Vol. 8 No. 41 Visit TapIntoSomers.net for the latest news. Thursday, January 17, 2019
for winter season
‘Low-level’ marijuana
offenses decriminalized BY CAROL REIF tee; and Mike McBride, a Heri-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER tage Hills resident.
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER tive consequences disproportionate to the minor
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR nature of the o ense,” the DA’s o ce said. ings are looking a lot brigh-
e o ce will continue to
e Westchester County review the prosecution of ey say that knowledge is er, apparently.
District Attorney’s O ce said other “lower-level” marijuana
it will no longer prosecute o enses. Additional changes power. In Somers’ case, that’s lit- NYSEG has shown, the
what it deems to be “low-level” may be announced.
marijuana o enses. “After a careful review erally true. town says, a new commitment
of marijuana cases in
Under this new poli- Westchester, as well as After more than a decade of to infrastructure improvements.
cy, the possession of two discussions with police,
ounces or less of marijuana community leaders and advocates, su ering longer and more fre- Speci cally, it has been dili-
will no longer result in a crimi- we have made the decision to change
nal conviction. how we prosecute such o enses,” quent electrical outages, town of- gently installing re-closers that
Two laws will be a ected laws by said District Attorney Anthony Scarpino. “ is cials and residents were fed up detect “faults” in the lines, caused
this change, which took e ect Jan. 14: decision not to prosecute speci c cases will allow
many people to move forward with their lives with wondering how they could by anything from a fallen tree
• Criminal Possession of Marijuana in the without the stigma attached to criminal records
Fifth Degree (Class B misdemeanor): A person of any kind, records that cause discrimination in get better service from its sup- branch to a kamikaze squirrel,
convicted of this crime was guilty of illegally pos- housing, job and school applications. Much of this
sessing marijuana in a public place or having more has burdened our minority communities and we plier, New York State Electric & then re-route the power. is
than 25 grams of marijuana on them (there are believe it is time to rectify that.”
about 28 grams to an ounce). Scarpino said this will bene t police depart- Gas. limits the extent of an outage.
ments and prosecutors who can make better use
• Unlawful Possession of Marijuana (violation): of their resources. So Somers took action, form- Homeowners will know if
A person in violation of this law illegally possessed “What has been spent on arrests and prosecu-
any amount of marijuana, regardless of whether tions can now be used to focus on more serious ing a utility task force, formally they are working if the lights dim
that person was in a public place. crimes,” Scarpino said.
Scarpino, in the press release, also urged Gov. complaining to the Public Ser- or icker, but don’t go out.
e violation will no longer be prosecuted, the Andrew Cuomo and state legislators to “create a
DA’s o ce said. uniform approach to prosecuting marijuana of- vice Commission, and orches- NYSEG is also targeting ag-
fenses and end the disparity currently in place
e misdemeanor charge will only be pros- from county to county.” trating public outreach programs ing lines and equipment at Heri-
ecuted when a person possesses marijuana that is
either burning or viewable in a public place, pro- such as the one that took place at tage Hills, whose residents de-
vided it is their lone o ense.
last week’s Town Board meeting. pend on electricity for heat.
“ is will avoid the stigma of a criminal record for
many of our young people with long-lasting nega- Nothing drives folks crazier Somers’ relationship with NY-
than knowing something is go- SEG has “never been better” and
ing on, but not what they can— task force folks have been able
or cannot do—about it. to talk to utility execs “at every
“We didn’t want to have the level,” Garrity said.
same thing happen over and But, more importantly, the
over,” said task force mem- town is providing more ways
ber Councilman Tom Garrity for the public to get information
ursday. directly from NYSEG’s folks in
Also on the task force are the eld.
Councilman Richard Clinchy, ree of these boots-on-the-
Chris Zaberto, of the Somers SEE NYSEG PAGE 18
Energy Environment Commit-
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Page 2 – The Somers Record ELEPHANT’S TRUNK Thursday, January 17, 2019
The Staff SYSO Boys Lacrosse annual membership can be pur- Don’t miss this amazing op- Seniors Day Trips
chased on our website at http:// portunity! Face value of Ham-
EDITORIAL TEAM Registration has begun at the
JODI WEINBERGER Registration for the 2019 Boys’ www.sefny.org/show/ (tickets) ilton tickets is $750 ($375 each Amawalk Fire House, 1 Libery
Way, Amawalk, for Somers Se-
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 Spring Lacrosse Season is now and Membership at http://www. ticket)! niors Day Trips. Trips are open
[email protected] to all Somers residents 60 and up.
open. e season is for grades sefny.org/donations/ Person to Person For more information, call Don
GABRIELLE BILIK Belmon at 914-485-1960.
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 K-8 and has a full slate of games SHS PTSA
and tournaments, the annual March 2: Broadway Show
[email protected] “Cher”and a NYC restaurant.$165
West Point SYSO lax day, in- Scholarship Fund Person to Person from At per person. Payment due Jan. 31.
ADVERTISING TEAM house league games, a talented Home in Somers invites you to
LISA KAIN April 12: Brooklyn Cherry
roster of coaches and volunteers, e SHS PTSA Scholarship the Van Tassel Senior Center at Blossom Festival and luncheon at
914-351-2424 a Brooklyn eatery. $49 per person.
[email protected] and this year: stylish, new uni- Committee Presents....A Ra e 10:15 a.m. Friday, Jan. 18 for a
May 19: Cotton Club Gospel
PAUL FORHAN forms matching the Somers Var- to see Hamilton in NYC! Win presentation called “You are Your Lunch and brunch.$67 per person.
[email protected] sity program. ere is an early 2 tickets to see Hamilton on Heart” from cardiologist Dr. Mi- Westchester
845-621-4049 registration and uniform order Broadway Friday July 19 at 8 p.m. chael Schoolman. Lunch is avail-
[email protected] e Westchester Bluegrass
JENNIFER CONNELLY window this season to make it all Seats are Right Front Mezza- able after the program for $2 with Club is proud to present “ e
914-334-6335 Bluegrass Characters” on Janu-
[email protected] happen…the deadline for spring nine; Row A, Seats 6 & 8 ( rst a menu of baked chicken, maca- ary 19 at the Lake Purdys Club-
NANCY SORBELLA house, 33 Lake Way, Purdys.
914-205-4183 registration is January 31, do not row). roni and greens plus dessert. At
[email protected] e Bluegrass Characters was
BRUCE HELLER delay. Register at http://somers- Ra e tickets are 1 for $20 or 3 12:30 p.m. there’s an optional ex- formed by Stacy Phillips many
914-202-2941 years ago. e band plays rst
[email protected] nyblax.website.siplay.com/ for $50. Drawing will take place ercise class from Body Movement generation bluegrass music.
PRODUCTION TEAM SEF Variety Show May 16 PTSA meeting. You do by Lauri Barr. To attend, call Jane Doors open at 7 p.m. followed by
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL not have to be present to win. Pepino at 914-277-8508. an Acoustic Jam, then 8 p.m. Open
Mic and 9-10:15 p.m. e Bluegrass
PRODUCTION MANAGER Proceeds go to the SHS PTSA About At Home in Somers and Characters. Donations: $15.00;
DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER BYOB and a small snack to share
[email protected] e annual SEF Variety show Scholarship Fund. Purchase tick- the Person to Person Commit-
Info: westchesterbluegrass-
GABRIELLE BILIK takes place at SMS on Friday, ets online at myschoolbucks.com. tee: Person to Person is the so- [email protected] or Mike at 914-
ASST PRODUCTION MANAGER 213-9212 or visit westchester-
January 25, at 7 p.m. Become an Go to School Store,Browse All cial, educational connection from bluegrassclub.com
[email protected] SEF Member with the purchase Items, and SHS Ra e Ticket. At Home in Somers. We are a PTSA
Scholarship Fund
CHRISTINA ROSE of your Variety Show tickets and Ra e tickets will be mailed to membership organization helping
receive the perk of early entry into you. For more information or to people to age enjoyably, safely and PTSA is currently accepting do-
EXECUTIVE TEAM nations to its Scholarship Fund.
BRETT FREEMAN the auditorium at 6:15 p.m. the pay by cash/check, please email independently in their own homes Each year, the SHS PTSA awards
up to three $1,000 scholarships to
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151 night of the show. Tickets and an [email protected] in Somers and its environs. graduating seniors to recognize
[email protected] volunteer service to SHS and/
Celebrating our 36th year with brand new specials! or the community. Donations to
SHELLEY KILCOYNE the scholarship fund are fully tax
VP OF SALES: Welcome To The deductible and may be increased
through your employer’s “Match-
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[email protected] DISHES
DISHES You may donate by mail or on-
Deadlines line. If making a donation by mail,
BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER ALL COMBO please send a check made payable
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS starting at Fund” to Somers High School
AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR $22.95 dale, NY 10540, Attn: Scholarship
SPECIALS Committee. Please include a note
SOMERS RECORD IS THE THURSDAY starting starting ORDER DAILY on the memo line that the dona-
at $6.99 at $16.99
FOR MORE INFORMATION, If donating online, please en-
CALL JODI WEINBERGER AT FRESH FISH DINNER roll in myschoolbucks.com and
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL go to the School Store, then
[email protected]. INCLUDES SOUP OR SALAD, click on Categories and choose
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 3
Your Neighbor
Anniversary Academic
e following is from
Ron Meyerson: Rachel Joseph Somers senior a national
semifinalist in Regeneron
On Januay 30, my
wife Lois and I will Science Talent Search
have enjoyed 65 years of
marriage and 68 years Somers High School’s Rachel Jo-
of friendship. We lived seph has been named a semi- nalist
a block apart in the in the nation’s oldest and most pres-
Bronx and went to the tigious science and math competition:
same high school, but the Regeneron Science Talent Search.
she lived a block away
so she was a stranger Rachel was named a top 300 scholar
to me. However, I did in the 78th Regeneron Science Talent
meet her at a dance at Search (formerly Intel). Each scholar,
the 92nd street Y. selected from 1,964 entrants, receives
a $2,000 award with an additional
I attended the dance $2,000 going to the Somers Science
with a friend and we Research program. ey now have a
both were excited at chance to be named as one of the 40
seeing Lois dancing
with a girl friend who nalists to compete in Washington,
was no “looker.” We D.C., which will be announced Jan. 23.
ipped a coin and I lost, Rachel’s project is “Optimization
but as we approached of ermal Hydrolysis for Increased
the girls I shoved him Biogas Generation in Wastewater
away and Lois and I Treatment.”
have been waltzing ever
since. Somers grad
receives prestigious
January 30 is also my 84th birthday.
I then joined the army during the Korean war when I was 18 to take scholarship
advantage of the GI bill so I could attend art school. I had the good for-
tune of being sent to Austria rather than Korea. e night before my de- Aidan Mahoney, a Somers High
parture Lois and I were married on my 19th birthday, January 30, 1954. School 2018 graduate, has made the
Lois was 17. She joined me in Salzburg three months later. We opted to Dean’s list at Cornell University where
live in a farm house on the picturesque Salzach river in Salzburg rather he is studying Earth and Atmospheric
than the army base. We then purchased an 8 year old Ford automobile. Science. Preceding this achievement,
Shortly after that we took a trip to Paris with two of my comrades. We Aidan was honored to be one of
soon encountered a serious dilemma. e fan broke loose and left many only 11 undergraduates nationwide
holes in our radiator and it would not hold water. One of my comrades to have received the American
had a solution. We had caramel candy with us and he suggested that Lois Meteorological Society’s Freshman
chew the candy and we stu the radiator with it. We had to stop about Undergraduate Scholarship.
every 5 miles for more stu ng. Shortly after our last stu ng there was an
exit to Linz Austria and at the foot of the ramp there was a Ford factory. Aidan Mahoney
ey xed everything without any charge
We returned home in 1956 and I attended art school and I became an
Art Director. I am now a photographer. Lois was the head of a lighting
company prior to our moving to Heritage Hills 25 years ago. She also has
been a great in uence on my photographic career, She has often pointed
out subjects for me to focus on and most of all she is my very best friend.
We raised two wonderful sons and we have four incredible grand chil-
Life has been good.
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Page 4 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 17, 2019
Town launches revamped website
BY CAROL REIF requests. And folks can use the Regular citizens can also use
CONTRIBUTING WRITER contact form when they have their own “dashboards” to track
e Somers Library is located 4/11, 4/25 & 5/9 from 3:15-4:30 questions or comments for town any o cial actions taken by the
at 82 Primrose St. Register for p.m. Join us at the Somers Li- Somers’ new website not only o cials. town, Rosenfeld said.
programs at somerslibrary.org brary to make snacks and small looks prettier, it’s more practical. ere is a drop-down menu of SeamlessDocs worked with
or by calling 914-232-5717. Pro- meals that the group can enjoy According to SeamlessDocs, various subjects, so the query can the town to suss out the things
grams are funded by the Friends using the library sta kitchen. the New York City-based soft- be directed to the right place. it felt were the most important—
of the Somers Library through We will also be discussing and ware company behind the launch, ere is even a “translate”func- senior services, for example—so
donations. planning for the next meeting’s SomersNY.com will make town tion that will let the user choose these could be featured on the
Winter Art Drop-In. Mon- meal while we are cooking! is government more manageable Albanian, Greek, Spanish, Finn- site’s homepage.
days, 1/28, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 program is for teens/tweens and accessible. ish or whatever language they are Navigability was also a crucial
p.m. Usher in the winter months in grades 6th and up. Space is “It’s the beginning of a citi- most comfortable with. goal.
with a relaxing drop-in art limited. Register online on the zen-government community and Rosenfeld said the town hopes If you should get lost while
class. Take a break on Monday online calendar on the library’s opening up the boundaries of to roll out more functions in the poking around in there, hit the
mornings and pack your bag website or call. what that could be,” says Asher next few weeks, including digital town seal; it will bring you back
with your favorite art supplies: Art Exhibit: Collages and Rosenfeld, SeamlessDocs’ Di- paperwork. to Square One.
watercolors,acrylic paints, col- Photographs by Jane Hogan at rector of Solutions Architecture. is means that folks can ll Like with any work in prog-
ored pencils, pens, paints and the Somers Library. January 5 - at’s the guy who looks at all out permit applications and oth- ress, there are bound to be a few
brushes. Quiet music will ac- February 1, during library hours the pieces of a software systems er forms online—and make pay- bugs.
company you while you relax Opening reception on Saturday, and, like a puzzle, puts them all ments—without having to trot Morrissey is encouraging resi-
and create art with other en- January 5 from 2-4 p.m. in the together. down to the Town House. dents to tell the town what they
thusiastic art lovers! ere is a Program Room. No registration It is up and running and will It’s up to the town to decide think.
$30.00 fee; checks should be required. Jane has been a Somers appear in search engine results in which documents, forms, etc. it To chime in, hit the red feed-
made out to Judika Lieberman. resident for fourteen years. a few days because it takes about wants to digitize. back button at the top of the
Space is limited. While not an artist by profession a week to index new websites. SeamlessDocs, which is a homepage.
Foodie Club forTeens urs- SEE LIBRARY PAGE 8 To get there, type www.Som- subscription service, will follow
days, 1/17, 2/14, 2/28, 3/14,3/28,
ersNY.com in the URL box. through with ongoing advice and MISSION ‘BEAUTIFUL’
One of the most exciting consultations, Rosenfeld said. According to the company’s
things about the “long-awaited, It has trained department mission statement, it believes
much-discussed” site is that its heads how to use SeamlessGov, that “government is beautiful.”
format adapts itself to the device which is what the platform itself And it has a teeny, tiny black-
and Deli used, says Councilman Richard is called. and-white bumper sticker to that
291 Route 100, Somers • 914.277.8539 • route100market.com Clinchy, who spearheaded the “We just don’t say ‘goodbye’; e ect.
Cold Cuts project. there is a support team,” Rosen- “Too often we hear the oppo-
now on sale!
Tammi Savva, senior assistant feld explained. site angle, but we really do be-
1/6 -1/19
in Supervisor Rick Morrissey’s lieve in the power of a well-run,
o ce, is the town’s point person KEEPING TRACK well-designed, well-meaning
and has been working closely Town employees will have in- government. One that exists in
with SeamlessDocs, Clinchy and dividual “dashboards” where they the physical world, but embraces
Robert Kehoe, head of the town’s can store data and share it with the digital one, too.”
nance department. other departments. “ at, to us, is a truly beautiful
ere are buttons to click for is makes sure everyone is on thing.”
digital applications for town jobs the same page, saving time and Learn more about Seamless-
and for Freedom of Information increasing e ciency. Docs at seamlessdocs.com.
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 5
Public access studio to close at month’s end
Hosts seeks alternative ways to broadcast
BY CAROL REIF a while,” Galef added. a new partnership that will en- of the studio’s impending demise, Martorano said he intends to
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Galef felt the decision was able residents continued access to but, he added, it’s more of a logis- keep providing the public service
a space for public access lming tics challenge than a freedom of one way or the other.
e cable access studio in part of a continuing trend toward plus an even wider array of media speech issue.
Peekskill will stay open at least valuing pro ts over community and technology needs, includ- If it becomes too hard, he said
through the end of January. programming. Others have de- ing additional equipment and Talk show hosts can still sub- he’ll “hang it up and say, ‘Job well
cried the studio’s impending clo- resources for the Peekskill com- mit their shows for airing to Al- done.’”
After that, who knows? sure as an assault on their rights munity.” tice, however they’re produced.
e city’s Common Council to free speech. It’s the studio, not the public ac- In his opinion, it’s “a shame”
She added that it will “have cess station, that’s going away, he that Altice doesn’t appear to have
voted in December to accept the HOPE ON HORIZON? more to announce at a later date.” said. the “commitment” to community
terms of a 10-year contract with According to Peekskill Mayor television that prior providers
cable television provider Altice Meanwhile, “the existing pub- Brick-and-mortar studios have did.
USA. Andre Rainey, the city is await- lic access studio will remain avail- become scarcer than hen’s teeth
ing Altice’s con rmation of the able to residents.” as technology has advanced. Martorano said he didn’t know
at contract did not contain contract agreement. if he will be able to tape at the
a stipulation that the Park Street One of the places an alternate e Peekskill studio, around studio as planned in February.
facilities would continue to be Meanwhile, the company studio may land is the city’s Youth for decades, is now only one of
made available to local program intends to donate the studio’s Bureau, located next to City Hall three in the immediate region. “We shall see,” he said.
producers such as Yorktown’s equipment to the city, he said. on Main Street. Ci one, head of the United
Ed Ci one and Jim Martorano, e closest one belonging to Al- Taxpayers of Yorktown, has host-
Peekskill’s George Ondek, and At present, the only caveats According to Rainey, it would tice is more than an hour’s drive ed “ e Watchdog Report” for
state Assemblywoman Sandy are that said equipment can’t be be used during the day by local away, in Connecticut. nine years.
Galef. used to lm programs that will youths to hone community pro- He said he was disappointed
be aired by Altice’s competition, gramming skills. In the evenings, COMMENTS HERE that the city didn’t stick to its
Galef hosts two shows: “Dear such as Verizon, for a year, and it would be open to adult hosts. Martorano, an attorney, for- guns, thereby forcing Altice to go
Sandy” and “Speak out with San- that only current users of the the arbitration route.
dy Galef.” She was able to use the Park Street studio will be eligible One of Altice’s arguments for mer Yorktown councilman, and
studio to tape one show on Mon- to use the equipment. not having to maintain the studio a newspaper columnist for Yor- en it wouldn’t end up “look-
day, Jan. 7, and is set up to do it was, the mayor said, that com- ktown News (sister paper of e ing like the bad guy” when the
again on Friday, Jan. 18. After the year is up, the city petitors such as Verizon weren’t Katonah-Lewisboro Times), Peekskill studio is ultimately
can do whatever it wants, Rainey required to. has hosted “All About Town” on shuttered, he said.
e Ossining-based lawmaker said. Channel 74 for 25 years.
said Wednesday that no one “It sort of leveled the playing Ci one also wants to keep go-
seems to know how much longer Altice spokesperson Janet eld,” Rainey said. He has interviewed everyone ing even if it means “going mobile”
that will last. Meahan said the company is Rainey, a performing artist from politicians and authors to and nding someone to lm him.
“committed to Peekskill and has himself, said he understood why scientists, religious leaders and
“Looks like I can continue, for worked with the city to develop people are pained at the thought artists – “the gamut.” SEE PUBLIC ACCESS PAGE 8
plan just for you! David Rubin
Let our family show your family the way home.
Page 6 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 17, 2019
Shelter pet of the week: County promises
Elliot better partnership
Each week, Somers Middle School students Jay and Julia Wilkinson present a pet looking for a with towns
home and poem they were inspired to write about that pet. is week, we read about Elliot.
CAROL REIF County properties in Somers
I’ve been here for just too long Lasdon Park, Arboretum and
My con dence is weary
But I won’t let myself If Somers can’t come to the Veterans Memorial; Muscoot
Become all teary
county, then the county will come Farm, an early 20th-century in-
e puppies next to me were adopted
at family was so kind to Somers. terpretive farm museum, and the
I hoped and hoped that one day Well, its commissioners or North County Trailway, a bicycle
at’s what I would nd
department heads will anyway, and pedestrian path.
County Executive George Latimer It’s important to act “as part-
told the Town Board at its Dec. 13 ners,”Latimer said.
meeting. “We are, like you are, a sibling
ABOUT ELLIOT When the newly elected Lat- government. We might be the big-
Elliot is 2 year old bright-eyed happy boy. He
imer signed an executive order ger sibling government because of
spent some time in a foster home and did great!
He is house trained and really enjoys the compa- establishing a “Good Neighbor” our budget, size, and certain re-
ny of people and dog friends. He has mastered a
variety of cues and knows how to behave himself. policy last year, he promised to visit gional authorities, but we’re not a
As for showing love and a ection he is an ‘A’ stu-
dent and will shower his family with lots of love. all 45 towns, cities and villages in superior government to you,” Lat-
Elliot is a blast to play with in the yard!
Westchester so he could explain it imer told the board.
in person. A former state assemblyman
One of the Democrat’s cam- and senator, Latimer said he un-
paign pledges was to give county derstood Albany’s power to impose
government “back to the people.” its will on local governments.
ABOUT HIS BREED e new policy, which is only “We don’t want to replicate
Elliot is a terrier and hound mix.Terriers are in
in e ect while Latimer is in o ce, that,”he said.
general smart, and tenacious and outgoing. ey
are spirited and energetic in nature. As for the aims to create, he said, a more open
hounds they are sure to bring fun and excitement
to your home. other adoptable pets. and approachable government. IN A NUTSHELL
You can also visit SPCA of Westchester at 590
To adopt Elliot, call 914-941-2896 or visit It also means that town o cials e policy requires the county
SPCA914.org for more info on Elliot or any North State Road, Briarcli Manor, to get to
know these animals. Hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. won’t have to truck all the way to make a formal presentation
Monday through Friday and 1-4 p.m. Sunday.
down to the county seat in White SEE LATIMER PAGE 7
Plains to be heard.
Your Achilles Tendon
is Prone to Injury
Tips to get you back on your feet after a rupture…
Ask the Doctor Q: What is an Achilles tendon rupture lingering pain. But, if it’s a rupture, you’ll likely experience
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Dr. Kurt Voellmicke A: When your calf muscles contract, your Achilles been kicked in the back of the leg or heel; a popping
Director, Foot and Ankle Surgery tendon tenses, allowing movement. Though it’s a sound when the injury occurs; possible severe pain,
Orthopedic and Spine Institute strong tendon, it’s also inherently vulnerable; as we with swelling near the heel; an inability to bend the foot
Northern Westchester Hospital age, its mechanical properties degrade and its blood downward or push off the injured leg when walking; an
supply diminishes. A sudden movement can result inability to stand on the toes of the injured leg.
Learn more about in a painful rupture – a complete tear through the
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nwhorthoandspine.org/ your Achilles tendon as silly putty. Pull it slowly and it A: If you have any of these symptoms, elevate and ice
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400 East Main Street | Mount Kisco, NY 10549 Q: This sounds painful, is there anything can bear weight, make an appointment with an orthopedic
(914) 666-1200 | www.nwhc.net I can do to lower my risk? surgeon for a diagnosis. If it’s a rupture, I generally
A: Absolutely. Lifestyle changes can decrease recommend surgery. Non-surgical management is
your vulnerability to both tears and complete associated with a higher risk of re-rupture and decreased
ruptures. Warm up before exercising to get your strength. The goal of surgical treatment is to pull the
blood circulating; drink plenty of water to hydrate frayed tendons together at the right length for optimal
your muscles and tendons; and be aware of the long-term function. This results in faster, more efficient
temperature outside – strenuous activities in cooler tendon healing.
temperatures put you at a higher risk. Your tendons
become less elastic, less malleable and more Regardless of the type of treatment, an Achilles
prone to injury. tendon rupture requires a year or more to recover with
full function. Consistent physical therapy will help
Q: What are symptoms of a rupture? strengthen your calf muscles and your Achilles tendon
A: Very often pain is minimal, which could lead you so you’re able to resume all the activities you were doing
to underestimate your injury. Some of my patients before the rupture, without pain. The reported risk of
wait to seek treatment because they don’t have any re-rupture after surgical repair is about ve percent.
Thursday, January 17, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 7
LATIMER “Just like you, we have to do whatever Latimer also spoke of the county’s re- PHOTO: CAROL REIF
the state tells us to do. ey could tell us cent search for a new place for New Ro-
FROM PAGE 6 to stand on our head and we’d have to do chelle’s family court. Westchester County Executive George
that,” said Latimer. Latimer
of any “signi cant” proposed action on One possible site was slammed as not
county land at a regularly scheduled, tele- THEN AND NOW centrally located or convenient to public on-the-ground input.
vised (if possible) meeting of the govern- A native of Mount Vernon, Latimer has transportation. “I know nothing’s ever guaranteed but,
ing body of the community a ected.
lived in Rye, where he served on the City Unfounded rumors about the court’s like you said, maybe we could look at
“Signi cant” means that either the Council, for three decades. He later sat on potential clientele worried locals. something a little di erently than you do,”
county—or the municipality—thinks the county Board of Legislators and was he added.
the proposed action is big or important its rst Democratic chairman. at’s when the policy came into play,
enough to warrant attention. helping tamp down fears and keeping ac- e policy is, Latimer conceded, “a rst-
Elected to the state Assembly in 2004, curate information owing between the year e ort.”
Municipalities have 60 days to do their he won a seat in the state Senate in 2012. community and county.
own research and/or hold public forums “If there’s a aw in it, I feel comfortable
to gather input from residents. “Whatever Latimer, who has an extensive back- A ‘GREAT GESTURE’ that your supervisor – who’s already shown
you need to do,” Latimer advised Somers ground in business, said the new policy Councilman William Faulkner said the he’s a tough cookie – will be on the phone
o cials. was inspired by his experiences in Rye, to White Plains pretty fast to straighten us
where there is “quite a county presence.” policy sounded like a “great gesture.” out if we’re not getting it right.”
en the locality can submit a memo- Anytime local governments have more
randum of “support, neutrality, or opposi- Among county-owned places and facili-
tion” to the proposal. ties there are: Playland, an historic amuse- control is, he added, a “step in the right
ment park, a wildlife sanctuary, public direction.”
If supportive, or neutral, no further ac- beach, and a sewage treatment plant.
tion on the municipality’s part is neces- He wondered, however, what the policy
sary, although continued communication It often seemed that the county would gives municipalities other than the right to
is encouraged. However, if opposed, it is do “whatever it wanted” without consult- be heard.
required to give reasons. ing Rye’s “duly elected representatives,”
Latimer claimed, adding that, other than Latimer agreed that there are no guar-
ese will be responded to—“in de- “grumbling about it,” there wasn’t much antees, just like local bodies can’t guaran-
tail”— by the relevant commissioner or they could do. tee the results of public hearings on certain
department head. matters.
e one incident that stuck out was
While there are no guarantees that the county’s decision to close a bridge Because it’s not a law, the policy aims to
things will go their way, at least this gives for repairs before local authorities had create “the equivalent of a public hearing
municipalities their time at bat instead of the chance to put their two cents in on intercept” in an administrative, not a legis-
merely reacting down the road when they the project’s impact on tra c. Eventually, lative, realm, Latimer explained.
have less leverage. Rye was able to get the county to relent
on nighttime work requiring “extremely It adds “a formal step of consultation.”
e stronger the arguments, the bet- intrusive” lighting, Latimer said. Somers residents are “very accommo-
ter the chances a project could “morph dating” just as long as they get the correct
in some fashion” or even be stopped, the If local leaders had been able to “shape information, said Councilman Tom Gar-
county chief added. the project on the front end” instead of rity, recalling utility customers fretting
playing catch-up, they would have had about communication problems during
Of course, Westchester has to answer to more “leverage,” he added. last year’s storm-related power outages.
Albany, and some things might be out of Also, if the county lets towns in on proj-
its control. ects from the get-go, they can o er boots-
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Page 8 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 17, 2019
PUBLIC ACCESS According to a statement re- LIBRARY org with your name, number, a time to call be-
leased by Talbot, the city voted to tween 9 a.m.—5 p.m. and whether your inter-
approve the contract with Altice est is in Medicare services or other bene ts.
Ondek, who has produced “Get “after several years of intense nego- or degree, she has always enjoyed the arts and has A counselor will return your call within two
on Deck with George Ondek,” for tiation.” taken courses in many art disciplines. Her pho- business days. SBIC will not meet on days the
20 years, had harsher words for Al- Peekskill will, she said, “receive tographs re ect her keen eye for detail, while her Somers schools are closed due to snow.
tice and the city. signi cant bene ts including ad- collage work is usually created with a friend or Happiness Workshop. ursday, January
“ e mayor continually says he’s ditional ‘peg’ (public, education and family member in mind. Jane’s work has previ- 24, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Everyone wants to be
for freedom of speech but in e ect government) monies to purchase ously been displayed at the Putnam Arts Council happy, but many cannot nd their way to be
Peekskill has voted to curtail free- video and audio equipment as well in Mahopac, and she has had her work accepted truly so. In this workshop, Rabbi Laurie Gold
dom of speech,” Ondek said. as increased franchise fees.” into a juried art show there. She would like to and attendees will explore paths to happiness,
Altice had billions to buy out “As was the case in other com- thank the Somers Library for the opportunity to including practicing forgiveness, gratitude, and
Cablevision, but it apparently munities, Altice was not willing to show some of her work in the hope that it will meditation. ey will also discuss some of the
wants “to nickel and dime the peo- guarantee the continued location inspire others to get out there and create their scienti c, sociological and spiritual underpin-
ple of Westchester who watch the of a studio in its own space but will own. Jane’s work can also be viewed on her Ins- nings of joy. is workshop is open to every-
shows,” he said. donate their equipment to the city tagram account @janecollagecards. one and is non-denominational. Registration is
His guests are not going to want so that it may continue to create lo- Senior Benefits Information Center. Every required; register our online calendar at www.
to travel to Connecticut to be in- cal programming.” Wednesday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Senior Bene ts somerslibrary.org or call 914-232-5717.
terviewed, Ondek said. Whether that’s in a designated Information Centers (SBICs) help older adults Get Your Swag On- Join TAG! Tuesdays,
Without a local, permanent place studio location or “on the y, the 60 and over and those caring for the elderly 2/12, 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, and 6/11 from 3:15-4:30
and sta to shoot and edit, he will city is committed to continuing achieve a better understanding of Medicare p.m. Are you a teen or tween and a Somers resi-
have to gure it out on his own. to encourage local programming,” health plans and prescription drug coverage. dent? Would you like to make an impact on your
“It will be much more di cult. Talbot said. Information is provided about di erent types library & your community? Join our Somers
It’s such a shame,” Ondek said. Voting against approving the of government programs. Meet with trained Library TAG! TAG members will have an op-
measure were Councilmembers counselors in a private setting to get informa- portunity to work with the library to gain vol-
HOW VOTE PLAYED OUT Patricia Riley and Ramon Fer- tion about: unteer hours while developing leadership skills.
e vote on the resolution was nandez. Councilwoman Vanessa • Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and Me- Food will be provided. is program is for teens
not unanimous. Rainey, Depu- Agudelo was not present for the digap supplement plans / tweens in grades 6th and up. Space is limited.
ty Mayor Kathleen Talbot, and vote, but sent a statement opposing • Part D prescription drug coverage Winter/Spring Anime/Manga Club.
Councilmembers Vivian McKen- the loss of the studio. • Medicare savings plans for low-income se- Wednesdays, from 3:15-4:30 p.m. on the fol-
zie and Colin Smith voted for it, Fernandez, saying some things niors lowing dates: 1/23 1/23, 1/30, 2/6, 2/13, 2/20,
saying that, after two years of ne- remain up in the air, referred fur- • Financial bene t programs such as Home 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3, 4/10,
gotiations, the deal was about the ther questions to City Manager Energy Assistance Program (HEAP), food 4/17, 4/24, 5/1, /8, 5/15, 5/22, and 5/29. Join
best the city could get. Richard Leins, who could not be stamps (SNAP) us to watch anime from Crunchyroll on our
Altice, if thwarted, could choose reached for comment by press time. You will be able to meet with trained coun- big screen TV and to hang out with friends.
the path of arbitration and end up is reporter also reached out selors in a private setting. No appointment is is program is for teens entering 7th grade
on the winning side anyway, McK- to McKenzie, Agudelo, Riley, and necessary. If you can’t visit the library in person, and up. is program is for teens entering 7th
enzie was quoted as saying in a lo- Smith, but had not heard back by you can leave a message on the SBIC helpline grade and up! Register on our online calendar
cal media report. press time. at 914-231-3260 or email us at SBIC@wlsmail. at www.somerslibrary.org.
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 TAX & FINANCIAL PLANNING The Somers Record – Page 9
Where people spend most
Who hasn’t tallied up month- accounts for the cost to nance or TAX TIME
ly bills or looked at a credit lease a vehicle and insure it, and
card statement and pondered it also includes urban dwellers “The hardest thing in the
if they’re spending a little too who rely on public transporta- world to understand is
much? tion or ride-share services to get the Income Tax.”
around. Keeping transportation -Albert Einstein
e average person also may budgets in check can be great a
wonder how their expenditures way to save.
compare to other people around
the country and what they need Food is the next largest ex-
to do to enjoy nancial freedom pense. While everyone needs
in retirement. sustenance to stay alive, how that
money is allocated can make a
According to the U.S. Bureau big di erence in saving versus
of Labor Statistics, the average spending. e BLS says that food
American household spends just at home costs around $4,000 an-
about $57,000 each year between nually, while spending on dining
necessities and luxuries. Canadi- out amounts to around $3,100,
ans are spending even more than for a grand total of $7,100 each
their neighbors to the south. Sta- year. Statistics Canada notes that
tistics Canada indicates that, in Canadian households spent an
2016, the average annual expen- average of $8,784 in 2016 on
diture on goods and services per food and that 26 percent of that
household totaled $62,183. spending was on dining out. Cut-
ting back on dining out can be a
So how are people allocating great way to save money, as can
their funds? e results may sur- becoming a more sale-conscious
prise you and indicate where it’s grocery shopper.
possible to trim some fat and save
big bucks. Healthcare, utilities and enter-
tainment are the next most costly
Across North America, hous- expenditures, respectively. But
ing is the largest line item in each of those items are consider-
people’s budgets. Various sources ably less expensive than the top
suggest that housing and shelter three. erefore, making changes
needs account for anywhere from to where one lives, how one gets
30 to 40 percent of most house- around and how one eats can
hold budgets. By making housing certainly add up to considerable
decisions based on areas with the savings.
most e cient cost of living, indi-
viduals can save considerably over is article is from Metro
the long run. Creative Connection.
e second largest expenditure
category is transportation. is
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is article is from Metro Creative Connection.
Page 10 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 17, 2019
Happily Ever After
Year in review– A Visit from Santa
2018 Part II
It was a Saturday THE they, too, can add their
Already, really dumb things United ight at Newark Airport tried before Christmas and, SEASONED skills. e rewards are
are happening in 2019, so I to bring a peacock along for emo- after feeding Py- CITIZEN many, the kind money
had better ewacket and Stanley (my can’t buy. You will know
tional support, which
cats) at 6 a.m., I decided ADRIENNE the satisfaction of being
to go back to bed and KAVELLE of service to your fellow
get through cover- ru ed some feathers sleep in. I had nothing on men and women and
ing 2018. Here are MAN at the airline. Isn’t my calendar and before that alone will be the
the rest of the news OVERBOARD a peacock a bird?
items from last year RICK Why doesn’t it just I knew it, it was 11:30 best reward ever.
that you swore you MELÉN
didn’t have anything y there by itself a.m. and my doorbell was ringing. Sleepy I’ve written an acrostic to thank these
and meet you at the
eyed, I opened the door to nd Santa Claus, wonderful, sel ess people who care more
accompanied by three of his helpers, and about us than themselves. Hope you and
to do with, and no luggage carousel? my grandson Brian. ey were all members they enjoy it.
one believed you. And who’s to say of the Somers Fire Department, bringing
that the peacock candy canes to some of us Seasoned Citi- Saving lives of young and old
ELON MUSK LAUNCHES didn’t book the ight and bring the zens. What a nice way to be awakened! On call through day and night
TESLA INTO SPACE human along for emotional support? My son-in-law, Curtis, an EMT, is Making us feel safe from harm
When I rst read this headline I It isn’t often you get to hear a conver- also a member of Somers Volunteer Fire Expelling strife and fright
assumed he launched his Tesla into a sation between a large pheasant and a Fighters, and his nephew, Brian, has now Reaching out to one and all
parking space, which seemed a bit of psychologically fragile human, so let’s joined them as a trainee. Brian’s father Sure to do their best
overkill, but Musk is kind of a nutty listen in: “Okay- I really don’t expect (my son) was for many years a volunteer
guy. In fact, he launched the Tesla any more emotional support from a paramedic, so it runs in the family. I Fighting to preserve some lives
into outer space on top of a SpaceX peacock than I would get from a cold remember when he was 14 and joined the Inspiring to the rest
rocket that was headed there anyway. pizza, but at least with you I won’t Yonkers EMTs as a teen trainee. Seeing Responding very quickly
Once out of the Solar System, it was have to ght for the armrest. I just how drugs and alcohol could a ect people Exceptionally brave
discovered that there are no charging want you to be there for me, man.” made a lasting impression and taught him
stations for the car, so it will have to “First of all, I’m female. And if I don’t to have great respect for himself, learning Valuing each person’s life
make an illegal U-turn at some point. see a cup of co ee in front of me in to be a healer rather than a user. I’m very Objective: just to save
e vehicle may eventually make it 30 seconds I’m going to make a noise proud of him and now of his son, who is Lending aid to those in need
back to Earth, as soon as the GPS that will make your hair curl. And emulating his father and his uncle. Using skills and care
nishes recalculating a route with no judging by the look on your face, you We are fortunate, in Somers, to have so Never ending duty
tolls. don’t look great with curly hair.” e many generous people who give of them- To all with ills to bear
human and the bird were both denied selves, helping others without thought of re- Extoll these men and women
WOMAN DENIED EMOTIONAL entry onto the plane. muneration. I’d like to make a plea here for Each choice is clear and pure
SUPPORT PEACOCK ON FLIGHT SEE MELEN PAGE 13 anyone who might be interested to contact Risking sometimes life and limb
In January a woman boarding a
our volunteer re department and see how So we can be secure
BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR SOMERS, NY 10589 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER not necessarily those of The Somers Record or its affiliates.
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Submissions must include a phone number and address for
Fax: 914-617-8508
[email protected] verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be
published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or are
anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions
to the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5628
Thursday, January 17, 2019 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 11
e bene ts of card and board games
you have to double the recipe or move. ey have opportunities have their place, but they can- Have fun,
cut it in half ). e only problem to learn to strategize, to evaluate not replace playing cards and
STRONG with cooking together is some- what they need to do to win, and board games, because they do not Dr. Linda
LEARNING how you’ll end up in the kitchen what they’re not doing when they enhance a child’s interpersonal
cleaning up all by yourself. And lose. In other words, they learn to skills. Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad
DR. LINDA don’t forget about card and board think on a higher cognitive level. Grades Happen to Good Kids,” and
SILBERT games. Concentration, Monopoly • By playing cards and board director of Strong Learning Tutoring
and Scrabble are at the top of the • Playing cards and board and SAT/ACT Test Prep. Submit
Dear Dr. Linda, list for most families. games involves interpersonal cglaamssems awteitshchfTai:mld5ir.ley9n, 5fdr”ieevnedlos panad questions using the contact form at
We’re retired grandparents who interaction, which is essential to www.StrongLearning.com or visit
In fact, besides being fun and child development. Videogames healthy attitude which a ects her on Stronglearninggames.com.
babysit for our grandchildren, 6, inexpensive, playing card and other parts of their lives.
9 and 12 years old. We love them board games is one of the most
to pieces, but on the original job bene cial activities for child
description, there wasn’t a list of development. Here’s why:
activities to do with them that
would keep the three occupied. • Children who play cards and
Between homework, meals and board games with their families
showers, most of the time is seem to do better in school.
taken, but not all of it.
• Children learn that practice
Vacations, now days and makes perfect because quality of
half-days, are really a challenge. play begins at their skill levels and
Since our son and daughter-in- improves as they play the games
law don’t want them spending over and over.
all their free time on screens (nor
do we) we’re constantly looking • Playing games as a family
for activities that are suitable for is one of the healthiest ways to
all three that are fun and don’t bond. Family relationships grow
cost much money. ey go to the stronger because family members
movies and bowling with their talk and listen to each other even
parents on the weekends. Any when competing.
• Children develop patience
Carol and Ed while waiting for their turns.
Dear Carol and Ed,
• Children learn good sports-
For starters, open up a card manship. ey learn that some-
table and do a jigsaw puzzle times you win and sometimes
together. at way everyone can you lose and develop the skill of
work on it when they have a few dealing with disappointment.
spare minutes. If you’re creative,
make nger puppets or sock pup- • Children become more con-
pets and put on a play. You’ll nd dent because the rules are the
plays and directions to make the same for every player, no matter
puppets online. Or, create a meal how old they are, and everyone
together. has a chance to win.
• Children learn empathy.
Together, go to the supermarket For example, a child will help
and buy the ingredients. Divide up Mommy win if she keeps losing
the jobs and have fun. Or make a or will laugh with Grandma over
cake, cupcakes or a pie together. something quirky one of them
Kids love to roll out the dough (especially Grandma) has done.
(and measuring the ingredients is • Children learn how to strat-
a great math lesson, especially if egize. For example, 7-year-old
Sally learns skills such as watch-
ing to see which cards her brother
discards so she can plan her next
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Page 12 – The Somers Record OPINION Thursday, January 17, 2019
Two mothers, two daughters…
WHATWAS watched as a young, well-dressed We left before they nished Enter daughter number two: Her eyes were tearful as she
I THINKING? woman came bustling toward breakfast. Mom and I were She carefully and gently placed a took my hand:
a table, her mother behind her silent as we headed toward the napkin under her mother’s chin,
RUTHANN trying to keep up the pace. e car; then she softly said: “I could while kissing her on the fore- “ ank you so much for those
SCHEFFER older woman was petite; she just cry for that woman; she was head. She prepared her dinner, beautiful words. You don’t know
wore a lovely coat and scarf and so intimidated by her daughter. feeding her only when necessary; how much they mean to me.
W hile at a restaurant, I used a cane. Some day, when her mother is she would bend over her mother May God bless you, too.”
often nd myself ob- gone, she’ll realize she lost her and carefully pat her lips with
serving other diners: “For God’s sake, come on and best friend.” the napkin, her arm around her Two mothers and two daugh-
those who are clearly enjoying sit, we don’t have all day!” shoulder. eir table was one of ters: one mother who was a
the whole experience, those who Recently, I was having dinner caring and compassion. burden to her thoughtless and
are quietly eating, folks who Her mother hesitantly smiled with some friends. At the next unkind daughter; the second
enjoy their companions and of as she approached the table table sat a middle-aged couple I was so moved by this fam- mother who is loved, certainly
course, much to my disappoint- and struggled to sit down—her and the woman’s elderly mother. ily’s gift of love that on my way cared for and respected by her
ment, those who are texting. is daughter o ered her no assis- out, I stopped at their table and daughter.
is a story—based on my observa- tance. e woman was impeccably spoke to the daughter:
tions—of two mothers and two dressed, a picture of elegance. It seems to me that some
very di erent daughters. “Hurry up; what do you want She was seated in a wheel chair “How tenderly you care for daughters may not know just
to eat.” and it was obvious that she your mother. What a kind and how much they loved their
One long-ago winter day, would need some assistance with loving daughter you are. God mothers until it’s too late. ere
Mom and I were enjoying a “I’m not sure; can you just her meal. bless all of you.” are no do-over’s, dear daughters,
delightful breakfast at one of order something for me?” just regrets and sorrow.
her favorite restaurants. En-
ter daughter number one: I “I don’t know why I put up
with this; I’ll get you some tea
and toast.”
“ at will be ne,” her mother
quietly answered. She seemed
crushed and timid, not wanting
to be a further “problem” for her
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 OPINION The Somers Record – Page 13
BY JAY SPEAR with the truth, then interspersed the lies within the “I never lied outside the business,” he told me.
GUEST COLUMNIST conversation, the tales were much more convincing. I is, of course, was another lie, but I knew that
found that in this environment, the half truth became
As a young man, having just entered my twen- my mantra. As the years rolled on in business, the lies arguing with him was futile because he was was a true
ties, I never really questioned the meaning of grew in proportion. believer only in himself. By then, I knew how naive I
the word, truth. I thought that the word was was in my youth, believing that truth was an absolute.
an absolute. Either a person was telling the truth Unfortunately, this fact did not bother me. In fact, I But when did it do a 180-degree turn and lies became
or lying. Was I merely being overly naive or taking felt a kindred spirit the acquaintances that I made in subjective and widely acceptable?
too much for granted. As I began to move further this world. Everybody lies, I thought. Be they lawyers,
into the adult world, that was destined to be my politicians, plumbers, auto mechanics and salesmen of at is why I no longer go to my house of worship
future, small doubts began to creep into my every day all kinds. Some professionals are more adept at half nearly as often as I used to. e reason being that I
thoughts. truths. see too many people I know there, who have consis-
tently lied, asking for forgiveness.
I began to move along in business, I met people My brother was a devout liar, who once said to me,
who were older than me and farther along in their “I never lie.” Is it possible that lying is acceptable as long as we
careers and supposedly more mature and knowl- ask for forgiveness? is I refuse to accept.
edgeable. is was my world and my life was in this “How can you say that?” I asked with astonishment.
future. We were in business together for many years and I admit I am as guilty as any other person.
the lies I heard him tell in an average day could ll I could end this rant by asking us to all start telling
Quickly, the half truth arrived. If a person began more pages than the Bible. In his estimation, they the truth, but isn’t the world a masterpiece of love and
weren’t lies since it was done for business. understanding just as it is now? How could we pos-
sibly improve on it?
MELEN can’t raise your hand, well then Advertise With Us
I guess we have our answer, When you advertise with The Somers Record, you are reaching thousands of households and
FROM PAGE 10 don’t we? is isn’t a funny businesses throughout the Town of Somers, including all of its hamlets and Heritage Hills.
story of course, but let’s all learn To advertise or to place a classified, call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@
SOUTHWEST AIRLINES from this: if something you are halstonmedia.com.
APOLOGIZES TO GIRL holding in your hand has a fuse
NAMED ABCDE AFTER GATE attached to it, don’t light it with Resourceful Solutions For
I am a very sensitive person, MOM ARRESTED AFTER
and I would NEVER make fun KIDS FOUND HOME ALONE Wills
of a person who was named WATCHING ‘HOME ALONE’ Trusts
Abcde. Instead, I will make Probate
fun of the letters themselves, at pretty much says it all,
parading around at the front of but I will say that as a training Law Offices of Joseph J. Tock
alphabet as if they were some- device for children’s survival,
thing special. If those letters this lm is severely lacking. 963 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541
ever try to board a ight that TOCKLAW.COM
I am on without a child at- BANKSY ARTWORK SELF
tached to them, the airline is DESTRUCTS MOMENTS 800-869-8080
going to hear from me and my AFTER SELLING FOR $1.4
emotional support peacock. You MILLION
can’t blame parents for want-
ing their kids to be the rst in e shrewd shredder pre-pro-
line. Abcde will always be ahead grammed the painting’s frame
of that kid named YOLO, not to tear the piece to ribbons once
to mention children named the gavel hit the block. at’s
LMFAO and NSFW. And that why I always pay by check out-
nice mom whose daughter was
insulted because she gave her tted with a similar device.
a stupid name should send the
airline a letter, but which letter? NASA SPACECRAFT LANDS
Folks, if you think your tax
In August a group of cows dollars are being wasted, this
helped police capture a criminal story should put your mind at
that was on the lamb. e bold ease. NASA has spent about
bovines called for the female $830 million dollars on the
thief to stop, but she hadn’t herd InSight robotic lander, which
them because their voice was a touched down on Mars and
little horse. e cows lassoed the promptly took a sel e, despite
perpetrator and tied three of her the fact that its hair did not
legs together, and for once the look great. Of course, it has
cow was the hero instead of the other functions too, like updat-
goat. And if ewe don’t believe ing its contact list and trolling
me there is police videotape to SpaceX’s Tesla on Twitter. e
go with this. Jet Propulsion Labratory has
been trying to send it instruc-
WOMAN INJURED WHEN tions for the rest of the mission,
DYNAMITE SHE MISTOOK but it is now wearing head-
FOR CANDLE BLOWS UP IN phones and has not responded.
HAND By the way, I happened to
notice that nobody is taking a
Honey, who put candles in sel e on Uranus, but don’t take
the dynamite drawer? Raise it personally.
your hand if you’ve done the
EXACT same thing. If you Say hello at: [email protected]
Page 14 The Somers Record – Thu
DJoPhMn,OP’oHdainaltoryn, Health Expo
to Some
HaySleoymCearslloLweaoys,Jaalrle1d5H, vaoclkumntyeeerr,inMgealist sthaeABmloaondteD, rainved.
e Lions Club held its Health Expo and Blood
Drive on Saturday, Jan. 12 at Somers High School.
Participants took advantage of health screenings, chair
massages, and heathy eating samples along with taking
part in a blood drive.
Katie O’Keefe getting her blood pressure checked by Eric Amante, 12 Siblings Eric A
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o returns David George and Kevin Wirth, Somers Lions, having some snacks after giving blood
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from Edward Jones Financial
HJienaKltihmA, cLu.ApCu.n, cWtuersetchester
Amante, 12, Melissa, 15, Michael 13, and Patricia Russell, John FitzGerald from Advantage Emergency Devices, Inc.
Department, offering free blood pressure readings showing David George how to use the device
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Page 16 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 17, 2019
Ed DiLisio with Ed’s Automotive Services. beach in Jupiter, Florida, Ed Ian, Paige, Lauren and Ryan
Ed believed that to be successful made family his priority. And who will forever remember him
in a local business you had to be as his family expanded over the as the most amazing PopPop on
“old school” - do your best work years, Ed would take on the this or any planet.
for every customer at a fair and role of not only being “Dad” In lieu of owers,
honest price where a handshake but also becoming “PopPop” to contributions may be made in
was worth more than a contract his grandchildren. As PopPop, Ed’s memory to the American
and you gain customer loyalty Ed loved being surrounded by Lung Association.
by being loyal to the customer. his grandchildren and could Joseph
Ed was passionate about be found introducing them to
cars and enjoyed repairing and riding bicycles on the Jersey Bartolo Longo
restoring all types of vehicles Shore boardwalk, building sand
while always yearning for that castles on the beach, being Mr. Joseph Bartolo Longo of
one day when a street rod Fixit for emergency repairs Somers died peacefully in his
might end up in his garage for to any toy or item that only home on January 8. He was 91.
a loving restoration that only PopPop could save and bravely Joe was born on December
Ed DiLisio Ed could do right. Each of his volunteering to be a co-pilot as 24, 1927 to the late Evelyn (née
in Bedford Hills and later three children would start their the grandchildren were learning Barattini) and Joseph Longo
Katonah before moving to driving years with a car restored to drive. in the Bronx on December
Ed DiLisio, 77, of Somers, Somers in 2004. by Ed and as the years went on, Ed’s devotion to family will 24, 1927. On August 22, 1953
passed away peacefully on Ed and Betty were married he could be found working on be his legacy. He is survived he and Kathryn Longo (née
the morning of January 9. A for 56 years and were blessed his grandchildren’s cars. by his wife of 56 years, Betty, Sirico) married at the Church
lifelong Westchester resident, with three children: Gary, Gail Family traditions were very his son Gary and daughter- of Immaculate Conception in
Ed grew up in Mount Kisco and Karen. In addition to being important to Ed. Whether in-law Shelly Harkins, his the Bronx, and enjoyed 65 years
and graduated from Fox Lane a devoted husband and father, it be summers at the Jersey daughter Gail and his daughter of marriage.
High School. He married his Ed was a very successful local Shore, pizza on Sunday nights, Karen and son-in-law Robert Joe graduated with honors
soulmate, Elizabeth “Betty” business owner who ultimately Wednesday “Prince Spaghetti” Ondrovic. Ed is also survived by from Christopher Columbus
Victory and raised a family would be based in Bedford Hills dinners or vacations on the his grandchildren Chris, Annie, High School and then joined
the U.S. Navy, in which he
served on the Franklin D.
Roosevelt in World War II
from 1944 to 1948. Following
his service,
he worked for the New York
Transit Authority while pursing
education as an engineer at
Westchester Community
College. He then worked as an
engineer and manager at New
York Telecom, later named
Verizon, for 37 years. Joe and
Kathryn moved from the Bronx
to ornwood in 1972, and
then lived in Heritage Hills for
31 years where Joe was formerly
the president of Condo 8.
He was an avid golfer and
tennis player, enjoyed shing
and hunting into his 60s, and
had a long, happy retirement
surrounded by his family and
many friends.
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Longo; and many loving nieces
and nephews. He is predeceased
by his sisters Madeline, Marie,
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 The Somers Record – Page 17
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Page 18 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 17, 2019
NYSEG Command System, the same ber of customers possible.
one used by governmental and at’s why folks on a distribu-
non-governmental agencies, Aziz tion line that only services a dozen
ground guys appeared at the said. It focuses on logistics and re- residences will often be the last
board’s Jan. meeting to answer sources. ones to get power back.
questions such as: Who do I call Because everyone has access to NYSEG monitors weather
during a power emergency? and the same information, things run forecasts up to ve days in ad-
What do I do if I see a tree that’s more smoothly. vance and adjusts its plans accord-
in danger of toppling onto an Major storms can cause tons of ingly, Aziz said.
electric line? How many circuits damage to poles, wire and substa- Clinchy pressed the NYSEG
are in Somers? tions. guys on the so-called ramping-up
“ is is all basic information While the goal is to restore process.
that we (task force members) have power, NYSEG’s top priority is NYSEG will rst turn to its
acquired, but it’s always better that the safety of both the public and other operating companies for
the public understands what’s go- its workers. help. If necessary, it will seek mu-
ing on,” said Clinchy. Its teams make sure no one tual aid from farther ung areas,
e rst couple of meetings comes anywhere near a downed including Canada.
with NYSEG were “a bit adver- wire. However, if the storm is wide-
sarial, even contentious some- It works with local highway of- spread, that aid might not be read- PHOTO: CAROL REIF
times, but the point we all agreed cials to close streets, while keep- ily available from other areas that
on is that we serve the same peo- ing them accessible to emergency were badly hit. Boy Scout Joseph Dwyer of Somers Troop 228 asks NYSEG arborist Sam
ple,” he added. vehicles such as ambulances and Miller, left, about tree-trimming techniques Thursday, Jan 10. He and other
re trucks. Decisions on crew deployment Scouts were at the Town Board meeting as part of their communications
ings have become “pretty Residents may wonder why is “based on algorithms. It’s based merit badge requirements.
good” lately, but, nevertheless, it on predictions,” McDonough
hasn’t chilled the town’s desire to they saw NYSEG crews on their said.
pursue permanent solutions. street after a storm and all it did “It’s based on money,” inter- aren’t shy about contacting the issues in environmentally sensitive
“Getting along’s nice, but talk’s was cut a wire and move on. It’s jected Clinchy. “Obviously it’s a town about downed wires or areas.
cheap and actions speak,” Clinchy because NYSEG is in “make safe” business.” wonky trees, but it’s important to Di erent methods of trimming
said. mode. “It’s money and resources,”Mc- call NYSEG rst so the clock can trees can be seen on NYSEG’s
e second wave of NYSEG Donough agreed. start ticking, Aziz said. website.
BOOTS ON THE GROUND teams determines the amount and NYSEG had said it’s trying to NYSEG, which used to keep a Once a problem tree is identi-
Robert McDonough, construc- types of damage and reports back, “be more proactive than reactive,” small contingent of contractors on ed, NYSEG noti es owners,
tion and engineering supervisor updating its website’s posted esti- Clinchy nudged. a day-to-day basis, now has a per- who sometimes want to talk be-
for NYSEG’s Brewster division, mated restoral times as they go. McDonough countered: “I can manent force located in Brewster. fore work starts.
and Uthman Aziz, its public out- Residents can call 1-800-572- tell you we de nitely bring in Clinchy said NYSEG CEO Miller said he is happy to have
reach director, stepped up to the 1111 to report outages. more crews than we used to.” Carl Taylor’s renewed commit- that conversation, but, ultimately,
plate rst. If their account is in the system, “ at philosophy in up- ment to Somers is highly wel- he must follow PSC rules.
e division’s territory runs residents can drill down to their per management has de nitely comed.
north to Dutchess County’s Ame- address for status updates. And changed,” he added. “ ings have been better in the SEE SOMETHING,
nia, east to Westchester’s Pound they can sign up for mobile alerts e town has arranged for NY- last year,” Clinchy said. “Maybe SAY SOMETHING
Ridge and west to Yorktown. on their smart phones or comput- SEG to have a “staging area” at we just hit a good streak of luck. Even trees that look OK could
McDonough, himself a Somers ers. the former IBM property. is has Maybe it’s better preparation.” take a dive under the right cir-
resident, gave folks an overview First to get turned back on, helped cut response times. Sam Miller, an outdoor enthu- cumstances.
of how power is restored after a McDonough said, are critical Folks can also touch base with siast and tree lover,said sometimes at’s why it’s important that
weather disaster such as last year’s facilities such as hospitals and NYSEG through Twitter and angry homeowners will claim folks notify the town or NYSEG
back-to-back nor’easters. residents with life-support equip- Facebook. crews have “butchered” their be- asap if they spot something shy.
NYSEG uses the Incident ment—and then the largest num- It’s good that many residents loved oak or sugar maple. One resident waited several
But the utility religiously follows days to report a neighbor’s tree.
Public Service Commission rules It was a little windy where
and techniques for trimming. If a Miller arrived to nd the oak
tree can be saved without compro- uprooted and leaning on another
mising power lines, it will. tree. “It was actually creaking and
APARPR Miller, who insists he’s “not the cracking. I said, ‘Oh my God, let
big bad wolf,” has a philosophy: me move my truck’ before it falls
“ e right tree in the right place.” on it.”
If a tree is directly under the Miller said he has a good rela-
lines, and is expected to grow to tionship with Highway Superin-
more than 20 feet tall, it has to go. tendent omas Chiaverini and
PUBLICITY WITH PERSONALITY Meanwhile, if branches are they “bounce trees o each other
straying into NYSEG’s right-of- all the time.”
way, it is entitled to trim them to Somers itself has set aside
15 feet above the lines, 10 feet to $100,000 for the identi cation
either side, and 10 feet below. and trimming or removal of prob-
Since the majority of power lematic trees on town property.
outages are attributed to falling Tree spotters can NYSEG’s ho-
branches and trees, it’s crucial to tline, 1-800-527-1111, or Miller
Public Rela ons For... keep them as far away as legally at 585-484-2229.
possible, Miller said.
Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events Invasive species devouring KEEPING MOMENTUM
trees or poles are another issue. Supervisor Rick Morrissey said
Vegetation management can cut the town is happy that NYSEG
Your Message Is Our Mission vegetation and make a ve-foot- appears to be committed to do-
diameter circle around the bottom ing better, but its complaint to
of the pole, but can’t “yank” vines the PSC didn’t have anything to
Leave Your Message Here... o it because that might dislodge do with tree trimming. It was be-
(914) 275-6887 | bruceaparpr @ gmail.com
a live wire. cause infrastructure was not being
It’s up to the line crews to deal maintained or upgraded.
BRUCE APAR with situation if the vines are get- e town is, he added, “getting
ting into NYSEG equipment. attention, but this attention is 10
Herbicides help, but can raise years past due.”
Thursday, January 17, 2019 ELEPHANT’S TRUNK The Somers Record – Page 19
TRUNK the rst Wednesday of every month from Pick-up games will be held. All ability lev- tee. Once su cient funds are met to carry
5-7 p.m., or you can drop o donations at els are welcome. out the determined conservation need, the
Nature Walk: Winter St. Luke’s o ce on Tues/Wed/ ur from Registration is ongoing. To register, go object is sent out for work. When possible,
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to somersny.com, then click on Parks & student historians work with the society’s
Tree Identification Somers School District Rec in the middle top of the page. On collection committee to identify objects
the Parks & Rec. page, scroll down under and follow them through the restorative
Sunday, Jan. 27, 10 a.m.-noon, Muscoot Additional Links and click on Program process.
Farm Senior scholarship information Registration Site. In the registration site, Participants in the Adopt an Artifact Pro-
In this event co-sponsored by the Several scholarships are currently avail- you will need to create an account and/or gram will have their name a liated with
Friends of Muscoot Farm, join Bed- able on Naviance and many more will be log in to your current account then click the object on permanent signage, as well as
ford Audubon naturalist Tait Johans- added in the coming weeks. Seniors can on the orange tab titled Fall Programs and on the society’s website. Adopters will re-
son to learn how to use a tree’s structure, search for scholarships in Naviance in the click on Adult Open Basketball to register. ceive an Adoption Certi cate.
bark, and other clues to ID it even after colleges section. e Scholarship List can If you have any questions, contact the Rec- For more information about the Adopt
the leaves have fallen. e event is family be found at the bottom of the page under reation O ce at 914-232-8441 or parks@ an Artifact Program, contact Somers His-
friendly, but all children must be accompa- Scholarships and Money. A weekly email somersny.com torical Society at somershistoricalsociety@
nied by an adult. will go out to all Seniors and their parents Participants must be Somers residents yahoo.com or 914-277-4977. Donations
• Cost: Free. with scholarship information starting in and over 18 years old. Participants must may be tax deductible.
• Level of Physical Di culty: Easy late November and Scholarship Work- be registered before attending a program. TEAM Tuskers
• Dress warm.
shops will be scheduled. ere must have a minimum of 15 par-
Register with Susan at info@bed- The Somers High School Class of ticipants registered before it can run. Pro-
fordaudubon.org or 914-302-9713. 2021 is selling car window decals. For grams with less than 15 registrants will be TEAM Tuskers mentoring is looking
Somers Recreation more information, visit www.somerss- canceled. Please do not wait to register. for committed, dedicated adult men and
chools.org/ - Families tab - PTA and then Program will not be held when school is women to spend an hour each week dur-
SHS PTSA. All proceeds bene t the SHS closed. Any updates or school closings will ing the school year to support a student in
Winter programs 2019: Class of 2021. be noti ed via email. the schools. Mentoring is based on build-
Registration for all programs began Somers Apparel for sale (hoodies, Somers ing a supportive relationship between an
adult and a student—to provide insight, to
ursday, January 3. shorts and billboard shirt). For more infor-
For detailed program information go to mation go to https://somerclassof2021.ite- Historical Society guide, to listen and to be supportive. Men-
www.somersny.com, then click on parks morder.com/sale. If you have any questions, tors meet with their mentee for about an
and rec, then click on program registration contact Tammy Repp at trepp@optonline. Adopt an Artifact Program hour each week at either SIS or SMS, be-
site. If you have any questions, please call net. Orders will be taken until Oct. 19 with e Adopt an Artifact Program was fore school, during lunch or after school.
914-232-8441 or [email protected] items arriving before the holidays. All pro- established in 2013 by student historians Rooms have been set aside in each school
St. Luke’s Food Pantry ceeds bene t the SHS Class of 2021. of Somers Historical Society originally for these meetings and are equipped with
for objects in the Wright Reis Collec- games, arts and crafts, puzzles, sports
Adult Open Basketball tions owned by the Town of Somers. equipment, and a computer.
Help our Somers Community by help- An individual or business selects an ob- If you are interested, please visit som-
ing the Somers Volunteer Fire Dept ll Open basketball Wednesdays from ject to “adopt” from a pre-determined ersschools.org/teamtuskers; email team-
the St. Luke’s Food Pantry. Donations can 8-9:30 p.m. Oct. 17 to April 24 at the list of needs established by the Somers [email protected], or call
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Page 20 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 17, 2019
Tuskers top John Jay in thriller
Somers closes out Panas at home
BY ROB DIANTONIO didn’t go down.”
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Maestri totaled 17 points in
the win.
When he was called up to “We showed a lot of vet-
varsity as a sophomore, Max eran leadership,” DiCintio said.
Germaine had the tools to be an “Maestri hit a lot of big shots in
impact player, but he was lacking the rst half to keep us in it. We
one thing that he’ll even admit cut it to six points at halftime. In
himself: con dence. the third quarter, we didn’t wa-
In his junior year he ashed ver from our game plan. e kids
signs of potential. But now, in battled real well despite Bryce
his senior campaign, Germaine Ford hitting four threes in that
has stepped to the forefront quarter. My kids responded well
for Somers and is playing with and never got down. We cut it
loads of con dence. He scored a to three at the end of the third.”
career-high 26 points in a road Ford paced John Jay with 25
win at John Jay and 20 more in a points. Charlie Murphy added
victory over Walter Panas. 19.
“I touch the ball and I’m look- Two days later, Somers re-
ing to attack every time,” said corded a 56-50 win over visiting
Germaine, a 6-foot-5 center. Panas in another league game.
“I’ve just got to stay con dent It was Germaine’s 20 points
and keep playing my game.” that led the way, but a pair of Max Germaine totaled 46 points in league wins over
John Jay and Panas.
Tusker Joe Grippo takes a three. Somers coach Chris DiCintio players coming o the bench
Jalen Wilson leads a fast break. PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO
described Germaine as a “man proved crucial. Jalen Wilson
Somers’ Declan Talleur drives the baseline.
possessed.” scored all seven of his points in
“He has physical skills,” Di- the fourth quarter. Joe Grippo
Cintio said.“He’s tall, he’s strong totaled eight points o the
and has an ability to drive to the bench. DiCintio was impressed
rim. He also has an ability to with his composure despite his
shoot the ball. More important- lack of varsity experience.
ly, his heart and passion are re- Wilson nailed a big three late
ally honed in right now. He’s got in the fourth, then Lucas Fecci
a real will to win and a desire to (9 points) swiped a steal and
make a stand in his senior year. glided in for a layup. A one-
He’s playing at a high level.” point lead quickly turned into a
e road win at John Jay was 53-46 edge with 2:50 to go.
a thrilling, down-to-the-wire af- Panas’ perimeter shooting
fair. Somers pulled o a 67-66 kept it in the game but Somers
league victory on Jan. 8. was able to close it out from
Nick Maestri’s top of the key the line. Wilson made four free
3-pointer with just 26 seconds throws down the stretch after
left gave Somers a one-point Fecci had fouled out.
lead. “Our playing style is aggres-
e Indians had an opportu- sive, so we know we’ve got to
nity in the nal seconds, but the deal with the fouls that we’re go-
shot was o and Somers held on. ing to get,” Germaine said. “It’s
“We went to a 3-2 zone,” next man o the bench, pretty
DiCintio said. “We didn’t want much.”
to put them on the line, so we Wilson, a senior transfer from
made them take a perimeter SEE BOYS BBALL PAGE 21
shot to beat us and fortunately it
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 21
BOYS BBALL an coach said.“It was just a mat- said of the defenses they cycled WRESTLING
ter of keeping Jalen’s con dence through. “But more than any- Lupinacci, Russo earn
titles at Hen Hud
up as he was getting ready. We thing, we wanted to continu-
Mount St. Michaels (Bronx), knew that he would be a force ously put pressure on them and
has been an important factor. to be reckoned with.” run so that we tire them out a
“Jalen’s been huge for us,” Drew Lasher added 10 points little bit so they miss some shots
Germaine said.“We need a man for the Tuskers in the win. later in the game.”
like him coming o the bench DiCintio said the Tusk- Somers is now 5-0 in league BY ROB DIANTONIO “Matt was aggressive and scored
to grind on defense. He can put ers changed up their defenses play and 9-1 overall. e Tusk- CONTRIBUTING WRITER a lot of points,” DiSanto said of
the ball in the hoop, too.” to try to keep the Panthers o ers were scheduled to host pow- Russo, who won by technical fall
DiCintio said it took Wilson balance. Lorenzo Santucci led erhouse Horace Greeley in a Zach Lupinacci and Matt Rus- twice on his way to the nals. “He
three or four weeks to acclimate Panas with 18 points behind six crucial league game on Jan. 16. so have been standouts for Somers’ has a quick, aggressive o ense on
himself to new teammates and a 3-pointers. ey then head to rival Ma- wrestling team this season and his feet and is getting really good
new coaching sta . “Whether it be 3-2 (zone), hopac for a 3 p.m. contest on that trend continued when the at riding legs from top. It was his
“But Jalen’s got a tremendous play a little triangle-and-two Saturday, Jan. 19. duo both earned titles at Hendrick rst career tournament title after
amount of potential,” the veter- or play some man,” DiCintio Hudson’s tournament on Jan. 12. a second place nish at Hen Hud
Lupinacci, a junior, won the last year and two seconds and a
145-pound title. He dominated third this year. To get that rst
his way to rst, with all of his wins tournament title is huge for his
coming by pin. His three matches con dence.”
lasted a total of just 2:25. Lupinac- DiSanto said that with Lu-
ci, who won his rst varsity tour- pinacci and Russo’s emergence as
nament, also recorded the most leaders of the team, there has been
team points in the tournament a trickle-down e ect of con dence
with 30. for the rest of the team.
“Zach is really con dent and “I feel the whole team gaining
focused right now,” Somers coach momentum as they realize the
Ron DiSanto said. “He is wres- mindset and work ethic it takes
tling with tenacity and having fun to be successful in wrestling,” the
at the same time. He has always coach said.
been a strong, athletic wrestler, but Somers nished 10th out of 24
his technique has improved a lot, teams. e Tuskers went 17-5 on
which is taking him to the next the day, which was the the best
level. His go-to move on top, the team winning percentage.
cradle, has been almost automatic.” Also wrestling well for Somers
Russo, who is also a junior, was omas Gall, who was second
claimed the 106-pound crown. He at 195 pounds. Peter Kim placed
pinned Quinn Egan of Pleasant- sixth at 152 pounds.
Lucas Fecci sends a bounce pass. PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO ville in 1:11 in the nals.
Joe Grippo glides in for a layup.
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Page 22 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, January 17, 2019
Tuskers fall to
Indians, Panthers
Somers gets back on track vs. Yorktown
BY ROB DIANTONIO tle, but an athletic John Jay squad pulled away late
CONTRIBUTING WRITER for a 41-30 win on Jan. 8.
With standout guard Hannah Angelini on the A Dani DiCintio basket cut the de cit to 31-29
sidelines after su ering a concussion three days with 5:30 to play, but host Somers went cold down
prior against Brewster, the Somers girls basket- the stretch and was held to just one point the rest
ball team was at a disadvantage heading into its of the way.
contest with league rival John Jay-Cross River last
week. Ana Dorta’s 3-pointer stretched the Indians’
lead to 36-29 with 3:33 to go. Dorta made four
e undermanned Tuskers put up a valiant bat- free throws in the nal minute to seal it.
Jordan May goes up for a shot while John Jay’s Erin Walsh defends. Somers got out to a slow start in the rst quar-
ter, but rallied and forced the
PHOTOS: ROB DIANTONIO Indians into numerous second-
quarter turnovers. e Tuskers
WHY DO WE trailed just 18-17 at halftime.
“John Jay just continues to
ADVERTISE play harder than us, but that was
the one of the rare 8-12 minutes
IN HALSTON where we played as hard as them,”
Somers coach Marc Hattem said
of the run. “If my girls aren’t go-
ing to match that intensity level,
we can’t beat teams and we can’t
beat them. Hopefully, the next
time we play them, we can match
that for 32 minutes.”
Jay built a 10-point lead in the
second half after Dorta went 2
for 2 from the line with 2:20 to
go in the third quarter.
Somers red back again. Jor-
dan May spun to the hoop and
scored to trim the de cit to 29-
25 with 39 seconds left in the
Somers’ Dani DiCintio and Jordan May double team Ana Dorta. SEE GIRLS HOOPS PAGE 23
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 SPORTS The Somers Record – Page 23
GIRLS HOOPS Pooja Rao goes up for two.
Taylor Penzo fires a three.
It was a game where baskets were hard to
come by and every point mattered. John Jay Former Town
shot just 27 percent from the eld while Somers Justice for Town
shot 24 percent. e Indians out rebounded the
Tuskers 43-27. of Somers
“I don’t know if we had Hannah (Angelini)
if she would have been the di erence because
they played harder than us,” Hattem said. “I
know Hannah will play as hard as anybody but
as a team we need to gure that whole issue
Somers struggled to slow down Dorta, who
led the Indians with a game-high 25 points.
May (8 points), Pooja Rao (7 points), Taylor
Penzo (6 points) and Amy Lasher (6 points)
led the Tusker o ense.
“I thought Jordan was great,” Hattem said.
“She’s continued to be like the shining star that
we didn’t know was coming.”
e combination of Kelly Nolan and Jenna
Giardina held DiCintio to just three points.
“Tonight she realized that it’s going to be
tougher sledding for her over the next couple
of games,” Hattem said of DiCintio, the team’s
No. 2 scorer behind Angelini.
Two days later, Somers fell to host Walter
Pants 44-42 in another league game.
Behind 25 points from DiCintio, Somers got
back in the win column with a 42-30 win over
visiting Yorktown on Jan. 14.
e Tuskers (8-3) were scheduled
to travel to Horace Gree-
ley on Wednesday,
Jan. 16.
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Page 24 – The Somers Record SPORTS Thursday, January 17, 2019
Smooth shooting senior has high basketball IQ
Somers senior Nick Maestri is Do you know what you want to
a forward and captain on the study in college?
varsity boys basketball team. He
also played quarterback on the I’m still not sure what I want to
football squad. study in college, but I would like
to nd something to study that
involves sports.
BY ROB DIANTONIO Who is your favorite profes-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER sional athlete and pro or college
sports team?
How old were you when
you started playing basketball My favorite professional athlete
and how did you get started? is Alvin Kamara and my favorite
sports team is the New York Yan-
I was 6 years old when I rst kees.
played in organized basketball,
but I got started before that by What is your favorite music to
shooting outside with my two listen to warming up for a game?
older brothers.
Rap and if I had to pick an artist
What are your strengths as to listen to, it would be Meek Mill
a basketball player? because his music is so energizing.
Perimeter shooting and at- If you could have one superpow-
tacking the rim, especially on er, what would it be and why?
the baseline. I always give 100
percent e ort and I also have a I would want to have supersonic
good IQ for the game. speed so I could beat Lucas Fecci
in a race.
As a senior captain on the If you could pick one place to
team, how much do you value visit on vacation that you’ve never
being a leader? been to, where would you go and
I love being one of the
leaders for this group of kids, I would like to visit Italy because
especially since they make it I’m Italian.
easy for me. We all get along
and there are never any prob- What is your favorite food to eat
lems on or o the court. before or after a game?
e team is o to a strong My favorite food to eat after a
start. What’s been the key so game is whatever my mom makes
far? for dinner because I’m always hun-
gry after a game.
e key is our chemistry.
e starting ve has been Best place to eat in Somers?
playing together for six years Cardillo’s, because they have the
now and it’s always good for a best sausage, egg and cheese.
team when each player knows
their role. No one on this team Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or
tries to do it on their own. Instagram? Why?
Also, our energy and quickness
on defense is what keeps us Snapchat, because the group
in games no matter who we’re chats can get very interesting.
What is your favorite team Nick Maestri For a young athlete growing up
activity, pregame or postgame in Somers, what would you tell
ritual that you share with FILE PHOTO/ ROB them about the experience of be-
your teammates? DIANTONIO ing part of the basketball program
and why should they go out for the
My favorite team activity Will you continue to play bas- team?
would have to be going to ketball in college? If so, where are
coach’s house to watch lm you going and why did you pick that e Somers basketball program
and eat bagels. school? is one of the best around. Coach
(Chris) DiCintio and coach (Dar-
Who has been your biggest because there’s nothing like playing I will not be playing basketball in ryl) Aktinson can’t know any more
role model over the years and varsity sports with your boys. And of college, but I know it won’t be easy to about the game than they already
what have you learned from course, to never give up. say goodbye to a sport I’ve been com- do. Coach Sil (Silvio DiSalvatore),
them? petitively playing for most of my life. the JV coach, is a play-making
Tell us one thing about yourself genius and he’s also the man. ey
My two older brothers. I would that not a lot of people know? all help the youth basketball players
always watch their baseball and basket- improve on their game through various
ball games as a young kid and wanted I’m better than Max Germaine at camps. You should go out for the team
to be just like them. It’s crazy to think Rocket League. because you’ll make memories with
that I’m in the same position they were your teammates that will last forever.
in a few years ago, since it seems like
yesterday. What I have learned from
them is to embrace these moments
Thursday, January 17, 2019 LEISURE The Somers Record – Page 25
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Thursday, January 17, 2019 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE The Somers Record – Page 27
Review your xed-income strategy as interest rates rise
When interest rates rise, the value of unlikely, particularly rity dates, some are to continue investing in bonds, bond
your xed-income investments, such as funds or ETFs – namely, they can help
bonds, will typically fall. with investment-grade GUEST maturing and can be diversify a stock-heavy portfolio. If you
bonds, you can expect CORNER reinvested – and in a only owned stocks, your investment
If this happens, how should you to receive the same rising-rate environ- statements would probably uctuate
respond? greatly – it’s no secret that the stock
regular interest pay- MICHAEL ment such as we’re market can go on some wild rides. But
First of all, it’s important to under- even in the face of escalating interest
stand this inverse correlation between ments you always did, O’DONOVAN currently experiencing, rates, bond prices generally don’t exhibit
interest rates and bond prices. Essen- the same sharp swings as stocks, so
tially, when interest rates rise, investors no matter where rates you would be replacing owning an appropriate percentage of
won’t pay you full price for your bonds bonds based on your personal circum-
because they can purchase newly issued move. maturing bonds with stances can help add some stability to
ones that pay higher rates. So, if you your investment mix.
sell your bonds before they mature, you Holding some of higher-yielding ones.
could lose some of the principal value. As an investor, you do need to be
your bonds – particularly your longer- As is the case with all your investments, aware of rising interest rates, but as
You may be seeing a price drop we’ve seen, they certainly don’t mean
among your bonds right now, because term ones – until they mature may however, you must evaluate whether that you should lose your interest in
interest rates generally rose in 2018 bonds as a valuable part of your invest-
and may continue to do so in 2019. prove useful during a period of rising a bond ladder and the securities held ment strategy.
While you might not like this decline,
you don’t necessarily have to take any interest rates. Although long-term bond within it are consistent with your is article was written by Edward Jones for
action, particularly if you’re planning use by your local nancial advisor, Michael
to hold these bonds until maturity. Of prices – the amount you could get if objectives, risk tolerance and nancial O’Donovan, at 247 Route 100, Suite 200,
course, you do have to consider credit Somers, NY 10589 (next to Somers Sports
risk – the chance that a portion of you were to sell these bonds – tend to circumstances. Arena). Reach him at 914-401-9218 or
the principal and interest will not be [email protected].
paid back to investors – but unless the fall more signi cantly than short-term You can build a bond ladder with
bond issuers default, which is usually
bond prices, the actual income that individual bonds, but you might nd
longer-term bonds provide may still it easier, and perhaps more a ordable,
be higher, because longer-term bonds to own bond-based mutual funds and
typically pay higher interest rates than exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that
shorter-term ones. invest in bonds. Many bond funds
To preserve this income and still take and ETFs own a portfolio of bonds of
advantage of rising interest rates, you various maturities, so they’re already
may want to construct a “bond ladder” diversi ed.
consisting of short-, intermediate- and Building a bond ladder can help you
longer-term bonds. Because a ladder navigate the rising-rate environment.
contains bonds with staggered matu- But you also have another incentive
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Page 28 – The Somers Record Thursday, January 17, 2019
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