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Published by Halston Media, 2019-01-31 17:03:39

North Salem News

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 4 No. 44 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, January 31, 2019


The Lobdell Store and Post Office was recently dedicated as a historic landmark.
Pictured here is Albert Lobdell at the front door prior to 1893.

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Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Staff Yin Yoga Town News For more information, contact the musi-

EDITORIAL TEAM cal’s director, Debbie Feinstein, at 914-924-
EDITOR: 914-302-5830 Come join North Salem yoga teacher e Town Board will have regular meet- 7669 or [email protected].
[email protected]
GABRIELLE BILIK Jaime Roche for a free introductory yin yoga ings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of Rock Out with Troop 1144
SPORTS EDITOR: 914-214-4285 workshop from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at St each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Meet-
[email protected]
ADVERTISING TEAM James Village Hall. 296 Titicus Rd. North ing Hall, 66 June Road, North Salem. All

LISA KAIN Salem. is workshop is for adults and teens meetings are subject to rescheduling upon Help Troop 1144 get to their Gold Award
[email protected] interested in learning more about the thera- adequate notice, as circumstances require. by joining the Troop at the Ruth Keeler Me-
914-202-2392 peutic bene ts of yin yoga. Bring two thin All agendas and live meetings are posted on morial Library from 10 a.m. to noon on Sat-
[email protected]
CORINNE STANTON blankets or throws and a yoga mat. For more the Town website at: http://northsalemny. urday, Feb. 2. e Troop will be writing kind
[email protected] information contact Jaime at jaime@the- org/town-board/agenda. words and phrases on small rocks. e rocks
914-334-6335 or to register please Audition for will then be kept in a basket at the library’s
[email protected] contact Lauren Rosasco, LRosasco@north- checkout desk with an invitation to take a
914-205-4183 “Sweeney Todd” rock and keep it, or pass it on to someone
[email protected] who might need the message. RSVP to Dina
914-202-2941 e Actors’ Studio of Westchester is Demasi at [email protected].
[email protected]
PRODUCTION TEAM Croton Falls holding auditions for Stephen Sondheim’s Railyard Arts
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL “Sweeney Todd: e Demon Barber of
DESIGNER/PHOTOGRAPHER Join the Chapel at Croton Falls for a Fleet Street” at the South Salem Presbyte- Studio classes
[email protected] special Interfaith Sunday on February 17 rian Church (111 Spring St., South Salem)
PRODUCTION/DESIGNER at 10:30 a.m. Speakers dedicated to awak- at 4:30 p.m. ursday, Jan. 31 and 7:30 p.m. Railyard Arts Studio is located at 621
BRETT FREEMAN ening purpose and beauty in those behind Friday, Feb. 1. Route 22, Croton Falls. For more informa-
PUBLISHER: 845-208-8151
[email protected] bars, as well as formerly incarcerated guests Performances will be May 24-26 at the tion, visit
who have turned their lives around to live Schoolhouse eater in Croton Falls. Jan. 21 marked the beginning of classes
845-621-1116 in a new appreciation of freedom, include: e production is looking for a “dynamic for adults and kids at the newly opened Rai-
[email protected]
Rev. George Cook, Pearlasha Cook, Dancer, cast of young adults” aged 11 to 18. Actors lyard Arts Studio, across from the Croton
Dr. Hans Hallundbaek, Interfaith Prison must prepare a song for the audition. ey Falls train station at 621 Route 22, Croton
THE DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Partnership, Katherine Vockins, Rehabilita- will also be asked to read from the script. Falls. Enjoy stained glass, water color and

AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR tion rough the Arts (RTA), and Music by To audition, sign up at actorsstudiowest- SEE ROCK PAGE 7

NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY Miriam “Sita” Zernis. Walk-ins are welcome.
Have your heating system checked now before the cold weather comes.
JODI WEINBERGER AT 914-302-5830 "Service was fast, courteous
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Thursday, January 31, 2019 North Salem News – Page 3

Lobdell house, Post Office dedicated historic

BY JODI WEINBERGER The Lobdell house
EDITOR The post office

Tricia Gregory, a seventh-generation member of the Lobdell DRAWINGS BY CROTON FALLS ARTIST MIKE BONELLI,
family, said her father would have been thrilled to know the COURTESY OF THE NORTH SALEM HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION
Lobdell house and Lobdell Store and Post O ce are now des-
ignated historic landmarks in town.

e Town Board approved the historic landmark designation
at a council meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 22, at the urging of the
town’s Historic Preservation Commission (HPC).

“Unfortunately, (my father) passed away two years ago, but I
have a letter he sent to Dick DeFrances when he was town histo-
rian … urging them to preserve the house and telling them some
of the history. He would really be so excited that it’s come to this.”

Supervisor Warren Lucas thanked the Historic Preservation
Commission for doing “a phenomenal job” putting together the
application for the buildings, located at 270 and 274 Titicus
Road and owned by the town.

“I don’t want the architecture screwed up by somebody,” Lu-
cas said. “ e designation will maintain the architecture.”

Both buildings are currently being used as o ce space, said
Francis Tuoti, chair of the HPC, so getting them this designa-
tion ensures the preservation of the historical architectural fea-
tures of the building should renovation work need to be done.

“ is commission recognizes that the buildings, currently in
active use by the town, may require enlargement or external
modi cation to continue serving the public in the future,”Tuoti
wrote in the application. “We are sensitive to these issues and
work diligently and rapidly with landmark owners to achieve
the desired results.”

Gael Pantezzi and Susie ompson of the Historic Pres-
ervation Commission submitted the following details
about the town’s newest landmarks, which they call “the
soul of Salem Center.”

At the Town Board meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 22, the board
voted unanimously to designate Lobdell Store and Post Of-

ce (sometimes called “ e Annex”) and Lobdell House. e
rst building currently houses the town’s Building Department,
Zoning Board and Historic Preservation Commission o ce,
and the latter houses the Planning Board, Assessor, Receiver of
Taxes, Recreation Department and Town Historian.

e three buildings that comprise the town government cam-
pus are now a little historic district, including Delancey Hall
(o ces of the supervisor, director of nance and town clerk),
which are a landmark and on the National Register.

e former store and post o ce is a Greek Revival-style
wood frame and clapboard building erected before 1850 and
features a temple front with four octagonal wood columns. e
building has been moved twice, rst from across the road when
New York City took land for the reservoir, and second to im-
prove public access for its use as a government building. Major
renovations occurred in 1995-96 and in 2017.

Lobdell House was built by Albert J. Lobdell in 1883-84
for his bride Mary Louise Braden. is three-story Victorian
house is in the Stick-Victorian style and includes sloped gables,
cross gables and dormers with Kings Post trusses, deep brack-
eted overhangs, and wrap-around porches. ere are twin brick



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Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, January 31, 2019

Can you hear me now?

Latimer will work with town on getting better cell service

BY JODI WEINBERGER en the locality can submit a memorandum of “sup- proved by the state.
EDITOR port, neutrality, or opposition” to the proposal. “We may be able to deal with it without legislation to

In the last of his presentations to the county’s 45 mu- If supportive or neutral, no further action on the mu- alienate the usage so that we can then have commercial
nicipalities, County Executive George Latimer prom- nicipality’s part is necessary, although continued com- use on the pole,” Latimer said. “If it bene ts the com-
ised North Salem he would help solve the problem of munication is encouraged. However, if opposed, it is munity and anyone driving through the community, we
dead zones and dropped calls. required to give reasons. have no objections to that.”

Last year the newly-elected Latimer signed an execu- ese will be responded to—“in detail”—by the rel- e other request from the town is that the county
tive order establishing a “Good Neighbor” policy where evant commissioner or department head. help with improvements at the North Salem Day Camp,
he pledged to visit all 45 towns, cities and villages in also on the Mountain Lakes property. e camp is open
Westchester to explain the order in person. While there are no guarantees that things will go to residents in the county, and Lucas said North Salem
their way, at least this gives municipalities their time at residents only make up about a third of the campers.
“It’s not as if I thought of you last on the list, but this bat instead of merely reacting down the road when they
is the 45th municipality,” Latimer told the Town Board have less leverage. “ e roof is in need of repair,” Lucas told Latimer. “I
at its meeting Jan. 22. don’t have the ability to bond anything because I don’t
e stronger the arguments, the better the chances own the property.”
Supervisor Warren Lucas interrupted, letting the a project could “morph in some fashion” or even be
county chief know no explanation was needed: “You stopped, Latimer added. Under Rob Astorino’s administration, Lucas said the
were scheduled to come last year and we canceled the county was considering transferring some of the land to
meeting.” Of course, Westchester has to answer to Albany, and North Salem.
some things might be out of its control.
e executive order, which is only in e ect while Lat- “Under your administration, it’s a di erent direction,”
imer is in o ce, aims to create a more open and ap- Latimer is hoping that won’t be the case as it helps Lucas said. “We’re happy either way.”
proachable government. North Salem get a cell provider for its communications
tower. Latimer was hesitant to promise too much, saying it’s
e policy requires the county to make a formal pre- one property on a list of properties that need to be ad-
sentation of any “signi cant” proposed action on coun- e tower is located in Mountain Lakes Park, which dressed.
ty land at a regularly scheduled, televised (if possible) is county property, but because it’s on dedicated park-
meeting of the governing body of the community af- land, the town can only use it for communications for “Clearly it needs more capital work. Our challenge is
fected. its emergency services. we have a lot of di erent places in the county that need
capital work,” Latimer said. “We can’t do whatever we
“Signi cant” means that either the county—or the “Verizon can’t go (up there),” Lucas said. “ e town is want with property taxes.”
municipality—thinks the proposed action is big or im- dead; a lot of it is dead.”
portant enough to warrant attention. Latimer did promise that if the county appropriated
Latimer said the county “has no objections” to putting some money for the camp, it wouldn’t be a tit-for-tat
Municipalities have 60 days to do their own research a communications company like Verizon on the tower, type agreement.
and/or hold public forums to gather input from resi- but has to look into the legalities of something called
dents. the Parkland Alienation Law. “We won’t tie it to another policy,” Latimer said. “It’s
our asset and it’s our liability, so we have to make sure
e law would allow the county to lease part of the it’s functioning.”
tower to a company like Verizon, but it has to be ap-

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Thursday, January 31, 2019 North Salem News – Page 5

MTA moves
with plans


e MTA is one step closer to building a new lot for

the Croton Falls train station with the purchase of St.

Joseph’s R.C. Church.

e MTA paid $3.1 million for the property, which it

plans to raze to make room for 450 parking spaces with

the possibility of 200 more at a later date. PHOTO: JODI WEINBERGER
Plans were announced last year, but the deal to buy The MTA has finalized a deal to raze the former site of St. Joseph’s Church for a 450-car lot for commuters using the
the church property was made o cial in recent weeks. Croton Falls Train Station.

e former church, school, rectory and convent at 12

Croton Falls Road will be demolished, but there is no

timeline yet for when that will happen. e MTA is in Falls train station in North Salem will be banned. ously acknowledged that taking away free parking might

the planning phase and is nalizing the scope of work e new parking lot would provide commuters a half upset some, but the cars lining the road has become a

and improvements that need to be done. mile, or 9-minute-walk, to the train station. public safety issue.

When the lot is nished, which is not expected to St. Joseph’s moved its church several years ago from Supervisor Warren Lucas said he expects sidewalks to

happen for a few years, free parking along Routes 100, Croton Falls to 95 Plum Brook Road in Somers. be built with the possibility of vans or buses going from

202 and 116 in Somers for commuters using the Croton Supervisors in Somers and North Salem both previ- the train station to the new lot.






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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ruth Keeler Memorial Library is located at 276 Titi- Historian David Frye will be discussing his new book, month. It is open to all writers and aspiring writers who
cus Road. For more information on any of these events, “Walks: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick” are invited to share their work or desire to write in a sup-
call 914-669-5161 or visit about how walls have shaped human history. He will portive atmosphere.
also be selling and signing copies of his book.
Nibble and Nosh 2019. Attend this fun evening at Free Museum Passes
Keeler Library of sampling International Cuisine rep- A Creative Moment every ursday from 6 - 8 p.m., North Salem is surrounded by many world-class
resenting traditional dishes from around the world, all ages 10 to adult. Facilitated by Jen Armbruster and Deb- museums. You can visit some of these free of charge by
made by local North Salem residents. e admission fee bie Rizo. Work on a creative, artistic project with fam- simply going to the library and checking out passes to
is $20 per adult and $10 per child; please RSVP by Feb- ily or friends. e project may be your own or an easy, the museums. Just ask for the passes at the front desk.
ruary 1. is event will take place on Saturday, February self-directed project provided by one of the library’s Art You may call the library to reserve a pass for a particular
9, 7-9 p.m. Boxes. Plenty of supplies will be available from the Art week. Passes must be returned within seven days. Passes
Cart. Share your work with other creative individuals in may not be returned to any other library, nor put in the
Casino Night on Saturday, February 23, from 7-11 a fun, supportive atmosphere. School-age children must book drop. It is possible to renew a pass for an additional
p.m. at the Salem Golf Club. Attend for gaming, prizes, come with an adult. week, provided no one else is waiting for it, by calling the
ra es, libations, and hors d’oeuvres. Tickets are $175 library. Loss of a museum pass will result in you being
each and can be purchased from the library website or Story time and crafts charged the full replacement cost.
by writing a check to the library. is event will bene t Mondays
the library. Stories and Songs – 10:30 a.m., for babies from birth ey are available for Keeler Library card holders only.
to 2-1/2. Don’t have a library card? Show the library proof that you
Bagels & Books: Fates and Furies by Lauren Gro on Tuesdays live, work, go to school, or own property in North Salem
Feb. 7 at 10:30 a.m.; e Children Act by Ian McEwan Mother Goose for Babies – 10:30 a.m., for babies and we can issue you a library card in about three minutes.
on March 7 at 10:30 a.m. from birth to 2-1/2.
Valentine Candy Crafts at 4 p.m., Feb. 13, for all Story Time at 10:30 a.m.; family story time for kids
ages. Make candy airplanes, blind rings and candy heart of all ages.
bird feeders. Block Party at 11 a.m. – Library supplies the blocks,
kids supply the imagination.
Ben’s Chess Classes from 5-6 p.m. on Feb. 13, 20 and
27 for grades K-5. Learn to play or improve your game ursdays
with Ben. Books and Puppets at 10:30 a.m.; family story time
for kids of all ages.
North Salem Family Open House from 7-9 p.m. Feb. Saturdays
7. Learn about town programs geared toward families Story Time at 10:30 a.m.; family story time for kids
with young kids. Organized by Maryanne D’Amato and of all ages.
Mary Molina. (Bilingual stories and songs on some Saturdays.)
Writers workshop
History and Biography Book Club on February 24
at 3 p.m. for Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood is workshop is from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and
and Brick by David Frye. Extra copies of these books are led by Maryanne D’Amato the rst Wednesday of the
available for checkout. No registration is required and
drop-ins are welcome.

Author Talk with David Frye at 3 p.m. Feb. 24.

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Thursday, January 31, 2019 BALANCED ROCK North Salem News – Page 7

ROCK Bowl-A-Rama at Weil Preserve, 3 Willow Lane, percent penalty is in e ect. Pen- North Salem
North Salem. It is open to all. alties cannot be waived. Fall Recreation

North Salem Youth Baseball is A Reminder from the Place your event here
acrylic/oil painting. For moms sponsoring Bowl-A-Rama from

with pre-schoolers, the studio 3:30-5:30 p.m. Saturday, March WINTER RECREATION
Calling all schools, town orga- All registration forms avail-
North Salem Tax Officeo ers art with ne motor skill 2 at Spins Bowl in Carmel. All

development and a class where North Salem boys grades K-5 are e second half 2018/2019 nizations, nonpro ts and houses able at:

moms knit while pre-schoolers invited to participate in an after- school tax installments are due of worship in North Salem. Tell reation. Questions? Contact

enjoy story time with an art noon of bowling, photo keepsakes by ursday, January 31. e tax us about your event! Balanced North Salem Rec 914-669-5665

project. For teens, there is teen and priceless memories with a spe- o ce will be open extra collec- Rock is a place for free listings North Salem Day Camp at

art and teen knitting/crochet- cial guest. e fee is $35 for one tions hours on Saturday, January for qualifying organizations. Get Mt. Lakes

ing. ere are also fun and easy child plus the special guest which 26 from 9 a.m. until noon and in touch at weinberger@halston Sta applications, Counsel-

workshops for the everyday per- includes two hours of open bowl- on Monday, January 28 from 8 to place your event. or-in-Training applications,

son and workshops for advanced ing and a souvenir for the child. e a.m. until 8 p.m. weather per- and camper registration open
in late Feb/early March. Watch
The Schoolhousetechniques. Visit railyardartsstu- cost is $15 for each additional child. mitting. e tax o ce is located for details and to register. Register at at 270 Titicus Road. Theater our website for updates: north-
Paying in person? BRING
Come make Valentines for North Salem Open
local hospitals at Railyard Arts YOUR BILL to avoid long lines For more information on any of Youth Programs

between 2-5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. Land Foundation and waiting time! Everybody these events, call 914-277-8477 Learn-to-Skate at Brewster
10. Create a Valentine and make has received one. Residents are or email schoolhousetheater@ Ice Arena

a craft to take home. Invasive Plant Management encouraged not to wait until e theater is located e Learn-to-Skate program

Slime workshop for ages 8 for the Homeowner. Please join the last day to mail or bring in at 3 Owens Road, North Salem. is for 4-12 year olds at vary-

and up on Sunday, Feb. 24, from North Salem Open Land Foun- their payments to help avoid LoHud Comedy, 8 p.m. Feb. ing levels of skating experience.

noon to 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 to 4 dation for a free, informative penalties. Be sure to have a U.S. 1 with Charles McBee, Liz Bar- $185 per session, per skater. Fee

p.m. Sign up at railyardartsstu- program on managing invasive Postmark on any item sent near rett and Adam Oliensis. includes public skate before les- plants. Are you overwhelmed the end of the month. Payments “The Color of Light” by Jes- son. *Skate Rental not included.

PQ News with growth taking over your received with an o ce machine se Kornbluth is from April 4-28, Fridays 5:30-6 p.m. OR Tues-

backyard? Are you diligently postmark after January 31 will 2019. days 5:10-5:40 p.m. Session 3

Feb. 15-10: Winter break tackling invasive plants but los- be returned for penalty. Hayfields starts Fri Jan. 4 or Tue Jan. 8.
ing the battle? en this is the Any credit card payments Session 4 starts Friday, March 1

Feb. 28: Co ee with the prin- program for you! e program is must be for the full amount of or Tuesday, March 5.

cipal, 9 a.m. from 3-4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26 the installment due. Partial cred- Hay elds is located at 1 Bloom- Skiing and Snowboarding

it card payments will be returned er Road. For more information, at Thunder Ridge, 50 under

OBITUARIES and penalty will be due on the visit hay Ridge Rd., Patterson

full installment amount. Monthly Trivia starts at Learn to Ski / Snowboard

Feel free to call the tax of- 7 p.m. and goes until 9:30 with the Rec Dept, 5 week

Walter S. Higham ce at 914-669-5177 with any p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. program, Transportation Avail-
questions. During the last few Trivia is brought to you by able. Departs NS MS/HS and

days of collection, e-mails will the o cial Pub Quiz orga- PQ at 3:30 p.m., returns to PQ

Walter S. Higham, of New Fair eld, Conn., formerly North Sa- be returned as possible. Visit nization with a wide variety at 6:50 p.m.. 3rd-12th graders

lem, died at home on January 21. He was 89 years old. the North Salem Town website of questions and categories. (1st & 2nd grade skiers with

Born on August 18, 1929 in Yonkers, son of the late Richard S. at and Hay elds recommends teams parental supervision). Wednes-

and Martha L. (Scott) Higham. Walter graduated from Gorton go to the Tax Department to for four people. It’s $5 a person days, starting Jan. 9. Flexible

High School and attended NYU. He honorably served in the US view frequently asked questions to play. Food, beer and wine is packages available, including

Army during the Korean War. regarding mailing and payment available along with prizes for lesson, lift ticket, rental, trans-

On August 16, 1958 he married the love of his life Carol H. pSroeApcset_do2uf0r1Fe8sr_i.dqatry_,aFde_bHraulsatroyn.1q,xpa_1L0ayoutdhta1etes8w:/2Fi9ne/n1b8i.n2g101a:t0ne4adAmMM. portation, and chaperone. From
Hughes. Carol predeceased Walter on November 21, 2003. $150 - $415.

Mr. Higham a people person, enjoyed traveling especially cruises

and being outdoors. He was a truck driver with Airborne Freight in visit the LARGEST
Danbury, Conn., for 23 years before retiring.

Walter is survived by his children; Margaret ‘Peggy’ Gorell (Fred),

Janice Wald (Cary), Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Daniell (Barry), Carol Lynne STORE online at
Rich (Rich Ward), his eight grandchildren and four step grandchil-
dren and his two great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his

son James and his brother Richard.

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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, January 31, 2019

Happily Ever After

A resolution solution Playing my songs

We’re almost a month into those things, and en entire city block I’ve always loved listening to music. pool. Listening to Melanie singing “Can-
the new year, and I wanted could be immobilized. So you’re left As a little kid, I liked to listen to the dles in the Rain”was almost like being in
to ask you how your New with hundreds of thousands of adults chart-topping songs of the 1960s on church. Whatever happened to her?

Year’s resolutions were wearing adult diapers, my transistor radio. roughout high

holding up. If you and there’s not even Sometimes I would READING, school and college,
answered, “Oh crap! MAN any alcohol to make sing along to the car CHOCOLATE my album collection
radio from the back- continued to grow. I
anks for reminding OVERBOARD it all seem festive. seat if my mom turned started going to rock

me!” en I’m guess- RICK It’s so crowded that

ing not so good. If you everybody’s packed in to the cool station. My KIM concerts at Madison
didn’t even bother to like sardines. Picture dad usually preferred Square Garden and also

make any resolutions a bunch of sardines, talk radio or baseball Queens College and St.

because you knew you perfectly sober, wear- games if he was in John’s. I kept the concert

wouldn’t keep them, ing adult diapers, and charge of the car radio. ticket stubs as souvenirs

then that’s even worse. ose brave you’ll begin to get an idea of the kind My cousin, Ilona, gave me my rst tacked up along the shelves of my book-

souls who fought the crowds and the of commitment New Year’s Eve takes. Beatles record. She was a huge Beatles case at home. In those rock and roll years,

weather on New Year’s Eve in Times Plus, Times Square is a security night- fan and had two copies of “She Loves I saw Peter Frampton, Led Zeppelin,

Square certainly took the whole thing mare, along with all the other night- You.” I started purchasing my own 45s at Rod Stewart, Bad Company, Queen, the

seriously, even if you didn’t. ey were mares I just described. ink of all the Woolworth’s and kept my new collection Kinks, Linda Ronstadt, Eddie Money,

out there for hours with no umbrellas, bad actors that could be on Broadway at in a red and white checked carrying case. Meatloaf, and Hall & Oates in concert.

because an umbrella could be used as a any given time. I carefully wrote down the song titles When I moved into my fourth- oor

weapon. Don’t you remember when the So suck it up and honor your prom- and musical groups on the cardboard walk-up apartment in NYC, it was so

Penguin would show up at a gala for a ises for the new year. If you really want divider tabs. I remember setting up my much easier to go to concerts after work

gaggle of rich gals, and he’d point his to work things e ciently you should portable record player on the back steps without the long commute from Queens.

umbrella into the middle of the room line up your resolutions in November, on a summer afternoon and lip-synching I was lucky enough to see Bruce Spring-

and this pink gas would come out, and and that way you can ask for Christmas to “Paint It, Black” and “Nineteenth steen, Bob Seeger, Elton John, Billy

before you knew it all the ladies were presents that will make it easier. ere Nervous Breakdown.” At 9 years old, Squier, INXS, U2 and many more bands.

on the oor and these guys with black is plenty of new technology out there my rst LP record album purchase was My album collection grew weekly with

derby hats would stroll in and eece the that can help. Make the whole holiday “Aftermath” by e Rolling Stones. Give vinyl tunes by Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, e

entire place and clean out the wall safe? season work together to transform you me e Rolling Stones over e Beatles Police, Foreigner and Def Leppard.

Well maybe YOU don’t remember that, into a better person. One way to ensure any day of the week. While the rock music of the 1970s is

but the NYPD certainly does. that you are living up to your goal of Certain songs evoke speci c times and iconic, I am partial to the music of the 80s

So, no umbrellas, and no porta-potties staying more physically active is to ask places in my life. When I hear Creedence and 90s. Any Billy Idol or Talking Heads

in Times Square either, because they for a tness tracker for Christmas. e Clearwater Revival’s “Fortunate Son,”I song can bring me back to those care-

could be used in a terrorist plot. All tness tracker can provide important think of the year we lived in Florida. In the free days of driving up to the Berkshires

it takes is one commando to in ltrate SEE MELEN PAGE 11 Florida house, I often listened to records SEE KOVACH PAGE 9
the area and open the door to one of in my room or outside on the patio by the

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER BAILEY COURT, 334 ROUTE 202, UNIT C1S Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
JODI WEINBERGER, EDITOR SOMERS, NY 10589 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, PRODUCTION MANAGER necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2018 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
Fax: 914-617-8508 all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
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For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

Thursday, January 31, 2019 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

Shopping with the Supermarket King

There are a lot of things my ucts out there than he is. And, LOST IN o on his shopping adventure. at’s ne,” I said
husband does well. Shop- in all fairness, there are things SUBURBIA “Enjoy your free time,” he told “OK,” he said and hung up.
ping, however, is not his that he knows that I am clue- I got back in the tub. e
forté. is, I learned, after I sent less about. Whereas he is uent TRACY me on his way out. “Go take a phone rang. I got out of the tub.
him to the drug store to get me in Hardware-ese, I can’t tell the BECKERMAN bubble bath.” I have another question,” he
some Anbesol for my canker sore, di erence between a wrench and said.
and he came home with Anusol, a pair or pliers. I know if I were plained. “I just know what we A half hour went by. en an “Aaauuugghhhhh,” I yelled as
a product for hemorrhoids. set loose in Home Depot with need and I get it. It’s the same hour. ere were ve things on I dripped bubbles on the oor.
instructions to buy some caulk, every week.” the list. “I don’t care! Just get whatever
“It was an honest mistake,” he I’d probably wander aimlessly for you want.”
admitted. hours until I was found curled “If you want me to get the en the phone rang. I got out Half an hour later he walked
up in the fetal position, mum- right stu , write it down.” of the tub. in the door.
“Yes, I can see how you bling to myself in the drywall “I got everything you wrote
might have been confused,” aisle. So, I did. I wrote down every- “Okay, I think I have every- down and some things that
I said. “One product goes in thing I could think of in what thing,” he said. “One question. weren’t on the list,” he said with
your mouth, the other goes on Of course, I think it’s great that brand and what size and what I found the detergent, but there a sly smile. I groaned thinking
your…” he even o ers to go out and get color and it took so long that I are like, seven di erent kinds,” about the ten boxes of Mallo-
some of these things when we realized I could probably have he said a little less con dently. mars that were probably in the
“I get the point,” he inter- need it. But much as I appreciate gone to the supermarket and “Do you want regular, Fresh Air, bag.
rupted. the help, I have to pause when he back, twice, in the time it took Free and Clear, Rainshower, From behind his back, he
o ers, wondering what will actu- me to make a husband-proof Linen, or Morning Bloom?” handed me some fashion maga-
In his defense, I have to admit ally be in the bag when he returns shopping list. zines and a bouquet of owers.
that I spend a lot more time in from the shopping trip. “It doesn’t matter.” I said. I gave him a hug and smiled
the drug store and grocery store Still, I reminded myself that I “Fresh Air, I guess.” sheepishly. “So… do you need
than he does, and therefore I’m “Give me a very detailed list,” appreciate the help, and with n- anything at the hardware store
much more familiar with the he said one night, “and I’ll get gers and toes crossed, I sent him “Okay,” he said and hung up. tomorrow?”
names and uses of all the prod- exactly what you want.” I got back in the tub. e
phone rang. I got out of the tub.
KOVACH “I don’t make lists,” I ex- “You said you want the
64-ounce size, but if you get two
FROM PAGE 8 32-ounce sizes the second one is
half o .”

on Friday nights in the summer to Service: 914-669-9679 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS & FINANCIAL PLANNERS
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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, January 31, 2019

Traditions and superstitions

Dear Dr. Linda, they missing out on groundhog’s experi- that four-leaf clover they found in their
I’m in my 50s and yet still love yard 30 years ago that’s still in their wal-
something or is there STRONG ence and the coming of lets at sixty reminds them of the safety
Groundhog Day. I have absolutely no something wrong with LEARNING spring. It is a tradition they felt at the time it all began. ey
idea why, but as a kid I’d watch the news me? based on a fun ction. feel safer, more con dent and more se-
on TV to see if the groundhog saw its DR. LINDA cure. Just as the groundhog seeing or not
shadow. I think it helped me come to Aunt Donna SILBERT ese little tradi- seeing its shadow as a predictor of spring
grips with the fact that we still had six has never been scienti cally proven, that
more weeks of winter or I was excited tions, many of which feeling you got when you were a child
that spring was right around the corner. waiting to see what the future held, is
Dear Aunt Donna, are superstitions and still with you.
e other day, I told my niece and
nephew, 13 and 14 respectively, that In spite of your niece based on ction and ere is nothing wrong with continu-
Groundhog Day was almost here. And ing a tradition like Groundhog Day or
together they said, “What? What are you and nephew, and many not fact, begin in child- pretending a superstition is true as long
talking about?” And then went back to as your focus on it doesn’t become obses-
their video games. Even after they were others in the younger generation, as well hood. However, generations of adults sive or you can’t separate fact from c-
done playing, they never asked me again! tion. Are your niece and nephew better
as many newcomers to this country who continue to follow them their entire o than you are? Only time will tell, but
Anyway, I love that day. By the way, they’ll miss an opportunity to believe in
the other day they noticed that my have not been exposed to Groundhog lives. Why do people carry around four magic on Feb. 2.
keychain is a pink rabbit’s foot I got
when I was 10. When I look at it, for Day, there are still many who wait for leaf clovers or use a rabbit’s foot as a Happy Groundhog’s Day!
some reason it makes me feel better. Dr. Linda
Feb. 2 to see when spring will come. keychain?
ey think it’s gross and say that I have Dr. Linda is co-author of “Why Bad Grades
a dead rabbit’s foot as a keychain. In fact, celebrating Groundhog Day is When they were children, they were Happen to Good Kids,” and director of
Strong Learning Tutoring and SAT/ACT
I acquired these traditions or maybe a tradition in many cities in the United told that these things would bring them Test Prep. Submit questions using the
superstitions, as a child. I don’t know contact form at
if they have a better life than I had, or States and Canada as well. It seems good luck. Why won’t people walk under or visit her on
I had a better life than they’re having
but these traditions or superstitions that this tradition began in Germany in a ladder? ey were told it would bring
have given me pleasure in my life. Are
the 1800s with a Pennsylvania Dutch bad luck. ese traditions or supersti-

superstition. If a groundhog saw its tions have been carried on from genera-

shadow after coming out of its den on tion to generation following each one’s

Feb. 2 (which meant it was a clear day), speci c national and cultural heritage.

it would go back to its den and there e question is why do intelligent

would be six more weeks of winter. If adults who understand the di erence

it didn’t see its shadow (which meant between fact and ction still fall back

it was a cloudy day), spring would be on these traditions or superstitions?

early. Interestingly, after all these years, Because, as children, the traditions gave

those who have studied this event have them a sense of security. Since no one

not found any relationship between the knows what will happen in the future,

Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those of North Salem News or
its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which
cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail at [email protected]. For more
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Thursday, January 31, 2019 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11

MELEN she couldn’t see it. It was like ONLY
an episode of “Forensic Files.”
FROM PAGE 8 I said why don’t you spray the $1799
area with Luminol, and see if
physiological feedback to you, the cat actually committed a + FREE Shipping
such as the fact that you are crime? We got the cat from the
pathetic. You can program it to cat pound, and I have no idea 2X more balm than other brands
monitor your heart rate, calo- what his background was. He
ries burned, and the number of could have been an axe mur-
Dairy Queens within a two- derer for all I know- every time
mile radius. I try to pick him up it seems
like he tries to kill me. He has
What about a refrigerator those retractable claws like
that actually talks to you? You little stilettos, but I’ve never
can ask it to help your diet actually patted him down for
out by giving you mislead- weapons. Anyway, the genius
ing information about what’s of these robotic vacuums is not
inside. “Close the door that that they pick up all the dirt
light is right in my eye. What so great, it’s that they chase
are you doing here, anyway? the cat around and prevent
Do you realize what time it is? him from staying in one place
Well neither do I because you long enough to do anything
never set my clock. If you’re that might constitute a misde-
here for the cookies your wife meanor.
already ate them.” “She did
not, she’s the one who told me We’re all living in this
to nish them up.” “You know microcosm we call Earth, so
what? I happen to agree with our resolutions might actually
the Fitbit- you’re pathetic.” I intersect. If you have a resolu-
have a ashing message on my tion to take better care of your
refrigerator that tells me when teeth, odds are that your dentist
it’s time to change the lettuce has the same resolution. I just
crisper lter. It’s been ashing bought an electric toothbrush
since 1985. Imagine if it could that lets you know when you’ve
talk to me? What would it say? brushed your teeth for one
“CHANGE THE CRISPER minute. e ADA recommends
FILTER YOU BLITHER- that you brush your teeth for
ING IDIOT.” Or something to two minutes, so I brush my
that e ect. teeth until this toothbrush
goes o twice. I’ve found that
Some people want to clean it also comes in handy with my
up their house and start the other resolutions too, so it’s a
new year o on the right win-win. For instance, I want
foot. ere are several robotic to spend at least 10 minutes a
vacuums on the market that day walking my dog, and my
just wander around the room dog has that same resolution
all day in a random pattern and too. So I take my toothbrush
clean your rug for you. In our along and brush my teeth until
house the main o ender is the the timer goes o ten times.
cat, who also wanders around Another one of my New Year’s
the room in a random pattern resolutions is for other people
and soils the rug for you. I re- to be nicer to me, so feel free to
member when my wife had this help me out with that one.
black light that was supposed
to highlight where the cat Say hello at: [email protected]
was messing up the rug. She
could smell the evidence but

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Page 12 North Salem News – Thu

Danc your

Kids came to North Salem Middle School Friday, Jan. 25, ready to have

PTO Co-President Jen Decina and Keri Dreyer selling tickets

Top Row: John Gogo, 11, Malachi Andrews, 11, Dillon Coughlan, 11, Luke Dundon, 11, 12 year old
Justin Major, 12. Bottom Row: CJ Casale, 11, Ryan Vorfi, 11
Georgia Rubini, 12,
and Andea Sarno, 12

Jillian Staebler, 12, Darla DiPomenico, 11, Nicky Berganza, 11, Ana Brewster, 11, and
Giulianna Leclair, Sam Vilketis, Julia Maloney, and Isadora Tica, all 13, having a great time
singing karaoke

ursday, January 31, 2019 Page 13

r hear ou

e fun at the school dance, singing karaoke and showing o their moves.

Claire Ohanlon, 12 and Abby Lehr, 12, singing karaoke

ds Ella Dallow, Izzy Halstead, Lili Valletta, Molly Videla, and Sarafina Dipaola

11 year olds, Josalyn Escalera, Makena Cooney,
and Amaya Dieng

Samantha Yoel

Becky Senatore, 12, Claire Herbstritt, 13, and Brianna Spasiano, 12


Page 14 – North Salem News SCHOOLS & CAMPS Thursday, January 31, 2019

ACE THE MATH Skating toward summer

SAT/ACT MATH TUTOR Summer Trails Day Camp held its annual ice skating event at the Brewster Ice Arena last week.

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enjoying the ice SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 15
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Thursday, January 31, 2019 SCHOOLS & CAMPS North Salem News – Page 15
Abygail Leverich, 6
PHOTOS FROM PAGE 14 Aden Silk, 6, Shari Silk, and playing a game of
Benny Silk, 12, having a Giant Jenga
Lauren great time ice skating
pushing Arjun Ojha,
Eleanor 12, and Matt
Feinman, 4, Hirsch, 12
on the ice

Kaylee Martinez, 13, Corinne Halstead, 13, Jaws, and Haley Cloughessy Mikayla Bussinger, 2, and Betsy Ackerman cheering
on the ice skaters
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Page 16 – North Salem News Thursday, January 31, 2019



chimneys and the double-hung windows are tall with The Lobdell house in 1912. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE NORTH SALEM HISTORICAL SOCIETY
two-over-two con guration.
where he and Mary Louise raised six children. ey two historic roads. e rst 20 were celebrated in a
e house was built a few hundred yards west of called it Hickory Glen. booklet created by the Historic Preservation Com-
Delancey Hall and was moved to its present location mission in 2002. Now, HPC is working on the second
in 1893 when New York City took more land for the e store and post o ce were run by family mem- edition to be published late spring. e text will be ac-
reservoir. It has changed over time: all shutters have bers until the 1950s, when Postmistress Cornelia Lob- companied by stunning pen and ink drawings by Cro-
been removed, the front entrance that faced the road dell retired. Lobdell descendants, Tricia Gregory and ton Falls artist Mike Bonelli and vintage photographs.
was moved to the west side of the house in the 1940s Reg White, live in the area and provided much of the
and a small room to the north side of the house was historical information. is project was proposed and is sponsored by a gener-
removed. ous landmark owner.
e new landmarks bring the town total to 33, plus
e Lobdells came from Hereford, England, and set-
tled rst in Milford and Ridge eld, Conn., then North
Salem in the late 1700s. ey leased land from Stephen
Delancey in Cortlandt Manor (the western 3/4 of to-
day’s North Salem) then began to purchase property
beginning in 1773. ey created homes and businesses
here in Salem Center (called Delancey Town in the
1700s) and built farms on today’s June Road.

e Lobdells were the soul of Salem Center for
more than 175 years. Beginning in 1815, Anson Lob-
dell, his son Anson Whitney Lobdell, and grandson,
Albert Jenkins Lobdell, all lived in the house (today’s
landmarked Uriah Wallace House) immediately west
of Delancey Hall.

Anson Whitney Lobdell became postmaster in 1856
and ran the post o ce in the store. His wife, Mary
Jenkins Lobdell, taught at the North Salem Academy
(now Delancey Hall) where her father, John Jenkins,
was principal. Town minutes show a record of many
meetings in the store and in the hall on the second

oor. Albert Jenkins Lobdell took over both the store
and post o ce in 1880 and sold everything from food
and spirits to candles and cloth. Albert held a number
of town positions, including town clerk and supervisor
1915-1928. e store was a mecca for town business,
news, fun and camaraderie. Albert designed the house


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Thursday, January 31, 2019 North Salem News – Page 17



Ashley Binette
Sophomore captain brings wealth of experience to squad

Binette is a sophomore team I think that I am a pretty looking out for people around who will get me into the right Best place to eat in North
captain of the girls on north Salem’s good leader. I like being able to him, myself included. He’s mindset. Salem and why?
ski team. She also plays JV lacrosse teach people how to ski a course. taught me how to be caring and
and varsity soccer. It’s very honoring to be able to has prepared me for upcoming If you could have one e best place to eat in North
lead as a sophomore and very di cult situations in life. superpower, what would it be Salem is my very own house. My
BY DOMINICK DEPOLE exciting. e best part is that I’ll and why? mom can make a re mac and
CONTRIBUTING WRITER be here for two more years. Tell us one thing about cheese that everyone loves. It’s
yourself that not a lot of people I would de nitely choose to the dish we bring to any dinner
How old were you when you How much progress have know? be able to y. How cool would it we go to.
started to ski and how did you you made in ski since you rst be to feel like you’re actually on
get started? started? I hate it when my foods touch top of the world. I went indoor Facebook, Twitter or
on the plate. I always have to skydiving and thought it was Instagram? Why?
I started skiing as soon as I I have been skiing at under separate them. Especially when so cool. If ying is anything like
was able to walk. I was put on Ridge for as long as I can it’s pasta sauce and salad—can’t that, Id for sure choose to y. If have to go Instagram simply
skis when I was around 2 and remember. I have been on the do it. because I don’t have and don’t
was put into ski school around race team since I was 9 and I If you could pick one place know how to work Facebook or
3. I was not a very pleasant ski never knew that one minute Who is your favorite to visit on vacation that you’ve Twitter. Also, more of my friends
baby—I cried all the time—but in gates would be this fun. My professional athlete and pro or never been to, where would you have Instagram so it’s easier to
it got me here. passion for racing only grew. college sports team? go and why? see what’s going on.

What is your favorite part Do you have any goals for the My favorite athlete is Bethany If I could choose one place to What would you say to other
about being a part of the ski season? Hamilton. She’s a pro surfer visit it would have to be South young athletes growing up in
team at North Salem? with only one arm. Even though Africa. I am very into nature North Salem about being part
My goal this season is to I do not surf, I am a huge fan of and animals and think this place of the ski program?
My favorite part is being qualify to go to states. I made it hers for her perseverance in life. would be amazing. It’s such a
able to meet new people and to Sectionals last year and just Shoutout to the movie “Soul unique culture and style of living I personally think everyone
join a di erent community. missed going to states. I would Surfer.” Everyone should go I am very interested in. should try out for the team, but
Not many people race and it’s really like to push myself this watch, best movie ever. I may be a bit biased. Being
just extremely unique and a year and make it. What is your favorite food to part of this team is usually the
completely di erent mindset. What is your favorite music eat before or after a game? highlight of my year. I love
I also really love that it’s an Who has been your biggest to listen to warming up for a skiing and I love being around
individual sport. role model over the years and game? My favorite post-race food people who love skiing, and this
what have you learned from has to be ice cream from Red whole team does. I guarantee
How do you see your role them? I really enjoy listening to Rooster. It’s a convenient stop on that if you ski, you’ll have a blast.
on the team, and what is it country music but before races the way home and a perfect way It’s more than the sport, it’s like
like leading the ski team as a My biggest role model over I usually play some of Alan to end o the night. a new family.
sophomore? the years has to be my older Walker’s music. I think that
brother, Camden. He is always he is one of the best musicians

Page 18 – North Salem News SPORTS Thursday, January 31, 2019

Ticgoeurnstgyochthaemdpiisotnasnhciepsat Katie Mogg sprints
around the turn.
Leicht takes third, Jolley fourth
for North Salem at the Armory Zachary Cotter
heaves the shot put.
BY VIC MCGEE race and nished in under two
CONTRIBUTING WRITER minutes. Next up is the Class
C meet and we’re focused on REINVENTED

A total of 31 high school that. e kids are working hard,

track and eld teams descended focused, improving every week

upon the Armory in New York and that’s ultimately what the

City Sunday night to compete goal is.”

in the Westchester County Leading the way for the Ti-

Championships, and the North gers were the distance runners

Salem Tigers knew they would as both Ben Leicht and Ava

be facing some tough competi- Jolley turned in top ve nishes

ton. e Tigers would be com- in their respective races.

peting against schools much Leicht lined up against

larger in size from all over the a tough eld in the boys’

county, but they held their own 1,600-meter run, and he stuck

with some impressive perfor- with the leaders the entire dis-

mances. tance and nished third with a

After a long day competing time of 4:24.11.

in the city, North Salem coach “Ben ran the quali er time

Nick Kowgios was pleased with for states in the 1,600 and if all

their e ort as the Tigers turned goes well he could make it to

in a number of personal records. the state meet and that’s really

“ e kids competed hard something,” Kowgios said of

and I’m happy with the results,” Leicht.

Kowgios said. “ ere were a lot Jolley was once again among

of personal records, our girls SEE TRACK PAGE 19
(4x200) relay ran an impressive


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Thursday, January 31, 2019 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 19

Michael Horan on the Break Christian Norberto in Traffic PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI

Austin Waldron on the Move

North Salem defeats Saunders

Tigers win 71-49 in Coaches vs. Cancer Tournament

BY RICH MONETTI that I needed to take over the game.” certainly su ced as a takeover. small forward kept his calm again and
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Ryan’s in-air follow of Anthony Foglia’s e Tigers didn’t misstep for long, found Outhouse for any easy layup.

At the Coaches vs Cancer Tourna- missed layup tied the score, and left Saun- though. Timmy Outhouse took a charge e 38-14 lead was the largest of the
ment at North Salem High School, the ders coach Anthony Nicodemo without on Klanell Lee’s coast to coast drive, and a night, and the closest the game would
Tigers found themselves down 2 midway any illusions as to what his team was up Saunders foul at midcourt on Austin Wal- get came on a little dazzle from Saunders
through the rst quarter against Saun- against. dron did more than add foul shots to the Rose. Picking up a loose ball on the scram-
ders. e 9-7 score probably a surprise lead. ble, the junior guard went behind the back
to the 2-10 Blue Devils, they were soon “He’s a very good,and with such a young to elude the North Salem defenders and
to be woke, and it was Kevin Ryan who team, we’re really not experienced enough “Since our big guys can dribble and went the distance to close to 43-27.
shook the scoreboard to its senses. e ju- to know how to attack a player like that.” bring the ball up court, it takes a lot of
nior guard led North Salem on a 20-0 run, Nicodemo said. pressure o the guards,” Ryan said. But Outhouse went over the top to out-
and the visitors were left chasing the rest do Rose at the end of the third. On a feed
of the way. e physical play was also a problem Being able to play make and distribute inside from Ryan, the senior delighted the
for Saunders, according to Nicodemo. the ball doesn’t go unnoticed by North Sa- crowd with a nifty skyhook that was far
Exploding to the rim over and over But Steven Herlihy’s perch just inside the lem’s coach either. from an accident.
again for 33 points, Ryan’s outburst began 3-point line was all calm as he gave North
as he realized where he was. Salem the lead for good at 11-9. “ ey put a lot of work into ball han- “It’s my patented shot,” he said. “I work
dling, and it makes us that much more on it all the time.”
“ is team should not be beating us on e run nally ended several minutes dangerous,” said Coach Sassone.
our home court,” Ryan said. “So I decided into the second when Xavier Rose made Four wins in a row show that he’s not
one of two from the line. But 13 points Steven Herlihy provided the proof on a the only one putting in the time, as Hal-
in between by Ryan played like a blur and triple team near the end of the half. Sur- dane awaits on ursday, Jan. 31.
rounded by blue and gray in the paint, the

TRACK ways does even though she a 16th-place nish in the with a time of 5:28.91. 7.5, while Aeneas Eatone was
wasn’t feeling well,” Kowgios 300-meter race as she crossed Violet Coyle was 35th in the 105th at 7.53 and Nicholas Di-
FROM PAGE 18 said of Jolley. “She had the u, the nish line with a time of Giacomo was 140th with a time
but she’s such a competitor, she 44.58. en she anchored the 600-meter race as she nished of 7.77. ey teamed up in the 4
the lead distance runners in gives everything she has for ev- 4 x 200 relay race and helped with a time of 1:51.76. x 200 relay for a time of 1:43.38
the county despite entering the ery race.” them earn a 16th place nish to nish in 18th place. Zachary
meet coming o a bout of the with a time of 1:59.29. For the North Salem boys, Cotter competed in the shot
Katie Mogg also had a busy Sean Vincent was 22nd in the put for the Tigers.
u. She ran the 3,000-meter night for the Tigers as she In the girls’ 1,600-meter race, 1,000-meter race with a time
race and jumped out to the front earned a couple of top 20 n- North Salem teammates Juliette of 2:50.15. Christian Du y Next up will be the league
with the leaders. e 3,000 is ishes. Mogg started the night Intieri and Stella Ard lined up was 28th in the 300-meter meet followed by the Class C
the longest race of the meet for with a 17th-place nish in the together in the second heat as race with a time of 39.74, and championships for the Tigers
the girls, and Jolley battled to 55-meter dash with a time of Intieri nished 19th overall Jon D’Alessandro was 44th in as they get ready for the stretch
the end to earn a fourth-place 7.83. with a time of 5:17.19, and Ard the 300 with a time of 40.71. run of the season.
was close behind in 28th place D’Alessandro was 100th in the
nish with a time of 10:52.29. She followed that up with 55-meter dash with a time of
“Ava ran hard just as she al-

Page 20 – North Salem News LEISURE Thursday, January 31, 2019

Crossword Puzzle solutions on page 23

CLUES ACROSS 60. Bridge expert 2. Actress Zellweger 17. Universally Fun By The Numbers
1. Cathode-ray tube 61. Fabric woven from 3. Obtained by addition mounted spinning
4. A leglike part goat and camel hair 4. Chief executive officer wheel Like puzzles? Then you’ll love sudoku. This
8. Old world, new 62. Capital of Honduras 5. Flees 18. Spanish shawl mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from
11. Sec. of Def. 64. Tell on 6. Murres genus 25. Macaws the moment you square off, so sharpen your
Panetta 65. Wooden clog 7. __ Wong, spy 27. No (Scottish) pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test!
13. Greek god of E 66. Beloved 8. Works well as a remedy 28. Takes dictation Here’s How It Works:
or SE wind 67. Fed 9. Tripod 29. Spanish Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid,
15. Supervises flying 68. Decays 10. A nautical unit of appetizers broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a
16. In a way, bothers 69. Single Lens Reflex depth 30. The Muse sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each
19. Federal savings CLUES DOWN 12. Most populous Native of lyric and love row, column and box. Each number can appear
bank 1. Applauds Am. people poetry only once in each row, column and box. You
20. Stout lever with 14. Genus Capricornis 31. Romaine lettuce can figure out the order in which the numbers
a sharp spike 32. Alias will appear by using the numeric clues already
21. F.S. Fitzgerald’s 33. A way to beat provided in the boxes. The more numbers you
wife Zelda 36. Son of Jacob name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
22. Snakelike fish and Zilpah
23. Scads 37. Amount of time
24. Prophet 39. Most guileful
26. Former “Daily 40. Younger US
Show” star political party
31. Organized crime 43. Electrical
head resistance unit
34. Oil obtained 45. Side way
from flowers 47. Milton’s Cormus
35. 2X WWE Divas composer Henry
Champ 48. Sheep up to
38. Brine cured age one
Canadian cheese 49. Green algae
39. Slow oozing 50. Capital of Morocco
41. Volt-ampere 52. S.E. French city on the
42. Phenyl salicylate Rhone
44. European defense 53. Asian nation
organization 54. Great No. Am. RV
45. Anglo-Saxon Rally
theologian 57. Culture medium and a
46. Doctrine food-gelling agent
49. Soviet peninsula 58. Inflamed lymph node
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55. Protects from weather 59. Native of Edinburgh
56. Mops 63. Belonging to a thing

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Thursday, January 31, 2019 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE North Salem News – Page 21

Sales down, prices up in 2018
Housing market expected to remain ‘vibrant’ in 2019

While remaining robust, residential sales in some
areas of the lower Hudson Valley were slightly lower
than the historic highs of the past two years.

In 2018, Westchester, Rockland and Orange coun-
ties all experienced declines in the number of resi-
dential sales as compared to 2017. Putnam, Bronx
and Sullivan counties, which are also served by the
Hudson Gateway Multiple Listing Service, were the
exceptions experiencing increases in residential sales
of 4.7 percent in Sullivan, 1.9 percent in Putnam and
1 percent in Bronx County.

e lower Hudson Valley experienced historically
low inventories of single family homes at the begin-
ning of the year, which may have contributed to an
initial decline of sales. Rockland County, which expe-
rienced an 11.5 percent drop in sales of single family
homes, also saw an increase of 11.4 percent in sales
of 2-4 family homes and an increase of 2.5 percent in
condo sales. Days on market, the number of days from
the time a home is listed for sale to the time of a fully
executed contract of sale, was signi cantly lower in all

Another indication of healthy demand in the hous-
ing market was the increase in sales price in all coun-
ties. Westchester County, which had the highest
number of single family home sales at 5,876 units,
experienced a rise of 1.2 percent in median price to
$650,000, up from $642,000 a year earlier. Orange
County, with 3,827 units sold, saw an increase of 6.4
percent in its median to $258,600 from $243,000 a
year earlier. Despite the diminution of units sold in
Rockland County, the median sales price rose 4.5 per-
cent to $460,000 from $440,000 a year earlier. Put-
nam County, which had a 2.2 percent increase in unit
sales, also had a 3.7 percent increase in median price,
rising to $350,000 from $337,500 a year earlier.

Overall, in 2018, 21,338 residential units were
sold in the areas covered by Hudson Gateway Mul-
tiple Listing Service. is was a drop of 2.6 percent
from the prior year. Possible headwinds for the hous-
ing market for 2019 continue to be the unknown ef-
fect of the tax reform law of 2018, which limits the
deductibility of state and local taxes, and a volatile
stock market. However, given the improving inven-
tory numbers, continuing attractive mortgage interest
rates, high employment in the region and a healthy
economy, it is anticipated that the market will remain
vibrant in 2019.

is article is provided by e MARCIE NOLLETTI
Hudson Gateway Multiple
Listing Service, Inc. (HGMLS), Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
a subsidiary of the Hudson
Gateway Association of Realtors, (914) 424-5545 Cell
Inc. (HGAR). HGMLS’s (914) 617-7761 Direct
principal service area consists of (914) 277-7128 Fax
Westchester, Putnam, Rockland, [email protected]
Orange and Sullivan Counties.
It also provides services to The Bailey House, 338 Route 202
Realtors in Bronx, Dutchess, Somers, NY 10589
and Ulster Counties. e
reported transactions do not Marcie makes it happen!
include all real estate sales in the
area or all sales assisted by the
participating o ces, but they are
fairly re ective of general market

To advertise in North Salem Licensed in NY & CT
News, call Brett Freeman
at 845-208-8151 or email Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC
[email protected].

Page 22 – North Salem News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, January 31, 2019

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Thursday, January 31, 2019 LEGAL NOTICES North Salem News – Page 23

TAX NOTICE MARCH: 10%/10% Road Poolhouse, Greenwich, led with SSNY on 11/15/2018. LLC FORMATION NOTICE
CT 06830. Arts. of Org. on le O ce Location: Westchester Of Technology Consulting

ereafter 1% per month until with CT Secy. of State, 30 Trinity County. SSNY designated as agent LLC, Arts of Org. led with

e undersigned, RECEIVER either the date that all taxes and Street, Hartford, CT 06106. of the LLC upon whom process Sec. of State of NY (SSNY)

OF TAXES FOR THE TOWN assessments are paid, the date on Purpose: Any lawful activity. against it may be served. SSNY 12/3/2018. Cty: Westchester.

OF NORTH SALEM, gives which the municipality takes title LLC FORMATION NOTICE shall mail process to:Tim Nicholls, SSNY desig. as agent upon
notice that she has received the to the delinquent property or Ginger sh LLC, 116 Titicus whom process against may be

warrants for the COLLECTION up until the date the property is AA Family Realty II LLC, Road, North Salem, NY 10560. served & shall mail process to

OF SCHOOL TAXES due nally redeemed. Arts of Org. led with Sec. of Purpose: any lawful purpose. 45 Maple Hill Rd., Pleasantville,

September 1st, 2018 AND DATED: North Salem, N. Y., State of NY (SSNY) 11/15/2018. LLC FORMATION NOTICE NY 10570. General Purpose.
THAT SHE WILL SIT FOR August 27, 2018 Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. 2876 Roberts Ave. LLC, Arts LLC FORMATION NOTICE
THE COLLECTION OF Karen A. Roach as agent upon whom process

TAXES AT HER OFFICE, Town of North Salem – against may be served & shall of Org. led with Sec. of State Ainsworth Fulton, LLC,

LOBDELL HOUSE, Receiver of Taxes mail process to c/o Brosnan & of NY (SSNY) 1/10/2019. Arts of Org. led with Sec. of

270 TITICUS ROAD, Hegler, 1325 Franklin Ave., Ste. Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. State of NY (SSNY) 12/12/18.

NORTH SALEM, NEW LLC FORMATION NOTICE 335, Garden City, NY 11530. as agent upon whom process Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig.
General Purpose. against may be served & shall as agent upon whom process

SEPTEMBER 1ST, 2018 Montgomery Friends LLC, LLC FORMATION NOTICE mail process to Lawrence D. against may be served & shall
FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 4:30 Arts of Org. led with Sec. of Bornnoiz, 40 Old Orchard mail process to 121 Fulton

P.M., EXCEPT SATURDAYS, State of NY (SSNY) 11/29/2018. Notice of Formation: Mcilraith Rd., New Rochelle, NY 10804. St., NY, NY 10038. General

SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS, Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. & Associates, LLC Art. Of Org. General Purpose. Purpose.

DURING THE MONTHS as agent upon whom process led with SSNY on 1/14/2019.

OF SEPTEMBER 2018 AND against may be served & shall O ce Location: Westchester

JANUARY 2019. mail process to One Renaissance County, NY. SSNY designated PUZZLE SOLUTIONS

SCHOOL TAXES MAY Square, Unit V9C, White Plains, as agent of the LLC upon whom
BE ACCEPTED IN TWO NY 10601. General Purpose. process against it may be served.

AND IF THE FIRST Tri Brook Dr. South Salem, NY

INSTALLMENT IS HWC Mamaroneck LLC, 10590. Purpose: Any Lawful

RECEIVED IN SEPTEMBER Arts of Org. led with Sec. of purpose.


INSTALLMENT IS Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig.

RECEIVED DURING THE as agent upon whom process Notice of Formation of Skylar

MONTH OF JANUARY against may be served & shall Love Entertainment LLC.

2019 NO PENALTIES WILL mail process to 50 Livingston Art. Of Org. led with SSNY

APPLY. OTHERWISE, THE Ave., Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522. on 12/13/18. O ce Location:

FOLLOWING SCHEDULE General Purpose. Westchester. SSNY designated

PRESCRIBED BY LAW. process against it may be served.

Notice of App. for Authority SSNY shall mail process to:

SCHEDULE OF PENALTIES of T.A.P. Brand LLC. App. for 600 Locust Street #2H Mount

SEPTEMBER: None/None Auth. led w/ SSNY 12/10/18. Vernon, NY 10552. Purpose: any

OCTOBER: 2%/None LLC organized in CT 5/9/18. lawful purpose. WHY DO WE

NOVEMBER: 5%/None NY o ce location: Westchester LLC FORMATION NOTICE


JANUARY: 7%/None for process. SSNY shall mail Notice of Formation of

FEBRUARY AND copy of process to 390 Stanwich Ginger sh LLC. Art. Of Org.




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