Vol. 10 No. 21 INSIDE THIS WEEK’S PAPER!Check out our special Boomers & Beyond section Thursday, August 12, 2021
Visit TapIntoYorktown.net for the latest news.
Restrictions retuCrOnVIDa-1s9
Local Special Olympian infection rates rise
headed to 2022 nationals
BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER in August. As of Aug. 6, the posi-
tivity rate in Westchester was
Mike Bub hasn’t lost in 12 years; 3.01 percent (168 people tested
e town of Yorktown is un- positive out of 5,579 tested),
has chance to compete for worlds pausing some of its COVID-19 which is lower than the statewide
restrictions as rates continue to rate of 3.32 percent.
climb in the town, county, and According to information pro-
state. vided by the state, new hospital-
BY NICK TRUJILLO As of Monday (Aug. 9): izations are also rising in New
STAFF WRITER • All visitors to any indoor York State, but not as sharply
town facility will be required to as new infections. In early July,
As the world watched the international ath- wear a mask. the rate of new hospitalizations
letic spectacle that was the Tokyo 2020 Sum- • All non-vaccinated employ- was 0.26 per 100,000 people. A
mer Olympics, a Shrub Oak Special Olympian ees will be required to wear a month later, the seven-day roll-
was preparing for his grand stage in 2022. mask when indoors. ing average was 0.90 new hos-
Michael Bub is a 12-time consecutive Special • All indoor public facing em- pitalizations. e percentage of
Olympics New York State Champion, and he ployees, regardless of vaccination available hospital beds remains
has the medals to prove it. With his 213 gold status, must wear a mask when largely unchanged while the per-
medals spanning a wide variety of swimming speaking to a member of the centage of available ICU beds is
events, Bub has not lost a Special Olympics race public. in decline (from 34 percent in
since his career began in 2010. Bub is also on “ ese are necessary and pro- early July to 28 percent in early
the autism spectrum and has used his disability active steps to take for the safety August).
to hone his skills in the pool. of our employees and the general According to the U.S. Centers
In June, the Bub family received word from public,” said Town Supervisor for Disease Control, New York
Special Olympics New York CEO and Presi- Matt Slater. “We are all hope- has the 10th-highest vaccinate
dent Stacey Hengsterman that, for the rst ful that these are the only steps rate in the country, with 69.1 per-
time, Bub will have a roster spot at the 2022 needed and we will continue to cent of adults being fully immu-
National Championships in Orlando. monitor the local COVID-19 nized against COVID-19 (57.8
“If you could sum up my career in one word, impact on our community as the percent for all residents).
it would be perfection,” Bub said. When speak- fall season approaches.” In Yorktown, the two-dose
ing on how his win streak has lasted for over e town of Yorktown went vaccine rates for all residents are:
a decade, he said, “It just kind of happened. from two active cases on July 8 • Je erson Valley, 92.8 percent
ey’ve thrown swimmers at me and they don’t to 96 on Aug. 9. Countywide, the • Mohegan Lake, 56.6 percent
even stay with me for a lap.” Bub after another dominant meet positive rate of infection has in- • Shrub Oak, 48 percent
SEE BUB PAGE 3 PHOTO COURTESY OF LORI BUB creased from less than 1 percent • Yorktown Heights, 64.2 per-
in July to steadily over 2 percent cent
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Page 2 – Yorktown News Thursday, August 12, 2021
The Staff Political polarization and Cuomo among podcast topics
EDITORIAL TEAM Braver Angels state coordinator is guest on Hudson Valley Uncensored
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 At the top of this week’s pod- resign following numerous al- headlines, share the biggest practicing psychotherapist with
[email protected] cast episode of Hudson Valley legations of sexual harrassment stories from their respective pa- her MSW and LCSW, and
Uncensored, host Brett Free- and sexual assault. You’ll hear pers this week, and give listen- has moderated many red/blue
ADVERTISING TEAM man welcomes the three editors their thoughts and opinions as ers a sneak peek at what they’re workshops, and she co-hosts
PAUL FORHAN from our Halston Media news- they deliberate about extreme working on next. monthly moderator calls. She
papers: Brian Marschhauser, accountability, particularly in joins the show today to discuss
(914) 806-3951 editor of Yorktown News the Me Too era, how Governor Next, Freeman speaks with how her background as a mar-
[email protected] and e Katonah-Lewisboro Cuomo might move forward today’s guest, Randy Freeman, riage counselor made her a per-
Times; Tom Walogorsky, editor either by way of resignation or his mother and one of two fect t for Braver Angels, how
BRUCE HELLER of North Salem News and e impeachment, and avoiding a New York State coordinators she applies the principles from
(914) 486-7608 Somers Record; and Bob Du- “mob justice” mentality as these for the nonpro t organization her therapy practice to today’s
[email protected] mas, editor of Mahopac News. allegations have not yet stood Braver Angels, whose mission political divide, and explains the
trial or conviction at this point. is to bring Americans together importance of accepting one
LISA KAIN ey discuss the recent to bridge the partisan divide another’s di erences to move
(201) 317-1139 downfall of Governor Andrew Marschhauser, Walogorsky and strengthen our democratic forward together as a country.
[email protected] Cuomo, and the calls for him to and Dumas chat about local republic. Randy Freeman is a
CORINNE STANTON Freeman breaks down the
(914) 760-7009 history of polarization in the
[email protected] United States, and how social
media has exacerbated this is-
JAY GUSSAK sue. She also o ers her perspec-
(914) 299-4541 tive on how to have political
[email protected] debates in a civilized, respectful
SHELLEY KILCOYNE manner, the power of allowing
(914) 924-9122 each side to have a voice, and
[email protected] why it’s actually necessary that
GABRIELLE BILIK we not agree on everything as a
[email protected]
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• Visit hudson-valley-
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Thursday, August 12, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 3
Mike swimming his signature stroke, the butterfly.
BUB who stood up for him while he he began his unbeaten Special
FROM PAGE 3 was bullied in high school and Olympics career.
made sure he was OK through- “I remember the rst Special
Mike’s best attribute in the out the day. Olympics meet we were in, it was
pool is his endurance. While “Bub had di culties going quite the scene because they’re
other swimmers can stay with his through high school, as most kids not used to someone of his cali-
pace for the rst 25 to 50 meters, did that were a little more awk- ber,” Lori said. As Bub pulled
they fall o as the race goes on. ward or in a special ed situation. away from the competition, she
Mike’s years of training, atten- He was teased and bullied a lot,” said, the fans at the White Plains
tion to detail with his technique, Lori said. “ e team became like pool were silent with all eyes on
and mental fortitude keep him a second family, and God bless her son as he nished a lap and
focused on his one goal: winning. them, because they looked out a half ahead of the second-place Bub was awarded as Hudson Valley’s 2019 Athlete of the Year.
“After lap two, it goes all my for him.” nisher.
way and I put everything I can Initially, Bub hated swimming. “It’s been undefeated since
into embarrassing you,” he said. He had grown up playing hockey then,” Lori said. She began
Bub and his mom, Lori, also his and wanted to play football. His coaching Bub out of necessity;
coach, were beginning to believe father coached football in the by becoming a registered Special
he would never be selected for Catholic High School Athletic Olympics New York coach, she
the national competitions. Bub is Association at Cardinal Spell- could enter Bub in as many state
30 years old and has been swim- man, Fordham Prep, and Sacred and national level competitions
ming since his middle school days Heart in the 1990s, but barred as they were willing to travel to.
in 2003. Despite repeatedly show- Bub from playing such a physical Bub’s favorite stroke is the
ing he is the best aquatic athlete sport. Once he reached the level butter y, much like his swim-
Special Olympics New York has of hockey where checking is in- ming idol, Michael Phelps. He
to o er, the process of being se- corporated, he had to hang up his has swum in any swimming
lected for nationals, Lori said, “Is skates as well. event you can think of, regard-
like drawing a name out of a hat,” Lori suggested he take up less of length or stroke. e list
which led to Bub being passed swimming, and after hating his he and Lori rattled o included
over year after year. rst week of practice, his coach the 100-meter y, 100-meter in-
Originally, Bub was selected urged him to try a competitive dividual medley, the 100-meter Mike Bub with his 213 gold medals, amassed over a 12-year
as an alternate for the 2022 Na- swim meet. Bub recalled that his breaststroke, and the 100-, 200-, Special Olympics career
tionals, but thanks to help from coach said if he still hated swim- 500-, and 1,000-meter freestyle.
Hengsterman and Club Fit Jef- ming, he could quit; but if he en- PHOTO: NICK TRUJILLO
“It became such a joke to the
ferson Valley aquatics director joyed racing, he would be back at point where anyone who was sonal records and winning. Championships. He is up to
Rachel Mackay, a spot opened the next practice. Naturally, Bub going to swim against me, they Bub worked as a lifeguard for 1,500-meter sessions in the pool
for the 12-time champ. In June, fell in love with the competitive knew straight up that they were 10 years at the New York Sports after not being able to swim for
Lori and Mackay put together nature of swim meets. going to lose. If people saw me, Club in Somers, where Lori the majority of 2020. Lori en-
a surprise for Bub at the club to “I won third place, and I had they would drop out of races,” would train him with full use of tered him into the 100-meter y,
announce his quali cation. He never won in a competition be- Bub said.“You name it, I’ve swam their pool. When Mike attempted the 200-meter individual medley,
was joined by family and friends fore,” Bub said. After receiving it.” to get his job back in January fol- and the 200-meter freestyle. For
at the club and proclaimed, “I’m his rst ever swimming ribbon, Lori detailed what sometimes lowing the club’s reopening from the rst time, Mike will be swim-
going to Disney World!” he asked his coach, “Where can occurs at the pre-meet coaches’ its COVID-19 pandemic shut- ming amongst all the winners
Mike has always had a strong I get more of these?” meetings. She reports what events down, they were not interested from other states, instead of spo-
support system. e Bubs “travel Bub swam for the Lakeland- Bub will swim to the referees, and in hiring him again. He went to radically facing swimmers close
in an entourage,” he said, so there Panas-Putnam Valley and the opposing coaches shu e their the JV Club Fit and was hired to to his competition.
will typically be 30 to 40 Bub Yorktown swim teams from 2003 participants around to avoid the lifeguard, with the same training “I’m excited for the experience,
fans in the stands at any given to 2010, and then swam on the events Bub swims. It angers the arrangement he had at NYSC. I’m excited for a lot of things,”
meet. e support system in- club team at Westchester Com- family but does not deter Bub Bub has already begun train- Bub said. He added that, most of
cludes his former teammates, too, munity College. While at WCC, from his goal of setting new per- ing for the 2022 National all, “I’m excited to win.”
Page 4 – Yorktown News Thursday, August 12, 2021
Yorktown for Justice holds school supply drive
All supplies will be donated
to the food pantries
BY NICK TRUJILO trying to get back on their feet
STAFF WRITER nancially,” said Jenna Jara-
millo, YFJ organizer. “Kids have
With many uncertainties sur- enough to feel stressed about,
rounding the 2021-22 school they shouldn’t be worried about
year and with the rst day of getting their basic school sup-
school quickly approaching, Yor- plies. We wanted to step in and
ktown for Justice teamed up with do something about that.”
two local food pantries to help Jaramillo is a teacher in the
collect and distribute school sup- Mahopac district, and with the
plies to members of the commu- help of her husband, Diego, or-
nity in need. ganized the drive and the con-
On Saturday, Aug. 7, Yorktown nection with two food pantries
for Justice members set up a table that they knew the Yorktown
on the porch of the John C. Hart and Lakeland communities used
Memorial Library from 9 a.m. through other events. YFJ raised
to 5 p.m., when people dropped $2,398 through Venmo contri-
o hundreds of notebooks, fold- butions, $473.90 in cash, and
ers, binders, pencils, crayons and received 200 prepackaged supply PHOTO COURTESY OF JENNA JARAMILLO
other supplies to donate. All sup- boxes from Staples in Yorktown, Mel Tanzman (center) picks up donated supplies from Staples.
plies collected will be distributed as well as a discount from Rob-
to the food pantries at St. Mary’s bins Pharmacy in Croton-on- are run by school organizations stepped in and held a collection, partnership when Jaramillo was
Episcopal Church and the First Hudson to purchase 20 premade like the PTOs and PTAs. is we could stock those pantries.” thinking about where YFJ should
Presbyterian Church of York- supply kits at wholesale price. year, they’re not doing that, and YFJ had previously fostered a donate their collected supplies.
town. e Venmo and cash contribu- we happened to see on social connection with the food pan- If families are in need, Jara-
“Families have been through tions will be used to purchase media that St. Mary’s and First tries at St. Mary’s and First millo said, they can contact St.
so much this past year with the more supplies from Staples to Presbyterian are running drives Presbyterian through their Mar- Mary’s or First Presbyterian
uncertainty and anxiety around add to the nal donation. through their food pantries,” Ja- tin Luther King Day food drive SEE SUPPLY PAGE 5
COVID, and families are still “A lot of years, supply drives ramillo said. “We thought if we in Jan. 18. It made for a natural
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Thursday, August 12, 2021 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 11
Kids vs. Cops, Street Fair
on the horizon
Every year around this CHAMBER donate, please contact us at the
time, we begin planning CORNER Chamber and make checks pay-
our annual “Cops vs. able directly to Camp Sunshine.
Kids” baseball fundraiser. A great SERGIO I hope to see you at the game!
cause, as all the money raised is ESPOSITO
immediately donated to “Camp Our “Festival & Street Fair”
is quickly approaching, and we
Sunshine,” which is a retreat have already begun the monu-
located in Casco, Maine. mental planning that goes into
Founded in 1984, Camp this successful event, and I can’t
Sunshine provides retreats combining respite, wait! e event is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 10,
recreation, and support, while enabling hope and and we have already begun selling the beautiful
promoting joy for children with life-threatening ags that will houanr ggraelaotntgowCno.mPmleearsceecSotnrteaecttaunsdfoOr N YOONUYROUJORBJOEBVEGEVGREURYUAYADRDRAAAAYYNNUUTTNENEETETDILDILCOCMOPMLEPTLIOETNI..O. N…
illnesses and their families through the various other areas in
stages of a child’s illness.
details, to purchase a ag, or to be a vendor.
Camp Sunshine is unique, as they are one of the
Our Scholarship Awards Dinner was a smash-
only retreats that understands the entire family is ing success and I want to thank all the students ON YOUR JOB EVERYDAY UNTIL COMPLETION…
a ected when a child is sick with a life-threaten- for their participation. e Chamber wishes all
ing disease, so they invite the entire family for a our graduates well as they embark on their college GUARANTEED
week of hope. careers!
As such, our fth annual baseball fundraiser is Another great group that deserves tons of ac-
scheduled for 5 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12. e 10U colades is the Yorktown Lions. is organization
Yorktown Heat has issued a challenge to the great is responsible for so many great endeavors and
folks over at the Yorktown Police Department. To currently they are hosting the Summer Concerts
date, the Chamber has raised and donated close at the gazebo at Jack DeVito Veterans Memorial
to $45,000 for children and families in our local
community thanks to the YPD. FaSnuieMdnlddAy.auyoge.ev2creee9n)aii,snrsegaol!owgCnealotyynsdtcwooewporetnscnot.bhnIefecgreyienrotuasantlhde6aftvepen(.Amjaonuy.yga.q1gu5r1ees9a-t1O0L1DG1DR1991EOO10OE0L1AL1DNGDNGRDWDRSEOEOBEOEAANUNNNOWWRSSDBBOOGUUOOARRRDDGGVDAARSRESVV.DHDHS.EEB.H..BBO.ORBBOREBERWWWEEETTEWWTHRWRHRHSOETOSSOLEEOTET,LOMLEROC,ER,,TSCMMNR,CT0NYS6,TS08Y1N60080115Y0069|1588012|09|0031285|04793584|8.487252479.8|8200.7093088000.407070005478027980000070
You can nd us on Facebook at @yorktownfor-
campsunshine or donate via gofundme at www.
gofundme.com/f/yorktown-for-camp-sunshine. tions, ideas, or concerns please feel free to call us #HCICT 0LI6C4. 6#H1I0C2064|61W02E|SWTECSTHCEHSESTTEERRLLICI.C#2.9#128591H8165 | HPU1T6NA| MPLUICT. N#PAC7M152LIC. #PC7152
It costs an average of $2,500 to sponsor a family at 914-245-4599 or email us at info@yorktoCwTnL- IC.
for an all-expense paid visit to Camp Sunshine. To chamber.org.
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August 24 - August 29
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Starts 10:30 am
*Subject to change as per state & local guidelines.
Page 12 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, August 12, 2021
Five-star dining experience at
The Country House in Westchester
Maybe it is the seductive aroma of a juicy steak, or the feeling of delight when the nostrils detect a delicious smell, or even the
radiating satisfaction of having eaten a scrumptious meal — but whatever the reaction, there is no debating that food is more
than just bodily sustenance.
Food can change a mood, evoke a smile, and inspire the uninspired. e pleasure of eating a delicious meal can
have a deliriously positive e ect on anyone, synergizing satisfaction and delight.
It is unfortunate that so many residents of nursing homes, assisted living residences and other institutional
settings are denied this proverbial spice of life. Cooking for the masses traditionally consist of unappealing
meat, watered-down sauces, and uncreative staples. But luckily, this is not always the case.
e dining experience at e Country House, an assisted living community in Yorktown Heights, NY,
has become an exciting focal point for residents. Under the direction of Maria DelCiampo, a professional
chef, the kitchen is replete with fantastic recipes, fresh ingredients and immense creativity
and cooking prowess. e menus continue to change
and food preparation and presentation continue to
evolve. Eggplant rollatini with penne a la vodka has
become a favorite food for residents at e Country
House, who are lucky to enjoy a ve-star dining
experience each and every day.
e Country House is a marketing partner of this
newspaper. is article is written by e Country House, a
100 bed boutique assisted living community, nestled amidst
a beautiful rustic landscape. It is located at 2000 Baldwin
Rd in Yorktown Heights, NY. For more information, call
914-455-1363 or visit meridionsenior.com.
Maria DelCiampo, a seasoned professional and
Director of Food Services at The Country House
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Thursday, August 12, 2021 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 13
Building for the future: Low carbon
BY BOB DEANGELIS emissions. e wn100 Zero the next 30 years? resiliency, and environmental bene ts. In
GUEST WRITER standards for new addition, zero energy districts are be-
2040 Yorkto Net Carbon Why not aim for ing looked to by cities seeking to drive
The Earth is facing a critical mo- revitalization of unused industrial sites
ment: Climate change and the buildings should be STEP UP TO A net-zero now? Is and to rejuvenate their urban cores and
severe weather it causes are upon SUSTAINABLE anyone doing this boost quality of life (RMI 2018). As lead-
us. Examples include the recent record adjusted quickly to LIFESTYLE today? Yes. Here ing zero energy districts work through
highs on the West Coast: Portland at 116 is information the development of the energy master
F, Seattle at 108 F, Canada’s all-time high reduce or eliminate planning process, they are identifying
at 121 F, and the devastating oods from promising practices to overcome common
torrential rains in Germany and Belgium carbon emissions. district-scale zero energy barriers.”
causing many deaths.
It is time to act, Emissions by from the Califor- In New York, NYSERDA has devel-
Man-made carbon emissions are the oped a stretch energy code. https://www.
culprit. Buildings emit about 28 percent so let’s begin right nia Public Utili- nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/Programs/
of those emissions and we must reduce Energy-Code-Training/NYStretch-
this to zero over the next 20 years in order here in Yorktown. ties Commission: Energy-Code-2020
to save our planet from irreversible harm.
Do we really want to burden people with Locally, new buildings are constructed As spelled out in the California Energy is code will result in reduced green-
the huge cost of overhauling buildings house gases, and improved building
that could have been built “green” at the to the latest building code, which is better E ciency Strategic Plan adopted in e ciency. In our minds, however, it, too,
onset? While the eet of automobiles on should go all the way to “net zero.”
the road turns over about every 15 years, than it was 30 years ago, but not good 2008, the state set ambitious goals for the
buildings can be in use for over 100 years. While net-zero building is not a
enough. e current proposed overlay development of zero net energy buildings. legislated requirement in New York today,
ere are two simple things we can do: it is possible and can be facilitated by a
1) Buildings should be saved and district legislation in Yorktown is taking ese include: district approach rather than focusing on
retro tted to increase their e ciency. It is a single building. It comes down to these
generally better for the environment to x a step in the right direction by providing • All new residential construction will simple techniques (nothing new needs to
up an old building than to tear something be invented or developed):
down and rebuild it. ( ink about all the development incentives for buildings that be zero net energy (ZNE) by 2020.
emissions that were already created when 1) Build with consideration for carbon
that building was constructed [embodied meet LEED criteria. LEED results in • All new commercial construction will emissions from building materials and
carbon].) construction processes.
2) If constructing a new building, it an estimated 34 percent reduced carbon be ZNE by 2030
should be built to a goal of zero carbon 2) Create airtight enclosures and insu-
emissions and 25 percent fuel reduction. • 50 percent of commercial buildings late better.
We need to aim higher. will be retro t to ZNE by 2030 SEE YORKTOWN100 PAGE 16
When we construct a building that re- • 50 percent of new major renovations
lies on fossil fuels for heat, we are obligat- of state buildings will be ZNE by 2025
ing the owner or occupant to purchase oil Per the Massachusetts climate ac-
or gas every year of the building’s use, or tion network: “Luckily, the technology
to pay the hefty costs of retro tting to a to build net-zero buildings is available
carbon-neutral system in the future. is now. Net-zero is not only technologically
is an economic burden to the homeowner feasible but cost-e ective.”
or building owner and an attractive an- e US DOE, features an assess-
nuity for the fossil fuel companies. Keep ment of a district approach to Zero Net
in mind that mechanical systems are Energy: https://www.nrel.gov/docs/
expensive and often last 20-30 years, so fy18osti/71841.pdf
the fuel choice should make sense for its “District approaches can o er cost-
lifetime. Why install a carbon-emitting e ective pathways to achieving zero
system now that will continue to emit for energy along with its associated nancial,
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Northern Westchester Hospital Hospital’s Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
requires a physician’s prescription, and besides the core Q: What happens when you enter
Learn more about cardiac training component, includes counseling in nutrition, NWH’s cardiac rehabilitation program?
rehabilitation, visit stress management and meditation, as well as A: A personalized exercise regimen is designed based
nwh.northwell.edu/rehab education in heart disease prevention. on your health history and your physical condition.
You’ll have up to 36 training sessions, depending upon
Q: Am I a candidate? your insurance, during which you receive continuous
A: You’re a candidate if you’ve suffered a cardiovascular EKG monitoring and close supervision by physician
event such as heart attack, bypass surgery, angina, and exercise physiologists. We’re watching your heart
heart valve repair or replacement, myocardial rate and cardiac rhythm the whole time. Your blood
infraction, heart transplantation, coronary stenting pressure is taken before, during and after exercise.
or heart failure. Starting off at 30 minutes, you’ll work up to between
42 minutes and an hour of training, with weight
Q: What are the bene ts? training added when appropriate.
A: Perhaps surprisingly, a key benefit of cardiac
rehabilitation is restored con dence. That emotion Q: How do I choose a cardiac
has as much impact as do medical issues on a person’s rehabilitation program?
ability to resume an active, rewarding life. Some patients A: Look for accreditation, convenient scheduling,
are initially afraid to do anything. A pain in the chest insurance coverage, and the expertise and experience
area makes them terri ed that another cardiac event of staff. Whether you’ve had a heart attack, coronary
is happening. They’re afraid to work, to drive, to leave bypass or other cardiac event, you are basically getting a
the area where their doctors practice. These fears second chance after your cardiac event. It’s wise to take
typically go away after cardiac rehabilitation – indeed, advantage of all the bene ts of cardiac rehabilitation.
Page 14 Yorktown News – Thur
Det. Jay Swart shows off his police motorcycle.
In an e ort to strengthen relations between the police and the
community, the Yorktown Police Benevolent Association joined oth-
er organizations nationwide in hosting a National Night Out.
e Yorktown Elks Lodge brought drinks, DJ Travis provided the
music, and about 30 PBA members chatted and played games with
community members. BJ’s Wholesale Club provided about 400 hot
dogs and 200 burgers, which were grilled by PBA members.
National Night Out is held throughout the United States on the
rst Tuesday of August. e event is meant to increase awareness
about police programs in communities.
Yorktown’s event was held Tuesday, Aug. 3, at Granite Knolls Park.
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rsday, August 12, 2021 Page 15
YPDNight Out
Yorktown Police Chief Robert Noble makes some friends.
Enjoying some snow cones Everyone in attendance is having a good time. PBA members grill up burgers and hot dogs.
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Page 16 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, August 12, 2021
YORKTOWN100 Camp Hole-in-the-Wall
FROM PAGE 13 There are some guys who seem TRACY a hardware store, especially a really
to have a natural ability for big one, that makes a guy a bit de-
3) Take advantage of the sun (passive solar heating, xing things, and then there lusional with imagined home repair
solar panels).
are some who don’t. Yet, you take a BECKERMAN superpowers. He walks in and right
4) Improve mechanical systems (use e cient heat guy who has absolutely no aptitude
pumps – either air source or geothermal) and e cient- away he sees all these big shiny tools
ly monitor and move air, and manage fresh air.
for home repairs, stick him in a giant and some smiling guy in a nice red
5) Purchase electricity that is produced by sources
that do not generate CO2. home improvement store, and he apron approaches and o ers help. No
6) Do not remove large trees, and plant more trees. becomes convinced that all he needs matter what the job, they say, “Oh,
7) Test and verify that systems are operating per
design (commission) on an ongoing basis. is a wrench and some lug nuts and sure, all you need is this, this and that
By leveraging these technologies, we can build
buildings (or districts) that are carbon neutral and have he can x just about anything in the house. and you’ll have it xed in no time.” Of course, “no time”
attractive operating costs. Sustainable Westchester has
a “Commercial Clean Heating and Cooling” program Take my husband, for example. Now to be fair, he is actually “lots of time” that I get to hear my husband
to assist developers in assessing feasibility and options,
connecting to vendors and installers, as well as current is not without some sense of handiness. Yet, he would cursing the guy who sold him the stu in the rst place.
discounts and incentives for installing clean systems.
New incentives for geothermal can help with imple- rather try to x something that he can’t, get frustrated, Of course, I would never undertake a home improve-
mentation costs. With the developments currently
under consideration, we have a great opportunity to do and then give up after there’s a hole in the wall the size ment project myself that was out of my league. And I
the right thing, and set Yorktown apart as an environ-
mental leader. of Texas, rather than just bite the bullet and call the would certainly never do this while my husband was
e recommendation of Yorktown100 is to create handyman before doing the damage, which almost al- out of town so he couldn’t witness me doing something
Zero Net Energy districts and stop the proliferation of
fossil fuel-heated buildings. is will be a win for the ways far exceeds the original problem. e funny thing stupid. And I would never try to clean out a bucket of
building owner and for all the inhabitants of planet
Earth. Climate change is upon us today, and we must is, when he can’t accomplish what he set out to do, he cement in the kitchen sink that hardened in our garbage
act now!
always blames it on the tools. disposal. Or use Liquid Plumber in my dishwasher.
Bob DeAngelis is a retired IBM engineering manager
often seen biking or hiking in the area. Yorktown100 is “I can’t do this,” he says. “I don’t have the right molly.” Meanwhile, back at “Camp Hole in the Wall,” my
a 100-percent volunteer group of neighbors working to
reduce our carbon footprint by 5 percent a year through If he knew what he was doing, then why didn’t he get husband returned from his quest to nd the perfect
various programs. Contact us if you would like to
learn more, or would like to join. Visit us at https:// the right molly when he bought the other $50-worth molly and actually nished the repair he set out to do.
yorktown100.cure100.org and help make a di erence.
of tools he needed for this job. en there’s the always “Done!” he exclaimed, brushing his hands o on each
popular, “ is is a much bigger job than I thought it other like he’d just nished building the Taj Mahal by
was.” Something tells me the handyman might have himself. “Anything else need to be xed?”
known that there was an air duct behind the wall before I looked around at the other four holes in the wall he
he started drilling. created trying to x this one.
Of course, now we not only have a hole in the wall “No honey,” I said picking up the phone to call a
that we didn’t have before, in addition to the original handyman. “Not a thing.”
problem, but we have to live with it for another month
because the guy we could have called in to x it right Tracy’s new book, “Barking at the Moon: A Story of
away is now on another job and won’t be available for Life, Love, and Kibble” an Amazon bestseller! W. Bruce
several weeks. Cameron, author of “A Dog’s Purpose” says, “I’m utterly
But honestly, I don’t blame my husband. He means charmed by this whole thing, cover to cover.” You can get
well. I blame the hardware store. ere’s something about your copy right now on Amazon!
is Just a Wish.
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Thursday, August 12, 2021 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 21
Huskers’ Boyer earns UA All-American honors in lax
Yorktown grad named Golden Dozen HM on gridiron
BY MIKE SABINI team’s success.”
In football,
An injury in his rst football game this
spring may have ended his high-school where Boyer was
playing days but that didn’t prevent York-
town graduate Keith Boyer from earning a star running
his well-deserved honors.
back, he was hon-
Boyer, who will play lacrosse at Duke
University, was selected to the Under Ar- ored to learn that
mour All-American Games in lacrosse,
which were held at historic Homewood he was selected as
Field at Johns Hopkins University on
July 31. Golden Dozen
“It was a great honor being selected as Honorable Men-
an Under Armour All-American,” Boyer
said. “It has been something I’ve really tion.
been looking forward to. Being grouped
together with some of the best players in “It meant a lot
the country meant a lot to me.”
to me because the
Boyer said that it was a great feeling
being around the best high-school play- award highlights
ers in the country.
your accomplish-
“Everyone has respect for each other
for all the hard work everyone put in,” ments on the eld
Boyer said. “It was an awesome experi-
ence to be a part of it all.” as well as o the
Because of his injury, Boyer was unable eld,” Boyer said.
to play but that didn’t dampen his enthu-
siasm. “Knowing that Yorktown graduate
my hard work Keith Boyer at the Under
“Unfortunately, I’m still rehabbing, but both on and o
I was able to warm up and that was spe- the eld paid o Armour All-America
cial,” Boyer said. Games at Johns
was an incredible Hopkins University
Husker coach Sean Carney said that
Boyer continues the legacy of great de- feeling.” PHOTO COURTESY
fensemen at Yorktown. Yorktown foot- OF JOSEPH BOYER
“He has pushed himself hard to play at ball coach Pantelis Ypsilantis was a Golden FILE PHOTO/DEENA BELL
the highest level in the nation,” Carney
said. “It shows what hard work and com- Dozen award winner himself as a senior Keith Boyer picks up a loose ball. of himself. He was a true force on the
mitment can do.” eld and tremendous leader and person
center and defensive tackle. fast and athletic and supremely intelli-
Carney said that Boyer will go down gent,” Ypsilantis said. “But he didn’t squat of character o the eld who gave his all
as one of the best to suit up at Yorktown. He won the award playing for the state’s on his natural abilities. He just worked to our football program.”
and worked to become the best version
“An All-American as a sophomore and second-winningest football coach, Tony
ranked at the top of his class nationally,
we will be watching Keith play at the DeMatteo, at Roosevelt (Yonkers) in the
highest level for many years to come,”
Carney said. “Duke is lucky to get such a fall of 1999, his last season there before he
complete player on and o the eld.”
went to coach at Somers, where he retired
Boyer said he is really looking forward
to playing lacrosse at Duke. from this spring.
“It has been something I’ve always “Keith winning this award just puts
wanted to do and to nally be at that
point is very exciting,” Boyer said. “Duke a stamp on what our football program
has a rich tradition of winning, so to con-
tinue that would be great. Personally, I stands for,” Ypsilantis said. “We believe
want to contribute in any way I can to the
in true student-athletes, that those who
work hard in the classroom and on the
eld are the players who are going to have
a ton of success now and in the future.
Keith embodies what we want all of our
players to strive to be, strong academi-
cally, strong athletically, multi-sport ath-
letes, and great character kids.”
Boyer’s impact is di cult to put into
words, according to Ypsilantis, who said
he is the perfect student-athlete.
“And despite being as amazing as he is,
he experienced ups and downs along the
way and always had to grind,” Ypsilantis
said.“To me, Keith is proof that hard work
pays o and even if you work your hard-
est, you will still experience challenges that
you have to push through and overcome.
“To some, it may look like it was easy
for him because he is so naturally gifted,
WEITMAN part of, like the annual spring training trip
to Florida, the Sorrentino Memorial Game,
FROM PAGE 20 Senior Day, and our end of season dinner.
For a young athlete growing up in the When you are part of the Yorktown
Yorktown district, what would you tell baseball program, you are immediately
them about the experience of being part part of a family of brothers all working to-
of the baseball team and why should they wards the same goal.
go out for the team?
Each one of us had each other’s back
My time in the Yorktown baseball pro- and it’s a relationship you don’t see very
gram has been some of the best years of my often. So, to anyone debating trying out or
life. I would wake up every day excited just not, go for it. ese past four years were
because I knew I had to practice that day. amazing, thanks to my coaches and the
special group of guys I was lucky enough
ere are many Yorktown High School to play with.
baseball traditions that are very special to be
Page 22 – Yorktown News BACK TO SCHOOL Thursday, August 12, 2021
Yorktown residents earn academic honors
e following residents earned academic honors for the spring 2021 semester (the names below are people who made the Dean’s List, unless noted otherwise). All names were
submitted to Yorktown News by colleges or parents. is is not intended to be a complete list of every Yorktown honors student. If you would like to submit a name to be included here,
please email [email protected].
Julia Romero UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY omas Cuomo Erin Gray
Carly Jacoby
Zachary Lerman (President’s List)
Educational things to do
at Grandma’s house
STRONG Monopoly and Scrabble last something that can be 5. ___ cups = 1 Answers: 1) 12 2) 3 3)
LEARNING year. at took up an hour a used as an example to pint. For example: 3 4) 8 5) 2 6) 2 7) 4 8)
day. Need more suggestions. illustrate what is about that 16 9) 5,280 10) 10 11) 100
DR. LINDA length, capacity, or weight. 6. ___ pints = 1 quart. For 12) 1,000
SILBERT Grandma Sally For example, 12 inches or 1 example:
foot is the size of a hero sand- Play cards! Double solitaire,
Dear Dr. Linda, Dear Grandma Sally, wich. To illustrate the length 7. ___ quarts = 1 gallon. For triple solitaire! Play a version
My ve grandchildren are Begin with history by select- of one minute, sing the “Star- example: of Rummy and use the change
Spangled Banner.” in your piggy bank to create
coming to visit next week ing a movie and a book that 8. ___ ounces = 1 pound. more fun. Go online and nd
without their parents. eir are not only entertaining, but First see how many conver- For example: as many di erent card games as
ages range from 11 to 15. ey educational as well. e award- sions each can remember. en possible you can play together.
love coming to visit me because winning TV mini-series, “John brainstorm together to come 9. ___ feet = 1 mile. For Even better, have your grand-
it’s when the cousins can be Adams” is ideal. en read up with fun ways to illustrate example: children go online and nd
together. We tried it last year “Johnny Tremain” by Esther the various measurements. Be card games to play together.
for the rst time without their Forbes. Although it ends in creative—don’t use a quart 10. ___ millimeters = 1 cen- Do a crossword puzzle together
parents, but they spent most of 1775, the book, which takes of milk to illustrate a quart. timeter. For example: or create teams and give the
the entire time playing video place in Boston, gives a good same puzzle to each team. e
games. Because of COVID we background of events in one at’s a no-brainer. Have your 11. ___ centimeters = 1 me- winning team decides what
couldn’t go anywhere. Well, colony that would lead to the grandchildren use their brains ter. For example: dinner will be that night. Pull
here we are again. I’m not will- Declaration of Independence. to come up with something out a 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle
ing to go places with them yet, novel. For example, a centime- 12. ___meters = 1 kilometer. or old photo albums. Have a
and I don’t want them playing en you can watch the Disney ter is about the same length as For example: treasure hunt. Give each child
video games the whole time. movie version. a small watermelon seed. or team items they need to nd
Do you have any ideas as to around the house and the rst
what we can do around the Add a little math fun to your 1. ___ inches = 1 foot. For team to nd the items wins
house that will be entertaining week. Here’s a fun activity that example: decides what breakfast will be
and a bit educational? I tried not only helps with memory the next morning.
but also with creativity. Take 2. ___ feet = 1 yard. For
this list of measurement terms. example: ese activities will be
Can each remember the a chance for you and your
conversions? For example, 12 3. ___ teaspoons = 1 table- grandchildren to spend some
inches equals 1 foot, or 3 feet spoon. For example: quality and fun time together.
equals 1 yard. en think of And they might learn a thing
4. ___ ounces = 1 cup. For or two, also.
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Under Community Links
Thursday, August 12, 2021 LEISURE Yorktown News – Page 23
CLUES ACROSS 33. Norse gods 60. Pearl Jam frontman 26. Related on the mother’s
1. Calls balls and strikes 37. Morning 64. Wrath side
4. Turkish officer 38. Fiddler crabs 65. Italian city 27. Populations of related
9. Repaired shoe 39. Tell a story 66. A way to get there plants
14. Grass genus 41. Consumed 67. A nose or snout 31. Coherent
15. Small, sealed vial 42. Atomic #58 68. German seaport 32. Tribe of ancient Britons
16. Primp 43. About old Norse poems 69. A horse for riding 34. Financial firm Goldman
17. Immoral act 44. Fencing swords 70. Airline representative __
18. A tool to communicate 46. One-time Tigers third (abbr.) 35. Stephen King thriller
20. Crumbles away baseman 36. Went in again
22. Egg-like 49. Southpaw (abbr.) CLUES DOWN 40. Commercial
23. Districts (abbr.) 50. Neither 1. Unhappy 41. Poking holes in the
24. Dressed 51. Conversations 2. Silk fabric ground
28. Small island (British) 55. Distinctive manner or 3. Unbroken view of a region 45. Prisoners of war
29. Dialect of Chinese pronunciation 4. Middle Eastern territory 47. Pursued pleasure
30. Force unit 58. Cyprinids 5. __ and Andy, TV show 48. “Seinfeld” character
31. Borderlines 59. Appropriate to a festival 6. Central processing unit 52. Body of water
7. Department of 53. Hovering vehicle (abbr.)
Housing and Urban 54. People who utilize
Development 56. Nostrils
8. Midcentury 57. Inner mass of some
newspaper columnist fungi
9. Weapon 59. Honor lavishly
10. Delivered a speech 60. Midway between east
11. Probably going to and southeast
happen 61. Turn down
12. Midway between 62. Small round mark
northeast and east 63. Expected at a certain For puzzle solutions, please see
13. Danish krone time theparamountrehab.com
19. Synthetic resin
21. Fall slowly in drops
24. Bestow an honor
25. Childishly silly
To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
Relax with a weekend breakfast
ere may be little time in the schedule to prepare homemade breakfasts and enjoy a leisurely morning meal on weekdays.
But once the weekend arrives, home cooks can experiment with tasty treats that ll homes with decadent aromas and rouse late
sleepers from their slumber.
French toast or pancakes may be popular weekend breakfast options, but why not switch things up with another sticky and
sweet option? “Sweet Sunday Rolls” from “ e Contented Vegan” (Head of Zeus) by Peggy Brusseau are quick to prepare and
perfect for a relaxing morning meal when time allows. Enjoy with tea or co ee.
Sweet Sunday Rolls
Serves 4 Directions hands) to flatten it into a bigger rectangle PHOTO: METRO NEWSPAPER SERVICE
Ingredients of about 8 by 12 inches, with a thickness
Preheat the oven to 425 F, and grease an of about 5/8 inch. While the rolls are baking, cut a piece of
• 1/2 cup desiccated 111/4 inch round baking dish or similar With the long edge closest to you, spread baking paper large enough to cover the
(shredded) coconut ovenproof dish with a generous coating the raisins over the dough, leaving a baking dish. When the rolls are cooked,
• 1/2 cup lightly packed soft of coconut oil. Sprinkle the shredded gap of about 11/4 inches all around the set the dish on a wire rack or trivet. Lay
light brown sugar coconut over the greased dish, jostling it a edges. Lightly press the raisins into the the baking paper over the dish and put a
• 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon little to distribute evenly. dough. Sprinkle the remaining cinnamon large plate or tray upside down on top of
• 10 1/2 ounces all-purpose or Combine the sugar and cinnamon in a sugar over the raisins, and drizzle with the the paper, with the baking dish centered
whole-wheat flour, plus extra for small bowl. Sprinkle half of the cinnamon olive oil and half of the syrup. underneath. Using oven gloves, carefully
dusting your work surface sugar over the coconut-coated baking dish. Roll the dough into a log from the long lift the dish and plate, holding them firmly
• 2 teaspoons baking soda In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking edge, working away from you. Press firmly together as you turn them over.
• 1 teaspoon cream of tartar soda and cream of tartar. Add the coconut as you roll to ensure the filling is properly
• 2 3/4 ounces coconut oil, oil and use a table knife to “cut” it into embedded. Check that the ends and the Leave the baking dish upside down on the
plus a little extra for greasing the dry ingredients until the mixture long edge are closed - if necessary, dampen plate for 2 to 3 minutes, then carefully
the dish resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the those edges and press together to seal. lift off. Collect and spread any coconut
• 5 ounces plant milk plant milk and stir well, then knead to a Using a serrated bread knife, cut the roll mixture left in the dish over the rolls,
• 2/3 cup raisins firm dough using your hands. into slices about 11/4 inches thick. Lay which are now upside down. Drizzle the
• 2 tablespoons extra virgin Lightly flour a work surface. Turn out the the slices flat in the prepared baking dish, remaining syrup over the rolls while they
olive oil dough and shape it into a rough rectangle. leaving a little room between each slice. are still hot. Cool for 10 to 15 minutes
• 3 ounces maple or barley malt Use a rolling pin (or simply press with your Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. before gently pulling them away from each
syrup other. Eat while still warm.
Page 24 – Yorktown News Thursday, August 12, 2021
Senior pets
up for adoption
BY JULIA WILKINSON boast numerous successful adop- that’s been with us for a while,
tions due to their hard work in they are part of the Lonely
As a junior volunteer at the
SPCA Westchester, I have seen trying to help match each ani- Hearts Program, which includes
and interacted with so many
dogs and cats at the shelter. Just mal to the best of their ability. a reduced adoption fee. Many
like people, these animals have
their own personalities. Some “Our trainers work with peo- times, that includes our senior
are friendly, some are extremely
shy and nervous, and others can ple of all ages to ensure they nd animals,” Bonanno said. “It’s
be quite a mystery. I often see
people going from kennel to a great match for their lifestyle, quite heartwarming when a se-
kennel looking for a suitable dog
or cat to adopt, sometimes with activity level, and needs,” said nior animal gets adopted by a
no success. And it is understand-
able. Choosing to bring a furry Lisa Bonanno-Spence, director senior person as I do think the
friend into your family is not an
easy task. But the trained sta of development at SPCA West- two share a special bond.”
at the shelter have been able to
chester. For seniors out there who are
e SPCA Westchester has looking for a suitable dog or cat,
several senior animals that need here are some great companions
forever homes as well. Some of waiting behind kennel doors
them have spent most of their that might just make a di er-
lives at the shelter and never re- ence in your lives.
ally had the chance to experience • Chief is a small beagle and
what it is like to be in a home Australian shepherd mix. He is
and have a family. SEE PETS PAGE 25 Taco
“When we have an animal
New York State Departmentof Environmental Conservation ESTATE SALE - LOG HOMES
Notice of Complete Application
Date: 07/30/2021
CORONA, NY 11368
4 Log Home kits selling for BALANCE OWED, FREE DELIVERY
NEWBURGH, NY 1)Model # 101 Carolina $40,840…BALANCE OWED $17,000
2)Model # 203 Georgia $49,500...BALANCE OWED $19,950
Application ID: 3-9903-00102/00002
Permits(s) Applied for: 1 - Article 17 Titles 7&8 Industrial SPDES – Surface Discharge 3)Model # 305 Biloxi $36,825...BALANCE OWED $14,500
Project is located:in SEVERAL COUNTIES in THIS REGION 4)Model # 403 Augusta $42,450...BALANCE OWED $16,500
Project Description:
The applicant proposes to modify the existing State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit
(NY0281042) for the Catskill Aqueduct Repair and Rehabilitation (CAT-RR) project. The existing SPDES permit
authorizes discharges to surface waters in numerous locations along the 74-mile aqueduct corridor associated NEW - HOMES HAVE NOT BEEN MANUFACTURED
with the CAT-RR project, which is aimed at repairing leakage and augmenting water supplies during the Make any plan design changes you desire!
temporary shutdown of the Delaware Aqueduct Rondout West Branch Tunnel. This permit was modified on
December 15, 2020, and the currently proposed action is the section modification of this SPDES permit. York tCCooownmsetnsruwcNtitiohenCwMomasnpuFleaitlellBeurilsding Blueprints & BBB YN le
The currently proposed modification includes reconfiguration of fifteen (15) outfall sampling stations so that a Windows, Doors, and Roofing not included heade
representative sampling location can demonstrate compliance with the effluent limits for all of the outfalls NO TIME LIMIT FOR DELIVERY! A+ Rating Le Ju
associated with “chlorinated aqueduct water” that are downstream of the representative location. This *OFFER NOT AVAILABLE TO AMERICAN LOG HOME DEALERS* N
reconfiguration entails a reduction in the number of sampling locations, and due to the degradation of chlorine w/
dioxide over time and distance and the fact that there is only one chemical addition point at the head of the desi
aqueduct (chlorination cannot occur downstream of that point), compliance at the point of chemical addition proc
would cause downstream sampling points to be in compliance as well. The proposed modification also NY
includes removal of two outfalls where leaks have been repaired and thus there is no longer discharge at those
points. Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES
The Draft Permit and Fact Sheet may be viewed and printed from the Department website at: aloneYourIb’munseinveerss card
http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/6054.html. could be here.
Availability of Application Documents: Call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 to find out how.
Filed application documents, and Department draft permits where applicable, are available for inspection
during normal business hours at the address of the contact person. To ensure timely service at the time of
inspection, it is recommended that an appointment be made with the contact person.
State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) Determination:
Project is not subject to SEQR because it is a Type II action. Life Alert® is always
here for me.
SEQR lead Agency None Designated
State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA) Determination: One touch of a button
The proposed activity is not subject to review in accordance with SHPA. The application type is exempt sends help fast, 24/7.
and/or the project involves the continuation of an existing operational activity.
GwPiSth! Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Coastal Management Sports Deadline Letters to the editor and
This project is located in a Coastal Management area and is subject to the Waterfront Revitalization and The sports deadline for
Coastal Resources Act. bYoerfkotrHoeewltphnaeNt HneeowmxstepisuHtbheleilcpaSOtunion-tndhea-yGo op-ed submissions may be
edited. The views and opinions
DEC Commissioner Policy 29, Environmental Justice and Permitting (CP-29) eaxreprnBeoasttstenerdeiecsienNselsevaettrreiNlryesetdahnoChdsaeorgopifn-egd. s
It has been determined that the proposed action is not subject to CP-29. Yorktown News or its affiliates.
Availability for Public Comment: Contact Person: Submissions must include a
Comments on this project must be submitted CHRISTOPHER LANG For a FREE brochure call:date. Varsity coaches sho®uld
in writing to the Contact Person no later than NYSDEC
09/03/2021 or 30 days after the publication 21 S Putt Corners Rd submIi’tverefaslleunltasndaIncadn’itngfeot rump! ation
date of this notice, whichever is later. New Paltz, NY 12561 by e-mail to sports@
(845) 256-3096 halstonmedia.com. All youth
1-800-404-9776sports and recreational sports
items should also be submitted
phone number and address
for verification. Not all letters
and op-eds will necessarily be
to the same e-mail address by published. Letters and op-eds
the Thursday before the next
publication date. which cannot be verified or
Thursday, August 12, 2021 Yorktown News – Page 25
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a shy boy who takes a bit of time Lennon Notice of Formation of MINKEY3, Prepare for
to warm up to people. Once he LLC. Articles of Organization filed power outages
does, he is a squishy, a ectionate Notice of Formation of BALLERS with Secretary of State of NY with a Generac
little guy. ATHLETICS, LLC. Articles of (SSNY) on 7/22/2021. Office home standby
Organization filed with Secretary location: Westchester County. generator
He likes to play with other of State of NY (SSNY) on SSNY designated as agent of LLC
dogs and having another dog 7/19/2021. Office location: upon whom process against it REQUEST A FREE QUOTE!
may help him gain con dence in Westchester County. SSNY may be served. SSNY should mail
his environment. designated as agent of LLC upon process to; C/O Law Office of 877 516 1160
whom process against it may be Richard S. Abbate, 120
• Taco is an 8-year-old male of served. SSNY should mail Bloomingdale Rd, Ste 100 White FREE
about medium size. is beagle- process to; 42 HARTLEY AVENUE Plains NY 10605. Purpose: Any
foxhound mix is housetrained MOUNT VERNON NY 10550. lawful purpose 7-Year Extended Warranty*
and is more of a homebody that Purpose: Any lawful purpose Notice of Formation of NSF A $695 Value!
would like a nice, calm, and qui- Notice of Formation of Beauty Consulting LLC LLC.
et home to settle down for his GoodSecurity. Articles of Articles of Organization filed with O er valid February 15 - June 6, 2021
senior years. Taco would love to Organization filed with Secretary Secretary of State of NY (SSNY)
be in an adult only home with a of State of NY (SSNY) on on 5/20/2021. Office location: Special Financing Available
more staying-in inclined family. 7/5/2021. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY
Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon Subject to Credit Approval
• Lennon is a 4-year-old designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be
hound and shepherd mix. He is whom process against it may be served. SSNY should mail *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the
a loving male that likes to both served. SSNY should mail process to; 310 Carroll Close generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions.
curl up and snuggle and to go on process to; 7014 13th Avenue Tarrytown NY 10591. Purpose:
a nice calm hike. Lennon is ex- Brooklyn NY 11228. Purpose: Any Any lawful purpose Upgrade Your Home with a
tremely a ectionate and would lawful purpose Notice of Formation of Safe &
love to be in a home with no Notice of Formation of ARGE Clean Service LLC. Articles of NEW METAL ROOF
children or other pets. Holdings LLC . Articles of Organization filed with Secretary
Organization filed with Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on Guaranteed to Last a Lifetime!
• Minnie is a sweet senior of State of NY (SSNY) on 2021- 11/4/2020. Office location:
Tuxedo cat with a spirit. Min- 01-28. Office location: Westchester County. SSNY LIMITED TIME OFFER STRONG AS STEEL WITH THE
nie came to the shelter after her Westchester County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon ATTRACTIVE LOOK OF VARIOUS
owner passed away and would designated as agent of Limited whom process against it may be 500$ OFF ROOF STYLES
like to nd a new home to spend Liability Company (LLC) upon served. SSNY should mail +
the rest of her retirement. whom process against it may be process to; 22 Deane place From Dimensional Shingles to classic styles
served. SSNY should mail Larchmont NY 10538. Purpose: 10 offTAKE AN ADDITIONAL reminiscent of Cedar Shake and Spanish Tile, an
• Roxy was living in house process to Jennifer Vasquez: P.O Any lawful purpose % architectural roo ng system by Erie Metal Roofs
with a large group of cats when Box 305 Buchanan NY 10511. Install for Military, Health can enhance the beauty of your home while
the nice people from the SPCA Purpose: Any lawful purpose Contact Us Workers and First Responders protecting your family and property for a lifetime.
picked her up and brought her Notice of Formation of Green Yorktown News is located at
to the shelter. She likes humans, Magic Cultivation LLC. Articles of 118 N. Bedford Road, Suite Limited time offer. Warranty- Limited Lifetime.
but she is not a big fan of other Organization filed with Secretary 100, Mount Kisco, NY 10549. Expires 10.1.21 Transferable to 1 subsequent
cats. If you’d like a friendly lady of State of NY (SSNY) on You can contact us at 914-302- owner from original purchaser.
to be your one-and-only, Roxy is 7/19/2021. Office location: 5830 or email yorktownnews@ Terms and conditions apply.
your girl. Westchester County. SSNY halstonmedia.com. Hail up to 2.5”, Appearance
designated as agent of LLC upon of the surface coating beyond
Adoptions are by appoint- whom process against it may be normal wear and tear.
ment only. Please visit spcawest- served. SSNY should mail
chester.org for more informa- process to; 4 Fairgreen Ct Call today to schedule your 1-855-492-6084
tion on these or other adoptable Cortlandt Manor NY 10567.
animals at the shelter. Purpose: Any lawful purpose FREE ESTIMATE
SPCA Westchester, 590 North Made in This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc
State Road, Briarcli Manor, the USA (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not be available
spcawestchester.org, 914-941- in your area. Offer expires October 1st 2021. If you call the number provided,
2896 you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-
recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using auto-
mated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register.
Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on homeservicescompliance.
com. All rights reserved.
Page 26 – Yorktown News CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, August 12, 2021
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Thursday, August 12, 2021 BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE Yorktown News – Page 27
Interstate + Lakeland
Lumber celebrates
new design center
To celebrate the launch of its new luxury building product design center
in Shrub Oak, Interstate + Lakeland Lumber teamed up with Marvin Win-
dows and Doors to bring one of the area’s premier food trucks, the Tasty
Yolk, to the lumber yard and luxury home showroom.
Interstate + Lakeland Lumber has operated its Shrub Oak lumber yard
since 1954, providing Yorktown area builders, designers, and architects with
top-quality products for nearly 70 years. With the new design center, which
opened in July, Interstate + Lakeland Lumber seeks to bring that same level
of excellence and care to the homeowner community.
Brian Goc (owner of Sunrise Carpentry who built the design center) and
the Interstate Lumber team: Dan Johnson (Shrub Oak manager), Brian
Kurtz (salesman and fourth-generation family member), Tim Wiltshire
(salesman), Bill Wuerth (salesman), and Frank Bowron (salesman)
Rental assistance and foreclosure prevention programs available
e Yorktown Community If you are a Westchester resi- to 7 p.m. at 1-844-NY1-RENT on their mortgages as of March vices of Westchester – 914-939-
Housing Board wants to inform dent outside of Yonkers, includ- (1-844-691-7368). 2020. For assistance contact: 2878
the Yorktown community that ing Yorktown, there are nonprof-
there are programs available to of- its that can help you apply for the For additional information on • e Bridge Fund of West- • Westchester Residential Op-
fer nancial assistance with evic- rent relief you need. ey include: the New York State ERAP pro- chester – 914-949-8146 portunities – 914-428-4507
tion and foreclosure prevention. gram and other COVID-related
• Community Housing Inno- housing assistance programs, • Community Housing Inno- is article was written by the
e New York Emergency vations – 914-683-1010 visit: westchestergov.com/hous- vations – 914-683-1010 Yorktown Community Housing Board.
Rental Assistance Program o ers inghelp.
direct payments to landlords for • Westchester Residential Op- • Human Development Ser-
eligible renters who owe up to 12 portunities – 914-428-4507 e Westchester County Fore-
or 15 months of back rent. It can closure Prevention COVID-19 WHY DO WE
also provide help with gas and For more information, and to Program can provide up to four
electric utility payments for those apply if you are outside of Yonkers, months of mortgage/cooperative ADVERTISE
who qualify because of COVID- visit: nysrenthelp.otda.ny.gov/en. arrears for those who can dem-
19-related nancial impacts. If you need help completing the onstrate COVID-19 as the rea- IN HALSTON
application, call the call center son and that they were up to date
Monday-Saturday, from from 8
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Page 28 – Yorktown News Thursday, August 12, 2021