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Published by Halston Media, 2021-04-14 17:06:27

Yorktown News 04.15.21

Vol. 10 No. 4 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, April 15, 2021

No quiero Taco Bell

Tra c, ‘certain clientele’ cited as concerns


EDITOR mined that the roadway was “strained,”

said Paul J. DuMont of John Meyer

Much like tra c on Route 6 during Consulting, speaking on behalf of the

rush hour, concerns are piling up for a applicant, Keystone Mohegan Lake

proposed Taco Bell in Mohegan Lake. LLC. As a result, improvements were

Several nearby residents—some made to widen Mohegan Avenue and

speaking on behalf of a much larger add a right-turn lane; re-time the traf-

contingent—logged onto Monday c signal and give Lakeland Street and

night’s virtual Planning Board meet- Mohegan Avenue independent green

ing to speak at a public hearing for the light times and better align Mohegan

PHOTO: BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER fast-food restaurant. Framing their ar- Avenue and Lakeland Street.

Two lanes of traffic were closed on the Taconic State Parkway in Yorktown on guments in many di erent ways, most Stacy Williams-Kerr, however, said
Saturday, April 10, as emergency personnel responded to a crash.
of the speakers nevertheless reached the she was involved in a car crash at that
Two die from injuries in
motorcycle crashes same conclusion: a 2,086-square-foot intersection after those “new and fancy

Taco Bell with a drive-thru at the busy improvements” were implemented.Traf-

intersection of Mohegan Avenue and c on Mohegan Avenue sometimes

Route 6 is a bad idea that will only make backs up, she said, and the row of cars

tra c conditions worse. waiting at the tra c signal can block the

In 2008, the Town Board approved entrance to the Learning Experience/

a four-lot subdivision: Lot 1 was ap- Taco Bell parking lot.

proved for a 4,000-square-foot bank; Additionally, she said, Taco Bell is

Lot 2 became the Hudson River Finan- known to attract teenagers and adding

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER town police. cial Federal Credit Union; Lot 3 became inexperienced drivers to that intersec-
EDITOR e crash occurred around 7:39 a.m.
the Learning Experience, a preschool, tion would be problematic.
Two men died last week as a result of on Route 202. Canady was reportedly
injuries su ered in motorcycle crashes in heading westbound when the Honda and Lot 4 was conservation space that “I am very, very concerned about teen-
Yorktown. Pilot turned left onto Route 202 from
Yorkhill Road. Canady was transported was given to the town. age drivers going into Taco Bell having
On Tuesday, April 6, Austin Canady, a by ambulance to Westchester Medical
24-year-old Walter Panas High School Center, where he died as a result of his Unable to secure a tenant, Lot 1, to navigate that intersection,” Williams-
alum, died after his 2019 Harley-Da- injuries.
vidson motorcycle collided with a 2019 which was cleared and graded, has re- Kerr said. “It is not intuitive.”
Honda Pilot driven by a 34-year-old Canady, a South Salem resident, was
Yorktown resident, according to York- mained undeveloped since the approval. ough only ve speakers attended
In 2018, the Town Board rezoned the the Zoom call, Williams-Kerr cited a

property from o ce to commercial, petition that was being circulated in op-

opening it up to more uses. at zone position to the Taco Bell that had been

change led to the Taco Bell application. SEE TACO BELL PAGE 2
A study performed in 2007 deter-

withYorktown’s Real Estate Specialist LEGAL NOTICES 29 Lakeland beats Panas
LEISURE 28 pg 22
Home Evaluation SPORTS 22
Anytime — No Cost or Obligation 9

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Page 12 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, April 15, 2021

Leave the politics ion piece authored by Trish LETTERS within the town should not be improvements, jobs both for
out of planning Sullivan-Rothberg. As an “opin- orchestrating responses to an is- construction workers and small
ion piece,” she is entitled to her or formal plans, the Unicorn sue that is more “planning” than businesses and MUCH-needed
To the editor, opinion. e statement at the proposal appears to be a bit political at this point in time. tax revenue. Instead of embrac-
e April 8 edition of Yor- very bottom of the piece, “Trish large and dense. Having said ing them, Patricia Sullivan-
Sullivan-Rothberg is a member that, I do not know why Uni- Jay Kopstein Rothberg and Susan Siegel are
ktown News had two articles of the Committee for a Sound corn has not proceeded with an trying to poison them for the
or commentaries published Plan for Soundview,” should alternative presentation; initially Yorktown Heights sake of politics and their own
concerning the Underhill have also said that Ms. Sulli- demolishing all buildings except opinions.
Farms/Soundview site. As Mr. van-Rothberg was also a failed the main building and submit- Sullivan-
Marschhauser pointed out, Democratic Party candidate for ting a plan for the construction Rothberg got it We get it. Patricia Sullivan-
legislation concerning overlay the Yorktown Town Board. of all allowable single-family Rothberg and Susan Siegel
districts has not been enacted, structures. And, if need be, the wrong oppose the redevelopment of
nor have formal plans been As I have previously writ- demolition of the main build- the former Soundview School
submitted for review. However, ten and stated, I am neither for ing. Also, withdrawal of the To the editor, property. Maybe they would
innuendo and accusations have or against the overlay district public parking option for the Patricia Sullivan-Rothberg’s rather it sit and rot like so many
been made. Also published in or the initial presentation by proposed senior center. other properties in the heart
the same edition was an opin- Unicorn. At rst blush, and recent opinion article (“Super- of our town center. Yorktown
without seeing actual legislation Perhaps this will bring the visor Slater got it wrong,” April residents should note their op-
“committee” to its senses. Ad- 8) reminded me why I did not position has been silent on the
ditionally, the political parties vote for her when she ran for proposed redevelopment of the
Town Board two years ago. Her Yorktown Green (that’s Kmart
Russell Girolamo Jr Stephanie Girolamo Burke Jennifer Thorp Gregory Bell opinion perfectly displayed how and Food Emporium). Why the
little she actually knows about double standard? Politics and
Auto | Home | Business | Life town business. Supervisor Slater personal opinions. It’s time to
Let us help you protect what’s most important. didn’t get it wrong, Sullivan- step up regardless of your politi-
Rothberg just doesn’t know cal views and do what’s right for
914-962-9777 • how things work and is now the town.
desperately trying to split hairs
in a blatant attempt to erode Further, the suggestion that
credibility on one of Yorktown’s the town should consider rezon-
most important policy initia- ing the property as multifamily
tives in a generation. puts the town in the position
of “spot zoning” the property,
While everyone has decried which, as Supervisor Slater
the chronic vacancies that have explained, is illegal. Why would
anchored this community, we we want multi-family zoning?

nally have an opportunity ink about what that would
to do something about it. e bring to our town over what is
Town Board’s overlay district being proposed?
proposal is working before it
even has been approved.  Over- So let’s call it as we see it:
lay districts provide opportuni- Sullivan-Rothberg and Siegel
ties for people to think outside are no community advocates but
of the box. bitter political operatives. is
much is clear: they would rather
Creative proposals to vacant score political points than have
or nearly abandoned properties our community succeed.
are critical to the future of our
community and the aesthetic Anthony Cicinelli
appearance of our town. ese
projects will bring infrastructure Yorktown Heights

To advertise in Yorktown News, call Brett Freeman at 845-
208-8151 or email [email protected].

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 13

1952 Route 6
Carmel, NY

See dealer for details. All rebates included. Leases includes GM loyalty. Must finance with GMF. Must qualify for rebates. Leases are 10k per year with $3998 down, plus 1st payment, dmv and bank fee due
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pictures for illustration purposes only. See dealer for details, Restrictions apply. Tax and reg extra. Ends 4/30/21.

Page 14 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 15, 2021

Whether you know it or not, you’re learning

STRONG Dear Grandma, the whole sandwich, you ate the this point, you can do fractions. confused, you probably also
LEARNING ank you for your email. whole sandwich which equals I bet you know more than become nervous. erefore, the
the number one. You only need you think you do—and if you next time you see it, you become
DR. LINDA Believe it or not, you probably to write fractions when you cut don’t know it, you’d be able to nervous again which means it
SILBERT have gured out fractions to a the whole sandwich or whatever learn it and understand it in no becomes di cult to learn. And
degree—you just didn’t know you’re dividing up into smaller time, even at 84! e problem if you don’t learn one or more
Dear Dr. Linda, it. I assume you’ve made many but equal parts. with math is that at the time
I have just read your column sandwiches in your life. Some- you’re learning it, if you become SEE DR. LINDA PAGE 19
times, you cut the sandwich in If you have followed me up to
on dyscalculia. I am an 84-year- two equal parts. Each piece is a
old grandmother. I have never fraction of the whole sandwich.
seen that word or knew there If you eat one of the two pieces,
is such a math disorder. I have you’ve eaten a half of the sand-
struggled with math since wich. On paper, you’d write the
elementary school. I still get number two to represent how
nervous when I need to balance many pieces you cut the whole
my checkbook. sandwich into. en you’d draw
a horizontal line above the two
I realized early on that I and write the number of pieces
would never conquer math. I that you ate. at would be just
never received help, but teach- one piece. So, you write the
ers promoted me each year. I number one.
still cannot gure out fractions.
If you were in school, your
ankfully, all of my grand- teacher would ask you how
children are brilliant in math, much of the sandwich you
as their parents are. I was so ate. You’d answer by saying, I
bothered by this problem as a ate one of the two pieces, or
youngster, I am so grateful that one half of my sandwich. You
in today’s world parents aim told the teacher what fraction
to correct the problems their of the sandwich you ate. You
children have. were doing fractions. If you ate
both pieces of the sandwich,
I enjoy your column and so you would put a two above the
many interesting facts of history. two which meant that you ate
the whole sandwich. In other
Grandma words, you didn’t eat a part of

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 15

A great opportunity for Yorktown is here

BY ILAN GILBERT pandemic’s e ect on revenues faced is properly supporting We could stimulate arts had a priority list of proj-
GUEST WRITER collected during the scal year growth while maintaining its and theater programs, fur- ects they believed were very
prior to the emergency; and character. As the town con- ther assist the food banks, important, but they didn’t
The American Rescue Plan tinues to welcome new busi- and help those bordering on have the funding needed to
brings $3.98 million to • To make necessary in- nesses and families, we must foreclosure or who owe rent, make them happen. I sug-
Yorktown. vestments in water, sewer, or be prepared for this growth. utility charges, or real estate gest that at a public forum,
Let’s use it to improve our broadband infrastructure. With an aging infrastructure taxes through no fault of their each department head present
way of life and to stimulate like many older northeastern own. We could make grants their top unbudgeted needs,
local business. For some towns and cities, towns, we have many serious to those organizations that and present the background
this money will prevent - needs. have been helping all of us and justi cation for each. At
e American Rescue Plan nancial catastrophe. However, such as Support Connection this hearing, the public would
provides $350 billion for Yorktown is in much better After all, we’ve been a town and ASK, or for temporary also state what they perceive
states, territories, tribal gov- since 1788, and things break child care assistance as the as the priorities for the town.
ernments, cities, counties, and scal shape than most towns, as they get older. economy returns to normal,
towns “to mitigate the scal due to my work as supervi- all thanks to the timely vac- en the Town Board, at a
e ects stemming from the sor leaving the town with a We now have an opportu- cination programs. subsequent public hearing,
public health emergency.” substantial fund surplus. nity to repair water pipes that would present their nal
have been bursting regularly, About four years ago, the choices, rationale, schedules,
ese are the areas targeted Despite COVID-19, York- to pave roads that are in need Town stopped investing in and cost, in order to make the
by the Rescue Plan: town didn’t have to face layo s of repair, to increase sewer open space. For Yorktown to most of this wonderful gift.
and huge cuts in spending, capacity in order to support maintain its quality-of-life
• To respond to the COV- and it continues to have a vital growth, and other such image, now is a good time to I’ve been brainstorming
ID-19 public health emergen- signi cant surplus to this day. infrastructure needs. balance growth with sup- with you.
cy and its economic impact, So, receiving $3.98 million is porting the environment.
including assistance to house- a tremendous opportunity for It’s highly likely that many We should always be setting Although as much as $3.98
holds, small businesses and the town to invest in much people will continue to work aside green areas in order million is allotted for Yor-
nonpro ts, or aid to impacted needed infrastructure projects, from home, and that more to support wildlife, to avoid ktown’s use, there are limits
industries such as tourism, to assist those non-pro ts that families and businesses will as to how the funds can be
travel, and hospitality; are helping Yorktowners in be moving to Yorktown. Now ooding and to ensure that used. So, let’s start planning
need, to set aside more open is a good time to work with the beauty of our town is together. e money is for
• To respond to workers space, to implement more partners to strengthen our maintained. Schools, safety, the town. e Town Board is
performing essential work environmentally friendly proj- broadband capacities, and to and a ordability in a beauti- there to meet the needs of the
during the pandemic by pro- ects, to strengthen our ability work with power and internet ful setting is why most of us residents and merchants. ey
viding premium pay to local to avoid storm damage, and to utilities to improve availability live here. should now be heard, along
government workers or by prepare for future growth in a and shorten outages. And, with the planners and experts.
providing grants to employers sound and thoughtful way. with this extra money, the When I was supervisor, and
of essential workers; town can hasten its transition it’s a common practice every- Ilan Gilbert is a Democratic
I have always believed, while to electric vehicles. where, each town department candidate for town council.
• To provide government serving as town supervisor,
services curtailed by the that the biggest issue the town

Treatment for Skin Cancer

What you need to know…

Ask the Doctor Q: How is skin cancer treated? Also, it’s fast. After just two weeks of fteen-minute
A: Traditionally, skin cancers have been treated either treatments with HDRBT, treatment is complete.
Ashwatha Narayana, MD with Moh’s surgery, in which the cancerous tissue is In fact, the treatment itself takes only three to
Chairman, Radiation Oncology removed, or by conventional radiation. Both methods four minutes!
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third option – High Dose Rate Brachytherapy (HDRBT) this type of treatment?
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Dr. Naryana, visit valuable for skin cancers the face, head and neck. you have skin cancer near your lips, nose or eyes. Q. What’s so unique about this With this treatment, there is minimal to no scarring.
narayana new type of treatment? This new radiation therapy is also great for elderly
A. With a Moh’s procedure, the cancer is cut out, patients who might not tolerate surgery. In
leaving behind a hole which is lled with skin from Westchester County, we have a high population
somewhere else on your body. This forms a scar. of older community members with skin cancer –
With conventional radiation for skin cancer, not only this treatment has worked really well for them.
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edges. As a result, a wide area is radiated – sometimes to say about HDRBT?
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or wrinkled. If this happens on your face, it is often HDRBT for skin cancer. There’s this myth that
highly visible. community hospitals can’t provide the most advanced
By contrast, HDRBT involves radiating much smaller cancer care. But that’s simply not the case. Here,
margins around the tumor. If we’re treating a tumor patients experience the warmth of a community
near the eye with conventional radiation, its wider hospital, yet receive a level of cancer care that’s
field of radiation creates the risk of blindness, first-rate.
or of damaging the lens, or of the breakdown of
surrounding tissue. But with concentrated HDRBT,
these risks significantly diminish.

Page 16 Yorktown News – Thu

Our Agents Have the Market K

I am sure you have heard that the real estate market is This is a great time
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ursday, April 15, 2021 Page 17

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Page 18 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, April 15, 2021

Call me, maybe

TRACY slam the receiver down with warranty gods. Was it because only me, because I was so funny didn’t care, although my husband
BECKERMAN satisfaction. Not that it mattered, I left french fry grease on the on Facebook. Or perhaps it was did. I tried answering a call with
because the caller was a bot and dashboard? Or maybe because because I could name all fty states “GO AWAY,”instead of hello, but
“Hello?”I said,picking they would neither be o ended I plucked my chin hairs in the in fteen seconds. Or maybe it was it turned out not to be an extended
up the phone from an nor likely to call me back and say, rearview mirror? Or perhaps it was because I had a cool dog who could warranty call and my gynecologist
unknown caller. “Ouch.” because I routinely left an old cup say,“hello.”(no, really, he can). But was deeply o ended.
“We’re calling about your car’s of co ee in the cup holder for two then I asked around and it turned
extended warranty,”said the robotic Meanwhile, the number of weeks until it grew legs and could out everyone I knew was getting And then, while I was still
female voice on the other end of calls I received about my car’s throw itself out on its own. the same calls. So that blew that trying to gure out how to stop
the phone. extended warranty was out of theory. the extended warranty calls, I
control. As soon as I blocked Wait… hold on, the phone is accidentally dropped my phone in
“STOP CALLING ME!”I one number, they switched over to ringing. Rather than focusing on why the toilet. As I cursed and shed
shouted to the bot that clearly another. I couldn’t not answer the they were calling me, though, it around for my drowned phone, I
couldn’t hear me and didn’t care. I phone for a variety of reasons, so I “Hello?”I said answering the seemed I was better o focusing on realized I had actually solved my
hit end, but wished I still had an was stuck at the mercy of the ex- phone from an unknown caller. how to stop them from calling me. problem.
old-fashioned phone so I could tended warranty robo-callers who
clearly were on a mission to harass “We’re calling about your car’s I searched around but there No phone… No calls.
me until I bought their extended extended warranty.” didn’t seem to be a number you
warranty, or poked my own eyes could call to report Excessive Ex- For more Lost in Midlife, sign up
out, which ever came rst. “Aughhhh!” tended Warranty Calling or Wan- for my brand new Lost in Midlife
I tried to think of what I might OK, back to this column. Some- ton Extended Warranty Abuse. I newsletter! It’s got blog posts, book
have done to o end the extended how, I had gotten on the extended tried answering the calls with an giveaways, and more. Just go to
warranty call list and I didn’t air horn, but I pretty sure the bots
know how. At rst, I felt special,
like, maybe, they had chosen me,

MARTORANO over a recent podcast by a female only male standing there, she apolo- JURIES (bad) luck! But, as it turns out, this
comedian who performed an entire getically said “Mr. Martorano, I hope I absolutely love jurors. ink was not the witness the district
FROM PAGE 10 comedic routine focused on the you don’t mind this conversation, but attorney had been desperately
observation that women always say, you do have a strong feminine side.” of the sacri ces they are asked seeking; this juror had evidently
and her assistant to the bench. She “I’m sorry.”Realizing that I was the To which I replied,“I’m sorry.” to make. Jurors understand that witnessed every crime that was
then related to us her amusement everyone has a story to tell, and ever committed. He possessed a
almost all try very hard to keep an mental state bordering on commit-
Family Owned and Operated open mind. In my very last jury table, so, needless to say, the jurors
trial, where my client was acquit- that were nally selected found my
Serving All Faiths ted, the jurors were so friendly and client NOT GUILTY.
engaged that they accompanied
~ Ample Parking ~ me back to my o ce and we spent ere are many more stories
~ Modern Chapels~ the rest of the day exchanging and not enough space to share
~ Burial & Cremation Services ~ stories about our lives. them all. But my experience is
not unique; all of us have rich life
But I did have one odd experi- histories that we cherish. For me,
ence with a juror. I was on trial as I look back on my life, savor-
with a case that was extremely ing the memories, it all seems to
weak from the prosecution’s point blend into one satisfying smile.
of view. e district attorney had Of course, my joy is tempered by
spent two years trying to nd this the realization that nothing lasts
one eyewitness without which he forever, that “the present moment”
had almost no chance of winning is all we have and, therefore, must
a conviction. During jury selection, be treasured and enjoyed to the
one prospective juror said he could fullest. But how delicious it is to be
not be fair because,“I witnessed alive, to be able to still write these
the defendant commit the crime.” words, to be able to start a new
Both the prosecutor and I were in chapter in my life! ank you for
shock! Finally, here was the guy allowing me to share this momen-
who would hand the prosecutor a tous transition.
conviction on a silver platter. What

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Page 20 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 15, 2021


ing toured around Europe, both to raise their family. drea D’Alessio (Mark); his grand- in Glenn Falls, to Leonard and

which he started doing in 1962. Tom was the epitome of the children, Stephanie Papp (Ken), Norma Durant.

Whitney will be remembered. “American Dream,” from start- Nicolas D’Alessio, Alexa Carone, He is survived by his devoted

And he was always thankful for ing as a dishwasher in an Italian and Jack Candido; and two great wife, Ann; his daughters, Debo-

those who loved him and for those restaurant when he rst came to grandchildren, Aubrey Papp and rah and Bambi; sons-in-law, Tor

whom he had loved. He was a pa- the United States to owning/run- Carter Carone. Osmundsen and James Tornatore;

rishioner at Yorktown Vineyard ning Pizza Beat Italian Restaurant Carmine grew up in the Van grandchildren,Justin,Erik (Lizzie),

Community Church in Yorktown in Yonkers with his partners from Nest section of the Bronx with his Robin,and Scott; and great-grand-

Whitney L. Lane Heights, and earlier at the Asbury 1977 to 2015. He was an avid sister, Mary, and brothers, Jimmy, daughter, Sonja Elise.
Church in Crestwood. Services are hunter, trap shooter, sherman, Albert, and Renato. He proudly Richard was the eldest of ve

Whitney L. Lane, of Yorktown private. and forager of wild mushrooms. served in the U.S. Navy during the children. He grew up during the

Heights, formerly of Ossining In lieu of owers, contribu- When it came to his family and Korean War in 1950 and sailed on Great Depression in Roswell, New

and Crestwood, died on March tions can be made in memory of close friends, the word “no” did not the DD850 Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Mexico, a town he forever loved

28, at the age of 83. He was born Whitney Lane to the Boy Scouts exist to Tom. In his “retirement,” Carmine worked in the oral busi- and reminisced about. However,

on Feb. 17, 1938, in Cambridge, of America, Greater Hudson Val- Tom enjoyed spending time with ness in his early career. He married he would move many times in his

Massachusetts, to John W. Lane ley Council O ce, P.O. Box 974, his family, working in his garden, Eileen Sgueglia, the love of his life, life including to Ottowa, Canada,

and Bertice L. (Taché) Lane. Hus- Mohegan Lake, NY. 10547. “relaxing” at his lake house, and in 1956 and together they raised Connecticut, and New York. He

band of Elizabeth B. Lane, he also making espresso for anyone who three children. He later joined the settled into the rst house he ever

leaves behind stepdaughters, Elisse visited his house. He could also be Triborough Bridge and Tunnel owned in Yorktown Heights, in

Heisey Geberth and Rachel A. found shooting trap at Mt. Pleas- Authority, where he was employed 1974, a home he never wanted to

Heisey, and his daughter, Kimberly ant Sportsman’s Club and playing until he retired in 1997. leave. Richard was a natural-born

A. Lane from a previous marriage cards at Italian-American Club of During retirement, he returned teacher who was very dedicated

to Carolyn A. Lane. His son, Craig Mahopac. to the oral industry, helping out to his students having taught for

A. Lane, predeceased him. He is Family and friends honored former colleagues in the business, twenty seven years in the Mahopac

also survived by a brother,Bradford omas’s life at Yorktown Funeral and in the oral department at the Central School District. He was a

W. Lane, who resides in Bedford. Home on ursday April 1. A re- former Food Emporium in York- passionate letter and essay writer,

Whitney was active in the Boy Thomas Cuomo ligious service was held on Friday town Heights. Carmine was a very an avid reader, and enjoyed listen-
Scouts, having been awarded the April 2. In lieu of owers, dona- active and charismatic man, who ing to music and watching mov-
rank of Eagle Scout. He attended tions made to Dravet Foundation was loved by everyone who knew ies from the 1930s and 1940s. He

Roosevelt High School in Yonkers omas Cuomo, of Yorktown ( in om- him. He was talented in art and proudly served his country in the

and graduated from the Hackley Heights, died on March 29. He as’s honor would be appreciated. oral design. He enjoyed reading, U.S. Army and was honorably dis-

School inTarrytown.He then went was 74. omas was born Aug. listening to music, golf, cooking, charged in January of 1950; he was

to study art, design, and photogra- 1, 1946, in Furore, Italy, to Biagio gardening, history and coin col- a strong patriot and loved the USA.

phy at the Rhode Island School of Cuomo and Ra aela Gentile. lecting. His family and friends will roughout the years, he played

Design, Brown University and the Tom is preceded in death by his always remember him as a loving many sports and organized and

School of Visual Arts. is was parents and older brother, Anto- father, adoring grandfather, and a coached many little league baseball

followed by duty with the United nio Cuomo. He is survived by his loyal friend who enjoyed life to the and hockey teams; he loved work-

States Marine Corps, Semper Fi, wife, Gemma; daughter, Gemma fullest. ing with young people. He was al-

where he was unit photographer. Meyerson (Mike); son, omas ways a leader, whether to his three

He later worked as an art director Cuomo; brother, Pino Cuomo; younger brothers, teammates, play-

for 10 years in the 1960s for various grandchildren Max, Giuliana, and Carmine D’Alessio ers,co-workers,or family members.
advertising agencies in New York. Sera na; and granddog, Peppa. His lifelong goal was to be a good
person and to inspire others to do
It was in 1971, that he opened In Italy,Tom grew up the son of

his own business, Lane Photog- farmers and began working at an Carmine D’Alessio, of York- likewise. He will be missed. Fam-

raphy Studio, in Ossining. It was early age to help support his fam- town Heights, died on March 24. ily and friends honored the life of

there that he enjoyed photograph- ily. At 21, he became a member He was 86. Carmine, aka Bob, was Richard on Friday, March 26, at

ing hundreds of families. In addi- of the Bersagliere, a specialty of born in the Bronx on July 16, 1934, Yorktown Funeral Home. Mass

tion, he did advertising and corpo- the Italian Army’s infantry troops. to parents Carla and Bernardino Richard G. Durant of Christian burial followed at St.
rate assignments that took him to Tom came to the United States D’Alessio. He is preceded in death Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in
di erent parts of the world,includ- on Sept. 19, 1969. He married by his wife, Eileen D’Alessio, in Shrub Oak. Interment followed at

ing underwater.Besides his passion Gemma Carozza on April 4, 1970, 2014. He is survived by his chil- Richard G. Durant of Yorktown St.Lawrence O’Toole Cemetery in

for photography, he was an avid and they lived in Yonkers. In 1976 dren, Steven D’Alessio (Lynn), Heights died on March 23.He was Brewster.

scuba diver and motorcyclist, hav- they moved to Yorktown Heights Carla Carone (Anthony), and An- 92. He was born on Aug. 27, 1928, In lieu of owers, donations can

be made to Hospice of Westches-

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 21

OBITUARIES and children, Adeline and TR; son, would reside until his death. Brown (Maura), Elizabeth Mar- who was deeply involved in her
Alan; son, Christopher, and Karen Ken worked in education rst as tinez (Ernesto), Monica McDan- Catholic faith. She will be deeply

Santucci. He is also survived by DeNike; and devoted daughter, a truant o cer in Harlem, later as iel (Stefan) and Kateri Stewart missed by her family, friends, and

four grandchildren, Sabrina San- Susan Araneo. a social studies teacher at Mahopac (Zachary). Ken’s legacy includes all who knew her.

giacomo, Enzo Sangiacomo, Gi- Family and friends honored Junior High, and nally as an at- 43 grandchildren and two great- Family and friends honored Jo-

uliano Santucci, and So a San- John’s life at the Yorktown Fu- tendance teacher for the New York grandchildren. He is also survived sephine’s life at Yorktown Funeral

tucci. neral home on ursday, March City Board of Education. Ken was by his ve siblings: Dennis,Jerome, Home. A Mass of Christian was

If there is one thing that can 18. Funeral Mass was held at St. a trusted master plumber and the Stephen,Douglas, erese,beloved held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

be said about Alfredo, it is that Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic owner of Kenny’s Plumbing and brothers-in-law, and sisters-in-law, Church.Interment followed at As-

he always put his family rst and Church, with burial following at Heating. and many nieces and nephews. sumption Cemetery.

was a dedicated hard-working Assumption Cemetery in Cort- Ken was an active parishioner of

man. Whenever he walked into a landt Manor. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton since

room, it would immediately light 1969. His children attended Saint

up from his bright smile and kind Elizabeth Ann Seton School. Ken

heart. served many years on the Par-

Family and friends honored ish Council and Men’s Ministry

the life of Alfredo at Yorktown as well as for committees such as

Funeral Home. Mass of Chris- Buildings and Grounds. Always

tian burial was held at St. Patrick’s the teacher, Ken shared his Catho-

Church. Interment followed at St. lic faith assisting in the Right of Josephine Floyd Elaine M. Adrian
Augustine’s Cemetery. Christian Initiation for Adults
program. Ken had a heart of ser- Josephine Floyd, of Mohegan Elaine M. Adrian died peace-
Kenneth J. vice and was committed to the Lake, died unexpectedly on March fully, surrounded by her family,
Brown Jr. poor and to the pro-life cause. He 7. She was 61. on March 9, at her home in Yor-
fervently supported racial justice

and educational opportunity, es- Josephine is survived by her par- ktown. She was 81. Mrs. Adrian

Kenneth Jewett Brown Jr. of pecially in his roles as an educator ents, her husband, Terence Floyd, was born to the late George and

Mohegan Lake, son of Kenneth working with inner-city children. and her ve siblings. Helen Martin on Sept. 16, 1939,

J. Brown Sr. and Eleanor (Mastro) He volunteered with Gerarda fos- Josephine was born in the Bronx in Ossining.

Brown,returned to his Lord on the tering newborn babies for Catholic on March 19, to Conrado and Elaine married Joseph M. Adri-

evening of March 8, after a coura- charities. Victoria Torres. She attended St. an on Aug. 30, 1972, and together
John Henry Araneo geous and sustained cancer battle. His pride and joy were his chil- Jean Baptiste High School in New settled in Yorktown where they
He was 78. dren and his grandchildren, and York from 1974 through 1978. raised six children. She is survived

John Henry Araneo, of York- Wake services were held Ken managed to be loyally pres- She graduated from Hunter Col- by her devoted husband, Joseph;

town Heights, died on Sunday, Wednesday, March 10, at York- ent in their lives even amidst the lege in 1982 with a bachelor’ s de- her loving children and cherished

March 14, at the age of 83. John town Funeral Home. e Mass of struggles of his illness. Ken is af- gree in theatre arts. Josephine also grandchildren: Karen Kovacs,

was born to the late Alphonse and Christian Burial was held at the fectionately remembered for call- acquired a diploma in computer husband Bator and children Con-

Margaret Araneo of Queens, on Church of Saint Elizabeth Ann ing his home “Club Brown”; it technology from New York Uni- nor and Ryan, Denise Adrian,

July 17, 1937. Seton in Shrub Oak. Burial fol- was here that he welcomed family versity in 1988. Josephine worked Michael Garcia, Jeannette Pala-

After high school, John enlisted lowed at Assumption Cemetery. and friends and hosted many large and made valuable contributions dino, husband Je rey, and children

in the U.S.Army and was stationed Raised in Yonkers,Ken attended gatherings, where he delighted in as a database administrator for In- Nicole and Ian, and Sean Adrian,

in Germany. Upon returning from Saint Barnabas parish and Blessed leading songs on the horn or piano. forma USA,Inc.with over 12 years wife Allison and children Char-

the military, John joined the New Sacrament High School in New Ken was a brave patient who of service. On June 16, 1984, she lotte, Blake and Quinn. Elaine’s

York City Fire Department, where Rochelle. He attended Iona Col- fought prostate cancer for over married Terence, a registered nurse quick smile and warm demeanor

he proudly served for 23 years. lege, Class of 1964. He received his 25 years with an indomitable who she met in college. will be greatly missed by her fami-

John obtained a BA in industrial masters in history from Fordham spirit. His remarkable outward joy Josephine was an avid walker. ly and friends. Spending time with

arts and a master’s degree from University. stemmed from a deep faith in God She enjoyed the great outdoors her beautiful, multi-generational

Queens College and taught me- Ken married his beloved wife, and his total devotion to his wife. and loved to go to the beach. She family was most important to her.

chanical drafting at Westchester Gerarda (Keating) on July 24,1965 Ken is survived by Gerarda also enjoyed dining and danc- She leaves us all with a lifetime of

Community College for many at Saint Barnabas. Gerarda was the (Keating), his wife of 55 years, ing and loved leisure reading. She cherished memories and love.

years. John married the love of his love of his life, and he never let her and children: Kenneth J. Brown took numerous nutritional and A celebration of Elaine’s was

life, Kathryn Miriam O’Neill, on forget that. III (Audra), Regina Kaishian macrobiotic classes to enhance her held at the Yorktown Funeral

Jan. 16, 1960, and together they In 1968, the couple moved to ( James), Susan Galvao (Antonio), knowledge of the mind/body/food Home on Friday, March 12. A

raised six wonderful children. Yorktown and soon thereafter took Jennifer Kim (Chang Soo), Mary- connection and establish a healthy Funeral Mass took place at St.

John never met a stranger and residence at Ivy Road, where Ken anne Harkins (Michael), Stephen lifestyle. She was a spiritual person Patrick’s Church.

loved to talk to everyone he met.

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knowledge with others. For many
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ton Church, where he truly cher-

ished celebrating his faith while Phone: 914-345-1000
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community. John loved his family [email protected]
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John is preceded in death by his

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ter-in-law, Maureen Araneo, and Employee Benefits
grandson, Jack Dean Araneo. [email protected] 914-248-5135
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Kathryn; brother, Albert and his join Lauren, Colleen and Rick and bring a li�le 906 South St.,
wife, Victoria; son, James, and harmony to your next event! Peekskill, NY 10566
children, James and Maxwell; son,
John, wife, Kim, and child, Zach-

ary; son, omas, wife, Pamela,

Page 22 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 15, 2021
Hornet Mark Cummins
dives for the ball.


Lakeland beats rival Panas again

Libretti’s big night leads Hornets to win

BY MIKE SABINI “It shows how our program has been im- we weren’t going to let them back into the made it clear Panas wasn’t going to creep up

CONTRIBUTING WRITER proving over the past few years under our game,” Labriola said. “In a rivalry like this from behind.”

head coach, Mike Meadows,” Labriola said. one you never know what’s going to happen A 36-yard touchdown pass by Santucci to

Led by Danny Libretti’s big game on both “He knows that these are the games that we if the other team starts to gain momentum, Rob Nardelli (5 tackles), made it 42-10 in

sides of the ball, visiting Lakeland defeated will remember for the rest of our lives, espe- so we shut it down as soon as possible.” the third quarter.

sister school, Walter Panas, for the second cially when you’re on the winning end.” Libretti scored on a 3-yard run but Panas Defensively, Libretti said that Meadows

straight time, 42-18, on Friday, April 9. Libretti scored on a 76-yard touchdown retaliated with a 79-yard kicko return for a always does a great job scouting and getting

“I respect that program (Panas) but it’s al- run down the left sideline, with Austin Ber- touchdown before halftime. the defense ready.

ways good to get a win against our district gen making the rst of his 6 PATs, putting Labriola answered “My whole team

rival,”said Lakeland Coach Mike Meadows. Lakeland up 7-0 with 4:14 to go in the rst with a 10-yard touch- came ready to ball to-

“ e boys on both teams always get red up quarter. down scamper up the day,” Libretti said. “We

for the matchup.” Opening up the holes for Lakeland were middle to put Lake- went into the game

It was the rst time Lakeland had defeat- center AJ Knopf, left tackle Anthony Fio- land up 35-10 with with a great mindset

ed Panas in consecutive seasons since 2014 rentino, left guard Carl Lund, right guard 10:02 remaining in the to only focus on us and

and 2015. Connor McGannon, and right tackle Kevin third quarter. that ultimately is what

“Beating a rival team is always awesome,” Hickey. “Big plays like that pushed us into having

said Libretti,who rushed for 106 yards and 2 “ e line blocked exceptionally well the kicko return can such a dominate per-

touchdowns on 7 carries in addition to mak- whole game and I was able to get outside sometimes give a team formance on the defen-

ing 14 tackles defensively. “ is win meant and break some tackles and put my team on enough of a spark to sive side of the eld.”

everything to me and the boys. It showed us the board,” Libretti said. “Scoring rst in a begin a comeback, so Lakeland (2-2) will

that if we keep ghting the games will end rivalry game is the best feeling in the world scoring was extremely nish its regular season

in our favor.” and I’m just glad I was able to help my boys important,” Labriola by hosting Pelham at 7

Meadows said his team’s e ort was there, out and get the win.” said.“We drove the ball p.m. Saturday, April 17.

from start to nish. Lakeland went up 14-0 when Tyler San- down the eld coming

“We talk a lot about mental checkpoints tucci (13 for 18, 181 yards), ipped the ball out of halftime, thanks

and taking things one play at a time,”Mead- to Mark Cummins (4 catches,101 yards) for to an incredible throw Lakeland’s Danny
ows said. “And we were able to accomplish a 7-yard touchdown pass with 1:35 remain- and catch by Tyler Libretti had a big
our goals.” ing in the opening quarter. Santucci and Mark night on both sides of
Cummins, and I found the ball.
Adamo Labriola, who ran for 109 yards After a Panas eld goal, Labriola scored the end zone on the
and 2 touchdowns on 10 carries, said that on a 12-yard touchdown run,making it 21-3

it meant a lot to beat Panas for the second with 7:40 remaining before halftime. next play. at drive PHOTOS: JACK CATLIN/
straight season. “My rst touchdown showed them that was a statement that

Thursday, April 15, 2021 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 23

VOLLEYBALL Hornets get big win against Sailors
Huskers clinch league title at Brewster

BY MIKE SABINI Kubicsko, Jennings, and Cait- cia (3 kills), Cathleen Gallagher town’s Olivia Waschenko. “We

CONTRIBUTING WRITER lin Wisker (11 kills) combined (3 kills), Tsui (8 assists) and Lucy are thrilled that we achieved our

for an impressive 36 kills with Kemp (8 assists) ignited Lake- rst major goal for this season.”

Lakeland defeated visiting Victoria Tsui registering 22 land to a 3-0 (25-11, 25-9, 25- Waschenko (8 kills), Aniyah

Hendrick Hudson, 3-2 (25-9, clutch assists. 18) victory at Fox Lane on Mon- Seales (7 kills, 3 blocks), Fasce

25-17, 18-25, 19-25, 25-17), on “Our connection was really day, April 12. (18 assists), and Cane (7 kills) did

Wednesday, April 7, a program strong today, especially through the job against Brewster.

that has won 15 sectional titles the setting,” Jennings said. “Em- YORKTOWN VOLLEYBALL “We were able to perform well

and three state titles since 2000. ily, Caitlin, and I were able to Visiting Yorktown defeated against Brewster by running a

“It felt really good to come out put a lot of balls away because Brewster, 3-0 (25-12, 25-10, lot of plays with con dence,”

with a win today,”said Lakeland’s of the strong setting from Vic- 25-15), on Wednesday, April 7, Waschenko said. “Con dence is

Emily Kubicsko, who registered toria. Emily was also setting for paced by Jackie Cane (7 kills, 1 huge in volleyball. We had a lot

13 kills and 14 assists. “Hen Hud the rst time this season, and she block), Allison Torres (5 kills, 5 of fun during this match, which

is a very strong team and the did an amazing job at leading our aces, 4 blocks), Olivia Fasce (14 also contributed to the win, by

game was very competitive the o ense. I feel our defense, too, assists, 6 aces, 5 digs), and Jackie staying positive and trusting each

entire time. We haven’t been able was very e ective; the consistent Knoesel (11 digs). other on the court.”

to beat Hen Hud in a long time, passing made it much easier for Torres (12 kills), Allie Silver- Yorktown (12-1, 8-0) fell at

so it felt great to nally be able the setters to perform as well as man (15 assists), Fasce (14 as- John Jay-Cross River, 3-1 (22-25,

to.” they did.” sists), and Knoesel (23 digs) 23-25, 25-21, 19-25), on Satur-

e Hornets won the rst two Sophia Sommovigo (4 kills, 4 helped Yorktown to a 3-1 (25-20, day, April 10, led by Cane (23 as-

sets. After Hen Hud answered by blocks) also contributed to the 25-21, 18-25, 25-20) triumph at sists), Silverman (18 assists), and

winning the next two sets, Lake- win. Ardsley on ursday, April 8. Knoesel (23 digs).

land responded by winning the Lakeland (8-4, 4-2) beat host Yorktown clinched sole pos- Cane (21 kills), Torres (15

decisive fth set. Somers, 3-0 (25-13, 25-17, 25- session of the league title with a kills), Waschenko (13 kills), Sil-

“We were able to win the fth 15), on Saturday, April 10, led 3-0 (25-10, 25-18, 25-12) victory verman (26 assists), Fasce (26

set by being able to serve receive by Kubicsko (15 kills, 7 assists), against visiting Brewster on Fri- assists), and Knoesel (17 digs) PHOTO: JACK CATLIN/
very well,” Kubicsko said. “We Wisker (7 kills),Tsui (15 assists), day, April 9. propelled Yorktown to a thrilling
were also very e ective at the net, and Gabby Zadrima (13 consec- “I can speak for myself and the come-from-behind 3-2 (25-19, Lakeland’s Kayla Jennings is
which helped us a lot defensively, utive service points, 5 aces). 20-25, 16-25, 25-20, 25-20) vic- ready to fly versus the Sailors.
allowing us to win that fth set whole Yorktown volleyball team tory on Monday, April 12 at Hen
Jennings (8 kills), Sommovigo that it is a huge honor to have

and come out with a victory.” (4 kills, 2 blocks), Lauren Groc- won the league title,” said York- Hud.


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Page 24 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, April 15, 2021


Volleyball captain to attend SDSU


CONTRIBUTING WRITER My older sister, Kayla, played

volleyball at Yorktown and I fol-

Jackie Knoesel is one of lowed in her footsteps. I dedicate

Yorktown’s four senior volley- this award to her, as she has always

ball captains, along with Olivia been my role model and biggest

Waschenko, Jackie Cane, and Allie supporter.

Silverman. I’d like to thank Coach Kemp,

Knoesel, who was named fth- Coach Killeen, Coach [Brittney]

team Class A All-State as a junior, Jackson, and Coach [Kristen]

recently earned the Con Edi- Sweeney for their dedication to

son Scholar Athlete of the Week Yorktown volleyball. Without

award. all of their support, I wouldn’t be

She made the Huskers’ varsity where I am today.

volleyball squad as a freshman, How old were you when you

where she played libero for head started playing volleyball and

coach Katy Sherwood. at is the what got you started?

back-row player, who wears the I started playing volleyball in

di erent colored jersey and de- sixth grade after watching my old-

fends against the other team’s hits. er sister, Kayla, play.

Her sophomore year, under What is your favorite thing

current coaches, head coach Gigi about being on the volleyball

Kemp and assistant coach Sunnie team at Yorktown? FILE PHOTO/BOB CASTNER

Killen, she was a defensive special- e relationships I’ve formed Yorktown’s Jackie Knoesel power, what would it be and why?
De nitely teleportation so I
ist before going back to libero for with my teammates over the past
could travel the world and never
her junior and senior campaigns. four years. We always have so nitely my sister, Kayla. She inspires tion. run late.

Knoesel also did competitive much fun on and o the court, and me to be kind to everyone and be Do you know what you want If you could pick one place
to visit on vacation that you’ve
gymnastics for nine years but gave volleyball has brought me some of the best version of myself always. to study in college? If yes, what never been to, where would you
go and why?
it up when she started playing vol- my best friends. And as a former Yorktown vol- are you planning on studying and
I de nitely would want to go to
leyball. What is your favorite team leyball starter, I de nitely would why? Ireland because both my grandpar-
ents immigrated from Ireland and
What did it mean to earn the activity or pregame or post- not be where I am without her al- In college, I plan on studying I have a lot of family there I would
love to meet.
Con Ed Award? game ritual that you share with ways having con dence in me and nursing. I ultimately chose nursing
What is your favorite food to
I am so honored to be a recipient your teammates? What about a practicing almost every day in our because, after caring for my sick eat before or after a game?

of the Con Ed Award. I am grate- personal pregame or postgame backyard. grandma who lived with me,I real- Honestly I am a picky eater so
it’s usually pizza, pasta, or chicken
ful to all my wonderful teachers ritual? Tell us one thing about your- ized how impactful caretakers are, nuggets.

at Yorktown who have helped me My team always hangs out, lis- self that not a lot of people know? and I really would love to be part of Best place to eat in Yorktown
and why?
achieve academic success. tens to music,and most of the time I was born on Friday the 13th. the healing process for people.
Nonna’s because their chicken
I am especially grateful that I make TikToks before our games, Do you plan to continue to Who is your favorite profes- parm rolls are amazing and my
best friend works there.
have had such an awesome vol- and we bring our uno cial mascot, play volleyball in college?Tell sional athlete and pro (or college)
What’s the go-to app on your
leyball experience in high school. Dodo, to every game and practice. us about where you are going to sports team? phone and why?

Special thanks to former Yorktown Personally, I always get Starbucks school and why you chose it? My favorite professional ath- TikTok for sure. ere are al-
ways new videos to make you
coach, Katy Sherwood, for giving before every game and listen to I’m attending San Diego State lete is Brady Skjei and my favorite laugh.

me the opportunity to play varsity whatever song I’m obsessed with University in the fall, and although sports team is the New York Rang- For a young athlete growing
up in the Yorktown district, what
volleyball as a freshman. that week. I am not playing on the school ers would you tell them about the
experience of being part of the
Her con dence in me set the Who has been your biggest team, I de nitely will play club. I What is your favorite music to volleyball team and why should
they go out for the team?
path for me to want to play hard role model over the years and chose San Diego State because of listen to warming up for a match?
I would de nitely recommend
and succeed. I was and continue to what have you learned from their competitive nursing program, I like listening to anything I can anyone going into high school
to join the Yorktown volleyball
be fortunate to learn from and play them? the exciting student atmosphere, sing all the words to. team. Volleyball is such an excit-
ing, competitive game, and the
alongside really talented team- My biggest role model is de - and of course the beautiful loca- If you could have one super- dedication put into the sport by
both players and coaches is re-
60+ parcels available: Lots, Acreage, Homes, Commercial Properties markable.

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 25

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Page 26 – Yorktown News Thursday, April 15, 2021

Leading up to Yorktown High School’s graduation, Yorktown News is working with the district to highlight the Class of 2021.

Malachy Reynolds — Throughout Kenneth Reinkraut — Kenny is Michael Nuccio — Michael enjoys Kiley Crisp — I grew up in North Evan Makar — My time at
my time at YHS, I’ve been a proud of his years at Yorktown. hanging out with his friends, Carolina and moved up to New Yorktown High School has been
member of the golf, track, and He is the third Husker in his playing sports on the Pioneer York to start high school. I didn’t great! I have enjoyed many good
cross-country teams. I am also a family graduating. He is a League, assisting the varsity know anyone and I didn’t know times with friends. The memories
member of the National Honor member of the National Honor football team and being a part what to expect. The first couple we have made are priceless. I will
Society and have completed over Society and class treasurer. of the Dance Company. Michael of months into freshman year, I miss everything about Yorktown.
300 hours of community service. Kenny has participated in sports has a passion for making TikTok mostly stayed to myself because
I’ve enjoyed being a part of seven including tennis and shotput. He videos and has over 375,000 I was in a new place and I didn’t
shows at YHS. I’ve also performed loves the outdoors and is an avid followers. Michael currently works know anyone. It took a little while
in independent films and Off- hunter and fisherman. Kenny hard at his job at Pow Burger. but I grew into myself and now
Broadway theater in NYC. I plan on plans a major in engineering in I’m planning on going to college
pursuing acting in college. college. to be a fashion designer!


Yorktown runs to victory
at Greeley

Rushing attack, opportunistic defense ignite Huskers

BY MIKE SABINI “It was a good rst drive to get [ Je ] Cerar and [Rob] Cappelli

CONTRIBUTING WRITER things started,” Makar said. “Our do a very good job with it and it

o ensive line blocked great, Me, worked out great on that play. It

A great rushing game and an Marco, Anthony C., and Justin felt good to get my rst sack.”

opportunistic defense, led by 10 ran hard, and they had trouble McKnight nished o a 12-

tackles and a sack from Vincent stopping us. Coach (Brandon) play, 44-yard drive when he scored

Cappelli, propelled Yorktown to a Trager knew it; he had a great on a 2-yard touchdown scamper,

35-6 victory at Horace Greeley on game plan and we kept going at making it 21-0 with 8:04 remain-

Monday, April 12. them on the ground.” ing in the second quarter. He

Husker QB Justin Meyreles (8 Cappelli, Albert Esposito, Rob- came up with two clutch fourth-

rushes, 62 yards, 5/10 passing, 45 ert Cermele, Dino Bowen, and down runs to keep the drive alive.

yards) nished the 84-yard, 14- Dion Brucaj made up the Husk- Meyreles then came up clutch

play opening drive with a 3-yard ers’ o ensive line. himself when he connected with

touchdown run. Vicente Lyon “Give all the credit to them,” Joseph McEniry for a 3-yard

converted the rst of his ve extra Makar said. “ ey help myself, touchdown pass with 1:55 to go

point attempts, giving Yorktown Marco, and Anthony be success- before halftime, giving Yorktown

a 7-0 lead with 6:24 to go in the ful running the football and they a 28-0 advantage.

rst quarter. keep Justin safe. It’s always impor- “Everyone was on point to-

“ e purpose of the rst drive tant to think of the big men up night,” Meyreles said. “ e entire

was to come out and prove our front rst. ey’re the best.” team was hungry and anxious to PHOTO: BOB CASTNER/CASTNERPHOTOS.NET
point,” Meyreles said. “We ran the Cicinelli scored on a 25-yard get back on a winning track after Yorktown’s Vito DeBellis runs strong.

ball downhill at them every play, touchdown run, completing a what happened last week. is play

and I was able to nd the end ve-play, 49-yard drive, set up by was my rst passing touchdown it 35-0. regular season hosting Walter Pa-

zone for six. Last week against a Jack Carlin interception, putting for the varsity. Joe was patient on “Like I mentioned before, nas at 7 p.m. Saturday, April 17.

Rye, we were shut out in the sec- Yorktown up 14-0 with 4:01 to go his route and so was I. When he coaches Cerar and Cappelli are “We just have to do what we

ond half. is week we wanted to in the opening quarter. turned, I knew I had him for the defensive masterminds, they set do,”Meyreles said.“If we continue

come out and prove we’re not just Yorktown’s defense set up the wide-open touchdown.” up great game plans for us every to play hungry, we will continue

a team that can be walked over.” Huskers’ o ense again in the sec- e drive, which went 54 yards week and they made sure we gave to beat teams. We had a nine-day

e drive consisted of runs from ond quarter, when a sack by Ma- on 10 plays, was set up by an inter- them a hard time moving the break between last week’s game

Meyreles, Marco McKnight (12 kar forced the Quakers to punt. ception from Matthew Sanchez. football,”Makar said.“Very happy at Rye. is week, we will be the

carries, 71 yards, 1 catch, 15 yards, “ at sack was on what we call Tony Granitto (3 tackles) tipped for Tony, his rst touchdown, he short side with only ve days. I

5 tackles), Evan Makar (5 carries, our Avalanche defense,” Makar a pass to himself and returned it made a great play. It got us so ex- know all the are guys are hyped

43 yards, 6 tackles), and Anthony said. “We use it to get a good pass 15 yards for a touchdown, 14.4 cited.” and will be ready to go against

Cicinelli (6 carries, 56 yards). rush on the quarterback. Coaches seconds before halftime, making Yorktown (2-2) nishes their Panas.”

Thursday, April 15, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 27

Leading up to Lakeand High School’s graduation, Yorktown News is working with parents to highlight 15 or so seniors a week, with the goal of featuring all
250-plus members of the Class of 2021.

Kira Malaspina — Kira is a Vincent Monaro — Vin loves Emma Fon — Congratulations on Erin Waters — Erin, member of Alyssa Signorile — Alyssa is a
National Honor Society member skateboarding and has a passion your commitment to Geneseo! the National and Spanish Honor member of the National Honor
with a 4.0 GPA. She is currently for music and fashion. You can Emma is a member of GO; Societies with a 4.0 GPA, holds Society, Class of 2021 Club,
working on finishing her Girl find Vin at the skate park or Class of 2021 Club; National two school records, is a two-year and plays lacrosse. She enjoys
Scout Gold Award. Kira is working. Little sister Ella thinks Honor Society; and varsity field captain, five-time All-League spending time with her friends
attending SUNY Binghamton he’s just the best! Dad and Robyn hockey captain earning All-State/ honors, and All-County thrower and family. Alyssa will be
and studying pre-law. Kira loves are so proud and can’t wait All-Section/All-League honors. for LP Rebels track and field. attending Sacred Heart University
to grab a bit to eat at Chili’s and to see if St. John’s will be the We would like to thank all the She’ll study biology at SUNY in the fall, majoring in speech
hanging with good friends, taking winner! teachers, coaches, and staff Binghamton with a pre-med track pathology.
hikes, and enjoying the outdoors. at LHS for providing the best and hopes to become a surgeon.
education for our girls.

Matthew D’Amaso — Matthew Nancy Pagliaroli – Nancy Mark Cummins – Mark is Bryan Cummins – Bryan is Jaskaran Singh – Jaskaran is
is an excellent student and demonstrated strong work ethics a member of the National a member of the National the president of the Spanish
is on the Advisory Board for throughout high school, which Honor Society. He is a three- Honor Society and has played Honor Society, Executive Board
Destination Imagination NY. He led to her success academically sport varsity athlete playing basketball for four years. He member of the National Honor
is an avid cyclist who also enjoys and in athletics. A multi-sport in basketball, football, and plans on studying finance in Society, member of the Class of
hiking, basketball, and handball. athlete, she found a strong lacrosse. He will be attending college. Bryan enjoys hanging out 2021 Club, and a varsity soccer
Matthew is attending the culinary passion for playing field hockey Siena College. He will study with family and friends. player. He enjoys spending time
program at BOCES and will be and will play collegiately at SUNY business as well as play lacrosse. with friends and eating at Bob-B-
attending the Culinary Institute Oswego. During her free time, Mark enjoys spending time and Q’s. Jaskaran will attend Boston
of America in the fall. Nancy enjoys Orangetheory and making memories with family University, where he will study
spending time with family and and friends. neuroscience.

Christina DeCesare – Christina Austin Bergen – Austin is the Alexandria Mavila – Alexandria Isabella R. Riservato – Parents: Sean Lopez — Sean is a member
has committed to Iona College’s captain of the varsity wrestling is a member of the Spanish Laura DeFina and John Riservato. of the National Honor Society,
LaPenta School of Business, and soccer teams. Austin is a Honor Society; NHS (Executive Isabella is a National Honor a National Merit Commended
majoring in finance and minoring three-sport varsity athlete playing Board); co-founder, Spanish Society member, co-president of Scholar, and a recipient of the
in dance. She is a member football for the first time this Club and NY Chapter of Planet the Unicef Club, played varsity National Hispanic Recognition
of the National Honor Society spring. Austin loves being on a Rehab. Alexandria loves learning tennis for four years, and co- Program. He has been in FBLA,
and captain of the LHS Dance sports field or in the gym. Austin languages and hanging with her captain in her senior year. With a volunteer for ASK and has
Team. Christina teaches at Star will attend SUNY Cortland to friends. She has been accepted a 4.0 GPA, Isabella will attend played SOAC basketball. He
Struck Dance Studio, dances study physical education and into multiple colleges, but has Nova Southeastern University has committed to Virginia Tech
competitively, and will continue play croquet. not decided where she will majoring in psychology to pursue College of Engineering as a
on with the Iona Dance Program. attend in the fall. a PHD in family therapy. Cadet.

Page 28 – Yorktown News LEISURE Thursday, April 15, 2021

CLUES ACROSS 21. Localities disappointment 18. Suffix For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Ocean surface indicator 25. Make a choice
(abbr.) 26. Indicates position 45. Abba __, Israeli politician 19. Creative endeavor
4. American time 27. One of Thor’s names
7. Satisfaction 29. Indian musical rhythmic 46. Hide away 20. Icelandic poem
8. Diving duck pattern
10. Very small amount 30. “The Raven” author 48. Salad restaurant 22. Spanish dances
12. Metrical units 31. Take in solid food
13. An ignorant or foolish 32. Legendary QB 49. Daughters of Boreas 23. Town in Central Italy
person 39. Sorrels
14. Sino-Soviet block (abbr.) 41. Organization of nations (mythology) 24. Cars need it
16. It may sting you 42. Texas pharmaceutical
17. Turn outward company 50. Men’s fashion accessory 27. Mimics
19. Perform on stage 43. Mathematical term
20. “CSI” actor George 44. Expression of 51. Political action 28. Rocky peak

committee 29. Cigarette (slang)

52. Unhappy 31. One point south of due


CLUES DOWN 32. Soap actress Braun

1. Make unhappy 33. Large domesticated

2. Heard the confession of wild ox

3. Capital of Taiwan 34. Island nation

4. Fiddler crab 35. Appear

5. Brazilian dances 36. Addictive practices

6. Fit with device to 37. Loss of control of one’s

assist breathing body

8. Brother or sister 38. Type of poster

9. Pastries 39. Greek mountain

11. “Lone Survivor” 40. Funny person

director Peter 44. One and only

14. Boat type (abbr.) 47. Pouch

15. Apertures (biology)

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Do you understand
the difference between

an irrevocable and
a revocable trust?



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Editorial Submissions Share Your Milestones
Press releases and photos Let your neighbors know
should be submitted to about the special moments
Yorktown News by the Thursday LEGAL NOTICESin your life, whether it’s a
Thbuersfodraey,thAeprnile1x5t ,p2u0b2li1cation Yorktown News – Page 29
birth, engagement, wedding
date. Submissions can be or anniversary. Send us a
emailed to yorktownnews@ photo and announcement at
Nhoaticlsetoonf Fmoermdaiati.ocnomof 1o5r2mVaOiSl S Notice of FormationyoorfkAttolawnnticnews@hPaUlsBtoLnICmNeOdTiaIC. E
PUBLIC NOTICE New York State Department of
oA3O/MiBfVrt2gSEe/toa2toNdaun0UftiYn2oezEo1atrodrt.KLifkoOLRNitnsCfofoYcifw.ciaol(AeenSd,drSlt,NoNiwcNScYelaiYeutw1ths)iitos0oeoSn,n5fe:11c401r9e08t.a,SNrye. nd 3oOJu/fr2ngS5kat/an2Rti0eze2amot1ifoo.NvnOaYfflfisli(ecS, deLSLlwNoCcNSciYto.ueah)mAtiwotSiroentsenoic,c1:rlr1e0ems1t0ao8a,rfyiMlNito. ButoneYtd PPPoKflLuaorEbinkrslAdnticcoiSonRwHEg,onNeaBaTYdroAi,anKrgdE woiNlfl ObtehTeIhCeETldo twbhayntthoeaf   Environmental Conservation
Planning Board of the Town of Notice of Complete Application
Yorktown will hold a Public  
dwWeaehesnossivgmtecenlhaflpo-etraespoddtceedearisrsfCesyaosaogusguenean’tdidynt.soslSitftkSaiLteNmLmyCYpoayueupdrboen wWdehesosigmtcnhapetresodtceearssCsaoagugenantif1ynto.0sorStf5tSiLht4NLmi9sCYa.ayuTnphbnoeenoreuniscenY2tmho0oe2recrk1enhtaotaf.watreStgnree7ona:n0ds0Mppoomnsdsaiboylr,e April 26, Hearing on Monday, April 26, Date: 04/05/2021
as soon 2021 at 7:00 pm or as soon  
thereafter as possible on the Applicant: SHRUB OAK
speprorhvceoedtso.sSrtoeS;tNu4Y2rnsMehoadru.ialdLmanaeil psFPelruoorrvocpereodYss.soeS:ntoSAk;Nen7ryYs3,lsaMNhwYoafuru1keapllde0pnhts7umvoes1rettpa0lo,fli.oo-l3arspreeddetduirfrenyseosdue.’dd A fsloiptklalpoemlwicyipoanetugiodrmn aotfteCr:orreia on the following matter: COMMUNITY ASSOC PARK
Yonkers NY 10710. Purpose: Any LLC for approval of Enterprises, Application of Albert French for PO BOX 205
lawful purpose a site plan approval of 2 lot subdivision with SHRUB OAK, NY 10588-0205
with submitted plans titled, plat titled, “Preliminary  
SNswMpAoPYdWWmpNlYw2uSd(PfSoMDsONoSieelp/nfrereoureuSuoaoooehhrcaae1SeooetrrgssSocrirrryditNttooavvyn3dt/sscccppkkNiiiiiarnse2tcccggeetmmta/iYeeelttaoowbinaecYc10eeeooddonngL2wssttssieshh22ai)dwweanza..ppLsesL0toooeehee/rh1oatte:SSsoLmrrC2nn:2:fffyoeettossot.nseWCfooSSSA0AiFFFf.ddttmeBccooHHOireeO;;gN2N2.oooAeNnnvneeenfraarree217fn1/AecrrrryyotsrYYpssfYS2ssimimmg507CCtiaf.drggtrssocSrill2etca0t01cltsasaoOaa(.oohhaaaakeeieeSata/hnc1l41hhwwcggStutuaeltt2ttdfdrggyesSsllieiiioofeeveeoznrsnooo0SfDfS1insSstbTYtihbdpaasyucuwuNusiaanntsNNttcohnnn2o3cNuouoptuiiheyuyeyaaellsllstnnNtteaopiY1fddteeYYmointf..rpopooYobemthftlbossorotehfa.lsYN)aksoefhnSOSooifffuummtrtmnmo11Tlff,CgSO-ogAststiiYsrS.tcerJSrNHSmini1ro0c0norLhLLahestnetpatpafopvigfaEiVetNagN1it55oi:afLLsLinwt(onuiislmmeoonuntaaioSllceBaat2sStc99bCCCihYYttumnarseDsenronshnrdirSiaa2ren88tebslleeeoouot.ttimntdrrsDeyyuou8zyN..yeydsdstetwifNuin:viaptp.of.tmebbud,YeFLaneeiltrdeyrNootdtdeieyiLli)ysheeoavawtaenneYcCapseincxabal.-dostcmtorleaedaesolrpifni.slaocatmoinusndhittrlbBGp2azDt cCkTBJL8ecp22“bT b@ie.eheehoCoanedooai0o.00aherueloouooAn2eeeisnnfcoxnn222rtdefoidtcaaenvfl2lspofshdihewcs.01alrrarrdoSsnes613oTraerMddu.trie,.eyluatrhgennt5rrr, usnsroonrobiumeaplsiegaToaono.sttawnndocmuhcaoamdppwspsnhnsunpriedatnrsennIsstl.deo’einei2lusxhilatcttdVlttersoAsriT5rbStbtwaotyoitslaeth,fc0ehaaplyEesnifniinillonbenttceslacrdctnoeesdgiy6ttcYltEEt.ytTetaaip ,eohh2oho,x0airdoctsrawerea6enrees0bpcwdNkravs,dcti0ceeralltCSlinY6tliou2tsoessonh.iCcMtpe0wslet1Jcboisme1avd2ors7aecnqeafoae0Cta1,ren,oeiunyp5nYnMeOudnwaPPdBho3dotassrVaiells5liDnreaaSrotitarRIlkessyh,OoLgdDcnnectttadt1rLrhnnossakr-feaf-dCtt1e2iiiewlviengn8ghhsnteoe2963ti,tgoogn0neeeay”-rtf,,,,, Subdivision map prepared for Facility: MOUNTAIN BROOK
Notice of Formation of SFN Albert A. & Debora T. French,” POND
prepared by Ward Carpenter S RAVINE ST - CRESTWARD AVE
uflNDS(oSilpSaoecSoydtNaNinsctYwiYeoLwi)dnLtohho:eCfonsWSF.3DWodwOmigeoLL2oA/efeeEhr1en/egcpdrsSsrepoS28mstairatt-itrigmt2Ite/ctcettaonGca2teenet/hltdcihae2te0deNazpdreierseo02astrrssyS.osaeson2t1stousTitfsdteo1co.LofeohbNrfeaa.nOaLrOfemsCgSOtYgCsnCfHfhrsfaietogfl.ivai(daooeefcinSsaunaiAigtucdebetgsenSnsereOnebwoiatttliwNndoooztiyyficynpsattf.ciYnitlL.ttesoahN)o-siaLStostfEoYrCSinSinmoLnotdeadNnLfmcan:CYoPryadepyuotbapiblneroieyicnoyns Engineers, Inc., and dated INTERSECTION
SmPpruuaoriytcpeeob2sses0es2:teoApBsBr;aYeenvrrro7oorexryov0cenpdroele1kax.rkdns4vetwSl.oysoislSf1nSlwutets3NoSlNnentN;pYNhdeY1YuNYAsc1r1ihep1env0s1o0ewos1h2lun7sseos2Mleu0adut8e8otilr.ddem,.irllrPyamaistnuitsladarhpilanoAofdsvsfieeeloin:aoputf-eeesd.s February 8, 2021.  YORKTOWN, NY
Submissions must include a It is proposed to subdivide the Application ID: 3-5554-
CNOfproroeghtraiacotnveinviezeeorafiStfniFioecuonramrvmtficiibloaeeentdsior.LwnNaLitnoCohfdt.SMAaaerWldctlircdleelretteastresyosrfs property, which contains 3 00319/00003
o3dW/awpfe1esSnuh/si2tgdbtiacc0nltihoh2ease1pthoecs.-efdtaeOeNddnarf.fYsnsCicLoa(woeeStguitSlelbontlNentcenytraY.esvto)SiecofoaSernLnniN:sLfdisCYeaodurppiol-oyernbdes residences into two lots. One lot  
wspCepsarohorururovcetbebmleadmlasni.pssndiSrhsttoooSseMnc;Nideyo4aYs.mnsBPossoealrheutrgoNonasauhYsitlnewdhe1simeimt0lsl5ieeetan6rindmlo7Ldi.taatoynbyreobeue r will contain a single residence and Permits(s) Applied for: 1 - Article
Pbuyrpeo-sme:aAilnay tlaywofrukltpouwrpnonseews@ the second lot will contain two 15 Title 3 Aquatic Pesticides
residences. The existing 1 - Article 24 Freshwater
residences are served by town Wetlands
water and private septic systems.  
The site is located at the address Project is located: in YORKTOWN
1762 French Hill Road, also in WESTCHESTER COUNTY
known as Section 48.06 Block 1,  
Lot 24 on the Town of Yorktown Project Description:
Tax Map. The parcel consists of The applicant proposes to treat
2.182 acres in the R1-40 zoning Mountain Brook Pond
district.  (approximately 5.7 acres in size),
  within NYS Freshwater
Due to public health and safety Wetland A-47, Class I, with
concerns related to COVID-19, aquatic pesticide Cutrine Ultra
the Town of Yorktown Planning (active ingredient: Copper
Board will not be meeting in- Ethanolamine Complex,
or ubludsbineeshsercea. rd cLoEGuAYlLdoNubOrTeIaChEdSere.MmweaoooedgeaenesSSSoolaetsriorpisuuuhhtnpfwnei.hsldasoibncaetsnroohmieYYoliewnulrrbnoaaesenhssdeihsentteooemmmotenrttlltbbF@ecn,ielld.feih,,eroefiossrrritkgdmadsi-eeloNfwocA.hkkeneeo33iaeisttiennhdf.dttctYlmroohyttlsrrmaoufede33nsha’lmoaelo-aSooaodoSsosssnnaoerwtusdde44yenwlsthww,,trureruunmmlrraeoaabidrkmessunaNNogobn’nnsnneRRie.uartdmipsltteeeunnmtoeeYYdaseiooststsooddallwgsxhiadtduuitiriniit8bktettyoaatntteteysd4eeno..d5aAcrtYaWfh(pplLuTSm1wNtrTN D l cTPfHOHcCNI fmpas IIsaIo -oSrheafffforhoel0pLih92EdtruoSutehefdoohfieaoc.naaOdoeoOSsorhratapou0crpepM5CrropRfYdbTAcbca1unv8ahNtendwaeomyttisCrld8pbdeLYLYihSwepaPaaCECspipphsobfa9eecfktNeorsaaheicaeeagTTnt3aioevenhaetptidcsu.ooohuaRtelxepndmysnrrdehuhueaaa41r-uo1e.mru4smhdYdefefetnotftshriueuSitseeoibeihpihII8ksnrrdoobtYe8oiv-fiotlldoobbveu4dvbedtltASoetrdidemeerCCotkkassetmdoaiseAvwissucatatr-eesgemrbun.mteetr5ettneu1allnaeretmt.-e-efo,itttlmpettedYe)iiir3odsi.omLhan3etma.bdyrfrultAosoososslwhoodlnairyeeeanoore5CEEydoiSdrwheo-pdt,snrdeerachhPiSpdtdsi-emv0aohhradnnsrwwsatsse:.rxid,sntc,socatrynpa1as0tr3otsiodn-2fnhef-nosutgemeuentrteosdaaeeuubvrcoimm2nikEToiaetsuun@niethnnnewideeseamiWcmIIet3haueylosoeuefribtdileifYtdd@dhbetittFueednrrm2-SNStnlayotdoemlwru0ewaototntroroureea5sih4maisordmliNNrua,edtsii..rriteee,mm;atinsngLnfncnn9rpixtNoesnioosnotwvNayddednoahetd8ianirh-LPnSindrytaeesi8orieeesdsnohtisyRebi,inuwfio1asvcFwHwssTgAniodtesiies5cygl/nesleyonhmoeerrg3lwnelsewwosgaarpxsstacrgleiuYnhbeneteotolbs,3outenssnmklge1girxamtY-aUysPosatse0d2dtuvos..odneaedoRliesbteENrssheOmkma6ut.DNytborccro8Wtsbalwdeeiidbw/,attdetDpiuc.’t.kladodoteetepl,awot0Ndualsoosetflefnnd.entdlvttpRobt2iYohyaRioOolComrrewieehpesuersstl2fntehn1Fieceenhhh.tnmmsaticoowseismosorytuv2trc:cdteswsOSienhtSldlbh0tewa1nfao-rseiptbTdeaduhyEdc2iteueeBchtHwuVlvbeetkietssoidsEkciti8a5a.ta.el0elApnaetard0,fa,adoeainoe2eoraSshidirs0emSea,teenlHrsecetnaedtpnFBcananonasmdEiidnltalhda5mrMsdmrsaaf1aesetgrfclIdnBnli.d2nllyln0xSncaoThncmcnddrsthoiNotlnhaaoitbitentyReonsereale8iaaEemdoiYsaRdlidmnnasha,trniopPowoaaeedlTHfetoreydfyseu.otoowtaddsibdauliemtodOcmoi9wc.fomrUniutunoYoenttpehwmeicoRtruoeboiacdidyeedlrtnwrrLesbtonspouaOeoeoonfleeaar.htpoietenoirsindntGoultooaUiereiodcsefcllln@Nenessansdoh-aelrrnysiSoOiyspCgd.itltnuimeemrrgdii@srnz.eonAtefitcdHFlatetrsreahsgNfSahet-IowiwaebdroeohcfeTs.ahe.ehaayeaVdntrddhO.otstanFtanninirpileessh2EpduvvtchyoYhsvsrfifaeetfoTnodeisems.eEscuneodiNsrtuKei8tyiemeoeResalaNoootusiifsddllnheoNsNgDlsrl3ofderYcotTaoEn,.floMoYttfi1ppmdhoSsc.csiomOmfytrYhtWcUPafAYSC3ycaBohbLYSorNBa3IifplrhioeswoOoooruoltfeeftlotdoleT0etanao.eeteraotNwdAnohmraili0RodNpwrPLrruumau.Yfiuwvo8naileoioor2Adoskr(cwykkscmlietccYnereJveweo8ps1/dudtfmDLu4scrYnstmuo-,ytt,nNlhsnrCa,tN5reorieJehtootyduseTiaegi.Aic5Go-:lfgoifuhCtitsubogSa1astweiwwh,8lgniio.1tor0eyriAhaCouoornDs-ealshsnstnStwatup-toHSss2bctao0bg:3nblIonntotd0egncaoisdatUofituaie@xVNutl5lo,Iat0chieinu0sscrudeiutres,teaodaNNoN)hvte6oSnshteeni8ethtieE.aYurcUsitpteleCTsscb2Ye0rrdhlseexootwaoNaY-iattoGdsearrpl,,t8dppWa.NvT3oewwtimus,hatuaeodv8elflaevsnno’3P2esnlfdn1te,1eososrNspueesspWP2wNsPOolde0ocC@oHnNflpPSumDS(xeF3esc,to/oB3rkalduddnti5eoao3psSd,oidrs2rtetWsrfarsnlril/,ofaewerltphadrpree4r.1tonosopSuullyEhwronaioss3eoh:b6frc1epatoeiaarl2Seosctrsa5owCagsxn2ecsBdcS,adeeam/mwoAvgluriJttRosoeuyclohncddvhNta3e1oulse7y1ac tf2dltoNsecSUipliesNrahaa0eeissrtkkyrneaodtnuuiseyrcetgacD8erkme,rlcvtatFseint/heliwYa1lcYoLaae.oys.uanetnlsonoapw2eeenysedb.lisciam:t2rYlleadntioaeottcUroi:fLsTsieeymLstent2wots1epriAhnluAwkeyptitrpccs1heOhteeaetpto0ebnFyCyieazieh.)prndoomnsfsu0,sresLbot0tntan.idoae9ehreu.toedhmLo2s,2cuaoleaontwhyo5Stfre:rFMmisyoTeeolCoo12epfdoenotf:leefitFfea0htsLtrootst18rgOav1uodfcinS4seoWwslSNnmmvoofifrttiFvco2apfeStdAatsFeC.rpne90l.cimor.iBRi-Rhdissraelw;iman,;nweArNe.aogrrot/YN.aao2stoAeenvebueo.nMOSolae1tbhe.afirfro4tt3go7deBlninrrpcu/secsorYnysou1usrYnpeloicrsiaoArmeeps213Cf0Aemln0odfTtlamedrdarrslWtasftosrrtl1irnipyllenT20,0teiesctCrclih1scfid,deta(aoo0Alni.atneocu.glahktbsSIeoaTDt/rAa5thhp4el4erOigRaw2uocusSBtaSTbdfaiaWAYcbdetUnofaelfbpi2tcAFpdgoSnyooi6eonorsaivSlodaeyN:ee0eDlnucoooeaarsho0aflStdeaeeraf1pdneapnNlTNafue6nswtweYrNuyyuodsfsdsucefnivrasW2oaetrnnceU1po,,Ylaltreerlsbno1o.oyt1kSs1snodN0cntoiYeaeaed8ioe3bhB1h1vtewafntOt.ralofy2Pun8dfpoYnmm4rpLs4hlnemsra(Stoh.tauvhodi1atoreeer0efee)a..iomslYao/4tvcpsaSTkhu5efOxeao81tlmLtofhvduvucepar1eitfdef,5ocaCuonso,bCgsdgSO/tr-bsAIegsA:AfsphteaSeiameaeyd,4rSC2,,ctC4frHnw1i,re0yor1arkoLrtatnltwre2intaoa/rrhieaem-0tpo,vpCdleoAevsv@tgfoi1etaeE.:nRsdN1t5g0s2A2na1dtcLowYYl8odafi-0iitrrhntmonreopldemreoso7Fuhnrlanc2vi.rpeoi-hlle.)miot-nB:,@A0:2oCuncBe.Ybai2o8o0l5hertuorennf.abselesersneansagrestocUr2ao1eC2r2ocrtN-ldeaaefKyi1iberrltliteou,1eleuT,ttyn8CtnarleYrhi25siaasefdl,rfnydeu0lkkns’1o8iez.soytnet.0ouydtonp1e:edsf.cYesa cNntit1to4neidk2,aottca-piah8t.f.pooafdhsnolbiuumvt0ieoro8,oAslFxLirnwle0toaars0,Ttnopgctrrfoyatslnn-Nifger0partutenamkyirwweixusL/nien1vtnnbog2ttehhhoOor8actaabvenet1stoegemyeoithnYPstsCtoseyidddm.1nnneeeeeikk5Gny1m1umDrylcpordrfldw IgBlSDpioSldaei15os.reeanfanaySoBireeunatlleF.1lN..eoacclmhlidtdnrmnbeonaahFYiluidevysyStpPyPcsN1bSrcNmcient,lahBT Ri BanCrwYr cvSowcaYav bpIpwwRtrsbapededoheeinooifsttuoaheesgyh.0huuY11Ch5YcieiahtdontdaeetghhnruyretdouOaolOYnIddrHwiriefst:urgvteloomnibllaooCnoaooiedTibma/edvc50eb1ww8ptsllbrnbkiiteeFmooittomaRepAAgvvwrnkhaetntcamrOruniTthatnetielsHml:mooy048tr3neaetmimrlssiiaokhsu/aiotimywknKIRcntdde.opomuoi.voe1dpnunoeo/htRoRblnoeAcb,y,9abct0aiit1sssoowcieeeeawfwn9theTDrNittteewoetxnortsonieroaanovD1ToMaPRotlctenti.hn0dnt7sdiewaOeteatohomfsmbnrnsadrweeoicngi.vnmihwotrnt1EelEoSDoOStgcrkc4drld0heu’eleitop-neswtebmdrWcBnenousnootnR@oootRoo8haeaaetcaerFmb.,doacbuuYuhHe.fFotefee.emetrnnlunewopeYnSNnanityeyyeinowhoMiNmrIunstblOsOesTeNrwmosbfladPrstmmoohufovUeOtdtmarddeee,CnrptdteeioinotlHthnrteiNFgflreetereo.mkusvitmirgtbhoNhiSaainmcadtNtonkokcrateentateKwaauddsEhaiTB@ulttabea*epeeontnlcmTattatyPEeimanorgynoogietei.leolrolurinsNntwpncdleisge.iitosceHssTntssmclWahdntnpmkhnwoeeiewdbwysTambstitno,hiBiYttode.wncenObegihiiEtteoareaeodhiR.nscoenesOssbeenbrnesnnogue’egomolKfl.tetYgNtnnWoldrsewefgimooneoignfePiusTrrcritagdsnk,-lepoiNiOmftocYT.hkeorayynr..annhtDsthriLTaNhdgbmN.ntgtilYnodeerojd.ya.atnasgacR’eidoaocemnodphAooeedEet-aSsoogocmYnn1nfetoyanOowtwidepKprr,rRoaNnl.sBtweaurude0g:sgivnmbml9te,lwwaavrSkrF1mpisuannnoieNto5ib/pn.’etmnyecwPSeerN1.irtpdorteopuee0itnnaea9tdgloamaIosoewsll.tim4aelbbNfueeYgri8ordda5eyhstvmlwstdatteiaasssbai-idtnewGottenwiii,ik4etf3enbedonebohhieinasnaltootnntatniieiddtdognnnsneeeeeeeeec9ty0il.rritt,,[email protected] uBvMrsaStitfPSEiatoooeSrparwI hbT2t Grawn BpRpBacawvbYvscpoi aBwCYRehrntuefdheseh.orsiiewtdntdohtt0gtenhrryueeoulOtooYOdIdHwirioofct:gvetbdyeouooollaCnoiedim2eue/dvriebapllsbrbanteevoiouaRtpsAAgvvwfmnnkrpettacrO.iTeilnlH:rmseooyotrYnaet1ominoUmrmiiarlfhu/itywdknRKIcddemoih.vN1ddgnro/ht-ketRoRblnoiA,rnbyaebiasnocwrsereeewa9teDTiedewttoeniPre.atnKovDRPotelicdtoeindhnbodntomts7dhikwaYOefhnraraeicgivnwwotlrtEheliE.DoOtnRDgcdkerc4eiwrIdthee’les’-esyetwobWnonlososotnR@osotRoeohrtceoeFrmmboaceoanAhHefFnosAfe.emutwnSlunewoxeYSNysayetinouwhsinubtapOsOesTesursiosflaaPtrmoohrfneonOtdmarTedeeu,,C’etpcteeerinyoHthnrtbisNFiglreedergmiuvptrghoNhiScac,lnmtdlNsnkNEokMrweebntteiEeNmddEhaitTeaepeeuonoancmTt2tatnyPEemnSxgnhletiYdseoloumrnaweintwprDligb.i6tnseHseTitmsclWadnkimkhneodtueiewbwTt@amstinon,wl,Bitcl.inenObaasphfsSoiweLbhpYePLaiBpEaebeYdpMoegst1iheiEtteraadli.iniecoetnnesbioeblrnesnneud2gct’egTooouhl.esexpmdntyrrnthuuheaaaHYgNnrsutee0nWosewhedgemsfentseihgnrtoP0auTeeacdyreaphpnrr,’1iattlo4eemttuoedpYliihAraooiso.onmehedooteomsrfollgooocsslsoodl0mrne1fnenp1oeynoOoio-sdesspKrerprrr9niSpocaNtwnsnrlP.Bieahahhrenntdnrewws0gssg.rivinbtec0msoarpt8tadsdwlwrYavdrFfmopianee-pnsnu.teeKilNetoi5isdoee/ubbpn.teimmoikTmayctesaPSdntnseeetrhonnd,eiiapcortelopnaee,ilohunbhta9itlSOgilRodaddsdaihsnbeItNitsoelwndln.tayodoermuaeaaelsyobbNfueeoogeemr8oaprmaaymelstiNNnkvme..remmoradtsnan.ettfncictanrsssabtnswddtnddweGotttetnhiiiitbinn-vlLPeSfninMaynbneonedobseeehhhYieioennossoybal,iuoootnsenvtewtaniodsiiiiiees-yioneedtd.oggdennndleeeaeeeeeceesedowwyaadil,stcerrrioiuttbn,,ellsaoutsl-eirxmtssdues,..N-eao/lebrNsseOkmat.rsiccrtsblwiaoeoSd.’tkldoeaktYNduaesoondeltpbotomnrrwipstutrnhieientnmmsttweisoortyuvh1PowCnIiPR0wadsEEoiilpofiCaaTa D CDSC MMac(e D oApmb&F eSAN2cCSN DcDswattsllhioasnnso-rseiSttoadydieeetctwualpopnondcnob41onfhpriitsereasntrEvettvs0EkiteaeEoeeoYeooPo.aiitgseellnthirriIHChowacaainltoereoesbhdme.krxdsdnno/mCerdprtpaaieave,tk1rellsvnpcseQwpcphmnmnnCFeanrn-Sn5nSntas2edmfiityntptmaaxhdjauemerPodjrsttierii/nreihlorse15ifc2o1elnhleeudalHttceercllyueoshe.psigpnialnda2dDdRotaoieela4oaaSa.dpmrenaacnyenponodkslooAePiac9CaPareemdimroiocc.g0padb1lweincnrr/orAtdmtrsopPoieEHedlTbbmtsogcctaEbfn)ylutuoHwnap9idtnfstla.odi2ht)eiattpeustodmLreemioetmtasefoon0bNeca8tEietpttbnerhwmiiioaettruaoeCboilmibaaemittdyehinppr0DllloPx!(eht.tenbcptnsonspmiotnpoysndltiidoyeihrnSoevsnLmPmPdlvtitoe,oeidsoiutttrtooeuiraeg2iztondeaetseattltStlAln@eivNeseseayyaeeeno-niwelr1itpsoidoosnyinssEiCpa:ftmeedi,ssvnrTu1earrc,[email protected](4wtdoprrsrrntnasafCia.eFeorrtQeeN-oCercsha:raomobdnrnnldeoNanitdeishtTisse2.niy@nyourAcfdsdrGdsvefooatrdtetr9orn,nYedRoUcnoteaPoooessmesehbaimieedsirlnid/egdlrrAinotoas%ndperRisPottfmiejnstnn.)e-auhvaentinontee3sJires1.eceiinoPnpesywaeee2vpdhnacnrODiaftcalficrgureweno)2nrtaeitnm1gavniicpu9isnees.asmtvqithhtdnCtsaesSfnwtc5osnpsiaeipyt.nb)rltr,sttiA/nihvmeoouaonitlatRlicietyeeo6itiSip.rcgipieneti2elwonenli.alapfudlecycliwaetixorda1amdapaicil.aPrOvrnrNonyeAtvcksci.Qr0epuehimbotmccmtgo(uaeAssngaodateeAtapa.aCiomilijlacuotscaibNolwseetitlr.insnc(vicplbacintitntooginteannhnvclecsootoueientanttihtitneelfoarhtmexlrcgoheidyintoinbgstvhodaioorotwttnteemaivaosthmryie1oahjmtt2asntsoteAtetnhowmetht3tnepsin9ht,,eastsp2nisntirn.eess@ecaentte%etdTotidddotdcTpibYtsdbshtSratohopuhefi1SeNpScybLpaoaeyueaanpnoeorooebemrnsbhhitf0tlbueehrsksroehorsmrtymvoooaTlit5gw-ektstitsr.tteoa)hmeocyorhuttneehse4ptlsiVoouo,tflarosonwtutsniotao-,9aa1setseruhawtrmararrtihnpi1rirv.nv0eenhslrlodomamtY

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Thursday, April 15, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Yorktown News – Page 31

Luxury-home sales continue to soar

Sales of luxury homes $2 mil- coupled with declining inventory ventory post-COVID than pre- higher), closed and pended sales • Highest Sale Price Putnam:

lion and higher in Q1 registered has generated a consistent rise in COVID. With a wide selection have increased at every price $2,125,00 Garrison

double- and triple-digit gains luxury sales since last summer.” of homes to choose from, this point. Darien, New Canaan, • Highest Sale Price

compared to Q1 2020. Robust With so many buyers com- echelon of buyers is motivated by and Rowayton posted gains up Dutchess: $7,000,000 Rhine-

buyer demand during the typi- peting for a limited number of desire, not need, and tend to be to $5M price point. beck

cally slow holiday period of late luxury homes, well-priced list- highly selective about their pur- “ e question on everyone’s

fall/early winter yielded the ings are being quickly absorbed, chase, una ected by current mar- mind is: How long will this GREENWICH LUXURY HOME

strongest rst quarter of closed many with multiple o ers, es- ket dynamics. Consequently, days last?” Cutugno said. “Pending SALES—$3M AND HIGHER

sales in a decade, according to pecially in the lower end of the on market are often higher than sales are up, showing activity is Homes Sold: Up 159.3

the Houlihan Lawrence Luxury market. “It is safe to assume that homes trading quickly in the strong and days on market are percent

Market Report released today. listings sitting on the market are lower end of the luxury market. down, pointing to a solid mar- Median Sale Price: Up 8.9

“One year ago, when the coun- being overlooked because buyers Putnam and Dutchess Coun- ket through the summer. As we percent

try was in a COVID-19 lock- reject the price. Pricing matters, ties’ luxury properties ($1M and move toward long-awaited herd Highest Sale Price:

down, it was hard to imagine even in a supply-constrained higher) are increasingly on the immunity, we are closely moni- $45,000,000

that residential real estate would environment. When the price radar of NYC buyers who are toring what changes are here to

experience a V-shaped recovery is adjusted to align with market gravitating to the Hudson Val- stay and those that will return to DARIEN LUXURY HOME

fueled by seismic shifts in con- values, buyers respond positive- ley for its rural charm, pastoral pre-pandemic norms.” SALES—$2M AND HIGHER

sumer behavior,” said Anthony ly,” Cutugno said. beauty, and relative value. is Homes Sold: Up 62.5 percent

P. Cutugno, senior vice presi- In Westchester County, remains a second home purchase MARKETS AT A GLANCE Median Sale Price: Down 0.3

dent, director of private broker- luxury sales ($2M and higher) for many buyers, while other Westchester County Lux- percent

age. “Luxury real estate north of skyrocketed this quarter. Inter- luxury buyers are putting down ury Home Sales—$2M and Highest Sale Price:

NYC is the bene ciary of these estingly, the ultra-luxury segment roots with their primary home Higher $4,650,000

well-documented changes. A ($5M and higher) is the only purchase. • Homes Sold: Up 82.2

substantially larger buyer pool price bracket to have more in- In Greenwich ($3M and percent NEW CANAAN LUXURY HOME

• Median Sale Price: Down SALES—$2M AND HIGHER

LEGAL NOTICES 4.4 percent Homes Sold: Up 233.3
• Highest Sale Price: percent

LLC FORMATION NOTICE LLC FORMATION NOTICE $7,150,000 Scarsdale Median Sale Price: Down
Putnam and Dutchess 17.5 percent

540 Halstead Ave LLC, Arts of Org. led with Raycon or, LLC, Arts of Org. led with Sec. of County Luxury Home Sales— Highest Sale Price:

Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) 1/22/2021. Cty: State of NY (SSNY) 3/4/2021. Cty: Westchester. $1M and Higher $4,590,000

Westchester. SSNY desig. as agent upon whom SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against • Homes Sold: Up 207.7

process against may be served & shall mail process may be served & shall mail process to 691 Saw Mill percent is press release was prepared by

to 3 Stratton Rd., Purchase, NY 10577. General River Road, Yonkers, NY 10710. General Purpose • Median Sale Price: Up 33.6 ompson & Bender.


LLC FORMATION NOTICE American Alliance of Labor Management

Mira Capital LLC, Arts of Org. led with Sec. of Health Plans, LLC, Arts of Org. led with Sec. of WHY DO WE
State of NY (SSNY) 3/4/2021. Cty: Westchester. State of NY (SSNY) 3/9/2021. Cty: Westchester.

SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against SSNY desig. as agent upon whom process against

may be served & shall mail process to Mariano may be served & shall mail process to Roy Barnes,

ADVERTISEGomide De Faria, 38 Sage Ter., Scarsdale, NY 258 Saw Mill River Rd., Elmsford, NY 10523.

10583. General Purpose General Purpose





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