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Published by Halston Media, 2022-01-20 14:34:32

Yorktown News 1.20.22

Vol. 10 No. 44 Visit for the latest news. Thursday, January 20, 2022

Welcome to ‘The Valley’

JV Mall looks to ll vacancies, become community hub

BY BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER The Jefferson Valley Mall Regarding Imagine VR’s owners Nilda ing for business owners who believe in our
EDITOR and Peter Petrov, “ ey created this to be vision.”
FILE PHOTO/BRIAN a fun place because their kids didn’t have
Reminiscing about the Je erson Valley MARSCHHAUSER anywhere to go,” Novak said. Today, despite the challenges of Co-
Mall is a popular pastime for Yorktown vid-19, the mall boasts an occupancy rate
residents of all ages. Despite those fond To be sure,shoppers can still browse well- “We have so much for the kids and so greater than 80 percent, which spells good
memories, what worked in the past has known chains like Foot Locker, H&M, much for the family,” she added. news for the town’s second-highest taxpay-
little bearing on how the mall operates in Ulta and Dick’s, and locally owned brands er (in 2021, the mall paid $1.5 million to
2022. like Launch Boutique and Auntie Liana’s. Coming to the mall soon is Valley Sports the Lakeland school district and $650,000
However, in recent years, parent company Hub, a baseball and softball training facil- to the town; only Con Ed, which owns 54
“I think part of the vision here is you’ve Washington Prime Group has worked to ity complete with batting cages. e Valley parcels, pays more).
got to be thinking in the future,” said Pirates, a club team, will operate out of the
Heather Novak, marketing director of ll the mall’s vacancies in nontraditional facility. “ is mall is essential to this commu-
Washington Prime Group. “ is is never ways. For example, the mall has welcomed nity,” Novak said.
going to be the mall of the ’90s again.” Orange eory ( tness center), Footbik “We’re opening more stores than we’re
(soccer center), Play Connection (family closing,” Novak said. “We are always look- e mall’s owner, Washington Prime
Everyone knows about the shopping fun party center), Pizzazzles (birthday par- Group, led for bankruptcy in June and lat-
and food options, but today’s version of ties, arts and crafts), and Imagine VR Stu- er delisted itself from the New York Stock
the Je erson Valley Mall is also home to dios (a virtual reality arcade). Exchange. However, the company emerged
free tness clubs, knitting groups, senior from bankruptcy in October with a new
Bingo and more. Just recently, the mall CEO and having shed about $1 billion in
hosted Yorktown seniors as they celebrated debt.
a member’s 100th birthday.
For some, the word “bankruptcy”paints a
“We provide a space for people to come picture of a sinking ship. But that wasn’t the
and gather,” Novak said. case for Washington Prime Group, Novak
said, which continues to invest new money
In fact, if you look closely around the into redeveloping its properties.
mall and in its marketing literature, you’ll
notice the word “mall” is being used less “We are not liquidating,” Novak said.
and less. Instead, the large building on Lee “We are going to expand.”
Boulevard is often referred to as “ e Val-
ley.” From chair yoga to large-scale college For example, the mall is creating a new
fairs,“ e Valley”has become a community outdoor beer garden next to PB Pizza &
center with a retail component. Beer.

“When people think of the mall, they “ ere is always a ton going on behind
have an outdated idea of what that means,” the scenes,”she said.“We’re going to do ev-
Novak said. erything we possibly can to make this the
best center possible for our local commu-

It May Not Feel Like It, But CLASSIFIEDS 23
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What Your Home is Worth, SPORTS 20
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Page 2 – Yorktown News “ ”What our readers are saying Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Staff In our Jan. 6 issue, we published a story about the Town Board developing legislation to allow alcohol consumption at four
town parks: the Downing Park pavilion, the Sparkle Lake service building, the recently approved Par 3 golf course in Shrub Oak,
EDITORIAL TEAM and Railroad Park (permits will be required). e legislation, which is subject to a public hearing, has not yet been approved.
EDITOR: 914-302-5628 e discussion continued on our Facebook page. Here’s what some of our readers had to say:
[email protected]
I de nitely know of hat our readerMakes some sense I’m not sure why adults ey should do it at But legal mari-
VIM WILKINSON people who wanted to Jack DeVito [Veterans
SPECIAL SECTIONS EDITOR rent the building at Spar- to do at the golf course drinking alcohol in pub- Memorial Field] where juana dispensaries
[email protected] kle Lake for a private and speci cally renting lic is raise-the-alarm- they have the Summer
private space at Sparkle worthy quality-of-life is- are the problem. OK.

(914) 806-3951 party and then chose not Lake perhaps. But would sue it appears to be here. Concert Series. –John C.
[email protected] s

BRUCE HELLER to because they couldn’t be a negative quality-of- What exactly is the worry
(914) 486-7608
[email protected] have adult beverages. life issue at the Railroad here? –Nick C.
No matte“rarheoswayincgo”ld it gets...To join the discussion, search “Yorktown News” on Facebook or visit
LISA KAIN –Christine M. Park and open spaces.
(201) 317-1139
[email protected] –Jim M.
(914) 760-7009 Let Keep You and Your Family
[email protected] Warm & Comfortable!

JAY GUSSAK Heat Pumps are the most e cient way to heat AND cool
(914) 299-4541 the rooms you live in, without wasting energy in the
[email protected] rooms you don’t.
(914) 924-9122 And, with NY utility rebates, there has never been a better
[email protected] time to upgrade to a whole-home heat pump.

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(ISSN 2329-8693)



Thursday, January 20, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 9

Yorktown Library Corner

e library is currently and Space Museum, Gug- license and discover.... Out- 11:30am. Lap sitting ba-
closed to visitors in an e ort genheim Museum, Hudson door exam. Masks required. bies and caregiver, join us
to keep everyone safe and in River Museum, and two ARRL Volunteer Examiners for rhymes, songs, stories,
alignment with all town facili- outdoor cultural and recre- – $15 per exam/retest. Bring and playtime. Please register
ties. ational sites: Storm King Art Photo ID, SSN, or FRN, and online.
Center and NYS Parks Empire current license (if applicable).
PORCH PICKUP resumes Pass. Patrons can also use the THURSDAY. JANUARY 27 Library clerk Maria S. with her
with the following hours: Bruce Museum pass to receive ere are no Morse Code (C) Toddler Time with book selection
reciprocal admission to over requirements. Candidates must
Monday, Wednesday, urs- a dozen area museums, such RSVP to [email protected]. Miss Marca on ZOOM! Ages
day – 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. as New York Hall of Science, 2?-4, 10:30 a.m. and 11:30
Wave Hill Public Garden and TUESDAY, JANUARY 25 a.m. Boost your child’s early
Tuesday – 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Cultural Center, Katonah of (C) Mother Goose Time literacy skills with ngerplays,
Friday, Saturday – 10 a.m-5 Art Museum. Children en- rhymes, songs and stories on
p.m. joyed visiting Westchester on ZOOM, Ages 1?-2?. 10:30 Zoom. Register online.
914-245-5262; yorktownli- Children’s Museum, “I get to a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Please join; [email protected] learn di erent things and join Miss Irena for rhymes, songs, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 in the face of horri c changes
(A) Adult di erent activities,” a comment and stories on Zoom! Please (A) Westchester Breathes on taking place around them.
(Y ) Teen from a child while return- register online.
(C) Children ing the pass. Another patron ZOOM. 9-10 a.m. Come to e heroic steps taken to help
also mentioned: “I discovered (C) Music and Movement learn simple, evidence-based others in danger by one of the
DID YOU KNOW? a hidden gem through the with Lori Cohen on ZOOM! exercises that can have a posi- sisters, kept me at the edge of
As a 21st century library, Bruce Museum pass reciprocal 6-6:45 p.m. Sign up to sing tive impact on your health. my seat. I did not want this
admission. It was great.” John and dance with other partici- book to end.”
John C. Hart strives to sup- C. Hart Memorial Library pants on Zoom, for children of (C) Music and Movement
port lifetime learning for card holders can check out a all ages. Please register online. with Lori Cohen on ZOOM! –Maria S.
everyone in the community. A pass for three days, which can 11-11:45 p.m. Sign up to sing Senior Library Clerk, Tech-
Hart Library card holder will be reserved up to one month in WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26 and dance with other partici- nical Services.
not only have access to tech- advance. Please call the library (C) Surprise Bag of Books, pants on Zoom, for children of Please visit the library web-
nology, multimedia contents, at 914-245-5262 for more all ages. Please register online. site ( cal-
and educational programs, but information. ages 3-5 and 6-10. All Day. endar for the details on all the
also museums and recreational We will choose and check out DID YOU READ? library’s upcoming programs
institutions. SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 “ e Nightingale” by Kris- and to register online! Due to
(A) Amateur Radio Exam, ve books on a related theme. the Covid restriction, pro-
e Museum Pass service Sign up online on Monday or tin Hannah. (2015, ISBN grams are subject to change.
is supported by the Friends of 11 a.m. Get your amateur radio Tuesday and pick up your bag 9780312577223). “Set in Please revisit the calendar for
the John C. Hart Memorial of books starting on Wednes- WWII France, a story about the latest updates before you
Library. Passes are available day of that week. the relationship between two join the program.
for Westchester Children’s sisters and the paths they take
Museum, Intrepid Sea, Air (C) Bouncing Babies on
ZOOM. 10:30 a.m. and


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Page 10 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, January 20, 2022

Heat pumps and the future of the ‘grid’

BY ROBERT DEANGELIS 2040 Yorkto wn100 Zero ere is much more to be Westchester, but not Yorktown) the
GUEST WRITER learned by listening to their incentives are outstanding.
Net Carbon STEP UP TO A recorded presentations which are
As we transition away from SUSTAINABLE available at the NY-Geo YouTube Sustainable Westchester’s web-
fossil fuels, we will rely LIFESTYLE page. e presenters showed some site provides a list of reputable, vet-
more heavily on renewable powerful graphic analysis. If you ted contractors who can help you
electricity and our electric grid. We Emissions by are primarily interested in the learn about what options would
will migrate our cars and home data, the presentation is avail- be best for you as homeowners
heating systems to clean grid-sup- electri cation of our heating Keep in mind that signi cant able here: ( and building owners. ey can
plied electricity. Geothermal or air systems and electric car-charging increases in grid power will result wp-content/uploads/2021/11/ also explain the New York State
source heat pumps are the best cur- on the grid. ey pointed out that in billions of dollars in upgrade ex- NY-GEO-Webinar_Presenter- rebates available to homeowners
rent options for home heating. You the grid must be sized for peak use. penditures. I saw that when viewed Slides_Session-23_Heat-Pump- (up to $15,000) and utility rebates
may wonder what impact will the Historically, this peak use period in totality, the system that really Grid-Impacts.pdf ). and help you apply for them. I am
added electrical usage have? Will was summer afternoons in New works for all of us is geothermal encouraged to learn more about
the grid be able to handle this? York State. In the future, it will be heat pumps. As new houses are constructed, a this excellent way to heat (and cool)
winter mornings. super-insulated passive solar house the majority of legacy homes and
I attended an excellent seminar Some additional points: is the best way to go for new con- buildings which includes energy
held by New York Geothermal If we all migrate to air source • Cold weather grid failure has struction. But many existing homes storage to minimize peak demand
Energy Organization (NY-GEO), heat pumps (which lose e ciency more serious implications than can make the conversion to geo- on the grid.
a not-for-pro t trade association as the temperature decreases) the summer failure in New York due to thermal even if they are not well-
representing the geothermal heat grid will be in big trouble on those frigid winter temperatures. positioned for solar panels. Prior to Yorktown100 is a 100 percent
pump (GHP) industry in New coldest days. Alternatively, if we mi- • Caution should be taken when viewing this presentation, I failed volunteer group of neighbors working
York State, on Tuesday, Nov. 9. grate to geothermal systems (which comparing New York State to to see the full bene t of geother- to reduce our carbon footprint by
have constant e ciencies indepen- places such as the UK. Our winter mal systems. ey may cost more 5 percent a year through various
e keynote speakers were Mark dent of outside temperature) the temperature minimums are far initially (depending on incentives), programs. Visit us at yorktown100.
Kleinginna of Integral Energy and grid will be in fairly good shape. below theirs. and are somewhat more complex. to learn more about how
Jens Ponikau of Bu alo Geother- However, those drawbacks are far you can make a di erence.
mal. ey showed the impact of out shadowed by the lower impact
a statewide migration to geother- Bob DeAngelis is a retired IBM
CARPET mal heat pumps would have on the engineering manager. He lives in
grid. Also, if you are in the ConEd Yorktown with his wife, and can often
gas moratorium area (most of be seen hiking or biking.

HARDWOOD Feel the sunshine...
even in the winter
HARDWOOD GUEST it. We must practice the art of
FLOORING CORNER bringing our own sunshine.

CERAMIC TILES KIM STOLL It doesn’t look the same for
everyone, but if you learn to
AREA RUGS Sometimes, you just have to bring your own sunshine to
bring your own sunshine. your day, no matter what cards
WINDOWS ’N BLINDS You know that feeling life is currently dealing you, its
you get when the weather is light will a ect everyone you
SHUTTERS come in contact with.
nally warm after a long winter.
LUXURY VINYL The You step outside in your ip- Sometimes it’s playing your
TILE & PLANK favorite tune and having a pri-
ops and favorite T-shirt and vate concert in your car to get
perfect floor. cannot help but stop, stand still the joy owing again. Maybe it’s
for a moment, close your eyes calling an old friend you haven’t
and tilt your head towards the talked to in a while. It could
sky and feel the warmth of the light up your day if you took
sun. You literally cannot help just 10 minutes to work on a
but smile. project or a hobby you love, but
have neglected.
Days aren’t always like that
though, are they? Find what lights you up
inside and make the time for it.
No. e winter days, cooped Learn how to bring your own
up inside, can feel long and sunshine.
arduous. More often, it’s the
symbolic rain cloud we carry Kim Stoll empowers women to
around like Eeyore due to our nd joy in every day and build
current circumstances. a life they love through positive
habits in mindset, tness, and
Truth is, we aren’t stuck under smart nutrition. Virtual coaching
available. Coachkimstoll@gmail.

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Photos for illustrative purposes only. ©2017 Carpet One Floor & Home. All Rights Reserved 208-8151 or email [email protected].

Thursday, January 20, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 11

One last time BRIEFS
Yorktown Repair Cafe items, crockery, jewelry, computers/
electronics—anything that is bro-
Firstly, let me wish everyone a happy
belated New Year and I hope everyone $26,000 per employee back from the federal e next Repair Cafe will be held ken is welcome. e volunteer Repair
enjoyed a great Martin Luther King Jr. government.
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. Cafe specialists almost always have the
On Saturday, Jan. 29, there will be a
22, at Grace Lutheran Church at the know-how to determine whether your

Day. e Yorktown Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cutting and grand opening for Direct corner of Curry and Gomer streets in item can be repaired, and if possible,

is excited and revved up to get Physical erapy Yorktown. Volunteer repair coaches make the repair.

back to business for 2022 and located at 201 Veter- will be available to help people make all By promoting repairs, the Repair

we have many great events CHAMBER ans Road, Yorktown possible repairs free of charge. People Cafe can help reduce waste that oth-
already planned for the New CORNER Heights. Come join us
Year. as we usher in yet AN- wishing to bring their beloved but bro- erwise ends up in land lls or incinera-

SERGIO ken items from home (limit two items; tors, and celebrate the volunteers who
I would like to speak about OTHER new business no gas-powered items) should pre- graciously share their skills with their
our incredible annual sponsor- to our great town.
register via Sign-Up Genius to select neighbors.

ship opportunities. We have Lastly, planning has a time to attend — Government at Work
our signature Platinum, Dia- already begun for our

mond, Gold, and Silver levels, Home and Lifestyles While this is not a rm “appoint-

which o er price points for any budget and Expo slated for late February.  Please look ment,” this will help ensure that there • ursday, Jan. 20, Lakeland Board

awesome bene ts that will help your business for details for this exciting event held at the is not a crowd of people waiting to of Education, 7 p.m.

excel. Valley. be served. All attendees must wear a • Monday, Jan. 24, Yorktown Plan-

On the horizon, we have some great events One nal note: As of the publication of proper mask. Refreshments will not ning Board, 7 p.m.

planned to round out January 2022, so let’s this letter, I have stepped down as president be provided out of an abundance of • Monday, Jan. 24, Yorktown Board

dive right into them! and am looking forward to my new role as caution. Lamps, small appliances, bi- of Education, 7 p.m.

On Saturday, Jan. 22, the Valley Sports past president. I will continue to be an out- cycles, clocks, textiles, toys, wooden • Tuesday, Jan. 25, Yorktown Town

Hub located on the rst oor of the Valley spoken and staunch advocate for our business items, crockery, jewelry, computers/ Board, 7:30 p.m.

( JV Mall), will be having a grand opening community and will continue to contribute electronics—anything that is broken Visit,,

and ribbon cutting. e sports hub is a col- signi cantly to the Yorktown Chamber both is welcome. Lamps, small appliances, or for agenda in-

lection of sports training for youth athletes as a member of our executive team and as a bikes, clocks, fabrics, toys, wooden formation or to watch/participate.

as well as health and wellness services for Board of Director.

all.  Join us as we celebrate this great event.   Please contact our o ce at 914-245-4599 Letters and Op-Ed Policy
Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
At 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 26, the for more details or catch us online at york- and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
of Yorktown News or its affiliates. Submissions must include a phone
Chamber, along with Artis Senior Living, number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified
will host a Covid-safe networking event lo- or are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions
to the editor by e-mail at [email protected]. For more
cated at 51 Clayton Blvd., Yorktown Heights. Sergio Esposito is the past president of the information, call the editor at 914-302-5628.

On ursday, Jan. 27, Michael Yates will Yorktown Chamber of Commerce. e Chamber

o er a webinar on, “ e Employee Bene t Corner is being published by Yorktown News as

Retention Program.” Michael will walk us an in-kind service for its marketing partner, the

through the ins and outs on receiving up to Yorktown Chamber of Commerce.

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Page 12 Yorktown News – Thur

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rsday, January 20, 2022 Page 13

wins gymnastics meet The combined Hen/Hud/
John Jay/Ossining/Peekskill/
Somers/Yorktown gymnas-
tics team defeated Mahopac,
171.2 to 161.45, on Monday,
Jan. 10, at the Eclipse Gym-
nastics Center in Mahopac.

ont row: Natalie Calman, Ossining; McKenna Mullins, Somers; Regan Mooney, Amelia Carozza, and Gianna Mastro, Gianna
f; Karlie Thea, Kylie Schall, and Clair Jahaly, John Jay-Cross River; Maggie Johansen, Hendrick Hudson; Kayla Mastro
nna Bemeo, Peekskill.

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Page 14 – Yorktown News OPINION Thursday, January 20, 2022

Where is this in Yorktown? MARTORANO

Congratulations to Terita Bradoc, who was the only If you know where this week’s photo was taken or FROM PAGE 8

reader to correctly identify that the Jan. 6 photo was taken at you want to submit your own photo, email the editor at to not be afraid to go into federal court.”
But her dedication wasn’t limited to
Interstate Lakeland Lumber. [email protected].
the courtroom. In 1986, she purchased
The Jan. 6 photo a 45-acre parcel of land in Texas and
opened her own camp, the Refugio del
This week’s photo Rio Grande. She transformed it into
a self-sustaining community with its
PHOTOS: BRIAN own medical, legal, and living facili-
MARSCHHAUSER ties. As a result, even though most of
us have never heard of her, she was
quite a folk hero among the people
who so desperately needed her help.
Her long-time friend, Mary Howell,
put it best: “She came of age during
the Vietnam War era. She wondered,
what does it mean to be an American?
She questioned our government and
our democracy.” Lisa Brodyaga was
diagnosed with cancer two years ago
but continued to maintain a heavy
caseload. Her son reported that she
was writing briefs until the day she
died. He added, “she wanted to see
that justice was served.” Lisa died on
Oct. 28, at the age of 81, at the home
of the refugee camp she founded in the
Rio Grande.

ere is so much that can be learned
from the examples set by all the great
people that left us this past year. My
humble column hardly scratches the


Staying home can make vascular diseases worse

Tips for reducing your symptoms

If you or GUEST e most common form of walk, your leg muscles feel tired make you want to move. a ected leg elevated for speci c
a loved CORNER vascular disease a ects the arteries from lack of blood. However, if • Use a stationary bike. Posi- periods of time during each day.
one is and is called atherosclerosis. A you keep walking, that tiredness
older, it’s DR. ADITYA build-up of plaque in the inner triggers your brain to prune the tion it near the TV and have your is next tip is extremely
sensible to RACHAKONDA walls of the arteries causes them to dysfunctional arteries and grow remote handy. important to your health if you’re
narrow, which results in dimin- brand-new channels for blood living with vascular disease.
stay home ished blood ow. is condition • Buy a tness watch that
often leads to peripheral artery ow called collateral branches. tracks your steps. Wear it (they Keep seeing your doctor,
during the pandemic. disease, which involves diminished Picture driving on a road, and look cool – your grandkids will be whether in person, on the phone,
blood ow to the muscles of your suddenly being stopped by an impressed!) while you walk “laps” or through telemedicine. You will
But let’s face it: staying home legs. Because your leg muscles are obstruction. You can’t keep going around your house. You’ll enjoy
being starved of nourishment, you straight. But there are detours – the way your watch keeps track of gure out a game plan together
usually leads to inactivity. If you feel pain when you walk. side roads – that let you reach your how much you’re doing, and mo- for maintaining your walking.
destination. tivates you to stick to your plan.
have vascular disease, inactivity Other types of vascular disease Skipping doctor’s appoint-
a ect your veins. If you have ve- In order for your brain to trig- • Use a tness app on your cell- ments can lead to hazardous
means not keeping up the walk- nous insu ciency disease or venus ger the creation of new pathways phone that guides you through outcomes. Please know that the
re ux disease, the valves of your for the blood, your walking regi- small activities and easy exercises, care and safety of our community
ing program that’s the mainstay leg veins have become leaky. As a men must be consistent: at least while keeping track of your prog- during the ongoing COVID-19
result, blood doesn’t move back up ress. Get set to be impressed by pandemic is Northern Westches-
of most treatment. ese days, as your leg toward your heart in the ve days a week for a minimum your own achievements! ter Hospital’s top priority. We
way it should. Instead, it pools or of 30 minutes each time, prefer- have put maximum safety mea-
the older population self-con nes even ows backwards. Another ably on something hard, like • Set the timer on your cell- sures in place to prevent exposure
condition that a ects the veins, concrete. phone and take a walk around to the coronavirus for anyone
in their homes, vascular surgeons called peripheral edema, involves your home. ink of a pleasant or who comes to the Hospital for
the chronic retention of uid in But how in the world can funny memory connected with emergent or scheduled care.
across the country are noting leg tissues. Both conditions cause you walk ve days a week for 30 each room as you walk through it. Learn about what we are doing to
leg pain and chronic swelling. minutes in your home? Here are keep you safe and what to expect
with concern that patients are not strategies that have the “Seal of • If you’re sitting at a table or if you need care:
Instead of surgery…daily walk- Approval” of my patients with desk for long periods, every two coronavirus.
properly managing their disease ing. e standard treatment for all vascular disease, people who are hours take a walk of ve to ten
these conditions is not surgery. It mostly 65 years and up and cur- minutes. Dr. Aditya Rachakonda,
through walking. is increases is walking. rently self-isolating. (My 95-year- MD, RPVI, is a Vascular and
old patient walks at home every • When sitting, keep your legs Endovascular Surgeon at Northern
the risk of complications. Why is walking so e ective in day and she’s in better cardiovas- elevated. Westchester Hospital, which
stabilizing vascular disease? cular health than some patients in is a marketing partner of this
So how do you keep active their 60s.) • If you have chronic leg newspaper. To learn more about
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while staying home? Read on for age in your leg artery. When you • Use a treadmill. Listen to mu- while you watch a TV show (say
sic as you walk and the beat will 25 minutes). Or set a timer and
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at home (and maybe even enjoy- e goal is to walk and keep the

ing it) and keeping symptoms at


What is vascular disease?

Your blood ows through two

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cells of your body. Veins collect

the blood from all body points

and bring it back to your heart.

Vascular disease a ects the arteries

or veins.

Thursday, January 20, 2022 OPINION Yorktown News – Page 15

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Page 16 – Yorktown News Thursday, January 20, 2022


L/P beats PV, earns wins in multi-meet

Huskers’ Larson makes history on mat

BY MIKE SABINI Yorktown Wrestling PHOTO: DENNIS MCGANNON program and that we have the
CONTRIBUTING WRITER (7-11) coaches to lead anyone to success,
Rebel Stephen Carroll pinned his opponent. no matter their age or prior skill
Lakeland/Panas JOHN JAY CR 41, level. It just shows the coaches
Wrestling (7-7) YORKTOWN 33 PHOTO: STEFANIA LONGOBUCCO know what they are doing and
teach all the right things.”
LAKELAND/PANAS 51, Tuesday, Jan. 11 (Yorktown Rowan Larson became the first seventh grader in Yorktown history to
PUTNAM VALLEY 22 High School) win a varsity match, when he won by pin on Jan. 11 against visiting Lakeland Boys
John Jay-Cross River. Basketball (6-4)
Tuesday, Jan. 11 (Lakeland Yorktown gave a great e ort
High School) against traditional powerhouse PHOTO: DENNIS MCGANNON HEN HUD 52, LAKELAND 49
John Jay-Cross River on its senior Wednesday, Jan. 12 (Lakeland
Lakeland/Panas defeated Put- night, when the Huskers hon- Rebel Kevin Hickey pinned his opponent in Lakeland/Panas’ 51-22
nam Valley, 51-22, led by Matt ored seniors Dillon Carter and victory against visiting Putnam Valley. High School)
Sanchez (110 pounds, forfeit), Luca Stanford, with the Wolves Lakeland fell to Hendrick
Alex Russo (118, pin), Spen- pulling out a 41-33 victory. overtime loss in the 138-pound did.”
cer Maja (138, forfeit), Ste- Hudson, 52-49, when Sailor
phen Carroll (145, pin), Coo- Winning his match in the bracket. Ofrias, who won by a 9-6 deci- Gino Womack connected on a
per Schmidt (152, pin), Chris 110-pound weight class, while three-pointer with four seconds
Ciraco (172, pin), Luis Najara weighing in at 102 pounds, was “We were able to beat Peekskill sion, became the second Husker left in the game.
(189, forfeit), Connor McGan- Husker Joe Tornambe. Tornam-
non (215, decision, 14-12), and be won by a 9-6 decision against because of the mindset we had seventh-grader in three days to Chris Whyte-Luciano (24
Kevin Hickey (285, pin). Joseph Gabrielle, an All-Section points), David Mula (13 points),
caliber John Jay grappler. going in before the meet started,” win a varsity match. Andrew Mendel (6 points), Lo-
“We were so successful be- gan Shiland (3 points), Grady
cause we went into the match Carter also wrestled an All- Carter said. “We knew we were “Rowan and Frank’s varsity Leonard (2 points), and Ryan
Section caliber opponent in Tocci (2 points) earned their way
red up, ready to go, and Cameron Wierl, winning by pin more than capable of beating this wins are a very big step for not into the box score for the Hor-
were able to carry that energy at 152 pounds, with Nick Bucello nets.
throughout,” Hickey said. (118) and James Madden (215) team and we just had to stick to only the program but for the
both earning pins as well. Yorktown Boys
As for Hickey individually, he what we know and everything coaches,” Carter said. “It shows Basketball (5-6)
was helped in recording his pin “It honestly meant the world
thanks to his teammates being for me to pin my opponent on se- MAHOPAC 60, YORKTOWN 59
as red up as they were. nior night,” said Carter, a Husker Wednesday, Jan. 12 (Yorktown
captain. “It was extra special be-
“For me personally, it was cause I remember my rst varsity High School)
helpful that I could feed o that match in eighth grade I won, and Billy Feeks (22 points), Justin
energy and come into the match I won my last one in that gym as
all ready to go,” Hickey said. well.” Price (18 points, 7 assists), and
Eddie Brucaj (9 points, 15 re-
BREWSTER 44, What made the win even bounds) led Yorktown in their
LAKELAND/PANAS 24 sweeter was beating someone like hard-fought loss to Mahopac,
Wierl. 60-59.
Thursday, Jan. 13 (Brewster
High School) “I was aware that this kid was YORKTOWN 59,
good and it would be a battle,” ALBERTUS MAGNUS 32
e Rebels fell to Brewster, Carter said. “I made sure to con-
44-34, with Russo (118, pin), stantly look for better positions Saturday, Jan. 15 (Tappan Zee
Carroll (145, pin), McGannon and capitalized on everything High School)
(189, forfeit), and Hickey (285, that was available and that is
forfeit) all recording victories for what led me to victory.” Ignited by Brucaj (28 points,
Lakeland/Panas. 14 rebounds), Yorktown defeated
Rowan Larson (102) also won Albertus Magnus, 59-32, in the
LAKELAND/PANAS’ MULTI by pin, making him the rst sev- Children’s Tumor Foundation
MEET enth-grader in Yorktown history Showcase.
to win a varsity match.
Saturday, Jan. 15 (Walter Pa- For his e orts, Brucaj was
nas High School) YORKTOWN 39, PEEKSKILL 27 named CTF Showcase Player of
Thursday, Jan. 13 (Peekskill the Game.
Lakeland/Panas’ Maja (126),
Alex Ryzy (152), Yan Ryzy High School) “It felt good to win during that
(160), Yorktown defeated Peekskill, event because I knew we were
supporting a bigger cause,” Price
Hunter Dagnino (160), Gavin 39-27, ignited to the victory said. “So, to be able to play in an
Crilly (191), McGannon (191), by Larson (102, forfeit), Frank event that isn’t just for the players
and Dan Hurley (285) each Ofrias (110, decision), Jason but is for other people who are in
went 2-0 in the Rebels’ multi- Glicksman (126, pin), Anthony more need than us, means a lot.”
meet. Muscolino (132, decision), Cart-
er (152, pin), Max Vanderbeek Price (15 points, 10 rebounds,
e meet included John Jay- (172, decision), Rocco Lore (189, 4 assists) and Jack Prybylski (6
Cross River, Hendrick Hudson, pin), Madden (215 decision), and points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists)
Ossining, and Edgemont. ere Evan Menocal (285, pin).
were 85 total matches, with ev- SEE ROUNDUP PAGE 17
ery wrestler getting at least two Samson Newberger didn’t win,
matches. but wrestled very tough in an

would fall into place, which it that this is a legit wrestling

Thursday, January 20, 2022 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 17

ROUNDUP an unassisted goal and teammate Ty Hart Nullet being honored before the Gordon (122, 330), Olivia McTiernan
Wing eld recorded 22 saves in Clark- game. (116, 293), Rabadi (113, 283), Ho (121,
FROM PAGE 16 stown’s 7-1 victory. 251), and Bashjawish (90, 231) led Lake-
stood out as well in a dominant Husker JOHN JAY CR 4, BYSNS 1 Lakeland Bowling land to a 7-0 triumph against Yorktown.
e ort.
Sunday, Jan. 16 (Brewster Ice Arena) All matches at Cortlandt Lanes Yorktown was paced by Kailey
“We were so dominant because we With 8:35 remaining in the third pe- O’Connell (138, 378), Akshyasree Ravi
stuck to our game plan on both o ense riod, the BYSNS’ Jonathan Graham BOYS 7 2 (110, 287), and Devin Besselman (72,
and defense,” Price said. “We played our scored, o an assist from Makarenko, that 208).
style of basketball and that’s what we tied John Jay-Cross River at 1-1 but the LAKELAND 7, GREELEY 0
need to do every game.” Wolves responded with three goals to re- Wednesday, Jan. 12 Yorktown Bowling
cord a 4-1 win. Chris Closi (203, 574), JT Maccar-
BYSNS’ Ice Hockey (6-5- Wing eld did his part by making 18 saves. All matches at Cortlandt Lanes
1) rone (191, 475), Kyle Hickey (138, 349),
e game was the BYSNS’senior game, Austin Kara (172, 315), Mike Antonucci BOYS 7 3
CLARKSTOWN 7, BYSNS 1 with their seniors Makarenko, Graham, (148, 285), and Christian Romer (124,
Saturday, Jan. 15 (Brewster Ice Arena) Jaden Rothschild, omas Eberhardt, 223) led Lakeland to a 7-0 victory against YORKTOWN 7, BRIARCLIFF 0
e BYSNS’ Sava Makarenko scored Jacob Gasparini, Francesca Mangione, Horace Greeley. Wednesday, Jan. 12
Michael D’Erasmo, Callahan Du , and Matthew Kirey (212, 599), Kevin Kirey
BYSNS goalie Ty Wingfield LAKELAND 7, JOHN JAY CR 0
PHOTO: ROB DIANTONIO Thursday, Jan. 13 (191, 530), Riley Zhou (195, 472), Joshua
Lakeland defeated John Jay-Cross Riv- Placido (166, 439), Finn Larsen (146,
255), and Joseph Mana (93, 93) led York-
er 7-0, with Kara (191, 528), Antonucci town in their 7-0 victory versus Briarcli .
(189, 490), Closi (165, 480), Maccarrone
(159, 467), Romer (121, 234), and Tyler PANAS 7, YORKTOWN 0
Steimel (144, 144) doing the honors for Thursday, Jan. 13
the Hornets. Matthew Kirey (223, 586), Kevin Han-

GIRLS 4 6 sen (193, 496), Kevin Kirey (170, 464),
Placido (176, 457), Larsen (128, 241),
GREELEY 5, LAKELAND 2 and Zhou (112, 112) led Yorktown in
Wednesday, Jan. 12 their 7-0 defeat to Walter Panas.
Mikhaila Gordon (158, 353) Meghan
Ho (118, 302), Jasmine Bashjawish (114,
280), and Faith Rabadi (103, 277) pro- JOHN JAY CR 7, YORKTOWN 0
duced for the Hornets in their 5-2 loss to Wednesday, Jan. 12
Horace Greeley. O’Connell (205, 512), Tiana Rogers

LAKELAND 7, YORKTOWN 0 (191, 400), Sheridan Gorman (98, 220),
Thursday, Jan. 13 and Besselman (81, 216) paced the Husk-
ers in their 7-0 loss to John Jay-Cross River.

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Page 18 – Yorktown News SPORTS Thursday, January 20, 2022


Ascencao, Smith
named All-Americans

LHS players continue to earn highest honors

BY MIKE SABINI of my focus and energy to every

CONTRIBUTING WRITER play, drill, and game helped me

earn this,” said Smith, who led

Lakeland has a tradition of Lakeland to a Section 1 Class B

its players earning the highest title and a 17-1-2 record.

honors, and that continued with Sarsen said that she shares As-

graduate Jess Ascencao becom- cencao’s success with not only her

ing the rst-ever rst-team All- and her family, but with Szablin-

New Paltz’s Jess American in New Paltz history ski and the Hawks’ sta as well.
and current Lakeland senior Mia “Jess is a player that accepted
SORBELLINI PHOTOS Smith being named third-team any role given to her during her

National Field Hockey Coaches high- school years and showed

Association (NFHCA) All- her worth time and time again,”

American. Sarsen said. “She was a mid eld-

“It is so exciting to receive this er/defender, that played consis-

honor,” said Ascencao, a senior tently and intelligently each and

mid elder/defender. “It’s a great every game. Jess came up biggest

feeling to know all of the hard when it mattered most and she

work and commitment since was a key player in three state

high school has paid o .” championships.  She was a win-

Smith, who will play in col- ner and committed to doing the

lege at UMass-Amherst, most simple well and using her talents

often plays mid eld, but says she to help her team win.”

enjoys playing anywhere on the During college, Ascencao’s role

eld, whenever she can. increased, as she was a top option

“It feels so amazing to have on o ensive corners.

been named to the team, and a “Her ability to read the play

great ending to my high school and nd the open player resulted

eld hockey career,” Smith said. in o ensive corners being a huge

Lakeland coach Sharon Sarsen tool for the New Paltz team,”

isn’t surprised they earned All- Sarsen said. “She was critical in

American honors. outletting and was exceptional

Lakeland's “Both players are such hard in nding the open player and
Mia Smith
workers,” Sarsen said. “ ey don’t building the ball up the eld. Jess
MONETTI wait for opportunities, they make showed her leadership,talents,in-

them. I can’t tell you all the times telligence, and skill each and ev-

I have stumbled across these two ery game. I had a chance to watch

players putting in the extra work more games this year than in the

on their own.” past due to the fact that most

Sarsen said that players like games are now live-streamed and

Ascencao and Smith are great in- I also saw a bunch in person. Her

spirations to their teammates and con dence and determination

APARPR younger and upcoming players. was contagious and helped lead

PUBLICITY WITH PERSONALITY “ ey have shown that putting the team throughout the season

in the work will get you where and during the NCAA Tourna-

you want to go,” Sarsen said. ment.”

“ ey do it with kindness and Smith showed her skill and

helpfulness. ey are the greatest athleticism immediately from the

examples to all of us.” moment she took on the sport.

Ascencao, who led New Paltz “She had an opportunity to

to a program record 17 wins, its jump right into a starting position

sixth SUNYAC title, and into her sophomore year during the

the second round of the NCAA 2019 state championship season,”

Tournament for just the fourth Sarsen said. “She has continued

time ever, said she’s always had to nd ways to learn and improve

excellent coaches and a competi- each and every year. As a junior,

Public Rela ons For... tive nature. she showed moments of brilliance,
Businesses | Individuals | Organiza ons | Events
“It is because I am always com- but it was her senior year where
Your Message Is Our Mission
peting with myself to improve she shined day in and day out.
Leave Your Message Here...
(914) 275-6887 | bruceaparpr @ in every aspect on the eld and is season, Mia was incredible.

BRUCE APAR because coach (Shanna) Szablin- She was driven and determined to

ski and coach Sarsen are always win despite the fact that our team

pushing their players to reach only had four returning starters. I

their full potential, that I was will remember the fact that Mia

able to earn this honor,” Ascenc- never took a play o in practice or

ao said. in a game. She was never too tired

Smith’s all-out nature helped to run another 100 yards to win

her be recognized. the ball back for her team. She

“I believe my intensity on the was everywhere on every play. She

eld by always giving 100 percent is an incredible two-way player.”

Thursday, January 20, 2022 SPORTS Yorktown News – Page 19

Hornets start season
with 10 straight wins We are
Lucas’ trey gives Huskers big win to keep
BY MIKE SABINI “In the third quarter, we came our next game on Tuesday vs. hard and
CONTRIBUTING WRITER out strong by pressuring the ball Greeley,” Lucas said. continue
our streak.’
and anticipating their passes,” Emily Ward (10 rebounds, 3
One big reason for Lakeland’s Hormazabal said. “We were very assists) and Nicole omas (4 as- Devane
Lakeland Girls
success so far is its ability to work aggressive. Our defense creates sists) also produced for Yorktown Basketball

as a team, thus it was appropri- o ense for us, it has been a cru- against Brewster. Lakeland’s
ate it improved to 10-0 with an cial factor to our winning this Yorktown (3-4) played host Ljuljic

81-32 triumph against visiting season.” Mahopac tough on Jan. 12, be- FILE PHOTO/
Poughkeepsie on Friday, Jan. 14. fore the Indians pulled away for DIANTONIO

“It was a good team win,” said YORKTOWN GIRLS a 48-27 win.

Lakeland coach Miranda Man- BASKETBALL Mahopac jumped out to a 16-4

gan. Yorktown earned their biggest lead before Yorktown climbed to

e Hornets set the tone right win of the season so far, by de- within one of Mahopac’s lead,

from the start, scoring the rst 20 feating visiting Brewster, 43-40, 17-16, on a free throw by Sev-

points of the game, which they on Jan. 14. erino, with 6:01 to go in the third

led 35-9 at the end of the rst e game-winning points quarter.

quarter. came when the Huskers broke a “We made some changes in Upgrade Your Home with a

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Page 20 – Yorktown News LEISURE Thursday, January 20, 2022

CLUES ACROSS 26. Vietnamese offensive 52. Italian monk title (prefix) 12. Fashion accessory For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Breathe noisily 27. Retail term 53. Parties 14. Steal

5. __ Nui, Easter Island 29. Netted 54. Type of horse 15. Becomes less intense

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How to care for winter
birds that visit your yard

e pristine, white backdrop of a enging strategies to nd as much food

snowy winter day can be a wonder to as possible can bene t from a little

behold. While fresh snow on the ground wintertime help. Penn State Extension

can make for awe-inspiring landscapes, suggests providing a variety of foods to

the absence of greenery amid the stark- attract the greatest number of species.

ness of winter poses challenges for ani- Small, black-oil sun ower seeds are pre-

mals that do not ride out winter in a state ferred by many smaller species of bird

of hibernation. and have a high oil content that is nutri-

Several bird species stay in colder cli- tionally important for birds. Other sun-

mates over the winter. Red-winged cross- ower seeds will be appropriate for blue

bills, snow buntings, bohemian waxwings, jays and cardinals. Some other popular

evening grosbeaks, and cardinals are just foods include white proso millet, thistle

some of the birds one may nd while gaz- seed, niger seed, and peanuts.

ing outside on a chilly winter’s day. Bird- Consult a wild bird store, which likely

ing in the winter can be a rewarding hob- sells a birdseed mix that enables you to

by because, despite the chilly conditions, place a variety of seed into one feeder. In

birds tend to be easy to nd in bare trees. addition to seed, suet, which is made from

Furthermore, the colder temperatures high-quality animal fat, is crucial for birds

may keep many people inside, mean- in the winter. Families can get crafty by

ing neighborhoods, trails and parks can spreading peanut butter onto pine cones

be very quiet, making it easier for those and sprinkling seed on top. Hang the

who brave the cold to see birds. pine cones tied to pieces of string from

e Royal Society for the Protection tree branches for homemade feeders.

of Birds indicates that winter is a dif- Birds likely need a little help surviving

cult time of year for birds due to the the winter, when conditions can be bleak.

weather and the scarcity of food. Fur- O ering food and observing backyard

thermore, birds must consume a lot of visitors can be a great way to unwind on

food in a short amount of time to have winter afternoons.

the energy and body warmth to survive

each day. Even birds that store food in is article was provided by Metro Cre-

caches or have developed special scav- ative Connection.

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about the special moments
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Thuobrrisrdathan,yn,eiJvnaegnrasugaaerrmyy. 2eS0ne,tn2, dw02ue2sddaing LEGAL NOTICES
Yorktown News – Page 21

photo and announcement at
com or mail it to Yorktown Notice of Formation of KEVIN INVITATION TO BID 
EdNiteowrsi,a1l 1S8uNb.mBeisdsfoiordnRsoad, CONNECT LLC. Articles of MEMBRANE FILTRATION MODULE REPLACEMENT 
PreSsusitere1le0a0s,eMsoaunndt pKhisocto,sNY Organization filed with Secretary YORKTOWN HEIGHTS WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT 
of State of NY (SSNY) on 2021-
sh1ou0l5d4b9e. Tshuebrmeitistendotcoharge 10-06. Office location: TOWN OF YORKTOWN, NEW YORK 

Yorfkotrotwhins Nanewnosubnycethmeent. Send Westchester County. SSNY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Yorktown,
Thuarsedlaf-yadbdefroersesethdestnaemxtped designated as agent of Limited Westchester County, New York, at the Town Hall, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown Heights, New York, until
puebnlicvealtoiopnedifaytoeu. ’d like your Liability Company (LLC) upon 11:00 A.M., on February 4, 2022 for Membrane Filtration Module Replacement for the Water Pollution Control
whom process against it may be Plant.  
new addreSsuspb) served. SSNY should mail Specifications and standard proposals for the bid may be obtained at the office of the Town Clerk at said Town
as it cahenamlgsaetilotenvdmetreoydyioacr.okcnotomfwunsonirnemgwasfi@ol r process to KEVIN A BONSU: Hall. Bid documents may also be obtained on the Town of Yorktown’s website at (under
2005 PALMER AVE #790 Bids & RFPs link) and  A completed Bid Proposal Form must be returned to the Town
LARCHMONT NY 10538. Clerk, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, marked:  “Membrane Filtration Module
it to Yorktown News, 118 N. Purpose: Any lawful purpose Replacement.” 
Bedford Road, Suite 100, The Town of Yorktown reserves the right to waive any informalities in the bids, to reject any or all bids and
Mount Kisco, NY 10549. reserves the right to accept that bid which it deems most favorable to the interests of the Town of Yorktown. 
SslikSTYteaeohnpmredykopostaoreuptwdrsosnerpetDlhsnfN-ovaedetedaoweldoadsrrpdeeliiesltsinunstireefheneydefoodSur.u’dnday Notice of Formation of Strongman No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. 
before the next publication Pools & Home Improvement LLC. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of mail by the employees of the Town of
date. Varsity coaches should Articles of Organization filed with Yorktown. Whether sent by mail or means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes the responsibility for having
SibLopaynoerbhibitsphsthrtohrtyupoeoyauatkeoahyobutmtnlbtesohuo,rormtnTl-tiseteerumwocahtisivnhrlasntYnunsiaeafgehntmardorneirinaesloeosm,seueaddgstuinapwwogudneearlrerhdhdsmliynyseatecMb@.eapsocabi.-eSoattcmoruhleaheinesreolrlnasfn.eaoteatmnmoc,[email protected]’onodtsnlsdfshewaledonmaduenyalnrreoibmetsentnsusmpsdageastoithxitatribtto.teysnd Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) bids in on the time and the place specified above.  
on 2021-12-31. Office location:                                                                                          
Westchester County. SSNY                                                                                                 DIANA L. QUAST, TOWN CLERK 
designated as agent of Limited                                                                                                 TOWN OF YORKTOWN 
Liability Company (LLC) upon                                                                                                 CERTIFIED MUNICIPAL CLERK 
whom process against it may be
served. SSNY should mail REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
Habitat Ln   Cortlandt Manor NY
com or mail it to Yorktown 10567. Purpose: Any lawful
Notice of Formation of New York
Eye and Face Oculoplastic
Surgery PLLC. Articles of
Organization filed with Secretary NOTICE IS HERE GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the Town Clerk, Town of Yorktown,
News, 118 N. Bedford Road, of State of NY (SSNY) on 2021- Westchester County, NY until 11:00 AM on February 4, 2022 at Town Hall, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown
Suite 100, Mount Kisco, NY 12-21. Office location: Heights, NY 10598 for Lake Mohegan Aquatic Pesticide Treatments.
10549. There is no charge Westchester County. SSNY Copies of the Request for Proposal Documents are available upon request or on the Town’s website,
for this announcement. Send designated as agent of under “Bids and RFPs,” as well as on BidNet, All completed
a self-addressed stamped Professional Limited Liability proposals must be labeled “RFP:  Lake Mohegan Aquatic Pesticide Treatments” and must be accompanied
LEGAL NOTICESYYhbhLLbSSYbLhSTTooTeeeeoeeNNNaaaAAddAddddyyllylTSNNJJNJeeeeee---uuuhAdTYbpegggrrAAprADDDohsseeanhs---aaadottrtddUUefdvUollIIlIiiksoievssesrootNNoNpatnnrn.otleossebbeesboeodAsiiGGiGppwprrddvvdpeevrevdteteetehneeD,,eee,vsitCCHHCHcccrrsernnurneNiesssstdssaafiarrooEEoiEn:::nnaesetssy55s5ieAAAillweoalhhsdgh77n7oooxedudyysDDygDltnnncccmi.D’lpppdipnidooo::n:spphhpheeuenneFFneFltrrieernebaakhuuddudooonnfntleddoeittseetecsss11uul1urnnlnyiaTcni000rrorssnhasteaaa///uieeenuo11e1rdddfBBBnr11o1sTTTrrrrdeee,,,agggbbbyuuuooollllllaaadddfLNrrrSCpS1pBi,,,luo0eurSuro11111odid5triaNm22ti882pcu8c9enwYeo//spp/pep1111s.1Csia.tttstos0Ae44hn4,,hP,hf2rya,,oCC,uCoStFginSaarua(coe77Pp7a:llllllcrdeeoill55Ll25mnressL4ecc--mc-spaeC5YYtoYaataatya:fi)ppipNro11tiA1HlyOussnsm00n0ppBo,,ro,y00rog0aolrfuuoulofaoynlScannnnaTwbewtwidhddadzsefNhwetasueeeesotYlaRrrrtiemoooyllloriinfivnnnnNeieenedY. with an executed non-collusive bidding certificate.
LLEEGGAALL NNOOTTIICCEESSdNwpwNpddpwrreere///YYoooNNssNssbbshtYditiiccoicopubaWfciaggSSeyeaagSoo11eenoeraronnbdtemtnfSStleSsstt00estfeksoehmiissroiaams8aNNeN55-ccttsdcsr.temtttoraom4eees66essuseeeeeiVmYYYsnlwteees00dd5adbsrsaatooaorrhrmaraa..hnoim-rvvnffvenflgo2PP22m-ff2tsfeeeeredstooionN@ouFFi//0Fi/oedduuodttude22rrnf2rltooeyro8narrhsdfeli33se3eppeaarrwtaaered,ssa-scdps//mm/8cxmggaoorgeee.-cryols111cmtorsrraa1rlavssaoabaaaes88a8ovvPeeiivtrpiiiLL5nuLylsnnttacoontc..atii.::milDuiiiccsLL1cLdresshinoostAAoyBtleebOObeO@ttFitCC.hC..ocnnemnoairelnnAnFleuiLLsevLnoooidcFFeyyFeooolfoistffalfLLaLdoSsaOOdtOffccnrfcullylhtrraasueeCCppeCiFptmeobiRRRRmeRaRswwosonrrrramumps.eooMMuoMnoollooldcafftttoostoocceuucssoolrsooahiatdcccteersseesiAAmfllbAmityoaalltarlssls11e1ppyyysyeTTttssTtnsaa00.dnnii0uun..i.eIIooIont444rrOOOSSSnnnFFppFSSSNN::NDD:DooaaaNNNrrssrul(SLVmppNWWWoSeeemmeemNNNipureSYmYYcllaYlSo..aatroaNeeaeyOOpcONinn1nnLLsstLtsrYeobessi0sYttccatTTcoTwsLLhhsLcchdc5eeene)dnsIIeIhhhaah9ayyCCysoCCCe:CsLllteeo8lenseWlliolREE..aRREss..Rmsirgtt2obtvPmmBemeeooeon0AAeaiAspurlrrraaaai2ddaaatatrrrrcddrdtyopii1d.iettCClltYChl,,c-,oSlssCsdee1oe..s.ccNNooScNoyos1rsaeoooooouukNutm-sDoos:oeppffptf0nnnYoArrrpreaiia2ittOOtttOeetwensCgagsyy.hhyhsssiyn..ahn.eOrorrr:iyongggulnSSooSoSSfHSa2tuf..n.s(ffaaifwaSS0LeSclottdlll1LiyeNNfNeefaageaiulltl.CmmmnneemnhelYYY)dddtyyyas,,,il The proposer assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of mail by the employees of the Town
of Yorktown.  Whether sent by mail or means of personal delivery, the proposer assumes the responsibility for
having bids in on the day, time, and place specified above.
The Town reserves the right to waive any informalities in the proposals, to reject any or all proposals, and
reserves the right to accept that proposal which it deems most favorable to the interests of the Town of
If mailed, sealed proposals must be addressed in care of the Town Clerk at the above address.
                                                                          DIANA L. QUAST, TOWN CLERK
                                                                          TOWN OF YORKTOWN
                                                                          CERTIFIED MUNICIPAL CLERK

                                NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 
NOTICE IS HEREBY 1G1ItVhEdNatyhoatf the Town Board of the Town of Yorktown, Westchester County New York, at a
NYth1e0T5h6u0r.sPduarypboesefo: Arentyhelawnefuxlt purpose. meeting held on the January 2022, duly adopted the resolution published herewith SUBJECT TO A
publication date.  
Dated:   Yorktown Heights, New York 
              January 12, 2022             
                                                                                    Diana L. Quast, Town Clerk 
                                                                                    Town of Yorktown 
                                                                                    Certified Municipal Clerk 
ccoouuYllddoubbreeahhdeerree..Advertising Deadline                                                                                                                                                                                  
could be here.The advertising deadline for                                                                                                                                              
YboerfkotroewtChneNanelewlxstBpisruetbhlteictaTFhtiuornresdeamy an at 845-208-8151          
bfdcWraeaeemteseamue.lbsrAaaomdn-CCvro@ieetfaatahrfeetdalldirlslylseobPBtBmuyoDrnryreFocmeenluvitteteisaatdtncsiteaFaFstttam.nooocraroaeefmifififirleeea.nnenmmt dddaaooonnuuuaattttthhh88ooo44www55...--220088--88115511 BE IT RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the Town
Board of the Town of Yorktown, Westchester County, New York, as follows: 
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute and deliver an Intermunicipal Agreement
with the County of Westchester to operate and maintain the bus shelters in Town, and convey a non-exclusive
easement over the Town’s property used to operate the bus shelters.   
This resolution is subject to permissive referendum and shall be posted and advertised accordingly. 
  Upon this resolution taking effect, the same shall be published in The Yorktown News, which is hereby
designated as the official newspaper of said Town for such purpose. 
ad design service. For more              
information, call Brett Freeman                                                                                      
at 845-208-8151.                                                                                     Diana L. Quast, Town Clerk 

Promote Your Charity                                                                                     Town of Yorktown 
                                                                                    Certified Municipal Clerk 

y cSSyPPooeerrrmonnokddtmm,oouuworossngttaaneieveppeYYwrrooueessssuu@ssrarhrraCCeeclallshheeltlaaaoaassnrrteeiimtt9aayye1ttd4i-a. To advertise in Yorktown
News, call Brett Freeman

Page 22 – Yorktown News LEGAL NOTICES Thursday, January 20, 2022

NOTICE TO BIDDERS  LLC FORMATION NOTICE as agent upon whom process
YORKTOWN HEIGHTS WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT  Your Home Management against may be served & shall
Sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Yorktown, Westchester County, New York, at the LLC, Arts of Org. led with mail process to 14 Lakeside Ln.,
Town Hall, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown Heights, New York, until 11:00 A.M., on Friday, February 4, 2022
for Various Chemicals for the Yorktown Heights Water Pollution Control Plant.  Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) Yorktown Heights, NY 10598.
Specifications and standard proposals for the bid may be obtained at the office of the Town Clerk at said Town 2/16/2021. Cty: Westchester. General Purpose
Hall.  Bid documents may also be obtained on the Town of Yorktown’s website at (under
Bids & RFPs link) and  A completed Bid Proposal Form must be returned to the Town SSNY desig. as agent upon LLC FORMATION NOTICE
Clerk, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown, NY 10598, marked: “Various Chemicals for the Yorktown Heights Water whom process against may be
Pollution Control Plant.” 
  served & shall mail process to 5 Rcsd Properties, LLC, Arts
The Town of Yorktown reserves the right to waive any informalities in the bids, to reject any or all bids and
reserves the right to accept that bid which it deems most favorable to the interests of the Town of Yorktown.  Wayne Ct., Ardsley, NY 10502. of Org. led with Sec. of State
No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. 
  General Purpose of NY (SSNY) 11/2/2021.
The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of mail by the employees of the Town of
Yorktown. Whether sent by mail or means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes the responsibility for having LLC FORMATION NOTICE Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig.
bids in on time and at the place specified above.  as agent upon whom process
                                                                                                                               Just Be Grip, LLC, Arts of against may be served & shall
                                                                                                DIANA QUAST, TOWN CLERK 
                                                                                                TOWN OF YORKTOWN  Org. led with Sec. of State mail process to 32 Hillside Ave.,
                                                                                                CERTIFIED MUNICIPAL CLERK 
of NY (SSNY) 11/22/2021. Katonah, NY 10536. General

Cty: Westchester. SSNY desig. Purpose

NOTICE TO BIDDERS  Your business card
TOWN OF YORKTOWN, NEW YORK  Call Brett Freeman at 845-208-8151 to find out how.

  Prepare for
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Town Clerk, Town of Yorktown, power outages
Westchester County, NY until 11:00 A.M. on Friday, February 4, 2022 at Town Hall, 363 Underhill Avenue, with a Generac
Yorktown Heights, N.Y. 10598 for Grit & Screenings Removal for the Water Pollution Control Plant or home standby
equivalent.    generator

Specifications and standard proposals for the bid may be obtained at the office of the Town Clerk at said Town REQUEST A FREE QUOTE!
Hall and are located on the Town’s website at (under Bids & RFPs link) and  A completed Bid Proposal Form must be returned to the Town Clerk, 363 Underhill 877 516 1160
Avenue, Yorktown Heights, NY  10598, marked: “Bid: Grit & Screenings Removal for the Water Pollution
Control Plant .”   FREE

The Town of Yorktown reserves the right to waive any informalities in the bids, to reject any or all bids and 7-Year Extended Warranty*
reserves the right to accept that bid which it deems most favorable to the interests of the Town of Yorktown.  A $695 Value!
No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.  Limited Time O er - Call for Details

The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of mail by the employees of the Town of Special Financing Available
Yorktown. Whether sent by mail or means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes the responsibility for having
bids in on the time and the place specified above.  Subject to Credit Approval
*To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the
York, at a A pre-bid meeting will be held at the site (Yorktown Heights Water Pollution Control Plant, 2200 Greenwood generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions.
ECT TO A Street) on Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. to answer prospective bidder questions and to review the
areas of work.  
                                                                                                DIANA L. QUAST, TOWN CLERK 
                                                                                                TOWN OF YORKTOWN 
                                                                                                CERTIFIED MUNICIPAL CLERK 


I’m neverSealed proposals will be received by the Town Clerk of the Town of Yorktown, Westchester County, New York,

at the Town Hall, 363 Underhill Avenue, Yorktown Heights, New York, until 11:00 A.M., on Friday, February 4,
2022 at 11:00 a.m. for the Sludge & Grease Removal at the Yorktown Heights Water Pollution Control Plant. 

Specifications and standard proposals for the bid may be obtained at the office of the Town Clerk at said Town
                   H   a  ll    a  n  d     a r  e    l o  c  a  t e  d     a  t    t h  e    T  o  w   n  ’ s     w  e  b  s  i t e     a  t   w   w   w   . y o   r k  t o  w  n  n  y  . o  r  g    ( u  n  d  e  r    B   id   s    &     R  F  P   s    l i n  k  )   a  n  d                               
Ale rt® is always         
  here for me.
the Town The Town of Yorktown reserves the right to waive any informalities in the bids, to reject any or all bids and
One touch of a button
reserves the right to accept that bid which it deems most favorable to the interests of the Town of Yorktown. 
No bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the actual date of the opening thereof. 
greement   sends help fast, 24/7.

exclusive The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail or in the handling of mail by the employees of the Town of GwPiSth!

Yorktown. Whether sent by mail or means of personal delivery, the bidder assumes the responsibility for having
bids in on the time and the place specified above. 
A pre-bid meeting will be held at the site (Yorktown Heights Water Pollution Control Plant, 2200 Greenwood Help at Home Help On-the-Go

s hereby Street) Friday, January 28, 2022 at 10:00 am.   ®
  Batteries Never Need Charging.
                                                                                    DIANA L. QUAST, TOWN CLERK 
                                                                                    TOWN OF YORKTOWN  For a FREE brochure call:I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!
                                                                                    CERTIFIED MUNICIPAL CLERK 

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