Presented by The Greater
Mahopac-Carmel Chamber
of Commerce
Saturday April 27th 1-5 PM
GLENEIDA AVENUE between Fair Street and Vink Drive
The 2019 Carmel Spring Fair
Michael Celestino Dear Reader, Even though every business is di erent, our members all have
e Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce is excited joined for similar reasons, such as seeking to get more exposure and
name recognition for their business; building and maintaining rela-
to present the third annual Carmel Spring Fair along Gleneida Av- tionships; increasing and developing client/customer base; giving
enue from Fair Street to Vink Drive this Saturday, April 27, from 1 back to our community by helping keep it a great place to live, work
to 5 p.m. It will be a fun- lled day with free rides for the children and play; and activities such as the Carmel Spring Fair.
and o ering over 100 local businesses the opportunity to showcase
their business to the great community in which we live, work and Your local Chamber keeps moving forward to support businesses
play. I encourage everyone to bring your families and friends to the and our great community.
If there is anything that we can do to help your business, feel free to
e Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce is one of contact the Chamber o ce at 845-628-5553.
the largest and most active area chambers of commerce in the Hud-
son Valley region. It has grown to about 400 members who include Michael Celestino
professionals, business owners, key employees, entrepreneurs, not- Executive Director, CEO
for-pro t organizations, government employees and more.
e Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce
A special thank you Map of the
from Mahopac News Carmel Spring
Dear Readers, Fair area
Many people don’t know that despite this news- The Carmel Spring Fair will be held on the yellow line, which will be closed
off from traffic. The area in pink is the designated detour route. The Carmel
paper’s name, Mahopac News is actually delivered Police Department will be directing traffic around the festivities.
to about 1,000 mailboxes in the hamlet of Carmel
each week in addition to the 6,000 papers delivered
to Mahopac residents.
is makes Mahopac News one of the highest (if
not the highest) circulated newspapers in the ham-
let of Carmel. While our school district coverage is
solely Mahopac (in part because many of the Carmel
homes receiving this newspaper are actually located
within the Mahopac Central School District), we still
publish plenty of relevant content for people living Brett Freeman
outside the school district.
In fact, when the Carmel Town Board rst listed us as one of the o cial town papers,
we pledged to the town that anyone living in the town of Carmel is entitled to receive our
paper – free of charge – by mail. Anyone interested in receiving this paper can email their
name and address to [email protected]. We would love to add you to our list
of requesters.
We would like to thank the Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce Board of
Directors for organizing this inaugural Carmel Spring Fair, which we hope will continue for
years to come. We at this newspaper thank the Chamber for once again asking us to publish
a special section for the community.
As always, this section would not be possible without our loyal advertisers who are the
backbone of not only our newspaper, but our community. We wouldn’t be able to invest our
resources — reporting, photography, design, printing and postage — without our advertisers
investing their resources in us. So, we thank them for allowing us to serve the community.
For every volunteer who is highlighted in our newspaper, for all the important stories cov-
ering the local government, it is the local businesses who give this newspaper the resources
to provide that coverage. In turn, we ask our readers to support our advertisers.
And let us all celebrate this community at the third annual Carmel Spring Fair.
Brett Freeman
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Local businesses participating in the fair
All County Pest Control David Lerner Kisco Sweets and Treats Putnam Comm Action St. John e Evangelist Food
Alzheimer's Association DJM Advisory Group Krav Maga Partnership Pantry
American Cancer Society Elite Progression LDR Home Improvement Inc.
Aon PT and Wellness Empire Performance Lori's Leashes Inc Putnam County National Bank T. Webber Plumbing and
Arc of Putnam Fidelis Love Holds Life PCSB Bank Heating
Arf Scarf Florrie Kaye’s LulaRoe Putnam Orthodontics
Bell Heating & Air Conditioning Gilead Presbyterian Church Lynne's Sweet Treats and More Putnam Service Dogs e Plaza At Clover Lake
Brewster Pastry Gyro Uno M & T Bank Putnam Women’s Resource ree Little Pigs
Briante Realty Hamlet Hub Mahopac Carmel Chamber Town of Carmel Democratic
Carmel Kent Chamber of Hamlet of Carmel Civic Assoc. Mahopac Library Center Committee
Hansen O ce Solutions Mahopac Lions Club Rebecca Lane Crafts Tri-County Maintenance &
Commerce Hartshorn Paving Marshall & Sterling Reed Memorial Library Contracting
Carmel Kent Lions Club HempWorx MVP Health Renewal By Andersen Trustco Bank
Carmel PBA Honey Do Men OSA Fitness RideConnect UFC Gym
Carmel Sports Club Houlihan Lawrence Brewster Patterson Jehovah’s Witnesses Rotary Club Of Carmel United Martial Arts
Chris Automotive Hudson Valley Federal Credit PC Business Council Ruby Ribbon US Army
Coldwell Banker Pope Woodworks Sclafani Energy USA Drains
Community Cares Union Power Home Remodeling Schech's Pool Spa Patio Vesco Foods
Cornell Cooperative Hudson Valley Shooting Sports Servpro Wallauer Paint
Cove Care It’s All About My Dog CT Events Smith Clarke Agency Mahopac Whipped Cupcakes Food Truck
Croton Falls SDA Church Jilco Project Scholarship William A. Shilling Jr.
Danbury Westerners Keller Williams Putnam Chorale Lions William G. Sayegh Law Firm
Spain Agency William Raveis Real Estate
Stone Meadow
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Saini Smith-Clarke Celebrate the return of warmer weather en there are all the food options. Take
Recipient of 2018
Emerging Professional Award this Saturday, April 27, at the Carmel Spring the time to taste the goodies from local eat-
Smith & Clarke Agency, Inc. Fair. e fair,which will run from 1 to 5 p.m., eries,such as ai Golden,Florrie Kaye’s Tea
530 Route 6
will turn Gleneida Avenue between Fair Room and an array of food trucks. For those
Mahopac, NY 10541
(845) 210- 5550 Street and Vink Drive in Carmel into a giant with a sweet tooth, there will be many des-
[email protected] block party. It will feature rides, entertain- serts to choose from.
Se Habla Espanol ment, food and a variety of vendors to shop. As you walk around, you can learn about
Proud sponsor of the e event is being organized by the Greater some of the great services local businesses of-
Mahopac Lions Club Table Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce. fer, check out the artisans with hand-crafted
Looking for community involvement It is being sponsored by Tompkins Mahopac works and take advantage of the merchan-
and give-back opportunities?
Bank; Halston Media,the parent company of dise dealers o ering lots of great bargains
Join them!
Mahopac News, and Examiner Media. and unique items for all.
is is the second annual spring fair that the In addition, the Putnam County Visi-
Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce tors Bureau is sponsoring a trolley that will
has held and is one of its major events within help transport attendees from the parking
the commerce district of the hamlet of Carmel. areas to the festivities. Check out a list of
e Carmel Spring Fair committee is working the shuttle stops on the chamber’s website,
hard along with all of its sponsors to help sup-
port businesses and the overall community in Carmel police will close Route 52 from
the planning and execution of this event. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the designated space to
ere will be attractions for everyone. ensure the attendees’ safety.Tra c will be in-
FunTime Amusements will be operating structed to use Vink Drive,Fair Street,Fowler
rides for youngsters as well as teens; Pozzi- Avenue and Route 301 as alternative routes.
tiv Productions will be on hand playing the For more information,visit www.mahopac-
soundtrack of the day. or call 845-628-5553.
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The history of the Carmel Fire Department
e history of the Carmel Fire Depart- rival of two pieces of apparatus that were
ment is one that has been consistently de- shipped via a train boxcar from Anderson,
veloping since the start of the early 1900s. Ind. In fact, Mr. P.G. Howe, the designer
Interestingly, prior to becoming a formal- and engineer responsible for the design and
ized district, there were various groups of manufacturing of the apparatus, traveled to
residents within the town of Carmel that Carmel to ensure their safe arrival.
e ciently “maintained re safety without Today, the original Buckeye stands
a burden to the village or its bene ciaries.” strong and tall within the Carmel Fire De-
Moreover, these historic initial versions of partment walls and can be viewed by the
re ghters within Carmel were led by Ells- residents as it stands at the front of the re-
worth Fowler with assistance from Henry PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CARMEL FIRE DEPARTMENT house looking out towards Route 52.
B. Zickler and J. Franklyn Hyatt. Along In November 1949, the Carmel Fire De-
The Carmel Fire Department, circa the early 1900s
with other residents of the town, the original re ghters of Fire Commissioners of the district adopted a motion partment Ladies Auxiliary was created and later became to
of Carmel sounded the re alarm by means of shouting at to incorporate the Carmel Fire Department. Moreover, on be known as the Carmel Fire Department Auxiliary. e
each other to warn others of the dangers ahead. Sept. 23, 1915, Justice Joseph Morschauser of the Supreme Auxiliary has provided a signi cant amount of inspira-
However, on Oct. 23, 1914, Mrs. Stephen Ryder, the ini- Court of New York, executed a certi cate of incorporation tion to the re department parades, as it wins prestigious
tial and primary activist of the creation of the Carmel Fire and the Carmel Fire Department became o cially recog- marching trophies at various county parades.
Department,called a meeting to order of all local taxpayers. nized by the state as an o cial re department. In 1953, the department moved from its original loca-
is primary meeting not only came about to discuss the On Nov. 10, 1915, the Town Board gave its consent to tion on Gleneida Avenue, next to an old Revolutionary
creation of the rst re protection committee, but also to the department and by Nov. 23, 1915 the directors sub- War cemetery, to a newly created rehouse on Fair Street.
confer on the notion of the taxpayers contributing to the mitted a list of names that they considered eligible to is second home of the department is currently known as
re protection of the town through increasing membership become active members of the department. Additionally, the headquarters of the Knights of Columbus Chapter in
and enhanced equipment of those times. the department’s rst annual meeting was held on Jan. 3, Carmel. It was not until Dec. 6, 1953 that the department
Ultimately, the Carmel Fire District was created by a 1916, whereby the rst o cers of the department were held its rst annual meeting within the new building.
resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of elected. However, prior to this meeting, on Dec. 31, 1915, SEE CARMEL FD PAGE 14
Putnam on Nov. 10, 1914. By Sept. 21, 1915, the Board the newly appointed Carmel re ghters welcomed the ar-
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George Hartshorn Paving: Quality you can drive on
Iconic Carmel business started nearly 60 years ago
BY BOB DUMAS the family business. But, he notes, the
EDITOR brief dalliance he had taking engineer-
George Hartshorn knew what he ing courses actually paid o in his work.
would be doing for a living much earli- “I think it’s helped out over the
er than most of us. His dad, George Sr., years,” he said.
had started George Hartshorn Pav- Hartshorn said his work is well
ing in 1960 and when young George known around town. ey lled in the
turned 7, he was already operating land where ShopRite is currently lo-
some of the heavy machinery. cated—what used to be Max’s Diner
“I’ve been running machines and back in the mid-’70s.
working a shovel ever since I was a kid,” When his dad was still running
he said with a chuckle. “As a kid, who the operation, they built Horsepound
wouldn’t want to drive a machine? I’ve Road and the ancillary roads for the
been running backhoes and front load- surrounding development, including
ers since I was 7—and now I’m 53.” one that was dubbed George Jr. Drive.
Hartshorn’s dad started the business “Yeah, they named a road after me,”
in 1960 and since then, the entire fam- he said.
ily’s played a part. Hartshorn employs ve fulltime em-
“We’ve had the family-run business FILE PHOTO ployees, two of whom have been with
here in Carmel all our lives,” he said. George and Kathryn Hartshorn with their children, Travis, George III, and Samantha him for 35 years.
“We do driveway sealing and paving “I still get that kick [out of the job],
and parking lots, both residential and commercial. We also do minor septic repairs and especially with all the new equipment we have today,” he said. “We have $1.5 million
excavation work, such as curtain drains for a house.” worth and it makes the jobs a little easier.”
Hartshorn attended college brie y to study engineering but dropped out to take over SEE HARTSHORN PAGE 12
Florrie Kaye’s Tea Room to mark third anniversary
BY GABRIELLE BILIK Gina Aurisicchio at Florrie Kaye’s
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR royal wedding celebration last year
Whether it was instilled by her British family members or her PHOTO: BOB DUMAS
appreciation for elegance and beauty, Gina Aurisicchio has always
loved tea rooms.
“ e rst tea room I ever went to was at e Plaza Hotel,” she
said. “It used to be an annual event with my mother. We’d get the
picture standing under Eloise. You never forget it. It’s just some-
thing special for girls to do together.”
ree years ago this May, she opened Florrie Kaye’s Tea Room
on Gleneida Avenue in Carmel, with the intention of giving
guests the same special experience. She brought into her new ven-
ture elements of her previous career as a orist, and combined it
with her love of England and high tea.
Florrie Kaye’s is decorated with fresh owers and embellished
light xtures. Much of the restaurant’s décor and whimsy, she said,
was inspired by its namesake, Florrie Kaye, Aurisicchio’s great-
grandmother who lived during the Victorian Era.
“Florrie Kaye was quite a character,” Aurisicchio said. “She
loved tea. She was known for her love of beauty and her quick wit,
and she had a very lively personality.”
Much of that livelihood is infused into the venue’s nods to the
royal family and British traditions.
Aside from serving traditional meals such as British scones,
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Setting the record straight
Vince Dacquino’s new book tells the true story of Sybil Ludington
BY BOB DUMAS rain. None of his troops [resided] near his house. A mes-
senger came around 9 p.m. and said, ‘We need your men;
Vince Dacquino is a seeker of truths. e author and
retired teacher has a new book out, several decades in the 2,000 British soldiers have invaded Danbury.’ e only
making, that he believes nally sets the record straight on
the life and celebrated late-night ride of Putnam County one available who knew where the farmers lived was this
heroine Sybil Ludington.
16-year-old girl. She probably went to the o cers and told
e longtime Mahopac resident released “Patriot Hero
of the Hudson Valley: e Life and Ride of Sybil Luding- them to gather their men and get to the parade grounds
ton” (Arcadia Publishing) on April 1—his second book on
Ludington—and it contains letters, correspondence and because they need to head to Danbury.”
documents that he says will put to rest once and for all any
doubts about what the fabled teen accomplished on the Dacquino said her nephew’s 1854 letter does slightly
dark and rainy night of April 26, 1777.
alter the route that historians originally believed Sybil had
When researching his rst book on Ludington back in
the ’90s, he uncovered information that Ludington had taken.
married her childhood sweetheart, a lawyer, and moved to
Catskill, N.Y., and became the mother of six children and “She went about 40 miles round trip on a rainy night
her son went on to become a hero in Kansas.
through the woods,”he said.“Paul Revere went 12 miles on
Unfortunately, none of that was true. But Dacquino was
able to nd documentation to counter that misinformation a nice evening in Boston. Paul Revere was
and he put it in that rst book.
caught and detained; Sybil was not.”
“I found papers in Washington, D.C., that helped tell
the story,” he said. “By the end of the three years, I nally Col. Ludington’s men set o at
got it all straightened out. I published what I found.”
daybreak, expecting to go to Dan-
But then, last year, Dacquino’s publisher said they were
not going to continue to print the book and the rights re- bury, but the British had moved
verted to him.
on to Ridge eld and the colonel’s
Curious, Dacquino began checking the internet and dis-
covered that those old stories about Ludington moving to forces engaged them there.
the Catskills and her son becoming a hero had emerged
once again. And to make matters worse, even more inaccu- “It was a signi cant battle, we
racies about Sybil’s life and ride had emerged online, such
as, 1) Sybil Ludington never existed; she was a folktale; 2) lost an important general,” Dac- for community service. Dacquino has written
her father, Col. Henry Ludington, was never involved in
engaging the British troops in Connecticut; 3) the ride quino said. “Homes were burned; books for children,young adults and adults,includ-
never took place; and 4) even if it did, the battle that pre-
ceded it was insigni cant. farms were burned. Benedict Ar- ing, “Kiss the Candy Days Good-bye,” “Return of
“As soon as I saw those four things I was back behind nold fought in that battle (before he the Cicada,”“Emails to a Paranormal,”“Flowers by the
the wheel and had to put it right,”Dacquino said.“My new
book has documentation and it will blow readers minds turned traitor) and had his horse shot Vince Dacquino Roadside” and “Mary Loved Daisies.”
with my discovery, which includes family letters and docu- out from under him. e British burned Dacquino hosted a cable-access show called “Let’s
ments that have never been seen before, including a letter all kinds of supplies—blankets and our PHOTO: BOB DUMAS
from her nephew in 1854 discussing the ride and how she Talk Writing”on Comcast channel 8 and completed 100
saved her father’s life.”
and molasses—and it weakened the patriot army.” shows over ve years. After that show’s run, he launched a
Dacquino laid out the story:
“[Sybil] had just turned 16,” Dacquino said. “She was at e Ludington family has donated the letter written by new program called “One on One With Vince Dacquino”
home with her father on a Sunday night and it was pouring
her nephew to the New York State Historical Society. where guests talk about their passions.
“We now have an account of the ride from a direct de- Dacquino said his Sybil Ludington tome was inspired
scendent,” Dacquino said. “All these naysayers will now by other historical events in Putnam County, such as the
have a much harder time to say she didn’t make the ride.” hanging of George Denny.
Dacquino, who has dedicated his life to teaching and “George Denny was the only person to be hanged in Put-
writing, came to Mahopac in 1986. He’s had a 35-year nam County; he was 18,”he said.“It caught my eye.It’s ques-
career as an English and writing teacher, including stints tionable whether that boy should have been hanged at all.”
in the Ardsley and Pelham school districts. He retired in It’s said that Denny’s ghost is the one responsible for the
2007 but a writing workshop he started in 1997 continues alleged hauntings at Smalley’s Tavern, which is right across
to run at the Mahopac Public Library. from the courthouse where the hanging took place.
“I work with area authors,” he said. “I also worked with “I listen to the stories and investigate them carefully and
the BOCES Young Authors Conference with select stu- determine what is correct and what is not correct,” he said.
dents from 20 di erent schools. I had a master class to help “ at’s what brought me to Sybil, and I’ve been tracing her
students edit their work, showing them how to improve story for more than 20 years,” he said.
it. I also had something called the Peanut Butter & Jelly Sybil Ludington lived to be 77.
Writing Academy at Pelham. I taught younger students; “She was an outstanding daughter, wife and business-
we had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cookies and woman,”Dacquino said.“She was an amazing woman and
milk, and we wrote.” deserves to be recognized. In every way she was a hero. She
He recently received the Paul Harris Fellowship Award was what Americans are made of.”
‘In every way she was a hero. She is what Americans are made of.’
- Vince Dacquino, Author
Tea Room Gift shop
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Hartshorn’s wife, Kathryn, plays a major role in the operation of the company, oversee- bangers and mash, sticky to ee pudding, and sausage rolls, to name a few, guests can
ing all the paperwork—insurance, payroll, checkbook, permits and more. borrow elegant hats to wear during tea, while gazing upon life-size cutouts of the
“It’s a fulltime job,” Hartshorn notes.
Hartshorn’s children, Travis, George III, and Samantha help out part-time when they Last year, Florrie Kaye’s guests celebrated the marriage of Prince Henry and
can, usually on weekends. Doing something he loves and getting to do it with his family Meghan Markle with a viewing celebration. Guests watched the wedding on a big
means that Hartshorn has no designs on retirement. screen and were required to wear royal wedding attire. Chef Michael Cohane pre-
“I’ve probably have got another 10 years left,” he said. “I really like working with my pared a decadent meal for the ticketed event and special guest, Mr. Manners ( om-
hands.” as Farley), who has been featured on “ e Today Show” and in Town & Country
When he’s not paving and excavating, Hartshorn loves classic cars. magazine, made an appearance.
“I’m into hotrods, old cars,” he said. “We collect them and work on them, one for each
family member.” Most recently,Florrie Kaye’s hosted a wedding shower for the expecting Dutchess of
Hartshorn owns a 1951 Mercury Merc that he bought from the late gravediggers of Sussex, after which all gifts were donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Raymond Hill Cemetery.
“ ey were called the Hunt brothers,” he recalled. “[ e Merc] was left to a junkyard Special events aside, the main attraction of the tea room is, of course, the tea. High
and we pulled it out and restored it when I was around 15 years year old. We go to a lot tea is o ered all afternoon at Florrie Kaye’s.
of car shows.”
Hartshorn now serves Dutchess and Westchester counties, as well as all of Putnam, as “Our specialty is the three-tiered afternoon tea,” Aurisicchio said. “It’s all-inclu-
the business continues to grow. sive, and it’s beautifully decorated with a rose—it’s something special.”
“We built a warehouse in Kent where we store all the equipment and machines,”he said,
noting they used to keep the equipment and their home. “We outgrew the house. We n- Afternoon tea consists of nger sandwiches and British scones served with the tradi-
ished building the warehouse two years ago. We are very happy with it. We feel blessed.” tional cream, jam and butter. e top tier features assorted miniature desserts. e meal
Hartshorn said that after 40 years, the job still feels fresh and gives him a great deal of is served with an individual pot of tea for each guest at a xed price of $29.99.
satisfaction by providing a needed service that he happens to be very good at.
“I try to do every job as if I lived in their house,” he said. “I take pride in my work. We Florrie Kaye’s o ers about 100 varieties of tea, as well as an ever-changing menu
say it’s ‘quality you can drive on.’ My wife came up with that.” of à la carte items, including American scones. e menu features gluten-free items,
To nd out more, call 845-225-9522 or 914-242-7283 (PAVE). as well as vegetarian and vegan options, and caters to food allergies.
“I want a visit here to be more than just lunch,” Aurisicchio said. “I want guests to
have a special memorable experience and feel like they’re in Florrie Kaye’s home.”
Florrie Kaye’s Tea Room is located at 69 Gleneida Ave., Carmel, and is open
11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. every day except Monday. Call 845-225-8327 or email or-
[email protected] for more information.
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The story of the iconic
County Courthouse
e Putnam County Courthouse overlooks Lake Gle- site incorporating parts of the earlier structure, especially
neida and is a ne example of the Greek Revival style of the old jail. Repeated renovations inside the building have
architecture. It was placed on the National Register of His- all but destroyed its history but the exterior has remained
toric Places in 1976. largely unchanged for its circa 1847 expansion and updat-
Up until December 1988, when it was closed for repairs, ing when the stylish temple form with a giant portico, Co-
it had been the oldest courthouse in continuous service in rinthian columns, and belfry were added. e four columns
New York State.After Putnam County was separated from and their capitals are of particular merit, architecturally,
Dutchess County by the state legislature in September having been constructed from designs meant to copy those PHOTO COURTESY OF ANTHONY22/WIKIMEDIA
1812, half an acre of land was designated for the construc- found on the Monument of Lysicrates in Athens. The historic Putnam County Courthouse on Route 52 in Carmel
tion of a courthouse. In 1814, the original courthouse was Another renovation in 1855 saw the construction of a
completed. jail to replace the jail that stood at the northeast corner on the courthouse began in 1989. e architect’s goal was
e builder, James Townsend, was also the owner of a of the courthouse and yet another jail was constructed in to maintain the exterior style and to return the interior to
nearby forge and was the rst man to attempt to get iron the structure in 1907. at jail nally closed in 1977. From its original oor plan. e project, however, was plagued
from what became known as the “Tilly Foster Mine.” the mid-1800s through 1966, the Putnam County Court- with many problems and it was not until June 10, 1994,
Townsend incorporated locally forged ironwork in his con- house not only housed the jail, but the county sheri and that the historic courthouse reopened.
struction of the courthouse. e rst court session was held the sheri ’s wife, who, as the jail matron, cooked meals for Funds were not available to restore the jail. e cells
on Feb. 15, 1815. the prisoners. still remain and are used primarily as storage space. Cur-
By the 1840s, the rst courthouse was too small for e top oor of the courthouse was partially destroyed rently the courthouse is home to Surrogate’s Court o ces.
the growing population of the county and a new building by re in 1924, but it was repaired and rebuilt exactly as be- e county o ce building, located next door to the his-
was proposed in 1842. It was to be built in Cold Spring, a fore. However, in the early 1980s, county o cials became toric courthouse, was rst built in 1822. Since that time, it
growing Hudson River community. But owing to a clause concerned about the growing disintegration of the court- has undergone many re-creations and revisions. e 1936
in the deed prohibiting construction of the courthouse on house. Deliberations on how to renovate and rehabilitate SEE COURTHOUSE PAGE 14
another site, the new building was erected on the same the historic structure went on for several years. Actual work
Specialty cupcakes,
cakes & desserts
Lynne Mongon 845-222-3681
Prato Trattoria is a family affair
e Spaccarellis are cooking up something special for you
BY BOB DUMAS Prato has a huge pizza menu, including gourmet-style
EDITOR and the customer-favorite Grandma Lucy’s (a rectangular
e great lm director Federico Fellini once said, “Life is Sicilian pie with a thin crust).
a combination of magic and pasta.” At Prato Trattoria, lo- “My mother (Angel) has always baked; I make the chees-
cated in Putnam Plaza on Route 6 in Carmel, diners will es—the mozzarella and a lot of other fresh cheeses here on
nd plenty of both. the premises every day,” John Jr. said. “My wife (Danielle) PHOTO: BOB DUMAS
e Spaccarelli family opened Prato nearly four years ago has always had a passion for cooking as well. So, we thought The Spaccarellis, from left, John Sr., Angel, Victor, John Jr.
and in that short time they’ve developed a ercely loyal follow- we would take all ve of us and put all our minds together and Danielle
ing in a community that is over owing with Italian restaurants. (to open a restaurant).”
“We are constantly changing, constantly evolving,” said Danielle is the hostess and has become somewhat the tatoes and hot and sweet cherry tomatoes. If we take it o
John Spaccarelli Sr., the patriarch of the family, who opened face of the restaurant, but as John Sr. points out, she is much our specials menu, people still come in and ask for it.”
the restaurant with his wife, Angel; his two sons, Victor more than that. She is active on social media and follows If you want to get in on the Prato experience, it’s best to
and John Jr.; and John Jr.’s wife, Danielle. “ at’s what we trends and food ideas and will collaborate with Angel the call and make reservations if you are planning on going on a
are about. We have all the regular dishes that people might other Prato cooks to develop delicious new specials to add to Friday or Saturday night.
expect like veal or chicken parmigiana, but our specials are the menu each week. “Reservations are not required but recommended,” John
above and beyond. It’s all about the quality of the food—we “I do a lot of fresh pastas—things like homemade mani- Sr. said. “We turn away 25 to 45 people every Friday and
don’t skimp because we all eat here, too!” cotti, which was John’s mother’s recipe. We use a lot of the Saturday. We try to accommodate everyone, but it’s not al-
e key to Prato’s success? Everything is made onsite with family recipes,” Angel said. “We make all di erent types of ways possible.”
fresh ingredients. pasta and will go outside the box as far as llings go. I make Prato can sit about 70 people in the dining room and an-
“All our sauces are made here,”noted Angel.“We make all broccoli rabe and sausage ravioli, shrimp scampi ravioli. I other 24 in the bar area, which makes it great for private
our own chicken stocks, brown sauce, tomato sauce. All the make bread on the weekends. We have artisan bread here. events.
soups are made to order. We don’t have a big pot cooking in For desserts, I make the cannoli and the tiramisu, and my “We do a lot of custom events.Yesterday, there was a cou-
the kitchen.” own gelato.” ple that had a baby gender reveal. ey asked us to do some-
John Sr. grew up in the Bronx and moved to Mahopac In fact,Angel’s bread is so sought-after,customers grow de- thing special,” Angel said. “Danielle suggested we make
with his family when he was 7. After he nished school, he spondent if it’s gone by the time they arrive at the restaurant. ravioli. I colored the cheese the appropriate color, which was
opened a restaurant called Spaccarelli’s in Millwood, N.Y. “Her bread has become so phenomenal that when people blue because it was a boy. Everybody in the restaurant joined
“We had that for a couple of years, and we sold it and call to make a reservation for a Friday or Saturday night, in. I made little onesies and duckies for the raviolis. ey
then I was out of the restaurant business for a while,” said they also call to reserve her bread,”John Sr. said.“It’s only 20 weren’t just round. We go above and beyond. We dyed the
John Sr.,who has worked for nearly three decades as a direc- loaves. Some people get pretty upset when they come in and cheese naturally with vegetables.”
tor at Fordham University. “ ree and a half years ago, both we don’t have anymore.” e NYPD recently had a retirement party at Prato, and
my sons decided they wanted to get back into the restaurant John Sr. said the ambiance of the restaurant, along with Angel made blue gelato for the occasion. ey also hosted a
business. So, here we are.” fresh,quality ingredients and the outgoing sta make people fundraiser for the Sheri ’s Department.
Prato opened its doors in September 2015. want to come back again and again. “We do things like that all time. We are about the com-
“ e signi cance of the name is it’s where our family “We have a dish here,pulpo,octopus,where we have regu- munity,” John Sr. said. “My mother always said, if you cook
roots are,” he added. “Prato is a little town near Florence, lars who come every week just to have it. It’s phenomenal. good food, they will come.”
Italy, which is where my great grandmother comes from. So, We go through about two cases a week, which is about 45 Prato Trattoria is open daily (except Mondays) for lunch
we named it in honor of our family.” orders,”John Sr.said.“It’s grilled and served with roasted po- and dinner. Call 845-225-6914 for reservations.
CARMEL FD FROM PAGE 7 Avenue. is became one of the most notable res of the COURTHOUSE FROM PAGE 13
current generation, as the re raged on for a lengthy amount expansion created a suite for the county judge and
surrogate, a children’s court room and the county
One of the largest res the town has ever seen occurred of time and residents recalled seeing ames in the night skies. library. e county library became the Putnam
County Supreme Court Law Library. In Decem-
on Oct. 22, 1974, known as the Downtown Fire. More than Finally, with the turn of the millennia, the re depart- ber 2007, the Supreme, County, and Family courts
relocated to the new facility located directly next
200 volunteer re ghters from around the county answered ment has encountered many notable res such as the infa- door to the Putnam County o ce building, its
former location. is new location is four stories
the call that night as the re tore through seven businesses, mous Rite Aid Putnam Plaza re of May 2000, as well as and includes additional courtrooms, waiting areas,
a spacious library, holding area for inmates and the
ve o ces, and four apartments on Main Street (Route 52). the St. James Catholic School electrical re. And many recall O ce of the Commissioner of Jurors.
Unfortunately, this was categorized as one of the worst res the infamous Wendy’s re of 2006, when many neighbor- Article courtesy of
of the century within Carmel. ing departments joined to help ght the blaze that became
After this devastating re, the department purchased a a part of the history of the town. Over the years, the Car-
large-diameter hose and became one of the rst departments mel Fire Department has encompassed approximately over
to own such innovated equipment of this era. It allowed re- 300 members. Currently, the re department has some 110
ghters to provide an increasing amount of water to ght res. members, and is 100 percent volunteer.
In 1990, the third largest re for the Carmel Fire Depart-
ment encompassed the Barns Medical Center on Stoneleigh Article courtesy of the Carmel Fire Department
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Join the Houlihan Lawrence
Brewster Of ice at
The Carmel Spring Fair
Gleneida Avenue between Fair Street and Vink Drive
The event will include food, vendors, kids’ entertainment, live music and
other fun activities, prizes and giveaways for children of all ages.