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Published by Halston Media, 2021-01-27 19:31:24

The Katonah Lewisboro Times 01.28.21

VOL. 3 NO. 27 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2021

with hefty price tag holiday spike in
COVID-19 cases
Katonah water body troubled by sediment buildup
Possible state aid cuts paint
BY TOM BARTLEY unclear nancial picture

CONTRIBUTING WRITER ‘Unfortunately, the ing] is probably not something the

Dredging Todd’s Pond so it’s estimated cost of dredging town could bear alone,” Sorell said. BY TOM BARTLEY worst of the peak following the
once again a congenial neighbor- the pond, which starts at Calling the report’s options “very CONTRIBUTING WRITER winter break.”
expensive,” he said the committee

hood rec destination and Katonah over $4 million, appears bypassed various dredging propos-

ood defense would cost more mil- to not be feasible and als to urge instead the installation of Fears of a post-holiday coro- BUDGET MAKING
lions than Bedford can a ord, the within the town’s budget a catch basin at one of the pond’s navirus spike in Katonah-Lew-
Town Board was told last week. four principal entry points for isboro schools appeared last week UNSETTLED
to be well-founded
Budget planners in the Kato-
In little more than a week since
So, a citizens panel is recom- constraints at this time.’ stormwater runo . Schools Superintendent Andrew nah-Lewisboro School District,
Selesnick warned against a let-
mending a far less expensive alter- –Supervisor MaryAnn Car Sorell called sedimentation— down in virus precautions, KLSD like colleagues statewide, still
native, one that would simply stem “that gunk under the water layer”— cases have soared by almost 40
Town of Bedford percent, going from 68 on Jan. 13 can’t be sure how much nancial
to 94 on Jan. 22.
ongoing sediment buildup. Mean- the pond’s main issue, running to aid Albany will be sending their
John Jay High School, with 52
while, the advisory committee told depths of 2.7 to 10.5 feet. Installing positive test results since schools way next year.
reopened in September, account-
the board’s Jan.19 meeting,a search and more, beseeched town o cials a small pond known as a forebay ed for more than half the district’s And that’s just one of the un-
should begin for funding to pay for at a meeting in June 2019 to restore would retain some stormwater run- certainties confronting KLSD
e middle school has record-
the pricier but more-comprehen- the onetime luster. o , allowing sediment to settle out ed 16, Increase Miller Elementa- Assistant Superintendent
ry School 15, Katonah ES 9 and
sive dredging response to the wa- In response, the Todd’s Pond before the water reaches the lake. Meadow Pond ES 3. Danelle Placella as she prepares

terway’s deterioration. Advisory Committee was estab- “Our recommendation would At the school board’s Jan. 14 the district’s spending plan for
meeting, Selesnick had speculated
e century-old man-made lake, lished to answer the complaints. be to proceed with the engineer- that “we really haven’t seen yet the the 2021-22 academic year, be-

o Cherry Street at Lakeside Drive, A year ago, it asked Arcadis New ing design for that rst forebay at ginning July 1.

has become choked with the natu- York, an engineering consultancy, Lakeside Drive,” Sorell told the “ e governor is indicating

ral waste, delivered by stormwater to study the pond and report its board. “It would be approximately that holdbacks of state aid will

runo . at sediment has created conclusions. Last week, Lou Sorell, $120,000. at’s the major recom- be tied to the amount of fed-

a sharply shallower pond, shrinking the panel’s chair, delivered both the mendation from the Arcadis report eral funds provided to New York

from an average depth of 8 feet at consultant’s ndings and the com- that we’re bringing to the board for State,” Placella noted. “At this

one time to mere inches in places. mittee’s recommendations. consideration.” point, that amount is unclear.”

Dozens of area residents, recalling “We realize the cost of roughly $5 SEE POND PAGE 4 SEE SCHOOLS PAGE 4

halcyon days of boating, ice skating, million to $13 million [for dredg-

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HEALTH & WELLNESS 12 Winter season begins.


Government at Work Library sta will contact purchasers with a fun creations to give to friends and family

The Staff Zoom link for the event, along with instruc- on Valentine’s Day. Participants can use their

EDITORIAL TEAM • ursday, Jan. 28, Katonah-Lewisboro tions for picking up the package at the library own paper, or stop by the library to pick up
Board of Education, 7:30 p.m. by appointment from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. a packet of themed Origami paper. Space is
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] • ursday, Jan. 28, Lewisboro Parks and Friday, Feb. 12, or from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. limited. Register for the Zoom link on the

BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER Recreation Advisory Council, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 13. library website (
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-302-5628
[email protected] • Tuesday, Feb. 2, Bedford Town Board, 7 Sponsors of the event include South Salem

ADVERTISING TEAM p.m. Winery, Greenway Markets, and Deborah ‘MIDDLE READS!’ BOOK
Visit,, or Ann’s Sweet Shoppe. SELECTION FOR FEBRUARY
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] for agenda information or to watch/ Lewisboro Library e library’s “Middle Reads!” virtual book
participate. group for teens in grades six through eight will
(914) 486-7608 Virtual Valentine’s meet at 7 p.m.Tuesday, Feb. 9. e book selec-
[email protected] e Lewisboro Library is located at 15 tion for February is “When You Reach Me”by

LISA KAIN Wine Tasting Main St., South Salem. Register for pro- Rebecca Stead. Register for the Zoom link on
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] grams at the library website ( e
(914) 760-7009 Wondering how to make Valentine’s Day books are available at the library for pickup.
[email protected]
weekend special this year? Celebrate with an LIBRARY ANNUAL MEETING Girls Scout Cookies
(914) 299-4541 at-home “Virtual Wine Tasting Experience” e Lewisboro Library’s “Annual Meeting”
[email protected]
JENNIFER CONNELLY led by John Vuolo, vintner of South Salem will be held via Zoom beginning at 4 p.m.
(917) 446-7757
[email protected] Winery, Hudson Valley’s rst micro-winery. Sunday, Jan. 31. e special guest speaker will e always-anticipated 2021 Girl Scout
(914) 924-9122 e tasting, hosted by the Lewisboro Library, be local resident and author, Martha Hunt Cookie season has already kicked o , with
[email protected]
takes place from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday, Handler, an award-winning novelist and pas- Scouts selling in creative, socially distant, and
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Feb. 13, via Zoom. Similar to in-person wine sionate environmentalist. Her 2020 novel, contact-free ways.

CREATIVE DIRECTOR tastings, where you taste and learn about dif- “Winter of the Wolf,” was recently chosen as is year, the program includes contact-
ferent types of wine, the virtual experience a Barnes and Noble Top Pick. free pickup and delivery orders through
[email protected]
CHRISTINA ROSE brings the winery to you. Martha has been a long-time advocate for Grubhub (
e “Virtual Wine Tasting Experience” is South Salem’s Wolf Conservation Center Additionally, Girl Scouts of the USA is
[email protected] a fundraiser for the Lewisboro Library with and is currently board president. In fact, 100 making online cookie ordering available na-

a price of $125 for the package. e package percent of her author proceeds from “Winter tionwide on Feb. 1, so that consumers who

includes a Zoom link for the tasting with a of the Wolf ” go to support this local non- don’t know a Girl Scout can still purchase

Q&A period, and a Lewisboro Library Can- pro t. Her talk will be preceded by a short cookies from a local troop for direct shipment

vas tote bag lled with: three bottled wines business meeting. Register for the Zoom link to their homes or donation to local organiza-

from the South Salem Winery—Chardon- on the library website ( tions (

nay, Cabernet Franc and Vidal Blank Ice—

plus a wine stopper, chocolates, savory snacks, VALENTINE’S ORIGAMI
and two long-stem roses. Packages can be At 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 3, the library To advertise in The Katonah-
purchased online at will host a virtual “Valentine’s Origami” Lewisboro Times, call Brett Freeman
event/virtual-valentines-wine-tasting-expe- class for adults and teens. Origami instruc- at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@
tor Vihan J. will demonstrate how to make
rience. Quantities are limited.

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John Jay senior passionate about arts, environment


Molly Hickey, John Jay High School se- John Jay senior Molly Hickey with some of her art pieces
nior and art student with a passion for the
environment, gains inspiration from local PHOTO COURTESY OF THE HICKEY FAMILY
nature in creating her art.
in-progress project, where it stayed in enthusiasm to the Art Club.” joys sharing her love of nature with others
Born and raised in Westchester, Hickey her home for six months, un red, until
attended Katonah Elementary School school reopened again in the fall. She then It is teachers such as Stock eld that in the community. In seventh grade, she
and John Jay Middle School. Growing up, brought it with her back to school to be
Hickey always had an interest in art and Hickey credits with making her experience was part of the Conservationists in Train-
creating beautiful things, but she has also red. ankfully, the chicken teapot sur-
always had a keen interest in nature. vived the lengthy pause and is now proudly at John Jay so memorable and one of the ing program at Ward Pound Ridge Reser-
displayed in her home.
To explore her creativity, she enrolled things she will miss most when she gradu- vation. As Hickey got older and aged out
in several Katonah Art Center classes is type of dedication was noticed by
and camps at a young age. Over the years, her teachers, such as John Jay art teacher ates. of the Conservationists in Training pro-
Molly has become an artist who creates Amy Stock eld, who states that Hickey
using several mediums, including draw- brings an “enthusiasm and dedication In addition to fueling her love of art, gram, she has volunteered at the Ecology
ing, painting, and ceramics. Molly incor- to her work.” Stock eld also states that
porates her passion for nature in her art by “Molly’s attitude and approach to her work John Jay has also allowed Hickey to further Camp at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation,
using materials such as sticks to create her embodies the artistic habits of mind. She
pieces. When not using natural elements is curious, always open to try a new idea or her passion for nature. Hickey is currently helping campers explore and learn more
in her work, she uses them as her source technique, and to bounce ideas with class-
of inspiration, often sketching bugs and mates. She continually works to improve enrolled in an environmental science class about nature.
plants. her skills and ideas. She brings the same
and is a member of John Jay’s Sustainability Looking toward college, Hickey plans
Upon arrival at John Jay High School,
Hickey continued her artistic journey by Club, whose focus is to drive environmen- on pursuing a degree in environmental
joining Art Club and currently serves as its
vice president. Being a member of the Art tal awareness. As part of this club, Hickey science. While that will be her focus, she
Club has been an in uential part of her
high-school experience that has pushed worked on a clothing donation campaign does plan to continue taking art classes to
her work in many other directions and
continually refreshes her creativity. to bene t the community center. continue exploring her creativity. While

is year, Hickey is also taking AP Outside of school, Hickey spends much she is still deciding what her future will
ceramics. is challenging course has re-
quirements the student must meet in or- of her time outdoors with her family and is look like, Hickey hopes to incorporate her
der to complete the class, such as all course
projects must speak to a particular theme an avid hiker. Beyond hiking, Hickey en- passion for both the environment and art.
to answer a speci c question. For Hickey,
her AP theme revolves around the con-
cept of how humans have a ected nature,
both negatively and positively. us, all
her course projects are nature related and
have nature forms incorporated into them.
Hickey ‘s artistic work at John Jay was rec-
ognized last year with an award for excel-
lence in ceramics.

For Hickey, COVID-19 has complicat-
ed her artistic endeavors and has changed
some of her projects into very long-term
ones. Right before the pandemic hit,
Hickey began work on a speci c ceramic
piece, a chicken teapot. As the pandemic
shuttered schools, Hickey took home the



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POND would reduce the pond’s surface size and cut SCHOOLS Uncertainty during budget preparation is
the price to $8.2 million; nothing new. Governors every January ear-
FROM PAGE 1 FROM PAGE 1 mark speci c proposed funding for schools.
• Half-depth dredging would produce a But just how much money a district will see
Two other committee recommendations 4-foot depth and 34,600 cubic yards exca- Gov. Andrew Cuomo, bu eted by what isn’t known until the legislature approves the
addressed the funding that even a partial vated for $7.7 million; and, he called a $15 billion budget de cit, called state budget, nominally ahead of an April 1
restoration—enough to sustain sh and on Washington last week for federal aid to deadline, but sometimes even later.
form ice sturdy enough for skating—would • Half-depth, reduced-surface dredging close that gap. But, not knowing how Con-
require. would pull 22,400 cubic yards at $4.6 million. gress will respond to that plea, Cuomo has is year, as the pandemic continues to
presented a pair of alternative budgets, each upend most everything and depress New
One consideration, a bit “squishy,” Sorell At week’s end, Supervisor MaryAnn Carr pegged to how much federal funding the York’s revenue, Cuomo has proposed keep-
acknowledged, would “solicit resident input was noncommittal on the remediation pro- state receives. ing state aid increases at last year’s levels.
from neighbors in the area to see what in- posals, saying the board “will consider the Maybe. A proposed $2.6 billion hike state-
terest they have in forming and funding a committee’s recommendations...and will at unsettled scal picture in Albany wide in school funding is contingent on the
‘pond improvement zone’ to help possibly evaluate potential funding sources for this trickles down to impact local schools. “ e state’s getting the $15 billion in federal assis-
fund forebay installation or even dredging work.” district did receive state aid runs from the tance. Otherwise, he said, Albany will have
options down the road...It’s certainly some- governor’s o ce,” Placella said. “When you to cut aid to balance next year’s state budget.
thing we’re thinking about.” “Unfortunately, the estimated cost of look at those runs, however, you need to
dredging the pond, which starts at over $4 know that the aid for this year is still [only] As Robert Schneider, executive director
“ e third recommendation is to continue million,appears to not be feasible and within projected.” of the New York State School Boards As-
to explore potential outside funding oppor- the town’s budget constraints at this time.” sociation, put it last week, Cuomo’s budget
tunities to subsidize the dredging option,” State aid is not a major factor in Katonah- plan “is, more this year than ever, a work in
Sorell said. Given the multi-million-dollar In addition to Sorell,the committee’s resi- Lewisboro school budgets. Unlike some of progress.”
price tag, he acknowledged, “We’d have to dent members are Mike Dwyer,Jen Gregory the state’s poorer districts, which depend
seek outside funding.” and Don Scott. Also on the panel are Pub- more heavily on Albany’s nancial assistant, Meanwhile, ahead of the public’s vote in
lic Works Commissioner Kevin Winn and KLSD only sees some $8 million in revenue May, progress on KLSD’s school budget
Sorell has no illusions about the town’s Fiona Mitchell of the Bedford Wetlands on a budget this year of almost $111 million. continues. Still, questions of revenue (chie y
chances of attracting third-party dollars. Control Commission. Last spring, a proposed half-million-dollar state aid) and major expenses (health insur-
“We think the hill’s going to be fairly steep aid hike became as uncertain as in-person ance premiums, for example) can only be
to get outside funding,” he said, “but we’re TOUGHER ENERGY CODE education after the virus struck. answered with estimates.
going to continue to pursue it.” e board continued until its next meet-
“We have not yet received all of the aid “At this point,there is still more unknown
e four big-ticket options outlined in the ing, Feb. 2, the opportunity for public input owed to us for this scal year,”Placella noted. than known,”Placella said.
Arcadis report include dredging to various on a proposed tightening of energy-conser- While that kind of lag typically occurs, she
depths and either retaining or reducing the vation requirements for new-building con- said, it means “we still don’t know exactly e state school boards association ex-
pond’s 4.7-acre surface area.“Dredging can be struction. what percentage the state will hold back pressed concern “with the governor’s pro-
an expensive and time-consuming process,” when all is said and done.” posals to help balance the state’s budget at
the report makes clear with these alternatives: Based on optional but tougher energy the expense of school districts,” Schneider
speci cations than the state building code, e current aid runs make it “appear as if said in a prepared statement.
• Full dredging would remove 60,000 Bedford’s proposed new requirements are the state aid projected for next year is closely
cubic yards of accumulated sediment and seen as 10 to 12 percent more e cient than comparable to what we are projected to re- “On the heels of the unprecedented dis-
restore the pond’s 8-foot average depth at a Albany’s current standards. at optional ceive this year,”she said.“But both next year’s ruption caused by the pandemic,” he said,
cost of $13 million; system, the NYStetch Code, would help numbers and this year’s numbers have sev- “our schools and our students need and de-
Bedford reach its climate-action goals and eral caveats still to be resolved.” serve a recovery that provides nancial sta-
• Also achieving the 8-foot depth but re- position the town for possible state funding, bility,not more unpredictability and anxiety.”
moving only 39,000 cubic yards of sediment said Councilwoman Ellen Calves.

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Remember me? Sing me a lullaby

READING, out. She said that she recog- After high school graduation, “I was singing ‘Happy
WRITING & nized my name and photo Mr. Goodman and I kept in
CHOCOLATE (a tiny headshot wearing touch through holiday cards TRACY Birthday?’”
a goofy fedora!) and won- until 1990. But I did not BECKERMAN “Yes. To someone named
KIM dered if I would remember forget him. I have thanked
KOVACH her. She had been a recent Mr. Goodman in previous Earl.”
college graduate hired at the columns: “ ank a Teacher”
From the moment we are in 2018 and “Graduation” in “I was singing ‘Happy
born, people pass in and rst public relations agency 2019. is special teacher had
out of our lives: Parents, where I had worked from no idea that one of his stu- Birthday’ in my sleep to
siblings, grandparents, neigh- 1981-1982. In the email, she dents had written about him
bors, childhood friends, teach- said that she remembered me and kept him in high regard someone named Earl.”
ers, classmates, co-workers, because I was one of the only since the 1970s.
dates, spouses, etc. people that was kind to her “Honey wake up,” said “Yes. Who’s Earl?”
and taught her public rela- I resolved to nd Mr.
A few people make signi - tions writing. Wow! at was Goodman and let him know “I don’t know anyone named
cant impressions; many are 40 years ago! how much I valued him for
just ships passing in the night. What a wonderful feeling setting a wonderful example my husband ur- Earl.”
to know that I made such as a kind and enthusiastic
Last April as we were all a positive impression on educator. I narrowed down gently. “Is there something you’re not
hunkered down in the begin- these two women years ago. I my Google search and took
ning of pandemic mode, I re- beamed with pride for a few a chance sending a two- “What?” I said, sitting up in telling me?”
ceived an email from a woman days. en I thought, I can’t page letter and copies of my
(Hi Bernadette!), who said just accept these lovely gifts of columns inside of a holiday bed. “What’s wrong.” “NO!!”
that she read my column in positive memories. I need to greeting card.
the newspaper each week and reach out to my favorite high “You were singing in your “ en why are you singing to
wondered if I remembered school teacher, Mr. Robert A couple of days into the
her. She had been a college Goodman. New Year, I drove to the sleep.” him?”
intern in the small public Mr. Goodman was my Hun- Cross River post o ce to pick
relations agency where I had garian teacher at Bayside High up my mail. At the bottom “What? You mean snoring?” “I DON’T KNOW ANY-
worked from 1985-1986. She School, the only New York of the stack was a large red
recognized my name and City public high school to of- envelope with R. Goodman in “No. Singing. You woke me ONE NAMED EARL!”
photo (even wearing a pink fer Hungarian language as an the corner! I literally shrieked
baseball cap!), and recalled elective. My father’s family is with happiness as I opened up.” “Unless you do.”
that I was fun to work with Hungarian, so I couldn’t wait the envelope in the post o ce.
and that she had learned a lot to take this class. But most of Mr. Goodman and I have “I don’t sing in my sleep. “Look, I’m really sorry I was
about public relations. I was the high school seniors just reconnected. We’ve chatted
so pleased to be remembered signed up for the class to have on the telephone twice so far, “Well, you were singing singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to
fondly in this surprise email. Mr. Goodman as their teach- for more than one hour each
er! is joyful educator made time, not just as teacher and tonight.” someone named Earl in my sleep,
In November, I received a learning Hungarian fun. student but as friends!
lovely email from a di erent I only had one semester of “You mean talking?” who I honestly don’t know, and I
woman (Hi Heidi!), who read Hungarian with Mr. Good- Kim Kovach makes ction
my article in the winter issue man. I had already planned writing fun with classes “No, singing?” woke you up.”
of Westchester Senior Voice to graduate early in January via Zoom for adults,
magazine and wanted to reach and go straight to college. teens and children. www. “Seriously?” “OK.”
“Yes.” “OK?”

“Well, what was I singing?” “Yeah, but I have one ques-

“I don’t know. I was asleep.” tion.”

“Well, what did it sound like “What?”

when you woke up? Was it gos- “Do you take requests?”

pel? Jazz? Pop?

“No. None of those.” Tracy Beckerman is embarking on a

“Rock? Opera? Klezmer?” new adventure as an empty nester!

“No.” Now, instead of being “Lost in

“Country? Heavy Metal? Suburbia,” she is “Lost in Midlife.”

Show tunes?” Life is just as funny… but with a

“No, it wasn’t any of those.” lot less laundry.

“ en what was it?!?” For more midlife humor, you can

“I think it was ‘Happy Birth- follow her on Facebook at facebook.

day.’” com/LostinsuburbiaFanPage.

To advertise in The Katonah-Lewisboro Times, call
Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5830 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to

the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 302-5830


e incurious American

BRUCE four in 10 Americans have answer, and one of the few logi- embarrassment.” In other words, tic, either/or illusion of binary
THE BLOG experienced online harassment.” cal ones. the detritus of the incurious. choices like those, we mock
I’m sure it will come as a shock It’s a lot more fun—and much mutual respect and surrender
BRUCE to you that Pew says “half of No one is saying you deserve easier—to insult than inquire. self-respect.
APAR this group cited politics as the to be harassed for valiantly Someone who slings such
reason they think they were advertising your political senti- mature stu as name-calling isn’t Why not try to escape our
Written by two Navy targeted.” I know it shocked me. ments on the slippery soapbox interested in learning anything airless pigeonholes to dare ask
veterans, Eugene Only half cited politics? of social media, but are you truly new. ey’re interested in hiding each other the kinds of thought-
Burdick and William surprised when the put-up-your- behind bravado. ful, di cult questions that social
Lederer, “ e Ugly American” If you are someone who goes dukes pugnacious types pile on media whack-a-mole arcades
is a 1950s, fact-based novel that on social media to talk politics, the harassment? It’s not about your position on like Facebook aren’t eager to en-
paints an un attering portrait of allow me to ask a dumb ques- Trump or Biden, or whether you courage… “Why do you feel that
America’s ill-fated, decades-long tion—two, in fact—1) What do NAME CALLING bleed red or blue, or lean left or way about him or her? I’m trying
e orts to win the hearts and you think is going to happen? 2) How does Pew de ne online right, or identify as Democrat to understand your thought
minds of the people of Southeast Why do you bother going there or Republican. By reducing the process, even if I don’t agree with
Asia. in the rst place? “Because I’m harassment? “O ensive name- complexity and mystique of
a masochist” is an acceptable calling, stalking, physical threats, human relations to the simplis- SEE APAR PAGE 8
Featuring characters based on sexual harassment, purposeful
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Try asking that question on This is real dental insurance — NOT just a discount plan
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of social media.
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ONLINE HARASSMENT Increase referrals and name recognition. Advertise in The Katonah-Lewisboro Times Bulletin Board and
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Center statistic that “roughly




you.” On social media, serious is Movie night with the Snow family.
not sexy, so it goes unsaid.
Editorial Submissions
WORLD VIEW Press releases and photos should be submitted to The Katonah-Lewisboro Times by the Thursday before the next publication
Curious is wanting to under- date. Submissons can be emailed to [email protected] or mail it to Katonah-Lewisboro Times, 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite
100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope if you’d like your photo returned.
stand how others think, and con-
sider the world through their eyes,
if only to widen your world view.

Incurious is being afraid to do
that, because abandoning our
ideological post even for a moment
feels dangerous, like a betrayal of
our oath to the cause.

Curious is a leap of faith that
threatens who we think we are, or
who we need to be to protect our
fragile egos. As any Tibetan monk
you may run across will tell you, the
ego is the enemy that weakens us
whenever we let it dictate defensive

Incurious is letting defensive
behavior dominate our actions and
endanger our personal growth.

It’s only by being curious enough
to explore the layers of thought
separating us that we can hope to
move toward some semblance of
reunited states of sanity.

You know the old adage... incuri-
osity killed the cat.

Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
consultant, and community volunteer.
He can be reached at [email protected];


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Changing attitudes with chalkPAGE10
Anonymous ‘Katonah Chalker’ reminds us to live in the moment



It was nally the last day of

what was a long, crazy, unpredict-

able, and very stressful year for all

of us. As I re ect on this unprec-

edented time, I am grateful to be

part of a community that has each

other’s back. One of the highlights

of 2020 has been watching the

smiles, excitement and adventure

surrounding our local anonymous

artist, the “Katonah Chalker.”

is has been the year of step-

ping out of my own comfort zone.

With that, I reached out via Insta-

gram to the Katonah Chalker for

an interview, which I was granted!

I feel lucky to have been given the
opportunity to Zoom with our The Katonah Chalker typically works before dawn.

town’s very own undercover artist

on the last day of 2020 and prom- be bigger than anything we have with three phrases stating: “ e with the sign, “Masks Required.”
No matter what age you are, the
ised to keep his identity private. ever known. He simply picked up adventure begins when things get Katonah Chalker’s art will make
you happy.
Along with his incredible, artis- his son’s chalk one day, went for a weird.” “We are in this together.”
I asked him why keeping his
tic chalk drawings, his anonymity walk and started to write things to “Katonah strong.” His journey as identity anonymous was impor-
tant to him. He explained that
adds to the magic! make people smile. He reminded the Katonah Chalker has de - we live in a culture of recognition
where everyone is famous. His
I began by asking what gave us that we are “stronger than we nitely been an adventure, and our chalk drawings are about your own
encounter with the art, not about
him the idea to draw on the side- know,” told us that we “look smart community has eagerly antici- him. He says, “ e eye of the be-
holder matters. We share the new-
walks of Katonah and whether he in our masks,” and pointed out pated each new creation. When ness and impermanence. You don’t
see it until you’re upon it. It takes
expected such a following. e that “kindness contains no aller- I asked him what he has learned you immediately out of your head,
shuts o the tapes you run, the
depth of his answer surprised me. gens!” as the Katonah Chalker, he re- worry, the whatever… It literally
grounds you. And if it’s any good,
He explained that his training as All true statements we needed sponded that his hypothesis was you can’t take your next step with-
out it. If it’s really good, you walk
a medic in the Army taught him to hear, even from someone who con rmed and said, “We all have away with a smile or laugh. at’s
it. at’s the whole enchilada, right
a few fundamentals about human we didn’t know. His drawings more in common than we have there. It’s very simple, a piece of
chalk. No batteries required.”
nature. He would remind people continued to gain attention. He di erences.” He expressed that we
Running into his art forces you
that we’re going to be OK, there’s did not expect the following that have common fears and common to live in the moment, which feels
especially good right now, since we
always humor even in tough times, evolved, but is truly grateful. needs. He was moved in discov- are consumed by everything from
politics to the pandemic. When
and to not always take ourselves If you look back at the Kato- ering that a simple piece of chalk you see it, you stop and just “be” for
a moment. For that, we owe him
too seriously, which seems to be nah Chalker’s very rst Instagram can bring so much happiness. our thanks!

the theme of many of his draw- post (@KatonahChalker) you’ll You might wonder when the As a local mom and realtor, there
are many things I personally love
ings. His chalking started after re- see a colorful chalk drawing of a Katonah Chalker strikes. As an about our community. When I nd
myself in downtown Katonah with
alizing that this pandemic would raft traveling down river rapids early riser, it’s likely before dawn. the train passing by and families
walking about the Mom and
When the weather is right and he Pop shops, I feel like I’m walk-
ing through a Norman Rockwell
Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES has an idea or knows of someone painting. e Katonah Chalker
who needs cheering up, he makes knew what I meant and called us
a snowglobe town! I like his de-
aloneI’m never it happen. He doesn’t draw accord- scription much better! So, who
ing to any schedule and stays away is the Katonah Chalker? He’s a
from dogma. Some of his drawings
have a theme or a deeper mean-
ing. My personal favorites are the

three-dimensional drawings that

Life Alert® is always mess with your head for a second compassionate, talented arti
here for me. and make you do a double take, writer, parent, and so much mor
He has added joy to our commu
One touch of a button such as the octopus arm reaching nity during a year that has bee
sends help fast, 24/7. out of a man hole or the cracked full of sorrow—all through simp
pieces of chalk! Our conversatio
open sidewalk with an anchor ended with these words of wi
dom: “If your head can imagine
GwPiSth! gripping the pavement. I’ve seen your hands can create it!” He h
young kids giggle at his adorable succeeded in demonstrating tha

instrument playing animals, older Checkout @KatonahChalk
on Instagram to enjoy all of h
Help at Home Help On-the-Go kids run around trying to spot his incredible chalk drawings fro
Halloween pumpkins, and adults the beginning and decide whic
® smile at drawings of masked icons one is your favorite. Score yo
such as Jerry Garcia, Johnny Cash,
Batteries Never Need Charging. Elvis, and even Spicoli, just to

For a FREE brochure call:I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! name a few! His personal favor-
ites are his Jerry Garcia and the
1-800-404-9776 three-dimensional roped stairway


New Year’s resolution—Improve your physical balance

GUEST pelvis. In my November ar- PHOTOS COURTESY OF LIZE LUBBE Progress to get up from sit to stand
CORNER ticle, I zoomed in on stretching following the same guidance, but now
and relaxing the mighty Psoas Get up from a chair by sitting forward on the edge of the chair turn your trunk as you get up: stand and
LIZE muscles and using the dominant with your feet firmly planted under your knees. Do not use your balance on your right leg and twist your
LUBBE breathing muscle—the dia- hands to push you up from the armrests. Instead, stretch your upper body towards the right, then to the
phragm. In my December article, arms out forward as you hinged from your hips and exhale. left as you exhale each time.
We frequently make I emphasized the importance of
New Year’s resolutions strengthening the gluteal muscles ting too much mu es the mind- your car, turning around suddenly postural muscles. Your own body
that may or may not to improve your pelvic posterior muscle connection. e postural or moving around when it is dark
materialize. With COVID-19 stabilization. In this article, I will muscles forget how to maintain and you cannot rely on your visual weight and the mind awareness of
likely to substantially in uence bring this all together with guid- the body in a balanced alignment guidance to see where you step.
our physical mobility, I encourage ance on how to use your body when you move around, especially using the correct muscles will set
you to think about the balance to keep you safe in your daily on uneven surfaces, getting out of You do not need exercise equip-
in your life that you can control. dynamic activities. ment or weights to wake up your your postural muscles in motion
Balance not only in what you eat
and drink, your emotions and Balancing your body combines again. SEE LUBBE PAGE 19
your general well-being, but the the use of the mind-and-body
physical balance of your body connection to set in motion the
to prevent falls and keep you postural muscles for stability.
safe when moving around. So, I
challenge you to make improv- • Psoas to stabilize the spine by
ing your physical balance a New keeping your body upright when
Year’s resolution. is article is you sit, move and walk; support
to provide you guidance to easily your trunk when you bend and
achieve this resolution. reach forward;

In my rst three articles, I • Glutes to extend and support
discussed the value of speci c the hips, stabilize the pelvis and
muscles to improve your posture. drive the hip forward to negotiate
In October 2020, I focused on steps and propel you forward; and
elongating your spine and using
the “Box” muscles to stabilize the • Core the deep abdominal,
foundation of the body—your back and pelvic muscles that act
as a corset to keep the pelvis and
trunk together when you move

e use of your postural mus-
cles for physical balance must be
a natural and automatic response
when you lose your balance. Sit-

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