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Published by Halston Media, 2023-01-03 12:21:06

The Katonah-Lewisboro Times 01.05.2023

Joining forcesVOL.5 NO.42 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 2023

Drug Crisis in Our Backyard to
partner with Alliance for Safe Kids 

BY CAROL REIF gifted guitarist, had battled addic-

STAFF WRITER tion for several years. He started

smoking marijuana in high school

Two local organizations that and later moved onto stronger

have been waging separate, but drugs in college. He was 29 when

parallel and equally passionate, he succumbed to what his parents

campaigns in the war against call an “insidious disease.”

substance misuse are joining But instead of retreating into

forces. grief and anger, the  Christian-

Drug Crisis in Our Backyard, sens  and  Salomones  rallied, not

a nonpro t o ering education only for themselves, but for other

and resources for folks strug- families.

gling with addiction, was start- e grassroots advocates’ mis-

ed in 2012 by Putnam County sion? To reduce the stigma as-

residents  Susan  and  Steve Salo- sociated with addiction, promote

mone and Somers residents Car- awareness, provide programs,

ol Christiansen  and her late resources, and support to strug-

husband,  Lou. Each couple lost gling individuals and families,

a beloved son to the opioid epi- and be a catalyst for changes in

demic in 2012. laws that hold accountable or-

Erik Christiansen  was a de- ganizations and medical institu- PHOTO COURTESY OF MARY PRENON

tective with the New York City tions that perpetuate drug use Steven and Susan Salomone and Carol Christiansen, founders of Drug Crisis in Our Backyard
Police Department. In 2011, he through over-prescription of opi-

was prescribed oxycodone for a ates and other narcotics. stakeholders -- parents, teens, age their families to get informed Salomone, Drug Crisis in

back injury and became addicted Yorktown-based Alliance for educators, law enforcement, gov- and stay involved. Our Backyard’s executive di-

to painkillers. A year later, the Safe Kids  was founded in 2002 ernment, medical professionals, “By partnering with all areas rector,  and  ASK president and

28-year-old was found dead of a and incorporated as a nonpro t businesses, faith leaders, and civic of the community, we collectively CEO Tricy Cushner of York-

heroin overdose. in 2006. groups – ASK aims to arm youth strengthen the safety net that town met at Drug Crisis in Our

Justin Salomone, a 2001 Ma- As a conduit for a partner- with the tools they need to make protects our youth,” ASK’s mis- SEE DRUG CRISIS PAGE 20
hopac High School graduate and ship between all community healthy decisions and to encour- sion statement reads.



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The Staff Area residents inducted TOWN CROSSING
into Westchester
EDITORIAL TEAM KLSD ArtsALIVE scheduled season of competition
TOM WALOGORSKY Senior Hall of Fame or a championship series. Instead,
EDITOR: 914-302-5830
[email protected] THE RETURN OF ENCORE! it is a more-or-less spontaneous
Saturday, Jan. 7, at 7 p.m. game, with teams often made up
[email protected] KLSD ArtsALIVE is proud on the spot.

VIM WILKINSON BY BILL BONGIORNO demonstrate the spirit of com- to announce the return of their Open to adults,18 and up.To be
[email protected] popular Broadway-style cabaret: held in the John Jay High School
Cross River resident and Ex- Mr. Wolfe, who worked in lm
ADVERTISING TEAM ecutive Producer of Lewisboro and television for four decades, is Encore IX! gym on Mondays and ursdays
PAUL FORHAN Community Television, Henri a familiar xture behind the video
Wolfe and World War II Vet- camera at all town events, from Now in its 9th year, it is a spe- from 8:30 - 10 p.m. $10/residents,
(914) 806-3951 eran Daniel Sant, of Golden’s LBA opening day to Memo-
[email protected] Bridge, along with Paul Lewis rial Day. He collaborates with the cial night as current JJHS students $15/non-residents, payable by
of South Salem, were all induct- Cable Television Advisory Chair-
BRUCE HELLER ed into the Westchester Senior man Dean Travalino.  and alumni share  the JJHS stage cash or check. Pre-reigster by visit-
(914) 486-7608 Hall of Fame on Dec. 2.  
[email protected] Daniel Sant, 96, was the most together creating Broadway mag- ing
e virtual presentation was venerable inductee and best
LISA KAIN live-streamed at  westchester- known for his incredible har- ic  as they perform theatre songs!
(201) 317-1139 by the Westches- monica playing at Veterans Day
[email protected] ter Public Private Partnership for and Memorial Day. Encore IX will be held in the JJHS PRACTICE BASKETBALL
CORINNE STANTON the Aging Services and was co-
(914) 760-7009 hosted by Westchester County According to the Westches- theater.  AT OPEN GYM
[email protected] Executive George Latimer. tergov website, over the past 40
years, almost 1,300 seniors have Andre Catrini, JJHS Class of e Lewisboro Parks & Rec
JAY GUSSAK Henri Wolfe was nominated been inducted. To be nominated,
(914) 299-4541 by Lewisboro Town Supervi- seniors must have made signi - 2007, will be returning once again Department will sponsor a limited
[email protected] sor Tony Gonçalves and Dan- cant and enduring contributions
PAM Zacotinsky iel Sant by Pam Veith, Senior to enhance Westchester’s quality as this year’s Musical Director!  open gym program this fall for all
845-661-0748 Coordinator for Town of Lew- of life through their professional
[email protected] isboro Park & Recreation De- work, volunteer achievements, or Also featuring a lm of origi- Lewisboro and Katonah-Lew-
partment, as part of 51 seniors both. Members make nomina-
PRODUCTION TEAM honored across 27 municipali- tions of the community, and a nal artwork and music provided isboro School District residents.
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL ties at this year’s 40th Annual panel of judges selects the honor-
Senior Citizens Hall of Fame ees. e names of past honorees by the students from the JJHS is is an opportunity for young
CREATIVE DIRECTOR Awards Celebration. e award are engraved on plaques displayed
PHOTOGRAPHER recognizes individuals who at the DSPS o ce in Mount Visual Art and Music Technol- athletes to play/practice basketball
[email protected] ogy Departments. Very family in a supervised, non-instructional,
DESIGNER friendly event, featuring food, friendly and casual setting. Please

[email protected] the popular “Love Notes,” raf- note: participants will be respon-

e,  the introduction of “Kisses sible for how they decide to spend

for the Cast,” and more! their time.

Advanced tickets will be held FEE: $10 per session. (Supervi-

at Encore’s Will Call. Tickets will sion provided, drop o is required)

also be sold at the door at 6 p.m. - Pre-registration is required!

one hour before the performance. Each session limited to 16 partici-

Adults: $15, KLSD ArtsAlive pants.

Members: $10, KLSD Students/ BRING: A basketball, water

Seniors: $5. bottle, and sneakers.

All proceeds from Encore Cab- For more information, visit lew-

aret IX will bene t the mission of

BRETT FREEMAN To purchase tickets,visit https://
845-208-8151 Episcopal Parish

[email protected] Lewisboro Parks 82 Spring St., South Salem

& Recreation FOOD PANTRY

Spread the word and get in-

Deadlines Brewster, NY and Bethel, CT MEN’S BASKETBALL volved with the Food Pantry!
THE KATONAH-LEWISBORO TIMES rough Mar. 2 Distribution is every Saturday
is is an opportunity to have from 9 to 10 a.m. at St. John’s. A
fun and gain physical tness. e food pantry box is available in the
program will focus on pick-up church parking lot 24/7 for non-
PUBLICATION DATE. games, with teams formed on a perishable food donations.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, weekly basis, on-site. e pick-up SEE CROSSING PAGE 6
914-302-5830 OR EMAIL games are not part of a regularly
[email protected]
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Officials offer tips for coyote safety

Area residents attacked by rabid animal 

BY CAROL REIF ceptions. bers. though one or two outliers have decreases their survivability.
STAFF WRITER “We don’t want people to be When coyotes hunt, it’s usu- been reported upstate. Clean up garbage, bird seed,

Are coyotes getting too close fearful about being outdoors,” ally individually or “maybe as Once wolves roamed most and fallen fruit. ese at-
for comfort? Goin explained. a pair” because their prey is so of North America, but they tract  birds, squirrels, and other
small. were brought to the brink of coyote prey species. Don’t leave
e question is a timely one SOME BASICS extinction by government- pet food outside. Remove water
in light of the fact that two resi- e adult eastern coyote is “If they hunted as a group, backed hunting programs in the sources. Secure compost piles.
dents of nearby  North Salem there’s not going to be a whole 19th and 20th centuries.
recently had a scary encounter four to ve feet from snout to lot to share. ey’re also likely Don’t leave pets outside unsu-
with one of the North American tail and weighs between 20 to to scare their prey away because at ecological void prompted pervised. Enclosed yards create
canines. 45 pounds. Its coat can be tawny they’re going to be making more coyotes to expand their range a false sense of security. Coyotes
brown, with some black or grey noise,” Goin explained. eastward. Some of those pio- can jump 6-foot fences or dig
One of the women was bitten fur. Its ears are large and pointy, neers may have bred with strag- underneath.
-- and her walking companion its tail u y and carried straight One common misconception gling wolf survivors, Goin said,
nearly was -- by what was prob- down, and its legs are long. is that coyotes howl when mak- adding that this isn’t happening CLOSE ENCOUNTERS
ably a rabid coyote. It ed after ing a kill. any longer. “Sighting” means a coyote has
the attack and was never found. Comparatively, house cats
Infected mammals usually die generally tip the scales at be- “Usually, when they’re howl- However, the eastern version been seen or heard. 
within a week to 10 days of be- tween eight to 10 pounds; the ing it’s them reuniting with has retained some wolf DNA. “It’s just a reminder that coy-
coming sick. average Labrador Retriever family. So what you’re hearing
weighs between 55 to 80 pounds, is a party. Everyone’s just yelling at’s why it’s the largest coyote otes are always around and we
Coyotes are not strictly noc- and the gray wolf between 70 to ‘Hey, it’s great to see you!,’ things subspecies. should be aware of that,” Goin
turnal, so if one is spotted dur- 145 if male and between 60 to like that,” she said. said.
ing the day, it doesn’t necessar- 100 if female. A Stony Brook University
ily mean that there’s something A YEAR IN THE LIFE study found that the 400 ani- An “encounter” happens when
wrong. ey are most active at COYOTE CUISINE e time of year factors into mals sampled were genetically a coyote follows or approaches a
dawn or dusk. While classi ed as carnivores, 64 to 81 percent coyote, and an person with or without pets.
coyote sightings. “admixture” of gray wolf (13 per-
However, it is a wild creature coyotes have a more omnivorous January through March is cent), eastern wolf (3 percent), Not to worry if the coyote
and normally gives folks a wide diet. eir favorite chow consists and dog (10 percent). enters your yard if no one’s pres-
berth. Beware if it seems to have of mice, rats, squirrels, and rab- mating season. Pups are born ent; it’s probably just passing
no fear of humans. Other signs bits, but they’ll munch on fruits from March to April and reared Scientists see no evidence of through. But if you’re, say, barbe-
of rabies include appearing dis- and veggies and won’t turn up from May to August. Born blind, behavior change or pack activity. cuing with a bunch of folks and
oriented or excessively wobbly. their noses at human garbage. deaf, and unable to regulate body Wile E. pops up “that shows a
temperature, they stick like glue “ e reality is, it would be, little bit more boldness.”
Because they are explorers, ey do scavenge for venison to mom for the rst four to six in terms of the ecosystem, very
opportunists, and can cope, if but don’t take deer down unless weeks of life. Once they have helpful if coyotes were taking Types of “con ict” di er as
not thrive, in almost any envi- they’re wounded or weak. ey teeth and can eat solid food, they down larger animals such as well.
ronment – including cities -- eat fawns. start taking little jaunts outside white-tail deer, because in the
coyotes can be found in every the den. absence of wolves there’s now a It’s tragic when coyotes injure
state in America, except Hawaii. Cats are on the menu too, so major imbalance,” she said. or kill pets or stray animals, but
Goin advises keeping them in- “If you’re seeing them at that not unnatural.
Coyotes may look doglike, doors “where there are no coy- point, they often are pretty is doesn’t mean coywolves
sometimes display doglike be- otes.” much about to leave the area,” don’t exist at all. “Coyotes are not walking
haviors, and even have a bit of Goin said. around with wildlife identi ca-
dog DNA in them, but they are COYOTE CONVERSATION Visitors to the WCC will tion books in their pockets. ey
de nitely not the domesticated ey mark their territory, or October to December is “dis- learn about the critically endan- just see a prey-sized animal and
type and should be respected persal” season. Young adults go gered red wolf, of which it has 10 they are just trying to survive,”
for the wild creatures they are, advertise their mating status, by out to search for a mate. Coy- in its recovery program. Goin explained.
according to Dana Goin of the leaving a scent. otes are territorial and don’t take
Wolf Conservation Center in kindly to trespassers, so it’s a A small pod of red wolves It’s not common, but a coyote
South Salem. ey communicate through vulnerable time for these ado- has been reintroduced in North might also attack an attended
body language much like other lescent lonely hearts. at’s why Carolina. Hybridization is hap- pet.
e Ruth Keeler Memorial canines. is includes hold- they stick closer to areas where pening there, which can be “a
Library last week hosted Goin’s ing their ears and tail in certain humans live. major challenge to the recovery Again, that’s a predatory reac-
“Coexisting With Coyotes,” a ways, making eye contact, and of the species,” Goin said. tion. Big dogs aren’t good prey;
live webinar jam-packed with baring their teeth. MYTH CONCEPTIONS they have sharp teeth and will
scienti c information and myth- e coywolf. Some folks still KEYS TO COEXISTENCE
busting revelations. Vocalizing is their most fa- e big one? ght back. Little pooches are
mous form of communication. insist that coyotes here are 50 more vulnerable.
It aimed to demystify coyotes percent wolf.  Don’t feed coyotes, intention-
and clear up common miscon- ose eerie howls, yips, and ally or unintentionally. Causing A “provoked” attack is when
barks are just their way to touch No gray wolf populations have animals to congregate where coyote bites a human that’s feed-
base with far-away pack mem- been con rmed in New York, al- they normally wouldn’t spreads ing it, approaching its pups, or
disease, increases con icts, and intervening in a pet attack.


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COYOTE ey start to unlearn that if all their causes population growth. If one or both by scavenging. ey encourage biodiver-
interactions with people are positive – ie. members of the breeding pair are killed, sity by controlling mesopredators – foxes,

they’re getting food. it disrupts the entire pack. e female skunks, raccoons -- that can decimate

Some folks report being unnerved by Even being neutral ain’t good. might mate with another male and they’ll nesting bird numbers. eir free rodent

being “escorted” or followed. at just If you’re just standing there looking have a larger litter. control limits the spread of Lyme disease.

means they got too close to something at a coyote and nothing happens, they’re Relocating them is not only illegal but

the coyote’s protecting, like a den. probably going to think you’re not that inhumane. Once in unfamiliar territory, BEST APPROACH

It’s like the critter saying: “Move along. scary. the animal faces con icts with resident e best thing to do if you like coy-

Nothing to see here.” Make loud noises and BIG mo- coyotes and usually dies trying to get otes? Keep their fear of humans intact.

tions. Varied hazing’s the most e ective: back home. e best thing you can do if you don’t like

HAZING RITUALS yell, clap, stamp your feet, blow whistles, coyotes? Keep their fear of humans intact.

To scare coyotes away, reinforce their use pocket-sized air horns. ECO STEWARDS “We want them to remain wild” Goin

natural wariness of people. Killing coyotes doesn’t work. It actually Coyotes help clean up the environment said.

CROSSING cross-racial and cross-cultural ami- to $635 billion each year in medi- Temple Beth Am To request assistance call (914)
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FROM PAGE 2 race.Our monthly meetings feature and lost productivity. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL unteer for Rideconnect may do so
speakers, screenings, and presenta- ENROLLMENT NOW OPEN by emailing [email protected]
American Legion tions where discussions are aimed Support groups provide a forum
Seeks New Members at educating one another on who for those with pain to gain support Providing a fun and meaning- Virtual Support
we really are. Visit https://www. and learn about ways to manage ful Jewish learning experience f=or Groups
American Legion is recruiting pain and progress from patient to children in grades K-12. Instruc-
honorably discharged veterans to to register for this online event. person. is group takes place over tors understand that each child is Support groups for women with
join Post 1575 in Katonah. If in- Zoom every other week. a unique individual, and strive to breast and ovarian cancers have
terested in learning more, contact Chronic Pain meet the needs of every learner, been transitioned to virtual plat-
Tom Colella at 404-229-3500. e Support Group For more information, please while fostering a connection to forms. Virtual groups are accessible
organization’s motto: “For God call Ted Bloch at 914-552-6281 Jewish living and community. to women from the comfort of their
and Country.” Research tells us that 50 million or email him at tednbloch@gmail. homes,regardless of where they live.
Americans live with chronic pain, com. All conversations are kept For more information, email of- All groups are open to new mem-
Race Amity or pain that lasts most days or every strictly con dential. [email protected] or call bers as well as past participants.
of Northern day for three months or more. Of 914-6-BETH-AM. Advance registration is required by
Westchester this group, 20 million experience Temple Beth Shalom calling 914-962-6402 or 800-532-
& Putnam high-impact chronic pain, or pain RideConnect 4290. Support Connection’s Peer
that interferes with basic function- Slides, Swings, Stories and Wa- Counselors are also available for in-
MONTHLY MEETING ing and activities of daily living. termelon! Join in for “Watermelon Rideconnect has volunteers dividual counseling and assistance
Please join us for our monthly Pain is the number one reason that Wednesdays”, an informal play- ready to help drive seniors to their via phone and email. Call 800-532-
Americans access the health care ground playdate and story time for medical appointments and assist 4290, or submit an online request at
discussion as we work to advance system, and costs the nation up Jewish Families of children ages with shopping. Services are free
2-6 years old. Call 845-628-6133 to seniors residing in Westchester
to RSVP. and southern Putnam Counties.

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Ever After

DEI versus academic freedom

A critique of critical race theory in our schools

PUBLISHER’S kind of discrimination seen in and common sense – and decency ticipant spoke about the pain of
MEMO the 1950s was ancient history – in his evaluation of humor. And
due to strict housing laws plus to be clear, there was nothing being repeatedly stopped by police,
funny about it.
questioning his whereabouts just
If someone drew a swastika to-
BRETT more forward-thinking views day, the police would be called, an blocks away from his home. As a
FREEMAN that had advanced over the investigation would be launched
decades. and it would have been all the white person, I couldn’t fathom
chatter on the local parents’Face-
book groups. Of course, the school experiencing such bias, and my
superintendent would email out
Nevertheless, my presence the obligatory letter to parents heart breaks for my friend.
declaring that such behavior
as a Jew was somewhat of a wouldn’t be tolerated. But one other statement made

Igrew up in a community in novelty. When I graduated While some of our reactions to in the “Chesed”group really stuck
New Jersey that would have certain incidents today might be
been o limits to my family from eighth grade in 1993, my overkill, our heightened sensitivity with me. at person said he
friends drew such profane doodles has prompted meaningful conver-
in my middle school yearbook sations. came of age in the 1970s, when he

LOCAL CHURCH MEETSTO remembered a progressive anti-
back in the 1950s. that when I became an adult, I racism TV commercial where a
During the height of the Black
Our development, called Smoke discarded it, as I would have been Lives Matter protests during the kid learned that he was being rac-
summer of 2020, the pastor at a
Rise, which is a lake community too embarrassed to show the pages local church created a small group ist for seeing the color of a friend.
called “Chesed,”which means
in the town of Kinnelon, did not to my children. “love between people”in Hebrew. So, he found it jarring that today,

sell homes to Jews, Catholics and In addition to the sexually sug- it’s the opposite.Today, if you don’t

Blacks during that time period. gestive doodles, one of my friends IMAGE FROM AMAZON.COM see color, then you are failing to
identify the person’s “lived”experi-
When we moved into Smoke Rise drew a swastika. This book was used in an English ence, and thus you are perpetuat-
lesson at Somers High School.
in the late 1980s, we were among Given my friendship with the

the rst Jewish families to live kid and the fact that I asked him ing racism.

there. We were such a minority in to sign my yearbook, I’m abso- e purpose of Chesed was to So, I think it’s worth ponder-

the town that I was the rst bar lutely certain that this person did have a candid conversation about ing: is it more progressive to be

mitzvah at the new local Jew- not actually intend to be hateful race among a group of people who color blind or more progressive

ish congregation, which rented towards me. I truly chalk it up to were united in their love for one to acknowledge color? While it’s

its sanctuary from the Episcopal the immaturity of him being a another due to a shared love for my personal inclination to side

church. 13- or 14-year-old kid who lacked God. SEE FREEMAN PAGE 9
During one session, a par-
By the late 80s, of course, the a certain degree of impulse control

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
TOM WALOGORSKY, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: 914-302-5830 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to

the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at 914-302-5830


FREEMAN CRITICALTHEORY LOGIC IS you’ve been tainted too. The logic is
CIRCULAR Critical theory, an extension
Before I explain, I would like to share my of Marxism and focused on
in favor of being color-blind, as advocated own academic bona des, which is rel-
by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I can under- evant to my understanding of DEI. Before economic class, is the foundation totally circular
stand how the correct approach can be up launching my journalism career, I earned of “critical race theory.”
for debate. my master’s degree from the University of
Chicago Master of Arts Program in the ‘EQUITY ’ VS. ‘EQUALITY ’ and it’s
I just worry that Diversity, Equity and Social Sciences (MAPSS), a rigorous inter- Over the past couple of years, impossible to
Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, particularly disciplinary academic program combining challenge.
in our schools, may actually prevent that anthropology, economics, history, political critics have been concerned
debate from happening. science, psychology and sociology. Univer- that critical race theory is being
sity of Chicago is globally renowned for its taught to students in Grades
DEI DISCUSSED AT SCHOOL BOARD social science departments. K-12. Meanwhile, critics of the
MEETING critics have argued that it’s all
While I’m appreciative of everything one big history lesson and we
Certainly some of the ways in which I learned during my master’s program, I shouldn’t bury past injustices in
schools have taught lessons of inclusivity ultimately abandoned academia in fa- American society.
have been quite positive. is includes the vor of journalism, which is the opposite.
results of a public awareness campaign con- Whereas academia aims to take a topic and e reality is far more
ducted years ago by the mother of Somers purposely make it more complicated by
High School senior Sasha Soraci, who was deconstructing it, journalism aims to take complicated than that. Critical
born with Williams Syndrome. Williams complicated topics and make it easy for
Syndrome is a genetic condition present at everyone to understand. race theory is not something
birth, including cardiovascular disease, de-
velopmental delays, learning challenges and During the MAPSS program, I read that is “taught”in Grades K-12. It is not a Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows
unique physical characteristics, according to more political theory and philosophy than
the Williams Syndrome Association. anyone should ever be subjected to in life, history lesson. Rather, it is something that of Harvard College”is a perfect example
and this included the “critical”theorists
“With the support of my teachers and such as Herbert Marcuse and Max Hork- is implemented throughout the district, of the pursuit of equal outcomes actually
the district, these conversations made a heimer. e problem with the “critical”the-
huge impact,”said Soraci, who spoke in orists is that they believe the whole system and DEI seems to be the conduit. It’s a perpetuating discrimination. e case was
support of the district’s DEI initiatives at a is so tainted and broken that any attempt
school board meeting on Nov. 15. to work within it and reform it is simply a conclusion that the entire school district brought by several Asian students who
perpetuation of the system. Any attempt to
If that is what DEI is all about, then critique the critical theorists is proof that is systemically su ering from racism and were denied admission to Harvard even
bravo! We should applaud public awareness the person doing the critiquing is a product
campaigns to educate students in a manner of that broken system. e logic is totally sexism and every other type of “ism”and though they performed better academi-
that help them understand and be more circular and it’s impossible to challenge. If
sensitive to the diversity of the world and you can’t see how things are tainted, the anything less than “equitable”outcomes is cally than a number of Black students who
people around them. theory goes, it’s because it’s “systemic”and
evidence of this. gained entrance to the school. In Harvard’s
But I remain skeptical of whether this is
truly the goal of DEI initiatives. It’s not just limited to our schools. It’s pursuit of equal outcomes, the plainti s

being implemented throughout federal, argue, the university discriminated against

state and local governments and in corpo- one minority group by favoring another

rate America. minority group.

Of course, battling racism and sexism Of course, in our schools (and other

are admirable goals, but it’s both false, institutions), we SHOULD battle

academically lazy and may breed continued racism and sexism and any other form of

discrimination to suggest that unequal discrimination. But the bigger question is

outcomes are always, 100% of the time, a how we go about battling discrimination

product of discrimination. e case before SEE FREEMAN PAGE 10

the U.S. Supreme Court,“Students for



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FREEMAN Society.”In “Dead Poet’s Society,” in journalism classes of how to How do you resolve a
the antagonist, Mr. Nolan (played NOT conduct an interview. A situation when equal
FROM PAGE 9 by Normann Lloyd), red the journalist would show extreme outcomes and equal
beloved English teacher, John Ke- bias if he or she went up to a local opportunities might
in a manner that respects ating (played by Robin Williams). politician and asked him,“When conflict with each other?
academic and political freedom did you stop beating your wife?”
and fosters critical thinking in our In the lm, Keating inspired It supposes a conclusion without approach that analyzes society as conversation to me.
students. his students to “seize the day” investigating whether the premise institutional group power struc- Based on my conversations
and discover their inner “barbaric of the question is even accu- tures rather than on a spiritual
‘WHITE FRAGILITY’ LESSON yawp.”Keating didn’t draw con- rate, and the same goes for the or one-to-one human level – are with these teachers and several
VS. CRITICALTHINKING clusions for his students. Rather, journaling exercise accompanying taking us in the wrong direc- parents over this past year-plus,
he encouraged his students to Saad’s book. tion: separating even elementary I ask these school districts and
I have incredible sympathy for discover their true selves through school children into explicit racial other government bodies the fol-
Somers High School English poetry. e “lesson”taught at Somers groups, and emphasizing dif- lowing questions:
teacher Allison Ferrier, who was High School was anti-intellectual ferences instead of similarities,”
recently reinstated to her position Meanwhile, Ferrier taught and stripped students of free ex- Walker co-wrote with Steve • Do your DEI initiatives re-
in the classroom after she was “Me and White Supremacy”by pression. English students ought Klinsky, who wrote about the main an open conversation where
initially removed while district Layla Saad, which contained to be learning how to formulate essay in his article,“ e Civil everyone feels free to contribute
leaders conducted a review of her a journaling exercise that asks written arguments by developing Rights Legend Who Opposed their ideas before conclusions are
lesson about white fragility. Judg- students to answer questions such a thesis, presenting evidence and Critical Race eory.” e ac- reached?
ing by the outpouring of support as “How has and/or does your drawing conclusions. count was also written about by
she received from the community, white fragility show up?”and Constitutional legal scholar Mark • Is the goal equal outcomes or
I’m certain she is an e ective and “How have you weaponized your It’s one thing if a teacher Levin in his New York Times equal opportunities? And how do
caring teacher. fragility against BIPOC [black, wanted to share his or her world- best-selling 2021 book,“Ameri- you resolve a situation when equal
indigenous and people of color] view with their students. Some can Marxism.” outcomes and equal opportunities
But I also have great sympathy through, for example, calling the parents may have a problem with might con ict with each other, as
for the administrators who con- authorities, crying, claiming you’re that, but preventing that teacher Of course, when it comes to it does in the case against Har-
ducted the review in this case and being harmed (‘reverse racism!’, from doing so may be an impos- Ferrier’s lesson, I have no clue vard at the U.S. Supreme Court?
ultimately nixed the lesson. e ‘I’m being shamed!’,‘I’m being sible standard to uphold and also what she presented to the stu-
actions of the Somers administra- attacked!’)?” violates that teacher’s academic dents beyond Saad’s related jour- • How do your DEI initiatives
tors were a far cry from the plot freedom. naling exercise, the very premise identify discrimination? Are all
of the 1989 Academy Award e lesson is no di erent of which prevented students unequal outcomes a product of
nominated lm “Dead Poet’s than the classic example taught But unless it’s a subject such as from disagreeing with the author. discrimination, or are you open to
math or science, where an objec- analyzing other external factors?
musical vocal group tive solution exists, it’s absolutely e teacher declined to speak to
antithetical to the mission of our reporter when we rst wrote • Do your DEI initiatives foster
playing an eclec�c mix of favorites, old and new education to force students to about it. So, if I’m mistaken in any academic freedom and critical
adopt the teacher’s conclusion. way, I urge the teacher to reach thinking or do they inhibit them?
[email protected] 914-248-5135 Some of my best college profes- out to us and I’d be happy to cor-
sors were people who vehemently rect anything I’ve gotten wrong. • Do your DEI initiatives help
join Lauren, Colleen and Rick and bring a li�le disagreed with my conclusions, or harm gifted and talented stu-
harmony to your next event! but rewarded me with an A for SEVERAL QUESTIONS FOR dents or impact the existence of
presenting well-thought out and OUR SCHOOL DISTRICTS accelerated and honors classes?
For All Your Writing Needs cogent arguments.
All of this brings us back to • Do your DEI initiatives
However, the lesson taught DEI. Just like the journaling ex- help or harm special education
at Somers High School turned ercise accompanying Saad’s book, students or ignore their needs in
academia on its head by forcing DEI initiatives are presented as favor of another category?
students to adopt someone else’s an open, friendly conversation in
conclusion, and if they argued the school community. • Do your DEI initiatives treat
against the author, it was some- everyone with respect, including
how further evidence that the But why have several teach- those people who may be skepti-
author is right. ers contacted me over this past cal of the whole approach?
year, sharing their concerns about
CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER DEI initiatives, and terri ed for is topic is not going away
OPPOSES CRITICAL RACE their names to be published? and this newspaper will not shy
THEORY away from approaching it in a fair
at doesn’t sound like an open and honest way.
A person can be opposed to
racism and sexism and still believe Brett Freeman can be reached at
that that kind of indoctrination [email protected].
has no place in a classroom.

Dr. King’s own chief of sta
and con dant, Dr. Wyatt Tee
Walker, rejected critical race
theory in a 2015 essay that he

“Today, too many ‘remedies’
– such as Critical Race eory,
the increasingly fashionable

Freelance Writer, Editor, and Content Producer A person can be opposed to racism and
sexism and still believe that that kind of
Bill Bongiorno | (914) 533-7065 | [email protected] indoctrination has no place in a classroom.



Resolving to help, repurpose, skate, ski and Salute the Sun

NEWS & tion, so please sit back and enjoy It’s time to dig out your old equipment, be an intermediate focuses on campaigning for
NOTES this week’s “resolution free” edi- blades! In cooperation with the skier or rider, and know how to topics such as diabetes, hunger,
tion of “News & Notes.” Harvey School, the Bedford ride a chairlift. See you on the vision, childhood cancer and
MARK Recreation Department is slopes… the environment locally and
JEFFERS Now here’s a good New o ering the public recreational globally. e Lions Club meets
Year’s resolution: Our friends skating for all ages on Monday, is is for all of us seniors… every rst and third Wednesday
Welcome to “News & Notes,” at the Katonah Bedford Hills Jan. 16. Space is limited; you Experience the bene ts of of the month at the Bedford
where we look at the happenings Volunteer Ambulance Corps must supply your own skates. A gentle yoga from the comfort Hills Community House. For
here in Westchester County… are looking for new members. fun DJ will be on hand spinning of a chair. is easy, low-risk more information, check out
KBHVAC provides all the favorites and taking requests for activity is designed to give you
We hope everyone had training and no experience is two hours of open skating. energy, exibility and balance. bedford_hills/.
a wonderful holiday necessary. An instructor from Northern
season; apparently, I Meanwhile, our friends at the Westchester Hospital provides A New Year’s toast with great
was naughty last year, as Santa Are you making room for under Ridge Ski Area and this popular and e ective activ- cheer and a big thank you to
jammed enough coal in my all of your holiday gifts? e the Bedford Recreation Depart- ity on a weekly basis, free of all essential personnel who are
stocking to heat all of Katonah. Women’s Civic Club of Ka- ment are setting up a “Hitting charge. Chair yoga happens on on the job, health care workers
tonah rift Shop accepts the Slopes Ski and Snowboard” Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. at and rst responders, anyone out
Once again, I have out-smart- donations ursday, Friday and program that will take place on the Bedford Hills Community there on the front line, thank
ed myself by making my New Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday evenings starting House. you for your dedication, your
Year’s resolution “not to make at the Memorial House next Jan. 4 and running for four con- service and being there for all
any resolutions.” Ha-ha. Just by to the Katonah Fire House. secutive weeks. e program My fellow Bedford Hills of us!
saying that, I broke the resolu- Household items, bric-a-brac, will include chaperones, lift Lions also are looking for new
small furniture and clothing in tickets and transportation. No members. e club is dedi- I want to wish everyone a
great condition are all welcome. lessons will be provided; each cated to serving the Bedford happy, healthy and prosperous
So let’s all reduce and repurpose participant must have their own community through service. new year…Happy 2023!
in 2023.
e Bedford Hills Lions Club

Brick by Have your child’s needs been
brick, build ignored by their school?
your dreams


KIM STOLL Have you ever felt

They say, “Rome wasn’t that your school
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a needed reminder that or your doctors?
creating, building and doing big
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What we also need to keep in
mind, as we closed out last year
and embark on a new one, is that
Rome was built brick by brick
EVERY DAY for thousands of
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every day towards the end goal.

As we say goodbye to last year,
celebrate and recognize every
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is year begins with all kinds
of dreams, possibilities and so
much potential. Know that it is
with consistent e ort, day after
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sibilities become a reality.

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nd joy in every day and build registered 501c(3)
a life they love through positive
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available. Coachkimstoll@gmail.


Jolly old S

Over 250 kids attend GBF

2 Santa blew into town at the Gold- er volunteers – dished out barbecued
TRACKS en’s Bridge Fire Department last hot dogs, donuts, candy canes, and
month – and he wasn’t disappointed snacks that the kids and their par-
PHOTOS COURTESY OF GBFD being away from his workshop at the ents enjoyed in the comfort of their
busiest time of year. vehicles, which snaked and steadily
moved through the rehouse park-
at’s because on Dec. 18, more ing lot during the two hours.
than 250 children turned out for
‘Curbside with Santa’ at the Golden’s In a Facebook post, Alison Biddle
Bridge Firehouse, where Santa took said of the event, “Golden’s Bridge
photos and chatted with every child, Fire outdid themselves this year.
and gave each of them awesome gift Balloon animals, snacks, Santa, and
bags that looked more like the size unbelievable gifts.”
of his toy bag and were lled with all
kinds of treats and fun items. While “We thank the Golden’s Bridge
children excitedly waited their turn Fire Department – and Santa – for
to meet the jolly old elf, Santa’s help- the generous gifts they gave out. Our
ers – GBFD re ghters, members of children loved them! But their favor-
the local Scouts Troop 154, and oth- ite part, of course, was meeting Santa
up close and having their picture


Saint Nick

FD’s ‘Curbside Santa’ event

taken with him. e GBFD shows year with the community, GBFD
what it means to be a community re o cials decided to make this year’s
department,” said Spiro Limniatis, a holiday event the second-annual
Golden’s Bridge resident who made ‘Curbside with Santa,’ according to
the photo with Santa a family a air
when he and his wife, Olga, joined re ghter and holiday party event
their four children next to Santa. chair Steven Mines.

e popular decades-long tradi- Mines thanked the community
tion of the Golden’s Bridge Fire De- for turning out, and also expressed
partment hosting a holiday party at gratitude to all GBFD re ghters,
the rehouse for children who attend members of the local Scouts Troop
Increase Miller Elementary School 154, and other volunteers who made
and who live in the Golden’s Bridge this year’s ‘Curbside with Santa’ a
Fire District (all of Golden’s Bridge memorable event for the more than
and swaths of Somers and North Sa- 250 children and their families. 
lem) was adjusted to a curbside event
last year due to pandemic concerns. Article provided by Golden’s Bridge
Since it became an instant hit last Fire Department.


e festival

MUSINGS: idents of Spring eld, Mass. band and I began
PAST AND At a huge local cathedral, the to go to their
PRESENT Boars Head Festival is held. house to celebrate
MARILYN A. It is an old English tradition Christmas so the
PELLINI dating back to pagan times children could
and is accompanied by great have Santa visit
Every year between pomp and circumstance. them at their own
Christmas and the home, we were
Epiphany there is a real My son and his family, invited to attend
special treat in store for the res- who live about an hour away the event with
from Spring eld, try to make them.
this program a holiday point
of interest for their family each e characters
and every year. When my hus- taking part in
the pageant were
Could your dressed elegantly
kitchen use a in costumes
little magic? Englishmen
wore long ago.
American Made Breeches and
Family Owned velvet jackets
Award Winning with huge pu y
sleeves, topped
855.281.6439 I Free Quotes by tall hats with restaurant in the area. On one saying, “Dad, weren’t the shoes
feathers adorn- of those occasions we were I gave you a dark brown?” “Yup,
Saving a Life EVERY 11 MINUTES ing them, were relaxing between courses when a great color to cover up the
standard garb. my husband remarked on winter grime.” “Well, the ones
aloneI’m never In early English how much he loved one of the you have on now are green.”
Life Alert® is always times, a boar’s presents my son had given him
here for me. head was dressed for Christmas. is was a pair Oops, that day it seems Dad
One touch of a button and garnished and borne into of waterproof shoes, and he had forgotten to change his
sends help fast, 24/7. the dining room. Now it is told Mike they were just great shoes before leaving the house
GwPiSth! symbolic and carried in at the for keeping his feet both dry and wore his slippers to the fes-
head of the procession accom- and warm. “With the weather tival. Good thing there was no
Help at Home Help On-the-Go panied by carolers, live animals, so cold, I have worn them snow on the ground that day!
acrobats, amethrowers, small every day since you gave them Mike’s dad was kidded about
® children dressed elegantly, to me,” he remarked. Mike his mistake every year after that
singers, dancers, magicians, and looked down at his dad’s feet when we attended this extrava-
Batteries Never Need Charging. musician playing fanfares on ganza.
their trumpets. “Who is Mike Palladino...?” At
For a FREE brochure call:I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! least one relevant answer to this tisan, but party a liation at the
Following the festival, question is: Chairman of the local level is far from mean-
1-800-404-9776 and still being in the mood Bedford Republicans. ingless. Political parties exist
to continue our celebration, because like-minded people
Prepare for we usually went out for din- Lou Sorell agree on ideology and policy. It
Power Outages ner to an elegant, warm, cozy Katonah is naive to think that agreement
& Save Money on “national” policy won’t a ect
LETTERS In response to a Board member’s vote on the
PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated Mike Palladino local level. A natural extension
solar + battery storage system, stores Political party is of this is that Town Board seats
solar energy that can power your whole relevant even in To the Editor: are often the rst step in a po-
home during utility power outages and local elections I am writing in response to litical career (for both Demo-
save you money on your electric bill. crats and Republicans). Today’s
To the Editor: Mike Palladino’s recent Op- Town Board member can easily
REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! I am writing in response to Ed piece (12/22/22) published be a successful candidate for
in e Katonah-Lewisboro higher o ce tomorrow, where
ACT NOW Mike Palladino’s Dec. 22 Op- Times.  an ideological vote can have
Ed piece, “I won?!?” published national or even international
TO RECEIVE in e Katonah-Lewisboro Mr. Palladino contends consequences.
Times. In that piece, Mr. “there is no Republican or
A $300 SPECIAL Palladino repeats the tire- Democratic way to plow a road What Mr. Palladino casti-
OFFER!* some bromide that “people or chop down a tree,” and o ers gates as one-party rule is in
here [in the Town of Bedford] his belief that “people... don’t actuality a community voting
(888) 871-0194 don’t care whether you are a care whether you are a Repub- in favor of candidates whose
Republican or Democrat at lican or Democrat at this local ideology and policies they agree
$0 DOWN FINANCING OPTIONS!** this local level.” I disagree. level.” with. It’s called democracy.
Political parties have speci c
*O er value when purchased at retail. philosophical and ideological I disagree. Road plowing and Dan Cullen
**Financing available through authorized Generac partners. positions that may impact even tree chopping may be nonpar- Katonah
Solar panels sold separately. local issues. Accordingly, the
party a liation of a local can-
didate may be highly relevant
to a voter’s decision-making
process. To suggest otherwise
denies reality. In his piece Mr.
Palladino invites the question:


Warm and toasty

READING, milk into my hot bowl Chattanooga, for breakfast in addition to a hot packets that contained mini
WRITING & of Maypo cereal and Tenn., and being amazed to see side of grits. marshmallows – just add boiling
CHOCOLATE reading the back of so many varieties of grits (made water and stir!
the box to see how from corn). Every morning on If both parents had to leave
KIM to send away for my vacations in Tennessee and early for work, children and Another TV commercial
KOVACH a blue-and-red North Carolina, I always ate that sparked my interest was
plastic version of grits accompanied by scrambled teens could for Ovaltine. e commercial
We’ve always heard the Marky Maypo. eggs and biscuits. In the South, make slices promoted this beverage as “rich,
phrase, “breakfast is lots of kids grew up eating warm of toast or chocolate Ovaltine,” so I had
the most important Decades later, homemade biscuits and gravy English to ask Mom to buy some. I was
meal of the day.”Years ago, when I wanted to mu ns disappointed when that very rst
life was not a multitasking blur in the sip left me with a metallic taste
of work and activities, most nd out what toaster in my mouth! What exactly is
kids and adults started their exactly is Maypo to spread Ovaltine?
mornings with a nutritious warm cereal? Maypo with butter
homemade breakfast. was developed and jam. Ovaltine was developed in
by the Maltex 1904 by Albert Wander in
Some mothers woke up early Corp. located in When TV Bern, Switzerland. e original
and could be heard whisking Burlington, Vt. commercials for name of this beverage product
eggs, frying bacon and stirring Considered one of a new “toaster treat” was Ovomaltine. e product
a pot of grits on the stove to the original avored called Pop Tarts arrived contained malt, milk, eggs and
start the family o right. Other oatmeals, Maypo cereal during Saturday morning cocoa avor. e product was
families opted for a pot of contained whole grain cartoons, those hard rectangles exported to Britain in 1909
oatmeal or cream of wheat to rolled oats, rye our, with fake frosting became a as Ovaltine. By 1915-1917, a
fuel the family, especially on cold sugar, calcium carbonate, popular warm quick breakfast. factory in Villa Park, Ill., was
winter mornings. salt, maple syrup, Vitamins A, On cold winter mornings built to manufacture Ovaltine for
B6 and C, iron and folic acid. growing up, sometimes we the U.S. market. e company
When I was in elementary had a cup of hot chocolate was purchased in 1988 and
school, I remember asking my Walking up and down to accompany a breakfast of the Illinois factory closed. e
mom if we could have Maypo the cereal aisles of grocery buttered toast with cinnamon factory was eventually converted
cereal. I had seen the TV stores today, you can’t nd and sugar on top. Hot chocolate to loft apartments and known as
commercial for this warm cereal Maypo, but you can nd lots used to be made by heating milk Ovaltine Court.
and the brand’s mascot, Marky of avored instant oatmeal in a small saucepan and stirring
Maypo. I even remember sitting Quaker Oats brand products, in cocoa powder and sugar. I Kim Kovach recently started
at the breakfast table stirring as well as original steel cut oats, remember when the instant making oatmeal and grits as
cream of wheat, and instant packets of Swiss Miss hot warm lunch options. www.
grits. I remember walking chocolate mix were rst available
into a supermarket outside of on store shelves. We liked the

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JohnBOYSBASKETBALL Jays stands strong

55-38 dub over Byram Hills

BY RICH MONETTI no doubt the ball would still come back the other way, Will Civetta

CONTRIBUTING WRITER inside, Efobi manhandled o the had no shame in playing the luck

glass at 3:53 to gain a 12-7 lead. of the draw. He lined up above

O to a 1-4 start, the varsity A turnaround jumper by Sean the arc, and went to the bank for

team looked a little out of its de- Siegel extended the lead to seven, a three that gave John Jay their

mographic when they traveled and despite the free throw made rst lead.

to Byram Hills on Wednesday, by Efobif to make it 15-7, anoth- Now, it was time for John Jay’s

Dec. 20. Filling their suits like er weakness was exposed. Foul defense to swarm, and three-

boys, John Jay Basketball faced shooting appeared to be chal- straight turnovers and a stop kept

an opponent that seemed to shop lenge for the sophomore. Byram o the scoreboard. No

exclusively at big and tall men’s On the other end, though, luck on their end either, the game

wear, and a dress down appeared Byram had both size and speed o cially turned on the heals of

in order. An early 15-7 de cit on defense, and intensely apply- Lynch’s forecast.

said as much. But the Wolves ing the screws, any de ciencies Ball movement going into

refused to let adolescence or the seemed moot. So the Wolves high gear, Ryan Giner spotted

early domination get in the way simply stayed on point. Will Preddice cutting across the

of putting a coming of age lesson “I think we just continued to paint, and he drove for the un-

on their opponents. play our game,” said Liam Lynch. derhand layup.

“We just tried to not let it get Even so, the o ensive status Matching up, a running o - Liam Lynch

in our heads, and kept playing quo John Jay was hoping to assert balance jumper by Repa made the

our game,” said Will Sanz of his began on the other side. Byram score 22-19, but Lynch showed

team’s 55-38 victory. coming up with the steal, a fast he could dance too. A little dazzle

Of course, the John Jay big was break basket seemed imminent. through the paint freed up Sanz,

the rst to get a taste of adult- But Ben Gold hustled back for and the easy layup closed the half

hood. Zac Efobi backed Sanz the block, and on the Bobcat’s with Jay up by ve.

down for a 2-0 lead, and on the next possession, Sanz ripped a e intermission didn’t slow

next possession, the center sunk rebound over the top of Remi down the Wolves. After Repa got

a baby hook like he was watch- Berliner. Pumped up, Sanz iced a inside for two, Lynch and Sanz

ing Shaquille O’Neal game lm three at the buzzer and closed the stayed away. A double trey for the

all day. quarter down 15-10. long and short of John Jay’s at-

Still, Byram had their own Unfazed, the Bobcats stuck to tack, and the lead grew to 30-21.

twin towers to contend with. the program anyway. Efobi got in On a roll, Lynch took mat-

Sanz made a move into the paint, deep, and his easy presence in the ters into his own hands. Driving

and freeing Craig Galea, the for- paint stuck out like a real estate through the paint, the guard’s

ward got John Jay on the board sign. Fouled, he could not take sudden stop froze the two de-

with two. advantage at the line, though. So fenders and made plenty of room

John Jay, on the other hand, Lynch made him pay. e guard for another layup.

soon o ered a hint of what was drained a three, and his under- Not so much when Byram

to come from their defense. Efobi hand drive netted three with the tried to get inside. Sanz gave no

posted up Galea, and the senior foul. ground on the next four Bobcat PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI
en the Wolves took the possessions, and the denial paved Ben Gold
refused to give ground. With the

shot rolling o the rim, Sanz as- home team to the circus. Lynch the way for a Preddice runner

sured that getting good position missing the layup on the fast that extended the lead to 11. other big guy. Galea received at time, he sent in the clowns with

throughout did a number on break, Sanz played ring master. Byram now mis ring from all the foul line, and made good on an acrobatic underhand layup.

Efobi. He rebounded the miss, spun in over, they also had to deal with his guard skills with a running Up 42-26, John Jay was in con-

e middle drawing plenty of the air without coming down and Will Sanz the point guard. Rip- swish. trol, and Lynch forewarned cau-

attention nonetheless, the Bob- made the follow with his back ping the rebound down with less An 11 point lead going into tion for Section 1.

cats had a pretty good spread. turned to the basket. than ninety seconds left in the the fourth, Lynch put the game “Watch out, we could be com-

Tyson Repa hit a pull-up, Luke Tied at 17, Efobi could not third, Sanz brought the ball up, away. A free throw from the line, ing in as a sleeper team,” he said.

Berliner muscled a put back, and convert on two put backs, and drove left and passed back to the a buried three, and one more

WolvesBOYSHOCKEY slay North Rockland

BY RICH MONETTI On Tuesday, Dec. 20, John Arena. e Wolves trounced the Whelan and Liam Burke had added the nal two.
CONTRIBUTING WRITER Jay had a big day versus North visitors by a score of 10-1. Kyle two goals each, and Walter Oes-
Rockland at the Brewster Ice Petschek, PJ DeNoia, Declan treicher and Owen Scinicariello

Denis Zapson
Girls teamBOWLING
moves into
1st place

BY RICH MONETTI Kayla Petre John Curtin
e boys and girls bowl-
ing teams were in Cortlandt on What separates us
Wednesday, Dec. 21 to play Hen from other accountants and tax preparers is
Hud, and both teams remained our ability to work with you not just on taxes,
on the same trajectory. e boys, but on financials, college planning, divorce,
however, fell to 1-5, and the girls’ retirement planning, changes in life planning...
improvement to 4-2 had them
rise to the top. We don’t just process tax forms, we advise on how to
handle your income and expenses in the future
Not all bad for the boys, their with personalized recommendations.
score had them rolling the best
game of the season, according We help you navigate the tax code, and in the end, help you
to Coach Paul Plutzker, but the
set sound financial goals.
nal score was still 2695-1801
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high 169 and nished with a 406 | [email protected]
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game of 147 and 392 series, and 824 Route 6, Suite 4 | Mahopac, NY 10541
Denis Zapson had a 139 game
and 389 series. Securities offered through Cantella & Co., Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Cantella and Co., Inc. does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.
This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or
Plutzker had high praise on
the other side too. accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

“ e girls had their best day of
the season so far,” said the coach.
“ ey defeated second-place
Hen Hud 7-0, and in each of the
three games, the Wolves topped
600 total pins.”

In game one, Stephanie Halsey
had a 141, Kayla Petre registered
a 125 and Kayleigh Plutzker
rolled a 124. e total tally was

e girls stayed cool under
pressure as well.

“Game two was a nail-biter,
which came down to the end
of the tenth frame in a 608-588
win,” said Plutzker.

Once again, Halsey and Petre
led the way with game highs of
143 and 140, while Suri Singh’s
133 and Plutzker’s 130 rounded
out the frame.

Finally, game three showed the
team could bowl from behind.

e tenth frame again proved
the di erence in a 623-594 vic-
tory. No surprise, Halsey did the
main honors with a match-high
154, and Singh hit a high note
too. A 139 game score was tops
on her season with a 438 series,
and Plutzker’s 135 was her best
score in a 389 series. All told the
girls are 33-9, and the total pin
drop put John Jay in a rst-place
tie with Panas.



East Green Wave victory over
Ridgefield-Danbury evens record

BY RICH MONETTI Guire icked in a wrist shot, and the goal advantage for the game spoke

CONTRIBUTING WRITER game was tied at one on the power-play to team chemistry, according to Fox

goal. e East didn’t bat an eye,though. Lane’s Wallis Kelleher-Ferguson.

At 1-2 on the season,the East Green First Alyssa Filmer weaved her way “All our systems are getting better,”

Wave was looking to even their record down ice for a shot on goal,and the play said the senior.

against Ridge eld-Danbury on Dec. staying put, Lonergan put two more Unfortunately, twelve seconds into

Wallis 21. Play staying mostly in the visitor’s shots on. Undeterred, Filmer geared up the third, the East had to rely on that
Ferguson zone, the pressure should have made again, got behind the net, and zeroed cohesion and persevere when the puck

PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI for an easy victory at the Brewster Ice in on Lonergan out front. De nitely de ected o a skate to tie the score.

Arena. Nonetheless, a ukey goal to obliging, the Westlake forward red “We just knew in the rst shift right

start the third had the score tied at away and regained the lead at 5:13. after intermission, we had to get right

three and stood the home team at at- No letting up,the East rode the wave back on the ice and come out hard,”

tention. into the second period, and the team- said Kelleher-Ferguson.

“It shocked everybody,” said Coach work and good passing was no surprise e girls didn’t wait long either.

Stacey Wierl, but the jolt also went the to Wierl. Abigail Roberson came up with a loose

other way. “We kept the puck in the o ensive puck and made easy work of Casey

“ e goal sparked a little bit of en- zone like we planned and practiced,” Rosenberg on the breakaway at 12:07.

ergy,”she said, and the team responded she said. Two minutes later, the East was on

with a 5-3 victory. Rosenberg could attest rsthand. the stick again. Lindsay Smith’s quick

Even so, the East didn’t wait to get e puck coming free inside the blue trigger got goal number ve at 10:40,

out of the gate. Katie Loga raced down line, the White Plains junior didn’t and the East easily skated home with

the puck on the right, found Kathryn hesitate and gave the East a 3-1 lead at a victory.

Lonergan on the other side, and she 12:43. Boding well,according to Fox Lane’s

got her team on the scoreboard. But the two-goal lead didn’t last long. Sadie Roth eisch,the team’s tenacious-

13:40 remaining in the rst, the Brianna Boulanger picked up the puck ness and new talent must be tempered

East kept the pressure on, but when in her zone and went coast-to-coast to with keeping all the girls on the grind.

the puck kicked out of the zone, Katie close the lead to one with 12:15 left in “We are really competitive this year.

Rosenberg took a hooking penalty to the second. We have a lot of young skaters, but

prevent a breakaway at 12:10. No problem, the East didn’t lose a we still need to start working together

Sadie Rothfleisch Twenty seconds later, Abby Mc- step on o ense, and a 36-8 shots on more,”concluded Roth eisch.

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Jacque’s Spin on Music for January 2023

SQUE’Happy New Year! I hope everyone’sACQUE’ PURDYS
SPIready to roll up their sleeves and dig Westchester Bluegrass Club, 33 Lake
into the live 2023 music scene. I know N
S I am! ON M Way Clubhouse
USIC ere are many home-grown On Saturday, January 14, 2023 Mike
Jmusicians performing locally in- Artie Tobia 1/5, Drew and Tom 1/12, Burns & Highway 53 are the fea-
cluding John Basile, an instru- Solstice 1/19 and Bryan Gordon on tured act at 8 p.m. ere is an open
USICmental jazz guitarist from Yor-January 26. mic performance at 7 p.m. Re-
ktown. John will be performing freshments are served and the club
at two dinner shows in January. PLEASANTVILLE requests attendees bring a dish to
e rst one will be at Peekskill’s e Garage at Lucy’s, 446 Bedford share. Doors are at 6:30 p.m.
BeanRunner at 6 p.m. on Satur-
day, January 7. On ursday, Jan- Road 914-747-4740 YORKTOWN HEIGHTS
uary 26 his trio will host the Jazz Have you heard Lucy’s becomes a Mohansic Grill, 1500 Baldwin
on Main, Open Jam in Mt. Kisco at
N M8 p.m. Swing Dance Speakeasy night every Road, 914-962-9300
Pete Donnelly is another local musi- 4th Wednesday of the month? Pick up ere is a full lineup of live music
cian in Somers, and founding member some moves w/ Swing dance lessons
of e Figgs, Pete and Friends begin that begin at 7 p.m. Ahlfabet Swing starting at 7:30 p.m. every Friday and
their 2nd ursday night residency at Group brings the music, and the dance Saturday in January. Curtis Winchester
Lucy’s Garage this month in Pleasant- party starts at 8 p.m. All for $15 cover. & the Band are Friday, 1/6! Visit mo-
ville. e band is Pete, friends and spe- And, you don’t even need a partner! for the 2023 calendar
cial guests. If you are a fan of NRBQ or listing.
Soul Asylum, you will recognize some
of the bands Pete performed with. I My short column could not possibly
imagine his guest will be pretty special! share everything going on this month.
Mark these dates in your calendar, 1/12, For a full list, visit HearIt to
2/9 & 3/16. search. Venue owners, musicians and
event planners if you have an upcoming
MOHEGAN LAKE live music event to share for February
Dog Haus Biergarten, 3137 E Main 2023, please tell me about it at jacque@
Street, Cortlandt Town Center 845-
915-4287 Jacque Roche is a freelance writer, content
contributor to several local publications,
Acoustic music on ursday nights as well as editor and music blogger for
at 7 p.m. e January lineup features HearIt Archived broadcasts of
her 2016-2020 radio shows can be heard
streaming on


DRUG CRISIS Backyard, which brought along come to the programs,” Christian-
FROM PAGE 1 sen said. 
families to talk about what treat-
“Between what we do and
ment and recovery were like. what ASK does, it’s a really good
marriage,”she added.
Backyard’s  rst public event. It was “It’s one thing to go to work-
(Each group is keeping its name.
held at the Mahopac Library on shops and learn prevention, but Changing them at this point when
both are so well-known might
Aug. 9, 2012. Cushner was one of when you can listen to fam- cause confusion.)

ve panelists speaking about pre- ily members who have walked the MISSION MILESTONES
Halston Media  asked  Chris-
vention and mental health. walk, that’s what tugs at your heart.
tiansen and Salomone if they had
How did Cushner get involved? We can all do this better. We can accomplished what they set out to
do a little more than a decade ago.
As a PTA president in the York- help our own families and neigh-
“Well, I think the di erence that
town school district, she had seen bors,” Cushner said. I see -- and I can only speak for
myself -- is that people ARE talk-
the potential for widening the Earlier this year, when  Sa- ing about it (addiction) and that
is the most amazing thing to me,”
“safety net”beyond just the schools. lomone  and  Christiansen  were said Christiansen.

Over the last decade, the two contemplating the future PHOTO COURTESY OF TRICY CUSHNER “When Erik died, my niece said
to me ‘What are we going to tell
organizations have supported each of Drug Crisis in Our Backyard, ASK President and CEO Tricy Cushner and Executive Director Liz Talbert people about how Erik died? I said
‘We’re going to tell the truth about
other’s missions in various ways. one of the paths they explored how Erik died.’  So what I love
about it, what we’ve done is help
“Every time we had the oppor- was a merger with another orga- fers resources that support treat- “As we nd new ways to contin- take away the stigma,” she said,
adding: “People can talk to us. ey
tunity to merge programs or proj- nization. ment and recovery. ue our e orts, the true bene ciaries can reach out to us. We helped
increase awareness of the drug
ects, we were thrilled,” Cushner re- To  Cushner, getting together “ is is just such a great mar- to  ASK  and  Drug Crisis in Our companies, of what they’ve done. I
think we’ve helped a lot of people.”
called. with  Drug Crisis in Our Back- riage between what they do and Backyard working together will
Susan Salomone  echoed that
One of those collaborative ef- yard  was a no-brainer. is new what we do,”noted Christiansen. be the families and friends who sentiment.

forts was  ASK’s  Save A Life an- partnership provides an “invalu- Salomone  agreed that it’s a will better understand how to con- “One of the most important
things we did was give families a
nual forum held at both Lakeland able” and direct connection with “powerful combination.” nect resources and support to loved voice to talk about what was go-
ing on behind closed doors in their
High School and Yorktown High individuals and families who have Once  ASK  is o cially  Drug ones when they need it most,” she houses,” she said, adding “And we
continue to do that weekly through
School. e day-long event would personal experience with treatment Crisis in Our Backyard’s  “ s- said. our family support group.”

draw at least 300 students and 200 and recovery, she said. cal sponsor” all of the latter’s as- In testimony posted on DCI- “One of the most important
things that Drug Crisis in Our
family members. ( e workshops ASK  is a community coalition. sets will be transferred over. ASK BY’s website, one parent called the Backyard accomplished was to
provide families with speci c tools
are now held virtually.) Among It focuses on prevention.  Drug executive director  Liz Talbert  of organization “an incredible aid” in to help them e ectively commu-
nicate with loved ones that are
the dozens of faithful vendors and Crisis in Our Backyard works with Yorktown will handle the business helping him/her “cope with the struggling with addiction. ese
tools help the family member un-
exhibitors was Drug Crisis in Our many, many communities and of- end of things for both organiza- pain of having a son who su ers derstand the impact of their addic-
tion on the entire family and assists
tions. ese include making grant from addiction.” them in seeking meaningful long-
term recovery,” Steve Salomone
Prepare applications, fundraising, handling “Before I felt alone and lost, I said.
for power
outages social media and advertising, pay- didn’t know what to do or who I Among the many tools in its
today toolbox were  multiple presenta-
ing speakers,doing paperwork,and could talk about it with. is group tions by experts in the eld of ad-
WITH A HOME diction, a cable TV show called
STANDBY GENERATOR managing o ce help. has shown me that I’m in fact not “Viewpoint,” public service an-
nouncements, and collaboration
$0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS ASK, also a 501(c)3 nonpro t, alone,”the parent wrote. with other agencies in Westchester
and Putnam counties.
Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions has been seeing demand for its ser-
During September, National
REQUEST A vices rise at a time when funding MANY HANDS Recovery Month, it holds events
FREE QUOTE such as the 5K Run for Recovery
seems to be on the downturn. MAKE LIGHT WORK in FDR Park in Yorktown.
NEXT POWER OUTAGE In 2008, it got a 10-year fed- Christiansen  and  Salo- “We did our best,”  Salo-
mone said, adding wistfully if not
(877) 516-1160 eral  Drug Free Community mone  may be taking a step back realistically, “It would have been
nice if we’d been able to stop the
FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* (DFC)  grant of $125,000 a year. from the every day work, but they overdoses.”
– A $695 Value!
at ran out in 2018. are de nitely not “fading away”and FOR MORE INFORMATION
*To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the For more information about
generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. ASK found itself spending a lot will remain highly involved in car-
DCOB, visit https://www.drugcri-
of time lobbying state, county, and rying on Drug Crisis in Our Back-

local leaders for nancial support. yard’s mission. For more information
about ASK, visit  https://
With the help of current York- ey will join  ASK’s  board of

town Supervisor  Matt Slater, the directors and continue to run their

newly elected representative of three programs: Spotlight Family

the state’s 94th Assembly District, Support Group, individual family

and Westchester County Legisla- coaching, and Naloxone training.

tor Vedat Gashi, ASK got enough (Naloxone, sold under brand

funding to keep one paid employ- names such as Narcan,is a medica-

ee,  Talbert. at money runs out tion used to reverse or reduce the

next September. e ects of opioids.)

ASK  recently received a West- “I will have the time to do the

chester County Business FIRST work that is rewarding for me:

grant. e program aims to help working with families and reach-

nonpro ts that are facing nancial ing out to treatment centers to nd

hardships. out what their services are so that

Drug Crisis in Our Back- I have a better reference list,” Salo-

yard itself received a $50,000 grant mone said. “So that was one of the

from the  state O ce of Addic- motivations, too, to not have to run

tion Services and Support  (OA- the day-to-day activities of a busi-

SAS), which was allocated by state ness.”

Butcher’s Deluxe Package Sen. Pete Harckham’s o ce. It ran She noted that access to new

4 Butcher’s Cut Top Sirloins (5 oz.) from December 2021 to Novem- voices on ASK’s board gives Drug
4 Air-Chilled Boneless Chicken Breasts (5 oz.)
4 Boneless Pork Chops (6 oz.) ber 2022. Crisis in Our Backyard a great “op-
4 Individual Scalloped Potatoes (3.8 oz.)
4 Caramel Apple Tartlets (4 oz.) Drug Crisis in Our Back- portunity for brainstorming” about
1 jar Omaha Steaks Seasoning (3.1 oz.)
8 FREE PureGroundTM Filet Mignon Burgers (6 oz.) yard contracted with ASK to assist each community’s speci c needs.

71941GLZ separately $225.94 THE BEST STEAKS in completing the scope of work. ASK will be able to expand its
$9999SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE YOUR MONEY BACK at was the “inspiration”for the reach as well.

8 BURGERS FREE future partnership between the two ASK works with pre-teens and

organizations, Cushner said. teens in its e orts to prevent them

ORDER NOW! 1.877.461.6823 Ask for 71941GLZ Because of that a lia- from turning to drugs. One of the
tion, ASK will now meet the cri- biggest things Drug Crisis in Our
Savings shown over aggregated single item base price. Photos exemplary of product advertised. Limit 2. 8 free
6 oz. burgers will be sent to each shipping address that includes 71941. Standard S&H added per address. teria for new funding, which will Backyard  does – besides provid-

Offer available while supplies last. Items may be substituted due to inventory limitations. Cannot be combined help continue Drug Crisis in Our ing access to resources -- is ght
with other offers. Other restrictions may apply. All purchases acknowledge acceptance of Terms of Use:
Backyard’s programs as well as its the stigma surrounding the topic or call 1.800.228.9872 for a copy. Expires 12/31/22. | Omaha Steaks, Inc.
own. “so people will talk about it and



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Time for New Year’s nancial resolutions

GUEST of 2022, according to a survey just because you feel your recent At least once a year, you should review
CORNER by Allianz Life Insurance of performance is not what it your investment portfolio to determine
North America. Of course, fo- should have been. When the
JUDI cusing on your cash ow needs if it’s still appropriate for your goals,
MCANAW today is certainly understand- nancial markets are down, as risk tolerance and time horizon. But be
able, but are there other ways was the case for most of 2022, careful not to make changes just because
It’s that time of year when you can free up some money, even quality investments, such you feel your recent performance is not
many of us promise our- such as possibly lowering your as stocks of companies with
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more, or learn a new language, contributing to your retirement and strong prospects, can see
or take up a musical instrument, accounts? It’s worth the e ort declines in value. But if these -Judi McAnaw
or any number of other worthy because you could spend two or investments are still suitable for Edward Jones
goals. But this year, when mak- three decades as a retiree. your portfolio, you may want to
ing New Year’s resolutions, why keep them. WHY DO WE
not also consider some nancial • CONTROL YOUR DEBTS
ones? In ation can also be a fac- • PREPARE FOR ADVERTISE
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As you know, in ation was rates. If you do carry a balance, forced to dip into your long- for many years so that everyone in
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what this year, it will likely still you’re carrying multiple credit containing three to six months’ in Halston Media’s local newspapers
be higher than what we expe- cards, you might bene t by get- worth of living expenses — or has done wonders for our business.”
rienced the past decade or so. ting a xed-rate debt consolida- a year’s worth, if you’re retired
Even so, it’s a good idea to try tion loan. In any case, the lower — with the money kept in a -Mark and Patti Liff
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your investment strategy for the you can invest for your long-
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More than half of American useful — so try to put them to CALL BRETT FREEMAN AT (845) 208-8151
workers either reduced their • REVIEW YOUR work in 2023.
contributions to their 401(k) INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO
s and other retirement plans is article was written by
or stopped contributing com- At least once a year, you Edward Jones for use by your local
pletely during the third quarter should review your investment Financial Advisor, Judi McAnaw,
portfolio to determine if it’s still a resident of Katonah. She has
appropriate for your goals, risk an o ce at 332 Route 100, Suite
tolerance and time horizon. But 300, in Somers. Judi can be
be careful not to make changes reached at 914-669-5329.



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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 VOL. 5 NO. 34
aFwiraey!VbootenrdsfaoSprcpKhraootvooelnD$aHi4hOs-9tPLr.Eie5cMwtmAisZiblZloiOorLnoA BCortihmexep,rienssflsuaptpioornt faornIdsraaebl aonrdtiUoknraainteissue in Congressional race JOauytcpooaucrhingfoollfowsuinpgpocroHtOmfPoEpMrlaAJZionZhOtLnAVOL.5 NO.32
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PHOTO COURTESY OF GBFD LCEBLISUAUSSRISNEIEFSIESD&SSajawenRpTpobEHletyuapAhAAeBreEufibhtsaLUueantYBinfrelrGhilrlaiotOl’EdeglilHtcRaeg.ds-oScoashmwyscUaEeSteAehea.Tgmbnt,abhodyrTrtontAnaToiaoIaweesurgrunOIA-TdmJt‘dnwahceaaoBnsMsNiraiolEgpeenhltspLrtlaa-pdeCyetnilaedsBwKuHtEdLmpotlieeieo!OeFpkhllnena’tI’HdYose3kroytrfNN,se.p!dtoe,ge.hacl0mthTNwgSpTserGinlhhaaRft0gueeesdprMswcirnhnemgOoeoIphidnusppBoaenvloirkevsboriUperpframocooMaa.trfisSeotolsrTlopronetrtwr3noaotaogIrcefeeNatorgepfgotanBlhhrnoSmtlcotG3reirkmlt,igaee3ooohaigtAtehs0osemareWerte1nysotc,’isoaeasfshrRegforheactcRl’spnraoasattei’ntrrnohjie2ssgeTIoiotToloraeheenyifss2l0oeshEcAanoewlbtlyLtoranhttbsg0dR2oCohnuaxiyhtildaotcsonEm"rpmelosl1moaeiaotmnesaieneyonOt,Hnulpanme,nuuYwthmnhilsedboae-ctinrb,itnonwaagnvteaacittumekwplol,glntohrhhigetuhypebshlyielinoisKrhafarglotet,otegieead,eat,adgnt.mrmuh-eiYhtmarmCg”smlcfdbnhaoghttrko-rIpot,pJheeeonltneoene,ophpaioriejnhntoarersnuhnsouw’o’tatiotdsohhaenumr.-uhoamoeolcsagitdrvur-haSl“nprsnbgitomhhtutetrdimdhugseaphSlhhereuefossssdeitne,rniateomowooieOonwacaneasrlehtsaomsncobd.rhysrhtyreftipt#votow.eioeeestnrugayiislv"sdinew,pooSatorULaunmneumd,ccuiwaeJrhcrtganntwspt—nolNhothgtosgaGlrtefhorsthuhterbihfyfgtaasransonohbcoeoaecmooaoaen-eaiiaeiIwgcayoegtsCndvtnntsehnretrirtcbiaotlbeyhteiltpahrctetdsitmltsosdoeSdlhewrharbdaa,msbcpvale.eele,nosatfo”ttJueceiaebtd,eykcmetHhoohoaefadahhnIeuiukntinhcyrPlotehtiekynfrnhoedninuep’aaretloissonttrottntetrtnau’oeeete”sviie’lsvlehbthsetahgtrudfotatgwradmhndersiyeseyecaiwgeseeeena,yuhtedtucsHwo.tfaiHshlaramotisrhneoasEaatKcohlaos“iltnryttaste’dootearrboksiirhIuehplbiogupofttkptdhsdesL’ts,nroisirpphuholp.swearrwxroasimeannleetsdohuauSetNcsdtinemeareentlsn“tnitghmhaeentctepaebnhoDenenpi’dceaIo;bsYts,aldcioeopinesop-eliis.e;rtsptufssuomw.ftv,mihlhrltmgeoa,saaIt.lsnacaroerhIiavhuychdeyianrumsisyarirnpgonr-teaAntvernsldedempielvoehlregrpetnneasaadra,gaho-rtsodwrda-oetisiggftihteibswSrnuneevdpntroiniajiuttcCoIeolenarsuewmntgiirieawn.aoh,cens,hsrtnurenmtgadcwnoteagrcbtbei-aistibtnnttraistirtthn.oaasiseyeoouoanln-ah.ddrtdciIee,rprdteeicdh-frtelsnudedoh$t,ercssaoar-ccesrsuhoWgdueeul8sgrstoodpbotnaaSfdBrocevosstlmiudote,osoSaoaonfltncciotcn,1hfetforihtipsncEhlirnuwaireoaalntaShmnh4tw'ldoclchEeltyeottee,nouelphlarn0cnsooaaoeel,onsdbxotkesoawnCd-psasetdruupnlevsisciatucvdeteftthduyronaaoncOorierreooditobeheo,ttnmntcammechirysgrlierfrraouehionigteAktoyneeartlosfto6cechdatteyftetir,ot,ofsghCnheoapa3hafmre,muhoviwwadtedinhltgbiuie-esHKnoirtnnhleneye.ndltrilbbsrhii”seengcneeLtstedcrmngdeaoP tcdhim,alavsstehra,uASaltorabdatCet.reaSleeseNyaselGidr,-aDnArorilsrowwdw’rboicsdEnassidhyvmononbncIihdelwe,gsosim2tvdAhfssag.eeeerbuywa.r.oo8isiosotawnmssdSteo1llsnrkfotnlnttPoeRo.,ay7wf-eeemp9dlwtllrgo“fs,rmtyxbii5-oelotIefvbrtoe-rabergPemKruroeayeahnnystea,HCair-sfflepraaidtlo4pO-ltatosolleEevoslb,tsTg0anai.udeiaYOknnai-aocrduc:kLehsOoghnyTecniiAt.cOn-edaUBeveMgateni’illBoVsbl|leAKneS:EhdRafwotooTAo9GeLnrpnsEeraesONY1thotfmo,4haTcNvegiahTaY.ez.otBA317ezrS0po.oaR5eaH1l3leeamr64aAds@laVVEz.giEs0czmteoaHatl0PaeirOl.e.cBc9soProiodmmE0keenrt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022

DSsoeaemy meaotarfettehprenhooFotoinrseofhrnooumpsaegt”BheCiOYg1es$uNivv2T5anSCpToec!w0RycOgtncnoooheIerHIeuBnnetEafMranbo-m.UrcxsssrdcVirolTltttsKettriueiirDr,lIBhyAceotNlmnsuus$dlhLDiBkaurevGiaAnecCc4eaioseet-imeicSnaasttbrtesgi9hWmnanRuriikppsletigDoeoaa,nlemdtrtnMR“nndi4poTaspeirlnanitdIenIlac’ci5odliKtrinesTrerntscnLn-inohtisoiEwy8erenttlt,smaeamttcvRioElrrn”hvr.,ogsmewtla2eiaeenteocetorscaoraYrhhfndx0meo.adcslttnonerrAsp’efeioe0ht’btmggstrugc,daaieelaeooonviepellhansbtncnrfnalakeidnollodrsoo-etmeystmodotledlLrsrd,srnmp-tdncpeusdifrtahupbdwnlioeltoawomgaeeonaealurvtwb,trotcesnaitoohloSiinclesmmeSenfilptejaetiadsadcKekebaaze-eilnobOpvhosc8nireeleleaKnpnyootleyiso9-bnttstctrgstorraoahL3o,ysoetohno2sstflc.lnretecjb-Sai0tvohbeght1Srceah-otoiehuDIecfekoyt8endhuodnat’onec5sroog-.pporilw-aata6adldavews1ehlarustnrOr5tceohnbe’.rs9eseettseihvt-dtsm’ehheemg1ta9rpOae4eeoriraai2Prsbsprdwe0assrmootttuycw-4eeotioOo8,5luv“etnepissdi,anusa.tpWen3“rtsieatplic21earnddreyrlrt[odgmnstdlooip07sioydeteivts.ceoietutht,nrhc1es4Anojamoiki”myhve2nth”pnirreEtgt2.etttecScece0eswhtaespiedi.v2BebwtrenlwhanylrerxeeeocAosefyhay.rnondudeblupianomedttortnbetrenwtiutatsfoetljrmhoribsnotteufeoddserkapnKsoedecueooactdgntlsnfumr]lelliiotnganspft.dyseaecopowdStpebrdhe“tehddrdtaakuudfuatIwpedooeiwataIrrhmg.incdthtsoovu”tynnnywcht.ttekhoahainaoesrouht“hwfectaotynesih’etYioytWtrnerhesowlebhertoMeSteroctOhtwiSoeiuehagiawpewdenaiEnvcdewn,anlngasraamrehe,Uloavlvegmalhlroohttmuhnc-arneeor3eeoit.ce’toojetdaMrotdmmiuaeooV1itifoet“dnnun-onelcumulv1Wmle-Ew,rdtrtiguc“dyledaalisn,srd-o,lnti.tetpaeaedeetf-t,”GoSmiecu”blhoghrpimotlfnml,nehemDhoatreuoOrs-tlirtD-temreuuehetrdohaythdeincTylstbaserciseetan,ieetlnnetlekaI“hTarmesponaet-rtxfcab-iWgnteshey.iAstadkteet”scietcaieeritlc“w,iaectgthcalpetattvFofpoiplHrkpmKmehoisurheetahfpamnbi.tpdgrha“etdrsin”AaLanporesernehoPmtno,ra,tomsaasnatphnoeojfVSicoenteaeucoliocnpltSaraxttieidswDscoitkhEecbartkprgirtpotehtft.aeimnsoelsttelhohewrlpslfdiseneimw“ydefasHoocscar.eaTOeaKneotsett”n.ixfttitrtbos”tehanOsplluohrSsiewuLe,illindptoomhuhieanwgelthccbPcvpuFSoanmtytseaetvntkhieepaeothsclrtrdDiEmeoiepotoouevrlntakaicsdne2yeaaoesenonvsttnooae,slEep0dimvdtjcaytepnymidvoeasprLeooi2pn.ldceeeclsctn.ehygWmll5rrphtsrstucieuntoeipezwua,cii-aiilhnaecbndamtsevshr2iisennaaotedrenoeetatpncG6oto,natdeeudnle”j-hsieeosebedwoy.-,betscSce-clrdee-ncrtaoySistoeeaesmleFhbermlh-btxrgvedoaoohspoesehwcmo.afeelseitrolrehtlryudivpet-aineskm-ddist-,y VOL. 5 NO. 33 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2022

cell: 914.714.0090Licensed AssociatSeaRleesaVl EicsetaPtreeBsirdoeknetr BY BRETT FREEMAN ing took place in New York Meanwhile, Lawler rep-
[email protected] PUBLISHER State. resents New York’s Assem-
What Would a Recession Mean for the Housing Market?gGmaAtoehlndetre’resned’csoaoBrndnrn-idbuOrgaelecatk.Fi“ni2Crg2eomDfocmerropuwatnhrditet-y bly District 97 in Rock- Assemblyman Mike Lawler Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney
e race for New York’s Congressman Maloney land County. Assemblyman
17th Congressional District was raised in New Hampshire Lawler graduated from Suf-
has gained national attention and earned his bachelor’s and fern High School and went
as polls show it’s a tossup be- law degree from the Uni- on to earn his degree in busi-
tween Democrat Congress- versity of Virginia. Maloney ness administration from
man Sean Patrick Maloney served as a senior advisor in Manhattan College, where
and Republican Assembly- the Clinton Administration he graduated as the valedic-
man Mike Lawler. and after leaving the White torian. Lawler and his wife,
House, he built a high-tech Doina, live in Pearl River,
Maloney, who is chair of startup in New York and later and they have a baby girl.
the Democratic Congressio- worked for New York Gov-
nal Campaign Committee, ernors Spitzer and Paterson. We asked the candidates a
currently represents the 18th He and his husband, Randy series of similar questions in
district and was rst elected Florke, have three children separate interviews. You can
in 2012. He is running in this together and currently reside
new district after redistrict- in Cold Spring. SEE CONGRESS PAGE 6

Please note that the Nov. 10 edition of The Katonah-Lewisboro Times will go to press before the Nov. 8
election results are available. Please visit to view our full election coverage.

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