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Published by Halston Media, 2023-01-03 12:19:33

North Salem News 01.05.2023

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 8 No. 43 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, January 5, 2023

Joining forces
Drug Crisis in Our Backyard to
partner with Alliance for Safe Kids 

BY CAROL REIF tion for several years. He started PHOTO COURTESY OF MARY PRENON
STAFF WRITER smoking marijuana in high school
and later moved onto stronger Steven and Susan Salomone and Carol Christiansen, founders of Drug Crisis in Our Backyard
Two local organizations that drugs in college. He was 29 when
have been waging separate, but he succumbed to what his parents ernment, medical professionals, protects our youth,” ASK’s mis- ve panelists speaking about pre-
parallel and equally passionate, call an “insidious disease.” businesses, faith leaders, and civic sion statement reads. vention and mental health.
campaigns in the war against groups – ASK aims to arm youth
substance misuse are joining But instead of retreating into with the tools they need to make Salomone, Drug Crisis in How did Cushner get in-
forces. grief and anger, the  Christian- healthy decisions and to encour- Our Backyard’s executive direc- volved? As a PTA president in
sens  and  Salomones  rallied, not age their families to get informed tor, and ASK president and CEO the Yorktown school district, she
Drug Crisis in Our Backyard, only for themselves, but for other and stay involved. Tricy Cushner of Yorktown met had seen the potential for widen-
a nonpro t o ering education families. at  Drug Crisis in Our Back- ing the “safety net” beyond just
and resources for folks strug- “By partnering with all areas yard’s  rst public event. It was the schools.
gling with addiction, was start- e grassroots advocates’ mis- of the community, we collectively held at the Mahopac Library on
ed in 2012 by Putnam County sion? To reduce the stigma as- strengthen the safety net that Aug. 9, 2012. Cushner was one of SEE DRUG CRISIS PAGE 2
residents  Susan  and  Steve Salo- sociated with addiction, promote
mone and Somers residents Car- awareness, provide programs,
ol Christiansen  and her late resources, and support to strug-
husband,  Lou. Each couple lost gling individuals and families,
a beloved son to the opioid epi- and be a catalyst for changes in
demic in 2012. laws that hold accountable or-
ganizations and medical institu-
Erik Christiansen  was a de- tions that perpetuate drug use
tective with the New York City through over-prescription of opi-
Police Department. In 2011, he ates and other narcotics.
was prescribed oxycodone for a
back injury and became addicted Yorktown-based Alliance for
to painkillers. A year later, the Safe Kids  was founded in 2002
28-year-old was found dead of a and incorporated as a nonpro t
heroin overdose. in 2006.

Justin Salomone, a 2001 Ma- As a conduit for a partner-
hopac High School graduate and ship between all community
gifted guitarist, had battled addic- stakeholders -- parents, teens,
educators, law enforcement, gov-

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Page 2 – North Salem News Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Staff Salem Hills earns acclaim from U.S. News

EDITORIAL TEAM BY CAROL REIF ministering ve-star quality of ‘Salem Hills is devoted to in the long-term category.
TOM WALOGORSKY STAFF WRITER care, delivered by dedicated, en- e short-term rehabilitation
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] gaging sta that value the resi- administering five-star rating also includes measures of a
WHIT ANDERSON Salem Hills Rehabilitation and dents as their own family, con- quality of care, delivered by facility’s success in preventing falls,
Nursing Center has earned a “Best tributing to the stellar reputation preventing serious infections, and
[email protected] Nursing Home” rating from U.S. maintained within the commu- dedicated, engaging sta making sure residents are able to
that value the residents return home.
VIM WILKINSON News & World Report for 2022- nity,” said Salem Hills adminis-
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR Salem Hills was rated a two out
[email protected] 2023. trator Joshua Halpern.

ADVERTISING TEAM e 126-bed for-pro t facility is U.S. News rated more than as their own family, of three, or “average,” in this cat-
PAUL FORHAN contributing to the stellar egory.
located in the North Salem hamlet 15,000 nursing homes on care,
(914) 806-3951 In a statement, Salem Hills
[email protected] of Purdys. safety, infection rates, sta ng, and reputation maintained
within the community,’
BRUCE HELLER “Choosing the right nursing health inspections. said its mission is “to provide the
(914) 486-7608 home based on care needs and It also factored in two new cat- highest level of quality care for the
[email protected] comfort is a critical decision for egories this year: weekend sta ng elderly that will enhance and pre-

LISA KAIN prospective residents and their levels and infection rates that led to Joshua Halpern serve dignity and independence.”
(201) 317-1139 families,” said Zach Adams, the hospitalizations. Salem Hills Administrator Facilities that earned U.S.
[email protected] digital media company’s health
CORINNE STANTON News’s “high-performing” rating
(914) 760-7009
[email protected] data engineer. “ e ‘Best Nurs- METHODOLOGY can purchase plaques and signs

JAY GUSSAK ing Homes’ ratings highlight e methodology uses data such success in preventing ER and hos- featuring the award badge and also
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] nursing homes that excel in as resident care, safety, and out- pital visits. be granted permission to display it
PAM Zacotinsky
845-661-0748 short-term rehabilitation and comes obtained from the Centers e long-term care rating also on websites and other media.
[email protected]
long-term care needs.” for Medicare & Medicaid Services. includes measures of whether a
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL Only 16 percent of skilled-nurs- Both short- and long-term rat- home changed ownership and how FOR MORE INFORMATION

CREATIVE DIRECTOR ing facilities in the U.S. made it ings include data on the consis- well they were sta ed on weekends. For the details, visit https://
into that top designation this year. tency of registered nurse sta ng, Salem Hills was rated a three
[email protected]
NOAH ELDER “Salem Hills is devoted to ad- the use of antipsychotic drugs, and out of three, or “high-performing,” homes.
DRUG CRISIS portunity to merge programs or would draw at least 300 students ness end of things for both orga-
[email protected] projects, we were thrilled,” Cush- and 200 family members. ( e nizations. ese include making
FROM PAGE 1 ner recalled. workshops are now held virtual- grant applications, fundraising,
EXECUTIVE TEAM ly.) Among the dozens of faithful handling social media and ad-
BRETT FREEMAN Over the last decade, the two One of those collaborative ef- vendors and exhibitors was Drug vertising, paying speakers, doing
CEO & PUBLISHER organizations have supported forts was ASK’s Save A Life an- Crisis in Our Backyard, which paperwork, and managing o ce
845-208-8151 each other’s missions in various nual forum held at both Lake- brought along families to talk help.
ways. land High School and Yorktown about what treatment and recov-
[email protected] High School. e day-long event ery were like. ASK, also a 501(c)3 nonpro t,
“Every time we had the op- has been seeing demand for its
Deadlines “It’s one thing to go to work- services rise at a time when fund-
Brewster, NY and Bethel, CT shops and learn prevention, but ing seems to be on the downturn.
NORTH SALEM NEWS DEADLINE Showrooms when you can listen to family
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS members who have walked the In 2008, it got a 10-year fed-
On your job everyday walk, that’s what tugs at your eral  Drug Free Community
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR until completion... heart. We can all do this better. (DFC) grant of $125,000 a year.
We can help our own families
NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY GUARANTEED! and neighbors,” Cushner said. at ran out in 2018.
BEFORE THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE. 845 278 0070 ASK  found itself spending a
Earlier this year, when  Salo- lot of time lobbying state, county,
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL mone  and  Christiansen  were and local leaders for nancial
TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830 contemplating the future support.
of Drug Crisis in Our Backyard, With the help of current Yor-
OR EMAIL NORTHSALEMNEWS@ one of the paths they explored ktown Supervisor  Matt Slater,
HALSTONMEDIA.COM was a merger with another orga- the newly elected representative
nization. of the state’s 94th Assembly Dis-
Online trict, and Westchester County
FOLLOW US To  Cushner, getting together Legislator Vedat Gashi, ASK got
with  Drug Crisis in Our Back- enough funding to keep one paid
PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT yard  was a no-brainer. is new employee,  Talbert. at money
SOMERS, NY AND AT partnership provides an “invalu- runs out next September.
able” and direct connection with ASK recently received a West-
ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. individuals and families who chester County Business FIRST
POSTMASTER: have personal experience with grant. e program aims to help
treatment and recovery, she said. nonpro ts that are facing nan-
NORTH SALEM NEWS AT ASK is a community coalition. Drug Crisis in Our Back-
It focuses on prevention.  Drug yard  itself received a $50,000
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD Crisis in Our Backyard  works grant from the  state O ce of
SUITE 100 with many, many communities Addiction Services and Sup-
and o ers resources that support port  (OASAS),  which was
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 treatment and recovery. allocated  by  state Sen. Pete
Harckham’s o ce.  It ran from
North Salem News “ is is just such a great mar- December 2021 to November
USPS #22110 riage between what they do and 2022.
what we do,” noted Christiansen. Drug Crisis in Our Back-
PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY yard contracted with ASK to as-
HALSTON MEDIA, LLC AT Salomone  agreed that it’s a sist in completing the scope of
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD “powerful combination.” work.

SUITE 100 Once  ASK  is o cially  Drug at was the “inspiration” for
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 Crisis in Our Backyard’s  “ scal
©2022 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC sponsor” all of the latter’s assets SEE DRUG CRISIS PAGE 7
will be transferred over. ASK
executive director  Liz Talbert  of
Yorktown will handle the busi-

Thursday, January 5, 2023 Your Neighbor North Salem News – Page 3

Kelly Burdick

New director looks to the future at SPACE on Ryder Farm

BY CAROL REIF Using an apropos meta- important to come to a nancial

STAFF WRITER phor,  Burdick  and  Davis  have arrangement that makes both the

clicked so well that now, she said, giver’s and the receiver’s “hearts

For a person as into both nature the two are like “peas and carrots.” sing.”

and the performing arts as  Kelly Burdick was selected after a Burdick’s background as a per-

Burdick  is discovering that there national search, conducted by the forming arts administrator with a

was a position opening at SPACE New York-based  Tom O’Connor ton of experience in development,

on Ryder Farm must have felt a Consulting Group. communications, and organiza-

little like providence. “Building on the visionary tional structure will certainly come

Burdick grew up in the Hudson work of our founding executive in handy.

Valley and spent a lot of time with director, Emily Simoness, Kelly is Before joining SPACE, she was

family in the bucolic Dutchess adeptly positioned to shape this with the American Shakespeare

County hamlet of Stanfordville new chapter for SPACE, steeped Center in Staunton, Va., as its di-

where one of her uncles still grows in the needs of our artistic commu- rector of development.

Christmas trees and another start- nity and furthering our commit- While at ASC, Burdick was in-

ed a farmers shop that sells meticu- ment to diversity, equity, inclusion, strumental in creating and main-

lously sourced local produce, meat, and justice,” said Janet Olshansky, taining its COVID-19 safety plan.

dairy products, and homemade board chair and head of the search e company was able to remain

baked goods. committee.  in live production without a single

Pair that with her 20 years of Burdick has also been busy known infection among audience

experience as an arts leader and it’s brainstorming with other team- members, sta ers, creative team

obvious why Burdick’s been hap- mates such as creative director Kate folks, or actors.

pily digging into her new job as Eminger, farm manager  Adam Burdick also served in that same

SPACE’s executive director. Mahon, artistic program associ- role with e Classical eatre of

She was appointed to the role in ate Nathan Baron Silvren, and cu- Harlem where she was part of the

December. linary director Min Liao. team that brought the company

e nonpro t residency pro- e main goal is to prepare for out of debt and cemented Uptown

gram and organic farm is located 2023 and strategize for 2024 and Shakespeare in the Park’s long-

on Starr Ridge Road in Brewster 2025. Kelly Burdik has term residency in Marcus Garvey
at the 227-year-old Ryder home- “I am truly excited for SPACE been digging into her Park.
stead. new job as SPACE’s
under the leadership of Kelly executive director. She also worked at the Upper
Each year it provides artists, in- Burdick,” said board member and Manhattan Empowerment Zone
novators, and change-makers with playwright Mfoniso Udo a. “Her PHOTO: CAROL REIF creating and implementing large-

a singular environment for creat- passionate leadership style and scale capacity building grants for

ing. SPACE also contributes to her understanding of the need of a arts organizations in Harlem,

sustainability by helping preserve ‘communal table’ is exactly what is Washington Heights, and Inwood.

one of the oldest organic family needed at SPACE, and I can’t wait Burdick received a citation from

farms on the East Coast. to see how SPACE and SPACE the New York City Council for

When Burdick rst toured the artists will grow under her stew- Outstanding Service to the City

little green haven,she was struck by ardship!” for her work with the Northern

the way SPACE mixed agriculture Burdick is “an extraordinary arts Manhattan Arts Alliance.

with the arts. leader with an inspiring track re- A lifelong “theater kid,” she has

ere was a piano instead of cord of work in arts organizations a bachelor of arts degree in theater

chickens in the farm’s “chicken large and small,” noted board/ arts from Marymount Manhattan

coop” but real bees still buzzed in search committee member and College and a master’s of ne arts

its apiary. In the barn, there was a ve-time SPACE resident  Mad- degree in arts administration from

stage on one side and a hay loft on eleine George. Columbia University.

the other. “She has guided legacy organi- If that’s not enough, she is also

It was “an interesting meet- zations through transitions with a a certi ed expert in plant medicine

ing of those two di erent things sure and steady hand, and she has and admits to happily foraging the

and something I hadn’t seen any- built up infrastructure in newer or- grounds at Ryder Farm for herbs

where else,” she told North Salem ganizations where there was none. and other apothecarial goodies.

News recently. e friendly She also brings with her to SPACE PHOTO COURTESY OF RYDER FARM “I want to express how grateful I
e best part so far? a background as a working art- am to be here. I really feel like I’m
SPACE at Ryder Farm creates a unique artistic community.
and generous reception Burdick ist, an expertise in plant medicine, in the right place at the right time,”

received when she came to inter- and a lifelong relationship to fam- ments to a cohort of more than 50 “We have a lot of work ahead of said Burdick who was “looking for-

view for the job. ily farming. For all these reasons artists who had applied over the us to rebuild SPACE to the kind of ward to building on the incredible

“ ey were incredibly thought- and more, we couldn’t be more past two years and were accepted scope we had in the past,” Burdick work that Emily and others have

ful, passionate, and welcoming,” thrilled to be welcoming Kelly to but had to be deferred due to the said. done”and to “learning the ways we

she said of the experience, adding: the Farm,”George said. situation.  As SPACE’s executive director, can serve this community.”

“When I sat down with the team it Like many others, the organiza- However, this summer the or- she will be responsible for oversee-

felt like we were already working.” tion was knocked back on its heels ganization was able to bring back ing the sta ,working on long-term FOR MORE INFO

Taking over for acting direc- by the pandemic. its beloved Roving Dinner, a fund- planning, and seeking nancial To learn more about

tor  Allyson Davis, Burdick of- SPACE recently announced raiser that o ers an outdoor multi- support from individuals and insti- SPACE on Ryder Farm and

cially succeeds SPACE co- that it won’t be opening applica- course meal and performances of tutions among other things. its mission, visit  https://www.

founder and founding executive tions this year for 2023 residents works by resident creatives. “Fundraising is matchmaking,”

director Emily Simoness. because of its existing commit- But that’s just the beginning. Burdick explained, adding that it’s

Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, January 5, 2023



Award Winner

Thursday, January 5, 2023 North Salem News – Page 5



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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, January 5, 2023

PQ Book Club puts families on the same page

“It was fun to read with my PHOTO COURTESY OF NSCSD “I liked how we asked each
dad when he was done with other questions and we’d all an-
work,” said Drew, a fth-grade Fourth-grade teacher Michele Grossman and media specialist Natalie Koehler launched PQ's first book swer without having to raise our
student at Pequenakonck Ele- club in November. hands; we could just talk,” said
mentary School. e pair would Paige about the evening group
start each reading session with a from when her daughters were questions as we read about the sometimes the character is a mir- discussion. “I loved how every-
summary of the previous chap- one had a di erent perspective. I
ter and then take turns reading growing up. “ ere’s such a great characters or if I was surprised at ror, while, for a parent the char- tried to convince the group that
aloud to prepare for their rst the mom in the book did change
book club meeting. “ ere were sense of discovery when you can what happened.” acter is sometimes a window,” a little, even though she was still
a few words that I didn’t know really rude.”
that my dad helped me with.” pause and talk about characters “It’s a great way to make con- said Koehler, explaining that the
e school library remained
Fourth-grade teacher Michele in books.” nections, but also to learn about former is a character with similar open for book checkouts after
Grossman and media specialist the club’s meeting, and Koehler
Natalie Koehler launched the “We started by reading the the perspective of others, whether life experiences to the reader. e gave personalized recommenda-
school’s rst book club in No- tions. Some families had already
vember. eir goal was to en- book independently, and then it’s a character in a book or the latter invites the reader to view purchased the sequel to Bradley’s
courage families to enjoy books book to continue the story at
together and spark conversations my mom read aloud to me, person you are reading with,” said the world through the charac- home.
at home. Fourth and fth-grade
parents selected the rst two which I liked more,” said fourth- Grossman. ter’s eyes. “Or vice versa, based on “At the end of the day, you
books by survey: “ e War at want to foster a love of litera-
Saved My Life” by Kimberly grader Paige. “She would ask me “From a child’s perspective, their experiences,” she said. ture,” said Grossman. “ rough
Brubaker Bradley and “I, Cos- books, there is self-discovery and
mo” by Carlie Sorosiak. Students a chance to explore the world.
read one of the books at home
with an adult before meeting at is book club is another avenue
school for a multigenerational to read great literature.”
“I would love to do this again
“Beyond sharing the love of with both my mom and older
literature, it’s an opportunity to sister,” said Paige. Drew agreed,
have rich conversations about adding that it was a good bond-
the characters and events that ing experience. “Maybe I’ll invite
take place,” said Grossman, who my mom next time.”
still treasures these experiences
Article provided by North Salem
Central School District.

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Thursday, January 5, 2023 North Salem News – Page 7

DRUG CRISIS rying on Drug Crisis in Our Back- PHOTO COURTESY OF TRICY CUSHNER our family support group.”
yard’s mission. “One of the most important
FROM PAGE 2 ASK President and CEO Tricy Cushner and Executive Director Liz Talbert
ey will join  ASK’s  board of things that Drug Crisis in Our
the future partnership between the directors and continue to run their what ASK does, it’s a really good to me ‘What are we going to tell Backyard accomplished was to
two organizations, Cushner said. three programs: Spotlight Family provide families with speci c tools
Support Group, individual family marriage,”she added. people about how Erik died? I said to help them e ectively commu-
Because of that a lia- coaching, and Naloxone training. nicate with loved ones that are
tion, ASK will now meet the cri- (Each group is keeping its name. ‘We’re going to tell the truth about struggling with addiction. ese
teria for new funding, which will (Naloxone, sold under brand tools help the family member un-
help continue Drug Crisis in Our names such as Narcan,is a medica- Changing them at this point when how Erik died.’  So what I love derstand the impact of their addic-
Backyard’s programs as well as its tion used to reverse or reduce the tion on the entire family and assists
own. e ects of opioids.) both are so well-known might about it, what we’ve done is help them in seeking meaningful long-
term recovery,” Steve Salomone
“As we nd new ways to contin- “I will have the time to do the cause confusion.) take away the stigma,” she said, said.
ue our e orts, the true bene ciaries work that is rewarding for me:
to  ASK  and  Drug Crisis in Our working with families and reach- adding: “People can talk to us. ey Among the many tools in its
Backyard working together will ing out to treatment centers to nd toolbox were  multiple presenta-
be the families and friends who out what their services are so that MISSION MILESTONES can reach out to us. We helped tions by experts in the eld of ad-
will better understand how to con- I have a better reference list,” Salo- diction, a cable TV show called
nect resources and support to loved mone said. “So that was one of the Halston Media  asked  Chris- increase awareness of the drug “Viewpoint,” public service an-
ones when they need it most,” she motivations, too, to not have to run nouncements, and collaboration
said. the day-to-day activities of a busi- tiansen and Salomone if they had companies, of what they’ve done. I with other agencies in Westchester
ness.” and Putnam counties.
In testimony posted on DCI- accomplished what they set out to think we’ve helped a lot of people.”
BY’s website, one parent called the She noted that access to new During September, National
organization “an incredible aid” in voices on ASK’s board gives Drug do a little more than a decade ago. Susan Salomone  echoed that Recovery Month, it holds events
helping him/her “cope with the Crisis in Our Backyard a great “op- such as the 5K Run for Recovery
pain of having a son who su ers portunity for brainstorming” about “Well, I think the di erence that sentiment. in FDR Park in Yorktown.
from addiction.” each community’s speci c needs.
ASK will be able to expand its I see -- and I can only speak for “One of the most important “We did our best,”  Salo-
“Before I felt alone and lost, I reach as well. mone said, adding wistfully if not
didn’t know what to do or who I myself -- is that people ARE talk- things we did was give families a realistically, “It would have been
could talk about it with. is group ASK works with pre-teens and nice if we’d been able to stop the
has shown me that I’m in fact not teens in its e orts to prevent them ing about it (addiction) and that voice to talk about what was go- overdoses.”
alone,”the parent wrote. from turning to drugs. One of the
biggest things Drug Crisis in Our is the most amazing thing to me,” ing on behind closed doors in their FOR MORE INFORMATION
MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT Backyard  does – besides provid- For more information about
WORK ing access to resources -- is ght said Christiansen. houses,” she said, adding “And we
the stigma surrounding the topic DCOB, visit https://www.drugcri-
Christiansen  and  Salo- “so people will talk about it and “When Erik died, my niece said continue to do that weekly through
mone  may be taking a step back come to the programs,” Christian-
from the every day work, but they sen said.  For more information about
are de nitely not “fading away”and ASK, visit  https://alliancefor-
will remain highly involved in car- “Between what we do and

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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, January 5, 2023

Ever After

DEI versus academic freedom

A critique of critical race theory in our schools

PUBLISHER’S kind of discrimination seen in the decency – in his evaluation of IMAGE FROM AMAZON.COM During one session, a partici-
MEMO 1950s was ancient history due humor. And to be clear, there was pant spoke about the pain of be-
to strict housing laws plus more nothing funny about it. This book was used in an English ing repeatedly stopped by police,
BRETT forward-thinking views that had lesson at Somers High School. questioning his whereabouts just
FREEMAN advanced over the decades. If someone drew a swastika to- blocks away from his home. As a
day, the police would be called, an e purpose of Chesed was to white person, I couldn’t fathom
Igrew up in a community in Nevertheless, my presence as a investigation would be launched have a candid conversation about experiencing such bias, and my
New Jersey that would have Jew was somewhat of a novelty. and it would have been all the race among a group of people heart breaks for my friend.
been o limits to my family When I graduated from eighth chatter on the local parents’ who were united in their love for
back in the 1950s. grade in 1993, my friends drew Facebook groups. Of course, the one another due to a shared love But one other statement made
such profane doodles in my mid- school superintendent would for God. in the “Chesed” group really
Our development, called dle school yearbook that when I email out the obligatory letter stuck with me. at person said
Smoke Rise, which is a lake became an adult, I discarded it, to parents declaring that such he came of age in the 1970s,
community in the town of Kin- as I would have been too embar- behavior wouldn’t be tolerated. when he remembered a progres-
nelon, did not sell homes to Jews, rassed to show the pages to my sive anti-racism TV commercial
Catholics and Blacks during that children. While some of our reactions to where a kid learned that he was
time period. When we moved certain incidents today might be being racist for seeing the color
into Smoke Rise in the late In addition to the sexually sug- overkill, our heightened sensitiv- of a friend. So, he found it jar-
1980s, we were among the rst gestive doodles, one of my friends ity has prompted meaningful ring that today, it’s the opposite.
Jewish families to live there. We drew a swastika. conversations. Today, if you don’t see color, then
were such a minority in the town you are failing to identify the per-
that I was the rst bar mitzvah at Given my friendship with the LOCAL CHURCH MEETS TO son’s “lived” experience, and thus
the new local Jewish congrega- kid and the fact that I asked him DISCUSS RACE you are perpetuating racism.
tion, which rented its sanctuary to sign my yearbook, I’m abso-
from the Episcopal church. lutely certain that this person did During the height of the Black So, I think it’s worth ponder-
not actually intend to be hateful Lives Matter protests during ing: is it more progressive to be
By the late 80s, of course, the towards me. I truly chalk it up the summer of 2020, the pastor color blind or more progressive
to the immaturity of him being at a local church created a small to acknowledge color? While it’s
a 13- or 14-year-old kid who group called “Chesed,” which
lacked a certain degree of impulse means “love between people” in SEE FREEMAN PAGE 9
control and common sense – and Hebrew.

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
[email protected] all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail

to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

Thursday, January 5, 2023 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

FREEMAN des, which is relevant to my critical race theory is being The logic is
understanding of DEI. Before taught to students in Grades totally circular
FROM PAGE 8 launching my journalism career, I K-12. Meanwhile, critics of the
earned my master’s degree from critics have argued that it’s all and it’s
my personal inclination to side the University of Chicago Master one big history lesson and we impossible to
in favor of being color-blind, as of Arts Program in the Social shouldn’t bury past injustices in challenge.
advocated by Dr. Martin Luther Sciences (MAPSS), a rigor- American society.
King Jr., I can understand how ous interdisciplinary academic students who gained entrance to a review of her lesson about
the correct approach can be up for program combining anthropol- e reality is far more com- the school. In Harvard’s pursuit white fragility. Judging by the
debate. ogy, economics, history, political plicated than that. Critical race of equal outcomes, the plainti s outpouring of support she re-
science, psychology and sociology. theory is not something that is argue, the university discrimi- ceived from the community, I’m
I just worry that Diversity, Eq- University of Chicago is globally “taught” in Grades K-12. It is nated against one minority certain she is an e ective and
uity and Inclusion (DEI) initia- renowned for its social science not a history lesson. Rather, it is group by favoring another mi- caring teacher.
tives, particularly in our schools, departments. something that is implemented nority group.
may actually prevent that debate throughout the district, and But I also have great sym-
from happening. While I’m appreciative of DEI seems to be the conduit. Of course, in our schools pathy for the administrators
everything I learned during my It’s a conclusion that the entire (and other institutions), we who conducted the review in
DEI DISCUSSED AT SCHOOL master’s program, I ultimately school district is systemically SHOULD battle racism and this case and ultimately nixed
BOARD MEETING abandoned academia in favor of su ering from racism and sex- sexism and any other form of the lesson. e actions of the
journalism, which is the opposite. ism and every other type of discrimination. But the bigger Somers administrators were a
Certainly some of the ways in Whereas academia aims to take a “ism” and anything less than question is how we go about far cry from the plot of the 1989
which schools have taught lessons topic and purposely make it more “equitable” outcomes is evidence battling discrimination in a Academy Award nominated
of inclusivity have been quite complicated by deconstructing it, of this. manner that respects aca-
positive. is includes the results journalism aims to take compli- demic and political freedom and lm “Dead Poet’s Society.”
of a public awareness campaign cated topics and make it easy for It’s not just limited to our fosters critical thinking in our In “Dead Poet’s Society,” the
conducted years ago by the mother everyone to understand. schools. It’s being implemented students. antagonist, Mr. Nolan (played
of Somers High School senior throughout federal, state and lo- by Normann Lloyd), red the
Sasha Soraci, who was born with During the MAPSS program, cal governments and in corpo- ‘WHITE FRAGILITY’ LESSON beloved English teacher, John
Williams Syndrome. Williams I read more political theory and rate America. VS. CRITICAL THINKING Keating (played by Robin Wil-
Syndrome is a genetic condition philosophy than anyone should liams).
present at birth, including cardio- ever be subjected to in life, and Of course, battling racism I have incredible sympa-
vascular disease, developmental this included the “critical”theorists and sexism are admirable goals, thy for Somers High School In the lm, Keating inspired
delays, learning challenges and such as Herbert Marcuse and but it’s both false, academically English teacher Allison Ferrier, his students to “seize the day”
unique physical characteristics, Max Horkheimer. e problem lazy and may breed continued who was recently reinstated to and discover their inner “bar-
according to the Williams Syn- with the “critical”theorists is that discrimination to suggest that her position in the classroom baric yawp.” Keating didn’t draw
drome Association. they believe the whole system is unequal outcomes are always, after she was initially removed conclusions for his students.
so tainted and broken that any 100% of the time, a product of while district leaders conducted
“With the support of my teach- attempt to work within it and discrimination. e case be- SEE FREEMAN PAGE 10
ers and the district, these conversa- reform it is simply a perpetua- fore the U.S. Supreme Court,
tions made a huge impact,”said tion of the system. Any attempt “Students for Fair Admissions
Soraci, who spoke in support of to critique the critical theorists v. President and Fellows of
the district’s DEI initiatives at a is proof that the person doing Harvard College” is a perfect
school board meeting on Nov. 15. the critiquing is a product of that example of the pursuit of equal
broken system. e logic is totally outcomes actually perpetuating
If that is what DEI is all about, circular and it’s impossible to chal- discrimination. e case was
then bravo! We should applaud lenge. If you can’t see how things brought by several Asian stu-
public awareness campaigns to are tainted, the theory goes, it’s dents who were denied admis-
educate students in a manner because it’s “systemic”and you’ve sion to Harvard even though
that help them understand and been tainted too. they performed better academi-
be more sensitive to the diversity cally than a number of Black
of the world and people around Critical theory, an extension of
them. Marxism and focused on eco- Keep the lights on.
nomic class, is the foundation of
But I remain skeptical of “critical race theory.” • GENERATORS
whether this is truly the goal of
DEI initiatives. ‘EQUITY ’ VS. ‘EQUALITY ’ • Outdoor Lighting
Over the past couple of years,
CIRCULAR critics have been concerned that
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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, January 5, 2023

FREEMAN It supposes a conclusion mission of education to force
without investigating whether students to adopt the teacher’s

the premise of the question is conclusion. Some of my best How do you resolve
college professors were people
Rather, he encouraged his even accurate, and the same who vehemently disagreed with

students to discover their true goes for the journaling exercise

selves through poetry. accompanying Saad’s book. my conclusions, but rewarded a situation when
me with an A for presenting
Meanwhile, Ferrier taught e “lesson” taught at well-thought out and cogent

“Me and White Supremacy” by Somers High School was

Layla Saad, which contained anti-intellectual and stripped arguments. equal outcomes and
However, the lesson taught
a journaling exercise that asks students of free expression.
at Somers High School turned
students to answer questions English students ought to be equal opportunities
might conflict with
such as “How has and/or does learning how to formulate academia on its head by forcing
students to adopt someone each other?
your white fragility show up?” written arguments by else’s conclusion, and if they
argued against the author, it
and “How have you weaponized developing a thesis, presenting was somehow further evidence
that the author is right.
your fragility against BIPOC evidence and drawing
[black, indigenous and people conclusions. OPPOSES CRITICAL RACE

of color] through, for example, It’s one thing if a teacher

calling the authorities, crying, wanted to share his or her

claiming you’re being harmed worldview with their students.

(‘reverse racism!’, ‘I’m being Some parents may have

shamed!’, ‘I’m being attacked!’)?” a problem with that, but THEORY

e lesson is no di erent preventing that teacher from A person can be opposed

than the classic example doing so may be an impossible to racism and sexism and

taught in journalism classes standard to uphold and also still believe that that kind of the author. e teacher declined when equal outcomes and equal

of how to NOT conduct an violates that teacher’s academic indoctrination has no place in a to speak to our reporter when opportunities might con ict

interview. A journalist would freedom. classroom. we rst wrote about it. So, if I’m with each other, as it does in the

show extreme bias if he or she But unless it’s a subject such Dr. King’s own chief of sta mistaken in any way, I urge the case against Harvard at the U.S.

went up to a local politician as math or science, where an and con dant, Dr. Wyatt Tee teacher to reach out to us and Supreme Court?

and asked him, “When did objective solution exists, it’s Walker, rejected critical race I’d be happy to correct anything • How do your DEI

you stop beating your wife?” absolutely antithetical to the theory in a 2015 essay that he I’ve gotten wrong. initiatives identify

co-authored. discrimination? Are all

“Today, too many ‘remedies’ SEVERAL QUESTIONS FOR unequal outcomes a product

– such as Critical Race eory, OUR SCHOOL DISTRICTS of discrimination, or are you

the increasingly fashionable All of this brings us back to open to analyzing other external

post-Marxist/post-modernist DEI. Just like the journaling factors?

approach that analyzes society exercise accompanying Saad’s • Do your DEI initiatives

as institutional group power book, DEI initiatives are foster academic freedom and

musical vocal group structures rather than on a presented as an open, friendly critical thinking or do they

spiritual or one-to-one human conversation in the school inhibit them?

level – are taking us in the community. • Do your DEI initiatives

wrong direction: separating But why have several teachers help or harm gifted and

even elementary school children contacted me over this past year, talented students or impact the

into explicit racial groups, and sharing their concerns about existence of accelerated and

emphasizing di erences instead DEI initiatives, and terri ed for honors classes?

of similarities,” Walker co-wrote their names to be published? • Do your DEI initiatives

with Steve Klinsky, who wrote at doesn’t sound like an open help or harm special education

playing an eclec�c mix of favorites, old and new about the essay in his article, conversation to me. students or ignore their needs in

[email protected] 914-248-5135 “ e Civil Rights Legend Who Based on my conversations favor of another category?

join Lauren, Colleen and Rick and bring a li�le Opposed Critical Race eory.” with these teachers and several • Do your DEI initiatives
harmony to your next event!
e account was also written parents over this past year-plus, treat everyone with respect,

about by Constitutional legal I ask these school districts and including those people who

scholar Mark Levin in his New other government bodies the may be skeptical of the whole

York Times best-selling 2021 following questions: approach?

book, “American Marxism.” • Do your DEI initiatives is topic is not going away

Of course, when it comes remain an open conversation and this newspaper will not shy

to Ferrier’s lesson, I have no where everyone feels free to away from approaching it in a

clue what she presented to the contribute their ideas before fair and honest way.

students beyond Saad’s related conclusions are reached?

journaling exercise, the very • Is the goal equal outcomes Brett Freeman can be reached at

premise of which prevented or equal opportunities? And [email protected].

students from disagreeing with how do you resolve a situation

For All Your Writing Needs A person can be opposed
to racism and sexism and
Freelance Writer, Editor, and Content Producer still believe that that kind of
indoctrination has no place
Bill Bongiorno | (914) 533-7065 | [email protected]
in a classroom.

Thursday, January 5, 2023 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11

Brick by Brrr, it’s cold...
brick, build
your dreams WHAT WAS pelled snow blower. I
I THINKING? lovingly picture him
They GUEST wearing his knitted
say, CORNER RUTHANN hat, gloves and heavy
SCHEFFER jacket, moving up and
“Rome Kim Stoll down the driveway
wasn’t built Back in the ‘40s, a major snow with a big grin on his
fall meant picking up shov- face. As we watched
in a day,” els and helping Dad and the from the kitchen win-
neighbors shovel out the shared dow, Mom smiled and
which is driveway. We always snuck in a few said he was like a little
“snow angels” on the unblemished, kid with a new toy.
a needed soft snow before joining the shoveling way with their sleds. I held my breath
brigade. Do you remember as they ew down the hill, across the
reminder your father putting chains on the rear street, up and over the jump, back
ere was an ulterior motive in tires? Dad would painstakingly line down with a bang, and whizzed down
that creating, building and doing big things helping, however; when we n- up the chains, back the car over the the ice-slicked side yard o into the
ished, we built the neatest forts in chains and then tighten them. We woods. Laughing and yelling all the
takes time. the huge snow piles on the sides of could get through just about anything, way, they experienced some nasty
the driveway complete with carved- albeit slowly, when chains were in wipeouts as they roared by. Ah, once
What we also need to keep in mind, as we out windows to see the enemy. e place. What a cacophony of sounds, again, history repeats itself: e boys
neighbor kids did the same. en we’d however, when the snow melted on and their friends trooped into the
closed out last year and embark on a new one, crunch down behind our respective the roadways and it was chains vs. family room and hung up wet jackets,
walls and have the Queen Mother of paved road. But the worst was the soaked gloves and put boots in the
is that Rome was built brick by brick EVERY all snowball ghts! Naturally, we had holy racket made when a few chain furnace room to dry. ey sat around,
to re-shovel the battle eld when the links broke and repeatedly hit the red-cheeked, excitedly talking about
DAY for thousands of days. ere was consis- “war” was over. wheel well as the car moved. Wonder their wonderful adventure. I came in
what the decibel level would measure with a tray of hot chocolate and cook-
tent e ort every day towards the end goal. Our snowsuits would be soaked today! ies—just like our mother did for us.
and we could ring out our mittens by
As we say goodbye to last year, celebrate and the time we headed indoors for well- Winter memories wouldn’t be com- Be warm and safe, everyone, and
deserved hot chocolate and cookies plete without recalling the monster may 2023 be a happy and healthy year
recognize every brick that was laid towards from Mom. Some years later, Dad sled trail/jump created years ago by for all! God bless!
bought a used commercial, self-pro- my sons and friends in our side yard.
your goals. When the project was completed to [email protected]
their satisfaction, they trudged across
is year begins with all kinds of dreams, the street and up the neighbor’s drive-

possibilities and so much potential. Know that

it is with consistent e ort, day after day, that

those dreams and possibilities become a reality.

Kim Stoll empowers women to nd joy in every
day and build a life they love through positive
habits in mindset, tness and smart nutrition.
Virtual coaching available. Coachkimstoll@gmail.



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North Salem StPage12 North Salem News – Th

As we welcom
North Salem Ne
take a moment to
students, teache
who help make o
great! Through
there is never a
spirit, and North
show that learn

Students went above and beyond
for the “Hall of History” event.


Seniors at NSHS personalized the school parking lot at the start of the year. Sixth grade students donned some creative costumes for
the “Hall of History.”

Student Salute!hursday,January5,2023 Page 13

me the new year,
ews would like to
o salute all of our
hers, and faculty
our school district
hout our schools,
any shortage of
h Salem students
ning can be fun!

Jessica Farney listens to a
Pequenakonck Elementary
School student tell a story

in three sentences.

NSHS senior Karlie assists an eighth-grade student with an origami project. A NSHS senior helps sixth-graders to create arguments for
the “Hall of History” competition.

Page 14 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, January 5, 2023

I’m a lefty

One of the rst pieces I ever had the right for each class and at the end Fun Facts by Jo Ann
published was an article titled of the day my back ached.
“Left-Handers.” I took such *Left-Handed Day (Aug. 13) is an unofficial
Today, when Ken and I sat in our holiday established in 1992.

pride in writing about the situations we kitchen to have some lunch, he told

lefties face and overcome in order to me that he took down the holiday

t into society. Are decorations which I

they life or death had put up along the

situations? No, but JUST top of the dining room
let’s just call them JO ANN curtains. I used a few
minor irritations or straight pins to secure
inconveniences. JO ANN them along the top.
In that rst left- “It took me a while

hander article I to realize that you had think I may have dropped a few,” he sports (40% of current top tennis

wrote about left- pinned some of them on confessed. players are left-handed).

handed stores that and the pins were on the I’m sure it must look uncomfortable • International Left-Handed Day is

open up every now and then in malls. wrong side. I was pinched a few times,” when right-handed people watch lefties Aug. 13*.

Once or twice I walked into one of he said. write; but the funny thing is that it’s • Left-handers are usually more

them and found many things which “I should have reminded you that also uncomfortable for me to watch creative.

I should have been able to easily use, I used the pins from the left side. I them because I’m so used to seeing • Five of our last nine presidents were

such as left-handed scissors and mugs think you forget from time to time most people write with their right left-handed.

which have writing on the side which that you married a left-handed person. hands. Wishing a happy and healthy 2023

will actually show if a left-handed A long time ago, I learned to dial a Because I nd it so interesting, here to all the right- and left-handed people

person uses it. I always thought the rotary phone right-handed and I taught are a few trivia facts about left-handed and a shout-out to those who have

cute sayings, such as “World’s Best myself to iron clothes with my right people that you may not know: taught themselves to write with both

Mom” were for my eyes only while I hand, as well, so the iron wouldn’t fall • Only about 12% of the world’s hands. As C.R. Manske once wrote,

sipped my tea. I suddenly realized that o of the slimmer end of the ironing population is left-handed. “Life without left-handed people

the message is for other people to see. board. I’ve just learned to live with • Some countries try to force children wouldn’t be right.”

Imagine that! most other things that are made for to learn to work with their right hands.

Also, I remember the years in high right-handed people.” • Left-handers are more likely to be [email protected]

school when I would sit at a desk for a “It was pretty uncomfortable pulling male. Almost 25% more men are lefties.

right-handed person. I had to reach to the pins out with my left hand. I • Lefties have an advantage in certain

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Thursday, January 5, 2023 OPINION North Salem News – Page 15

Separation anxiety

school, he was becoming even of betrayal. I asked the teacher I nally did get a break,

MAMA more clingy at home. I didn’t if I should go and she said yes. I would be temporar-

EXPLAINS think it was possible! He would I cried all the way back to my ily heartbroken. When

climb back into the womb if he car, passing parents on the way. I picked him up from

NICOLE could. He has been saying that Morti ed. Nobody told me that school, he was happy
DOOLEY he wants to stay with mommy separation anxiety was a mom and smiling. He ran to

all the time, demanding to problem, too! I always thought me and said, “Mommy,

be carried all day, screaming the moms who said they cried Chi (his nickname) had

When you hear about when I leave the room, and when their kids nally went o fun at school.” My heart
separation anxiety,
you often imagine the list goes on. Classic separa- to kindergarten were saying it was bursting! I said, “Of
course you did, bud! I’m
tion anxiety. I was needing a to be cute and funny. But now I so proud of you!” What I

break more than ever. Especially know! ey really cried! I didn’t

a young child crying for his or since I don’t get them at night- realize how hard this would be really wanted to tell him

her mother the minute they are time. I knew school would be for Tristan and I de nitely had and to tell myself was

dropped o at school, when they good for him. I knew he needed no clue how hard giving him up that I was proud of both

realize that their mom or dad to be around other adults and for two hours would be! I always of us. We did it, buddy.

didn’t stay. ey no longer feel kids. I. Knew. All. Of. is. So would joke with my friends that We did it.

safe. Cue panic and separation why did I cry like a fool when I someone needed to take “this Update: Tristan now

anxiety. Rarely does one envision handed him over to the teacher? kid” because “mama needed a runs out of my arms to

separation anxiety as a parent My eyes welled up with tears minute.” e people who know go to school each day! PHOTO COURTESY OF NICOLE DOOLEY

blubbering while their child is and then the heaving started. I me best know that I play around Success!

also blubbering. Or maybe it’s was feeling just as badly as him, 24/7. Some people don’t get me. entries at www.mamaexplains.

more common than I had real- maybe worse. He was screaming ey don’t get my humor and Nicole Dooley is a Somers mom com or follow her on Instagram

ized? Either way, that was me in for me to come rescue him while that’s ne. As much as I joked who enjoys writing for her at @mamaexplains for relatable

September. A blubbering, ugly his little arms were outstretched about needing a break from parenting blog. If you enjoyed her parenting tips and stories.

crying hot mess express mama looking at me with his eyes full Tristan, I didn’t realize that when column, you can read more of her

bear. What separates us
A little backstory…my little

guy Tristan, who you have all
been introduced to in di erent
articles, has always been a very

clingy, needy baby. I don’t mind

putting it this way because I from other accountants and tax preparers is
always tell the truth. I despise
when people sugarcoat things.

Sometimes they’ll jump at you our ability to work with you not just on taxes,

for being too real, too honest.
Some people may view the truth

as harsh. I can’t be friends with

those people. but on financials, college planning, divorce,
Some joked that it was

because Tristan was a “COVID

baby” while I joked that it was retirement planning, changes in life planning...
because he was the only baby I

successfully nursed and we were

more connected. He is the kind

of kid who is very a ectionate We don’t just process tax forms, we advise on how to
and also loves to touch. In order

to fall asleep, he needs to be

touching and rubbing my back handle your income and expenses in the future
and his hand is often found grip-

ping my shirt while he sleeps,

making it impossible for me to with personalized recommendations.
escape. Yes, I baby him by letting
him sleep with me. I was always

envious of people who told their

babies that it was nap time, We help you navigate the tax code, and in the end, help you
set them down in their cribs

“drowsy but awake,” dimmed set sound financial goals.
the lights and left the room. My
kids always needed me to either
rock them or lay next to them
and sneak out. Sneaking out

de nitely perpetuates the child’s

anxiety. I don’t recommend start-

ing this. I did the best I could 845-628-5400

and never wanted my kids to cry.
So I coddled them when it came

to sleeping. | [email protected]
Back to me being a blubbering

mess…It was Tristan’s third day 824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
of school. He had cried a little

bit the rst two times but the

teachers warmly assured me it Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
was normal for his age. How- This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
ever, I noticed since he started
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

Page 16 – North Salem News Sports Thursday, January 5, 2023

forever love Zootopia. East Green
Wave victory
captain DO YOU PLAN ON PLAYING over Ridgefield-
looking BASKETBALL AFTER HIGH Danbury evens
forward to SCHOOL?
Sectionals record
I would love to continue play-
ing basketball in whatever way BY RICH MONETTI
that may be after high school. CONTRIBUTING WRITER

rough club sports, or just play- At 1-2 on the season, the East
ing pick up, I will de nitely keep Green Wave was looking to even
playing. their record against Ridge eld-
Danbury on Dec. 21. Play stay-
DO YOU KNOW WHAT ing mostly in the visitor’s zone,
the pressure should have made
BY WHIT ANDERSON YOU WANT TO STUDY IN for an easy victory at the Brew-
ster Ice Arena. Nonetheless, a
ukey goal to start the third had
I am going into college as an the score tied at three and stood
the home team at attention.
Andrew Viebrock is a captain elementary education major. I
“It shocked everybody,” said
on the North Salem boys’ basket- have wanted to be a teacher for Coach Stacey Wierl, but the jolt
also went the other way.
ball team, along with Jack Litch- a long time, and I will be doing
“ e goal sparked a little bit of
eld. my senior internship in the spring energy,” she said, and the team
responded with a 5-3 victory.
e 5-11 senior gaurd is a key with our JV Coach, Mr. (Chris)
Even so, the East didn’t wait
shooter and one of the primary Brandt, and his fth-grade class. to get out of the gate. Katie
Loga raced down the puck on
defenders on the Tigers, on top of the right, found Kathryn Loner-
gan on the other side, and she
being one of its leaders. Viebrock TELL US got her team on the scoreboard.

was also a captain on the soccer ‘The sport itself SOMETHING 13:40 remaining in the rst,
team, making All-League his ju- OTHERS MAY the East kept the pressure on,
but when the puck kicked out of
nior and season seasons. (basketball) is fun, NOT KNOW the zone, Katie Rosenberg took
Before acheiving his dreams of ABOUT YOU. a hooking penalty to prevent a
breakaway at 12:10.
becoming a teacher and owning but the memories One thing you
a dog, Viebrock looks to help the might not know Twenty seconds later, Abby
McGuire icked in a wrist shot,
Tigers go on a run in the section- and time spent about me is that I and the game was tied at one on
al playo s. am a big dog person, the power-play goal. e East
didn’t bat an eye, though.
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN with your friends and I cannot wait
and teammates to have a dog of my First Alyssa Filmer weaved
will stay with you her way down ice for a shot on
YOU STARTED PLAYING forever, and that’s own once I’m older. goal, and the play staying put,
BASKETBALL AND WHAT not something you However, I have Lonergan put two more shots
GOT YOU STARTED? can always get.’ never had a dog be- on. Undeterred, Filmer geared
cause it is probably up again, got behind the net,
I started at the age of ve, play- my mom’s biggest and zeroed in on Lonergan out
ing in the Brewster rec league, fear. front. De nitely obliging, the
and have been playing ever since. Westlake forward red away and
BEST PLACE TO regained the lead at 5:13.
PART ABOUT BEING ON THE SALEM? No letting up, the East rode
BASKETBALL TEAM? the wave into the second period,
and the teamwork and good
My favorite thing about be- Andrew Viebrock I would say Hay- passing was no surprise to Wierl.

ing on the basketball team is the North Salem Basketball elds. eir Frickin “We kept the puck in the of-
bond I have built with my team- Senior Captain Chicken is un- fensive zone like we planned and
mates throughout the years going matched anywhere practiced,” she said.

all the way back through modi- else in North Salem. Rosenberg could attest rst-
hand. e puck coming free
ed. inside the blue line, the White
Plains junior didn’t hesitate and
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM gave the East a 3-1 lead at 12:43.

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE VACATION SPOT? But the two-goal lead didn’t
last long. Brianna Boulanger
Senior captain Andrew Viebrock looks to go out strong his final SEE HOCKEY PAGE 17
TEAMMATES? care where, as long as the weather
ere is nothing that beats season with the Tigers.
is nice,and I’m on the beach,I will

the bus ride to and from games; be happy.

bonding and singing with my limit mistakes and keep getting IF YOU COULD HAVE ONE

teammates. We de nitely don’t better every day. SUPERPOWER, WHAT FOR A YOUNG ATHLETE ON

sound great, but it is one of the WOULD IT BE? THE FENCE ABOUT TRYING

best memories I will have from WHO HAVE BEEN YOUR Probably super speed. Be- OUT FOR NORTH SALEM

the year. BIGGEST ROLE MODELS ing able to get places fast, and BASKETBALL,WHY SHOULD

GROWING UP? do things just as fast, is great for THEY GIVE THE PROGRAM A

AS A SENIOR, WHAT ARE My biggest role models have someone like me who procrasti- CHANCE?

YOUR GOALS FOR THIS been my parents. ey have al- nates a lot. You have absolutely nothing to

SEASON? ways shown support to me, even lose. e sport itself is fun, but the

As a team, I just want to see if if it was through beating me in WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE memories and time spent with

we can make something happen basketball to this day. ey set an MOVIE? your friends and teammates will

when it comes to Sectionals. As example for me as to who I want Zootopia.I think it is the great- stay with you forever, and that’s

for individually, I want to try and to be when I become an adult. est cartoon movie ever, and I will not something you can always get.

Thursday, January 5, 2023 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 17

FROM PAGE 16 Ferguson

picked up the puck in her zone and ‘We are really
went coast-to-coast to close the lead competitive this
to one with 12:15 left in the second. year. We have a lot
of young skaters,
No problem, the East didn’t lose a but we still need
step on o ense, and a 36-8 shots on to start working
goal advantage for the game spoke together more.’
to team chemistry, according to Fox
Lane’s Wallis Kelleher-Ferguson. Sadie Roth eisch
East Green Wave
“All our systems are getting better,”
said the senior. Sadie Rothfleisch

Unfortunately, twelve seconds into PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
the third, the East had to rely on that
cohesion and persevere when the puck
de ected o a skate to tie the score.

“We just knew in the rst shift right
after intermission, we had to get right
back on the ice and come out hard,”
said Kelleher-Ferguson.

e girls didn’t wait long either. Ab-
igail Roberson came up with a loose
puck and made easy work of Casey
Rosenberg on the breakaway at 12:07.

Two minutes later, the East was on
the stick again. Lindsay Smith’s quick
trigger got goal number ve at 10:40,
and the East easily skated home with
a victory.

Boding well, according to Fox
Lane’s Sadie Roth eisch, the team’s
tenaciousness and new talent must be
tempered with keeping all the girls on
the grind.

“We are really competitive this year.
We have a lot of young skaters, but
we still need to start working together
more,” concluded Roth eisch.

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Page 18 – North Salem News LEISURE Thursday, January 5, 2023

CLUES ACROSS 21. You need both to live 46. Grotesque or bizarre 20. Samoan monetary

1. Basics 25. Dash 48. Delicacy (archaic) unit

4. Swiss river 26. Network 49. Textile 22. Type of gland

7. Constrictor snake 27. Dig 50. Denial 23. Arrest

8. Building occupied by 29. C. European river 51. Electronic data 24. Check

monks 30. Supplement with processing 27. Past participle of be

10. Discount di iculty 52. Attempt 28. Alias

12. Deal a blow to 31. Corporate executive 29. A major division of

13. Relating to the ear 32. Carroll O’Connor’s CLUES DOWN geological time

14. Thyrotropin onscreen wife 1. Engulf 31. Kids programming

16. Loud, unpleasant 39. No variation 2. Waterside hotel channel (abbr.)

noise 41. Airborne (abbr.) 3. Printed cotton fabric 32. Joked

17. Large intestines 42. “Heidi” author 4. Defensive nuclear 33. Helps little firms

19. Move with a curving 43. A irmative weapon 34. Roman numeral 50

trajectory 44. Pie _ __ mode 5. One who follows the 35. Impressive in size or

20. Witnesses 45. W. Asian country rules scope

6. Lace up once 36. Domineering leader

more 37. A person who

8. Fire byproduct delivers a speech

9. Hankerings 38. One after 89

11. Outer 39. Young hawk

14. One-time 40. The scene of any

aerospace firm event or action For puzzle solutions, please see
15. Seafood 44. A team’s best
Updated puzzle solutions now available!
18. Commercial pitcher

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(abbr.) processing

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Jacque’s Spin on Music for January 2023

SQUE’Happy New Year! I hope everyone’sACQUE’ PURDYS
SPIready to roll up their sleeves and dig Westchester Bluegrass Club, 33 Lake
into the live 2023 music scene. I know N
S I am! ON M Way Clubhouse
USIC ere are many home-grown On Saturday, January 14, 2023 Mike
Jmusicians performing locally in- Artie Tobia 1/5, Drew and Tom 1/12, Burns & Highway 53 are the fea-
cluding John Basile, an instru- Solstice 1/19 and Bryan Gordon on tured act at 8 p.m. ere is an open
USICmental jazz guitarist from Yor-January 26. mic performance at 7 p.m. Re-
ktown. John will be performing freshments are served and the club
at two dinner shows in January. PLEASANTVILLE requests attendees bring a dish to
e rst one will be at Peekskill’s e Garage at Lucy’s, 446 Bedford share. Doors are at 6:30 p.m.
BeanRunner at 6 p.m. on Satur-
day, January 7. On ursday, Jan- Road 914-747-4740 YORKTOWN HEIGHTS
uary 26 his trio will host the Jazz Have you heard Lucy’s becomes a Mohansic Grill, 1500 Baldwin
on Main, Open Jam in Mt. Kisco at
N M8 p.m. Swing Dance Speakeasy night every Road, 914-962-9300
Pete Donnelly is another local musi- 4th Wednesday of the month? Pick up ere is a full lineup of live music
cian in Somers, and founding member some moves w/ Swing dance lessons
of e Figgs, Pete and Friends begin that begin at 7 p.m. Ahlfabet Swing starting at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and
their 2nd ursday night residency at Group brings the music, and the dance Saturday in January. Curtis Winchester
Lucy’s Garage this month in Pleasant- party starts at 8 p.m. All for $15 cover. & the Band are Friday, 1/6! Visit mo-
ville. e band is Pete, friends and spe- And, you don’t even need a partner! for the 2023 calendar
cial guests. If you are a fan of NRBQ or listing.
Soul Asylum, you will recognize some
of the bands Pete performed with. I My short column could not possibly
imagine his guest will be pretty special! share everything going on this month.
Mark these dates in your calendar, 1/12, For a full list, visit HearIt to
2/9 & 3/16. search. Venue owners, musicians and
event planners if you have an upcoming
MOHEGAN LAKE live music event to share for February
Dog Haus Biergarten, 3137 E Main 2023, please tell me about it at jacque@
Street, Cortlandt Town Center 845-
915-4287 Jacque Roche is a freelance writer, content
contributor to several local publications,
Acoustic music on ursday nights as well as editor and music blogger for
at 7 p.m. e January lineup features HearIt Archived broadcasts of
her 2016-2020 radio shows can be heard
streaming on

Thursday, January 5, 2023 BALANCED ROCK North Salem News – Page 19

North Salem Support groups provide a fo- cises that reduce the experience the web page to see if it is meet- Advance registration is required

Recreation Dept rum for those with pain to gain of stress and anxiety and have a ing by zoom or in person. is by calling 914-962-6402 or 800-
Programming support and learn about ways to positive impact on your health group is free, open to all. 532-4290. Support Connection’s
manage pain and progress from and well-being. Peer Counselors are also avail-
patient to person. is group RideConnect able for individual counseling

Online Registration: www. takes place over Zoom every PUPPET STORYTIME and assistance via phone and other week. Thursday, Jan. 5, Rideconnect has volunteers email. Call 800-532-4290, or

Questions? Contact North For more information, please from 10:30 to 11 a.m. ready to help drive seniors to submit an online request at sup-

Salem Rec (914)669-5665 call Ted Bloch at 914-552-6281 Open to kids of all ages! their medical appointments and 

PRESCHOOL LITTLE or email him at tednbloch@ Meets every ursday. assist with shopping. Services North Salem All conversations are are free to seniors residing in

SPROUTS NATURE kept strictly con dential. POETRY READING Westchester and southern Put- Democratic
WITH ALAN SKLAR nam Counties. To request as- Committee
PROGRAM Ruth Keeler sistance call (914) 242-7433.
Free program designed to Sunday, Jan. 8,

introduce the youngest members Memorial Library from 3 to 4 p.m. Anyone wishing to volunteer
of our community, along with
Alan Sklar will be live at the for Rideconnect may do so by

their grown up, to the natural e library is open for library for an afternoon reading emailing [email protected] VOLUNTEERS WANTED

world. 2.5-5 year olds and browsing, computer use, and of Robert Frost. is program is Virtual Support ere are a few open seats on
their grown-ups welcome! reading! Please visit www. free, open to all, and requires no the town committee and the

Registration required. r uthkeelermemoriallibrar y. registration. Groups Democrats would love to have
org for more information. some new volunteers come for-

NORTH SALEM SENIOR Most programs are in person CONVERSATION WITH Support groups for women ward. It’s a great way to meet

CITIZENS CLUB or on ZOOM. Send an email LOCAL GARDENERS with breast and ovarian cancers new people and be involved in

Residents 50 and older are if you want to participate to Saturday, Jan. 14, have been transitioned to vir- who and what shapes our com-

eligible to join our senior group. keeler librar [email protected]. from 10 to 11 a.m. tual platforms. Virtual groups munity. If, on the other hand,

Meetings are held at 11:30 When you email, a link will Meets monthly on the second are accessible to women from you may be interested in serving

a.m. on the second Tuesday of be sent to click on, including a Saturday of the month. Bring the comfort of their homes, re- on a town committee or board,

the month at the North Salem password to enter. your questions and ideas to this gardless of where they live. All we suggest you keep an eye on

Fire House, 301 Titicus Road. informal group of local expert groups are open to new mem- SEE ROCK PAGE 20
JOIN TODAY! We are always SOCIAL KNITTING garden enthusiasts. Please check bers as well as past participants.

planning new trips and events Mondays,

– stay up to date with all senior from 11 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

programs on our website www. Bring your projects and ideas for an hour of chatting and knit-

and click on “Senior Programs.” ting. Send an email, and you will

Chronic Pain receive an invitation. Led by For today, retirement
Support Group Cathleen Sulli.


Research tells us that 50 mil- AND ARTISTS and every moment

lion Americans live with chronic Fridays, at 10:30 a.m.
pain, or pain that lasts most days Join a fun and informal group

or every day for three months of painters and artists, beginners in between.
or more. Of this group, 20 mil- and experienced. ere is no
lion experience high-impact instruction, and you can draw,

chronic pain, or pain that in- paint or work in any medium

terferes with basic functioning you choose. You must bring your

and activities of daily living. own materials.

Pain is the  number one rea-

son  that Americans access the WESTCHESTER BREATHES Tier 4 planning isn’t about getting a new 403(b)

health care system, and costs Fridays, from 9:30 - 10 a.m. or buying financial products. It’s about becoming
the nation up to  $635 billion Increase your resilience, and educated and empowered around the events
and decisions in your personal financial life. It’s
each year in medical treatments, lower your stress. Participate in

disability payments, and lost a program of gentle movement,

productivity. breathing and relaxation exer- about being prepared. Maybe it’s time.

Prepare Call me today for your initial Confident
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se into place, please take hyphenation o as it can get very confusing for
web and/or email addresses.

thanks! Thursday, January 5, 2023

Page 20 – North Salem News


Mount Kisco man chargedPhotoSubmissions with sexual abuse
Share Your Milestones Photos submitted to North
SBTYAaLFSebFOtoWyuPRotHIuTtEhrIRAenesCipgAehScbEioaLrlsNmkOonmVoAwents qsdtkctinheeetuemlvoieAnafvewrtebsctWadtnecewitorrg.easrhaYsPdtirotocioiecnonhrhplknigoecDttesroototteowefocorDbNepchSsdrk.napneuamheaa6aeneCosnbpftlolPSpwsloeoaefonmlitaoaoetaclsmrio.uoulolrplelceeliSsltinbnettte,tocmdtiNut.gtytmoebwehtyo1beiheetnedteniode3nmhwHenN.PpdatnegnIsfoSiiomYeuitsernaoTrlaeontobsarxictra.hdhpcemocerhtlitgiee-----luhonseopeSrshmdswussaaebDtariBadctlsliretdobloeelaagheeliser.FAuaymcmaynytsabplSsamotrloaroteaeineebtultbolrnlaiargeueeoobhtunaerimwwtwiDnlmis.egdingeoisaeiatheinns@tnttc-hhgwYat.aeso6aottsr,svhifkAgiaecptfnartotlieiteawnpmedrcvoanesetgsod.uossantirbtiurDdghSelnieaneeeddtptdiiseeonsteerce.nrxvtx1ieua,
in your life, whether it’s a himself, by Detective Beyrer and turned over to the Westchester
Police O cer Guillermo Lizarz- County Department of Correc-
oDarebldsAMuftNpahotbeesodrthiael.daroMeNlonatBtsnifhetnonoaeetoooy,ornnnr.duettntaddihfhhnvAnomnaseetgrnSrcdardeathtKsaled,ageaarRlaiisenesrmsragoutgcmmyna.areno.cdo,rddeSeoeeNumt,nnwmgehnewStdrnsaec,weueoidn@ewetsrirh,3mteue,ewm8ad1sde-sa1Cd1aehnyas0xeii8itllnmuaa0aigrrsat,---sl aburu. tions, according to police.

After being processed on the A Temporary Order of Protec-
charge of sexual abuse in the rst tion was issued on behalf of the
degree, Arteaga was arraigned by victim.
the Honorable Gary Raniolo. He
was remanded to the Westches- Arteaga is scheduled to appear
ter County Jail and subsequently in Yorktown Justice Court on
Jan. 3, 2023, at 6 p.m.

Mount Kisco, NY 10549. to North Salem News, 118 Race Amity
North SalemROThCeKre is no charge for this NaepMnh.sovoBeuetelonflod-tarpfeKdoetdirusdirfcrenRoyseo,osduNae.’dYdd,1slSietNC2t0kuai8eo5ooim9otn4mryerpto9vthNm1esui.a,0droiSSctc0roetahte,lnnheeesdcmik(dSNeaoRrlSreemRmmpTuao,ibnClNileni)cyY,gaoPnarO1ddT0eoo5rBnw6toao0nx-:. of Northern
Republican TownFRaaOndMdnroePusAnsGceeEdm1set9anmt. pSeedndenavseelolfp-e if also visit our website for more Westchester &
Committeetheyouto’dwlnik’se ywouebr spitheo,tonroerttuhrsnae-d. information at www.northsa- Putnam, and send an inquiry

to the town clerk, mhlushko@ VOLUNTEERS WANTED Follow us daily on Facebook to REPUBLICAN SOCIAL CLUB Vacancies are e North Salem Republican keep up with Republican issues We’re back and o Covid-19

listed on the town website. Con- Town Committee is looking for at @North Salem Republicans. hiatus! e North Salem Re- MONTHLY MEETING
Prtaocmt uosteatYoPOur BCohxa5ri2t5y, North dycvteaoooeuulnrusaneybttoieeoaulennirerdsvt.teiomwIfiaenoyn,uotptruSSTbdhlteheaeoaccpaeftloaseoeocsnemsmr.ounrepcVnpmtoooaNspsttnhierrotetrssDvetrswvieiotdtaneedlyseut.oeaeircinvuxsaIdoaet-rfdatlphilcinuenhtoreIbieefeuecSpliroisyufcpuoroanscbatruohsttdlNiei,mooacweouanyimmnnraldtnsihaot@tittlehgteuoemsroagtarieolt.twwcnoianonmnrvvtt,oohtllsvouaenldpetameaniernd--r publican Club will be hosting Please join us for our monthly
SeSnadlemus, aNpYres1s05re6l0eaosre northsa- get togethers for co ee, pas- tries and informal conversation discussion as we work to ad-, or give us a in North Salem on Saturday vance cross-racial and cross-
call at 914-302-5830. mornings twice monthly. Please cultural amity to impact the
only bring your willingness to public discourse on race. Our
Advertise With Us'o2audsrr-liysetapsc.coraeornatmsdt([email protected])toCuhpofa.ntoSFhtAri2oeort0crtsnim2rce2laet-ats1iro0yon-fo2oOf6fSr.MgtOaaafntcfeiizcaoaenftidNonY relax and speak freely with like monthly meetings feature
When you advertise with North 12-07. Office locaittieonm: s should also bloecastuiobnm: Witetestdchester County. minded individuals. RSVP’s speakers, screenings, and pre-
Salem News, you are reaching WLdwiehaesobsigmitlcinthyapetrCesodotcemearsspCsaaoangugyentptanoht(uiLynte.LtbsohSCtTlfieS)cihLtuNaiusmmptYariaoisomtynedndebadeyeab-tmeef.aoirluLSmeapiSmadotNyhindtYbeerwdeednhseLseosseiaxmirgbbtvneiyplaidtrtyo.ecSCdeSosaNmssYpaagagsnaheiyonntus(LlotdLfitCm)ail only! Please RSVP via email sentations where discussions
thousands of households and with full name to northsalem- are aimed at educating one
businesses throughout North [email protected], and another on who we really are.
Salem. To advertise or to place you will then be provided with Visit https://www.eventbrite.
a classified, call Brett Freeman the Saturday morning time and com/e/138495877899 to regis-
at 845-208-8151 or email location. Looking forward to ter for this online event.
[email protected]. seeing you soon.
served. SSNY should mail process to Joanne DiMase: P.O.
process to R. Gibbons: 10 BOX 852 Goldens Bridge NY
Inverness Rd New Rochelle NY 10526. Purpose: Any lawful
1p0u8rp0o4s. ePurposeAT:hAdenvyaedlarvwteifsrutliinsigngDdeeaaddplliunirnepeose
TOWN OF NfoOrRNToHrSthALSEaMle m News is Photo Submissions
  the Thursday before the Photos submitted to North Salem News need to be high-
NTafcAR2 Nhtrohot0tesoeOtem2sp8eawaTe3sd4mdIs,.:,CsN/5sav/N,aEmzo-te2oocnr7eIrtroa0S:[email protected]/iMelpealjnE5se/m,t7.tBmti1otfN5o,ooYn5rNoFrno8aGerBraTm8rsewInAto2eVseh2we8AEYmom38dnrNooS-6eanri0aa6kaat1iht,,nlMl.hVaeMioneatemfreretaeihCeatnaietnnefiRntccgBege-irlo4yItaaDoHZParsd:onUapt7ndlhBoeBl5,iefrnOLG5mAgpIAo8C6iputDRr86pbdtHi2DsweloiEcta8norOJlAi8WaiafrsAnmscnurGeFa6uRdtdete nofaeca6rboxavI8AeefaycNd,dtenmranPmt4eDebmGyhdprldsP5seisteiaRusaPtsiaENoi-ItsohlnTgohIb2DetAIOeire,oaoion@nl0dyoFLimadwTwo:fc8n Shrsfa,bwIvandneeC+e, pa-iyt8nran1oactarElieoNso1yvosfrta (ertotsni9o5NcusmlcoSmlu2ro1creondhteoB9nhara..aecmnaf)trsnheFlitse2ttiilsdehteeo0tSaSbaee4td.nor5ataer7ni-Ftcmplal6te,serahra.0meBmooceam9eplrpo,o9wfeemferomc,rerirlkeltolmaNlao.yenh1nwY-ilso1oT,iel5ncdhs4gauaa,:twr ensLPhdddoueatanby3tl,iv3tc4hJia2oeaH4nnepuatHZrahirnOarienycwOgTi1plMaea2axyt,,l resolution. Images that are submitted at a low resolution
cannot be published. Submit photos to North Salem News by
the Thursday before the next publication date. Submissons can
be emailed to [email protected] or mail it
to North Salem News, 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount
Kisco, NY 10549. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope if
you’d like your photo returned.

dwelling and accessory structure predate the zoning code and do not have Certificates of Occupancy for at Promote Your Charity
Send us a press release at [email protected],
or give us a call at 914-302-5830.

least one year prior to construction of the second apartment, per Article XIII, Section 250-68(E)(2) of the Zoning
Ordinance of the Town of North Salem. 
At such hearing all persons will have the opportunity to be heard.  A copy of the application may be
examined at the Board of Appeals Office, 274 Titicus Rd., North Salem, NY. 
Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman 
North Salem Board of Appeals 



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Appeals of the Town of North Salem will hold a Public Hearing at
the North Salem Town Meeting Hall, 66 June Road, North Salem, NY, and via ZOOM,, Meeting ID: 755 882 8866, Dial in:  +1 (929) 205-6099, on Thursday, January 12,
2023, at 7:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the public may be heard to consider the following: 

Application BA23-02 of Cecily and Gordon Grand III, owners of the property located at 424 Hawley
Road, North Salem, New York, consisting of approximately 9.62 acres in an R-4 Zoning District and shown as
Sheet 47, Block 1154, Lot 33 on the Tax Assessment Map, for a Special Permit for the construction and
maintenance of a second accessory apartment in an existing accessory structure, per Article XIII, Section 250-
68 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of North Salem. 

At such hearing all persons will have the opportunity to be heard.  A copy of the application may be
examined at the Board of Appeals Office, 274 Titicus Rd., North Salem, NY. 
Brian Ivanhoe, Chairman 
North Salem Board of Appeals 

Thursday, January 5, 2023 North Salem News – Page 21

My Community Bulletin Board

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Thursday, January 5, 2023 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 23

Realtors donate to Lifting Up Westchester

e Hudson Gateway REAL-

TOR® Foundation, the charitable

arm of the Hudson Gateway As-

sociation of REALTORS®, re-

cently presented a check for $3,000

to Lifting Up Westchester (LUW)

in White Plains.

LUW provides life-changing

support to people who have lost

their housing or are struggling to

meet other basic needs. ey help

individuals nd stable housing and

build on that foundation to achieve

greater self-su ciency. LUW pro-

vides comprehensive support to

2,500 Westchester residents in cri-

sis by:

• Providing emergency shelter,

food, and support to keep people


• Facilitating employment readi-

to increase and sustain income.
From left: Ralph Gabay and Kimra Pierre, HG Realtor Foundation; Lauren Candela-Katz and Anihaita Kovtal (LUW); Kathy Kane and Robert
• Finding safe and a ordable Shandley, HG Realtor Foundation.
homes of all types and providing

ongoing support to maintain the where individuals can nd support on advancing their employment, For more information or to ap- in Westchester, Putnam, Rockland,

stability of that housing. as the look for permanent housing, education, and health. When we ply for funding from the Hudson and Orange counties, as well as the

• Coordinating and navigating employment, and other support. support others in living healthier Gateway REALTOR® Founda- Bronx and Manhattan. It is the

community resources to obtain “We are so grateful to the and more productive lives, our tion, please visit www.hgrealtor- second largest REALTOR® As-

personalized support. Hudson Gateway Realtor entire community bene ts.” sociation in New York, and one of

• O ering education and men- Foundation for their generous Established in 2004 and re- e Hudson Gateway As- the largest in the country.

toring services to youth who are support,” said Anahaita Kot- launched in 2013, the HG Realtor sociation of REALTORS® is a

homeless or in unstable housing so val, Chief Executive O cer of Foundation has donated thou- not-for-pro t trade association is article was submitted by e

they can achieve success. Lifting Up Westchester. “We sands of dollars to charities and representing over 43,000 real es- Hudson Gateway Association of

eir Community Kitchen is are united with our community non-pro ts throughout the Hud- tate professionals doing business REALTORS®.

the largest in White Plains and partners like the Hudson Gate- son Valley. As concerned members

feeds 70 to 90 people per day. way Realtor Foundation by one, of the communities we work in,the WHY DO WE
Guests also receive donated cloth- bold and unwavering belief: that Hudson Gateway REALTOR®
ing, toiletries, and other support stable housing is the founda- Foundation participates in quali- ADVERTISE
services to help strengthen their tion on which human wellbe- ed community-based charities
independence. LUW also operates ing and advancement is built. who serve the housing, hunger,
the Open Arms men’s shelter and When people have a secure, af- health, happiness, and humane
Samaritan House women’s shelter fordable home, they can focus needs of citizens everywhere.

“Because it’s our best connection
to the local community.We’ve run

business card sized ads every week

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Leave Your Message Here... -Mark and Patti Liff
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CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151

Page 24 – North Salem News Thursday, January 5, 2023

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Vol. 8 No. 39 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, December 8, 2022 Vol. 8 No. 40 North SalemV’sisoint lTyawpeInetkolyNnoerwthsSpaalpeemr.mneatilefodrttoheevleartyehstonmeewas.nd

seCcoonmdmSuRnOityafptuersh‘neos’fvoorte No fOofrficcials offerNorth every home and business. November 24, 2022
the latest news. Thursday,
oVnislyitwTaepeIknlytonNeworspthaSpaeler mma.nileetdftoor
rth Salem r oyot tipsVol.8 No.37Salem’s business.
e ee North Salem community December 15,
BY WHIT ANDERSON are asking you to do.” Business when Trustee Paul Gia-
sidents savoiced their dissatisfaction at the 2022
STAFF WRITER Not convinced the board is do- mundo wished to address Hughes’
attacked fetNov.30 Board of Education meet-
ing all they can to prevent a school comments. Trying to explain why
b ying following the prior meeting’s
y r4-2 vote against the authorization cell: 914.71R4a.v0e0R9e0views Rave RevieoYatCosscssattae4acatantnrahioohhehuteordnsgnrnf-eoooeaconohwlerro3nevlxcdWCG““runtonveeawuttdarnYIeiothotcanehasdrniwavdncfeipedctnosedrt.gttstshotergoaitdthradfdhooopaurcee,notiarnniruet9tLase,nuisereelreelgsiStan5tetsncpeihnoanddssaahaihhtN,prtRxgksoteKfmaaisHg.eafeehoofiprhsfeopavtbSfooOCamHboitoasytncteoreesnrpudoouihnormHoceouruflw.ta.KrgnooiuoeesrsiuppsulptlaroLanceoshbaSsxrdmrrhgptenpoaiehvosnzececugcoeoeeermer,irtenekmAalgttsg”eanSsitntymainnegunohpnjoooavsrshsoogsRnarYtdtadieaaehyfotreotieatrdhnrafeteycecm,orOsdOhef|htetdrdiotieete,ntodtthbhzoKoaeyAulewnyrcoseUfmt,djlooekaeliztmaodsoioertantnststheeraspphla’pismothohbSuwuapcrtaoiVdnnr,e.neneeatetapfteenlerducRrl.sithtieehapEsrslnieirfpagtds.apnhmatpdtpJtOoehhemhutyryuo,aa@mthdugReaoSGi-ooaeNoocoyrttnrabeoeaSmieRsnstihfieYurboeenlOoseaocigtOoltneeRizfstzniiaauhttztl1eusnaeciceinrtt10rThheemcgzgcvOaalaelreeorr.Vhras5dd,d5k.Eyeeee------Tsssrroti”ll.,3csaA6etlaaiPtlshtWBelwwdtttNmtmab1isbtlswHeeanr..hiohhhphupr5aeeeccevaruhiaBegYeaAeieepoescaet““LNaegeadsoondsrianthiyIkk,Wmpnld.doVdePmvriuitattemsSntmmdekenorodhonjaruaeeadEDwneeaoduEeSHsiteeregttineiadrlrtsdnihedutOsdeiepbPasicescathsoxHvsslL,ttteaSrsdtm,ooanulpsOSonspohuibtanLettPEnaktfOnafTaihhshlvRCrbcorodEeoeoae,neIdIysfir.RgeJaSeeBoaNermndotbsarae,raPdGniJudOsn.uLcrBotokUTlrsDanUsaugbbos.ednIEetAdmsounSaumaeOASariA.tRtreodbtSrtinif”dnetggrftre,onRoeeSotjahIELoeteLcgNaeort’eNhenpsvregaSrttsAher.OefkrocmttoomN,rea,Io1eaErhiieetFspiANEiobnntpadih,ro4tarcSeOeSISpvedklauasEstrureeeoCrntSltenRethpoWfalcuidhmDrhtdTowe.osdntktose.atnp&EteOIetdetni.porrhCSto,Adyor7uWehnuiDeidgrcidrltnean.tro:ustceitbeRwTteEo3oiepknheatnctlessbalRmplSE0thr.moseierceefYKsar”swteckrtroieOAnorxmndeBsenvdapaoheBHvooterbr.wetitmaaeocbtgougac.jomsLtrafeeCeeeeoomm,“beJuhpinooenoaeOvdmitcrnenuffiWucEntoierwdremtnirieoKarsdh.ontHaanesobdheornozSuontciilauartaennnnnnnddLo,graeeear----.srTsttttnacs”liy,rotolwnA,eBloe,eoomI,wCiacxta’mniasTrfctestahctlcemoonnhoEfwudbhbhste-eievasiyedoendoli-suvaoitcaetyonayfmsgehelaheltmrrariuotl,eOestcovaayEleelaanaseantfdityaaenndiasrigatftxiy’tNnncntelpfohgedcrhwnywdakaepnsakeirpiiSoirtmeeiva..nesBwbntceaAesseT2caxrhoewe8OoeogccsiavAatoa2eYrposssadf0kenrfeahpnibnremr2pFmelb-t1wrrsrioqttoCteeFyd2hfo-oonws2Atyb!hchootsum,m rrfaoeWn3tcnwgoAltooereeihlbeetNrdmywsro2iklmhyraeasonri.nstfddayRR1oefylsoosstwrdltaedosnyagletcIu,s0?toieiikvkutTOsnwecgkrcrohoi.roiodconsmeatdsEien“nitttlnokensreun.dmciohphndttRlLuHuenhrosttye.sacnwpghar-aaIerhsaysiaeangiwoyeatRihtsotvuaSttn-oliagnnnveysluldeinsfpcaacntaoaaeswEelrcfgrrtmeoIteloamradlovotcwetewhlewteeItagtnmr#ywmtttdlfesfidorimFaesyhoiuaepuemoiniiSkUgtoncstspbrreiehuocpghaOg.eoGya- deeeaeiGfernbqnhrbrnnfhSaevlsn-eieoMoetymeoitdrtld.toeuosahseatiaaicobnetsyyio.Ttoircr“otcnienfEoebrdorfe-peeefootnnatWakineRensudneeeotcw.landeIBeuuosviht“ftelnhciotOsl.xLlctAH.ewuCefenAirrsieylbterpnlilvHboslsfiaaietnanaetSealojttelbrmfgdyisipiaoCwtoaemebooovcnnIerm,eearirwtroinCnovumoxraaeeeaiainpnapgDDontluamaeinriyswiuroKrdmSedHes2slte’ostytptdtyrnsytetjdiNaiosmeaf0nhrtakn.oeioocl.unner.aiscsntmfwmyylxReettrsAnn–io,phIatriooaCuaygbooeWchl.otarsbueomuuac-nenaaeiCenIctseoGnntWwhrpinnutttpitai4odo!einoynunmuthsec”qwmaiddlewta5tnyebotioswrdnrlgcotenioumvtuHepie—ott’tieteekthhtnapieytntedthchsedahKenenesbtersevyheosha,aokhrsiensaoleedeotTtedsmneCwmwumiieiaphneeitutnslnafseiIgnnwaaiwdvhlysryairdeo,t,rmmlsfyiaett,tfepdeedgseriyoycoiybhhSttShonhihcstrresehlshio.amoeaseuhapuattdyeooou.ahecaytnuo-otiryvrtnernrueeoeesmbsneMWrteoesmcdlstttchscsCydsisutea,bthha,tiu,eoaew-sloaea”daI”eisoaeoaeoCpeast-cG’tghdvtrgnSasmcvvelneoyiuiad-mOnisfbcclelenhGtasnetokilloinoiooifrdiakielCbgmofYgt,inovetorysrrodrta-dneeeirOepemsederioyrCotsiaioe’ybnpacsvdnsnAweabiivpt.nretfTladnon.tbsaeeor“oeoyetnHroh-vrecmemetswsgueEgdgthdrpguSaefsdeafedeechesctgielgdoeahnkEnestocasoCmeiCs-aetsriavkgrvEs.regrytetotwehniaHeOrfi-k.Oi.WhersirioctescmeeCntstmcaend,goiboeateomNyeftYotmhteOrayt,aseLotwoehu,pemOaheesghVnnula’yyayrrneeYneliayaieeevleakmlldaagEorTiahvontpebaeeleOrritaeeiecheli.tarreRacnwumasrdnuElalineCshaennwa,neTtfvltscrnasgSpyroaedsueiCaoltm5dltofrrEostvAqaitoaleaoeenignt5hfoomsUnossermatunTwrcasPtnbngisre’drtiIpbgaihpirAtIiyrne1moeStottbb.eOrRasto’Gnt0seutrIeectauwturthoo.erNuEwsrldNe8ohgatsyrcnr,aeepwtty0e,,ne6eEedhimreitoob.agaveiooonofoenuospty9henrsuuonwevr5mlundcotip,n’yse6ctaniudK,7e.dratdr0ns”tlc-aynhss0eaoartoeoit;nhsbdkovodwwdntaoibentteuoschonvshoena,airisiorotidhotsee,ea1gsrtu1aAn,pehs0cbans4lvsd0aseeve,ld5Ltte:ism|twcirbihKfeiatgfee9nsaehagte-estgheonlezonee1ned-zgYtpa4AJshotOies,hnslN.mUoeeag7YclN@c’ie1Vaao01toBez5mEgS4r3Rzaet6mmGlelheo.las0uOlSJalVEaonaiiTscgli.0ltect.eTa!cytmPoASeo9rieeBmnBmHser0iotdrAmkhPeiedHnVerotOlEherTeoTOHlprCiadOhOiaoUlPsyRtoEATsEspsSiosYroniOtcFpioaaHntgEioDLeEn1Neh4cH.e!.4lHpOaetUdGHTON
abid ato transfer $97,258 from unas-
nimal signed fund balances to cover the
cost of a second school resource of-

cer (SRO) for the district.

Parent Matt DeRose took is-

sue with Trustee Brandy Keenan’s

letter at the last meeting pushing
Board of Education votes ‘no’ on SRO the nancialimplicationsoftrans-
against the hiring. She questioned

the e ectiveness of the o cer and

ABmeiidt epvleearssuorhesumanbdlep,lathceesret'hsonuogphlawcee mlikaeyHrOoaMmE,. HOPEMAZZOLA Holiday magic HOPEMAZZOLA HOJPEiMngAlZeZaOlLl Athe way!BSYThAsNWioFtroFoui1ofnfHoWra6rreccgkoEtoeImRashmTdpugIacpTBeuranonErOeiAuiecentSRnntfynacaitNgao.snetiadtlnirdegDscodoeausmee,niuiEenrtg’htstidhcnRochoe4eene(owSSSrddar-acOeRfilicfhzosfv3otuNOciSoecennunraorvc,g)tsldohlrstttatoihhphbeofcooDeoeaetnolriltnawinBbrRsntooatiotNcrtennhaahioe-rcserofpdftdmftevTroha.trodareehnCevpeinateeem-cortumdaphavAsocP“dlietatdtwWdrsdhepitcslsooriiiesaeSmisttsnysh,schioAo”ttcotapouaaneiohlnsntunssnrnnsosaamstgtitoieeuihlltodoSclasuhsppen,igfSunirapdtosfiAoepettsooiofiisNrarteondlrr,t,wvcartrnnaoit,itsuiticnmiseectrlhwvseiultntxttdieseh-eoidnts.tewnVdieghJSmoduonipaaRndSenngt4treshenaoOraeD5islesevts.Koereuieoompcfdc-rrausfieoeSeoaelnrPlsnltfo/dua-auwsinKymtpnObeftcite,awimleahcdnll-eteccem.ceoFitdTf2atnfctinuriyretr6notneoetnsuirugtermgfdmAosdhausntcftceentetl.tooftt”hha,yerchnntdofe’etsvKro’otBisimaeoahsurJlenrrtiaeunignnearbrngsnihnniwifeaScannn.exadltluesogrg1’ntyashpduh5gsaeeneKapharss(rpvtec,vvra$eietoeaie“enoir9onAedmrmtttn7rntgeeegnm,oaee.mdnt2retnnnthidhe5y“oettrane8yaevrmtbneottae)ca,sneatnonesio”-dndnvhcnaede“tetharbsgioev,-atlfaffdhoivaetndtesevhltedeitoaKiegebm,oslhrrnnsiieilncndgeoooeeiiomotageagnfnunlddeochsttaosgcrahhit”fhirnrhnrglneeeuoabghfstascttudoorelciniliiyetimlcncentuhddgesoaudfgroodheiuocsmoilbtatesrtunhtnilehmesoonptvau4ainegastoatsmratshchhetn-intcitfStosersemo.dheot3arhoRneutaoeundethoOrduLifrngicnleafSeidnepschtohlscsgneReYrsui:enpsineldtattOnO,silrdmuhnotttoe9tehimdUdetowdeviienfainssAe’1oeehb.Vhloznshsnar4issutylEo-czStoitedreaaakacohpte.argiplGd-aa7db“etrleerptleiSI.aae,ekOutndslamn1ntei@ReblgskuhnTesder4hrsanrrgaTaviigeedoVcltonePAtz,o.aEi.uhhsmswcga0abIszaegeetHuanaoiaforhoPadeltdpIeu0Abrefle.ien2pttarlVBslhatGc.e0lii9.hrcwmdenEeesaco2eseoikkde3wo,ntab0eHotmm-nnruribahmn2uOdeonpuou0letgoetpPn2dadeslrddEci4w,teoScto,odcowEcyhnm,iieEdsbtahaodictpBernaottuhishatdnnOIlrorieweagikiopEs,nalhelbrmtgSttoahPathrRtcAhceueekGiOs-stE,e”e21The holidays are upon us! As the communityferring funds, wanting to focus
gets into the spirit of the season, a bit of holiday more on mental health initiatives.
magic can already be found at Lumagica at Har-
vest Moon Farm & Orchard. See more photos on Believing she was “disparaging
page 10! the qualities and impact school
resource o cers have on our stu-
PHOTO: TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL dents,” he stated, “having one o -
cer at each campus would expedite
professionalism and continuity in
an emergency response.”

Je Carpenter seconded DeR-
ose’s perspective,wanting members
who voted “no” to reconsider their

“ ese bene ts overwhelm-
ingly outweigh any Googled
negatives that you found to t
your narrative,” he said. “It’s the
time to do what your residents

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