacted tooth. e word has a sacrosanct
People who take a lot of extent that even I at times can being punctured by a pitchfork. meaning limited to describe
pride in their craft can also nd insu erable. I’ll read or Alas, Merriam-Webster isn’t evil or immorality on a grand
take a lot of grief from You don’t “grow” an industry, even on the side of word nerds scale. Sorry, but a baseball game
those who don’t su er gladly hear a word misused and I’ll or a company, I said to myself. like me on this topic. It points doesn’t quite make the cut.
nit-pickers. obsess over it, like the afore- Well, now we do. I’ve given up out that while fussbudgets like
mentioned carpenter or singer. yours truly stubbornly don’t As long as we’re talk-
If a master carpenter saw an ghting that battle. But suf- like to acknowledge impact as a ing sports, the same guy said
apprentice leave a tongue-and- Get over it, I strongly advise ce to say that renegade usage verb (a ect has a friendlier ring “penultimate” in reference to the
groove seam less than perfectly myself. But do I listen? Of never will grow on me. I actu- to it, no?), in fact impact origi- ninth inning. Except that would
course not. Who do I think I ally try to avoid using it, and nally was a verb a few centuries signify the 8th inning, since
ush, with even a hint of a gap am telling myself to get over it? sometimes I even succeed. ago, before it reverted to more penultimate means not last, but
visible to the eye, he wood nail Another time I can virtually popular use strictly as a noun, next to last.
his protege to the wall, gura- It’s this bad. I can tell you pinpoint having my ears as- only to in recent decades resume
tively speaking. the month and year and city saulted with an unconventional its verb-osity. Don’t ask me why that is. I
where I rst heard the word word use was when we lived only word here.
If a singer giving a master “grow” used to describe some- in Philadelphia in the 1980s Let’s move on to a few words
class heard a student falter on thing other than a living thing. (clearly not my decade, word- about which I feel on rma terra To be continued in future
pitch so slightly it was imper- You know. Our hair grows. wise.) My wife Elyse came … I think. columns… in the meantime, if
ceptible to the layman’s ear, the Or a ower. We grow old. home from her marketing job you’d like to have a word with
and, in telling me about her NO ON ‘ENORMITY’ me, my contact points are below.
is CEO keynoting a 1985 day at work, casually remarked I once heard a Yankee sports-
convention in Washington, that her boss told the sta Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
D.C., proclaims, “We’re going that losing a client “will greatly caster use “enormity” to describe consultant, and community
to grow this industry…” To impact us.” a critical game that would volunteer. He can be reached at
punctuate his point, he had a determine the team’s post-season [email protected]; 914-275-6887.
pitchfork at his side.
Advertising Deadline
The advertising deadline for The Katonah-Lewisboro Times is the Thursday before the next publication date. Advertisements can be submitted by you as a camera-
ready PDF via email at [email protected]. We also offer our clients a free ad design service. For more information, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151.
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BOWLING Zoey Feldman had
a big week.
Girls and boys teams
continue to win Katelyn DiFede
After an opening victory over North Salem last week, the John Jay PHOTOS: R
boys bowling team ran into Panas next and lost 7-0 to the league pow-
erhouse. On the other hand, the Wolves’ bounced back this week, with Prepare for
the win putting them in second place with a 21-7 record. Not bad, but power outages
when the bowlers enter the alley from John Jay, it’s de nitely ladies rst with a Generac
at the Cortlandt Lanes. home standby
“ e girls’ team is atop the standings with a perfect 35-0 record,”
boasted coach Paul Plutzker. SCHEDULE YOUR FREE IN HOM
e girls began the week with a 7-0 shutout versus Hen Hud on
Monday, Jan. 25. e game highs went to Kiera Ellison and Amelia 877 516 1160
Maiorana, with scores of 164 and 156, respectively.
Zoey Feldman hit the high points of the week, however. With a new
ball, she rolled a career-best 197 versus Horace Greeley on Wednesday 7-Year Extended Warranty*
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“Feldman continues to improve and surprise me all at once,” said Special Financing Available
Her 485 series total versus Lakeland was backed up by Maiorana’s Subject to Credit Approval
418, while Katelyn DiFede registered a career-best with a 128 game *Terms & Conditions Apply
No match on Monday,the boys’side had a standout on Wednesday,too.
“It was the C.J. Polworth show,” said the coach.
He started the Briarcli match with a solid 202 but really revved up
the RPMs in game two.
“C.J. rolled 10 strikes to nish with a career high 258,” said Plutzker.
His 223 closing round wasn’t bad, either, and helped rack up an in-
credible series score of 663.
“He continues to surprise and amaze,” said Plutzker.
Pitching in, Miles Capobianco scored a 180, Jack Lawton rolled 168,
and Connor Leska-Kent peaked with a score of 150.
e Friday match was even more of a one-sided a air.
“Peekskill was a no show,” said Plutzker.
e boys rolled, nonetheless. Leksa-Kent had a career series high to-
tal of 552, Capobianco had game highs of 183 and 182, and Polworth
cooled o a little with a 182.
A win was not registered, though.
“With this unique season, Peekskill will make up their games on a
future date,” said Plutzker, and the boys o cial 21-7 record is subject
to change.
With snow looming on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday (Feb. 3)
has the boys matching up versus Yorktown and the girls rolling versus
Peekskill, while ursday schedules the boys against Greeley and the
Girls against Panas.
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Michael O’Donnell forward.
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John Jay shuffles
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sends help fast, 24/7. BY RICH MONETTI
Help at Home Help On-the-Go On ursday, Jan. 28, John Jay/Fox Lane readied themselves for
their second virtual meet at the Mount Kisco Boys and Girls Club.
® Unfortunately, Coach Clare Carr was left scrambling at the last min-
ute before their matchup versus White Plains. One of her best swim-
Batteries Never Need Charging. mers couldn’t suit up, and Carr had to go into serious overdrive.
For a FREE brochure call:I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! “It was a little hectic,” she said. But the boys made up the slack
nonetheless and came away with a 104-82 victory.
Ryan Del co was the scratch, and Carr had to nd a way to make
up ground for the best sprinter on the team. e primary game plan
was to take the number two swimmers out of the three relays, try to
win two of the races and then recapture points on the back end of
the meet.
“It worked,”said Carr, and Kieran Brown and Tom Morgan impor-
tantly took the slot changes in stride. “I went one and two with them
in the Individual Medley and got those points back.”
Other changeups included moving out her best breaststroke swim-
mer in favor of Josh Hiller.
“I knew we probably couldn’t nish rst,” said Carr. “But Josh did
great and nished second.”
Michael O’Donnell did a similar number in the 200-meter free-
style. e upstart lled the shifted roster spot and registered a per-
sonal best.
“Michael’s really coming into his own,” Carr said. “He’s very versa-
tile and does whatever I ask him to do.”
e depth didn’t end there. PJ Stonsby scored points in back-to-
back events, and Spencer Grayson took ve seconds o his 500-meter
freestyle best.
“ e younger kids on the team really stepped up,” she boasted.
Brendan Morgan also took one for the team and shifted to the 500
“He got rst, and Grayson and Stonsby took fth and sixth place,”
said Carr.
e nal results coming in later in the evening, Carr didn’t have to
wait for the tally to know the score.
“I knew pretty much that we won based on how the kids did,” she
Evening their record at 1-1 on the season, JJ/FL was at the Boys
and Girls Club on Tuesday (Feb. 2) versus Lakeland and North
Rockland on ursday (Feb. 4).
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2020 was weirder than you know
MAN museums on a regular basis had ited for downsizing a derriere. TECT ILLEGAL FISHING barrassed, but the plant turned
OVERBOARD a 31 percent lower risk of early I understand what she’s going BOATS into a social media star. I have a
death as compared with people through, because people who cactus that I haven’t watered for
RICK who didn’t. About half that viewed an Instagram post of me Research out of France indi- years, hoping that it too is made
MELÉN percentage could be explained as a teenager have trouble be- cated that albatrosses tted with of plastic. I can’t really pick it
by the fact that most museum- lieving that my college diploma a special satellite positioning up and check underneath, lest I
2020 was such a rotten year. goers don’t live in neighbor- is real. device could detect the pres- turn into a human pincushion.
I give it two thumbs down hoods where people often shoot ence of illegal shing vessels. Even if it is made of plastic, I’m
right o the top of my at museums, but the other half STUDY FINDS THAT pretty sure I could kill it. e
head, three if I could get my had no readily explainable fac- DOGS’ POOP IN ALIGN- e birds were originally being take-away from all this is that
hands on another thumb, or vice tors. MENT WITH EARTH’S studied for habits that might you have to pay close atten-
versa. And yet important things MAGNETIC FIELD explain their declining popula- tion to your plant’s succulence,
did happen, events that will be KIM KARDASHIAN tion, and scientists inadver- maybe even suck on it once in
remembered through time im- FANS REFUSE TO BE- A research article in the tently discovered that they were a while to make sure it’s real.
memorial. Here are some that LIEVE HER BUTT IS REAL publication, “Frontiers in Zool- following boats that operated Unlike the cactus, I was aware
are likely to be forgotten mo- AFTER INSTAGRAM ogy” reported that dogs tend to outside of governmental moni- of my succulents’ problems, but
ments before you read them. PICTURE position their bodies in a north toring to feed on their unused I swept them under the rug.
and south direction as they bait. Most of the seabirds that
GOING TO MUSEUMS When I noticed this headline are moving their bowels. So, were interviewed opted for a at only made things worse,
MAY INCREASE LIFES- I was shocked that after seeing you can take a shih tzu on the GPS voice that sounded like an because they got very little sun-
PANS a picture of Kim Kardashian, Tropic of Capricorn, and you albatross with a British accent. light there. Hey, by the way, has
anyone would believe her rear can take a cockapoo on the 39th anyone taken a close look at this
Every time I go to a museum, end to be imaginary. Turns out parallel, but probably nothing e broader question is, now lady’s children? Just curious.
by the fourth exhibit my back followers of the famous real- will happen. I took a compass that albatrosses have a GPS, will
is killing me and by the fth, ity star who saw a photo of her outside with me to make an they even bother with shing Feel free to research these
my knees are killing me. en I as a teenager believe that her informal study of my dog doing boats when they can nd the stories on your own, although
have to crane my neck to peer backside has been enhanced her business, and I found that quickest route to Taco Bell? it also might be true that you’ve
over an entire Japanese tour surgically, or possibly through my dog is the Businesswoman heard way too much already. I’ll
group to read the English trans- the injection of a medium-sized of the Year. I pointed her facing WOMAN NURTURES be back next week with some
lation of something that turns ottoman. Kardashian, the butt north and things went south in PLANT FOR YEARS BE- more important stories of 2020.
out to be the re exit plan, and of this criticism, remains imper- a hurry. A related study found FORE LEARNING IT WAS
by then my neck is killing me. vious to the allegations, citing that money allocated to study FAKE Watch Rick’s video “We Went
And yet a study out of London diet, exercise and shapewear as things was pooped out pretty Dark (love in the age of
found that people who visit the reasons for her ponderous much haphazardly. A lady in California care- the coronavirus)” at: bit.ly/
posterior, although ironically fully watered her succulent and wewentdark. Say hello at: rlife8@
those reasons are usually cred- ALBATROSSES USED AS cleaned its leaves for two years hotmail.com.
FLYING SPIES TO DE- until, when trying to repot it,
found that it was made of plas-
tic. She was surprised and em-
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e story is smashing e importance of humility
scheme of things happening in “weakness”to accept any- say that I have not always been
MY thing less than total “vic- successful? Perhaps, but I have al-
the world, having o11 dinner
TRACY plates was most de nitely not that PERSPECTIVE tory.”In “Paradise Lost,” ways made the e ort. Contrary to
BECKERMAN important. It was just above dis- John Milton’s Satan, once the prevalent “macho”approach
covering a moth ate your sweater, JAMES a glorious angel, mutters to life, practicing humility does
MARTORANO de antly,“Better to reign in not make you weak. It has been
but behind global warming.
Still, it was important to me hell, than serve in heaven.” said that “humility is not thinking
and I wasn’t sure a plate from Our former president, who less of yourself; it is thinking of
the same pattern was still avail- Irecently su ered a defeat exhibited unbridled pride yourself less.”
Iheard the smash way before I able. It was possible it had been in my professional life that
was as painful as it was nal. as well as an inability to admit Since the time of Copernicus,
saw the victim of the smashing. discontinued and I might have to fault, was lauded in many circles the inhabitants of this planet have
“What was that?”I yelled nd a lesser, lookalike plate. Another as a “strong leader.”In sports, one had to face the realization that
into the kitchen. plate posing as my plate. Or maybe When you are in your 70s, it’s of my favorite fellow Fordham our earth is not the center of the
“Nothing,”said my husband. I could just nd another husband. unlikely that time will allow for alum, Vince Lombardi, promoted universe. Similarly, how many
“It sounds like something,”I at would work, too. a closed door to reopen. As it is a philosophy of winning at all times have you heard a child
yelled back. Meanwhile, as my husband with all the twists and turns that costs, discarding, as self-defeating scolded with the parental admo-
“No, it’s nothing,”he insisted. picked up the broken pieces of my we encounter in our lives, the doubt, any notion of humility. In nition,“ e world doesn’t revolve
Having determined that “nothing pantry dreams, I decided I couldn’t emotional response to disap- our daily lives, we witness count- around you.”As the Buddhists
“ is generally what people say when be mad at him for something that pointments is totally an indi- less instances where empathy assert, any person who appreci-
it is actually something but they was an accident. vidual choice. I had options here. and sel essness take a back seat ates the interconnectedness of all
don’t want you to think it is much “It’s OK, honey,”I nally said.“It I could angrily blame myself. to self-interest and self-centered- beings, begins to understand one
of anything, I decided it was worth was just a plate. It’s not a big deal.” Blame others. Feel resentment. ness. of life’s major truths.
investigating. “Phew,”he said.“So, would this Or accept the result with humil- In my own life, I have always When I rst became
I entered the kitchen and be a good time to tell you about the ity and thankfulness. I chose the tried to embrace the forgot- enamored with the usefulness of
looked at the oor. It was clear that bowl I broke last week?” latter, and I’ll explain why. ten virtue of humility. Would I SEE MARTORANO PAGE 14
something big and white had, in We live in an era that glori es be disproving my own point to
fact, met an untimely death on the Tracy Beckerman is embarking and values unrepentant indi-
kitchen oor, but it was broken in so on a new adventure as an empty vidualism. In Ayn Rand’s novel,
many pieces, it was impossible to tell nester! Now, instead of being “ e Fountainhead,”the pro-
what it had been before it met it’s “Lost in Suburbia,” she is “Lost in tagonist, Howard Roark, rails
unfortunate end. Midlife.” Life is just as funny… against the rising tide of collec-
“What is that?”I asked, watching but with a lot less laundry. For tivism. He is the author’s heroic
my husband try to pick up the larger more midlife humor, you can follow template, one that remains
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coming over to have dinner with
us any time soon. And in the grand
MARTORANO your therapist, you can together repeated, and hurt feelings never is not an invitation to depression prideful allegiance to past beliefs,
carve out a personal path to heal. I remember once when my or a surrender of all your dreams, Einstein had no compunction in
FROM PAGE 13 self-awareness and, consequently, dad made the mistake of telling aspirations, or goals. Instead, it is shattering old theories, and we are
emotional wellbeing. But why my aunt something un attering a positive rea rmation of emo- all better o as a result.
philosophical thought, I believed chose humility? about her dress. e result was that tional intelligence and wisdom. It
nalvely, that most psychological my aunt and dad, both prideful is an appreciation of what is truly Fourth, humility recognizes the
disorders could be remedied by First, let us look at its antith- people, did not speak for ve years. important. fact that we are all part of a social
simply learning to think more esis: arrogance, over the top pride, We were forbidden from visiting network. What happens to my fel-
clearly. Although I do not hold self-centeredness. An arrogant my aunt and uncle during an entire ird, a person who practices low citizen is not done in isolation
that belief any longer, I do assert person refuses to admit mistakes. half decade. How foolish was humility admits to mistakes and but involves me as well. Martin
that we are responsible for and in A prideful person will not reexam- that?!!! allows for their correction. Sci- Luther King Jr.’s quote,“Injustice
control of our emotional responses ine decisions, choices, or actions, entists, who let their pride and anywhere is a threat to justice
to life’s challenges. e foundation which makes self-correction, self- Second, let me describe to you past practice prevent them from everywhere,”denotes that exact
of today’s therapeutic practice improvement, and healing virtu- what humility is not. It is not self- challenging a long-held paradigm, sentiment. So, rather than framing
is based on the proposition that ally impossible. Mistakes remain defeatism. It is not an abrogation impede science’s ability to nd new your emotions around what hap-
by sharing your feelings with uncorrected, negative behavior is of any thoughts of self-worth. It and better answers. Shedding any pens to you and you alone, open
your heart and celebrate the good
2020 was a fortune of others. By so doing, you
CRAZY YEAR! have replaced despair and disap-
pointment with insight and joy.
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Fifth, humility can be a conduit
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eas in your life that may need work.
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silient, more open to change, more
Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. accepting of life’s ups and downs,
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or and less susceptible to depression
and despair over events you often
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. have little ability to control.
e good news is that the truly
humble person has developed
self-esteem and a level of self-
awareness that is so deeply rooted
in who they are, that they can see
beyond their own self-interest. e
Buddhist, for example, perceives,
somewhat counterintuitively, that
a strong self must exist behind the
belief that “no self exists.”If you
have succeeded in developing a
true sense of who you are, humil-
ity and sel essness are the natural
My favorite advocate for humil-
ity, Mother Teresa, once opined,
“it is in being humble that our
love becomes real, devoted and
ardent. If you are humble, nothing
will touch you, neither praise nor
disgrace, because you know who
you are.” So, how do we practice
humility? When you lose a compe-
tition, congratulate your opponent
(and mean it). When you make
a mistake or hurt someone else,
apologize. Focus on the good
fortune and positive attributes
of others, rather than harboring
jealousy or resentment. Avoid
condescension, but rather, lend a
helping hand to those who may
need it. When you lose an election,
be happy for the winner and that
we have a democracy in the rst
place. Now, there’s a great start!
BOYS JohnSKIING Jay ready to carry the flag again this year
In an undefeated 2019-2020 season,where Oskar Lombardi curs. e same goes for the chill time in the is to work with your midlevel racers,” Collea
the boys placed third in the sectionals, John chalet afterward. said. “We really try to push our intermedi-
Jay/North Salem has four of its top ve skiers PHOTO: VIC MCGEE ates to a higher level.”
returning. us, the goals this year must be “Unfortunately, we’re not going to be able
pretty lofty for coach Daniel Collea. But like “For the states, we usually get good snow to do any of that,”Collea said. So, Jonathan Walereys, Alex Hooper, Jon-
everything else in these past 12 months, any well into March,”Collea said. athan Frantz, Matthew Dong, and William
aspiration must be su ciently grounded. So, e coach doesn’t have any reservations Gereghty are all worth keeping an eye on
Collea brings it back to the basics. However, the Southern Division is at a that his top skiers will help pick up the cohe- and represent the next wave of great skiers.
travel disadvantage because all the competi- sive slack, though.
“In the pandemic, my goals have com- tion will take place at under Ridge. e cross-section with North Salem has
pletely changed.We just want to get the kids “ ey lead by example and help with drills never been a problem either.
outside, exercising, having fun, and hanging “Rockland County and lower Westches- in practice,”Collea said.
out with other kids,”said the coach. ter will be spending more time on the bus “It’s great camaraderie,” Collea said. “We
than on the mountain,”lamented Collea. A togetherness plays into his coaching ski more like a family than a team. We pride
ey’ll all have to do without the giant philosophy. ourselves on that.”
slalom, too. But either way, the 2020 stand- Still,John Jay/North Salem is also at a loss
ings can’t be set apart. Oskar Lombardi n- in terms of travel. COVID restrictions mean “ e secret to performing well as a team
ished sixth in the slalom and 13th in the gi- a smaller roster and the two teams can’t ride
ant slalom, and Luke Spieler nished 13th on one bus, where a lot of the bonding oc-
in the slalom and ninth in the giant. e suc-
cess had both qualify for the states.
Not to be overlooked, the slalom/giant
slalom results in the Northern Division had
Easton Sayra-McGill nishing 20th and
30th, Lucas Eberhardt holding down 22nd
and 20th, and Zach Purdey 31st and 33rd.
So, they will all be returning with their
ribbons and are ready to carry the ag. e
group doesn’t waste any time away from the
slopes, either.
“What makes our kids so good is most are
top USSA skiers,”Collea said.
e coach also must credit some very im-
portant outside in uence that makes his job
a lot easier.
“We just got lucky that we have families
that love to ski and get their kids skiing at an
early stage,”he said.
e late start has schools on a level play-
ing eld in terms of preparation,though,and
a later end to the regular season won’t slow
down the slopes either.
High-risk sports authoritzed to begin seasons
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Andrew Selesnick, superin- said, “I think it is this balance of beginning this week, the Kato- • Patrick Heaton, varsity men’s
EDITOR tendent of Katonah-Lewisboro knowing that these activities are nah-Lewisboro Board of Educa- basketball, head coach
Schools, said John Jay’s athletic really important for students, for tion approved the appointments
Basketball, ice hockey, and director is working “very hard” to their mental health and wellbe- of more than a dozen JV and var- • William Sni en, varsity men’s
wrestling—winter sports classi- plan an abbreviated winter season ing.” sity coaches. basketball, assistant coach
that keeps student-athletes as safe
ed by the state’s Department of as possible. He noted, however, Wrestling is the sport that gives Headlining the appointments is • Steven DelMoro, JV women’s
Health as “higher risk”—are slat- the contradictory nature of in- everybody “the most pause,” Sele- Greg Janos, who will take over as basketball, head coach
ed to begin tryouts this week. door, close-contact activities being snick said. “We are looking very the varsity coach of John Jay High
authorized at a time when active closely at that…and talking with School’s ice hockey team. He will • Matthew Gallagher, varsity
On Friday, Jan. 22, the gover- COVID-19 cases are still climb- other districts about how they replace Alex Smith, who retired women’s basketball, head coach
nor’s o ce authorized these sports ing. plan to move forward.” last year after a 14-year run that
to begin competition. However, included three section titles and • Erik Hoaglund, varsity wom-
the decision was ultimately put in “I think we have to acknowl- Volleyball and football, high- a state championship appearance. en’s basketball, assistant coach
the hands of county governments. edge that there is some level of risk fall sports that had their sea- Janos has served as head coach of
On Wednesday, Jan. 27, the Sec- contradiction as everybody tries sons postponed, are slated to com- the Harvey School’s hockey team. • William Carter, JV wrestling,
tion 1 Executive Committee to work out what makes the most pete in the “fall II” season, which head coach
threw its support behind a high- sense in this continually challeng- now runs from March 8 to April Also appointed:
risk winter season, which would ing environment,” Selesnick said 25. e spring season will run • Joseph Posadas, varsity hockey, • Phil Petronis, JV wrestling, as-
run from Feb. 1 to March 14. at the Jan. 28 school board meet- from April 19 to June 13. assistant coach sistant coach
ing. • Tyler Sayre, JV men’s basket-
A day later, county executives WINTER COACHES ball, head coach • Bradley Marvin, varsity wres-
from Dutchess, Putnam, Rock- Acknowledging the risk of APPOINTED • Jerry Fall, varsity men’s basket- tling, assistant coach
land, and Westchester counties playing these sports, Selesnick ball, assistant coach
released a joint statement autho- In preparation of these seasons • John Swertfager, varsity wres-
rizing high-risk sports to proceed. tling, assistant coach
• Mark Swertfager, varsity wres-
tling, assistant coach
• William Swertfager, varsity
wrestling, head coach
GIRLS SKIING John Jay has high hopes this winter
John Jay/North Salem/Somers has all four of its top
skiers returning to the slope this year, and nine out of
10 starters overall. So, the expectations are pretty high
for Coach Chris Reinke. Of course, the COVID-19
crisis has the demonstrated potential to wreak havoc.
But the coach knows he doesn’t have to make any ex-
cuses for his team.
“Our girls will be ready,” he assured.
e rst challenge has compacted the preseason.
“We’re kind of crammed everything together. We
had a week of conditioning, and we’ve only been on the
snow a couple of times,” Reinke said. “So, it’s been very
di erent from previous years.”
Either way, seniors Ashley Binette, Samantha Spiel-
er, and Kristen Wolfe leads the team attack, and they’re
not giving any ground either, with Ashley’s sister, Rosie,
who is a sophomore. All four won the sectionals in
2020 for the second straight year and placed third in
the states last season, Reinke said.
Obviously on the same page, a degree of rivalry actu-
ally de nes the quartet’s dynamic. “ e biggest com-
petition they have in all of Section One is each other,”
Reinke said. “But they draw on each other and support
each other as they compete against each other.”
Unfortunately, there will be less mentoring this year
because of COVID. Bus transportation mandates fewer
travelers and will knock the roster down from 23 to 15 PHOTO COURTESY OF DEBBIE SPIELER
or 16, Reinke said. Samantha Spieler, Kristen Wolfe, Ashley Binette and Rosemarie Binette
e roster trimmed, the team will still sport the cen-
ter of gravity that has brought them success over the
years. the future years,” Reinke said. “So, we are anxious to get “ e kids consider themselves to be one team,” Re-
“Every school has two great racers. I have four.” the them in the race.” inke said. “We never segregate who’s John Jay, who’s
coach boasted. “And every school has two midlevel In the moment, though, there will be less chance for North Salem, and who’s Somers. It’s a group that al-
racers. I‘ve got seven or eight. So, it’s always been that team bonding opportunities like all the Bu alo Wild ways races together.”
strength in the middle of my bench that has given the Wings nights. Instead, the squad will have to settle into Of course, the nal run will, unfortunately, come
team their wins.” two-dimensional space to build camaraderie. early this year since no State Tournament is scheduled.
e coach cites Paige Martin, Emma Klares, Nikki “We had Zoom calls in the summer and will keep us, Reinke feels a responsibility to come through de-
Berisha, and Josie Scott in the middle and assures that that atmosphere going,” said Reinke. spite all the hurdles the team may face.
they would be the top performers on most other teams. e parents are also losing out, and that’s not just “We’re trying to deliver as normal a season as pos-
He also feels pretty good about the prospects looking because no fans are allowed. sible—especially the kids who have been here,” Reinke
beyond 2021. “In the past, parents would come and do a little tail- said. “ ey had high expectations coming in, and they
“We also have several new members of the girls’ team gate before watching their kids race,” he said. were looking forward to the season. So, my job is to
who we are looking to defend the championship title in e three-school breakdown doesn’t deter, either. deliver that season.”
JohnWINTERTRACK Jay has high hopes for winter season
BY RICH MONETTI bers,” said Crigler. “Last year, we throws the shot put; Brent Befaz- that of my cross country athletes, out the possibility of keeping it in
CONTRIBUTING WRITER had about a hundred, and this eski will be putting up the rock I know we generally run faster the family since her dad and the
year we have 30.” for the boys. when there is a competitor on wrestling team has been frozen
Like all the other sports that our heels. e competition helps out of their season.
are currently underway, winter But the Wolves do have a sta- But the burnt rubber will be- push us faster than we would run
track has had to make conces- ble of mainstays returning. Max long to Abby Scinicariello and if there were no competitors near “We might get him (Bill
sions to the COVID-19 crisis. Goodman and omas Dachik Andrew Lucassen. ey both run us,” she said. Swertfager, wrestling coach) to
will carry the long-distance load the 55-meter, and the rest of the help us, because he did the shot-
e preseason practice regimen for the boys, and Lily Carey and Wolves hope their wheels can On the other hand, Crigler is put in high school,” said Swert-
began the adjustments. To mini- Lily O’Shaughnessy will go deep leave a mark. sure the team will have no prob- fager.
mize the spread, the kids are do- for the girls. lem sticking together.
ing more training outside, and In the thick of it, Liam Tuohy Either way, the team is already
coaches Danielle Crigler (boys) e upperclassmen will also be will lace up as a mid-distance “A lot of them have been to- shinning in the face of all the un-
and eresa Swertfager (boys) joined on the long road by fresh- runner, but things are still pretty gether since freshman year, so certainty.
have to take extra care to avoid man Ciara McGroary who began up in the air overall. ere may be they are a very close-knit group,”
injury. ey aren’t getting a cool as an eighth grader. virtual Zoom meets, where teams she asserted. “Even if we don’t have a sea-
down period indoors, either, but record times on their home track, son, there’s so much gratefulness
these changeups aren’t the big- “She is long distance and fresh or meets will be held outdoors, However, the hardest part for from the kids for the e ort that
gest issue the team has faced to o cross country. She is getting according to the coaches. the coaching team e ort is not the school and coaches have put
date. stronger each season,” said Cri- knowing. forward so far,” revealed Crigler.
gler. at said, Crigler could only
“A lot of students are worried speculate on the challenge of a “I like to plan, and it’s a little at said, their hopes are high.
about the indoor portion so we However, Ciara’s sister will virtual meet. uneasy to not know where the “ e kids are really looking
have seen a real drop in num- carry a di erent kind of load season is going,” Swertfager said. forward to a season,”Crigler con-
for the team. Maeve McGroary “From personal experience and cluded with pride.
Nonetheless, Swertfager holds
CLUES ACROSS 26. One who provides food seventh 13. Frenetically
1. Nuclear near reach 30. St. __ Girl, brand of beer
weapon 31. Walking slowly 56. Maori war dance 17. Small integer
5. Of she 32. Wood
8. Hyperbolic function 33. Semitic gods 57. Precious or semiprecious 24. Unit of energy
12. Rice dish 34. Bugle
14. A team’s best pitcher 39. 60-minute periods (abbr.) stone 25. Studies of culture
15. Strong and healthy 42. Congressman
16. Induces 44. Plant of the heath family 58. Teeter totter 26. Taxi
18. Popular manga series 46. Subdivision of an army
19. From a distance 47. Having many different 59. Deity 27. Doctors’ group
20. Split forms
21. Consumed 49. Shellfish 60. A major division of 28. Don’t know when yet
22. Cushions 50. Latin for hail
23. All over 51. Between sixth and geological time 29. Former measure of
61. Fishing net length
62. Small Caribbean bird 35. Popular CBS series
63. Field force unit 36. Skin condition
64. Japanese beverage 37. Christian creator and
ruler of the universe
CLUES DOWN 38. They __
1. Prevents oil spills 40. Caused severe damage
2. Monetary unit 41. Work done under harsh
3. The color of the sky conditions for no pay
4. Dough used to make 42. One point east of due
tortillas south
5. Popular comic strip 43. Sea eagles
character 44. Drenched
6. Distinct form of a 45. State capital
plant 47. Italian city
7. Replenishment 48. Sweetheart (archaic) For puzzle solutions, please see
8. Has its own altar 49. Brief talk
9. Expedition to see 52. Popular disco group:
animals Bee __
10. Group of related 53. First Chinese dynasty
organisms 54. Military vehicle
11. His and __ 55. Chinese Moslem
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Video conferencing security tips
In the future, when the world ing session. ese features are can urge users to contact them mation will be handled. Some utilizing such apps, users must
re ects on 2020, the word typically set up by session hosts directly if they receive an invita- apps may record conferencing prioritize security to avoid being
“Zoom” will no doubt come and can reduce the likelihood of tion but are hesitant to open it. sessions, so it’s imperative that victimized by cybercriminals.
to mind. ough Zoom rst strangers entering meetings and users read privacy policies prior
launched its video conferencing accessing users’ personal infor- • Protect your privacy at all to using an app. is article was provided by Metro
software in 2013, that software mation. If you are not hosting times. Before using a video Creative Connection.
did not become a fabric of many sessions, urge hosts to utilize conferencing app, familiarize Video conferencing apps
people’s daily lives until 2020, features that make passwords yourself with its privacy policies helped people stay in touch
when a global pandemic was unique for each session. to determine how your infor- during the pandemic. When
declared and the world suddenly
shifted to remote working and • Install conferencing app
virtual learning en masse. updates the moment they
become available. Updates are
Video conferencing apps like typically designed in response
Zoom helped people of all ages to vulnerabilities discovered
maintain connections with their since the most recent version of
families, friends, and profes- the software was made avail-
sional colleagues throughout able. Installing updates when
the pandemic. In the rush to they become available is a good
maintain those connections, way for video conference users
security might have been placed to protect themselves against
on the back burner. But the cybercriminals.
Federal Trade Commission
urges video conferencing users • Don’t open invitations you
to implement some basic safety don’t recognize. e FTC notes
strategies so they can protect that hackers are sending emails
their personal information when that mimic video conferencing
speaking with their friends, invitations. When clicking on
families, and coworkers via apps such invitations, users may un-
like Zoom. knowingly be downloading mal-
ware that can make their com-
• Make each conferencing puters and personal information
session unique. e FTC notes vulnerable to cybercriminals. If
that some conferencing ser- you receive an unexpected video
vices allow users to use unique conferencing invitation, contact
passwords and/or identi cation the host separately before open-
numbers for each conferenc- ing the invite. In addition, hosts
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