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Published by Halston Media, 2021-04-21 19:46:03

North Salem News 04.22.21

North Salem’s only weekly newspaper mailed to every home and business.

Vol. 7 No. 5 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, April 22, 2021

Going green

Climate team to examine local
environmental issues

STAFF WRITER High School Principal Vincent Di-
Last year’s graduation ceremony at Four Brother’s Drive-In was a huge success.
North Salem has sprouted a “green Grandi is looking for second student
North Salem eyes team.” to join the group, Daniels said.
outdoor graduation
Folks from diverse but relevant e team is tasked with coming up
BY CAROL REIF light of the many logistical hurdles posed by backgrounds have joined forces to be- with a “plan of action”to help the town
STAFF WRITER the pandemic’s social-distancing guidelines, come the town’s new Climate Smart tackle a number of environmental is-
the creative ceremony even grabbed the atten- Leadership Team, said its coordinator, sues, including the reduction of green-
North Salem High School found itself in tion of folks at the Smithsonian in Washing- Councilwoman Katherine Daniels. house gases.
the limelight last year when it held graduation ton, D.C.
at a Dutchess County drive-in theater. “We have a great mixture of skills According to the group’s mission
Now the arm–designed and made by a tech and interests,” she said of members, statement, the impacts of climate
Besides getting their diplomas handed to teacher and his students–is in the museum’s adding that “everyone’s very excited change include increased tempera-
them via a 6-foot mechanical arm, grads were about it.” tures, severe weather and re and
treated to pizza and a movie. A bold move in SEE GRADUATION PAGE 4 drought, which threaten “our well-
e names of the edgling group’s being and way of life on a global and
17 members was revealed at last week’s local level.”.
Town Board meeting. ey include
such usual suspects as town o cials Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
representing its various governmental saves taxpayer dollars, advances com-
agencies to business owners and envi- munity health and safety and boosts
ronmental and social activists. the economy through energy indepen-
dence and job growth.
Even high school students, as Dan-
iels pointed out at the board’s meeting e rst thing the team hopes to do
Tuesday, April 13. is conduct a survey to nd out what
residents would want the team to focus
Brianna Spagnuolo of North Salem on, Daniels said. is will help estab-
High School,she said,joined as part of lish a “baseline inventory”and set goals
her senior O.P.T.I.O.N.S. project. e and initiatives.
credit-bearing, full-year program aims
to build bridges between schools and e ultimate goal is to enable
the career world. North Salem to meet or exceed stan-
dards set by the state’s 2019 Climate
e teen is also interested in law, so
partnering up with Daniels, an attor- SEE CLIMATE PAGE 18

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pg 16

Page 2 – North Salem News BALANCED ROCK Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Staff Tax Day Reminder Ruth Keeler Swain from the Saw Mill Riv- for North Salem Day Camp at

EDITORIAL TEAM is year, the 2021 state, Memorial Library er  Audubon Society, Co-Spon- Mt. Lakes. Campers will learn
TOM WALOGORSKY sored with the NSOLF. Learn new skills, meet new friends,
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] county and town taxes are due Because of the spike in CO- the best ways to attract and and make great memories with

ADVERTISING TEAM by Friday, April 30. VID cases, the library will be bene t birds with this multime- programs such as archery, swim-
If you have not received your closed to the public. Curbside dia program featuring images, ming, sports, art, games, dance,
(914) 806-3951
[email protected] tax bill and make payments di- pickup will still be allowed. For sounds and video of local back- boating, nature study, music, and

BRUCE HELLER rectly, please contact the Tax Of- more information please visit yard bird species. hiking. Counselor-in-training
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] ce immediately. A copy will be www.ruthkeelermemoriallibrary. and Junior Counselor positions

LISA KAIN provided to you. org ROBERT THE GUITAR are also available for teens. Learn
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] e Tax O ce will be open Most programs are on GUY: MUSIC FOR YOUNG more at www.northsalemdayc-
(914) 760-7009 for extra collection hours on ZOOM. Send an email to kee- CHILDREN
[email protected]
Saturday, April 24 from 9 a.m. [email protected] if you Tuesday, April 27, from 11 - North Salem
JAY GUSSAK until noon and on Friday, April wish to participate. A link and a 11:30 am.
(914) 299-4541
[email protected] 30 from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. e password will be provided. Robert creates an interactive Democratic
JENNIFER CONNELLY Tax O ce is located at 270 Titi- experience in which the kids are Committee
(917) 446-7757 cus Road. e building is still TEEN BOOK GROUP getting constant feedback. is
[email protected]
SHELLEY KILCOYNE closed to the public due to Cov- Meets weekly on Tuesdays, program is appropriate for chil-
(914) 924-9122
[email protected] id 19 procedures. However, sta 7-8 p.m. Next Book: “Nemesis dren between ages 2-6. Volunteers needed. ere are
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE/DESIGNER will be in the o ce to retrieve and the Swan” by Lindsay K. a few open seats on the town
[email protected]
payments placed in the drop box Band. e library has copies to VIRTUAL COCKTAIL PARTY committee and the Democrats
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL on the porch outside the o ce. check out. We talk about the ursday, April 29, from 7 - 8 would love to have some new

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Feel free to call 914-669-5177 progression of the book, as well p.m. volunteers come forward. It’s a
with any questions. Visit the as play a game of Kahoot. Wes and Justine will be shar- great way to meet new people
[email protected]
CHRISTINA ROSE North Salem Town website at ing their experience as FCI-grad and be involved in who and
ART DIRECTOR/ and go BIRD FRIENDLY BACKYARDS  Chefs and mixologists with what shapes our community. If,
[email protected] to the tax department to view ursday, April 22, from 4 - 5 step by step recipes and how on the other hand, you may be

EXECUTIVE TEAM frequently asked questions re- p.m. to’s. ey will be pairing classic interested in serving on a town
CEO & PUBLISHER garding payment and mailing Find out how to be a bird cocktails and new creations with committee or board, we suggest
procedures. friendly neighbor, with Anne their favorite party snacks. you keep an eye on the town’s
[email protected]
website,, and
CONVERSATION WITH send an inquiry to the town

AND EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS FOR Saturday, May 8, from 10 -11 org. Vacancies are listed on the

NORTH SALEM NEWS IS THE THURSDAY a.m. town website. Contact us at P
WARMTH OF A FIREPLACE OR Meets monthly on the second O Box 525, North Salem, NY
FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL Saturday of the month. Bring 10560 or northsalemdemocrat-
TOM WALOGORSKY AT 914-302-5830
STOVE IN YOUR HOME your questions and ideas to [email protected].
HALSTONMEDIA.COM this informal group of local ex- North Salem
pert garden enthusiasts.
BAZAAR Committee
Saturday May 22, from 10
SOMERS, NY AND AT a.m. - 3 p.m. e North Salem Republican

ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. Artist’s and Crafty youth, 20 Town Committee is comprised

POSTMASTER: and under, will be selling their of registered Republicans who
handmade art, including paint- are North Salem Residents that
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD ings, photographs, jewelry, ber become District Leaders. If you

SUITE 100 arts, home accessories, paper have strong conservative values
items, and more. Hosted by the and a desire to help shape the
North Salem News
USPS #22110 Friends of the Ruth Keeler Me- future of our town, you may have

PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY morial Library, a place on our committee. Email
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD Recreation northsalemrepublicans@gmail.
com if you are interested in join-
MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 VISIT Programs ing our committee. If you want
TOUDSAY! to send a contribution, mail to:
©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC Registration for all programs North Salem Republican Town
is online at www.northsalemny. Committee, P.O. Box 289 North
org/recreation. For any ques- Salem, NY 10560. For more
tions, contact North Salem information visit www.northsa-
Recreation Department at or Facebook

(914)669-5665 or recreation@ @NorthSalemRepublicans

Fireplaces North Salem
Stoves Republican
Chimneys LEARN TO SKATE AT Town Committee
Hearth Accessories BREWSTER ICE ARENA Youth Internship
e Learn-to-Skate program
is for 4-12 year olds at vary-
ing levels of skating experience.
$185 per session, per skater. Fee

914.248.7775 includes public skate before les-
son. Skate Rental not included. Are you a conservative high Fridays 5:30 - 6 p.m. OR Tues- school or college student looking days 5:10-5:40p.m. Session 5 to intern (non-paid) in the eld
starts Tuesday, April 27 or Fri- of political science, history or

2989 Navajo St., Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 day, April 30. government? e North Salem
Republican Town Committee is
Store Hours: Tues.-Sat. 9am-5pm
Registration is now open

Thursday, April 22, 2021 North Salem News – Page 3

Westchester presents Public
Health Awards

North Salem’s Ellen Herlihy honored

Together with County Executive and for the people who look out for chester individuals and families

George Latimer, the Westchester the health of our population. With touched by COVID-19 and to give

County Board of Health presented their extraordinary concern for oth- back to healthcare workers and rst

the 2020 and 2021 Public Health ers, these volunteers set an example responders throughout Westchester

Awards last week. for all of us. I congratulate the win- and beyond. She delivered meals,

ese awards recognize the ners and I encourage other residents raised fund, distributed iPads and

outstanding contributions to pub- to follow in their footsteps.” iPhones to patients hospitalized

lic health in Westchester by nine Latimer thanked the volun- with Covid-19, collected and dis-

people and three organizations, teer members of the Westchester tributed toys and baby care products

and celebrate the accomplishments County Board of Health for safe- and more.

of the public health community. guarding the County’s health, along Neighbors Link was recognized PHOTO COURTESY OF NORTH SALEM BOOSTER CLUB
Among the honorees this year was with Health Commissioner Sher- for the hot meals, groceries, refer- Ellen Herlihy was honored for her work at NSHS to destigmatize
North Salem High School student lita Amler, MD, and the Health rals for support, medicine and pub- behavioral health issues.

Ellen Herlihy. Department, who work together to lic health messaging it provided to

Latimer acknowledged the work preserve, protect and promote the more than 1,000 new immigrant Country Day School who delivered and dental appointments was the

of the Westchester County De- health of Westchester residents. families each week during the pan- meals to clients of Caritas,a Catho- third honoree for 2020.

partment of Health and others in Board of Health President Rob- demic. lic charity in Port Chester. He also For 2021, Molly Howson of Rye

a proclamation declaring today ert Baker, MD, presented the Dr. Dr.Baker said:“With so much of collected carloads of reusable bags was honored for her fundraising ef-

“Public Health Appreciation Day,” Harold Keltz Distinguished Public our attention focused on the pan- for those deliveries. forts to provide personal protective

to recognize the vital contributions Health Service Award for 2020 to demic this past year, it is reassuring Dr. Baker said: “ e Board also equipment for hospital and nursing

of dedicated public health profes- the Open Door Family Medical to know we have so many dedicated recognized six Public Health Hon- home workers. Also honored were

sionals, volunteers and community Center for its Baby Box Program, community partner agencies and orees for service to our community Caitlyn Carpenter of Mamaroneck,

partners to improving the health of which has provided infant essen- sel ess volunteers working to im- and we are thankful for the work who organized students to lobby for

our community, and to honor Na- tials, a safe place to sleep and par- prove our community’s health. is they do.” free legal representation for tenants

tional Public Health Week which ent education to more than 1,300 is an impressive and accomplished For 2020 these honorees in- facing eviction; and Milan Acosta

was observed from April 5-11. families. group we are proud to honor.” cluded Ellen Herlihy, who worked of New Rochelle, who raised funds

Latimer presented the winners Board of Health Member Cyn- e Board awarded the 2020 within North Salem High School to feed essential workers.

with proclamations honoring their thia Chazotte, MD, presented J.R. Tesone Youth Public Health to destigmatize behavioral health Health Commissioner Sher-

achievements and said: “ ese the 2021 Dr. Harold Keltz Dis- Service Award to Hana Zalvan issues. Also honored this year was lita Amler, MD, said: “Improving

awards help us highlight the im- tinguished Public Health Service of Briarcli Manor for her advo- Kathryn Joblon, a Montrose resi- public health takes creativity, com-

portant role that public health plays Award for 2021 to Amy Kirschen- cacy of eating disorder awareness dent who has volunteered to help mitment and collaboration, and

in our daily lives to preserve, protect baum of New Rochelle and in schools. e Board awarded the the needy, including veterans and we are grateful to all the honorees,

and promote the health of West- Neighbors Link in Mount Kisco. 2021 J.R. Tesone Youth Public rst responders. At Home on the the nominees and to all our non-

chester residents. After the past 15 Kirschenbaum, a physical educa- Health Service Award to Nolan Sound, an organization that helps pro t partners for helping to ful ll

months,we have a much keener un- tion teacher at Westchester Day James, an 11th grader from Larch- Larchmont, Mamaroneck and Rye the Health Department mission of

derstanding and appreciation both School in Mamaroneck, launched mont. Nolan organized a bicycle Neck seniors connect with each promoting and protecting public

for the importance of public health numerous e orts to assist West- brigade of school friends from Rye other and provides rides to medical health.”

Feeding Westchester tackles food waste

Recovery initiative helps those in need

A major problem around the Goals are to waste less food, sup- the power to e ect real change,” Brisk continued, “Our eet our business. rough our Re-

world, food waste has serious en- port local farmers and donate what said Ryan Brisk, Senior Director, of ten trucks pick up the food tail Recovery work with Feeding

vironmental, nancial and cultural you don’t use. Operations at Feeding Westches- and transport it to our distribu- Westchester, we are able to con-

implications globally, but also right e Natural Resources Defense ter. “ e way we purchase, store, tion center. Once sorted, the food tinue in our e orts to minimize

in our own backyard. Council estimates that 40 per- consume and discard food can add is promptly delivered to hungry food waste while providing whole-

is Earth Day, Feeding West- cent of food in the United States up to a massive collective impact. people through our approximately some, nutritious food to neighbors

chester, the county’s largest non- is wasted - the equivalent of $165 At Feeding Westchester, our food 300 programs and partners, such as in need year-round.”

pro t hunger-relief organization, billion each year. And, according to recovery initiatives support local food pantries, soup kitchens, shel- For those looking to minimize

is calling attention to the ongoing a 2021 Food Waste Study released communities and food-insecure ters and day care centers. We rely their food waste at home, Feeding

problem of food waste and their by Woodard & Curran, Westches- people. Perfectly good food is wast- on the generosity of program par- Westchester has created resources

partnership with local farmers, ter is also generating a signi cant ed at every step in the supply chain ticipants like Stop & Shop to make on their website including six sur-

wholesalers and retailers to keep amount of food waste - roughly – from farm to table. Food recovery this possible.” prising food waste facts and eight

nutritious food out of land lls and 125,000 tons annually among programs divert food from land lls “Stop & Shop is proud to con- tips for reducing food waste. A

in the hands of those who need it commercial businesses with an ad- and instead get it into the hands of tinue our Retail Recovery work food dating guide is also available

most. ditional 85,537 tons from residen- hungry people. It’s a win-win.” with Feeding Westchester to help to help consumers avoid date label-

Each year, 1.3 billion tons of tial homes. Feeding Westchester’s Food prevent food waste across West- ing confusion.

food are thrown out worldwide. Even with this staggering Recovery Program includes nearly chester County and provide much Every $1 donated to Feeding

With nearly half of all fruits, veg- amount of discarded food, roughly 100 farmers, wholesalers and retail- needed support to those in our Westchester provides up to three

etables and seafood getting tossed, one in six individuals across New ers. Last year, 3.4 million pounds community facing food insecurity,” meals for local children, seniors,

uneaten food is the number one York State struggles with hunger. of fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and said Bob Yager, Stop & Shop’s Se- and families struggling with hun-

item in America’s land lls and ac- is includes more than 200,000 dairy products were rescued through nior Vice President of Operations ger. To nd help, or give help, visit

counts for a substantial portion of Westchester residents who are ei- the program – the equivalent of 2.8 Strategy and Support. “We look or call (914)

U.S. methane emissions. Recogniz- ther food insecure or at risk and in million meals. In the rst quarter of forward to continuing in our com- 923-1100.For the latest news and

ing the need to address this sober- need of assistance. 2021,Feeding Westchester diverted mitment to sustainability, waste updates, follow @FeedingWest-

ing reality, chief among the United “While these numbers can be 810,935 pounds of nutritious food minimization and environmental chester on Facebook and Instagram

Nations Sustainable Development overwhelming to digest, we have from ending up in land lls. improvements across all areas of and @FeedWestchester on Twitter.

Page 4 – North Salem News Thursday, April 22, 2021

Doherty said that plans for the · Large-scale ceremonies of

prom “had not been solidi ed” over 500 people at outdoor ven-

archives, along with other North because the district is still poring ues will be limited to 20% capac-

Salem pomp-and-circumstance over the regulations. ity, applicable to venues with a

memorabilia such as movie the- On Monday, April 12, Gov. total capacity of 2,500 or more.

ater ticket-shaped invitations. Andrew M. Cuomo revealed the · Medium-scale ceremonies of

In keeping with the lm updated rules for graduation and 201-500 people at outdoor ven-

theme, plans for the 2020 event commencement ceremonies or- ues will be limited to 33% capac-

were dramatically announced in ganized by schools, colleges and ity.

a video featuring several elated universities. · Small-scale ceremonies of up

students, Principal Vincent Di- E ective Friday, May 1, they to 200 people or two attendees

Grandi and senior class advis- will be allowed with limited ca- per student at outdoor venues

ers Kristin Doherty and Gina pacity. e number of attendees will be limited to 50% capacity. FILE PHOTO: BEN ALLEN
Kappes. Seniors, relieved that depends on the event size and Proof of recent negative test re-

some sort of in-person ceremony location, such as a stadium, arena sults or proof of completed im- However, 16- and 17-year-olds so choose, virtual or videotaped

was planned, called it “awesome” or arts and entertainment venue. munization is optional. must get the P zer/BioNTech ceremonies, the state says.

and “one for the history books.” All health and safety proto- vaccine because it is the only one It also noted that drive-in or

More than a year later, CO- cols must be followed, including INDOOR EVENTS cleared for use by people under drive-through celebrations “max-

VID-19 is still with us and these wearing face masks, social dis- · Large-scale ceremonies of 18. Parental consent is also re- imize” social distancing.

so-called “unprecedented times” tancing, health screenings and over 150 people at indoor venues quired for 16- and 17-year-olds. “We’re once again approach-

are starting to feel, well, prec- the collection of contact tracing will be limited to 10% capacity, Appointments can be booked ing the end of the academic year,

edented. But there’s good news. information. applicable to venues with a total at state or county-run sites or which means we need strict rules

e state is now allowing gradu- If the event is likely to exceed capacity of 1,500 or more. pharmacies. For state-run sites, in place to ensure commence-

ation and commencements that the social gathering limits of 100 · Medium-scale ceremonies of call 833-697-4829 or book an ment ceremonies are done safely

inch toward some sense of nor- people indoors or 200 outdoors, 101-150 people at indoor venues appointment online. To nd in the context of the ongoing

malcy. organizers must notify the local will be limited to 33% capacity. vaccine providers, use the fed- pandemic,” Cuomo said.

Grads will be able have up to health department and require · Small-scale ceremonies of up eral government’s Vaccine Finder “With more people getting

two guests to cheer for them as attendees to show proof of a re- to 100 people or two attendees Tool at vaccine vaccinated every day, we are so

they collect their sheepskins. cent negative test result or com- per student at indoor venues will close to the light at the end of the

As of now, North Salem is pleted immunization prior to be limited to 50% capacity. Proof ‘LIGHT AT THE END OF THE tunnel, but we all need to contin-

hoping to hold its 2021 gradu- entry. of recent negative test  results or TUNNEL’ ue being vigilant and I am urging

ation exercises outdoors (under e requirement are consistent proof of completed immuniza- While the state Department everyone to celebrate smart.”

a tent) at Caramoor Center for with the state’s guidance for oth- tion is optional. of Health recognized graduation

Music and the Arts in Katonah er gatherings, including catered as an “important milestone at the For all the current graduation

at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 21. receptions, performing arts and VACCINE ADVANCES end of the academic year,” it isn’t guidance details, visit governor.

DiGrandi said the district is sports competitions. Earlier this month, the FDA without its risks and schools must, search for Cuomo’s

still working on nalizing plans e updated rules for proms started allowing those 16 or older carefully follow the guidelines. April 12 announcement, and click

and is “hoping for an in-person and balls become e ective June 1. to get vaccinated for COVID-19. Districts can also hold, if they on the link provided.

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Thursday, April 22, 2021 North Salem News – Page 5

Putnam Service Dogs County to participate
announces Funminster in drug take back day

Dog Show On April 24, National Prescription Drug of 5,954 pounds of prescription and over-

Here’s a chance to show o your best Take Back Day, Westchester County’s De- the-counter medications through collection
partment of Environmental Facilities (DEF) events at the H-MRF. Last fall, Americans
Putnam Service Dogs is hosting their
third annual Funminster Dog Show will provide residents with the opportunity to turned in nearly 493 tons (985,392 pounds)
Saturday, May 15. All friendly, leashed,
fully vaccinated dogs are welcome - all dispose of prescription and over-the-counter of unused or expired prescription drugs and
ages, mixed or purebred, all sizes. e
dogs will be competing in 10 fun cat- medications at the Household Hazardous- vape devices at nearly 4,600 sites operated
egories for a trophy or ribbons. Cat-
egories include Wiggle Butt, Shaggiest Material Recovery Facility (H-MRF) in Val- by the US Drug Enforcement Agency (US-
Coat, Dog/Owner Look Alike, Best
Senior, Best Dressed, Best Tail, Best halla by appointment from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. DEA), and nearly 4,200 of its state and lo-
Ears, Most Talented, Largest Dog, and
Smallest Dog. Proud owners can enter Residents must wear masks and can drive cal law enforcement partners. Overall, since
as many categories as they like.
through and drop o their medications, 2010, USDEA and its partners have taken in
e event will be at the Patterson
Recreation Center, 65 Front Street, Patterson, NY. ere will be a Food Truck at which should be in their original containers, nearly 13.7 million pounds of pills and liquid
the event, a DJ, and lots of dogs and lots of smiles. Weather permitting, the event
will be held outside. If not, it will be in the full, large gym. Masks will be provided, if possible,or placed inside sealed plastic bags. medicine.
and social distancing practiced.
e H-MRF is located on the County’s Val- Residents who cannot make it to the
Registration is 12-1 p.m., and the Show is 1-3 p.m. Admission is $20/dog &
handler, $15/adult, $5/kids 12 and under. Dog oriented ra e items and vendors halla Campus at 15 Woods Road in Valhalla. DEF event on April 24 can safely dispose of
will be at the event. It’s all about the DOGS.
Safely disposing of unused or expired pills, their unwanted medications at many conve-
All proceeds from the event will go towards the training of Putnam Service
Dogs. Putnam Service Dogs is a 501(c)3 Platinum Guidestar, BBB Accredited or- liquid medications and ointments keeps nient police department drop-o locations
ganization that provides free service dogs to people with physical disabilities other
than blindness. ey train carefully selected mixed breed pups from rescue groups them from being misused and keeps people throughout the year. Additionally, DEF ac-
as their service dogs.
and pets safe from accidental poisoning. To cepts medications by appointment on the
For more information about this event or to register, please visit their website,, or call 917-449-5359. protect our drinking water,rivers,streams and rst Tuesday of each month at the H-MRF.

aquatic life, never ush medications. Rates of For more information or to schedule an ap-

prescription drug abuse in the United States pointment, visit https://environment.west-

are alarmingly high, as are the number of or contact

accidental poisonings and overdoses due to the Recycling HelpLine at (914) 813-5425

these drugs. e Substance Abuse and Men- or 211.

tal Health Services Administration’s Nation- e County also has installed locked and

al Survey on Drug Use and Health shows secured collection boxes at 38 police depart-

year after year, that the majority of misused ment headquarters throughout Westches-

and abused prescription drugs are obtained ter, where medications can be dropped o

from family and friends, including someone (most are available 24 hours a day/7 days a

else’s medication being stolen from a home week). For more information, visit https://

medicine cabinet.

In 2020,DEF collected and safely disposed recycling-guidelines/medications.

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Page 6 – North Salem News Thursday, April 22, 2021

Westchester to take part in City Nature Challenge

Westchester County residents pate is a camera - a cell-phone e workshops are helpful Residents are
are encouraged to make obser- camera is most convenient - and but not necessary. Basic details invited to document
vations of plants and animals access to an app or website called about participating in City Na- the wildlife around
- at a park, a beach or even just iNaturalist. ture Challenge also can be found them.

in your own neighborhood from “You do need to be at least 13 on that Aquarium web page, in-

April 30 unitl May 3 as part of a years old to create an iNaturalist cluding the basics of uploading

worldwide “bio-blitz” called the account, so we view City Nature ndings onto the iNaturalist app

City Nature Challenge. Challenge as a great thing to do or website.

e Maritime Aquarium at as a family or as a Scouting event City Nature Challenge started

Norwalk is partnering with the or even as a classroom project,” in 2016 as a friendly competi-

Town of Bedford, Westchester’s Cervero said. tion between sta of the Natural

Healthy Yards organization and From Friday, April 30 until History Museum of Los Ange-

other groups in leading West- Monday, May 3, participants are les and the California Academy

chester and Fair eld counties’ encouraged to nd, photograph of Sciences, and has expanded

joint e ort of this four-day glob- and upload plants, bugs, birds, rapidly since. Last year, despite

al event, which pits metro areas mammals, amphibians, reptiles the pandemic, more than 41,000

in a contest to see who can make or any other wild, natural nds people in 244 cities around

the most observations of nature, to iNaturalist (No pets or culti- the world uploaded more than Aquarium’s e orts during Ma-

nd the most species and engage vated plants, please). You don’t 815,000 observations. rine Life Encounter Cruises

the most people. even need to know what it is Because of the pandemic, this onto Long Island Sound on Sat-

“We would love to have as you’ve submitted; the iNaturalist year’s City Nature Challenge has urday, May 1 and Sunday, May 2.

many people as possible in app/website may help with iden- less of a focus on competing for Departures both days are at 1:15

Westchester and Fair eld coun- ti cation. the most volunteers or the most p.m. Cost is $32.50 per person.

ties take part because the more Interested volunteers can observations. Advance reservations are re- PHOTO COURTESY OF
participants we have, the better learn more about participating – “Instead, we want to embrace quired and can be made at www. MARITIME AQUARIUM
data we’ll have about our local and how to record observations
– during free online workshops the healing power of nature schedule. The “bio-blitz” will be held from
ora and fauna’s biodiversity,” and celebrate tens of thousands April 30 - May 3.

said Bridget Cervero, manager o ered by e Maritime Aquar- of people all around the world, Connecticut organizations

of the Aquarium’s Citizen Sci- ium on ursday, April 22 at 4 searching for and documenting partnering with e Maritime

ence programs. “And it’s so easy! p.m. and on Wednesday, April their local biodiversity, together Aquarium for the local 2021 ef- Wilton.

No matter if you live right in 28 at 7 p.m. (Choose one.) Reg- in this event,” the organizers say fort are: e Catherine Violet Learn more at www.CityNa-

a city or along a wooded lane, istration is required to receive on the event website. Hubbard Animal Sanctuary in, and get in-

wherever you are, you just need the Zoom link. Sign up at www. Besides making observations Newtown; Connecticut’s Beard- volved in the local e ort at www.

to step outside.” on their own, participants also sley Zoo in Bridgeport; and e

All that’s needed to partici- science. can join in with e Maritime Woodcock Nature Center in science.

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Thursday, April 22, 2021 North Salem News – Page 7

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Page 8 – North Salem News Opinion Thursday, April 22, 2021


Puppy-dog dialogue Angel on my shoulder

MAN the kitchen window. She waits for rein- WHAT WAS “Oh, my God, what happened, are
OVERBOARD forcements to come, a bigger and much I THINKING? you hurt?” e young woman was beside
older dog who lives there too. at dog herself.
RICK is barking so hard I’m afraid she’s going RUTHANN
MELÉN to spit out her dentures. She’s barking SCHEFFER “We’ll help you into the car and take
out orders like, hey, you kids keep o the you to the emergency room, it’s around
Every day for a little over a year, damn lawn, and get away from that mail- Many years ago, my mother gave the corner,” the young man said in a
my dog Gidget and I take a walk box, and go nd your own house, and if I me a tiny, gold guardian angel shaky voice.
around the block. It’s a pandemic see you around here again I’m calling the pin to wear on my collar.
thing. We’ve been doing it so long that it cops, etc. Gidget seems unfazed by it and at poor angel has worked overtime “No, no I don’t want to go to the
seems a little like the movie “Rear Win- loses interest, although she does want to all these years and never been compen- hospital. Please take me home, we don’t
dow,” only in the front. I know every- see what’s so special about the mailbox. sated! Imagine “her” performance plan: live too far from here. My knee hurts, but
thing that goes on in the neighborhood But we ease on down the road. calmly watching over serious health I think I’m okay. I just want to see my
now, there’s a rhythm to it. issues, automobile accidents, family crises, mother.” I imagine my breathless angel
ere’s a big black dog that lives at the broken relationships, raising four sons, was patting me on the back.
Gidget used to be afraid of other other end of the street, he has big teeth the passing of two beloved husbands, and
dogs, and I long for those days, because and looks like he works out and seems the list goes on. When we arrived at my house and I
now she is into every dog’s business in like he could be a problem if he goes o saw Mom, I burst into tears. She hugged
the neighborhood. “Hey,” Gidget says, his medications. He’s part Labrador and It is amazing how an incident that me and the young couple recapped what
“did you hear that barking at the end of part alligator, a Labragator if you will, occurred years ago comes to mind. I don’t had happened and again repeated their of-
the street? I de nitely heard the words and I recommend that you don’t. If he’s know what triggered this memory, but it fer to take me to the ER. After a mother-
‘Gidget,’ ‘emergency’ and ‘bacon.’ Look, out on a walk Gidget likes to trash-talk sure brings up my angel’s call to duty. I like examination, Mom didn’t think that
we better get down there and see what’s him because she can see that he’s on was about ten years old when this hap- would be necessary. We did nd out that
going on.” All of a sudden my dog is short, heavy chain, the kind that hold pened. they were brother and sister. I remember
one of the “Real House-Dogs of New cruise ships to their moorings. If he’s ever them as being shaken but oh so kind and
York,” and she knows all the gossip going out on a longer leash we’ll see if my dog It had snowed the day before and the soft-spoken. ey gave Mom their names,
around. I’m not so sure any of this a good can actually break the sound barrier. roads were packed with snow and very address and telephone number in the
thing, because I watch a lot of Judge Judy, icy. is particular day was gloomy and event that my father wished to speak to
and half the cases she decides are dogs e family across the street from him very, very cold. I was bundled up in a them or their parents that evening.
biting other dogs, cats and mail carriers. is always milling around in their driveway snow suit, hat and scarf wound around
I don’t want to be another victim, espe- on their phones. Either the reception is my neck - just like Ralphie’s brother in After Mom lled Dad in on their
cially one that doesn’t get mail anymore. I better out there or they’re calling whoev- “A Christmas Story.” Mom had sent me daughter’s latest exploit, he did call the
suggest you keep your dog busy by giving er who has the key to their house. ere’s to the grocery store for a few items she couple’s parents. I don’t remember the
it a bone, preferably not one that came another lady who’s always sitting in her needed and I was on my way home. conversation, but I do remember when
out of my body. car at the end of the road. I assume she’s Dad hung up the phone, he was smiling.
waiting for her kids to get o the bus, but I cautiously stepped between two
Gidget gets a half-mile walk twice a I’m not even sure she has kids. Maybe parked cars - that’s a big no no - and “Can you believe this? eir parents are
day up and down our street. When we you just need to get out of the house once then darted into the street. I slid on my long-time customers at the garage.”
get down to the end of the road, a poodle in a while during a pandemic. the ice, lost my balance and CRASH, I
named Peanut comes bounding out of slammed into the passenger side of a car Years later, my right knee tightens up
her house at a million miles an hour. Two doors down from her there’s a guy slowly moving down the street! I fell to from time to time. Is it from my auto esca-
She gets about 20 feet away and stops, who’s always pulling these tiny owers the ground, clutching my right knee and pade, age-related or maybe a combination
because Gidget looks much smaller from out of his lawn. Oops, that’s me. ese trying to hang on to the grocery sack. e of both? Whatever it is, my guardian angel
damn little white owers pop up all over car stopped and a young man and woman was with me that day. It could have ended
my lawn and they make me nuts. I could much di erently.
ew out of the car and picked me up.
SEE MELEN PAGE 10 By de nition, a guardian angel is an
angel assigned to protect and guide a
particular person. Tired as you must be,
thank you my angel for all your years of
devoted service! I hope He gently pats you
on your wings!

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited.
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 The views and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR necessarily those of North Salem News or its affiliates. Submissions
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC must include a phone number and address for verification. Not
[email protected] all letters and op-eds will necessarily be published. Letters and
op-eds which cannot be verified or are anonymous will not be
published. Please send your submissions to the editor by e-mail

to [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830.

Thursday, April 22, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 9

First job

READING, job application does not say new college diploma would next shipping gures arrived Madison Square Park, meeting
WRITING & which company or position entitle me to a job o er in the on Friday. Apparently, Robin, friends for lunch at Bagel Nosh,
CHOCOLATE Steve was applying for but editorial department. I remem- the girl who had the job before and sending out my resume to
KIM was obviously saved by a savvy ber sitting in the waiting room me, needed the entire week to get a new job where my writing
KOVACH person. is same document of a large publishing company in talents would be appreciated. I
previously sold in 2018 for Manhattan and lling out a job nish the weekly report. “What was out of there in two months.
Did you hear about the $175,000. application. When I was called else can I do?” I eagerly asked,
job application form in to speak with the woman in showing my enthusiasm to start According to,
that recently sold for I wonder if anyone saved human resources, she looked at my new career in publishing. rocker Rod Stewart worked at
more than $222,000? my rst job application? As a my resume and the application
college senior, I remember my I had just lled out and o ered “Well,” the woman said, “You rst jobs including grave dig-
at handwritten job ap- journalism teacher advising his me a job in the tra c depart- can read a book or talk on the ger and electrician’s assistant.
plication from 1973 had been spring semester students to say ment. What is that? My jour- phone or take long lunches.” Actress Eva Longoria worked
“Yes” to any job in publishing. nalism teacher’s words echoed She was not kidding. e three at a Wendy’s fast-food restau-
lled out by a young Steve Just take anything to get your in my head, “Just say yes to any “bosses” in our department were rant in high school. Dwayne
Jobs. In addition to writing his foot in the door and then you job in publishing.” out of town on business trips “ e Rock” Johnson worked as
name and basic information can build your writing career. every week. e secretary, Susan, a dishwasher in a pizza shop
in pen, young Steve listed his In those days, job hunting for On my rst day of work, one handled telephone calls, sched- after school. Brad Pitt drove a
experience with “computers a newly minted college graduate of my “bosses” gave me a tour uling, and typing. I waited for limo and worked for a fast-
and calculators.” with a double major in creative of the 22nd oor o ces and the Friday gures to arrive so food restaurant on Hollywood
writing and anthropology con- said that I would be respon- that I could start on the “Tra c Boulevard while pursuing his
According to the internet, sisted in mailing my resume and sible for the tra c department report.” I completed the entire acting career.
Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed cover letter to ads in the New report. e gures of cartons of report by 4 p.m. that same day.
College in Portland, Oregon York Times for any entry-level books shipped would come out Kim Kovach made friends at
around this time before be- positions listed under “Publish- on Fridays. I would then work ere is no way that Robin that rst job and got a ticket
ginning his career at Atari in ing.” on the “report” from Monday needed an entire week. to a Bruce Springsteen concert
1974. is early handwritten I anticipated that my brand- through ursday before the at Madison Square Garden.
I spent time reading cook-
books that the company pub-
lished, taking walks through

Contact Us
North Salem News is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email northsalemnews@

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Page 10 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, April 22, 2021

You gotta know when to fold ‘em

t them into each other, fold Chop. If you don’t know what the whites, because in all in- and neatly tucked the rest of the
any of these things are then you stances he is trying to help with pillowcase into the case itself.
over both of the uneven sides clearly a) have not been raised the household chores, and I am I stood back proudly with my
by my mother, or b) are a normal super appreciative of that. Really! arms outstretched, holding the
TRACY of the sheet to make a square, person. But the sheet thing really both- complete sheet ensemble in my
BECKERMAN and then fold as you would a ers me. For whatever reason, I do hands.
I would say that the since the kind of give a sheet about that.
at sheet. skill of folding a tted sheet was My husband, who had
handed down to me from mul- In an e ort to create a more watched the entire thing with
is is how my husband tiple generations and results in a harmonious marital environment, complete boredom, grabbed the
near perfect folded tted sheet, I decided it was my obligation to next tted sheet, found all the
does it: it must, in fact, be the right way teach him the correct way to fold corners, dropped it on the oor,
to fold a tted sheet, as opposed a tted sheet so our linen closet and then smushed the sheet into
1.Take all sides of the t- to my husband’s way, which looked more Marie Kondo and a ball. He did the same thing
he learned from a guy named less Men’s Locker Room. with the at sheet, and then
We are having some ted sheet and smush them Moose in a Frat house. stu ed them both in a pillow-
con ict in our house. So, the next time I did the case.
No, it’s not about together into a ball. Naturally, this is not the only laundry, we had a tted sheet
2. Fold in half and smush way of doing things that we folding lesson. I showed him the … Which made it really easy
disagree on. I look the other way way to t all the corners into to carry when I had to wash
together to make a smaller ball. when he loads the dishwasher each other, make a square, and them all over again.
with the dishes facing the wrong then fold neatly into a small
politics or religion or whose turn Undoubtedly, you can see how way. I try not to make a big deal rectangle. en, I decided to take For more Lost in Midlife, sign up
when he hangs the toilet paper it one step further. I folded the for my brand-new Lost in Midlife
it is to take out the garbage. our two ways of approaching under instead of over. And I Newsletter! It’s got blog posts, book
bite my tongue when he tries to at sheet and put it on top of the giveaways, and more. Just go to
It’s about something much this chore might result in some wash the colors together with tted sheet. Finally, I put both
folded sheets into the pillowcase,
bigger. discord.

It’s about how to fold a tted I have actually been trained in

sheet. the ne art of tted sheet fold-

is is how I do it: ing by my mother, who herself

1.Take the corner of one side learned how to fold a tted sheet

and slip it into the correspond- by her mother, who folded a

ing corner of the other. tted sheet with military preci-

2. Repeat the process on the sion. My mother also taught me

other end of the sheet. about hospital corners and the

3. Take all the corners and all-essential Designer Pillow

What separates us MELEN
from other accountants and tax preparers is
our ability to work with you not just on taxes, FROM PAGE 8
but on financials, college planning, divorce,
retirement planning, changes in life planning... spray the whole area with her-
bicide, but I’m afraid I would
We don’t just process tax forms, we advise on how to infect the water table because
handle your income and expenses in the future we get our water from a well.
with personalized recommendations. If the well is unwell, and I
die of neurotoxins from the
We help you navigate the tax code, and in the end, help you herbicide, I can imagine those
stupid owers having the last
set sound financial goals. laugh. So I pull them out one
by one and water-board them
845-628-5400 for information about where
they came from, and I got two | [email protected] ticks on me the other day from
spending so much time out
824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541 there. Which reminds me, why
don’t they invent a tick col-
Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. lar for humans? It would look
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or dumb, you say? Listen, Flavor
Flav wore that stupid clock
accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction. around his neck every day and
nobody said a word about it.
I bet he had ticks AND he
probably still said he lost track
of the time when he was late
to a meeting.

I have to go, it’s almost
time for our walk. ey say
that when America goes back
to work, millions of dogs are
going to go through exercise
withdrawal. When I ever go
back to work my dog will have
to go back to doing whatever
it was doing when I wasn’t
there, clipping supermarket
coupons, making candles to
sell on Etsy, hacking into
Twitter accounts, that sort of

Look for Rickster Melen on

Say hello at: [email protected]

Thursday, April 22, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 11

Should kids count using their ngers?

STRONG that are stimulated, the more ber concepts so that they no to use their ngers. It is both are popping up all over. Even
LEARNING solid the foundation for learn- longer have to count on their amazing and disturbing that though many adults say they
ing arithmetic concepts. so many teachers followed “don’t need algebra” and other
DR. LINDA ngers. But forcing them not and still follow this practice mathematical concepts in their
SILBERT A fourth-grade boy I once to use their ngers before that without questioning it. everyday lives, the success of
worked with—who had severe learning has fully taken place kids today in the workplace
Dear Dr. Linda, dyscalculia—told me that the does more harm than good. As I said above, the objec- they will one day encounter
I’m a rst-grade teacher and only way he could do arith- tive is for students to eventu- may depend on it. e more
nd that many of my students metic was by using his ngers. A woman who struggled ally not need their ngers we do to encourage children
with math as a girl once told but being required not to use to be comfortable with math
need to count on their ngers e only way he could visual- me that if she found herself at them may disrupt the process (and not anxious about it), the
to do addition and subtraction. ize the quantity a number a house party where someone by which higher mathemati- more prepared they will be to
I don’t allow it. ey need to represented was by using his was selling things and she had cal concepts and skills are succeed.
learn their addition facts, or to ll out an order form, she’d acquired. Hopefully, teachers,
they won’t be able to do addi- ngers. make up an excuse that she tutors and parents will not Let your young students
tion or subtraction. ey know Over the years, counting suddenly had to go home and discourage beginning learners count on their ngers as long
the rule, but I nd many of on ngers fell out of favor leave. She said she would go from using their ngers not as they need to.
them hiding their hands under and was discouraged in most into a panic just like she had only to help them count but
their desks so they can count classes. is practice was prob- in rst and second grade when also to help their brain de- Dr. Linda
on their ngers. ably not based on any research she was not allowed to use her velop so that they will be able
but in uenced by what theo- to not only better understand Dr. Linda is co-author of
I don’t want to embarrass ries were in vogue when the ngers. math but may actually learn to “Why Bad Grades Happen
them, but if I don’t insist, they teacher was originally taught. ousands of children have like it and not be afraid of it. to Good Kids” and director of
will never learn their number For whatever reasons, it was Strong Learning Tutoring
facts. One of my colleagues taboo to be caught counting been in some cases trauma- STEM (Science, Technol- and SAT/ACT Test Prep.
totally disagrees with me on your ngers. tized by well-meaning but ogy, Engineering and Math- Send your questions to Linda@
and lets her students count uninformed teachers. ere are ematics) schools and programs
on their ngers. In fact, she e eventual goal, of course, tutoring companies right now
thinks I’m a terrible teacher is for kids to learn the num- that won’t allow their students
for doing this. Who’s right?

Dear Grace,

I’m sorry to tell you, but
I side with your colleague.
Recent research has shown
that when children use their

ngers, it helps them early
on in learning numbers and
number concepts. Hand- and

nger-related motions have
been shown to stimulate dif-
ferent areas in the brain from
visual and auditory inputs and
the more areas of the brain

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Page 12 – North Salem News OPINION Thursday, April 22, 2021

Taking care of business

BRUCE State ranks 41st, with 1 Best As Richard Ry el, of Olin innovate that can generate new • Referring speci cally to
THE BLOG and 25 average, Business School at Washing- revenue. restaurants, Michael E. Dobbs,
ton University in St. Louis, of Eastern Illinois University,
BRUCE HIGH RISK points out, “Certain sectors will • Collaborate with other says, “ ose restaurant owners
APAR INDUSTRIES recover more slowly…[such as] small businesses, even those savvy enough to create to-go
hospitality, travel, and enter- you may have thought of as menus, at-home menus, pro-
As grim as the number Part of the reason for the tainment.” competitors. vide delivery options (through
is, it also shouldn’t dismal showing is that New partners or existing sta ),
come as a shock that York appears to have a high EXPERT ADVICE • If you’ve lost customers, streamline inventories and re-
it’s reported 2020 saw about proportion of small businesses Among advice for small- consider ways to redevelop duce operating costs—those are
100,000 small businesses shut in high-risk industries, in your customer base. e degree the businesses that made it.” In
down—for good, which obvi- which New York ranks 44th, business owners o ered by to which certain businesses lost contrast, he says, about all kinds
ously is very bad. with lots of restaurants, for Ry el, Gross, and other busi- customers they can’t attract of businesses, “ ose who have
instance. ness school experts cited by back depends to some extent always done business one way
A survey by WalletHub of WalletHub are … on if or how they were able to and are unwilling to change
the states whose small busi- Logically, the state’s rank engage them (such as online) at all will most likely see their
nesses have the best prospects also is not impressive in the • Make sure you have taken during the pandemic. businesses fail.”
for recovery does not bring number of small-business advantage of all nancial relief
especially encouraging news employees operating in high- opportunities available under • Jason Greenberg, of • “ e focus should be on
for New York State—or for the risk industries, which increases the American Rescue Plan Act University of Pennsylvania’s learning from this event to
state of New York small busi- their risk of unemployment. of 2021. Wharton School and NYU, make sure that a business has
nesses. It ranks 33rd out of 51 in that says the pandemic “has cre- a future response if a similar
category. • Closely examine your ated a generational shock” that event were to occur again,”
In a ranking of “States with expenses to see where you can will speed the demise of some says Christopher M. Scalzo of
the Most Pandemic-Proof New York also has the coun- cut costs. businesses and give rise to some SUNY Morrisville.
Small Businesses,” the Empire try’s third worst small-business new ones, namely those adept
credit conditions. • Leverage all technology at combining in-person with Bruce Apar is a writer, actor,
for e-commerce, virtual selling, virtual transactions, known as consultant, and community
“Other than the Great Re- remote work. the “hybrid” model. ose rms, volunteer. He can be reached at
cession [of 2008],” says Charles he says, “will be better situated [email protected]; 914-275-6887.
Gross of Mount Marty Univer- • Review your business mod- for the current and likely near-
sity, “I do not remember a more el, talk to customers, review term market environment.”
challenging time.” strategies for the future.

• Look for opportunities to

Contact Us
North Salem News is located at 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. You can contact us at 914-302-5830 or email northsalemnews@


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Thursday, April 22, 2021 OPINION North Salem News – Page 13

"Fake News? Nope, sorry. We sold out two hours ago."


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Page 14 – North Salem News HEALTH & WELLNESS Thursday, April 22, 2021

Start using your body’s natural corset or brace

Welcome back to my the spine, the Obliques support GUEST 1. Lie on your back with knees knee up to chest and repeat with
guest corner and our rotating and side bending CORNER bent and feet at: other leg.
welcome to my new movements.
readers from North Salem. LIZE • Place your second and third Constantly get feedback from
In this article, I focus on the LUBBE ngers on your front hip bone your ngers by keeping the TVA
We all have a natural, custom- Transversus Abdominis (“TVA”). (Anterior Iliac Crest): move bracing. e super cial layers
made muscle corset that assists We need our TVA as a about 1-inch closer to your belly will want to overpower, and it is
us in stabilizing our spine and e TVA originates from ribs dependable foundation for pain button and 1-inch down. Press crucial to activate the TVA cor-
pelvis and acts as a solid founda- 7-12, wraps horizontally around free functional movement of our deeper and you will be on the set rst. irty percent contrac-
tion for moving the trunk and to the back, attaches onto the bodies: to walk; do yardwork and lower part of your TVA. tion will be e cient.
upper and lower limbs. Four Iliac crest and pubis and in the house cleaning; or play any sport, • Find your neutral pelvis
main muscle groups form the back to the thoracic lumbar like golf. position: slowly go into posterior Progress by going on all fours,
front of the abdominal core. e fascia, and then connects in the tilt by attening your spine to then to sitting and standing.
deepest layer, called the Trans- front onto the tendinous sheath Abdominal bracing starts the oor, slowly arch your lower
versus Abdominis, is our natural between the sternum and the by activating our natural cor- back away from the oor into To create a new neural
brace. e next layer consists pubis (the Linea Alba). set, before engaging the three anterior tilt and nd the neu- pathway and establish a muscle
of the External and Internal super cial core groups (Obliques tral midway between the two memory requires 100 repetitions
Obliques, and the third and A strong TVA acts as a solid and six packers). is requires extremes. per day. Hold a contraction for
super cial layer is the Rectus foundation for the pelvic girdle to: us to work on the mind-muscle • Take a deep diaphragm 6 seconds x 10 times = 1 minute.
Abdominus—the six packers in connection and awareness of the breath in. Upon exhale, pull your Repeat 10 times during the day
• Stabilize the lumbar spine corset. To activate and re the belly button down and into your = 100 reps. Standard strengthen-
t athletes. and vertebrae; inner TVA brace, I suggest the spine. Stay in neutral. Envision ing takes 4-6 weeks to see a dif-
e three top layers act mostly following basic exercises: putting a vacuum into a plastic ference in a muscle group. If you
• Assist in respiration by com- bag and sucking the air out from continue on a daily basis, a new
as the movers and the Transver- pressing the ribcage to forcefully the inside by tightening your muscle memory will form and
sus Abdominis as the stabilizer. exhale to sneeze and cough; and TVA and bracing the whole your inner corset will be activat-
abdominal cavity to the lumbar ed to be ready for more dynamic
e Rectus Abdominus (six • Maintain and increase ab- spine. Use your ngers as feed- exercises and protection.
packers) helps to ex and bend dominal pressure to assist in our back to feel the inner muscles
bowel movement and childbirth, tightening up. For the golfers reading, the
to name a few. 2. If you have di culty acti- TVA is the glue that stabilizes
vating the TVA, imagine blow- the pelvis to transmit force and
ing out a candle forcefully then energy from the lower body to
hold the muscle contraction. the upper body from the back
3. As the mind connects swing to the down swing. With
with the TVA, you can re the a solid inner corset, you can pro-
abdominal brace from within. tect your lower back from injury
Hold the contraction for 6 sec- and improve in your game.
onds while breathing in and out.
4. As you contract the TVA Enjoy the spring activities by
down and in, also engage the bracing up. If you experience
pelvic oor by pulling up and in any pain or discomfort, please
from the front (for my female contact your health care provider
reader—like a Kegel exercise). or physical therapist.
5. Progress to adding move-
ment with leg slides and lifts: Lize Lubbe, PT, is the owner
• Contract the TVA. Slowly of Lize Lubbe Physical erapy
slide one leg out on the oor. located in Cross River. She holds a
Maintain the contraction. Re- B.Sc. in physiotherapy and o ers
peat with other leg. over 25 years of clinical experience
• Contract TVA and lift one in both South Africa and the
United States. Learn more by
calling 914-875-9430, emailing
[email protected], or

Rooney Orthodontics
Children & Adults

17 Miller Rd.


BY TOM WALOGORSKYThursday, April 22, 2021 SPORTS North Salem News – Page 17
EDITOR To advertise in North Salem News, call Brett
Freeman at 845-208-8151 or email freeman@
Tigers softball hopes to get

amisontkepchildrensafothejurnybackintotheswingofthings Beingpartofapidlyexandigteam

Tradition never graduates

Leading the Tiger o ense will here,’ says Mittelstadt. “We hope
be out elder Kiara Donovan. the younger kids continue to fol-
low what we’ve done.”
“We’re hoping for a big year
from her,” explains Coach Mittel- is year, Mittelstadt will once

quickly this season. stadt. “And also from Sara Major, again be joined by longtime As-

is year, the team will feature a sophomore coming up. We have sistant Coach Dave Dubbioso. e

a roster of 15 players. e lineup a lot of kids who haven’t played in pair will also work with Dan Col-

will be a mix of four seniors, four a while, so we’ll have to see what lea as they approach a full season

juniors, three sophomores, and they bring us.” of games.

four freshmen, meaning this year’s Like many other sports,the soft- “We have a very ambitious

squad will have a healthy selection ball program was impacted by Co- schedule,”says Coach Mittelstadt.

of veterans and newcomers. vid restrictions. As such, the team e Tigers are currently slated to

“ e roster is good, we have a was only able to meet virtually, and play 18 games, beginning with the

good balance,” says Coach Bob the players were tasked with pre- season opener against Hastings on

How to become a better cyclistSpectators may be inspired byMittelstadt. “It’s a good number,paring for the upcoming seasonTuesday, April 27.
and we’re excited.” individually. Normal practices for With a full schedule and a mix
the stamina and agility of cyclists the team began this week. Howev-
Taking the mound will be er, Coach Mittelstadt is con dent of veterans and newcomers, Tigers
tosch l.whocompeteeachyearduringthepitchers Cat Senatore and Si-that his team will nd success onsoftball is poised to return to the
enna Bertolino, two players which the diamond this year. diamond in a big way.
Coach Mittelstadt expects to play
key roles for the Tigers this sea- “We say tradition never gradu- “I’m very excited, and cautiously
son. ates, and we hope that continues optimistic,”says Coach Mittelstadt.
“We should have a good run.”

BusPatrol is hiring —
and we’re looking for talent like you!

BusPatrol is hiring —Are you MOTIVATED, HARDWORKING, Join the BusPatrol team and enjoy:
and PASSIONATE about building a safer Competitive pay and benefits
future for the next generation? We are a

aFniedldweS’erervloicoekiTnegcfhonr itcailaenst like you!forward-thinkingSafetyTechCompanywith
a mission to keep children safe on the journey
to school.
Learning opportunities
Being part of a rapidly expanding team

Tour de France. e race was rst BusPatrol is hiring —
and we’re looking for talent lik
organized in 1903 and has been Are you MOTIVATED, HARDWORKING,
and PASSIONATE about building a safer Join the BusPatrol team and enjoy:
held annually since its inception. fAurteuryeoufoMr tOheTInVeAxTtEgDe,nHeAraRtiDoWn?OWReKaINreGa,
e Tour de France is a multiple- wfuittuhrea fmoristshioennteoxtkgeenpecrhatilidorne?nWseafaereona Competitive pay and benefits
tfohrewjaorudr-ntheiynktiongscShaofeotly. Tech Company with
stage bicycle race that primarily a mission to keep children safe on the journey Are yPoALueSMSaIOOrnTNIiAVnTAgETEaoDbpo, HuptAobRurDtiluWdinnOgiRtaiKesINsafGer, Join the BusP
Jtooisnchtohoel.BusPatrol team and enjoy: and
cuts through areas of France while ffourtuwraerBdfo-etrhitinnhkeginngpexSatagrfetetnyoeTfreacathiorCnao?pmWipdeaanlyryeweaitxhpandingCLteoeamranpminegtitoivpe
Competitive pay and benefits
also passing through nearby coun- Learning opportunities a mission to keep children safe on the journey Being part o
Being part of a rapidly expanding team to school.
tries. e race features 21 stages
We are looking for:
over the course of roughly three
Field Service Technicians
weeks. To find out more, go to:
We are looktoinmgodefronirze: school buses with advanced or email
Professional cyclists spend years Field ServteicchneolTogeycahcronsiscthieaUnSsand Canada. [email protected]

honing their skills to compete to modernize school buses with We look forward to welcoming you on board!
advanced technology across the US and
in the Tour de France and other Canada

cycling competitions. However,

anyone can improve their cycling

abilities with a little practice. the measurement of the inside of be achieved by leaning lower on To find out more, go to: or email
[email protected] We look forward to welcoming you on board!
Research conducted by Break- the rider’s leg. Otherwise, aim for the handlebars, can make balanc-
We are looking for:
away Research Group for People a suggested knee angle of 25 to 35 ing easier as riders steer around To find out mo
Field Service Technicians buspatrol.c
for Bikes found that roughly 100 degrees with the pedal at the bot- turns.
to modernize school buses with advanced
million Americans ride a bike tom of the stroke. If the saddle is • Use the gears to assist. Hills technology across the US and Canada. We look forwar

each year, but only about 14 mil- too low (feet can touch the ground can be cumbersome for those

lion bike at least twice a week. Im- while the bike is upright), riders who do not know how to proper- We are looking for: To find out more, go to: or email
proving basic skills may serve as a may become fatigued shortly af- ly shift. Novice cyclists can request Field Service Technicians [email protected]

catalyst to getting out and enjoy- ter beginning a ride. a demonstration on shifting at the to modernize school buses with advanced We look forward to welcoming you on board
technology across the US and Canada.
ing cycling even more. • Employ proper braking. It’s bike shop where they purchase

• Invest in a custom bike tting. good practice to always use both their bikes. With many bikes, the

Just about anything can be bought brakes on the bike (front and front derailleur gears provide large

online nowadays, but a bicycle rear) when coming to a stop. jumps in gears, while the rear de-

may be one thing to purchase in is is achieved by keeping both railleur allows for incremental

person. Having a professional at a hands on the brake hoods or in ne-tuning. Experimenting with CREATING CUSTOMERS FOR LIFE

bicycle shop measure and t your the drops so that the brake levers shifting gears based on your style • In Home Electrical Upgrade •
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dimensions ensures you are get- are easily grabbed when needed. of bike will make traversing hills • Electric Car Chargers •
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ting the right size bike for your • Practice balance in di erent or riding long distances easier.
• All of Your Electric Needs! •
needs. Correct t can alleviate scenarios. Many people can bal- Cyclists also can practice push-
10%WheOnFYFouSPreersevnitcTehisCAadlls 914.455.2158
pain, help riders avoid injury and ance on a bike to get around. But ing and pulling while pedaling • [email protected]
Licenses in Westchester, Putnam, NYC & CT!
make cycling more enjoyable. when faced with tra c, road ob- to use all of their leg muscles

• Set saddle height correctly. stacles or di erent ground condi- and pedal more e ciently. ese

e right saddle height can lead tions, balance can be tricky. Ac- biking skills can improve riders’

to greater comfort and pedaling cording to the experts behind the technique and make cycling more

ability and muscular e ciency. MyFitnessPal app, practice bal- enjoyable.

e resource Bike Radar says to ancing by looking up at the road

adust the saddle height so that the instead of down at the ground. A Content provided by Metro

saddle-to-pedal distance is 1.09 X low center of gravity, which can Creative Connection.

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