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Published by Halston Media, 2019-01-17 18:15:02

Mahopac News 1.17.19

VOL. 9 NO. 48 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2019

Just gotta swing! ZBA clears way
for vape/smoke
shop to open
Owners argued they began process
“Crazy Feet” Pete before moratorium was enacted
Redmond and Kelly
O’Connor, an MHS BY BOB DUMAS e moratorium was enact-
grad and professional EDITOR ed because some Town Board
dancer, bust a move at
the Mahopac Friends members said they’d received
of Music’s annual
swing dance held last e Zoning Board of Appeals complaints from residents who
Friday, Jan. 11, at Aus-
tin Road Elementary has given the green light to the were concerned with the grow-
School. Redmond was
on hand to give swing owners of a vape/smoking shop to ing number of vape shops open-
dance lessons before
the party got started. open their doors despite a mora- ing around town. With the town
Music was provided by
the MHS jazz band. torium that temporarily bans such about to embark on a master plan
For more photos, check
out the centerspread businesses from the town. update, while revising its town
on pages 14 and 15.
e ZBA voted 4-3 to give codes, board members felt that
the owners of Imperial Vape & vape shops—a relatively new en-

Smoke Shop “the right to open… tity—should be put on hold until

due to substantial expenditures.” the codes are rewritten.

e business’s owners,Nick and William Shilling Jr., the Mge-

Ann Mgeladze, said they signed a ladzes’ attorney, told the ZBA

lease for retail space at 441 Route that the moratorium doesn’t ap-

6 in Mahopac back in April 2018, ply to existing businesses and that

well before the moratorium was should include Imperial Vape &

enacted, and have been paying Smoke.

rent ever since. ey say they’ve “ is shop, in my opinion, was

spent more than $75,000 on in existence at the time of the

things such as renovations, equip- moratorium,”he said.“[ e Mge-

ment, advertising, inventory and ladzes] spent all this money prior

rent, and they’ve hired sta . How- to the imposition of the morato-

ever, when the couple attempted rium. I have provided this board

to get a permit to open the store with a summary of the expenses

last fall, they were denied due to SEE VAPE PAGE 18
the moratorium.

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19 Mahopac man gets
6 10 years for robbery.

pg 4


The Staff Mahopac Library Tuesday, Jan. 22, 9:30 a.m. In- support Mahopac girls lacrosse, (no Social Security number nec-
Events person and on-line registration Saturday, Feb. 2, 6-10, p.m., at the essary). Eat/drink before donat-
EDITORIAL TEAM for winter 2019 early literacy pro- Mahopac rehouse,741 Route 6. ing blood. Bring NYBC donor
BOB DUMAS Foreign Film Screening grams at the Mahopac Public Li- Tickets are $40; table of 10 is card if you have one. For more
ursday, Jan. 17, 6:30 p.m. “A brary. All programs are designed $375. ere will be a 50/50 raf- information, contact Lisa Cope-
EDITOR: 845-208-0774 to develop listening, thinking, land at 845-628-5964 or lisacope-
[email protected] Man Called Ove,” a lm from language, imagination and social e, plus other items to ra e o . [email protected].
Sweden. Ove is the quintessential skills, plus, it’s a great way to meet Tickets for the ra es can only
GABRIELLE BILIK grumpy old man next door, a cur- other parents.To register online be purchased at the event - cash Crafts at Koehler
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 mudgeon with staunch principles visit only. e winner of each game Center
and a short fuse. Still grieving his To register by phone call 845- will receive a new and authentic
[email protected] late wife, Ove has nearly given up 628-2009 ext. 139. handbag such as Michael Kors, Come join us at the Mahopac
on life when a boisterous young Coach, Kate Spade. Bring your Koehler Center, 180 Route 6, and
ADVERTISING TEAM family moves in next door, ac- Board of Trustees Meeting own food/beverages (wine, beer, have fun creating decorations or
CORINNE STANTON cidentally attening his mailbox Wednesday, Jan. 23, 6:30 p.m. etc). You must be 21 to attend. gifts. Crafts class takes place ev-
845-621-4049 and upending his ordered, soli- e public is welcome to attend. ery Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. call
tary world in the process. As an For more information, visit www. e event will sell out, so reserve Mary White at 845-808-1734
[email protected] unlikely friendship between his, and click the tickets early. Go to msagirlsla- with any questions.
LISA KAIN new Iranian-Swedish neighbor ‘About Us’ link. to
begins to form, what emerges is Toddler Sensory Playtime buy tickets. Moms Night Out
914-351-2424 an unexpected, funny, and heart-
[email protected] warming tale of human con- ursday, Jan. 24, 10 a.m. Curi- Community Join the Mahopac Girl Scouts
nection. Running time is 115 ous toddlers and their caregivers Blood Drive on ursday Feb. 7, 6:15 p.m., at
PAUL FORHAN minutes; screened in Swedish play together with a variety of the Italian American Club on
914-202-2392 with English subtitled. Registra- sensory manipulatives to enrich e New York Blood Cen- Bucks Hollow Road for a Paint
[email protected] tion requested; register online at language and learning.To register ter will hold a blood drive at the & Sip event. $55 donation - ev-
JENNIFER CONNELLY, or call visit, or Lakeview Elementary School ery dollar earned will go toward
914-334-6335 845-628-2009, ext. 100. call 845-628-2009, ext. 139. auditorium, 112 Lakeview Drive, programs for the Girls Scouts in
[email protected] Mahopac, on Tuesday, Jan. 22,
NANCY SORBELLA Early Literacy Program Reg- Pocketbook Bingo 3-7:30 p.m. For medical eligibility SEE MUSINGS PAGE 18
914-205-4183 istration questions, call 1-800-688-0900.
[email protected] Join us for a ladies night out to Photo or signature ID required
BRUCE HELLER Monday, Jan. 21, 10: a.m. and
[email protected] Have your heating system checked now before the cold weather comes.

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Lakeview second-graders perform ‘The Littlest Tree’

Second-graders from Lakeview Elementary School delighted parents and teachers last month with
production of the play,” e Littlest Tree.” Adapted from the children’s book by Janie Jasin, “ e Lit-
tlest Tree” is a tale of growing and becoming while being grateful for your present surroundings.

“The Littlest Tree” narrators

Robert Charlotte Travis and her father
Zach and
his mother

TRFhreeajmnpkeairenf,oMRrmaeiieodrliJnree.rlaanx,aDfteeerlathneCsohtotewr,. PFraotmriclkefStt,rDipyela, nJaOn’KLaesekfeo,dZyb, GigrnaideywMRuylblearka, nLedop Aiden Yi and his family



Mahopac man helpVinegtevreatnesrans
gets 10 years in
pharmacy holdup Kevin Cooke, a Purple Heart Iraq War veteran, and his family su ered a disastrous
Christmas when a tree fell on their home causing signi cant damage. But Mahopac
A Mahopac man was the gun at the pharmacist VFW Post 5491 and its auxiliary came to his aid.

sentenced to two concurrent and demanded cash. e Cooke was presented with a check, by Ben Boccia, commander of VFW 5491, on
behalf of the organization. Cooke, a Putnam Valley residents, works for the Putnam
terms of 10 years in prison pharmacist refused, telling County O ce of Veterans’ A airs. He is a disabled Iraq veteran and his wife is expect-
ing. Pictured, from left, are John Bell, Commander Ben Boccia with recipient Kevin
last week in Westchester Dias in substance, “Just Cooke, and VFW members Rich Dunne, Anthony Delducco and Pat Mahoney.

County for the attempted shoot me, then.” No shots PHOTO COURTESY OF VFW 5491

armed robbery of a New were red.

Rochelle drug store last July. Dias left the store with-

Westchester County out taking anything. On

Court Judge Michael Mar- his way out, he dropped

tinelli sentenced Brian Dias, a black left-handed glove,

32, to the 10-year prison which o cers from the

term along with ve years’ Brian Dias New Rochelle Police De-
post-release supervision. In partment later recovered.

October 2018, Dias pleaded guilty to rst- Dias and Spearmon’s vehicle was cap-

degree robbery, a Class C violent felony, tured on video as it traveled through New

and second-degree criminal possession of Rochelle. Police were able to identify the

a weapon, a class C violent felony. license plate and used that information

Dias’s codefendant, Tiana Spearmon, to locate the suspects and arrest them on

22, pleaded guilty to second-degree at- July 22. O cers executed a search war-

tempted criminal possession of a weapon, rant on the suspects’ car and recovered the

a class D violent felony. Her sentencing loaded rearm, the mask and the match-

was postponed to March 7. ing right-handed glove.

On July 13, 2018, at approximately e case was prosecuted by Deputy

3:15 p.m., Dias and Spearmon drove to District Attorney Timothy Ward and As-

the Main Street Pharmacy at 761 Main sistant District Attorney Craig Ascher of

St. in New Rochelle. While Spearmon the Superior Court Trial Division, along

waited in the car, Dias went into the with Assistant District Attorney James

store, put on a black mask and gloves and Tobin of the New Rochelle Branch of the

pulled out a loaded handgun. He pointed District Attorney’s O ce.

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Town gearing up for Phase 2 of Airport Park project

Phase 1 projected to be completed in May

BY BOB DUMAS which has been the town’s consul- meet with every other week until this and then the water will be able on the ancillary projects such as

EDITOR tant on the project from the start. project is up and going.” to drain,” he said. “Insite will also the fencing, the construction of the

Insite will prepare the bid pack- Before the bids are sent out, Gil- prepare the construction docu- outbuildings and the playground.

As Phase 1 work at Airport Park ages for Phase 2 and recommend christ said, Insite will conduct soil ments—drawings, blueprints, seed “ ose will be done inhouse

continues,town o cials are already to the Town Board who should be testing. and soil mixes.” through our engineering depart-

gearing up to kick o Phase 2 of awarded the job(s). “If it’s silty or has clay, we’ll have Gilchrist said that when Phase 2 ment at the same time the elds

the $2.2 million renovation project Insite’s projected cost for its to add sand and other additives gets underway, the town will take are being developed,”he said.

next spring. Phase 2 prep services are: Soil SSSuupenpcediraayls! Amazing Italian Cuisine & Pizza

e project will create ve soc- testing, $3,200; construction docu-

cer/lacrosse elds, a restroom ments, $11,500; bidding, $3,600;

building, playground, pavilion, construction phase services,

bleachers and concession stand. $24,000, for a total cost of $42,300

In addition, fencing and a parking Lupinacci said the town has al-

lot will be installed, hiking paths ready budgeted between $40,000

through the woods will be up- and $45,000 to cover the costs, • ANTIPASTO
graded and marked, and the park’s though Jim Gilchrist, Parks &

driveway will be improved. Recreation director, said the cost & INSALATA

“We are in Phase 1 now—heavy could actually be less.

earth movement, creating paths, Gilchrist said Phase 1 should be • HEROS, WRAPS
leveling the land and so forth,”said completed around the end of May,
Councilman John Lupinacci. “ e which is why the town wants to so-
second phase is where we [will be] licit bids over the winter—o cials

putting in the soil and irrigation want to have the contractors signed • POLLO & VITELLO
for the actual playing elds. With and ready to go by spring. He not-

Phase 2, we would keep in line ed that the contractors for Phase 2 • CARNE & PESCE
with what we have done with this won’t be from this area, but rather

whole airport property.” from places such as lower New Jer-

Lupinacci and Councilwoman sey, Pennsylvania and Long Island DINE IN • PICK UP • DELIVERY • OPEN DAILY

Suzi McDonough are the Town “What is critical about this is we are Lunch: Mon-Sat 11am-4pm, Sun 12-4pm Dinner: Mon-Sat 4pm-10pm, Sun 4pm-9pm
Board’s liaisons to the Recreation & going to engineer the soccer elds—
Parks Department for the project. test the soils and irrigate the elds (in

He said the town will retain the Phase 2),” Gilchrist said. “ ere is a 115 Secor Rd. • Mahopac • 845-628-8888
services of Insite Engineering,Sur- lot of work on the front end of it. We

veying & Landscape Architecture, have a great subcommittee that we

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Where people
spend most

TAX TIME Who hasn’t tallied up monthly bills or looked at a credit card
statement and pondered if they’re spending a little too much?
“The hardest thing in the
world to understand is e average person also may wonder how their expenditures
the Income Tax.” compare to other people around the country and what they need
-Albert Einstein to do to enjoy nancial freedom in retirement.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average
American household spends just about $57,000 each year between
necessities and luxuries. Canadians are spending even more than
their neighbors to the south. Statistics Canada indicates that, in
2016, the average annual expenditure on goods and services per
household totaled $62,183.

So how are people allocating their funds? e results may sur-
prise you and indicate where it’s possible to trim some fat and save
big bucks.

Across North America, housing is the largest line item in peo-
ple’s budgets. Various sources suggest that housing and shelter
needs account for anywhere from 30 to 40 percent of most house-
hold budgets. By making housing decisions based on areas with
the most e cient cost of living, individuals can save considerably
over the long run.

e second largest expenditure category is transportation. is
accounts for the cost to nance or lease a vehicle and insure it, and
it also includes urban dwellers who rely on public transportation
or ride-share services to get around. Keeping transportation bud-
gets in check can be great a way to save.

Food is the next largest expense. While everyone needs suste-
nance to stay alive, how that money is allocated can make a big
di erence in saving versus spending. e BLS says that food at
home costs around $4,000 annually, while spending on dining out
amounts to around $3,100, for a grand total of $7,100 each year.
Statistics Canada notes that Canadian households spent an aver-
age of $8,784 in 2016 on food and that 26 percent of that spend-
ing was on dining out. Cutting back on dining out can be a great
way to save money, as can becoming a more sale-conscious grocery

Healthcare, utilities and entertainment are the next most costly
expenditures, respectively. But each of those items are consider-
ably less expensive than the top three. erefore, making changes
to where one lives, how one gets around and how one eats can
certainly add up to considerable savings.

is article is from Metro Creative Connection.

This year its more important than ever to To advertise in Mahopac News, call Brett Freeman at 845-
have the right tax advisers  208-8151 or email [email protected].

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Insurance policies everyone should have

Insurance is something every- tion is essential, as even minimal But the statistics speak other- long-term disability policies also helps protect against any
one needs, but hopes to never coverage is better than nothing wise. Data from the Social Se- provide partial and complete in- litigation as the result of acci-
use. when it comes to o setting the curity Administration show that come replacement depending on dents when a passenger or other
rising costs of health care. three in 10 workers entering the policy chosen. driver is injured.
Without insurance, already the workforce will become dis-
di cult situations could be LIFE INSURANCE abled before they reach retire- AUTO INSURANCE Insurance is a wholly neces-
made much worse and cause - Life insurance is something ment. Being o from work any- People who drive are urged to sary expense that provides peace
nancial devastation. where from a few weeks to a few of mind and protection.
most people will never bene t months is enough to jeopardize have auto insurance to protect
Certain types of insurance from personally, but it leaves a one’s nancial future. Short- and themselves in the event of an ac- is article is from Metro
may not be necessary for every- cident or theft. Auto insurance Creative Connection.
one, but other types are almost nancial legacy for the people
universally necessary regardless they love, providing for those
of the policy holder’s particu- they leave behind. Parents or
lar situation. e following are men and women who are the
some examples of insurance pol- sole breadwinners in the house-
icies everyone should have. hold can rest easy knowing their
life insurance will keep their
HEALTH INSURANCE loved ones nancially secure in
Everyone needs health insur- the event of their death. Accord-
ing to the nancial resource In-
ance. e out-of-pocket costs vestopedia, individuals need to
for routine medical examina- factor in mortgage or rent pay-
tions can be quite high, and ments, loans, funeral expenses,
testing, hospitalization or sur- child care, and taxes when calcu-
gery can take quite a toll on a lating how much life insurance
person’s nances if he or she has coverage they need. Experts
no health insurance. In fact, a suggest 10 times one’s yearly in-
recent Harvard study noted that come.
most people are statistically one
serious illness away from bank- DISABILITY INSURANCE
ruptcy. Shopping around for Many people do not believe
adequate coverage and the most
a ordable plans for one’s situa- they will become ill or injured.

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to relaxing music while having an IV inserted reported
less pain than children who did not listen to music. In [email protected]
addition, children who listened to music during the ad-
ministration of the IV exhibited less anguish than the The Carmel Aardvark Insurance office is merged with the Mahopac office
children who did not listen to music. Healthcare work- effective November 25, 2015.
ers even noted the ease of administering IVs to children
who were listening to music compared to patients who
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Article provided by Metro Creation Connection.


Guns or butter e vaccine lottery

In a speech to a joint session of world is not spending money alone. It On the rst Sunday in January, ere is documentary evidence since
Congress in February 2017, Donald is spending the sweat of its laborers, the ace reporter Sheryl Attkinson then that DOJ lawyers in the vaccine
Trump prepared the nation for “one genius of its scientists, the hopes of its dropped a bombshell of a story court have used the authority of his

of the largest increases in children.” about vaccine safety name to misrepresent

national defense spend- HERE e United States is on Full Measure, the LIFE, his viewpoint to win
ing in American history.” AND the world’s richest and Sunday news show she HEALTH, their cases.
Most signi cant in his NOW! most powerful country
declaration was that the in the world; however, hosts. e show, carried As Attkinson further

amount of funding he BERNIE when it comes to educa- by Sinclair Broadcast POLITICS points out, the CDC
was demanding—$603 KOSBERG tion, healthcare, poverty, Group, is broadcast also never disclosed
billion—had no new and the environment, we to 43 million house- MARA that the government’s
holds and also streams SCHIFFREN former expert on vac-

military mission to go are lagging far behind. online. cines now believes that

along with it, nor had it e U.S. government Attkinson, an award- in some cases there can

been requested by military brass. accounts for over a third of the world’s winning journalist who worked for CBS be a link between vaccines and autism.

Past administrations have sought a military expenditures—more than the for 21 years, became well-known during Government suppression of evi-

sizeable increase in military funding next seven highest-spending countries the Obama Administration when she dence—who would ever believe that

based on a speci c project with a precise combined. Not satis ed, Trump again began publicly discussing tactics used by could happen?

aim. Trump’s request had no such intent. pushed through a mammoth increase CBS to suppress “controversial stories” Even members of Congress who try to

He wanted a bigger military, just for the in the annual U.S. military budget in that re ected poorly on the administra- raise the issue in committee faced “pres-

sake of having a bigger military. Consid- August 2018. tion, such as the 2012 Benghazi attack. sure, bullying and threats.” e phar-

ering that Trump, in that same speech As Eisenhower presaged, “ e price As the controversy over story suppression maceutical industry has a long reach in

and several times since, has expressed we pay is not only in dollars, but in wore on, Attkinson soon began reporting Congress due to its generous donations

his intention to withdraw American the impoverishment of vital sectors of on the fact that her own computer had over the last few decades to Democrats

troops from as many places around the American life.” been hacked, a fact con rmed by CBS and Republicans both. Finally, an indus-

world as possible (200,000 active troops In 2015, the Program for International News late in 2012. She later left CBS but try that is entirely bi-partisan!

are deployed overseas in more than 170 Student Assessment of the Organization has maintained her reputation as a hard- is story is also a milestone for me.

countries), his messaging, then, makes for Economic Cooperation and Devel- hitting, even-handed journalist. e truth is this has been my precise

little sense. opment found that U.S. students ranked On her breaking news story on vac- position for a long time: that vaccines

Realistically speaking, America’s bor- 24th in reading, 25th in science, and cines, Attkinson introduced Dr. Andrew are safe (and have been a huge blessing

ders are quite secure, save several hun- 41st in mathematics. When the scores Zimmerman, a “world-renowned” pedi- in the world on the whole) except for a

dred hungry, unarmed asylum-seekers in these three areas were combined, U.S. atric neurologist, who regularly testi ed subset of people whose immune systems

camped on our southern border. ere’s students ranked 31st behind the students on behalf of the government on the get overwhelmed by them and have

no threat of invasion, hence, having a of Slovenia, Poland, Russia and Vietnam. safety of vaccines. It’s a point well worth terrible, lifelong harm. But I barely ever

standing army of 1.3 million active-duty Approximately 30 million Americans noting that vaccine injuries are not liti- mention it due to the incessant bullying

troops, 800,000 reservists, and a vast adults cannot read, write, or do basic gated in a regular court. Since 1988, the I see—over and over—that anyone with

number of the most advanced nuclear math above a third-grade level. federal government has operated its own a dissenting view receives. Anyone who

missiles, military aircraft, warships, tanks, A 2017 study of healthcare systems in vaccine court, where all cases concern- ever o ers a di erent opinion on social

and other modern weapons of war is 11 advanced industrial countries, by the ing injuries from vaccines are brought. media is hectored into silence as though

enormously excessive and expensive. Commonwealth Fund, found that the When Dr. Zimmerman declared during they are too dumb to have an opinion

In addition, the idea of traditional United States ranked last. According to testimony in this court that vaccines did that counts, as though no gray exists

war—army vs. army—has become rela- the World Health Organization, the U.S. not cause autism, the controversy was in this entire eld, as though it were

tively obsolete. Cyberterrorism against healthcare system ranks 37th among 191 deemed nished. blasphemous to believe that medical

people, property, and government is the countries, well behind that of Colombia, Since then, Dr. Zimmerman has pro- treatments cannot have bad, unknown

major threat we face today, especially Cyprus and Morocco. e infant mortal- vided a sworn a davit stating that “[o]n side e ects.

from our “comrads” in the Kremlin, and ity rate in the United States is higher June 15, 2007, he took aside the Depart- Like the short horror story by Shirley

from China and North Korea. than in 54 other countries, including ment of Justice lawyers and told them Jackson, “ e Lottery,” it’s like a societal

In 1953, President Eisenhower, a Belarus, Cuba and Greece. … that he’d discovered exceptions in consensus exists that a certain number of

retired four-star general who led the According to the U.S. Centers for which vaccinations could cause autism.” people should be sacri ced for the health

Allied Forces to victory in World War II, Disease Control and Prevention, life His medical explanation is as follows: and safety of all the others. at may be

declared, in an address to the American expectancy here is in decline and, today, “in a subset of children, vaccine induced the position people want to adopt, but

Society of Newspaper Editors, “Ev- ranks 53rd among the 100 nations fever and immune stimulation did cause then do it openly, instead of mocking

ery gun that is made, every warship studied. regressive brain disease with features of everyone else into silent compliance.

launched, every rocket red signi es, in Even though we’re the world’s rich- autism spectrum disorder.” Science and medicine evolve and

the nal sense, a theft from those who est nation, over 29 percent of American Zimmerman made the statement to improve through challenge, not by the

hunger and are not fed, those who are SEE KOSBERG PAGE 10 DOJ lawyers on a Friday and was red SEE SCHIFFREN PAGE 12
cold and not clothed… A militarized as their expert witness over the weekend.

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e ghost of Mahopac past, present and future

OF HUMAN It’s the 1950s. e ghost of slats? Is Mexico paying? Who’s for 30 years? Historians will see Lately, the ghost of Mahopac
INTEREST Mahopac Past is a friendly building it? When? Nobody what most Americans have been Yet to Come is glad that he’s a
ghost. Urban dwellers are ock- knows for sure. Fifty years from slow to acknowledge: We have ghost. He sees a Guatemalan
LORENZO ing to the outer suburbs. e now what will historians say become a service economy. Every refugee, Rosie, who works as
GARO migration is called the “White about these past two years, when major sector of the economy, a nurse’s aide. She cleans bed
Flight.” Americans are buying Americans were promised that healthcare, nance, retail, now pans, wipes the behinds of the
If memory serves, the rst cars, building houses and having jobs in manufacturing were com- contributes more to the GDP sick and elderly, gets splattered
column I wrote for the Ma- large families. Mahopac, except ing back, even while automation than manufacturing. And there’s
hopac News began, “Airport in summer, when vacationers ll had been putting an end to them nothing wrong with that! SEE GARO PAGE 12
Park is one of the few buildable three colossal hotels along the
areas in Mahopac that has de ed lake, is a sleepy, rural village. e Extraordinary Food. “Don’t Miss!”
progress.” rolling hills by Baldwin Place are Impeccable Service. —New York Times
a cow pasture. Don’t blink, you
For years the town had fought might pass Mahopac without THURSDAY,FEB14 Restaurant
against condos being built on knowing it’s a town. A fellow Your SweetheartTreat
the property. In the end, the park builds a house on what he thinks this Valentine’s Day!
was designated a land preserve, is a quiet spot, a hill overlooking
only to be used by the town for Lake Casse. Fifteen years later,
recreational purposes. Airport Lake Casse is a labyrinth, a maze
Park was special to me because of roads and split-level houses,
it’d stayed virtually untouched
for so many years and retained lled with kids riding bicycles
the promise, however slim, of and mothers driving “second”
remaining so. cars. Welcome to the American
For better or worse, Airport
Park has succumbed to progress. When was it left for dead,
the American Dream? On the
No crying here. Progress outside it was just a house with a
is progress. Many dedicated white picket fence. Inside, there
people have worked long and was contentment, prosperity and,
hard for the sports facility that’s most importantly, a place for
now taking shape over elds everyone at the banquet table.
that were once bursting with But here’s the thing about the
wild owers and song birds. Of vanishing American Dream and
course, folks like me, who have Mahopac’s future, and if you
for years brought their dogs are fail to see it, you’re living in a
sad to see the trees and habitats vacuum: Whatever happens in
gone, but we’ll adjust. After all, America will happen in Ma-
the remaining trails still o er a hopac.
chance to enjoy nature, walk, and
exercise our dogs. e ghost of Mahopac Pres-
ent has taken to drink. He sees
In Charles Dickens’ “A millennials ocking in reverse
Christmas Carol,” Scrooge is vis- to urban areas and not want-
ited by three ghosts: Christmas ing babies until their hair turns
Past, Present, and Yet to Come. gray. He sees boomers going
I’d like to steal from the great south to die in Florida. He sees a
Dickens and pretend that the crisis of refugees the world over
memorable trinity of apparitions and America closing its doors,
has come to haunt Mahopac. actually making it more di cult
to enter the country legally. He
Indulge me! sees America dickering over a
wall. Will it be concrete, steel or

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e bene ts of card and board games KOSBERG

Dear Dr. Linda, math lesson, especially if no matter how old they are, and everyone FROM PAGE 8

We’re retired grandpar- STRONG you have to double the has a chance to win. children, according to a 2017
ents who babysit for our LEARNING recipe or cut it in half ). e • Children learn empathy. For example, UNICEF report, live in poverty,
grandchildren, 6, 9 and 12 only problem with cook- placing us 35th among the 41
a child will help Mommy win if she keeps richest nations. We have a higher
percentage of people living in
years old. We love them to DR. LINDA ing together is somehow losing or will laugh with Grandma over poverty (15.1 percent) than
pieces, but on the origi- SILBERT you’ll end up in the kitchen something quirky one of them (especially 41 other countries, including
nal job description, there cleaning up all by yourself. Grandma) has done. Uzbekistan, Indonesia, ailand,
Brazil and Sri Lanka.
wasn’t a list of activities to And don’t forget about • Children learn how to strategize. For
e Environmental Perfor-
do with them that would card and board games. example, 7-year-old Sally learns skills such mance Index places the U.S.
27th among the countries it
keep the three occupied. Between home- Concentration, Monopoly and Scrabble are as watching to see which cards her brother ranked on environmental health
and ecosystem vitality. e Social
work, meals and showers, most of the time at the top of the list for most families. discards so she can plan her next move. Progress Index rates the United
States 36th in wastewater treat-
is taken, but not all of it. In fact, besides being fun and inexpensive, ey have opportunities to learn to strat- ment, 39th in access to at least
basic drinking water and 73rd in
Vacations, now days and half-days, playing card and board games is one of the egize, to evaluate what they need to do to greenhouse gas emissions.

are really a challenge. Since our son and most bene cial activities for child develop- win, and what they’re not doing when they In a speech delivered just prior
to his leaving o ce in 1961,
daughter-in-law don’t want them spend- ment. Here’s why: lose. In other words, they learn to think on a Eisenhower warned the nation
about military spending.
ing all their free time on screens (nor do • Children who play cards and board higher cognitive level.
“We can no longer insist on
we) we’re constantly looking for activities games with their families seem to do better • Playing cards and board games involves having both guns and butter,” he
said. “We are compromising the
that are suitable for all three that are fun in school. interpersonal interaction, which is essential possibility of sustaining genu-
ine prosperity at home. Every
and don’t cost much money. ey go to the • Children learn that practice makes per- to child development. Videogames have gun that is made, every warship
launched, every rocket red, sig-
movies and bowling with their parents on fect because quality of play begins at their their place, but they cannot replace playing ni es in the nal sense, a theft.

the weekends. Any suggestions? skill levels and improves as they play the cards and board games, because they do not e cost of one modern, heavy
bomber is this: a modern, brick
Carol and Ed games over and over. enhance a child’s interpersonal skills. school in more than 30 cities.”

Dear Carol and Ed, • Playing games as a family is one of the • By playing cards and board games with It’s time to reevaluate our
For starters, open up a card table and do healthiest ways to bond. Family relation- family, friends and classmates children de-

a jigsaw puzzle together. at way everyone ships grow stronger because family mem- velop a healthy attitude which a ects other

can work on it when they have a few spare bers talk and listen to each other even when parts of their lives.

minutes. If you’re creative, make nger competing. Have fun,

puppets or sock puppets and put on a play. • Children develop patience while waiting Dr. Linda

You’ll nd plays and directions to make the for their turns.

puppets online. Or, create a meal together. • Children learn good sportsmanship. Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad Grades

Together, go to the supermarket and buy ey learn that sometimes you win and Happen to Good Kids,” and director of Strong

the ingredients. Divide up the jobs and sometimes you lose and develop the skill of Learning Tutoring and SAT/ACT Test Prep.

have fun. Or make a cake, cupcakes or a pie dealing with disappointment. Submit questions using the contact form at

together. Kids love to roll out the dough • Children become more con dent be- or visit her on

(and measuring the ingredients is a great cause the rules are the same for every player,


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GARO leave this country, whose leader pro ts by de- SCHIFFREN to vaccine injury. A successful
monizing them. test has the potential to improve
FROM PAGE 9 FROM PAGE 8 a lot of lives. But you cannot
Like many of my fellow doggers who walk make these improvements until
with vomit. Not many would take her job. e what’s left of the trails at Airport Park, I mourn suppression of evidence to the you have the discussion out in
nursing home that employs Rosie puts out a bro- as if I’ve lost a loved one. I try to envision what contrary. Isn’t it better to have the open.
chure with a beautiful white nurse inside the cover. will be, but it’s not Mahopac’s future that comes this discussion out in the open
to mind. It’s the identity crisis America is hav- instead of suppressed as too We have a precautionary ap-
“All the girls who work here are Jamaican and ing. What kind of country will we be? One that dangerous for the hoi polloi to proach to disease in many areas
Spanish!” Rosie declares, smiling, but with hurt builds a wall and tells the refugees of the world know so this can be addressed of medicine. Yearly mammo-
feelings. not to come? Or the one that retains the wisdom by science? So that the research grams, anyone? Why not have
of the Founding Fathers, the one with a generous scientists who specialize in vac- a precautionary approach to the
Her husband, Manuel, is a landscaper who soul that invites them? cines can work to x it, instead state of children’s health before
dreams of starting his own business. ey have of ignoring it. vaccines as well?
been in America for seven years. Today, if they e America yet to come, and Mahopac is go-
tried to come they would not be welcomed. e ing to need those refugees. For example, why not devise Mara Schi ren, PhD, is a writer,
sad fact is, if they had enough money, they would a mandatory medical test that certi ed functional medicine health
can be given to babies and young coach and certi ed Clear Beliefs
children to gure out if their coach. You can reach her at mara.
immune systems are at a point schi [email protected].
where they are safe or susceptible


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Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
Join your host Julius Caesar as we serve you a 7 course meal of regional Italian foods The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
& treat you like Royalty! necessarily those of Mahopac News or its affiliates. Submissions
must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
Dance all night with our stilt walkers & Brazilian Carnevale Dancers! all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
Special Entertainment Presentation op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
$110 per person published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail
at [email protected]. For more information, call
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‘Our chicken and wa es
are amazing, and we have a
long line of Nutella French
toast, as well as apples-and-
cream French toast, and our

omelets are very good.
We have a bunch of di erent

signature dishes.’

- Carina Medina

Frankie’s Wa es & Burgers

Frankie’s Waffles & Burgers
feeds your soul(and bel y)In just a decade,eatery

has become Route 6 mainstay

BY BOB DUMAS ples-and-cream French
EDITOR toast, and our omelets

are very good,” she

In just a short period of time, Frankie’s Wa es & Burg- said. “We have a bunch

ers has become one of the go-to places in Mahopac if of di erent signature

you’re seeking a hearty breakfast or delectable lunch. dishes.”

Opened just over 11 years ago by Carina Medina and Medina points to the

her husband, Frank Evangelista, Frankie’s has already be- Sloppy Frank—eggs

come an iconic Route 6 eatery. In fact, they’ve gotten so with peppers and on-

popular, they’ve decided to share the love by opening an- ions, bacon and ham all

other restaurant next month in Brook eld, Conn. stirred together, as a big Medina, left, with server Marian Feliciotto, who has
Evangelista was born to do this. He comes from a fam- customer favorite. She said a hamburger with a fried egg been with Frankie’s since it opened 11 years ago.
on top is also exceedingly popular.
ily of restauranteurs and has worked in the industry his

whole life. “He has created lots of di erent [recipes] that come with

“I knew what I was getting into when I married him,” his chef background,” she said of Evangelista. “We have

Medina says with a laugh. lots of regular customers who crave the same dish every

Medina is originally from San Francisco and Evange- time they come in. ey keep coming back every day for

lista hails from Yonkers. e couple rst teamed up when the same thing. It’s wonderful.”

Medina worked as a bartender at Colosseo di Roma, an Since it opened, Frankie’s has been in the spotlight sev-

Italian restaurant that Evangelista owned in Mt. Kisco, eral times, winning awards for Best Hamburger and then

where he was the chef. Best Soup in Putnam County.

“We did dinners, so now we’re just about breakfast and Medina said they are excited about their new restaurant

lunch,” Medina said. “It just seemed like a good idea, and in Brook eld, which will be known as Frankie’s Diner

the hours are great. e town already has so many other when it opens in February. ey’ve been working on it for

restaurants that are open at night, so breakfast and lunch several months now, making the necessary renovations to

was de nitely our niche.” get it ready.

ey began to search the region for a good location and “We are moving into the former Five Guys restaurant

soon discovered the Mahopac storefront that they still oc- on Federal Road—they’ve moved across the street next to

cupy, which, at the time was part of a Polish deli. Kohl’s,” she said. “It just seems like a great opportunity. It

“[ e deli owner] cut the store in half, which was great, just worked out for us and it’s the right time. We have been

but when the deli went out of business, we took over the [in Mahopac] 11 years and [the new store] shows how suc-

other half as well,” Medina explained. “Mahopac is beauti- cessful we’ve been. We are ready to keep moving forward.”

ful with a great school district. We bought a house here Frankie’s, located at 565 Route 6, is open Tuesday

and our 12-year-old daughter Francesca goes to the mid- through Saturday, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and Sunday and Mon- PHOTOS: BOB DUMAS

dle school. I love it here; it’s our home and people have day, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. ey do take-out, too. Call 845-621- Carina Medina

been great and welcomed us. We found this little location 2527 for info.

[for the restaurant], which was perfect for us.”

at was in June 2007, and it didn’t take long for Ma- Frankie’s Waffles & Burgers
hopac foodies to discover Evangelista’s cooking.
565 Route 6 • Mahopac • 845-621-2527• [email protected]
“[Evangelista’s] chicken and wa es are amazing, and

we have a long line of Nutella French toast, as wel as ap-


Julia Nardecchia and Kelli Murphy practice their
new moves. Getting into the swing o
Mahopac Friends of Music held its
annual Swing Dance last Friday night at
Austin Road Elementary School, featuring
the MHS jazz band.

The evening featured swing dance
lessons with “Crazy Feet” Pete Redmond,
along with raffles, refreshments and a
night of dancing.
Mahopac Friends of Music is a charitable
parent volunteer organization dedicated
to supporting Mahopac School District
and enhancing opportunities for
performances that mutually benefit the
students and the community.

The crowd hits the dance floor.



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• Somers, NY 10589

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Somers ZBA sides with Whispering Pine in code complaint

Residents plan to challenge decision

BY JODI WEINBERGER law as best we can,” Cannistra said. expects that matter to be heard in February. Residents have complained that the
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Whispering Pine Landscape, at 1 e motion from the Zoning Board up- loud noise coming from the property has
made their daily lives miserable. Porco, a
Noise aside, a controversial landscape Windsor Road, Yorktown Heights, sits holds the decision of now-retired Somers captain in the Yonkers Fire Department,
supply business is not violating town at the intersection of Mahopac, York- Building Inspector Efrem Citarella that works nights and the constant loud nois-
code when it processes stone and other town and Somers and has drawn vitriol Whispering Pine has not violated any es coming from the business prevent him
materials, the Somers Zoning Board of from residents in all three towns. And town codes with these activities. from sleeping during the day, thereby af-
Appeals ruled last week. although the businesses share the same fecting his work and home life, he said.
property, Whispering Pine Landscape is “ e Zoning Board has turned its back
e board agreed with the town’s now- a separate entity from Whispering Pine on us,” Porco said in a phone call. Other residents said the noise, dust and
retired building inspector that Whisper- Garden Center and Florist. e busi- debris from processing materials reaches
ing Pine Landscape Supply Co. has not nesses split about two decades ago; the In explaining her vote, D’Ippolito said their homes from early morning to late
violated town code by processing stone landscape portion is owned by omas there was a “lack of evidence” to support at night.
and other material, a decision board Kuck and the orist portion is owned by the Porcos’ claims. Newman said he be-
members said they struggled to make. cousin Kathleen Kuck. lieves the processing of materials—i.e. e meeting turned contentious with
crushing rock and jackhammering—is residents yelling at the board as members
e motion was approved 4-1 with e residents’ complaints are directed “inherent in being a landscaping supply readied to vote. At one point, Anthony
board member Bill Harden dissenting solely at the landscaping business. business and selling those materials.” Porco stood and threatened to beat up
and board member Umberto Santaroni someone. Later, during a phone call, he
abstaining. Board Chair Victor Can- In 2016, Anthony and Catherine Porco Guyot said he agreed with D’Ippolito. said emotions got charged when he was
nistra, and members Melissa D’Ippolito, of Brianna Lane sued Whispering Pine “ ere’s no winners and no losers here defending his wife from someone making
Arnold Guyot and Tom Newman voted Landscape owner omas Kuck and the and it’s unfortunate that I feel that way,” comments in the crowd.
for the motion to uphold the building in- town of Somers over the noise emanat- Guyot said. “Based on the previous build-
spector’s decision. Ronald Carpaneto was ing from the site as the result of such ing inspector’s ndings, there were no In voting, Cannistra said he believes
not at the meeting. activities as rock crushing, tub grind- violations to the code at that time.” that if the board were to agree with the
ing and jackhammering, along with the Siding with the residents, Harden said residents and against Whispering Pine
A skirmish between people in the au- movement of big stones and trucks on he believes the processing of materials the decision would be overturned based
dience broke out following the vote, with the property. has changed the nature of the business on previous case law.
folks pushing and shoving each other and from landscaping to manufacturing.
exchanging harsh words. Westchester County Supreme Court “I’m not looking to put (Whisper- “We know one side will not be happy
kicked the issue back to the Somers Zon- ing Pine) out of business,” Harden said. with this decision but we have to base it
“Every member of this board has strug- ing Board of Appeals. A separate nuisance “But I’m looking to put them somewhere on law,” Cannistra said. “We’re charged,
gled with this mightily...and we’re doing case is still pending in Westchester County where manufacturing is appropriate to not with voting with our hearts, or what
the best we can and trying to follow the Supreme Court; Porco said this week he the area, so that’s where I stand.” we want to do, we follow the code.”

To advertise in Mahopac News, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email [email protected].

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Kidz Country does good Former Assistant Former Town
deed for Love Holds Life District Attorney Justice for Town
for Westchester
Kidz Country of Putnam (a Mahopac-based daycare) held its County of Somers
second annual coin collection to raise money for the children of
Love Holds Life, local charity that helps families who have a Providing legal services to the
member battling cancer. e school raised $650 for Love Holds community with integrity and
Life and two very special guests, Supergirl and Buddy the Elf, professionalism for over 35 years.
came by to celebrate and rewarded all 22 of the young students
with some toys. Juliette Cazzari (a Mahopac High student) vol- Anthony John Messina
unteered to play Supergirl, and Richard Senato, CEO of Love
Holds Life, played Buddy. Driving Related Offenses: Driving While Intoxicated •
Driving While Impaired by Drug Use • Driving with a
Suspended License • All Vehicle & Traffic Matters
Mahopac man faces Personal Injury • Real Estate Trespass Cases and
multiple felony DWI charges Tree Cutting Cases • Business Entity Formation •

A Mahopac man was arrested a suspended license and without a Purchase and Sale and Commercial Litigation

earlier this month after he was court-ordered interlock device. “Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU on taking on
our daughter’s cause and for all of your help the last few
found passed out in his car, and Dzubak was taken to Yorktown months! We are very pleased with the outcome and are
very happy to have it finished before Christmas.”
now faces three DWI-related fel- police headquarters where he was
ony charges. charged with driving while intoxi-
(914) 949-9440 • Katonah, N.Y.
Yorktown police were called on cated and driving with a BAC of
Wednesday, Jan. 2, to the Mobil .08 percent or more. Each charge
gas station at 3205 Saw Mill River is normally a misdemeanor pun-

Road to investigate a report of a ishable by up to a year in jail and

driver who had passed out in his a ne of $500 to $1,000. But the

vehicle.When they arrived at about two prior DWI convictions elevate

12:13 a.m., police said, o cers both charges to class D felony sta-

found 38-year-old Mark P.Dzubak tus, with potential hard time of

of Mahopac passed out in his car. seven years in state prison and a

Further investigation revealed that ne of as much as $10,000 on each

he had been driving while intoxi- rap. He was also charged with

cated, police said, and had a blood driving with a suspended license,

alcohol content (BAC) of at least a class E felony (four years/up to

0.8 percent, the state’s legal thresh- $5,000),and operating a motor ve-

old for intoxication. Police said hicle without an interlock device, a

they also discovered that Dzubak misdemeanor.

had two DWI convictions in the Dzubak was held pending ar-

past 10 years and was driving with raignment.

Here is a list of meetings and other events in the coming weeks for Public Rela ons For...
the town of Carmel government and the Mahopac School District. Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events
Times are subject to change.
Your Message Is Our Mission
Leave Your Message Here...
Wednesday, Jan. 23 Wednesday, Jan. 23 (914) 275-6887 | bruceaparpr @

Meeting starts at 7 p.m., Town Meeting starts at 7 p.m., Town BRUCE APAR

Hall, 60 McAlpin Ave., Mahopac Hall, 60 McAlpin Ave., Mahopac

APPEALS ZBA ursday, Jan. 17

ursday, Jan. 24 Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.;
Meetings start at 7:30 p.m.,Town Falls School, 100 Myrtle Ave.,
Hall, 60 McAlpin Ave., Mahopac Mahopac Falls


MUSINGS facilitated group environment. Senior and tablets. A description of the 914-242-7433, or email kganis@

FROM PAGE 2 Entertainers Soughte class is ideal for community classes can be found at: www.put- Visit www.RideConnect Registration
groups, parents, grandparents,

our Scouting community. Grab caregivers, schools, students and e Retired Senior Volun- must be in person. For more info,
Home, Lifestyle &your girlfriends, take a break, en- others interested in learning teer Program (RSVP) is seek- call Judy Kolt at 845-277-5422.
joy some light refreshments and a how to save a life. e course is ing volunteers to use their voice Family Show

Volunteer Driversglass of wine. We will paint from for individuals who do not need and dance skills for entertaining
7-9 p.m. R.S.V.P. by Jan. 20. Make a certi cation card for a job or in nursing and veteran homes Needed e Yorktown Chamber of
checks payable to Mahopac Ser- other requirements. For ages 10 in he area. e group practiced Commerce, Jilco Window Cor-

vice Unit for number of friends to adult. Preregistration and pay- every Monday at 11 a.m. at the Can you spare a little time to poration, and the JV Mall will

attending x $55; include names at- ment are required. Class size is Mahopac Friendship Center. make a di erence in the life of an hold the annual Home, Lifestyle

tending the event on the back.Mail limited. No cost; call 845-475- Call Mary White at 845-808- older adult? RideConnect, a pro- & Family Show on Saturday, Feb.

checks to Liz Gagnon 161 Crane 9742 to register. 1734. gram of Family Services of West- 9, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the

Road Carmel,NY 10512 For more Boy Scout Troop Computer Classes chester, is an information, refer- Je erson Valley Mall, 650 Lee
info contact Liz at GirlScoutsof ral and volunteer transportation Blvd., in Yorktown Heights. e

[email protected]. Weekly Meeting for Seniors program for adults ages 60-plus show will feature top companies
who can no longer drive. We seek from the home industry eld
Family & Friends Troop 1 of Mahopac invites
e Putnam County Comput- volunteer drivers who are willing such as renovations, remodel-

CPR Course all boys 10 years and older ( fth er Learning Center for Seniors to provide occasional rides to our ing, painting, roo ng, plumbing,
grade and up) to see what Scout- holds registration the rst urs- older adult neighbors. ese rides heating, electrical, ooring and

e American Heart Asso- ing is all about at Lakeview El- day of every month from 9:30-11 enable our clients to remain ac- more. roughout the day there

ciation’s Family & Friends CPR ementary School, from 7-9 p.m. a.m. for computer classes at the tive in their communities and to will be demonstrations at vendor

Course will be held Saturday, We meet every Tuesday that William Koehler Senior Center, continue to lead ful lling lives. tables where they will feature and

Feb. 2, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Putnam school is in session. No previous 180 Route 6 in Mahopac. In all, Rides are typically to medical highlight products and services

Hospital Center, Carmel. is is Scouting experience is required! there are 13 di erent computer and dental appointments, grocery to attendees. Entertainment will

a video-based, classroom course You do not have to be a Cub classes, including genealogy, basic shopping and other errands. Give be featured live up in the food

intended for individuals who Scout to become a Boy Scout. computer, tablets and phones. A the gift of mobility and indepen- court all day.

wish to learn CPR techniques for For questions, contact Scout free drop-in session is o ered ev- dence. No minimum commit- For pricing information on

treating adult, child and infants Master Joe Link 914-760-2574 ery Friday afternoon from 12:30- ment. Match trips to your sched- the Home, Lifestyle & Family

and prefer an instructor-led or or [email protected]. 2:30 p.m. for help with phones ule. Rides can be set up by phone Show, visit the Chamber’s web-

or on-line. Your family members, site: www.YorktownChamber.

Apothic Red Cupcake young and old, can ride along. org, or contact Nancy Stingone
9$ 95 Prosecco For more information, go to ri- at 914-245-4599 or info@york-
750ml, call
8$ 95
750ml VAPE stantial expenditures” angle, it
could consider a use variance.
“You can [issue] variance relief

Josh incurred by my clients, which to- from a moratorium,” Shilling said.

Oyster Bay taled about $75,000.” “We’ve provided case examples.

Shrilling provided a timeline “[ e moratorium] is a local law

11$ 95Cabernet $1195Sauvignon Blanc chart of what the owners spent and you have a right to grant vari-
750ml 750ml and when they spent it.“ ese are ances for it.”
substantial expenditures that were
made in good faith, without any In the end, the ZBA opted to
knowledge of a moratorium,” he vote on the “substantial expendi-
tures” argument, and granted the

ABOVE ITEMS CASH ONLY said.“ e moratorium was passed Mgeladzes relief from the mora-
in October and [the Mgeladzes] torium by a narrow 4-3 margin.

had no notice and would never Board Chair John Maxwell, along

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ey did what any of us would Marc DiTomaso and RoseMarie
$ 95 Red Blend
have done to start a business.” Fabiano voted yes, while Phillip
750ml 19$ 95 Shilling said that if the ZBA Aglietti, Bill Rossiter Jr. and Jon
didn’t want to consider the “sub- Starace were opposed.
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Tim Cegielski Mike Argila
drives around rises for a
a defender. jumpshot in

Drew Riolo
drives the

Indians open league play with pair of victoriesPHOTOS:SKIPPEARLMAN

After slow start, Mahopac wins ve straight

BY SKIP PEARLMAN “ ey only had one basket in the fourth quarter, and Allen dropped a career-high 42 points on the Admi-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER that was the di erence. Our defense allowed only one rals, including 19 in the fourth quarter, when the Indi-
basket… And when we have that kind of e ort on de- ans mounted their comeback. He also ripped down 16
e Mahopac varsity boys basketball team opened fense, we can put ourselves in a position to win games. I rebounds in addition to grabbing three steals and hand-
its league schedule last week, and the Indians could not was really proud of the guys for doing that.” ing out three assists. Argila added 11 points, including
have made a bigger splash. nine in overtime, and Drew Riolo had 10 points.
e other thing that impressed Simone was that the
Mahopac trailed for nearly the entire game Saturday, team picked up the victory in spite of bad shooting. Ma- “ at was an absolutely unbelievable win,” Simone
Jan. 12 at Carmel, but the resilient Indians somehow hopac went 5-of-29 from 3-point range, and missed 12 said. “To win these last two—82 points in overtime and
turned the switch in the fourth quarter, outscoring the of 21 free throws. then 42 in a defensive battle—two di erent styles…
Rams, 13-3, and picking up an unlikely 42–38 victory.
“We missed a ton of shots,” Simone said. “When at gives us a big boost in con dence going forward.
After opening the season 2–4, the Indians have reeled Reahl (Allen) isn’t scoring (he was in foul trouble), and “ is game was one of the craziest I’ve seen since I’ve
o ve straight wins and now stand at 7-4 overall and our team isn’t shooting well, for us to get a win really is been here,”Simone added.“We were down 14 to start the
2-0 in league play. a testament to how hard our team works.” fourth, and with two minutes left we were down 10. We
didn’t give up, we put a full-court press on, and we tired
Carmel got out of the gate quickly, with an 11–5 rst Mike Argila led the Indians with nine points, Tim them out. We got turnovers and points in transition.
quarter, and led 23–17 at halftime. Cegielski added eight points. Allen pulled down 14 re- “And Reahl was unstoppable,” Simone continued. “We
bounds, and nished with six points, after drawing lots were running and getting the ball to Reahl. And Tim had
e Rams kept the pressure on and maintained their of attention from the Carmel defense. one of his best games. He was great on defense, and hit a
advantage throughout the third, but the fourth quarter couple of big threes. Argila also did a great job. His motor
was a di erent story. e prior Wednesday on the road,the Indians stunned and e ort never stops, and he played great defense.”
Arlington with a 32-point fourth quarter to send the
“We went to pressure in the fourth, and that really game to overtime, before earning an 82-80 victory.
made a di erence,” Mahopac coach Matt Simone said.

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Indians defeat Carmel, fall to Arlington


e Mahopac High School girls bas- Mia Klammer of Mahopac drives around a defender last
ketball team picked up a 53–40 victory Saturday at Carmel.
over crosstown rival Carmel Saturday,
Jan.12, on the road. Zina McInerney of Mahopac looks for a
place to pass in Saturday’s win over Carmel.
Mia Klammer led the Indians with
11 points while Caitlyn O’Boyle, Mela- Mahopac’s Melanie DeMeo is fouled in
nie DeMeo and Zina McInerney each transition by Carmel’s Kadija Johnson.
chipped in with eight.
“We played really well,” Indians coach
Chuck Scozzafava said. “Our press was Be Prepared BEFORE the Storm Hits!
working, and things went well for us. We
had a tight game against Arlington. at
was a tough loss, so it was good to see
them come out and play hard in this one.

“It was also nice to get Katrina (Klam-
mer) back (after missing eight to 10
games with an ankle injury),” the coach
said. “She played nice defense and gave
us good leadership on the oor. It was
also nice to have Katie McDonough
back (ACL). It was nice to get her in

“Zina, Caitlyn and Melanie all played
well,” the coach added. “April Heady
also had six points, she hit some outside
shots and played good defense. She did
a nice job.”

e prior Wednesday at Arlington, the
host Admirals beat the Indians, 66–61.

O’Boyle came up with a season-high
28 points, and Mia Klammer added 15.

“I think we played pretty well,” Scoz-
zafava said. “It was close at the end, we
didn’t get the play o we wanted, and we
turned it over. But what really hurt were
free throws—we went nine of 20 from
the line, while they got 16-of-17. If we
can’t hit a couple down the stretch… It’s
tough to win games if you can’t hit some
foul shots. O’Boyle did a nice job. She
was all over and rebounded well, she was
solid. Mia is a key to our fast break; she
can help us get going, and she can nish.

e Indians were scheduled to host
John Jay of East Fishkill ursday, Jan.
17, at 6 p.m.

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Mahopac superintendent Anthony DiCarlo, Dennis DiSanto and and athletic Supporters surround the new
director John Augusta Section 1 wins leader.


Mahopac honors DiSanto for career accomplishments

SKIP PEARLMAN DiSanto, who coached for 27 seasons in recent memory. e with DiSanto since he was in “He’s like our best friend,” Roa
CONTRIBUTING WRITER years at Somers before coming Indians are currently 29-5, and on fourth grade. “He already had added. “He’s always with us, al-
to Mahopac in 2001, took over track to nail down a league title such a big history, and was a well- ways knows what to say to put us
Mahopac superintendent An- as Section 1’s all-time dual-meet next week. known coach. So it was pretty in the right mood—to make us
thony DiCarlo and athletic di- wins leader last week, when he cool getting a coach like that to happy, honestly. He’s such a great
rector John Augusta presented notched No. 422 in a win over Indians captain Tyler Roa, one come to our school. [When I guy, and he’s a funny guy—o the
wrestling coach Dennis DiSanto Brewster. of many Indians who have our- was] growing up he would always mat. He motivates us. . . . He be-
with a plaque commemorating his ished under DiSanto, talked about talk to me about wrestling on the lieves in us. And that helps a lot.
400th career dual-meet win prior DiSanto, also a longtime guid- what makes the coach special. high school team. at was pretty Everyone loves him.”
to the Jan. 10 senior night match ance counselor at Mahopac, will cool. I always knew he was a good
against Carmel last ursday retire at the end of the school year “Him coming over here from guy. SEE DISANTO PAGE 24
as his team enjoys one its best Somers was such a big deal,” said
Roa, who has known and worked

Closing the Gender Gap in Engineering, One Girl at a Time

by Rich Kirby

Across the US, schools, pri- ent in Robot. Lavelle is co-cap-
vate academies and even public tain of Kennedy’s highly-rated
libraries are making a concerted robotics team which competes
effort to bridge the gender gap around the country.
between male and female en-
gineers. Reshma Saujani, the “Being on the team has taught Photo: Jacob Bergmeier, Kennedy Catholic Society. Off-campus she earned
founder and CEO of Girls Who me a lot about the field that I her Girl Scout Gold Award by
Code, believes we will achieve want to go into, mechanical math and science classes and upgrading Brewster’s First Bap-
gender parity in computer sci- engineering,” Lavelle said. “I’ve I love being able to learn in a tist Church food pantry with all
ence in 2027. learned how to solve problems hands-on way.” commercial-grade appliances.
both slowly at meetings and
In northern Westchester, odds quickly at matches. In compe- It’s not all blowtorches and code Lavelle has her sights set on
are it will happen a lot sooner titions, I’ve met many other compiling for Lavelle, how- Manhattan College; she likes its
than that, if Mahopac’s Emily students from different teams, ever. She is also a member of small size and strong engineer-
Lavelle is any indication. both locally and from around Kennedy’s Latino Club, plays ing program.
the world. At last year’s Vex percussion in the school band,
A senior at Kennedy Catholic Robotics World Championship, I and tutors other students, as a
High School in Somers, Lavelle actually spoke to two girls from member of the National Honor
just received the prestigious a team in Kazakhstan. Robotics
Silver Award in the Technology has taught me leadership, sports-
and Engineering category from manship, and how to present
the Hispanic Heritage Founda- myself, alongside how to work
tion Youth Awards. with machinery and how to
design robots with very specific
A bilingual volunteer for the functions. It helps me visualize
Brewster library, she’s also flu- the lessons that I learn in my



Lakeland/Panas/Putnam Valley edges Mahopac


e Mahopac High School Chloe
gymnastics team battled the Lee
Lakeland-Panas-Putnam Valley
combined squad last ursday,
Jan. 10, but ended up on the
short end of a 174.05–168.65

Mahopac’s Jamison Castrata-
ro nished second in the vault,
uneven bars and oor exercise,
and nished third in all-around

Chloe Lee was third on the
uneven bars, fourth in oor ex,
and took a fourth in the all-

Alessia Gristina was fth in


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Senior commits
to Gettysburg

Zachary Puckhaber, a Mahopac High Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating
School senior, seen here with his family, 719 Route 6
committed last month to play men’s lacrosse Mahopac, NY
for Gettysburg College for the 2018-19
academic year. Foraanlldyowuarteprlutmrebaitnmge, nhteanteinegd,sgas

Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating 8E4m5a.6il2:[email protected]
Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating
Mahopac, NY 719 Route 6
Mahopac, NY
Foraanlldyowuarteprlutmrebaitnmge, nhteanteinegd,sgas
PMTW8A4HO5O-M6P2UA8S-C6C6, 1NO3YOET1XT0R.51O045F1AoDrNaaOnllRdyTowHuarteprlutmrebaitnmge, nhteanteinegd,sgas
8E4m5a.6il2:[email protected] DISANTO
F 845-628-2807
Business Policies Home FROM PAGE 21
Umbrella Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating Auto jPJRoREeOINSl.CIgDIErPEeANeLLTnAIAbRLeGC&rHgITC@REOCMaTErMcEhER-vC8ENiIsA4miLoB5n•a.Ms6iE.Ulc2:Nos8RIemC.rI3PGvA9iL2cAe4AP@PIAbRb,OeNeVeeACaLaAnSnRddBjajayy.c.coomm
Mahopac athletic director
719 Route 6 John Augusta said DiSanto
Mahopac, NY knows how to communicate
the right way.
Foraanlldyowuarteprlutmrebaitnmge, nhteanteinegd,sgas
“He’s tremendous, and we’re
Neal L. Sullivan lucky to have him,” Augusta
said. “He gets it. He puts every-
Tel: 844251.6R2t86.98E6•4m0M54a.a6i•lh2:swo8epw.r3avw9ci.2c,[email protected] thing in perspective, and he’s
more positive than any coach
Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating I’ve ever seen. He understands
719 Route 6 what that is, and what the kids
mrchimney.comFireplace & BM71oa9hiolRepoaruct,FeNl6Yue Experts Mahopac, NY get out of wrestling—other
than wins and losses—and he’s
Chimney Cleaning, Chimney Repairs, Gas Conversions, Foraanlldyowuarteprlutmrebaitnmge, nhteanteinegd,sgas a guidance counselor, so he un-
IWnsoeordtsB, uErxnhinagusSttFoavenssF,,oFCriharaeinlmlpdylnaowecuyaertReGprellualtimrsnesinbaDgitnm,ogRoe, renhspte,aanFiteriirneeLgdpe,slaagkcases derstands how to communicate
with kids. And he does a great
845-526-82008E4m5a.6il2:[email protected] 8E4m5a.6il2:[email protected] job of doing that.”

Bee & Jay PlumbDiiwnscgaolvk&-eirnHtbheaeatwhttiounrblgdf’srobmest Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating Augusta said DiSanto is
719 Route 65 Reasons American Standard leaving the program in good
Walk-In Tubs are Your Best Choice PBJareiwinngetilinrnyyg,osCu, rAoiFitonenrmasatn,lsildSqyoMow7rutu1aaewert9hrespoelRrlpui&ctonmarauecgntba,CeiN,tncm6YoBgoe,mlnhlrteeeoancttentoineizgdybe,solgsuea,!ss shape, and will be tough to re-
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by American Standard without him,” Augusta added.
“He leaves huge, huge shoes to
5 44 Hydrotherapy jets for an
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id program, we have great kids
FREE IN-HOME and a good youth program, so
EVALUATION! we feel we’re in good shape
8E4m5a.6il2:s8e.r3v9i2ce4@bbeeeeaannddjajayy.c.coommLapSRLnuheCdrcocewdchiovoaeemesr,esaoprn.rfaSroDneetyeeesliuAenwxlmfloewinerSmwrNhic.waaoatswanisolekaSnirunt..aOtNnCuYdbS,easLWr.rBadvemBasCl9teaicd8rdhioce2eant7snlt9tyoes6witrlae;NhnStYiduwl,eaPistruohdutl-kpnfuupaNsllmliY.ecin:5soNsm5ltaYa4,slfRlt3oa.o1rtLHciooim;ktnNlhaitoYenCfrdoa:rnHNeeLsIYCit.bpr#ieec2rrtai0hotoin2ous2ns7aeW4nhda8ol-fkldoD-.rICnMliAcBue.asSnttahsbif,neeLgtiyb, wreTsuratabrttrisimaoCnneoty., moving forward.”

® Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating Sports Deadline
Your business card719 Route 6 The sports deadline for
Bee & Jay Plumbing & Heating Mahopac, NY Mahopac News is the Sunday
719 Route 6 before the next publication
Mahopac, NY date. Varsity coaches
should submit results and
could be here.Call information by e-mail to
2020 Census jaonbdsepvreFoonvripadanaleldi:ydowgturarretaepairnltutipmnreagbay.itn,mAgfle,penhxpteilanbyteiltneeogdhd,sogaauysr!s, Brett For a8anl4ld5y-ow2ua0rt8ep-rl8utm1re5ba1itnmtgoe, nfihtenandteioneugdt,sghaosw. [email protected]. All
weekly pay youth sports and recreational
Freeman at sports items should also be
submitted to the same e-mail
For more inforTmheaUt.iSo. CneonsrushBeulrpeaau8Epis4mpa5nlyaE.i6qinlug2:asl, 8E4m5a.6il2:[email protected] address by the Thursday
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(914) 666-1200 | I can do to lower my risk? surgeon for a diagnosis. If it’s a rupture, I generally
A: Absolutely. Lifestyle changes can decrease recommend surgery. Non-surgical management is
your vulnerability to both tears and complete associated with a higher risk of re-rupture and decreased
ruptures. Warm up before exercising to get your strength. The goal of surgical treatment is to pull the
blood circulating; drink plenty of water to hydrate frayed tendons together at the right length for optimal
your muscles and tendons; and be aware of the long-term function. This results in faster, more efficient
temperature outside – strenuous activities in cooler tendon healing.
temperatures put you at a higher risk. Your tendons
become less elastic, less malleable and more Regardless of the type of treatment, an Achilles
prone to injury. tendon rupture requires a year or more to recover with
full function. Consistent physical therapy will help
Q: What are symptoms of a rupture? strengthen your calf muscles and your Achilles tendon
A: Very often pain is minimal, which could lead you so you’re able to resume all the activities you were doing
to underestimate your injury. Some of my patients before the rupture, without pain. The reported risk of
wait to seek treatment because they don’t have any re-rupture after surgical repair is about ve percent.


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LEGAL NOTICE 4. Application of JACK add the following to the existing PUZZLE SOLUTIONS
OCCHIOGROSSO for a provision of said section:
By the Zoning Board of Variation of Section 156.15 DONATE YOUR CAR
Appeals of the Town of Carmel seeking permission to retain IN ACCORDANCE WITH
pursuant to Section 267 Town existing deck. e property is THE PROVISION OF §147 23, Wheels For Wishes
Law, notice is hereby given that located at 6 Deer Run, Mahopac NO PERSON SHALL STAND benefiting
a hearing will be held on: NY 10541 and is known by Tax A VEHICLE BETWEEN THE Make-A-Wish®
Map 75.10-2-3. TIMES SPECIFIED UPON Hudson Valley
JANUARY 24, 2019 7:30 P.M. ANY OF THE FOLLOWING * 100% Tax Deductible
To hear the following • Code Requires: 40’ front; DESCRIBED STREETS OR * Free Vehicle Pickup ANYWHERE
Provided: 8’; Variance Required: PARTS OF STREETS: * We Accept Most Vehicles Running or Not
applications: 32’ * We Also Accept Boats, Motorcycle & RVs
Name of Street/Side/Hours-
1. Application of RICK MINUTES:
• December 27, 2018 • Gleneida Boulevard/ * Car Donation Foundation d/b/a Wheels For Wishes. To learn more about our programs or
ROMASH for a variation By Order of the Chairman, Both/7:00 a.m. –5:00 p.m. financial information, call (213) 948-2000 or visit
of Section 156-15 and a Use Monday-Friday/200 feet East of
Variance seeking permission to John Maxwell Baldwin Place Rd WHY DO WE
convert existing 1 residential
& 2 commercial building to a NOTICE OF PUBLIC • Muscoot Road North/ ADVERTISE
2 residential & 1 commercial HEARING Both/7:00 a.m. –5:00 p.m.
building. e property is located Monday-Friday/200 feet East of IN HALSTON
at 19 Fair Street, Carmel NY NOTICE IS HEREBY Baldwin Place Rd MEDIA’S
10512 and is known by Tax Map GIVEN, that the Town Board LOCAL
44.14-1-47. of the Town of Carmel will • Ryan Court/Both/7:00 a.m.–
conduct a Public Hearing at the 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday/Entire NEWSPAPERS?
• Code Requires: 1 apt. & 2 Town Hall, 60 McAlpin Avenue, Length
commercial; Provided: 2 apts. & 1 Mahopac, New York 10541 on Advertising in Halston
commercial; Variance Required: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at SECTION 4 HOME RULE Media is being part of a
Use Variance 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter Nothing in this Local Law is community. While walking through
that evening as possible on a different towns, people recognized
• Code Requires: Lot width – Local Law amending Chapter intended, or shall be construed (a) our picture and connected it to the
200 ft.; Provided: 52 ft.; Variance 147 of the Code of the Town of to limit the home rule authority services promoted. It was a great way
Required: 148 ft. Carmel, entitled “Vehicles and of the Town under State Law to get new customers while validating
Tra c” as follows: to limit the Town’s discretion our work with current clients.
• Code Requires: Lot area – in setting fees and charges in
40,000 sf.; Provided: 16,809 sf.; TOWN OF CARMEL connection with any applications Dr. Deborah Hardy
Variance Required: 23,191 sf. PROPOSED LOCAL LAW requiring Town approval. Student Support and Educational Consultant
# ______ OF THE YEAR 2019
• Code Requires: Front yard – A LOCAL LAW SECTION 5 SEVERABILITY GuidED Consulting, LLC
40 ft.; Provided: 23.5 ft.; Variance AMENDING CHAPTER 147 If any part or provision of this
THE TOWN OF CARMEL, Local Law or the application CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151
• Code Requires: West side ENTITLED “VEHICLES thereof to any person or
yard – 25 ft.; Provided: 20.3 ft.; AND TRAFFIC.” circumstance be adjudged invalid
Variance Required: 4.7 ft. by any court of competent
SECTION 1 jurisdiction, such judgment shall
• Code Requires: East side is Local Law shall be be con ned in its operation to the
yard – 25 ft.; Provided: 5.6 ft.; part or provision or application
Variance Required: 19.4 ft. known as 2019 Amendments to directly involved in the
Chapter 147 entitled “Vehicles controversy in which judgment
• Code Requires: Driveway and Tra c”. shall have been rendered and shall
width – 24 ft.; Provided: 20.3 ft.; not a ect or impair the validity
Variance Required: 3.3 ft. SECTION 2 of the remainder of this Local
Chapter 147 of the Town Code Law or the application thereof to
NEW APPLICATIONS: other persons or circumstances,
2. Application of THOMAS of the Town of Carmel, §147- and the Town Board of the Town
54, Schedule XIII: PARKING of Carmel hereby declares that
TIFFANY for a Variation PROHIBITED CERTAIN it would have passed this Local
of Section 156.15 seeking HOURS is hereby amended to Law or the remainder thereof
permission to retain existing shed add the following to the existing had such invalid application or
and portable tent. e property provision of said section: invalid provision been apparent.
is located at 142 Orchard Road,
known by Tax Map 74.26-1-40. THE PROVISION OF §147 22, is Local Law shall take
• Code Requires: 25’ front A VEHICLE BETWEEN e ect immediately upon ling
– tent; Provided: 4’; Variance THE HOURS LISTED UPON in the o ce of the Secretary of
Required: 21’ ANY OF THE FOLLOWING State in accordance with Section
DESCRIBED STREETS OR 27 of the Municipal Home Rule
• Code Requires: 10’ rear - PARTS OF STREETS: Law.
shed; Provided: 2’; Variance
Required: 8’ Name of Street/Side/Hours- At said Public Hearing, all
Days/Location interested persons shall be heard
• Code Requires: 10’rear- shed; on the subject thereof. e
Provided: 3’; Variance Required: • Ryan Court/Both/7:00 a.m.– Town Board will make every
7’ 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday/Entire e ort to assure that the Public
Length Hearing is accessible to persons
3. Application of JOHN & with disabilities. Anyone
DENISE McGUINESS for SECTION 3 requiring special assistance and/
a Variation of Section 156.15 or reasonable accommodations
seeking permission to retain Chapter 147 of the Town should contact the Town Clerk.
existing chicken coop & 12
chickens. e property is located Code of the Town of Carmel, By Order of the Town Board of
at 13 Scout Hill Road, Mahopac the Town of Carmel
NY 10541 and is known by Tax §147-55, Schedule XIV: NO
Map 63.8-1-9. Ann Spo ord, Town Clerk
• Code Requires: 40,000 sq. ft.;
Provided: 26, 295 sq. ft.; Variance HOURS is hereby amended to
Required: 13,705 sq. ft.

• Code Requires: 6 chickens/
acre; Provided: 12 chickens;
Variance Required: 6 chickens

PCABGMEa2h8opacMNAeHwOs 1P1A.1C7N.1E9.WqxSp_CB 1/11/19 1:48 PM Page 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 2019




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Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage are independent contractor agents and are not employees of the Company. The property information herein is derived from various sources that may include, but not be limited to, county records and the Multiple Listing Service, and it may
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Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

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