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Published by Halston Media, 2022-05-31 14:06:36

The Katonah-Lewisboro Times 06.02.2022

VOL. 5 NO. 11 Visit for the latest news. THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2022

Vote on marijuana retailers goes to hearing

Bedford Town Board will take public comment on June 7

BY TOM BARTLEY ised to share sales-tax revenue with localities challenged revenue estimates, the speed with

CONTRIBUTING WRITER that permitted dispensaries and consumption which the board was acting, and even the no-

lounges. tion that residents would have a chance to

e Bedford Town Board will ask resi- Now, the board is considering repeal of its object at the ballot box.

dents next week whether, on second thought, 3-2 decision to outlaw local sales, thus losing One resident, Hans More eld of Katonah,

pot shops actually do belong here. the new revenue, while keeping in place its did the math and questioned how much dis-

Elected o cials are reconsidering, as ex- rejection of the lounges. It set, at its May 24 pensaries could generate in sales taxes with-

pected, their six-month-old decision to ban meeting, a public hearing for 5:15 p.m. next out a steep corresponding in ux of customers

retail cannabis outlets anywhere in town. Al- Tuesday ( June 7) on permitting retail sales. and the tra c problems they would bring.

lowing the shops had become a local option Not waiting for the o cial hearing, ve More eld was also “very surprised and dis-

last year after the state legalized the once- residents used last week’s meeting to warn appointed by the direction and speed you’re

criminal sale, possession, and consumption of against such a move. e dispensary op- going with respect to marijuana retail stores”

marijuana, ponents cited familiar health and addiction and disputed the board’s contention that it

and prom- objections to marijuana generally but also had to act quickly to assure voters a voice

on the issue in November. “ e only reason

for urgency is so we, the opponents [of re-

tail stores], could mount a petition drive for

‘The only reason for urgency is so we, the a potential November referendum,” he said.
opponents, could mount a petition drive for a “We never asked for that and we’re not even
potential November referendum. We never asked
sure it’s allowed. Don’t make us the reason for
for that and we’re not even sure it’s allowed. your false urgency.”
Don’t make us the reason for your false urgency.’
Another Katonah resident, Don Scott,
agreed, saying, “I don’t know what the rush is.
It’s going to be years before retail shops start
popping up in the towns around here. Let’s
learn from that.”

A former Town Board member and candi-

–Hans More eld date for supervisor last year, Scott also ques-
Katonah resident tioned whether residents would have any say
on a board opt-in. “It’s unclear whether this


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John Jay student fixes tech for vets
Accepted donated watches, cameras on Memorial Day

BY GINO DE ANGELIS including one to put up signs me- years ago, after he visited a Good- that broken,”he said.
will and saw that they were being e xed cameras will be ei-
STAFF WRITER morializing the John Jay High sold and could be easily xed. He
started reading books and watch- ther sold back to their manu-
School students who died while ing videos on how to x them. facturers or on an online store.
Vialardi is also open to selling
John Jay junior Grant Vialardi serving, said Chair John Lemke. “You could get them for pennies them to interested people in the
on the dollar, and they weren’t even community.
just wants “to show that there are “Especially the students who

still people out there who appreci- were killed during Vietnam. It’s

ate veterans.” something I wanted us to do,” he

Vialardi is working on Project said.

Honor, a community service proj- Vialardi said he was inspired to

ect he organized for Lewisboro’s work with veterans due to his close

Memorial Day festivities in which relationship with his grandfather,

people were able to donate old, Robert Savoca, who served in the

broken watches and cameras to be Army and went to engineering

xed up personally. He collected Grant Vialardi school during his time serving.
cameras during the parade, which “After that, he started working

will then be sold. e money is to community, sell them, and use that in aerospace engineering. at re-

be donated to the Lewisboro Vet- money for something good. e ally set him on the path for the rest

erans Advisory Committee. money raised will go to local veter- of his life,” he said. “ e military

“I’ve been working with cam- ans. at’s the promise I can make.” can play such a big role in some-

eras and watches for a few years,” e Veterans Advisory Com- one’s life.”

he said.“I wanted to do something mittee is hoping to use the money Vialardi began working with

where I could take them from the for a number of potential projects, cameras and watches around four

‘The money raised will go to local veterans.
That’s the promise I can make.’
–Grant Viliardi
Grant Vialardi has been fixing broken cameras and watches for the
last four years.


To see your event here, email owned preserves and then see your Cross Preserve Trail and West boots. Bring a water bottle. Steady from coming up against adversity.
[email protected]. position on your phone as you hike Valley extension trail through wet- rain cancels. e interviews are infused with
Leon Levy Preserve trails.Two lei- lands on bog bridges before re-
National Trails Day surely, instructional hikes to choose turning over the circa 1900 Gorge ‘10,000 NOs’ Author Del Negro’s message of positive
Hike at Leon Levy from. Learn of the preserve’s many Stone Bridge. Rated moderate. 2.5 at Katonah Library perseverance.
natural and historic features. Great miles. Led by George Scott, head
Preserve opportunity to meet neighbors, preserve steward, Leon Levy Pre- Saturday, June 4, 2 p.m., Katonah Del Negro graduated from John
and perhaps future friends, while serve. Village Library, 26 Bedford Road, Jay High School in 1990 after
Saturday, June 4, 10 a.m., Leon hiking one of the Lewisboro’s pre- Katonah victorious seasons of football and
Levy Preserve, Route 123, South mier preserves. Hike 2 follows the rst hike lacrosse. He continued lacrosse at
Salem brie y, before heading to see some e Katonah Village Library Division I Boston College until he
e Lewisboro Land Trust of the preserve’s historic ruins — will host Matthew Del Negro on hit upon acting.
New to hiking? New to Lew- will provide information on other the Black Mansion,Stone Cottage, Saturday, June 4 at 2 p.m. Del Ne-
isboro? Or an experienced hiker Lewisboro preserves and have Professor Crafts’ Research Lab, gro is author of the popular pod- Most recently, Del Negro has
— these hikes are for you. Learn their newly revised Walking Wild and the Re ecting Pool. Slower cast, and recent book “10,000 NOs been in “City on a Hill,”“Goliath,”
what trail blazes and junction Lewisboro trail guide. ey will pasted, rated easy. 1.1 miles. Led by — How to Overcome Rejection “Huge in France,” “Scandal,” and
numbers mean and how to follow have refreshments, information on Rose Bonanno, town Open Space on the Way to Your YES.” the feature lm “Wind River.”
them on the trail. You’ll learn how “leave no trace”and coexisting with and Preserves Advisory Commit-
to download a free trail map phone wildlife. tee member. e podcast, launched in 2017, is author talk and book event
app of the preserve and other town features a wide range of people will be held in the accessible lower
Hike 1 will explore the new Wear appropriate shoes/hiking who share what they have learned level of the library. e library is
located at 26 Bedford Road in Ka-

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BRUCE HELLER the Westchester Regional and a climate which has
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four members honored with Bedford Hills areas. KBH-
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DESIGNER Kathy Roche, and Michelle calls annually.

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such a strong organization,” KBHVAC and all the won-

said Capt. Allie Whalen. derful connections we have

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Eagle Scout recognized LEWISBOROTOWN BOARD

Ian Rhodes, a John Jay “It’s a great preserve. I Trio of hearings set for June 13

High School junior and Boy highly recommend it,”he said.

Scout from Troop 154, was e board congratulated

presented with a proclama- Rhodes for his project and Veterans Tax Exemption, speed limits to be discussed

tion at the May 23 Lewis- achievement, as well as com-

boro Town Board meeting mented on the scouting pro-

for his Eagle Scout Service grams and community in BY GINO DE ANGELIS Westchester County raised these should know it doesn’t mean you’re

Project. Lewisboro as a whole. STAFF WRITER caps in June 2021, according to the going to get a ticket if you’re going

“Whereas Ian Rhodes “As Eagle Scout parents, county government’s website. 26 mph,” Welsh said. “Our police

based his Eagle Scout Proj- it’s amazing, the scouting e June 13 Lewisboro Town To date, 274 veterans in the town chief was clear on this.”

ect on addressing the needs program Lewisboro. It’s really Board meeting will be a busy one, have applied for the increase, said

of Stamford, Connecticut something year-to-year to see with three public hearings scheduled. Town Assessor Lisa Robertson. STRETCH ENERGY CODE

Taylor Preserve, a satellite the exemplary Eagle Scouts,” On that date, the elected o cials “We just don’t want to be the Finally, the board was given a

of Bedford’s Mianus River said Councilman Rich Sklar- will welcome public comment on the only town in Westchester that hasn’t presentation on the Stretch Energy

Gorge, by building and in- in.“If any place within a thou- Veterans Tax Exemption Cap, speed done this,” she said. program a few sessions ago and

stalling a trailhead kiosk sand miles of here has more limits for ve roads, and the New e goal is for the new caps to be agreed to set a public hearing on it,

and hand-painted trail map Eagle Scouts, I can’t imagine.” York Stretch Energy Code. e ective for the 2023 tax year, Gon- Councilman Dan Welsh said.

to assist hikers,” said Town “I want to laud you on your e hearing on the Veterans Tax calves said. A stretch energy code is an energy

Supervisor Tony Goncalves, accomplishments and wish Exemption will deal with the town code that is more stringent than the

reading from a proclamation. you much success in your wanting to modify the tax exemption SPEED LIMITS state’s base energy code and allows

Rhodes also built a future as this carries you for- cap for residents who are veterans. e board also discussed changing local jurisdictions to lower energy

walkaround to prevent hors- ward,” said Councilwoman ere are three categories of veterans: the speed limits from 30 to 25 mph costs by adopting it, according to the

es and other animals from Mary Shah. war veterans, war/combat veterans, on ve roads in town that are ad- New York State Energy Research

damaging the trails. –Gino De Angelis and disabled veterans, said Town Su- ministered by the state. To that end, and Development Authority. e

pervisor Tony Goncalves. the state legislature was required to program is voluntary and its stated

“For war veterans, the cur- authorize the changes. mission is to help municipalities that

rent maximum tax exemption is “[State Sen.] Peter Harckham was adopt the code reach clean energy

$54,000. e county increased that successful in pushing this through goals.

to $75,000, so we’re looking to do and the bill was passed,” Goncalves “I wouldn’t push it except there is

the same for town tax,” he said. “For said. a certain natural schedule to getting

war/combat veterans, the maximum e roads that are under review that done,” he said. “ e law has to

exemption is currently $36,000 and are Bouton Road, Main Street from be registered with the state at the

we’re looking to increase that to Bouton Road to the Connecticut end of that month.”

$50,000 like the county did. For dis- border, Oscaleta Road, Spring Hill In conversations with other com-

PHOTO: GINO DE ANGELIS abled veterans, it’s $180,000 and the Lane, and West Lane from Spring munities that have adopted the code

Eagle Scout Ian Rhodes was presented a proclamation by proposed increase for that would be Hill Lane to Connecticut. they have spoken highly of it, Gon-
Supervisor Tony Goncalves and the Town Board.
$250,000.” “ is is a good change, and people calves said.

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Pinewood Derby MARIJUANA 720 valid signatures on a petition
opposing retail sales.

Bedford opted out of the dis-

is even subject to a permis- pensaries and consumption sites

e Vista-Lewisboro Pack 101 sive referendum,” he said, and shortly before last year’s statu-
Cub Scouts held their 2022 Pine-
wood Derby on May 14 at Ona- warned, “Once you’ve opted in, tory deadline and the 45 days
tru Pavilion.
you’re opted in forever… ere’s for a challenging petition expired
“I think it was our best one yet,”
said retiring Cubmaster Bill Bon- no turning back when that hap- long ago. But the MRTA allows
giorno. “ e creativity of Scouts
and parents is incredible. We had pens. So, I would urge you not to the Town Board to adopt “a local
everything from an arrow,to three
tanks, to racecars. schedule this public hearing and law repealing such prohibition.”

“We had race signs and nish to wait and see how things are It does not explicitly provide for
line banners and ran incredible
races on our aluminum derby going to play out.” a permissive referendum on the
track,” Bongiorno continued.
“ ere was a lot of cheering and e lack of clarity on opting opt-in nor does it specify whether
smiles and bewilderment of the
Scouts. Several walked away with in begins with the state legisla- the repeal action will be governed
a couple of trophies and medals.”
tion that in March 2021 made by Town or Home Rule law.
e Scouts were awarded tro-
phies for rst, second, third in weed legal under the Mari- Town attorney Eric L. Gordon
each den and pack, and medals
for fourth, fth, and sixth. Ev- juana Regulation and Taxation said that “when the opt-out was
eryone got a pinewood derby pin.
Act, or MRTA. As drawn, the adopted [in December], the gen-
ere were also trophies for cool-
est car, most realistic, and most law authorizes dispensaries and eral consensus was that any opt-
consumption sites in all munici- back-in would also be subject to
Former Cubmaster Rob Gor-
man was the announcer and for- palities statewide, then spells out a permissive referendum.” But, he
mer Cubmaster Adam Wiles set
up the cars at the starting gate. The track exactly how local governments acknowledged, “di erent authori-
Parents and leaders set up the
track and ran cars and handed out PHOTOS COURTESY OF BILL BONGIORNO can opt out: by adopting by Dec. ties have taken di erent positions
the winning regalia after the race.
The Scouts are ready for the Pinewood Derby. 31, 2021, “a local law, subject to because the MRTA does not di-
e Pinewood Derby has been a
Cub Scout tradition since 1953. permissive referendum governed rectly state that it has an opt-in as

by section twenty-four of the a permissive referendum.”

municipal home rule law.” Gordon, noting “the state’s law

Unlike Town Law, which gov- is a little unclear on it,” told the

erns many town functions and board that legal principles sug-

which provides for a permissive gest that because the opt-out re-

referendum to be called for either quired a permissive referendum,

by Town Board resolution or res- an opt-in would need one as

ident petition, Municipal Home well. Speaking after the meeting,

Rule Law restricts how a local he said the “legal premise” was

law can be subjected to voter re- that such a referendum would be

view. In Bedford’s case, it would guided by Home Rule provisions

have required dispensary propo- — mandating a petition, not a

nents to collect, within 45 days of SEE MARIJUANA PAGE 9

the law’s e ective date, more than

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MARIJUANA Dad can go there and buy it. We the ongoing disagreements over that we’re going to let the people When the board can provide
can go there eventually…’ So, marijuana as a gateway drug, decide. Well, it’s not. You’re say- such a circumstance, she said,

not only are we validating it for asked, “Are we ready to be the ing that you want retail dispen- “that’s not us…putting the onus

board vote, to put it on the ballot. them but also impairing their experimental town, to see what saries in town and, ‘Hey, folks on somebody to do work. at’s

Bedford’s board has increas- future in the process.” will happen, especially to our that don’t [want them], go get us giving the people the abil-

ingly appeared to be on the cusp Ribeiro lamented “a genera- children?” 700 signatures to force it to a ity to vote for something where

of voting repeal, citing among tion of coddled, self-indulgent, Scott, the former councilman vote.’” ordinarily we [elected o cials]

other things longstanding so- and self-esteemed, challenged who lost to Calves last year in Councilwoman Bobbi Bittker, are tasked with representing the

cial-justice inequities under individuals… living in parents’ the supervisor race, was critical addressing the issue later, said, people and making a decision

marijuana’s previous prohibition basements well into their 20s.” of the board. “You’ve created a “We don’t have a lot of oppor- for you. But in this case, we’re

and the potential for a big pay- Noting pot’s association with real mess here, and it’s not the tunities where we can get things going to be saying, ‘You get to

day with a 3 percent cut of the signi cant adverse health e ects, same as what you had at the end onto the ballot [for a townwide make the decision. is is your

state’s 13 percent sales tax. she said, “I don’t understand how of the year,” he said. “ e pitch is vote].” opportunity.’”

But More eld, who ran the we came from all the concerns of

numbers on optimistic projec- second-hand [cigarette] smoke

tions of a revenue windfall, said to all of a sudden marijuana is

that either the estimates are the cure to everything and we’re

wrong or that hundreds of daily not concerned with second-

customers — he put that gure hand smoke or for the people

at 350 to 600 — would have to consuming it.”

descend on the town to generate Sally Corbett-Turco, a mem-

even “low-end” projections of ber of the town’s Drug Abuse

six- gure sales-tax income. Prevention Council, referred to

Others speaking at the May December’s opt-out vote in urg-

24 meeting viewed the ques- ing the board to “stick with your

tion through a number of lenses. good decision made in 2021.”

Indeed, Ana Ribeiro of Bedford Supervisor Ellen Calves, then

Hills, for her part, brought mul- in her nal days as a council-

tiple perspectives. A Ph.D. in woman, said at the time that

neurobiology, she is both a col- she planned to revisit the matter

lege professor and the mother of when further information was

a 15-year-old Fox Lane student. available.

Ribeiro called it “reasonable to But seeing “no big cry-out

hypothesize” that the availability for marijuana shops,” Corbett-

of marijuana will increase its use Turco said, “Albany hasn’t even

and that “having a dispensary gured out how it’s going to deal

in town will validate it to our with all this stu .”

youth. ‘It’s OK,’ she depicted Another Bedford Hills resi-

young people saying, ‘Mom and dent, Severino D’Amico, noting

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Smoke screen Amazing avocado

The Bedford Town Board e board’s strategy is now to READING,
refuses to make up its mind pass a law in favor of pot shops and WRITING &
on what to do about pot then put the burden on opponents CHOCOLATE
shops. At last Tuesday’s board to collect the signatures to get a KOVACH

meeting, they scheduled a public reversal on the ballot in November.

hearing to allow But that may not be

retail marijuana IN CASE an option under the Avocados have MVP status (Most
dispensaries in YOU state’s new marijuana Valuable Produce) on my weekly
our hamlets. MISSED IT law. It is very clear grocery list. is tasty superfruit
from the text of the is rich in Vitamin C, B-6, E, A, iron,
at hearing is potassium, and magnesium. Avocados
are a good source of protein and a great
scheduled for law that they can use source of dietary ber.

June 7. DON SCOTT the petition process I started buying avocados and
But the ink to reverse an opt-out including this amazing fruit as one of
my major food groups several years ago.
is barely dry on law, but it is not clear I’m a vegetarian and avocados are a great
alternative source of protein.
the resolution that they can do it
Originally known as the “alligator
they just passed to reverse an opt-in pear” because of its green bumpy skin,
avocados were grown in Mexico and
in December to prohibit retail law. Opponents could go through Central America. Avocado tree farms
for commercial production started in
marijuana dispensaries and now the laborious process only to have California in the early 1900s. Since the for turkey or provolone sandwiches or
Spanish name, ahuacate, did not roll wraps, and cut into cubes as an omelet
they are proposing to repeal that the petition thrown out. eir smoothly o the tip of the American
tongue, a group of California farmers lling.
law. ey were against it and now plan would be up in smoke. e decided that a snazzier name would Dinner ideas to incorporate the
help with consumer marketing. In 1915, nutritional goodness of avocados include
they’re for it? A complete 180… opt-in law would stand. No voter avocado became the fruit’s o cial name adding avocado to pasta and rice dishes,
in the U.S. as well as to pesto sauce for a creamy
or is it 360? Full circle. Dude, it’s referendum. consistency. For an appetizer, avocados
Haas avocado is the most common take center stage in guacamole, of course,
enough to make your head spin. But I have to ask, even if their variety grown in California. e avocado but not the boring pasty green stu .  Use
trees are loaded with dark green to chunks of avocado, tomato, onion,
Back in December, in justifying scheme was successful, why put purple-colored fruit with a bumpy lime juice, lime zest, and salt to serve a
textured skin. e creamy inside esh colorful esta in a bowl.  You can also
their vote against dispensaries, this burden on Bedford’s citizens to of the Haas avocado is preferred for add avocado to pre-made salsa to go with
guacamole, spreads, and pesto sauce. tortilla chips.
the board told us they didn’t want begin with? Avocados grown in Florida are larger Dessert recipes abound for adding
with a bright green shiny outside skin. mashed avocado instead of oil or butter
to move too fast. ey wanted to When I was on the Town Board, when baking brownies and banana
e rm interior esh has less fat bread. Why not try a parfait with
understand the rules that had yet I used to joke that when you are content which is better for slicing or layers of sliced avocado, vanilla yogurt,
chunks but not as rich-tasting as the strawberries, and blueberries drizzled
to be released by the state as well as an elected o cial, on your best day, Haas variety. with honey for a cool summertime treat?
Did you ever buy too many avocados
outline zoning changes, so people 40% of your constituents think Avocados are not just for guacamole. only to discover that they were all ripe at
Start your morning o with avocado the same time? ere are plenty of health
knew what these establishments you’re wrong. And your popularity toast. Spread one half of a mashed ripe and beauty treatments that use avocados.
avocado onto whole wheat or raisin Whip up a nourishing, refreshing facial
would look like and where they goes down from there. Most toast and top with sliced peaches or mask by combining mashed avocado with
crumbled feta cheese and sliced tomato. Greek yogurt. Or moisturize your hair by
would go. Sounds reasonable. Well, elected o cials understand this and For a power breakfast on the go, make a applying a paste of mashed avocado and 2
smoothie with one-half of a ripe avocado, tablespoons of olive oil to dampen hair and
since then, the board has done come to terms with it in order to almond milk or vanilla yogurt, sliced leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing.
banana, and blueberries. Don’t throw away the avocado pits!
absolutely no research into those lead. Why are these politicians so I discovered lots of ways online to turn
e versatile avocado is a terri c food into fun. You can use the avocado
rules, nor have they done anything decision-averse? addition to lunchtime favorites. Use as a pits for a tiny travel-sized bocce game. Or
spread instead of mayonnaise in tuna or dry the pits for two weeks before painting
about zoning. e board has three options: egg salad, cut into slices for a BLT and or varnishing the spheres to make wind
chimes or for juggling!
So why the rush now? e board no, yes, or wait. Waiting is the No matter how you slice it (or cube or
mash it), the delicious, nutritious avocado
thinks that if they reverse the law best option since there is no is amazing!

now, they can reverse course again real deadline. Let’s see what our Kim Kovach thinks everything tastes better
with avocado!
and put the question on the ballot neighbors in Pound Ridge – who

in time for the November election: opted in – experience before taking

“Let the people decide.” How noble. the plunge. In addition, start

Unfortunately, the board knows looking at zoning rules. It’s not

that they probably do not have the hard to do; it just takes time and

legal authority to put this on the e ort. Taking more time also gives

ballot under state law. And that’s a the town an opportunity to hear

problem. more from constituents about their

e option they’re looking feelings.

to exploit is what is known as a To her credit, the only member

“permissive referendum,” which that has been decisive is Stephanie

would have allowed opponents to McCaine. She supported

collect signatures to force the law dispensaries in the 3-2 vote in

passed by the Town Board on the December and she supported them

ballot for approval (or disapproval) in the unanimous vote last week.

by voters. It is no easy feat — it e rest of the board has been a

requires collecting 700 valid mix of hemming and hawing and

signatures of Bedford voters in 45 indecision.

days. is option was available to e board needs to make up

the proponents of pot shops after its mind and explain clearly its

the December vote, but none came rationale. Yes, no, or wait. It’s time

forward. for them to lead.

BRETT FREEMAN, PUBLISHER 2 Letters to the editor and op-ed submissions may be edited. The views
BRIAN MARSCHHAUSER, EDITOR TRACKS and opinions expressed in letters and op-eds are not necessarily those
TABITHA PEARSON MARSHALL, CREATIVE DIRECTOR of Katonah-Lewisboro Times or its affiliates. Submissions must include a
118 N. BEDFORD ROAD, SUITE 100 phone number and address for verification. Not all letters and op-eds will
Editorial Office: (914) 302-5628 MOUNT KISCO, NY 10549 necessarily be published. Letters and op-eds which cannot be verified or
[email protected] ©2021 HALSTON MEDIA, LLC are anonymous will not be published. Please send your submissions to

the editor by e-mail at [email protected].
For more information, call the editor at (914) 300-5628


New friends, old friends

Ican still picture my childhood friends behind when the rst barrage came. As lege age, but since
as if I had left them just yesterday. the temperature began to fall and evening we both attended
e little boy who lived downstairs approached, we would pour water on universities in the
same state, we
in our tenement house, Johnny, had red this wall so it would freeze solid enough were able to con-
tinue seeing each
hair and a face full of freckles. Although to a ord us some protection from the other whenever we
had a school break.
he was two years MUSINGS: oncoming volley of We remain dear
younger, he was very snowballs. friends to this day.

fond of me and often PAST AND One year, my dad had Anna and I met
in the fourth grade
invited me down PRESENT brought home some ice and became espe-
to his at to watch cream scoops from his cially close because
our families had
“Howdy Doody” MARILYN A. pharmacy, where they summer cottages
in the same area, and it was not di cult
(who he looked quite PELLINI had a soda fountain, as a for us to visit back-and-forth. Little did
we know during our high school years
a bit like). His family few scoops needed to be together that we were destined to have
our friendship turn into one of relatives.
had the rst television repaired. I begged my After nursing school, Anna met the
man of her dreams and was planning
set in the neighbor- mother to let me take a summer wedding. Since I was going
into teaching, I had that whole summer
hood, so it was a great thrill and privilege one outside the morning of the ght to free and was thinking of taking a job at a
resort many miles away. I had no serious
to be Johnny’s friend. help my team make snowballs faster and boyfriend at the time and thought this college. Since I had not been an educa-
might be an opportunity to meet some tion major, I realized this could be very
Anne lived just up a small hill across easier. She agreed, but insisted I was to new and interesting people my own age. helpful when I began teaching kindergar-
Anna was very upset when she heard I ten in the fall.
the street from me, and had two younger be the only one to use the scoop. For the might not be able to attend her wedding.
With that somewhat in mind, I changed I took a male friend I had just met
sisters. e entire neighborhood of kids rst time ever, we were beginning to have plans and decided to attend an extensive with me to Anna’s wedding and after
education program at the local teacher’s the beautiful ceremony, delicious dinner,
loved Anne, as her father sold sporting the advantage, when suddenly Ginny and dancing, all the guests were invited
back to the bride’s parents’ home. My
goods, but of course had no sons. He appeared on the other side of the street date had to attend a family function that
evening, so I went to the after-wedding
out tted Anne with enough equipment and yelled for someone to “cross her party alone. Most of the other guests
were older relatives, so I kind of hung out
for us to play baseball all summer long over” because she wanted to come and with Anna’s brother, Al, who was two
years younger than she and I. Now that
with whoever showed up each morn- play with the ice cream scoop. at was we were both out of college, he surely
did not seem to be that much younger
ing for a game. ere were a number of the end of our snow wars. Now every-
bats, plenty of balls, and even bases. Boys one knew our strategy, and all the kids

especially came from all around the area wanted snowballs made with the scoop.

to play with us, even though we were e contest became how far we could all

“only girls.” throw, and to bombard the forti cations

en there was Ginny! Every winter, and break them down. Although I was

the kids on my block, and those on the not too happy with Ginny spoiling our

next street, had a snowball ght. We winter snowball competition, she and I

worked the whole day before the big became fast friends. We went all through

challenge to form a wall we could hide school together until we split up at col-

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Golfers rack up
the accolades

Dean DiGuglielmo eyes the states

BY RICH MONETTI On the girls’ side, Mia Hol- Will Sanz
CONTRIBUTING WRITER brook also held her own. She
made it to the section nals and
Despite falling just short of also achieved All-Section honors.
making the Section 1 nal four
in the team competition, John She did not qualify for the state
Jay golf had another great season. tournament and neither did Nick
Holbrook, Owen Magier, Dugan
ey won the league, had seven Ellin, and Walter Oestreicher.
All-Leaguers, ve All-Section, On the other hand, the quartet
and one who will be competing did make it to the rst round
in the state tournaments on June of the sections and thereby got
5. All-Section honors. In addition,
Will Sanz received All-League
“ ey put their time in and just honors.
to see them grow as golfers is a
really good thing,” said Coach All told, Blank believes the
Artie Blank. upgrade in competition at year’s
end does his golfers well. “I think
O the tee rst, Dean DiGug- it raises the level of their game.
lielmo nished fourth in the sec-
tion by shooting a combined 156 eir focus has to be on. ey
at Westchester Country Club on have to manage the course, de-
May 16 and May 18. “Dean was cide what clubs to use, and gure
really at the top of his game,” said out how to approach di erent
Blank. shots. So, I think they look for-
ward to compete at the highest
So, he will be swinging away level,” he said.
at Elmira in the State Tourna-
ment and Blank expects more of Only Magier and Ellin gradu-
the same skill set. “He manages ating, the coach is certain the kids
the course well. He understands who remain will aspire to have
what’s going on all the time and the future keep up with the past.
doesn’t let a bad show bother “ e standard is set high, and
him,” said Blank. “He’s always we’d like to keep it that way,” he
about the next shot.” concluded.

The standard is set
high, and we’d like
to keep it that way.’

–Coach Artie Blank

Mia Holbrook swings away. PHOTOS: RICH MONETTI


CLUES ACROSS 31. Unspoken relationships 60. Promotional materials 27. Southwestern For puzzle solutions, please see
1. Orator’s podium 32. Passports and 61. Greek city Russian city
5. UK-Netherlands licenses are two 62. Assistant 28. Pro sports league
gas pipeline 33. Claw 63. Confederate general 29. Congress investigative
8. Partner to “oohs” 34. Status quo 64. Former NJ governor body (abbr.)
12. African antelope 39. Mimic 35. Stop standing
14. Indigenous Thai person 42. Fur-lined cloak CLUES DOWN 36. Utilize
15. Monetary unit of Angola 44. Ancient foreigner 1. Used by gymnasts 37. Sign language
16. Becomes less intense 46. In an angry way 2. “Luther” actor Idris 38. Famed ESPN
18. Insurance mascot 47. Ill-intentioned 3. Broad volcanic crater broadcaster Bob
19. Tech hub __ Alto 49. Monetary unit of Serbia 4. Not for 40. Being of central
20. Actress Tomei 50. S. American plant 5. Blur importance
21. Airborne (abbr.) 51. One or the other 6. Tots 41. Ruin environment
22. Type of smart watch 56. An alias for Thor 7. Acted leisurely 42. Dessert dish
23. Natives 57. Gratuity 8. About the Alps 43. Sea eagles
26. Incompetent person 58. In a painful way 9. Gets out of bed 44. Fertilized
30. Rare Hawaiian geese 59. French commune 10. Town in “The Iliad” 45. Jerry’s friend Benes
11. Welsh given name 47. Indian river
13. Remove salt 48. Pass into a specified
17. Calvary sword state or condition
24. Mental disorder 49. Nocturnal rodent
concerning body odor 52. A way to travel
(abbr.) 53. Iron-containing
25. Keeps a compound
house cozy 54. Ancient Greek City
26. Ballplayer’s 55. NFL signal caller Matt

To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can
appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using
the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

Enjoy stuffed burgers this barbecue season

Barbecue season has arrived, Herb Cheese-Stuffed Garlic Burgers The Grill
so soon people will be bonding Makes 6 servings Gas: Direct heat, medium-high 425 F to 450 F; clean,
in the backyard over hamburg- oiled grate
ers and hot dogs. Backyard bar- 2 pounds ground beef chuck, 85 percent lean Charcoal: Direct heat, light ash; 12-by-12-inch charcoal
becue season begins in spring 2 tablespoons chopped garlic bed (about 3 dozen coals); clean, oiled grate on lowest
and continues through sum- 1⁄2 teaspoon kosher salt setting
mer and, where the weather al- 1⁄4 teaspoon ground black pepper Wood: Direct heat, light ash; 12-by-12-inch bed, 3 to 4
lows, into fall. Barbecues are a 3 tablespoons herbed garlic cream cheese, such as Boursin inches deep; clean, oiled grate set 2 inches above the fire
perfect summertime soiree, as 6 hamburger buns, split 1. Heat the grill as directed.
they’re usually laid back a airs Oil for coating grill grate 2. Using your hands, mix the beef, garlic, salt, and pepper
and make use of the pleasant in a bowl until well blended; do not overmix. Using a light
weather. touch, form into 12 patties no more than 1⁄2-inch thick.
3. Put a portion (about 11⁄2 teaspoons) of cream cheese
While it’s fun to expand your in the center of each of the 6 patties; top with the
culinary horizons over the open remaining patties and press together, taking care to seal
the edges well. Refrigerate the burgers until the grill is
ame of a grill, it’s important ready.
that you never forget the basics, 4. Brush the grill grate and coat it with oil. Put the burgers
especially when entertaining on the grill, cover and cook for 9 minutes, flipping after
crowds who are no doubt look- 5 minutes, for medium-done (150 F, slightly pink). Add a
ing forward to grilled burgers. minute per side for well-done (160 F).
Giving the masses what they 5. To toast the buns, put them cut-sides down directly over
want is good hosting, but you the fire for the last minute of cooking.
can still try your hand at a little 6. If serving the burgers directly from the grill, serve on the
experimentation when serving buns. If the burgers will sit, even for a few minutes, keep
burgers at your next backyard the buns and burgers separate until just before eating.
barbecue. e following reci-
pe for “Herb Cheese-Stu ed
Garlic Burgers” from Andrew
Schloss’ and David Joachim’s
“Mastering the Grill” (Chroni-
cle Books) provides the best of
both worlds.

is article was provided by
Metro Creative Connection.


Harvey ‘three-peats’ in girls lacrosse

In a season of injuries and ill- PHOTO COURTESY OF THE HARVEY SCHOOL back on 8-meter free-position Kalman led the Harvey o ense
nesses that decimated the roster shots. Shelby’s best play came with four goals in her nal game
and forced starters to go entire The team celebrates their championship. when she attacked a loose ball be- as a Cavalier. Jaques nished with
games without any minutes of hind the goal and gained posses- three. Sorio and fellow ninth
rest during the action, Harvey’s the hosting Wooster School who e second half of the game sion, which allowed the Cavaliers grader Lila Leibowits had two
girls lacrosse team battled fatigue to call a timeout and reset their goals and one assist each. Junior
and formidable foe on May 23 to came into the game undefeated in was not any easier. Sophomore game plan. Harvey held only a Emma Galgano of South Sa-
win a third consecutive HVAL three-goal lead, 12-9, against lem also scored twice. She scored
championship, a 13-12 nail-biter eight games against league oppo- goalie Shelby McCaine of Kato- Wooster’s powerhouse o ense. Harvey’s rst goal and her team’s
on the road against Wooster, a
team that had defeated the Cavs nents and was the favorite to win. nah came up clutch as the game’s “I told Shells (McCaine) at nal goal, which proved to be the
handily in both of their regular- the timeout that if we did earn game-winner. Sophomore Katie
season matchups. e Generals fought back to tie MVP with 16 saves. Most of the win, that her aggressive out- McCulloch, who added an assist,
of-the-crease play behind the net teamed up with junior Celia Baer
Harvey started the game up the match at 6-6 at the halfway them happened in crucial mo- on the 50/50 ball was the game to pull o vital defensive moves
strong, scoring four unanswered saver,” coach Greg Janos said throughout the game to keep
goals, two within the rst six min- after the game. As the second their team in line for a win.
utes of the game by junior Juliet half moved along, Harvey and
Jaques of Goldens Bridge. Senior Wooster continued to battle for But it was McCaine’s 16 saves
Elie Kalman and ninth grader the lead. With the Cavs up 13-9, that earned her the team’s cer-
Emily Sorio of Waccabuc also Wooster fought back with three emonial hammer as the Player of
had two quick shots to pull Har- unanswered goals, but McCaine the Game. She bested a Wooster
vey ahead. e Generals realized rose to the occasion to help the team that had beaten Harvey
they needed to catch up fast, and Cavaliers hold on to their one- twice in the regular season by
they responded with three goals. goal lead until time expired and blowout scores of 16-5 and 18-7.
It was neck and neck the whole give Harvey its third consecutive
time. Harvey maintained a narrow HVAL championship. is article was prepared by the
lead throughout the rst half on Harvey School.

point. ments, with four saves back-to-

Cavs win second
straight baseball title

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vey was leading 8-1 when the ing the way was junior MJ Diaz guys for accomplishing their

Lions scored two runs to cut the who went 2-for-2 with three runs goal of being champs,” Coach

Cavs’ lead to ve runs. Harvey, batted in and a stolen base. “MJ’s Lopez said. “ e seniors de -

however,answered with three runs two hits were clutch because they nitely are leaving a legacy be-

in the bottom of the sixth to put came with two outs,” Coach Lo- cause now that they are back-to-

the game away. pez said, adding, “He’s a guy who back champions,” he said. “Every

e story in this game was the could’ve easily been the MVP of single young man on this team

dominant pitching of senior Chris the game.” Junior Justin Polanco somehow chipped in to win this

Marlin, named the MVP of the was on base four times with two championship. When you think

game who got the complete-game hits and two hit-by-pitches. He of how long our school has been

victory, allowing only two earned also stole four bases. Junior Jose in existence and we had never

runs on only three hits. He struck Vasquez stroked two doubles, had won a championship in baseball,

out 14 Lions. “Chris has been all two RBIs,and stole four bases.Se- but now we have won two in a

we could’ve imagined this whole nior Jeremy Sanchez went 2-for-4 row. It’s awesome to have led

season on the mound,” said an with two RBIs and a stolen base. this group.“

elated head coach Luis Lopez. Junior Kirk Ortega had two hits, Harvey nishes the champi-

“Chris was unbelievable.” an RBI, and four stolen bases. Se- onship season with 10 wins and

Marlin was also a solid con- nior Jake Hellinger of Katonah four losses.

tributor on o ense, stroking two went 2-for-4 with an RBI, and

hits, knocking in a run, and steal- ninth grader Max Hernández also is article was prepared by the

ing a base. Six other Cavs had chipped in a single. Harvey School.


Unified basketball
brings students


PHOTOS COURTESY OF KLSD ere are not too many basketball who also runs track.
games at which both sides cheer when “I love it,” said Mia, a freshman. “I’ve
someone makes a basket, but that’s ex-
actly what happens at a uni ed basket- made good friends.”
ball game. “It’s fun,”said Devon.
“It gives you this sense of happiness
John Jay High School is one of over
6,000 elementary, middle, and high you can’t get anywhere else,” said Haley,
schools in the United States that par- a sophomore.
ticipates in Uni ed Sports. e concept
joins people with and without intellec- Liam, the team captain, sees his role
tual disabilities on the same team. as making sure everyone has a chance to
shoot. “Ms. Piccolino asked me get in-
It was inspired by a simple principle: volved when I was a freshman,” he said.
training together and playing together He’s done it all four years and is one of
is a quick path to friendship and under- ten graduating seniors on the team. “I’ve
standing. made new friends each year.”

John Jay’s uni ed basketball team is Teacher aid Shoshana Bennet loves
coached by Assistant Principal Kim Pic- the spirit of the uni ed games. “ e stu-
colino, assisted by guidance counselor dents are so proud of themselves,” she
Carlyn Bochicchio, and special educa- said. “ ey feel really good about them-
tion teacher Emma Nolan. selves. We all cheer for our team and
their team. It’s special.”
“It’s my favorite part of every school
year,” Bochicchio said. She loves it be- e Wolves won today’s game, con-
cause it’s inclusive and builds commu- tinuing their winning streak. Everyone
nity. “ is year is very exciting — we’ve bumped elbows at the end, proud to be
met more and played more.” part of the team.

It may be students’favorite activity,too. is article was prepared by the Katonah-
“We help each other,” said Christian, Lewisboro School District.

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How do I start planning for retirement?

GUEST spend on necessities like rent or PAY YOUR DEBTS regularly is important. It lets you where where your money will go
CORNER mortgage, food, and transporta- Interest can quickly eat away review the markets and analyze further.
tion. is will give you a rough your portfolio to see if there are
MICHAEL idea of what you’ll need every at your retirement savings. If you opportunities to potentially in- When you’re ready to retire,
CARMINUCCI month when you’re retired. Keep have signi cant debts, try to pay crease returns or minimize losses. having a plan in place will help
in mind that in ation and your them o before you retire. You’ll But you’ll never know where you ease the transition to life after
If you’ve just begun your career cost of living will likely change increase the available funds you stand if you don’t keep on top of work.
and started collecting a decent once you hit retirement age. have every month. your accounts. If you’re not sure
paycheck, retirement probably where your portfolio stands, a Michael Carminucci is a
feels like it’s lightyears away. But DETERMINE YOUR INCOME DON’T FORGET Financial Consultant, LPL
it will get here quicker than you STREAMS HEALTHCARE nancial professional can help you Registered Principal, Enrolled
expect, and when it does, you’ll review your accounts and give you Agent and Founder of Carminucci
want to be prepared. Make a note of the income Medicare doesn’t cover all personalized recommendations Wealth Management. If you
sources you expect to receive healthcare-related expenses, so based on your retirement needs would like to start working with
And if you’re in your 40s or 50s when you retire. is can be factor in the cost of a supplemen- and goals. a dynamic, personable team of
and haven’t started saving for re- anything from the 401(k) you’re tal plan when creating your retire- local nancial professionals,
tirement yet, it’s not too late. e contributing to at work (which ment budget. Like your cost of LOCATION MATTERS please call Carminucci Wealth
most important thing is to start if you’re not currently contribut- living, your medical expenses will As you get closer to retire- Management today at 914-
planning as soon as possible. ing, start now), to social security likely change as you get older. You 617-8780 or visit www.
payments, stocks, bonds, or other may also want to consider pur- ment, think about where you carminucciwealthmanagement.
CREATE A BUDGET investments. By combining your chasing long-term care insurance, want to live. Downsizing your com for a FREE nancial
Take a look at your spend- estimated income with your which can help o set the cost of home can help reduce living ex- analysis of all your current
average expenses, you’ll have a a nursing home or assisted living penses, but location plays a large holdings. Securities and advisory
ing habits, including what you better idea of what you’ll need to should you need it. role in housing costs too. Some services o ered through LPL
save prior to retiring. states are more retiree-friendly Financial, a registered investment
REVIEW REGULARLY than others, and you may want advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC.
Checking in on your accounts to consider relocating to some-

All investing involves risk including loss of principal. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. is content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information. e information provided is not written
or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel. Individuals involved in the estate

planning process should work with an estate planning team, including their own personal legal or tax counsel. Neither the information presented, nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a speci c investment
or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversi cation do not ensure a pro t or protect against loss in declining markets. is material was developed and produced by Advisor Websites to provide information on

a topic that may be of interest. Copyright 2022 Advisor Websites.

Celebrating the 230th anniversary of the NYSE

Carminucci Wealth Management hosts Roaring ’20s party

BY VIM WILKINSON tile markets like the one we are currently The Carminucci Wealth
BUSINESS EDITOR experiencing,” Carminucci said. “During Management team
the dramatic downturns, everyone should
is year, the New York Stock Exchange remember that these downturns are short- PHOTOS: VIM WILKINSON
(NYSE) is 230 years old. To celebrate this term swings in a long-term time-tested pos-
milestone, Somers resident, owner and itive successful investment history.” Guests dressed in ’20s attire celebrated the 230th anniversary of the NYSE at the Roaring
founder of Carminucci Wealth Manage- ’20s-themed party hosted by Carminucci Wealth Management in Somers.
ment, Michael Carminucci, hosted a Roar- Despite the market volatility in recent
ing ’20s-themed party for clients, business days, Carminucci Wealth Management felt
partners and friends. Guests arrived dressed that this anniversary should be celebrated,
in ’20s attire at Somers Pointe for an evening and the company looks forward to brighter
of fun and food to celebrate the stockmarket. days ahead.

e NYSE’s origins can be traced back “ e goal of our rm is to educate as many
to May 17, 1792, when the Buttonwood investors as possible as to the proper way to
Agreement was signed by 24 stockbrokers. invest and manage money during market
ups and downs,” said Carminucci, who is
e agreement was signed as a response to also the owner and founder of Carminucci
the rst nancial panic. It set stocktrading Agency Insurance, Carminucci Workplace
rules and established set commissions. e Solutions and Carminucci Tax Services.
agreement aimed to promote public con- “I like to emphasize my philosophy of the
“Power of 2 Percent.” is means that if you
dence in the markets and to ensure that begin investing at age 25 years old, by simply
deals were conducted between trusted par- earning 2 percent more per year than aver-
ties. age, you can come close to doubling your
retirement savings by age 65. All it takes
In the early years, stocktrading contin- is proper, consistent fundamental investing
ued in co eehouses, where merchants typi- principles. Our goal is to impart these edu-
cally gathered. By 1817, the active stock- cational tools on as many investors.”
market led to a more formal organization.
e information about the NYSE was
e new stock exchange rented a room at provided by Carminucci Wealth Management.
40 Wall Street where the brokers gathered For an in-depth look at the NYSE’s timeline,
to trade a list of 30 stocks and bonds. To- visit For
day, the NYSE is the world’s largest stock information about Carminucci Wealth
exchange, o ering icons and entrepreneurs Management and its services, visit www.
the opportunity to raise capital and change
the world.

“ e 230-year anniversary is a very im-
portant reminder, particularly during vola-



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Housing Opportunity laws.

Devin McCrossan and Ellen Schwartz are real estate licensees affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws.

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